• List of Articles نیت

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Analysis and comparison of students entrepreneurial intentions and message Nvrastan College of Agriculture Avicenna in Hamedan
        Thise study aime to investegate the intrepreneurship intentions among  student of Bu ali sina university in Hamedan and Pnu surveys have been conducted   withim the overall framworke .the  sample consisted of 370 male and female student in agricoultural student formed t More
        Thise study aime to investegate the intrepreneurship intentions among  student of Bu ali sina university in Hamedan and Pnu surveys have been conducted   withim the overall framworke .the  sample consisted of 370 male and female student in agricoultural student formed the college of agricoulture  .to collect information ,a questionnair and sample random sampling was use to select the sample.coronbach,s alpha confecint to  determin the rilablity conficient to wary from 850 student entrepreneurshial intention is good .to analiyze the data ,discriptive and inferential statistical method were used showed that in general students of entrepreneurshipspirit and intent of the high entre preneurshal intentions are more male syudent.the result of the analysis showed a corrolation between gender,employment situation,risk appetite  and economic barriers in interest incom and a significant positive correlation with their entrepreneurial intentions can been ,as well as the entreperneurial intentions mndry diffrence was observed between the universitise . Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Content rating a nessissity for spam management in social networks
        Simin Ghesmati
        Nowadays using of social networks is growing very rapidly. Meanwhile, inappropriate and unintended contents like spam in these networks could be published. Forwarding inappropriate content by friends or spam senders caused that user receive these contents in their profi More
        Nowadays using of social networks is growing very rapidly. Meanwhile, inappropriate and unintended contents like spam in these networks could be published. Forwarding inappropriate content by friends or spam senders caused that user receive these contents in their profiles.The purpose of this research is to design a system to manage, diagnose and deal with spam attacks through social networks to reduce the attack effects as greatest extent as possible. In this study, the content rating system is to rate spam, phishing and over 18 contents in accordance with feedbacks from users so that the spam, phishing, or over 18 logos show and contents will not be displayed. Users are to click on the logo to reach the mentioned contents. To determine limit in comment senders is another ability of this social network system. The outcome of this study confirms that applying the content management system, as 95.22% percent of users claimed, was effective to avoid spam displaying and 99.61% percent of users were highly satisfied with the procedures in spam reduction in the implemented social network. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Content rating for spam management in social networks a nessissity
        Simin Ghesmati
        Nowadays using of social networks is growing very rapidly. Meanwhile, inappropriate and unintended contents like spam in these networks could be published. Forwarding inappropriate content by friends or spam senders caused that user receive these contents in their profi More
        Nowadays using of social networks is growing very rapidly. Meanwhile, inappropriate and unintended contents like spam in these networks could be published. Forwarding inappropriate content by friends or spam senders caused that user receive these contents in their profiles.The purpose of this research is to design a system to manage, diagnose and deal with spam attacks through social networks to reduce the attack effects as greatest extent as possible. In this study, the content rating system is to rate spam, phishing and over 18 contents in accordance with feedbacks from users so that the spam, phishing, or over 18 logos show and contents will not be displayed. Users are to click on the logo to reach the mentioned contents. To determine limit in comment senders is another ability of this social network system. The outcome of this study confirms that applying the content management system, as 95.22% percent of users claimed, was effective to avoid spam displaying and 99.61% percent of users were highly satisfied with the procedures in spam reduction in the implemented social network. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Hardwar Trojan classification and implementation and offer a new detection approach
        sadegh hajimohseni
        A hardware attack that enables the attacker to alter the main circuit with malicious hardware during either design or the fabrication process is studied and analyzed. This attack, known as the hardware Trojan, has different objectives such as destroying hardware, changi More
        A hardware attack that enables the attacker to alter the main circuit with malicious hardware during either design or the fabrication process is studied and analyzed. This attack, known as the hardware Trojan, has different objectives such as destroying hardware, changing circuit characteristics or extracting sensitive information. So hardware Trojan detection and hardware security are critical issues. First, we categorize the Trojans and Trojan detection methods and then implement four types of Trojan on DES algorithm. Then a hardware approach to the detection of hardware Trojans based on the characteristics of circuit delay is proposed. In this approach, ring oscillator frequencies are inputs of the circuit under test, and output is a string of bits corresponding to challenges. The proposed hardware is designed to address any changes in the main circuit that would affect the frequency of the ring oscillator factors, such as temperature, voltage, and process variations that influence the frequency of the ring oscillator are analyzed, and a suitable ring oscillator is recommended for embedding into the circuit. As a result, the frequency variation will be reduced dramatically, and it can be determined with higher certainty whether changes in frequency are result of a possible Trojan.As a result the output bit string, which is now unaffected by frequency changes due to process variation, can be used as a measure to detect hardware Trojans. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - A Novel Model for detecting intrusion with Mobile Agent and Game theory
        Amin Nezarat mehdi raja Gholamhossein Dastghaibyfard
        The proposed framework applies two game theoretic models for economic deployment of intrusion detection system (IDS). The first scheme models and analyzes the interaction behaviors of between an attacker and intrusion detection agent within a non-cooperative game, and t More
        The proposed framework applies two game theoretic models for economic deployment of intrusion detection system (IDS). The first scheme models and analyzes the interaction behaviors of between an attacker and intrusion detection agent within a non-cooperative game, and then the security risk value is derived from the mixed strategy Nash equilibrium. The second scheme uses the security risk value to compute the Shapley value of intrusion detection agent under the various threat levels. Therefore, the fair agent allocation creates a minimum set of IDS deployment costs. Numerical examples show that the network administrator can quantitatively evaluate the security risk of each intrusion detection agent and easily select the most effective IDS agent deployment to meet the various threat levels. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - An Approach to Agent- dependent Replicated in Fault-Tolerant Mobile Code Execution
        Hodjat Hamidi
        In this paper, we have presented the mobile code paradigm, which is a collection of remote evaluation, code on demand, and mobile agents, as an alternative to the conventional client/server paradigm. Security is a major problem of mobile agent systems, especially when m More
        In this paper, we have presented the mobile code paradigm, which is a collection of remote evaluation, code on demand, and mobile agents, as an alternative to the conventional client/server paradigm. Security is a major problem of mobile agent systems, especially when money transactions are concerned. Security for the partners involved is handled by encryption methods based on a public key authentication mechanism and by secret key encryption of the communication. In this paper, we examine qualitatively the security considerations and challenges in application development with the mobile code paradigm. We identify a simple but crucial security requirement for the general acceptance of the mobile code paradigm, and evaluate the current status of mobile code development in meeting this requirement. We find that the mobile agent approach is the most interesting and challenging branch of mobile code in the security context. Therefore, we built a simple agent based information retrieval application, the Traveling Information Agent system, and discuss the security issues of the system in particulars. This article discussed a mobile agent model for processing transactions, which manipulate object servers. An agent first moves to an object server and then manipulates objects. General possibilities for achieving fault tolerance in such cases were discussed and the respective advantages and disadvantages for mobile agent environments and the intended parallel and distributed application scenarios were shown. This leads to an approach based on warm standby and receiver side message logging. We have used dynamically changing agent domains to provide flexible, adaptive and robust operation. The performance measurement of Fault-Tolerant Mobile Agent System shows the overhead introduced by the replication mechanisms with respect to a non-replicated agent. Not surprisingly, it also shows that this overhead increases with the number of stages and the size of the agent. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - modified division and replication of data in cloud for optimal performace and security (MDROPS)
        hossein hassanpour
        The tendency of organizations to use cloud services is increasing every day, due to the economic benefits that can be contained, the adoption of every service of information security topic is the most critical basic needs. Hence the need to Outsourcing data as well as t More
        The tendency of organizations to use cloud services is increasing every day, due to the economic benefits that can be contained, the adoption of every service of information security topic is the most critical basic needs. Hence the need to Outsourcing data as well as the significant growth of the hacker's knowledge may be considered as a major obstacle in the path of securing the cloud services. One of the proposed techniques to secure cloud computing using network platform, is divide and replicate data [5]. That this method suffers from problems like disclosure of Information through telephone (internet) tapping, incompleteness of encryption of location's data storage algorithm. Therefore, in this article we have tried to present a way to optimize the performance and increase the level of security, by dividing and replicating data using a methodology with the encryption of location's respondents and Finally, we want to indicate the increase of efficiency and security with the implementation of the algorithm in the context of data center networks that simulated with Cloudsim software, and also to compare the algorithm using the same proposed approaches. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - IT Services Outsourcing Novation tactics and Entrepreneurial Strategies in the Financial Services (Case Study: Private and public banks in Markazi province)
        mahtab Eshghiaraghi
        With the rapid rise of global developments and  transition from the traditional society to the information society, paying attention to entrepreneurial strategies for the correct and optimal use of new opportunities and values has forced the banking system to be changed More
        With the rapid rise of global developments and  transition from the traditional society to the information society, paying attention to entrepreneurial strategies for the correct and optimal use of new opportunities and values has forced the banking system to be changed more and more. Outsourcing of information technolog( IT) services has changed to a strategy option in using IT services for organizations due to relatively large advantages for organizations. The aim of this study is to explain the role of Outsourcing strategies of IT services in the financial Services of Private and public Banks inMarkazi province. This research is practical in terms of objective and the method is correlational.The statistical population consists of managers and experts of Private and public banks in Markaziprovince which over 103 is members of the community.Research data collected via questionnaire with Cronbach's alpha 0.889 were analyzed throughSpss software. Besides, multivariate regression and Pearson correlation test were applied to analyze them.The result ideates that all hypotheses are accepted. Also findings show that there is a direct relationship between management variables and expenses reduction, novation technologies and accessibility to more specialty (Mobile Banking, Internet and Electronics), IT security and risk reduction, increasing the business flexibility with novation Tactics and strategies of information technology IT services outsourcing in financial Services. So it is concludee that Private and public banks in Markazi province can improve financial services through raising access to more profession and using new technologies, decreasing the expenses, focusing on the main activities, decreasing risks and contracting for IT security and incresing commercial flexibility by IT outsourcingWith the rapid rise of global developments and  transition from the traditional society to the information society, paying attention to entrepreneurial strategies for the correct and optimal use of new opportunities and values has forced the banking system to be changed more and more. Outsourcing of information technolog( IT) services has changed to a strategy option in using IT services for organizations due to relatively large advantages for organizations. The aim of this study is to explain the role of Outsourcing strategies of IT services in the financial Services of Private and public Banks inMarkazi province. This research is practical in terms of objective and the method is correlational.The statistical population consists of managers and experts of Private and public banks in Markaziprovince which over 103 is members of the community.Research data collected via questionnaire with Cronbach's alpha 0.889 were analyzed throughSpss software. Besides, multivariate regression and Pearson correlation test were applied to analyze them.The result ideates that all hypotheses are accepted. Also findings show that there is a direct relationship between management variables and expenses reduction, novation technologies and accessibility to more specialty (Mobile Banking, Internet and Electronics), IT security and risk reduction, increasing the business flexibility with novation Tactics and strategies of information technology IT services outsourcing in financial Services. So it is concludee that Private and public banks in Markazi province can improve financial services through raising access to more profession and using new technologies, decreasing the expenses, focusing on the main activities, decreasing risks and contracting for IT security and incresing commercial flexibility by IT outsourcing. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Classify and implement hardware trojans and provide a new way to detect them
        sadegh hajmohseni mohammadali doustari mohammadbagher ghaznavi
        In recent years, a type of hardware attack called hardware trojan has been introduced, which the hostile person prepares to achieve his goal by malicious changes on the chip. The purpose of these attacks is to disable the chip, change specifications, and obtain sensitiv More
        In recent years, a type of hardware attack called hardware trojan has been introduced, which the hostile person prepares to achieve his goal by malicious changes on the chip. The purpose of these attacks is to disable the chip, change specifications, and obtain sensitive information. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Presenting a model for using mobile agents in distributed intrusion detection systems based on game theory
        امین نظارات مهدی رجا Gholamhossein Dastghaibyfard
        Network intrusion detection systems are tools used to protect network resources from attacks. Due to the spread of attacks in the Internet space and the change in the form and type of attacks from centralized to distributed, the architecture of such systems is also movi More
        Network intrusion detection systems are tools used to protect network resources from attacks. Due to the spread of attacks in the Internet space and the change in the form and type of attacks from centralized to distributed, the architecture of such systems is also moving towards distribution. In this article, a method based on mobile agents that act as sensors for detecting invalid movements is proposed. Mobile attack detection agents are scattered in the network moving from one node to another and at any time they build a security upper network and use a kind of cooperative game and communicate with each other, after reaching the Shipley value. They can detect and report the extent and origin of the attack. In this article, a method is proposed that WGA in a non-cooperative game with the attacking element tries to establish a revelation communication in order to calculate the value of Nash and reach the maximum utility, so that it can separate the attacks or real requests, the amount and intensity of the attack with Get help from other WGA Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Evaluation and comparison of some green methods for synthesis of silver nanoparticles
        sepide hamedi seyed abbas  shojaossadati
        Nowadays, there is an increasing need to develop high-yield, low cost, nontoxic, and eco-friendly procedures for synthesis of metallic nanoparticles. Therefore, the green synthesis methods become customary for synthesis of nanoparticles. Among metallic nanoparticles, na More
        Nowadays, there is an increasing need to develop high-yield, low cost, nontoxic, and eco-friendly procedures for synthesis of metallic nanoparticles. Therefore, the green synthesis methods become customary for synthesis of nanoparticles. Among metallic nanoparticles, nanosilver has developed because of its therapeutic properties. So in this paper, polysaccharide, tollens and biological green methods were investigated. In polysaccharide and tollens methods, starch and β-D glucose were used as a satabilizer and reducer respectively. In biological method biomass and cell filtrate of the Fusarium oxysporum fungus were used for the synthesis of nanoparticles. SEM images and UV-visible absorbtion spectra of these procedures showed that the polysaccharide method produced smaller silver nanoparticles wih high productivity. The changes of NADH-dependant nitrate reductase enzyme activity was evaluated in growh duration by colorometric Harely method due to importance of this enzyme in extracellular synthesis of silver nanoparticles. Results showed that the changes of dry cell mass impact on the enzyme activity. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - Assessing the implications of climate change on food security and rural livelihoods Case Study : Rural Farmers in Migan Nehbandan
        Javad Mikaniki Morteza Esmailnejad Mohammad Akbarpour Mahmaoud Falsoleyman
        This paper aims to investigate the impact of climate change on food security in the villages of the Migan village of Nehbandan district of South Khorasan. In order to achieve this goal, target groups (100 households were randomly selected) were identified to measure th More
        This paper aims to investigate the impact of climate change on food security in the villages of the Migan village of Nehbandan district of South Khorasan. In order to achieve this goal, target groups (100 households were randomly selected) were identified to measure the impact of climate change on food security and were indexed to identify the various domains of food security. These indicators include indicators of access to rural food insecurity and food insecurity ranges of rural households. Finally, rural households were classified in terms of food security in four groups: mild food security, moderate food security, food insecurity. Changes in key food security and household livelihoods as a result of climatic changes in the region have been clarified with regard to field observations and key interviews with rural people. The main finding is that societies that have never experienced extreme temperatures, drought and dust have not experienced it, they are currently in abundance. The research findings revealed that all households in the statistical community have food insecurityHouseholds vulnerable to climate change recorded a high level of food insecurity. Households prefer to adopt a variety of strategies in response to climate change that helps improve household food security. Non-agricultural incomes play an important role in reducing food insecurity in households. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - Study of Defense Climatic Conditions in the Kavir & Desert Region and Makran Coasts by using the Hierarchy Analysis Model(AHP
        Alireza  Karbalaei ali hanafi Seyed Asaad  Hosseini Abbas  Alipour
        Climate has always provided a suitable platform for creating political and military tensions and endangering the national security of nations. Imposed war experiences and other world wars have shown Climate science can take the fate of a great power in the war. So in th More
        Climate has always provided a suitable platform for creating political and military tensions and endangering the national security of nations. Imposed war experiences and other world wars have shown Climate science can take the fate of a great power in the war. So in this research, study of defense climatic conditions in Kavir & desert region and Makran coasts using by the Hierarchy Analysis Model)AHP( and Military Climate Index (MCI). For this purpose, were used the statistics of different meteorological parameters of 32 stations in the region during the statistical period of 30 years (1987 -2016). The results showed that most of the northern regions of the study area are in good military conditions in the spring and the southern regions in acceptable military climate. In the summer, the military situation in the northern parts of the region is relatively favorable, and conditions in the southern parts, especially in the late summer, are extremely unfavorable and extremely unpleasant. In the early of autumn, most of the northern and central parts of the region are in excellent condition, the southern of Sistan and Hormozgan provinces have inappropriate conditions, and at the end of this season, the military climate is particularly visible in the northern regions and with the onset of winter, climatic disadvantages in the northern parts of the region are rising sharply and in the late of winter, the Hormozgan province and the northeastern regions have acceptable conditions and other areas of the study area are generally very well-positioned in terms of military climate. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - Analysis of the Social Pathology Due old Texture Dugonbadan City in Using the Security Approach (Gachsaran Town ship)
        Mohammad Hasel nejad Ali Shamsoddini Mohammad Reza Rezaei
        Today, urban old Texture have caused many anomalies to the inhabitants of this texture and even to other parts of the city. One of the most important problems and abnormalities is the social security issue of this Texture. Which has become one of the most imp More
        Today, urban old Texture have caused many anomalies to the inhabitants of this texture and even to other parts of the city. One of the most important problems and abnormalities is the social security issue of this Texture. Which has become one of the most important issues facing urban management. The main objective of this research is to identify the issues and social damage existing in the context of the worn-out urban areas of Gachsaran city (Douganbadan) in terms of security. This is an applied research, using descriptive-analytic method.The method of collecting information is also inductive-scorecard and deductive. The statistical population of this research is 384 people was obtained according to the Bridgesh and Morgan tables, which increased to 400 for more reliability. They were selected by random sampling method. Data were analyzed using SPSS software. The results of the study indicate that the Security damage to the earthenware in the old Texture with an average of 8.47 is higher than the average. The Q-test at a significant level of 95% confirms the poor condition of the security damage in the old Texture sites. Also, Pearson statistical analysis, one-sample t-test and multivariate regression analysis indicate a correlation between old Texture and social security, Inappropriate status of social security aspect of the old Texture from the viewpoint of citizens and in the multivariate analysis, the coefficient of explanation for all factors was significant at the level of 0.99. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - The explanation of food patterns in rural settlements in Jiroft city With approach Land use planning
        ali shahdadi علي آذره
        Despite the central role of food production, villagers are now one of the most vulnerable groups in terms of food security due to climate, economic and social changes. Changes in food patterns have led to poor nutrition and severe food insecurity in these settlements du More
        Despite the central role of food production, villagers are now one of the most vulnerable groups in terms of food security due to climate, economic and social changes. Changes in food patterns have led to poor nutrition and severe food insecurity in these settlements due to the poor power and access of villagers to the supply of basic food. This research attempts to answer the question of how dietary patterns among rural households in Jiroft city are affected and what factors affect it. The survey was conducted using a survey method and a questionnaire. The theoretical model of research with the approach of land management has identified three types of environmental, social and economic factors as the main factors explaining the patterns of popular food among villagers. Findings of the research show that rural households had a total of 14 main lunches and dinners per week; rice (average 4.99 times); artificial sugars such as sugar, sugar and sweetmeats (average 4.71 times) and dairy products (average 4.7 Times) and fish and shrimp (average 1.61 times). The consumption of rice among the villagers was significantly correlated with consumption of other foods including milk and herbs, vegetables and fruits, legumes, and chicken grass (with the acceptance of the positive effect of the symmetry of the data collection time on harvesting the consumption of rural households ) Access to water needed for agricultural and livestock production is the most important factor explaining the use of milk and its products among rural households (R = 0.47, F = 5.628, Sig = 0.028). In sum, the annual income associated with the sale price of agricultural products is the most important factor explaining how the consumption of food, especially consumption of meat, dietary foods, canned foods, etc. with (R = 0.51, F = 11.615, Sig = 0.002) and how much interest They consume food with (R = 0.52, F = 7.44, Sig = 0.013). Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - Environmental Security Evaluation Using Space Syntax Theory and Place-Check Technique; Case Study: Saraseyb Neighborhood
        Mehdi Mirmini Samaneh Jalili Sadrabad
        Security has always been one of the most important human needs, this notion is defined once a person is present in an urban space. Therefore, the physical aspects of the city play an important role in its quality. One of the leading approaches to reducing crime, and con More
        Security has always been one of the most important human needs, this notion is defined once a person is present in an urban space. Therefore, the physical aspects of the city play an important role in its quality. One of the leading approaches to reducing crime, and consequently increasing security, is CPTED, which was inspired by Jane Jacobs's "Eyes on the Street" and Oscar Newman's "Defenseless Spaces" theories. But these theories have neglected addressing the quality of people's presence in the community and its relation with security issues. Bill Hayler's Space Syntax theory examines this phenomenon as a relation to co-presence of citizens. For this purpose, the present paper first examines the environmental security in Sarasiab neighborhood of Tehran using a checklist, based on the CPTED principles and strategies. Then, using Depth Map software, the neighborhood map has been extracted and the impact of space syntax on its environmental security has been evaluated. The results of the above findings, which have been gathered in the SWOT table, indicate a low level of environmental security in the Sarasiab neighborhood. For this reason, it has come up with the necessary suggestions for promoting environmental safety in the form of strategic design principles. Finally, modeling the impact of proposed physical changes to improve spatial configuration, interconnection and environmental security has been carries out. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        17 - Rural migration impact on food security with emphasis on water resources (Case study: villages of Khansar city in Isfahan province)
        hamidehsadat aghamiri  
        The present study was conducted to investigate the impact of water crisis on rural migration and food security in rural place in Khansar. Statistics show that in recent years, the decline in rural water resources has led to an increase in immigration in the area, red More
        The present study was conducted to investigate the impact of water crisis on rural migration and food security in rural place in Khansar. Statistics show that in recent years, the decline in rural water resources has led to an increase in immigration in the area, reducing the rural farmer's population and affecting the level of production and food security. Accordingly, the main question of this research is whether rural immigration from water resources is a threat to global food security? To answer this question, considering the regional attitude of the research, firstly, the status of rural water resources in these areas and the province was investigated and further the various definitions of food security were evaluated. According to theories and research indicators, 5 villages from 3 districts of central Khansar were randomly selected. Immigration index along with food security has been investigated and due to the close relationship between food security and agriculture, the social and economic conditions of villagers in this section have been considered. This indicator includes the goals and age of immigration, the environmental, economic and social conditions of rural migrants. The results of the study showed that more than 60% of immigration is migratory to rural areas where young people are at the top. Therefore, the decline in workforce in rural society and gender differences due to the high percentage of men migrating to women was the main outcome of the status of water dependent migration in rural areas. According to the results, despite the close relationship between agriculture and food security, the increase in rural migration due to water has reduced the production capacity of the villages and poses a serious threat to food security. This research is a reminder that has been done using descriptive-analytic method and considering the impact of this migration on economic conditions, the study of economic theory in this section is at the forefront. The conclusion of this study is based on the correlation coefficient of Kendall. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        18 - Geopolitical Analysis of Spatial Planinng View in Afghanistan and Providing Strategic Model
        Atiqullah Ghamari Qiuomars Yazdanpanah Dero Zahra Pishgahi fard Hossein Hataminejad
        In the structure of the political economy of the world, some countries are developed and some are developing. Some countries are not only not being developed due to geopolitical fragility and threats and internal crises and the external environment, but also on the pat More
        In the structure of the political economy of the world, some countries are developed and some are developing. Some countries are not only not being developed due to geopolitical fragility and threats and internal crises and the external environment, but also on the path to development. Afghanistan is now considered to be one of the world's worst-hit and underdeveloped countries, with no clear prospects for development, nor at the level of the basic development theorem, nor with clear, coherent development strategies, nor with any operational guarantee document. These problems in Afghanistan are rooted in internal and external issues of geography, culture, politics and security. Therefore, planning for the country's territorial development depends on solving these problems. Strategic planning with a framework and political and security considerations can reduce security threats and political challenges and, as a result, territorial development. Therefore, this article attempts to analyze the internal and external factors affecting territorial integration in Afghanistan from a geopolitical point of view. In this regard, there are two questions to be asked: 1) What are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and geopolitical threats of Afghanistan in its spatial planinng? 2) How can the landscape of the land in Afghanistan be mapped based on internal and external geopolitical factors? This paper has been written in a descriptive-analytical manner, and the required data is also compiled in a library, documentary and bases and websites. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        19 - Survey of environmental impacts of security policies of Israel (From theory to practice)
          hassan kamran
        Main purpose of recent research is to survey of deferent aspects of military and security measures of authoritarian regime of Israel and focusing on environmental consequences of actions of this regime. Because, in despite of several research that has been done on measu More
        Main purpose of recent research is to survey of deferent aspects of military and security measures of authoritarian regime of Israel and focusing on environmental consequences of actions of this regime. Because, in despite of several research that has been done on measures and policies of Israel regime but in term of environment or environmentally, destructive actions and todays impacts of its security and military measures of this regime on the environment of occupation territories of Palestine and Israel neighborhoods and middle east has not studied in detail. This recent article tries to analyses this issue from deferent aspects in comprehensive. Findings of the research show that settlement-making and military measures of israel on environment of Palestine territories caused destructive consequences such as pollution of water resources of Palestine, destruction of plant and animal life, air pollution and transform of natural environment of Palestine by Israel settlers and as result creation economical insecurity and health problem for people of Palestine and other people of the region. It also causes destruction of cultural heritage of Palestine by road-building and constructions of Israel, pollution of dangerous solid garbages. Israel military and security actions of Israel also cause the pollution and threat of the Middle East environment. Military measures, canal construct, drainage of swamp, transport of heavy military vehicles, application of chemical, biological and conventional weapons against its neighborhoods(Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Somalia, Jordan and other countries of middle east region) caused erosion of soil, remove of plant cover, air pollution and destruction of water and dry ecosystem and climate change of this region. Huge amounts of organic deposits has raised on soil surface and inflammation of this deposits led to development of new zones of deposits and in its subsequence, spread of soil and sand particles in air and spread of them in the regions countries. Also, warmongering of sad am and Americans and drying of swamp by sad am and transform of land surfaces and west hegemony on this region are another important factors of the environmental, social and economical threats in this region. Method of this research is causal- explanation method and method of data collection is use of library –documental resources. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        20 - The Role of Environmental and Physical in Urban Security
        According to the security of its non-police aspect, it is a new phenomenon and generally a lack of studies in this area is obvious. The roots of some crimes and a feeling of insecure is due to a lack of attention of urban planners and managers. The big issue in terms of More
        According to the security of its non-police aspect, it is a new phenomenon and generally a lack of studies in this area is obvious. The roots of some crimes and a feeling of insecure is due to a lack of attention of urban planners and managers. The big issue in terms of security and the prevention of critical events and crime is whether the big cities, have provided such conditions? This study aimed to understand the role of different factors and the physical environment and its impact on security. The research method is a combination of descriptive - analytic. This article attempts to answer these questions:1- Does the combination of environmental and physical factors is effective in security of urban areas? 2. Is the composition and distribution of urban land use surrounding public spaces in the study area is effective to increase urban security? The study area is District 8 of Tehran. Information required is obtained by library and field observation. Analysis of the data is done via SPSS software and Minitabs and GIS. The results indicate that the local security as well as environmental and physical differences in them is different. Also 13 neighborhood of district 8 of Tehran in terms of security and the individual components of research were ranked. Security in those public spaces which have diverse and mix urban land-use, compared to other similar places that have lack of diversity and mix urban land use were different. Manuscript profile
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        21 - Environmental security and national security in the context of cross-border hydropolitics developments (Case Study: Harirud)
        hassan kamran    
        Considered the most important environmental issues of our time, the water crisis and security challenges arising from it. Water is the source of production, effort and civilization, and life and death and not to be dependent on it. In situations where conflicts over wat More
        Considered the most important environmental issues of our time, the water crisis and security challenges arising from it. Water is the source of production, effort and civilization, and life and death and not to be dependent on it. In situations where conflicts over water resources are increasingly caused tension in the relations between states, increasing attention to issues of rivers, the importance of finding increasingly, we are seeing increased emphasis and hydro disputes among nations. Iran, through common border rivers is no exception. The river Harirud common rivers including Iran, Afghanistan and Turkmenistan lie that originates from Afghanistan. This is the most important source of water utility is the North East of Iran. This article is a descriptive study, with an emphasis on geographical and political issues, seeks to answer the question whether hydro-border development and utilization of Salma dam in Afghanistan can be a challenge for security, environmental and national security of the Islamic Republic of Iran is? And in case of challenges, approaches and Proper management what is it? Findings from the study indicate that according to Salma dam upstream position with respect to the seasonality factor Harirud water, can be the subject of environmental security, and from the perspective of national security, given the prospect of big cities northeastern dependence on water resources and the high risk of water security of the country, can be challenging. The challenges to Proper management, to look at the system, in the form of legal approaches, economic and political, are essential. Manuscript profile
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        22 - Evaluation of social housing and the effective factors in housing provision for low income classes(a case study :Eslamshahr)
        محسن  سقایی Ahmad mozeni amir sanaeirad
        In recent years, following the main political, economical and social changes, cities and towns have expanded which resulted in lack of sufficient housing and proper lands for urban development. Therefore, governments have always been focusing on housing projects More
        In recent years, following the main political, economical and social changes, cities and towns have expanded which resulted in lack of sufficient housing and proper lands for urban development. Therefore, governments have always been focusing on housing projects. One of these projects is the social housing designed by governments for the low-income classes. For this purpose, the present research study was carried out with the aim of studying the social housing situation in Eslamshahr and the effective factors, by means of a questionnaire, one-sample t-test and structural equation modeling. The findings demonstrate that the social housing policy couldn’t solve the housing problem of the low-income classes in Eslamshahr and the satisfaction level of the people with the social housing is low. Findings of the study show that social houses in Eslamshahr aren’t in favored conditions. These houses are not well-conditioned in terms of the four criteria of interior construction, safety, environmental situation, and access to municipal services. However, by accurate categorization of the low-income classes, allocation of sufficient and necessary funds, careful studies to choose a place to build the houses, proper design of interior space of the houses, improvement of service providing, and taking environmental factors into consideration, we can take a big step to improve and remove the housing problem of low-income classes in Eslamshahr. Manuscript profile
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        23 - Investigation of environmental factors affecting the occurrence of urban crime (crime of theft) - Case study: District 1 and 7 of Qom-
        Usually there is a place in every city that we call dangerous neighborhoods, and in these areas, crimes are simply happening, and when we have to pass through these streets or neighborhoods, we just want to pass quickly and always the reasons for the emergence of such p More
        Usually there is a place in every city that we call dangerous neighborhoods, and in these areas, crimes are simply happening, and when we have to pass through these streets or neighborhoods, we just want to pass quickly and always the reasons for the emergence of such places. In cities, it's a question for everyone. Indeed, if people choose a place for life, the first thing that carries their minds is the existence of security, because security is an important indicator for raising the quality of social life, and one of the factors that it creates is its security. The purpose of this article is to investigate the environmental factors affecting the crime of theft. The study area is located in Qom, and areas 1 and 7 of this city have been investigated as a case. The research method is descriptive-analytic based on the scroll and is used by the questionnaire. The results of the research indicate that, from the viewpoint of residents in the Qom area, the indicator of the guardian of the neighborhood with an average of 4.21 could have the greatest impact on the reduction of theft crime and the population density has the least effect, on the other hand residents of the seven area increase the quality The door and windows with an average of 4.46 main factors in reducing the crime and providing the facilities and facilities for the better performance of the neighborhood by the municipality have the least impact. Also, there is a direct relationship between municipalities with a correlation coefficient of 0.48, such as physical protection of the neighborhood with a coefficient of 0.29 and a reduction in the crime of crime in areas 1 and 7, so the greater the physical protection and provision of facilities, facilities and urban infrastructure, the amount of theft in These areas will be reduced. Manuscript profile
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        24 - Investigating the Impact of Defenseless Spaces on Citizen Safety sense (Case Study: Tehran Bazar Neighborhood)
        Hossein Farhadikhah Ahmad Pourahmad   Seyed Khalil Seyed Alipour
        Including the consequences of defenseless spaces in cities, less safe and more importantly reduce the sense of security among citizens, so evaluation these spaces and their effects on the sense of security of the citizens is essential. The purpose of this study is also More
        Including the consequences of defenseless spaces in cities, less safe and more importantly reduce the sense of security among citizens, so evaluation these spaces and their effects on the sense of security of the citizens is essential. The purpose of this study is also evaluating the effects of defenseless spaces on the sense of security of citizens in the Bazar neighborhood of Tehran. This research has an applied aim and its methodology Library - survey (questionnaire) is. To study for defenseless space of three indicators (physical, social and social - physical) and three indicators sense of security (sense of security of language, physical and visual) are used. The sample size using Cochran's formula, according to statistical population (23,696 people), 384 is obtained. To analyze the data, two software SPSS and SMART - PLS is used. The research results show that the between physical and social indicator’s sense of security of citizens there is a significant relationship, but between the social - physical indicators by sense of security, there is no significant relationship. As well as social indicators (crowding, privacy, etc.), the greatest impact on sense of security of citizens. Manuscript profile
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        25 - Passive defense, the secret of security in the range of of urbans and rurals country (With emphasis on rural and urban architecture)
        Nasr Allah Fallah tabar  
        In all circumstances, man should be able to protect his life and his property against the natural and unnatural threats. The purpose of this research is to show the possibility of involving a country in unintended conflicts such as hard, semi-hard or soft war. Therefore More
        In all circumstances, man should be able to protect his life and his property against the natural and unnatural threats. The purpose of this research is to show the possibility of involving a country in unintended conflicts such as hard, semi-hard or soft war. Therefore, we must be prepared for each of them and defense of our Islamic homeland. Because there were more than 220 wars in the twentieth century with more than 200 million casualties for people. Then, this is a warning to us to be prepared. The research uses a descriptive-analytic approach to take advantage of the practical results. Because the subject is tied to the past, the historical method is employed. The research hypothesis raises that; our Islamic homeland has been faced with several important wars. On the other hand, facing with Islamic Revolution is one of the strategic objectives of the global arrogance. Iran is capable of as eight years of sacred defense to give the necessary training to all sections of society in the field of passive defense to defend the nation and the country. The result is that Imam Khomeini (God's mercy be upon him) in a part of his thoughts says: " In all circumstances, the vigor of the defense must be in the best condition. Over the years of war and conflict, people have touched the hatred and cruelty of the enemies of the God and themselves... ". Therefore, by considering this remark and the necessity of securing and preparation, the principles of passive defense will be reviewed and analyzed for urban and rural architecture respect to building strength and the public safety. Manuscript profile
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        26 - Caspian Sea geopolitical crises emphasizing the geo-economics’ competition between coastal countries and its impact on Iran's national security
        Geo-economic competition of Caspian coastal states in some cases such as the legal regime of the sea, energy transfer plans and exploitation of sea bed resources are considered including the geopolitical crises affecting Iran's national security in this region. The purp More
        Geo-economic competition of Caspian coastal states in some cases such as the legal regime of the sea, energy transfer plans and exploitation of sea bed resources are considered including the geopolitical crises affecting Iran's national security in this region. The purpose of this article is analysis of Caspian Sea Geopolitical Crises emphasizing the geo-economics competition between coastal countries and its impact on Iran's national security. The main question of the paper is that the geopolitical crises of the Caspian Sea Focused on geo-economics’ competition between coastal countries how will affect Iran's national security? The findings of this article show that these rivalries also trigger Iran's economic insecurity in the field of energy equations and also deprives Iran of the markets and the permanent and stable economic partners of the region it also provides for cultural and ethnic insecurity in the cultural geography of Iran. Given this introduction, this paper will attempt by using library resources as well as scientific and research articles to be paid analyzing and explaining the geopolitical crises of the Caspian Sea, with emphasis on geo-economic competition between coastal countries and its impact on Iran's national security. Manuscript profile
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        27 - The effect of satisfaction on behavioral intentions of pro-environmental tourists (Case Study: Taq Bostan Kermanshah)
        سمانه جلیلی صدر آباد ebrahim nazari
        Tourism is one of the most important sectors of the economy in terms of its economic impacts for its intended purpose. Along with the relentless competition between places (tourist destinations), attracting and sustaining tourists is of paramount importance to governmen More
        Tourism is one of the most important sectors of the economy in terms of its economic impacts for its intended purpose. Along with the relentless competition between places (tourist destinations), attracting and sustaining tourists is of paramount importance to government and non-state actors. In the field of tourism. The researcher in this paper seeks to investigate the effect of satisfaction on behavioral intentions of pro-environmental tourists. According to the experts, satisfaction has been measured in several dimensions, in this study 5 indicators of enjoyment, needs fulfillment, confidence and trust, re-referral and wise selection. This study is of practical purpose in terms of qualitative - quantitative and data mix. In terms of research method, it is based on data type (qualitative stage) and cross-sectional survey (quantitative stage). The statistical sample of the qualitative section consisted of 21 tourism professors and 9 experts and managers of the Cultural Heritage and Urban Development Organization. In the quantitative section, the statistical population includes all tourists who visited Kermanshah for one year and finally 381 people were selected according Morgan table. The results of Amos analysis confirmed all the research hypotheses and showed that satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on the behavioral intentions of the tourists and its coefficient was 0.83. Given that this coefficient is positive, its effect is direct, that is, by changing one unit (increase), satisfaction increases by 0.86 percent of behavioral intentions. Therefore, satisfaction has a direct and positive impact on the behavioral intentions of tourists. Manuscript profile
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        28 - Magmatic evolution of the Nasrand granitic in Petrology, intrusion and associated dikes
        زهرا  Hamzehie فاطمه  Sarjoughian جمشید Ahmadian علی  کنعانیان
        The Nasrand granitoid intrusion, which is located at southeast of Ardestan, consists of granite and granodiorite that intruded Eocene volcanic rocks and cut by NW-trending doleritic dikes. The granitic rocks display granular, pertitic, granophyric and poikilitic texture More
        The Nasrand granitoid intrusion, which is located at southeast of Ardestan, consists of granite and granodiorite that intruded Eocene volcanic rocks and cut by NW-trending doleritic dikes. The granitic rocks display granular, pertitic, granophyric and poikilitic textures. Plagioclase crystals in these rocks composed of two distinct generation (large phenocrysts along with inclusions of lath-shaped crystals) and often exhibit zoning patterns and sieve textures. The conspicuous disequilibrium textures in the granitoid rocks may suggest that magma mixing beside fractional crystallization play a significant role in the formation of the plutonic rocks. In confirmation of petrographic data, crystal size distribution (CSD) technique was also used to determine crystallization conditions and magmatic processes that lead to the formation of the rocks. Increasing of feldspar crystal size in a semi-logarithmic plot of population density versus size represents fractional crystallization, whereas disruption and curvature of cumulative density of plagioclase and orthoclase on the semi-logarithmic diagram, indicating the arrival of new magma into the magma reservoir and confirm the importance of magma mixing. Additional chemical features such as variation trends of Rb versus Rb/Sr and Nb versus Nb/Y in the samples can be regarded as an indicator of magma mixing processes. Manuscript profile
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        29 - Evaluating the abundance and variations of platinum and palladium elements in pyroxene and chromite minerals of pyroxenites from Neyriz area
        حسن  میرنژاد  Bazamad
        Neyriz ophiolite in Fars Province which formed as the result of the closure of Neo-Tethys ocean and Arabian-Iranian plate collision in Late Cretaceous, has high potential for ore deposits, in particular chromite. Pyroxenite is one of the main constituent units of ophiol More
        Neyriz ophiolite in Fars Province which formed as the result of the closure of Neo-Tethys ocean and Arabian-Iranian plate collision in Late Cretaceous, has high potential for ore deposits, in particular chromite. Pyroxenite is one of the main constituent units of ophiolites and electron microprobe analysis (EMP) shows that clinopyroxene (diopside), orthopyroxene (enstatite) and olivine (cherysolite) are the most abundant minerals. The abundances of MgO, Fe2O3, Al2O3, Cr2O3 and TiO2 in chromites of Neyriz pyroxenites show affinities with the podiform chromites which formed from magma with bonititic composition with high Cr# (100 Cr/(Cr+Al)) and low content of TiO2. The results of Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) analyses accompanied with the fire assay precon-centration demonstrate that platinum group elements in Neyriz ophiolite are more enriched relative to those of the primitive mantle. In addition, the concentrations of Pt and Pd in chromites within pyroxenites are higher than those of the pyroxene phases. In general, the amounts of these elements in Neyriz pyroxenites are much less than of economic threshold (5 ppm). Manuscript profile
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        30 - Biotite and amphibole geobarometer as an indicator of exploration potential for Cu-Fe deposits in the Panah-Kuh skarn, West of Yazd
        اعظم  زاهدی Mohammad Boomeri
        The intrusion of Panah-Kuh granodiorite-quartz diorite stock into the limestone-dolomite of the Jamal Formation has led to the skarn formation in the Panah-Kuh area. Skarns have formed in direct contact with intrusions in carbonate rocks. The Panah-Kuh granitic rocks ar More
        The intrusion of Panah-Kuh granodiorite-quartz diorite stock into the limestone-dolomite of the Jamal Formation has led to the skarn formation in the Panah-Kuh area. Skarns have formed in direct contact with intrusions in carbonate rocks. The Panah-Kuh granitic rocks are mainly metaluminous, calc-alkaline with I-type granitoid characteristics. Biotite and amphibole phenocrysts are the most abundant hydrous mineral in the Panah-Kuh granite. Chemical analysis of biotite and amphibole in granitic rocks in Panah-Kuh shows that the total Al (TAl) content of them can be used as a useful indicator for distinguishing between mineralized and nonmineralized granitic rocks. A good positive correlation is showed between the TAl content and the formation pressure of the granitic rocks estimated by biotite and hornblende geobarometers. These facts suggest that the TAl content of biotite and hornblende can be used to estimate the solidification pressure of the granitic rocks. According to the obtained biotite and amphibole geobarometers, it is estimated that Panah-Kuh Fe-Cu skarn deposit was formed at pressures of 1-2 kb similar to Yaguki, Kamaishi and Tanazawa Fe-Cu deposits in Japan. Therefore, biotite and amphibole geobarometers of granitic rocks may be a useful indicator in the exploration of skarn ore deposits related to granitic rocks. Manuscript profile
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        31 - Assessment and analysis of non-point source nitrogen and phosphorus loads(Case Study: Ilam Reservoir watershed)
        Amin  Sarang ابوالفضل  بشیری
        An estimate of nutrient pollution load from the watershed of the reservoir is one of the important issues in the management of eutrophication. Additionally, with considering such attributes of the watershed as slope, the kind of soil, land use and Meteorological variabl More
        An estimate of nutrient pollution load from the watershed of the reservoir is one of the important issues in the management of eutrophication. Additionally, with considering such attributes of the watershed as slope, the kind of soil, land use and Meteorological variables, the SWAT which is one the efficient model in water and soil modeling is used to evaluation of pollution load entering the Reservoir of Ilam dam because of diverse contamination resources such as chemical fertilizer and Livestock and poultry operations. The results of this study indicate that the SWAT model to simulate the nutrients in the watershed have a satisfactory performance. Based on obtained result, the highest pollution load of nitrogen (136.2 ton per year) and phosphor (19.8 ton per year) are occurred in Gol Gol Sub basin. Manuscript profile
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        32 - Geo-thermo-barometry in Jebale Barez plutonic complex by using amphibole and feldspars chemistry
        جمال  رسولي aboozar ghorbani Vahid Ahadnejad
        Jebale-Barez plutonic complex is composed of granitoid intrusive bodies and is located in the East and southeastern of Jiroft province of Kerman. The plutonic complex is composed of granodiorite, quartzdiorite, granite and alkaligranite. Plutonic rocks are mainly com More
        Jebale-Barez plutonic complex is composed of granitoid intrusive bodies and is located in the East and southeastern of Jiroft province of Kerman. The plutonic complex is composed of granodiorite, quartzdiorite, granite and alkaligranite. Plutonic rocks are mainly composed of plagioclase, alkali-feldspar, biotite, amphibole and quartz. Based on microprobe analysis, plagioclases vary from andesine to labradorite and alkali feldspars occur as orthoclase. All amphiboles are magmatic and placed in three groups: calcic amphiboles, iron-rich amphiboles, amphiboles consist of Fe, Mg, Mn. The study of oxidation and reduction state of their source magma by amphibole chemistry, in dicated high oxygen fugacity. Therefore, granitoids of Jebale-Barez plutonic complex are I-type or related to magnetite series and the estimated oxygen fugacity imply oxidation magma and its formation in convergent plate boundary. On the basis of geo-thermo-barometric calculations, using Hamarstrom - Zen, Schmidt, Johnson - Rutherford, Smith - Anderson and Uchida methods, amphiboles have crystallized about 1.54 to 7.87 kbar at the depth about 18 to 23 km. As emplacement or crystallization temperature of Jebale-Barez plutonic complex based on the two feldspar thermometer using Anderson method has been ranges between 550 to 750 ºC and using Putirka method has been achieved between 710 to 830 ºC and based on Ti-in- amphibole thermometer has been ranges between 670 to 735 ºC. In addition, hornblende -plagioclase thermometer shows 653 to 732 °C for equilibrium of these two minerals Manuscript profile
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        33 - Geochemistry of pegmatitic and vein tourmalines and their formation mechanism in the Mashhad leucogranites
        Farhad Zal Zahra Tahmasbi  Ahmadi Noubari
        The studied area is located in the Binalud Zone and comprises Mashhad leucogranites (g2) that include pegmatites and tourmaline veins. According to studies of the Mashhad leucogranites, these granites are peraluminous, highly differentiated and resulted from meltin More
        The studied area is located in the Binalud Zone and comprises Mashhad leucogranites (g2) that include pegmatites and tourmaline veins. According to studies of the Mashhad leucogranites, these granites are peraluminous, highly differentiated and resulted from melting metapelites. In these granites, tourmaline can be seen in various forms of dendritic, nodules, vein and pegmatitic forms. For geochemical studies of vein and pegmatitic tourmalines, it was used microprobe analysis (EPMA), XRF and ICP- MS. Based on these analyses, pegmatitic tourmalines include schorl and vein tourmalines which are magnesium-rich- schorl and both are classified in the range of alkaline tourmalines. They have oscillatory chemical zoning and bluish green to brown pleochroism that is probably due to changes in concentration of Ti, Ca, and Fe. In the studied tourmalines, major substitutions took place including Na+(Fe+Mg)= X-Vacancy+Al and Na+(Fe+Mg)OH=Na+Al(O). Both types of tourmalines are resulted from magma differentiation with this difference that pegmatitic tourmalines show magmatic system characteristics but vein tourmalines have magmatic-hydrothermal system characteristics. These properties are related to the pegmatitic development stages and fluids obtained during their evolution. Manuscript profile
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        34 - Petrology, geochemistry and ore potential of the Samen granitoid (SW Malayer, Hamedan)
        Hassan Zamanian Farhad Ahmadnejad Akram Krami  Taghipour
        The Samen granitoid is located along the northwestern part of the Sanandaj- Sirjan Zone in the Southwestern of Malayer. Based on mineralogical and geochemical characteristics, five main facies have been recognized in the Samen granitoid which included granodiorite, monz More
        The Samen granitoid is located along the northwestern part of the Sanandaj- Sirjan Zone in the Southwestern of Malayer. Based on mineralogical and geochemical characteristics, five main facies have been recognized in the Samen granitoid which included granodiorite, monzogranite, syenogranite, alkali-feldspar granite and quartz-monzonite. Granodiorite is the main facies of the pluton and is more wide spread than other facies. Geochemistry of major elements indicates that the Samen granitoid is metalomious (ACNK=0.75) to peralomious (ACNK=1.21) and is classified as volcanic arc granites (VAG) related to active continental margins and petrochemically belongs to calc alkaline with high K rock series. Depletion in Nb, Zr, Hf, Y, Ti and HREE and enrichment in K, Rb, Cs, Th and LREE is consistent with an arc setting related to the subduction of Neo-Tethyan oceanic crust beneath the Sanandaj-Sirjan zone. The pluton has been contaminated by interaction with upper crust. In the Samen district both calcic exoskarn (grossular-andradite/augite-diopside) and endoskarn (tremolite-actinolite/epidote) occur along the contacts between granitoid and marble. The present study indicates that geochemical characteristics of the granodiorite and quartz-monzonite Samen rocks are similar to the averages for Au-Cu- and Fe- skarns granitoids, whereas the geochemical characteristics of the monzogranite, syenogranite and alkali-feldspar granite are similar to averages for Sn- and Mo-skarn granitoids. Based on oxidizing conditions and magma evolution, the Samen granitoid is characterized by relatively unevolved to moderately evolved and oxidized suites, as in most Au-Cu core metal associations globally. Manuscript profile
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        35 - Investigations on the geotectonic environment of Abdasht peridotites, SE Kerman Province, using spinel chemistry
        Tayabeh Roudbari Mohsen Moazzen Seyed Hesamedin Moeinzadeh Abdolmajid ahangari
        Peridotites are one of the main rock types of the Abdasht ophiolitic complex in southern Iran. Peridotites of this ophiolite are dunite and harzburgite. The important original minerals in the peridotites include olivine, orthopyroxene, spinel and to the lesser amounts, More
        Peridotites are one of the main rock types of the Abdasht ophiolitic complex in southern Iran. Peridotites of this ophiolite are dunite and harzburgite. The important original minerals in the peridotites include olivine, orthopyroxene, spinel and to the lesser amounts, clinopyroxene. Study of the chemistry of spinel in these peridotites shows that their composition, based on the end-member chemistry, is Spl0.4 Chr0.57 Mag0.03 to Spl0.46 Chr0.51 Mag0.03. The chromium number (Cr#) varies from 0.73 to 0.92 and the Al2O3 contents are3.61 to 11.29 wt%. The chemical compositions show that spinel is mantle residua phase and its high Cr content indicates the peridotites depletion. Spinel chemistry shows that the studied peridotites are related to supra-subduction environment at a fore-arc setting with boninitic features. Manuscript profile
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        36 - The Study of mineral chemistry, tectonomagmatic setting and petrogenesis of plutonic bodies in Sursat Complex, NW Takab, Iran
        Soraya Dadfar Farhad Aliani Ali Akbar Baharifar Mohamad Hossian Zarinkoub
        The plutonic bodies occurring in Sursat complex are some parts of plutonic rocks of Sanandaj- Sirjan Zone. Based on the field observations and microscopic studies, rocks of the study area are consist of hornblende gabbro, quartz diorite, monzodiorite, granodiorite and t More
        The plutonic bodies occurring in Sursat complex are some parts of plutonic rocks of Sanandaj- Sirjan Zone. Based on the field observations and microscopic studies, rocks of the study area are consist of hornblende gabbro, quartz diorite, monzodiorite, granodiorite and tonalite. The EPMA analyses of minerals such as amphiboles (in granodiorite and monzodiorite), plagioclases and alkali feldspars indicate that amphiboles are magnesiohornblende, plagioclases are albite and oligoclase and alkali feldspares are orthoclase. Geochemical studies indicate that monzodiorite unit (Turke Dare and Khangholi bodies) are metaluminous I-type and calc-alkaline in nature. They are plotted in volcanic arc granite (VAG) region with 87Sr/86Sr and εNd values equal to 0.70448 and -0.12. All evidence represent that the monzodiorite were generated from a magma which was derived from mantle affected by assimilation and contamination processes. Granodiorite unit (Pichaghci, Hamzeh Ghasem and Northeast Khangholi bodies) represents I-type, metaluminous to peraluminous and calc-alkaline characteristics and is plotted in VGA field of magmatic arc. The 87Sr/86Sr and εNd values are equal to 0.70529 and -2.82 respectively. So these granodiorites were generated through mixing processes of a mantle magma with crustal sources. Tonalite–trondhjemites group are I-type, tholeiitic, peraluminous according to the low value of Mg# (2.9-11.6), Cr (20-46 ppm) and Ni (1-2.4 ppm) contents. They are also low in LA/Yb, Sr/Y, and Nb/Ta. The slight negative anomaly in fractionated patterns of the rare earth elements (REE) and very low depletion in Eu, indicate that these rocks were resulted from amphibolitic crustal source that were previousely generated from thickened mafic crust or from basaltic plate in low pressures at shallow depth in the presence of abundant plagioclase. Manuscript profile
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        37 - Biotite mineral chemistry, geothermobarometry and the role of total Al content of biotite in distinguishing of mineralization in the Touyeh- Darvar granitoid, SW of Damghan, Eastern Alborz.
        Azin Naderi Habibolah Ghasemi Lamberini Papadopoulou
        Touyeh- Darvar granitoid pluton is situated in the south of eastern Alborz zone (45Km SW of Damghan in Semnan province). This pluton has intruded into the late Paleozoic formations (including Barut and Lalun). Based on the field observations and petrographic studies, th More
        Touyeh- Darvar granitoid pluton is situated in the south of eastern Alborz zone (45Km SW of Damghan in Semnan province). This pluton has intruded into the late Paleozoic formations (including Barut and Lalun). Based on the field observations and petrographic studies, the pluton is composed of monzonites, quartz monzonite and monzodiorite. In terms of mineralogy, the Touyeh- Darvar granitoid consists of plagioclase, orthoclase, quartz, ± hornblende and ±biotite. Accessory minerals consists of ilmenite, magnetite, zircon, apatite, titanite and pyrite. Sericite, epidote, calcite, and chlorite are considered as secondary phases. The iron-rich biotite is the most significant mafic mineral which are situated in the alkaline and anorogenic biotite fields. The total Al content of biotite in granitic rocks can be a useful indicator for distinguishing between mineralized and non-mineralized granitic rocks. The presence of mineral veins from oxides and hydroxides of iron and manganese, fluorite, barite, lead and zinc in the host rock of this pluton also confirms that the biotite composition is useful for mineralization potential study of this pluton. Applying the thermometry based on the Ti content of biotite and barometery based on total Al content of biotite resulted in calculating temperature ranges of 650–730°C and pressures lower than 1Kb for stopping the exchange and final equilibrium of this mineral in the pluton. Manuscript profile
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        38 - Analysis and comparison of students entrepreneurial intentions in Bu Ali Sina College of Agriculture and Payamnoor university of Hamedan
        Safiollah  Safaei Nasim Izadi Maryam  Musivand
        This study aimed to investigate the entrepreneurial intention among students of Bu-Ali Sina University in Hamedan and PNU surveys have been conducted within the overall framework. The sample consisted of 370 male and female students in agricultural disciplines in under More
        This study aimed to investigate the entrepreneurial intention among students of Bu-Ali Sina University in Hamedan and PNU surveys have been conducted within the overall framework. The sample consisted of 370 male and female students in agricultural disciplines in undergraduate students formed the College of Agriculture. To collect information, a questionnaire and a simple random sampling was used to select the sample. Cronbach's alpha coefficient to determine the reliability coefficient was calculated to vary from 850 students' entrepreneurial intentions are good. To analyze the data, descriptive and inferential statistical methods were used. The results showed that in general students of entrepreneurship spirit and intent of the high entrepreneurial intentions are more male students. The results of the analysis showed a correlation between gender, employment situation, risk appetite and economic barriers in interest income and a significant positive correlation with their entrepreneurial intentions can be seen. As well as the entrepreneurial intentions Mnadray difference was observed between the universities. Manuscript profile
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        39 - The Impressibility of Sa’di from Firdausi based on the Theory of Transtextualite
        زينب  نوروزي وحید  علی بیگی سرهالی
        The works of Sa’di are among the best masterpieces of classic Persian texts who is the full-fledged representative of Persian Culture and Literature. He had been under effect of old texts and there is an obvious relation between Sa’di prosaic works and older works befor More
        The works of Sa’di are among the best masterpieces of classic Persian texts who is the full-fledged representative of Persian Culture and Literature. He had been under effect of old texts and there is an obvious relation between Sa’di prosaic works and older works before him. One of these works is Shahname by Firdausi. The aim of this study is to show and prove this textual relation between Sa’di works and Shahnameh of Firdausi which is based on the Theory of Transtextualite by Gérard Genette which is a perfect theory regarding the intertextual relations; we reviewed all links between Sa’di and Firdausi works in all aspects and came to this conclusion that Sa’di works are a complete sample of Transtextualite which is proved by providing evidences, analytic-descriptive method and their explanations and interpretations; so the full presence of Transtextualite in Sa’di works is proved in this regard. Manuscript profile
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        40 - Hermeneutic-Intertextual Reading of a verse of Hafiz Divan Based on Intertextual Theory of “Michael Riffaterre”
        دکتر سید علی  قاسم‌زاده علی اکبر  فخرو
        This article emphasizes and focuses on this verse: “O sweet fountain! from the modesty of thy sweet lip (the stream of divine grace), Now, steeped in water and sweat (of toil of search), a piece of sugar (the illusory beloved)-- is not, that is not” to review hidden se More
        This article emphasizes and focuses on this verse: “O sweet fountain! from the modesty of thy sweet lip (the stream of divine grace), Now, steeped in water and sweat (of toil of search), a piece of sugar (the illusory beloved)-- is not, that is not” to review hidden semantic layers of text based on Hermeneutic-Intertextual analysis approach of Michael Riffaterre. The basis of this Hermeneutic structuralist approach of Riffaterre is that Intertextual aspects of poem will be unlocked by help of non-grammars (literary non-normalities) passing through first layer of meaning (linear reading) to underlying and deep structure level of poem (non-linear reading). In his view, allusion or quotation is a hypogram which is activated previously in another text and current text is discovered due to the kind of reading of audience, recovery and its implications. The result of applying theoretical framework of Riffaterre is that Hafiz intellectual matrix in this verse is lyric and romantic and its hypogram is totally congruent and correspondent with criteria of this matrix. Reader uncovers hidden underlying layers of text from obvious Intertextual level of Khosru and Shirin poem of Nizami (Cliché and descriptive hypogram) with help of presuppositions and his mind meaning hypograms. It seems Hafiz wants to represent the kind of communication and love affair with his ideal beloved through deconstructing semantic substructure of text by using all capacities of meaning-creation of ambiguity and magic of lexical collocations. Manuscript profile
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        41 - The Analysis of "Where is Khezr?" by Taghi Poornamdariyan based on an Intertextual Approach
        همایون  جمشیدیان
        In this essay, "Where is Khezr?" composed by Dr. Taqi Pournamdarian, is analyzed based on an intertextual approach. The purpose of this research is to illuminate the relation of pictures in this poem with classic poem, showing the relation of components of mystical, epi More
        In this essay, "Where is Khezr?" composed by Dr. Taqi Pournamdarian, is analyzed based on an intertextual approach. The purpose of this research is to illuminate the relation of pictures in this poem with classic poem, showing the relation of components of mystical, epic, lyric genres and the type of their combination in the creation of contemporary romantic poem. The word "Khezr" has mystical and epic implications. According to the feature of Khezr who is the helper of the lost, it is expected that the narrator of "Where is Khezr?" be confused and wandering in spiritual journey abstinence domains. Such implications can be observed in words and terms like "darkness", "alkahest" (i.e. water of life), "the desert of night". On the other hand, based on the content of poem, there would rise this question that how are elements of poem and its different semantic implications interrelated to each other? The results of the current research shows that this poem is lyric and it describes an earthly beloved, but there are symbols of other genres. The narrator of the poet passes difficult stages like an epic hero to reach their target, for example s/he passes darkness land. Fourfold sections of the poem associates four seasons. These seasons are periodical like epic time and do not have linear circuit. Separation and tinker would occur simultaneously with passing of different seasons. This poem is the product of conflux and different genre association which is emerged from the unconscious of the poet who had lived in the ecology of cultural worlds. In this article the intertextual analysis of poem was applied and components of different genres were compared and analyzed and their ratio in producing a coherent and structured text was also reviewed. Manuscript profile
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        42 - Ceremonial Journey of Esfandiyar in Shah-name
        نسرین  شکیبی ممتاز maryam آخسسثهده
        “The process of individuality” with centrality of considerable amount of Jungian archetypes makes the double-based unification of psyche - self awareness and non-self awareness – possible in the frame of symbolic acts and along the ceremonial journey for the hero. In fa More
        “The process of individuality” with centrality of considerable amount of Jungian archetypes makes the double-based unification of psyche - self awareness and non-self awareness – possible in the frame of symbolic acts and along the ceremonial journey for the hero. In fact, by passing the different layers of “shade” and attempting to modify its deterrent force which has roots in the negative psyche features of hero, he is in a new step visiting “anima”; therefore, knowing his feminine direction of his psyche, hero achieves great capability in knowing “wise old” who is the real durable truth of existence. Knowing the status of this wise old, which he himself is one of the most archaic kind of ancient human psyche, and obeying his decrees passes the path of individuality of hero to a conclusion which has significant psychological features. “Rebirth” which is equal to knowing “self” and integrating with it in ceremonial symbology, carries hero’s psychological life in a determined and advancing sample toward its ultimate goal. In excavation of narrative of Esfandiyar’s life who is one the main characteristics of Ferdowsi’ Shah-Name, we can come into the psychological deep structure of story by passing the epic surface structure which shows the hero’s journey to reach a special goal from the aspect of knowing self, meaning to discover individuality; therefore, passing “seven steps” which are regarded as the seven steps of passing shade, hero can kill Arjasb Tourani and saved his sisters and achieving victory in this step, he gets ready in next journey to combat with Rustam as the wise old. In the last step of his individuality and losing his eyes, understands the right of old wise and with a ceremonial death achieves a rebirth. Esfandiyar’s rebirth has symbolic and ceremonial aspects depositing his son – Bahman. Manuscript profile
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        43 - The Analysis of Conflict of Tradition and Modernity in Social Novel after Islamic Revolution in Iran
        مریم  عاملی رضایی
        Social Novel is an applicatory area to reflect and recreate social realities in the mirror of literature. The challenge between tradition and modernity is one the themes that is reflected in the Persian literature from the constitutional monarchy and is reflected in an More
        Social Novel is an applicatory area to reflect and recreate social realities in the mirror of literature. The challenge between tradition and modernity is one the themes that is reflected in the Persian literature from the constitutional monarchy and is reflected in an appropriate manner with social changes of every era. After the Islamic Revolution of Iran, social novel experienced considerable quantitative and qualitative growth and there is few novels which in this time which has not expressed social themes. The main problem of this study is reviewing the conflict of tradition and modernity concepts in social novels after the Islamic Revolution. The purpose of this study is comparative reviewing and comparing of the authors’ approach toward this issue in the three decades from 1360 to 1390 (1981 to 2011). This study is done applying descriptive-analytic method and using library resources. The result of this research shows that in Novels of 1360 to 1370 (1981 to 1991) this conflict is reflected in a clear and manifest manner particularly in objection to industrialization, the material looks of modernity and losing traditions, but in 1370 to 1390 (1991 to 2011) this experience is internalized and is manifested in form of suspicion, wandering, and traditionalism. However, the acceptance of changes of first decade which were regarded as serious challenges in second and third decade shows the flourishing movement toward modernity particularly in city communities and educated group. Manuscript profile
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        44 - Binary Structures in Dowlatabadi’s Writings: From Contrastive Mentality to Analytic Thought
        نصرت  حجازی شهناز  شاهین
        Although the critical structure of Mahmud Dowlatabadi’s narratives makes the characters appear flexible and sometimes rough, with semiotic narrative structures leading them to direct confrontation with the elements disturbing the initial order and serenity, we believe t More
        Although the critical structure of Mahmud Dowlatabadi’s narratives makes the characters appear flexible and sometimes rough, with semiotic narrative structures leading them to direct confrontation with the elements disturbing the initial order and serenity, we believe that the character’s conflict with themselves and others mostly results from the contrastive mentality and the binary thought that the author’s imagination system projects against outward world of turbulence and anxiety, rather than the necessity for keeping balance between the nature and manner of the characters. Though, initially, the author’s philosophical approach to the world and the way in which his imagination system responds to it motivates him to create his fictional characters having internal and external conflicts, gradually, his mentality uses duality as a kind of dialectic experience and a place for his subjective challenges to express themselves through the story’s usual flow, in the form of an analytical-interrogative discourse, and to reveal the author’s attitude towards himself and the others, in addition to polarizing the fictional world into the fictional narration and theoretical-analytical writing. Manuscript profile
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        45 - Attitudes of the Poets of the Constitutional Period to Religion
        Mohammad غلامرضایی زهره  ملّاکی
        In the constitutional period, when Islamic tradition and modern civilization faced each other, due to their differences, clergymen and intellectuals who were the effective social forces of the time reacted differently to it. Intellectuals were of three types: against re More
        In the constitutional period, when Islamic tradition and modern civilization faced each other, due to their differences, clergymen and intellectuals who were the effective social forces of the time reacted differently to it. Intellectuals were of three types: against religion; pro-religion but with stress on instrumental use of it; and pro-religion believing in compatibility of Islam and modern civilization. Clergymen were of two types: conservatives, against modernity; and constitutionalists believing in compromise between Islam and democracy. This article, using the method of qualitative content analysis, and studying the poems of seven popular poets of this period, surveys their attitudes to religion. The research reveals three main current of thought among the poets: one places religion against modernity and believes that modernization demands total removal of religion from society. Other flow believes in eliminating most religious traditions, changing their function, and emphasizes just on faith dimension of religion. The third current accepts modernization on the ground of religious traditions, and supports the change and reform to some of them just through Ijtihad. This movement stresses the preservation of religion in society. Manuscript profile
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        46 - A Comparative Critical Study of the Influence of “One Hundred Years of Solitude” on “Touba and the Meaning of Night” with an Emphasis on the Conflict between Tradition and Modernity
        Nader  Shayegan Far Zeynab Saber
        In this paper, the influence of One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez on Touba and the Meaning of Night by Shahrnush Parsipur is discussed through a comparative-critical approach. In these two novels, confrontation and conflict between tradition and mo More
        In this paper, the influence of One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez on Touba and the Meaning of Night by Shahrnush Parsipur is discussed through a comparative-critical approach. In these two novels, confrontation and conflict between tradition and modernity is one of the most significant themes. So, this paper tries to depict the discursive and inter-textual connection between the above mentioned novels based on their similar content and themes. It also aims at demonstrating the way these two work confront the modern world based on the voices in the novels, explaining how the authors of these two novels, had a dialogue with modern world through a fusion of reality and illusion, physical and metaphysical world; and death and life. After a comparative study, this paper aims at revealing different aspects in these two novels regarding the discourse of tradition and modernity, according to a critical approach. It will be revealed how Parsipur’s narration suffers from the lack of integrity and coherence, in a way that “Touba and the meaning of night” doesn’t have the same firmness and complexity of One Hundred Years of Solitude. As a result, it couldn’t make proper use of elements like irony, credibility of characters and significant correlation of the events. In One Hundred Years of Solitude, the reaction to the foreigners is evidently critical, explicit, and contradictory. While, in Touba and the Meaning of Night, this reaction is chaotic, confused and somehow passive Manuscript profile
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        47 - Criticizing Misapplication of Theories:The role of misapplication of theories in creating false awareness
        Nowadays, the researches which are based upon one of the literary theories (Formalism, structuralism, narratology, deconstructionism …) have been very popular among researchers, and academic society. This increasing growth had and have been the subject of some critics t More
        Nowadays, the researches which are based upon one of the literary theories (Formalism, structuralism, narratology, deconstructionism …) have been very popular among researchers, and academic society. This increasing growth had and have been the subject of some critics too. Each one of them for some reasons have criticized the unconditional application of these theories, and asked for critical and pathological review of these theories, and the articles and books which have been written based on them. The present article has also a critical and pathological perspective in reviewing the researches (articles) which have been written and published based on Mikhail Bakhtin’s ideas and works (logic of dialogue and intertextuality). The results show that most of these articles have fundamental and numerous weak points, but the main ones are as follows: neglecting the backgrounds and presuppositions based on which these theories have been formed, making mistake in choosing the theories (inter textuality instead of structuralism, intertextuality instead of criticizing the resources, logic of dialogue instead of genealogy), simplification, arbitrary relation between theory and text, prejudice and ignoring the facts. Manuscript profile
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        48 - Human Life’s Sanctity in Mystical Interpretations of Quran Based on Ibn Arabi's Yunessieh Chapter and its Commentary of it by Imam Khomeini
        mohammadreza movahedi
        Is the existence and agency of human life in Islamic mysticism is a worthless shell? Does the belief in the Absolute Existence leave no room for the notion of human existence? Can the position of humanity be considered so high as if the human being is all of existence a More
        Is the existence and agency of human life in Islamic mysticism is a worthless shell? Does the belief in the Absolute Existence leave no room for the notion of human existence? Can the position of humanity be considered so high as if the human being is all of existence and everything except him is the image and imagination that exists in the mirror of the human heart and mind? In mystical works, the curious researcher can search for signs of anti-humanism as well as humanim.The main purpose of this article is to demonstrate the status of mankind in the universe based on the Islamic mystical worldview. Therefore, this study tries to explain this position, according to the works of two Islamic scholars, Ibn Arabi and Imam Khomeini. The basis of this explanation is the topic of avoiding the destruction of the monument of humanity in the Yunessieh chapter of Fosus al-Hekam and a commentary of it by Imam Khomeini in his mystical works. It is clear from the statements of Ibn al-'Arabi and his commentators that all beings are sacred because they are the manifestation of God. So when we look at mankind, or even look at the world of plants and animals, we see them all in relation to the Creator, not as an independent entity. This view awakens one's conscience and cultivates love and affection for all beings. Manuscript profile
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        49 - Representation of Religious Characteristics of the Islamic Revolution Discourse in Top War Novels
        hashem sadeghi manouchehr akbari
        This study has aimed to examine the religious characteristics represented in Persian war novels from the perspective of Critical Discourse Analysi. To do so, the religious identity of warriors in their conduct with prisoners of war, discursive presuppositions about such More
        This study has aimed to examine the religious characteristics represented in Persian war novels from the perspective of Critical Discourse Analysi. To do so, the religious identity of warriors in their conduct with prisoners of war, discursive presuppositions about such issues as sacrifice and martyrdom, and the attitude of warriors towards such issues as represented in Persian prominent war novels have been analyzed. The results of the study revealed that the interdiscursivity of Persian war novels is composed of religious teachings and defense strategies. Furthermore, it was found that the Islamic Revolution discourse has articulated a religious semantic system based on Islamic ideological signifiers such as Jihad, sacrifice, martyrdom etc., and that it has consolidated the meaning of discursive signifiers by modeling the ‘eventof Ashoura’ , reference to the Quran, and utilising positive comments about martyrdom and consecration of that, thus facilitating the hegemonization of this discourse. Manuscript profile
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        50 - Methodological analysis of the issue of literary influences in'Sokhan- va- Sokhanvarn' by Forouzanfar
        Ahmad khatami Maryam  Mosharraf-o-lmolk azam saadat
        At the same time with Bakhtin's (1895-1975) drafting, in the early twentieth century, about "Logic of conversation” that provided the basis for the theory of Intertextuality in the 60s by Julia Christova(1941- ), Badiozzaman Forouzanfar(1899-1970) created a critical app More
        At the same time with Bakhtin's (1895-1975) drafting, in the early twentieth century, about "Logic of conversation” that provided the basis for the theory of Intertextuality in the 60s by Julia Christova(1941- ), Badiozzaman Forouzanfar(1899-1970) created a critical approach in writing of Sokhan-O-Sokhanvaran (printed 1929-1933) that later Abdolhossein Zarrinkoob in his literary Criticism book referred to it as "Criticism of influence" (printed 1959). This study seeks to explain Forouzanfar's attempt in creating a coherent way of expressing the efficacy and influence in form and content in Persian poetry and to compare it with “criticism of influence”, introducing it as an independent critical approach. Forouzanfar, maneuvering on the old topic of plagiarism, changed it into an effective and practical tool to describe literary influences in the Persian poetry, and despite the distance from the theoretical origins of intertextuality, he applied similar concepts in analyzing literary relationships in poetry and determining the role and position of poets in the context of history. Manuscript profile
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        51 - Discursive function of "Zindiq": Pahlavi literature and Arabic and Persian Texts of
        Alireza Heydari Mojtaba Monshizadeh Faezeh Farazandehpour
        In this article, using the approaches related to "critical discourse analysis" (CDA), the function of the word "Zindiq" (heretic) over time has been studied.Apparently, this word was used for the first time in Sassanid Pahlavi literature in the inscriptions of Cartier ( More
        In this article, using the approaches related to "critical discourse analysis" (CDA), the function of the word "Zindiq" (heretic) over time has been studied.Apparently, this word was used for the first time in Sassanid Pahlavi literature in the inscriptions of Cartier (Zoroastrian dogmatic priest) about the Manicheans who were oppressed and killed by this person.The word "Zindiq" was then used in Pahlavi, Arabic, and Persian literature to drive out and suppress ideological dissent.According to Foucault's classification of "exclusion" methods (in 1970), presumably, the derivation of "zand" to the Avestan root of zan- (to know) in "Zindiq" had been hidden by Zoroastrian priests in Sassanid period.In this study, it becomes clear that according to Fairclough (1995)'s three-layered model in discourse analysis and "intertextuality", relying on the texts of a period, the discourse function of words such as "Zindiq" is not understood or it is hardly possible to understand the discursive functions of this word in the texts of one area.It will also become clear that over time, Zandik's rejection of the discourse will expand, and that the leaders of any discourse, along with their followers, will often expel their opponents on Zandik charges in order to gain hegemony over their ideology.According to Laclau and Mouffe's (1985) theory of discourse, from during the juridical discourse of Sasanian period and later on, the new meanings were added to this word (Zindiq) by different "elements". Consequently, the function and meaning of "Zindiq" changed from “interpreter of Avesta” to innovator (heretic), sinister, magician, etc.Thus, the implications of lexical jurisprudence are useless without CDA for understanding the meaning and function of "Zindiq". Manuscript profile
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        52 - Investigating the evolution of modern humanism of female characters in Persian novels
        Parivash Mirzaeyan jahangir safari Narges  Bagheri
        Modernity and modern humanism have played an essential role in the growth of Iranian women's minds. One of the sources which reflect the changes and developments of modernity and modern humanism is Persian novels. This article based on Anthony Giddens' viewpoint inv More
        Modernity and modern humanism have played an essential role in the growth of Iranian women's minds. One of the sources which reflect the changes and developments of modernity and modern humanism is Persian novels. This article based on Anthony Giddens' viewpoint investigates the effects of modernity on Iranian women by reviewing selected Persian novels which were published in this three periods of time: from 1300 to 1320, from 1320 to 1345 , and from 1345 to 1357 . The research demonstrates that generally in the first period, the evolution caused by the prevalence of modern humanism has not been able to liberate women thinking from traditional perspectives. In the second period, growing the popularity of modernity elements has provided a variety of human interests and desires for women. Although increasing feminist ideas shows the prevalence of modern rationalism in this period, behavioral contradictions between women reveals the superficiality of the viewpoint among them. Overindulgence in following instinctive desires in the third period indicates a jump in humanistic thinking. During this period, the passivity caused by fatalism has also been criticized by the authors. Manuscript profile
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        53 - The Elements and the Processes Influencing International System
        Reza سیمبر ارسلان  قربانی شیخ‌نشین
        Portraying different approaches towards contemporary international relations which attempt to study the structures of its present order and depict the future horizon, this paper poses the main questions of what the current structure of international system and its domin More
        Portraying different approaches towards contemporary international relations which attempt to study the structures of its present order and depict the future horizon, this paper poses the main questions of what the current structure of international system and its dominant order is, and what approaches best explain the prospect of the future: liberalism, unipolar system, clash of civilizations, jihad against new colonialism, or anarchism. Can any of these systems explain future scenarios by itself or they are just parts of the paradigm of current world system when put together may provide answers to the question? The main idea of the article is that any discourse about world order has to cover four aspects: political and military balance of power, strengthening international institutions and global sovereignty, emphasis on shared human values, and explaining the structure of world political economy and finance production and distribution. Manuscript profile
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        54 - Modernity and Formation of Modern Political Theory
        seyedreza shakeri
        Modern political theory is of great value for its inner authenticity and outer implementations; but how this theory has been formed? The hypothesis of this study is that the modernity invented and formed the forces which caused dramatically changes in foundations and im More
        Modern political theory is of great value for its inner authenticity and outer implementations; but how this theory has been formed? The hypothesis of this study is that the modernity invented and formed the forces which caused dramatically changes in foundations and implementations of modern theory. Two primary factors are important here: scientific thinking as grounding factor, and new politics (modern state), which emerged aftermath the collapse of medieval ages as outer factor. New scientific thinking prepared the context for such an evolution by transforming the concept of nature, and in the realm of politics by concentrating on power and distancing form the idea of “excellent city”. So, the modern political theory emerged as an effective and referential framework for illustrating the political life and offered solution for political problems. By separating between new and old political theories in a historical sense, this paper attend to show the formation of modern political theory in modern era and how it separated from old world; it also illustrate the characteristics of modern political theory and its new practical implementations; the results indicate that modern political theory was credible and successful for relationship between its theoretical ideas and values and its practical implementations in socio-political life; a task of modern theory which is in danger and doubt, in the ear of globalization. Manuscript profile
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        55 - Studying the Relationship between Racial Integration (Kurds &Turks) and Stable Security; Recognition of Effective Factors on Integrating the Races in West Azarbayejan
        شفیع  بهرامیان امید  بهرامیان
        Regarding geo-political situation of west Azrabayejan and various racial trends in this province, the study of effective factors on integrating the races and the relationship between racial integration and feeling of stable security in west Azarbayejan is the core of th More
        Regarding geo-political situation of west Azrabayejan and various racial trends in this province, the study of effective factors on integrating the races and the relationship between racial integration and feeling of stable security in west Azarbayejan is the core of this paper; so, the research was done by using survey method and by filling questionnaires in all biracial cities of this province and also in Mahabad city, as our statistical population in a sample of 500 persons. The results show that: a) racial integration has meaningful effect on stable security and more than 20% of changes can be analyzed by this factor. This factor has the most impact on national security, human security and global security; b) among the impact factors, age and the foreign intervene have reverse impact on racial integration, regarding scale of use and scale of trust to foreign mass media; c) other impact factors on racial integration, ranging from the most to the least impact, are: political elite, cultural capital, education, nationalism (pan Iranism), religion, the attitude toward political and administrative sphere, and marriage status; d) the study could not approved the meaningful relationship between racial integration and the following factors: gender, job, relative deprivation feeling, and tendency to universalism. Manuscript profile
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        56 - Political Pluralism: In-between Theory and Reality
        Mohsen Abbaszadeh Marzbali فرزاد  سوری
        Power, its distribution, and the quality of government relation with citizens and groups and the amount of their influence on the political decision-making processes are of the most fundamental questions encountering politics researchers. The aim of pluralism in status More
        Power, its distribution, and the quality of government relation with citizens and groups and the amount of their influence on the political decision-making processes are of the most fundamental questions encountering politics researchers. The aim of pluralism in status of a theoretical approach toward politics is specification and measurement of these issues; therefore, it defines politics as the arena of competition for different groups who have access to different sources; as a result, no single group can dominate others completely, and political decisions were seen as the outcomes of balance among forces and an open process. After specifying this approach in association with the democratic thought and the comparison of previous and recent conclusions of it, this article reviews its concrete implications in political order so as to assess the accuracy of its analyses in practice; therefore, in answering to this question that do the available political reality assert the theoretical hypotheses of the pluralist approach, it takes an intermediate status (depending on the kind of conclusion from pluralism). Manuscript profile
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        57 - Explanation of Political and Rational Requirements for National Unity In Imam Khomeini's Thought
        In Imam Khomeini's thoughts and attitudes thatget startedfrommonotheistic religion of Islam, believers are a singleummah and,too, they need to a singlereligious, political and practicalorientation, based on the requirements and with regard to their common destiny within More
        In Imam Khomeini's thoughts and attitudes thatget startedfrommonotheistic religion of Islam, believers are a singleummah and,too, they need to a singlereligious, political and practicalorientation, based on the requirements and with regard to their common destiny within the credit geographical and national boundaries for the realization of the their sovereignty. They can achieve the caliphate of God on earth with this orientation and with Etesami to Hablallah. Therefore, in this article, we examine what arepolitical and rationalfoundations in the views of Imam Khomeini about national unity. The analytical study of the ideas of Imam Khomeini (RA), show to our until find that the issue of national unity as well as other forms of unity and solidarity based on political exigencies and environmental requirements is a necessity: the necessity thatit is based on both of rational arguments and evidence and religious arguments.As a result, Imam Khomeini hastwo-dimensional look - intellectual and revelation - to the cause of unity.But what are discussed in this paperare the reasons and political arguments of national unity and solidarity in the thought of the founder ofIslamic Republic of Iran.Imam Khomeini emphasized on: rational evident of unity, the demand of political reason, the common enemy, the development of cultural, political and social principles of maintenance of the Islamic Revolution and its values and Finally, national unity is the plan as a strategy to achieve freedom, liberation and victory. Manuscript profile
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        58 - Arabic Revolutions and Shaping New Security Orders In Middle East
        فاطمه  قیاسوندی نبی‌الله  ابراهیمی Ahmad سلطانی‌نژاد
        The main argument of this article is to analyze the Islamic Awakening developments and the way new security disciplines development in Middle East is affected by this event. Since the revolution of people in Arab states is known as uprising against dictator governments More
        The main argument of this article is to analyze the Islamic Awakening developments and the way new security disciplines development in Middle East is affected by this event. Since the revolution of people in Arab states is known as uprising against dictator governments and Colonial, it can be an important factor for redefining the novel disciplines in the region which considering Saidism or after- colonial elements and the correspondence among these revolutions and this study, we testify the formation of the type of order focused on reviewing Saidism studies in Middle East. So in this article first of all, we analyze disciplines from the perspective of realism, liberalism, Copenhagen school and post colonial and then the Genealogy of disciplines in Middle East. Islamist role has been also discussed and article is finished by a discussion about the security disciplines governing on the region after the Arabic revolutions, so we can conclude how Arabic revolutions have effects on the formation of new security discipline of Middle East. Manuscript profile
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        59 - Investigating on the Continuity of Structures of Iranshahri's politics In Iranian and Islamic Epistles (Case Study: The Era of Ardeshir and Khajeh Nizam-Al-Mulk eTusi)
        mohadese jazaee roh allah eslami
        The “Mirror of Prince’s genre” is one of the long-standing Iranian traditions, and unquestionably one that extended into the Islamic era. In this article, we examine the continuation of the structures of the Iranshahri concept, with the method of intertextuality, within More
        The “Mirror of Prince’s genre” is one of the long-standing Iranian traditions, and unquestionably one that extended into the Islamic era. In this article, we examine the continuation of the structures of the Iranshahri concept, with the method of intertextuality, within the ancient Iranian text of “The Era of Ardeshir’’ and ‘‘Siyar-al-muluk’’ of Nizam al-Mulk. Intertextuality claims that no text is separate from the past and no text can be viewed as a closed and self-contained system. In other words, each text gains meaning by concepts of the past and influences the understanding of the reader. According to this fact, all fundamental meanings and their logic is dependent on what has already been said. The texts reflect the political realities of society in their own way as reflected in dialogues or monologues. After explaining the theory of intertextuality, the authors show how structures such as the quality of governance and the emphasis on the Farah of Shah, the coherence of religion and politics, the importance of the ministry's institution, and the establishment of spies, and structures such as the methaphysical politics, despotism and patriarchal government stress on the relation of intertextuality between these two texts and make justifiable the possibility of countinuing The Mirror of Princes. Manuscript profile
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        60 - Dariush Shayegan rereading in light of the subject of playful
        Mohammad  abolfazl shakoori
        Iranians' intellectual encounter with modernity has wildly fluctuated so far. Iranian thinkers, like Western thinkers, have concentrated their intellectual efforts on providing a solution to the problem of the relationship between subjectivity and generality. The presen More
        Iranians' intellectual encounter with modernity has wildly fluctuated so far. Iranian thinkers, like Western thinkers, have concentrated their intellectual efforts on providing a solution to the problem of the relationship between subjectivity and generality. The present study investigates Dariush Shayegan's solutions to this issue. To do so, we have first addressed the anthropological species presented and exhibited in his works. The rest of the research reviews Shayegan's works based on the concept of the playful subject and is dedicated to clarifying his solution to the problem of the relationship between subjectivity and generality. The playful subject is a subject that acknowledges its own dichotomy and connects them consciously and playfully. Although Shayegan does not grant full autonomy to subjectivity, and does not dissolve it in generality. . Manuscript profile
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        61 - Siyasat-nama and Discursive Turn in Iranian Political Thought; the Speech Act Analysis of Siyar al-mulûk
        hamdollah akvani
        The relation between author and social context in discourse turn of Iranian and Islamic political thought is a matter of great concern. The social contexts of 7th to 9th centuries created new condition which in turn paved the ground for change and development of Irania More
        The relation between author and social context in discourse turn of Iranian and Islamic political thought is a matter of great concern. The social contexts of 7th to 9th centuries created new condition which in turn paved the ground for change and development of Iranian and Islamic political philosophy and its discursive turn. In response to this change and political contexts of Iranian-Islamic society, emerged three schools of thought among the thinkers of this period. Al-Mawardi and introducing of caliphate system, Al-Ghazali with Islamic justification of authority of the Kings in order to reconcile between caliphate and kingship and, finally, Nizam al-Mulk by Siyasatnama (The Book of Government) who tried to pass the caliphate system and articulate a new discourse. Relying on the Iranian tradition of Ideal King, Nizam al-Mulk tries to justify kingship with an expedient approach. Such a conflict is distinguishable in Siyasatnama. Within this book, there is a conflict between three discourses: caliphate, kingship and religious discourse of resistance. This paper is going to verify the hypothesis that Nizam al-Mulk has played the role of “poiltical subjective” in the discursive transformation from writing Shariatnama (Islamic laws) to Andarzname (Book of advice). He uses three lingual strategies in order to play subjective situation role: to omit caliphate discourse by “concealing” it, and highlight the kingship discourse by excluding other discourses of resistance that are traceable in the book. The methodology of the article is a combination of Laclau and Mouffe discourse theory and micro-level approach of Van leeuwen discourse Analysis. Manuscript profile
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        62 - The Avoidance of Thinking in A Religious Culture: A Review and Critique of Aramesh Doostdar’s Points of View
        Seyed Mohammad Ali Taghavi Fatemeh Baee
        Aramesh Doostdar considers “lack of question” as the main difficulty of Iranian society, which has been dominated by a religious culture since the ancient time. In this paper, his views are assessed on the basis of postmodern observations. Richard Rorty speaks of two ac More
        Aramesh Doostdar considers “lack of question” as the main difficulty of Iranian society, which has been dominated by a religious culture since the ancient time. In this paper, his views are assessed on the basis of postmodern observations. Richard Rorty speaks of two accounts of rationality: a broad account which he favours and a narrow one which he crticises and attributes to modern thinkers. The main question in this paper is that in which category Doostdar’s views can be classified? It seems that he advocates the narrow modernist account of rationality that considers whatever does not comply with it as outside reason. Doostdar’s metanarrative on Iranian culture is based on unjustified extrapolations that ignore the complexity of the culture. Since he believes that Islamic and Iranian culture lacks fundamental philosophical questions, he disregards all other types of questions raised in that culture. In politics, Doostdar argues that the relationship between religion and the state in Iran, since the Achaemenid Empire, constituted the religious culture in the society in such a way that any escape from it and transition towards a developed society would be impossible. Manuscript profile
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        63 - Anxiety and Political Action (Case Study: The Boy Students of Law and Political Science Faculty, University of Tehran)
        Aliapshraf Nazari Hanif  Amoozadeh Mahdiraji
        The impact of human emotions not only effect on their daily life, but also influence on political behavior. Hence, high ranked of mass people or politicians make decisions based on their emotions. It is not reasonable to believe that people`s reaction based on their log More
        The impact of human emotions not only effect on their daily life, but also influence on political behavior. Hence, high ranked of mass people or politicians make decisions based on their emotions. It is not reasonable to believe that people`s reaction based on their logical thinking. Some psychological factors such as anxiety (As an effective factor inside humans) could make people`s behaviors in their lifecycle. therefore, human`s political believes will also be affected by these motivators. In paper, this issue has recognized that anxiety has a dual effect on different levels of political behaviors. In one aspect, increase in anxiety will make direct effect on political behavior, and on the other hand, if anxiety breaks its red line, it will have decreasing effect on political behavior of society by motivating defensive mechanisms, and as a result society isolation and surveillance will appear. By using proper tools, defensive mechanisms could be controlled and political behavior of the society will turn back to its equilibrium point. Finally a dynamic system model has been described for this purpose. Manuscript profile
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        64 - Analysis and assessment of Diversity and Tolerance in the Political Thought of John Rawls
          ali alihoseini  
        This paper aims to examine the question of how we can respect multiculturalism and at the same time defend the rights of the individuals against ethnic minorities and cultural groups? In response to the question, we examined Rawls's strategy mentioned in his book of "po More
        This paper aims to examine the question of how we can respect multiculturalism and at the same time defend the rights of the individuals against ethnic minorities and cultural groups? In response to the question, we examined Rawls's strategy mentioned in his book of "political liberalism" emphasizing on the separation of rationality from reasonableness. But at the end it becomes clear that Rawls's definition of reasonableness is extremely strict and restrictive, and in spite of the distinguishing rationality and reasonableness can be a good basis for tolerance in multicultural societies, but this definition is highly detrimental to this goal. This research has exploited interpretive approach, conceptual analysis and critical assessment as the theoretical strategies and based on this fact, it deals with the issue of cultural diversity as a context of forming the subject introduction and also considering Rawls's theory of justice as background in which the idea of reasonableness and rationality was born and grown. Manuscript profile
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        65 - Comparative Study of Hobbes, Locke and Rawls' Ideas in the light of the Hypothetical Position of the Social Contract
        mokhtar nouri Majid tavasoli
        In the modern paradigm of political philosophy, we are faced with a hypothetical position that called social contract. The mentioned paradigm is from Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau to draw the origins of the legitimacy of the political society and the various categories of More
        In the modern paradigm of political philosophy, we are faced with a hypothetical position that called social contract. The mentioned paradigm is from Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau to draw the origins of the legitimacy of the political society and the various categories of political philosophy, such as security and property. John Rawls restored the social contract again in the late 20th century. It seems that the purpose of using this hypothetical position from political philosophers is to provide a way of "knowing" about politics. The present article seeks to comparatively assess the position of the hypothetical social contract in the political thought of Hobbes and Locke with the thought of John Rawls in the contemporary era. Findings of the research indicate that the use of the hypothetical position of the social contract from the modern thinkers has a deeper position, while this position is only a representation tool for John Rawls. Because Rawls did not try to use the position of Hobbes and Locke to explain forming political society and its legitimacy, and was only seeking justification justice. For this purpose, we have used a comparative method for matching the ideas and the library method is also a tool for collecting information. Manuscript profile
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        66 - Relation of Bio-Politics to Global Discourses; Liberalism, Totalitarianism, and Security
        Fateh  Moradi Abasali  Rahbar
        The main aim of this paper is to investigate Liberalism, Totalitarianism, and security as discourses that related to Bio-Politics. The goal of discourse is making subject that is identified by his/her norms and controls in daily life. In this current text we want to rev More
        The main aim of this paper is to investigate Liberalism, Totalitarianism, and security as discourses that related to Bio-Politics. The goal of discourse is making subject that is identified by his/her norms and controls in daily life. In this current text we want to reveal relation of mentioned discourses to bio-politics and body-politics. Relation of discourses to body- politics have been developing in twenty century in theories and multiple texts. On the considering this texts, legislations and actions that tending to classification of bodies and population is one of main preoccupation of discourses in recent century. Norms of economical body or body which should be a productive body of capital, other body and security comes of mentioned discourses. Part of often researches have used to Michael Foucault though, therefore in recent text we used genealogy. So, our hypothesis is the Liberalism, Totalitarianism, and security are strongly to bio-politics, and originally they comes of elements of bio-politics. Consequently, current systems has been founded as bio-political discourses, due to accruing global/ local subjects. Manuscript profile
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        67 - Capability-Virtue Political Judgment in the Thought of "Martha Nussbaum"
        Mahmoud Alipour Saiedalireza Hosseinibeheshti
        One of the issues raised in the late political philosophy is the revival of the linguistic concept called "political judgment". Political judgment can be considered as the expression of one's understanding and perception of a political event or situation. Based on this More
        One of the issues raised in the late political philosophy is the revival of the linguistic concept called "political judgment". Political judgment can be considered as the expression of one's understanding and perception of a political event or situation. Based on this definition, the essence ofPolitical thingis defined based on speech, decision and judgment in political life. Historically/ conceptually, political Judgment has gone through two major Transformation. One: in the form of Platonic awe and following predetermined criteria (idea-centric), And the second in the form of devalued face of the world of politics and centralization, interpretation and benefit of man as the standard of everything (relativistic). Nussbaum's normative approach proposes a third and distinct type of judgment under the title of "virtuosity-ability". Therefore, the question arises, what is the nature of political Judgment in Nussbaum's thought, and where is the position of "ability-virtue" in it? In her view, political judgment is related to "valuable and virtuous political feelings and emotions", and on the other hand, to "capability approach" in the sense of what citizens can and should do. From this point of view, Nussbaum tries to criticize the standard-oriented and non-normative Judgment by proposing political liberalism against comprehensive liberalism. And on the other hand, she is against imposing those judgments on the political decision-making situations of citizens. Manuscript profile
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        68 - An access control model for online social networks using user-to-user relationships
        Mohamad Javad Piran mahmud deypir
        With the pervasiveness of social networks and the growing information shared on them, users of these networks are exposed to potential threats to data security and privacy. The privacy settings included in these networks do not give users complete control over the manag More
        With the pervasiveness of social networks and the growing information shared on them, users of these networks are exposed to potential threats to data security and privacy. The privacy settings included in these networks do not give users complete control over the management and privatization of access to their shared information by other users. In this article, using the concept of social graph, a new model of user access control was proposed to the user, which allows the expression of privacy policies and more accurate and professional access control in terms of pattern and depth of relationships between users in social networks. In this article, by using the regular index method, indirect relationships among users are examined and analyzed, and more precise policies than previous models are presented. The evaluation of the results showed that for 10 neighbors for each user, the probability accumulation of a qualified path for the first three counter loops is 1, 10.5 and 67.3%, respectively, and finally for the fourth counter it reaches 100%. As the defined counting characteristic increases, the average execution time of the proposed algorithm and previously proposed algorithms increases. However, for the higher limits of the counting characteristic, the proposed algorithm performs better than the previous ones. Manuscript profile
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        69 - The Concept of Katechon and the Foundation of Modern Political Thought (A theological-political debate between Hobbes, Schmitt and Agamben)
        mostafa ensafi Shoja  Ahmadvand
        In the twentieth century, with the publication of the works of Max Weber, Schmitt, Löwith, Voegelin, and Blumenberg, there was a great deal of interest in exploring the theological roots of modernity and modern political thought, and many of the leading texts of the ear More
        In the twentieth century, with the publication of the works of Max Weber, Schmitt, Löwith, Voegelin, and Blumenberg, there was a great deal of interest in exploring the theological roots of modernity and modern political thought, and many of the leading texts of the early modern period were reinterpreted. This article seeks to highlight the importance of this concept in the history of political thought by addressing the theological foundations of the figure of "Katechon", first mentioned in Paul's Second Epistle to the Thessalonians. The main premise of the article is that modern political thought has always been rooted in Christian theology and has sought to legitimize itself by secularizing theological ideas. In the meantime, under the influence of Karl Schmitt and his particular and authoritarian reading of the concept of Katechon, political theology is often seen as blocking the project of liberation, but thinkers such as Agamben interpret the concept of Katechon under the concept of salvation. It paves the way for the democratic formulation of political theology. Manuscript profile
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        70 - assessment of tropospheric NO2 changes in Kermanshah using OMI sensor and its relationship with meteorological parameters
        Rasoul Bagherabadi
        Today, the increase and development of urbanization, industrial activities and the consumption of fossil fuels have increased air pollution in large cities. One of the indicators of air pollution is nitrogen dioxide. In this paper, the trend of changes in the concentrat More
        Today, the increase and development of urbanization, industrial activities and the consumption of fossil fuels have increased air pollution in large cities. One of the indicators of air pollution is nitrogen dioxide. In this paper, the trend of changes in the concentration of nitrogen dioxide related to the troposphere in the city of Kermanshah in the period 2006 to 2018 is presented. In this study, the monthly concentrations of nitrogen dioxide obtained show that the highest amount of nitrogen dioxide occurs in winter and the lowest amount occurs in summer. As the highest amount of nitrogen dioxide occurs in January and the lowest amount occurs in June, meteorological conditions can increase the severity and extent of tropospheric nitrogen dioxide pollution. The results of tropospheric nitrogen dioxide concentration with meteorological parameters showed that the correlation coefficient of Pearson nitrogen dioxide with wind and surface temperature are inversely related, respectively. Reductions an OMI sensor was used to monitor nitrogen dioxide. In this study, nitrogen dioxide using an OMI sensor in February and July 2016 showed that the amount of nitrogen dioxide was higher in February and lower in July. Manuscript profile
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        71 - Identifying and Categorizing the Mental Model of Academic Experts Regarding the Drivers of Social Innovation Education in Universities and Higher Education Institutions Based on a Mixed Approach
        Golbahar Pouranjenar Habibollah  Salarzehi Ali Asghar  Tabavar Nour Mohammad Yaghoubi
        Many experts believe that social innovation, as a new paradigm, can provide innovative solutions to various problems by involving various organizations such as universities and institutions of higher learning, as well as members of the community. Therefore, it seems nec More
        Many experts believe that social innovation, as a new paradigm, can provide innovative solutions to various problems by involving various organizations such as universities and institutions of higher learning, as well as members of the community. Therefore, it seems necessary to orient universities and higher education institutions towards teaching social innovation and discovering methods for teaching it. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to identify and categorize the drivers of social innovation education and the mentality of academic experts in this regard using the Mixed approach and Q method. The statistical population of the study consists of professors and lecturers in the field of education and doctoral students active in the field of social innovation and social entrepreneurship in University of Sistan and Baluchestan, University of Isfahan, Gonbad Kavous State University, and Shahid Beheshti Higher Education Center. Purposeful sampling and based on the principle of theoretical adequacy, 20 of them were selected as sample members. According to the research approach, which is in the category of mixed research; It should be noted that in the qualitative part of the research, using 20 interviews, the atmosphere of discourse was obtained and by using their opinions and views, samples, and options of Q and in continuation, Q collection was obtained. Also, in the quantitative part, the data obtained in the qualitative part were analyzed using Spss software, which finally included four final mental patterns, including; Mental approach to individual and social empowerment; Mental approach to policy-making and extra-organizational support; Cultural and value mental approach and structural and managerial mental approach within the organization were identified Manuscript profile
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        72 - Proposing a New Framework to Decreasing Delay in the Internet of Things by Using Computing Power of Fog
        Mohammad Taghi Shaykhan kianoosh azadi
        As the Internet of Things (IoT) expands and becomes more widespread, we will soon see the dependence of human life on its services. At that time, it would be difficult to imagine the survival without the IoT, and disruption of its services would cause great loss of life More
        As the Internet of Things (IoT) expands and becomes more widespread, we will soon see the dependence of human life on its services. At that time, it would be difficult to imagine the survival without the IoT, and disruption of its services would cause great loss of life and property. Disruption of IoT services can occur for two reasons: network errors due to congestion, collision, interruption and noise, and disruption due to the malicious activities of infiltrator. Also, the destructive activities of infiltrators can lead to various cyber attacks and violation of the privacy of individuals. Therefore, before the interdependence between human life and IoT, it is necessary to consider measures to ensure the quality and security of service and privacy. In this study, a solution to reduce service delay (improve quality) and ensure security and privacy of things by relying on the computing power of nodes available in the Fog Layer has been proposed. The proposed solution simultaneously improves service quality and maintains security and privacy. Other features of presented algorithm in proposed solution of fairness between objects are in terms of the quality of service received and minimizing overhead processing and transfer of expired packages (packages that will certainly experience a consumedly threshold delay). Adherence to fairness ensures that the quality of service of any of the things does not be a subject of the reduction of the delay of the service of the entire network; These aforementioned objects may be subjects of critical applications, such as health. Manuscript profile
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        73 - Analyzing the Capacity of Islamic Ethics in the Protest Movement of the Palestinian Jihadists on the Israeli National Security Doctrine
        Zionists know well that in Islamic ethics jihad is a defensive but not aggressive war; Muslims do not fight for the purpose of securing and violating the rights of non-Muslims; it is the struggle of Muslims to preserve the existence of the Islamic society and defend Isl More
        Zionists know well that in Islamic ethics jihad is a defensive but not aggressive war; Muslims do not fight for the purpose of securing and violating the rights of non-Muslims; it is the struggle of Muslims to preserve the existence of the Islamic society and defend Islam. This article, based on the SWOT model, will show that the Muslim-Palestinian struggle against Islamic racism against rapes of the Zionist regime does not mean war, violence, and morality common in today's wars, but Palestinians, in any case, value moral values in accordance with religion. Islam is respected and the battlefield is considered as the stage of defending the legitimacy of the religion of Islam and its homeland; this paper seeks to analyze the matrices of the Arab Spring and the security of Muslim Palestinians in a comprehensive view of the efforts of the resistance movement and the Hamas movement based on Islamic morality To protect the security of the Palestinian people against the Zionist regime's national security doctrine T offer Manuscript profile
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        74 - Checking the place of Intention in The Moral System of Allameh Tabatabaee and Michael Slote
        zahra khazaie Maryam  Larijani maryam sadat nabavi meybodi
        Intention as a mentally process have a important place in ethics. In order to analysis of the intention and checking in the role of its semantic, ontology and valorization in morality has been paid attention to two famous philosophy that’s mean Allameh Tabatabaee and M More
        Intention as a mentally process have a important place in ethics. In order to analysis of the intention and checking in the role of its semantic, ontology and valorization in morality has been paid attention to two famous philosophy that’s mean Allameh Tabatabaee and Michael Slote. So the role of intention in moral agent and action and its relation with character has been explored. At the end, similar approach understood regarding definition of the intention in both. But about the role of semantic, valorization and ontology of intention have been seen differences in morality. This suggests their difference in the content of their thought. Manuscript profile
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        75 - Security Policy Analysis in the Light of Human Rights
        Eslam Mondani Mohammad Ashouri
        Security orientation is a strategy the admissible and successful influence of which on the dominant area of criminal policy in the society implicates consistency and agreement with restrictive human rights criteria as well as adherence to privacy and inherent dignity of More
        Security orientation is a strategy the admissible and successful influence of which on the dominant area of criminal policy in the society implicates consistency and agreement with restrictive human rights criteria as well as adherence to privacy and inherent dignity of human beings. Thus, in case the security orientation discourse fails to ensure the human rights principles underlined by the international law for any reason, then it may not be considered a justified policy as it would face failure and defeat in the battle in the long run. Taking into account the various temporal and spatial cirumstances and adhering to the contents of international documents and conventions are propositions considered as the main provision for positive consequence of the quality of interaction between security-oriented criminal policy and human rights principles and criteria which may contribute significantly to obviation of many obstacles blocking such interaction. This article seeks to address the question on the status of interaction between human rights principles and the security-oriented system of thought and to discover, in general, the human rights restriction on this pattern. Manuscript profile
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        76 - A moral look at chapteristic sanctions regarding the legal implications of this, Bernslett II Human Rights
        حسین  اخوان Seyyed Bagher Mirabassi Abo-Mohammad Asgarkhani
        Since the establishment of the United Nations, many countries have been subject to sanctions by the Security Council under Chapter 7 of the Charter. The increase in sanctions imposed by the Security Council has raised concerns about the damage done to the citizens of th More
        Since the establishment of the United Nations, many countries have been subject to sanctions by the Security Council under Chapter 7 of the Charter. The increase in sanctions imposed by the Security Council has raised concerns about the damage done to the citizens of the sanctioned countries. Research on the effects of sanctions in countries such as Iraq, Haiti, Libya and Iran suggests that these sanctions increased the deaths of children, poverty, migration, food and drug deficits, and other social and economic disruptions. Consequently, there are widespread debates at the UN and abroad about criticism of the Security Council sanctions as well as the responsibility of the Council for the violation of human rights, especially the second generation of human rights of citizens. In this essay, the human rights dimensions of the bansel sanctions of the second Barnsl has been examined. According to the author, sanctions imposed by the Security Council on human rights violations, in particular with regard to economic and social rights and sanctions imposed by the Security Council, result in serious violations of the human rights of the Security Council because of its severe negative effects on the target countries. While the United Nations Charter has committed that organization to "promoting and respecting human rights," the UN Security Council's economic sanctions are in breach of the provisions of the Charter and are responsible for violating human rights. Manuscript profile
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        77 - The Importance and Position of Principal Organs of United Nations Organization in the Framework of United Nations Charter
        Saeedeh  Golkar Seyyed Mohammad Hashemi
        The end of Word War II and in 1945, the United Nations Organization has formally established by50 countries as signatories of the Charter. Having 192 member states in 2006 of almost all countries of the world, the Organization is considered as the largest international More
        The end of Word War II and in 1945, the United Nations Organization has formally established by50 countries as signatories of the Charter. Having 192 member states in 2006 of almost all countries of the world, the Organization is considered as the largest international organization. Many organizations and bodies are active under the supervision of the United Nations. Among the principal organs, the strongest one is the Security Council that includes five permanent members who enjoy veto power in the Council’s making decisions. Enlargement of member states and activities of the United Nations and the plurality of its subsidiary international institutions and organizations, which include most parts and activities of the countries in vast fields, make it necessary to review the framework and performance of this Organization more than ever. The author of the present article tries to study the status of the principal organs in the framework of the United Nations Charter. Manuscript profile
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        78 - A moral and legal look at the nuclear risks to global peace and security
        Ali  Bagheri Mahmud Abadi Amir Maghami Alireza  Arashpour
        The world today is much smaller than previously thought, given the size of extraterrestrial exploration. In the meantime, fast human communication in every part of the globe has made us aware of the smallest developments elsewhere. Things that may go against human value More
        The world today is much smaller than previously thought, given the size of extraterrestrial exploration. In the meantime, fast human communication in every part of the globe has made us aware of the smallest developments elsewhere. Things that may go against human values and ethics. As such, issues such as human rights, human rights and peace are more or less addressed to the ethical and human value goals of human beings. Given this, the use or threat of using nuclear weapons for nearly 70 years, years after the first nuclear bomb was tested in the 1940s, is one of the major concerns of countries and the international community. Concerns are heightened when terrorist groups seek to use this destructive weapon and this is a threat that all countries and, above all, the international community must consider, and therefore the international community takes this threat seriously. , The major dangers of nuclear terrorism include attacking or sabotaging nuclear power plants, stealing nuclear material and using bombs. Is dirty. Therefore, events such as terrorism, the use of weapons of mass destruction caused by destructive nuclear power, have led to the use of these weapons and the use of nuclear materials both from the standpoint of international law and ethics and values. Declare human beings forbidden. However, the present study, developed using a qualitative research method based on a library-based descriptive-analytical approach, seeks to analyze and examine the legal, value and ethical approaches of the United Nations and the international community in the fight against nuclear terrorism. The result of the research is that the international community's joint approach and actions on nuclear hazards, the use of the aforementioned weapons, and humanitarian responses to UN principles and principles, are the most effective way to combat Terrorism is nuclear, and it concludes that it has an undeniable focal point in the fight against nuclear terrorism, through measures such as the formulation of important multilateral treaties aimed at preventing terrorist groups from operating. , Protecting Fissile Nuclear Material, Strengthening International Atomic Energy Agency Role, Increasing Commitments For the nuclear industry and increase the liability of the Security Council, can play an important role and Tasyrgzardrmbarz•h nuclear terrorism and maintaining peace and international security will be. Manuscript profile
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        79 - Refreshing the dedication of the legal person To the development of ethical institutions
        kian fulladi
        One of the neglected capacities about the concept of "legal personality" in the legal system of Iran is its application for the development of the territory of the Devotion entity. In this approach, the Benefactor, by creating a legal person, devotes to this legal exist More
        One of the neglected capacities about the concept of "legal personality" in the legal system of Iran is its application for the development of the territory of the Devotion entity. In this approach, the Benefactor, by creating a legal person, devotes to this legal existence, thus giving the person a legal status in the form of the endowment of property. By devoting a legal person, it is possible that every financial item to be deposited in the property of a legal person and that devotion to be developed. In this way, the constraints that limit the scope of the devotions, such as objectivity, will be deleted, without prejudice to the definitive foundations of the concept of devotion, and as a result, by extending the scope of this legal jurisprudential institution, more arenas and individuals will have the opportunity to enjoy the Devotion. The review of the concept of personality and legal personality, as well as legal jurisprudential principles of the Devotion, provides valid credentials for accepting this approach in the legal system of Iran, which have been discussed in this paper. Manuscript profile
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        80 - Studdying theological’s theory about the vision of Allah
        The issue of visitation of God in views of theology and exegesis of Shia, Motazele and Ashaere are conflicting in two points with each other. Shiite and Motazele believe to refuse of vision and their belief is based on rational and textual. Ashaere believe to ability to More
        The issue of visitation of God in views of theology and exegesis of Shia, Motazele and Ashaere are conflicting in two points with each other. Shiite and Motazele believe to refuse of vision and their belief is based on rational and textual. Ashaere believe to ability to meet God in this world and the occurrence of certain of it in hereafter and it is the result of the appearance of the verses and repeated texts and predecessor opinion. To be sure, this long-standing dispute is result of foundations and defaults that organize the hidden levels of the confrontation and its results. The importance of discussing from the topic "visitation of God" is checking and evaluation in the same principles and presuppositions of theology and interpretation. There are antithetical opinions in this topic and by this, could found about foundations of Islamic sects more than other topics and criticized them. Otherwise if ignore of the concerns of understanding and comparative criticism of principles and its reasons , the arguments about the visitation issue will be unfruitful and confirmed on the words of Seyyed Qotb: "Talk about the truth of God's vision is unfruitful and long-time discussion that Motazele and their opponents have overtaken from Sunni commentators and theologians. Because, they looked at this issue by land criteria and the worldly limited documents with the finite wistom. It should be noted that observed with the eye is the light rays that cover the visible object in front of the eye. So the image of the object role closed in mind and this view on the right of God is impossible; Because this requires is visible incarnation that limited and directed and all of these is impossible about the Lord and is rejected by the wisdom decree and affirmation of the Quran Manuscript profile
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        81 - Comparative study of austerity and self-perfection in Islam with Indian religions and Buddhism
        omid sadeghpour Reza  Shabani sina forozesh
        One of the common Phenomena of grand religions in world is their recommendation and instruction about ascetic conduct and self edification. One of the sensible characteristics of Hindu doctrines and Buddhism ethic is ascesis and universe humiliation and abstinence of More
        One of the common Phenomena of grand religions in world is their recommendation and instruction about ascetic conduct and self edification. One of the sensible characteristics of Hindu doctrines and Buddhism ethic is ascesis and universe humiliation and abstinence of secular pleasures. On the other hand, there are some recommendations about self edification to muslims in Nahj Al-Balagheh”s trainings and courses.this article proceeds the comparative studying of ascesis and self edification in nahj Al-Balagheh with philosophic doctrines in india and Buddhism ethic in an analytical and descriptive method.The results of this research show that like the Nahj Al-Balagheh ”s courses, no -theist religions and Buddhism ethic have suggest some doctrines for human cultivation and edification in individual and social life. Moreover, there are some similarities among their courses, specially Buddhism- ethic which suggests a middle way between the universe efficiency and its abandonment for human tranguility. This ethic also talks about action atonement, but due to the variation in seeing world,motivation and spirit goveming the actions in these two doctrines, thay are different from each other. Manuscript profile
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        82 - Indicators of Mahdavi's rule of peace and security
        Ehsan  Samani
        from a long time ago, one of the basic concerns of mankind has been the creation of a safe environment and free of conflict, and in that regard, he has taken measures and efforts, including the establishment of institutions such as the Community of Nations, the United More
        from a long time ago, one of the basic concerns of mankind has been the creation of a safe environment and free of conflict, and in that regard, he has taken measures and efforts, including the establishment of institutions such as the Community of Nations, the United Nations, the Security Council... but he has not only failed to provide world peace that we saw more and more terrible wars. The roots of insecurity and war should be sought in the kind of political systems. Poverty, ignorance and despotism are the roots of insecurity, oppression and and international conflict. Liberal democracy has also failed to eliminate these factors. It seems that the supreme goal can be approached with the pattern of Mahdavi's universal government and its special features. Of course, these attributes Completely are dedicated to the Mahdavi's universal government, but Islamic governments, before they emerge, by pattern of that government, can -According to their efforts- achieve a certain degree of this attributes , and equally bring peace and security to their communities. Manuscript profile
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        83 - The conceptual model of realism Emphasizing the political thought and behavior of Imam Ali
        Abbasali Rahbar Mahmoud  Shariati
        The relationship between religion and politics in the thought of Imam Ali has been an ontological and consistency column of the relationship between society and government. However, this framework, in symmetry to the pattern of realism in the intellectual system of Imam More
        The relationship between religion and politics in the thought of Imam Ali has been an ontological and consistency column of the relationship between society and government. However, this framework, in symmetry to the pattern of realism in the intellectual system of Imam, is, as a concept, effective in creating legitimacy, participation, and advancement in the political system that can be planed, understood and labeled. In the framework, the process of conceptualizing realism by relying on rationality in two levels of thought, with emphasis on concepts such as human dignity, the right to choose people, the implementation of justice and the necessity of the state; and at the level of behavior with an emphasis on the political action of the Imam in determining the caliph, Adoption of arbitration and coexistence with religions will be formulated. This paper tries to achieve two important goals by applying Skinner's interpretation theory: On the other hand, the concept of realism can be understood in the thoughts and behavior of Imam Ali and, on the other hand, the effectiveness of realism in the balance of the part and the coherence of social forces are measured. Obviously, achieving these goals involves the implementation of a range of concepts and subjects. As a result, it is important to understand the framework of the discussion of the plan. 1) Attachment of Realism to Rationality 2) Relevance of Realism with Ideal 3) Conceptualization of Realism 4) Positioning of the environmental conditions and social contexts of the target. Manuscript profile
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        84 - Membership in social network son the level of identification and social security adolescents
        Abbas Ali  Shahidi
        Social networks are consequence of Internet and ICT applications. The study aimed to investigate the effect of membership in a social network virtual on the level of Identification and sense of security adolescents. The research was descriptive and causal- comparative. More
        Social networks are consequence of Internet and ICT applications. The study aimed to investigate the effect of membership in a social network virtual on the level of Identification and sense of security adolescents. The research was descriptive and causal- comparative. The population was consist of all boys and girls in the city of Arak that selected 200 people with using purposive sampling. To collect data was used Question naira sordid gentrification (ISI)and social security questionnaire .The data were analyzed with T- test and analysis of variance and using SPSS software. Result showed that between levels of identification and social security in the member sandman- members adolescents،there was no significant difference. Based on the findings of this study seem that membership in social networks alone do not explain the levels ofidenti ficationor social security Ado lessens and other factors such as family, school environment and educational environment and other condition straining and develop end processing the adolescents can influence the form at ion fid entity and sense of security of them. Manuscript profile
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        85 - Tawhid in the view points of Salafi Jihadi and studying it's consequences
        abbasali farzandi
        Although the Tawhid is the common belief among all the denominations and Islamic movements but Jihadi interpretation that is one of the active movements in the Islamic world, suggested especial interpretation from Tawhid and showed a different face of Islam. The ideolog More
        Although the Tawhid is the common belief among all the denominations and Islamic movements but Jihadi interpretation that is one of the active movements in the Islamic world, suggested especial interpretation from Tawhid and showed a different face of Islam. The ideology of Tawhid centered of this group is changing the unity and coexistence between Islamic society. This research by using the explanatory and analetical methods will study the definition of the Salafi leaders from the notion of Tawhid and evaluate it's consequences and results. The results of this research will show that Takfiri ideology of this group will start war and unsafety in the Islamic world and as a result in the world. It's security consequences will be enternal and external. The enternal consequences of Salafi Jihadi understanding of Tawhid are expansion of meaning and example of Shirk, Pure activitism and extremism, not following the rules of war and dictatorial faith. The external consequences are preaching suiciding, considering believers and disbelievers equal and not building Islamic civilization. Manuscript profile
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        86 - Information Security Maturity Assessment Model in the IT Departments of the Oil Industry Subsidiaries in Iran
        Reza Radfar Fatemeh akhavan
        The business approach and risk management framework of the company through the establishment and maintenance of the information security management system (ISMS) is a framework for identifying, assessing, controlling and managing the risks associated with information se More
        The business approach and risk management framework of the company through the establishment and maintenance of the information security management system (ISMS) is a framework for identifying, assessing, controlling and managing the risks associated with information security in the company. It is based on privacy standards, integrity and availability of information assets. In the present report, not only a model for evaluating the information security maturity in the headquarters of one of the oil industry companies is developed, but also the defect analysis and implementation of the existing organization are initially carried out in accordance with the requirements of ISO 27000. By defining the indicators of evaluation and measurement of these indicators in the organization, its maturity is estimated in this security standard. Different models are presented to identify the weaknesses and security powers of a particular organization. The goal is to identify a gap between theory and practice that can be approximated by the process-oriented approach. The puberty model introduced and used in this project, provides a starting point for implementing security, a public view of security, and a framework for prioritizing operations. This model of information security maturity has 5 phases. (The maturity model is information security as a tool for assessing the ability of organizations to meet security goals, that is, confidentiality, integrity and availability, and prevent attacks and access to the mission of the organization in spite of attacks and accidents)??. This model defines a process that has all aspects of security management, measurement, and control. The results of the evaluation show that the organizations which have security investments ahead of time have to understand the needs for high-level management of information security in the organization, and in addition to the actions taken in the field of physical environment, network and personal computers, controls access and encryption have been made to identify the necessary training and culture. Manuscript profile
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        87 - Analysis of Destination Image on the Intention of Tourists: A Reflection on the Role of Social Media Moderation in the Hotel Industry
        Seyed Hesamedin Hedayatzadeh hooshmand bagheri garbollagh
        Social media is one of the fastest growing marketing channels and now occupies more than two thirds of Internet users on the other hand, the hotel industry is one of the main pillars of tourism activity, so that, many countries, investing heavily in the hotel sector, to More
        Social media is one of the fastest growing marketing channels and now occupies more than two thirds of Internet users on the other hand, the hotel industry is one of the main pillars of tourism activity, so that, many countries, investing heavily in the hotel sector, to attract more tourists. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of the destination image on the intention of the tourists with regard to the role of social media moderation in the hotel industry. The population of this study includes all tourists visiting 5 star hotels Tabriz (Pars, Shahryar and Kaya). Regarding to the unlimited population, the minimum sample size at 95% confidence level and accuracy of 5% was selected using the Cochran formula 384 people. Data gathering tool was a standard questionnaire, its validity was confirmed by experts and its reliability was estimated by Cronbach' alpha coefficient. Present study is an applied research in terms of purpose and it is regarded to be a correlative descriptive research based on the way of obtaining required data. Statistical methods, descriptive and inferential statistics were used for analysis of collected data. The findings of this research show that the destination image has a positive and significant impact on the intention of the traveler. Further more, the effects of destination image on the intention of tourists with the role of social media moderation were investigated. Manuscript profile
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        88 - Dynamic Model for Evaluating Information Systems Security by System Dynamics Modeling
        Mohsen Shafiei Nikabadi Amir Hakaki Sara Gholamshahi
        In recent decades, information security has been a great importance for all organizations. However, to enhance information security in an organization, many projects have been failed due to lack of knowledge of risks and effective factors on information security. This p More
        In recent decades, information security has been a great importance for all organizations. However, to enhance information security in an organization, many projects have been failed due to lack of knowledge of risks and effective factors on information security. This paper aims to study effective factors on security of information systems. Data is collected through extensive literature review and open interview by 12 experts, which is chosen as the judgment of researchers purposefully. Causal model of studied risks was designed based on experts’ opinions, after identifying dimensions and risk factors. Subsequently, Dynamic model was plotted by VENSIM software using system dynamics approach. System dynamics modelling creates a better understanding of the system behavior and allows for the development of new structures and policies. In order to test the validation of research dynamic model, boundary condition was used. results indicate that presented model is validated. Moreover, to simulate by studied model, the data is collected from OFOGH consulting engineering company and run for a period of 12 months. As a result, among identified risks, the most important one relates to technical risk. Data risk, human risk and physical risk are in the next ranks respectively. In addition, environmental risk has the lowest importance. At the end, using security software, determining staff access levels, using uninterrupted Power Supply systems, Closed Camera Television (CCTV), and staff training courses are identified as four solutions to improve information systems security behavior. Manuscript profile
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        89 - Presenting a new framework of viral marketing in online business: qualitative analysis via projection techniques
        Elham Fazeli veisari Mohammad Javad Taghipouryan Reza Tavoli
        Abstract: Viral marketing is a marketing policy that motivates people to tell your marketing message to others. The advantage of viral marketing is that marketers can create customers at costs almost equivalent to zero, and move from the marketing-consumer-to-consumer-t More
        Abstract: Viral marketing is a marketing policy that motivates people to tell your marketing message to others. The advantage of viral marketing is that marketers can create customers at costs almost equivalent to zero, and move from the marketing-consumer-to-consumer-to-consumer mode, accordingly, a new economy has emerged as businesses use information technology. The purpose of the present study is to conceptualize the components of viral marketing in online business. For this purpose of word association, sentence completion and dream exercises Used as projection techniques in an in-depth semi-structured interview with 15 people in the three generations (X, Y and Z) through content analysis and with the help of MaxQDA software, 76 open source, 21 core and 6 new viral components have been identified in the field of viral marketing such as online services, online attractiveness, online risk taking, online persuasion, online trust and online support. The results can help online business owners develop low-cost activities Manuscript profile
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        90 - Iran's penal policy towards providing security for children in cyberspace
        Seyed Abbas Khalilpour Chalkiasari
        The astonishing advancement of information technology in the early years of the twenty-first century has brought about countless changes in the various fields and opened another door to the new world so that all human economic, social, political, cultural and scientific More
        The astonishing advancement of information technology in the early years of the twenty-first century has brought about countless changes in the various fields and opened another door to the new world so that all human economic, social, political, cultural and scientific activities are fundamentally changed. Law is also a branch of the humanities that regulates human relations in the context of collective life. It has developed laws to prevent children from unsecured entering the virtual world and legal measures to protect them. Adopting a distinct approach to the substantive criminal law of cybercrime can minimize harm to children and adolescents by prevention. In the meantime, questions and doubts have been raised about the limits of freedom of use of the Internet for children, the limits of free flow of information against child users, protection of child privacy in cyberspace and finally the role of legal regulations to protect this vulnerable group that easily can be exploited in this boundless world. In this research, through data collection tools and using library and internet resources with rational analysis of the content to study the legislative policy of criminal law on criminal security for children in cyberspace, in comparison with the iranian legal system and international documents, in order to better confront and prevent these crimes, the issues and problems and the strengths and weaknesses of the enacted laws are presented and suggestions and solutions for solving these problems are discussed. Manuscript profile
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        91 - Structural Modeling Relationship between Social Security and Happiness with the Mediating Role of Psychological Capital: Case Study of Ahvaz City
        yaser garavand ali anbari asgar Atashafrooz
        The purpose of this article was to structural Modeling relationship between social security and happiness with the mediating role of psychological capital. The present research was applied in terms of its purpose and in terms of method was descriptive-correlational. The More
        The purpose of this article was to structural Modeling relationship between social security and happiness with the mediating role of psychological capital. The present research was applied in terms of its purpose and in terms of method was descriptive-correlational. The statistical population consisted of all people aged 15-65 years old in Ahwaz 4th district. Using Kerjesi and Morgan table, 404 people were selected by random cluster sampling. Research data were collected using Social Security, Psychological Capital and Happiness Questionnaires. Data analysis in this study was performed using structural equation modeling path analysis method. The results of the model's compilation phase show that fitting indicators of the model are appropriate. According to this model, the indirect relation of social security to social happiness was significant by means of psychological capital (β = 0.25) at the significance level of p <0.05.The results also showed that social security on social happiness (β = 0.46, p <0.01), psychological capital on social happiness (β = 0.32, p <0.05) and social security on psychological capital (P = 0.27, p <0.05) had a direct effect. In sum, social security through the influence of psychological capital as an influential mediator can affect social happiness, so the central role of social security and psychological capital must be at the center of attention of interventions and planning Related to increasing social happiness. Manuscript profile
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        92 - A Causal Explanation of Social Safeness Based on Neuroticism: The mediating Role of Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction and Frustration
        Hamid Barani Mohsen Arbezi Mahboubeh Fouladchang
        Despite the importance of social safeness, little research has provide a causal explanation. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to introduce a causal explanation of the social safeness based on neuroticism and the satisfaction and frustration of basic psychologica More
        Despite the importance of social safeness, little research has provide a causal explanation. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to introduce a causal explanation of the social safeness based on neuroticism and the satisfaction and frustration of basic psychological needs among a group of undergraduate students at Shiraz University. Participants were 291 (170 girls) during 2020-21 academic year, who were selected using a multi-stage random cluster sampling method. They completed the Costa and McCrae neuroticism scale (1992), basic psychological needs satisfaction and frustration scale Chen et al. (2015), and social safeness and pleasure scale Gilbert et al. (2009). The validity and reliability of the research scales were evaluated and confirmed using confirmatory factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha coefficient. For analyzing the research model, path analysis and Amos 24 software was used. Also, the results showed that the research model fits well with the data collected. Findings showed that neuroticism predicted social safeness indirectly (Through the mediation of the basic psychological needs satisfaction and frustration). In general, the results of this study indicate that social safeness planning requires attention to both personality traits and the situations created by these traits, such as the satisfaction and frustration of basic psychological needs. The results are discussed based on research and theoretical evidence. Manuscript profile
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        93 - Intertextual elements and the flood of mind in the works of Mahmoud Akbarzadeh and Mohammad Reza Shams
        maryam ghaffari jahed
        The current trend of modernism in Iran is a new phenomenon that has attracted the attention of some writers and has produced works that have been successful in some cases with the pattern of western literature. Given that modernism still has its place in the fictional More
        The current trend of modernism in Iran is a new phenomenon that has attracted the attention of some writers and has produced works that have been successful in some cases with the pattern of western literature. Given that modernism still has its place in the fictional literature of Iran as it should be, its entry into the child's literature can hardly be accepted. On the one hand, the authors' lack of attention to the childhood and adolescent age and the tendency to ambiguity make it impossible to understand the concept of the text for this group. In this study, with the aim of understanding the modernist features of child literature in recent decades and aspects of the authors' innovation, Mahmoud Akbarzadeh and Mohammadreza Shams have been focusing on the use of modern elements with an emphasis on the intertextuality and fluidity of the mind, and we conclude that Mahmoud Akbarzadeh in the field of modern scriptwriting , Has innovations, and most of the intertextual elements in his work are Faradastan and folklore, and in some cases, the fluid flow of mind is used to narrate the story. Mohammad Reza Shams' intertextual elements also include folk beliefs, folklore and myths, and have abundantly flowed from the fluid flow of mind. Therefore, his works are more complex than those of Mahmoud Akbarzadeh. : Manuscript profile
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        94 - The Investigation of transtextuality relation between Rahi Moayeri’s Ode and Sadi’
        hoshang mohammadi afshar Mobin Salehi nia
        Every one of distinguished poets of Persian literature has been master in some types of literary. In such a way that they have changed that type of literary into a good standard for other literary works. Furthermore, their works as a mother text have attracted poe More
        Every one of distinguished poets of Persian literature has been master in some types of literary. In such a way that they have changed that type of literary into a good standard for other literary works. Furthermore, their works as a mother text have attracted poets, writers, and other artists. One of this great poets , “Sa’adi-e Shirazi “, is as a certain literary Persian master. Also many poets are influenced by Sa’adi’s style in the way that they versify. One of the contemporary sonneteers who is more influenced by Sa’adi in his style of poems, selecting the terms, composition, content, and the type of his glance is ‘Mohammad Hosein Rahy Moayeri’. This article tries to investigate Rahy Moayeri’s impression from Sa’adi in ode based on Gerard Genette’s transtextuality theory . This theory surveys all correlations between one text and other texts as well as it characterizes the quality of the influence of “pretextuality” and “hypertextuality” and analyzes the aspects of a text. In result, what we can understand includes something such as: Rahi’s attitude to Sa’adi’s ode, the use of terms and combinations in an un explicit and implicit way, and the processing of the subject and content, the type of Rahi’s look into Sa’adi’s poets in different topics, and the quality of imitation or the changing of looking into Sa’adi’s contents . These are compiled based on analytical- descriptive way and library method. Manuscript profile
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        95 - A Look at the Intertextual Relationship of Ivan Madaen Khaghani and siniyeh of bohtori
        حامد  صافی
        Kristeva first coined the term interethnicity in 1966 . Describe of the nature often seen in the ancient poets poems This description defines the way poets write poems. . After specifying the way poetry can be implemented in the national literature . Compare the two poe More
        Kristeva first coined the term interethnicity in 1966 . Describe of the nature often seen in the ancient poets poems This description defines the way poets write poems. . After specifying the way poetry can be implemented in the national literature . Compare the two poems would be more accurate If two poets from different languages And tow describe the same thing .khaghani and bohtori have descriped the madaenIn fact, comparative literature is also concerned with understanding the impact of texts on each other. We describe a method to evaluate the two poets the khaghanis poem do not look like bohtoris poem.This is contrary to previous researcher.His poetry is a far richer array of literary.These two poems are the only member of the genus motivation and common areas.These two are not the same even incentive travel.khaghanis poetry are included in the audience. But bohtoris poetry is very personal.But the historical value of his poetry is more.Since that time he met many years ago was Khaghani. and he is portrayed Parts of this site for us beautifully and accurately. Thus, by comparison, the conclusion is that, contrary to the researchers' opinion, Ivan Madaen Khaghani's story lacks intertextual connection with the better tray. Manuscript profile
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        96 - Survey the dimentions of intertextuality of shafiei kadkani poems with Mehdi Akhavan-Sales and Ahmad Shamlou in words and compounds and images
        sonia hasani seyfaddin abbarin barat mohammadi
        Abstract: Mohammad-Reza Shafiei Kadkani is one of the Iranian contemporary poets have a vaste intertextuality relation with the Iranian classic poets and some time with Iranian modern and contemprary poets. His itertexuality with classic poet has been studied by some r More
        Abstract: Mohammad-Reza Shafiei Kadkani is one of the Iranian contemporary poets have a vaste intertextuality relation with the Iranian classic poets and some time with Iranian modern and contemprary poets. His itertexuality with classic poet has been studied by some researcher but Synchronic intertexuality has not been investigated and because of this, in this article we tried that survey the dimentions of Shafiei kadkanies intertexuality relation with contemporary poem. In this regard, we survey the interteexualty relation of shafiei kadkani with two famous contemporary poets Mehdi Akhavan-Sales and Ahmad Shamlou in context of words, Vocabulary and compounds and poetic images. the result of this research makes it clear that the intertextuality relations with contemporary poetry also forms a significant part of the Shafies intertextual relationship and can be seen , more words and compounds and images that shafiei loan from These poet. Manuscript profile
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        97 - Philosophy and Children and the Skill of Communicative Conduct with the Followers of other Religions
        Mahdi  Ganjvar
        Nowadays one of the main concerns of philosophers is to apply philosophy to our daily life for which extensive measures have been taken up so far in certain teaching and research centers. In this regard the attempts made by the founders of Philosophy and Children to rec More
        Nowadays one of the main concerns of philosophers is to apply philosophy to our daily life for which extensive measures have been taken up so far in certain teaching and research centers. In this regard the attempts made by the founders of Philosophy and Children to reconcile philosophy with society are remarkable. Though “Philosophy and Children” from the outset tended to ethics, it seems that the effect of such educational program on the augmentation of behavioral skills and interplay of children with their fellow men, in spite of its importance and necessity, remain unnoticed from the view of the experts and researchers. Accordingly, the present paper proceeds to give a critical analysis of the epistemological geometry of “Philosophy and Children” and also explains the role and impact of this program on the enforcement of communicative conduct of children with others. Drawing and presenting effective components for the augmentation of their skills in communicating with the followers of other religions are among the important achievements of the present work. The other achievements are: respecting the rights of fellow men and the opponents, bring about an atmosphere for free thinking (freedom of thinking and expression), enforcing the EQ of children, teaching the peaceful coexistence with others, and commitment of children to morality (avoiding bigotry and unduly imitation). The method of this work is analytic-deductive. Manuscript profile
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        98 - آینده‌نگاری و سناریوسازی ظهور نسل پیر در آینده و مراقبت¬های لازم با توجه به دیجیتالی شدن امور رفاهی در نظام جمهوری اسلامی ایران در آینده
        B K
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        99 - Liberal rationality and the Formation of environmental crises (with emphasis on the Rio+20 document)
        osman hedayat asrin faizi
        From the early decades of the twentieth century, the pressures of industrial and agricultural development visibly threatened the environment and environmental issues were rethought simultaneously with development issues. The history of development issues as a specific s More
        From the early decades of the twentieth century, the pressures of industrial and agricultural development visibly threatened the environment and environmental issues were rethought simultaneously with development issues. The history of development issues as a specific subject dates back to the after of World War II, and development theories in this period have emerged in the form of economic development and modernization. This issue is derived from Western modernity and its dominant ideology i.e. liberalism, tends to move toward the unification of humanity based on liberal values and the elimination of diversity in the world by claiming the universality of their values. The basic hypothesis of this study revolves around this idea that with the advent of Western modernity and capitalism and their dominant ideology i.e. liberalism, changes have taken place both in this school and in the developmental discourses that were born and emerged of liberal rationality over development of the environment. Presumably, we have shown that this has been achieved through the self-examination and rethinking of liberalism itself. Using the analysis of Laclau and Mouffe discourse and development theories in the field of environment, ie theories - production treadmill, metabolic theory and degradation treadmill theory - to a reading of sustainable development and its manifestation, the Rio+20 document as a buoyancy sign that in that discourse of liberalism, there is a crisis and a break, we have dealt. The results show that liberalism as a rationality that has sought to formulate environmental, economic and social crises in the dimension of sustainable development, has failed and this has caused the environmental crisis. Manuscript profile
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        100 - foreword
        Hossein  Kalbasi Ashtari
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        101 - سخن سردبیر
        Hossein  Kalbasi Ashtari
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        102 - Anthropological Principles of Hobbes and Spinoza on Government (A Historical Overview)
        Bayan Karimy Seyyed Mustafa  Shahraeini
        Hobbes and Spinoza are among the philosophers who believe in the necessity of dealing with political philosophy. They maintain that their political philosophies are systematically related to metaphysics and the anthropology that originates in it. In this regard, their v More
        Hobbes and Spinoza are among the philosophers who believe in the necessity of dealing with political philosophy. They maintain that their political philosophies are systematically related to metaphysics and the anthropology that originates in it. In this regard, their views are clearly different from those of their predecessors and even from those of Descartes, who is almost contemporary with them. Spinoza has been influenced by Hobbes in some respects; however, because of the differences between the logic and general philosophy of each of them, there are some noteworthy differences between these two philosophers’ anthropological interpretations and the functions of their political philosophy. The main purpose of the present paper is to highlight the historical background of political philosophy in ancient Greece, particularly during the Middle Ages. While challenging this historical background, it also aims to discover the explicit and implicit metaphysical and anthropological principles and assumptions underlying the views of Hobbes and Spinoza regarding a desirable government and report the differences and similarities between them. The authors intend to demonstrate that Spinoza’s political philosophy is based on ethics and reason. The distinctive feature of his philosophy is its love of human beings and reason. On the other hand, Hobbes’ political philosophy is based on the senses, and its distinctive feature is having a pessimistic view of human beings and presenting a material interpretation of their nature. Accordingly, the principle of preserving the essence in Hobbes’ view is limited to preserving the body, and a superior government means absolute monarchy, the sole purpose of which is protecting the lives of its citizens and establishing security in society. Nevertheless, in Spinoza’s view, protecting the essence is beyond the protection of the body and extends to reason, perhaps even more than the body, because human essence mainly depends on their reason rather than their body. Hence a superior government in Spinoza’s view is of a democratic nature. He also emphasizes the role of government in promoting the human culture and the necessity of educational and ethical policy-making. Manuscript profile
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        103 - Editor's Note
        Seyyed Mohammad Khamenei
        Political Intellect Islamic Revolution Political Insight
        Political Intellect Islamic Revolution Political Insight Manuscript profile
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        104 - Model Designing of Total Softpower Policy the Islamic Republic of Iran
        Mohammad Taqi  Amini Mohammad MahmoodiMeymand MohamadMehdi Parhizgar محمد رضا  مشایخ
        Policy making is a word which usually accompanies by government content. Government strategy in defending area and government plan for security is named security policy making. The goal of policy making is to accelerate or decelerate a changing movement in a part, ther More
        Policy making is a word which usually accompanies by government content. Government strategy in defending area and government plan for security is named security policy making. The goal of policy making is to accelerate or decelerate a changing movement in a part, therefore; policy makings make changes inevitably which should be managed. The mission of the present research is to design a major policy making for soft power (soft warfare) to reach national soft security. According to Joseph Nai, to face soft warfare holding soft power to obtain national soft security should consist of three main criteria; 1. Cultural attraction, 2. Internal political ideals, 3. Foreign policies of a state to own the capability of gaining “ideality” of internal system and foreign societies through attraction and not force or bribing. Vikers (2008) classifies the main elements of a soft power into; 1. Psychological, 2. Social, 3. Political, 4. Cultural, and 5. Scientific elements. According to Imam Khomeini, as he mentioned in his spiritual -political last will, fundamental criteria of soft power are as follows: 1. Cultural, spiritual, social, 2. Science and industry, 3. Economic, 4. Political and military. These criteria in soft power frame, based on the opinions of Imam Khameneyee, are also determined in four groups: 1. Cultural, 2. Scientific-Technologic, 3. Unity and National Identity, political steadiness, 4. Economic and defending. Islamic Republic of Iran Constitution stresses on four powers of; 1. Cultural, 2. Social, 3. Political (domestic& foreign), 4. Economic, to create a soft power and deems them as the main principle for the state development. In the proposed four-dimensional model of this paper, the main criteria for structure of resource of soft power regarding to providing soft security and preventing soft war, includes: Cultural- Social, 2. Scientific-Technological, 3. Political (domestic & foreign), 4. Economic. The following actions have been performed to examine the proposed model: Considering the four resources of soft power and their priority comparing with each other through Delphi and AHP methods Considering the parameters of four resources of soft power and national soft security as well as their priority and abbreviating them through Delphi and AHP methods Measuring the relation of evaluated parameters with indices of national soft security through AHP The relation of permanence and validity and accuracy of answers by Pierson impetus indices Findings of the study reveal that: 1. The main priority of soft power resources is cultural-social soft power, which gained the most marks. 2. The second priority of soft power resources is scientific-technological soft power, which is deemed as the second resource to provide soft power. 3. The third resource in the measurements is political (domestic & foreign) resource. 4. The weakest resource in soft power resources is economic resource. Ideal Model: 3. One-dimensional model “Cultural-Social” 4. The cultural-social resource is the one-dimensional producer of soft power for national soft security which can provide a short-term effect solely. 5. Two-Dimensional model “Cultural-Social” & “Scientific-Technologic” 6. This model enjoys a more strength and effect on production of national soft security. 7. Three-Dimensional model “Cultural-Social” & “Scientific-Technologic”& “Political (domestic & foreign)” 1. Four-Dimensional model “Cultural-Social” & “Scientific-Technologic”& “Political (domestic & foreign)” & “Economic” 2. This model is complete and comprehensive for policy making of effective resources to remove threats and soft war and develops national soft power and makes use of the highest capacities of existing state soft power. Finally, after conclusion, some proposals have been offered to organization, researchers, thinkers and scientists to continue the way. Manuscript profile
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        105 - How to deal with “ Management of Mind Change” under the Modernisationsparadigm in the Globalizationsspace
        محمد رضا  مشایخ
        Background and objective: The result of “global paradigm shift” is birth of new minds and naturally the emersion of a newly global human world – Class society. Paradigm shifts originate from the change of 9 fold paradigm components (Theology, ontology, anthropology, ep More
        Background and objective: The result of “global paradigm shift” is birth of new minds and naturally the emersion of a newly global human world – Class society. Paradigm shifts originate from the change of 9 fold paradigm components (Theology, ontology, anthropology, epistemology, axiology, methodology, deontology, practicism, eventualism). Paradigm shifts are among the most important methods of making fundamental changes in the society. These changes take place in “Background”, “Contents”, and “structure” of the mind. Thus by subtilization and manipulation of " Management of Mind Change “ and using soft tools and soft technology, it is possible to humanize, socialize, civilize, systemize, globalize and lead mankind and societies to desired objectives. In other words, the world is constantly giving birth to new mentalities and interactions; confrontations and dispute of conceptual models in the concrete world. Research methodology and Findings: In this study with the presentation of globalization in modernism and a comparative study of postmodern and divine globalization, the portrait of a postmodern and divine man is extracted in humanist and divine paradigms and it is contemplated and judged by scholars. The type of qualitative research is based on analytical-descriptive study with using comparative text examination and post analysis of collected data libraries. The final result of the study is that mental imperialism attempts to change the constituents of the paradigm overwhelming the mentalities of the target societyin Kurt Lewin’s three step transformation process “Unfreezing-transition-freezing” and comparing it with Dusterandobill’s model (1997) in which the beginning chain of this processis triggering stream of consciousness in minds of scientists, strategists, professors and intellectuals of the subject society Conclusion: According to Imam Ali (AS) in sermon 27 of the noble NahjulBalagahe “No one will be degraded and despicable unless one who has fought against the foe in his homeland” and also based on Imam Khomeini’s order regarding the exportion of “spirituality & revolution” instead of mere defense in homeland, the necessity of soft invasion, adaption of the universal doctrine for soft war in mental peculiarities in enemy’s land in order to prepare the global atmosphere for the emersion of the world’s savior (Aj) has appeared so as to prevent the intrusion of “humanist anti-values” in the public mentality of divine societies and to stop the gradual transition of mental, cultural, values, identity, philosophical, behavioral, and structural models of the Islamic societies in order for the free people of the world such as Muslims and Islamic society not to be compromised by the cultural invasion of the hegemonic system. . Manuscript profile
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        106 - Developing Indicators for assessing The Status of Iran’s Natural Gas Export Using Energy Demand Security Approach
        Hadi Sahebi pourya souri
        Iran is the second-largest proved natural gas reserve holder in the world, behind Russia and holds 17% of the world's proved natural gas reserves and more than one-third of OPEC's reserves. Iran is also among the five major producers of natural gas in the world. Accordi More
        Iran is the second-largest proved natural gas reserve holder in the world, behind Russia and holds 17% of the world's proved natural gas reserves and more than one-third of OPEC's reserves. Iran is also among the five major producers of natural gas in the world. According to rich reserves of natural gas, high success rate of natural gas exploration, and increasing growth of fossil fuel demand in highly import dependent countries like China, India, European Union, and Turkey all of which are potential markets for Iran natural gas export, there is a promising outlook for natural gas export of Iran and growth of resultant revenue in upcoming years. but due to Iran special geopolitical position, being enclosed by two strategic resources of natural gas and crude oil, i.e. Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf, and terrorist attacks and other unrests in Middle East, Central Asia, and Caucasus, securing energy demand and increasing the volume of Iran natural gas export has turned into a critical issue. In this research, after investigating Iran’s natural gas production, reserves, and export markets, seven quantitative indicators have developed according to political, economic, and infrastructural dimensions to assess Iran’s natural gas export whether in the form of LNG or via the pipeline. Policymakers of the energy economics field can analyze Iran’s current and potential gas export markets in recent years or in the upcoming years under different scenarios by using indicators introduced in this research and collecting the required data so that they can adopt appropriate policies for enhancing the energy export demand security of Iran particularly natural gas. Manuscript profile
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        107 - ارائه الگوی راهبردی توسعه امنیت ساختمان‌ها در برابر زلزله
          Soheila Bourghani Farahani
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        108 - Examining solutions to deal with the shortage of cyberspace security experts in the country
        Mohammad fathian Mehdi Abolhamid mohammadreza rafeei
        Expert workforce is one of the most important IT security assets that private and public sectors around the world are currently competing for. According to specialists, Iran is also facing the shortage of cyber security experts, which can lead to potentially serious pro More
        Expert workforce is one of the most important IT security assets that private and public sectors around the world are currently competing for. According to specialists, Iran is also facing the shortage of cyber security experts, which can lead to potentially serious problem. This study presents some solutions for this problem in Iran. In order to identify the solutions, literature was reviewed and semi-structured interviews were conducted through related various experts and specialists. Finally, strategies were prioritized by fuzzy analytic hierarchy process and solutions are investigated by importance-performance analysis. According to the results, specialists believe that workforce maintaining and training improvement are more important than other strategies. Training-recruitment plans, aptitude assessment plans, cyber security events and challenges, schools student targeted plans and improving policies and rules have been considered as more important solutions. Manuscript profile
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        109 - طراحی مجدد شبکه و برنامه¬ریزی زنجیره تأمین محصولات غذایی با لحاظ کردن امنیت غذایی و جریان¬های مالی
          mir saman pishvaee
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        110 - Identifying the appropriate method of technology transfer in an automotive battery industry aimed at world-class manufacturing
        Amir Hossein Latifian Reza Tavakoli Moghadam mphammadali keramati
        Today, with the progress of science and the increasing trend in complexity of technological processes, cooperation between organizations is among their significant strategies and their public policies in technology development all around the world. So, success in the wo More
        Today, with the progress of science and the increasing trend in complexity of technological processes, cooperation between organizations is among their significant strategies and their public policies in technology development all around the world. So, success in the world today is obviously dependent on utilizing technology. Technology transfer is just one of the fields in implementation of technology management, which requires a broad and delicate vision. For this very reason, this research deals with recognizing and ranking the parameters influential in technology transfer in the automotive battery industry, to reach manufacturing world class. In the first part, effective indexes in assessing technology transfer methods in the automotive battery industry section were recognized and within the second part, Weighting coefficients related to any individual index were calculated through implementing fuzzy step-wise weight assessment ratio analysis (SWARA) decision-making method and then, in order to implement the proposed model, the methods of technology transfer were evaluated and their final prioritization was calculated utilizing the combined method of GRA-VIKOR relation analysis under the fuzzy environment .According to the results of the fuzzy step-wise weight assessment ratio analysis (SWARA) method, three influential factors in evaluation of technology transfer methods in the automotive battery industry were introduced as “he management style development”, “the strategic consequences” and “the cost effectiveness”. Finally, based on the results of the proposed method, the transfer method of “joint investment” was recognized as the most suitable technique for technology transfer in this industry, and through this method, all the managers and policy-makers can focus all theiractivities based on this system. Manuscript profile
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        111 - Investigation the role of personality and individual differences on password security breaches: An Empirical Study
        زهرا کریمی manije kaveh rezvan salehi milad moltaji
        The individual differences of Information Technology users influence on the selection and maintenance of passwords. To fill this gap, this paper, studies the relationships between gender, personality, education level and field of study in one direction and password secu More
        The individual differences of Information Technology users influence on the selection and maintenance of passwords. To fill this gap, this paper, studies the relationships between gender, personality, education level and field of study in one direction and password security in another direction. The method was descriptive and correlational. A sample selected by Convenience sampling, answered the NEO Five-Factor Model, biographical and password security behavior questionnaires. The data of 529 accepted questionnaires were analyzed using Pearson, T-Test, anova and regression the results showed that male users select stronger passwords compared to female users. The users in mathematical science, computer science, and also accounting, breached password security more often in comparison with users in other majors. Neuroticism has positive relationship, Openness-to-Experience and Agreeableness has negative relationships and Conscientiousness has a dual relationship with password security breach. These findings contribute to cybersecurity, especially in Iran, by considering individual differences in security behaviors and perceptions. Manuscript profile
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        112 - -
        Abbas Kebritchi
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        113 - Nastaliq CAPTCHA
        M. H. Shirali-Shahreza Mohammad Shirali-Shahreza
        Nowadays, many daily human activities such as education, trade, talks, etc are done by using the Internet. In such things as registration on Internet web sites, hackers write programs to make automatic false registration that waste the resources of the web sites while i More
        Nowadays, many daily human activities such as education, trade, talks, etc are done by using the Internet. In such things as registration on Internet web sites, hackers write programs to make automatic false registration that waste the resources of the web sites while it may also stop it from functioning. Therefore, human users should be distinguished from computer programs. To this end, this paper presents a method for distinction of Persian and Arabic-language users from computer programs based on Persian and Arabic texts using Nastaliq font. In this method, the image of a Persian or Arabic word written in Nastaliq font is chosen from a dictionary, and it is shown to the user, then he is asked to type it. Considering that the presently available Persian and Arabic OCR programs cannot identify these words, the word can be identified only by a Persian or Arabic-language user. The proposed method has been implemented by the Java language. Manuscript profile
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        114 - The Effects of SIP Register Flood Attack and Detection by Using Kullback–Leibler Distance
        S. R. Chogan M. Fathy M. Ramezani
        Voice communications through internet uses VOIP which includes several protocols while its secrecy is very important issue. SIP is the most important signaling protocol whose attack detection may help system immunization. This paper is dedicated to the issue of SIP regi More
        Voice communications through internet uses VOIP which includes several protocols while its secrecy is very important issue. SIP is the most important signaling protocol whose attack detection may help system immunization. This paper is dedicated to the issue of SIP registration flood attacks. Attackers can send registration signals which have several dangers for registration server. In this paper, SIP register flood attacks is investigated by details and the effects of attack over registration server is illustrated. Finally, the effects of attack, regarding the ratios compared with a regular situation of the network, are evaluated in experiments done in a real network. Moreover, instead of Hellinger distance, Kullback–Leibler distance is used for register flood attacks detection and corresponding ROC curves show this approach has better performance. Manuscript profile
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        115 - Simultaneous Implementation of Time of Use Demand Response and Security Constraint Unit Commitment
        M. Kia M. Setayesh-Nazar S. M. Sepasian
        The growing need of energy sources especially in industrial countries and the shortage of the fossil resources cause a great concern in many countries. Considering that in some periods of the day the energy price is increased, Demand side management is one of the soluti More
        The growing need of energy sources especially in industrial countries and the shortage of the fossil resources cause a great concern in many countries. Considering that in some periods of the day the energy price is increased, Demand side management is one of the solutions that is implemented. The major change in demand side management is consideration of consumers' response to energy price variations. This paper investigates the effect of demand response implementation on cost reduction in stochastic security constraint unit commitment. Uncertainties in power system such as transmission lines and power plants outage is considered in the paper Considering that the simultaneous implementation of stochastic security constraint unit commitment and demand response is a complex and nonlinear problem that contain Continuous and discrete variables, the mixed integer programming is being used. Proposed method is simulated in simple 3 bud system and IEEE RTS 24 bus system and the results analyzed in the paper. Manuscript profile
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        116 - Evaluation of Performance, Reliability and Security for Share-Data, Object-Oriented and Pipe and Filter Styles
        H. Banki H. Banki
        A desirable software application should be able to provide the quality attributes required by the system, as well as the functional requirements. Software architecture styles have a significant effect on the quality attributes of the designed software as well as its spe More
        A desirable software application should be able to provide the quality attributes required by the system, as well as the functional requirements. Software architecture styles have a significant effect on the quality attributes of the designed software as well as its specification and decomposition.) The quantity evaluation and analysis of this effectiveness rate result in the selection of the most appropriate style for designing the architecture. In this paper, a method based on the Colored Petri Net is proposed to quantitatively evaluate three candidate attributes of the software architectural styles called the quality attributes, performance, reliability, and security in three candidate styles named shared-data, object-oriented, and pipe-and-filter software architectural styles. This method has not limitations of the previous-ones in evaluating the quality attributes. In this method, the candidate styles are firstly modeled by using the Colored Petri Net; then, considering the evaluation rules, CPN tools are used to analyze the networks and calculate the exact value of the candidate attributes. At the end, the best candidate style is chosen for implementation through ranking the styles in terms of the satisfaction level of the candidate quality attributes. To present a practical representation using the proposed methodology, the ATM system has been chosen as a case study. Manuscript profile
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        117 - A Hybrid Access Control Model for CIM-Based SCADA System
        P. Mahmoudi Nasr A. Yazdian Varjani
        Insider attack is one of the most dangerous threats for the security of a critical infrastructure (CI). An insider attack occurs when an authorized operator misuses his/her permissions in order to perform malicious operations in the CI. Providing too many permissions fo More
        Insider attack is one of the most dangerous threats for the security of a critical infrastructure (CI). An insider attack occurs when an authorized operator misuses his/her permissions in order to perform malicious operations in the CI. Providing too many permissions for an operator may backfire when the operator abuses his/her privileges, either intentional or unintentional. Therefore, an access control model is required to provide necessary permissions in order to prevent malicious operations. In this paper, a hybrid access control model (HAC) has been proposed for CI applications which are monitored and controlled by a CIM (IEC-61970-301 common information model)-based supervisory control and data acquisition system. The proposed HAC is an extension of the mandatory and role-based access control models. In the proposed model, the permissions of an operator will be determined according to the predefined types of responsibilities, grid statuses, activation times of roles, security levels, and their periods of validity. A colored Petri-net is employed to simulate and illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed HAC. Manuscript profile
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        118 - Identifying Primary User Emulation Attacks in Cognitive Radio Network Based on Bayesian Nonparametric Bayesian
        K. Akbari J. Abouei
        Cognitive radio as a key technology is taken into consideration widely to cope with the shortage of spectrum in wireless networks. One of the major challenges to realization of CR networks is security. The most important of these threats is primary user emulation attack More
        Cognitive radio as a key technology is taken into consideration widely to cope with the shortage of spectrum in wireless networks. One of the major challenges to realization of CR networks is security. The most important of these threats is primary user emulation attack, thus malicious user attempts to send a signal same as primary user's signal to deceive secondary users and prevent them from sending signals in the spectrum holes. Meanwhile, causing traffic in CR network, malicious user obtains a frequency band to send their information. In this thesis, a method to identify primary user emulation attack is proposed. According to this method, primary users and malicious users are distinguished by clustering. In this method, the number of active users is recognized in the CR network by clustering. Indeed, by using Dirichlet process mixture model classification based on the Bayesian Nonparametric method, primary users are clustered. In addition, to achieve higher convergence rate, Chinese restaurant process method to initialize and non-uniform sampling is applied to select clusters parameter. Manuscript profile
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        119 - A Distributed Method for Extracting Persian-English Chunks
        Seyedeh Sara Mirmobin Mohammad Ghasemzadeh Amin Nezarat
        This research is in the field of machine translation and in relation to extraction of Persian-English chunks from bilingual corpus by Spark. In this regard, the most important challenge is that the operation must be carried out on large corpus; therefore, it requires di More
        This research is in the field of machine translation and in relation to extraction of Persian-English chunks from bilingual corpus by Spark. In this regard, the most important challenge is that the operation must be carried out on large corpus; therefore, it requires distributed computing along with big data analysis techniques and tools. When translating text, we are usually confronted with chunks that we need to find the corresponding chunks of each one in the target language and insert it in our translation; this is accomplished by locating it in a corpus that contain the chunks and their corresponding translations. The existing methods, perform this operations in a non-distributed way, therefore while they run slowly, they cannot use a very large corpus. To overcome this shortcoming, in this research a distributed method has been presented, which also takes distance between the sections of chunks into account. The proposed method extracts all possible chunks from the input sentences in the monolingual corpus and uses the correlation coefficient to translate those chunks using the bilingual corpus. We implemented the proposed algorithm in a platform consisting of a computing cluster with sixty-four GB of memory and a twenty-four-core processor in Spark. The incorporated experimental data was a Persian and an English monolingual corpus along with an English-Persian bilingual corpus, each of which containing 100,000 sentences. Experimental results show that run time could greatly be reduced, and the quality of translation is also significantly improved. Manuscript profile
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        120 - Economic Load Dispatch in Power Plants, Taking into Account Environmental Pollutants and System Security Indices Using Multi-Objective Harmony Search Algorithm
        H. Sharifi محمود اوکاتی صادق
        Public sensitivity to environmental issues in the economic dispatch is also impressive. In this case it is necessary to consider the costs of pollution in the economic dispatch. Before the introduction of the concept of power system security, the subject of economic loa More
        Public sensitivity to environmental issues in the economic dispatch is also impressive. In this case it is necessary to consider the costs of pollution in the economic dispatch. Before the introduction of the concept of power system security, the subject of economic load dispatch normally focused on economic aspects rather than security of the system. Today, with the expansion of the power grid and system load, combination of stability and economic load dispatch indices has become a critical necessity. This article will consider the issue of solving the economic dispatch of power plants considering the emissions and security indices of the network. Using penalty functions, system security indices are added to the objective function of economic load dispatch problem. Since fuel costs and emission reduction targets are relatively contrasting, problem solving of economic load dispatch and emission reduction leads to a multi-objective optimization problem. Given the complexity of objective functions and necessity of the considering the practical constrains of power plants operation and security indices reveal more than ever the need to use efficient methods to optimize. In this article Multi Objective Harmony Search algorithm (MOHS) has been used to solve the problem. The results show that MOHS algorithm is excellent for convergence and accuracy compared to other employed methods. The proposed testing system used to solve the problem is IEEE test system with 10 power generation units, 39 bus and 46 transmission line. Manuscript profile
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        121 - An On-Chip Detection Mechanism to Detect Scan-Based Attack in Crypto-Chips
        F. Jamali Zavareh H. Beitollahi
        Since the advent of cryptographic chips, the side channel attacks have become a serious threat to cryptographic algorithms and security systems. The side channel attacks use weaknesses in the chip implementation instead of using the computational weaknesses of the algor More
        Since the advent of cryptographic chips, the side channel attacks have become a serious threat to cryptographic algorithms and security systems. The side channel attacks use weaknesses in the chip implementation instead of using the computational weaknesses of the algorithms. The scan chain that is widely used in the chip test is one of these side channels. To avoid an attack using a scan chain, one can remove the scan chain after the construction test, but this method makes it impossible to test the post-construction and updating the circuit. Therefore, in addition to preserving the testability of the scan chain, it is necessary to look for a method to prevent the side channel attacks. In this article, a method is proposed to identify the attacker and prevent his scan-based attacks. In this way, by the user authorization, the corresponding output will be generated and the attacker's access to sensitive information is prevented. The proposed method, with an area overhead of less than 1%, power overhead around 1% and a negligible delay overhead retains testability and can prevent differential and signature-based scan attacks better than previous state-of-the-art techniques. Manuscript profile
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        122 - Analysis and Evaluation of the Effect of Design Parameters on Timing Parameters and Power Consumption of Static Flip-Flop in 16 nm Technology Node
        E. Mahmoodi Morteza Gholipour
        Flip-flop is one of the important elements in the digital circuit’s design, which its performance affects the speed and power of the system. In this paper, appropriate simulations are used to obtain the timing parameters of the static flip-flop and investigate the effec More
        Flip-flop is one of the important elements in the digital circuit’s design, which its performance affects the speed and power of the system. In this paper, appropriate simulations are used to obtain the timing parameters of the static flip-flop and investigate the effect of the width of different transistors on these parameters. Then, the effects of the supply voltage and manufacturing process parameters variation on the performance of the flip-flop are investigated. The widths of transistors are determined based on the desired energy-delay product (EDP) and power-delay product (PDP) for these two cases separately. Then, the effect of voltage variations on the increase of EDP and PDP are investigated compared to the base flip-flop. We used a static D-type flip-flop in our simulations. The simulations were performed using the HSPICE in 16 nm technology node at 1 GHz frequency. Manuscript profile
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        123 - Coordinated Expansion Planning of Gas and Electricity Networks Considering N-1 Security Criterion
        V. Khaligh M. Oloomi Buygi
        Planning for the coordinated expansion of generation units, taking into account the fuel needed, has always attracted the attention of power industry planners. Failure to coordinated expansion of electricity and gas networks will result in excessive investment and, in s More
        Planning for the coordinated expansion of generation units, taking into account the fuel needed, has always attracted the attention of power industry planners. Failure to coordinated expansion of electricity and gas networks will result in excessive investment and, in some cases, defects in power supply. Therefore, there is a need to a model coordinating the expansion of electricity and gas networks, while taking into account the technical constraints. In this study, centralized expansion of gas and electricity networks is modeled by considering N-1 security criterion in gas network. This modeling is from the perspective of a central investor who, considering the technical constraints, seeks to minimize the total cost of investment and operation of the electricity and gas networks. The results of the gas network investment problem indicate that there is a need to increase pipeline capacity in some areas. In the proposed case study, the investment cost of the gas network is $19 million, while the total cost of investment and operation of the gas network is $37.19 billion. On the other hand, in the electricity grid, new power plants need to be installed in the designated areas. The results also indicate that the capacity of the F-H transmission line should be increased. Moreover, considering the N-1 criterion for gas pipeline outages, the power grid would prefer to install about 3200 MW of new generation units all around the grid thereby boosting the power network against pipeline outages. However, 2400 MW of new generating units would be adequate when N-1 criterion is omitted. Manuscript profile
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        124 - Investigating the Influence of Number of Carbon Atoms Along the Width of Graphene Nanoribbon on the current of a Graphene Single Electron Transistor
        D. Dideban Vahideh Khademhosseini
        A single electron transistor is a nanoscale device comprised of three metallic electrodes and one island or quantum dot. The island can made of carbon nano materials like a graphene nanoribbon. The number of carbon atoms along the width of the graphene nanoribbon affect More
        A single electron transistor is a nanoscale device comprised of three metallic electrodes and one island or quantum dot. The island can made of carbon nano materials like a graphene nanoribbon. The number of carbon atoms along the width of the graphene nanoribbon affect on the speed of transistor operation and coulomb blockade region. In this research, the current for a single electron transistor utilizing a graphene nanoribbon island is modeled. The impact of several parameters on the transistor current is investigated including the number of carbon atoms along the width, length of nanoribbon, and the applied gate voltage. The modeling results show that increasing the number of carbon atoms along the width of the nanoribbon results in reduced coulomb blockade region. Moreover, reducing the length of nanoribbon and increasing the applied gate voltage cause a decrease in the zero current range of the transistor. Increasing the number of atoms along the width of three islands also gives a boost in the electron tunneling region and thus, the transistor performance will be improved. Manuscript profile
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        125 - Energy Efficiency in Secrecy Multi-Antenna Two-Way Relay Networks
        F. B. soroush akhlaghi
        paper investigates the energy-efficiency in secrecy two-way relay networks. It is assumed that in the presence of several multi-antenna amplify-and-forward relays and a single eavesdropper, two single-antenna users exchange their confidential messages during two hops. I More
        paper investigates the energy-efficiency in secrecy two-way relay networks. It is assumed that in the presence of several multi-antenna amplify-and-forward relays and a single eavesdropper, two single-antenna users exchange their confidential messages during two hops. In the first hop, both users send their messages to the relay nodes and during the second hop, the relays send the received signal to the users by using the beamforming matrix, to minimize the received information by the eavesdropper .In this way, using two beamforming strategies, named as Null-Space Beamforming (NSBF) and Information Leakage Alignment Beamforming (ILABF), the secrecy energy efficiency that is the ratio of total secrecy sum-rate to the total power consumption of the network is calculated. It is shown that the aforementioned problem is non-convex so it will be converted to the convex form, using the Semi-Definite Relaxation (SDR). This problem has not closed-form and is solved using the interior point method.In numerical results, it is observed that by using the information leakage alignment beamforming (ILABF) method, energy efficiency is allocated more value than the null-space beamforming (NSBF) approach that was used in previous studies. Manuscript profile
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        126 - A Patient Identification and Authentication Protocol to Increase Security
        Afsaneh Sharafi Sepideh Adabi Ali Movaghar Salah Al-Majed
        Today, with the ever-expanding IoT, information technology has led the physical world to interact more with stimuli, sensors, and devices. The result of this interaction is communication "anytime, anywhere" in the real world. A research gap that can be felt in addition More
        Today, with the ever-expanding IoT, information technology has led the physical world to interact more with stimuli, sensors, and devices. The result of this interaction is communication "anytime, anywhere" in the real world. A research gap that can be felt in addition to providing a multi-layered and highly secure protocol (a protocol that simultaneously performs authentication) and at the same time has a low computational burden. Therefore, in the field of health and treatment and for the purpose of remote monitoring of patients with physical and mental disabilities (such as patients with cerebral palsy and spinal cord amputation) there is an urgent need for a very safe protocol. The protocol we propose in this study is a two-layer protocol called "Identification-Authentication" which is based on EEG and fingerprint. Also, our authentication step is the modified Diffie-Hellman algorithm. This algorithm needs to be modified due to a security problem (the presence of a third person) that the proposed method is able to authenticate the patient with very high accuracy and high speed by receiving the patient's fingerprint and EEG signal. The proposed protocol was evaluated using data from 40 patients with spinal cord injury. The implementation results show more security of this protocol, Validity of the proposed protocol is checked and the processing time of authentication stage is decrease to 0.0215 seconds. Manuscript profile
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        127 - The effect of organizational learning on organizational change with regard to the mediating role of staff professional development (Case study: Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran)
        Manijeh Ahmadi Samad Barani
        Organizational learning is the most important asset to facilitate the professional development of employees as well as organizational transformation. Purpose of the research; Investigating the effect of organizational learning on organizational change with regard to the More
        Organizational learning is the most important asset to facilitate the professional development of employees as well as organizational transformation. Purpose of the research; Investigating the effect of organizational learning on organizational change with regard to the mediating role of professional development of employees in the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The research method is descriptive-applied and structural equations. Statistical population of all managers and management experts of high levels of the Central Bank and its affiliated organizations (429 people) from which 203 people were selected by simple random sampling. The standard questionnaire of organizational learning (Azizi; 2014), organizational transformation (John Gutter and Peter Drucker; 2005) and staff professional development (Long et al., 2015) were used to collect data. Its validity was assessed through face validity and reliability by Cronbach's alpha (organizational learning: 0.95, organizational transformation: 0.92, staff professional development: 0.88). Data were analyzed using SPSS and AMOS software. The results showed that organizational learning has a direct effect on staff professional development and organizational change and staff professional development has a significant mediating role in the relationship between organizational learning and organizational change. Manuscript profile
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        128 - Validation of the Cultural Security Model in Knowledge-Based Sustainable Development
        Saeide Zare ramezan jahanian mahtab salimi
        This research validates the model of cultural security in sustainable knowledge-based development. The research method is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey in terms of data collection method and mixed (quantitative-qualitative) in terms of the type of d More
        This research validates the model of cultural security in sustainable knowledge-based development. The research method is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey in terms of data collection method and mixed (quantitative-qualitative) in terms of the type of data. The statistical population in the qualitative section (interview section) comprised 15 experts and specialists familiar with cultural and scientific issues in the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, who were selected by purposive sampling. The statistical population in the quantitative part included 551 experts and managers of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology in 2019-20, from among whom, some 226 persons were selected by stratified random sampling. Both library research and field observation methods were employed for data collection. In the field observation method, in order to collect the qualitative part, interviews were conducted with a number of mangers enaged in cultural affairs, and in the quantitative part, the data was collected through a researcher-made questionnaire. The reliability of this questionnaire was estimated based on 0.86 Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Confirmatory factor analysis was used in relation to the validity of the obtained indices and also a questionnaire was designed to assess the validity of the model, which measured the dimensions of the final model using a single sample t-test. The results showed that the model was valid and the model of cultural security in the knowledge-based sustainable development gained the required validity with cultural, economic, social, environmental, political as well as national and religious factors. Manuscript profile
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        129 - Identification of Organizational Capital and Its Evaluation in Covid-19 Conditions
        hajieh rajabi farjad
        The aim of the study was to identify organizational capital in the General Department of Documents and Property Registration in Khuzestan province and to evaluate it during the COVID-19 pandemic. The approach of this research is mixed (qualitative-quantitative) and appl More
        The aim of the study was to identify organizational capital in the General Department of Documents and Property Registration in Khuzestan province and to evaluate it during the COVID-19 pandemic. The approach of this research is mixed (qualitative-quantitative) and applied. The statistical universe of the research in the qualitative part included 15 experts from the General Department of Documents and Property Registration in Khuzestan province, who were selected in a non-random and purposeful way. The statistical universe in the quantitative section consisted of 153 employees of this department, who were selected based on the Cochran formula and a relative stratified random method according to the table. The instrument for data collection in the qualitative part was interviews, and in the quantitative part, a questionnaire, whose validity and reliability were checked and confirmed. The information obtained in the qualitative section was analyzed using thematic analysis, and in the quantitative section using structural equation modeling with Max Kuda and Smart PLS software. The results showed that organizational culture, knowledge management, systems and processes of management, organizational structure, financial management, research and development, intra-organizational interactions, perceived job security, and physical capital were identified as organizational capitals. On the other hand, the results of the T-test showed that the categories of job security, physical capital, internal interactions, and management processes have not been properly considered. Although the averages of other components were somewhat better, the overall situation is not suitable for the General Department of Documents and Property Registration in Khuzestan province. Manuscript profile
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        130 - Social justice and its role in social security from the perspective of the Qur'an and Islamic traditions
        Mohsen Ghafoury pour seed hamid shamerizi Kamal  Khajehpour
        One of the sublime goals that human beings have always sought to achieve for centuries; Social justice and benefiting from the results of its realization. According to the Qur'an, the establishment and implementation of justice in society is one of the most important du More
        One of the sublime goals that human beings have always sought to achieve for centuries; Social justice and benefiting from the results of its realization. According to the Qur'an, the establishment and implementation of justice in society is one of the most important duties of the divine prophets; Therefore, Islam as the most perfect divine religion and at the top of it, the holy existence of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and the Imams of the Infallibles (PBUH) as divine reformers have paid special attention to this natural principle and have explained it. Security, with all its dimensions and contexts, is one of the necessities of human individual and social life, and its absence is a great vacuum and a common chapter of many human problems in life; Therefore, it is necessary to study and explain these two categories and the relationship between them. In the present article, which has been done in a library method and in a descriptive-analytical method, while explaining the nature of social justice, its role in the security of Islamic society and in both social and economic dimensions from the perspective of the Qur'an and hadiths has been studied. Manuscript profile
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        131 - Maintaining Confidentiality and Integrity of Data and Preventing Unauthorized Access to DICOM Medical Images
        Mohammad Soltani Hassan Shakeri Mahboobeh Houshmand
        With the development of telecommunication and communication technologies, especially wireless communications, information cryptography is one of the communication necessities. Today, cryptographic algorithms are used to increase security and prevent DICOM medical images More
        With the development of telecommunication and communication technologies, especially wireless communications, information cryptography is one of the communication necessities. Today, cryptographic algorithms are used to increase security and prevent DICOM medical images from unauthorized access. It should be noted that changes in DICOM medical images will cause the doctor to misdiagnose the patient's treatment process. In this paper, a type of hybrid cryptographic algorithms is designed. In the proposed algorithm, DNA encryption algorithm is used to encrypt DICOM images and patient biometric information such as fingerprint or iris image is used to make digital signature and validate DICOM medical images. The designed encryption algorithm is resistant to brute force attacks and the entropy of the encrypted DICOM images is above 7.99. Manuscript profile
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        132 - Interpretation Of Article 540 Of The Civil Code Emphasizing The Principle Of Good Faith (A Comparative Study In The Laws Of Islamic Countries, Imami jurisprudence and Iranian law)
        Farshid Khosravi Mohammad  Kohani
        The agricultural contract is one of the continuous and temporary contracts, therefore, for its validity, it is necessary to determine its duration, sometimes, despite the determination of the duration, as a result of the occurrence of force majeure, the crop may not rea More
        The agricultural contract is one of the continuous and temporary contracts, therefore, for its validity, it is necessary to determine its duration, sometimes, despite the determination of the duration, as a result of the occurrence of force majeure, the crop may not reach and be harvested within the specified period, regarding this legislative situation. Article 540 of the Civil Code states: "If the farm contract expires and the crop has not yet been planted, the farmer has the right to remove the crop or to maintain it by charging a reasonable fee." Regarding the ruling of this article, there are many differences of opinion among jurists and jurists. In the present research, an attempt has been made to provide an interpretation based on the principle of good faith while reviewing and criticizing the ideas presented in this case. Also, the legal solution of other countries such as Egypt and Qatar has been briefly examined. Manuscript profile
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        133 - Induction of septic peritonitis with laparoscopic assisted cecal ligation and cauterization (CLC) in rabbit
        Mahdieh Katebian Mir Sepehr Pedram Majid Masudifard mehdi nasiri
        Sepsis is a complex and dynamic syndrome and it is a medical and economic challenge. To learn more about pathophysiology of this syndrome, animal models have been introduced. Poly microbial sepsis induced by cecal ligation and puncture is the gold standard model of this More
        Sepsis is a complex and dynamic syndrome and it is a medical and economic challenge. To learn more about pathophysiology of this syndrome, animal models have been introduced. Poly microbial sepsis induced by cecal ligation and puncture is the gold standard model of this condition. The purpose of this study was introducing a new method of septic peritonitis with laparoscopic assisted cecal ligation and cauterization (CLC) in rabbit model. This study included two groups of adult male New Zealand white rabbits: Control group (4rabbits): exploratory laparoscopy was performed and the cecum was grasped from the distal of ileocecal valve using an atraumatic forceps and pulled out from the trocar entry site. CLC group (4 rabbits): the cecum was ligated and two sites of cecum were cauterized from antimesenteric to mesenteric surface of cecum. Before and during 24 hours after the operation, heart rate, rectal temperature and respiratory rate of rabbits were monitored. Ultrasonography, CBC, peritoneal fluid analysis and bacterial culture was checked 24 hours after the surgery. Statistical analysis of the data in CLC group rabbits showed a significant increase in heart rate 6 and 18 hours after surgery (tachycardia) and increase in respiratory rate from 6 to 24 hours after surgery (tachypnea). In addition, a significant decrease in glucose of serum was observed. Bacterial culture was positive and peritoneal analysis of all rabbits in CLC group indicated the presence of bacteria and infection. Manuscript profile
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        134 - Relationship between Permeability and the Presence of Women in Residential Towns (Case Study: Hezar Dastgah and Dowlatabad Residential Towns, Tehran)
        Fatemeh Khodadadi Agh Ghal’e Ali Asgari
        Women constitute half of the global population. Currently, one of the main needs of females in society is to be present in urban spaces with security. In this regard, it is of great importance to improve the quality of urban spaces for the presence of all members of soc More
        Women constitute half of the global population. Currently, one of the main needs of females in society is to be present in urban spaces with security. In this regard, it is of great importance to improve the quality of urban spaces for the presence of all members of society, especially women. Therefore, the permeability of urban spaces is one of the most important factors enabling the continuous presence of women in urban spaces. Enhancing the permeability of urban spaces will improve security, thereby leading to the significant presence and the establishment of social interactions in the public area. The present research is a descriptive-analytical study carried out to understand the relationship between the presence of women and security provided by permeability in Dowlat Abad and Hezar Dastgah residential towns in Tehran. To this end, 309 women live in Hezar Dastgah residential town, and 289 women live in Dowlat Abad residential town. Those who have had a residency history of at least two years are randomly selected (the sample size was estimated using Cochran's formula), and obtained data are analyzed using SPSS 22 software. The results indicate that the residents of Hezardastgah residential town experience significantly higher permeability in the public spaces compared to those of Dowlat Abad residential town. While about 52.2% of the residents of Hezar Dastgah residential town have the feeling of security, 37% of the residents in Dowlat Abad residential town have this feeling. Moreover, examining the relationship between security provided by permeability and the presence of women indicates that factors such as visual control and accessibility and legibility are the most important factors playing a role in providing security, followed by spatial integrity. Manuscript profile
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        135 - Al Khalij field in Qatar, and extension toward Reshadat Oil Field, in the Persian Gulf
        Ali reza Bashari
        Alkhalij field located offshore Qatar , was discovered in 1991 and put into production in 1997. The field is original in many aspects. it is one of the few carbonate reservoir with stratigraphic closure, the oil is being trapped in upper part of a monocline due to a l More
        Alkhalij field located offshore Qatar , was discovered in 1991 and put into production in 1997. The field is original in many aspects. it is one of the few carbonate reservoir with stratigraphic closure, the oil is being trapped in upper part of a monocline due to a lateral variation in reservoir facies. In addition, the reservoir lies within the capillary transition zone and consists of a succession of highly conductive oil bearing layers ( drains) in between matrix layers of poor permeability. High- resolution 3D seismic has revealed additional area developed, which were previously considered to be uneconomic. Resent 4D seimic pilot has given encouraging result to utilize Seismic Technologies to analyse the evolution of the Al Khalij oilfield over time. Studies shows, this field possibly extended toward Reshdat oil field. Manuscript profile
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        136 - Secure Computing on the Internet of Everything
        Seyed Omid Azarkasb Seyed Hossein Khasteh
        With the advancement of technology and the remarkable growth of the Internet of Things (IoT), the need for secure computing in this domain has increased. The Internet of Everything enables the connection and communication among objects, data, processes, and individuals, More
        With the advancement of technology and the remarkable growth of the Internet of Things (IoT), the need for secure computing in this domain has increased. The Internet of Everything enables the connection and communication among objects, data, processes, and individuals, including systems, smart devices, industrial systems, and many others. With the immense number of connected objects, information security, and privacy have become significant challenges in IoT computing. This article explores the concept of secure computing in the Internet of Everything. It investigates the impact of the Internet of Things on the concept of security and its related needs. Furthermore, the methods and technologies used to establish secure computing in the Internet of Everything are discussed, including topics such as data encryption, identification and authentication, access management, privacy protection, and threat detection. Additionally, the challenges and drawbacks of secure computing in the Internet of Everything are examined, addressing issues such as the complexity of the connected environment, dynamic security threats, the need for standards and security-related concerns, and the influence of technological changes on secure computing. Finally, solutions and recommendations are provided to enhance secure computing in the Internet of Everything, including the use of strong encryption, centralized access management, user education and awareness, and advanced threat detection and monitoring systems. This article aims to provide a better understanding of secure computing in the Internet of Everything and to develop suitable security solutions for this domain. Manuscript profile
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        137 - SQ-PUF: A Resistant PUF-Based Authentication Protocol against Machine-Learning Attack
        Abolfazl Sajadi Bijan Alizadeh
        Physically unclonable functions (PUFs) provide hardware to generate a unique challenge-response pattern for authentication and encryption purposes. An essential feature of these circuits is their unpredictability, meaning that an adversary cannot sufficiently predict fu More
        Physically unclonable functions (PUFs) provide hardware to generate a unique challenge-response pattern for authentication and encryption purposes. An essential feature of these circuits is their unpredictability, meaning that an adversary cannot sufficiently predict future responses from previous observations. However, machine learning algorithms have been demonstrated to be a severe threat to PUFs since they are capable of accurately modeling their behavior. In this work, we analyze PUF security threats and propose a PUF-based authentication mechanism called SQ-PUF, which can provide good resistance to machine learning attacks. In order to make it harder to simulate or predict, we obfuscated the correlation between challenge-response pairs. Experimental results show that, unlike existing PUFs, even with a large data set, the SQ-PUF model cannot be successfully attacked with a maximum prediction accuracy of 53%, indicating that this model is unpredictable. In addition, the uniformity in this model remains almost the same as the ideal value in A-PUF. Manuscript profile
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        138 - Improve security in cloud computing infrastructure using block chain protocol
        Mohsen Gerami Vahid Yazdanian Siavash Naebasl
        Security in cloud computing is very important, cloud computing security is a set of computer security and network security in general is information security and when a processing task by using the virtual machine scheduling algorithm in the cloud for processing Unloadi More
        Security in cloud computing is very important, cloud computing security is a set of computer security and network security in general is information security and when a processing task by using the virtual machine scheduling algorithm in the cloud for processing Unloading will be This virtual machine will not be able to distinguish the normal mobile user from attackers, thus violating the privacy and security of the transmitted data, so after determining the unloading strategy, the China block can be used in information security. And the information of each server is encapsulated and unloaded in the form of a block. In this research, a proposed solution is presented, which is the combination of China blockchain and cloud computing to increase security and efficiency. The proposed solution is implemented and evaluated in order to evaluate its efficiency increase compared to other existing solutions. Manuscript profile
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        139 - An Investigation of Paul Hirst's View of Religious Education Based on Plato's Theory of Virtuous Education
        Hirst, the contemporary analytical thinker, considers the religious education impossible; because he believes that it is a compulsory education and thus it will deprive the student of the opportunity to live a critical and creative life, therefore, it is meaningless and More
        Hirst, the contemporary analytical thinker, considers the religious education impossible; because he believes that it is a compulsory education and thus it will deprive the student of the opportunity to live a critical and creative life, therefore, it is meaningless and impedes the student's intellectual development. According to Hirst, the goal of education is to liberate the mind from all that excludes the mind from its particular function, rationality, the liberation of thought and action of human from error and without any external necessity. This is the virtuous cultivation that goes back to Plato. Given that virtuous cultivation requires a kind of rationality, there is no difference between Plato and Hirst; however, Plato did not devote himself in any of his works to the virtuous cultivation of religious education, but has always identified virtue-based education at a lower level of religious education. Their difference is in accordance with their validities, and the contrast between them is in a vertical relation, because according to Platonic metaphysics, virtue-based education, with the exception of religion, will end the evolutionary process. On the other hand, the result of rejecting religious education and accepting the plurality of cultures in Hirst's theory of education is a negation to the educational principles. From the point of view of Plato, when a conflict occurs among the principles of education, it is necessary to derive non-experimental and non-deductive principles for education from intuitive judgments; the principles that have been neglected in Hirst's theory of education. Manuscript profile
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        140 - بررسی احساس امنیت گردشگران مذهبی در اماکن فراغتی (مورد مطالعه : شهر مشهد)
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        141 - Exploring the Effect of Perceived Forgiveness Climate on Female Practitioners of Tourism Industry
        Fariborz Rahimnia Farshad Ghaderi
        As Women who form almost half of each society’s population significantly contribute to the fulfillment of national goals, their effective role in the service sector of societies is becoming increasingly important. While the positive impact of forgiveness climate on orga More
        As Women who form almost half of each society’s population significantly contribute to the fulfillment of national goals, their effective role in the service sector of societies is becoming increasingly important. While the positive impact of forgiveness climate on organizational performance has been confirmed, many organizations have neglected this factor in their performance improvement. This applied survey research, therefore, sought to investigate the effect of perceived forgiveness climate on the efficiency of service recovery through the mediating role of psychological safety and organizational fairness. The population of the study consisted of 390 female employees who were selected from four and five-star hotels of Mashhad. The findings of this study indicated that perceived forgiveness climate had a positive and significant impact on women’s psychological safety and organizational fairness. It was also found that psychological safety and organizational fairness were effective in the efficiency of service recovery. Moreover, the mediating role of psychological safety and organizational fairness was also confirmed. Manuscript profile
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        142 - Investigating the Effect of Socio-Subjective Norms-induced Cognitive Risk Perception on Tourists' Behavioral Intentions During Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case Study of Shiraz City, Iran
        Yazdan  Shirmohammadi Jafar  Ahangaran Amin  Ghanbari
        This survey study sought to investigate the effect of cognitive risk perception induced by the subjective norms attitude on tourists' behavioral intentions during the Covid-19 pandemic using structural equation modeling. The statistical population of the study comprised More
        This survey study sought to investigate the effect of cognitive risk perception induced by the subjective norms attitude on tourists' behavioral intentions during the Covid-19 pandemic using structural equation modeling. The statistical population of the study comprised all tourists who visited the cultural and historical sites of Shiraz City, Iran, out of whom 384 people were selected through convenient sampling using the Cochran formula with a 95% confidence level. To collect the required data, a researcher-developed questionnaire on the “effect of tourists' perception on their target destinations during the Covid-19 pandemic” was administered to the participants. The collected data were then analyzed using Amos software and SPSS software. On the other hand, the reliability and validity of the questionnaire were measured via Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Accordingly, Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, composite reliability, and Average Variance Extracted values were reported as over 0.7, 0.7, and 0.5, thus confirming the reliability and validity of the questionnaire. Finally, the structural equation model was used to test the research hypotheses and the relationships between research variables (cognitive risk, behavioral intentions, and subjective norms). The findings of the study suggested that cognitive risk perception positively affected tourists' behavioral intentions through their subjective norms and attitude. Moreover, attitude was recognized as a significant mediator between risk perception and behavioral intentions, while subjective norms mediated the relationship between cognitive perception and behavioral intentions. Manuscript profile
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        143 - A Cyber Security Maturity Model for Critical Infrastructures with a Comparative Study Approach
        Mohamad Akhtari mohammadali keramati seyed abdolah amin mousavi
        With the advancement of mankind in the information age and the advent of the digital information age, dependence on national infrastructure has become more important than ever. Lack of cyber security in infrastructure, disrupts the functioning of various sectors such as More
        With the advancement of mankind in the information age and the advent of the digital information age, dependence on national infrastructure has become more important than ever. Lack of cyber security in infrastructure, disrupts the functioning of various sectors such as government, economy and services. By disrupting critical infrastructure, irreparable damage may occur in areas such as human casualties, economic damage, and loss of public confidence. Thus, information technology and cyber security have a special place in the digital arena. Accordingly, one of the most important challenges of different countries today, which can also harm national security, is cyber-attacks. This study explores to provide a cyber security maturity model for critical infrastructure. This study examines and analyzes five crucial models of cyber security maturity.The research shows that the cybersecurity maturity models are significantly similar to each other. By comparative study and comparison between the analyzed models, 48 indicators were obtained. Examination of these indicators shows that some of them overlap with other indicators. Therefore overlapping indices were classified into 16 groups based on frequency. Then, these groups by clustering analysis method and according to the obtained data, using SPSS software were organized in five levels, based on which the cyber security maturity model for critical infrastructure was presented. Manuscript profile
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        144 - Designing a food security management model in Iran
        Reza Eskandari Mehraban Hadi Peykani akbar etebarian
        In the discussion of human-centered development, food security plays a decisive role and the nutritional health of community-based individuals is the main focus of human-centered movement, and in contrast to malnutrition, it is a deterrent to the national development pr More
        In the discussion of human-centered development, food security plays a decisive role and the nutritional health of community-based individuals is the main focus of human-centered movement, and in contrast to malnutrition, it is a deterrent to the national development process. The purpose of this study is to present a model of food security management in Iran with emphasis on the experiences of successful countries in this field. This research was exploratory in terms of purpose, in terms of method, a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. In the first stage, qualitative method and categorical content analysis (Inductive) was used and written and electronic sources in the field of food security were used purposefully to collect information. Findings of content analysis based on the opinion of the Center of Experts (consisting of five professors of public administration) in a system Induction presented the initial model of food security management (consisting of 211 concepts, 61 categories and 12 dimensions) and then through Delphi technique and questionnaire, the obtained model was exposed to the judgment of Delphi members. At this stage of the research, 12 scientific and practical experts (faculty members and officials of the Ministry of Health) were selected as a statistical sample using purposive sampling method for Delphi Center. In the next stage, the model derived from Delphi center was tested in a larger community. The statistical population at this stage included 2600 food industry experts based in Isfahan food industry towns. Using Morgan table, 335 samples were calculated and 310 questionnaires were collected by available sampling method. The model was evaluated through confirmatory factor analysis as well as reliability and validity calculations. Finally, the food security management model in Iran with emphasis on The experiences of successful countries in this field have been obtained with170concepts,58 categories and12dimensions. Manuscript profile
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        145 - A New Parallel Method to Verify the Packets Forwarding in SDN Networks
        Rozbeh Beglari Hakem Beitollahi
        The rise of Software-Defined Networking (SDN) has revolutionized network management, offering greater flexibility and programmability. However, ensuring the accuracy of packet forwarding remains paramount for maintaining network reliability and security in SDN environme More
        The rise of Software-Defined Networking (SDN) has revolutionized network management, offering greater flexibility and programmability. However, ensuring the accuracy of packet forwarding remains paramount for maintaining network reliability and security in SDN environments. Unlike traditional IP networks, SDN separates the control plane from the data plane, creating new challenges for securing data transmission. Existing verification methods designed for IP networks often cannot be directly applied to SDN due to this architectural difference. To address the limitations of existing verification methods in SDN networks, new approaches are necessary. This research proposes a novel parallel method for verifying packet forwarding, building upon concepts from DYNAPFV. The proposed approach aims to overcome specific limitations of existing methods (including DYNAPFV), such as scalability issues, slow verification times. Simulations demonstrate significant improvements compared to DYNAPFV. The proposed parallel method achieves a 92% reduction in time required to identify malicious nodes within the network. The results also reveal a trade-off between security and verification time. As the probability of packet integrity confirmation increases from 0.8 to 0.99, system security strengthens, but the time to detect malicious switches also increases. Manuscript profile
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        146 - Holy Quran and religious pluralism
        ابوذر  نوروزی
        Objective (s): According to John Hick (1922), a prominent exponent of Religious Pluralism, truth and salvation are not unique to any particular religion and every religion can lead its followers to salvation. Religious, conceptual, and social factors play a vital role i More
        Objective (s): According to John Hick (1922), a prominent exponent of Religious Pluralism, truth and salvation are not unique to any particular religion and every religion can lead its followers to salvation. Religious, conceptual, and social factors play a vital role in shaping this theory. The present research with a descriptive – analytical method seeks to examine Hick’s view about religions and also study the view point of Quran about revelation and the issue of other religions. In view of this research, the foundations of religious pluralism are disputed. From the view point of Quran, legislate (Tashri’ i) revelation is a special form of understanding which God has endowed on special people under particular conditions and its secret is not open to ordinary people but there are sings and evidence which can prove it. The Quran rejects religious pluralism and its approach to other religions has different facets. As for the truth, only Islam is the absolute truth and other religions are a mixture of the truth and untruth. With regards to salvation, those who do not follow Islam will be chastised. However, Muslims are supposed to treat followers of other divine religions as well as non- confrontational disbelievers with respect and observe their rights. Method: This research was carried out through descriptive-analytical method. Results: Through learning about Hick’s cultural-intellectual background and examining the philosophical and theological bases of his theory, we can see that the theory of religious pluralism has its special background and is rejected scientifically (philosophically and theologically). Unlike in Hick’s ideas, there are no contradictions in Quranic teachings, so there is no need to revise them. Right from the beginning, the Quran has a cohesive approach to other religions. Muslims should respect and observe the rights of followers of other monotheistic faiths as well as disbelievers who are not confrontational. With respect to salvation, those who knowingly and defiantly refuse to flow Islam will be chastised. With regard to the truth, based on Quranic principles, other religions are a mixture of truth and untruth and it is only Islam which is the absolute truth. Manuscript profile
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        147 - Multilateral Export Control Regimes: a Legal Mechanism or Tool of Political Pressure?
        غلامحسین   دهقانی فاطمه  هاشمی
        Multilateral export control regimes are among major tools used by developed Western countries during the past six decades to maintain their technological supremacy under the pretext of preventing proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. These regimes have grown and More
        Multilateral export control regimes are among major tools used by developed Western countries during the past six decades to maintain their technological supremacy under the pretext of preventing proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. These regimes have grown and developed unprecedentedly in both quantitative and qualitative terms especially in the past decade following 9/11 terrorist attacks. Opponents and proponents have offered various viewpoints on the legality or illegality of these regimes on the basis of the international law. This research first presents a theoretical framework for the assessment of those viewpoints. Since both opponents and proponents have emphasized on the relationship between these regimes and international nonproliferation regimes, their implications for availability of equipment and material related to weapons of mass destruction, conventional weapons, missiles, and dual-use goods and material are briefly discussed. Finally, developments of these regimes in addition to viewpoints of proponents and opponents about legality and illegality of export control regimes are explained using a comparative study of commitments of states members of these regimes and their commitments under international nonproliferation treaties. The conclusion is that such export control regimes, which have been developed by their members to create monopoly on technical know-how and technology, are incompatible with commitments of member states under international law Manuscript profile
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        148 - Victims of Peace: UN Responsibility and Remedial Mechanisms
        ghasem zamani
        Occasional violations of international law occur as the United Nations and its peacekeeping forces carry out their important responsibility and mission for protecting global peace and security. Remedial mechanisms become more complicated when the actions of peacekeeping More
        Occasional violations of international law occur as the United Nations and its peacekeeping forces carry out their important responsibility and mission for protecting global peace and security. Remedial mechanisms become more complicated when the actions of peacekeeping forces are attributed to the UN as a result of certain principles of international responsibility. On the one hand, the UN’s responsibility toward victims of such violations requires the world body to be answerable while, on the other hand, its immunity to trial in national and transnational courts, has barred victims from taking legal action. Although the UN has taken steps to solve this problem in order to restore the credit it has lost as a result of the actions of its forces as well as its immunity, the proposed mechanisms have posed new challenges, thus, making the UN target of new criticism. Such criticism seems even more justified as a result of the promotion of human rights in international community and alterations in the aforesaid immunity. The present paper discusses the necessity of introducing new mechanisms or reforms by the UN which would make the existing mechanisms more efficient and fairer Manuscript profile
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        149 - Mechanisms and Function of Transitional Justice: An Important Development in International Law
        مهدی  ذاکریان سيد‌رضي  عمادي
        The concept of justice has been always among the most important concepts in domestic and international systems and great efforts have been made to administer it in both areas, especially after the World War II. Nonetheless, in most cases, justice has not been administer More
        The concept of justice has been always among the most important concepts in domestic and international systems and great efforts have been made to administer it in both areas, especially after the World War II. Nonetheless, in most cases, justice has not been administered to leaders, especially in the Third World countries. The leaders and statesmen in these countries have never been held accountable for their inhuman acts which violate human rights as a result of their special position and by taking undue advantage of the concept of immunity. Since 2002, the Statute of the International Criminal Court has become binding for its Member States and this has been a major development in the administration of justice, especially with regard to political leaders with immunity and has paved the way for discussing the concept of transitional justice. The present article aims to expound the concept of transitional justice, its conditions, goals and mechanisms, as well as the impact of its enforcement on the restoration of peace and stability in transitional societies. The main argument of the article is that enforcement of transitional justice in transitional societies, especially by taking advantage of a combination of domestic and international courts, including the International Criminal Court, can pave the way for the restoration of calm and stability to transitional societies while sending a message to other totalitarian leaders who violate human rights. Manuscript profile
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        150 - The Role of International Organizations in the Realization of the Right to Food
        Farhad Talaie علی رزمخواه
        The right to food, a basic right of every person, is the right to be free from hunger and have sustained access to food with acceptable quantity and quality which would meet their food and cultural needs. Although States are the main parties responsible for the realiz More
        The right to food, a basic right of every person, is the right to be free from hunger and have sustained access to food with acceptable quantity and quality which would meet their food and cultural needs. Although States are the main parties responsible for the realization of human rights, both at domestic and international levels, increased activities of international organizations on an international scale, especially in the field of human rights, have raised questions as to the role of these organizations in realizing the human right to food and how they discharge that role. As argued in this paper, international organizations play an effective and unique role in the realization of the right to food at the international level. It is also noted that such international bodies address different aspects of the various issues related to the right to food. The paper concludes that the main goal of such activities is to realize the human right to food, especially for the poor people suffering the worst from unfavorable food security in the world. Manuscript profile
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        151 - Comparative Study of UNSC’s Performance vis-à-vis Developments in Libya, Yemen and Bahrain (2011-12) from Viewpoint of International Law
        رضا  موسی‌زاده رضا  رنجبر
        M.A in Diplomacy and International Organizations, Majoring in International Law, Faculty of International Relations; Ministry of Foreign Affairs Recent developments in Arab countries started in December 2010 with popular protests by Tunisian people against the country’ More
        M.A in Diplomacy and International Organizations, Majoring in International Law, Faculty of International Relations; Ministry of Foreign Affairs Recent developments in Arab countries started in December 2010 with popular protests by Tunisian people against the country’s dictatorship and soon spread to other countries like Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Bahrain, Syria, Jordan, Morocco, and Saudi Arabia. In Egypt, Libya and Yemen, they overthrew dictators in those countries. In other countries like Bahrain and Syria, the conflicts are still going on. This phenomenon can be viewed from various political, social and legal aspects. The present research aims to study measures taken by the United Nations Security Council vis-à-vis developments in Libya, Yemen and Bahrain from a legal standpoint. The researchers believe that the Security Council has adopted double standards in its treatment of those countries in line with the interests of big powers. This issue will become clearer through comparative study of the world body’s performance with regard to developments in those countries. Manuscript profile
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        152 - Iran's Energy Geopolitics and EU’s Approach
        سیدشمس‌الدین  صادقی
        Since the common denominator among EU members is increasing dependence on imported oil and gas, security of energy supply is a major concern for the European Union. When assured about security and effectiveness of energy market, those countries will be able to continue More
        Since the common denominator among EU members is increasing dependence on imported oil and gas, security of energy supply is a major concern for the European Union. When assured about security and effectiveness of energy market, those countries will be able to continue increasing consumption of energy. However, the rising energy price, especially with regard to natural gas, has led to questions about future situation of energy supply security for the EU members. Therefore, this paper first focuses on the rising demand for gas and the risks of overdependence of the EU members on gas supply from Russian Gazprom Company, which may lead to repetition of Ukraine experience and the international gas crisis in 2006 and 2009. It then analyzes geopolitical and international aspects of future energy supply security for the EU and strategic plans developed by its members to handle these challenges. In conclusion, the paper introduces Iran as a good alternative source for ensuring energy security of the EU due to its geoeconomic conditions. Manuscript profile
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        153 - Necessity and Possibility of Judicial Supervision over Security Council’s Performance in UN Legal System
        حسین شریفی طرازکوهی ساسان  مدرس سبزواری
        The issue of judicial supervision over the Security Council has two different, but interrelated aspects. First of all, the “necessity” of such supervision should be discussed. The present article assumes that the Security Council should be committed to the principles of More
        The issue of judicial supervision over the Security Council has two different, but interrelated aspects. First of all, the “necessity” of such supervision should be discussed. The present article assumes that the Security Council should be committed to the principles of international law, the goals of the United Nations, sovereign rights of member states, fundamental human rights guarantees, as well as the basic structure for the division of powers among various organs of the UN. Then it studies the Security Council’s procedure to show that this institution has been frequently found in violation of the aforesaid legal bounds. Security Council’s inattention to the limits of its powers can cast doubts on credibility of the entire UN system. It has been also shown that the “necessity” of judicial supervision can be proven on the basis of the requirements of the “rule of law.” Another aspect of this issue is the “possibility” of judicial supervision in view of the current state of international law. The present paper has shown that although the Charter of the United Nations has remained silent on this issue, it can be confirmed if final goals of this document are taken as basis for its interpretation. Manuscript profile
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        154 - Challenges Facing Security and Defense Policies of EU and US
        سعید  خالوزاده
        The Common Security and Defence Policy of the European Union is one of the challenges facing the NATO and the leading role played by the U.S. The post-Cold War Europe attempted to be less dependent on U.S. and NATO, and to counter American influence on the security arra More
        The Common Security and Defence Policy of the European Union is one of the challenges facing the NATO and the leading role played by the U.S. The post-Cold War Europe attempted to be less dependent on U.S. and NATO, and to counter American influence on the security arrangements of the Old Continent. In a post-Cold War world, Europeans have been seeking a multipolar international order with increasing power and balanced strengthening of the role played by influential countries within the international system while supporting the liberal hegemony bestowed on the Americans. The United States believed in a hegemonic order through unipolar order based on multilateralism. The main question of this article is what are the common challenges facing the US and EU policies with regard to security and defense structure in Europe as well as regional issues? What is their approach in dealing with those issues? After discussing the theoretical framework of the topic, the paper would focus on challenges facing the U.S. and the E.U. defines and security policies from a hegemonic liberalism perspective and rejection of U.S. unilateral hegemony. Manuscript profile
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        155 - Impact of Cooperation and Competition of Shanghai’s Members on its Goals and Performance: 2001- 2013
        reza simbar مهدی  هدایتی شهیدانی
        The power vacuum within the Central Asia in the aftermath of the Cold War led the regional actors to create an integrative structure. Establishment of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) signifies the sensitivity and determination of its founding members towards More
        The power vacuum within the Central Asia in the aftermath of the Cold War led the regional actors to create an integrative structure. Establishment of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) signifies the sensitivity and determination of its founding members towards international, regional and local issues. The inherent rivalry and conflict in facing security crisis within the cooperative framework of SCO was the natural result of the presence of two nuclear and economic power, Russia and China, alongside micro-actors. This paper explains the nature of the communication system governing the relations among SCO members through the regional security arrangements approach. The hypothesis that “gathering of various approaches within the SCO would lead to increased cooperative relations, but also competetive and interest-maximiser” will be tested against various historical, geopolitical and economic variables. Manuscript profile
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        156 - ANZUS Treaty: Past and Future
        Nasrin Mosaffa Ahmad Heidarbeigi
        The Security treaty concluded by Australia, New Zealand and the United States (ANZUS) in September 1951 in San Francisco with the aim of ensurity securing in the Pacific. Issues such as the expansion of communism in Southeast Asia, potential threat by Japan's military p More
        The Security treaty concluded by Australia, New Zealand and the United States (ANZUS) in September 1951 in San Francisco with the aim of ensurity securing in the Pacific. Issues such as the expansion of communism in Southeast Asia, potential threat by Japan's military power, and constitutional crises prevalent in the new independent countries were posing a threat for regional security following the World War II. The main question discussed by this article is about the survival of this treaty even after the end of the Cold War, Generally, this treaty has based its strategy on confronting hegemonic policies pursued by China, Russia and facing potential threats posed by them or increasing influence exerted by them in the Pacific region Manuscript profile
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        157 - The Necessity of Power Sharing in the Security Council: A Pluralistic Model
        Enayatollah Yazadani Enayatollah Yazadani
        During the early years fllowing the Second World War, power sharing in the Security Council, the main responsible for maintaining international peace and security was to some extent equitable, given the Political, economic, military and demographic power of its five per More
        During the early years fllowing the Second World War, power sharing in the Security Council, the main responsible for maintaining international peace and security was to some extent equitable, given the Political, economic, military and demographic power of its five permanent members and their efforts to from the UN system. With the passage of time and given fundamental changes in the form and straucture of international system, and trasfor mation in the relative power of countries including the permanent members of Security Council, it seems that the present order governing the structure of the Council is unfair and undemocratic which necessitates a reform in the structure of the Security Council by incorporating influential global and regional powers. This article aims to present a pluralistic model to reform the structure of the Security Council, given the emergence of new global and regional powers Manuscript profile
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        158 - The Legitimacy of State’s Evaluation in Implementation of United Nations Security Council
        Malihe  Behfar Hassan   Savari
        In UNs history, the Legality of Security Council Resolutions, in many cases, is challenged. Generally these challenges take by states that affected Security Councils decisions. With notice that states are the representative for implementation of SCR's, they intervene th More
        In UNs history, the Legality of Security Council Resolutions, in many cases, is challenged. Generally these challenges take by states that affected Security Councils decisions. With notice that states are the representative for implementation of SCR's, they intervene their determination and interpretation in the way that implement SC decisions. In some cases domestic and regional courts evaluate the state's action in implementation SCRs. Although these cases couldn’t provide direct review on Resolutions but affected in the way of implementation. Evaluation by states is probable and arises some concerns about decrease effectiveness of SC in maintenance of international peace and security Manuscript profile
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        159 - Primacy in Relation Between the International Court of Justice and UN Security Council
        همایون  مافی وحید بذّار
        Undoubtedly, United Nations is the most effective international organization that has played the most important role in relations between states and thus has acquired considerable prestige among the main subjects of international law (States). Security Council as the po More
        Undoubtedly, United Nations is the most effective international organization that has played the most important role in relations between states and thus has acquired considerable prestige among the main subjects of international law (States). Security Council as the political body and International Court of Justice as the judicial body of the organization, have had an important role in achieving this prestige. However, the relationship between the two organs has been always discussed in various fields because of the silence of the UN Charter. By considering of subjects such the possibility of simultaneously raising an issue in the Court and Security Council, the possibility of handling of political issues in the Court and handling of legal issues in Security Council, the possibility of creation of jurisdiction for the Court by Security Council, and the possibility of judicial supervision of the Court on the Council, this article endeavored to response to the main challenge which are there precedence interrelation those? Manuscript profile
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        160 - A New Structure for UN Security Council; The Need of Hegemony of Power
        Siamak Soltani Saleh  Rezaie Pishrobat
        Wisdom of League of Nations has failed because of inability to set a leadership for world order and award appropriate monetary to that day’s powers and bring again the disaster of war. These shortcomings with wisdom resolved with implementation of Veto in the UN system, More
        Wisdom of League of Nations has failed because of inability to set a leadership for world order and award appropriate monetary to that day’s powers and bring again the disaster of war. These shortcomings with wisdom resolved with implementation of Veto in the UN system, and the World found a new approach. But over time, the emergence of new powers followed by weakness of old ones and reaching most countries to the maturity of the collective life, resolves the global need for a leadership and the international community which still retains its old structure, dropped in another type of silliness which necessarily do not resolved by discussion. It is necessary to avoid another disastrous war, contribute all the international powers to the bureau of the international community in the Security Council and gave all of them clear shared responsibility to run the game of the world. (Such shared responsibilities may be Spiritual indices come every state and over the number of votes and the votes of every state in the decision making processes). Manuscript profile
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        161 - EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy: Challenges and Obstacles
        Yasser Nooralivand Mohammad Reza Majidi
        By investigating the security-political divide within the European Union despite the economic integration, the article suggests structural, internal and external challenges are preventing the EU to echo one voice in international level. The most important challenge in a More
        By investigating the security-political divide within the European Union despite the economic integration, the article suggests structural, internal and external challenges are preventing the EU to echo one voice in international level. The most important challenge in achieving the Common Foreign and Security Policy is Member States’ insistence on national structures such as national sovereignty and nation interests. In maintaining national structures on supra-national level, European Union is suspended between two different structure: confederate and federal. The indeterminate and fluid structure manifests itself in process of decision-making across different policy-making arenas. Achieving EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy is prevented by contradiction between the national approach (encompassing national sovereignty and national sovereignty) and the supra-national approach (limiting national sovereignty and compromising national interest for sake of common interest).This article tries to analyze the issue that why EU notwithstanding in the field political and security convergence in the international arena? Manuscript profile
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        162 - Hidden Veto and Its Impact on Decision-Making Process in the Security Council
        رضا  موسی‌زاده Arsalan Jamshidi
        This study provides a comprehensive insight and information about the concept of the right of veto and its various kinds, which practically have been formed in the procedure of the UN Security Council, and by focusing on concept of “the hidden veto”, it examines its fun More
        This study provides a comprehensive insight and information about the concept of the right of veto and its various kinds, which practically have been formed in the procedure of the UN Security Council, and by focusing on concept of “the hidden veto”, it examines its fundamental role in decision-making process of the Security Council. In the Post-Cold War era, the use of the hidden veto, mainly in the informal consultations, by the permanent members of the Security Council has increased dramatically. The hidden veto has shown its impact on the Security Council’s decision-making process in two two ways: First, by “controlling the agenda” and preventing the Security Council from putting particular issues on its agenda or in other words “exercising the five permanent members of the Security Council’s censorship”; and second, by “blocking action” in cases in which an unwanted issue is put on the agenda of the Security Council bringing forward some issues such as “weakening the definition of the crisis under international law”, “eliminating content, softening the language and weakening the wording of resolutions”, “self-censorship and the double hidden veto”, and “the reverse veto”. Manuscript profile
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        163 - The Status of OIC Member States in the Main Organs of the United Nations
        ستار عزیزی
        The study of the status of OIC member states in the main organs of the United Nations and their contribution in the budget of the UN is the main subject addressed by this article. The member states of OIC make up more than a quarter of UN members and they could potentia More
        The study of the status of OIC member states in the main organs of the United Nations and their contribution in the budget of the UN is the main subject addressed by this article. The member states of OIC make up more than a quarter of UN members and they could potentially have an appropriate role and influence in this organization. The evaluation of the presence of Islamic countries during more than 70 years of United Nations activities show that their presence and role in some main organs such as the International Court of Justice, the UN Secretary General and the Security Council are not commensurate with the population and the size of these countries. On the other hand, however, 57 Islamic countries totally account for only about 6 percent of the budget of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Organization 173 United Nations member states in 2016 provided 15 percent of the budget of this organization, this percentage is significant. The major weakness of Islamic countries is that they do not participate as a single whole in competition for positions or in other activities of the organization but they pursue their own particular interests within the OIC individual or group outside of the OIC to follow. Manuscript profile
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        164 - An Analysis of the Political-Security Integration of the European Union within the Framework of Realist Approaches
        Seyed Davood Aghaee Yasser Nooralivand Ebrahim Bagheri
        The entrance of the European Union as a supranational actor into the field of political-security issues is a rare occurrence that has challenged realism as the most important state-centered theory in the international arena. Therefore, since the theory of realism as the More
        The entrance of the European Union as a supranational actor into the field of political-security issues is a rare occurrence that has challenged realism as the most important state-centered theory in the international arena. Therefore, since the theory of realism as the main theory in the field of security issues does not recognize any role for non-state actors in this field, the question is brought forward that how do this theory and its various branches analyze and evaluate the actions and role of the European Union regarding political-security issues? In response, it can be said that this theory, at first, did not pay enough attention to the EU's security developments, due to the fact that it did not consider the EU a non-state actor, but as the EU began to formulate a common foreign and security policy and European security and defense policy and to establish European rapid reaction forces, it was forced to present some views in this regard. Although all branches of realism, due to their belief in the monopoly of state actors in the international arena, and their emphasis on elements such as national interests and national sovereignty, do not provide a clear-cut view on the political and security integration of the European Union, defensive neo-realists have a clearer and more optimistic view on the evolution of political and security integration at the EU level, due to the importance attached by them to the role of institutions in establishing security cooperation between states. Manuscript profile
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        165 - Prerequisites for the Introduction of Regional Arrangements to Maintain International Peace and Security
        علی احدی کرنق Mehdi Hadadi
        Regional arrangements which are covering a wide range of international institutions, despite some criticisms, were foreseen both in the League of Nations and the United Nations system in order that their capacity to be used to maintain international peace and security. More
        Regional arrangements which are covering a wide range of international institutions, despite some criticisms, were foreseen both in the League of Nations and the United Nations system in order that their capacity to be used to maintain international peace and security. Accordingly, Chapter 8 of the United Nations Charter, while emphasizing the involvement of regional arrangements for the maintenance of regional peace and security, has laid down conditions and limits for their involvement. This article while paying attention to the role of regional arrangements in international peace and security, addresses the most important conditions and limits of these arrangements stipulated in the 8th chapter of the Charter. These conditions include: 1. Observance of the principles and objectives of the Charter: this is a condition for the coordination of the United Nations and regional arrangements for maintaining peace and security. 2. Enjoying the mechanism of the resolution of disputes: this condition suggests correspondence between the 6th and 7th chapters of the Charter of the United Nations, on the one hand, and the 8th chapter of the Charter. 3. Obtaining permission from the Security Council to take coercive measures: this condition is based on the primary responsibility of the Security Council for the maintenance of international peace and security. 4. Informing the Security Council: this condition is a complement to the previous condition. Manuscript profile
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        166 - Change in Environmental Security in the Post-Cold War International Law
        Seyed Abdolali ghavam Seyedeh Massoumeh  Mostafavi
        Today, environment as a bedrock for human prosperity, is considered one of the most important concerns for the international society and gradually has gained importance in the framework of security issues. Environmental international law is one of the emerging branche More
        Today, environment as a bedrock for human prosperity, is considered one of the most important concerns for the international society and gradually has gained importance in the framework of security issues. Environmental international law is one of the emerging branches of international law system which has been built upon soft law, that is a kind of law created based on declarations, manifestations, executive principles, etc, which lacks any firm legal sanctions. This article studies the commitments of contracting states sharing in light of changer in agricultural and environmental international law system along these lines, the most important agreements and international conferences regarding environmental security in the post-cold war era, including convention on Biological Diversity (Rio 1992), Protocol on Biological Security (Nairobi 2000s), the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (New York 1992) and Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (Stockholm 2001) have been examined. The findings show that in spite of the spectacular development of international law regarding the protection of environment in recent decades, the environmental damage’s compensation international law Manuscript profile
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        167 - Advance on the European Common Foreign and Security Policy, from Kosovo to Ukraine
        Yousef Molaei Issa  Adeli
        The article seeks to evaluate the progress in the EU common foreign and security policy after the Lisbon treaty in comparison with Maastricht Treaty. Two crises in Eastern Europe have been studied by reviewing the EU’s official documents and ratifications. Ukraine crisi More
        The article seeks to evaluate the progress in the EU common foreign and security policy after the Lisbon treaty in comparison with Maastricht Treaty. Two crises in Eastern Europe have been studied by reviewing the EU’s official documents and ratifications. Ukraine crisis occurred five years after the Lisbon treaty, likewise the Kosovo crisis happened five years after the Maastricht treaty. By comparing the EU reaction to these two crises, the achievements can be evaluated. The focus is mainly on restrictive measures like economic and diplomatic sanctions. The study shows that considering all differences, the Ukrainian crisis was a success story and the EU drew a more cohesive and more efficient response. This conclusion was reached by the number of reactions and their efficacy. However, there are some qualifications, especially when positive peace is explored, the outcome did not satisfy the expectations. Manuscript profile
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        168 - Feasibility Analysis of Formation of Arabian military coalition in Persian Gulf; with Emphasis on Geopolitical Backgrounds
        Reza Rahimi Kiumars  YazdanpanahRahimi
        The geopolitical region of South East Asia has been influenced by some geopolitical factors including the efforts of Arabian states to form an Arabian military coalescence in the years ending to 2020. These agents have given rise to a plenty of changes increasing tensio More
        The geopolitical region of South East Asia has been influenced by some geopolitical factors including the efforts of Arabian states to form an Arabian military coalescence in the years ending to 2020. These agents have given rise to a plenty of changes increasing tensions and conflicts in the region. The military coalescence outlined under the influence of geopolitical backgrounds in Persian Gulf, posed the questions that how such a coalition can be realized in the near future. This present research, based on neo-realism approach, has addressed the geopolitical factors effective in shaping the coalescence. We have used cross effect analysis techniques and experts opinions to examine the feasibility of forming the military coalescence. The results of this study have indicated that some more powerful interrupting factors can weaken the possibility. To reduce tensions in the region, therefore, the neighboring states have to develop new military and security collaborations to eradicate the war in the region. Manuscript profile
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        169 - The place of UN Security Council sanctions resolutions in the US sanctions strategy (2018-2020)
        Mahdi Pakzat Saeed Daghineh
        Iran’s Eleventh government efforts toward termination of UN security council resolutios were made on this perception that the resolutions shape the basis of all sanctions and the regime of sanctions (international and unilateral sanctions) would collapse by terminating More
        Iran’s Eleventh government efforts toward termination of UN security council resolutios were made on this perception that the resolutions shape the basis of all sanctions and the regime of sanctions (international and unilateral sanctions) would collapse by terminating UN security council resolutions. However, following US withdrawal from JCPOA and re-imposing unilateral sanctions in 2018, it became evident that the government’s perception wasn’t accurate. Thus, an important question rises up that what was the main goal in US efforts for making consensus against Iran in UN security council? In this article it is presumed that US efforts mainly made in order to fortify its regime of unilateral sanctions through UN security council resolutions. Therefore, this article in context of Wendt’s Constructivism and through document analysis aims to review sanction resolutions against Iran, deriving how these resolutions help US sanctions strategy on Iran. Accurate perception on UN security council resolutions’s role in US sanctions strategy could significantly help accuratley planning for better confronting economic and sanction pressure. Manuscript profile
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        170 - COVID-19 and United Nations Peacekeeping Forces: New Challenges piled on Old Constraints
        Nasrin Mosaffa
        UN Peacekeeping forces are operational arms of security council with military, civil, administration and police mandate, active for more than 70 years in different parts of the world, to maintain international peace and security. By taking into account their historical More
        UN Peacekeeping forces are operational arms of security council with military, civil, administration and police mandate, active for more than 70 years in different parts of the world, to maintain international peace and security. By taking into account their historical experiences and lessons learnt from various challenges, this article considers the impact of COVID-19 global pandemic on UN Peacekeeping operations. By addressing the ways in which these forces dealt with pandemic related challenges and restrictions, it contextualizes it within their broader historical and institutional environment of adaptation. In short term, challenges emanating from COVID-19 intensifies the current challenges facing them. In longer term, it could trigger further institutional reassessment. Manuscript profile
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        171 - The place of UN Security Council sanctions resolutions in the US sanctions strategy (2018-2020)
        Mahdi Pakzat Saeed Daghineh
        Iran’s Eleventh government efforts toward termination of UN security council resolutios were made on this perception that the resolutions shape the basis of all sanctions and the regime of sanctions (international and unilateral sanctions) would collapse by terminating More
        Iran’s Eleventh government efforts toward termination of UN security council resolutios were made on this perception that the resolutions shape the basis of all sanctions and the regime of sanctions (international and unilateral sanctions) would collapse by terminating UN security council resolutions. However, following US withdrawal from JCPOA and re-imposing unilateral sanctions in 2018, it became evident that the government’s perception wasn’t accurate. Thus, an important question rises up that what was the main goal in US efforts for making consensus against Iran in UN security council? In this article it is presumed that US efforts mainly made in order to fortify its regime of unilateral sanctions through UN security council resolutions. Therefore, this article in context of Wendt’s Constructivism and through document analysis aims to review sanction resolutions against Iran, deriving how these resolutions help US sanctions strategy on Iran. Accurate perception on UN security council resolutions’s role in US sanctions strategy could significantly help accuratley planning for better confronting economic and sanction pressure. Manuscript profile
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        172 - COVID-19 and United Nations Peacekeeping Forces: New Challenges piled on Old Constraints
        Nasrin Mosaffa
        UN Peacekeeping forces are operational arms of security council with military, civil, administration and police mandate, active for more than 70 years in different parts of the world, to maintain international peace and security. By taking into account their historical More
        UN Peacekeeping forces are operational arms of security council with military, civil, administration and police mandate, active for more than 70 years in different parts of the world, to maintain international peace and security. By taking into account their historical experiences and lessons learnt from various challenges, this article considers the impact of COVID-19 global pandemic on UN Peacekeeping operations. By addressing the ways in which these forces dealt with pandemic related challenges and restrictions, it contextualizes it within their broader historical and institutional environment of adaptation. In short term, challenges emanating from COVID-19 intensifies the current challenges facing them. In longer term, it could trigger further institutional reassessment. Manuscript profile
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        173 - The Legitimacy of State’s Evaluation in Implementation of United Nations Security Council
        Malihe  Behfar Hassan   Savari
        In UNs history, the Legality of Security Council Resolutions, in many cases, is challenged. Generally these challenges take by states that affected Security Councils decisions. With notice that states are the representative for implementation of SCR's, they intervene th More
        In UNs history, the Legality of Security Council Resolutions, in many cases, is challenged. Generally these challenges take by states that affected Security Councils decisions. With notice that states are the representative for implementation of SCR's, they intervene their determination and interpretation in the way that implement SC decisions. In some cases domestic and regional courts evaluate the state's action in implementation SCRs. Although these cases couldn’t provide direct review on Resolutions but affected in the way of implementation. Evaluation by states is probable and arises some concerns about decrease effectiveness of SC in maintenance of international peace and security. Manuscript profile
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        174 - Primacy in Relation Between the International Court of Justice and UN Security Council
        همایون  مافی وحید بذّار
        Undoubtedly, United Nations is the most effective international organization that has played the most important role in relations between states and thus has acquired considerable prestige among the main subjects of international law (States). Security Council as the po More
        Undoubtedly, United Nations is the most effective international organization that has played the most important role in relations between states and thus has acquired considerable prestige among the main subjects of international law (States). Security Council as the political body and International Court of Justice as the judicial body of the organization, have had an important role in achieving this prestige. However, the relationship between the two organs has been always discussed in various fields because of the silence of the UN Charter. By considering of subjects such the possibility of simultaneously raising an issue in the Court and Security Council, the possibility of handling of political issues in the Court and handling of legal issues in Security Council, the possibility of creation of jurisdiction for the Court by Security Council, and the possibility of judicial supervision of the Court on the Council, this article endeavored to response to the main challenge which are there precedence interrelation those? Manuscript profile
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        175 - A New Structure for UN Security Council; The Need of Hegemony of Power
        Siamak Soltani Saleh  Rezaie Pishrobat
        Wisdom of League of Nations has failed because of inability to set a leadership for world order and award appropriate monetary to that day’s powers and bring again the disaster of war. These shortcomings with wisdom resolved with implementation of Veto in the UN system, More
        Wisdom of League of Nations has failed because of inability to set a leadership for world order and award appropriate monetary to that day’s powers and bring again the disaster of war. These shortcomings with wisdom resolved with implementation of Veto in the UN system, and the World found a new approach. But over time, the emergence of new powers followed by weakness of old ones and reaching most countries to the maturity of the collective life, resolves the global need for a leadership and the international community which still retains its old structure, dropped in another type of silliness which necessarily do not resolved by discussion. It is necessary to avoid another disastrous war, contribute all the international powers to the bureau of the international community in the Security Council and gave all of them clear shared responsibility to run the game of the world. (Such shared responsibilities may be Spiritual indices come every state and over the number of votes and the votes of every state in the decision making processes). Manuscript profile
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        176 - EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy: Challenges and Obstacles
        Mohammad Reza Majidi Yasser Nooralivand
        By investigating the security-political divide within the European Union despite the economic integration, the article suggests structural, internal and external challenges are preventing the EU to echo one voice in international level. The most important challenge in a More
        By investigating the security-political divide within the European Union despite the economic integration, the article suggests structural, internal and external challenges are preventing the EU to echo one voice in international level. The most important challenge in achieving the Common Foreign and Security Policy is Member States’ insistence on national structures such as national sovereignty and nation interests. In maintaining national structures on supra-national level, European Union is suspended between two different structure: confederate and federal. The indeterminate and fluid structure manifests itself in process of decision-making across different policy-making arenas. Achieving EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy is prevented by contradiction between the national approach (encompassing national sovereignty and national sovereignty) and the supra-national approach (limiting national sovereignty and compromising national interest for sake of common interest).This article tries to analyze the issue that why EU notwithstanding in the field political and security convergence in the international arena? Manuscript profile
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        177 - China's Foreign Policy and the Evolution of its Security Council Voting Behavior
        Hamid salehi Emad Aslani Minareh Bazaari
        To understand the behavior of governments, one of the most important areas of study is the views and opinions that are expressed by them in international organizations. China is Iran's most important trading partner, and examining its votes in the UN Security Council co More
        To understand the behavior of governments, one of the most important areas of study is the views and opinions that are expressed by them in international organizations. China is Iran's most important trading partner, and examining its votes in the UN Security Council could make prediction of its performance much more accurate in the face of developments in the region. In other words, by paying close attention to China's voting behavior in the UN Security Council, we can achieve a precise understanding about the gradual evolution of China's votes in the Security Council. This has made it especially important to know the country's voting framework in the Security Council. In this article, we try to examine the evolution of China's votes in the Security Council from a constructivist point of view and a pragmatic approach. The question we are trying to answer in this article is what will happen to China's foreign policy in light of the changes happened within China's voting behavior in framework of the Security Council? The hypothesis we introduce in response to this question is that the evolution of China's vote in the Security Council indicates an increase in influence and the creation of a network of Chinese allies in regional organizations. China is seeking to use its veto power to enhance its role as an emerging economic, security and political power on different international occasions and to achieve some sort of political-economic deterrent against US destructive-sanctions measures and, on the other hand, promote Chinese norms through the use of international expansion organizations in the international arena. Manuscript profile
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        178 - The Role of the UN Security Council in Adopting Resolutions Against ISIS
        ehsan jafari far Reza nasirihamed
        Today, terrorism is one of the most important issues for nations and governments in the world. Although certain parts of the world are more affected by this phenomenon than the others, its prevalence has almost become a security concern in most contemporary societies. W More
        Today, terrorism is one of the most important issues for nations and governments in the world. Although certain parts of the world are more affected by this phenomenon than the others, its prevalence has almost become a security concern in most contemporary societies. We are witnessing efforts by the United Nations to counter the growth and activities of terrorist groups, especially as the crisis of terrorism became more of a threat to global security with the rise of ISIS and its transnational actions. This article through analytical and descriptive methods and by using library and website resources seeks to answer the question of what resolutions the United Nations has adopted against the terrorist group ISIL. The novelty of this study is that, unlike previous studies that have dealt with the Iraq-Syria crisis and the role of the United Nations during it, it intends to address only the issue of UN resolutions on ISIL in a coherent manner. The research findings show that since 2014 up until 2021, resolutions 2169, 2170, 2178, 2199, 2347, 2249 and 2462 are the most important UN resolutions adopted against ISIL. Resolution 2169 on the identification of ISIL as a terrorist group, Resolution 2170 on the dissolution of ISIL, Resolution 2178 on the recruitment of foreign fighters to ISIL, Resolution 2199 on the prohibition of buying and trading in oil and gas, antiques and historical objects with terrorists, Resolution 2347 on the Security Council Regarding the protection of the common heritage of humanity and cultural heritage, Resolution 2249 to destroy ISIL sanctuaries in Iraq and Syria, and finally Resolution 2462 on the fight against terrorism and the financing of terrorism; all were adopted to contain the activities of this terrorist organization Manuscript profile
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        179 - Human Security and Human Rights; Distinctions and Overlapping Areas
        Naser khorshidi sarem shiravand
        The purpose of this article is to study of distinctions and overlapping areas between "Human Security" and "Human Rights". Both concepts put the preserving and promoting "Human Dignity" on the agenda, And for this reason, they cover many of each other's shortcomings. On More
        The purpose of this article is to study of distinctions and overlapping areas between "Human Security" and "Human Rights". Both concepts put the preserving and promoting "Human Dignity" on the agenda, And for this reason, they cover many of each other's shortcomings. On the other hand, there are differences areas between "Human Security" and "Human Rights", especially in the level of analysis, operational aspects, and scope of inclusion. In this regard, the question arises: "How can human rights and human security, despite some differences and distinctions, be able to complement and reinforce each other?"Human rights and human security have the ability to overlap and reinforce each other, because they focus on a single issue, namely "human dignity" and the development of various aspects of human life, including individual, social and international. In order to realizing the Human security strategies (protection and empowerment), Human rights provide the necessary legal framework to support the two principles of "Protection" and "Empowerment". And conversely, human security, with its emphasis on the operational aspects of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in particular economic, social and cultural rights, as well as the Securitization of some common human rights concerns, can provide the necessary political support for achieving human rights goals. Findings indicate that there is a significant relationship between human rights and human security. The research method is descriptive-analytical and in some cases a comparative method has been used to prove the hypothesis. Manuscript profile
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        180 - Assessing the Role of South and Southeast Asian Regional Organizations in Confronting Maritime Terrorism: Case Study of SAARC, BIMSTEC & ASEAN
        Farhad Talaie Maral Javidbakht
        Waters of the South and Southeast Asia have long been some of the most important hotspots for various sea-based organized crimes. As a result of the continuously rising threat of terrorism and its spread all around the world, along with the access of terrorist groups to More
        Waters of the South and Southeast Asia have long been some of the most important hotspots for various sea-based organized crimes. As a result of the continuously rising threat of terrorism and its spread all around the world, along with the access of terrorist groups to more efficient and modern military equipments, the danger of terrorism has become more imminent and widespread, taking many forms and finding its way to the seas. Maritime terrorism, especially within regions where other maritime crimes are prevalent, is considered, because of the probable links between the offenders, as one of the most serious threats against peace and security at seas. Considering the organized nature of these crimes, effective suppression of them is only possible through collective and cooprative initiatives. Thus, regional organizations have an undeniably important role in combating maritime terrorism. This article, using the descriptive-analytical method, aims to assess the performance and function of a selected number of regional organizations active within South and Southeast Asia and to examine their achievements and shortcomings, as well as their challenges, in combating maritime terrorism. This article concludes that the activities of these organizations have been essential but insufficient, and the most important challenge ahead is lack of collective strategies at the regional level. Manuscript profile
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        181 - Questioning Authenticity and Cultural Identity of Contemporary Iranian Architecture Based onShaygan's Writings
        Hooshang Foroughmand A'raabi Mahmoud Arzhmand
        According to cultural studies, modernity exposed cities and countries to Multiculturalism and Identity Crisis. Some scholars believe that the result of cultural mixing is the fragmentation of identities. On the other hand, some scholars, such as Shaygan, emphasize on th More
        According to cultural studies, modernity exposed cities and countries to Multiculturalism and Identity Crisis. Some scholars believe that the result of cultural mixing is the fragmentation of identities. On the other hand, some scholars, such as Shaygan, emphasize on the need to accept modernity and cultural communication with the west, therefore, to have a unique inclusive culture. In Shaygan’s view, the companionship of different fragmentations is called “ChehelTekeh” which means forty-piece, a kind of carpet with different shapes. Based on this view, in the contemporary history of Iran, as it faces modernity, architecture has no result other than schizophrenic enchantment resulting in the perception of Iranian architecture without any logical and coherence. Shaygan claimed that some religious aspect of life in Iran’s culture after modernity is similar to a schizophrenic culture so the spirituality of having religious beliefs in life does not act as a unifier of culture. This study examines the concept of value and Authenticity in the contrast between Iranian modernity and contemporary forty-piece architecture. Research Method Due to re-reading the concept of authenticity is a descriptive-analytical method and based on logical reasoning that has used data collection tools including library and documentary studies. The research findings show that there is a kind of schizophrenic gap in the way intellectuals and contemporary architects of Iran perceive social and cultural realities. This is because, unlike European society and architecture in which we see a clear line of changes in its history, in Iran modernity has a different appearance, so inventions in Iran’s contemporary architecture are not coherent, representing authenticity. Manuscript profile
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        182 - The Principle Of Good Faith In Civil Proceedings (In The Light Of Judicial Procedure)
        Arman Yaghobi Moghadam Kourosh Delpasand
        In Iran, the principle of good faith, both in substantive and formal law, has not been properly addressed by the legislature, and the doctrine has examined it only in the context of civil law. In litigation, it is important to examine the principle at the litigation sta More
        In Iran, the principle of good faith, both in substantive and formal law, has not been properly addressed by the legislature, and the doctrine has examined it only in the context of civil law. In litigation, it is important to examine the principle at the litigation stage and the procedure. And In this study, I will write about the legal status of good faith in the trial in different figures of the good faith of the litigants, the respondent judge, witness and attracting third parties related to the lawsuit and etc. Manuscript profile
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        183 - A Critical Look at Judges' Civil Liability in Iranian Jurisprudence and Law
        Shaghayegh  Shaghayegh shamsi Abedin momeni
        According to Article 171 of the Constitution, if a judge causes damage to another as a result of a mistake or fault in a case or in a sentence or in the application of a sentence to a particular case, he is the guarantor in case of fault. Otherwise, the compensation i More
        According to Article 171 of the Constitution, if a judge causes damage to another as a result of a mistake or fault in a case or in a sentence or in the application of a sentence to a particular case, he is the guarantor in case of fault. Otherwise, the compensation is done by the government. It seems that the principle of government responsibility for the judge's mistake in jurisprudential books was due to the necessity of ijtihad in judges, and jurists based on this condition the verdict issued by the judge was considered his fatwa and they believed that the judge rules by his ijtihad, so they put the responsibility for compensation on the treasury. But the important point is that he should not be granted judicial immunity, because everyone has a responsibility wherever he is, and he should be held accountable for that position and his mistakes, and the judge, like other members of society, is paid for the act of judging and this does not cause the government, which has no worker-employer relationship with the judge, accept compensation for the damages caused by act them. Therefore, the purpose of writing this article is to critique the judicial process in the civil liability of judges and to compensate the damages from the government. The research method in this study is analytical-descriptive and the method of collecting information is library and documentary. Manuscript profile
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        184 - عقلانیت لیبرالی و صورت¬بندی بحران¬های زیست¬محیطی (با تاکید بر سند ریو+٢٠)
        osman hedayat asrin faizi
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        185 - Freedom from the Manifestations of Idols of Ignorance: Elements of Dogmatism and the Opposing Strategies in Mullā Ṣadrā’s Philosophy
        Hashem Qorbani Rohollah Adineh
        Ignorance and dogmatism have always existed in various historical periods of epistemological disciplines and revealed their faces in their opposition to knowledge. Ignorance appears through separation from the necessities of knowledge. The spread of ignorance in the cul More
        Ignorance and dogmatism have always existed in various historical periods of epistemological disciplines and revealed their faces in their opposition to knowledge. Ignorance appears through separation from the necessities of knowledge. The spread of ignorance in the culture of social relationships threatens the place of scientific resources and epistemological cradles. Through breaking the idols of ignorance, Mullā Ṣadrā writes about the objective manifestations of such idols in society. He believes that the promotion of social relationships demands the creation of cradles for knowledge, and any kind of ignorance in this regard will result in the dominance of epistemological inefficiency. Through a semantic analysis of ignorance, Mullā Ṣadrā talks about one of its most obvious manifestations, which is dogmatism. He maintains that moral norms and epistemological necessities fade away in a dogmatism rooted in ignorance. The criticism of ignorance and reproach of ignorants in Mullā Ṣadrā’s portrayal of this phenomenon is manifested based on four elements: 1) lack of verification of mental understanding in conformity to reality, 2) lack of derivation of comparative elements particularly in the light of its functional dimensions such as unjust evaluation, 3) mental stagnation, and 4) defective social competition, which refers to the wrong quality of efficiency. When criticizing the culture of his time, Mullā Ṣadrā refers to the rise of ignorance behind the guise of knowledge as an important epistemological pest. In all his criticisms of this stagnant process, he introduces the weakness of true knowledge in society, spread of social foolishness, corruption of social justice, and frailty of the epistemological foundations of society as its most important outcomes. He propounds the treatment of ignorance in the light of a wise method of living while attending to its necessary elements. Manuscript profile
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        186 - Social welfare and its relationship with social capital and sense of security
        milad abdi
        Social welfare is an expression that is more focused on a multifaceted economic, social and political situation, and preserving the dignity of human beings and society's responsibility towards it and promoting the ability of the whole society is a definition for the wel More
        Social welfare is an expression that is more focused on a multifaceted economic, social and political situation, and preserving the dignity of human beings and society's responsibility towards it and promoting the ability of the whole society is a definition for the welfare and comfort of the whole society. In this sense, in the concept of social well-being, it is assumed that it is possible to measure personal well-being, and compare the well-being of people with each other, and create a balance between this individual well-being and the overall well-being of society. Security has penetrated in all environmental, economic, political, social and cultural dimensions. Also, the feeling of security and the high security factor are indicators of development and the state of Basaman, which, as one of the most important indicators of social welfare, overshadows other indicators of this category. The feeling of security is subjective in this category and it can be said that it has all aspects of security in it. This concept is one of the important and influential concepts in social welfare issues. The purpose of this article is to describe social welfare and its relation to the feeling of security and social capital in society. By examining the concepts and perspectives, we come to the conclusion that there is a direct relationship between social welfare and social capital, and there is also a significant relationship between social welfare and a sense of security. The article is the result of documentary and library study. Manuscript profile
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        187 - computer security models and proposing a new perspective: A review paper
        Hadi sadjadi Reza Kalantari
        In this article first the use of computer security models and its benefits are discussed in a novel way. Then, while briefly introducing the space of computer security encounters in the form of ontology, for the first time, three perspectives in the study of patterns in More
        In this article first the use of computer security models and its benefits are discussed in a novel way. Then, while briefly introducing the space of computer security encounters in the form of ontology, for the first time, three perspectives in the study of patterns in this field have been identified and distinguished from each other. These three perspectives include the view of secure models, the view of security models, and the view of the framework and system to security models. The first and third perspectives are briefly explained and the second perspective is studied in detail from the perspective of the organization of patterns, including the five types of organization. The five types mentioned include software-based lifecycle organization, logical-level organization-based organization, threat-based classification-based organization, attack-based classification-based organization, and application-based organization. In this type of introduction of patterns, the audience acquires a comprehensive view of the discourse of computer security patterns and acquires the necessary knowledge to make better use of these patterns. Finally, the analysis and idea of this research is presented in the form of introducing a new type of organization in order to facilitate the proper use and addressing of patterns. In this idea, it is stated that the existing categories are mostly static and forward-looking and do not have the necessary dynamism and backwardness, and the idea of covering all stakeholders and security ontology can have this feature and, in addition, include agile patterns as well. . Manuscript profile
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        188 - Machine Learning-Based Security Resource Allocation for Defending against Attacks in the Internet of Things
        Nasim Navaei Vesal Hakami
        Nowadays, the Internet of Things (IoT) has become the focus of security attacks due to the limitation of processing resources, heterogeneity, energy limitation in objects, and the lack of a single standard for implementing security mechanisms. In this article, a solutio More
        Nowadays, the Internet of Things (IoT) has become the focus of security attacks due to the limitation of processing resources, heterogeneity, energy limitation in objects, and the lack of a single standard for implementing security mechanisms. In this article, a solution will be presented for the problem of security resources allocating to deal with attacks in the Internet of Things. Security Resource Allocation (SRA) problem in the IoT networks refers to the placement of the security resources in the IoT infrastructure. To solve this problem, it is mandatory to consider the dynamic nature of the communication environments and the uncertainty of the attackers' actions. In the traditional approaches for solving the SRA, the attacker works over based on his assumptions about the system conditions. Meanwhile, the defender collects the system's information with prior knowledge of the attacker's behavior and the targeted nodes. Unlike the mentioned traditional approaches, this research has adopted a realistic approach for the Dynamic Security Resources Allocation in the IoT to battle attackers with unknown behavior. In the stated problem, since there is a need to decide on deploying several security resources during the learning periods, the state space of the strategies is expressed in the combinatorial form. Also, the SRAIoT problem is defined as a combinatorial-adversarial multi-armed bandit problem. Since switching in the security resources has a high cost, in real scenarios, this cost is included in the utility function of the problem. Thus, the proposed framework considers the switching cost and the earned reward. The simulation results show a faster convergence of the weak regret criterion of the proposed algorithms than the basic combinatorial algorithm. In addition, in order to simulate the IoT network in a realistic context, the attack scenario has been simulated using the Cooja simulator. Manuscript profile
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        189 - Designing a Secure Consensus Algorithm for Use in Blockchain
        Hosein Badri Masumeh Safkhani
        Blockchain technology eliminates the need for a central authority. This system consists of a distributed ledger with a chain of blocks that records every network transaction. This ledger is replicated by every node in the network. We require a mechanism that provides co More
        Blockchain technology eliminates the need for a central authority. This system consists of a distributed ledger with a chain of blocks that records every network transaction. This ledger is replicated by every node in the network. We require a mechanism that provides consensus for the entire network, known as "consensus algorithm," in order for the state of this ledger to be the same for all nodes of the network at any given time. In this work, we will suggest a novel consensus algorithm that protects the blockchain platform from four common attacks. These attacks include the Sybil, Denial of Service, 51%, and Eclipse attacks. Due to its multiple control parameters, generic and all-purpose character, immunity to different attacks, and acceptable execution speed, our suggested algorithm can be used to build secure blockchain-based systems in a variety of applications. Manuscript profile
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        190 - Criminal motive, interaction between ethics and criminal law
        Mojtaba  Malek Afzali Ardakani mohamadali mahdavi sabet Firouz  Mahmudi Janki
        The public conscience of the society wants everyone to be equal before the criminal laws, but at the same time, there is a difference between two criminals, one who commits a crime with immoral motives and the other with moral and honorable motives; As in ethics, the va More
        The public conscience of the society wants everyone to be equal before the criminal laws, but at the same time, there is a difference between two criminals, one who commits a crime with immoral motives and the other with moral and honorable motives; As in ethics, the value of the verb depends on the intention of the subject. Intention, like motive, gives power to the subject and manages the direction of his behavior to reach the goal. In this way, the motive to commit a crime can be considered as an interaction between ethics and criminal law. The legislator's approach to motive has not been without controversy and challenge; Opponents and supporters have always criticized this approach under the banner of "protecting ethics. The possibility of committing a crime with moral motives on the one hand and criticizing the views of the opponents and supporters of criminal law's attention to motive is the subject of this article. The result of the research is the conditional preference of the opinion of the supporters; Criminal law must be "verb-oriented" in the execution of the crime and, except in the case of necessity, the moral or immoral motive of the perpetrator should not be given a role, but in the determination of punishments - which is entrusted to the ruler of the Islamic society - to choose the most appropriate punishment within the scope of his powers, considering the various dimensions of the criminal's personality and including his motive. Manuscript profile
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        191 - Identifying the Key Drivers of Digital Signature Implementation in Iran (using fuzzy Delphi method)
        Ghorbanali Mehrabani Fatemeh Zargaran khouzani
        iThe purpose of this article is to identify and analyze the key drivers of digital signature implementation in Iran with a fuzzy Delphi approach. In terms of practical purpose and in terms of information gathering, the research has benefited from a hybrid approach. The More
        iThe purpose of this article is to identify and analyze the key drivers of digital signature implementation in Iran with a fuzzy Delphi approach. In terms of practical purpose and in terms of information gathering, the research has benefited from a hybrid approach. The statistical community consists of all experts and specialists in the field of information technology and digital signature and articles in this field. The sample size of the statistical community of experts is 13 people who were selected by the purposeful sampling method. 30 articles were selected based on their availability and downloadable, non-technical nature, and relevance to the topic. The method of data analysis was done according to the fuzzy Delphi approach. Validity and reliability were calculated and confirmed using the CVR index and Cohen's kappa test with coefficients of 0.83 and 0.93, respectively. The results prove that the key drivers of digital signature implementation in Iran include 5 main dimensions and 30 concepts, which are 1) security (information confidentiality, information security, sender authentication, document authentication, privacy protection, trust between parties), 2) business (digital business models, communication needs, staff management, organization size, organizational structure, organization resources, organizational culture, top managers, competition ecosystem, e-governance), 3) user (perceived convenience, perceived benefit, consumer behavior, consumer literacy, consumer lifestyle), 4) technical (development of technical infrastructure, systems integration, system complexity, system tanks, design quality, technical speed of certificate production and verification, impermeability of hackers) and 5) Legal (legal licenses, penal laws, legislative body, e-commerce laws). Manuscript profile
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        192 - An Evaluation of Martha Nussbaum’s View of the Non-Relativity of Virtues in Aristotelian Approach
        Mohammad Saeid  Abdollahi Mohamad Ali  Abdollahi
        The nature, role, and quality of attaining virtue hold an important place in Aristotle’s philosophy. He tried to provide a systematic account of Man’s goal of achieving virtue. Martha Nussbaum, the contemporary commentator of Aristotle, believes that some contemporary p More
        The nature, role, and quality of attaining virtue hold an important place in Aristotle’s philosophy. He tried to provide a systematic account of Man’s goal of achieving virtue. Martha Nussbaum, the contemporary commentator of Aristotle, believes that some contemporary philosophers, although considering themselves as advocates of Aristotle, have some disagreements with him regarding certain key issues. Their mistake is rooted in their relativist approach to Aristotelian virtues. This approach stands in clear opposition to other views of Aristotle, who defended a single objective description of goodness or happiness for Man. Aristotle’s ethical virtue can explain many of the problems that relativists tried to solve and, at the same time, claim to be objective in the sense that relativism in one specific context does not mean being a relativist. For example, in other sciences, such as medicine and maritime, attention is devoted to particular cases, but it does not mean that the scholars and scientists in these fields are relativist. According to Nussbaum, Aristotelian virtues can explain virtue better than the virtues intended by relativists. However, this is the case when the specific features of a context are meticulously examined, and both shared and unshared characteristics are taken into consideration so that the best choice is made. In this paper, after explaining Nussbaum’s view concerning Aristotelian virtues, the author investigates three objections to his theory and, finally, clarifies the non-relativity of virtues in Aristotle’s thoughts. Manuscript profile
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        193 - Designing Model of Food Security Management in Iran
        Reza Eskandari Mehraban Hadi Peykani akbar etebarian
        Reza eskandari Mehraban Hadipeykani Akbar Etebarian Khorasgani Abstract The purpose of the present study was to design a model of food security management in Iran, emphasizing the experiences of successful countries in this field.This research was explorat More
        Reza eskandari Mehraban Hadipeykani Akbar Etebarian Khorasgani Abstract The purpose of the present study was to design a model of food security management in Iran, emphasizing the experiences of successful countries in this field.This research was exploratory in terms of purpose, in terms of method, a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. In the first stage, qualitative method and categorical content analysis (Inductive) was used and written and electronic sources in the field of food security were used purposefully to collect information. Findings of content analysis based on the opinion of the Center of Experts (consisting of five professors of public administration) in a system Induction presented the initial model of food security management (consisting of 211 concepts, 61 categories and 12 dimensions) and then through Delphi technique and questionnaire, the obtained model was exposed to the judgment of Delphi members. At this stage of the research, 12 scientific and practical experts (faculty members and officials of the Ministry of Health) were selected as a statistical sample using purposive sampling method for Delphi Center. In the next stage, the model derived from Delphi center was tested in a larger community. The statistical population at this stage included 2600 food industry experts based in Isfahan food industry towns. Using Morgan table, 335 samples were calculated and 310 questionnaires were collected by available sampling method. The model was evaluated through confirmatory factor analysis as well as reliability and validity calculations. Finally, the food security management model in Iran with emphasis on The experiences of successful countries in this field have been obtained with 170 concepts, 58 categories and 12 dimensions. Manuscript profile
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        194 - Investigating the impact of climate change on the environment and agriculture
        Bahareh Rafiei Hamed Kioumarsi Reza Naseri Harsini Seyed Mohammad Reza Mahdavian
        During the last century, science and technology have grown and developed significantly, however, this development, along with all the advantages and added values for the quality of human life, has brought inappropriate effects on the environment. Unfortunately, the huma More
        During the last century, science and technology have grown and developed significantly, however, this development, along with all the advantages and added values for the quality of human life, has brought inappropriate effects on the environment. Unfortunately, the human conflict with the problems which has created for the planet, including wars and new diseases, has caused less attention to the impact of climate change on environment and especially the related agriculture activities. If the agricultural sector exposed by climate change and will not be able to meet human food needs, life will be near to its end point. Agricultural activities are not only exposed to these changes, but also by leaving possible negative effects on environment lead to these changes. Threatening food security, the reduction of biological diversity, the loss of soil, the reduction of water resources, and the conversion of forests into farms and their gradual destruction, turn the earth into an unlivable area with the unpredictable occurrence of storms, floods and temperature changes. Therefore, investigating the impact of climate change and its components on different ecosystems and species that affect agriculture can be a step towards achieving new management mechanisms to reduce and adapt to these changes and achieving sustainable environment and agriculture. Manuscript profile
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        195 - Analysis of Ethical Principles of Disciplinary and Educational Responses to Juvenile Delinquency from the Perspective of Islamic Criminal Law
        roh allah ebrahimi mohamad ali haji deh abadi ALIREZA HOSSINI
        Ethical principles Disciplinary and educational responses to juvenile delinquency reflect the facts and rules that have a moral character and are used as a response to the crimes and violations of children and adolescents in order to maintain and promote their moral cha More
        Ethical principles Disciplinary and educational responses to juvenile delinquency reflect the facts and rules that have a moral character and are used as a response to the crimes and violations of children and adolescents in order to maintain and promote their moral characteristics and legitimacy. The answers are in the light of observing these principles. The present article has examined the nature of these principles by descriptive-analytical method and based on reference to authoritative Islamic sources. The findings of the study indicate that in Islamic law, the ethical foundations of disciplinary and educational responses to juvenile delinquency are diverse in addition to persuasion. Engaging in the development of the child, correcting and rehabilitating, promoting and exalting the moral virtues of love-loving and justice-oriented are among the principles that are used to change the way of thinking and beliefs of children and adolescents and to reconstruct or create moral feelings and virtues. ¬ Restraint on moral behaviors based on religious and Islamic teachings are used and from this perspective help to restore public order and security. Manuscript profile
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        196 - Investigating the Effect of Philosophical mentality on organizational Mobbing with regarding Mediating role of Professional Ethical Courage and Model Development
        Hamid Erfaniankhanzadeh Azam Babakirad Mohammad Rafati Vahid Shalbaf Yazdi
        These days, emotional issues are among the most important issues of the organization, so far as successful managers know managers who pay attention to this issue. Emotional abuse in the workplace is known as organizational mobbing and has grown widely in the organizatio More
        These days, emotional issues are among the most important issues of the organization, so far as successful managers know managers who pay attention to this issue. Emotional abuse in the workplace is known as organizational mobbing and has grown widely in the organizational environment. Researches have shown that part of this behavior is about the mentality of individuals. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of philosophical mentality on the mobbing, and to examine whether professional moral courage can interfere with the relationship? A sample of 100 employees of the Tejarat Bank of Mashhad Branch was selected using the Cochran formula and for statistical analysis, PLS software has been used. Validity of the questionnaires was confirmed by content validity method and by means of Cronbach's alpha, the reliability of the tool was evaluated. The research tools are Philosophical Mindfulness Questionnaire (Smith, 2010) and mobbing (Meralich et al., 2014) and the Courage of Professional Ethics (Sekerka, 2009). The results of the research show that the professional ethical courage of the staff mediates the relationship between the philosophical and the supportive mentality. After developing the initial model and examining the effect of demographic on the relationship between the variables of the research, it was determined that whose gender and work experience also have a moderating role in the organizational mobbing and Courage of Professional Ethics. Manuscript profile
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        197 - Investigating the effect of dimensions of organizational justice on behaviors based on divine rationality and emotion (Research case: Shiraz Electricity Distribution Company)
        saeed khajehfard Sanjar Salajegheh Yaser Salari mahdi mohamad bagheri
        The role of rationality and emotion in shaping people's behavior has been proven, but the role of organizational justice in the behavior of the organization's employees is of particular importance. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of dimensions More
        The role of rationality and emotion in shaping people's behavior has been proven, but the role of organizational justice in the behavior of the organization's employees is of particular importance. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of dimensions of organizational justice on behaviors based on divine rationality and emotion. The research method is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive and correlational in terms of nature and method. The statistical population of the research included 1477 employees of Shiraz Electricity Distribution Company, of which 313 people were selected by stratified random method. Data analysis was done using SPSS-23 and PLS-3 software and structural equation modeling method. The results of the findings showed that despite the confirmation of the relationship between the dimensions of organizational justice on most of the behaviors based on divine rationality and emotion, the effect of distributive justice on superior behavior and the effect of informational justice on distasteful and low behavior were not confirmed. Also, by examining the coefficients of the path, it was found that procedural justice has the most negative role in the occurrence of low and distasteful behaviors, and transactional justice has the most positive effect in the occurrence of desirable and superior behaviors. Finally, by examining the coefficients of determination, suggestions were made with the aim of reforming procedural and distributional policies as well as strengthening transactional justice in order to increase superior behavior in the organization. Manuscript profile
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        198 - The effects of the emergence of security-oriented criminalization in crimes against security in Iranian criminal law
        Hossein  Rezaei Todeshki Seyyed Mahmoud Majidi mohammad javad baghi zadeh
        Securityism is one of the unjust constructions that is imposed on the body of criminal policy and it means a deviant process in the formation of a response process to the criminal phenomenon. The security orientation of criminal policy can be a criterion to distinguish More
        Securityism is one of the unjust constructions that is imposed on the body of criminal policy and it means a deviant process in the formation of a response process to the criminal phenomenon. The security orientation of criminal policy can be a criterion to distinguish an efficient and desirable criminal policy from an ineffective and undesirable criminal policy; As a result, the criminal policy of every society should provide a suitable justification for criminalizing and illegalizing the actions of people that were considered permissible before. This article is written in a descriptive-analytical way. In this article, an attempt has been made to answer this question: What are the most important coordinates of security-oriented criminalization in Iran's criminal law? Give an appropriate answer. It seems that the most important coordinates of security-oriented criminalization in Iran's criminal law include criminalization of criminal thoughts, criminalization of preliminary acts, legislative obfuscation and new criminalizations. The purpose of this article is to explain the manifestations of the tendency to aggressive criminalization in Iranian criminal law. Manuscript profile
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        199 - Government’s role in human’s security and its impact on people’s happiness
        Behnaz  Yousefi Hossein  Rahmatollahi
        Human’s security means to be free from fear and need. It’s impact on all branches of human’s life and development has given it a fundamental role in a way which it’s guarantee and provision by government will result in people’s happiness and their satisfaction leads to More
        Human’s security means to be free from fear and need. It’s impact on all branches of human’s life and development has given it a fundamental role in a way which it’s guarantee and provision by government will result in people’s happiness and their satisfaction leads to increase of public trust and social wealth Purpose: The purpose of this paper is the government’s role in human’s security and its effect on people’s happiness Method: The research method for this paper is descriptive and analytical Findings: In recent decade’s discussions has been considered about the importance of happiness due to its abundance effects in quality and satisfactions in individual’s life and government role. Happiness has been used in concepts like wellbeing, enjoyment, prosperity, fortunate in which by definition differ but in conversations they are used as synonyms. Results: With an advancement of science and technology, development of human civilization and emerge of globalization phenomena, a great transition has been done in government and its duties definition. Human’s needs levelled up and government’s duties did not summarized in securing public interest and providing public services any more since provision of social welfare was also added to government tasks. Manuscript profile
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        200 - Editor's Note
        S. Mohammad Khamenei
        تمدن يكي از دستاوردهاي انسان در آغاز تاريخ است كه با هدايت اديان آسماني به آن دست يافت و بدان وسيله توانست بساط زندگي حيواني و بيمرز و بيمنطق را برچيده و به زندگي اجتماعي سالم و عقلاني و موافق مصلحت و خير بشر بدل نمايد و آزادي حيوان‌منشانه را با قانون و سلب آزاديهاي غير More
        تمدن يكي از دستاوردهاي انسان در آغاز تاريخ است كه با هدايت اديان آسماني به آن دست يافت و بدان وسيله توانست بساط زندگي حيواني و بيمرز و بيمنطق را برچيده و به زندگي اجتماعي سالم و عقلاني و موافق مصلحت و خير بشر بدل نمايد و آزادي حيوان‌منشانه را با قانون و سلب آزاديهاي غيرمنطقي و بيخردانه محدود نمايد؛ زيرا آزادي فردي مطلق بي‌قيد و شرط چيزي جز فساد و ناامني و تجاوز و بينظمي ببار نمي‌آورد و با جامعه‌يي متمدن و امن و با آرامش، نميسازد. بشر در طول هزاران سال زندگي بتجربه دريافته است كه زندگي امن و آرام جز در سايه‌ قانون و قراردادهاي اجتماعي محدود‌كننده امكانپذير نيست، و تمدن يكي از ثمرات قانون است، از اينرو گريز از قانون هم فرار از تمدن شمرده ميشود. در حدود قرن ششم پيش از مسيح، يكي از اشراف آتن (يونان) بنام «سولون» كه از توحش جامعه خود به امان آمده بود، براي يافتن راه‌حل رهايي جامعه جاهلي خود، به مصر و تمدنهاي امن آنروز رفت تا راه اصلاح و نجات جامعه را بياموزد؛ و گفتگوي او با يكي از كاهنان مصري معروف است. او سرانجام دريافت كه تمدن جز با قانون و عقلاني‌كردن جامعه و سلب برخي آزاديهاي زيانبخش و خرابگر، بدست نمي‌آيد. با گذشت هزاران سال از عمر تمدن بشر در جوامع كهن شرق و غرب، امروز ديده ميشود كه در بخشي از اقاليم مغرب كه اروپا و آمريكا ناميده ميشوند، با وجود تظاهر به تمدن و ادعاي فرهنگ عالي، هنوز حال و هواي دوران توحش قومي و قبيله‌يي باستاني خود را (كه نمونه آن عشق به سگ و سلاح و غارتگري و نگاه بردگي و فرودستي زن در جامعه است) بكنار نگذاشته و بدروغ، از آزادي زن دفاع ميكنند و با اهداف سياسي، بي‌بندوباري و قانونشكني و برهم‌زدن امنيت خانواده و زن را ترويج مينمايند. وقايعي كه در ماههاي گذشته در ايران روي داد و به حرمت‌شكني حجاب انساني و اسلامي از سوي زنان فريب‌خورده انجاميد، رابطه مستقيم با سياست براندازي نظام اسلامي و انقلابي ايران داشت و از فرهنگ يهودي صهيونيستي (رواج فساد در زنها و براندازي خانواده) مايه ميگرفت. دشمن بدنبال آنستكه با رواج فرهنگ جاهلي و ابتداييِ برهنگي زن و آزادي شهوتراني حيواني و دور از تمدن و قانون، ملت ايران را ـ كه از دوران باستان، متمدن و تمدنساز بوده ـ به دوران جاهليت نخستين بشر برگرداند و ببهانه دفاع از حقوق اجتماعي زن، او را به فساد و پستي بكشاند تا به هدف موهوم براندازي نظام انساني و اسلامي برسد. اين ملت، ملتي نيست كه پس از داشتن هزاران سال حكمت و تمدن سرفراز، با اين شيوه‌هاي ابلهانة دشمنان سعادت ملت، دست از فرهنگ عالي و عقلاني و انساني خود بردارد و فرهنگ فرومايه و پست و دور از تمدن غربي را بپذيرد و بنيان رفيع و استوار نظام اسلامي ايران، بنايي نيست كه با اين بادها بلرزد كه گفته‌اند: «برو اين دام بر مرغ دگر نه كه عنقا را بلند است آشيانه» Manuscript profile
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        201 - Explaining the discourse of thoughts, opinions and statements of Imam Khamenei regarding the role of food security in the resistance economy
        Mohammad Bidgoli asghar Rajabi Deh Borzoei
        Agriculture in the world has played a major role in ensuring food security throughout history and has led to the emergence and flourishing of great civilizations. In the current situation when the country is faced with simultaneous sanctions from the enemy and the solut More
        Agriculture in the world has played a major role in ensuring food security throughout history and has led to the emergence and flourishing of great civilizations. In the current situation when the country is faced with simultaneous sanctions from the enemy and the solution presented by Imam Khamenei is the theory of resistance economy which It should be investigated in all fields with minimum social, cultural, political damage and according to the existing conditions of the country. In Iran, paying attention to the category of food security has always been one of the main goals of macro policies. One of the measures of the Iranian Islamic Model of Progress document directly mentions the issue of providing food security, as well as its footprint from the constitution to the five-year development plan and Even the approaches and policies of the resistance economy have also been seen. Therefore, in the present research, an attempt has been made to answer this question, what is the role of food security in the resistance economy in the discourse of thoughts, opinions and statements of Imam Khamenei? The current research is an e-applied development and documentary methods and qualitative content analysis have been used as necessary. The findings indicate that the important and effective principles of the role of food security in the resistance economy from the perspective of the Supreme Leader include self-sufficiency in the production of basic and strategic products, improvement of product quality, consumption management, increasing the level and efficiency of production in the country and company development. are knowledge-based in the agricultural sector. Manuscript profile
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        202 - Editor's Note
        S. Mohammad Khamenei
        مطالعه و پژوهش در تحولات و تغییرات اجتماعی و رفتارهای گروهی و جمعی افراد در یک جامعه نشان میدهد که همانگونه که انگیزه‌ها و رفتارهای افراد بشر همه معلول برداشتها و اعتقادهای شخص آنهاست ـ‌که به آن جهانبینی یا فرهنگ نام میدهیم‌ـ جوامع بشری هم مانند افراد و اشخاص، در رفتاره More
        مطالعه و پژوهش در تحولات و تغییرات اجتماعی و رفتارهای گروهی و جمعی افراد در یک جامعه نشان میدهد که همانگونه که انگیزه‌ها و رفتارهای افراد بشر همه معلول برداشتها و اعتقادهای شخص آنهاست ـ‌که به آن جهانبینی یا فرهنگ نام میدهیم‌ـ جوامع بشری هم مانند افراد و اشخاص، در رفتارهای اجتماعی و پدیده‌های تاریخی که می‌آفرینند همواره تحت تأثیر فرهنگ، یعنی همان برداشتهای ذهنی خود از واقع خارج میباشند. هزاران سال تحمل استبداد شاهی در کشور ما، همه برخاسته از اعتقاد مردم به حقانیت استبداد شاهان و لزوم اطاعت و بردگی آنان بود، و بالعکس، اصل آزادگی و حُریّت انسان و این اعتقاد اسلامی که «لاتَکُن عبد غیرک...» یعنی «برده هیچکس مباش» و آموزه‌های مانند آن، سبب شد که ملت سرافراز ایران براهنمایی روحانیت شیعه، بنای کهنه شاهنشاهی و اصل بردگی مردم را براندازد و بجای آن اصل کرامت انسان و آزادی او و احترام به اراده و رأی و انتخاب را بگذارد و این نمونه‌یی از تأثیر تفکر و فرهنگ یک جامعه در تحولات و تغییرات اجتماعی و حتی تغییر مسیر تاریخ بود. متأسفانه، پس از انقلاب و برپایی نظام اسلامی، دولتها و مجلس شورای اسلامی انقلابی نه فقط در رشد و تکامل معرفت جامعه و بینش اجتماعی، یعنی فرهنگ مردم کاری چندان نکردند، بلکه روزبروز در سیر مصوّبات و اقدامات آنان، توجه و اهتمام به اهمیت تربیت مردم و کمک به شعور سیاسی و اجتماعی (فرهنگ) آنان کمتر شد و از آن چیزی جز یک نام در برنامه‌های سالانه و چندسالانه باقی نماند و مختصر عنایت دولتها و مجلس و بودجه اندکی که بعنوان فرهنگ مقرر میشد، عملاً به ورزش فوتبال و اموری کم ارزش دیگر رسید و حکمت و عقلانیت و معرفت اجتماعی محروم ماند. تمام تحولات سوء و زیانبار و پدیده‌های براندازانۀ سالهای اخیر و رواج قانون‌شکنی و بی‌حجابی زنان که امروز عادی شده، همه ناشی از کم‌توجهی اولیاء امور به لزوم رشد عقلانیت و فرهنگ انقلابی مردم بوده و نقش حساس و مهم فرهنگ و بینش اجتماعی در حفظ نظام اسلامی و پیشیگری از انحراف سیاسی مردم، فراموش شده است. Manuscript profile
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        203 - Explaining the principles of "social security" in Nahj al-Balaghah and its realization in society with a neglect approach
        alinaghi lezgi alireza akbar zadeh Mohammad karaminia reza ojagh
        Security is one of the most important human needs and motivations. For a country, ensuring the security of society and its individuals has a fundamental and important role. In today's advanced societies, governments are responsible for pursuing and securing it. Today, g More
        Security is one of the most important human needs and motivations. For a country, ensuring the security of society and its individuals has a fundamental and important role. In today's advanced societies, governments are responsible for pursuing and securing it. Today, governments have become the most important political unit in the field of domestic and foreign relations, and their most important goal is to try to provide comprehensive security and expand its scope. On the other hand, people expect the most from the political institutions of society in terms of providing physical security along with economic well-being and social identity. Social security in the present age is one of the necessities of social life according to Islamic teachings and based on moral concepts in Islamic society. The present article examines the principles of social security in Nahj al-Balaghah and then proposes solutions to achieve this in society with a "neglect" approach. This article has been done in a library method with a descriptive-analytical method. Manuscript profile
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        204 - Optimal Power Allocation for Maximizing Secrecy Rate in Physical Layer Security Using Frequency Diverse Array Directional Modulation and Artificial Noise
        Mahdi Tayyeb Massoud Hossein Khaleghi
        The directional modulation is a prominent and practical technique for enhancing the physical layer security in modern communication systems. In this method, the message signal is modulated by an array of antennas and transmitted in a specific direction to the legitimate More
        The directional modulation is a prominent and practical technique for enhancing the physical layer security in modern communication systems. In this method, the message signal is modulated by an array of antennas and transmitted in a specific direction to the legitimate receiver, such that in other directions, the signal is destroyed and not receivable by eavesdroppers. By incorporating random frequency diverse array directional modulation, secure communication can be achieved in both angular and distance dimensions for the legitimate receiver. However, when the eavesdropper is located near the legitimate receiver, the confidentiality performance of this solution significantly deteriorates. To address this issue, this paper proposes a novel approach that combines artificial noise with random frequency diverse array directional modulation and optimizes power allocation to attain the maximum secrecy rate. Simulation results demonstrate that our proposed approach improves the secrecy rate of the physical layer security by at least one bit per second per hertz compared to the method without artificial noise, and by at least two bits per second per hertz compared to the phased array directional modulation. Manuscript profile
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        205 - Effectiveness of Schema-Therapy on Eating Styles Happy Child and Healthy Adults Modes in Obese People with Binge Eating Disorder: A Single-Case Study
        Maryam Nourizadeh Mirabadi Marjan  Hoseinzadeh Taghvaee Reza  Moloodi Sheida Sodagar Maryam  Bahrami Hidaji
        The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effectiveness of schema therapy on eating styles and happy child and healthy adults Modes modes in obese people with binge eating disorder. The design of the current research was semi-experimental with a More
        The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effectiveness of schema therapy on eating styles and happy child and healthy adults Modes modes in obese people with binge eating disorder. The design of the current research was semi-experimental with a single case structure of ABA type. The statistical population of the study included obese women suffering from binge eating disorder who referred to a slimming clinic in Tehran in 2014-2016. The study sample consisted of eight obese women according to the inclusion criteria. Data collection tools included the Dutch Eating Styles Questionnaire (1986), the Young Schema Modes Questionnaire (2008) and a semi-structured interview. Schema therapy was implemented in form of 20 90-minute group sessions and 4 additional 45-minute individual sessions. The participants were evaluated 3 times in the baseline phase, 10 times in the intervention phase, and 8 weeks after the intervention, they were followed up 4 times every 2 weeks using the measurement tool. In order to analyze the data, the participants' scores were collected individually during the three stages of baseline, ten stages of intervention and four stages of follow-up, and then by using the trend chart and interpreting the ups and downs of the scores. Participants were visually analyzed in different stages of baseline, intervention and follow-up. Then, by using the effect size indices, the percentage of non-overlapping data (PND), and the percentage of improvement and the valid change index (RCI), the effectiveness of the treatment was determined. The findings showed that in most of the participants, in the intervention stage compared to the baseline stage the scores of efficient modes; The happy child and healthy adult had an upward and increasing trend. For all the participants, The scores of emotional eating styles all people and external for most of them, and inhibited eating styles also had a downward and decreasing trend. Also, the RCI index scores indicated the stability of schema therapy results in the follow-up phase. Manuscript profile
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        206 - Investigating the Factors Affecting the Public Participation of Users and the Survivability of Spaces in Urban Parks to Improve the Level of Children's Safety (a Case Study of Shafaq Park in Tehran)
        Saeed Azemati Kimia Jamshidzadeh
        <p>Security remains a fundamental human need within society. The safety and well-being of vulnerable groups, particularly children, who constitute one of the most at-risk segments of society, hold particular significance. An active human presence contributes significant More
        <p>Security remains a fundamental human need within society. The safety and well-being of vulnerable groups, particularly children, who constitute one of the most at-risk segments of society, hold particular significance. An active human presence contributes significantly to enhancing security in urban spaces. The ability to comprehend and observe the surrounding environment, as well as being visible to others, fosters a sense of security. The current research employs a blended quantitative and qualitative approach, involving a research community comprising 25 experts. These experts were selected through an open interview framework, utilizing a purposeful sampling method with the snowball technique. The gathered opinions were subsequently analyzed using SPSS26 software. According to the coefficients obtained from the variables, graphs were generated by Gefi software. Ultimately, the indicators extracted from the first and second stages of the survey underwent analysis using Depth Map software. The integration of the plan analysis with the generated graphs from the previous stage was deliberated using AGraph software. Based on the results, users are mostly looking for spaces that are efficient in attracting people when choosing urban parks for the safety of their children. Especially adults, and allow parents to monitor the space. Cultural spaces with a rating of 4.46 in urban parks are the main factor in attracting people for public participation.</p> Manuscript profile
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        207 - Human dignity and weapons of mass destruction
        Mohosen Reza  Mosaddegh,khah Morteza  Bayat Hasan Soleimani
        Human dignity is one of the most key concepts that have received the attention of heavenly religions, legal systems, international and regional human rights documents and the constitutions of countries in the protection of human beings and human status; So that today it More
        Human dignity is one of the most key concepts that have received the attention of heavenly religions, legal systems, international and regional human rights documents and the constitutions of countries in the protection of human beings and human status; So that today its reputation has gained global fame and has become an adornment of human rights discourses at the world level. More than all legal systems and before them, the holy school of Islam, respect for the dignity of human beings is emphasized as a fundamental principle. He has given and refrained from insulting and humiliating people and even massacre without accounting. Islam, if not more than all the schools, at least among the other schools, considers the right to dignity and social respect of the human being valid and necessary, so that even the persons themselves are prohibited from attacking their human dignity, which is a gift of God. It is because the scene of war can become the scene of the manifestation and fall of human dignity, ignoring human dignity and fighting has the most ugly and abominable face, because this is the heavenly call of the Holy Qur'an, which says: "And peace is good", peace is the best and the ideal of the Prophet. The seal, may God bless him and grant him peace, for humanity; The realization of world peace is, therefore, the Islamic government and the rulers of the Islamic society who care about the affairs of Muslims are worthy of secondary rulings and also according to the provisions of international law sources such as the Treaty (NPT), the United Nations Charter and the consultation of the International Court of Justice in 1996, which is an explicit reason for prohibiting There has been no use of weapons of mass destruction, and the use of this type of weapon for the legitimate defense of the country has been considered permissible. In order to preserve human dignity and advance military and defense goals, such as preventing the military attack of the enemy or defending against attacks against Islam, the Islamic government and Muslims, and especially to protect Human dignity, by forming full preparedness mechanisms, by all-round military preparation or acquisition of strength and jihadi preparation, has put fear and terror in the hearts of unbelievers and enemies, which prevents them from any military action against Islam and Muslims, and even insulting the human dignity of the people of this planet. Manuscript profile
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        208 - A review of the use of rheology in the industry of producing propellants based on nitrocellulose polymer
        Mahmoud Heydari
        One of the main applications of nitrocellulose polymer is producing propellants. The propellant production process includes mixing nitrocellulose with solvents and other additives and converting it from a fibrous to a non-fibrous state during gelatinization and physical More
        One of the main applications of nitrocellulose polymer is producing propellants. The propellant production process includes mixing nitrocellulose with solvents and other additives and converting it from a fibrous to a non-fibrous state during gelatinization and physical gel formation. This gel is subsequently subjected to shaping processes using ram or screw extrusion. One of the main problems in producing propellant based on nitrocellulose is the lack of uniformity and product quality control. Despite the high capability of rheology knowledge as a powerful tool for measuring the quality control of raw materials and the production process of propellant based on nitrocellulose, this knowledge has received less attention from researchers and manufacturers in this field. This article reviewed the use of rheology in different parts of the production of nitrocellulose-based propellants, from the quality control of the incoming raw materials to the final mixing and extrusion. At first, the rheological behavior of nitrocellulose mixtures was discussed. Next, the effect of nitrocellulose polymer microstructure on the rheological behavior of its solution was discussed. Phenomena affecting the measurement of the rheological behavior of the mixture, such as wall slippage, were among the other cases investigated. Finally, a review of the quality control methods of nitrocellulose-based propellant products using appropriate material functions and production process modification was discussed. Manuscript profile
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        209 - A comparative study of the concept of home among children of two cities (Shiraz and Noujin)
        Fahimeh Abbasi Tahereh Nasr Keivan Mohamadpur
        <p>Abstract The concept of &ldquo;home&rdquo; transcends its physical existence, manifesting as an intellectual image. In essence, a house is a place to live and reach peace and comfort. The term &ldquo;house&rdquo; encompasses two distinct aspects of meaning and concep More
        <p>Abstract The concept of &ldquo;home&rdquo; transcends its physical existence, manifesting as an intellectual image. In essence, a house is a place to live and reach peace and comfort. The term &ldquo;house&rdquo; encompasses two distinct aspects of meaning and concept, which are different from each other. The aspect of the house meaning is an objective reality of a place where a person resides, but the concept of the house is a mental perception. Understanding the concept of home necessitates a thorough analysis of each individual's mindset regarding their living space. The purpose of this research is a comparative assessment of the home concept among 9-10-year-old children residing in Shiraz and Nojin cities. The research methodology involves content analysis utilizing argumentative analogies along with information gathering through library and documentary studies, Persian and Latin articles, and field research. By analyzing and examining thirty samples of children's drawings from these cities, it is possible to identify the similarities and differences in their mental images of the home concept. Result of this examination and analysis is anticipated several conceptual codes can be obtained. From the summation of these conceptual codes, the home concept among the children of these cities can be found, encompassing themes such as peace, comfort, comfort, security, and prosperity.</p> Manuscript profile
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        210 - The meaning and purpose of life in the horizon of modernity and its criticism based on Quranic principles
        Seyyed Mohammad  Nourollahi Mohammad  Rezaei Isfahani mahmoud ghayumzadeh
        The purpose of this study is a comparative study between the goals of the Qur'anic lifestyle and modernity, which distinguishes between the two and explores the results and consequences and benefits and fruits of each to be a guiding torch for every questioner and seeke More
        The purpose of this study is a comparative study between the goals of the Qur'anic lifestyle and modernity, which distinguishes between the two and explores the results and consequences and benefits and fruits of each to be a guiding torch for every questioner and seeker of truth. For this purpose, by emphasizing the descriptive-analytical method and using library tools and scientific-religious approach, we studied the teachings of the Holy Quran and the views of modern thinkers. The main achievement of this research is to analyze the efficiency and results by stating the main differences between the goals of the two so that each scanner can choose more consciously and more easily and walk the path and achieve eternal life. Manuscript profile
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        211 - Editor's Note
        S. Mohammad Khamenei
        حکومت مردمی، در اصطلاح، حکومتی است که براساس اراده و انتخاب افراد جامعه باشد و مدیران کشور، نمایندگی و نیابت مردم را داشته باشند. این شکل حکومت ـ که در اصل و تاریخ خود، آوردۀ اسلام و ادیان واقعی گذشته است و ریشه در کرامت ذاتی انسان دارد، که قرآن به آن اشاره کرده ـ بر اس More
        حکومت مردمی، در اصطلاح، حکومتی است که براساس اراده و انتخاب افراد جامعه باشد و مدیران کشور، نمایندگی و نیابت مردم را داشته باشند. این شکل حکومت ـ که در اصل و تاریخ خود، آوردۀ اسلام و ادیان واقعی گذشته است و ریشه در کرامت ذاتی انسان دارد، که قرآن به آن اشاره کرده ـ بر اساس کرامت انسان و آزادی و آزادگی ذاتی است که به انسان داده شده است، از اینروست که کسی حق ندارد اراده و قدرت خود را بر افراد دیگر تحمیل نماید. اما تحقیق نشان میدهد که این اصل، مطلق نیست و شرایطی دارد، یعنی همانگونه که معمولاً عقل و بلوغ را شرط میدانند و محجورین و افراد نابالغ یا سفیه، حق انتخاب ندارند، شروط ضروری دیگری هم هست که رعایت نکردن آنها سبب تسلط افراد قدرت‌طلب، بر حکومت، از راه فریبکاری و جلب آراء و ارادۀ مردم میگردد. چون دادن وکالت و نمایندگی در واقع بمعنای «واگذاری تمام سرنوشت و مصالح خود بمدت چهار سال به شخص وکیل یا وزیر است»، بنابرین لزوماً مشروط به آگاهی و بصیرت و شناخت رأی‌دهندگان میباشد و باید مردم از صلاحیت و صلاح نمایندۀ خود مطمئن و به صحت تشخیص و ممیزی دستگاههای نظارتی اعتماد داشته باشند و خادم و خائن را از هم تمییز دهند، وگرنه آینده و روزگار خود را تباه خواهند کرد. از سوی دیگر، آگاهی اکثریت افراد جامعه شاذ و نادر است؛ بایستی در کنار مردم، مشاوران و مرشدان آگاه یا نهادهایی هوشیار و دشمن‌شناس باشند که افرادی صالح را که نامزد انتخاب میشوند، بشناسند و از آنها حمایت، یا آنها را معرفی کنند. علاوه بر این، مرشدان صادق و آگاه، ضروری است که شورای نگهبان و دستگاههای نظارت کننده نیز، بسبب خطراتی که در اندک تسامح یا کلی‌نگری وجود دارد، علاوه بر ظواهر اشخاص، به قرائنی که حاکی از نادرستی و انحرافات جزئی سیاسی آنها باشد نیز توجه کنند، زیرا برخلاف آنچه در امور عادی و معاشرت با مردم اصالة‌الصحة جاری است، در عرصۀ سیاست و گزینش افرادی برای ادارۀ کشور، اصل عقلایی و درست، اصالة‌الفساد است و این اصل ضامن سلامت و اعتبار حکومت و راحت مردم جامعه خواهد شد. امید است مسئولین و معتمدین مردم در شناخت بهتر مردم از نامزدهای انتخابات، کوتاهی ننمایند. Manuscript profile
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        212 - Factors Influencing the Restructuring of Women's Social Identity with a Comprehensive Interpretive Structural Modeling Approach
        neda khodakaramiangilan mohsen niazi
        <p>In contemporary societies, factors such as industrialization, technological development, economic expansion, investment, and communication development have transformed the symbolic framework of individuals' lives. In such circumstances, individuals need identity; thr More
        <p>In contemporary societies, factors such as industrialization, technological development, economic expansion, investment, and communication development have transformed the symbolic framework of individuals' lives. In such circumstances, individuals need identity; through identity, complexity and the speed of social changes can be mitigated, enabling humans to create relative order in their lives and surroundings. In this research, the investigator aims to design a model consisting of factors influencing the restructuring of women's social identity using the comprehensive interpretive structural modeling method. The present research is descriptive-analytical, and the study population includes university experts, with 24 members selected purposefully from the faculty, doctoral graduates, and doctoral students in the fields of sociology and psychology. The designed model encompasses 11 factors: women's awareness of their position in society, conflicting identities, inclination toward gender equality, individual life orientation, universities and higher education centers, prevalence of stereotypical beliefs, challenges in coordinating traditional and new roles, social spaces, generational changes, reconsideration of identity, modernity, and identity inconsistency. Among the examined factors, challenges in coordinating traditional and new roles, reconsideration of cultural identity, prevalence of gender stereotypes, and conflicting identities are identified as pivotal factors in shaping the restructuring of women's social identity. These factors lead to women's awareness of their position in society, inclination toward gender equality, the role of universities and higher education centers, identity inconsistency, modernity, and social spaces. Ultimately, generational changes will be the outcome.</p> Manuscript profile
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        213 - The Role Of Good Faith Principle In Iranian Law And International Commercial Contracts (During Negotiation, Conclusion, Performance And Interpretation Of Contracts)
        Nazila Taghavi
        Good faith principle, as one of the ethical principles, has a significant place in contract law. In our law, there is no separate article to observe good faith. However, by searching the provisions of various laws, especially insurance laws, and referring to them, we ca More
        Good faith principle, as one of the ethical principles, has a significant place in contract law. In our law, there is no separate article to observe good faith. However, by searching the provisions of various laws, especially insurance laws, and referring to them, we can infer a general rule for observing good faith in laws and make the parties to the contract obliged to observe it in all stages of the contract, including negotiation, conclusion, performance and interpretation. In fact, legal examples such as options, provisions regarding coercion and necessity, non-reliability of defects, deals of bankrupt merchants after acceptance, etc. can be considered as evidence of accepting this principle in Iranian law. On the other hand, according to Article 1-7 of the Principles of International Commercial Contracts, the parties must act in accordance with good faith and fair dealing. Therefore, the principle of good faith must be observed in all stages of the contract. The function of this rule can be seen in various provisions of these principles. Manuscript profile
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        214 - Examining the Principle of Good Faith in Chinese Judicial Practice with a Focus on the New Civil Code (Enacted in 2021)
        Farshid Khosravi
        One of the important legal principles in law, especially in the realm of contracts, is the principle of good faith. In the Chinese legal system, both in previous laws and in the new Civil Code enacted in 2021, good faith is recognized. Chinese courts have no specific li More
        One of the important legal principles in law, especially in the realm of contracts, is the principle of good faith. In the Chinese legal system, both in previous laws and in the new Civil Code enacted in 2021, good faith is recognized. Chinese courts have no specific limitations based on the principle of good faith and sometimes consider the concepts of good faith and fairness to be interchangeable. In the Chinese legal system, the duty of good faith is not limited to the stage of contract execution, but both parties are obliged to observe good faith in all stages of a contractual relationship, from pre-contractual negotiations to contract dissolution and rejection of substitutes. The new Civil Code of China is the first comprehensive and complete law in the field of private law in China, which is derived from numerous past special laws but has many innovations in the field of contracts and contemporary issues such as environmental protection, smart contracts, etc. Therefore, it can be said that it is a pioneering and up-to-date law in this regard. Manuscript profile
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        215 - Principle of Impartiality and Neutrality in the Exercise of Discretionary Powers in the Light of a Decision by the Administrative Court
        Seyyed shahaboddin Musavizade merkie
        Discretionary power is a power granted by the legislator to public authorities with the aim of serving the public interest. This power is exercised in various areas, including the recruitment of volunteers in government agencies. According to the Universal Declaration o More
        Discretionary power is a power granted by the legislator to public authorities with the aim of serving the public interest. This power is exercised in various areas, including the recruitment of volunteers in government agencies. According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, individuals have the right to equal access to public employment in their own country. According to the Law on the Administration of Public Services, the principle of meritocracy applies to entry into executive agencies. However, placing criteria such as religious beliefs in addition to acceptance in the entrance competition has a legal basis according to the Law on the Administration of Public Services. The question now is how can these two important issues (meritocracy and compliance with selection criteria) be achieved? This article attempts to answer this question by describing and analyzing a decision by an administrative court through a library study using data extraction tools. The results showed that compliance with the principles of impartiality and neutrality by executive agencies and supervision by administrative courts are good tools for achieving the legislative goal of granting discretionary powers to administrative authorities. Manuscript profile
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        216 - The role of food security in a resistance economy with emphasis on the thoughts, opinions and statements of the Supreme Leader Mohammad Bidgoli
        Mohammad Bidgoli asghar Rajabi Deh Borzoei
        The role of food security in a resistance economy with emphasis on the thoughts, opinions and statements of the Supreme Leader Mohammad Bidgoli Asghar Rajabi Deh Borzoei Abstract The purpose of the current research is to analyze the role of food security in th More
        The role of food security in a resistance economy with emphasis on the thoughts, opinions and statements of the Supreme Leader Mohammad Bidgoli Asghar Rajabi Deh Borzoei Abstract The purpose of the current research is to analyze the role of food security in the resistance economy with emphasis on the thoughts, opinions and statements of the Supreme Leader. The current research is an e-applied development and documentary methods and qualitative content analysis have been used as necessary. Agriculture in the world has played a major role in ensuring food security throughout history and has led to the emergence and flourishing of great civilizations. In the current situation when the country is faced with sanctions from the enemy and the solution presented by the Supreme Leader is the theory of resistance economy which It should be investigated in all fields with minimum social, cultural, political damage and according to the existing conditions of the country. In Iran, paying attention to the category of food security has always been one of the main goals of macro policies. One of the measures of the Iranian Islamic Model of Progress document directly mentions the issue of providing food security, as well as its footprint from the constitution to the five-year development plan and Even approaches and policies of resistance economy have been seen. The current research answers this question, what is the role of food security in a resistance economy by emphasizing the thoughts of the Supreme Leader? The findings indicate that the influential principles of the role of food security in a resistance economy from the perspective of the Supreme Leader include self-sufficiency in the production of basic and strategic products, improvement of product quality, consumption management, increasing the level and efficiency of production in the country and the development of knowledge companies. The foundation is in the agricultural sector. Keywords: Resistance Economy, Imam Khamenei, Food Security, Qualitative Content Analysis, Knowledge Base. Manuscript profile
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        217 - Geochemistry of Central part of the Neo-Tethys Suture zone serpentinites (From NW Iran to Iraqi Zagros and Eastern Anatoly)
        monir modjarrad Mohsen Moayyed
        The subduction and closure of the vast Neo-Tethys ocean between the Arabian and Eurasian plates has left numerous ophiolitic traces, the unique position of Iran in its central part is noticeable. The lack of information, right on the border of Iran with Iraq and Turke More
        The subduction and closure of the vast Neo-Tethys ocean between the Arabian and Eurasian plates has left numerous ophiolitic traces, the unique position of Iran in its central part is noticeable. The lack of information, right on the border of Iran with Iraq and Turkey, due to security considerations, has so far prevented the overview of this suture zone in the northwestern border of Iran. Adding Gysian ophiolite in southern Urmia as a missing link in this stretch can partially cover this lack of information. A comparative study of whole rock chemistry of serpentinites in the central part of the Neo-Tethys ophiolites, considering several sectors from Iran (Kamyaran, Marivan and Gysian), Iraq (Penjwin and Mawat) and Turkey (Guleman and Osmanie) in this article, indicates that they belong to subducted serpentinites, whether they were originally formed in the fore-arc environment or the at abyssal oceanic environment. Composition of the serpentinites of the central part of the suture zone is similar to the average global serpentinites which have mostly lizardite/chrysotile. All of them show depletion of Mg resulting sea floor alteration during serpentinization. The mentioned point may be caused to data deviation from abyssal peridotites field. Considering that the transition metals contents the confirmed the above setting. Almost all of the studied serpentinites are from subducted type which indicates refertilization of LILE evidences as a result of rock/fluid interaction through serpentinization. Manuscript profile
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        218 - Human nature and divine nature and the distinction between men and women in the Qur'anic culture
        Esmat  Abdullahi Fatime khalili Tayyaba  arefnia
        One of the fundamental issues in the matter of men and women is whether men and women have the same truth and nature And are similar works expected of both, or do they each have a different humanity or nature? The purpose of this study is to identify the views of the Ho More
        One of the fundamental issues in the matter of men and women is whether men and women have the same truth and nature And are similar works expected of both, or do they each have a different humanity or nature? The purpose of this study is to identify the views of the Holy Quran on the difference between men and women and to show it to the followers of the QuranAccording to the Qur'an, gender is not important, but the criterion in the sight of God is piety. Although men and women are different in terms of gender, they are equal in terms of humanity. The distinction between rights between men and women must be sought in the existential differences between men and women. Islam has established its rights based on many differences between men and women physically, mentally, emotionally and based on human nature. in this article, with a descriptive-analytical method, the distinction between men and women in terms of humanity and nature from the perspective of the Holy Quran has been studied. And we conclusion that men and women share human nature; That is, it is not the case that one is superior because of being a man and the other is inferior because of being a woman. Manuscript profile
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        219 - Identifying the Key Drivers of Digital Signature Implementation in Iran (Using Fuzzy Delphi Method)
        Ghorbanali Mehrabani Fatemeh Zargaran khouzani
        Despite the emphasis of researchers and experts on the need to implement digital signatures and the progress of technology towards the digitization of all affairs and electronic governance, Iran is still facing the challenge of implementing digital signatures. The purpo More
        Despite the emphasis of researchers and experts on the need to implement digital signatures and the progress of technology towards the digitization of all affairs and electronic governance, Iran is still facing the challenge of implementing digital signatures. The purpose of this article is to identify and analyze the key drivers of digital signature implementation in Iran with a fuzzy Delphi approach. In terms of practical purpose and in terms of information gathering, the research has benefited from a hybrid approach. The statistical community consists of all experts and specialists in the field of information technology and digital signature and articles in this field. The sample size of the statistical community of experts is 13 people who were selected by the purposeful sampling method. 31 articles were selected based on their availability and downloadable, non-technical nature, and relevance to the topic. The method of data analysis was done according to the fuzzy Delphi approach. Validity and reliability were calculated and confirmed using the CVR index and Cohen's kappa test with coefficients of 0.83 and 0.93, respectively. The results prove that the key drivers of digital signature implementation in Iran include 5 main dimensions and 30 concepts, which are 1) security (information confidentiality, information security, sender authentication, document authentication, privacy protection, trust between parties), 2) business (digital business models, communication needs, staff management, organization size, organizational structure, organization resources, organizational culture, top managers, competition ecosystem, e-governance), 3) user (perceived convenience, perceived benefit, consumer behavior, consumer literacy, consumer lifestyle), 4) technical (development of technical infrastructure, systems integration, system complexity, system tanks, design quality, technical speed of certificate production and verification, impermeability of hackers) and 5) Legal (legal licenses, penal laws, legislative body, e-commerce laws). It is suggested that in the field of digital signature implementation, special attention should be paid to rewriting rules, training users, creating a security culture, and digital signature policymakers should invite knowledge-based companies to cooperate in developing infrastructure and making relevant software competitive. Manuscript profile
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        220 - Exploration and evaluation of the philosophical foundations of Reggio Emilia's educational theory: a view from the perspective of the Islamic approach of action
        narges sajadeh Zahra Saberi
        The current research has been carried out with the aim of evaluating the feasibility of benefiting from one of the popular pre-primary educational approaches in the world, by exploration the philosophical foundations of Reggio Emilia educational theory and evaluating it More
        The current research has been carried out with the aim of evaluating the feasibility of benefiting from one of the popular pre-primary educational approaches in the world, by exploration the philosophical foundations of Reggio Emilia educational theory and evaluating it based on the Islamic theory of action. In this regard, applying the method of conceptual analysis, linguistic analysis, and regressive logical analysis, we have deduced the basic components of the philosophical foundations of this theory and criticized them based on the Islamic theory of action. One of the results of this research is the inference of twelve philosophical components as the anthropological, epistemological, and axiological foundations of this theory, including the uniqueness and decency of children and the value of their intellectual and practical independence. In addition, the theory of Reggio Emilia has adopted a social constructivist approach to knowledge and has focused on the value of justice and democracy as its governing spirit. The results of evaluation suggest that while the Reggio Emilia educational theory has unique attributes and valuable educational advancements, it is necessary to have a careful scrutiny about it and resolve its challenging aspects before its implementation. Criticisms of this kind entail: taking a reductive approach and oversighting the spiritual essence of the child; an overly simplistic and idealistic portrayal of the child; a lack of clarity regarding realism versus constructivism, alongside potential risks of radical relativism in epistemology; as well as deficiencies in accommodating absolute and conditional values alongside the variable values in the axiological realm. To address these concerns, a reconstructive approach could entail: acknowledging an overlap relation between the spiritual and the physical dimensions, taking a balanced view on the child, positioning realism as a focal point while constructivism orbiting around it, emphasizing both absolute and conditional values, and maintaining a balanced emphasis on rationality and equity in democracy. Manuscript profile
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        221 - Investigation and effects of regional developments on the security of Iran and Turkey borders
        Mahdi Najafi Jalil nayebian Parviz Ahadei  
        In the past twenty-five years, stability in the security environment of Central Asia has always faced increasing complications and challenges. Nationalist tendencies have been experienced with intensity and weakness in Central Asian republics. As regional powers, Iran a More
        In the past twenty-five years, stability in the security environment of Central Asia has always faced increasing complications and challenges. Nationalist tendencies have been experienced with intensity and weakness in Central Asian republics. As regional powers, Iran and Turkey are located next to each other and in the most sensitive regions of the world, including the Middle East, Central Asia, and the Caucasus. These two countries have their own semantic system and interests, and they have a series of common interests and some conflicts. On the other hand, the importance of the border in diplomatic relations is the recognized boundaries based on international covenants and international law, which are considered a factor for stability and peace between countries or differences and conflicts and territorial claims of countries against each other. An important part of the foreign and domestic policies of the countries are formed and defined according to how they share their borders with each other and enjoy the geopolitical position affected by the borders. Borders can create obstacles against plans and threats that endanger their economy. Therefore, one of the most tense borders of Iran is the northwestern border strip, which has long been the focus of Iran's security and law enforcement authorities, and the issue of security in this region is of the highest importance. It has been special. The main goal of this research is to examine the effects of regional developments on the security of the borders of Iran and Turkey. This research has been done using analytical-explanatory method and using library sources and articles and macro documents. The method of data collection is library and using scientific-research articles. The tool for collecting information is the use of charts and graphs. The results of the research show that recognizing the impact of border markets, the issue of ethnicity, the role of the media, Turkey's membership in NATO, and the presence of terrorist groups in the border strip are among the regional developments that have an impact on the security of Iran and Turkey's borders. Manuscript profile
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        222 - Modernity and its effects on the architecture of contemporary mosques in Iran
        seyyed ehsan mousavi Mohsen golriz
        <p>In the contemporary era, one of the most obvious cultural features of contemporary philosophy is the phenomenon of modernity and as a style, modernism thinking. Modern architecture, which was formed based on the evolution of the traditional society, industrialization More
        <p>In the contemporary era, one of the most obvious cultural features of contemporary philosophy is the phenomenon of modernity and as a style, modernism thinking. Modern architecture, which was formed based on the evolution of the traditional society, industrialization and change in the way of life and people's views in the West, is a style that has influenced the architecture and urban planning of Iran more than other western architectural styles. This modern view, followed by modern and academic architects of the new generation, has had a great impact on the design of buildings, including the design of mosques. One of these most important effects is the change in the form and spaces of the building in the contemporary era. Meanwhile, there are many variations and imaginative patterns in design, and mosques cannot be considered to have specific shape characteristics. This article aims to recognize the design trends of mosques in the contemporary era with the influence of modernity on such designs, and by identifying indicators and by describing and analyzing the design, it has classified them in a way. The research method in this article is descriptive-analytical and the method of collecting information is library and documentary. Finally, based on the investigations carried out in this way, it can be acknowledged that some special works in architecture (such as shrine buildings) have a stable core that is beyond time, which can be considered the soul and body of the imitation work.</p> Manuscript profile