Amonites of Kazhdumi in Shul Section, north of Shiraz, Zagros basin, paleoecological application
Subject Areas : stratigraphySeyed Naser Raisossadat 1 , Mahnaz Parvaneh Nejad Shirazi 2
1 - Birjand university
2 - Department of Geology, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Ammonite, Albian, Kazhdumi Formation, Paleoecology, Zagros Basin, ,
Abstract :
Kazhdami Formation is spread in Zagros basin and has two facies, shallow and deep. The studied section was located in the north of Shiraz near the village of Shul. The lithology of the measured section with 210 meters thickness including limestone, marly limestone and thin layer limestone. Four species Knemiceras persicum Collignon, 1981, Knemiceras aff. persicum Collignon, 1981, Knemiceras aff. iraniense Collignon, 1981, Knemiceras dubertreti Basse, 1940, were identified and described.
Different ammonite morphogroups are distributed in the Kazhdumi Formation. spheroconic ammonites with low ornamentation, mostly ribs, usually live at sea level and away from the coast spread in the west of basin and Dezful depression. Plano-spiral ammonites with coarse ornaments were poor swimmers and indicate a shallow depth basin.
In the Shul section the ammonite assemblage with coarse ornamentation suggest a shallow environment that is supported with presence of benthic foraminifera assemblage.
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