Relationship between Permeability and the Presence of Women in Residential Towns (Case Study: Hezar Dastgah and Dowlatabad Residential Towns, Tehran)
Subject Areas : Other related topics
Fatemeh Khodadadi Agh Ghal’e
Ali Asgari
1 - 1. Ph.d Candidate in Architecture, Department of Architecture, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - 2. Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, Art and Architecture faculty, Shahr-e-Qods Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract :
Women constitute half of the global population. Currently, one of the main needs of females in society is to be present in urban spaces with security. In this regard, it is of great importance to improve the quality of urban spaces for the presence of all members of society, especially women. Therefore, the permeability of urban spaces is one of the most important factors enabling the continuous presence of women in urban spaces. Enhancing the permeability of urban spaces will improve security, thereby leading to the significant presence and the establishment of social interactions in the public area. The present research is a descriptive-analytical study carried out to understand the relationship between the presence of women and security provided by permeability in Dowlat Abad and Hezar Dastgah residential towns in Tehran. To this end, 309 women live in Hezar Dastgah residential town, and 289 women live in Dowlat Abad residential town. Those who have had a residency history of at least two years are randomly selected (the sample size was estimated using Cochran's formula), and obtained data are analyzed using SPSS 22 software. The results indicate that the residents of Hezardastgah residential town experience significantly higher permeability in the public spaces compared to those of Dowlat Abad residential town. While about 52.2% of the residents of Hezar Dastgah residential town have the feeling of security, 37% of the residents in Dowlat Abad residential town have this feeling. Moreover, examining the relationship between security provided by permeability and the presence of women indicates that factors such as visual control and accessibility and legibility are the most important factors playing a role in providing security, followed by spatial integrity.
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