Factors Influencing Women's Empowerment to Ensure Psychological Security of the Family
Subject Areas :
1 - Master's Student, Department of Quranic Interpretation and Sciences, Qom Seminary, Qom, Iran.
Keywords: Women's Empowerment, Empowerment, Family Empowerment, Psychological Security, Family.,
Abstract :
Women, as one of the main pillars of the family, play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity and boundaries of the household. Since the family, as the fundamental social unit, has a direct impact on the growth or decline of societies, attention to its empowerment is essential. To prevent the destructive consequences of social collapse, strengthening and empowering the family in individual, familial, social, and international dimensions is of paramount importance. In this regard, governmental organizations must design programs to empower social structures and enhance international capabilities, taking political considerations into account.Conversely, contemporary feminist movements, especially on a global scale, emphasize that women do not need to depend on men and should receive education in all dimensions. This idea has been pursued in many countries, particularly in developing nations, in the form of women's empowerment programs. This study provides a comprehensive perspective on women's empowerment in cultural, economic, political, and social aspects, aiming to include all women, not just those who are heads of households.The present study was conducted using a qualitative approach and in-depth interviews. The results indicate that women's empowerment is influenced by two categories of factors: internal and external. Women themselves act as an internal factor, while spouses, parents, and cultural institutions are identified as external influential factors.
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