Sports law of children with a view on domestic laws, documents and international treaties
Subject Areas : New legal trends
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Keywords: Child, sports law, security, safety, sports,
Abstract :
Today, with the significant growth of sports facilities in various sports fields, the demographic range of sports activists and athletes has expanded to such an extent that at least one person in every Iranian family is engaged in sports-related activities, and a part of this population is children. Doubt, the lowest expectation of the sports community is the safety and reliability of sports environments, which will not be achieved unless: • By raising awareness and providing information in the field of children's sports rights • Using the science of sports law to prevent accidents and crimes in children's sports • Compilation and approval of laws and regulations in the field of children's sports (examination of documents and regulations related to children clearly shows the vacuum and lack of laws in the field of children's sports) However, it is hoped that the upcoming research will take into account the emphasis and recommendation of the Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Child (Paragraph 1, Article 10) that: "States of the member countries, relevant specialized organizations and competent non-governmental organizations as much as possible in the publication of this declaration "Bokushand" has been able to take a step towards raising awareness of children's rights, especially in the field of children's sports and games This research is an applied research in terms of its purpose, and the current research method is a descriptive, analytical research. In this research, an attempt will be made to explain and describe the duties and powers of the managers and sports. law law.
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