A Cyber Security Maturity Model for Critical Infrastructures with a Comparative Study Approach
Subject Areas : Technology Development Infrastructures and Supporting organizations
Mohamad Akhtari
mohammadali keramati
seyed abdolah amin mousavi
1 - Department of Information Technology management, Central tehran branch, Islamic Azad University, tehran, iran
2 - Department of Industrial management, Central tehran branch, Islamic Azad University, tehran, iran
3 - Department of Industrial management, Central Tehran branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Cyber Security, Maturity of Cyber Security, Critical Infrastructure, Comparative Study.,
Abstract :
With the advancement of mankind in the information age and the advent of the digital information age, dependence on national infrastructure has become more important than ever. Lack of cyber security in infrastructure, disrupts the functioning of various sectors such as government, economy and services. By disrupting critical infrastructure, irreparable damage may occur in areas such as human casualties, economic damage, and loss of public confidence. Thus, information technology and cyber security have a special place in the digital arena. Accordingly, one of the most important challenges of different countries today, which can also harm national security, is cyber-attacks. This study explores to provide a cyber security maturity model for critical infrastructure. This study examines and analyzes five crucial models of cyber security maturity.The research shows that the cybersecurity maturity models are significantly similar to each other. By comparative study and comparison between the analyzed models, 48 indicators were obtained. Examination of these indicators shows that some of them overlap with other indicators. Therefore overlapping indices were classified into 16 groups based on frequency. Then, these groups by clustering analysis method and according to the obtained data, using SPSS software were organized in five levels, based on which the cyber security maturity model for critical infrastructure was presented.
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