• List of Articles SPA

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Content rating a nessissity for spam management in social networks
        Simin Ghesmati
        Nowadays using of social networks is growing very rapidly. Meanwhile, inappropriate and unintended contents like spam in these networks could be published. Forwarding inappropriate content by friends or spam senders caused that user receive these contents in their profi More
        Nowadays using of social networks is growing very rapidly. Meanwhile, inappropriate and unintended contents like spam in these networks could be published. Forwarding inappropriate content by friends or spam senders caused that user receive these contents in their profiles.The purpose of this research is to design a system to manage, diagnose and deal with spam attacks through social networks to reduce the attack effects as greatest extent as possible. In this study, the content rating system is to rate spam, phishing and over 18 contents in accordance with feedbacks from users so that the spam, phishing, or over 18 logos show and contents will not be displayed. Users are to click on the logo to reach the mentioned contents. To determine limit in comment senders is another ability of this social network system. The outcome of this study confirms that applying the content management system, as 95.22% percent of users claimed, was effective to avoid spam displaying and 99.61% percent of users were highly satisfied with the procedures in spam reduction in the implemented social network. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Content rating for spam management in social networks a nessissity
        Simin Ghesmati
        Nowadays using of social networks is growing very rapidly. Meanwhile, inappropriate and unintended contents like spam in these networks could be published. Forwarding inappropriate content by friends or spam senders caused that user receive these contents in their profi More
        Nowadays using of social networks is growing very rapidly. Meanwhile, inappropriate and unintended contents like spam in these networks could be published. Forwarding inappropriate content by friends or spam senders caused that user receive these contents in their profiles.The purpose of this research is to design a system to manage, diagnose and deal with spam attacks through social networks to reduce the attack effects as greatest extent as possible. In this study, the content rating system is to rate spam, phishing and over 18 contents in accordance with feedbacks from users so that the spam, phishing, or over 18 logos show and contents will not be displayed. Users are to click on the logo to reach the mentioned contents. To determine limit in comment senders is another ability of this social network system. The outcome of this study confirms that applying the content management system, as 95.22% percent of users claimed, was effective to avoid spam displaying and 99.61% percent of users were highly satisfied with the procedures in spam reduction in the implemented social network. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - A System for Online Notification of Changes to Webblog Abstracts
        Mehdi Naghavi
        Exponential growth of information in the cyber space alongside rapid advancements in its related technologies has created a new mode of competition between societies to gain information domination in this critical and invaluable space. It has thus become quite critical More
        Exponential growth of information in the cyber space alongside rapid advancements in its related technologies has created a new mode of competition between societies to gain information domination in this critical and invaluable space. It has thus become quite critical to all stakeholders to play a leading and dominant role in generation of information and monitoring of voluminous information uploaded to this space. However, to achieve domination in monitoring large amount of information in cyberspace requires real-time monitoring using new techniques and approaches instead of traditional techniques. Concerned with the latter case, we limit our focus in this paper on Web blogs as an important part of the cyber space and propose a novel notification system for quick reporting of changes made to Web blogs. This is achieved by restricting the search for changes to high volumes of Web blogs only to changes to the abstracts of Web blogs derived from Web blogs. We show that this system works favorably compared to systems that require cooperation and synchronization between information providers. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Image Processing of steel sheets for Defect Detection by using Gabor Wavelet
        masoud shafiee mostafa sadeghi
        In different steps of steel production, various defects appear on the surface of the sheet. Putting aside the causes of defects, precise identification of their kinds helps classify steel sheet correctly, thereby it allocates a high percentage of quality control process More
        In different steps of steel production, various defects appear on the surface of the sheet. Putting aside the causes of defects, precise identification of their kinds helps classify steel sheet correctly, thereby it allocates a high percentage of quality control process. QC of steel sheet for promotion of product quality and maintaining the competitive market is of great importance. In this paper, in addition to quick review of image process techniques used, using image process by means of Gabor wavelet, a fast and precise solution for detection of texture defects in steel sheet is presented. In first step, the approach extracts considerable texture specification from image by using Gabor wavelet. The specification includes both different directions and different frequencies. Then using statistical methods, images are selected that have more obvious defects, and location of defects is determined. Offering the experimental samples, the accuracy and speed of the method is indicated. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Analysis of spatial growth pattern - time in Maragheh city using spatial metric methods
        Ali Shamaei Hasan Ahar Eshaq Jalaliyan
        physical development of the city as the spatial pattern of activity in a particular period of time is defined and it is divided into two main groups, means Urban sprawl (Sprawl), and the compact city model (Compact city). In recent decades, cities have grown organically More
        physical development of the city as the spatial pattern of activity in a particular period of time is defined and it is divided into two main groups, means Urban sprawl (Sprawl), and the compact city model (Compact city). In recent decades, cities have grown organically and urban areas in a short time have been several times its original size and city development has been the forms of the individual components, without planning, uncoordinated that urban sprawl pattern is the main feature. This is necessary that attention to physical development of the city in order to sustainable Development. The case study is Maragheh city. Analytical method in this study is comparative. In this study is used of the methods of spatial metrics in order to analysis of urban sprawl in Maragheh city. The results show urban sprawl. Urban growth has been slowly in the past. Starting with rapid urbanization from 1355 to 1365 the city began a rapid growth and area of the city has increased several times and urban sprawl has occurred in this decade and it is continued until 1394. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Analyzing the factors affecting on the spatial planning in border regions of Iran and Afganistan from the perspective of political geography
        Mahmood Vasegh   Abbas Tabatabai
        The borders of Iran in the recent two centuries have been the arena of conflict and territorial tide that its result in the period of first Pahlavi and modernize of politics conce pts waz the current land of Iran. Iran and Afganistan have about 945 KM common border that More
        The borders of Iran in the recent two centuries have been the arena of conflict and territorial tide that its result in the period of first Pahlavi and modernize of politics conce pts waz the current land of Iran. Iran and Afganistan have about 945 KM common border that stretched from the Zulficar crater to the Malek siah mountain. There is a lot of external and internal factors that are effective in the frontier zones of this areas. The issue that is analyzing in this article is the impacts of this factors that must be seen in the land use planning of this areas. The research method in this article is library and analytical to answer this question: Wich external and internal factors are effective in the spatial planning in border regions. According to the findings of this article, many factors such as immigration illegal, drugs, terrorism and the presence of western powers are effective on this issue. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Factors affecting urban creative city to create interactive space
        monir mirzayi abbas arghan mohammad reza zand moghadam
        The purpose of this study is to investigate the effective indicators for creating interactive spaces with an emphasis on the creative city. In this regard, according to the research topic, the scrolling method has been used. Regarding the level of study, two descriptive More
        The purpose of this study is to investigate the effective indicators for creating interactive spaces with an emphasis on the creative city. In this regard, according to the research topic, the scrolling method has been used. Regarding the level of study, two descriptive and explanatory levels (descriptive-analytical) were used. Also, for statistical analysis, statistical software such as SPSS and Super Decision software have been used. At the descriptive level, one-dimensional tables, percentages and abundance have been used. Also, at the inferential level, T-test was used to test the hypotheses, along with two independent samples, Pearson's path analysis. The ANP model is used to rank the factors influencing the realization of the creative city. Finally, the results of the research showed that social capital is a good predictor of explaining the level of the creative city in Ray. The creative city can meet the needs and aspirations of urban communities on a variety of dimensions. The needs of each city are influenced by the growth of the city. Urban space is realized when a person or people want to use it or be involved in this process. This process, on the one hand, contributes to the dynamism of the environment and, on the other hand, to the emergence of the creative class. Impact factors (human capital, innovation, social capital and quality of life) can be effective indicators of creativity and planning. In this research, it has been dealt with in general. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Impact Analysis of the Physical-Spatial Transformations of Suburban Rural Settlements on Internal and External Factors at Urban Collection Mashhad
        Mahdi Javanshiri   Hamdollah Sojasi Qeydari
        The present study was conducted to investigate, analyze and explain the physical-spatial changes of rural settlements at urban collection Mashhad during the last ten years. The research method in this research is descriptive-analytical and fundamental in terms of purpos More
        The present study was conducted to investigate, analyze and explain the physical-spatial changes of rural settlements at urban collection Mashhad during the last ten years. The research method in this research is descriptive-analytical and fundamental in terms of purpose. Documentary and field methods have been used to collect information. The sample population is 28 villages of over 20 households in urban collection Mashhad which were selected from different classes of population and different distances with Mashhad city. From 20083 households in sample rural areas, using the Cochran formula, a sample size of 377 households were selected by random sampling method. To test the conceptual model of research and the effect of identified factors on physical-spatial evolution was used with partial least squares technique and using Smart PLS software. According to the results, the coefficients t between the main variables of research were above 2.58, that is, the relationship is significant and direct; In this way, internal indices, adjacent to the metropolis of Mashhad and external factors have a positive and significant effect on the physical and spatial changes of rural settlements. According to the coefficients of the total variable, external factors with a coefficient of 0.947 have the greatest impact and the internal factors of the village have had the least impact on the physical-spatial changes of settlements. The results of spatial analysis and ranking of sample villages with the WASPAS estimation model indicated that the villages of Gorgi-Sofla, Hosseinabad-Ghorghi and Dostabad had the highest level of physical-spatial changes. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Investigation of challenges and strategies of rural urban1 spatial development (Case study: East and west Bandpey district of Babol town)
        Dr saadi Mohammadi elham davari chnoor mohammadi
        Abstract Problem Scheme: Urbanization and increase of population, and consequently development of small and large towns are among today's trends. The sustainable development of the mentioned items is bound to having an efficient urban management and planning. Urban m More
        Abstract Problem Scheme: Urbanization and increase of population, and consequently development of small and large towns are among today's trends. The sustainable development of the mentioned items is bound to having an efficient urban management and planning. Urban management focuses highly on the issues of metropolises, large cities and sometimes mid-sized ones, and it gives much less attention to the managerial issues in rural urban areas. However, if rural urban areas can be economically independent, they can play a significant role in flourishing and booming their surrounding environment through holding a major share of production, investment and human resources. Objective: Thus, the present study aimed to investigate the challenges and strategies of rural urban areas which have recently turned into towns. Method: This is a descriptive-analytical research which collected its data through the documentation and field techniques. The population included households residing in East and west Bandpey district of Babol town, among which two hundred households were randomly selected as sample using the Cochran's method. Results: Finally, after information collection and analysis, it was concluded that such rural urban areas are facing fundamental issues and obstacles such as waste disposal and separation, poor performance of urban bodies, low engagement of citizens in urban projects, etc. which can be resolved through adopting strategies such as reinforcement of urban organizations, development and expansion of services and urban facilities, utilization of local potentials, etc. Innovation: Considering that village-cities as a city-village link play an important role in regional equilibrium, the study of the challenges and challenges of the future and the determination of the spatial development strategies of these settlements is an innovation of this research Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Factors Affecting Security Approach in Kurdistan Region Affiliation with Emphasis on Border Regions of Kurdistan Province
        yashar zaki   eskandar moradi  
        The location of the tribes and religions in the territory of the country is of great importance in the management of space and space development. If there are ethnic groups in the border regions and there are regionalismist tendencies among those ethnic groups, this sit More
        The location of the tribes and religions in the territory of the country is of great importance in the management of space and space development. If there are ethnic groups in the border regions and there are regionalismist tendencies among those ethnic groups, this situation poses a country with a range of opportunities and threats. On the one hand, the existence of peoples in the border regions can act as geopolitical hinges and promote the sphere of influence of the country, and, on the other hand, ethno-regionalist tendencies can face the country with security, political, economic and social threats. Iran, with its unique position in the Middle East, has many tribes and religions in the border regions, which are also geographically located on the other side of the border. Kurds in Iran have many common interests with the central core of the country. But the security approach and security priority on development in the Kurdistan region, emphasizing the border regions of Kurdistan province, have caused the potentially natural and human potential of these regions not to be fertilized and the underdevelopment of these areas produces reproduction Get security issues. This applied research and using descriptive analytical method and Internet library sources has been used to collect the data. The factors affecting the security approach in Kurdistan regions are emphasized on the border regions of Kurdistan province, using existing data. has done. The results of the research show that geocultural, geo-political, geo-geomechanical and geostrategic factors have affected the security approach in the Kurdish regions of Iran with an emphasis on the border areas of Kurdistan province. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Scientific critique and "critical" structural-functional scanning
        ِAbaas Saidi
        The Structural-Functional Scheduling Approach was proposed by the author in 2011 as a new framework in the study of space systems, in particular its settlement system. Since then, this approach has been more or less welcomed both in scientific-research circles and in ex More
        The Structural-Functional Scheduling Approach was proposed by the author in 2011 as a new framework in the study of space systems, in particular its settlement system. Since then, this approach has been more or less welcomed both in scientific-research circles and in executive agencies. However, criticisms have been made about it. The motivation for writing this essay is actually to address the content of one of these critiques and an explanation of some of the principles of critique, although its audience is not necessarily an individual, but the scientific community of the country, especially students and scholars who are interested in more critique and possibly the use of this The approach is to advance their research. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - The Geo-discourse of Takfiri IS group and its Media Representation- with emphasis on digital media
        This essay would explore the media dimension of operations of takfiri-terrorist IS group. To do so we will study the discourse making process of IS throughout virtual space and Virtual Networks. This article argues that establishing a discoursive system and articulating More
        This essay would explore the media dimension of operations of takfiri-terrorist IS group. To do so we will study the discourse making process of IS throughout virtual space and Virtual Networks. This article argues that establishing a discoursive system and articulating ideational concepts that construct the positions of Self and Other and give them a hegemonic status is possible via virtual networks and with enjoying of media ploys. In this regard the main question of this essay is about the evaluation of the level of efficacy of these media arenas for IS and assesing the opportunities or by contrast the threats offered by them for IS’s activism. Our hypothesis is that virtual space is useful for IS and this group thanks to a professional approach to social networks and knowing the function of media, can establish a media terrorism by psychological operation and therefore complete its geopolitics actions. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - The Role of Environmental and Physical in Urban Security
        According to the security of its non-police aspect, it is a new phenomenon and generally a lack of studies in this area is obvious. The roots of some crimes and a feeling of insecure is due to a lack of attention of urban planners and managers. The big issue in terms of More
        According to the security of its non-police aspect, it is a new phenomenon and generally a lack of studies in this area is obvious. The roots of some crimes and a feeling of insecure is due to a lack of attention of urban planners and managers. The big issue in terms of security and the prevention of critical events and crime is whether the big cities, have provided such conditions? This study aimed to understand the role of different factors and the physical environment and its impact on security. The research method is a combination of descriptive - analytic. This article attempts to answer these questions:1- Does the combination of environmental and physical factors is effective in security of urban areas? 2. Is the composition and distribution of urban land use surrounding public spaces in the study area is effective to increase urban security? The study area is District 8 of Tehran. Information required is obtained by library and field observation. Analysis of the data is done via SPSS software and Minitabs and GIS. The results indicate that the local security as well as environmental and physical differences in them is different. Also 13 neighborhood of district 8 of Tehran in terms of security and the individual components of research were ranked. Security in those public spaces which have diverse and mix urban land-use, compared to other similar places that have lack of diversity and mix urban land use were different. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - Comparative Evaluation of the City’s Physical Space Properties in the Occurrence of Vandalism Behaviors (Case Study of Karshenasan Town and Kowsar Town in Ardabil)
        sohrab abolfathi
        Vandalism is a conscious, volitional, and self-imposed destruction of properties, general amenities and utilities of the city. Alongside with population increase and expansion, and physical spaces, today's cities face a variety of urban problems and damages, which colle More
        Vandalism is a conscious, volitional, and self-imposed destruction of properties, general amenities and utilities of the city. Alongside with population increase and expansion, and physical spaces, today's cities face a variety of urban problems and damages, which collectively threatens these communities in terms of environmental health, and security including issues of vandalism behaviors in the city. Given these circumstances, the necessity of considering the fact that the public spaces of the country's cities have encountered this social dilemma is of special significance. Subsequently Ardabil’s public spaces which are exposed to young people commuting are also facing such issues and problems. The main objective of this research is to identify the features of the physical space in the occurrence of vandalism behaviors in the two studied towns of the Ardabil city. This research is of applied type, and the data analysis method is descriptive-analytic. The first stage includes selection of indices, and physical data collection of two studied towns in development and expansion of vandalism phenomenon including urban land use, population density, the amount of access to the facilities and possible destruction utilities, level of isolation, and openness of urban spaces. The second stage includes analysis of collected data, preparation of maps and overlaying of them via GIS software in order to identify areas susceptible to cause this special damage. Results from data analysis, and checking the zoning of these two towns in terms of affectedness from vandalism phenomenon indicate that the vulnerability of Kowsar town is higher than Karshenasan town since the amount of open and isolated spaces with the use of urban uncultivated lands, and green spaces are more in Kowsar town. Moreover, the building and population density in Karshenasan town is higher than Kowsar town. Another important factor to be mentioned is the existence of the Shorabil recreational and tourism complex in Kowsar town which has created favorable conditions for the occurrence of this phenomenon. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - The role of construction and exploitation of the Alavian dam in the evolution of the spatial system of rural settlements in Maragheh and Bonab areas (1995-2017)
        Rasol Ghaffarirad ِAbaas Saidi
        Dam construction is one of the most important development activities to respond to the increasing demand of potable, agricultural and industrial water. The effects and consequences (positive and negative) of a dam, as is directly visible in each component that are consi More
        Dam construction is one of the most important development activities to respond to the increasing demand of potable, agricultural and industrial water. The effects and consequences (positive and negative) of a dam, as is directly visible in each component that are considered as a part of geographical spaces has also various visible and invisible signs and symptoms. In this regard dam construction has spatial dimensions and is considered within the spatial planning framework. So as various structures and functions (environmental, social, cultural, political, etc. are considered in spatial systems, therefore reviewing the structural-functional changes caused by the construction of dams and irrigation networks is necessary since it causes organization or disturbances/disruption of a spatial system. This paper aim to investigate the role of implementation and exploitation of Alavian dam irrigation network (which is operating with more than twenty-three years) in organizing the spatial system of rural settlements. The research method has been logical and by using quantitative and qualitative methods, the required information was collected. 370 households were selected using Cochran formula as the statistical sample. For analyzing the data, descriptive and inferential statistics has been used in SPSS (Kendal correlation test, Chi-square, Independence squared, Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney). The results has been showed that structural-functional changes due to the implementation of the project, in terms of top-down approach did not lead to the organization and development of the spatial system of rural settlements in the study area. Also, there is a significant relationship between the location of settlements, political-administrative divisions of the districts and the developments of the spatial system and the dam, in such a way that the construction of the dam has caused uneven development and disturbance of the spatial system between upstream settlements of the dam (in reservoir area) and downstream of the dam (irrigation network) and in Maragheh and Bonab. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - Infill development: capacities and necessities of growth management and spatial rearrangement of Tehran
        The lands in cities are areas for urban development and infill development is the process of optimization of land use. Planning and growth management by infill development policy, compare with other growth policies is closer and more consistent to sustainability. In thi More
        The lands in cities are areas for urban development and infill development is the process of optimization of land use. Planning and growth management by infill development policy, compare with other growth policies is closer and more consistent to sustainability. In this paper, we are going to study capacities and necessities of infill development of Tehran, by means of descriptive analytic and by use of documentary data. Findings indicate Tehran has the capacity of development and subsequently ready to growth management and special rearrangement via infill development. More than 18000 hectares of lands with infill development capacities that occupied 30% of city areas and 52% of vacant spaces and areas with developmental goals and high availability along with distribution and increment process, from east to west and north to south, makes possible not only physical growth management, but also facilitate spatial rearrangement to balance of inequality among regions and city zones by means of the policy of infill development and topical and local capacities. Redevelopment of north ,east and south areas, new development of west area and revitalization of central area, are general strategies of infill development in Tehran. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        17 - The Survey of moisture advection pattern of Iran's Comprehensive precipitations
        Transferring the water vapor in the atmosphere directly depend on the conditions of atmospheric circulation, amount and path of humidity changes related to the atmospheric circulation variation. one of the main factors of atmospheric circulation affecting on transferrin More
        Transferring the water vapor in the atmosphere directly depend on the conditions of atmospheric circulation, amount and path of humidity changes related to the atmospheric circulation variation. one of the main factors of atmospheric circulation affecting on transferring the moisture is high pressure centers that if placed on the water surface and humidity resources causes the moisture advection in a widely area. However, the role of low pressure systems and cyclones in advection and moisture flux, although not as much as high-pressure systems, but also played a significant role in transmitting and condition of moisture advection. the aim of this study is survey the moisture advection of Iran's precipitations. in this regard, pressure data, specific humidity, u wind and v wind parameters in 500, 700, 850 and 1000 hpa from NCEP/NCAR database were extracted and analyzed. the results showed that the moisture advection of iran's precipitations is related to the moisture advection pattern of low pressure of dual-core of Sudan and east Mediterranean - Europe high pressure, moisture advection pattern of multicore low pressure of central Iran, east Mediterranean and south east of Saudi Arabian, moisture advection pattern of high-pressure of north west of Europe- low pressure of Persian gulf, moisture advection pattern of high pressure of Siberia and Kazakhstan- low pressure of south east of Iran and low pressure of Mediterranean. Overly, the results showed that Arabian Sea in low level and Mediterranean Sea in high level had an important role in moisture advection of Iran's precipitations. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        18 - The Impact of Political Ideology on Promoting the Level of Geographic Space; Case study: Qom province
        hassan kamran      
        Administrative divisions are a clear indication of the role played by states in managing the territorial space, which is being discussed in many disciplines, especially in geopolitics .By pursuing country-specific divisions and territorial targeting, governments pursue More
        Administrative divisions are a clear indication of the role played by states in managing the territorial space, which is being discussed in many disciplines, especially in geopolitics .By pursuing country-specific divisions and territorial targeting, governments pursue specific goals and, according to specific rules and regulations, apply their own management in territorial territory. In the process of changing the level of political-administrative units, there are several factors that make up one of the most important ones, such as population, size, culture and ethnicity, age, security, access, etc. However, in some cases, it can be seen that the existence of a series of political and geopolitical considerations or religious or religious characteristics imposes these criteria on the sidelines and alone plays a key role in promoting the level of division of the state. One of these cases in Iran is the conversion of Qom county to Qom province. This article explores why and how it is influenced by it. This research has been done by descriptive-analytical method and its data and data have been collected through library resources, electronics and referring to relevant documents. The results of the research showed that political and religious factor played a major role in promoting the political level of Qom and forming Qom province, and had a greater impact than other factors. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        19 - Analysis of the factors influencing the promotion of the levels of national divisions (Case study: Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari provinces)
        Afshin Mottaghi Arash Ghorbanisepehr Vahid Amiri
        Country divisions are referred to as the process of dividing the country into smaller units, in order to facilitate its administration, distribution of facilities and public services, control over land space and facilitate the exercise of state sovereignty. In other wor More
        Country divisions are referred to as the process of dividing the country into smaller units, in order to facilitate its administration, distribution of facilities and public services, control over land space and facilitate the exercise of state sovereignty. In other words, every government has the inevitability of managing its territorial territory and exploiting it, boosting the talents and capabilities of the regions, creating favorable conditions for improving the economic, social, political and ... state and security of the country. Divide into smaller units. Based on this, the present study is applied in terms of its purpose and is a survey in terms of its implementation. The information gathering method in this research is a web-based and field-based library method, and a descriptive-analytical survey method has been used in terms of how the results are processed and interpreted and in accordance with the qualitative strategy. Accordingly, the present study seeks to answer the following questions: What are the factors affecting the promotion of levels of country divisions in the cities of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari? The results indicate that in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province, factors such as deprivation and underdevelopment of the region, geographical location and natural status of the province, remoteness and poor access of villagers to service centers and ... have played a role in national divisions. Manuscript profile
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        20 - Investigating the Impact of Defenseless Spaces on Citizen Safety sense (Case Study: Tehran Bazar Neighborhood)
        Hossein Farhadikhah Ahmad Pourahmad   Seyed Khalil Seyed Alipour
        Including the consequences of defenseless spaces in cities, less safe and more importantly reduce the sense of security among citizens, so evaluation these spaces and their effects on the sense of security of the citizens is essential. The purpose of this study is also More
        Including the consequences of defenseless spaces in cities, less safe and more importantly reduce the sense of security among citizens, so evaluation these spaces and their effects on the sense of security of the citizens is essential. The purpose of this study is also evaluating the effects of defenseless spaces on the sense of security of citizens in the Bazar neighborhood of Tehran. This research has an applied aim and its methodology Library - survey (questionnaire) is. To study for defenseless space of three indicators (physical, social and social - physical) and three indicators sense of security (sense of security of language, physical and visual) are used. The sample size using Cochran's formula, according to statistical population (23,696 people), 384 is obtained. To analyze the data, two software SPSS and SMART - PLS is used. The research results show that the between physical and social indicator’s sense of security of citizens there is a significant relationship, but between the social - physical indicators by sense of security, there is no significant relationship. As well as social indicators (crowding, privacy, etc.), the greatest impact on sense of security of citizens. Manuscript profile
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        21 - Assessment and evaluation of the differentiation Status and heterogeneity of spatial available in the urban area of Tehran using TOPSIS model
          Zaenab karkah Abadi saeid kamyabi
        Compared to the statistics of the past four decades, the population of Tehran has almost doubled, but the population of the Tehran urban area has more than nine times, the rapid expansion of the region without a specific pattern and program has exacerbated undesirable e More
        Compared to the statistics of the past four decades, the population of Tehran has almost doubled, but the population of the Tehran urban area has more than nine times, the rapid expansion of the region without a specific pattern and program has exacerbated undesirable effects, including has been increased regional differentiation and Spatial heterogeneity. The purpose of this research is to attempt to expand spatial justice in Tehran's urban area by reducing the differentiation and interstial Spatial heterogeneity. The present study paid to assessment of the degree of development in district settle ment by reviewing the 7 main criteria including31 indicators .In data analysis in addition to using statistical methods and TOPSIS, it was used Shannon Entropy method to weighing the indexes and The Arc.GIS software prepare maps. The results of the research show that the city of Tehran was in the first cluster alone and in the integrated measure, the degree of development and with the score 0.782 is about3 times the settlements of the second cluster, Thats mean, Islamshahr, Shahre Qads and Karaj, was15 times the settlements of the fourth cluster ,Pishva, Firoozkooh and Baharestan, on the last.This topic indicates a very high concentration of developmental criteria in Tehran and proves the existence of inequality and extreme spatial heterogeneity between city Tehran and other settlements located in Tehran's urban area. It seems that adopting policies derived from the multi-centered development model and attempting to promote the developmental indicators of the peripheral settlements in Tehran can led to reduce the differentiation and spatial heterogeneity and expand spatial justice in the region Manuscript profile
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        22 - The position of public spaces in meeting regeneration policies of ineffective contexts
        Farzaneh Salami Rahim Sarvar Bakhtyar Ezatpanah
        Nowadays, a majority of cities suffer from shortage of quality spaces for collective living. Undesirable space and lack of identity are among factors which put a higher emphasis on promoting quality of life. Life quality is a multi-aspect and complex category, and this More
        Nowadays, a majority of cities suffer from shortage of quality spaces for collective living. Undesirable space and lack of identity are among factors which put a higher emphasis on promoting quality of life. Life quality is a multi-aspect and complex category, and this concept has various meaning for different people and groups with respect to time and local conditions. Nowadays, life quality has decreased in various aspects and people′s presence has faded away in urban areas. However, existing population in public spaces is such that we face a large number of population in some spaces. This population is a factor to decrease collective life quality in cities. This population does not have sufficient area and required facilities to do voluntary activities in the area, and consequently less interactions will be hold, resulting in urban areas which have changed into sedentary spaces and without manifesting social life conditions. The major function of cities is facilitating the presence of citizens in urban spaces, collective life has become the victim of automobile comfort. Thus, the study is looking for explaining the position of public spaces in meeting regeneration policies in ineffective contexts such that promoting public spaces provides some conditions to promote people′s life quality in ineffective contexts (historic contexts). Manuscript profile
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        23 - Space Administration of Tourism Destinations in Rural Areas
        hajar mazidi rahmatollah monshizadeh farhad azizpour bijan rahmani
        Rural tourism is also considered as a part of tourism that is located in a peripheral economy that not only does not promote rural and local areas, but also creates environmental and social imbalances in these areas, resulting in very little benefit; and, as a result, t More
        Rural tourism is also considered as a part of tourism that is located in a peripheral economy that not only does not promote rural and local areas, but also creates environmental and social imbalances in these areas, resulting in very little benefit; and, as a result, this economic activity (Rural Tourism) creates very little benefit for the villagers, and the major benefits and costs return to the mother cities and large cities of the Third World, and ultimately to transnational corporations (Holland et all, 2003). In this regard, paying attention to planning (specially space planning) becomes necessary. This kind of planning should particularly be considered as an effective approach to the issue of tourism space organization. On the basis, the present study looks for the space administration of tourism destination in the rural areas of Mohammad Abad-Zarrin Gol area (the city of Ali Abad Katoul) as one of the tourism destinations. The methodology of the study is quantitative and its method is descriptive, and the data have been collected through a documentary and field manner. The statistical population included 20 rural tourism destinations in Mohammad Abad-Zarrin Gol area in Ali Abad Katoul city. It has been used the AHP method for rating factors, the Prometheus method for final score and ranking the destinations, and cluster analysis method for leveling the tourism destinations; as well, to determine the functional area of rural tourism destinations, GIs point of deflection in the sofware environment has been applied. The results of the study showed that the disproportion in the distribution of rural tourism destinations in the intended area of the study is one of the important challenges of the space administration of tourism development of this area. Manuscript profile
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        24 - Periodical effects of land uses on water quality of Zrebar Lake
        Majid  Delavar Mohammad Hossein  Niksokhan سمیه   ایمانی امیرآباد
        The entrance of nutrients and sediments to the water resources has become a challenge in water quality management. Accordingly, identifying main polluting sources and estimating total loads discharged to the surface waters are indispensable for simulation and management More
        The entrance of nutrients and sediments to the water resources has become a challenge in water quality management. Accordingly, identifying main polluting sources and estimating total loads discharged to the surface waters are indispensable for simulation and management. The purpose of this study is to use Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) to estimate nitrogen and phosphor loads discharging to the Zrebar Lake. In addition, it is intended to identify the effects of land uses and variations of time and spatial pattern of discharges. Currently, this lake contains fresh water and is used for recreational purposes while tackles with eutrophication problem because of agricultural activities. Regarding the results, the irrigated farmlands have the highest nitrogen discharge on June and August while it is on May for phosphorous. For dry crops, the highest value of nitrogen and phosphorous loads respectively belong to October and September. These are attributed to the way farms are irrigated and the amounts of fertilizers applied. Manuscript profile
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        25 - Study of mineralization and origin of Pliocene conglomerate hosted strata bound sedimentary Cu mineralization in the Ghareh-Aghaj, Maku
        Mehadi Moradi  Maghfouri  Moaid  Ashrati
        The study area is located in the Northwest of Iran and North of Khoy Ophiolite Belt. Rocks of the Ghareh-Aghaj region include Qum formation, Upper Red Formation and Pliocene conglomerate. Pliocene rock units consist of siltstone, sandstone (arkose and lithic arenite) an More
        The study area is located in the Northwest of Iran and North of Khoy Ophiolite Belt. Rocks of the Ghareh-Aghaj region include Qum formation, Upper Red Formation and Pliocene conglomerate. Pliocene rock units consist of siltstone, sandstone (arkose and lithic arenite) and microconglomerate- conglomerate. Pliocene cicroconglomerate- conglomerate hosted strata bound copper mineralization in the Ghareh Aghaj region, but the mineralization is partially seen in the sandstone unit. Much of the mineralization in the study area is open space filling and disseminated. Ore mineralogy of Ghareh-Aghaj is very simple and contains of native copper, cuprite and tenorite. Lack of copper sulfides, the absence of plant fossils as reducing agent, and the non-occurrence of copper replacement instead of plant tissues, occurance of mineralization as the open space filling and cement grain and formation of native copper as the main ore, all represent the dissimilarity of Ghareh-Aghaj Cu mineralization with Redbed type sedimentary copper deposits. Formation of Ghareh-Aghaj copper deposit can be explained as follows: Pore water formation of diagenetic processes within the Upper Red Formation caused the leaching of copper from this sequence and the formation of copper chloride complexes. Increasing of water table caused the development of reducing conditions in the Pliocene conglomerate. Therefore entrance of Copper-bearing fluids caused native copper deposition below the water table. Decreasing of groundwater table and exposure of native copper to the oxidizing conditions caused the replacement of cuprite, malachite and azurite with native copper. Manuscript profile
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        26 - The Effectiveness of Rural Entrepreneurship in Developing Rural-Urban Linkages The Case of Villages of Dalahoo Area (Kermanshah)
        abbas saidi bahram fathi
        Rural entrepreneurship can lead to more interaction between rural and urban centers and through the expansion of rural-urban flows (including the flow of people, goods, capital, information and technology), to bilateral relations and, ultimately, to rural-urban linkages More
        Rural entrepreneurship can lead to more interaction between rural and urban centers and through the expansion of rural-urban flows (including the flow of people, goods, capital, information and technology), to bilateral relations and, ultimately, to rural-urban linkages. This process, in turn, leads over time to the dynamism of rural areas and the creation of more opportunities for business activities as well as the improvement of the socio-economic conditions of rural settlements. This article examines the possibility of expanding rural entrepreneurship in the villages of Dalahoo district (Kermanshah province) and tries to show that expanding these activities and the relationships connected with them can not only lead to more interaction and connection of the villages with urban centers, but in harmony with urban centers, to the prosperity and development of rural settlements. The statistical population of the study consists of 139 rural settlements in the area, which were examined descriptively and analytically. To this end, library and field methods were used with surveying tools such as questionnaires and interviews to collect the necessary data and information. The indicators used to measure rural entrepreneurship and its effectiveness for sustainable local development included increases in employment and income levels, access to services and efforts to protect the environment. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistical methods and Spss and Excel software, as well as the t-test and the Pearson correlation test. The results of the study show that rural entrepreneurs in the rural Dalahu area, despite some of the area's natural potentials and socio-economic capabilities, have not been as successful and expanding as they should be, and apparently have not been able to properly bring about the rural-urban cohesion, to achieve relative sustainable development at the local level. It is mostly due to the unbalanced distribution of rural settlements and their critical distance from the regional centers, as well as lack of easy access to exchange Bazars, where improper mechanisms are overwhelming. Manuscript profile
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        27 - A Critical Study of Spacement Poetry Based on Narratology of Yadollah Royaee’s Poems
        غلامحسين  غلامحسين‌زاده Farzad Karimi قدرت‌ الله  طاهري
        Royaee invented and introduced a style in Persian poetry which he named Spacement Poetry. His poetry renewed debate about the relative value of form and context in modern Persian Poetry. The present article is a semiotic study of narration in his poem named “Sokoot Dast More
        Royaee invented and introduced a style in Persian poetry which he named Spacement Poetry. His poetry renewed debate about the relative value of form and context in modern Persian Poetry. The present article is a semiotic study of narration in his poem named “Sokoot Daste Gol-I Bood” (Silence seemed a bouquet of flower in my larynx), from his Sea Poems. The findings of the research show that he has employed an implied narration; narration occurs using repetitive spacements in short lines, without using any explicit narrative elements. This differentiated his poetry from the prevailed poetry of the time- symbolism, and romanticism. Manuscript profile
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        28 - Sufi time
        افسانه  ناظري
        For Muslim Gnostics, “Time” has special meanings, implications and features which indicate “passing-away of human nature and manifestation of the Divine”. It is the very “Time” or “Present Time” when spiritual experiences and intuition of interior Truths happens. The “P More
        For Muslim Gnostics, “Time” has special meanings, implications and features which indicate “passing-away of human nature and manifestation of the Divine”. It is the very “Time” or “Present Time” when spiritual experiences and intuition of interior Truths happens. The “Present Time” is between the past and future, but at the same time includes both. Accordingly, Sufi Time is going on in the present “Moment”, the moment having no temporal dimension; therefore, it goes on in a place which has no extensions. Hence, Sufi Time means to be “present” in a place and time free from the regulations of ordinary place and time. It has its own existential features and characteristics. The main objective of the present article is to explore what the sense, quality, quiddity, and ontological respects of Sufi Time are, and what spatial-temporal features it has; the features that, eventually, at the mind of a Sufi will develop the time and space (the Present Moment- world of Dominion) which “coincidence” of the past, the present and the future, a contradiction in terms, is one of its features that dominates all his existential aspects. Regarding the research question, its history, and lack of related literature, the research method of the first part is descriptive-explanatory, and of the second part is descriptive-analytic. In doing so, we have relied on the views and terminology of mysticism so that we would unveil the meanings hidden in Iranian-Islamic mysticism and its rich culture. Manuscript profile
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        29 - The Dissonance of Theory and Written Word (Study and Criticism of “Sparrows Sense Heaven”)
        Alireza  Siddiqui
        Sparrows Sense Heaven, a novel, was written based on post-modernism teachings. Paying attention to chaos in narration and naturally the time of the story, super-story features, creating a false cycle using historical characters along with story characters and the presen More
        Sparrows Sense Heaven, a novel, was written based on post-modernism teachings. Paying attention to chaos in narration and naturally the time of the story, super-story features, creating a false cycle using historical characters along with story characters and the presence of the writer within the story for distorting the borders between the reality and imagination are among the features and characteristics which categorize this work as a post-modern novel. Still, and at points, one can spot and observe issues which have no relation with the post-modernism teachings. The present essay first points to the post-modernism characteristics of the novel, and then criticizes the non-relevant elements. It also shows that using the methods related to this process- which claims one of its major duties to be revealing a character as a symbol and representative of the sacred defense war soldiers- is not in its right and due place; as the post-modernism attitude and insight towards man and life does not correspond with the existing attitude in this novel. Obviously despite the emphasis of all the characters on describing an ideal character in the novel, we are not even facing a multi-voiced novel either. Manuscript profile
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        30 - Internet and Radical Democracy: Introduction to the Formation of Radical Virtual Democracy
        Meisam Ghahreman Majid Abbaszadeh Marzbali
        Pluralist radical democracy of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe is a way to end any kind of innate thought about political life; a way in which sporadic powers, parallel hegemonies and as a result various discourses are formed. Discourses whose predicates’ capacities t More
        Pluralist radical democracy of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe is a way to end any kind of innate thought about political life; a way in which sporadic powers, parallel hegemonies and as a result various discourses are formed. Discourses whose predicates’ capacities to satiation and saturating can turn them to hegemonic discourse; but something which seems very important in this radical democracy is that as a result of cultural development due to post-modernism and language games, otherness and plurality in society must be reserved in contest form. Authors believe that against the real world, this kind of contest can be applied in virtual space; hence we call it radical virtual democracy; a radical democracy which has great abilities to affect social and political life; therefore, the main question of this article which we try to answer is that, how is the formation and realization of radical virtual democracy caused by Internet? The hypothesis of the current writing is that the virtual space of Internet with its unique features like hypertext, hyper-network, interactional action and the decentralization of medium power which is assured by two features of access possibility to virtual identity and technical and non-exclusive skilled facilities, has the ability to form radical virtual democracy. Manuscript profile
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        31 - Arendt’s Political Thought and the Possibility of Change in International Relations
        Homeira  Moshirzadeh Arya Moknat
        According to mainstream IR theories and, in particular, realism, violence is and will remain to be an essential and inseparable part of international relations. All variations of realism view human nature and/or intentional system as inherently violent. Hannah Arendt’s More
        According to mainstream IR theories and, in particular, realism, violence is and will remain to be an essential and inseparable part of international relations. All variations of realism view human nature and/or intentional system as inherently violent. Hannah Arendt’s theory of political power as a non-violent and collective human action challenges this fundamental assumption and offers a new perspective on what constitutes the essence of politics. Arendt’s idea of “human condition” rejects all forms of essentialism with regard to human beings and opens up a theoretical space for a new understanding of international relations where human beings become the primary political agents (despite the fact that she sees the existing international relations more from a realist point of view). Contrary to mainstream IR theories in general, and to realism in particular, for Arendt the individuals, rather than the states, are ultimately the main players in international relations. In this paper, we bind different aspects of Arendt’s political thought together to offer a new theoretical perspective for a possible change in world politics. Manuscript profile
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        32 - Assessing the managerial and physical- spatial changes of Tehran peripheral cities (Case Study: Qods city)
        hamidreza  kouzehgar Alireza Estelaji
        Rapid urbanization, rising growth of cities, ever-increasing accumulation of population in urban areas caused by migration, and finally converting the rural centers to urban detached places, and attaching a city to another one have unbalanced population and planning’s s More
        Rapid urbanization, rising growth of cities, ever-increasing accumulation of population in urban areas caused by migration, and finally converting the rural centers to urban detached places, and attaching a city to another one have unbalanced population and planning’s spatial equilibrium, social damages and extended physical changes. These changes need managerial and physical- spatial transformations. Managing the boundaries of metropolises due to various economical, political, social and environmental reasons is a challenging problem among the connections of governmental levels. As well, Tehran metropolis has encountered a lot of problems in relation to development around its borders. This management is functionally and geographically a dispersed one. Therefore, applying urban integrated management system in these areas is an imperative need. The statistical population includes citizens and Experts (managers and officials) of the city of Quds. According to Cochran's formula, this number is equal to 384 for citizens and for Experts are designated equal to 226 people. In this paper the research data has been analyzed by SPSS software and the hypothesis has been analyzed by one-variable T-test. The results show that urban integrated management at Qods city as a peripheral town of Tehran metropolis is inappropriate and unacceptable. Only establishing this kind of management can bring about physical and servicing development and public satisfaction. In this relation, Joining Qods city to Tehran metropolis is very effective from the view of managerial and physical- spatial improvement. The city’s experts and residents are agreed with Tehran- Qods combination and believe that this act lead to political, economical, cultural and social transformations and bring about more budgets for Qods city. Manuscript profile
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        33 - Spatial Dynamics of Islamic City Based on Complexity Theory; Case Study: Tehran Central District
        Hossein Hataminejad Ahmad pourahmad Keramatalah Zayyari Hosein Behbodi Moghadam
        City is always dynamic and undergoing transformation. This dynamic in Islamic cities has been influenced by variety of exogenous and endogenous factors and has gotten complexity form. Therefore, the purpose of this research is the study of complexities of Islamic city s More
        City is always dynamic and undergoing transformation. This dynamic in Islamic cities has been influenced by variety of exogenous and endogenous factors and has gotten complexity form. Therefore, the purpose of this research is the study of complexities of Islamic city spatial dynamics from the perspective of complexity theory and planning of these dynamics from the viewpoint of city as a complex system. Research Method in this paper is based on descriptive-analytical method and data collection method, based on documentary and field method. The statistical sample of the research consists of 85 urban managers and municipal experts (working in region 12, its six districts and Districts 1 and 2 of region 11), who have been identified based on the Cochran’s formula. Using the Mactor method and software and selecting the central part of Tehran as the study area, the following results were obtained: First, in recent decades, various factors and processes have played a role in the spatial dynamics of Tehran (As an Islamic and Muslim city) and its central part ,as They introduce it as a complex system. Second, the diversity of space actors with different positions of divergence, convergence and competition in the spatial dynamics of the central part of Tehran indicates the diversity, complexity and variety of elements involved in urban planning in this area. That is, in the study and planning of the Islamic city, one cannot rely on a single factor such as modernism or globalization, and the diversity of space processes and actors must be studied in terms of complexity theory, and all plans in urban planning have to consider this diversity. Manuscript profile
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        34 - Cultural Analysis of Space in In Kurdish Residential Architecture; Case Study: Traditional Houses in Mukrian (The City of Sardasht)
        Elham Rashidzadeh Foad Habibi
        Space is one of the most important architectural issue whose form, structure and organization are directly related to culture. In fact, the aspects and components of culture in the built environment are appear in the form of space. It can be said that architecture organ More
        Space is one of the most important architectural issue whose form, structure and organization are directly related to culture. In fact, the aspects and components of culture in the built environment are appear in the form of space. It can be said that architecture organizes the social and cultural laws inherent in customs and habits through the language of physical appearance and space. Therefore, the way of organization, order and type of spaces, in addition to representing the cultural background and identity of residents, also affects the social structure of the user of the space. The main purpose of this study is investigateting the nature of residential architecture in the region of Kurdistan Makri (Mokrian), with emphasis on the characteristics and features of the architectural space and how it is organized and arranged from the perspective of culture. To achieve this goal, using a qualitative method of ethnography, the totality of Kurdish culture is based on more tangible variables that affect the architectural space (lifestyle, family structure, gender role (status of women), privacy and the process of social relations) in the relationship with the shape of houses has been investigated. Architectural data collection (planning, sketching and photography) using the field method in relation to the shape of traditional houses (urban houses) in Sardasht, located in northwestern Iran, as a general example and studies of urban housing and verancular architecture The Kurdish region of Mokrian has been done. Therefore, in order to analyze the spatial structure, the space layout pattern and their diagram were drawn using Agraph software. Then, the correlation indices, Relative Asymmetry, Mean depth Cv (control) of the spaces were analyzed using mathematical relationships of spacetime for each sample. The general results of the research show that the traditional architecture of Mokrian region is a combination of introverted and extroverted architecture. In the urban houses of this region, the issue of privacy has a complex structure due to the specific culture of the Kurds, and most of the spaces have a public dimension. The status and position of women in the house and family system in terms of the number of spouses is very important in the way of space organization that reflects behaviors derived from their culture, local customs and social structure. Manuscript profile
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        35 - Cultural Sustainability, Density and Housing Typology; Case study : Residential Areas of Tabriz Metropolis
        Islam Karami Mojtaba Rafieian Ali Javan Frozandeh Roshanak Sakhinia
        By drawing on the tool of studying physical density and residential typology with reference to cultural dimensions, this study aims to examine the concept of culture, with particular emphasis on traditional and Islamic values (with qualitative nature), within both theor More
        By drawing on the tool of studying physical density and residential typology with reference to cultural dimensions, this study aims to examine the concept of culture, with particular emphasis on traditional and Islamic values (with qualitative nature), within both theoretical and practical domains and bring it together with the complex and practical concept of physical density(with quantitative nature). In doing so, this study attempts to find strategies to guarantee the perpetual presence of culture in contemporary cities and particularly in residential setups (with qualitative/quantitative nature). The Spacemate is a tool based on the relation between density and structural forms in any scale under study which can assist architects, planners, and urban designers in their decision-making and design projects, where four quantitative indices of density can get involved simultaneously. In this study, not only this tool would be examined in relation to sustainability but also it will be used as a method in defining the relation between the types and sustainability itself. After a brief review on the related literature in three fields of typology, density and cultural sustainability, the study attempts to clarify the relationship between these three fields and the definition of qualitative indices, cultural sustainability and quantitative indices of physical density which relate to different types of residences. A typological approach to the issue of housing with regards to cultural debates can be instrumental because while proposing solutions and programming it can indicate which specific types are to be supported and which types to be prevented or restricted. In order to extract the dimensions and indices of cultural sustainability, qualitative concepts of residential sustainability in the domain of culture was surveyed and by utilizing the Delphi method, during two stages, the questionnaires completed by tens of experts in the field were assessed and selected. From among these concepts, six were detected as the most important concepts and were used during the analysis. Eleven samples from various points of residential spaces in the city of Tabriz were selected for the analysis as representatives of the different types while considering the geographical and cultural distribution of the city. After calculation and statistical analysis of the data, the degree of cultural sustainability of each sample was transferred to Spacemate and was interpreted. Manuscript profile
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        36 - A New Upper Bound for Free Space Optical Channel Capacity Using a Simple Mathematical in Equality
        Arezu Rezazadeh Ghosheh  Abed Hodtani
        In this paper, by using a simple mathematical inequality, we derive a $ new upper bound fkr the capacity of$ free space optical channel in coherent case. Then, by applying general fading distribution, we obtain an upper bound for mutual information in non-coherent cas More
        In this paper, by using a simple mathematical inequality, we derive a $ new upper bound fkr the capacity of$ free space optical channel in coherent case. Then, by applying general fading distribution, we obtain an upper bound for mutual information in non-coherent case. Finally, we derive the corresponding optimal input distributions for both coherent and non-coherent cases, compare the results with previous works numerically and illustrate that our results subsume some of previous results in special cases. Manuscript profile
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        37 - Network RAM Based Process Migration for HPC Clusters
        Hamid Sharifian msharifi msharifi
        Process migration is critical to dynamic balancing of workloads on cluster nodes in any high performance computing cluster to achieve high overall throughput and performance. Most existing process migration mechanisms are however unsuccessful in achieving this goal pr More
        Process migration is critical to dynamic balancing of workloads on cluster nodes in any high performance computing cluster to achieve high overall throughput and performance. Most existing process migration mechanisms are however unsuccessful in achieving this goal proper because they either allow once-only migration of processes or have complex implementations of address space transfer that degrade process migration performance. We propose a new process migration mechanism for HPC clusters that allows multiple migrations of each process by using the network RAM feature of clusters to transfer the address spaces of processes upon their multiple migrations. We show experimentally that the superiority of our proposed mechanism in attaining higher performance compared to existing comparable mechanisms is due to effective management of residual data dependencies. Manuscript profile
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        38 - Accurate Fire Detection System for Various Environments using Gaussian Mixture Model and HSV Space
        Khosro Rezaee Seyed Jalaleddin Mousavirad Mohammad Rasegh Ghezelbash Javad Haddadnia
        Smart and timely detection of fire can be very useful in coping with this phenomenon and its inhibition. Enhancing some image analysis methods such as converting RGB image to HSV image, smart selecting the threshold in fire separation, Gaussian mixture model, forming po More
        Smart and timely detection of fire can be very useful in coping with this phenomenon and its inhibition. Enhancing some image analysis methods such as converting RGB image to HSV image, smart selecting the threshold in fire separation, Gaussian mixture model, forming polygon the enclosed area resulted from edge detection and its combination with original image, this papers addresses fire detection. Accuracy and precision in performance and rapid detection of fire are among the features that distinguish this proposed system from similar fire detection systems such as Markov model, GM, DBFIR and other algorithms introduced in valid articles. The average accuracy (95%) resulted from testing 35000 frames in different fire environments and the high sensitivity (96%) was quite significant. This system be regarded as a reliable suitable alternative for the sensory set used in residential areas, but also the high speed image processing and accurate detection of fire in wide areas makes it low cost, reliable and appropriate. Manuscript profile
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        39 - A Study on Clustering for Clustering Based Image De-noising
        Hossein Bakhshi Golestani Mohsen Joneidi Mostafa Sadeghi
        In this paper, the problem of de-noising of an image contaminated with Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) is studied. This subject is an open problem in signal processing for more than 50 years. In the present paper, we suggest a method based on global clustering of i More
        In this paper, the problem of de-noising of an image contaminated with Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) is studied. This subject is an open problem in signal processing for more than 50 years. In the present paper, we suggest a method based on global clustering of image constructing blocks. As the type of clustering plays an important role in clustering-based de-noising methods, we address two questions about the clustering. The first, which parts of the data should be considered for clustering? The second, what data clustering method is suitable for de-noising? Then clustering is exploited to learn an over complete dictionary. By obtaining sparse decomposition of the noisy image blocks in terms of the dictionary atoms, the de-noised version is achieved. Experimental results show that our dictionary learning framework outperforms its competitors in terms of de-noising performance and execution time. Manuscript profile
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        40 - Farsi Conceptual Text Summarizer: A New Model in Continuous Vector Space
        Mohammad Ebrahim Khademi Mohammad Fakhredanesh Seyed Mojtaba Hoseini
        Traditional methods of summarization were very costly and time-consuming. This led to the emergence of automatic methods for text summarization. Extractive summarization is an automatic method for generating summary by identifying the most important sentences of a text. More
        Traditional methods of summarization were very costly and time-consuming. This led to the emergence of automatic methods for text summarization. Extractive summarization is an automatic method for generating summary by identifying the most important sentences of a text. In this paper, two innovative approaches are presented for summarizing the Persian texts. In these methods, using a combination of deep learning and statistical methods, we cluster the concepts of the text and, based on the importance of the concepts in each sentence, we derive the sentences that have the most conceptual burden. In the first unsupervised method, without using any hand-crafted features, we achieved state-of-the-art results on the Pasokh single-document corpus as compared to the best supervised Persian methods. In order to have a better understanding of the results, we have evaluated the human summaries generated by the contributing authors of the Pasokh corpus as a measure of the success rate of the proposed methods. In terms of recall, these have achieved favorable results. In the second method, by giving the coefficient of title effect and its increase, the average ROUGE-2 values increased to 0.4% on the Pasokh single-document corpus compared to the first method and the average ROUGE-1 values increased to 3% on the Khabir news corpus. Manuscript profile
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        41 - Reliability Analysis of the Sum-Product Decoding Algorithm for the PSK Modulation Scheme
        Hadi Khodaei Jooshin Mahdi Nangir
        Iteratively decoding and reconstruction of encoded data has been considered in recent decades. Most of these iterative schemes are based on graphical codes. Messages are passed through space graphs to reach a reliable belief of the original data. This paper presents a p More
        Iteratively decoding and reconstruction of encoded data has been considered in recent decades. Most of these iterative schemes are based on graphical codes. Messages are passed through space graphs to reach a reliable belief of the original data. This paper presents a performance analysis of the Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) code design method which approach the capacity of the Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) model for communication channels. We investigate the reliability of the system under Phase Shift Keying (PSK) modulation. We study the effects and advantages of variation in the codeword length, the rate of parity-check matrix of the LDPC codes, and the number of iterations in the Sum-Product Algorithm (SPA). By employing an LDPC encoder prior to the PSK modulation block and the SPA in the decoding part, the Bit Error Rate (BER) performance of the PSK modulation system can improve significantly. The BER performance improvement of a point-to-point communication system is measured in different cases. Our analysis is capable for applying any other iterative message-passing algorithm. The code design process of the communication systems and parameter selection of the encoding and decoding algorithms are accomplished by considering hardware limitations in a communication system. Our results help to design and select paramours efficiently. Manuscript profile
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        42 - Overcoming the Link Prediction Limitation in Sparse Networks using Community Detection
        Mohammad Pouya Salvati Jamshid  Bagherzadeh Mohasefi Sadegh Sulaimany
        Link prediction seeks to detect missing links and the ones that may be established in the future given the network structure or node features. Numerous methods have been presented for improving the basic unsupervised neighbourhood-based methods of link prediction. A maj More
        Link prediction seeks to detect missing links and the ones that may be established in the future given the network structure or node features. Numerous methods have been presented for improving the basic unsupervised neighbourhood-based methods of link prediction. A major issue confronted by all these methods, is that many of the available networks are sparse. This results in high volume of computation, longer processing times, more memory requirements, and more poor results. This research has presented a new, distinct method for link prediction based on community detection in large-scale sparse networks. Here, the communities over the network are first identified, and the link prediction operations are then performed within each obtained community using neighbourhood-based methods. Next, a new method for link prediction has been carried out between the clusters with a specified manner for maximal utilization of the network capacity. Utilized community detection algorithms are Best partition, Link community, Info map and Girvan-Newman, and the datasets used in experiments are Email, HEP, REL, Wikivote, Word and PPI. For evaluation of the proposed method, three measures have been used: precision, computation time and AUC. The results obtained over different datasets demonstrate that extra calculations have been prevented, and precision has been increased. In this method, runtime has also been reduced considerably. Moreover, in many cases Best partition community detection method has good results compared to other community detection algorithms. Manuscript profile
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        43 - Using Static Information of Programs to Partition the Input Domain in Search-based Test Data Generation
        Atieh Monemi Bidgoli Hassan haghighi
        The quality of test data has an important effect on the fault-revealing ability of software testing. Search-based test data generation reformulates testing goals as fitness functions, thus, test data generation can be automated by meta-heuristic algorithms. Meta-heurist More
        The quality of test data has an important effect on the fault-revealing ability of software testing. Search-based test data generation reformulates testing goals as fitness functions, thus, test data generation can be automated by meta-heuristic algorithms. Meta-heuristic algorithms search the domain of input variables in order to find input data that cover the targets. The domain of input variables is very large, even for simple programs, while this size has a major influence on the efficiency and effectiveness of all search-based methods. Despite the large volume of works on search-based test data generation, the literature contains few approaches that concern the impact of search space reduction. In order to partition the input domain, this study defines a relationship between the structure of the program and the input domain. Based on this relationship, we propose a method for partitioning the input domain. Then, to search in the partitioned search space, we select ant colony optimization as one of the important and prosperous meta-heuristic algorithms. To evaluate the performance of the proposed approach in comparison with the previous work, we selected a number of different benchmark programs. The experimental results show that our approach has 14.40% better average coverage versus the competitive approach Manuscript profile
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        44 - Investigating the role and effects of land management law in the geography of elections in the Islamic Republic of Iran
        The preliminary plan of land management in Islamic Iran was considered in the 60's and was approved as the most important law in the five-year plan of the country. This law started from the fourth plan, completed in the fifth plan and continued in the sixth plan, but un More
        The preliminary plan of land management in Islamic Iran was considered in the 60's and was approved as the most important law in the five-year plan of the country. This law started from the fourth plan, completed in the fifth plan and continued in the sixth plan, but unfortunately in the geography of provincial elections due to the partisanship of candidates, this law has not yet been implemented in the provincial development document, even the sea in land management law in Iran has been neglected, which is why the ports and islands of Islamic Iran have not been developed. And the geography of elections occasionally makes laws vulnerable. The effects of legislation in the geography of elections, if it is organized, a resistance economy occurs and guarantees 8% growth in the country. So far, this scientific attitude, which is accompanied by a philosophical thinking, has not been developed. Projects are wasted Land use planning as a long-term framework in planning should be based on various principles including defense and security considerations; environmental protection and restoration of natural resources; preservation of Islamic and Iranian identity and protection of cultural heritage; economic efficiency and effectiveness; unity And territorial integrity; expansion of social justice and regional balances; facilitation and regulation of internal and external relations of the country's economy; Be Manuscript profile
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        45 - Analysis of the monthly spatial structure of OLR in IRAN
        Teimour Jafarie sayyed mahmoud  hosseini seddigh
        The purpose of this study is to analysis monthly OLR of the Iranian surface. For this purpose, the ground OLR data was extracted and analyzed from the ncep/ncar database during the statistical period of 1354-1398. In order to extract the have been used in the Gards soft More
        The purpose of this study is to analysis monthly OLR of the Iranian surface. For this purpose, the ground OLR data was extracted and analyzed from the ncep/ncar database during the statistical period of 1354-1398. In order to extract the have been used in the Gards software and GIS. Findings showed that by examining the spatial index of Gi statistic, the hot spots of Iran's OLR are 99% and 95% in August, July, June, September and October. Hot spots correspond to areas of the tropics and to latitudes below 30 degrees north; Also, the maximum cold spots are at the level of 99%, 95% in February, December, January, March, April, and the maximum cold spots OLR from the northeast to the northwest. It includes the northeastern, northern and northwestern regions of the country, as well as the northern highlands of the Zagros Mountains. Manuscript profile
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        46 - Investigation of walkability criteria in the old neighborhoods of Isfahan Case study: Sang-tarash-ha neighborhood
        Islam Karami Ehsan Abbasie
        With the development of industry and the invention of cars, the walkability has lost its pivotal role in the design of urban spaces, and this has caused the spatial quality of public areas and sidewalks to be reduced compared to before. It seems that investigating examp More
        With the development of industry and the invention of cars, the walkability has lost its pivotal role in the design of urban spaces, and this has caused the spatial quality of public areas and sidewalks to be reduced compared to before. It seems that investigating examples of existing urban spaces that are still attracting the Pedestrian population in field of walkability quality and investigation of the relationship between these components, provides the community with appropriate models for improving walkable neighborhoods. This research seeks to answer the question of which of the factors has caused the attraction of the pedestrian population in this neighborhood as a case study of this research. The aim of this study has been to investigate the walkability criteria in Sang-tarash-ha neighborhood by descriptive-analytical method using a questionnaire for simple image sampling. Quantitative analysis of the questionnaire data as well as qualitative conversion into quantitative components has been done by SPSS software. Concurrent by testing the research hypothesis, the degree of correlation and relationship between components has been investigated by Pearson and Regression tests. The results show that, there is a linear relationship between walkability components other than urban self-reliance. In terms of quality, the component of providing security and safety had the highest-grade point average among the walkability components so it can be concluded that attention to pedestrian security and safety in the physical design of the streets of this neighborhood is the greatest factor of the strong presence of pedestrians during the years of life of this area. Manuscript profile
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        47 - Hydro politic of Helmand River and its spatial reflections in relations between Iran and Afghanistan
        Mahdi Karimi Hadi Sayfi Farzad Ghasem Osuli Odloo Mojtaba Shoeibi
        Water is the origin of life on earth and there is no replacement for it. Unfortunately, transfer and desalination of seawater have a lot of costs. By increase in demands for water resource, and by contamination of surface and underground water, it is considered as impor More
        Water is the origin of life on earth and there is no replacement for it. Unfortunately, transfer and desalination of seawater have a lot of costs. By increase in demands for water resource, and by contamination of surface and underground water, it is considered as important factor in political relations between countries. This may lead to many conflict and dispute over water resource. Inconsistency between Political and natural boundaries caused that more than 40 percent of the world population living in areas that watershed areas are common with other countries. Since the water consumption in upstream of rivers has an increasing trend, subsequently, hydro politic conflicts between societies that living in the upstream and downstream of water resource is increasing, as well as. The Helmand river is a good example for above-mentioned problem. The mean annual Helmand river discharge decreased significantly due to drought events and dam construction in Afghanistan. These factors, result in many Economic, political, social effects. This study aims to investigate the consequences of conflicts over water in Sistan region and spatial reflections of this conflict using descriptive-analytical approach. The results showed that the hydro politic confliction of Helmand river have an important reflection in water crisis in Sistan region and have an important effect in political relations between Iran and Afghanistan. In addition, in inside of Iran have a spatial reflects in economic, social and political dimensions. Manuscript profile
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        48 - Reading Spaces Based on Michel Foucault Theory of Power-Space; Case Study of Naghsh e Jahan Square in Safavid Era
        samar haghighi brojeni Seyed Abash Agha Yazdanfar Mostafa Behzadfar
        Space is a multi-dimensional concept that is at once economic, political, semiotic and experiential, and in this sense it is an integral component of social interaction and an indispensable vector for critical theories. After 1980’s knowledge of space has become critica More
        Space is a multi-dimensional concept that is at once economic, political, semiotic and experiential, and in this sense it is an integral component of social interaction and an indispensable vector for critical theories. After 1980’s knowledge of space has become critical to understanding the production and transformation of power relations, and in this regard the built environment is an important concept for any endeavor in social analysis. This paper explores the possibilities for development of social theories of space-power based on the theories of Michelde Foucault, coupled with methods of content analysis of urban spaces.The aim of this article is to explore how political poweris constructed in urban spaces, and how these construction processes might be conceptualised and analysed. The paper begins by exploring the Foucault theories of power-space to analyse and interpret the relationship between urban space and political power: how political powers implement to shape urban spaces, and improve their authority and legitimacy through spaces, in turn. These strategies can be defined in spatial technologies through founding of spatial structural and functional principles.Grounded on this analythical and interpretative study of Foucault theories of space and power relations, this paper seeks to demonstrate a conceptual framework which can be adapted to urban spaces content analyzing. The achievement of this research is to develop an appendant analysing method to elaborate a tool for the meaning analysis of spaces in architecture and urban design studies. This methodology is applied in a case study sample. The main strategies which are explored in the theoretical-based part of this study are tested in Naghsh e Jahan Squere’, a historic squerein the city of Isfahan, during Safavid era, specially the reign of Shah Abbas. Manuscript profile
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        49 - Reliability Analysis of the Joint LDPC Decoding Algorithms over the Multiple Access Channels
        Mahdi Nangir
        The joint Low Density Parity-Check (LDPC) decoding schemes iteratively decode the received data from multiple channels. Mostly, the available data in different channels are correlated and there is kind of dependency between the links or channels. In recent decades, the More
        The joint Low Density Parity-Check (LDPC) decoding schemes iteratively decode the received data from multiple channels. Mostly, the available data in different channels are correlated and there is kind of dependency between the links or channels. In recent decades, the graph-based codes have been considered for the communication network scenarios. The performance of these codes is close to the existing theoretical bounds and their complexity is not high which cause the possibility of real world implementation and exploitation. The Multiple Access Channel (MAC) scenario with multiple senders which aim to send correlated data to a single receiver is considered. An analysis on the reliability of the Bit Error Rate (BER) performance of the Joint Sum-Product (JSP) decoding algorithm is presented for a two-link case, which can be extended to higher number of links. The effect of parameter variations on the BER performance is studied. These parameters include: the total number of iterations, the codeword length, the total number of rounds, and the coding rate in the JSP algorithm. An optimal value of the parameters is selected during the design procedure of a communication network by considering its limitations and complexity criterion. The JSP algorithm is a reliable scheme for jointly decoding of noisy binary data from different origins. Manuscript profile
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        50 - Normative analysis of precipitation characteristics and Iranian water resources in the texts of Iranian geographers
        mohammad hosein ramesht Farokh  Malekzadeh Somayeh Sadat  shahzeidi
        Geographical researchers provide normative interpretations, of the territorial characteristics of Iran. According to most writings, the amount of precipitation in Iran is less than one-third of the global average. When it comes to the time of precipitation, it is contra More
        Geographical researchers provide normative interpretations, of the territorial characteristics of Iran. According to most writings, the amount of precipitation in Iran is less than one-third of the global average. When it comes to the time of precipitation, it is contrasted with the time of water need, and regarding the spatial distribution and pattern of the precipitation, the heterogeneous distribution is considered along with random and flood patterns. Now the question is that whether we are allowed to offer normative interpretations of this situation as scientific researchers, and if there are appropriate strategies that can turn these characteristics into opportunities. The present study has tried to answer these questions by relying on the phenomenological method and analyzing the texts of 50 works by Iranian geographers based on the Janet method along with the use of central core indicators, maximum repetitions, Brust Detection, and centrality of the CiteSpace. The results of the study show that: • Normative loading is not permissible in the field of science for identifying the precipitation characteristics and water resources of Iran; • The climatic characteristics of a region shape its territorial identity, and strategic planning policies should be a function of it; and • Normative analysis of the climatic characteristics of Iran is mostly the product of the dominant positivism of Iranian geographers. Manuscript profile
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        51 - Develop a conceptual framework for neighborhood-based participatory planning in Iranian cities Case study: Sirus, Javadiyeh and Haftechenar neighborhoods of Tehran
        Mohammad Ghasemisiani Iraj Ghasemi hossein Hidari
        Today, participation in social affairs is one of the main principles of sustainable development. In the field of urban management, empowering citizens and influencing them in urban affairs is the core of the participatory approach. So that in the regeneration of worn ti More
        Today, participation in social affairs is one of the main principles of sustainable development. In the field of urban management, empowering citizens and influencing them in urban affairs is the core of the participatory approach. So that in the regeneration of worn tissues during the last three decades, this approach has been mentioned as the key to problem solving and effective implementation of renovation programs. But experience shows that what has been considered as participation in urban management in Iran is more about financing and instrumental use of participation. In this article, an attempt has been made to study the experience of renovation in three neighborhoods of Sirus, Javadieh and Haftchenar, Tehran, which has been implemented with the approach of physical-spatial planning and participatory planning, while enumerating barriers to participation, to provide a model for future projects. The research method of this study is qualitative and the interview technique has been used. The sample size is 30 renovation managers and experts who have worked in these or similar projects. The results indicate that the barriers can be classified into two categories of structural and factor factors. Thus, structural factors at the macro level, including organizational structures, and at the micro level, including legal factors (laws and regulations) and agency at the two micro levels, ie individual factors and macro level, ie the organizational dimension, create obstacles to citizen participation. Therefore, in order to attract people’s participation, these structural and factor factors must be coordinated with each other and a positive and two-way interaction must be established between them. Manuscript profile
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        52 - Murder and Typification of the forgiveness (A Case Study of Guilan)
        Main purpose this research is “Typification of the forgiveness based on inductive strategy”. In this strategy, the interviewees perception about the forgivness by interpretivism approach have been investigated. This research has been with qualitative method and purp More
        Main purpose this research is “Typification of the forgiveness based on inductive strategy”. In this strategy, the interviewees perception about the forgivness by interpretivism approach have been investigated. This research has been with qualitative method and purposive sampling, and individual and group (Focus group) interviews. According to the logic of theoretical saturation, twenty seven individually and three group were interviewed. Then researcher analyzed interviews with method thematic analyze. Overall,the findings indicates that there are two general type of forgiveness.The first is self- oriented forgiveness and the second is other- oriented forgiveness . In the first part exist various species such as: Forgiveness oppositions, forgiveness supporters, replaced forgiveness and intent - oriented forgiveness. Other-oriented forgiveness can observe types three: forgivenes oppositions, reluctantly Forgiveness and intent-oriented forgiveness. People reacted to the murder of their close relatives to criminal calculate and assess the benefits of forgiveness and revenge, and then act.Based on the research findings the forgivness is time and space, because it depend to the position of the offender or the victim and the time between the crime and punishment Manuscript profile
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        53 - The Study of mosque distribution in the Tehran 8 region with spatial analyses in Geographic Information System
        One of the main indicators among Muslim people is the spatial distribution of mosque in relation with population density and location of mosque in the cities In this study the spatial distribution of mosques in the region 8 Tehran municipality based on spatial analysis More
        One of the main indicators among Muslim people is the spatial distribution of mosque in relation with population density and location of mosque in the cities In this study the spatial distribution of mosques in the region 8 Tehran municipality based on spatial analysis techniques in the GIS environment studied After creating a mosque geodatabase in the GIS environment for the distribution of mosques in the region 8 Tehran, density analysis and distance analysis for distribution of mosques with population density. Based on spatial analyses studied. Based on this research results, 43.3 percent of region 8 Tehran had a normal condition of proportion population and mosque distribution. Although 32.2 percent of region 8 that are located in the east part of this region, doesn’t have good relation among population density and mosque distribution. The lack of land for development in this region is one of problem for increase mosque in this area Manuscript profile
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        54 - Improving the Quality Level of Urban Public Spaces With Social Justice Approach (Case Study: Neighborhood of Tehran Municipality Area)
            karamatollah ziyari  
        Social justice is rooted in spatial and environmental justice. And the lack of access of parts of the city to public spaces will deprive residents of existing facilities that indicate injustice. The present study is a descriptive - analytic research method. In this rega More
        Social justice is rooted in spatial and environmental justice. And the lack of access of parts of the city to public spaces will deprive residents of existing facilities that indicate injustice. The present study is a descriptive - analytic research method. In this regard, by identifying 9 indicators including access to educational, medical, police, main communication networks, parks and green spaces, and ... to assess the quality level of the public spaces in the area of Desaqib district in District 4 of District 1 of the Municipality of Tehran with emphasis On the subject will be access. The method of analysis of this research is Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the analysis tool is also an expert choice and GIS. The results of the research show that public spaces located in the central and eastern neighborhoods have an inappropriate situation for social justice. It requires the use of public spaces and public spaces, especially the religious, medical, police, and public transportation areas. Finally, there are suggestions and strategies for improving the quality of public spaces in the neighborhood Manuscript profile
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        55 - An Analysis of the Typology of Semi-Open Spatial Elements in Islamic Houses (A Comparative study of Yazd houses (Qajar period) and Damascus houses (Ottoman period)
        Somayeh Omidvari Mahdi Hamzenejad elham omidvari
        Spatial elements have a lot of varieties in the architecture of past houses. Every house can find meaning through closed and open spaces and the accompaniment of semi-open spaces next to them. One of the unique features of Islamic houses is the presence of semi-open spa More
        Spatial elements have a lot of varieties in the architecture of past houses. Every house can find meaning through closed and open spaces and the accompaniment of semi-open spaces next to them. One of the unique features of Islamic houses is the presence of semi-open space elements that in addition to meet the functional and behavioural needs; have a diversity in their typology. With the aim of typology of these spatial elements, this research uses a qualitative research method to find out what are the different types of semi-open spaces in Yazd houses and Damascus houses in terms of form and orientation. In addition, this research is based on field studies that authors were able to visit and perceive spaces in Yazd houses and Damascus houses. For this purpose, first, the historical background of semi-open elements and their functions have been studied. Then, by reviewing the position of semi-open elements in some Islamic cities, the two cities of Yazd and Damascus in Qajar and Ottoman historical periods were selected and the typology of semi-open spatial elements in houses were analysed and compared. Based on the preliminary study, houses of Yazd have four types of semi-open spaces, including the main porch(hall), shallow porch, porch and columned porch, and the houses of Damascus have three types of semi-open spaces, namely, the main porch, secondary porch and the columned porch. Comparison of these semi-open spatial elements in the houses of the two cities and analysis of the commonalities and differences between them; lead the researchers to a main semi-open space, namely, the main porch. Manuscript profile
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        56 - Recognition of the location of holy shrines in the structure of the city and its effects on the formation of religious rituals (Case study: Shrine of Ali Ibn Mahziar in Ahvaz)
        Mohammad ebrahim Mazhari Fattemeh Poodat Hadi  Soltanifard
        Holding rituals in the city is a reflection of collective life that strengthens social connectivity. Sacred places and shrines are an influential element in the construction and interconnectedness of Iranian cities. Religious shrines are the gathering places of differen More
        Holding rituals in the city is a reflection of collective life that strengthens social connectivity. Sacred places and shrines are an influential element in the construction and interconnectedness of Iranian cities. Religious shrines are the gathering places of different groups of people which link the flow of ceremonies and rituals. The purpose of this study is to investigate the position of Ali Ibn Mahziar’s tomb in the physical-spatial structure of Ahvaz and its effect on the formation of religious rituals, especially the mourning ceremonies of Tasua and Ashura within Ahvaz. This research is of descriptive-analytical type and employs methods of observation and field perceptions as well as reviewing the results of spatial arrangement analysis and graph modelling in order to study the adaptation of currents related to religious rites (for the movement of mourning delegations) and the existing city structure and especially the location of the shrine of Ali ibn Mahziar. Therefore, after field surveys, initial modelling was performed using graph theory approach and data analysis with centrality index and BC and DC scales, and then applying integration, connectivity and choice, space syntax analysis of Ahvaz city was implemented. The results show that the shrine of Ali ibn Mahziar plays a central role in attracting mourners from different parts of the city and strengthening social interactions and the presence of citizens. The focal position of the shrine in the configuration of the city reveals the close relation of this effective spatial element with the social patterns of the city, which over time, despite the changes, is still at the center of rituals and social interactions. Manuscript profile
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        57 - Investigating privacy in the open spaces of traditional houses in Mazandaran using space syntax technique
        Rouhollah Rahimi Seyed Mohsen  Moosavi Mahdieh Beyshami Sahar  Amini Goharrizi
        Home is the most important place to restore peace and revitalize human life. It is a place to be with family, social interactions, relax, do favorite activities and get rid of daily human tensions. With the passage of time and the advancement of technology, many definit More
        Home is the most important place to restore peace and revitalize human life. It is a place to be with family, social interactions, relax, do favorite activities and get rid of daily human tensions. With the passage of time and the advancement of technology, many definitions of our daily lives have changed. A concept that is still firmly preserved is the concept of human privacy. Traditional Iranian architects have tried to design houses while maintaining the principles of privacy in open and closed spaces of houses, but over time, with the growth of apartment living, development of construction technology and the integration of Western culture with Iranian-Islamic culture, observance of privacy in homes, especially in open spaces, has declined. Mazandaran province is one of the regions that has undergone many inappropriate construction changes. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the role and knowledge of the components affecting the syntax of space on the open spaces of traditional houses in Mazandaran. This study seeks to find physical patterns of privacy in the open spaces of Mazandaran houses by extracting patterns of privacy in Mazandaran houses. In this research, first, through field studies, patterns are found and then, using the space syntax technique and Depthmap software, the indices of depth, connection and interconnection and isoust in the building will be studied. The results of the present study showed that open space has an important and fundamental role on the level of spatial privacy and also the geometry and location of the yard relative to the building has a double effect on the visibility of observers to different spaces of the house. In such a way that the yards that have irregular geometry and are located in the middle, back and side sections, the visibility of the entrance door to different parts of the house is minimized and also the privacy is increased by increasing the depth and caution index in traditional open house he does. Manuscript profile
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        58 - The Role of Government and Public Sector on Local Development of Innovation
        Feredric Bogren Alireza Ayatollahi
        In scientific environment, technology is the primover of local development, and innovation is the essence of economic growth. Technological development in regions, cities and rural regions is as total and integrated development. This paper, first discusses about technol More
        In scientific environment, technology is the primover of local development, and innovation is the essence of economic growth. Technological development in regions, cities and rural regions is as total and integrated development. This paper, first discusses about technological innovation and effect of geographic proximity of industries and research centers at national, regional and urban levels. In other words this paper focuses on this question that “Does this proximity helps the growth of innovation and technology. There are many questions about national development. For example Does geographic proximity of industries help innovation and technology growth?, Does this matter accelerate national development or vice versa? will ICT, telecommunication and transportation decrease the cost and problem of industries and their expertise? Or is it cause of centralization in policy and reduction of country and urban logistic effects? This paper also discusses about technology incubators in central region of France and technology transfer between them and a science and research network in order to facilitate technology transfer. Manuscript profile
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        59 - Developing a Model Based on the Applications of Organizationl Informational Portal in E-Commerce Corporate Workspace
        Leila Malekpour AmirReza Konjkav Monfared Saeed Saeida Ardekani
        Concerning the expanding online communication bandwidth and the importance of using enterprise portals and the attention to information management in organizations based on E-Commerce, in the orded to increase productivity and competitive power, effective and efficient More
        Concerning the expanding online communication bandwidth and the importance of using enterprise portals and the attention to information management in organizations based on E-Commerce, in the orded to increase productivity and competitive power, effective and efficient use of organizational information portals is essential. To this end, the purpose of this research is to identify and build a relationship using structural-interpretive modeling between the functions of an organization’s information portal to increase productivity in the online business workspace. This research is practical in terms of purpose and descriptive terms of nature. For this purpose, in the first step, the dimensions of the model, theoretical literature, and interviewing with experts including professors and related specialists (management and IT) were identified. In the next step, a structural-interpretive modeling method was used in order to build a relationship between the dimensions and the model presentation. In this method, the research model was presented based on expert’s opinions and analysis. The research results illustrate the process of acquiring knowledge management through other identified functions of organizational information portals in the workspace, showing that communication with professionals leads to three dimensions of faster and more structured access to information as well as collaboration that will create integrated information. Finally, this knowledge management is formed through integrated information. Overall, the research showed that using organizational information portals and optimizing its applications at the company level can be achieved one of the most important components in the management of online business companies that is knowledge management. Manuscript profile
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        60 - Instagram Child Labor Concept: A Study on Iranian Children on Cyber Space
        Atefeh Aghaei Zahra Rezania
        Instagram is considered a new medium context where users involving parents and children are able to actively act. Instagram Child Labor is a new phenomenon on cyberspace where children are exploited by their parents to be of use by expressing various aspects of their bi More
        Instagram is considered a new medium context where users involving parents and children are able to actively act. Instagram Child Labor is a new phenomenon on cyberspace where children are exploited by their parents to be of use by expressing various aspects of their biological life. With this in mind, media power is capable of creating a concept of child as well as behaving to the detriment of children in favor of businesses and family wealth. This study aims at identifying the meaning of "Instagram Child Labor" and what it collocates with. To this purpose, eight influencer pages working on children scope were picked out to be analyzed qualitatively utilizing MAX QDA. The results indicate that children’s body and communications equal to "display means", "mothers’ identity and brand maker", "a means to advertise" and moreover, children’s personal information is akin to "a way to satisfy children’s curiosity" that with the prior one create the concept of Instagram Child Labor so that families become more lucrative by helping advertising firms make more followers. Manuscript profile
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        61 - Data Credibility and Electronic Records in The Face of Rights of the Child in Cyber Space
        Mostafa Mandegar Reza Zareie Masoud Reza Ranjbar Sahraei Merhzad Razmi
        After the emergence of innovative information technologies and them casting a shadow upon people’s lives, the effects of this gift on many aspects of individual and social life will become apparent and its domain will expand to an extent that some Pillars of personal an More
        After the emergence of innovative information technologies and them casting a shadow upon people’s lives, the effects of this gift on many aspects of individual and social life will become apparent and its domain will expand to an extent that some Pillars of personal and public rights of individuals and nations will be under its sphere of influence. The issue of rights of the child have such great significance that many international documents focus on them and a convention under the name of the Convention on the Rights of the Child has been assembled upon basis of which children in need will receive more protection. Also, anything that would threaten the personal future and reputation of the child needs to be reexamined, because by publishing content in cyber space a proof and document of a an event is created in an endless space in which the deletion of said data is almost impossible; therefore the preservation of dignity and protection of children’s rights in cyber space is a fundamental issue that needs special examination. Thus in this study which is conducted in an analytical-descriptive manner, the focus is on the subject of the right of the children in cyber space by relying on the laws regarding electronic trade in Iran, Convention on the Right of the Child and International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights with focus on credibility of data and electronic records. Manuscript profile
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        62 - Investigating the role of Guide Plans in rural development from a physical perspective with emphasis on identifying the space
        mohammad ali rahimipour sheikhani nejad habib mahmoodi chenari Seyyedeh Fatemeh Emami farzaneh nasiri jan agha
        Eliminate deprivation and rural development, one of the programs on the agenda is the implementation of the rural master plan to provide equitable facilities through physical transformation of the village, creating facilities it has been social-productive, providing pub More
        Eliminate deprivation and rural development, one of the programs on the agenda is the implementation of the rural master plan to provide equitable facilities through physical transformation of the village, creating facilities it has been social-productive, providing public services and improving the housing of the villagers. The effects of conductor designs are limited to changes in physical texture and less attention is paid to the economic factor in its implementation. The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of pilot projects in the development of physical development and identification of living space from the perspective of residents. This research is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of descriptive-analytical approach, which has been done with a sample of 250 people from rural areas in Rasht. Data collection tools in this study included: library studies to collect information related to research literature and then field research through observation and questionnaires. The statistical population of the study is the villagers living in the villages of Rasht city. In this study, the correlation method by Kiiging method has been used for physical identity. In other words, the data analysis method is based on spatial statistics. The results indicate that the pattern of spatial distribution of physical identity variables in the villages of Rasht city is linear (north-south), which means that the villages located in the south, center and north are in a more favorable situation. Manuscript profile
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        63 - Qualitative Analysis of the Socio-Economic Impacts of Construction of ShahidBagheri Square Multi-storey Parking
        Aadel  Abdollahi
        This study was aimed to analyze the social and economic impacts of the construction of multi-storey parking in ShahidBagheri Square, South Yaftabad District, Tehran. The methodology of this study was qualitative and the data were collected through observation and interv More
        This study was aimed to analyze the social and economic impacts of the construction of multi-storey parking in ShahidBagheri Square, South Yaftabad District, Tehran. The methodology of this study was qualitative and the data were collected through observation and interview techniques with a focus on the interpretations of the participants. The data collection process continued until it reached a theoretical saturation. In this process, 47 technical experts, officials, key informants and local residents were interviewed both in person and within a discussions group. The Findingsrevealed that not only the effectiveness of this construction project but also the manageability of its impacts depend on consideration of socio-economic status of Yaftabad neighborhood residents. Therefore, suggestions derived from present study are as follow:Renting parking lots based on the common price in the South Yaftabad neighborhood with a fair pricing mechanism;Strengthening intra- and inter-organizational coordination by emphasizing on social participation; Incorporating construction of a neighborhood hall -SarayeMahalle- into this project for addressing the social and cultural needs of the residents;Utilizing the parking building as a local cultural heritage bulletin; Preventing spaces from gettingunprotected and indefensibleby including green spaces or playgrounds in building plan; reinforcing social interactions and local identity byturning some parts of the parking to a local hangout as a hub of local and social communication. Manuscript profile
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        64 - Social and cultural Impact Assessment of Sports Complexes: A Case Study of Narmak Sports Complex
        Ma’soumeh  MohaqeqMontazeri
        One of the biggest problems facing cities, especially large ones is inadequate share and distribution of sports facilities due to the size of urban population and insufficient government budget. Construction of Narmak Sports Complex is one of the projects that have been More
        One of the biggest problems facing cities, especially large ones is inadequate share and distribution of sports facilities due to the size of urban population and insufficient government budget. Construction of Narmak Sports Complex is one of the projects that have been implemented with the aim of developing sports and leisure areaaligned with the Comprehensive Master-plan for Tehran City and the Detailed Plan of Region 8. It also aimed to transform a polluted site into a service area.The present study seeks to identify the social and cultural impacts of this project and to estimate the positive and negative outcomes within the project-affected area. This research took a mixed approach combining documentary and field methods, and tools such as observation, in-depth and semi-structured interviews, questionnaires, and focused group discussions were used to collect data.The findings of this study show that besides positive impacts such as increasing sports spaceper capita, eliminating environmental pollution, improving the urban landscape, reducing household costs, reducing perceived public insecurity, enriching leisure activity patterns, etc., this projectalso has negative impacts such as reducing market share of pre-existing sports complexes, causing traffic problems due to lack of parking space and increasing traffic jams in the area. Manuscript profile
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        65 - Application of Neuro Space Mapping in Modeling Semiconductor Devices
        M. Gordi Armaki S. E. Hosseini Mohammad Kazem Anvarifard
        In this paper an efficient method for modeling semiconductor devices using the drift-diffusion (DD) model and neural network is presented. Unlike HD model which is complicated, time consuming with high processing cost, the proposed method has lower complexity and higher More
        In this paper an efficient method for modeling semiconductor devices using the drift-diffusion (DD) model and neural network is presented. Unlike HD model which is complicated, time consuming with high processing cost, the proposed method has lower complexity and higher simulate speed. In our method, a RBF neural network is used to modify DD parameters. The modified DD model can generate simulate results of accurate HD model. The proposed method is first applied to a silicon n-i-n diode in one dimension, and then to a silicon thin-film MOSFET in two dimensions, both for interpolation and extrapolation. The obtained results for basic variables, i.e., electron and potential distribution for different voltages, confirm the high efficiency of the proposed method. Manuscript profile
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        66 - Performance Improvement of Generalized Spatial Modulation in Multipath Fading Channels
        A. Rezvani R. Saadat J. Abouei
        Spatial Modulation(SM) is a novel method in use of multiple antenna systems. The main idea is based on information block mapping into two carrying units: a transmit symbol unit that is chosen from constellation members and second unit is the number of active antenna tha More
        Spatial Modulation(SM) is a novel method in use of multiple antenna systems. The main idea is based on information block mapping into two carrying units: a transmit symbol unit that is chosen from constellation members and second unit is the number of active antenna that shows the position of transmit antenna. The use of active antenna position as an extra source of transmit data increases the bandwidth efficiency. Also it doesn't have inter-antenna interference (IAI) and inter-channel interference (ICI) and it's caused to decrease the complexity in receiver side. So SM is a competitor in multiple antenna systems like V-BLAST and space-time coding. More recently generalized spatial modulation (GSM) is presented that use some active antennas instead an active antenna. When the symbol is sent from multiple antennas, it'll get a diversity gain. In this paper we show that by using different channel coding in GSM we can improve bit error rate (BER) without decrease in bandwidth efficiency between 15-40 percent. Manuscript profile
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        67 - Optimal Operation of Energy Hub Using Model Predictive Control
        Z. Hashemi A.  Ramezani M. Parsa-Moghaddam
        Energy hub (EH) concept is widely proposed for integrating different types of energy infrastructures. EH physically consists of some storage systems and converters receiving energy from multiple sources immediately from its upper grids and provides energy services for u More
        Energy hub (EH) concept is widely proposed for integrating different types of energy infrastructures. EH physically consists of some storage systems and converters receiving energy from multiple sources immediately from its upper grids and provides energy services for ultimate consumers. In this paper a state space model for EH system is proposed. Due to the dynamic behavior loads and the price uncertainties, a Model Predictive Control approach is suggested for optimal performance. The proposed method is studied on a EH that consists of transformer, boiler, CHP, electrical and heat storages considering demand side management. Finally, the simulation results depicts to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method for optimal operation of the EH. Manuscript profile
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        68 - Human Recognition via Finger Vein Images in Radon Space Using Common Spatial Patterns
        H. Hassanpour A. Gholami
        One of the most fitting biometric for identifying individuals is finger veins. In this paper, we study the human recognition via finger vein images that recognize persons at a high level of accuracy. First we use entropy based thresholding for segmentation and extractio More
        One of the most fitting biometric for identifying individuals is finger veins. In this paper, we study the human recognition via finger vein images that recognize persons at a high level of accuracy. First we use entropy based thresholding for segmentation and extraction veins from finger vein images. The method extract veins as well, but the images are very noisy. That means in addition to the veins that appeared as dark lines, they have some Intersecting lines. Then we applied radon transformation to segmented images. The radon transform is not sensitive to the noise in the images due to its integral nature, so in comparison with other methods is more resistant to noise. This transform does not require the extraction of vein lines accurately, that can help to increase accuracy and speed. Then for extracting features from finger vein images, common spatial patterns are applied to the blocks of Radon Transform. In identification step two methods are used: Nearest Neighbor (1-NN) and Artificial Neural Network (MLP). Experiments conducted on sets of finger vein image database of Peking University show 99.6753 percent success rate in identifying individuals. Manuscript profile
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        69 - Model-Based Classification of Emotional Speech Using Non-Linear Dynamics Features
        A. Harimi A. Ahmadyfard A. Shahzadi K. Yaghmaie
        Recent developments in interactive and robotic systems have motivated researchers for recognizing human’s emotion from speech. The present study aimed to classify emotional speech signals using a two stage classifier based on arousal-valence emotion model. In this metho More
        Recent developments in interactive and robotic systems have motivated researchers for recognizing human’s emotion from speech. The present study aimed to classify emotional speech signals using a two stage classifier based on arousal-valence emotion model. In this method, samples are firstly classified based on the arousal level using conventional prosodic and spectral features. Then, valence related emotions are classified using the proposed non-linear dynamics features (NLDs). NLDs are extracted from the geometrical properties of the reconstructed phase space of speech signal. For this purpose, four descriptor contours are employed to represent the geometrical properties of the reconstructed phase space. Then, the discrete cosine transform (DCT) is used to compress the information of these contours into a set of low order coefficients. The significant DCT coefficients of the descriptor contours form the proposed NLDs. The classification accuracy of the proposed system has been evaluated using the 10-fold cross-validation technique on the Berlin database. The average recognition rate of 96.35% and 87.18% were achieved for females and males, respectively. By considering the total number of male and female samples, the overall recognition rate of 92.34% is obtained for the proposed speech emotion recognition system. Manuscript profile
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        70 - Semi-Supervised Metric Learning in Stratified Space by Accurate Exploiting of Prior Knowledge
        Z. Karimi S. Shiry Ghidary R. Ramezani
        Semi-supervised metric learning has attracted increasing interest in recent years. They enforce smoothness label assumption on the manifold. However, they suffer from two challenges: (1) since data in each class lies on one manifold and the similarity between classes le More
        Semi-supervised metric learning has attracted increasing interest in recent years. They enforce smoothness label assumption on the manifold. However, they suffer from two challenges: (1) since data in each class lies on one manifold and the similarity between classes leads the intersection between manifolds, the smoothness assumption on the manifold is violated in intersecting regions. (2) 1NN classifier, which is applied for predicting the label of classes in metric learning methods, is suffered from the rare of labeled data and has not suitable accuracy. In this paper, a novel method for learning semi-supervised metric in the stratified space has been proposed that exploit the prior knowledge, which is the smoothness assumption on each manifold, more accurate than existing methods. In the metric learning stage, it doesn’t apply smoothness assumption on the intersecting regions and in the classification stage, labeled data in the interior regions of manifolds are extended based on the smoothness assumption. The different behavior of the Laplacian of piecewise smooth function on stratified space is exploited for the distinction of the intersecting regions from interior regions of manifolds. The results of experiments verify the improvement of the classification accuracy of the proposed method in the comparison with other methods. Manuscript profile
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        71 - Traffic Patterns Detection in Video Surveillance Using Optical Flow and Topic Model
        Amin Moradi Asadollah Shahbahrami Alireza Akoshideh
        Research in the field of video surveillance systems has been improving because of the increasing need for intelligent monitoring, control and management. Given the large amount of data on these intelligent transportation systems, extracting patterns and automatically la More
        Research in the field of video surveillance systems has been improving because of the increasing need for intelligent monitoring, control and management. Given the large amount of data on these intelligent transportation systems, extracting patterns and automatically labeling them is a challenging task. In this paper, a topic model was used to detect and extract traffic patterns at intersections so that visual patterns are transformed into visual words. The input video is first split into clips. Then, the flow characteristics of the clips, which are based on abundant local motion vector information, are computed using optical flow algorithms and converted to visual words. After that, with a non-probabilistic topic model, the traffic patterns are extracted to the designed system by a group sparse topical coding method. These patterns represent visible motion that can be used to describe a scene by answering a behavioral question such as: Where does a vehicle go? The results of the implementation of the proposed method on the QMUL video database show that the proposed method can correctly detect and display meaningful traffic patterns such as turn left, turn right and crossing a roundabout. Manuscript profile
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        72 - Design and Analysis of an Improved LMS/Newton Adaptive Algorithm for Acoustic Echo Cancellation
        Mehdi Bekrani
        Some of important issues in acoustic echo cancellation (AEC) using adaptive filters are the sparseness of the acoustic path impulse responses and strong dependency of the convergence performance of adaptive algorithm to the eigenvalue spread of the input signal correlat More
        Some of important issues in acoustic echo cancellation (AEC) using adaptive filters are the sparseness of the acoustic path impulse responses and strong dependency of the convergence performance of adaptive algorithm to the eigenvalue spread of the input signal correlation matrix. These issues result in a performance degradation of the adaptive AEC systems. In this paper, to improve the performance of the LMS/Newton adaptive algorithm in AEC, the matrix inverse computation is modified. To this end, the matrix inversion lemma is employed such that the contribution of the matrix inverse in the weight update is initially high and as a result, the dependency of the adaptive algorithm to the eigenvalue spread is low during the initial convergence. In addition, for the step-size adjustment, an improved proportionate method is applied such that during the convergence, the contribution of those weights having higher amplitudes in the adaptation process is gradually varied to become identical at the end of convergence. The proposed adaptive proportionate method, results in both convergence rate and steady-state performance improvement for identification of sparse acoustic impulse responses. Simulation results using a colored speech-like signal shows the steady-state misalignment of the proposed algorithm is typically 6.5 dB lower than that of the LMS/Newton algorithm. Moreover, the convergence of the proposed algorithm is typically 3.6 sec faster than that of the PNLMS algorithm, to achieve a misalignment of -17 dB. Theoretical misalignment analyses in the transient and steady state are presented and verified with simulation results. Manuscript profile
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        73 - Model Predictive Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine Based on Finite and Continuous Control Sets in Two Functional Quarters
        ehsan ghasemi madani Mohammad Reza  Alizadeh Pahlavani Arash Dehestani Kolagar
        In this paper, two schemes of model predictive control (MPC) method, named finite control set model predictive control (FCS-MPC) and dead-beat model predictive control (DB-MPC) as a continuous control set model predictive control (CCS-MPC) are applied and compared to co More
        In this paper, two schemes of model predictive control (MPC) method, named finite control set model predictive control (FCS-MPC) and dead-beat model predictive control (DB-MPC) as a continuous control set model predictive control (CCS-MPC) are applied and compared to control the current of a permanent magnet synchronous machine in energy recovery mode for the use of electric vehicles. The FCS-MPC strategy selects the optimal voltage vector and applies the control pulses directly to the inverter without using any modulators. In other side, DB-MPC is implemented through space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM). The performance and results of both types of control strategies are extracted and compared using MATLAB Simulink software. The comparisons are made mainly in steady state and transient modes. Both control strategies are applied to a permanent magnet synchronous machine with the same parameters and with the same operating mode. The results show that the current steady state fluctuation is further reduced in the DB-MPC strategy and the transient state response is faster in the FCS-MPC strategy. Manuscript profile
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        74 - A New Algorithm Based on Distributed Learning Automata for Solving Stochastic Linear Optimization Problems on the Group of Permutations
        mohammadreza mollakhalili meybodi masoumeh zojaji
        In the present research, a type of permutation optimization was introduced. It is assumed that the cost function has an unknown probability distribution function. Since the solution space is inherently large, solving the problem of finding the optimal permutation is com More
        In the present research, a type of permutation optimization was introduced. It is assumed that the cost function has an unknown probability distribution function. Since the solution space is inherently large, solving the problem of finding the optimal permutation is complex and this assumption increases the complexity. In the present study, an algorithm based on distributed learning automata was presented to solve the problem by searching in the permutation answer space and sampling random values. In the present research, in addition to the mathematical analysis of the behavior of the proposed new algorithm, it was shown that by choosing the appropriate values of the parameters of the learning algorithm, this new method can find the optimal solution with a probability close to 100% and by targeting the search using the distributed learning algorithms. The result of adopting this policy is to decrease the number of samplings in the new method compared to methods based on standard sampling. In the following, the problem of finding the minimum spanning tree in the stochastic graph was evaluated as a random permutation optimization problem and the proposed solution based on learning automata was used to solve it. Manuscript profile
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        75 - Numeric Polarity Detection based on Employing Recursive Deep Neural Networks and Supervised Learning on Persian Reviews of E-Commerce Users in Opinion Mining Domain
        Sepideh Jamshidinejad Fatemeh Ahmadi-Abkenari Peiman Bayat
        Opinion mining as a sub domain of data mining is highly dependent on natural language processing filed. Due to the emerging role of e-commerce, opinion mining becomes one of the interesting fields of study in information retrieval scope. This domain focuses on various s More
        Opinion mining as a sub domain of data mining is highly dependent on natural language processing filed. Due to the emerging role of e-commerce, opinion mining becomes one of the interesting fields of study in information retrieval scope. This domain focuses on various sub areas such as polarity detection, aspect elicitation and spam opinion detection. Although there is an internal dependency among these sub sets, but designing a thorough framework including all of the mentioned areas is a highly demanding and challenging task. Most of the literatures in this area have been conducted on English language and focused on one orbit with a binary outcome for polarity detection. Although the employment of supervised learning approaches is among the common utilizations in this area, but the application of deep neural networks has been concentrated with various objectives in recent years so far. Since the absence of a trustworthy and a complete framework with special focuses on each impacting sub domains is highly observed in opinion mining, hence this paper concentrates on this matter. So, through the usage of opinion mining and natural language processing approaches on Persian language, the deep neural network-based framework called RSAD that was previously suggested and developed by the authors of this paper is optimized here to include the binary and numeric polarity detection output of sentences on aspect level. Our evaluation on RSAD performance in comparison with other approaches proves its robustness. Manuscript profile
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        76 - Efficient Recognition of Human Actions by Limiting the Search Space in Deep Learning Methods
        m. koohzadi N. Moghadam
        The efficiency of human action recognition systems depends on extracting appropriate representations from the video data. In recent years, deep learning methods have been proposed to extract efficient spatial-temporal representations. Deep learning methods, on the other More
        The efficiency of human action recognition systems depends on extracting appropriate representations from the video data. In recent years, deep learning methods have been proposed to extract efficient spatial-temporal representations. Deep learning methods, on the other hand, have a high computational complexity for development over temporal domain. Challenges such as the sparsity and limitation of discriminative data, and highly noise factors increase the computational complexity of representing human actions. Therefore, creating a high accurate representation requires a very high computational cost. In this paper, spatial and temporal deep learning networks have been enhanced by adding appropriate feature selection mechanisms to reduce the search space. In this regard, non-online and online feature selection mechanisms have been studied to identify human actions with less computational complexity and higher accuracy. The results showed that the non-linear feature selection mechanism leads to a significant reduction in computational complexity and the online feature selection mechanism increases the accuracy while controlling the computational complexity. Manuscript profile
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        77 - Codification of a theoretical model for the production of spiritual-led urban space in an Iranian-Islamic city, Based on grounded theory method (case study: the central part of Mashhad)
        farzaneh madani mojtaba Rafieian afsoon mahdavi Fatemeh  Mohammadniai Gharaei
        Urban development and the process of space production have always been accompanied by serious conflicts. This has led to the production and reproduction of profit spaces based on the logic of capital accumulation. One of the manifestations of this confrontation can be s More
        Urban development and the process of space production have always been accompanied by serious conflicts. This has led to the production and reproduction of profit spaces based on the logic of capital accumulation. One of the manifestations of this confrontation can be seen in the interventions made in contexts of special identity, such as Mashhad, which is in serious conflict with the issues of sustainability and its three dimensions. Against these challenges, spiritual-led urbanism and the need to identification its indicators in contemporary urban planning in order to balance the current vicious cycle seem necessary. The increasing trend of researches in this field by reputable scientific centers shows the need to apply this concept more and more in the scale of contemporary urban planning. This research aims to provide a spatial reading of the indicators of the production of spiritual-led urban space in contemporary urban planning in line with the adjustment of the current cycle, with the aim of compiling effective spatial components in this process. In terms of the goal, this research is among developmental and qualitative research that was conducted with the grounded theory method. The statistical community includes experts and key informants (21 individual interviews and 2 group interviews) who were selected as the sample size using the purposeful sampling method. The findings of the research are the identification of 23 indicators in the form of 8 main dimensions, including space syntax, role-playing, symbolism, sustainability, and justice, security, and management structure and Contemporizationof theoretical knowledge. The achievement of this research is placing a balancing concept in the cycle of space production, which will reduce the ambiguities and shortcomings of the urban planning system, especially in cities with the support of spiritual identity, by structuring effective spatial components in the production of spiritual-led space. Manuscript profile
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        78 - Social and cultural impact assessment of the construction project of ImamZadeh Hassan Boulevard pedestrian zone in Karaj
        e d رحمان جهانی دولت‌آباد
        The present study was conducted to evaluate the effects of the construction of sidewalks in the area of Imamzadeh Hassan Boulevard in Karaj. This sidewalk is about 300 meters long and is located between the holy shrine of Imamzadeh Hassan and Quds Square in the agenda o More
        The present study was conducted to evaluate the effects of the construction of sidewalks in the area of Imamzadeh Hassan Boulevard in Karaj. This sidewalk is about 300 meters long and is located between the holy shrine of Imamzadeh Hassan and Quds Square in the agenda of Karaj Municipality. The theoretical model of the research is based on the concept of “sidewalk as an urban public space” inorder to use the opinions of experts in various fields as well as field observations has been used. The theoretical model of the research is based on the concept of “sidewalk as urban public space”.In order to evaluate the consequences of the action, various quantitative and qualitative methods, including surveying in the field of project intervention, interviews with various stakeholders, using the opinions of experts in various fields, and field observations have been performed. Consequences assessment has been done in the form of two scenarios, including passive scenario (status quo) and minimum scenario (status quo adjustment) and in assessing each of the scenarios, the consequences of the action in three areas including traffic, social and institutional context has examined. The results show that the area under study in the current situation has many problems including traffic, social and institutional issues. If the first scenario is realized and this situation continues in all three areas, we will see the complete dominance of negative effects on the positive effects, including traffic issues, opposition and dissatisfaction of residents and increasing social harms. If the first scenario is realized (adopting a passive approach) in any of the three areas of traffic, institutional and social, the favorable situation for the study area is not predicted. In other words, the area in question in the current situation faces challenges that necessitate a change in this area. While, the results show that the implementation of any maximum action in the area under review is also far from expected due to the lack of legal, operational and financial contexts. Therefore, the proposed plan of Ataf introduces the adoption of a minimal approach in the implementation of the road construction project as a desirable option. If the city managers approve and decide on the implementation of the road construction project, this plan is based on the idea that this project will be designed and implemented in two independent phases but with common goals. In the first phase, a set of pre-implementation corrective measures is considered and in the second phase, undergraduate and specialized studies are on the agenda. In this vein, Ataf Group has tried to provide solutions for better implementation of each of these phases. Manuscript profile
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        79 - Social and cultural impact assessment of city of Tehran’s homeless shelters
        سمیه  مومنی هادی  درویشی
        The purpose of the study is to assess social and cultural impacts of Homeless Housing Assistance Center of Tehran Naft District 5th District Municipality And providing Corrective and compensatory solutions to make this project work better. The descriptive-analytical met More
        The purpose of the study is to assess social and cultural impacts of Homeless Housing Assistance Center of Tehran Naft District 5th District Municipality And providing Corrective and compensatory solutions to make this project work better. The descriptive-analytical method has been used with stakeholder analysis approach to achieve this goal. On the one hand, it can be said the negative impact of Farahzad Valley’s neighborhoods on the function and the image of the businessman by regarding the geographical scope of the impact of the surrounding environment of Homeless Housing Assistance Center On its function as The main focus of the social damage is the Naft area By creating urban defenseless spaces, The presence of homeless people And trash exacerbation On the function and the image of Homeless Housing Assistance Center And on the other hand, in the social domain, one can claim that If one of the main goals of the construction of Homeless Housing Assistance Center is to prevent the deaths of addicted and homeless people in public roads and to preserve urban furniture and to eliminate these people from the city’s face rather than rehabilitation, The findings and data of the research indicate the success of the 5th District Municipality in creating a comfortable dormitory space for clients. But, in the end, two main damage to the function of the Homeless Housing Assistance Center can be identified: 1. becoming Homeless Housing Assistance Center to Permanent residence of clients and their precipitate and 2. Discontinuing the Empowerment Cycle of Clients and as a result the loss of Retrospective nature of the collection. Manuscript profile
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        80 - Analysis of histrocial and futuristic factors affecting the privacy of Iranian Islamic cities; Case study of Tehran metropolitan area
        mojtaba sabouri Rahim Sarvar Hamidreza Joudaki fatemeh adibi sadi nezhad
        Human impact on the environment is based on worldview or philosophy of life; hence, the construction and formation of the city in human civilization has always expressed the ideology and worldview of those societies; therefore, in different geographical environments, we More
        Human impact on the environment is based on worldview or philosophy of life; hence, the construction and formation of the city in human civilization has always expressed the ideology and worldview of those societies; therefore, in different geographical environments, we see cities with different roles and importance and with uncoordinated and heterogeneous growth. It has become the most severe form and the inability of urban environments to respond to the problems created, has caused cities to be constantly exposed to the uneven growth of cities and the influx of urban land uses. The descriptive nature is analytical. The purpose of studying and researching the factors affecting the metropolitan area of Tehran from the perspective of the Iranian-Islamic city, the historical trend and its prolongation for more than a few decades has led to the destruction of Tehran. The statistical population of this study 40 of them are 15 experts of the General Directorate of Privacy and the rest are experts, experts and specialists in research. The examined criteria include physical, economic, social, natural and managerial factors with specific sub-criteria, which are sub-criteria. And then in MIC MAC software as a matrix MDI, MPDI, MII, MPII are analyzed. The results show that the most direct and direct potential impact, potential indirect and indirect effects, are related to land use change with rank (473). The lowest direct, potential direct effects, and potential indirect and indirect effects are related to the finite topography with rank (267) and (465) the lowest is for agricultural lands, wetlands with rank (224). Manuscript profile
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        81 - Investigating the factors affecting on the perception of the sense of spirituality in mosques
        shideh parto vida norouz borazjani shervin mirshahzadeh
        The mosque is one of the most important and special buildings of Muslims in Islamic countries and the introduction of new theoretical fields into architecture, such as the subject of the atmosphere, opens new windows for designers, which may be able to cover what has be More
        The mosque is one of the most important and special buildings of Muslims in Islamic countries and the introduction of new theoretical fields into architecture, such as the subject of the atmosphere, opens new windows for designers, which may be able to cover what has been lacking in recent years in the design and construction of mosques. This study is formed by asking the question what are the effective components on creating the spiritual atmosphere of mosques from the perspective of the audience and its purpose is to read the atmosphere of contemporary mosques in Tehran based on the lived experience of audiences. The research method is based on the Grounded theory and the analyzes is based on the systematic coding method of Strauss and Corbin with the help of Max QD software.In order to measure the extracted components, six mosques in the contemporary geography of Tehran were selected and paired analysis and comparison on the parameters of the studied samples was done by an expert questionnaire by Expert Choice software.The most important findings and conclusions of the research show that the spiritual atmosphere of mosques, based on the lived experience of the audience, is influenced by 9 main components. Each has its own weight value. Among the found components, proportions are in the first rank and the components of light, sound, color, materials, decorations, access and position are in the next ranks, respectively. Manuscript profile
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        82 - Improving the Quality of Urban Public Spaces, with the Emphasis on Murals (Case Study: Qazvin)
        Abolfazl Toghraii Kia Massoudi Erfan Toghraei
        Public Arts are one of the cheapest and most accessible alternatives for achieving alive urban places. This kind of art, the name implies, is born, raised, and matured from byways corners of a city and its living streets. In most European countries, the importance of Pu More
        Public Arts are one of the cheapest and most accessible alternatives for achieving alive urban places. This kind of art, the name implies, is born, raised, and matured from byways corners of a city and its living streets. In most European countries, the importance of Public Arts has been proved so obviously. In such countries, they consider complete separate Planning Acts from Master Plans for Public Arts, usually called "Public Art Master Plan" with a long-term vision and practical strategies. Furthermore, in numerous countries, Public Art has not been considered just as an aesthetic aspect with official purposes, but also as a means for transmitting the society’s ideologies and attitudes, especially the society’s intellectuals. Murals in this category are one of the most colorable and effective types of Public Arts that can be executed on cities walls in different ways: Official or Graffiti, Professional or Amateur, Long term or Short Term, etc. In this research, we have tried to pay more attention to Public Arts generally and Murals particularly and make a unique collection of valid and updated information on this subject. In the end, we have offered some solutions and local strategies for making Qazvin city public spaces better places to live practically, with the help of Public Arts and Murals. The conclusion is a design framework achieved by public Preferences. Manuscript profile
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        83 - Explaining the Sustainability of the Urban Space System by Formulating, Determining and Prioritizing Urban Development Strategies; Case Study: Kashan
        aboozar vafaei rasol heidary soreshjani
        Today, cities encounter major urbanization and instability problems in innumerable dimensions, and traditional patterns in the form of urban development plans have not been able to lessen the disorder and instability of the urban space system. Thus, traditional approach More
        Today, cities encounter major urbanization and instability problems in innumerable dimensions, and traditional patterns in the form of urban development plans have not been able to lessen the disorder and instability of the urban space system. Thus, traditional approaches failure to deal with urban problems has led to the formation of a strategic attitude. Regarding the issue, Kashan is one of the cities that has feasibly accompanied with many physical, economic, socio-cultural disturbances influenced by high physical growth and its incompatibility with the capacity of urban infrastructure and ultimately inefficiency of urban development plans that caused the development of the city towards imbalance and spatial stability. In line with the previous studies regarding the pattern of scattered urban growth and the inability of urban development plans to meet the needs and deal with the problems of Kashan, this research is to proceed with explaining the stability of Kashan spatial system by formulating, determining and prioritizing urban development strategies within the framework of a specific conceptual structure. In terms of purpose, the type of research is applied-developmental and concerning the method, is descriptive-analytic. The approach of the present study is also a strategic attitude based on a systemic approach. The results of the research show that the type of strategy applied to stabilize the space system of Kashan is a defensive strategy. While in the evaluation provided in prioritizing strategies using the VIKOR model and choosing the optimized strategy, showed that “Developing the economic development document of the city in accordance with the capabilities and comparative and competitive advantages, especially in the field of industry, tourism and agricultural products” should be considered a priority in urban development programs as a superior strategy by city officials and managers. Manuscript profile
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        84 - Representing a Novel Expanded Version of Shor’s Algorithm and a Real-Time Experiment using IBM Q-Experience Platform
        Sepehr  Goodarzi Afshin Rezakhani Mahdi Maleki
        The data are stored on the memory of the classical computer in small units of classical bits, which could be either 0 or 1. However, on a Quantum Computer, The Quantum States of each Quantum Bit (Qbit), would be every possible number between 0 and 1, including themselve More
        The data are stored on the memory of the classical computer in small units of classical bits, which could be either 0 or 1. However, on a Quantum Computer, The Quantum States of each Quantum Bit (Qbit), would be every possible number between 0 and 1, including themselves. By placing the photons on a special state, which is a spot located at the middle of the two-dimensional space vectors (█(1@0)) and (█(1@1)) on the Unit Circle, which is called Superposition and we can take advantage of properties of this state when we place lots of vectors of N-dimensional spaces in superposition and we can do a parallelization and factorization for getting significant speedup. In fact, in Quantum Computing we are taking advantage of Quantum Dynamic Principles to process the data, which Classical Computers lack on, by considering the limitations of logical concepts behind them. Through this paper, we expand a quantum algorithm for the number of n Qbits in a new way and by implementing circuits using IBM-Q Experience, we are going to have some practical results, which are more obvious to be demonstrable. By expanding the Quantum Algorithms and using Linear Algebra, we can manage to achieve the goals at a higher level, the ones that Classical Computers are unable to perform, as machine learning problems with complicated models and by expanding the subject we can mention majors in different sciences like Chemistry (predicting the Structure of proteins with higher percentage accuracy in less period), Astronomy and so on. Manuscript profile
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        85 - Youths and Escape Experience in Urban Spaces
        Fardin Alikhah
        In recent years’ urban sociologists and anthropologists have also focused on youth and urban public spaces. On the one hand, there are studies that have proceeded from a criminological point of view and on the other hand, researches that have considered concepts such as More
        In recent years’ urban sociologists and anthropologists have also focused on youth and urban public spaces. On the one hand, there are studies that have proceeded from a criminological point of view and on the other hand, researches that have considered concepts such as marginalization, exclusion or inclusion of social groups in urban spaces. They address issues such as exclusion by official institutions and youth resistance, and raises the question of how young people try to register their signatures on place by adopting strategies such as personalization of place and territorialization in the heart of public spaces. The present study is based on urban ethnography on the pedestrian-only zone of the northern Baradaran Muzaffar of Tehran. The main purpose of this research is to identify different layers’ marginalization strategies by official institutions and local community, which some urban researchers refer to as "place refinement", as well as different strategies of young people to cope, neutralize and resist marginalization. Ethnographic fieldwork shows that the Northern Baradaran Muzaffar pedestrian-only zone is a place for young people to escape the gaze of official institutions. The strategy of exclusion applied by the official institutions and the local community has not been successful and has led to the resistance among the youth. Manuscript profile
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        86 - An overview of vitality in Mehrvarzi Park in Yasuj
        zahra sadat ali aram
        The vitality of urban environments is a topic that has been neglected in studies, research and urban development projects in Iran. Today, for various reasons, providing urban vitality and vitality, especially in recreational and social spaces, has become one of the main More
        The vitality of urban environments is a topic that has been neglected in studies, research and urban development projects in Iran. Today, for various reasons, providing urban vitality and vitality, especially in recreational and social spaces, has become one of the main concerns of urban management and planning systems in countries, especially in developed countries. While despite the direct impact of the vitality of urban parks in playing important roles in these spaces through the continuous presence of citizens and improving their environmental level, less research has examined the vitality of these spaces. For this purpose, in this article, Mehrvarzi Park in Yasuj has been studied in terms of vitality. This research aims to promote the vitality of the park is an applied research and the research method is descriptive-analytical. Accordingly, this article tries to identify the criteria affecting the vitality of urban parks in the form of research and then to review and prioritize them for "Mehrvarzi Park" in Yasouj, and finally to offer suggestions to improve the vitality of this park. The results indicate that the existence of various spaces and cultural places for holding ceremonies is effective in promoting the vitality of urban space in this site. Also, the aesthetic component has the highest level of utility and the service component has the lowest level. Manuscript profile
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        87 - virtual media influence on the spread of iranian culture IRAN
        tahereh nikpoor ALIASGHAR KEYA mohammad reza rasouli
        abstract the purpose ofthisstudy was toinvestigate the effect of cyberspace and specifically social networks on the promotion of iranian environmental culture .this study was anapplied research in terms ofpurpose and exploratory mixed research design which was carriedo More
        abstract the purpose ofthisstudy was toinvestigate the effect of cyberspace and specifically social networks on the promotion of iranian environmental culture .this study was anapplied research in terms ofpurpose and exploratory mixed research design which was carriedout in two stages .in the qualitative part , semi structured interviews were used to explore and describe ideas and attitudes ofinterviewees .so , atfirst , an expert was interviewed and then data analysis was performed in three stages : open , axial and selective coding .as aresult , the open source codes were extracted in the form of axial codes of information functionality , educational and cultural performance , correlation function , promotional function , persuasive function and supervisory function .in quantitative section , among all actors of the environment in the form of ngos and virtual space activists ofiran , 217 people were selected and tested by cochran formula and randomly .aresearcher -made questionnaire was used to collect data in this section .finally , in order to investigate therelationships between variables , structural equation modeling technique was used with smart pls software .the results indicate that thevariables ofinformation function , educational and cultural function , correlation function , advertising function , persuasive function and monitoring function in promoting environmental culture of iran and cultureof environmental pollution are effective .in addition , demographic variables have moderator role in therelationship between thecomponents of cyberspace and culture of culture Manuscript profile
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        88 - An overview of vitality in Mehrvarzi Park in Yasuj
        ali aram zahra sadat
        The vitality of urban environments is a topic that has been neglected in studies, research and urban development projects in Iran. Today, for various reasons, providing urban vitality and vitality, especially in recreational and social spaces, has become one of the main More
        The vitality of urban environments is a topic that has been neglected in studies, research and urban development projects in Iran. Today, for various reasons, providing urban vitality and vitality, especially in recreational and social spaces, has become one of the main concerns of urban management and planning systems in countries, especially in developed countries. While despite the direct impact of the vitality of urban parks in playing important roles in these spaces through the continuous presence of citizens and improving their environmental level, less research has examined the vitality of these spaces. For this purpose, in this article, Mehrvarzi Park in Yasuj has been studied in terms of vitality. This research aims to promote the vitality of the park is an applied research and the research method is descriptive-analytical. Accordingly, this article tries to identify the criteria affecting the vitality of urban parks in the form of research and then to review and prioritize them for "Mehrvarzi Park" in Yasouj, and finally to offer suggestions to improve the vitality of this park. The results indicate that the existence of various spaces and cultural places for holding ceremonies is effective in promoting the vitality of urban space in this site. Also, the aesthetic component has the highest level of utility and the service component has the lowest level. Manuscript profile
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        89 - Investigating the criteria of citizenship space and its effect on citizens' satisfaction with urban spaces Study sample of Yasuj city
        elham nekoueipour ali aram
        The concept of space in the past decades and creating a common understanding that space is a social structure and society is also a spatial structure, on the one hand, and considering citizens' rights as the basis of social planning in citizenship discourses, on the oth More
        The concept of space in the past decades and creating a common understanding that space is a social structure and society is also a spatial structure, on the one hand, and considering citizens' rights as the basis of social planning in citizenship discourses, on the other, theoretical basis The crystallization of the atmosphere is citizen-oriented. The concept of recognizing its dimensions and how to find its objectivity has been the subject of much research, planning and urban planning in recent years. This study seeks to investigate and analyze the rate of realization of citizen-centered space indicators and its impact on citizens' satisfaction with the city space (Case study: Yasuj city) based on this knowledge. Descriptive-analytical research method and its basis based on CSI model or citizens' satisfaction index has been used through field study (384 questionnaires) and using statistical methods of structural equation model (SEM). The software used in this research is Smart-PLS3.2.8. The results show that the CSI indicators in Yasuj are in an unfavorable and relatively favorable situation and the citizens are less than average satisfied with the atmosphere of Tehran. Also, the distance of Yasuj city space from the dimensions and indicators of citizen-oriented space is the most important missing link in Yasuj urban planning system, which can be a warning for socio-spatial damage and it is necessary to find a solution from now on. It should be considered. Manuscript profile
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        90 - Investigating the criteria of citizenship space and its effect on citizens' satisfaction with urban spaces Study sample of Yasuj city
        elham nekoueipour ali aram
        The concept of space in the past decades and creating a common understanding that space is a social structure and society is also a spatial structure, on the one hand, and considering citizens' rights as the basis of social planning in citizenship discourses, on the oth More
        The concept of space in the past decades and creating a common understanding that space is a social structure and society is also a spatial structure, on the one hand, and considering citizens' rights as the basis of social planning in citizenship discourses, on the other, theoretical basis The crystallization of the atmosphere is citizen-oriented. The concept of recognizing its dimensions and how to find its objectivity has been the subject of much research, planning and urban planning in recent years. This study seeks to investigate and analyze the rate of realization of citizen-centered space indicators and its impact on citizens' satisfaction with the city space (Case study: Yasuj city) based on this knowledge. Descriptive-analytical research method and its basis based on CSI model or citizens' satisfaction index has been used through field study (384 questionnaires) and using statistical methods of structural equation model (SEM). The software used in this research is Smart-PLS3.2.8. The results show that the CSI indicators in Yasuj are in an unfavorable and relatively favorable situation and the citizens are less than average satisfied with the atmosphere of Tehran. Also, the distance of Yasuj city space from the dimensions and indicators of citizen-oriented space is the most important missing link in Yasuj urban planning system, which can be a warning for socio-spatial damage and it is necessary to find a solution from now on. It should be considered. Manuscript profile
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        91 - Investigation of the spatial arrangement of Shah Abbasi Caravanserai in Karaj by space syntax technique
        Nasrin Mokhtari Elham Sfandyari fard
        Space syntax is a set of methods and theories that study how the configuration structure of space, organization, and social behaviors interact. Examining the spatial layout is one of the basic strategies for evaluating the usages of any building. This issue is especiall More
        Space syntax is a set of methods and theories that study how the configuration structure of space, organization, and social behaviors interact. Examining the spatial layout is one of the basic strategies for evaluating the usages of any building. This issue is especially evident in historical buildings because the technique of space syntax and drawing justification diagrams makes it possible to analyze the spatial relationships of buildings. Shah Abbasi Caravanserai has long centuries history and has had different uses in different periods. This article examines the spatial arrangement of Shah Abbasi Caravanserai, located in Karaj, in the Safavid and Qajar periods by using the space syntax technique. Also, by considering the change of Shah Abbasi Caravanserai's use to a school in the Qajar period, it seeks to answer the main question: to what extent did the new use correspond to the spatial relations of Shah Abbasi Caravanserai? What are the advantages and disadvantages of changing this user? To answer this question, first, using the descriptive-analytical method and library studies and field surveys, the spatial arrangement of Shah Abbasi Caravanserai in the Safavid and Qajar periods has been studied. Then, drawing diagrams using the space syntax technique and analyzing them based on various influential factors was done. The research result was concluded through analyzing data and comparing the justification diagrams with school diagrams in the Qajar period, indicating that the new spatial arrangement of Shah Abbasi Caravanserai in the Qajar era was done as a result of changing the use to the school. Also, despite some disadvantages because of this change, including a lack of attention to proper access hierarchy, ventilation, and proportions, it is compatible with the spatial relationships of schools of that time to a large extent. Manuscript profile
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        92 - Maxine Greene's Public Space: Beyond the Walls of the Standard Education
          Bakhtiar  Shabani Varaki Tahereh Javidi Kalateh Jafarabadi  
        The main purpose of this article is the representation of Maxine Greene views about public space and its major potentials for the rethinking of the educational behavior in schools. Thus, first of all, this idea is emphasized that public spaces are important places for d More
        The main purpose of this article is the representation of Maxine Greene views about public space and its major potentials for the rethinking of the educational behavior in schools. Thus, first of all, this idea is emphasized that public spaces are important places for discussion (for dialog) and a free exchange of ideas and information, through which an individual human being can make his voice heard, while at the same time listening to other individuals’ voices, without being bothered by any fear and threat arising from a wide range of human contradictions, differences, conflicts and ambiguities that are inherent in human communication. Second, along with describing and criticizing the educational space governing the current schools, based on Greene ideas, it is demonstrated that the public space can provide new contexts for going beyond educational standards, and thus may secure grounds for the realization of agency, freedom, democracy and a shared world in the education of learners. Manuscript profile
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        93 - Anthropology of Tourism, Creative Space, Creative Tourism, Social Communication
        mehdi karoubi razieh Rabani Javad Yousefi
        This study sought to identify and describe social communication methods used in terms of cultural signification by tourists and the host community in Chaharbagh Avenue, Isfahan, Iran. To this end, a qualitative approach was adopted, using the meaning coordination manage More
        This study sought to identify and describe social communication methods used in terms of cultural signification by tourists and the host community in Chaharbagh Avenue, Isfahan, Iran. To this end, a qualitative approach was adopted, using the meaning coordination management model as the theoretical framework. The population of the study comprised the residents of Isfahan City, among whom thirty people were selected through purposive sampling until theoretical saturation was achieved. The required data were collected via participatory observation and semi-structured interviews, which were then analyzed through content analysis, and open and axial coding. The study’s findings indicated that while the majority of Isfahani people expressed a positive attitude concerning the presence of tourists and establishing communication with them in Chaharbagh Avenue, poor creative hardware and software infrastructure in street communication, lack of coordination among policymakers, planners, and operational units in establishing effective communication and failing to consider creativity in redefining the third generation tourism products have prevented the avenue to gain a desired position in terms of tourism success. However, it could generally be argued that the residents of Isfahan City (as the host community) had a favorable attitude towards making effective communications with tourists in Chaharbagh Avenue. Manuscript profile
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        94 - Investigating Agrotourism Aesthetics and Social Production of Space from Local Stakeholders’ Perspective: A Case Study of Grape Festival in Abhar City, Darsjin Village, Iran
        mohamad taghi heydari Daruish jahani Ismail  Dali yagoob haghi
        Playing a significant role in reducing rural poverty, fostering sustainable agricultural and rural development, creating income-generating opportunities for local residents, promoting the culture of natural resource protection, and optimal use of cultural and natural at More
        Playing a significant role in reducing rural poverty, fostering sustainable agricultural and rural development, creating income-generating opportunities for local residents, promoting the culture of natural resource protection, and optimal use of cultural and natural attractions, agricultural tourism provides the basis for interaction between village residents and visiting tourists. In this regard, this study sought to examine the driving forces involved in developing agricultural tourism in Dresjin village from the local stakeholders’ perspective, focusing on the grape festival. The current research is applied in terms of type and descriptive-analytical in terms of nature. The sample size of the study comprised seventy-eight household members who were interviewed along the sidewalks leading to the festival site of Dresjin village. The required data were also collected through library and field studies. The data were then analyzed via the MICMAC approach using the worst-best preference technique. The findings of the study indicated that the positive and pleasant feeling produced by the space and the restoration and maintenance of monuments were the most significantly preferred factors involved in the social production of the space, providing the visitors of Dresjin village with a pleasant feeling and bringing about positive results for the village. Therefore, it appears that tourism development programs must be developed for the village, including clearly set missions and duties of relevant organizations. Such well-developed programs could help avoid parallel working and unnecessary duplications, and also create a sense of responsibility in the actors involved through the tasks assigned to them. Manuscript profile
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        95 - Investigating Socio-Economic Impact of Religious Tourism on Spatial Development of Qom Province
        Ali Sadeghi Valiollah Nazari Mohammad Gholami Mohammad Amir  Amrollahi
        This descriptive-analytical study sought to investigate the socio-economic impacts of religious tourism on the spatial development of Qom province, using a researcher-developed questionnaire designed via Analytical Hierarchy Process to collect its required data. To this More
        This descriptive-analytical study sought to investigate the socio-economic impacts of religious tourism on the spatial development of Qom province, using a researcher-developed questionnaire designed via Analytical Hierarchy Process to collect its required data. To this end, the required criteria were developed at two levels: the economic level comprising of five sub-criteria, including "Increase in employment, increase in incomes, reduction in inflation, increase in regional production", and: private sector participation", and the social level comprising three sub-criteria, including "Increasing the security, increasing the social culture, improving services and infrastructure". The results of surveying the priority of these criteria indicated the high impact of the economic element of tourism on the spatial development of Qom province. According to experts, the more economic power the people have, the better its impact would be on the social and environmental sectors of the society. Also, the criteria were also evaluated and prioritized within the study area that formed different districts of Qom province. Accordingly, it was found that the spatial development of the central district of the province (Qom city) was mostly influenced by religious tourism in terms of 5 criteria out of the 8 criteria identified in the study, suggesting that Qom, as the hub of religious tourism of the province, outweighs other parts of the province in terms of development, which may cause some problems in the future for the development of tourism in Qom province. Manuscript profile
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        96 - Investigating the quality and sense of attachment to the place in the open spaces of the residential complex
        Elham mansourian ali aram
        Place is a phenomenon that man gives meaning to and becomes dependent on during his life. Dependence on place is affected by the quality of the space and the way it is designed, and people create it over a specific period of time. There is a positive relationship betwee More
        Place is a phenomenon that man gives meaning to and becomes dependent on during his life. Dependence on place is affected by the quality of the space and the way it is designed, and people create it over a specific period of time. There is a positive relationship between attachment to place and perception and knowledge of place by the individual to the extent that he recognizes himself with it; Thus, the connection between man and place or "attachment to place" is considered the basis for satisfying many human needs through place and meaning in life. In particular, attachment to important places for human beings, the most characteristic of which is living space. Open spaces between residential buildings are the bedrock for residents to connect with nature and to spend their leisure time in the immediate exterior of the house. Come. This study examines the quality and sense of attachment to space in the open spaces of a residential complex. After dealing with the existing theories in the field of attachment to space and in open spaces of residential complex with an inferential approach and using past research and theoretical foundations, the results show that the quality and sense of attachment to space in open spaces of residential complex Organization, quality of interior spaces, social interactions, type of access and view and type of access and view can be effective factors in increasing the quality and sense of attachment to space in open spaces of residential complex. Manuscript profile
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        97 - with an Emphasis on the Discourse of Satan in the Quran
        mohammad hosein shir afkan ali reza ghaemi nia
        Mankind craves for perfection and in order for his growth, he needs to identify obstacles facing in his path. One of the main obstacles on his path which keeps him aloof from Allah is Satan. Hence, identifying and recognizing Satan as a great barrier which prevents him More
        Mankind craves for perfection and in order for his growth, he needs to identify obstacles facing in his path. One of the main obstacles on his path which keeps him aloof from Allah is Satan. Hence, identifying and recognizing Satan as a great barrier which prevents him from reaching a defined objective is necessary. In the Holy Quran there are many conversations, including those suggested by Satan. Mentioning Satan’s dialogues in the Quran demonstrates the importance of this matter in the sight of Allah. In this paper, verses containing the words of Satan are investigated and analyzed based on cognitive conceptualization in order to explain and recognize the reality of Satan’s words in the Quran and the way they make sense in this group of verses. It considers Satan’s words in five categories, of Satan’s superiority, asking for respite, dominance, seeking good and Satan’s promise, the mind can make a good concept of these matters and is ready to analyze them. In conclusion, it can be said that Satan’s mental space stands against the divine mental space and the followers of each have tendency toward the mental space in accordance with their capacity and thoughts. Manuscript profile
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        98 - Analysis of social logic governing the body of space in the historical-cultural context of Boshrouyeh in the Qajar era with a syntactic approach
        saeede pourabedini abed taghavi hasan hashemi zarj abad
        What is translation of cities is the way that this discipline entails the arrangement of different land uses suitable and compatible distribution of urban facilities beside each other as well as the roads network at the localities level. The desired neighboring of inf More
        What is translation of cities is the way that this discipline entails the arrangement of different land uses suitable and compatible distribution of urban facilities beside each other as well as the roads network at the localities level. The desired neighboring of infrastructure and urban facilities on the localities has resulted in preventing the establishment of social inequalities and consequently spatial inequality and spatial inequality in the areas that have influence on the function of spatial and spatial configuration of cities in the context of time and space. The aim of this research is to read the Integration spatial behavior between man and the environment in the historical context of the city of Beshravieh in the Qajar period, which has become the basis for the emergence of spatial organization and social logic of space and correlation in the physical-functional structure of the neighborhoods of this city.The current research is applied research in terms of its purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of its nature and method. The theoretical information of the research has been collected from the method of library studies and using the findings, documents and documents of the cultural heritage of Beshravieh city. And in order to read the social logic of the space governing the spatial body of the neighborhoods of Beshravieh city, two quantitative guidelines (relationships, indicators of space syntax) and qualitative (idea of space syntax) existing in the theory of space arrangement have been used.According to the theory of space syntax, what was the role of physical-functional factors in shaping and developing the social logic of the space of Beshravieh city in the Qajar era? The results of the research show: the building elements of the physical structure of the neighborhoods of Beshravieh in the Qajar era were formed in order to meet the needs of the residents of the neighborhoods and in order to preserve and strengthen its cultural-social identity. And they have also been responsible for creating correlation between the physical elements of the neighborhoods. The achievement of this spatial order is the existence of spatial unity in the whole and its function in the minuscule. Manuscript profile
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        99 - Spam Detection in Twitter by Ensemble Learning Approach
        Maryam Fasihi Mohammad Javad shayegan zahra hosieni zahra sejdeh
        Today, social networks play a crucial role in disseminating information worldwide. Twitter is one of the most popular social networks, with 500 million tweets sent on a daily basis. The popularity of this network among users has led spammers to exploit it for distributi More
        Today, social networks play a crucial role in disseminating information worldwide. Twitter is one of the most popular social networks, with 500 million tweets sent on a daily basis. The popularity of this network among users has led spammers to exploit it for distributing spam posts. This paper employs a combination of machine learning methods to identify spam at the tweet level. The proposed method utilizes a feature extraction framework in two stages. In the first stage, Stacked Autoencoder is used for feature extraction, and in the second stage, the extracted features from the last layer of Stacked Autoencoder are fed into the softmax layer for prediction. The proposed method is compared and evaluated against some popular methods on the Twitter Spam Detection corpus using accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score metrics. The research results indicate that the proposed method achieves a detection of 78.1%. Overall, the proposed method, using the majority voting approach with a hard selection in ensemble learning, outperforms CNN, LSTM, and SCCL methods in identifying spam tweets with higher accuracy. Manuscript profile
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        100 - Explaining the coceptual farmework for evalouating spatial resilience against urban floods and its application in urban planning literature case study babolsar city
        Elham  Rezaian KaleBasti Hossein Kalantari khalilabad Maryam Rezghi
        Environmental problems related to urbanization have their roots in both ecological and urban development fields, led to the formation of joint research fields such as resilience. Urban spatial resilience indicators are directly related to physical and environmental dime More
        Environmental problems related to urbanization have their roots in both ecological and urban development fields, led to the formation of joint research fields such as resilience. Urban spatial resilience indicators are directly related to physical and environmental dimensions and are related to the main components of the spatial organization of the city. The purpose is to explain the conceptual framework assessment against urban flooding in Babolsar and its application in urban planning, research method: descriptive-analytical, data collection method: library and field and tools. Data collection: questionnaire, statistical population: specialists of city related to the issue of urban flooding, of which 30 people were selected as a possible cluster sampling. Data analysis is done through mean, Kolmogrof-Smirnov, Shapiro-Wilk and t-test in SPSS software as well as AHP and WASPAS techniques. The results show that the city is in a relatively good condition in terms of resilience and it is necessary to use the existing potentials, opportunities and resources in order to improve spatial resilience against floods. The final status of the space organization has shown that the dispersion of uses, attention to natural elements and the condition of the road network and surrounding green and open spaces have been evaluated as favorable, and the lack of attention to the shape of the land, Attention to neighboring spots, lack of dispersion of high-risk spots, centralization of administration in the center of the city, centralization of functional elements by the river and centralization of services on the coastal strip are its negative points. Manuscript profile
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        101 - The Role of Inequalities in Migration from Iran's Border Counties
        Valiollah Rostamalizadeh Reza Nobakht
        The role of regional and spatial inequalities, especially the role of inequalities in the border areas of the country, has been given less attention in the issue of migration. Although Iran's border areas have strategic importance from economic, social, and political as More
        The role of regional and spatial inequalities, especially the role of inequalities in the border areas of the country, has been given less attention in the issue of migration. Although Iran's border areas have strategic importance from economic, social, and political aspects, and Ignoring paying less attention to these areas can have irreparable consequences in various sectors. This research aims to investigate the situation of Iran's border regions in terms of spatial inequalities and what effect these inequalities have on migration from these regions. In order to measure the spatial inequality among the border counties, the data of the general population and housing census of 2016 and other related findings have been used. Factor analysis has been used to weight and combine indicators and create spatial inequality. Arc Pro software was used for zoning and stratification of counties based on the dimensions of inequality and migration, and GWR statistical method was used to analyze the relationship between inequality and migration. The results show that inequality is higher in the eastern and southeastern counties compared to other places. Also, 66% of Iran's border counties have a negative migration balance. The geographically weighted regression model shows that 67% of the changes in the net migration variable are explained by independent variables, and based on the average value presented, the population structure factor and the economic factor have the greatest effect on the net migration in border counties. Also, the effectiveness of factors for migration is different in different regions of the country. Manuscript profile
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        102 - Multi-level ternary quantization for improving sparsity and computation in embedded deep neural networks
        Hosna Manavi Mofrad Seyed Ali ansarmohammadi Mostafa Salehi
        Deep neural networks (DNNs) have achieved great interest due to their success in various applications. However, the computation complexity and memory size are considered to be the main obstacles for implementing such models on embedded devices with limited memory and co More
        Deep neural networks (DNNs) have achieved great interest due to their success in various applications. However, the computation complexity and memory size are considered to be the main obstacles for implementing such models on embedded devices with limited memory and computational resources. Network compression techniques can overcome these challenges. Quantization and pruning methods are the most important compression techniques among them. One of the famous quantization methods in DNNs is the multi-level binary quantization, which not only exploits simple bit-wise logical operations, but also reduces the accuracy gap between binary neural networks and full precision DNNs. Since, multi-level binary can’t represent the zero value, this quantization does’nt take advantage of sparsity. On the other hand, it has been shown that DNNs are sparse, and by pruning the parameters of the DNNs, the amount of data storage in memory is reduced while computation speedup is also achieved. In this paper, we propose a pruning and quantization-aware training method for multi-level ternary quantization that takes advantage of both multi-level quantization and data sparsity. In addition to increasing the accuracy of the network compared to the binary multi-level networks, it gives the network the ability to be sparse. To save memory size and computation complexity, we increase the sparsity in the quantized network by pruning until the accuracy loss is negligible. The results show that the potential speedup of computation for our model at the bit and word-level sparsity can be increased by 15x and 45x compared to the basic multi-level binary networks. Manuscript profile
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        103 - Evaluation of the amount of green space per capita in the urban environment (case example: Bojnord city)
        soudabeh hadadi kohsar ramezanali naderi mayvan
        Today, the concept of cities without effective green space in its various forms is unimaginable. The consequences of urban development and the complexities of their environmental problems have made the existence of green space and its expansion inevitable forever. Payin More
        Today, the concept of cities without effective green space in its various forms is unimaginable. The consequences of urban development and the complexities of their environmental problems have made the existence of green space and its expansion inevitable forever. Paying attention to green spaces in general as the breathing lungs of cities is not an exaggerated definition of its function. Rather, this simile is considered to express its minimal function in the ecological concept of cities. These spaces have an important place both from the point of view of meeting the environmental needs of the city dwellers and from the point of view of providing leisure spaces and the basis of communication and social interaction. With the rapid expansion of Bojnord city in recent decades, the importance of urban green space and parks has been greatly increased both in terms of increasing social, environmental and aesthetic needs, as well as the role of access to green space in social justice and balanced urban development. In this article, the distribution and per capita of urban green spaces with different performance levels in the area of Bojnoord city have been investigated and the deficiencies in this field have been analyzed. In this research, the type of research is based on the practical purpose and is based on the descriptive-analytical method, and the method of information analysis is using the deductive (rational) method as well as the use of GIS software, which is the map of the current situation and the access map using this The software was prepared. Also, these maps were used for the final analysis, which according to the obtained results, the city of Bojnord has a per capita shortage of urban green spaces, and this has caused environmental pollution in this city. Manuscript profile
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        104 - Providing physical solutions in order to strengthen social interactions (case example: North Shahid Beheshti St.)
        Vajihe Sehatpoor ramezanali naderi mayvan
        As an urban space, the street is one of the most important places where face-to-face encounters and the arena of social interactions of citizens are considered. The presence of vehicle traffic crisis and low physical quality has caused a severe lack of public space with More
        As an urban space, the street is one of the most important places where face-to-face encounters and the arena of social interactions of citizens are considered. The presence of vehicle traffic crisis and low physical quality has caused a severe lack of public space with the ability to accept social interactions. Enhancing public spaces is a means of dealing with this fragmentation and related concerns. It is possible to strengthen the feeling of togetherness by creating a variety of public spaces. On the other hand, the presence of untouched natural environments inside the cities is one of the important potentials of the city in creating a new urban public space and strengthening the civic life and social connections among the city residents. Therefore, organizing these spaces, while transforming them from a defenseless space into a safe urban space, provides a basis for being present in the space and strengthening communication and social interactions in cities and among residents, which leads to the establishment and strengthening of civil life in the city. The phenomenon of an urban defenseless space and the effect it has on the collective conscience can turn the healthy human-city relationship into a disconnected and sometimes hostile relationship with the environment. Because until a person does not feel calm in the environment and space and always lives in worry as a victim, he cannot display his capabilities and values and fulfill his social role in a desirable way. In this research, the aim of which is to promote social interactions in the North Shahid Beheshti axis (between Shahid Square and Charah Safa Square), a combined research method (analytical-descriptive) has been used. The results of the research show that increasing comfort and healing for the people present in the area, creating beautiful and appropriate flooring, creating a favorable permeability for the area can greatly help to increase social interactions in this area. Manuscript profile
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        105 - A New Hybrid Method Based on Intelligent Algorithms for Intrusion Detection in SDN-IoT
        Zakaria Raeisi Fazlloah Adibnia Mahdi Yazdian
        In recent years, the use of Internet of Things in societies has grown widely. On the other hand, a new technology called Software Defined Networks has been proposed to solve the challenges of the Internet of Things. The security problems in these Software Defined Networ More
        In recent years, the use of Internet of Things in societies has grown widely. On the other hand, a new technology called Software Defined Networks has been proposed to solve the challenges of the Internet of Things. The security problems in these Software Defined Networks and the Internet of Things have made SDN-IoT security one of the most important concerns. On the other hand, the use of intelligent algorithms has been an opportunity that these algorithms have been able to make significant progress in various cases such as image processing and disease diagnosis. Of course, intrusion detection systems for SDN-IoT environment still face the problem of high false alarm rate and low accuracy. In this article, a new hybrid method based on intelligent algorithms is proposed. The proposed method integrates the monitoring algorithms of frequent return gate and unsupervised k-means classifier in order to obtain suitable results in the field of intrusion detection. The simulation results show that the proposed method, by using the advantages of each of the integrated algorithms and covering each other's disadvantages, has more accuracy and a lower false alarm rate than other methods such as the Hamza method. Also, the proposed method has been able to reduce the false alarm rate to 1.1% and maintain the accuracy at around 99%. Manuscript profile
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        106 - The role of consumer cities in the lives of citizens with an ethnographic approach
        Mohammad javad  samani nezhad neda khodakaramiangilan Asadollah Babaiefard
        This research examines the consumption process in modern cities and discusses its role in the lives of citizens. Research theories are based on the views of Veblen, Simmel, Bakoc, Bourdieu, and Marx. Also, in this research, the ethnographic research method is used and t More
        This research examines the consumption process in modern cities and discusses its role in the lives of citizens. Research theories are based on the views of Veblen, Simmel, Bakoc, Bourdieu, and Marx. Also, in this research, the ethnographic research method is used and the data collection technique includes participatory observation and in-depth interview. The findings of the research show that commercial spaces have created a special design in the architecture of the city, there are criteria in the designs of the city that lead to the creation of a pleasant and stimulating atmosphere for consumption, the colors used in commercial spaces in The brightness of the spaces plays a vital role and helps a lot in creating the beauty of the goods Multiple entrances, wide corridors, many skylights and a beautiful central view in shopping centers provide the possibility of encouraging more people to enter the arcade. Wanderers change and define their identity by walking in the city. Also, the shopping centers themselves include retail space, hotels, restaurants, and entertainment facilities, which have caused more and more people to buy and consumerism with the different facilities they provide. On the other hand, shopping centers as one of the new forms of shopping play an effective role in people's shopping addiction. Shopping addiction sometimes tempts people to buy excessively, for this reason it brings anxiety and worry to people. Manuscript profile
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        107 - Analyzing the features of spatial combinations in the Houz-khaneh of historical houses in Isfahan (Safavid and Qajar periods)
        Sara Rouholamin Mohsen afshari
        In the architecture of the desert regions of Iran, water has been life and continuation of life. The properties of tricks are used in the creation of architectural elements to create comfort and peace in the lives of residents. One of the cases in Isfahan using the elem More
        In the architecture of the desert regions of Iran, water has been life and continuation of life. The properties of tricks are used in the creation of architectural elements to create comfort and peace in the lives of residents. One of the cases in Isfahan using the element of water is Hozkhaneh Much research has been done on the historical houses of Isfahan, but Hozkhaneh space has not been given more attention. This research will be carried out to achieve the quality of the features of Hozkhaneh spatial mixers in the historical houses of Isfahan. In line with this goal, two questions are answered; What are the characteristics of spatial mixers in the Hoz Khaneh of Isfahan's historical houses? And how do they play a role? The present study analyzes the characteristics of the spatial mixers of Hozkhaneh in the historical houses of Isfahan during the Safavid and Qajar periods using a qualitative method with a practical purpose and a descriptive-historical approach. Considering cases such as the destruction of historical houses, being uninhabited, changing the use of houses to hotels, museums, and other cases, the lack of documents and maps of some historical houses, 20 historical houses with ponds in the city of Isfahan related to the mentioned periods were identified and it was checked. The results of the present research show that the pool houses are connected with other spaces of the house using doors, windows, and columns. in ponds using the features of spatial combiners; A flexible place has been formed such as optical and perspective expansion and horizontal and vertical spatial expansion. The ponds are divided into five groups in terms of neighborhood; A group of ponds are not contiguous. A group of them are connected one-way, another group two-way, the fourth group with three spaces, and the last group with four spaces. 12 of the researched ponds have rows and the rest have no rows. In the present research, the pond houses have ceiling or wall skylights, and in some of them, there are both roof and wall skylights. In nine of the researched ponds, there is Gholamgardesh. A group of pond houses have light expansion and a view to the outside, and the rest have a light expansion and a view to the inside. Manuscript profile
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        108 - Detection of Quantized Sparse Signals Using Locally Most Power Full Detector in Wireless Sensor NetworkS
        Abdolreza Mohammadi Amin Jajarmi
        This paper addresses the problem of distributed detection of stochastic sparse signals in a wireless sensor network. Observations/local likelihood ratios in each sensor node are quantized into 1-bit and sent to a fusion center (FC) through non-ideal channels. At the FC, More
        This paper addresses the problem of distributed detection of stochastic sparse signals in a wireless sensor network. Observations/local likelihood ratios in each sensor node are quantized into 1-bit and sent to a fusion center (FC) through non-ideal channels. At the FC, we propose two sub-optimal detectors after that the data are fused based on the locally most powerful test (LMPT). We obtain the quantization threshold for each sensor node via an asymptotic analysis of the performance of the detector. It is realized that the quantization threshold depends on the bit error probability of the channels between the sensor nodes and the FC. Simulation results are carried out to confirm our theoretical analysis and to depict the performance of the proposed detectors. Manuscript profile
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        109 - Evaluation of the Structural Model and Spatial Organization of Schools in the First Qajar and Pahlavi Periods (Case Examples of Schools in Tabriz and Urmia)
        The architecture of traditional schools is often symmetrically formed around one or two perpendicular axes. The main elements of the school building are located on both sides of the axis, and the design of the courtyard is such that it strengthens the centrality of the More
        The architecture of traditional schools is often symmetrically formed around one or two perpendicular axes. The main elements of the school building are located on both sides of the axis, and the design of the courtyard is such that it strengthens the centrality of the courtyard and the overall structure. In the architecture of traditional schools, the design and construction of the space is done according to the perceptive capabilities and material and spiritual needs of humans. The main purpose of the research is to know the spatial organization, to examine and compare the elements, and the structural patterns of schools in Tabriz and Urmia in the Qajar and Pahlavi period. In this article, first of all, qualitatively, it examines the structural patterns and spatial organization and the quality of schools, and then by comparing and evaluating the research findings, for the purpose of statistical analysis, processing quantitative data using indicators and tests. Statistics have been done. This research deals with choosing two consecutive historical periods (Qajar and Pahlavi) as a starting point in the change and evolution of the structure of schools. The research with applied approach and descriptive and analytical research method, using field and library information collection, examines the patterns of schools in these periods. The technique of collecting information by means of a questionnaire depending on the answers of the researchers and analyzing the data collected with SPSS descriptive statistics method of skewness and kurtosis and histogram chart to compare the schools of Qajar and Pahlavi period, using statistical analysis and correlation and The test of received indicators was done, and finally the results were extracted. The numerical value of Cronbach's alpha coefficient is equal to 0.707 considering the 9 questions of the questionnaire, which shows that the reliability of the questionnaire is average. For the comparative study of schools, Tabriz Dar al-Funun School, Rushdieh Tabriz, Ferdowsi Tabriz, Anoushirvan Tabriz, Chamran Urmia, Teb Urmia, Tawheed Tabriz (Parvin Etisami) were selected from Qajar and Pahlavi schools. Then, the desired indicators were determined and checked for comparison. Based on this, the most important result of this research is benefiting from suitable design patterns such as centrality, layering, overlapping courtyards, reflection and diversity in school architecture and stretching of plans and entrance in the center, the importance of setting environmental conditions, stretching east and west. And being sunny is important on the one hand, and on the other hand, the era was the neoclassical era, buildings were mostly symmetrical in Europe, and influence from the West was important both in school education and in the shape and body of schools. As a result, the educational spaces from the school mosque with a central courtyard pattern later changed to schools with an elongated plan pattern, and the educational evolution in the Qajar period followed the concept of physical-shape continuity of the traditional Iranian architectural format and items such as the central courtyard, module and frame The arrangement of views and symmetry, introversion and appropriate geometry, etc. can be seen. Manuscript profile
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        110 - Expressing and Analyzing the Effective Components of the Hidden Spatial Order in the Late Qajar Houses and Early Pahlavi in Behbahan
        Mahrokh Moosavinasab Vida Taghvaei MOHAMMAD IBRAHIM MAZHARY
        Home as a manifestation of its residents’ culture displays different life methods, activity systems, values, and behavioral patterns. The present study aims to express the criteria and impact rate and weighing of each of them concerning each other by the realization of More
        Home as a manifestation of its residents’ culture displays different life methods, activity systems, values, and behavioral patterns. The present study aims to express the criteria and impact rate and weighing of each of them concerning each other by the realization of the effective components on the hidden map of Behbahan traditional housing. The research method with a mixed technique consists of descriptive methods and content analysis in the theoretical part and correlational and causal comparison in the field research in the case studies part. In the first step, the questionnaires were given to the residents of 30 houses in the traditional residential context of Behbahan in order to analyze the descriptive statistics that were analyzed by SPSS software. In the next step, interviews based on research questions will be compiled from a population of 10 experts who were selected by the snowball method, and inferential statistics will be extracted by analyzing them. Then the scores of questionnaires, bridge-crossroads documents, and being a Behbahan quay are compared. The research results indicate that the subsistence, cultural and social requirements caused by the region's geography and communication with merchants and others have influenced the weight of the spatial order components of Behbahan's traditional houses. This case can be seen in the orientation of houses and the formation of spatial order components with subsistence purposes. Manuscript profile
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        111 - Introducing the Transcendent Perceptual Process In order to perceived the Aesthetic Quality of Space (Combining the Viewpoints of New Sciences and Mulla Sadra's Transcendent Theosophy)
        sara daneshmand Kaveh Fattahi
        In the field of art and architecture, aesthetic quality as one of the types of qualities has been considered in old and new researches. Although today, in the studies of urban planning and architecture, efforts have been made to understand the aesthetic quality of space More
        In the field of art and architecture, aesthetic quality as one of the types of qualities has been considered in old and new researches. Although today, in the studies of urban planning and architecture, efforts have been made to understand the aesthetic quality of space and how to perceive it using the term atmosphere, but in the texts of Islamic sages and philosophers, no separate treatise has been written on this topic, and researchers in the old texts and the new ones have used many and sometimes inconsistent expressions. Also, no consensus has been reached in expressing its perceptual processes. Therefore, the research introduces the framework of transcendent perceptual process and its details, by correlating the expressions used in modern sciences and Islamic sciences with the help of Mullah Sadra's Transcendent Theosophy. The descriptive-analytical study first describes the viewpoints of three generations of theorists, then analyses them, and finally combines the viewpoints of new researchers and the Transcendent Theosophy to provide a comprehensive innovative framework. The results of the work include the identification of 5 depths for the perceptual process, providing a triple model to express the quality of the perceptual process with the terms used by previous scholars, and also extracting the framework of the transcendent perceptual process. This framework increases the ability of research in the interdisciplinary field, and where the range of words for communicating different sciences is wide, it creates a platform for the coordination of perceptual processes from the perspective of different sciences. Manuscript profile
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        112 - Investigating the impact of the components of environmental perceptions of educational spaces on improving students' learning
        nazanin yarmohammadian Saeed Azemati sara tahersima
        Every child spends an important part of his life in school. The purpose of this presence in schools is to learn and develop the child's abilities and skills, as well as individual and social behaviors. Improper design of the school environment causes dissatisfaction, fa More
        Every child spends an important part of his life in school. The purpose of this presence in schools is to learn and develop the child's abilities and skills, as well as individual and social behaviors. Improper design of the school environment causes dissatisfaction, fatigue and decrease in their learning. Paying attention to the mental and physical characteristics of children and their behavioral patterns in the design of educational environments and the impact of environmental perceptions can help children's learning and the emergence of talents and ultimately their growth and prosperity. Hence, designing schools according to the needs It is especially important for children between 6-12 years old. What this article deals with is the different aspects of the effect of educational spaces and the components of environmental perceptions of these spaces on children's learning with the approach of improving students' learning. The current research is applied in terms of its purpose and survey-analytical in terms of the research method. The result shows that the factors that make up the educational environment are effective in facilitating children's learning and this effect is such that the sum of these factors together provide conditions so that students can focus more easily on the subject matter in order to improve Let them learn. And also this research states that components derived from environmental perception, such as: variety of furniture arrangement and flexible and movable furniture, spaces with the possibility of collaborative interactions, appropriate combination of colors in the space, readable and inviting entrances and paths, sand playground , the presence of water, terraces along the classes on the floors, participatory park, garden pit, tall and light windows, etc. are effective in improving students' learning. Manuscript profile
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        113 - Renewal of Spatial structure of the quarters based on the Cultural- led regeneration approach in Historical fabrics (Case Study: Arg quarter, Mashhad)
        Farid Ganjeali Iman Ghalandarian
        The spatial structure of quarters plays a fundamental role in revitalizing and improving their quality. Emphasizing the reconstruction of cultural heritage, this approach can serve as a suitable catalyst for strengthening related issues or the spatial structure of histo More
        The spatial structure of quarters plays a fundamental role in revitalizing and improving their quality. Emphasizing the reconstruction of cultural heritage, this approach can serve as a suitable catalyst for strengthening related issues or the spatial structure of historical quarters. This research aims to reconstruct the spatial structure of the Arg quarter in Mashhad. The methodology employed is mixed (quantitative and qualitative), where initially, by defining the criteria for cultural reconstruction in both soft and hard environments and categorizing them into seven dimensions of the urban environment, the cultural criteria in the components of spatial structure were elucidated. In the second step, quarter issues in the Arg quarter were extracted through the perspectives of authors, experts, and residents using observation and interviews, then the issue network was drawn and analyzed using qualitative research analysis tools (Gephi software). The results of the research indicate that the most important issues of the spatial structure of the Arg quarter include the lack of day and night activities, neglect of social values, functional disturbances in space and activities, inappropriate environmental qualities, and the loss of a sense of place, which can be addressed by proposing suggestions for improvement based on the identified issues. Manuscript profile
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        114 - Presenting a Small Buisiness Model in Cyberspace with an Entrepreneurial Approch
        hamed bahadorian serajaldin mohebi hosein mansoori
        The purpose of this research is to present the small business model in cyberspace with an entrepreneurial approach. In terms of practical purpose, the research is survey-descriptive; in terms of data collection, the research approach is inductive reasoning and explorato More
        The purpose of this research is to present the small business model in cyberspace with an entrepreneurial approach. In terms of practical purpose, the research is survey-descriptive; in terms of data collection, the research approach is inductive reasoning and exploratory mixed research strategy in which qualitative research is used in the first stage and quantitative research in the second stage. The method of collecting information in the qualitative part was in-depth interviews. For this purpose, theoretical sampling was done from the research community, which includes experts and managers in the field of business in virtual space and professors in the field of software (business). In this way, with thirty people interviews have been conducted. In the quantitative part of the research, data were collected using a questionnaire. The sampling method was stratified random in a proportional way. To determine the sample size in a limited population, 77 people were selected by using Cochran's method. In the qualitative part (grounded theory), data analysis was used on the basic theory and the coding process. In the quantitative part of the research, after collecting and summarizing the data, descriptive tests, exploratory factor analysis and exploratory structural equation modeling were used using SPSS 24 and PLS Smart 2 software. The findings showed that knowing human relations, investing in entrepreneurship, keeping up with the fast-paced changes in the world, requirements of virtual business, knowing the characteristics of the market and characteristics of the buyer, are the effective factors on the small business model in the virtual space with an entrepreneurial approach Manuscript profile
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        115 - Investigating the Factors Affecting the Public Participation of Users and the Survivability of Spaces in Urban Parks to Improve the Level of Children's Safety (a Case Study of Shafaq Park in Tehran)
        Saeed Azemati Kimia Jamshidzadeh
        <p>Security remains a fundamental human need within society. The safety and well-being of vulnerable groups, particularly children, who constitute one of the most at-risk segments of society, hold particular significance. An active human presence contributes significant More
        <p>Security remains a fundamental human need within society. The safety and well-being of vulnerable groups, particularly children, who constitute one of the most at-risk segments of society, hold particular significance. An active human presence contributes significantly to enhancing security in urban spaces. The ability to comprehend and observe the surrounding environment, as well as being visible to others, fosters a sense of security. The current research employs a blended quantitative and qualitative approach, involving a research community comprising 25 experts. These experts were selected through an open interview framework, utilizing a purposeful sampling method with the snowball technique. The gathered opinions were subsequently analyzed using SPSS26 software. According to the coefficients obtained from the variables, graphs were generated by Gefi software. Ultimately, the indicators extracted from the first and second stages of the survey underwent analysis using Depth Map software. The integration of the plan analysis with the generated graphs from the previous stage was deliberated using AGraph software. Based on the results, users are mostly looking for spaces that are efficient in attracting people when choosing urban parks for the safety of their children. Especially adults, and allow parents to monitor the space. Cultural spaces with a rating of 4.46 in urban parks are the main factor in attracting people for public participation.</p> Manuscript profile
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        116 - The Role of Academics' Boundary-Spanning in Organizational Innovation by Mediating Organizational Agility in Technical and Engineering Faculties of Tehran State Universities
        saeid norollahee siroos ghanbari
        The purpose of the research was to investigate the role of academics' boundary-spanning in organizational innovation by mediating organizational agility in technical and engineering faculties of public universities in Tehran. The research method was mixed-exploratory (q More
        The purpose of the research was to investigate the role of academics' boundary-spanning in organizational innovation by mediating organizational agility in technical and engineering faculties of public universities in Tehran. The research method was mixed-exploratory (qualitative-quantitative). In the qualitative part, it was considered to identify the characteristics of academics' boundary-spanning in state universities. So, 15 faculty members of public universities were purposefully selected and interviewed. The interviews were analyzed using coding, and 48 open codes, 9 central codes were identified and they were placed in three categories: Personal characteristics, Job characteristics, and Organizational characteristics of academics' boundary-spanning were placed in three categories. The research method in the quantitative part was descriptive-correlation. The statistical population of technical and engineering faculty members of public universities in Tehran was 2189 people in 1402, which was determined by using Cochran's formula, the sample size was 327 people, and sampling was done using stratified (relative) random sampling. The data was collected using the researcher-made questionnaire of academic's boundary-spanning, questionnaire of organizational innovation and the organizational agility. Cronbach's alpha coefficient and confirmatory factor analysis were used to determine the reliability of the tools. Data analysis was done with Pearson correlation test and structural equation modeling technique with SPSS and LISREL 8.80 software. The findings showed that boundary spanning has a positive effect on organizational innovation and organizational agility, and organizational agility has a significant effect on organizational innovation. Also, the mediating role of organizational agility in the effect of boundary spanning on organizational innovation was confirmed. As a result, in order to survive in a competitive environment, higher education should innovate in the processes of education, research and scientific production by using the strategy of boundary spanning and improving organizational agility Manuscript profile
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        117 - Civil liability of arbitrators in online arbitration
        Reza Shahidi sadeghi
        Arbitration is one of the most common methods of peaceful dispute resolution in domestic and international disputes outside of state courts. In the present era, international commercial arbitration has become more important among merchants due to its faster resolution a More
        Arbitration is one of the most common methods of peaceful dispute resolution in domestic and international disputes outside of state courts. In the present era, international commercial arbitration has become more important among merchants due to its faster resolution and cost savings for both parties, and therefore, access to new communication technologies by the global community has led to the emergence of arbitration in the virtual world and become a matter of concern. Therefore, arbitrators accept certain duties under the arbitration agreement between the parties, which, if not fulfilled, may result in civil liability for breach of contract and consequently, cause material and moral damages and establish causation. In general, the legal system of customary law has accepted immunity (exemption) from liability for international arbitrators, and in written legal systems and the arbitration system of Iran, the principle of civil liability of arbitrators has been accepted. The question that arises in the mind of the writer is what effects and provisions are applicable to the civil liability of arbitrators in virtual arbitration? In response, it should be said that due to the lack of independent, explicit, comprehensive, and coherent laws and regulations on the civil liability of arbitrators in virtual space in domestic and international areas and the fact that virtual arbitration is essentially similar to traditional arbitration, and only differ in formalities and procedures governing the process, it seems that the issue of civil liability of arbitrators in traditional and virtual arbitration does not have much difference in terms of effects and provisions. Manuscript profile
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        118 - The Effect of the Quality of the Support Spaces of High-rise Complexes on the Satisfaction Level of Residents Case Study: Residential Complex of Chamran street, Shiraz
        mohammad kazemi Hadi Keshmiri Zeynab Barzegari Jeihoini
        <p>Housing has other objectives such as providing multiple services and providing the needs of people living in that place. When the decision to determine a specified location for the residence, it is important to provide an acceptable level of satisfaction. People are More
        <p>Housing has other objectives such as providing multiple services and providing the needs of people living in that place. When the decision to determine a specified location for the residence, it is important to provide an acceptable level of satisfaction. People are satisfied with their residence time that they meet their needs. People are the most important factors in architecture; therefore designers and architects need to try and work towards providing and promoting the level of satisfaction in residential complexes. In order to investigate the promotion of satisfaction and its influential factors in high - rise residential complexes , support spaces are considered. The research method is descriptive - analytical and based on the applied goal. The method of data collection was library method and for main data of research , field method was considered. The data collection tool is edinterviews with residents of residential complex in chamran campus using questionnaires. The collected data were analyzed by using spss25 software. The results showed that the first priority of supporting space related to service spaces such as the existence of lift and &hellip;, after that the existence of garbage dump in the complex, then existence of safe spaces with safety and perfect security for children and existence of shops in order to meet the needs of collection for residents were important.</p> Manuscript profile
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        119 - Effective Strategies for Promoting Motivation in Children with Intellectual Disabilities Based on Environmental Psychology
        Sara mohammadzadeh akbari Mahdi hamzenejad Razie Fathi
        <p>The current research seeks to provide effective solutions on the emotional and motivational development of mentally retarded children based on environmental psychology. The aim of this research is to provide a purposeful environment for the mental and educational dev More
        <p>The current research seeks to provide effective solutions on the emotional and motivational development of mentally retarded children based on environmental psychology. The aim of this research is to provide a purposeful environment for the mental and educational development of children with mental disabilities by examining the psychology of the educational environment. Mentally retarded children are physically, intellectually, emotionally and behaviorally different from other people and therefore they need special environments to empower their intelligence. In this research; First, By using study -library documents-, the basics of mentally retarded children and their disorders (conditions), as well as the psychology of the children's environment and the factors affecting the environment, have been studied, and then the relationship between the psychology of the environment and the needs of mentally retarded children has been investigated using descriptive-analytical methods. The current research aims to improve the states and disorders of mentally retarded children through the use of optimal environmental design solutions to cause their motivational growth. The findings showed that factors such as color, materials and form in the space can have a significant effect on the intellectual ability of mentally retarded children. So that by using these factors, optimal design solutions are obtained in order to solve each of their disorders and as a result increase their motivation.</p> Manuscript profile
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        120 - Examining the Appropriate Strategies for Daylight Efficiency in Order to Improve the Quality of the Interior Space (A Case Study of Optical Channels)
        Seyedeh Maryam Mojtabavi Shakila Sedaghat
        <p>In addition to creating visual comfort, the proper use of light and natural lighting in the interior can have positive effects on the physical and mental health, behaviors and attitudes, as well as the moods and performance of the residents. Also, natural daylight ca More
        <p>In addition to creating visual comfort, the proper use of light and natural lighting in the interior can have positive effects on the physical and mental health, behaviors and attitudes, as well as the moods and performance of the residents. Also, natural daylight can reduce the demand for electric lighting system, so it is necessary to address this issue in indoor environments. The general purpose of this research is to understand the role of daylight in order to improve the quality of indoor space and increase human health, as well as to provide a solution for the optimal use of sunlight. In this regard, it seeks to answer the question of how daylight can be transferred to the interior space and what effects does its existence have on the various aspects of the audience's health? The method of the present research is qualitative in nature and practical in terms of purpose, and the method of library and documentary studies has been used to collect information. The results of the current research have discussed the importance of the role and concept of daylight in interior spaces and how to use it properly and show that lighting is done by high-quality light channels compared to direct lighting from the building shell or traditional skylights. to be As a result, it can be said that the optical channel is a suitable choice for the transmission of daylight. This system transmits high-quality daylight to the depth of the building and provides lighting for spaces without daylight, and finally by responding to human needs, it improves the quality of indoor spaces and the physical, mental, social and cognitive health of humans. ; Therefore, the optical channel can be used as one of the effective methods of using daylight.</p> Manuscript profile
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        121 - Repetitive Propositions in the Concept of Space Dialectic in Architecture
        Mahmoud Azhdari
        <p>The term "dialectic of space" in architecture refers to the contradictions and interactions present within spaces. These contradictions may encompass elements such as lightness and darkness, density and spatiality, as well as mutual aspects like internal and external More
        <p>The term "dialectic of space" in architecture refers to the contradictions and interactions present within spaces. These contradictions may encompass elements such as lightness and darkness, density and spatiality, as well as mutual aspects like internal and external factors. In architecture, this concept mostly addresses the design of spaces and their influence on human behavior and emotions. One of the most frequently cited propositions in the context of space dialectics is the pursuit of balance amidst contradictions. Designing spaces involves striving to achieve a balance among different elements including light and darkness, open and closed space, indoor and outdoor space, and more, which is considered as one of the basic principles. This balance can contribute to harmonizing people's moods and emotions while facilitating optimal utilization of space. Another important aspect of space dialectic is the interference and interaction among diverse elements. Spaces can be more attractive by creating interference and interaction between different components. In other words, spaces with diversity and multiplicity factors exert the greatest impact on people's behavior and emotions, potentially generating attractive and dynamic qualities within spaces. Additionally, a recurring proposition emphasizes the connection with the environment. Spaces should establish links with their surroundings and cultivate positive relationships with them, achieved through the integration with natural landscapes, connectivity with adjacent spaces, or even integration with urban spaces. According to these frequent propositions, architectural designers can develop spaces that exert a greater impact on the residents&rsquo; behavior and emotions, fostering environments that are both appealing and diverse. These principles aid designers in creating high-quality and suitable spaces for human life and work.</p> Manuscript profile
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        122 - Multi-Level Ternary Quantization for Improving Sparsity and Computation in Embedded Deep Neural Networks
        Hosna Manavi Mofrad ali ansarmohammadi Mostafa Salehi
        Deep neural networks (DNNs) have achieved great interest due to their success in various applications. However, the computation complexity and memory size are considered to be the main obstacles for implementing such models on embedded devices with limited memory and co More
        Deep neural networks (DNNs) have achieved great interest due to their success in various applications. However, the computation complexity and memory size are considered to be the main obstacles for implementing such models on embedded devices with limited memory and computational resources. Network compression techniques can overcome these challenges. Quantization and pruning methods are the most important compression techniques among them. One of the famous quantization methods in DNNs is the multi-level binary quantization, which not only exploits simple bit-wise logical operations, but also reduces the accuracy gap between binary neural networks and full precision DNNs. Since, multi-level binary can’t represent the zero value, this quantization does not take advantage of sparsity. On the other hand, it has been shown that DNNs are sparse, and by pruning the parameters of the DNNs, the amount of data storage in memory is reduced while computation speedup is also achieved. In this paper, we propose a pruning and quantization-aware training method for multi-level ternary quantization that takes advantage of both multi-level quantization and data sparsity. In addition to increasing the accuracy of the network compared to the binary multi-level networks, it gives the network the ability to be sparse. To save memory size and computation complexity, we increase the sparsity in the quantized network by pruning until the accuracy loss is negligible. The results show that the potential speedup of computation for our model at the bit and word-level sparsity can be increased by 15x and 45x compared to the basic multi-level binary networks. Manuscript profile
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        123 - Designing and Explaining the Conceptual Model of Training Female School Employees in Virtual Space
        Abadaleh Ah,madi Nader Shahamat Moslem Salehi hamed khoramshokuh
        <p>Considering the numerous challenges in online education, this research aims to compile and design a new and innovative model of virtual education. In the qualitative phase, among the qualitative research strategies, the grounded theory was used to develop a comprehen More
        <p>Considering the numerous challenges in online education, this research aims to compile and design a new and innovative model of virtual education. In the qualitative phase, among the qualitative research strategies, the grounded theory was used to develop a comprehensive model that includes causal factors, intervening factors, contextual factors, and conceptual model strategies for training female school employees in virtual space. Interviews were used as the primary data collection tool. Based on the obtained results, a total of 143 concepts and 21 categories or open codes were identified and extracted. The 21 identified categories were placed in the 6 main grounded data categories. Based on the results of the qualitative method, a questionnaire based on the extracted model was compiled and provided to female teachers. According to the results of the structural equation modeling of the questionnaire data, causal relationships with a factor loading of 0.435 and a T-statistic of 9.624 have a direct and significant effect on the main category. Therefore, causal conditions have a positive and significant effect on the main category. The main category, with a factor loading of 0.471 and a T-statistic of 7.734, has a direct and significant effect on strategies. The main category positively and significantly affects strategies. Strategies, with a factor loading of 0.512, affect the outcomes. Strategies have a positive and significant impact on outcomes. Intervening conditions have a direct and significant effect on the outcomes with a factor loading of 0.491. Therefore, intervening conditions positively and significantly affect the strategy. Finally, the contextual conditions, with a factor loading of 0.529, have a direct effect on the outcomes. Contextual conditions have a positive and significant effect on the strategy. In the end, the statistical validity of the model was confirmed.</p> Manuscript profile
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        124 - The role of the orientation of Isfahan houses in the natural lighting of spaces adjacent to the central courtyard: Historical houses of Isfahan city.
        ساناز  رهروی پوده
        <p>One of the influential factors in building design is their proper orientation regarding the placement of the sun and the optimal utilization of natural light. Research conducted on buildings constructed in Iran has referred to three orientations (directions): the ori More
        <p>One of the influential factors in building design is their proper orientation regarding the placement of the sun and the optimal utilization of natural light. Research conducted on buildings constructed in Iran has referred to three orientations (directions): the orientation of urban buildings relative to sunlight, wind direction, and generally the appropriate use of optimal climatic conditions. This article aims to investigate the orientation of courtyard houses in the city of Isfahan, built during the Safavid and Qajar periods, and its impact on the illumination of facades and spaces situated in each direction. The main research question is based on the orientation of houses, both in terms of direction and angle, and how it has affected the illumination of facades and consequently the spaces. The purpose of this research is to study the role of the orientation of houses in the illumination of spaces. The method employed in this study is qualitative research, and data collection utilized both library and field methods, with data analysis conducted using descriptive methods. The results of this research indicate that the orientation of houses on a north-south axis in winter, based on the Isfahan pattern, performs better than other angles for Tehran-style illumination (winter-oriented). However, overall, none of the orientations had a significant impact on facade illumination. Nonetheless, the varied placement angles in historical houses not built according to the Isfahan pattern were not climate-dependent but rather created based on the shape of the land and its axial alignment.</p> Manuscript profile