An Analysis of the Typology of Semi-Open Spatial Elements in Islamic Houses (A Comparative study of Yazd houses (Qajar period) and Damascus houses (Ottoman period)
Subject Areas : Islamic Architecture
Somayeh Omidvari
Mahdi Hamzenejad
elham omidvari
1 - Assistant professor, Department of Architecture, Science and Art University, Yazd, Iran.
2 -
3 - Master of Architecture, Lecture, Science and Art University, Yazd, Iran.
Keywords: house, semi-open spatial elements, comparative study, Damascus, Yazd,
Abstract :
Spatial elements have a lot of varieties in the architecture of past houses. Every house can find meaning through closed and open spaces and the accompaniment of semi-open spaces next to them. One of the unique features of Islamic houses is the presence of semi-open space elements that in addition to meet the functional and behavioural needs; have a diversity in their typology. With the aim of typology of these spatial elements, this research uses a qualitative research method to find out what are the different types of semi-open spaces in Yazd houses and Damascus houses in terms of form and orientation. In addition, this research is based on field studies that authors were able to visit and perceive spaces in Yazd houses and Damascus houses. For this purpose, first, the historical background of semi-open elements and their functions have been studied. Then, by reviewing the position of semi-open elements in some Islamic cities, the two cities of Yazd and Damascus in Qajar and Ottoman historical periods were selected and the typology of semi-open spatial elements in houses were analysed and compared. Based on the preliminary study, houses of Yazd have four types of semi-open spaces, including the main porch(hall), shallow porch, porch and columned porch, and the houses of Damascus have three types of semi-open spaces, namely, the main porch, secondary porch and the columned porch. Comparison of these semi-open spatial elements in the houses of the two cities and analysis of the commonalities and differences between them; lead the researchers to a main semi-open space, namely, the main porch.
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