The role of consumer cities in the lives of citizens with an ethnographic approach
Subject Areas :
Mohammad javad samani nezhad
neda khodakaramiangilan
Asadollah Babaiefard
1 - Master of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Allameh Faiz Kashani University, Kashan, Iran.
2 - PhD student, Kashan University, Kashan, Iran.
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Law, Kashan University, Kashan, Iran.
Keywords: Consumers, commercial centers, identity, urban space, markets,
Abstract :
This research examines the consumption process in modern cities and discusses its role in the lives of citizens. Research theories are based on the views of Veblen, Simmel, Bakoc, Bourdieu, and Marx. Also, in this research, the ethnographic research method is used and the data collection technique includes participatory observation and in-depth interview. The findings of the research show that commercial spaces have created a special design in the architecture of the city, there are criteria in the designs of the city that lead to the creation of a pleasant and stimulating atmosphere for consumption, the colors used in commercial spaces in The brightness of the spaces plays a vital role and helps a lot in creating the beauty of the goods Multiple entrances, wide corridors, many skylights and a beautiful central view in shopping centers provide the possibility of encouraging more people to enter the arcade. Wanderers change and define their identity by walking in the city. Also, the shopping centers themselves include retail space, hotels, restaurants, and entertainment facilities, which have caused more and more people to buy and consumerism with the different facilities they provide. On the other hand, shopping centers as one of the new forms of shopping play an effective role in people's shopping addiction. Shopping addiction sometimes tempts people to buy excessively, for this reason it brings anxiety and worry to people.
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