• List of Articles identity

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Evaluation of neighborhood in urban Improvement and renovation plans -Case Study: District 10 of Tehran
        The neighborhood has a special place in Iranian cities and is one of the elements that plays a key role in shaping collective identities. However, the body shapes the city, but beyond it, it repeats the role played in the daily lives of the inhabitants and plays a role More
        The neighborhood has a special place in Iranian cities and is one of the elements that plays a key role in shaping collective identities. However, the body shapes the city, but beyond it, it repeats the role played in the daily lives of the inhabitants and plays a role in long-term collective memory. They become elements of identity that change in these structures can make fundamental changes to the foundations of the identity of a city. However, today, the neighborhood is no longer of importance and credibility, but with respect to the remaining historical nuclei of the old neighborhoods, it continues to identity in some areas. Urban development plans such as renovation and renovation projects of textiles and worn out sites are among the most important designs and tools that can have a positive or negative impact on neighborhood structures and neighborhood. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of urbanization and renovation projects on urbanization in district 10 of Tehran municipality. The present research is based on the applied objective and based on the descriptive-analytical method. The data gathering method was documentary and field study (in the form of a questionnaire, interview). Descriptive statistics (frequency, mean, ...) and inferential statistics (correlation, multivariate regression) were used to analyze the data using spss software as well as content analysis method. To this end, structural, physical, security, economic, and health indicators have been used for neighborhoodism. The results of this study indicate that, despite the fact that the implementation of urban regeneration and renovation projects in terms of structural and physical aspects has had dramatic results in the region, but the impact of these plans on the feeling of belonging to people The local area and local identity have been weak and sometimes caused the lack of trust and sense of belonging to the local community and the surrounding environment, making them unsuccessful in terms of social performance. Overall, evaluating urban drainage projects and projects has not been followed up with studies of its strategies and policies, and has not succeeded in strengthening the foundations of neighborhoodism, and it can even be said that the implementation of these plans has weakened the dimensions of neighborhood and neighborhood status in the social system. . Manuscript profile
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        2 - Studying perception of 20th district of Tehran from features of Islamic urban area
        ماندانا حبیبی Hosein Mojtabazadeh
        From the beginning of the formation of the Islamic government, this religious school has always emphasized in the sacred books and the narrations of its elders about respect for Muslim communities and the necessity of communication between them. The outstanding manifes More
        From the beginning of the formation of the Islamic government, this religious school has always emphasized in the sacred books and the narrations of its elders about respect for Muslim communities and the necessity of communication between them. The outstanding manifestation of these concepts has emerged in the cities of the early centuries of Islam. This has led the Islamic city as a space for the development of other Islamic fundamental principles and principles. However, with the emergence of modern thinking and the emergence of numerous movements, we see that many of these concepts have been met with considerable damage. This is considerably more significant in neighborhoods with a rich historical, religious, and civilian background, and its inhabitants can face the challenges of identity. The 20th district of Tehran is also one of the most valuable areas for this study, with the aim of measuring the readings of its inhabitants from the perspective of the Islamic city. Following the extraction of indices and sub-indexes related to the Islamic city from the opinions of experts and the conceptual modeling of the research, using the design and distribution of 50 questionnaires in the spectrum of 5 likert options, the characteristic The findings of the Islamic city were derived from the perceptions of the inhabitants of the 20th area using inferential statistics. The results of the findings suggest the fact that from the viewpoint of citizens, the most vulnerable factors that led to the deterioration of the quality of the 20th district of Tehran from the Islamic point of view were physical and environmental factors, and social and value factors are at a later stage. have. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Investigating the Role of Cooperative Dehirians in the Physical-Spatial Development of Rural Areas (Case Study of Villages in the Central District of Gorgan)
        Safieh  Bahmani Bahman Sahneh Ali Akbar Najafi Kani
        One of the basic prerequisites for living in rural communities is the availability of minimum facilities and welfare services. Various measures have been taken by related organizations in order to provide villagers with welfare and physical services. In order to establi More
        One of the basic prerequisites for living in rural communities is the availability of minimum facilities and welfare services. Various measures have been taken by related organizations in order to provide villagers with welfare and physical services. In order to establish a comprehensive correlation between rural development services and the creation of a support institution for rural managers, a co-opment of the diner with the aim of intellectual and financial support from the Dehairan was formed in 2009. The formation of cooperatives in rural areas can contribute to the comprehensive development of villages and accelerate them more rapidly. The formation phase of cooperatives, income generation, self-sufficiency, and lowering the cost of production and increasing the quality of the project and, in general, participation in the development and services sectors. The main objective of this research is to investigate the role of cooperatives in the development of spatial physical services in rural areas of central part of Gorgan city. This research was done in the field of field studies and applied in practice. The community of this research includes rural diners and rural influences. The main instrument of the research is self-made questionnaire by the researcher. The reliability and validity of the questionnaire were confirmed by experts and through the Cronbach alpha coefficient (alpha = 0.82). Correlation and meaningful correlations such as Friedman, Kruskal Wallis and Mann Whitney were used to assess the public satisfaction of the spatial physical services of the cooperative. The results of the findings showed that the cooperatives in the areas of infrastructure and welfare services have managed to achieve success, but in the areas of space and rural development, they have not achieved much success, on the other hand, the lack of the enumeration of councils and cooperative members of the dormitories It is for such cooperatives to be one of the most important problems in relation to their duties. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Reading Social Codes in Story Series of “The Acrid Taste of Persimmon” by Zoya Pirzad (From Social Semiotics Approach)
        سهیلا  فرهنگی Zahra صدیقی چهارده
        Semiotics is an interdisciplinary approach that can be a guidance in reading literary texts like poetry and story. Applying social semiotics, this article tries to analyze and examine social codes of story series of “The Acrid Taste of Persimmon”. This study shows that More
        Semiotics is an interdisciplinary approach that can be a guidance in reading literary texts like poetry and story. Applying social semiotics, this article tries to analyze and examine social codes of story series of “The Acrid Taste of Persimmon”. This study shows that identity and etiquette codes- which are regarded among the most important social codes- have significant status in Zoya Pirzad stories. It also shows that we can know social identity and status of characters of story and get a better understanding of social realities by recognizing lower layers of texts. Interpreting applied social codes in this story series shows Pirzad special attention to the role of women and their evolutions in social life scenes. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Dissociating Identity in “Your Redness from Me” Novel
        Narges Oskouie
        Writing a novel and making a film based on scientific studies from worldwide has a long history; but this matter is often forgotten in story literature. Dissociative Identity Disorder (or DID) is a rare identity and personality disease. This sickness was foundation of w More
        Writing a novel and making a film based on scientific studies from worldwide has a long history; but this matter is often forgotten in story literature. Dissociative Identity Disorder (or DID) is a rare identity and personality disease. This sickness was foundation of writing novels and making films. “Your redness from me” Novel is one of the rare Persian novels that is written based on features and reasons of this disease. Current article, using a psychological interdisciplinary studies method, briefly introduces this sickness and assesses its method of disease description, available symbols in story text, characterization type and match or mismatch of sick character of story with patients stricken with this disorder. Another part of the article seeks to search for simultaneous techniques of storytelling and psychoanalysis which are used in different layers of story (association, effusion of repressed memories, and …). Obtained result shows that although author had a few scientific errors, she was so successful in storytelling and using techniques like suspense, association, narrator selection, and special language appropriate for this story and describing mentioned patient. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - A Survry to the Features of Feminine Traditional and Modern Identity in Parvin Etesami’s Poetry
        مریم  صادقی گیوی بهاره  پرهیزکاری
        Parvin is a poet expressing the isolation and the constraints imposed on women by her contemporaries. She delved into the prevalent beliefs and ill-treatment of the women of her time, which mainly originated from the women themselves, and attempted to evaluate them care More
        Parvin is a poet expressing the isolation and the constraints imposed on women by her contemporaries. She delved into the prevalent beliefs and ill-treatment of the women of her time, which mainly originated from the women themselves, and attempted to evaluate them carefully and realistically so that she could find solutions. She was a pioneer poet in this regard. This article analyzes Parvin’s view on women which at the same time is traditional and modern. On the one hand, she admires women as mothers and wives, which entails the features like endurance, kindness, compassion, purity and chastity. On the other hand, she stresses the effective fulfilling of these functions through education and originality of their thoughts. Their relations to their spouses would be based on mutual understanding rather than obedience; they could raise their children in such a way that they would serve the society efficiently. Manuscript profile
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        7 - Hafiz and Iran's Cultural Identity
        صابر  امامي
        The present article surveys Iran's cultural identity in terms of Hafiz' poetry. It is to prove that Hafiz paid especial attention to the cultural oppositions of his time and their manifestations in his language. The expressions such as Pir-e-Moqan (the Magian Elder), Ja More
        The present article surveys Iran's cultural identity in terms of Hafiz' poetry. It is to prove that Hafiz paid especial attention to the cultural oppositions of his time and their manifestations in his language. The expressions such as Pir-e-Moqan (the Magian Elder), Jam-e-Jam (the world-displaying cup) Manichaeism, joy, and contents adapted from Shahnameh are indicative of the historical and mythological roots of Hafiz' poems in pre and post-Islamic Iran. The article studies the signs and traces of Persian-Islamic culture in Hafiz' poetry, and analyzing the lines having these signs, shows Hafiz' attempts to establish links between these concepts and the Persian-Islamic identity which caused strengthening the new geographical borders of Iran. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Survey and Analysis of Native Elements (Religious and National) in the Greatest Persian Novel
        mostafa gorji
        “Kalidar” is one of the most prominent contemporary novels which has failed to be analyzed and surveyed through a variety of aspects by critics. One of these dimensions is the study of the fields and aspects associated with the elements leading to nativity and the Irani More
        “Kalidar” is one of the most prominent contemporary novels which has failed to be analyzed and surveyed through a variety of aspects by critics. One of these dimensions is the study of the fields and aspects associated with the elements leading to nativity and the Iranian-Islamic identity; as discovering its supporting fields would lead to the recognition of the mental and psychological background of the story characters. In this case, nativity means elements dealing with the national and religious identity which makes a distinction among the Iranian and Islamic culture with the other cultures and subcultures. The writer of this essay has surveyed “Kalidar”, a novel by Mahmoud Dolat-Abadi, through this approach and attitude; categorizing and then analyzing the most significant native elements in two sections; elements related to the Iranian culture (national) and the Islamic culture. In the national elements there is emphasize on the rituals, rites and beliefs, in common beliefs the rites and rituals are of notice, while historical rituals and myths and stories are also alluded too. The most important religious and native elements, regarding the issue of rituals and traditions in this work, is inspired by the great event of Ashura in the fate of Gol-Mohammad; where the writer shows the similarity between those two in fifteen lines. This essay intends to reveal to what extent this novel has been influenced by native elements (national and religious) through a close survey. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Anvari’s Point of View about the Origin of Poetry and the Poet’s Social-class Identity
        مهدي  محبّتی
        The description of poetry and stating the poet's position among the social classes are the two major features in Anvari's literary point of view. Anvari succeeded to suggest and point to new and solid attitudes and views on the analysis of poetry and also the poet's c More
        The description of poetry and stating the poet's position among the social classes are the two major features in Anvari's literary point of view. Anvari succeeded to suggest and point to new and solid attitudes and views on the analysis of poetry and also the poet's class-identity due to enjoying a rational education and being quite familiar with the versified word and its fields, in addition to the pure artistic experiences he himself earned during his life by creating poetry. He founded one of the most significant sources for the sociology of poetry and the poetics in the Persian Literature by both categorizing the poets' classes and the analysis of the poet's role and position in the chain of the social needs. He then compared these productions, or better to say in this field 'the creations', with the products of the other social classes. He also studied the reasons leading to the creation of a variety of poems in the poet's mentality and mind. Anvari himself created a few long and prominent poems in this specific field of study for the first time and expressed the first descriptive-rational attitudes on the nature and essence of poetry and its various kinds. This article reflects Anvari's precise and clear thoughts and ideas about poetry and the poet's class-identity. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Reviwing Time in "A crypt for otter" by Hooshanf Golshiri from Content Criticism
        معصومه   حامی‌دوست محمدعلی  خزانه‌دارلو
        Time is a special and abstract quality of human life that is understood through a concrete and objective thing. Due to this, although we live in Time, we are surprised when we want to talk what Time is and consider it as different from other realities. “George Paulet” ( More
        Time is a special and abstract quality of human life that is understood through a concrete and objective thing. Due to this, although we live in Time, we are surprised when we want to talk what Time is and consider it as different from other realities. “George Paulet” (1902-1999), a critic following content criticism, reviews the quality of understanding of authors of different Times (periods) and attempted to have a better angle of “world of awareness” of author and a more exact reading of text by analyzing the apprehension of story characters. “Hooshang Golshiri” is one of Iran modern story writers who -using stream of consciousness method- designs his contemporary human identity and his/her apprehension. His story characters are all somehow involved with Time. Using analytic-descriptive method and based on Paulet attitude, the current article reviews Golshiri idea about Time in his story of “A crypt for otter”. This review shows that Golshiri reflects a special kind of Time in story writing that is different from usual and routine Time. Imagination, love, expectation and hope to reform things and persons are some outstanding features of such a Time. However, a pure moment which Golshiri and his heroes seek never occurs in moment of living and this time cannot save them too. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Studying the Trends in Fictions Written By Iranian Immigrants
          Reza  Shajari
        In recent decades, Iranian immigration and in particular the migration of the writers and the publication of their works have created a special phenomenon. Literary texts created by those writers and poets who are living abroad have established certain tendencies, trend More
        In recent decades, Iranian immigration and in particular the migration of the writers and the publication of their works have created a special phenomenon. Literary texts created by those writers and poets who are living abroad have established certain tendencies, trends and particular literary approaches outside the borders of the country. The collective body of literary works created abroad, have been named differently by different critic based on the characteristics and features that they have outlined. The authors’ issues, how they have left the country, how long they have been living abroad, and the content of their works are of great importance in defining and classifying these literary works. Furthermore, different trends can be identified in stories written abroad. In the present article, stories written by Iranian immigrants are analyzed as politics-oriented, identity-oriented, and women's stories. In the '60s up-to-the mid-'70s the politics-oriented stories are the most frequent ones. This trend is emerged by political groups and activists, and focuses on the revolution and the issues surrounding it. From the mid-70s onwards, the identity-oriented trend became the major one. In this trend, themes such as the differences between the motherland and the other-land, and the ways the immigrants encounter the new world are highlighted through the narratives about identity. Also, there were many immigrant female writers who narrated the lives and issues of female immigrants from a feminine perspective. In these stories, the ways in which women face the new world and the issues they encountered in Iran are amongst the main themes. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - The development of social identity in the story "Atr-e Sonbol, Atr-e Kaj" Based on the general theory of verbal humor
        Fatemeh Mozaffari Navid Firuzi
        "Atr-e Sonbol, Atr-e Kaj" is a Persian translation of the memoirs of Firoozeh Jazaieri Duma written based on her unique social experience as an Iranian immigrant living in the United States. The current paper aims to examine the components and mechanisms of the humor of More
        "Atr-e Sonbol, Atr-e Kaj" is a Persian translation of the memoirs of Firoozeh Jazaieri Duma written based on her unique social experience as an Iranian immigrant living in the United States. The current paper aims to examine the components and mechanisms of the humor of mentioned story based on the "General Theory of Verbal Humor". In this method, the variables used to examine a funny narrative are divided into six categories: language, target, situation, narrative strategy, logical mechanism, and Script Opposition. In the present study, which is based on the target variable; It has been shown how Firoozeh, by targeting people outside the group and within the group, introduces appropriate and inappropriate social behaviors that she has encountered and achieves a new and selective identity; An identity that neither alienates her from her past values nor isolates her in the new culture. Her verbal humor can create a group bond between readers of different races, especially female audiences. In addition, in her funny narrative, "target" is higher than "Script Opposition " (variable of laughter). Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - Post Marxism and "Post Marxism
        Mohammadreza Tajik
        Why shall we be rethinking Socialist project today? As the answer to this question, Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe try to take an active, conscious, and not a passive, unconscious role in the contemporary history. They choose as their goal, a (relatively) clear separ More
        Why shall we be rethinking Socialist project today? As the answer to this question, Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe try to take an active, conscious, and not a passive, unconscious role in the contemporary history. They choose as their goal, a (relatively) clear separation from the conflicts they take part in; and understanding the changes that happen in front of their eyes. At the last analysis, they find out that it is necessary to use Derrida's deconstruction method to challenge the structure and the foundation of Orthodox Marxism. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - Psychoanalysis and Politics
        Mohammadreza Tajik
        Post-Freud psychoanalysis, as manifested in Lacan’s teachings, has had a deep influence on the contemporary theoretical criticism, feminism, film theories, post-structuralism, and Marxism. As a matter of fact this branch of psychoanalysis is a post-modern separation fro More
        Post-Freud psychoanalysis, as manifested in Lacan’s teachings, has had a deep influence on the contemporary theoretical criticism, feminism, film theories, post-structuralism, and Marxism. As a matter of fact this branch of psychoanalysis is a post-modern separation from Sigmund Freud’s teachings. This theory is also to some extent based on the structural and linguistic humanistic discoveries. One of Lacan’s most fundamental beliefs, as the most prominent figure of this school, is that the unconscious has a concealed and hidden structure; quite similar to the structure of language. The recognition of the world, others and self is determined through language. An individual’s precondition for gaining knowledge about himself- as a distinct entity- is language. Lacan also offers a three-angled pattern of the social-psychological world; including the imaginative aspect, the symbolic aspect and the real aspect; which has a vast and serious influence on the domain of the new political realm; post-modernism, post-structuralism, post-Marxism, and feminism. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - Globalization and Iranian Ethnic Identity with a Focus on Language and Customs
        It is believed that as a result of increasing globalization, identities of ethnic minorities will inevitably dissolve into one global culture. Others believe that globalization not only will not dismiss ethnicities but also, providing them with appropriate requisites, More
        It is believed that as a result of increasing globalization, identities of ethnic minorities will inevitably dissolve into one global culture. Others believe that globalization not only will not dismiss ethnicities but also, providing them with appropriate requisites, will help to increase their ethnic consciousness and thereby strengthening ethnic movements. So, to study consequences of globalization, features of ethnic identity have to be taken into consideration. The present article studies cultures of ethnic identities, and proposes the hypothesis that globalization gives prominence to ethnic identities in short time, and may also lead to ethnic movements, but eventually it will result in assimilation of ethnic minorities with dominant cultures. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - Identity Discourse of Islamic Revivalism: Backgrounds and Thoughts
        The discourse of ‘Islamic Revival’ is the first influential reaction to Modernity. Opposing the secular modernists, they tried to develop and establish their own discourse, supporting rationalism, justice, freedom, equality, gradual changes and reforms, councils, parlia More
        The discourse of ‘Islamic Revival’ is the first influential reaction to Modernity. Opposing the secular modernists, they tried to develop and establish their own discourse, supporting rationalism, justice, freedom, equality, gradual changes and reforms, councils, parliamentary government system, adapting to Islamic Law (Shari‘a), and so on. In fact, the discourse of ‘Islamic Revival’ that developed in the period of Qajar from the inside of the domestic changes in Islamic countriesas attempted to offer a religious understanding of the ways of confronting the issues challenging Islamic societies (including Iran), and stressed the necessity of taking actions about and reactions to the modern identity. The Consequences and effects of modernity on political, economic, social, and cultural sectors of the Iranian society made the theorists of the discourse redefine traditions, models and institutions related to the traditional life, and clarify their relations to the concepts such as rationalism, freedom, equality, progress and law, in confrontation with the concepts emerging from the condition of the new civilization. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        17 - Television and National Identity: Representation of Historical and Political Features of National Identity in The ‘A’ grade Historical Serials on Television during Three Decades after the Islamic Revelation of Iran
        Mansour  Sa'i
        The main objective of the present article is to study the frequency and ways of representing features of national identity in A grade historical serials on television during the three decades after the Islamic Revolution (1359-1388). 15 ‘A’ grade historical serials, out More
        The main objective of the present article is to study the frequency and ways of representing features of national identity in A grade historical serials on television during the three decades after the Islamic Revolution (1359-1388). 15 ‘A’ grade historical serials, out of 50, produced and broadcasted through channels One and Two during the last three decades (5 serials per decade) were analised. The findings of the study shows that under the influence of media and culture policies, the representation of features of national identity has got an ideological status. Linguistic and imagery construction of TV in representing historical and political dimensions is based on creating a negative picture of Iranian historical and political heritage, neglecting national symbols such as national flag and anthem, and taking positive attitude towards historical figures of religious status. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        18 - Discursive Analysis of Apartheid in Israel
        محمدحسن  شیخ الاسلامی صارم  شیراوند ميلاد اديب سرشكي
        Apartheid means separation and segregation and separate development of geographically diverse ethnic groups. In light of the passage of liberal and Marxist theories of discourse analysis, this article reviews the nature of apartheid policies in the occupied territories More
        Apartheid means separation and segregation and separate development of geographically diverse ethnic groups. In light of the passage of liberal and Marxist theories of discourse analysis, this article reviews the nature of apartheid policies in the occupied territories since 1948. The article attempts to answer the question that what was the articulation and Israeli Apartheid discourse formation process? The research hypothesis is that Apartheid discourse in the time of articulation, exploited from identity making and equivalence by relying on Judaism to use as an instrument for achieving its political benefits. The dialogue seeks to create a new meaning system through the bond of various identities in a common project. Based on this , social order is comprised of different scattered elements. These different and sparse elements consist of the external elements and forces are immigrants who settled in Palestine. In fact, Zionism, integrated floating identities and deserted Jewish elements to create identity and meaning system in the Occupied Territories through power mechanisms for legitimizing and abrading. This article is in two parts, the first part is due to the emergence of ethnic groups and geographic expansion and In the second part Israeli society by addressing a public space and assess the gaps and crises, stagnation, discourse hegemony and the emergence of competing discourses of Post Zionism is checked. Manuscript profile
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        19 - Navabet in Farabi and Ebne Baje’s Philosophy
        مرتضی  بحرانی
        Navabet (a metaphore of isolated humans) is among concepts that has applied in islamic philosophy. Both Farabi and Ebne baje has used this concept in their philosophy. In this paper, we want to answer this question that what reference, the expression of “navabet” has in More
        Navabet (a metaphore of isolated humans) is among concepts that has applied in islamic philosophy. Both Farabi and Ebne baje has used this concept in their philosophy. In this paper, we want to answer this question that what reference, the expression of “navabet” has in Farabi’s Ebne baje ‘s views. This essay’s finding indicates that in both philosophers’ view, Navabet are isolated humans; but the reference of one view is philosopher and that of the other view is non-philosopher. The innovation of this essay is this point that in terms of modern philosophical and social view, the disscusion of Navabet diverts toward otherness in one orientation and in other orientation, this disscusion leads towards “identity”. The exploitation of this traditional thought aboat the politics, identity and distinction provides some horizons before us. Manuscript profile
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        20 - Reviewing the theory of clash of civilizations Based on Middle East evolutions in last two decades
        After ending the cold war, the identity boundaries of nations that are specified based on the dependence on one of the political and ideological poles or independence on them , have been changed and the role and importance of culture in identity finding process of natio More
        After ending the cold war, the identity boundaries of nations that are specified based on the dependence on one of the political and ideological poles or independence on them , have been changed and the role and importance of culture in identity finding process of nations have turned out to be more prominent . While the identity boundaries in the past were specified in terms of political, ideological and economic indexes, gradually the identity boundaries were formed based on cultural indexes and civilizational and cultural identity were determined as a distinguishing basis of political units. This paper seeks to specify the argument of contrast inside and outside of civilization in recent years based on the theory of clash of civilizations. The result of this paper confirms this assumption that in new circumstances, the one-sided process of globalization, equally has removed the cultural boundaries of societies and proceed in the direction of westernizing them, has caused social groups redefine its identity based on its separation from west and western culture and civilization and increase the rate of west fighting and retreating in cultural and civilizational identity finding process Manuscript profile
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        21 - The role of power, co- imagination and extremism in creating human identity
        Fatemeh Shahrezaei Keikavoos Yakideh
        This article has been based on this hypothesis that extremism as one of the ways in which power is exercised, is a reaction of individual or individuals who are obedient of power for regaining identity for responding the question" What is the role of power and extremi More
        This article has been based on this hypothesis that extremism as one of the ways in which power is exercised, is a reaction of individual or individuals who are obedient of power for regaining identity for responding the question" What is the role of power and extremism in the creation of human identity". In this qualititative research by interpretative methods, human personality and identity in view of philosophy, politics, psychology and sociology scholars have been studied according to Martin Heidegger’s definition of "Man-Dasein"’s view and have been recognized and denominated two different synchronous types of "Identity" for every individual entitled: "Existent Identity" (in the sense of what a person identified and defined by it) and "Conceivable Identity" (in the sense of identity depicted in the mind of Person, and other imaginable identities for each person), which have relation and influence on each other. By reviewing "Dasein", who recognizes himself on his own base, the necessity of adapting existent and conceivable identity in his life is appeared, and by focusing on the role of power and the ways in which power is exercised in the light of adapting two types of identities as a goal, a process of exercising power is realized and named as "co- imagination" (in the meaning of the process of interference, change and determination of wishes, goals and desires of others in various ways -intentionally and unintentionally-, and considering others only as tools for providing conditions for gaining own demands, goals, aspirations or of own institution, group, community and . . . ). The subjection of this Co-imagination, who wishes to reclaim this "conceivable identity", while attempting extreme reactions, tending to subjugate the others, have been followed in different scope of "Dasein" to mark the invasive surroundings to Dasein Identity in order to make calculable and predictable version of Dasein, and to find the consequences and to provide the consequences and solution seeking means of extremism which may provide guidelines for afterthoughts. Manuscript profile
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        22 - The Impact of Megamalls on the Neighborhood Identity in Tehran; Case study: Atlas Mall
        Esmaeil Shiee Mahsa hajiani
        Throughout history, markets have played a major undeniable role in shaping the cultural, national and native identity in Iranian-Islamic cities, so that the urban life is closely associated with the market. However, given recent changes in market dynamics and the emerge More
        Throughout history, markets have played a major undeniable role in shaping the cultural, national and native identity in Iranian-Islamic cities, so that the urban life is closely associated with the market. However, given recent changes in market dynamics and the emergence of modern supersized malls, serious concerns are being raised about the impact of these spaces on local identities. That said, the main purpose of this research is to investigate the influence of construction and activity of large-scale shopping centers on the collective identity in general and neighborhood identity in particular. The authors’ primary assumption is that neighborhood (as a level of place identity) is a variable influenced by urban textures and is weakened by elements such as megamalls. Atlas Mall project (under construction) in the Niavaran district was chosen as a case study to investigate this hypothesis. A futurological approach was adopted in the research with a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. The current status of neighborhood identity was measured by a survey with a sample of 300 respondents who were the residents of three (immediate) surrounding neighborhoods. Referring to academic expertise, referring to informants and local experts, and also the studies on the impact of three operating shopping centers (Tirazheh, Arg and Kourosh) were used to predict the potential effects of Atlas Mall on the residents’ neighborhood identity. The findings show that the neighborhood identity in the three neighborhoods is strong (above average) and the impact of Atlas Mall on the residents’ identity is associated with (and under the influence of) six other key drivers: consumerism, the presense of foreign brands, modern architecture, traffic and transportation, crowdedness, and the price of real properties. It can be predicted that the impact of Atlas Mall on neighborhood identity will be gradual, so some planning and policy-making efforts can be done, before and after its inauguration, by urban managers or the project managers in order to reduce the impacts. Manuscript profile
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        23 - Promote Mobile Banking Services by using National Smart Card Capabilities and NFC Technology
        Reza Vahedi Sayed Esmaeail Najafi Farhad Hosseinzadeh Lotfi
        By the mobile banking system and install an application on the mobile phone can be done without visiting the bank and at any hour of the day, get some banking operations such as account balance, transfer funds and pay bills did limited. The second password bank account More
        By the mobile banking system and install an application on the mobile phone can be done without visiting the bank and at any hour of the day, get some banking operations such as account balance, transfer funds and pay bills did limited. The second password bank account card, the only security facility predicted for use mobile banking systems and financial transactions. That this alone cannot create reasonable security and the reason for greater protection and prevent the theft and misuse of citizens’ bank accounts is provide banking services by the service limits. That by using NFC (Near Field Communication) technology can identity and biometric information and Key pair stored on the smart card chip be exchanged with mobile phone and mobile banking system. And possibility of identification and authentication and also a digital signature created documents. And thus to enhance the security and promote mobile banking services. This research, the application and tool library studies and the opinion of seminary experts of information technology and electronic banking and analysis method Dematel is examined. And aim to investigate possibility Promote mobile banking services by using national smart card capabilities and NFC technology to overcome obstacles and risks that are mentioned above. Obtained Results, confirmed the hypothesis of the research and show that by implementing the so-called solutions in the banking system of Iran. Manuscript profile
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        24 - Normative analysis of precipitation characteristics and Iranian water resources in the texts of Iranian geographers
        mohammad hosein ramesht Farokh  Malekzadeh Somayeh Sadat  shahzeidi
        Geographical researchers provide normative interpretations, of the territorial characteristics of Iran. According to most writings, the amount of precipitation in Iran is less than one-third of the global average. When it comes to the time of precipitation, it is contra More
        Geographical researchers provide normative interpretations, of the territorial characteristics of Iran. According to most writings, the amount of precipitation in Iran is less than one-third of the global average. When it comes to the time of precipitation, it is contrasted with the time of water need, and regarding the spatial distribution and pattern of the precipitation, the heterogeneous distribution is considered along with random and flood patterns. Now the question is that whether we are allowed to offer normative interpretations of this situation as scientific researchers, and if there are appropriate strategies that can turn these characteristics into opportunities. The present study has tried to answer these questions by relying on the phenomenological method and analyzing the texts of 50 works by Iranian geographers based on the Janet method along with the use of central core indicators, maximum repetitions, Brust Detection, and centrality of the CiteSpace. The results of the study show that: • Normative loading is not permissible in the field of science for identifying the precipitation characteristics and water resources of Iran; • The climatic characteristics of a region shape its territorial identity, and strategic planning policies should be a function of it; and • Normative analysis of the climatic characteristics of Iran is mostly the product of the dominant positivism of Iranian geographers. Manuscript profile
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        25 - Genealogical analysis of alienation Case study: The story of the cow by Gholam Hossein Saedi
        Roghayyeh Hashemi Gholamreza Pirouz mehdi khabbazikenari Hosein Hasanpour
        The phenomenon of alienation according to the contrast between tradition and modernity, especially in Pahlavi era should have a meaningful relationship with the quasi-modernity flow and other intellectual and political flows. As the coup occurred in 28 Mordad 1332 was More
        The phenomenon of alienation according to the contrast between tradition and modernity, especially in Pahlavi era should have a meaningful relationship with the quasi-modernity flow and other intellectual and political flows. As the coup occurred in 28 Mordad 1332 was the most important and effective political flow that caused despair and failure and alienation in the middle and intellectual strata of society. So, it seems necessary to address the works of Gholam Hossein Saedi as an intellectual who represents the levels and aspects of this phenomenon. Because his literature is the product of a space that belongs to the field of quasi-modernity in Iran. This article tries to analyze and explain the story of "Cow" by Saedi (Bill Mourners Collection) which is in the form of a metaphorical and symbolic story, on the basis of alienation concept, and show the adventure of being alienation of Iranian human while facing reality, and also the role of inverted ideology in creation of this phenomenon. The research in question, after explaining the phenomenon of alienation based on genealogy of this concept shows its historical evolution in the views of Hegel and Feuerbach and Marx and Forum, examines the story of "Cow" according to metaphors such as "power and ideology", "identity", "another one". During the analysis of the story, we came to the conclusion that there is a hidden philosophical-psychological-sociological theory in the construction of the work that is visible in the structure, space and character of the story. Creating problematic characters like Mashdi Hassan, represents the author search to show a symbolic world tied to theory. Manuscript profile
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        26 - Protecting the rights of the virtual citizen for the rights of citizens
        Nafiseh  Nekouie Mehr Atefeh  Hosseini Fard
        Virtual citizen is one of the concepts that is being evaluated today on various topics. The virtual citizen or the electronic citizen also has the rights and duties that it is obliged to observe in order to restore order in society. Perhaps some of the uncertain nature More
        Virtual citizen is one of the concepts that is being evaluated today on various topics. The virtual citizen or the electronic citizen also has the rights and duties that it is obliged to observe in order to restore order in society. Perhaps some of the uncertain nature and idiosyncrasies of some users may be seen as a reason for not respecting the rights of citizenship in cyberspace and are allowed to commit any offense, abuse or misconduct. It should be noted that in the last decade, virtual identity may not have clearly been the true identity of individuals, however, the growth of social networks and the transfer of individual interactions in group networks or on-line multimedia devices has led individuals to move towards their actual representation on the basis of limits in the real world, and to introduce themselves, as in the real world, with their real identities. The current paper examines the rights of citizenship in the virtual world, addressing the challenges ahead. Manuscript profile
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        27 - Sociological Explanation of the Relationship between Religious Capital and Moral Identity (Case Study of Isfahan City)
        Sara Madanian   Maghsoud Farasatkhah
        One of the major concerns in human societies that has always been the focus of attention of humanities and social scientists, is the existence of a society with moral activists. According to the Stets' theory, moral identity guides behavior and therefor it is important More
        One of the major concerns in human societies that has always been the focus of attention of humanities and social scientists, is the existence of a society with moral activists. According to the Stets' theory, moral identity guides behavior and therefor it is important to know the factors that affect it. Accordingly, the purpose of this article was to study the impact of the variable of religious capital on moral identity. To investigate this relationship, the required data were collected using a survey method and questionnaire and a sample of 546 citizens of Isfahan aged over 15 by Quota Sampling proportional to volume based on age, gender and region of residence. The findings of the study showed that the score of moral identity and its dimensions as well as religious capital is higher than the average. In addition, the variable of religious capital explains 29% of variance of moral identity variable. Therefore, it can be said that the variable of religious capital has a high level of explanation of variance of moral identity variable. Manuscript profile
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        28 - The Impact of Corporate Identity on the Performance of Human Resource of Knowledge-based Companies (Case Study: Isfahan Science and Technology Town)
        giti kazemi Mahmoud Rafie
        Today, knowledge-based companies are considered as key elements for domestic production in countries, and also they have responsibility for R & D modeling processing as well; Business development needs special skills and concerning the competitive environment and new id More
        Today, knowledge-based companies are considered as key elements for domestic production in countries, and also they have responsibility for R & D modeling processing as well; Business development needs special skills and concerning the competitive environment and new idea of being k-based in the country, the companies have to develop their services and productions. Considering corporate identity as a strategic tool, it can affect greatly the identity of products and services and also offering them to the customers. Corporate identity help company enhance its efficiency and performance. This study was conducted with the aim to examine the effects of corporate identity on the functionality of Knowledge-based companies settled at Isfahan Science and Technology Town (ISTT). A descriptive correlation approach was used for this purpose. The statistical population contains 345 randomly chosen individuals attained by the use of Cochran’s formula from 850 personnel from knowledge-based companies settled at ISTT. In this study, Corporate Identity and Hersey and Goldsmith (1990) questionnaires were used that incorporated 42 items with 7 dimensions. Content validity was confirmed by the study supervisor and related experts in this field, and the formal validity was confirmed by several persons in the statistical population. The reliability of the questionnaire was tested by Cronbach's alpha coefficient yielding 0/818 for corporate identity and 0/881 for its functionality. The obtained result indicates that the questionnaire is reliable. A descriptive and inferential analysis was then applied to the collected data. The descriptive analysis included examination of obtained statistical properties including frequency, percentage, average, and standard deviation. The inferential analysis included statistical tests which were carried out for the structural equations used in proportion to their amount of data and hypothesizes.The results indicated that there exists a meaningful and positive correlation between corporate identity and the functionality of Knowledge-based companies settled at Isfahan Science and Technology Town (ISTT). Manuscript profile
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        29 - The Right to Art and Identity for Children from the Perspective of Persian Poetic Texts (Poems by Hafez, Rumi, Saadi, Ferdowsi, etc.)
        Shahriar Shadigou Fariba Parvaneh Mehri Toutounchian
        In today's society, the issue of identity is a fundamental issue in childhood, because if we do not pay attention to it, the current and future generations will suffer from imbalance and confusion. The present study aims to investigate the right to art and identity for More
        In today's society, the issue of identity is a fundamental issue in childhood, because if we do not pay attention to it, the current and future generations will suffer from imbalance and confusion. The present study aims to investigate the right to art and identity for children from the perspective of Persian poetic texts (poems of Hafez, Rumi, Saadi, Ferdowsi, etc.). The research method is qualitative analysis in the form of library and using the technique of taking notes and using theoretical sources and theory about children's identification According to the obtained results, it can be said that the identification of children in contexts such as family, society and education system is emerging, so its development depends on the development of these contexts. Therefore, when researchers address the issue of child identification, they provide the means for the development of individuals first and then for the development of society. Attention to the rights of children in various dimensions is also in the focus of attention of different societies and religions in the world, so that various laws in this field have always been approved by various organizations and institutions.. Recognizing a child's art, literature, and identity as fundamental rights has an important role in the process of forming his or her identity. Parents are the first and closest reference to the rights of children in all aspects of education and identification, and certainly an informed parent can provide the most and most useful help to his or her child. The study of art in Persian poetry also reveals the influence of art on human mental development, moral development and attention to physical dimension. Manuscript profile
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        30 - Iranian College Students' Academic Identity: A Qualitative Study
        Hamidreza Aryanpour Elahe Hejazi Javad Ejei Masoud Gholamali Lavasani
        The purpose of the present study was conceptualizing college students' Academic identity and identifying the components of it as one of the specific types of the identity, considering the socio-cultural structure and the context of higher education in Iranian society. T More
        The purpose of the present study was conceptualizing college students' Academic identity and identifying the components of it as one of the specific types of the identity, considering the socio-cultural structure and the context of higher education in Iranian society. To achieve this goal, a qualitative research method was used. Participants included 56 individuals (25 male students and 31 female students) who were studying in the fourth to sixth semesters of Ardakan University and sixth to eighth grade M.D. in medical and dentistry at the medical University of Shahid Sadoughi in Yazd. Focus groups were used for collecting data. In two universities, five focus groups were formed. The results of the theoretical coding showed that students' identity was composed of five components: academic commitment, academic self-Concept, future thinking, belonging to university and personal agency, influenced by factors such as basic psychological needs and leads to Numerous concequences such as change in academic self-efficacy and subjective well-being. Manuscript profile
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        31 - The Relationship between Attachment Style and Moral Identity: The Mediating Role of Empathy
        Ghasideh Hojjati zahra naghsh Mohammad Khodayarifard
        The current study aimed to investigate the relationship between attachment styles and moral identity, mediated by role of empathy. This research was a correlational study. A total 350 participants were selected by means of multistage cluster sampling among all the girl More
        The current study aimed to investigate the relationship between attachment styles and moral identity, mediated by role of empathy. This research was a correlational study. A total 350 participants were selected by means of multistage cluster sampling among all the girl students of tenth grade of Hamedan city’s public schools. The data were gathered by using 3 measures: Moral Identity Scale (Aquino & Reed, 2002), The Basic Empathy Scale (Joliffe & Farrington, 2006) and Adult Attachment Questionnaire (Collins & Reed, 1996). Using software Spss and Lisrel, the data were analyzed. The results indicate that the model had a good fit to the research’s data. The secure attachment style was a significant positive predictor of moral identity and avoidant attachment style and ambivalent attachment style, were both negative predictors of moral identity. Also secure attachment was a positive predictor of empathy and avoidant attachment was a negative predictor of empathy. And in the meantime the relationship among ambivalent attachment style and empathy was not significant. Manuscript profile
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        32 - Relationship between Moral Identity and Emotional Well- Being: Mediating Role of Self-Deception
        Dr Barani Farideh Yousefi
        The aim of this study was to investigate the mediating role of self-deception in the relationship between moral identity and emotional well-being. The participants were 320 (170 women and 150 Men) undergraduate students from Shiraz University which were selected via ran More
        The aim of this study was to investigate the mediating role of self-deception in the relationship between moral identity and emotional well-being. The participants were 320 (170 women and 150 Men) undergraduate students from Shiraz University which were selected via random cluster sampling method, and completed the self- deception questionnaire of Sirvent et al. (2019), moral identity scale of Aquino & Reed (2002), and emotional well- being scale of Keyes & Magyar-Moe (2003). The validity and reliability of the research scales were also verified by confirmatory factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha coefficient. To test the research hypothesis, path analysis were used. The findings showed that the research model fited well with the data collected. Also, the results showed a negative and statistically significant relationship between the dimensions of moral identity and self-deception, a negative and statistically significant relationship between self-deception and emotional well-being, a positive and statistically significant relationship between internalization and emotional well-being. There was no statistically significant relationship between symbolization and emotional well-being. The mediating role of self-deception was also confirmed. In general, the findings of the present study indicated the importance of paying attention to the self-deception influence of moral identity and affecting students' emotional well-being. The results are discussed based on research and theoretical evidence. Manuscript profile
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        33 - Identifying role of school in constructing the student’s moral identity
        hamideh poorteimoori Mansoureh Haj Hosseini Mohammad Khodayarifard
        The present study has been carried out at the aim of investigation of the share of education and school in constructing the student’s moral identity. The qualitative method with a phenomenological approach was utilized to perform the research. The participants were 15 f More
        The present study has been carried out at the aim of investigation of the share of education and school in constructing the student’s moral identity. The qualitative method with a phenomenological approach was utilized to perform the research. The participants were 15 female students with the age of 15 to 17 years that were selected with a targeted method based on the principle of saturation or repetition of answers. The tool for data gathering in the present research was the semi-structured qualitative interview with open-ended and standardized questions and the data were analyzed and classified according to Strauss and Glaser's approach. Due to the results, in the family aspect, the parents’ characteristics and their educative methods are effective factors on constructing the moral identity, interplays, and influence of students from the school. In school aspect, the awareness and obligation of laws, the amount and how to encouragement and punishment, the interplay with classmates, the teaching method and personality of teachers, the interplay with school staff, the amount and type of the extracurricular activities, school environment, and also the content of educational books exhibits a significant effect on the constructing the moral identity of the students. Likewise, it can be obtained from the results that in the school aspect, the personality and behavior of teachers, their moral identity, and their obligation to the moral teaching have an indelible effect on the moral identity of the students. Manuscript profile
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        34 - model of structural relations between dimensions of personal and social identity elements and their effects on students of Tehran universities' national identity
        Mohammad solgi
        The purpose of the present study was to investigate structural relations between dimensions of personal and social identity elements and their effects on students of Tehran universities' national identity. The research method was descriptive and correlational. two perso More
        The purpose of the present study was to investigate structural relations between dimensions of personal and social identity elements and their effects on students of Tehran universities' national identity. The research method was descriptive and correlational. two personal identity questionnaires (Adams), known as "Extended Objective Measure of Ego Identity Status" and a national and social identity questionnaire (prepared by the researcher) were used as research instruments. About 600 university students of Tehran City (17 universities as the statistical population of the research) were examined by these tests and finally, 524 true questionnaires (without error) were registered and analyzed in a data processing system, and then path analysis was used to analyze the data. The results showed that the model had the necessary fit and direct and indirect effects of dimensions of personal and social identity elements were significant on national identity (p<0.01) and considering national identity regardless of the elements of social and personal identity is a reductionist understanding. Accordingly, social policymakers are advised to consider the role of youth personal and social identity bases in trying to strengthen the national identity of students and to take practical intervention to strengthen these components. Manuscript profile
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        35 - The mediating role of personal agency in the relationship between parental attachment and ego identity in emerging adulthood.
        Elahe Hejazi Nadia Rohani zahra naghsh
        Emerging adulthood as a distinct developmental stage emphasizes on the age range of 18 to 29 years. According to Arnett (2000), this developmental stage only occurs in industrialized countries, but accomplished researches have shown that emerging adulthood also exists i More
        Emerging adulthood as a distinct developmental stage emphasizes on the age range of 18 to 29 years. According to Arnett (2000), this developmental stage only occurs in industrialized countries, but accomplished researches have shown that emerging adulthood also exists in other cultures. According to importance of identity and personal agency and lack of sufficient knowledge of the aspects of this stage in Iran, the purpose of present study is to determine the mediating role of personal agency on the relationship between parental attachment and ego identity in emerging adulthood. In this study, the participants (N=540) were students from one of the universities of Tehran, between 18 to 29. They completed a survey consisted of: IDEA (The Inventory of the Dimensions of Emerging Adulthood), ECR-RS (The Experience in Close Relationships-Relational Structures), Personal Agency and EIPQ (Ego Identity Process Questionnaire). The results of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) showed that personal agency had a mediating role in relationship between parental attachment and ego identity. The model of father and mother has analyzed separately; the results showed that the father attachment had a greater effect on personal agency. Manuscript profile
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        36 - Socrates’ Approach and Our Approach (Socrates’ Historical Views of Iran and Iranians)
        Seyyed Musa  Dibaj
        Previously, in a paper entitled Iranian Thought in Socratic Thought (presented in the “Conference on Commemorating Socrates, the Greek Philosopher”, Tehran, 2001), the writer of the present paper argued that in Plato’s dialogues, the rights of Iranians and the Iranian g More
        Previously, in a paper entitled Iranian Thought in Socratic Thought (presented in the “Conference on Commemorating Socrates, the Greek Philosopher”, Tehran, 2001), the writer of the present paper argued that in Plato’s dialogues, the rights of Iranians and the Iranian government have not been clearly stipulated. Socrates, who expected Iranians to officially recognize the government of Athens, does not explicitly talk about the official or de facto recognition of the Achaemenid government. Plato has spoken about the poets, playwrights, and historiographers of other nations, particularly those of Iranians, more freely than other Greek thinkers and scholars. However, he does not believe that Athenians’ democratic rights are conditioned by protecting the rights of other nations, including Iranians and Egyptians, and recognizing the legitimacy of their governments. The present paper is intended to define and review the features of Athenian self-knowledge and Iranian self-knowledge and compare them with each other. As Socrates himself considers it justified, strangers can also discuss the nature of “terms”, including the description of the characteristics of the Greeks. As we know, once Phaedrus told Socrates, “Yes, Socrates, you can easily invent tales of Egypt, or of any other country.” In this paper, the writer does not intend to copy Socrates’ approach in this regard; neither does he intend to provide a mythical, narrative, or historical account of the conditions of Greece during the time of this philosopher. Rather, he seeks to extensively explain and interpret his political view of Iran, specifically with reference to Alcibiades and Laws dialogues. Manuscript profile
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        37 - Heidegger’s Interpretation of Anaximander’s Arche, Participation, and Time
        Ghasem  Purhassan Mehrdad Ahmadi
        Heidegger believed that a metaphysical conceptualization of the relationship between identity and difference is not original and maintained that such negligence is rooted in the fact that metaphysics has forgotten “difference as such” as pure unfoldedness. In his view, More
        Heidegger believed that a metaphysical conceptualization of the relationship between identity and difference is not original and maintained that such negligence is rooted in the fact that metaphysics has forgotten “difference as such” as pure unfoldedness. In his view, the Greeks had a clearer image of the above-mentioned relationship. In his interpretation of Anaximander’s view, Heidegger demonstrates that, while viewing all being as a whole, Anaximander does not ignore the differences among them. Based on Heidegger’s interpretation, through introducing apeiron and time as two fundamental elements, Anaximander managed to have an early encounter with the relationship between identity and difference. Heidegger called this relationship “participation” and maintained that this concept can lead one to fundamental difference. This is because, unlike metaphysical theories, it does not depend on external elements, upon which correlation relies; rather, it depends on the being of beings. Apeiron and time open the door to a pure space in the unfoldedness of which beings find their essence and, at the same time, depend so much on each other that the whole is created based on their mutual relation. Manuscript profile
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        38 - Philosophical Principles of Human Training in the Transcendent Philosophy
        Seyyed Mehdi  Mirhadi Hassanali  Bakhtiyar Nasrabadi Mohammad  Najafi
        Following an analytic-deductive method, this paper is intended to provide a plan of the consequences of Mulla Sadra’s philosophical approach in the field of education. This plan can portray a framework and perspective of divine and religious training in the poisoned and More
        Following an analytic-deductive method, this paper is intended to provide a plan of the consequences of Mulla Sadra’s philosophical approach in the field of education. This plan can portray a framework and perspective of divine and religious training in the poisoned and crisis-stricken atmosphere of secular educational system before our eyes. Feeding on the source of Qur’anic revelation and traditions and synthesizing reasoning and intuition have granted a particular status to Sadrian philosophy. Mulla Sadra’s innovation with regard to posing the attached identity of the soul, while solving the secret of the relationship between the body and the soul, demonstrates the possibility of the essential change of the soul (as opposed to the changes in the accidents of the soul) and clarifies the rational necessity of training. In his plan of philosophical anthropology, the soul needs the body not only for its origination but also for the realization of its identity. The body is the realm of the appearance of the soul, the loci of its acts, and Man’s only asset for creating their own identity. It also plays a complex and unique role in the process of human training. Developing a clear picture of the quality of the change of a material existent (seed) into an eternal and immaterial human could decipher his theory of the trans-substantial motion and explain the truth of education. Eventually, through presenting the theory of corporeal origination and spiritual subsistence of the soul, Mulla Sadra demonstrates that the realm of human training enjoys an amazingly profound and infinite magnitude. Manuscript profile
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        39 - Investigation the effect of employee involvement on organizational citizenship behavior with moderating role of organizational identity
        seyyed morteza ghayour   Ali pourang Seyed ali ghaderi elham nasiri
        Human resource is the most important resources in organization, which influences organizational direction and performance. Organizational citizenship behavior is a desired consequence that managers tend to increase it among human resources. The aim of this study is to i More
        Human resource is the most important resources in organization, which influences organizational direction and performance. Organizational citizenship behavior is a desired consequence that managers tend to increase it among human resources. The aim of this study is to investigate effects of job involvement on organizational citizenship behavior with moderating role of organizational identity. The population of study is Iran Insurance Company agencies (representatives) in Mashhad, with 300 agencies. Two-stage cluster sampling method was used with regard to the distribution of agencies in Mashhad. 167 agencies were determined for sampling size using Morgan table. Data collection tool were three questionnaires which their validity confirmed through construct validity and reliability were assessed using Cronbach's alpha. To ensure of returning adequate questionnaires, 170 questionnaires were distributed and 167 questionnaires were returned. Data analysis using structural equation modeling and partial least squares (PLS) was conducted. The results showed that job involvement has significant positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior. Also, organizational identity has moderating role in the relationship between job involvement and organizational citizenship behavior. Manuscript profile
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        40 - Designing a Genetic Model of Brand Identity: A New Approach to Higher Education Brand Management
        azade Fatemifar Naser Azad Abdollah Naami adel fatemi
        In a competitive and complex market of higher education, universities must adopt strategies to maintain and improve their competitiveness. They need to create competitive advantage through a unique set of features, and having a unique identity is vital to differentiate More
        In a competitive and complex market of higher education, universities must adopt strategies to maintain and improve their competitiveness. They need to create competitive advantage through a unique set of features, and having a unique identity is vital to differentiate and attract students and staff. The purpose of this study was to identify the effective components and design a brand identity model based on the concept of brand DNA in non-governmental universities. Methodology, In terms of purpose, was applied research and exploratory in nature which exclusively was conducted by the systematic grounded theory .The research population includes related academicians and experts of marketing and branding and the managers of universities. The research data were collected through in depth semi structured interviews. Judgmental sampling was used. To determine sample size continued to reach the theoretical saturation. And finally 13 interviews were conducted. Open, axial and selective coding was used to analyze the data. The components of data analysis in 6 main category, 11 main categories and 43 subcategories including causal conditions, contextual conditions internal factors and visual identity, axial phenomenon, intervening conditions, strategies ,outcome were categorized. The findings suggest that having a strong and integrated brand identity in higher education is essential and requires a comprehensive and coherent genetic infrastructure and approach. Manuscript profile
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        41 - The Relationship between Attachment Style and Moral Identity: The Mediating Role of Empathy
        Ghasideh Hojjati zahra naghsh Mohammad Khodayarifard
        The current study aimed to investigate the relationship between attachment styles and moral identity, mediated by role of empathy. This research was a correlational study. A total 350 participants were selected by means of multistage cluster sampling among all the girl More
        The current study aimed to investigate the relationship between attachment styles and moral identity, mediated by role of empathy. This research was a correlational study. A total 350 participants were selected by means of multistage cluster sampling among all the girl students of tenth grade of Hamedan city’s public schools. The data were gathered by using 3 measures: Moral Identity Scale (Aquino & Reed, 2002), The Basic Empathy Scale (Joliffe & Farrington, 2006) and Adult Attachment Questionnaire (Collins & Reed, 1996). Using correlation and path analysis with software Spss and Lisrel, the data were analyzed. The results indicate that the model had a good fit to the research’s data. The secure attachment style was a significant positive predictor of moral identity and avoidant attachment style and ambivalent attachment style, were both negative predictors of moral identity. Also secure attachment was a positive predictor of empathy and avoidant attachment was a negative predictor of empathy. And in the meantime the relationship among ambivalent attachment style and empathy was not significant. Therefore, parents will be able to create a moral identity in their children by having a secure attachment style and through empathy. Manuscript profile
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        42 - Qualitative Analysis of the Socio-Economic Impacts of Construction of ShahidBagheri Square Multi-storey Parking
        Aadel  Abdollahi
        This study was aimed to analyze the social and economic impacts of the construction of multi-storey parking in ShahidBagheri Square, South Yaftabad District, Tehran. The methodology of this study was qualitative and the data were collected through observation and interv More
        This study was aimed to analyze the social and economic impacts of the construction of multi-storey parking in ShahidBagheri Square, South Yaftabad District, Tehran. The methodology of this study was qualitative and the data were collected through observation and interview techniques with a focus on the interpretations of the participants. The data collection process continued until it reached a theoretical saturation. In this process, 47 technical experts, officials, key informants and local residents were interviewed both in person and within a discussions group. The Findingsrevealed that not only the effectiveness of this construction project but also the manageability of its impacts depend on consideration of socio-economic status of Yaftabad neighborhood residents. Therefore, suggestions derived from present study are as follow:Renting parking lots based on the common price in the South Yaftabad neighborhood with a fair pricing mechanism;Strengthening intra- and inter-organizational coordination by emphasizing on social participation; Incorporating construction of a neighborhood hall -SarayeMahalle- into this project for addressing the social and cultural needs of the residents;Utilizing the parking building as a local cultural heritage bulletin; Preventing spaces from gettingunprotected and indefensibleby including green spaces or playgrounds in building plan; reinforcing social interactions and local identity byturning some parts of the parking to a local hangout as a hub of local and social communication. Manuscript profile
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        43 - Professional Identity of Human Resource Training and Development of Graduate Students at Tabriz University: A Phenomenological Study
        Ali Imanzadeh vahideh jafariyan
        This research aims to study professional identity in the mutual experiences of human resources training and development of graduate students at Tabriz University. In this research, a qualitative approach with a phenomenological method was used. The population of the stu More
        This research aims to study professional identity in the mutual experiences of human resources training and development of graduate students at Tabriz University. In this research, a qualitative approach with a phenomenological method was used. The population of the study consisted of all human resources training and development students studying at Tabriz University who are familiar with the field of education and human resource development. So based on purposeful sampling, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 21 students and to ensure the reliability, accuracy, and correctness of the data, the interview questions reviewed and approved by the experts and repeated study, compare continuous data, summarize and categorize information methods was used. Data were analyzed by the Smith method proposed. Results include five main themes of the role of discipline, reasons of choosing discipline, nature of discipline, limitations of discipline, promotion the status of the discipline was obtained that each main themes also has several sub- themes. Results showed that introduction of discipline, reinforcing its position, providing the necessary and related professional resources and determination of the boundaries of disciplines can be useful steps in achieving professional identity of human resources training and development graduate students. Manuscript profile
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        44 - The Role of Family in the Transformation and Formation of Identity in Children
        Zahra  Taghyzade Ghavam Kobra  Ahmadvand Zohreh  Zohreh Ahmadi
        One of the fundamental issues of modern world is the issue of identity and the present article try to deal with it in children. Children are the most vulnerable part of society. Family is the first stage in which man seeks to know himself and regain his identity in inte More
        One of the fundamental issues of modern world is the issue of identity and the present article try to deal with it in children. Children are the most vulnerable part of society. Family is the first stage in which man seeks to know himself and regain his identity in interplay with his family members. Accordingly, family is very important for regaining identity. The present article tries to study some of the important family problems then proceeds to study the impact of family on regaining the identity of children with reference to the various levels of coherence, flexibility of family, employment of mothers and children, on the whole their exploitation in lower ages, way of bringing up children in a family and quantitative changes in a family in the absence of one of the parents or both of them. All these play significant role in the formation and transformation of the identity of children. Manuscript profile
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        45 - The Relationship Between School Atmosphere and Girls' Social Identity
        Elham Shirdel Hossein  Ebrahim zadeh asmin fatemeh HamiKargar
        The basic purpose of this article is to investigate the relationship between school atmosphere and relationships with friends and social identity among high school girls in Kerman city. In the present study, Giddens and Rutter's theory and survey method were applied wit More
        The basic purpose of this article is to investigate the relationship between school atmosphere and relationships with friends and social identity among high school girls in Kerman city. In the present study, Giddens and Rutter's theory and survey method were applied with the questionnaire tool. The statistical population of this study is high school girls in Kerman city in the year 2019. The sample size is 380 girl student who were selected by stratified sampling method. The results of the descriptive and inferential statistics obtained from the data with SPSS software show that A) the social identity of the majority of high school girls is at an average level. B) There is a direct and significant relationship between school atmosphere and communication with friends and the social identity of adolescent girls. That is, as the emotional, educational, balancing, confrontational, and expected atmosphere of the school increases, so does the student's social identity. C) Performing multiple regression analysis showed that the four variables of the school confrontation atmosphere, communication with friends, expected atmosphere and educational atmosphere of school have an effect on the intensity of social identity and explain 35% of it. The results of this study indicate that attention to the situation of schools from the formal and informal social dimension and then the normative, educational, emotional, managerial aspects of the school play a vital role in the social identity of girls Manuscript profile
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        46 - The Radical Right and the creation of the imaginary-mythical geography of Europe; Mitchell’s pictorial turn approach
        Farideh Mohammad Alipour Mohammad Nassirzadeh
        The Radical Right in European countries has achieved the definition of a mythical self by relying on an imaginary geography and in this process has benefited from those who have sacrificed for their ideals. The research question concerns how radical right groups have af More
        The Radical Right in European countries has achieved the definition of a mythical self by relying on an imaginary geography and in this process has benefited from those who have sacrificed for their ideals. The research question concerns how radical right groups have affected the creation of imaginary-mythicalgeography in Europe. The hypothesis which is tested based on Mitchell’s pictorial turn theory is that radical right groups have affected Europe through picture and image recognition to create imaginary-mythical geography and have resulted in the strengthening of their social identity. The results of the study show that the radical right has recognized those who have sacrificed by holding musical and athletic events and in this way have strengthened social identity in imaginary-mythical geography. Manuscript profile
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        47 - Providing a model of connection with school based on identity styles and school atmosphere with the mediation of academic self-efficacy
        علیرضا مرآتی Ezatollah Ghadampour
        Several variables play a role in the relationship between the student and the school and affect it. This research was done with the aim of providing a model of connection with school based on identity styles and school atmosphere with the mediation of academic self-effi More
        Several variables play a role in the relationship between the student and the school and affect it. This research was done with the aim of providing a model of connection with school based on identity styles and school atmosphere with the mediation of academic self-efficacy. The statistical population of the study was all 3600 first year high school students in Kangavar in the academic year 1399-1400. For this purpose, 520 students were selected by cluster sampling method and questionnaires related to Rezaei Sharif et al. (2014). School atmosphere Lee et al. (2017), Identity style Brzezinski (1992) And Academic Self-Efficacy of Jenks & Morgan (2003) Completed electronically.. After collecting data, structural equation modeling was used to test the proposed model and hypotheses. The results showed that school style and identity style have a significant and positive relationship with academic self-efficacy and connection with school. The style of school identity and atmosphere also affects the connection with the school through self-efficacy. According to the fit of the developed model, the findings show that paying attention to the variables of identity style, school style and self-efficacy can lead to an increase in school connection in students. In order to improve the connection with the school, it seems necessary to pay attention to the styles of academic self-efficacy, identity and school atmosphere. Manuscript profile
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        48 - Comparative study of urban elements design with urban identity approach in Iran and the world
        razieh nikdel ali aram
        In this research, while addressing the position of special elements in Yasuj city, their effects on the identity of the city are investigated. The research method is analytical-survey and the method of collecting information is field and using a questionnaire. Then we m More
        In this research, while addressing the position of special elements in Yasuj city, their effects on the identity of the city are investigated. The research method is analytical-survey and the method of collecting information is field and using a questionnaire. Then we made a comparative study of the index elements of Iran and the world with the elements of the main squares of Yasuj city. In the end, by comparing the principles of expert design of urban elements that we achieved in theory and public opinion, the extent of adaptation was determined. By combining these two criteria, we have reached principles for designing urban elements that, in addition to having the parameters of the theory of architecture and urban planning, by considering the urban psychology of the people of the region, also cause public satisfaction. The studied samples include six urban elements in Yasuj that are of interest to citizens and tourists. The results obtained from descriptive and inferential analyzes on the collected data show that the qualitative evaluation of citizens by the (physical) identity of the elements is affected by their gender and level of education. Based on the results, the elements of the stone square in the neighborhood and Jomhory Street have the highest score and the lowest score obtained by citizens (users), respectively. The results also show that the most important components affecting the physical identity of urban elements based on citizens' opinions include "design, form and architecture of the element", "historicity" and "indigenousness (contextualism)". Manuscript profile
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        49 - A Study of the Principles of the Impossibility of Developing a Preference and Preponderance Without a Preponderant in Epicurean and Stoic Philosophers
        Samane  Qanbari Varnusfaderani Hassan Fathi Majid  Sadremajles Morteza  Shajari
        The principles of the impossibility of preponderance without a preponderant and the impossibility of developing a preference are among the most important principles of Islamic philosophy that have been widely discussed. Since the related debates have provoked several co More
        The principles of the impossibility of preponderance without a preponderant and the impossibility of developing a preference are among the most important principles of Islamic philosophy that have been widely discussed. Since the related debates have provoked several contradictory ideas, their study aims to clarify many of the problems in Islamic philosophy. The purpose of this paper is to examine the principles of the impossibility of preponderance without a preponderant and developing a preference in Epicurean and Stoic philosophies. These two principles play extremely diverse functions in these two schools of philosophy and are utilized in ethical, epistemological, and physical discussions. Stoics have completely accepted the principle of the impossibility of developing a preference. They also agree with the principle of the impossibility of preponderance without a preponderant but believe that it is based on the principle of the impossibility of making a preference. Stoics maintain that preponderance without a preponderant leads to motion without a cause. Epicureans agree with the principle of the impossibility of developing a preference at a macroscopic scale or in the realm of bodies and events. However, they reject it in the microscopic realm of atoms at least in the case of their diversion. Epicureans accept the principle of the impossibility of preponderance without a preponderant and believe that it is generally possible. However, they acknowledge that it is discreditable in some cases and allowed in some others. They hold that preponderance without a preponderant is a supreme example of Man’s free will. Manuscript profile
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        50 - Story, Religious Identity, and Religious Education: An Analysis Based on the Narrative Hermeneutics of Paul Ricoeur
        Ali Vahdati Daneshmand    
        The current crisis of meaning and identity is one of the major concerns for every educational system. Religious identity is one of the aspects of this problem that is highly recognized in Islamic Iran. This paper tries to provide a picture for the concept of religious i More
        The current crisis of meaning and identity is one of the major concerns for every educational system. Religious identity is one of the aspects of this problem that is highly recognized in Islamic Iran. This paper tries to provide a picture for the concept of religious identity, the role of stories, one of the chief sources of meaning, in its genesis and the consequences of storytelling for religious education based on the narrative hermeneutics of Paul Ricoeur. The Ricoeurian thought shows that religious texts in general and religious stories in particular shape the religious identity. According to Ricoeur, description using narratives, is subject to pure narrativisim and it is necessary to move to explanation step. Although every narrative has its own world, but to explain the religious teachings using narratives, other rival discourses must be considered Manuscript profile
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        51 - Investigating Iranian Identity Based on Charles Taylor's Idea about Recognition and Its Implications for Education
        mostafa moradi khosrow Bagheri shahin Eirvani Babak shamshiri
        The issue of Iranian identity has always been one of the most challenging issues. Determining the common elements of Iranian identity is a matter of controversy, and the differences among different viewpoints will have consequences in practice. The present study has con More
        The issue of Iranian identity has always been one of the most challenging issues. Determining the common elements of Iranian identity is a matter of controversy, and the differences among different viewpoints will have consequences in practice. The present study has considered the issue of Iranian identity from an educational point of view. For this purpose, from among the various and multiple dimensions of Iranian identity, two important ones, namely language and religion, have been considered as pivotal. Explaining the views of Charles Taylor has provided us with a basis for analyzing the identity of Iranians and has led to indications in the field of education. Conceptual analysis and practical inference are used as research methods. Among the implications of this research are "diversifying education based on Iranian cultural and identity diversity", "convergent education based on the idea of recognition", and "deepening of social relations based on dialogue-oriented education”. Finally, based on the implications, some of the Iranian official documents in the field of formal education have been reviewed and evaluated. Manuscript profile
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        52 - An Explanation of Children's Literature in the Educational Realm: From Actual Challenges to the Ahead Horizons
        Narges Sajadieh Zohreh Sadeghi
        Children's literature has consistently been one of the best means for child education. However, despite its effectiveness, this means has always confronted conceptual challenges regarding its nature; challenges that undermine it compared to other educational means. This More
        Children's literature has consistently been one of the best means for child education. However, despite its effectiveness, this means has always confronted conceptual challenges regarding its nature; challenges that undermine it compared to other educational means. This article intended to look at "children's literature" from an educational perspective and while formulating present conceptual challenges, prepares some solutions for them in order to maintain children’s literature as an educational means. Applying the conceptualization method, we formulated these conceptual challenges and then, based on the Islamic action approach and applying implicit deductive method, we proposed some solutions for them. The main conceptual challenges formulated in terms of dualism concerning instructional-literary, global-local, expression of reality-censorship, and fantasy-reality. At the second step, we identified our position about these challenges: literary structure-educational content, and literary creation-educational reading as the solutions of the first challenge; recognition of a multi-layered human identity, and intellectual dynamics of identity-layers as the solution of the second challenge; gradual encountering with reality as the solution of the third challenge; and a bound between fantasy and reality as the solution of the fourth challenge. These solutions can redefine the position of children's literature in the field of education and open new horizons in front of educators. Manuscript profile
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        53 - The Impact of the Brand Management System on Employees’ Brand Performance in Travel and Tourism Companies
          Ardeshir Shiri Maryam Mesbahi Amin  Hemmati
        Given the increasing level of competition among service companies, the role and the importance of intangible assets have increased. A brand is an intangible asset that is the most important factor in distinguishing a company and creating a competitive advantage for it. More
        Given the increasing level of competition among service companies, the role and the importance of intangible assets have increased. A brand is an intangible asset that is the most important factor in distinguishing a company and creating a competitive advantage for it. In the competitive environment of the tourism industry, maintaining and developing the market share result from the brand performance. Since the role of staff is significant in transferring the company’s brand contracts to customers (in service companies), this research tried to understand why the brand management system was important. It also tried to empirically investigate the effect of the brand management system on brand performance at the employee level, and the mediation effects of brand identity, brand commitment, and brand loyalty. The statistical population of this research included employees of travel and tourism companies in Tehran. To get a sample size, the study used available sampling and Cochran’s formula. This is an applied research, and data analysis is descriptive and correlational. To analyze the data of the questionnaire, the study used confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model. The results showed that the brand management system had no direct effect on the brand performance at the employee level. However, the brand management system indirectly influenced brand performance through brand identity, brand commitment, and brand loyalty. Manuscript profile
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        54 - Developing a Model for the Destination’s Brand Identity Using Grounded Theory
        hadi asghari Hamed Bakhshi Mozghan Azimihashemi Mohammad Hossein   Imani khoshkho
        Establishing a brand identity for tourism destinations may help ease the problems caused by the intangibility of tourism products and increase the concerted efforts of tourism service providers, ensuring stability in markets and facilitating the process of market segmen More
        Establishing a brand identity for tourism destinations may help ease the problems caused by the intangibility of tourism products and increase the concerted efforts of tourism service providers, ensuring stability in markets and facilitating the process of market segmentation. Therefore, considering the necessity for more attention to the destination’s brand identity due to increased competition within the tourism industry, this qualitative study sought to develop a model for establishing a brand identity for Mashhad city using the grounded theory method. To this end, some twelve managers, professors, and researchers working in the field of brand and tourism in Mashhad were selected to participate in detailed semi-structured interviews using purposive sampling. Then, the collected data were analyzed through open, axial, and selective coding. The study’s findings indicated the positive role of personal factors such as awareness of the destination’s brand or the tourists’ behavioral intentions in developing the brand identity of tourist destinations, which in turn influence the relevant strategies. In other words, such factors help the official select appropriate distinct marketing or development strategies, bringing about a variety of outcomes, including socio-economic development. Moreover, it could be argued that the strategies are set on the grounds of participation development in which the destination’s brand identity is formed. However, intervening factors such as micro and macro environmental factors should also be taken into account in this regard. Manuscript profile
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        55 - Investigating the Effect of Staff Self-Leadership on Internal Branding and Role Identity in Hotel Industry: A Case Study of 5-Star Hotels in (Mashhad)
        Jamshid Najari Beydokhti Omid Behboodi
        The current applied descriptive-correlational study sought to investigate the effect of staff self-leadership on the outcomes of internal branding and role identity in the hotel industry. The statistical population of the study comprised all the staff of 5-star hotels i More
        The current applied descriptive-correlational study sought to investigate the effect of staff self-leadership on the outcomes of internal branding and role identity in the hotel industry. The statistical population of the study comprised all the staff of 5-star hotels in Mashhad, out of whom 120 people were selected through the Morgan table using simple random sampling. The required data were collected via the standard Zhang and Zhou questionnaire (2021) whose face and construct validity were measured through expert approval and factor loads, respectively. Moreover, the reliability of the questionnaire was measured and confirmed using the Cronbach's alpha test. Finally, the collected data was analyzed via structural equation modeling. The findings of the study indicated the significant positive effect of self-leadership on brand knowledge, brand commitment, and brand citizenship behavior through factors such as the visualization of successful performance, self-goal-setting, self-talk, and self-aggrandizement. Furthermore, self-leadership factors also influence brand knowledge, brand commitment, and brand citizenship behavior through role identity. It could, therefore, be concluded that promoting self-leadership behaviors helps the internal growth of an organization’s brand and facilitates internal branding through role identity. Manuscript profile
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        56 - Recognition of Identity Criteria of Traditional Housing in View of the Quran and the Infallibles (AS)
        hanie okhovat
        Traditional houses were constructed based upon the religious beliefs of residents and the traditional architecture applied Quran and Sunnah in architecture and city planning. Therefore, the traditionally-built houses are always infused with a religious spirit. The p More
        Traditional houses were constructed based upon the religious beliefs of residents and the traditional architecture applied Quran and Sunnah in architecture and city planning. Therefore, the traditionally-built houses are always infused with a religious spirit. The paper has been inspired by the following question: What is the relationship between Islamic identity and traditional housing? According to Quranic tenets and the Infallibles’ (AS) sayings on house and residence, the characteristics of Islamic identity and the relationship among them can be recognized through criteria of Islamic identity. The present paper is a field study founded upon a historical-descriptive-analytical research method and that its data has been collected via a library research method by studying hard and soft documents. The results of the research indicate that the religious identity of traditional housing can be categorized into three distinct criteria- structural, environmental, and semantic. The three criteria are inseparable and overlap one another. It means that the characteristics of religious identity first become known in structure. Then they are fortified in the environment and finally reach a lofty status through semantic relations. This paper also sheds light on issues pertinent to recreation of Islamic identity in contemporary housing taking traditional housing’s identity features into account. Manuscript profile
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        57 - Mediation of achievement motivation in the relationship between sports identity and athletic performance of adolescent athletes
        Fatemah Keshir nokandeh Morteza Homayounnia Firoozjah Alireza Homayouni
        The aim of this study was to mediate the role of achievement motivation in the relationship between sports identity and athletic performance of adolescent athletes. The research was a descriptive correlational study based on structural equation modeling. The statistical More
        The aim of this study was to mediate the role of achievement motivation in the relationship between sports identity and athletic performance of adolescent athletes. The research was a descriptive correlational study based on structural equation modeling. The statistical population of the present study included all male adolescents aged 15 to 18 years in Gorgan and 220 adolescent athletes were selected as sample. Data collection tools included three questionnaires to examine research variables. Findings showed that there is a significant positive relationship between sports identity and achievement motivation with sports performance and the research model was confirmed in general 41% of sports performance can be explained by sports identity and achievement motivation. Also, the variables of sports identity and achievement motivation have a significant direct effect on sports performance. The results of this study emphasize the need for the role of identity and motivation and ultimately sports performance in athletes. Manuscript profile
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        58 - Evaluation and analysis of the feasibility of effective indicators of neighborhood identity in historical neighborhoods, studied in Noghan neighborhood of Mashhad
        Fatemeh   Barabakhti Mehdi  Zanganeh Jacob  Zanganeh
        Cities, urban spaces beyond independence, also have a special identity personality. While the city is a place where urban interactions lead. People also have a sense of citizenship towards their city. In other words, what leads to the construction of the city is not a c More
        Cities, urban spaces beyond independence, also have a special identity personality. While the city is a place where urban interactions lead. People also have a sense of citizenship towards their city. In other words, what leads to the construction of the city is not a collection of huge buildings and parks, but it is the people themselves who, with their special characteristics, create their urban identity and become citizens. It can refer to topics such as (time, place, ethnicity, beliefs, customs, common language, dialects and local coverings) (Nofel et al., 2009: 57-69). One of the main and important elements in promoting the meaning of the city is the neighborhoods of the city. For many years, neighborhoods have been an integral part of the urban environment. Therefore, a large part of the semantic and identity of the city is the responsibility of the neighborhoods (445: 2000, Eben Saleh). Neighborhoods can spread a sense of identity and belonging to the environment among residents. In this research, the research method is descriptive-analytical. Part of the information is in the form of a library and the other part is obtained through a field study. Also, statistics, sources and survey methods will be used to analyze the study neighborhood. Following the completion of the above questionnaires and by analyzing the data obtained from field surveys and existing documents regarding urban identity in the mentioned neighborhood, the method of analyzing its data is done in two ways. In order to calculate its reliability and validity, Cronbach's alpha method is used. Correlation tests will be used to analyze the data. Manuscript profile
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        59 - Identity thinking in the works of Ebrahim Yunsi, Relying on Persian language and strengthening Iranian identity
        Mehdi Saeedi Seyedeh Narges  Rezaie
        identities and Iranian identity has been on the border between alignment, contradiction, conflict and rupture. Political and social narratives of the issue of Iranian identity and its elements are effective in weakening or strengthening this relationship. Among the t More
        identities and Iranian identity has been on the border between alignment, contradiction, conflict and rupture. Political and social narratives of the issue of Iranian identity and its elements are effective in weakening or strengthening this relationship. Among the three nationalistic, modern, postmodern and historical narratives, it is the only historical narrative that pays attention to the maximum consolidation and unity of Iran and Iranians by avoiding excess and exaggeration in explaining the problem. Ebrahim Yunsi, a political activist, translator and writer of Iranian Kurdish descent, is the author of several works in Persian. Some of what he translated is about Kurdish cultural and political history and contemporary political events. In the introduction or footnote of most of the translations, he pays attention to the relationship between Kurds and Iran, and in a way of Focusing on identity between Kurds and Iran, he establishes an aligned and consistent relationship. Also, in his works, he criticizes the opinion of writers who have highlighted some of the elements of ethnic identity in order to weaken Iranian identity, or who believe in the distinction and separation between ethnic identity and Iranian identity. He is especially aware of the role and function of the Kurdish language and the Persian language. Therefore, in spite of his primary political affiliation or contrary to what some political parties think, he believes that there is an equal relationship between the Kurdish language and the Persian language. Therefore, he uses the Persian language to write and tries to increase the richness of the Persian language and its lexical and cultural treasure in his works by using a lot of words and what is Kurdish knowledge and language. In this article, by analyzing the introductions of the translations and paying attention to the linguistic issues of the stories, this aspect of the identity in opinion of Ebrahim Yunsi has been discussed. Manuscript profile
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        60 - The mediating role of academic self-efficacy in the relationship between identity styles and perceived social support with academic commitment
        mitra mashallahi Mahboubeh Fouladchang
        The aim of this study was to investigate the mediating role of academic self-efficacy in the relationship between identity styles and perceived social support with academic commitment. The research method was a descriptive correlational study using path analysis. The st More
        The aim of this study was to investigate the mediating role of academic self-efficacy in the relationship between identity styles and perceived social support with academic commitment. The research method was a descriptive correlational study using path analysis. The statistical population of this research included undergraduate students of Tabriz university during the academic year of 2021-2022. For this purpose, 300 students were selected using available sampling method. Data were collected using academic commitment scale (Human-Vogel and Rabe, 2015), berzonsky identity style inventory(Berzonsky,1992), perceived social support scale (Zimet et al.,1988) Academic self-efficacy Questionnaire (Owen and froman, 1988). The results showed that the research model fit well with the data collected. The results indicated that informative and normative identity styles can directly predict higher academic commitment and academic self-efficacy while Diffuse-avoidant style can directly and negatively predict academic commitment and academic self-efficacy Findings also showed that academic self-efficacy and perceived social support from family, friends and Significant others can directly and positively predict academic commitment. Besides, the research hypothesis regarding the mediating role of academic self-efficacy in the relationship between identity styles and perceived social support with academic commitment was confirmed. Overall, the findings suggest that identity styles and perceived social support play an important role in predicting academic commitment Manuscript profile
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        61 - Mullā Ṣadrā’s Defense of two Dialetheic Challenges in the Trans-Substantial Motion
        Gholamali Hashemifar Mahdi  Azimi
        Although the problem of motion has created various challenges in the history of philosophy by itself, the trans-substantial motion as the turning point of the Transcendent philosophy is prone to some additional challenges that can be followed in the manifest of dialethe More
        Although the problem of motion has created various challenges in the history of philosophy by itself, the trans-substantial motion as the turning point of the Transcendent philosophy is prone to some additional challenges that can be followed in the manifest of dialetheism. One of these challenges is the loss of the identity of subject in the context of motion and, following this, the realization of borderline-states and the appearance of a paradox known as the problem of ambiguity in philosophical literature. Such debates themselves lead to paradoxes that contemporary dialetheists consider as evidence for the existence of contradiction in the outside world. The manifestation of such challenges and their relationship with the trans-substantial motion is the focal problem of the present paper. Since any change in archetypal forms in the cradle of trans-substantial motion is of the gradual and continuous type rather than the sudden type, the absence of a borderline at various stages of motion paves the way for the truth of two different quiddities at the same time for one subject, which necessitates contradiction by itself. Following a critical descriptive analytic method, this study reveals that Mullā Ṣadrā has responded to both challenges. He has answered the identity challenge based on the idea of “matter with form” and referred the challenge of ambiguity to our perception’s negligence in matching quiddity to all modes of being. Manuscript profile
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        62 - An analysis on the course of transformation of the identity elements of the Turkmen people in the Local color novel "Yurt"
        Mohammad mahmoodi
        Local color fiction is a type of stories whose events take place in a specific geographical area and different cultural elements such as customs and traditions, type of architecture, clothing, language features, as well as economic, social, It represents the history and More
        Local color fiction is a type of stories whose events take place in a specific geographical area and different cultural elements such as customs and traditions, type of architecture, clothing, language features, as well as economic, social, It represents the history and politics of that region. A part of Local color fiction in Iran is linked with ethnicities and served to represent their identity issues. Some of the stories of the northern region, which are related to the Turkmen-inhabited areas of Golestan province, have a different atmosphere from other stories. In these stories, in addition to the specific Local color features of the north of the country, the cultural and identity elements of the Turkmen inhabitants of the Sahara have also been reflected. In this article, one of the important novels of Turkmen Local color literature has been examined. Seyed Hossein Mirkazemi in the novel "Yort" describes the details of the social lifestyle of the Turkmen people of the Sahara, their cultural identity and the Local color elements of the region and the connection of these elements with the culture and history of the Turkmen. The confrontation between tradition and modernity and the transformation of the social life and identity of the Turkmen people of the Sahara is one of the main themes of the novel Yurt. Manuscript profile
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        63 - Traumatic Narratives Emotions and Foreign Policy: Theoretical Hypotheses on The Basis of Iranian Experiences
        Homeira Moshirzadeh
        Following the “emotional turn” in International Relations, emotions since the 2000shave increasingly been regarded as a significant feature of international life. Thus collective memories (particularly traumatic memories together with emotions)and the narratives constit More
        Following the “emotional turn” in International Relations, emotions since the 2000shave increasingly been regarded as a significant feature of international life. Thus collective memories (particularly traumatic memories together with emotions)and the narratives constituting collective memory have become prominent issues in the contemporary study of international relations and foreign policy. The historical experience of trauma can in particular shape narratives and emotions hence influencing identity and agency; and hereby impacting foreign policy through legitimization and de-legitimization of specific foreign policy actions. What is less discussed in the literature is the conditions and the degree of their overall impact. This article seeks to develop a framework for the study of the ways in which significant traumatic narratives affect emotions, and hence it will seek to identity its related agenciesand actions within the context of foreign policy. On the basis of a few traumatic narratives in the history of Iranthis article subsequently develops a number of hypotheses about the impacts of traumatic narratives on foreign policy as a basis for empirical studies and research. Manuscript profile
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        64 - Human Identity in Comparison of Islam and Globalization and Positions of Applied Theology
        ghasem shabani mojgan mohammadi Alireza Faghihi
        In the global system, Western philosophy in the service of globalizers by increasing the amount of persuasive propaganda of cyber and digital media as the main driving force of globalization threatens the identity and nature of contemporary man, which should be given ne More
        In the global system, Western philosophy in the service of globalizers by increasing the amount of persuasive propaganda of cyber and digital media as the main driving force of globalization threatens the identity and nature of contemporary man, which should be given new thanks. Therefore, in Islamic societies, especially the Islamic society of Iran, we must use new issues such as: the necessity and realm of religion and science, secularism, religious pluralism and religion and human rights from the perspective of modern theology to preserve the foundations of belief and religious values. The acquisition of appropriate and normally continuous methods in academic and research centers was examined. The results of this study show that education based on human nature and the basis of religious rules and teachings guarantees different types of posterior identities and in the face of the challenges of globalization, it is necessary to rely on the application of modern theology. Manuscript profile
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        65 - The role of consumer cities in the lives of citizens with an ethnographic approach
        Mohammad javad  samani nezhad neda khodakaramiangilan Asadollah Babaiefard
        This research examines the consumption process in modern cities and discusses its role in the lives of citizens. Research theories are based on the views of Veblen, Simmel, Bakoc, Bourdieu, and Marx. Also, in this research, the ethnographic research method is used and t More
        This research examines the consumption process in modern cities and discusses its role in the lives of citizens. Research theories are based on the views of Veblen, Simmel, Bakoc, Bourdieu, and Marx. Also, in this research, the ethnographic research method is used and the data collection technique includes participatory observation and in-depth interview. The findings of the research show that commercial spaces have created a special design in the architecture of the city, there are criteria in the designs of the city that lead to the creation of a pleasant and stimulating atmosphere for consumption, the colors used in commercial spaces in The brightness of the spaces plays a vital role and helps a lot in creating the beauty of the goods Multiple entrances, wide corridors, many skylights and a beautiful central view in shopping centers provide the possibility of encouraging more people to enter the arcade. Wanderers change and define their identity by walking in the city. Also, the shopping centers themselves include retail space, hotels, restaurants, and entertainment facilities, which have caused more and more people to buy and consumerism with the different facilities they provide. On the other hand, shopping centers as one of the new forms of shopping play an effective role in people's shopping addiction. Shopping addiction sometimes tempts people to buy excessively, for this reason it brings anxiety and worry to people. Manuscript profile
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        66 - The Method of Facing the Religious Families Toward Identical Confliction Statuses:Comparing two Generations
        Javad Hatami
        The aim of this study is considering the method of facing the religious families toward identical confliction statuses. 30 families (including 30 parents and 30 children) were selected. At the first step, modern, religious and national identity questionnaires were appli More
        The aim of this study is considering the method of facing the religious families toward identical confliction statuses. 30 families (including 30 parents and 30 children) were selected. At the first step, modern, religious and national identity questionnaires were applied. At the second step, participants were asked to grade these three conflicted positions: 1. Levels of tension 2. How much this feeling are logical 3. How much the others are right. The result revealed that there is no difference between young and adult generations in the religious and national identity, but there are significant disagreements in national and modern identity. Also the younger generation had less stress and much more right to others than the old generation. Manuscript profile
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        67 - Identity fragmentation and instability and narrative in Mohammad Reza Kaateb's novels
        Maryam Ramin Nia Ameneh MirDeilami Hosein Mohammadi
        In postmodern novels, the concept of identity does not enjoy any coherence and stability existing in pre-modern novels. Indeed, such a concept is fragmented, disjointed and unstable. Narrative in postmodern stories is thus unreliable, suspicious and contradictory due to More
        In postmodern novels, the concept of identity does not enjoy any coherence and stability existing in pre-modern novels. Indeed, such a concept is fragmented, disjointed and unstable. Narrative in postmodern stories is thus unreliable, suspicious and contradictory due to the fragmented and fluid identities of the characters. One of the most prominent and prolific writers in the contemporary era is Mohammad Reza Kaateb, some of whose novels are similar to postmodernist elements. In so doing, the concept of identity and narrative is disclosed in this study. In this research, in a descriptive and analytical way, six novels of the author named "Aftab Prast-e Nazanin (Lovely Chameleon)", "Balzans (The Fliers )", "Bi Tarsi (Fearless)", " Pasti (Dowmhill)", " Ram Konandeh (The Domesticator)" and "Hiss" from the point of view of postmodernist components. Identity, character and narration have been investigated. The findings show that most of the characters in the addressed novels are of indeterminate, fragmented identities. Wandering, displacement and overlapping of characters with each other, inability in self-recognition, is evidence to their disjointed identities. Fragmented and contradictory narratives in characters and adventures are one main feature that marked the writer's novels with uncertainty.The post-modernist components of ontological doubt, uncertainty and fragmentation and contradiction in identity and narrative are very impressive in such novels as Lovely Chameleon, Downhill, The Domesticator and Hiss. In contrast, The Fliers and Fearless have used such elements to a milder extent. Manuscript profile
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        68 - Analysis of the Long Story "Parandeh dar Baad (Bird in the Wind)"From the Perspective of Nativism
        mehdi  ebrahimi lame saber emami seyed mohsen hashemi
        Localism is a modern term that emerged in the process of independence and liberation of the eastern colonized countries from the domination of the western colonialist countries and at the same time entered various fields including fiction.In this context, the analysis o More
        Localism is a modern term that emerged in the process of independence and liberation of the eastern colonized countries from the domination of the western colonialist countries and at the same time entered various fields including fiction.In this context, the analysis of fictional works has special importance as one of the most important sources of nativism; because on the one hand it is connected with various social concepts and on the other hand it leads to our understanding of the components of nativism and how to use them in the text. In this regard, this article with the descriptive and analytical method, analyzes the components of nativism in the book "Parandeh dar Baad (Bird in the Wind) ". In this way, first the primary data was collected through documentary study and then it was analyzed in the framework of the definition of nativism and the components of Iranian identity. The results of the research showed that the author highlighted the components of Iranian identity in this book, namely: language, culture, religion, history and geography of the land, as well as foreign-oriented aspects. Manuscript profile
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        69 - Explaining the factors affecting academic work ethics Mohagheg Ardabili University Society
        abazar ashtari Taha  Ashayeri
        The main purpose of the reseaThe main purpose of the research is to study the factors affecting academic work ethics in the academic community of Mohaghegh Ardabili (1401- 1400). The research method is survey type (quantitative), questionnaire, its statistical populatio More
        The main purpose of the reseaThe main purpose of the research is to study the factors affecting academic work ethics in the academic community of Mohaghegh Ardabili (1401- 1400). The research method is survey type (quantitative), questionnaire, its statistical population is 6000 people, of which 384 people are distributed among them in a Cochrane and random cluster method. Validity and reliability of the research has also been confirmed. The results show that there is a significant difference in the level of work ethic according to the marital status, and its value among the married group (1,8) differs more than the others according to the level of education, and its value among the group with a doctorate level of education (2,1) compared to others. There are more academic groups. The level of work ethic varies according to the type of job, and its value is higher among the occupational group of teachers (2,6) and students (2,2) than other occupational groups. The level of work ethic varies according to the type of class and its value is higher among the upper class (3,1) than the middle and lower class. The results show that between job satisfaction (0,35); Job stress (-0,31); Job burnout (-0,34); organizational commitment (0,56); Organizational identity (0,30) and religious beliefs (0,28) have a significant relationship with work ethics. The regression results show that the multiple correlation coefficient equals 0,601; The explanatory coefficient is equal to 0.532 and the corrected explanatory coefficient is equal to 0,483.rch is to study the factors affecting academic work ethics in the academic community of Mohaghegh Ardabili (1400-1401). The research method is survey type (quantitative), questionnaire, its statistical population is 6000 people, of which 384 people are distributed among them in a Cochrane and random cluster method. Validity and reliability of the research has also been confirmed. The results show that there is a significant difference in the level of work ethic according to the marital status, and its value among the married group (1.8) differs more than the others according to the level of education, and its value among the group with a doctorate level of education (2.1) compared to others. There are more academic groups. The level of work ethic varies according to the type of job, and its value is higher among the occupational group of teachers (2.6) and students (2.2) than other occupational groups. The level of work ethic varies according to the type of class and its value is higher among the upper class (3.1) than the middle and lower class. The results show that between job satisfaction (0.35); Job stress (-0.31); Job burnout (-0.34); organizational commitment (0.56); Organizational identity (0.30) and religious beliefs (0.28) have a significant relationship with work ethics. The regression results show that the multiple correlation coefficient equals 0.601; The explanatory coefficient is equal to 0.532 and the corrected explanatory coefficient is equal to 0.483. Manuscript profile
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        70 - Investigating the impact of internet and satellite on the cultural and moral identity of students (case study: Islamic Azad University, Saveh Branch, Noor Alibek Village)
        Azam  Nikokar Mozhgan  Farzami Sepehr
        This research was conducted with the aim of investigating the effect of internet and satellite on the cultural and moral identity of students living in Nur Ali Bey village, Saveh city, Central province. The research method was applied in terms of the goal and causal-com More
        This research was conducted with the aim of investigating the effect of internet and satellite on the cultural and moral identity of students living in Nur Ali Bey village, Saveh city, Central province. The research method was applied in terms of the goal and causal-comparative in terms of the data collection method. The statistical population of the research consists of all the students of the Islamic Azad University of Saveh branch (N = 4000). This selection is for two reasons, firstly, the proximity of the Azad University of Saveh branch with Noor Ali Bey village, and on the other hand, a large number of students living in this village and There are neighboring villages. The sample size was estimated to be 380 people according to Cochran's formula, and stratified random sampling was used to select the sample. The data collection tool was Taheri's cultural identity questionnaire (2012) in the form of 30 items and alpha coefficient of 0.91 and Aquino and Reed's moral identity questionnaire (2002) in the form of 10 items and alpha coefficient of 0.75. K-S test and analysis of variance were used to analyze the data. The results showed that there is a significant difference between the cultural and moral identity of students based on their use of internet and satellite. Manuscript profile
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        71 - The effect of ethnic identity and the geographical location of the house on the academic performance of students
        Saed   Abadian
        Ethnicity refers to a group that is distinguished from other social groups that have racial continuity and correlation with basic anatomical features such as religion, religion, language, customs and historical and cultural heritage. These factors cause a person to use More
        Ethnicity refers to a group that is distinguished from other social groups that have racial continuity and correlation with basic anatomical features such as religion, religion, language, customs and historical and cultural heritage. These factors cause a person to use them to establish a relationship with other ethnic groups or individuals and groups. Ethnicity has both subjective and objective components, which include: subjective interest and awareness of identity, belonging, common resources, Common interests, objective cultural commonalities in the language of the historical history of religion and the common land. Set against the backdrop of a politically motivated ethnic hatred between the northern region and the rest, this study shows the relationship between students' regions of origin and their academic performance in world higher education to help support students' appropriate support and healthy study habits. The thematic analysis of the researchers' data showed that students believe that effort is more important in academic performance regardless of the region of origin. Implications for educational policy that utilize healthy study habits to increase student achievement, retention, and self-efficacy around success are discussed. Manuscript profile
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        72 - Factors Influencing the Restructuring of Women's Social Identity with a Comprehensive Interpretive Structural Modeling Approach
        neda khodakaramiangilan mohsen niazi
        <p>In contemporary societies, factors such as industrialization, technological development, economic expansion, investment, and communication development have transformed the symbolic framework of individuals' lives. In such circumstances, individuals need identity; thr More
        <p>In contemporary societies, factors such as industrialization, technological development, economic expansion, investment, and communication development have transformed the symbolic framework of individuals' lives. In such circumstances, individuals need identity; through identity, complexity and the speed of social changes can be mitigated, enabling humans to create relative order in their lives and surroundings. In this research, the investigator aims to design a model consisting of factors influencing the restructuring of women's social identity using the comprehensive interpretive structural modeling method. The present research is descriptive-analytical, and the study population includes university experts, with 24 members selected purposefully from the faculty, doctoral graduates, and doctoral students in the fields of sociology and psychology. The designed model encompasses 11 factors: women's awareness of their position in society, conflicting identities, inclination toward gender equality, individual life orientation, universities and higher education centers, prevalence of stereotypical beliefs, challenges in coordinating traditional and new roles, social spaces, generational changes, reconsideration of identity, modernity, and identity inconsistency. Among the examined factors, challenges in coordinating traditional and new roles, reconsideration of cultural identity, prevalence of gender stereotypes, and conflicting identities are identified as pivotal factors in shaping the restructuring of women's social identity. These factors lead to women's awareness of their position in society, inclination toward gender equality, the role of universities and higher education centers, identity inconsistency, modernity, and social spaces. Ultimately, generational changes will be the outcome.</p> Manuscript profile
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        73 - An approach to the religious identity components of a Muslim woman with additional emphasis on Fatemi (S)
        leila vatankhah kashi Mohammad Mahdi  Alimardi Hossein  Abdulmohammadi Mehrab  Sadegh Nia
        One of the most important challenges of the present age,which casts a shadow on the lives of a wide range of Muslims,is distancing from religious identity and the influence of fashionable culture;Something that has shaken the pillars of their personal,family and social More
        One of the most important challenges of the present age,which casts a shadow on the lives of a wide range of Muslims,is distancing from religious identity and the influence of fashionable culture;Something that has shaken the pillars of their personal,family and social life.Solving this challenge is possible only by redefining and recognizing Islamic identity in the form of presenting an objective model.In order to achieve this goal,the present article has examined the religious identity of a Muslim woman from the perspective of the Holy Qur'an and with a descriptive and analytical method.In this regard,several basic components have been taken into consideration to recognize and analyze the identity of a Muslim woman.The first component is the recognition of women's identity in "first ignorance"and the second component is recognition of women's identity and avoidance of it in "post-first" ignorance,which may exist in any age And today it is interpreted as "modern ignorance".The third component is to know the identity of women in Islam based on the theoretical foundations of Islam and the fourth component is to determine the ideal example of a "perfect Muslim woman" for role modeling. Therefore, the most important findings achieved by this research are: "The formation of women's identity in the first ignorance based on the lack of human rights and the instrumental view","The formation of women's identity in modern ignorance based on commodification in the form of scientific theories",and "The identification and identification of Muslim women based on dignity,rights and values human,and preserving privacy and personality".. Manuscript profile
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        74 - Examining the role of emerging religious movements in creating spiritual challenges in Iranian society
        mansour dayani SayyedHossain Vaezi akbar goli.malekabadi
        <p>Due to his truth-seeking nature, man has made a huge effort to convince himself of knowledge, which is the result of these four knowledges: science, art, philosophy and mysticism. Among these teachings, mysticism is considered one of the most popular teachings. An ac More
        <p>Due to his truth-seeking nature, man has made a huge effort to convince himself of knowledge, which is the result of these four knowledges: science, art, philosophy and mysticism. Among these teachings, mysticism is considered one of the most popular teachings. An achievement that some people have considered as a way to achieve the truth of a promise, another as an excuse to achieve their goals. The purpose of this article is to examine the role of human knowledge under the title of emerging spiritualities in creating temporary and spiritual challenges in society. This research, which was carried out by descriptive analytical method and using library resources, seeks to briefly introduce, express the goals and objectives of emerging spiritualities and explain the danger of such pseudo-mystics for the Taliban of true mysticism. mysticisms that have targeted the real power components of society. Also, this article has paid attention to the introduction of true mysticism and the place of man. It must be said that presenting the correct understanding of true knowledge prevents the mystics and apparent mystics from being able to attack the tent of divine knowledge and its Taliban with the white flag of mystical deception, and place their non-mystics instead of mystics in the hearts and minds of the unacquainted Taliban. The results of the research show that behind the curtain of newly emerging religious movements in Iranian society, there are unlucky intentions, the promoters of these spiritualities are unwarranted and deceitful people, destroying beliefs, promoting corruption instead of mysticism, legitimizing corruption and disobedience instead of spirituality are among the actions that the supporters of these movements in They follow between disciples and society.</p> Manuscript profile