Human Identity in Comparison of Islam and Globalization and Positions of Applied Theology
Subject Areas : Islamic theology
ghasem shabani
mojgan mohammadi
Alireza Faghihi
1 -
2 - Faculty member
3 -
Keywords: Globalization, Challenge, Opportunity, Identity, Nature and Religious Education,
Abstract :
In the global system, Western philosophy in the service of globalizers by increasing the amount of persuasive propaganda of cyber and digital media as the main driving force of globalization threatens the identity and nature of contemporary man, which should be given new thanks. Therefore, in Islamic societies, especially the Islamic society of Iran, we must use new issues such as: the necessity and realm of religion and science, secularism, religious pluralism and religion and human rights from the perspective of modern theology to preserve the foundations of belief and religious values. The acquisition of appropriate and normally continuous methods in academic and research centers was examined. The results of this study show that education based on human nature and the basis of religious rules and teachings guarantees different types of posterior identities and in the face of the challenges of globalization, it is necessary to rely on the application of modern theology.
قرآن کریم
نهج البلاغه
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