Genealogical analysis of alienation Case study: The story of the cow by Gholam Hossein Saedi
Subject Areas : Islamic Revolution and sacred defense literature
Roghayyeh Hashemi
Gholamreza Pirouz
mehdi khabbazikenari
Hosein Hasanpour
1 - PhD student of Mazandaran University, Mazandaran, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Mazandaran University, Mazandaran. Iran.
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Mazandaran University, Mazandaran, Iran.
4 - Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Mazandaran University, Mazandaran, Iran.
Keywords: Alienation, The story of "Cow", Gholam Hossein Saedi, Power and Ideology, Identity and Another one.,
Abstract :
The phenomenon of alienation according to the contrast between tradition and modernity, especially in Pahlavi era should have a meaningful relationship with the quasi-modernity flow and other intellectual and political flows. As the coup occurred in 28 Mordad 1332 was the most important and effective political flow that caused despair and failure and alienation in the middle and intellectual strata of society. So, it seems necessary to address the works of Gholam Hossein Saedi as an intellectual who represents the levels and aspects of this phenomenon. Because his literature is the product of a space that belongs to the field of quasi-modernity in Iran. This article tries to analyze and explain the story of "Cow" by Saedi (Bill Mourners Collection) which is in the form of a metaphorical and symbolic story, on the basis of alienation concept, and show the adventure of being alienation of Iranian human while facing reality, and also the role of inverted ideology in creation of this phenomenon. The research in question, after explaining the phenomenon of alienation based on genealogy of this concept shows its historical evolution in the views of Hegel and Feuerbach and Marx and Forum, examines the story of "Cow" according to metaphors such as "power and ideology", "identity", "another one". During the analysis of the story, we came to the conclusion that there is a hidden philosophical-psychological-sociological theory in the construction of the work that is visible in the structure, space and character of the story. Creating problematic characters like Mashdi Hassan, represents the author search to show a symbolic world tied to theory.
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