The Relationship Between School Atmosphere and Girls' Social Identity
Subject Areas : Research on Iranian social issues
Elham Shirdel
Hossein Ebrahim zadeh asmin
fatemeh HamiKargar
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Sistan and Baluchestan University, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Sistan and Baluchestan University, Iran
3 - PhD student in Social Sciences, Kashan University, Iran
Keywords: social identity, girls, school atmosphere, friends,
Abstract :
The basic purpose of this article is to investigate the relationship between school atmosphere and relationships with friends and social identity among high school girls in Kerman city. In the present study, Giddens and Rutter's theory and survey method were applied with the questionnaire tool. The statistical population of this study is high school girls in Kerman city in the year 2019. The sample size is 380 girl student who were selected by stratified sampling method. The results of the descriptive and inferential statistics obtained from the data with SPSS software show that A) the social identity of the majority of high school girls is at an average level. B) There is a direct and significant relationship between school atmosphere and communication with friends and the social identity of adolescent girls. That is, as the emotional, educational, balancing, confrontational, and expected atmosphere of the school increases, so does the student's social identity. C) Performing multiple regression analysis showed that the four variables of the school confrontation atmosphere, communication with friends, expected atmosphere and educational atmosphere of school have an effect on the intensity of social identity and explain 35% of it. The results of this study indicate that attention to the situation of schools from the formal and informal social dimension and then the normative, educational, emotional, managerial aspects of the school play a vital role in the social identity of girls
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