Renewal of Spatial structure of the quarters based on the Cultural- led regeneration approach in Historical fabrics (Case Study: Arg quarter, Mashhad)
Subject Areas : Neighborhood studies in Iranian Islamic cities
Farid Ganjeali
Iman Ghalandarian
1 - M.A Student of Urban Design student Department of Urbanism, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.
2 - Assistant professor Department of Urbanism, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.
Keywords: Urban Regeneration, Cultural-led Regeneration, The Dimensions of Built Environment, Urban Spatial Structure, Arg Quarter.,
Abstract :
The spatial structure of quarters plays a fundamental role in revitalizing and improving their quality. Emphasizing the reconstruction of cultural heritage, this approach can serve as a suitable catalyst for strengthening related issues or the spatial structure of historical quarters. This research aims to reconstruct the spatial structure of the Arg quarter in Mashhad. The methodology employed is mixed (quantitative and qualitative), where initially, by defining the criteria for cultural reconstruction in both soft and hard environments and categorizing them into seven dimensions of the urban environment, the cultural criteria in the components of spatial structure were elucidated. In the second step, quarter issues in the Arg quarter were extracted through the perspectives of authors, experts, and residents using observation and interviews, then the issue network was drawn and analyzed using qualitative research analysis tools (Gephi software). The results of the research indicate that the most important issues of the spatial structure of the Arg quarter include the lack of day and night activities, neglect of social values, functional disturbances in space and activities, inappropriate environmental qualities, and the loss of a sense of place, which can be addressed by proposing suggestions for improvement based on the identified issues.
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