Evaluation of the Structural Model and Spatial Organization of Schools in the First Qajar and Pahlavi Periods (Case Examples of Schools in Tabriz and Urmia)
Subject Areas : Historical context of historical cities of Iran
1 - PhD student in Architecture, Azad University of Tabriz, Architecture, Tabriz, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Azad University, Tabriz, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Azad University, Tabriz, Iran.
Keywords: evaluation, structural model, spatial organization, schools of Tabriz, Urmia, Qajar, Pahlavi. ,
Abstract :
The architecture of traditional schools is often symmetrically formed around one or two perpendicular axes. The main elements of the school building are located on both sides of the axis, and the design of the courtyard is such that it strengthens the centrality of the courtyard and the overall structure. In the architecture of traditional schools, the design and construction of the space is done according to the perceptive capabilities and material and spiritual needs of humans. The main purpose of the research is to know the spatial organization, to examine and compare the elements, and the structural patterns of schools in Tabriz and Urmia in the Qajar and Pahlavi period. In this article, first of all, qualitatively, it examines the structural patterns and spatial organization and the quality of schools, and then by comparing and evaluating the research findings, for the purpose of statistical analysis, processing quantitative data using indicators and tests. Statistics have been done. This research deals with choosing two consecutive historical periods (Qajar and Pahlavi) as a starting point in the change and evolution of the structure of schools. The research with applied approach and descriptive and analytical research method, using field and library information collection, examines the patterns of schools in these periods. The technique of collecting information by means of a questionnaire depending on the answers of the researchers and analyzing the data collected with SPSS descriptive statistics method of skewness and kurtosis and histogram chart to compare the schools of Qajar and Pahlavi period, using statistical analysis and correlation and The test of received indicators was done, and finally the results were extracted. The numerical value of Cronbach's alpha coefficient is equal to 0.707 considering the 9 questions of the questionnaire, which shows that the reliability of the questionnaire is average. For the comparative study of schools, Tabriz Dar al-Funun School, Rushdieh Tabriz, Ferdowsi Tabriz, Anoushirvan Tabriz, Chamran Urmia, Teb Urmia, Tawheed Tabriz (Parvin Etisami) were selected from Qajar and Pahlavi schools. Then, the desired indicators were determined and checked for comparison. Based on this, the most important result of this research is benefiting from suitable design patterns such as centrality, layering, overlapping courtyards, reflection and diversity in school architecture and stretching of plans and entrance in the center, the importance of setting environmental conditions, stretching east and west. And being sunny is important on the one hand, and on the other hand, the era was the neoclassical era, buildings were mostly symmetrical in Europe, and influence from the West was important both in school education and in the shape and body of schools. As a result, the educational spaces from the school mosque with a central courtyard pattern later changed to schools with an elongated plan pattern, and the educational evolution in the Qajar period followed the concept of physical-shape continuity of the traditional Iranian architectural format and items such as the central courtyard, module and frame The arrangement of views and symmetry, introversion and appropriate geometry, etc. can be seen.
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