• List of Articles Children

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Satire Techniques Representations in Theme Structure of “Farhad Hasan Zade's” Stories
          حسين  ادهمي
        Farhad Hasan Zade (Born in 1341/1962) is one of the satirists whose works are mostly within the domain of Children and Adolescent Literature. His satire stories are mainly taken from social realities enriched with social themes and a moderate criticism and represent soc More
        Farhad Hasan Zade (Born in 1341/1962) is one of the satirists whose works are mostly within the domain of Children and Adolescent Literature. His satire stories are mainly taken from social realities enriched with social themes and a moderate criticism and represent social affairs and problems. He uses satire techniques in these stories which show his mastery on common methods and patterns of satire writing. The article reviews three story collections by Farhad Hasan Zade and investigates his methods in satire writing. First section of the article introduces satire techniques in these stories and second section reviews the representation and frequency of these techniques in different parts of stories’ themes. Based on findings of this article, although Hasan Zade’s satire techniques impact on story elements like space, characterization, tone, style, language and so on, the representations of these techniques are obvious in structure of stories’ themes. These techniques are located in narration flow of stories by being present in different parts of theme (start, inconstancy, expansion, climax point, problem solving and end); they are parts of story body in climax and end points. Reviewing the frequency of representation of these techniques in different parts of theme, we may come to these conclusions: “start” and “expansion” in different parts of stories’ theme have more variety and frequency than satire techniques and in “end” point of story “raid” and “satire turn” techniques have more frequencies. The article reviews these findings and explains the relation between these techniques and structure of themes in Hasan Zade stories with descriptive-analytic method in which statistical data, tables and charts were used too. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - The Study of the Evolution of Maternal Contents in the Poetry of Some Poetesses from the Period of Constitutionalism up to Present
        مریم  عاملی رضایی
        Women’s Poetry has always been the field of expressing their emotions. Maternity is the purist of the feminine emotions reflected in the poems of both men and women. Extending feminine poetry in contemporary period, maternal images have also been depicted in it by the p More
        Women’s Poetry has always been the field of expressing their emotions. Maternity is the purist of the feminine emotions reflected in the poems of both men and women. Extending feminine poetry in contemporary period, maternal images have also been depicted in it by the poetesses themselves. The objective of the present article is to study maternal contents in the poems of Iranian famous poetesses from the period of Constitutionalism to the present, say, Jale Qaem Maqami, Parvin E’tesami, Foruq Farokhzad, Simin Behbahani. It focuses on the fact that emerging modern thinking and individualism introduced the content of separation between mother and child to the feminine poetry. It also studies the ascent and descent of expressing maternal contents in their poetry. Although the nature of maternal emotion is the same, it worth mentioning that it can be affected by factors like the life, beliefs and world view of a poetess herself, the social changes of her time that make some contents more prevailing than the other ones. Findings of the present research shows that the main contents of this type are expressing mother and child emotions, mother and child talk, training child by mother, mothers view on the world and universe. Studying maternal contents in the poetry of every poetess, we will follow its changes regarding their time. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Children's Literature and Contemporary Ideologies
          Ayeshe Khoje
        Children’s literature does not have a long history in Iran and works in this field goes back to the era of Iranian constitutional revolution and the modernization of Iranian society. It is clear that modernism and its ideologies such as liberalism, nationalism and Marxi More
        Children’s literature does not have a long history in Iran and works in this field goes back to the era of Iranian constitutional revolution and the modernization of Iranian society. It is clear that modernism and its ideologies such as liberalism, nationalism and Marxism have contributed to the emergence and development of children’s literature. The fact that how two of the most famous children works of that time (“Ahmad's Book” and “Little Black Fish”) were ideological, can be considered as a proof for this claim. For this reason the main question in the present research is the nature of the relation between contemporary ideologies and children’s literature, and to answer this question two stories, Ahmad's Book (1932) and Little Black Fish (1968) and also the poems in the textbooks of the first Pahlavi era (1925-1941) are studied while each one of them can be assigned to one of the main ideologies in Iran's contemporary history before the Islamic revolution. Due to the fact that different contemporary ideologies have different attitudes towards children, they provide different norms and patterns for children's literature. For example, according to liberalism, which is represented roughly by Talboof’s “Ahmad’s book” the appropriate literature for children is the one that acquaints them with various aspects of critical thinking while nationalism – the poems selected from children’s textbooks in Pahlavi era reflect this ideology- want to create and institutionalize a sense of devotion and sacrifice in children. According to Marxism as the most revolutionary contemporary ideology, the appropriate type of literature for the children is the one that enlightens them (class consciousness, etc.), and make them ready for the final battle to transform the society. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Critical Discourse Analysis of Samad Behrangi’s “Mahi Siah Kouchoulou”Tale
        alireza moghadam      
        “Samad Behrangi” is a critic of the children's literature as well as the education system before him and tries to use the capabilities of children's literature to achieve his ideological goals.This study seeks to show how children's fiction, influenced by existing disco More
        “Samad Behrangi” is a critic of the children's literature as well as the education system before him and tries to use the capabilities of children's literature to achieve his ideological goals.This study seeks to show how children's fiction, influenced by existing discourses and the social structure that produces these discourses, offers a different conception of education and how discourses reflect the concepts of education.This research attempts to show how children's fictional literature influenced by the existing discourses and the social structure producing these discourses, affords a different conception of education and how discourses play a role in reflecting the concepts of education. In this study, an attempt was made to review, analyze and explain the story of Behrangi’s “Mahi Siah Kouchoulou”Tale from Norman Fairclough’s approach. Our goal is to show what discourse or discourses the text is referring to by accurately analyzing the story and what relationship does this text establish between education and the social and political dimensions? Situational context reinforces the assumption of the author's ideological point of view. The result of this research, based on the analysis of critical discourse, is that Behrangi in this story has described and criticized four common contemporary discourses, namely authoritarianism, nationalism, religion and the Marxist left. The fourth discourse is Behrangi’s dominant and dependence discourse. In this work, Behrangi tries to make his discourse superior to other discourses by choosing specific words, characters, places, and metaphorical aspects.The themes of education in this story are often influenced by the left discourse and other common confrontational discourses and are formed in opposition to the discourse of the system of domination (the discourse of tyranny). Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - The Causes and Consequences of Ethical Delinquency of Children and Adolescents in Telegram and Instagram Social Networksg
        mohamad sadeq chavooshi Hadi  Karamati Moez
        Children and teenagers are the most vulnerable in social networking telegrams and instagrams; social networks expose under-age users to a huge amount of information, partly because of their inappropriateness of age and rational growth and the rate The child's knowledge More
        Children and teenagers are the most vulnerable in social networking telegrams and instagrams; social networks expose under-age users to a huge amount of information, partly because of their inappropriateness of age and rational growth and the rate The child's knowledge can have harmful effects. Therefore, it is essential that the skills needed to be present on the social networks of telegrams and instagrams are taught to children and their parents, as well as the causes and effects of the moral delinquency of this vulnerable stratum in social networks. Prevent possible damage. In this paper, through analytical-descriptive research method, a library is used to identify the causes and effects of moral delinquency of children and adolescents in the social networks of Telegram and Instagram. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Alignment of jurisprudence and ethics with the assumption of observing the limits in corporal punishment of children
        Sadegh  Fani Maleki Ahmad mirkhalili
        According to the jurisprudential sources, the principle of corporal punishment of children has been prescribed and according to this, the legislator of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in Article 1179 of the Civil Code, has accepted the corporal punishment of children by t More
        According to the jurisprudential sources, the principle of corporal punishment of children has been prescribed and according to this, the legislator of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in Article 1179 of the Civil Code, has accepted the corporal punishment of children by their parents. At first glance, it is thought that corporal punishment of a child is a behavior contrary to moral standards, and this jurisprudential ruling is in conflict with moral principles. The purpose of this study is to correct this basic view and to prove the principle of permissibility of corporal punishment of children from two perspectives of jurisprudence and ethics and to determine its permissible scope, to prove the non-confrontation of jurisprudence and ethics in this field. That is, corporal punishment in jurisprudence on the one hand is limited to its amount, type and severity, and on the other hand, the age of the child, the position and motivation of the discipline are also considered as permissible limits, and by observing these restrictions, not the ruling It is not permissible in jurisprudence to oppose the principles of ethics, but it is completely in harmony with it. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Research Ethics and Children's Rights
        Shima Tabatabai
        Background and aim: Despite the increasing global attention on the societal need to respect the principles of children's participatory rights in which children are involved, surprisingly, the relationship between children's rights and research ethics is not clear and re More
        Background and aim: Despite the increasing global attention on the societal need to respect the principles of children's participatory rights in which children are involved, surprisingly, the relationship between children's rights and research ethics is not clear and research ethics for children’s rights have been neglected in the social sciences literature. The aim of this study is to determine the relation of the ethical guidelines with children’s right. Method: This analytic study conducted to analyze the ethical research considerations from human rights and child right perspective. Results: Our analysis revealed that although the human right principles referred to in the social research ethical guidelines, the definition of “right” and especially children rights are ignored. Within the social sciences research ethical guidelines, including those related to children, there is often a lack of direct referral to the human rights principles emphasized by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). Conclusion: Linking the human rights principles within research ethics guidelines will promote and encourage a rights-based approach to child research. These specific Research ethics guidelines need to be drawn upon the UNCRC. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Comparative Study of Children and Adolescents’ Protection Law in Iran and Egypt
        Maryam Shajirat
        This study was conducted by reviewing the laws and regulations of Iran and Egypt concerning children and adolescents, and also international standards such as the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Beijing Rules as well to compare and analyze issues including More
        This study was conducted by reviewing the laws and regulations of Iran and Egypt concerning children and adolescents, and also international standards such as the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Beijing Rules as well to compare and analyze issues including children and adolescents protection rules in Iran and Egypt, the minimum and maximum age of criminal responsibility, type and extent of criminal responsibility in different age groups in both Iran and Egypt. Then, the extent of compliance of two countries rules with international rules was assessed. Our results revealed that Iran has not complied with the principles of legislation in drafting the protection laws for children and adolescents. The adoption of numerous and dispersed laws in the pre and post revolution has undermined the principle of accessibility of the law, then these circumstances make it difficult to protect children and adolescents with It is a problem and finally prevent the realization of access to justice. In Egypt, the minimum and maximum age for criminal responsibility is 12 and 18 years, respectively, also the minimum age of civilian custody is 21 years, while in Iran’s law, there is not the same approach regarding minimum and maximum age of criminal responsibility due to punishments of crimes are classified into discretionary, retaliate. This result has controversy with international regulations. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Minimum Intervention Model in Response to Children Unlawful Behaviors in court Complex of Shahid Fahmideh, Tehran, Iran (2016-2017)
        Hossein Gholami
        Models of response to children unlawful behaviors are grouped into five categories, penal justice, welfare, restorative, minimum intervention, and risk management. Each of these models attempts to correct delinquent children in a different way and with varying degrees o More
        Models of response to children unlawful behaviors are grouped into five categories, penal justice, welfare, restorative, minimum intervention, and risk management. Each of these models attempts to correct delinquent children in a different way and with varying degrees of impact, and non-punishment or mild punishment may lead to further correction of delinquent children in certain offenses. This study aimed to compare the extent and manner of application of the Minimum Intervention Model with other models in Shahid Fahmideh Judicial Complex of Tehran. It was performed through the explanatory content analysis method and the statistical population consisted of 100 cases selected from two branches of this complex using the purposive non-probability sampling method. After the data were collected, they were analyzed in SPSS, and the percentages of frequency were as follows: 20% of the cases were not responded due to order for suspension of prosecution and 76% of the cases had at least one of the intervention indicators in addition to other response models. Findings indicated that the judges of this complex used the Minimum Intervention Model more than other models. Although the use of this model in the area of criminal justice for children and adolescents is a positive action, it must be adjusted in some offenses. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Legal Approaches to Protecting Children against Violence In Educational Environments
        Mohamad Mahdi Meghdadi
        Education as a fundamental right of children's human rights represents the development of human societies and the growth and excellence of children in today's societies. Undoubtedly educational environments in order to realize such a right should have a safe and desirab More
        Education as a fundamental right of children's human rights represents the development of human societies and the growth and excellence of children in today's societies. Undoubtedly educational environments in order to realize such a right should have a safe and desirable space to increase the mental health of children in learning the knowledge and realization of their education and upbringing. Hence, the phenomenon of violence in such environments has become increasingly evolving in spite of educational and corrective approaches to child behavior and discipline in the prevailing educational environment. in this study, by studying and explaining violence against children in educational settings based on the documents of the International Human Rights Law, as well as the Iranian legal system's standards regarding the right of children and their support, they are working to prevent and prevent the occurrence of such a phenomenon. Provided in educational environments. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Social Protection of Street and Labor Children
        Nasim Khodakhah
        Throughout history the child has been exposed to various abuses due to certain physical and mental characteristics. The specific situation of street children has caused them to be exposed to various types of abuse and harm in the community in the family environment, and More
        Throughout history the child has been exposed to various abuses due to certain physical and mental characteristics. The specific situation of street children has caused them to be exposed to various types of abuse and harm in the community in the family environment, and they need a lot of support, including legal protection. The phenomenon of street children and work is one of the problems facing most of the major cities in the contemporary world. Children are forced to work due to their particular circumstances, and this has led to positive and negative changes in their self-reflection of their peers. The issue of addressing poverty and children and solving street children's problems is a matter that will only be solved with the cooperation of international governments, international governmental organizations and international NGOs, such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, and will work closely with the rights of children's rights activists. The social status of these children is very unfavorable and street children are more likely to be subjected to sexual assaults and illnesses such as AIDS, sexual violence and forced pregnancy if they are girls. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - Critical Analysis and Survey Politics and Presented Solutions to Protection from Working and Street Children
        Hosein Khobbakht Bentolhoda Niknami
        Problem of working children and street children is one of the most issues related to children in developing and developed societies, there are between 100 up 150 million street children in the world. Cannot presented estimated right from number of this children, because More
        Problem of working children and street children is one of the most issues related to children in developing and developed societies, there are between 100 up 150 million street children in the world. Cannot presented estimated right from number of this children, because there is no definition accurate from this issue and states don’t express breadth of this the phenomenon in yourself country clearly, different and damaging politics by authorities and social factors and family .unfortunately it has provoked to this problem such as unmatched the rules in country and no conformity of existence ruled and a lack of sanctions in encounter of offenders and lack of awareness families from laws of children that indicates this is necessity to confront to the phenomenon more than ever the present article is trying to express solutions direction improvement of children situations after cash politics and survey problems of this children. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - Comparative Study of Asylum Seeker Children’s Right to Health in Common European Asylum System and Convention on the Rights of the Child
        Reza Mousazadeh AhmadReza Azarpendar
        One of the Asylum seekers children’s essential rights is the right to health, which is interpreted as the highest physical and mental standards. This right may include comprehensive medical and healthcare services, proper food and housing, proper health educations and a More
        One of the Asylum seekers children’s essential rights is the right to health, which is interpreted as the highest physical and mental standards. This right may include comprehensive medical and healthcare services, proper food and housing, proper health educations and also healthy environment. Accordingly, the governments are required in convention on the rights of child to spare their utmost effort to realize this right. At the time being, considering the large number of asylum seekers heading from the West Asian countries towards Europe, the European countries’ commitment to ensuring the asylum seekers children’s right to health is critically important. By comparing the Convention on the Rights of the Child and its General Comments with Common European Asylum System, Apparently, despite of the fact that the European Union has been successful in legislating for the asylum seekers children, in some cases, the fulfillment of children’s rights is subordinated to the domestic conditions of members of the EU, that it’s contrary to their obligations. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - Research Ethics and Children's Rights
        Shima Tabatabai
        Background and aim: Despite the increasing global attention on the societal need to respect the principles of children's participatory rights in which children are involved, surprisingly, the relationship between children's rights and research ethics is not clear and re More
        Background and aim: Despite the increasing global attention on the societal need to respect the principles of children's participatory rights in which children are involved, surprisingly, the relationship between children's rights and research ethics is not clear and research ethics for children’s rights have been neglected in the social sciences literature. The aim of this study is to determine the relation of the ethical guidelines with children’s right. Method: This analytic study conducted to analyze the ethical research considerations from human rights and child right perspective. Results: Our analysis revealed that although the human right principles referred to in the social research ethical guidelines, the definition of “right” and especially children rights are ignored. Within the social sciences research ethical guidelines, including those related to children, there is often a lack of direct referral to the human rights principles emphasized by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). Conclusion: Linking the human rights principles within research ethics guidelines will promote and encourage a rights-based approach to child research. These specific Research ethics guidelines need to be drawn upon the UNCRC. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - Comparative Study of Children and Adolescents’ Protection Law in Iran and Egypt
        Amin Jafari Maryam Shajirat
        This study was conducted by reviewing the laws and regulations of Iran and Egypt concerning children and adolescents, and also international standards such as the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Beijing Rules as well to compare and analyze issues including More
        This study was conducted by reviewing the laws and regulations of Iran and Egypt concerning children and adolescents, and also international standards such as the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Beijing Rules as well to compare and analyze issues including children and adolescents protection rules in Iran and Egypt, the minimum and maximum age of criminal responsibility, type and extent of criminal responsibility in different age groups in both Iran and Egypt. Then, the extent of compliance of two countries rules with international rules was assessed. Our results revealed that Iran has not complied with the principles of legislation in drafting the protection laws for children and adolescents. The adoption of numerous and dispersed laws in the pre and post revolution has undermined the principle of accessibility of the law, then these circumstances make it difficult to protect children and adolescents with It is a problem and finally prevent the realization of access to justice. In Egypt, the minimum and maximum age for criminal responsibility is 12 and 18 years, respectively, also the minimum age of civilian custody is 21 years, while in Iran’s law, there is not the same approach regarding minimum and maximum age of criminal responsibility due to punishments of crimes are classified into discretionary, retaliate. This result has controversy with international regulations. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - Minimum Intervention Model in Response to Children Unlawful Behaviors in court Complex of Shahid Fahmideh, Tehran, Iran (2016-2017)
        Hossein Gholami Hassan Ali Moazenzadegan Nafiseh Zaeri
        Models of response to children unlawful behaviors are grouped into five categories, penal justice, welfare, restorative, minimum intervention, and risk management. Each of these models attempts to correct delinquent children in a different way and with varying degrees o More
        Models of response to children unlawful behaviors are grouped into five categories, penal justice, welfare, restorative, minimum intervention, and risk management. Each of these models attempts to correct delinquent children in a different way and with varying degrees of impact, and non-punishment or mild punishment may lead to further correction of delinquent children in certain offenses. This study aimed to compare the extent and manner of application of the Minimum Intervention Model with other models in Shahid Fahmideh Judicial Complex of Tehran. It was performed through the explanatory content analysis method and the statistical population consisted of 100 cases selected from two branches of this complex using the purposive non-probability sampling method. After the data were collected, they were analyzed in SPSS, and the percentages of frequency were as follows: 20% of the cases were not responded due to order for suspension of prosecution and 76% of the cases had at least one of the intervention indicators in addition to other response models. Findings indicated that the judges of this complex used the Minimum Intervention Model more than other models. Although the use of this model in the area of criminal justice for children and adolescents is a positive action, it must be adjusted in some offenses. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        17 - Legal Approaches to Protecting Children against Violence In Educational Environments
        Mohamad Mahdi Meghdadi Mohamad Mahdi Badami
        Education as a fundamental right of children's human rights represents the development of human societies and the growth and excellence of children in today's societies. Undoubtedly educational environments in order to realize such a right should have a safe and desirab More
        Education as a fundamental right of children's human rights represents the development of human societies and the growth and excellence of children in today's societies. Undoubtedly educational environments in order to realize such a right should have a safe and desirable space to increase the mental health of children in learning the knowledge and realization of their education and upbringing. Hence, the phenomenon of violence in such environments has become increasingly evolving in spite of educational and corrective approaches to child behavior and discipline in the prevailing educational environment. in this study, by studying and explaining violence against children in educational settings based on the documents of the International Human Rights Law, as well as the Iranian legal system's standards regarding the right of children and their support, they are working to prevent and prevent the occurrence of such a phenomenon. Provided in educational environments. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        18 - An Analytical Study of Important Cultural Factors Deterring Child Sexual Abuse Disclosure
        Arian Petoft
        Nowadays, one of the most known types of violence against children around the world is child sexual abuse, which is typically a reflection of the causes of social problem. The customs and traditions of society sometimes make the people to conceal sexual violence against More
        Nowadays, one of the most known types of violence against children around the world is child sexual abuse, which is typically a reflection of the causes of social problem. The customs and traditions of society sometimes make the people to conceal sexual violence against children. Many cases of sexual abuse have not been reported due to concealment and fear of being exposed, and its deleterious effects on children remain concealed. As one of the most dangerous forms of violence against children is their sexual abuse, it is important to examine cultural normative factors and can help us in pathology and in providing appropriate solutions. Therefore, the present article seeks to answer the key question of what cultural norms can make us to conceal child sexual abuse cases and consequently facilitate and increase sexual violence against children and adolescents. Understanding the values generally held by people of a particular culture allows us to eliminate the social barriers to disclosing child sexual abuse. Overall, this article found that the important cultural factors are: family honor and dignity, chastity, gender discrimination, high costs of disclosure, traditional and racial difference, deviant religious beliefs and non-effective adherence to reasonable cultural norms. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        19 - Children's Rights to Education in International Human Rights Documents
        Marzieh Hojaji Najaf Abadi Massimo Papa
        Children's rights, as part of the human rights debate, focus on protecting and supporting children and achieving their basic rights. Human rights are the inherent rights of all human beings. Children also have the same rights without discrimination. The main purpose of More
        Children's rights, as part of the human rights debate, focus on protecting and supporting children and achieving their basic rights. Human rights are the inherent rights of all human beings. Children also have the same rights without discrimination. The main purpose of this research is to investigate the right to education of children and to study it in international documents. An analytical approach has been used to achieve this goal. The main focus of this analysis is the Convention on the Rights of the Child as the most important document in the field of child rights, related articles on the Child’s education right, other international human rights instruments, the position of education in the international human rights system, the Declaration of Human Rights and Islamic Declaration of Human Rights. Therefore, recognizing the right to education for children in the human rights system will require the support and commitment of governments to provide children with access to appropriate educational facilities. The Declaration of the Rights of the Child incorporates the broad concept of the child as the right holder. The four basic principles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child can be: 1. The principle of non-discrimination and the guarantee of the rights of the Convention for all children without any discrimination; 2. The priority of the interests of the child in any law and regulations affecting the child; 3. The right to life, survival and development of children and adolescents; 4. The right to have children's views and opinions at all stages of their decision-making. In this international instrument, Articles 28 and 29 recognize the right to education in children and this right has been enshrined in equal opportunities. Another international human rights instrument, especially in the field of children and the right to education of children, is the Human Rights Declaration of 1948. Article 26 recognizes the right to education of children and everyone has the right to equal access to education and access. It also sees education as guiding the human personality with good understanding, forgiveness and respect for different beliefs. This analysis, on the one hand, represents the belief in the inherent dignity of children and the "human personality" without any discrimination on the basis of issues of gender, color, opinion, ethnicity and religion, and on the other hand, emphasizes the principle is to protect children and to recognize their fundamental rights. The right to education as a human rights principle in the field of children, including the right to access to education, the right to quality and standard education, respect for the human dignity and dignity of the child, non-discrimination education at all stages of childhood, access to educational opportunities and equality of opportunity in education. Manuscript profile
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        20 - Explaining Consent and Assent in the Treatment of Children from the Perspective of Jurisprudence, Law and Medical Ethics
        Kourosh Delpasand Zahra Firouzabadi Ahmad Mashkoori Afsaneh Ghanbari Mohammad Nourian
        Background and aim: Health professionals have the ethical and legal duty to achieve the highest level of protection for the safety and health of children in medical interventions. Children have different mental and physical capacities depending on age, type of illness a More
        Background and aim: Health professionals have the ethical and legal duty to achieve the highest level of protection for the safety and health of children in medical interventions. Children have different mental and physical capacities depending on age, type of illness and disability. But the important point is to examine the age of the child from the perspective of jurisprudence, law and ethics. Therefore, the present article examines how the framework of Iranian law on obtaining consent from children in a variety of non-surgical and surgical interventions and determining the legal criteria for consent of the child and his or her legal guardians. Method: This research is based on descriptive-analytical method and based on valid library documents and resources. Results: When the parent of the child cares for his or her interests, he or she is the best decision-maker in the therapeutic process. When parents are concerned about the child's best interests, they are the best decision maker in the therapeutic process. However, in cases where the forced parent has a high risk behavior for the child and does not allow the child to take the necessary medical treatment, health professionals must apply for a permit through the Prosecutor's Office to obtain treatment. Conclusion: Consent and agreement in children is a continuous process and in therapeutic situations depends on the child's ability and understanding of the situation. In many therapies, involving children in decision-making helps them to participate in the treatment process. It is recommended to set consent rules for the treatment of children in a variety of non-invasive and non-surgical interventions and invasive and surgical interventions. Manuscript profile
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        21 - The Effect of Visual Media on the Occurrence of Deviations and Crimes in Children and Teenagers and Ways to Prevent it
        Fatemeh  Afshari javad afshari
        Background and Aim: One of the most important influencing factors in the lives of today's societies is visual media, which, in addition to having positive effects in reducing social harms, have a negative role in creating deviations and crimes and one of the vulnerable More
        Background and Aim: One of the most important influencing factors in the lives of today's societies is visual media, which, in addition to having positive effects in reducing social harms, have a negative role in creating deviations and crimes and one of the vulnerable groups in this field are children and teenagers. This study was conducted with the aim of investigating the impact of visual media on the occurrence of deviations and crimes among children and teenagers and discussing ways to prevent it. Method: The present study was conducted using descriptive-analytical method and using documentary (library) resoureces. Results: Visual media, by getting the audience used to the events, desensitization and inattention, etc., provide the basis for learning violence from the media. Younger people are much more influenced by the media, and this is due to their realism, their incomplete cognitive ability, and their inability to relate the scenes of the program to the final result. With the development of global media outside the control of governments, such as satellites and the Internet, and providing inappropriate models, negative training, airing programs with no purpose, not paying attention to the age of the audience, and not showing the results of actions, the role of the mentioned media in the spread of crimes and deviations such as violence, running away from home, free sexual relations, and sexual addiction are undeniable, especially among young people. Conclusion: Due to the negative impact of visual media on children and teenagers in terms of creating grounds for deviance and committing crimes, it is necessary for the government, people, family and mass media to make a joint effort to deal with the content of inappropriate and replace it with healthy programs and entertainment. Manuscript profile
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        22 - Responsibility of Governments and Mechanisms for Protecting Children's Rights in Cyberspace
        Mohammad Reza Hosseini
        The increasing development of cyberspace and the use of ICTs have had an effective role in the production, dissemination and transmission of information and have provided the community with access to online content. As such, cyberspace is an enabling tool to promote fun More
        The increasing development of cyberspace and the use of ICTs have had an effective role in the production, dissemination and transmission of information and have provided the community with access to online content. As such, cyberspace is an enabling tool to promote fundamental freedoms such as freedom of speech, freedom of access to information and an effective means of promoting human rights, however, at the same time it can provide the conditions for breach, violation or restriction of individual's rights. Amongst them, children's rights, as the most vulnerable segment of society, are often abused and invaded. In the contemporary world, children spend a great deal of time on educational, leisure and entertainment activities in cyberspace and online. In this space with the expanse of its domain, anonymity, the high speed, the lack of borders, the lack of mechanisms of government oversight, would have an intensive impact on the domain of users' cognition and perception and pose special risks to individuals, especially children and adolescents. Therefore, the rights of the child must be protected by governments, non-governmental organizations, civil institutions and other child affairs authorities. The main question of this study is what are the positive and negative obligations of governments to protect children in cyberspace under international customary law and internationally accredited documents? What technical, legal and structural mechanisms are available to protect children against online' damages? What has been the practice of governments and international institutions and civil society in protecting children's rights on the one hand and maintaining a free flow of information and freedom of expression on the other? To answer these questions, the researcher uses a descriptive method to provide a coherent legal framework for protecting children in cyberspace. Manuscript profile
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        23 - Protecting Children against Inappropriate and Harmful Computer Games
        Mohammas Javad Arabian Seyedeh Parisa Mirabi Ali Zand
        The use of computer games among children is rapidly expanding and it has become an integral part of children's daily lives. These games, with their innovative potential, can provide motivation for therapy, enhance practical skills and facilitate teaching and learning co More
        The use of computer games among children is rapidly expanding and it has become an integral part of children's daily lives. These games, with their innovative potential, can provide motivation for therapy, enhance practical skills and facilitate teaching and learning concepts. In addition to the positive aspects, playing these games has negative effects and on the other hand, kids drowning in computer games will lead to earn profits and benefits by the companies that make these games. This study, with descriptive-analytical method using domestic laws and regulations and internationals treaties and other library resources; was carried out to examine the protection of the children's rights from harmful computer games by applying sociological theories; domestic law and international documents and has used descriptive, analytical method aimed to ensure the right to play, enjoy and entertain. The present study was conducted aimed to examine the benefits and disadvantages of computer games to express legal requirements and protections and protect users from harmful effects of these games. Manuscript profile
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        24 - The Right to Art and Identity for Children from the Perspective of Persian Poetic Texts (Poems by Hafez, Rumi, Saadi, Ferdowsi, etc.)
        Shahriar Shadigou Fariba Parvaneh Mehri Toutounchian
        In today's society, the issue of identity is a fundamental issue in childhood, because if we do not pay attention to it, the current and future generations will suffer from imbalance and confusion. The present study aims to investigate the right to art and identity for More
        In today's society, the issue of identity is a fundamental issue in childhood, because if we do not pay attention to it, the current and future generations will suffer from imbalance and confusion. The present study aims to investigate the right to art and identity for children from the perspective of Persian poetic texts (poems of Hafez, Rumi, Saadi, Ferdowsi, etc.). The research method is qualitative analysis in the form of library and using the technique of taking notes and using theoretical sources and theory about children's identification According to the obtained results, it can be said that the identification of children in contexts such as family, society and education system is emerging, so its development depends on the development of these contexts. Therefore, when researchers address the issue of child identification, they provide the means for the development of individuals first and then for the development of society. Attention to the rights of children in various dimensions is also in the focus of attention of different societies and religions in the world, so that various laws in this field have always been approved by various organizations and institutions.. Recognizing a child's art, literature, and identity as fundamental rights has an important role in the process of forming his or her identity. Parents are the first and closest reference to the rights of children in all aspects of education and identification, and certainly an informed parent can provide the most and most useful help to his or her child. The study of art in Persian poetry also reveals the influence of art on human mental development, moral development and attention to physical dimension. Manuscript profile
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        25 - Introduction of Work and Street Children's Database (1923-2011): Addressing and Solutions to Children's Social Damages and Problems
        Khosro Salehi
        The existence of social problems in every society puts children at greater risk than others and damages their health and well-being. In our country, children are facing with various problems and this problems comes from different reasons (economic, social, cultural, etc More
        The existence of social problems in every society puts children at greater risk than others and damages their health and well-being. In our country, children are facing with various problems and this problems comes from different reasons (economic, social, cultural, etc.). Street children and children who are vulnerable to harm, mainly for economic reasons, who work on the streets and, in fact, spend most of their time in unsafe and risky streets and, as a result, are more exposed to these children, especially girls. There are various risks. Understanding the status, problems and harm of these children, gathering statistics, information and resources about them, getting acquainted with the causes and factors causing these injuries and increasing them, is the first step in helping these children and trying to make the necessary changes in their lives. It means to benefit from their rights. The lack of information and their distribution in relation to children exposed to harm in general and working and street children are in particular a barrier to planning and organizing activities to relieve them of harm. Designing a database of street children and children can be promising in this field, and it is necessary to transfer it through the database to future generations. Manuscript profile
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        26 - Iran's penal policy towards providing security for children in cyberspace
        Seyed Abbas Khalilpour Chalkiasari
        The astonishing advancement of information technology in the early years of the twenty-first century has brought about countless changes in the various fields and opened another door to the new world so that all human economic, social, political, cultural and scientific More
        The astonishing advancement of information technology in the early years of the twenty-first century has brought about countless changes in the various fields and opened another door to the new world so that all human economic, social, political, cultural and scientific activities are fundamentally changed. Law is also a branch of the humanities that regulates human relations in the context of collective life. It has developed laws to prevent children from unsecured entering the virtual world and legal measures to protect them. Adopting a distinct approach to the substantive criminal law of cybercrime can minimize harm to children and adolescents by prevention. In the meantime, questions and doubts have been raised about the limits of freedom of use of the Internet for children, the limits of free flow of information against child users, protection of child privacy in cyberspace and finally the role of legal regulations to protect this vulnerable group that easily can be exploited in this boundless world. In this research, through data collection tools and using library and internet resources with rational analysis of the content to study the legislative policy of criminal law on criminal security for children in cyberspace, in comparison with the iranian legal system and international documents, in order to better confront and prevent these crimes, the issues and problems and the strengths and weaknesses of the enacted laws are presented and suggestions and solutions for solving these problems are discussed. Manuscript profile
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        27 - Manifestations of differential penal policy towards child victims with a look at the Child and Adolescent Protection Law adopted in 2020
        bahram jafary
        Child victimization poses a dire threat to the most sensitive and important assets of society. Accordingly, in international documents and domestic laws, differential policies have been adopted to prevent victimization while limiting and eliminating its effects and prec More
        Child victimization poses a dire threat to the most sensitive and important assets of society. Accordingly, in international documents and domestic laws, differential policies have been adopted to prevent victimization while limiting and eliminating its effects and preclude secondary child victimization. Using the library and descriptive method, the present study, with emphasis on the Child and Adolescent Protection Law, attempts to discuss the aspects of the differential policy approach aimed to protect child victims in the iranian legal system. The results indicate that there were scattered, yet inadequate, regulations protecting children in various substantive and formal aspects in the past; However, while developing the scope of differential protecting regulations, the enactment of the Child and Adolescent Protection Law in 2020 has provided considerable preventive and monitoring- oriented views, especially through making legal intervention in favor of children and adolescents that are at risk or victimization. It can be said that this law clearly factors in differential policies including determining several crimes and specific punishments aimed at protecting children and adolescents and considering special institutional, disciplinary and judicial organizations with the aim of managing, preventing and dealing with child victimization and limiting its effects. Manuscript profile
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        28 - The Measures of Reacting to Pedophiles in Offenses against Children; Punishment or Treatment?
        amir samavati pirouz hassan bigdeli
        Pedophilia is one of the paraphilic mental disorders and is one of the groups of child abuse in heterosexual, homosexual and bisexual pedophiles. This disease is caused by a person's emotions and imagination. One of the best ways to identify pedophiles is to examine the More
        Pedophilia is one of the paraphilic mental disorders and is one of the groups of child abuse in heterosexual, homosexual and bisexual pedophiles. This disease is caused by a person's emotions and imagination. One of the best ways to identify pedophiles is to examine the person's instinctive reactions to audio and video stimuli related to children. The results of this research, based on descriptive-analytical method and using library tools, include that there is no definite and acceptable treatment for this disease, and that the measures proposed by experts include drug treatment and creating impotence. These measures are very effective in preventing crime because a pedophile, like other criminals, initially investigates the cost of the crime, and if he closes the government sponsors the act and can hide behind the mask of a patient, commits the crime. However, high penalties can be a serious deterrent to crime prevention. In Iran, according to recent cases and in accordance with Islamic jurisprudence, the perpetrators of these crimes, along with having elements constituting a crime, have considered class punishments in such a way that the legislator in articles of the law criminalizes acts against children and It has considered the punishment of imprisonment and flogging, and in other articles, it has considered a heavier punishment in case of sexual offenses such as intercrural sex and tribadism, and a much higher punishment in case of adultery and sodomy. Manuscript profile
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        29 - legislative Criminal Policy in the Iranian Legal System on Child Rights Violations in the Field of Computer Games
        Mohammad khorshidi athar
        Background and Aim: Criminal protection of children against computer games following the fundamental transformation in the light of technological advances and the spread of computer games along with increasing the power of its impact on human thought and behavior is ine More
        Background and Aim: Criminal protection of children against computer games following the fundamental transformation in the light of technological advances and the spread of computer games along with increasing the power of its impact on human thought and behavior is inevitable. On the one hand, entertaining children due to their strong interest in computer games, and on the other hand, the wide range of such games with large investments to develop computer games in the age group of children In addition to the unhealthy and harmful effects on this vulnerable group has raised many concerns for thinkers. In this study, the criminal policies of the Iranian legal system regarding the violation of children's rights in the context of computer games compared with international documents and from a critical point of view has been evaluated and by perusing the strengths and weaknesses of related laws, the need for comprehensive rules to protect the rights of the child against harming of computer games has been emphasized by formulating an effective differential criminal policy. Method: The method of discussion in this research is descriptive-analytical and the method of data gathering is library. Results: In Iran's legal system, a review of the laws related to the current criminal policy regarding the violation of children's rights in the field of creating, publishing and distributing computer games reveals gaps and defects. Conclusion: By examining the situation of children and their rights against computer games and studying the negative and inappropriate effects of this universal and effective technology on children it is possible to achieve a comprehensive support program containing differential criminal policies against child victimization through the use of computer games. A differential approach to substantive criminal law in the field of child safety in relation to computer games is the role that the legislature can play in protecting children and to prevent the abuse of the rights of this vulnerable group. Manuscript profile
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        30 - The Rights of Delinquent Children and Adolescents in Iran: An Analysis of Four Determining Areas
        Maryam Sha’ban Seyed Mohammad Hosseini
        This study seeks to investigate how four main areas of reference in Iran and the world are exposed to child delinquent. Therefore, four main areas of reference were identified that include Iranian legal regulations, Islamic religion, the Convention on the Rights of the More
        This study seeks to investigate how four main areas of reference in Iran and the world are exposed to child delinquent. Therefore, four main areas of reference were identified that include Iranian legal regulations, Islamic religion, the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Islam and the Convention on the Rights of the Child; Then they were analyzed with a qualitative approach and documentary analysis method. The results show that exposure to delinquent children is approximately the same in all four domains. Although the three areas related to Iran and the Islamic world have been centered on Law of Religion, especially Shi'ism, their roots lie in Islamic religion, and against them the Convention on the Rights of the Child as an international matter has been drafted based on the Declaration of Human Rights and the belief in Humanism, but they work very closely on how to deal with child guilty and there are no significant differences between their procedures. Therefore, all four domains regard the child as having no precise decision-making power and consider his/her delinquency a common "mistake" in his/her development. The child should be forgiven as much as possible and his/her error should be ignored; this should also have a corrective and re-interactional aspect to be done within the child's family by the child's parents or legal guardians. Unless child guilty is limited, such as harm to others, which has resulted in violations of the rights of others, all three areas emphasize efforts to minimize penalties and impose penalties for reform and resocialization. the only point of difference is in the definition of the child and the age range that makes the subject different in applying the rules related to child delinquency. Manuscript profile
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        31 - Variety and Acceleration in Trajectory of Emotion Regulation Processes and Strategies for Sadness, Anger, Fear & Pain in Children: A Qualitative Study
        Alireza Zarandi shole amiri Hossein Molavi
        The purpose of this study was to examine a developmental model based on variety and acceleration in formation of the processes and strategies of emotion regulation for sadness, anger, fear and pain. Participants were one hundred eight children (age, 4- 12). A directive More
        The purpose of this study was to examine a developmental model based on variety and acceleration in formation of the processes and strategies of emotion regulation for sadness, anger, fear and pain. Participants were one hundred eight children (age, 4- 12). A directive content analysis was used to gather data through individually standard interviews. Data were collected with semi-structured interviews and observation of children after presentation of emotional scenarios or encountering real situations generating emotion. Data were analysed based on coding the behaviours, sub-strategies, and emotion regulation processes for four emotions of sadness, fear, anger, and pain. Findings showed variety of emotion regulation processes and strategies in formation four emotions. Development of emotion regulation did not show an age-related different pathway for different emotions. Manuscript profile
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        32 - The Role of Cognitive Emotion Regulation and Mother-child Relationship in Prediction of Psychological Well –Being of Mothers with Intellectual Disabled Children
        Zahra  Bondar Kakhaki Behnaz Shid Anbarani Mahsa Bameshgi Hamidreza  Aghamohammadian Sharbaf
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of cognitive emotion regulation and mother-child relationship variables in the prediction of psychological well-being of mothers with intellectual disabled children. This is a descriptive and correlational study. The More
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of cognitive emotion regulation and mother-child relationship variables in the prediction of psychological well-being of mothers with intellectual disabled children. This is a descriptive and correlational study. The statistical population of this study consisted of all mothers with intellectual disabled children whose children were educated in Mashhad during 97-98 academic year under the exceptional primary education of Mashhad. 150 mothers were selected by accessible sampling method and completed Ryff’s Scales of Psychological Well-being (RSPWB), Cognitive emotion regulation Questionnaire (CERQ) and Parent-child relationship scale (PCRS) to determine the contribution of each of the variables. Descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation and stepwise multiple regression analysis were used to analyze the data. Data were analyzed by SPSS-23 software. According to the findings, there was a significant positive correlation between psychological well-being and adaptive cognitive emotion regulation strategy and conversely, there was a significant negative correlation between psychological well-being and maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation strategy. There was also a significant positive correlation between positive parent-child relationship and psychological well-being. The pattern of results indicated that adaptive cognitive emotion regulation strategy and positive parent-child relationship have the ability to predict the psychological well-being of mothers with intellectual disabled children. Thus, by the intervention and changing the mother-child relationship and cognitive emotion regulation strategies of the mothers with intellectual disabled children, we can improve and enhance the psychological well-being of these mothers. Manuscript profile
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        33 - The Role of Cognitive Emotion Regulation and Mother-Child Relationship in Prediction of Psychological Well-Being of Mothers with Intellectual Disabled Children
        Zahra  Bondar Kakhaki Nasrin sadat  hashemi golestan Behnaz Shid Anbarani Hamidreza  Aghamohammadian Sharbaf
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of cognitive emotion regulation and mother-child relationship variables in the prediction of psychological well-being of mothers with intellectual disabled children. This is a descriptive and correlational study. The More
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of cognitive emotion regulation and mother-child relationship variables in the prediction of psychological well-being of mothers with intellectual disabled children. This is a descriptive and correlational study. The statistical population of this study consisted of all mothers with intellectual disabled children whose children were educated in Mashhad during (2019-2020) academic year under the exceptional primary education of Mashhad. 150 mothers were selected by accessible sampling method and completed Ryff’s Scales of Psychological Well-being (RSPWB), Cognitive emotion regulation Questionnaire (CERQ) and Parent-child relationship scale (PCRS) to determine the contribution of each of the variables. Descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation and stepwise multiple regression analysis were used to analyze the data. Data were analyzed by SPSS-23 software. According to the findings, there was a significant positive correlation between psychological well-being and adaptive cognitive emotion regulation strategy and conversely, there was a significant negative correlation between psychological well-being and maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation strategy. There was also a significant positive correlation between positive parent-child relationship and psychological well-being. The pattern of results indicated that adaptive cognitive emotion regulation strategy and positive parent-child relationship have the ability to predict the psychological well-being of mothers with intellectual disabled children. Manuscript profile
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        34 - Review of some Reverend Narratives of Attar for Teens
        sajad najafi behzadi masoomeh mehri ziba alikhani
        Mystical texts contain valuable concepts and messages for children and adolescents. Creative rewriting of these texts can familiarize children and adolescents with important mystical material. The purpose of this research is to compare the some of the narrative of Attar More
        Mystical texts contain valuable concepts and messages for children and adolescents. Creative rewriting of these texts can familiarize children and adolescents with important mystical material. The purpose of this research is to compare the some of the narrative of Attar Neishabouri with its rewritten text from the collection of Mahdi Azar yazdi’s rewritings to understand the important principles of a creative rewriting. The research method is content and document analysis. By studying the stories from the original text and adapting them to the rewritten text, they are examined from the perspective of the elements of the story and the appropriate rewriting methods. The results showed that Azar yazdi was seeking to acquaint children with mystical texts by changing the mystical theme and turning it into an ethical theme. An increase in the number of characters, an increase in the element of conflict and dialogue, the expansion of spaces and incidents, and the change in the title of stories are one of the most important techniques that Azar yazdi has intended for rewriting. Presenting the story directly and not paying attention to the element of suspense is one of the weak points of the dramatic rewriting. Manuscript profile
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        35 - Intertextual elements and the flood of mind in the works of Mahmoud Akbarzadeh and Mohammad Reza Shams
        maryam ghaffari jahed
        The current trend of modernism in Iran is a new phenomenon that has attracted the attention of some writers and has produced works that have been successful in some cases with the pattern of western literature. Given that modernism still has its place in the fictional More
        The current trend of modernism in Iran is a new phenomenon that has attracted the attention of some writers and has produced works that have been successful in some cases with the pattern of western literature. Given that modernism still has its place in the fictional literature of Iran as it should be, its entry into the child's literature can hardly be accepted. On the one hand, the authors' lack of attention to the childhood and adolescent age and the tendency to ambiguity make it impossible to understand the concept of the text for this group. In this study, with the aim of understanding the modernist features of child literature in recent decades and aspects of the authors' innovation, Mahmoud Akbarzadeh and Mohammadreza Shams have been focusing on the use of modern elements with an emphasis on the intertextuality and fluidity of the mind, and we conclude that Mahmoud Akbarzadeh in the field of modern scriptwriting , Has innovations, and most of the intertextual elements in his work are Faradastan and folklore, and in some cases, the fluid flow of mind is used to narrate the story. Mohammad Reza Shams' intertextual elements also include folk beliefs, folklore and myths, and have abundantly flowed from the fluid flow of mind. Therefore, his works are more complex than those of Mahmoud Akbarzadeh. : Manuscript profile
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        36 - Protection of Children from Violence in The Context of International Instruments
        Arian Petoft
        Because in preadolescence and adolescence, various physical and mental dimensions of the child are being formed and developed, childhood is the most sensitive and influential period of each person's life. Therefore, maintaining and guaranteeing the growth and physical a More
        Because in preadolescence and adolescence, various physical and mental dimensions of the child are being formed and developed, childhood is the most sensitive and influential period of each person's life. Therefore, maintaining and guaranteeing the growth and physical and mental health of the child is very important. Children should never experience domestic and social violence, and this is at the heart of international directives. Current international law obliges governments to protect all children from all forms of violence. Violence against children knows no bounds, and today it transcends race, class, religion, and culture, and there are children in all countries of the world who are always exposed to fear and experience of violence. In any case, this article is an attempt to provide a comprehensive answer to the question of what are the most important legal protections of international instruments, especially the Convention and the Declaration against Cases of Violence against Children. Thus, the present study step by step identifies and explains the most important fundamental rights of children in the context of international law. Manuscript profile
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        37 - Editor Notes
        Touba  Kermani
        Philosophy and Children Editor Notes Society
        Philosophy and Children Editor Notes Society Manuscript profile
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        38 - Practicing Creativity at Home and School
        Alireza Amin
        It is generally believed that creativity is an inborn talent that coexists with men since their birth, so others should only begrudge such merits. But such impression is totally wrong and unfounded belief. Creativity is a skill that everybody can learn, exercise, and ap More
        It is generally believed that creativity is an inborn talent that coexists with men since their birth, so others should only begrudge such merits. But such impression is totally wrong and unfounded belief. Creativity is a skill that everybody can learn, exercise, and apply it. Creativity is just like skiing, playing tennis, cooking or learning mathematics. So everybody can learn these skills and improve themselves through exercising them. But, at the end, all may not succeed to learn these skills equally. Accordingly, given the importance of creativity, some communities since long ago have sorted out certain strict plans to foster the creativity of their people. Since the development of creativity needs proper environment and atmosphere, it is necessary to adopt various methods. The present paper is an attempt to elaborate these points and by referring to the way of developing creativities, seeks to be familiar with the definition, importance and obstacles of creativity. Manuscript profile
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        39 - Cognitive Development Theories of Children as Viewed by Four Iranian Philosophers (Farabi, Ibn Sina, Suhrawardi, and Mulla Sadra)
        Nawab Moqarrabi
        In dealing with the philosophers of any school of thought we should not contend ourselves with explaining and unraveling their views and teachings only. Rather, we proceed to ask ourselves that had they been alive today how could they look at our present problems with t More
        In dealing with the philosophers of any school of thought we should not contend ourselves with explaining and unraveling their views and teachings only. Rather, we proceed to ask ourselves that had they been alive today how could they look at our present problems with their own philosophical and epistemological spectacles? How this world and its problems would loom up before them and which solutions they would sort out as the way out. Hence, the present paper is an attempt to explore various cognitive development theories of children based on the foregoing viewpoint on philosophy and philosophers. To do so, four major Iranian philosophers have been selected in this study and their views on cognitive development theory have been assessed. As a matter of fact, early Iranian philosophers had no specific view or independent work on cognitive development, but if it is supposed to explore their views on this issue we should first of all try to deal with their epistemology, which in the tradition of Iranian philosophy is called “self-knowledge”. Following the introduction of “Philosophy and Children” to Iranians, most of the respective people hastily sought to hold workshops and communities of inquiry in schools and research centers in order to analyze it statistically and descriptively without assessing critically its foundations, principles, and background, most of which seemed to be inconsistent with our culture and Iranian philosophy. Seemingly, both proponents and opponents of “Philosophy and Children” are unaware of its theoretical principles. In this paper, for the first time, cognitive development theories of children will be studied critically in the context of Iranian philosophy with reference to the views of four great Iranian philosophers such as Farabi, Ibn Sina, Suhrawardi, and Mulla Sadra. It is impossible and illogical to lay the foundation of any new philosophical system without tracing its background and foundations to its culture, for acquiring any knowledge based on which the end of any action is attainable is possible only through a previous knowledge. Manuscript profile
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        40 - Worship, Education, and Philosophy and Children
        Moslem  Shojae
        Basically, man’s need for praying and worship is rooted in his inmost being. Indeed, man by nature tends to worship God. Such inclination in man is not something alien to him, but is something internal, for had it been otherwise the concept of worshiping God would have More
        Basically, man’s need for praying and worship is rooted in his inmost being. Indeed, man by nature tends to worship God. Such inclination in man is not something alien to him, but is something internal, for had it been otherwise the concept of worshiping God would have been failed to be realized. In order to persuade its followers to worship God and attain spiritual perfection Islam prescribes certain rules. In Islamic thought man is considered to be the vicegerent of God on earth. In order to materialize such station the ground must be prepared from the childhood for assuming such assignment in the adulthood period. Accordingly, it is necessarily to teach the philosophy of praying and worship to man from the childhood and bring him up in the lap of Islamic teachings. The aim of this paper is to explore the notion of praying and worship, education, and Philosophy and Children in an analytic-descriptive manner. It also deals with certain issues such as the reality of worshiping and its impact upon man, the effects of praying and worship in life, the motive of worship, its roots and fruits, its contents, the importance of education and philosophical thought for children, and the role of philosophical education of children in attracting their attention towards praying and worship. Concluding that like all men, children also possess thinking power. Moreover, by nature they are curious as well. By directing their curiosity it is possible to bring them up as creative scholars. Creativity can develop their intellectual capacity. It is by means of this method that children turn up to be thinker and critic, and then learn to know how by criticizing an idea to direct their thought towards a better one in their creative nature. On the contrary, failing to foster their creative thought will bring in its wake a kind of imitative state in conduct and finally cease their critical and thinking power. Manuscript profile
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        41 - Philosophy and Children and the Skill of Communicative Conduct with the Followers of other Religions
        Mahdi  Ganjvar
        Nowadays one of the main concerns of philosophers is to apply philosophy to our daily life for which extensive measures have been taken up so far in certain teaching and research centers. In this regard the attempts made by the founders of Philosophy and Children to rec More
        Nowadays one of the main concerns of philosophers is to apply philosophy to our daily life for which extensive measures have been taken up so far in certain teaching and research centers. In this regard the attempts made by the founders of Philosophy and Children to reconcile philosophy with society are remarkable. Though “Philosophy and Children” from the outset tended to ethics, it seems that the effect of such educational program on the augmentation of behavioral skills and interplay of children with their fellow men, in spite of its importance and necessity, remain unnoticed from the view of the experts and researchers. Accordingly, the present paper proceeds to give a critical analysis of the epistemological geometry of “Philosophy and Children” and also explains the role and impact of this program on the enforcement of communicative conduct of children with others. Drawing and presenting effective components for the augmentation of their skills in communicating with the followers of other religions are among the important achievements of the present work. The other achievements are: respecting the rights of fellow men and the opponents, bring about an atmosphere for free thinking (freedom of thinking and expression), enforcing the EQ of children, teaching the peaceful coexistence with others, and commitment of children to morality (avoiding bigotry and unduly imitation). The method of this work is analytic-deductive. Manuscript profile
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        42 - A Study of the Necessity of Teaching Logical Thinking to Muslim Children
        Khadijeh  Shahidi Marani
        “Philosophy and Children” entered our country as a ready-made commodity and as a plan of teaching thinking to children, while it had crossed various stages in its birthplace in order to attain such level. All these stages had a determining role in the formation of such More
        “Philosophy and Children” entered our country as a ready-made commodity and as a plan of teaching thinking to children, while it had crossed various stages in its birthplace in order to attain such level. All these stages had a determining role in the formation of such a plan. One of the earlier stages was the very sense of need and necessity for teaching correct thinking to the children. Intellectual education is a subject of certain interdisciplinary sciences such as education and logical and philosophical studies to the extent that both these sciences directly involve themselves in this issue. It also is an attempt to explore the data collected through observations and classified in a cluster method for analyzing and interpreting them in a qualitative way. The present paper tends to highlight the importance and necessity of teaching correct thinking to Muslim children which are pursued in two main sections as followed: first, “our children can think” (even they can criticize other’s thoughts). In order to prove this assertion, namely possibility of developing of logical thinking in children, the author refers to certain sayings of Iranian Muslim children and tries to analyze them; the sayings that contain certain logical and valid demonstrations that have clear definitions in logic. Second, “sometimes our children commit mistake in their thinking”. In order to demonstrate this issue author should refer to certain logical errors among children and try to explain them. This introduction prompts us to reach the conclusion that given the intrinsic talent and capacity of children it is necessary to augment their skill of logical thinking through “teaching thinking power to Muslim children”. Manuscript profile
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        43 - A Study of the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Mathnawi’s Stories (Sixth Book) on Philosophy for Children
        Zahra  Satar Panahi Zaynab  Barkhordari
        Stories are used for different purposes. Today stories are particularly used to increase thinking and reasoning power. Indeed, they are the means of teaching philosophy for children (Lipman’s method). On the other hand, original and deep-rooted Persian culture has been More
        Stories are used for different purposes. Today stories are particularly used to increase thinking and reasoning power. Indeed, they are the means of teaching philosophy for children (Lipman’s method). On the other hand, original and deep-rooted Persian culture has been always associated with story literature. Mathnawi is considered to be one of the best sources of Persian stories replete with a lot of profound and instructive teachings, and naturally can be effective in cognitive and sentimental development of children. Applying Mathnawi’s stories in communities of inquiry and using them in teaching philosophy for children, apart from promoting discursive and curious skills of children, can be effective in bringing about a thinking child as well. Moreover, these stories, owing to their provocative contents, usually replete with queries and philosophical challenges, and in certain cases, on account of enjoying certain figures akin to children, can be effective in teaching philosophy for children. Inefficient points of these stories in many cases are resolvable. Being indigenous is a kind of privilege to these stories in applying them for teaching philosophy for children. Manuscript profile
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        44 - The Impact of Teaching Program of Philosophy for Children upon the Development of Critical Thinking in Using Cyberspace
        Maryam  Solgi
        Education is considered to be one of the most important activities of human being in all communities. The increasing spread of social structure and the demand for training and preparing the people for a life in progress on the one hand, and the existence of different ap More
        Education is considered to be one of the most important activities of human being in all communities. The increasing spread of social structure and the demand for training and preparing the people for a life in progress on the one hand, and the existence of different approaches concerning the role of man in the present age on the other hand, more than ever, have prompted the upholders of teaching systems to undertake the guidance and organization of teaching process. Modern education seeks to focus on promoting critical and proper methods of reasoning and thought in curriculum. Rapid changes of societies, increasing growth of information, intrusion of cyberspace into human life and necessity of proper confrontation with these changes prompt us to think properly and develop our imaginal faculty and judgment in order to come to term with these changes. In this regard, three decades ago, a program of teaching philosophy for children was worked out in order to modify and strengthen their intellectual power. This program is considered to be one of the latest methods for strengthening the reasoning, judging and detecting power of children as well. Moreover, this program possesses certain cognitive and social objectives and its main objective is to teach thinking method for children. To meet this end, a kind of qualitative method of study has been adopted in collecting data in this work. The conclusions of this study indicate that in this program a great attention has been made to various dimensions of philosophical mind. But keeping in view the changes in the field of internet technologies and cyberspaces and the confrontation of children with these developments, they should be guided through this program toward criticizing the information that come to their mind. More important, threat of cyberspace against children is an important factor for drawing the attention of the educationists to this crucial issue. Manuscript profile
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        45 - A Comparative Study of the Anthropological Principles of Ibn Sina and Matthew Lipman
        Meisam  Fallahi
        The main objective of this paper is to make a comparative study of the anthropological principles of Ibn Sina and Matthew Lipman. This study is based on an analytic-descriptive and deductive method, for which data were collected from the libraries. First, the components More
        The main objective of this paper is to make a comparative study of the anthropological principles of Ibn Sina and Matthew Lipman. This study is based on an analytic-descriptive and deductive method, for which data were collected from the libraries. First, the components of man from the perspective of Ibn Sina and Lipman are discussed, and then proceeded to elaborate their common and different points on man. According to the conclusion of this work, there are certain agreements and disagreements between them on the issue of man. They agree that man is a rational being, possessing will power, and also enjoying a kind of natural, biological and sensible features, along with individual and social identity. Man is also subjected to a perpetual change and transformation. As for their disagreements, each of them presents his own view on the beginning and end of man. One of their main differences on man pertains to the very proper age for commencing philosophical thinking. Manuscript profile
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        46 - Methods of Deepening Religious Beliefs in Children
        Atefeh  Sowhani
        Generally speaking, religious educationof offspring is a necessity. Those who turntheir blind eyes to the education of childrenand young adults, and underestimate it byabsorbing in daily matters should behold theresult of their carelessness. As a matter offact, deepenin More
        Generally speaking, religious educationof offspring is a necessity. Those who turntheir blind eyes to the education of childrenand young adults, and underestimate it byabsorbing in daily matters should behold theresult of their carelessness. As a matter offact, deepening of religious teachings inchildren can prevent them from involving insocial and ethical vices, for a great deal ofmischievous acts of children is rooted intheir lack of religious and ethical education.Internalization of religious values makesthem defy any kind of deviation. If parentsand teachers wish to familiarize childrenwith religious teachings and institutionalizethese teachings in them, they should initiateit from the childhood and young adult age.Thanks to applying a proper methodologyeducation in Islamic system enjoys aparticular place. The tree of education willyield fruit when educational theories areimplemented by proper methods. Themethods that are embellished withencouragement, model, love, insight, andstory turn out to be the most effectivemethods offered by the Quran which canassist parents and teachers to internalizereligious teachings in children and youngadults. Manuscript profile
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        47 - Teaching Conservation of Environment to Children (with Reference to Religious Teachings)
        esmaeil kharestani
        Developing necessary outlook, values, commitment, and skills for the sake of conserving environment usually begins from the childhood. Teaching seems to be most important and effective ways for enhancing people’s awareness of the environmental problems, and this may bri More
        Developing necessary outlook, values, commitment, and skills for the sake of conserving environment usually begins from the childhood. Teaching seems to be most important and effective ways for enhancing people’s awareness of the environmental problems, and this may bring in its wake a kind of positive and lasting change in one’s behavior in conserving the environment. If teaching the environment begins from childhood then certain changes may occur in their views, awareness, and skills following which they can practically proceed to conserve the environment and use their resources properly. The present study aims at analyzing the teaching of environment in an analytic- descriptive method to children with reference to religious teachings. In this research after referring to certain works on this topic, the author presents its definitions and specific terms in his research work, then proceeds to study the following issues: the place of environment, the importance of conserving environment, teaching, the main domain of environment, the necessity of teaching environment, philosophy of teaching environment, aim of teaching environment, impact of untainted environment upon man, and the necessary of teaching children for conserving the environment. The main conclusion of this study is that teaching the protection and conservation of the environment in childhood will lead to their active participation in conserving environment in later years. Manuscript profile
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        48 - Philosophical Patterns of Irano-Islamic Way of Training Children
        Masoomeh  Zabihi
        The presence of philosophy in Irano-Islamic thought differentiates the pattern of training of Iranian children with other nations. Since old time, philosophy considered to be the link between education and human civilization. The history of the human civilization also s More
        The presence of philosophy in Irano-Islamic thought differentiates the pattern of training of Iranian children with other nations. Since old time, philosophy considered to be the link between education and human civilization. The history of the human civilization also supports the view that Iran has been always the cradle of civilization, science, and philosophy, and following the rise of Islam, it succeeded to develop its activity anew and presented its achievements to the world. In the lap of Islam, philosophical education of Iranians reached its zenith and maturity, and succeeded to leave behind certain particular patterns that have been followed by other nations, to the extent that, had there been no Iranian nationalistic feelings, other nations would have registered these patterns in their own names in the history of their culture. The present paper is an attempt to address these patterns, and review the impact of Irano-Islamic culture on them. Manuscript profile
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        49 - Iranian Disposition of the Transcendent Philosophy and its Application to the Fundamental Transformation of Education
        Nawab Moqarrabi
        A great deal of research works have been carried out so far on the Transcendent Philosophy which symbolizes Iranian philosophy. But in spite of all these efforts still a basic question remained unnoticed, that is, what is the Iranian disposition of Mulla Sadra who seems More
        A great deal of research works have been carried out so far on the Transcendent Philosophy which symbolizes Iranian philosophy. But in spite of all these efforts still a basic question remained unnoticed, that is, what is the Iranian disposition of Mulla Sadra who seems to be the last systematic and paradigm maker of the history of Iranian philosophy? What is the specific and essential feature of Mulla Sadra that sifts him from other philosophers of different cultures? On the other hand, it is a fact that if the Transcendent Philosophy is supposed to come out of the shelves of the libraries and play an effective role in people’s daily lives, it should be able to bring about a fundamental change in education, i.e. change in philosophical approach towards education, instead of grappling with certain useless and sterile theoretical discussions This paper is an attempt first to revise the salient features of Mulla Sadra’s Transcendent Philosophy, and then proceed to apply it to certain new teaching programs like that of philosophy and children which has totally a different attitude towards education in Iran and the world. Manuscript profile
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        50 - Meditative Thinking in a Research Circle of Teaching Program of “Philosophy and Children”
        Laya  Raimzadeh Masumeh Samadi Fahimeh Ansarian
        Meditative thinking is considered to be an intellectual, moral, emotional and normative skill, based on validation and active participation in a society along with a bit concern for the expansion of public good which alongside the critical and creative thinking can pave More
        Meditative thinking is considered to be an intellectual, moral, emotional and normative skill, based on validation and active participation in a society along with a bit concern for the expansion of public good which alongside the critical and creative thinking can pave the way for the growth of intellectual analysis power. Thankful, normative, emotional, active, and sympathetic thinking are among the components of meditative thinking in a society. To change and promote the students beliefs in the phenomenon of meditation is an undeniable necessity and facilitating missions for the psychological well-being and intellectual growth of students in the research circles. The present article aims at defining the meditative thinking in research circle of teaching of philosophy and children, based on certain relevant sources. Research methodology of the work is analytic-descriptive of theoretical foundations for explaining the concept of meditative thinking, its use in promoting this kind of thinking in research circle of teaching philosophy and children. The sample for this analysis is selected under two pre-conditions of being new and fundamental and collected sources from the libraries. Manuscript profile
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        51 - Facilitating Principles in Philosophy and Children Corresponding to Islamic Thought
        Iman  Dindar Isfahani
        Today philosophy for children is an issue that has drew the attention of different communities to itself, for through this program it is possible to impart various teaching to children, and bring them up with creative and critical thinking. In Iran this program initiate More
        Today philosophy for children is an issue that has drew the attention of different communities to itself, for through this program it is possible to impart various teaching to children, and bring them up with creative and critical thinking. In Iran this program initiated by Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute (Siprin) in 1994, following which it proceeded to work out an Iranian version of this philosophical program. The present article makes an attempt to give an account of the program of philosophy and children in the following sections: 1- tutor, 2- time table, 3- environment, 4- method of beginning discussion, 5- thinking, 6- method and form of presentation, 7- content. In this paper the authors seeks to deal with the notion of tutor as a facilitating role in detail. This program have been formulated formally in the West and it is possibly tinged with Western ideas, so it requires to be localized and consorted with native culture, namely Iranian tradition. Moreover, Islam has reiterated the intellectual upbringing of man and there are sufficient Islamic resources which contain certain principles, methodology, content, etc. on the basis of which one can work out an indigenous program consorted with its culture. The present work is based on a library work and is regarded as a small example of the present capacity. Manuscript profile
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        52 - Children and their Philosophical Worlds
        Moslem  Shojae Sayd Sajad Sadatizadeh
        The most important task of teaching is to work out a program for triggering thinking among students and bringing about dynamism among them. To this end, it is necessary to develop a science that can teach children the way of thinking on the basis of reasoning for which More
        The most important task of teaching is to work out a program for triggering thinking among students and bringing about dynamism among them. To this end, it is necessary to develop a science that can teach children the way of thinking on the basis of reasoning for which philosophy should be involved in all levels of teaching particularly in childhood. Since the importance of sciences depends on their applicability, in this research we try to develop a theoretical framework for understanding the functional task of philosophy in its relation to the system of teaching and children. In this way, we can understand the role of philosophy in answering the questions raised by children. If the teaching atmosphere is prepared for children, then drawing on their philosophical capability, they will presumably turn out to be creative, talented and efficient in various field of society. Manuscript profile
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        53 - The Necessity of “Philosophy and Children” as Tested by Islamic Thought with Reference to the Present Potentialities of Islamic Culture
        Iman  Dindar Isfahani Mehdi  Mansuri
        The method of “philosophy and Children” turned out to be one of the modern methods that today not only have been appreciated in the field of education, but also have been used in different societies. The objective of this program is to bring up certain critical and crea More
        The method of “philosophy and Children” turned out to be one of the modern methods that today not only have been appreciated in the field of education, but also have been used in different societies. The objective of this program is to bring up certain critical and creative thinking in children as is stressed by Islam as well. On the basis of the principles of Islamic training and from the perspective of Religious texts, intellectual training should be commenced from the childhood, which exactly can meet the goal of the program of “Philosophy and Children”. As a matter of fact, the present program of the philosophy for children is affected by Western society, for instance we can easily detect the trace of pragmatist and pluralistic views in them. With respect to these intellectual roots, the existence of copious capacities in the religious seminaries, and their principles, methods, and contents in Islamic-Iranian culture, it is befitting to localize the program of “Philosophy and Children” in accordance with Islamic-Iranian culture. Manuscript profile
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        54 - Place of the Art of Dialectic in the Program of “Philosophy and Children”: An Explanation
        Ali Asghar  Jafari Valani Mahya  Mehrjedi
        The concept of philosophy is closely intertwined with the concept of intellectualization. Moreover, the way of transmitting thought from the realm of subject to the realm of object has been the inevitable concern of thinkers. A question may arise in our mind as to how c More
        The concept of philosophy is closely intertwined with the concept of intellectualization. Moreover, the way of transmitting thought from the realm of subject to the realm of object has been the inevitable concern of thinkers. A question may arise in our mind as to how can we express our ideas so that to be perceivable to the lovers of philosophy? On the one hand, the technique of choosing proper terms, the way of chapter wising and referring to philosophical ideas, all acknowledge the close relationship between art and philosophy. On the other hand, in the program of “philosophy and children” the way of developing stories and rising questions as well as the style of speaking of teachers indicate the use of a kind of art in this field. Dialectic or conversation in the program of “philosophy and children” is one of the basic principles and if we succeed to apply exactly the art of dialectic to attain exact definitions of philosophical concepts then we can concede our relative success in implementing this program. The present work, by reviewing the pattern of critical thinking and giving a brief account of the program of “philosophy and children”, intents to explain the place of the art of dialectic in the program of “philosophy and children”. Manuscript profile
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        55 - Teaching Intellection to the Children in Rumī’s Mathnawī
        Fatemeh  Bandalizadeh Zohreh Hosaini Khamenei Ehsan  Gheisari
        The main objective of the present work is to explore the views of Rumī concerning the teaching of intellection to the children. In his view human intellection is rooted in the divine revelation. Indeed, in his view human intellect is complemented by the revelation so, i More
        The main objective of the present work is to explore the views of Rumī concerning the teaching of intellection to the children. In his view human intellection is rooted in the divine revelation. Indeed, in his view human intellect is complemented by the revelation so, in order to attain intellectual perfection, man from the beginning was in need of a perfect guide such as God. Rumī followed the same path in his approach to children. Children usually enjoy certain limited experience and are endowed with honesty and purity in their characters and have nothing to do with the adult’s mischievousness and impurities. Childhood in Rumī’s poems is considered the symbol of a period that man has not yet attained his beloved. In this stage a lover is in need of a mediator, similarly, children in this stage need to learn the way of thinking. With reference to Rumī’s Mathnawī the present article seeks to draw Rumī’s views in this regard. In this article we try to take some step in the field of education of children and behold the actualization of their potencies. Manuscript profile
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        56 - Containing Philosophical Concepts in Children Stories (A Case Study of Nakuja Abad Stories for Children)
        Zahra  Satar Panahi Zaynab  Barkhordari
        Story writing enjoys a particular place among the various kinds of literature and owing its role in the growth and training of the basis of thought is of great importance. Shaykh al-Ishraq as a great Iranian and Muslim philosopher and the founder of Illuminationist scho More
        Story writing enjoys a particular place among the various kinds of literature and owing its role in the growth and training of the basis of thought is of great importance. Shaykh al-Ishraq as a great Iranian and Muslim philosopher and the founder of Illuminationist school of philosophy used story literature for expressing his philosophical and mystical views. Simplifying philosophical concepts and expressing them in children language is among the characteristics of this philosopher that one should take into account in reading his books. To have philosophical, motivational, and debatable content along with challenging nature and referring to certain characters like children and their ways of live are among the various traits of suitable story for “philosophy for children”. In 2018- 2019, Saless publications commissioned by UNESCO, published six volumes story books inspired by Suhrawardi thought entitled Nakuja Abad. In a case study these books worked out philosophical concepts in the forms of stories. The nature of philosophical concepts in these stories and the capabilities of intellectual stories altogether indicate that these stories are eligible for using them in philosophical discussions. Manuscript profile
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        57 - A Study of the Educational Dimensions of Family in Coronavirus Crisis (Covid-19)
        Shirin  Mohammadi Panah
        Family is a natural and original place for children and plays an important role in their developments. As a matter of fact, internal structure of the families with respect to their environment, culture, and other social reasons are different. Moreover, the rise of certa More
        Family is a natural and original place for children and plays an important role in their developments. As a matter of fact, internal structure of the families with respect to their environment, culture, and other social reasons are different. Moreover, the rise of certain events such as the outbreak of coronavirus disease affected the life style of the families and highlighted the training role families in confrontation with this disease which brought in its wake certain psychological and physiological outcomes. According to certain studies, coronavirus (Covid-19) disease apart from its medical, health, and economic effects, has affected family life, social relations, public activities, and spiritual, religious, and emotional life of people as well. Accordingly, the main objective of the present paper is to study the necessity of paying attention to the training role of families and their impacts on children in understanding practical concepts in coronavirus period. The method of this study is descriptive-analytic based on library sources. Manuscript profile
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        58 - The Impact of Coronavirus and Quarantine on the Rise of Child Abuse and their Legal Solution
        Muhammad Jawad Abdollahi
        The problem of child abuse throughout the world is considered to be one of the social problems which are rooted in the improper attempts taken by parents and other members of a society in this regard. Following the outbreak of coronavirus and the beginning of quarantine More
        The problem of child abuse throughout the world is considered to be one of the social problems which are rooted in the improper attempts taken by parents and other members of a society in this regard. Following the outbreak of coronavirus and the beginning of quarantine period, all aspects of life have been affected, one of which is the rise of child abuse. As a matter of fact, children are prone to undergo such threat. The present article is an attempt to follow a descriptive- analytic approach based on library sources and study the impact of coronavirus on the rise of child abuse and also seek to sort out certain legal solution in order to protect children rights. Manuscript profile
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        59 - A Study of the Principles of an Approach for Promoting Children Perception of Environment through Environmental Art
        Faezeh Hasani  Helm
        Today, a modern and strategic approach has come out for teaching the environmental concepts to the children which is based on environmental art. The aim of this approach is to turn the environmental crisis into a thoughtful discourse for deepening our understanding, imp More
        Today, a modern and strategic approach has come out for teaching the environmental concepts to the children which is based on environmental art. The aim of this approach is to turn the environmental crisis into a thoughtful discourse for deepening our understanding, improving the techniques, nourishing our feeling and sentiments in order to have a different and fresh view towards the relationship between man and environment. The present article proceeds to study the principles of various solutions through which we can apply it to environmental art which leads to the enhancement of environmental understanding of children. Accordingly, the present work follows a descriptive- analytic method according to which the role of art creations and researches in nature will be used to promote the environmental awareness of children. The findings of this work indicate that environmental art by establishing easy relationship with the audiences by taking into account the objective, empirical, and reflective consideration can turn out to be a suitable method for children in their approach towards the environment. One of the main features of this approach is that it is based on visual, symbolic and conceptual method of environmental art versus mere scientific method of certain approaches. Manuscript profile
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        60 - Central Role of Family in Training Children in Coronavirus Period
        Narghes  Najarpor Nasrabadi
        In recent months the world underwent a great changes the comprehension and adaptation of which would be challenging and difficult for children, because they are not able to comprehend the events pertaining to their life and try to protect themselves due to their depende More
        In recent months the world underwent a great changes the comprehension and adaptation of which would be challenging and difficult for children, because they are not able to comprehend the events pertaining to their life and try to protect themselves due to their dependence on their parents in different fields. If children are protected by their parents and friends, then they may be spared from any threat. Thanks to their control over their children parents by their proper behavior can assure continuously their children that coronavirus is curable and they should not be very much worry about this disease. Moreover, they can also assure their children that they can take certain effective and positive measures in crises time to save themselves and others. By protecting children, they can achieve their long term objectives and prevent them from any upcoming losses since they are the social assets and moving motor of growth and development of society. Manuscript profile
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        61 - The Right to Education of Children with Need of Mental Rehabilitation in International Human Rights Documents and Iranian Law
        hoda paran mohammad ali pourmottaqi
        The right to education, as a human right, is one of the most important rights defined in international and domestic instruments for all human beings and is mentioned in international documents such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Iran's domestic law, su More
        The right to education, as a human right, is one of the most important rights defined in international and domestic instruments for all human beings and is mentioned in international documents such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Iran's domestic law, such as the Constitution. One of the most sensitive groups entitled to education are intellectually disabled children, who may face obstacles in achieving their rights for various reasons. It is certain that disability should not prevent children from having this important human right, but unfortunately, in practice, we are witnessing challenges and problems in the international and domestic spheres that prevent the timely and appropriate education of intellectually disabled children. One of the most important problems in this regard is the absence of required laws and, consequently, the executive deficiencies in the internal system to fully support and ensure the right to education for children with mental disabilities. Therefore, it is necessary for the legislator to pay special attention to this issue, considering the special situation of children with need of mental rehabilitation. Manuscript profile
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        62 - The Role of Family in the Transformation and Formation of Identity in Children
        Zahra  Taghyzade Ghavam Kobra  Ahmadvand Zohreh  Zohreh Ahmadi
        One of the fundamental issues of modern world is the issue of identity and the present article try to deal with it in children. Children are the most vulnerable part of society. Family is the first stage in which man seeks to know himself and regain his identity in inte More
        One of the fundamental issues of modern world is the issue of identity and the present article try to deal with it in children. Children are the most vulnerable part of society. Family is the first stage in which man seeks to know himself and regain his identity in interplay with his family members. Accordingly, family is very important for regaining identity. The present article tries to study some of the important family problems then proceeds to study the impact of family on regaining the identity of children with reference to the various levels of coherence, flexibility of family, employment of mothers and children, on the whole their exploitation in lower ages, way of bringing up children in a family and quantitative changes in a family in the absence of one of the parents or both of them. All these play significant role in the formation and transformation of the identity of children. Manuscript profile
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        63 - Philosophical Explanation of the Strategy of Creative Teaching of Natural Sciences in Schools with Reference to the Program of “Philosophy & Children”
        Fatemeh  Bandalizadeh
        The age of childhood and youth is the best period for social, emotional, and cognitive growth of children. On the one hand it constitutes the basis of human life, that is, what man has gained during the last centuries is due to his thinking power which played a decisive More
        The age of childhood and youth is the best period for social, emotional, and cognitive growth of children. On the one hand it constitutes the basis of human life, that is, what man has gained during the last centuries is due to his thinking power which played a decisive role in his growth. Therefore, all his successes and progresses are rooted in his creative thinking. In this line the present article makes attempt to carry out a philosophical explanation of the strategy of creative teaching of natural sciences in schools with reference to the program of “Philosophy & Children”. The method of the work is analytic-descriptive based on library sources including laws, books, thesis, national and international articles. According to the findings of the article, creative thinking plays an important role in natural sciences. Accordingly, traditional method in teaching natural sciences, not only prevents the growth of critical thinking, but also brings about a gap between the programs and their implementations. Therefore, the only solution is to make a change in the way of teaching this science with reference to the program of “Philosophy & Children” and following a philosophical approach in teaching natural science. Manuscript profile
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        64 - Philosophical Training of Children
        Hosein  Ataie
        Plato in his Republic and Laws while describing the foundations of his ideal city, stressed that the training of people should commence from their childhood. Drawing attention to children as started from earlier ages extended to the contemporary period as well. Here a q More
        Plato in his Republic and Laws while describing the foundations of his ideal city, stressed that the training of people should commence from their childhood. Drawing attention to children as started from earlier ages extended to the contemporary period as well. Here a question may arise as why did philosophers concern about the training of children? Whether children also should follow the same ethical rules that elders do or they have to follow particular ethical rules? The present article, with reference to Islamic-Iranian thinking, tries to study the importance of philosophical approach in training children, and stress the necessary of philosophical training in religious training and outline the principles of philosophical training. But first the concept of training should be clarified. Manuscript profile
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        65 - Rights of Children in the Period of Crisis and Quarantine
        sina Turkashvand
        In his social life, man needs physical, spiritual, and economic security. Similarly, children also whose physical, intellectual and social growth begins in their early ages need particular attention and protection spiritually and physically. These attempts should have t More
        In his social life, man needs physical, spiritual, and economic security. Similarly, children also whose physical, intellectual and social growth begins in their early ages need particular attention and protection spiritually and physically. These attempts should have their own proper concepts and patterns, that is, they should have protective aspects by considering children’s weakness in attaining their rights to the extent that the elders feel the necessary of protecting them. Accordingly, this work tries to explain the rights of children in the period of crisis and quarantine. Attention to the rights of children was not only the concern of present societies, this is the main concern of Islam as well. For instance, respecting children, avoiding violence against children, mistreatment of children and making discrimination are among the teachings of Islam. The method of this work is analytic-descriptive. According to the findings of this work, in the period of crisis and quarantine the rights of play are denied for children. Moreover, harassing children by elders will increase and their moral and training rights will be missed. According to these research children in the period of crisis and quarantine are not able to attain their rights as compare to the elders, for their rights always denied by the elders and since they depend on their elders they cannot complain legally. Explaining the rights of children in the period of crisis and quarantine indicate the basic needs of children and it is the duty of family, society, and government to meet their demand and require executive plan for protecting children. Manuscript profile
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        66 - Domestic Legal Order in Response to Violence against Children
        Arian Petoft
        Background and Aim: Childhood is the most sensitive period of human life in which various physical and mental dimensions of individuals are formed and developed. Hence, it is crucially important to maintain children's physical-mental health. In the present article, an a More
        Background and Aim: Childhood is the most sensitive period of human life in which various physical and mental dimensions of individuals are formed and developed. Hence, it is crucially important to maintain children's physical-mental health. In the present article, an attempt is made to depict the general outline of the domestic legal normative order in response to violence against children. Method: This study has been done in a descriptive-analytical way by using the library resources and especially laws. Results: Children should never be exposed to violent domestic or social situations and experience child abuse. Since children today will be responsible for society in the future, and the progress and development of the country depend on their proper upbringing and development; therefore, the issue of violence against children, which causes great harm to it, is of special concern to Iran's laws. Conclusion: In the current legal system, the response to violence against children knows no boundaries; today, there are various examples, such as violent physical and psychological punishment, parental neglect, exploitation, unhealthy cyberspace, drop out, pornography and pressures of poverty. Manuscript profile
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        67 - The Right to Family Life of Children in the Light of Human Rights System
        Mehri Toutounchian Mina Sarshar
        The family has an irreplaceable role in ensuring the health of the individual and society; therefore, children should grow up under the care of parents and within the family. Parental care means keeping children in touch with the family. The present study has reviewed i More
        The family has an irreplaceable role in ensuring the health of the individual and society; therefore, children should grow up under the care of parents and within the family. Parental care means keeping children in touch with the family. The present study has reviewed international documents on the necessity of children's right to family life in the light of the human rights system. The family, as the solid foundation of society and the first social institution, is a natural and fundamental unit that has historically always acted as a supporter and provider of the basic needs of its members. Numerous factors in the past few centuries and especially in recent decades have caused significant changes in the definition and structure and function of the family and the role of government in this entity. The international human rights system also recognizes the variability of the concept of family and that this concept varies from place to place and from time to time depending on historical, social and cultural conditions, while accepting the existence of different forms of social classes in all over the world, there is no specific definition of family and its types. Nevertheless, the right to family life of children is recognized as a fundamental right in the international human rights system. In addition to stipulating the right of the child to live in the family, the right to marry, to found a family, and support the institution of the family have been taken into consideration, which are rooted in human dignity and freedom. Manuscript profile
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        68 - Necessity of Special Police for Children and Adolescents in Iranian Judicial System
        Askar Jalalian Mostafa zarei Abbas Barzegarzadeh
        The Special police for children and adolescents, as one of the special institutions of the juvenile justice system, was first considered in the Juvenile Delinquency Bill (1383) and then the legislator paid attention to it in the Criminal Procedure Code of 1392 in Articl More
        The Special police for children and adolescents, as one of the special institutions of the juvenile justice system, was first considered in the Juvenile Delinquency Bill (1383) and then the legislator paid attention to it in the Criminal Procedure Code of 1392 in Article 31. According to this article, the police organization was ordered to form a police section for children and adolescents. In this study, in order to achieve the hidden angles of the role of the police in juvenile justice, an attempt has been made to explain the preventive position of the juvenile police in order to answer the question: what is the role of the juvenile police in the Iranian judiciary in crime prevention? The results of this study indicate that the behavior and approach of the Iranian police towards children and adolescents does not have a differential criminal policy and in dealing with children and adolescents, adult criminal policy is used. Therefore, it is necessary for the police to try to improve the process of intervening in the proceedings of children and adolescents by formulating a differential criminal policy based on protective and not criminal intervention in compliance with national and international principles and standards. Manuscript profile
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        69 - Construction and Normalization of computerized working memory test for children
        AliAkbar Shariifi Hossein Zare
        In the case of working memory in children, due to the basic challenges in evaluating it, there are few tools. The present study was conducted with the aim of developing and standardizing a computerized working memory test for children. The method of this research is a d More
        In the case of working memory in children, due to the basic challenges in evaluating it, there are few tools. The present study was conducted with the aim of developing and standardizing a computerized working memory test for children. The method of this research is a descriptive study and test development. Among the first to sixth grade students of Shahrekord, 324 students were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling method and were measured by computerized working memory test for children. The results of exploratory factor analysis using principal component analysis with varimax rotation showed that 9 subscales explained 86.54% of the variance of the data. The first, second, third, and fourth factors explained 29.42, 19.78, 18.86, and 18.49 percent of variance, respectively. Also, the test-retest reliability coefficient of 0.814 was obtained for the whole test and the correlation between Working Memory Test Battery for Children and the computerized working memory test for children in the range of 0.513 to 0.791. In total, the findings of the research showed that computerized working memory test for children has satisfactory psychometric properties in the Iranian children's pupulation, which can be used to measure children's working memory. Manuscript profile
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        70 - Iranian Criminal Policy towards Child Sexual Molestation in the Light of the Child and Adolescent Protection Law of 2020
        Abbas Ali Akbari Seyede Monira Hejazi
        Children have always been exposed to many physical, psychological and sexual abuses throughout history. Today, following industrial, communication and information developments, supporting this group against all forms of exploitation is necessary, especially against sexu More
        Children have always been exposed to many physical, psychological and sexual abuses throughout history. Today, following industrial, communication and information developments, supporting this group against all forms of exploitation is necessary, especially against sexual exploitation and sexual harassment, which are often included in the black figures of delinquency in many countries, including Iran due to moral issues. In the domestic system, in order to implement protectionist policies in accordance with international standards and the existence of a gap in the former law on the protection of children and adolescents adopted in 2002, the need for differential protection of sexually abused children was felt. In 2020, in the law for the protection of children and adolescents, the legislator has paid special attention to the protection of these victims against sexual harassment. The present study analyzes data and uses library tools to examine the legislative approach of the Iranian legislature in relation to child sexual abuse in the new law due to the previous legal gaps and insufficient legislative support for sexual harassment, as well as explaining the aggravated causes of these behaviors in law. Manuscript profile
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        71 - Legal Protections of Children Under 8 on Instagram
        Fatemeh  abdi
        Background and Aim: Children are one of the most vulnerable sections of the society and are exposed to all kinds of abuses due to the violation of their rights. Also, children's privacy in cyberspace is a very important issue. In this research, at first, the relationshi More
        Background and Aim: Children are one of the most vulnerable sections of the society and are exposed to all kinds of abuses due to the violation of their rights. Also, children's privacy in cyberspace is a very important issue. In this research, at first, the relationship between the publication of children's pictures on Instagram by parents and their privacy, and then the damage of publishing children's pictures on their personality, was discussed, and then the scope of legal protection of children's privacy on Instagram was examined. The purpose of this research is to address the necessity of legal protection of children's privacy in cyberspace in order to maintain their mental health in the future. Method: This research has been done using documents and library resources and descriptive-analytical method. Results: Cyberspace is a mixture of opportunities and threats. Today, a number of parents by violating some of their children's rights such as image rights, increase the number of followers on their Instagram page and thereby attract advertisements and generate income. Also, the findings indicate that there are significant legal gaps in the field of protecting children's privacy in cyberspace, which will cause serious damage to the various aspects of the children's personality in the future. Conclusion: Supporting children is necessary and unavoidable due to their unequal position when playing a role in cyber space. The advancement of technology and stepping into the digital age requires the establishment of protective laws and specific legal mechanisms. Manuscript profile
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        72 - Historical Discourse Analysis of the Birth of Modern School in Terms of Power Relations
        The main purpose of this paper is to examine the historical discourse of the birth of the modern school in terms of power relations around the lives of children. The method used in this essay is Critical Discourse Analysis of Michel Foucault. In order to achieve the pur More
        The main purpose of this paper is to examine the historical discourse of the birth of the modern school in terms of power relations around the lives of children. The method used in this essay is Critical Discourse Analysis of Michel Foucault. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, the formation of new schools is analyzed from Foucault's point of view and his commentators. According to this description, a transformation has occurred from a body-based abstinence to institutional development of child care and school development. The most important discourse developments include the advent of modern childcare practices, the concealment of punitive care around children, and ultimately the expansion of modern power over the child's soul. Then, the power relations were analyzed based on a documentary analysis of the discursive approach to childhood and education. The results show that the birth of modern school and different branches of knowledge such as child psychology and sociology that shaped educational knowledge were the result of the evolution of the underlying social, economic, and demographic policies and disciplinary technologies and did not necessarily lead to the freedom of children. Therefore, the lives of children depend on the liberation not from institutions, but from the domination systems. Manuscript profile
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        73 - A Comparative Study on Critical Thinking in Social Philosophy of Horkheimer and “Philosophy for Children Program”
            yahya ghaedy
        This article is a comparative study between foundations, goals, and methodology of critical thinking in social philosophy of Horkheimer and “Philosophy for children”(P4C) program, and criticizing them. In order to realize this goal 3 questions are investigated on 3 as More
        This article is a comparative study between foundations, goals, and methodology of critical thinking in social philosophy of Horkheimer and “Philosophy for children”(P4C) program, and criticizing them. In order to realize this goal 3 questions are investigated on 3 aspects of foundations, aims and methods; and their relationship is studied. The result shows some similarities and differences between them. Similarities in foundations like being affected by Socrates, emphasize on thinking position in philosophy more than metaphysical subjects. About similarities in aims intellectual growth and to create better life is common in two approaches but the meaning of better life for them is different; for Horkheimer it means creating happiness for more people but in P4C program it means living in a democratic society with responsible and thoughtful citizens. Differences like adopting with social circumstances and the place of knowledge in social critic are mentioned. In methodology the main difference is to present certain and definable method for improving critical thinking in p4c but Horkheimer argue that critical thinking is a continuous process, so he doesn’t present a definite method only speaks of negative critique. The result of this study can be used for other researchers in philosophy and philosophy of education and other educational fields, curricula developer in educational systems, especially in developing an educational model for educating critical thinking. Manuscript profile
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        74 - Revisiting the Role of Children’s Voice in the Reformation and Improvement of Educational Programs and Policies
        amin izadpanah
        This article aims to study the role and value of children’s voices in the reformation of educational programs. This study is conducted through a critical philosophical inquiry method. The ultimate purpose of this method is the improvement of educational practice. Three More
        This article aims to study the role and value of children’s voices in the reformation of educational programs. This study is conducted through a critical philosophical inquiry method. The ultimate purpose of this method is the improvement of educational practice. Three questions are raised in this paper: 1.Why children’s voices have historically often been neglected in relation to their life matters? 2. Why children’s voices must be heard and been considered as criteria in their life matters? 3. How can children’s voices be demarginalized and exercised in children’s educational matters for the betterment educational programs? The findings show that the total rejection of childhood and its values, a deficit conception of childhood, and inadequacy and deficiency of adults’ conception of childhood are among the most significant reasons of historical ignorance of children’s voices. Prerequisites of appealing to children’s voices include: A critical theoretical revision of adult-centered approaches of childhood, rejection of the universal notion of childhood, adopting the plurality and difference of childhood and children’s voices around the world based on various cultural climates and contexts, and adhering to the equality of children’s rights and adults. Dialogue and inquiry with children are suggested as two strategies for listening to and representing children’s voices in the reformation and improvement of educational programs and procedures. These two strategies can provide us with an access to fresh and firsthand knowledge about children and issues related to their lives. Manuscript profile
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        75 - Phenomenology of illness: An approach in the education of children with chronic illness
        zahra asgari mohammahd hosein heidari Ramazan Barkhordari
        Children with chronic illnesses have special educational needs, certain aspects of which are overlooked under the existing objective naturalistic and normative philosophical approaches. This study aims to propose the phenomenology of illness as an alternative approach t More
        Children with chronic illnesses have special educational needs, certain aspects of which are overlooked under the existing objective naturalistic and normative philosophical approaches. This study aims to propose the phenomenology of illness as an alternative approach to improve the education of children with chronic illness. The present study is based on two methodological approaches, phenomenological and inferential. In this way, first, the educational challenges of children with chronic diseases are phenomenologically described according to their views concerning themselves, their existence, and others. Then by extracting the phenomenological themes of intentionality, temporality, and embodiment, the phenomenology of the diseases is inferred as a way to better understand the special education of these children. By recognizing the affected child as the embodied subject, the phenomenology of illness reconstructs the meaning of the illness and introduces a perspective under which the chronic illness becomes a suitable platform for individuals' development and prosperity. Manuscript profile
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        76 - An Explanation of Children's Literature in the Educational Realm: From Actual Challenges to the Ahead Horizons
        Narges Sajadieh Zohreh Sadeghi
        Children's literature has consistently been one of the best means for child education. However, despite its effectiveness, this means has always confronted conceptual challenges regarding its nature; challenges that undermine it compared to other educational means. This More
        Children's literature has consistently been one of the best means for child education. However, despite its effectiveness, this means has always confronted conceptual challenges regarding its nature; challenges that undermine it compared to other educational means. This article intended to look at "children's literature" from an educational perspective and while formulating present conceptual challenges, prepares some solutions for them in order to maintain children’s literature as an educational means. Applying the conceptualization method, we formulated these conceptual challenges and then, based on the Islamic action approach and applying implicit deductive method, we proposed some solutions for them. The main conceptual challenges formulated in terms of dualism concerning instructional-literary, global-local, expression of reality-censorship, and fantasy-reality. At the second step, we identified our position about these challenges: literary structure-educational content, and literary creation-educational reading as the solutions of the first challenge; recognition of a multi-layered human identity, and intellectual dynamics of identity-layers as the solution of the second challenge; gradual encountering with reality as the solution of the third challenge; and a bound between fantasy and reality as the solution of the fourth challenge. These solutions can redefine the position of children's literature in the field of education and open new horizons in front of educators. Manuscript profile
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        77 - The Effect of Young Children on Impulsive Decisions of Families in Fun Traveling
        Mohesn Akbari Esmaeel  Ramezanpour Parmis  Moaf
        An important dimension of consumer behavior is making impulsive decisions. These decisions are shaped by a quick decision process, resulting from excitement and emotion. Impulsive traveling is one of the immediate behaviors in which a tourist travels to somewhere for wh More
        An important dimension of consumer behavior is making impulsive decisions. These decisions are shaped by a quick decision process, resulting from excitement and emotion. Impulsive traveling is one of the immediate behaviors in which a tourist travels to somewhere for which he or she has not carefully planned. There are many reasons behind this kind of behavior in tourism, including going to see somewhere for fun; pressures from friends, peers and family members; undeclared internal motivations; or even encouragement from destinations with different marketing tools. This paper examined the impact of children’s participation, in family decision-making, on the emotions of the decision maker in the family and the impulsive travel plans they made. The conceptual model is based on literature and research background, which showed relationship between variables (youth insistence, decision makers’ emotions and intention to travel impulsively). For sampling and data collection, a questionnaire was distributed among 384 families that had traveled impulsively to different locations of the province of Guilan. This is an applied study, and data collection followed descriptive-correlation based on structural equation modeling. SPSS 19 was used to analyze the descriptive data. For statistical inference, we used structural equation modeling (SEM) based on partial least squares (PLS) and Smart PLS2 software. Results showed that children’s participation in decisions affects impulsive family planning to travel. In addition, the mediating role of emotions was also confirmed showing that children that take part in family decision-making, not only increased the impulsive traveling of family members but also affected their emotions. Manuscript profile
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        78 - Studying Peace in the Documents and Procedures of FIFA
        Hamidreza Akbarpoor
        The Fédération Internationale de Football Association is a non-governmental international organization that plays an active role in the international society, particularly in the realization of its goals including peacebuilding. This study aimed to examine the role of " More
        The Fédération Internationale de Football Association is a non-governmental international organization that plays an active role in the international society, particularly in the realization of its goals including peacebuilding. This study aimed to examine the role of "FIFA" in building and establishing peace and the way a sports organization could influence world peacebuilding. A further question was the basis of FIFA’s participation in world peace. The answer to this question lies in 1980s when FIFA reconsidered its macro-level goals and was converted into a multi-aspect organization. Accordingly, the participation of FIFA began in 1980s in collaboration with other international organizations active in peacebuilding such as the United Nations and its sub-organizations such as United Nations Office on Sport for Development and Peace and UNICEF as well as non-governmental organizations such as Football for Peace. Several articles in FIFA’s Statue specify its active presence in different fields including human rights and elimination of racial and gender discriminations. This, in its turn, provides a space for peacebuilding in difficult conditions. The procedures of FIFA also indicate its high potential and influential role in peacebuilding and establishing peace in crisis-ridden areas in the Balkans, Palestine, Afghanistan, Africa, and other places in the world through joint programs such as “Unity for Peace, United for Peace”, “Football Friends”, “Football for Hope” and “Football for Peace”. Today, FIFA’s outlook is focused more than ever on peace and activities for peacebuilding. This is more tangible considering the developments in relations with other organizations active in peacebuilding and the significance of FIFA’s social responsibility. Manuscript profile
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        79 - Study and recognition of scientific opinions regarding the biological and psychological components of children with autism
        Hamideh  Moradian سمیه  مرادیان
        Children with autism, Asperger's, or pervasive developmental disorders have delays in motor skills in addition to impaired social skills and repetitive stereotyped behaviors. Delays in motor abilities in autistic children are varied and include delays in sitting, crawli More
        Children with autism, Asperger's, or pervasive developmental disorders have delays in motor skills in addition to impaired social skills and repetitive stereotyped behaviors. Delays in motor abilities in autistic children are varied and include delays in sitting, crawling, walking as well as abnormal gait, poor posture control, and an inability to plan movement. Also, social interaction is a defect in the use of non-verbal behaviors and a lack of communication appropriate to the buttocks. Autism is a disorder that is affecting more and more people. For example, cognitive and verbal disabilities are very severe in some of these patients, while others have a very high level of mental genius and talent. The main purpose of this study is to study and recognize the biological and psychological scientific views of children with autism. Based on scientific principles, it can be concluded that autism spectrum disorder is a debilitating disease that impairs social interactions, verbal and non-verbal communication skills, learning ability, and some vital emotions. The prevalence of this disease is increasing all over the world, including Iran. Manuscript profile
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        80 - The Effect of Distance Learning through Shad Software on the Academic Achievement of Shahed Primary Special School Students in Alborz Province
        Ehsan Golmehr Mahdi Kalhornia Golkar Meysam Kalhornia Golkar leila shiravand
        Background and Aim: Education is one of the most important aspects of children's rights and so the quality of its implementation plays an important role in securing this right. This issue has a particular importance and sensitivity for children with special needs. With More
        Background and Aim: Education is one of the most important aspects of children's rights and so the quality of its implementation plays an important role in securing this right. This issue has a particular importance and sensitivity for children with special needs. With the spread of the Corona pandemic in the world, the need for distance education became inevitable. In Iran, distance learning, including at the basic level, was formed using ‘Shad’ software, which is still current in many primary schools. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of this type of education on the educational achievement of children with special needs. Method: In this study, using a descriptive survey method and a researcher-made questionnaire based on the Academic Achievement Questionnaire adapted from Pham and Taylor's 1994 research, the statistical population, teachers of Shahed Fardis Exceptional School of Karaj was selected and data analysis was performed. Chi-square test and Friedman test were used with Spss software version 24. Results: The findings showed that the effect of ‘Shad’ software in distance education is positive in terms of software efficiency and effectiveness compared to other methods of distance education and also by creating a specific program to prepare for assessments; However, due to the absenteeism of education, the overall outcome of the comments was a negative impact on students' academic achievement compared to the attendance method at the end of the year. Also, this type of education can have a negative impact on academic achievement by reducing performance during face-to-face assessment, reducing literacy skills, and distracting students due to being at home. Conclusion: Distance education, especially with the elimination of hardware and software defects, as well as cultural placement and mutual understanding of teachers, parents and students, is an opportunity in some respects to increase academic achievement, but face-to-face education, as well, due to its functions, should still be considered and emphasized by the educational system. Manuscript profile
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        81 - The Rights of Children with Disabilities in Iran: An Analysis of Determining Areas
        Maryam Sha’ban
        Background and Aim: The present study seeks to identify, interpret and analyze the rights of children with disabilities in Iran. In this regard, the decisive fields of jurisprudence and law have been identified and analyzed at the domestic and international level. Met More
        Background and Aim: The present study seeks to identify, interpret and analyze the rights of children with disabilities in Iran. In this regard, the decisive fields of jurisprudence and law have been identified and analyzed at the domestic and international level. Method: The research approach is qualitative and the research method is exploratory and documentary analysis. After identifying the documents related to the subject and issue of the research, they have been studied, analyzed and reviewed. Results: The results of the research show that at the international level and the Islamic Covenant on the Rights of the Child and in the internal laws and regulations of the Iranian society, the society and the political power structure are responsible for formulating and implementing protective policies for disabled children and these policies are also aimed at reducing harm, rehabilitating and Treatment of the disabled. In fact, they are considered a "posteriori strategy" towards the disabled. But in the religion of Islam, centered on Shiism as the dominant religion in Iran, dealing with the child is about potentially being a child, not actually being a child; This means that the children of future generations are considered and "foreseeable" in the current generation. It is as if the scope of childhood includes history and generations and is a "transhistorical" and “trans-generational" issue. Islam has emphasized on the "future and posterity" and respecting the potential rights of the next generations and has a "preventive" approach. Conclusion: The dominant strategy of the teachings of Islam in relation to children with disabilities can be inferred as "a priori and a posteriori strategy". In addition to the governing authority, community activists are responsible for the realization of plans related to this strategy for disabled children. Manuscript profile
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        82 - Studying Male-female Relationships and Children with an Emphasis on the Internal and External Effects of Tolerance Through Religious Teachings
        sakineh ganjkhanloo maryam alizadeh
        Tolerance is one of the prominent human qualities that God considered in the Qur'an as a divine blessing and mercy. Tolerance, as a high moral virtue, has a significant effect on personal and social ethics and is one of the principles that has had a tremendous impact on More
        Tolerance is one of the prominent human qualities that God considered in the Qur'an as a divine blessing and mercy. Tolerance, as a high moral virtue, has a significant effect on personal and social ethics and is one of the principles that has had a tremendous impact on the improvement and growth of human relations with others. So, its observance is necessary for the general peace of society. In this regard, this article investigated the relations between men, women, and children from a descriptive and analytical perspective focusing on the internal and external effects of tolerance with a religious teaching approach. Tolerance has internal and external results, and tolerance, as a moral virtue, is one of the qualities that bring people high and honorable positions in this world and the hereafter. Also, it plays a very constructive role in the person's family and social life. Life is full of misfortunes that a person might deal with; if one does not build tolerance and behaves harshly and violently with others in times of difficulty and roughness, it will damage both person's social credit and his/ her religious-moral health. Manuscript profile
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        83 - The Effectiveness of Teaching Children and Adolescents' Philosophy on Successful Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence, and Wisdom in Students
        fateme haddadi mehdi arabzadeh Shabnam Feizi
        Intelligence is one of the most important human abilities and plays a significant role in people's progress. Anything that can increase intelligence affects people's success. Examining the intelligence of societies and the factors affecting it is extremely important. Th More
        Intelligence is one of the most important human abilities and plays a significant role in people's progress. Anything that can increase intelligence affects people's success. Examining the intelligence of societies and the factors affecting it is extremely important. The purpose of this research is whether teaching philosophy to children and teenagers can be an effective intervention in increasing successful intelligence, emotional intelligence and wisdom of students. The design of the current research was semi-experimental and pre-test-post-test with a control group. The statistical population of the research included fourth grade elementary school students in Tehran, a school was selected using available sampling method and considering the inclusion criteria, 20 female students with an average age of 10 years were selected and They were randomly placed in two experimental and control groups. The tools used in this research include Gorigor and Sternberg's successful intelligence questionnaire (2002); Schering Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (1995); Ardlet's Wisdom Questionnaire (2004); have been. The findings from the analysis of covariance showed that philosophy education for children and adolescents was effective on successful intelligence and emotional intelligence, but philosophy education for children and adolescents was not effective on wisdom, and therefore philosophy education for children and adolescents can be an effective intervention in increasing Successful intelligence and emotional intelligence of students should be used. Manuscript profile
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        84 - Cultural factors affecting childbearing among educated and ordinary women in Yasouj city
        Maryam   Azizi Saed  Haiderpour Mina   Helali Sotoudeh
        Considering the fertility conditions of Iran during the last three decades, the formulation and successful implementation of any population policy relies on improving our understanding of the behaviors, preferences and desires of couples to have children, the factors af More
        Considering the fertility conditions of Iran during the last three decades, the formulation and successful implementation of any population policy relies on improving our understanding of the behaviors, preferences and desires of couples to have children, the factors affecting their desires to have children, and the identification of demographic subgroups with the desire to have children. The yield is low and very low. The purpose of this research is to investigate the factors affecting the desire to have children of educated women living in Yasouj city. The data is the result of a survey that took place in the winter of 1401 among 500 sample households in Yasouj city. The sampling method is a multi-stage cluster method. The results showed that 44% of women compared to 40% of educated women stated that they would like to have another child in addition to the children they had at the time of the research. Among the educated women who wanted to have children, 62% of them want 1 more child and only 3% of them want 3 more children. The corresponding ratios for women are 66.4% and 1.8%, respectively. The results of the bivariate analysis showed that there is a significant relationship between the socio-economic base, the use of mass communication tools, women's independence, age at marriage, and the number of children alive and women's desire to have children. The results of multivariate analysis show the fact that socio-economic characteristics alone cannot play a decisive role in predicting the probability of wanting to have children. In fact, a combination of socio-economic, cultural and demographic characteristics gives a better explanation of educated women's desire to have children (9.59% versus 67.4%). Manuscript profile
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        85 - Characteristics of the healing landscape in terms of its benefit for children
        Mehran Vatani MohammadReza Bemanian Ali Asgari
        Treatment of children with autism is limited to hospital and treatment spaces, and urban spaces, especially green spaces, do not play a suitable role in their presence in the social setting. In terms of green spaces, landscape healing is debatable and significant, and i More
        Treatment of children with autism is limited to hospital and treatment spaces, and urban spaces, especially green spaces, do not play a suitable role in their presence in the social setting. In terms of green spaces, landscape healing is debatable and significant, and in terms of therapy, it can be beneficial to the treatment and health of autistic children. This research besides presenting a descriptive description of the characteristics of autistic children in dealing with the environment, and considering the effective factors regarding children's presence in the urban landscape, proposes strategies for designing healing parks through this perspective. This research is done with an applied purpose, based on descriptive-analytical logic and with a qualitative method and classifying interviews with physicians, psychologists, and mothers of children with autism, benefiting from theoretical studies on the environment and disease type. The healing landscape, considering the benefit of a multi-sensory and prone space in the community presence in the open space, can suitably impact the treatment of children, if it benefits from a controllable space and observes physical components in reducing harm to children from the environment. Manuscript profile
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        86 - Identifying the Effective Components the Design of a Contemporary Residential Apartment in Iran in Order to Respond to the Child's Need for Mobility (Case Study of Hormzan Residential Complexes in Tehran)
        Ahmad اخلاصی mahdi aroom
        Responding to the child's need for mobility and play is an important issue both from the perspective of improving mental and physical health and as a response to the needs of a resident of a residential apartment. But due to the limitations in the construction of reside More
        Responding to the child's need for mobility and play is an important issue both from the perspective of improving mental and physical health and as a response to the needs of a resident of a residential apartment. But due to the limitations in the construction of residential complexes; In many houses, the open space (yard), which was previously the most suitable private space to meet this child's biological need (movement), was removed and finally a small semi-open space (terrace) was replaced. The purpose of this research is to identify the influential components in the design of the body of the residential apartment in improving the quality of the space in order to respond to the mobility of the child. This research was done based on quantitative method (with the help of researcher-made questionnaire tool). Data collection was done by providing a questionnaire to the residents of Hormzan residential complex in Tehran, and the obtained data were analyzed using Spss-26 software and using factor analysis, Friedman test, Pearson correlation test, and the results were extracted and presented. Based on the analysis of the research findings, the use of open space (elevated yard) or semi-open space (terrace), green space, flexibility in the furniture and body of the apartment, and the use of natural light are the most important components that should be used as criteria for designing the body of a residential apartment to meet the needs. The child should be considered for mobility. Manuscript profile
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        87 - Design and Collection of Speech Data as the First Step of Localization the Intelligent Diagnosis of Autism in Iranian Children
        Maryam Alizadeh Shima tabibian
        Autism Spectrum Disorder is a type of disorder in which, the patients suffer from a developmental disorder that manifests itself by symptoms such as inability to social communication. Thus, the most apparent sign of autism is a speech disorder. The first part of this pa More
        Autism Spectrum Disorder is a type of disorder in which, the patients suffer from a developmental disorder that manifests itself by symptoms such as inability to social communication. Thus, the most apparent sign of autism is a speech disorder. The first part of this paper reviews research studies conducted to automatically diagnose autism based on speech processing methods. According to our review, the main speech processing approaches for diagnosing autism can be divided into two groups. The first group detects individuals with autism by processing their answers or feelings in response to questions or stories. The second group distinguishes people with autism from healthy people because of the accuracy of recognizing their spoken utterances based on automatic speech recognition systems. Despite much research being conducted outside Iran, few studies have been conducted in Iran. The most important reason for this is the lack of rich data that meet the needs of autism diagnosis based on the speech processing of suspected people. In the second part of the paper, we discuss the process of designing, collecting, and evaluating a speaker-independent dataset for autism diagnosis in Iranian children as the first step in the localization of the mentioned field. Manuscript profile
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        88 - Theoretical foundations of philosophy for children in the education system
        Hamid   Khaliq Panah
        Considering a subject like philosophy for children, fosters creativity, reasoning, moral understanding, the ability to understand and develop relationships. Of course, it should not be forgotten that considering such a program turns these children into people who search More
        Considering a subject like philosophy for children, fosters creativity, reasoning, moral understanding, the ability to understand and develop relationships. Of course, it should not be forgotten that considering such a program turns these children into people who search in philosophical, moral, social, etc. fields and transforms the educational system as well. The effort to research the theoretical foundations of philosophy for children is also your familiarity with the benefits of the philosophy curriculum. The belief that the goals of teaching philosophy to children contradict the goals of education in Islam is one of the most important reasons for the non-implementation of this program in the official education system of our country. Are. According to the meaning defined for philosophy in this program, it can be seen that its basis is the cultivation of the intellect, which is also emphasized on its importance and training in religious texts. Because the training of the intellect will lead to the training of wise and thoughtful people who will make it possible and possible to achieve the desired perfection in the society. On the other hand, the ultimate goal of religious education is to bring man to perfection and closeness to God, which can only be achieved if the intellect is trained as the support of the heart's faith. With a little reflection, we can see that the goals of these two educational perspectives are not contradictory to each other, but they correspond to each other. Manuscript profile
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        89 - Cultivating critical thinking and its approaches
        Ali Bakhsh   Nazariani Asl sharullah Allameh Hakimeh  Moradi Behrooz rahbarian
        Defenders of critical thinking believe that critical thinking can increase the general impact of human characteristics on social classes and groups. Critical education and critical thinking emphasize the role of empowering human resources. In such a way that learners de More
        Defenders of critical thinking believe that critical thinking can increase the general impact of human characteristics on social classes and groups. Critical education and critical thinking emphasize the role of empowering human resources. In such a way that learners develop critical thinking and practice and pay attention to the criterion of sufficiency in this regard. The purpose of this research is to cultivate critical thinking and its approaches. The research method is documentary-analytical. The results showed that more attention should be paid to developing critical thinking methods in people. Also, in the education process, while strengthening the spirit of criticism in teachers, it is necessary to create the spirit of criticism and the field of investigation and research in students. It has stated the results of the related researches, which confirm the effect of this method in the development of research thinking. Manuscript profile
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        90 - Examining the challenges of using philosophy education for children
        Hasan Ali  Pourgharib
        Philosophy for children can help the thinking process of young people. Our proposal does not consider philosophy, as most people understand it, as an empty body of preconceived ideas: we approach philosophy of action. This is not the exclusive property of those who call More
        Philosophy for children can help the thinking process of young people. Our proposal does not consider philosophy, as most people understand it, as an empty body of preconceived ideas: we approach philosophy of action. This is not the exclusive property of those who call themselves 'philosophers', but of human nature. Considering the importance of education for children in contemporary philosophy, this research examines the challenges and solutions related to philosophy and philosophy education for children. According to the above goal, 10 challenges were identified as the most important of these challenges: the concept of philosophy as a discipline, the lack of trained and skilled educators to teach philosophy to children, the gap between existing social values and norms. The ambiguous role of the teacher in this type of education, the rapid use of philosophy for the education of children, the family's ignorance of the philosophy of education for children, the lack of cognitive development of children to understand abstract concepts from the philosophy of education programs for children. Manuscript profile
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        91 - Comparison of Resilience, Mindfulness and Perceived Social Support in Mothers of Children with ADHD and Learning Disabilities, with Mothers of Normal Children in Shiraz
        reza chalmeh Khadijeh arjmandi
        The aim of this study was to compare resilience, mindfulness and perceived social support in mothers of children with ADHD, learning disabilities and normalcy in Shiraz. Methodology: The statistical population of the present study was the mothers of children with Attent More
        The aim of this study was to compare resilience, mindfulness and perceived social support in mothers of children with ADHD, learning disabilities and normalcy in Shiraz. Methodology: The statistical population of the present study was the mothers of children with Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder, Learning Disabilities and Normal in Shiraz. Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder, 52 mothers with children with learning disabilities and 54 mothers with normal children were selected and the Resilience Questionnaire (Connor & Davidson, 2003), Mindfulness Questionnaire (Walch et al., 2006) and Social Support were selected. Perceived (Zimet et al., 1988). Data were analyzed using Levin test method (to check the homogeneity of variances), and multivariate analysis of variance (to check the differences between variables in the study group) and SPSS-24 software. Results: The results of analysis of variance showed that there is a significant difference between resilience, mindfulness and perceived social support between mothers of children with ADHD and learning disabilities with mothers of normal children; In a way, mothers of normal children had more resilience, mindfulness and social support. Conclusion: The final results showed that in the areas of resilience and mindfulness, mothers of hyperactive children / attention deficit and learning disabilities need resilience and mindfulness-based education and special rehabilitation programs to increase Perceived social support is needed. Manuscript profile
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        92 - Analysis of the Role of Aesthetic Experience in Children's Education
        Fatemeh  Benvidi
        According to the views of education experts, aesthetic experience and understanding of art is a vital part of a flourishing life. The main purpose of this research is to investigate the role of aesthetic experience in children's education. To achieve this goal, the firs More
        According to the views of education experts, aesthetic experience and understanding of art is a vital part of a flourishing life. The main purpose of this research is to investigate the role of aesthetic experience in children's education. To achieve this goal, the first step is to defend the necessity of aesthetic education for children based on the analysis of existing philosophical justifications. For this purpose, the descriptive-analytical research method has been used. Several philosophical justifications have been proposed for the necessity of aesthetic education, whose critical evaluation shows that the only answer is based on aesthetic experience, which makes it possible to defend art based on its distinctive value. Therefore, aesthetic education for children can be taken as justifiable and necessary independent of art's contribution to expression and its role in moral promotion. This is because the aesthetic experience and understanding of art is a vital component in flourishing life, and being exposed to the aesthetic experience opens up ways for human growth that no other type of experience can do. The findings of this research indicate that even if art education does not lead to innovation and improved skills that can be measured with quantitative methods, it should have an important place in schools and curricula. A curriculum without aesthetic training and proper appreciation for the arts ignores our goal of raising flourishing human beings worthy of meaningful aesthetic experiences. Also, aesthetic education should not be limited to people and subject-matters, but should cover the entire curriculum. Manuscript profile
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        93 - Criminological Legal-Sociological Analysis of Street Children's Delinquency (From Family to Society and Industry)
        zahra Aghababa fahim mostafa zade Alireza  MOHAMMADBEYKI
        The problem of delinquency and victimization of children and teenagers is one of the important social issues that has been very busy in today's world. Since then, the majority of researchers, sociologists, criminologists, psychologists, psychiatrists and education speci More
        The problem of delinquency and victimization of children and teenagers is one of the important social issues that has been very busy in today's world. Since then, the majority of researchers, sociologists, criminologists, psychologists, psychiatrists and education specialists in the modern countries of the world have been trying to find a solution to prevent crime among children and teenagers. Various opinions have been expressed about the reason for the increase in crime and victimization in our time. Some of the researchers consider the increase in crime in today's world to be one of the specialties of the current civilized societies and they believe that in the same proportion as human beings advance with all their might towards industrial and material progress and development, in the same proportion, breaking the law, delinquency and committing anti-social acts in Industrial societies are expanding and spiritual peace and tranquility are decreasing in such societies. Accordingly, in this article, with the descriptive-analytical method and content analysis, he investigated this important issue in the collection of Islamic penal laws, labor, criminal procedure and protection of children and adolescents, and the most important result of this study is that the examination of the various articles of the above four laws There are complete and progressive rules and regulations in the field of children and adolescents in Iran's legal system, but the most important obstacle is in the implementation process and its guarantees. The most important suggestion is not to enter this group into criminal-punitive proceedings Manuscript profile
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        94 - Investigating the Factors Affecting the Public Participation of Users and the Survivability of Spaces in Urban Parks to Improve the Level of Children's Safety (a Case Study of Shafaq Park in Tehran)
        Saeed Azemati Kimia Jamshidzadeh
        <p>Security remains a fundamental human need within society. The safety and well-being of vulnerable groups, particularly children, who constitute one of the most at-risk segments of society, hold particular significance. An active human presence contributes significant More
        <p>Security remains a fundamental human need within society. The safety and well-being of vulnerable groups, particularly children, who constitute one of the most at-risk segments of society, hold particular significance. An active human presence contributes significantly to enhancing security in urban spaces. The ability to comprehend and observe the surrounding environment, as well as being visible to others, fosters a sense of security. The current research employs a blended quantitative and qualitative approach, involving a research community comprising 25 experts. These experts were selected through an open interview framework, utilizing a purposeful sampling method with the snowball technique. The gathered opinions were subsequently analyzed using SPSS26 software. According to the coefficients obtained from the variables, graphs were generated by Gefi software. Ultimately, the indicators extracted from the first and second stages of the survey underwent analysis using Depth Map software. The integration of the plan analysis with the generated graphs from the previous stage was deliberated using AGraph software. Based on the results, users are mostly looking for spaces that are efficient in attracting people when choosing urban parks for the safety of their children. Especially adults, and allow parents to monitor the space. Cultural spaces with a rating of 4.46 in urban parks are the main factor in attracting people for public participation.</p> Manuscript profile
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        95 - A comparative study of the concept of home among children of two cities (Shiraz and Noujin)
        Fahimeh Abbasi Tahereh Nasr Keivan Mohamadpur
        <p>Abstract The concept of &ldquo;home&rdquo; transcends its physical existence, manifesting as an intellectual image. In essence, a house is a place to live and reach peace and comfort. The term &ldquo;house&rdquo; encompasses two distinct aspects of meaning and concep More
        <p>Abstract The concept of &ldquo;home&rdquo; transcends its physical existence, manifesting as an intellectual image. In essence, a house is a place to live and reach peace and comfort. The term &ldquo;house&rdquo; encompasses two distinct aspects of meaning and concept, which are different from each other. The aspect of the house meaning is an objective reality of a place where a person resides, but the concept of the house is a mental perception. Understanding the concept of home necessitates a thorough analysis of each individual's mindset regarding their living space. The purpose of this research is a comparative assessment of the home concept among 9-10-year-old children residing in Shiraz and Nojin cities. The research methodology involves content analysis utilizing argumentative analogies along with information gathering through library and documentary studies, Persian and Latin articles, and field research. By analyzing and examining thirty samples of children's drawings from these cities, it is possible to identify the similarities and differences in their mental images of the home concept. Result of this examination and analysis is anticipated several conceptual codes can be obtained. From the summation of these conceptual codes, the home concept among the children of these cities can be found, encompassing themes such as peace, comfort, comfort, security, and prosperity.</p> Manuscript profile
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        96 - Effective Strategies for Promoting Motivation in Children with Intellectual Disabilities Based on Environmental Psychology
        Sara mohammadzadeh akbari Mahdi hamzenejad Razie Fathi
        <p>The current research seeks to provide effective solutions on the emotional and motivational development of mentally retarded children based on environmental psychology. The aim of this research is to provide a purposeful environment for the mental and educational dev More
        <p>The current research seeks to provide effective solutions on the emotional and motivational development of mentally retarded children based on environmental psychology. The aim of this research is to provide a purposeful environment for the mental and educational development of children with mental disabilities by examining the psychology of the educational environment. Mentally retarded children are physically, intellectually, emotionally and behaviorally different from other people and therefore they need special environments to empower their intelligence. In this research; First, By using study -library documents-, the basics of mentally retarded children and their disorders (conditions), as well as the psychology of the children's environment and the factors affecting the environment, have been studied, and then the relationship between the psychology of the environment and the needs of mentally retarded children has been investigated using descriptive-analytical methods. The current research aims to improve the states and disorders of mentally retarded children through the use of optimal environmental design solutions to cause their motivational growth. The findings showed that factors such as color, materials and form in the space can have a significant effect on the intellectual ability of mentally retarded children. So that by using these factors, optimal design solutions are obtained in order to solve each of their disorders and as a result increase their motivation.</p> Manuscript profile
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        97 - Explanation of Waldorf's Spiritual Approach to Children's Education and its Critique with Emphasis on Islamic Teachings M
        Masomeh kiyani
        The main purpose of this research is explanation of Waldorf's spiritual approach to children's education and its critique with emphasis on Islamic teachings. For this purpose, the descriptive-analytical method is used to identify and describe the components of Waldorf's More
        The main purpose of this research is explanation of Waldorf's spiritual approach to children's education and its critique with emphasis on Islamic teachings. For this purpose, the descriptive-analytical method is used to identify and describe the components of Waldorf's spiritual perspective on children's education. Then, using the regressive analysis in Frankena’s method, the philosophical foundations of Waldorf's spiritual approach to children’s education are investigated. In the second part, Waldorf's spiritual approach to children's education is criticized by using the method of critical philosophical enquiry emphasizing the Islamic point of view. The results of this research indicate that Waldorf's spiritual approach pays attention to features such as: the development of children's whole beings, strengthening their artistic potentialities, developing their spiritual perception, emphasizing meaning-making and finding meaning, and freedom as the goal of education. These features are based on philosophical foundations such as: The existence of a spiritual world beyond the material world, the existence of various spiritual beings, the unity of the universe in a spiritual sense, looking at the child as a spiritual being, the repeated reincarnation of humans, emphasizing the senses, intellect, inspiration and intuition as sources of knowledge, the interaction between objectivity and subjectivity in the pursuit of knowledge, and the matching of human "I" with "Christ" as the ultimate goal of human life. In criticizing Waldorf's spiritual approach based on the Islamic point of view, it became clear that Waldorf's views on the nature of the transcendental and the belief in reincarnation are not acceptable in the Islamic view. At the same time, some educational implications of the mentioned approach, such as looking at the child as a spiritual being and honoring him, paying attention to the development of the child's whole being and especially his spiritual dimension, emphasizing artistic education and education based on the stages of child development, have commonalities with the Islamic perspective. Manuscript profile