Methods of Deepening Religious Beliefs in Children
Subject Areas :
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Keywords: religious beliefs children education,
Abstract :
Generally speaking, religious educationof offspring is a necessity. Those who turntheir blind eyes to the education of childrenand young adults, and underestimate it byabsorbing in daily matters should behold theresult of their carelessness. As a matter offact, deepening of religious teachings inchildren can prevent them from involving insocial and ethical vices, for a great deal ofmischievous acts of children is rooted intheir lack of religious and ethical education.Internalization of religious values makesthem defy any kind of deviation. If parentsand teachers wish to familiarize childrenwith religious teachings and institutionalizethese teachings in them, they should initiateit from the childhood and young adult age.Thanks to applying a proper methodologyeducation in Islamic system enjoys aparticular place. The tree of education willyield fruit when educational theories areimplemented by proper methods. Themethods that are embellished withencouragement, model, love, insight, andstory turn out to be the most effectivemethods offered by the Quran which canassist parents and teachers to internalizereligious teachings in children and youngadults.
قران کريم.
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