The Role of Parents in Shaping the Cognitive, Affective, and Volitional Foundations for Children's Responsibility During the Preparation Phase
Subject Areas :
Faisal Rabihavi
seyyed jalal hashemi
masoud safaei moghadam
khosrow Bagheri
1 - Ph.D. Candidate in Philosophy of Education, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz
3 - Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz
4 - University of Tehran
Keywords: Parental duties, Development, Foundations of responsibility, Children.,
Abstract :
In all contemporary societies, the role and position of the family in fostering and strengthening the virtuous traits and desirable behaviors of children are universally acknowledged. The purpose of this study is to elucidate the duties of parents in shaping the foundational principles of children’s responsibility. This research employs an analytical method to explore the concept, components, and foundations of responsibility, while a progressive inferential approach is adopted to explicate the roles and activities of parents. The analyses indicate that, based on the three foundations of responsibility derived from Quranic verses, the following educational principles can be identified: in the cognitive domain, the principles of awareness and vigilance toward responsibility and preparation of conscientiousness; in the affective domain, the principles of ensuring the implementation of responsibilities, attributing actions to would-be agency of the childrren, and fostering the child’s independence in fulfilling responsibilities; and in the volitional domain, the principles of accountability and acceptance of the consequences of actions, adherence to rights (fulfillment of obligations), and striving to fulfill responsibilities. The findings of this study suggest that during the preparation phase, children are in the stages of cognitive and intellectual development and, according to the perspective of agency, the lack of necessary competencies to manage their lives and achieve self-actualization. Consequently, parents play an irreplaceable role in the development and formation of the foundations of education, particularly in cultivating children’s competence for responsibility. It is imperative, therefore, that parents adhere to a conceptual framework grounded in Islamic teachings to fulfill this critical role effectively.
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