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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Identification and Analysis on Systemic failures of Iranian National Innovation System
        jafar bagherinejad ahmadreza kasraei hooman farshad
        National innovation system(NIS) includes a series of organizations and institutions at the national level which aims to incorporate  in developing and diffusion of science and technology and creates innovation climate.  Governments in this system  develop and implement  More
        National innovation system(NIS) includes a series of organizations and institutions at the national level which aims to incorporate  in developing and diffusion of science and technology and creates innovation climate.  Governments in this system  develop and implement  their innovation policy. In systemic approach besides problems of  each elements of this system ,there is another failure which related to interactions of the system elements, that is called systemic failure. In this research , at first by reviewing the literature  conceptual framework of national innovation system of Iran is presented. Then, in a field study by distribution of 350 questionnaires among Iranian innovation experts  and specialists and using structural equation modeling technique , analyzing of interactions and their impacts on each other and effectiveness of national innovation system has been done. In this research, the elements of NIS of Iran consists of strategies of  transfer and diffusion of technology, structural elements, innovation drivers  and legislations frameworks. Findings of this research show that the most important systemic failure of NIS of Iran  is lack of effectiveness of legislations frameworks’  impacts on innovation drivers. Identification and analysis of systemic failures can lead to appropriate policies for each elements and at last upgrade the performance of national innovation system. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Policy pattern ‌ of Park ‌ Science and technology and company ‌ Knowledge base
        mahboobeh karimi tararani fatah sharifzadeh mir ali davood hosseinpour
        The pattern of science and technology parks like any government line should be carefully designed to lead to the development of innovation. Innovation always plays a crucial role in the economic and social development of countries, which is considered as the main source More
        The pattern of science and technology parks like any government line should be carefully designed to lead to the development of innovation. Innovation always plays a crucial role in the economic and social development of countries, which is considered as the main source of economic growth, improvement of production, the basis for competition and promotion of the level of prosperity. To provide a policy template ­ Park park ­ Science and technology and company ­ Knowledge based on qualitative research method was used in this study. The statistical community includes an exploratory interview with experts (politics ­ Programmers ­ Rizan and managers associated with the field of science and technology parks and company directors ­ Knowledge base). In this research, using qualitative data collection methods and interviewing experts about the current status of the information gathered, then using open source and software coding methods max qda The research pattern was summarized and presented. The result of the research is to identify the dimensions of the external, organizational, institutional, external organizational network that influences the science and technology parks policy and knowledge base companies. Based on the aggregation of experts' opinions, it is suggested that the subject of this research be investigated and compared in other organizational environments (large or small organizations) or in different industries. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Government, Industry and University Relations, the Horizon of Iran 1404
        mohsen bahrami mahkame taati
        The relation between government, industry and university is a pivotal issue in moving towards the 20 year vision of science and technology development of the country. Identifying and detail study of underlying factors and forces are necessary for improving this relation More
        The relation between government, industry and university is a pivotal issue in moving towards the 20 year vision of science and technology development of the country. Identifying and detail study of underlying factors and forces are necessary for improving this relation. In addition to analyzing the current situations, a future study approach should be undertaken to evaluate and asses the compliance of development plans with the goals and targets of the document of 20 Year Vision. In this paper, the result of a future study of some of the factors affecting the said relation with the horizon of 1404, involving some of the specialist and policy makers in the field of science and technology, is presented Manuscript profile
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        4 - Creating value for higher education by overcoming the crises of the populist era
        Somayeh Fereidouni
        The massification of higher education is a phenomenon that quickly swept the world after World War II. Iranian higher education has also faced this phenomenon in the last two decades and its statistical evidence can be cited in various dimensions of higher education. Re More
        The massification of higher education is a phenomenon that quickly swept the world after World War II. Iranian higher education has also faced this phenomenon in the last two decades and its statistical evidence can be cited in various dimensions of higher education. Research shows that various crises such as the crisis of quality of higher education, reduction of financial resources, little expansion without regard to the necessary infrastructure, unemployed graduates, social change and such factors are among the consequences of low expansion policies in Iran with concerns about improving access to education. It had a great start. A review of global studies also shows that the current crisis of higher education in Iran is not different from what happened after the massification in many countries. But it is important to note that different countries, while experiencing similar crises, have used different strategies to overcome the challenges of mass higher education, and these differences in strategies are rooted in the differences in the context of higher education in each country and its characteristics and requirements. Therefore, in the present study, the researcher, using the combined Swat-TOPSIS model, first obtained strategies appropriate to the Iranian context, to overcome the crises resulting from the quantitative expansion of higher education, and in the next step, using the TOPSIS technique, the strategies obtained Has been prioritized. Findings show that the mission-orientation of universities, the dominance of systems thinking in the higher education policy-making system and financial independence are the three main strategies among the eight strategies obtained in the present study to overcome the crises of higher education in Iran Manuscript profile
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        5 - Recognition of the religious approach in the field of women's employment in Iran: challenges, opportunities and Policy options
        Nader MotiHaghshenas
        Women's employment has always been discussed in various dimensions. The creation of paradox in the field of women's employment has raised questions among thinkers in the economic, social, moral, and religious spheres. The argument of this article is to see what is Islam More
        Women's employment has always been discussed in various dimensions. The creation of paradox in the field of women's employment has raised questions among thinkers in the economic, social, moral, and religious spheres. The argument of this article is to see what is Islam's approach to women's employment? What are the obstacles and challenges facing the issue of women's employment in an Islamic society? This research has tried to analyze the economic and living conditions of women by documenting the systematic and exploratory study by reviewing the systematic studies conducted in this field and the theoretical considerations taken from the Islamic point of view, emphasizing its adaptation to the original religious teachings in Islamic Iran. Pay attention to the main purpose. The findings show that although Islam has given women the principle of economic independence, women are both the owners of their labor and production and have no responsibility for the family's economy, but in the context of handing over labor to women in Islam, the interests of society, the family It also takes into account individual circumstances and issues, which create limitations for women's work. Certificates of cognitive population show that women's economic participation has increased from 12.93 percent in the 1976 census to 16 percent in the 2016 census, indicating a change in the participation of women in the Islamic economy, a change in their personal and social identities. An increase in the number of female graduates, women’s employment in different economic sectors and increase in women's activity in management sectors compared to previous decades indicate a significant growth. However, the lack of equal opportunities in favor to men to find jobs, lower wages than men and the unemployment rate of women, especially in higher education, the existence of some social and cultural restrictions on women's employment, attitudes and misconceptions. Compared to the competence of women in various jobs, the expansion of gender inequality in access to resources and the consequent increase in harm due to the lack of readiness and recognition of society are the main concern and challenge of women's employment in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Shifting Mechanisms in I.R.Iran and Japan Relations
        الهه  كولايي ماندانا  تيشه‌يار
        Essential principle of Japan’s foreign relations with all countries used to be separation of political issues from economic considerations. The shift in the nature and structure of power within international system led this country to revise its outlook and base its ec More
        Essential principle of Japan’s foreign relations with all countries used to be separation of political issues from economic considerations. The shift in the nature and structure of power within international system led this country to revise its outlook and base its economic relations on political relations with different countries. To serve their own long-term interests, today Japanese find it an undeniable necessity to accord with the global process of supporting western globalized models and values. Fearing that its strategic relations with the US be disturbed, could be considered one of the factors in changing Japan’s attitude towards Iran. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Iran and Regionalism in South-Western Asia: Strategies and Solutions in Iran’s Foreign Policy
        Reza سيمبر
        Presenting a ladder model for the process of regional convergence, and explaining its different phases, the present article studies the major differences between neo-regionalism and classical regionalism. Regarding five positions - regional space, regional assemblage, More
        Presenting a ladder model for the process of regional convergence, and explaining its different phases, the present article studies the major differences between neo-regionalism and classical regionalism. Regarding five positions - regional space, regional assemblage, regional society, regional community, and regional institutionalized political assemblage - and considering the present situation, south-western Asia stands in the second phase, i.e. regional assemblage,; and to provide it with negative peace rather than positive one is of priority. This is the main idea of the present article which surveys the main strategies of Iran’s foreign policy in this regard in order to find suitable solutions. Manuscript profile
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        8 - The Elements and the Processes Influencing International System
        Reza سیمبر ارسلان  قربانی شیخ‌نشین
        Portraying different approaches towards contemporary international relations which attempt to study the structures of its present order and depict the future horizon, this paper poses the main questions of what the current structure of international system and its domin More
        Portraying different approaches towards contemporary international relations which attempt to study the structures of its present order and depict the future horizon, this paper poses the main questions of what the current structure of international system and its dominant order is, and what approaches best explain the prospect of the future: liberalism, unipolar system, clash of civilizations, jihad against new colonialism, or anarchism. Can any of these systems explain future scenarios by itself or they are just parts of the paradigm of current world system when put together may provide answers to the question? The main idea of the article is that any discourse about world order has to cover four aspects: political and military balance of power, strengthening international institutions and global sovereignty, emphasis on shared human values, and explaining the structure of world political economy and finance production and distribution. Manuscript profile
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        9 - “Islamic Parliament” and Policy Making In Iran (1980- 2008)
        Vhid sinaee سمیه  زمانی
        Law-making assemblies are one of the institutions involved in the process of policy making. The range of their intervention is from real determination to formal influence. This fluctuation is affected by two categories of structural factors and agents. The structures in More
        Law-making assemblies are one of the institutions involved in the process of policy making. The range of their intervention is from real determination to formal influence. This fluctuation is affected by two categories of structural factors and agents. The structures include the jurisdiction of Parliament, internal organizations of parliament, the power distribution in political systems and external structures which have impact on Parliament. The agents include executive head of parliament, chief executive, representatives and influential groups. Three types of parliament are detectable from relationship of these structures and agents that are determinative parliament, effective, low- of -effect and neutral in the process of policy making. This study is going to investigate the role of Islamic assembly in the process of policy makings in Iran based on the theoretical framework. The results of this study show that assembly had causative, and not determinative, role in regard to structural factors and agents in the process of policy makings. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - The Theory of Conventional Constructivism and Researching about International Relations and Research Implications
        The emergence and expansion of constructivism as one of the significant conceptual and theoretical frameworks in International Relations in the two last decades was accompanied by an increase in interest toward empirical researches in this framework. Researching in the More
        The emergence and expansion of constructivism as one of the significant conceptual and theoretical frameworks in International Relations in the two last decades was accompanied by an increase in interest toward empirical researches in this framework. Researching in the framework of this approach has some special implications which is unfortunately less followed in current researches and surveys, especially in students’ theses and dissertations. In addition to this, many of the young scholars in the field of International Relations who are theoretically interested in constructivism are in doubt about choosing domains of subjects they can empirically research from this perspective. The purpose of this article is to show The implications of conventional constructivism survey and it's subject domains. The applied method for collecting data in this essay is library-based and depends on the theoretical and meta-theoretical texts and empirical surveys and researches and shows that how can constructivism be a theoretical base for almost all subject domains in the field of International Relations. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Semantic and Structural Dimensions of Decision- making in Islamic Republic of Iran’ Foreign policy
        GHOLAMALI SOLEIMANI Sayed Jalal Dehghani Firozabadi
        Along with the victory of Islamic Revolution, a fundamental change has occurred in Iran's foreign policy. But neglecting the domain of foreign policy and international relations in the study of the role of political system domain, confront the foreign policy study domai More
        Along with the victory of Islamic Revolution, a fundamental change has occurred in Iran's foreign policy. But neglecting the domain of foreign policy and international relations in the study of the role of political system domain, confront the foreign policy study domain of Islamic Republic Of Iran with special difficulties that in fact leads to the weakness in conceptualization in this domain. With regard to the area of foreign policy analysis and the achievements of this sub-domain, this article aims to answer these basic questions that: what is the Islamic Republic of Iran’s foreign policy decision-making model? Answering this question requires considering different effective levels in the analysis of foreign policy that the present study , examines this subject in three levels of decision-maker, decision-making structure and decision-making orientation of foreign policy as main effective elements in foreign policy decision-making and their role in foreign policy decision-making , hoping that it can illustrate the action and decision-making logic and also effective structural and organizational factors affecting on the Islamic republic of iran’s foreign policy. Manuscript profile
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        12 - Exceptionalism, Hegemonic Stability and Islamophobia in America
        Ahmad دوست محمدي Esfandiar  Mohammadi
        Since the year 1620, when a group of English people immigrated to America, exceptionalism based on the attitude of unique nation, racial superiority, the Israel of the time, the heaven on the earth and … have been seen in American society and, particularly, in the liter More
        Since the year 1620, when a group of English people immigrated to America, exceptionalism based on the attitude of unique nation, racial superiority, the Israel of the time, the heaven on the earth and … have been seen in American society and, particularly, in the literature of American presidents, from George Washington to Barack Obama. Americans believe in the myth that their immigration from England has been the new type of “the Jews' immigration“ to the promised land” in order to build the God’s domain, so that they preserve the right to fight against any people who oppose the idea. So The first question that comes to mind is that what is the origin of idea of exceptionalism, and then how the idea became a basis for the theory of hegemonic stability, and then how this thought is supposed as the basis for formation of consistency theory based on dominance or hegemonic stability and what is its relation to the dissemination of Islamophobia in American society? Our purpose in this paper is showing where American exceptionalism is rooted in, and illustrating the effect that this thought has in formulating the hegemony theory based on offensiveness or dominance and raising and preaching of Islam phobia in American society. So this paper supposes that American Exceptionalism makes this country's state men act offensively and internationally that based on this, America has played its hegemonic role. And, because Islam as an anti hegemony religion, oppose such behavior, fighting Islam and Islamophobia has become America’s strategic agenda. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - The Spiritual-based Theory of Richard Ned Lebow; An Analytical Framework for Explaining Revisionism in International Relations
        ramtin rezaei farideh mohamad alipour
        We should more seriously consider the revisionist approach in foreign policy of states in the theory of International Relations. it, also, is necessary to be studied in a post-structuralist approach with respect to immaterial motives. Richard Ned Lebow’s spirit-based th More
        We should more seriously consider the revisionist approach in foreign policy of states in the theory of International Relations. it, also, is necessary to be studied in a post-structuralist approach with respect to immaterial motives. Richard Ned Lebow’s spirit-based theory, which explains the controversy and challenge in the International Relations arena based on the concept of spirit and motives and its motivations, provides a good framework for studying the state's revisionist attitudes in the field of foreign policy and International Relations. Ned Lebow's theory can also be a good framework for analyzing the foreign policy of the I.R.Iran as a revisionist state. This paper seeks to answer the question that how does the spirit direct governments towards revisionism in International Relations according to Ned Lebow's theory? In response, the essay hypothesized that the soul, through motivations and motives of dignity, pride and greatness, leads governments to revisionism in international relations. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - Normative analysis of precipitation characteristics and Iranian water resources in the texts of Iranian geographers
        mohammad hosein ramesht Farokh  Malekzadeh Somayeh Sadat  shahzeidi
        Geographical researchers provide normative interpretations, of the territorial characteristics of Iran. According to most writings, the amount of precipitation in Iran is less than one-third of the global average. When it comes to the time of precipitation, it is contra More
        Geographical researchers provide normative interpretations, of the territorial characteristics of Iran. According to most writings, the amount of precipitation in Iran is less than one-third of the global average. When it comes to the time of precipitation, it is contrasted with the time of water need, and regarding the spatial distribution and pattern of the precipitation, the heterogeneous distribution is considered along with random and flood patterns. Now the question is that whether we are allowed to offer normative interpretations of this situation as scientific researchers, and if there are appropriate strategies that can turn these characteristics into opportunities. The present study has tried to answer these questions by relying on the phenomenological method and analyzing the texts of 50 works by Iranian geographers based on the Janet method along with the use of central core indicators, maximum repetitions, Brust Detection, and centrality of the CiteSpace. The results of the study show that: • Normative loading is not permissible in the field of science for identifying the precipitation characteristics and water resources of Iran; • The climatic characteristics of a region shape its territorial identity, and strategic planning policies should be a function of it; and • Normative analysis of the climatic characteristics of Iran is mostly the product of the dominant positivism of Iranian geographers. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - A look at the structure of research management in Germany
        Gevork grptian
        This paper examines the structure of German research management. In this regard, segregation of duties in the policy-making layers, sponsors and implementers of research is proposed and then the institutionalization approach in research is presented. Finally, how to fin More
        This paper examines the structure of German research management. In this regard, segregation of duties in the policy-making layers, sponsors and implementers of research is proposed and then the institutionalization approach in research is presented. Finally, how to finance and discuss how to plan international activities is discussed. Conclusion The article provided highlights and suggestions on national perspectives. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - Security Policy Analysis in the Light of Human Rights
        Eslam Mondani Mohammad Ashouri
        Security orientation is a strategy the admissible and successful influence of which on the dominant area of criminal policy in the society implicates consistency and agreement with restrictive human rights criteria as well as adherence to privacy and inherent dignity of More
        Security orientation is a strategy the admissible and successful influence of which on the dominant area of criminal policy in the society implicates consistency and agreement with restrictive human rights criteria as well as adherence to privacy and inherent dignity of human beings. Thus, in case the security orientation discourse fails to ensure the human rights principles underlined by the international law for any reason, then it may not be considered a justified policy as it would face failure and defeat in the battle in the long run. Taking into account the various temporal and spatial cirumstances and adhering to the contents of international documents and conventions are propositions considered as the main provision for positive consequence of the quality of interaction between security-oriented criminal policy and human rights principles and criteria which may contribute significantly to obviation of many obstacles blocking such interaction. This article seeks to address the question on the status of interaction between human rights principles and the security-oriented system of thought and to discover, in general, the human rights restriction on this pattern. Manuscript profile
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        17 - Provide a successful evaluation model of public policy based on professional ethic
        Sara  Hajatpour karamolah daneshfard Mohammad Taban ghanbar amirnejad
        Throughout the world, a variety of strategies are used to evaluate policies and reduce the intangible and intangible consequences of defective policies, in line with international approaches that propose policies and tools to improve the assessment of organizational pol More
        Throughout the world, a variety of strategies are used to evaluate policies and reduce the intangible and intangible consequences of defective policies, in line with international approaches that propose policies and tools to improve the assessment of organizational policies for those organizations. In this study, several evaluation approaches have been presented by various scholars who try to improve the quality of implementation of policies and reduce dissatisfaction and tensions caused by their inaccurate evaluation. This study seeks to provide a desirable model for evaluating the .The research community was composed of two groups composed of experts in the field of non-random sampling method of selective type and for managers and stakeholders community, a multi-stage sampling method was used. It seems that the findings of the research and the proposed model have the potential to be proposed as a strategy for an appropriate and effective evaluation of policy makers in this field, as well as suggestions for effective ethical evaluation in the organization and subsequently improving the quality of policy implementation Public in that organization.implementation of public policies in the social welfare organization as a public non-governmental organization. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        18 - The Importance of Multiplicity and Variety of Resources in Success of Forming Process in Research Spin-Off (RSO) Companies
        Mazaher Ziyaei
        The importance of creating Research Spin Off (RSO) companies as the most tangible tool in commercialization of research achievements, increasingly catches more attentions. But it is the most complex tool, too. The main aspect of this complexity is multiplicity and varie More
        The importance of creating Research Spin Off (RSO) companies as the most tangible tool in commercialization of research achievements, increasingly catches more attentions. But it is the most complex tool, too. The main aspect of this complexity is multiplicity and variety of resources which should be available at the right time and portion for success of the process. The aim of this article is showing this multiplicity and variety of resources and their role in policy making for successful RSO companies, by having a glance at Iran’s circumstances. It starts by having a look at the RSO concepts and the studies of their formation in an "open innovation model", then the two aspects of this process; knowledge and the financial and necessary resources for developing in these companies are studied. It shows that financing is not the only needed resource at the beginning stages, but a variety of technical, financial, social and human resources are needed, too. The existence of experienced consultant teams, access to scientific, technologic, industrial and commercial networks and experts of technology transferring, commercialization and management of growth companies are some of them. In conclusion it emphasizes that in Iran only some resources for the start stages are considered but more resources are needed in the middle and final stages of process . Manuscript profile
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        19 - The Emergence and evolution of Japanese system of Industrial Property Rights
        Parisa Riyahi
        The influence of the intellectual property rights on the innovation and economical performance is of a complicated type and it is necessary to be precise while designing the IPR system which might be applicable for the economic development as an effective instrumental p More
        The influence of the intellectual property rights on the innovation and economical performance is of a complicated type and it is necessary to be precise while designing the IPR system which might be applicable for the economic development as an effective instrumental policy. While designing such systems, different countries go through different paths depending on the local context and the global environment. Thus, comparative assessment and benchmarking is widely used in most studies of policy-making. This article deals with case study evaluation of evolution procedures of IPR in Japan and at the end, it encompasses some suggestions for strategic design of this system in Iran. Japan has greatly benefited from its preliminary phases of development of the IPR. Technological learning in Japan has been established in support of a fragile system of IPR. This system paved all the way for absorbing innovation and beyond boundaries knowledge by the local firms. Some initiates such as “profitable models" and “the industrial designs” not only developed the patent culture in this country, but also it turned into a strong driving force for the incremental innovations and partial improvements based on the foreign ones. When the technological capabilities of the local agencies increased, and the firms were requesting for a stronger protective regime for their own inventions, Japan intellectual property rights system was reinforced in such a manner that presently it is considered as one of the most strict and complete IPR systems in the globe. Manuscript profile
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        20 - Policy Making for R&D Centers According to Idea to Market Process; Case Study Iran Petroleum Industry
        Seyed mahameddin Tabatabaei
        Nowadays, R&D is becoming one of the most important pillars of corporations. But there are several different and diverse approaches regarding the structure and position of R&D department in corporations. Most of the large companies have in-house R&D department. Except More
        Nowadays, R&D is becoming one of the most important pillars of corporations. But there are several different and diverse approaches regarding the structure and position of R&D department in corporations. Most of the large companies have in-house R&D department. Except corporate R&D, also independent research and development organizations has been established in many countries to promote scientific and technological capabilities. Each of these two types of research and development organizations has a special mission then policy making for them requires a particular process. The aim of this paper is to policy making for research and development organizations according to idea to market process. For this purpose, first, the elements of idea to market process and then the types of research and development organizations, including corporate and non corporate were described. Then different types of structures of corporate R&D ( in large organization ) will be defined and policies for the duties and nature of their activities in centralized and decentralized sectors of corporate R&D (in hybrid R&D structures) based on the elements of the idea to market process are discussed. Next, the proposed principles for the oil industry as the country's largest industry, which has several research and development departments as a case study, have been applied and finally suggestions for improving research and development in the petroleum industry are presented. Manuscript profile
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        21 - A Comparison between Science and Technology Policy Institutes in Iran and Vision 2025 Region Countries
        Mostafa Taghavi Yaser Khoshneviss
        Nowadays, science and technology policy think tanks have an important role in design, analysis and evaluation of science and technology policies. These institutes have key impacts on the facilitating and improvement of science and technology development programs in many More
        Nowadays, science and technology policy think tanks have an important role in design, analysis and evaluation of science and technology policies. These institutes have key impacts on the facilitating and improvement of science and technology development programs in many countries. In this paper, we introduce three instances of science and technology policy institutes in our country and three other instances of these institutes in the vision 2025 region countries and then, compare their features and activities. The results can be utilized in design, establishment and development of science and technology policy think tanks in Iran Manuscript profile
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        22 - Critical challenges of Policy-Making for Emerging Technologies in Iran: Nano-Technology as a case
        Reza Ansari Seyed Habibollah Tabatabaeiyan
        Nowadays, in the industrial countries and ever-increasingly in the developing countries, the policy makers found that the concepts of National Innovation System are useful framework as systematic approach for compilation of technology policy. In this essay, by reviewing More
        Nowadays, in the industrial countries and ever-increasingly in the developing countries, the policy makers found that the concepts of National Innovation System are useful framework as systematic approach for compilation of technology policy. In this essay, by reviewing technologic policy making literature and concepts of National Innovation System as a framework for compilation of technologic policy, the experience of policy making of emerging technologies in the country (nano-technology as an example) have been inspected and analyzed. Also the main challenges and also some proposals have been presented in order to promote the status of emerging technologies policy making and finally with regard to the literature and main observations presented in this essay, necessity of systematic approach design faced with emerging technologies have been explained. Manuscript profile
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        23 - A cognitive view of the concept of innovation and innovation policy
        Sina Laleh Ehsaneh Nazari
        Like all sciences, initially, we have to achieve basic understanding and deep cognitive about that science..the artificial constructs must commence with the recognition that there are phenomena to be observed and studied and about which testable hypotheses need to be ge More
        Like all sciences, initially, we have to achieve basic understanding and deep cognitive about that science..the artificial constructs must commence with the recognition that there are phenomena to be observed and studied and about which testable hypotheses need to be generated and tested. The innovation and innovation policy concepts are not Exception too, although in relation to innovation and innovation policy issues, there are highly expression by many scientists, this paper presents the view that one of the reasons for the current state is a lack of a sufficiently wide ambit in our understanding of the various phenomena that go to make up innovation and not simply immaturity. so we offer another definition of the concept of innovation and creativity and their separation from each other at first, then, express The concept of "situated cognition" with the basic elements are associated with it. After that, according to this concept and value systems we define the innovation and express the effect of situation and changing of the manufacturers and creativity and innovation adopters, based on value systems and organizations and innovation adopters. Then, after expressing the definition of a constructive memory and effects of its interaction on the change of value systems and creating the Emergence values, finally, we present the concept of innovation and innovation policy. At the end, we introduce the FBS ontology to describe the innovation, we offer a Workbench to Test Innovation Policies Manuscript profile
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        24 - Iran's penal policy towards providing security for children in cyberspace
        Seyed Abbas Khalilpour Chalkiasari
        The astonishing advancement of information technology in the early years of the twenty-first century has brought about countless changes in the various fields and opened another door to the new world so that all human economic, social, political, cultural and scientific More
        The astonishing advancement of information technology in the early years of the twenty-first century has brought about countless changes in the various fields and opened another door to the new world so that all human economic, social, political, cultural and scientific activities are fundamentally changed. Law is also a branch of the humanities that regulates human relations in the context of collective life. It has developed laws to prevent children from unsecured entering the virtual world and legal measures to protect them. Adopting a distinct approach to the substantive criminal law of cybercrime can minimize harm to children and adolescents by prevention. In the meantime, questions and doubts have been raised about the limits of freedom of use of the Internet for children, the limits of free flow of information against child users, protection of child privacy in cyberspace and finally the role of legal regulations to protect this vulnerable group that easily can be exploited in this boundless world. In this research, through data collection tools and using library and internet resources with rational analysis of the content to study the legislative policy of criminal law on criminal security for children in cyberspace, in comparison with the iranian legal system and international documents, in order to better confront and prevent these crimes, the issues and problems and the strengths and weaknesses of the enacted laws are presented and suggestions and solutions for solving these problems are discussed. Manuscript profile
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        25 - Manifestations of differential penal policy towards child victims with a look at the Child and Adolescent Protection Law adopted in 2020
        bahram jafary
        Child victimization poses a dire threat to the most sensitive and important assets of society. Accordingly, in international documents and domestic laws, differential policies have been adopted to prevent victimization while limiting and eliminating its effects and prec More
        Child victimization poses a dire threat to the most sensitive and important assets of society. Accordingly, in international documents and domestic laws, differential policies have been adopted to prevent victimization while limiting and eliminating its effects and preclude secondary child victimization. Using the library and descriptive method, the present study, with emphasis on the Child and Adolescent Protection Law, attempts to discuss the aspects of the differential policy approach aimed to protect child victims in the iranian legal system. The results indicate that there were scattered, yet inadequate, regulations protecting children in various substantive and formal aspects in the past; However, while developing the scope of differential protecting regulations, the enactment of the Child and Adolescent Protection Law in 2020 has provided considerable preventive and monitoring- oriented views, especially through making legal intervention in favor of children and adolescents that are at risk or victimization. It can be said that this law clearly factors in differential policies including determining several crimes and specific punishments aimed at protecting children and adolescents and considering special institutional, disciplinary and judicial organizations with the aim of managing, preventing and dealing with child victimization and limiting its effects. Manuscript profile
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        26 - legislative Criminal Policy in the Iranian Legal System on Child Rights Violations in the Field of Computer Games
        Mohammad khorshidi athar
        Background and Aim: Criminal protection of children against computer games following the fundamental transformation in the light of technological advances and the spread of computer games along with increasing the power of its impact on human thought and behavior is ine More
        Background and Aim: Criminal protection of children against computer games following the fundamental transformation in the light of technological advances and the spread of computer games along with increasing the power of its impact on human thought and behavior is inevitable. On the one hand, entertaining children due to their strong interest in computer games, and on the other hand, the wide range of such games with large investments to develop computer games in the age group of children In addition to the unhealthy and harmful effects on this vulnerable group has raised many concerns for thinkers. In this study, the criminal policies of the Iranian legal system regarding the violation of children's rights in the context of computer games compared with international documents and from a critical point of view has been evaluated and by perusing the strengths and weaknesses of related laws, the need for comprehensive rules to protect the rights of the child against harming of computer games has been emphasized by formulating an effective differential criminal policy. Method: The method of discussion in this research is descriptive-analytical and the method of data gathering is library. Results: In Iran's legal system, a review of the laws related to the current criminal policy regarding the violation of children's rights in the field of creating, publishing and distributing computer games reveals gaps and defects. Conclusion: By examining the situation of children and their rights against computer games and studying the negative and inappropriate effects of this universal and effective technology on children it is possible to achieve a comprehensive support program containing differential criminal policies against child victimization through the use of computer games. A differential approach to substantive criminal law in the field of child safety in relation to computer games is the role that the legislature can play in protecting children and to prevent the abuse of the rights of this vulnerable group. Manuscript profile
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        27 - Role-Playing mechanisms of NGOs in public policy making in Iran
        Hadi Lotfi Karamollah Daneshfard Morteza Mousakhani
        Background and Aim: One of the most important public policy actors that have an increasing role in our society and other societies that are moving towards democracy are non-governmental organizations. This study aims to explain the role-playing mechanisms of non-governm More
        Background and Aim: One of the most important public policy actors that have an increasing role in our society and other societies that are moving towards democracy are non-governmental organizations. This study aims to explain the role-playing mechanisms of non-governmental organizations in the Iranian public policy-making process. Method: After reviewing the theoretical and research background in the exploratory phase, the theoretical model of the research was developed and after in-depth interviews with experts in policy-making and engineering system, open and axial data coding with maxqda software and with The Corbin Strauss model was used using the theme analysis method. The resulting model was then tested and validated with a questionnaire among the members of the board of directors of the engineering system of the provinces by structural equation modeling and smart-pls software. Results: The results of the study led to the identification of 57 sub-categories in 5 categories: causal conditions, intervening factors, environmental and political conditions, strategy and outcome. Results: Changing the approach of society and the main actors of the policy (government and parliament) to civil society and the role of the NGOs along with adopting the right strategy on both sides and also strengthening the structure and process of the NGOs can provide the basis for improving this role Manuscript profile
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        28 - Critical Review of the concept of "development" with emphasis on the epistemological considerations of governance in Iran
        heidar Najafi Rastaghi hamid dehghanian
        The term development is a large and multidimensional concept and the product of a fundamental transformation of thought and the historical practice of the West in management systems and governance in the post-Renaissance period is a new conception of God and religion an More
        The term development is a large and multidimensional concept and the product of a fundamental transformation of thought and the historical practice of the West in management systems and governance in the post-Renaissance period is a new conception of God and religion and the world, Existence of epistemological differences and western orientation of development patterns Based on these principles, there are value conflicts in the target countries or the so-called underdeveloped which has been denied the traditional and cultural values ​​of these countries and subsequently the emergence of various tensions and challenges in the governing systems. The main purpose of this study was to critically examine the concept of "development" with emphasis on the epistemological considerations of governance in Iran. In this regard, the method of documentary study and content analysis based on a critical approach has been used. The main question of this research can be posed as follows: "What criticisms can be made about the concept of development by emphasizing the epistemological considerations of governance in Iran?". In the findings section, the critical components of the "development" paradigm with emphasis on the epistemological considerations of governance in Iran in the four axes of "critical socio-cultural rethinking", "critical economic rethinking", "critical political rethinking" and "critical philosophical theological rethinking" include economics Designed as the custodian of social planning (instead of philosophy), globalization, de-traditionalization, cultural uniformity, linearization of development, transgression of various forms of religion, rejection of traditional society, consumerism, sensitization of culture, secularization, moral relativism, etc. Manuscript profile
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        29 - A comparative study of the position of international migration in land use planning of countries of destination (Case study: Canada, Germany, Australia and Iran)
        zahra torkashvand ابوالفضل عبادی
        In the context of the phenomenon of migration, some countries are known as destination or hosts of migration due to various conditions and characteristics. The purpose of this study is to review and recognize the programs and policies of some countries (Germany, Austral More
        In the context of the phenomenon of migration, some countries are known as destination or hosts of migration due to various conditions and characteristics. The purpose of this study is to review and recognize the programs and policies of some countries (Germany, Australia and Canada) as well as Iran in the field of immigrants and refugees. The method used in this research is descriptive and library method. The results of this study show; Germany, Australia and Canada, according to their territorial, political, economic, social and cultural characteristics, have developed various programs and policies for the exploitation of immigrants and refugees, as a result of which countries (governments and nations) and immigrants and refugees benefit Achieve enough and necessary for them and get closer to their goals. But in Iran, there are no coherent and effective policies and programs at the national level to benefit immigrants and refugees in a desirable way and the immigrants themselves can obtain acceptable living conditions. In Iran, in the field of immigration, the programs are terminal and short-term in order to somehow control the volume of migration and asylum in the country, but there is no coherent and integrated program regarding the long-term effects and feedback. Manuscript profile
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        30 - Survey of the Social-Credit-Social Joy of the Iranian People
        sAEMEH Karimi zare Alireza Erfani
        Abstract: Intorduction: Happiness among people in society is as a motor for profitable and productive economic activity, a country in which people with a positive spirit and advanced social capital will certainly have better economic returns and prosperity, so the pres More
        Abstract: Intorduction: Happiness among people in society is as a motor for profitable and productive economic activity, a country in which people with a positive spirit and advanced social capital will certainly have better economic returns and prosperity, so the present study It answers the key question: How is the relationship between monetary policy, social capital and the happiness of the Iranian people? Method:The research method used in this study is based on time series analysis and econometric model of VAR model research. In this regard, after evaluating the variables manu- facture, the results of the research are estimated using vector autoregressive approach and cumulative economic analysis related to time series variables and using VAR model. The variables used in this study include gross national product, cash volume, divorce, return checks, and recreational and household spending in Iran during the period 1986-1999. Findings: The results for this 32 year period show: Social capital and the components of happiness are causality, and social capital has a positive effect on the components of a happy economy, as well as the monetary policies, social capital, and happiness of the Iranian people, which have a significant relationship with each other as they affect each other in the long run. Discussin:According to the results of the research, socio-economic recommendations are provided, including appropriate monetary policies at specific times of each period, lowering the unemployment rate in order to reduce the number of people's return checks and trying to Economic growth as well as promotion of social capital and stability of the country's GDP Manuscript profile
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        31 - A Functional Analysis of National Innovation System of IRAN
        Javad Soltanzadeh Kavous  Heydari Hamideh  Dabbaghi   Reza Ansari
        Performance of Innovation system is one of the most important segments of planning in every country which is needed for economic and social prosperity, security and welfare. But the lack of achievement to scientific purposes in Iran indicates that there are many challen More
        Performance of Innovation system is one of the most important segments of planning in every country which is needed for economic and social prosperity, security and welfare. But the lack of achievement to scientific purposes in Iran indicates that there are many challenges toward innovation system and its progress. In the other word, it is necessary for improving national innovation system to be affected by consistent and clear policies. It means that a kind of policies is needed which can define the contribution of each players in the innovation system and the rate of their participation. Achieving to this goal, makes us to use a scale for measuring the policies and let us to evaluate and identify the pros and cones. Also, this approach toward the innovation system makes it better than the past and helps us to create more functional and strategic policies in the future. For this goal, we study a wide theoretic framework and 16 previous studies to suppose a functional scale consist of five levels named: Management and policy making, Knowledge creation and accumulation, Knowledge diffusion, Knowledge exploitation and Infrastructure. The results show that there are 159 weaknesses and shortcomings in innovation system according to the opinion of experts. In addition we supposed 43 indicators related to five levels scale for making functional policies of innovation in the future. Manuscript profile
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        32 - Implementation of the strategic management model cultural organizations (Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults)
        vajholla ghorbanizadeh fattah sharifzadeh davood hosseimpur محمود مروج
        We believe that the pace of change and complexity Social and cultural conditions The need for policy-making in general and Organization over the past revealed The process of considering and implementing policies Is crucial Research shows Despite the formulation More
        We believe that the pace of change and complexity Social and cultural conditions The need for policy-making in general and Organization over the past revealed The process of considering and implementing policies Is crucial Research shows Despite the formulation of appropriate policiesThe many reasons , Including incomplete or improper implementation of policies The results are not optimal And policies and decisions The failure would result in So that this mess in the cultural program - which has enjoyed the additional complication More than other areas of planning as Manuscript profile
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        33 - Analysis of Iran Internationalization of Higher Education,emphasis on actors
        Firoozeh Asghari
        The new trend of internationalization of higher education, based on the Sixth Development Plan, demonstrates Iran's serious determination to implement this policy as a continuous, systematic and extensive process. But what is important at the beginning of the work and i More
        The new trend of internationalization of higher education, based on the Sixth Development Plan, demonstrates Iran's serious determination to implement this policy as a continuous, systematic and extensive process. But what is important at the beginning of the work and in the first year of the program is to pay attention to the different dimensions of this policy decision in order to successfully implement the program. Therefore, this paper, based on the results of the research conducted in the years 96-95, seeks to provide the theoretical support necessary for the implementation of this policy by analyzing the policy of higher education internationalization emphasis on actors. Manuscript profile
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        34 - Presentation of IoT Policies Pattern in Iran through Applying of Thematic Analysis Method
        Leyla Hasanzadeh Garavand Mahdi Abdolhamid Amir Zakery
        This paper is based on a perspective view of the potential of the impact of emerging technologies such as the IoT on developing countries, and, by understanding the challenges of the IoT in Iran, presents a pattern of internet of Things policies in the country. The esse More
        This paper is based on a perspective view of the potential of the impact of emerging technologies such as the IoT on developing countries, and, by understanding the challenges of the IoT in Iran, presents a pattern of internet of Things policies in the country. The essence of the present research is exploratory descriptive. In the process of data analysis, the present study utilizes methods of library studies and semi-structured interviews. The method of thematic analysis is the main method of this research. Interviews were analyzed in 548 basic themes, 56 organizing themes, and 13 comprehensive themes. Finally, the themes were formulated as IoT policies in Iran. Among the most important of these policies are the establishment and strengthening of IoT policy bodies with legal competencies for the sustainable development of IoT;to provide a platform for the production of integrated and extensive applications by creative groups based on government oversight and support;localization of IoT in accordance with Iranian Islamic culture for its acceptance and development of internal laws and standards of IoT in line with international standards and active supervision. The major innovation is that it goes beyond the requirements and presents operational policies for the development of IoT. Manuscript profile
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        35 - Designing a Model of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy in the Regional Innovation System (Case Study: Yazd Province Special Science and Technology Zone)
        علی صفاری دربرزی habib  zare ahmadabadi seyed reza salami Davood Andalib Ardakani
        Due to the complexity of science, technology and innovation system, policymakers and decision-makers are concerned by designing a comprehensive model for policy making in this field. Therefore, it is essential to understand and extract relationships of science, technolo More
        Due to the complexity of science, technology and innovation system, policymakers and decision-makers are concerned by designing a comprehensive model for policy making in this field. Therefore, it is essential to understand and extract relationships of science, technology and innovation policy indices. The purpose of this research is to identify and establish the link between indices in the form of regional innovation system. For this purpose, in the first step, using the review of the literature of research as well as the use of experts' opinions, the most important dimensions of the model of policymaking of science, technology and innovation were identified. Then, in the next step, interpretive structural modeling technique was used to communicate and sequence between the main dimensions and presenting the relational model. According to the results, 56 indicators in eight main dimensions were ranked in five levels. With the validation of the model, using structural equation modeling, it was determined that the two dimensions of the institutions and resources of science and technology are the basic foundations of science, technology and innovation policy in the special field of science and technology in Yazd province that the policymaking process is practically from these two dimensions of the beginning gets. Manuscript profile
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        36 - Improving Q-Learning Using Simultaneous Updating and Adaptive Policy Based on Opposite Action
        M. Pouyan S. Golzari A. Mousavi Ahmad Hatam
        Q-learning is a one of the most popular and frequently used model-free reinforcement learning method. Among the advantages of this method is independent in its prior knowledge and there is a proof for its convergence to the optimal policy. One of the main limitations of More
        Q-learning is a one of the most popular and frequently used model-free reinforcement learning method. Among the advantages of this method is independent in its prior knowledge and there is a proof for its convergence to the optimal policy. One of the main limitations of this method is its low convergence speed, especially when the dimension is high. Accelerating convergence of this method is a challenge. Q-learning can be accelerated the convergence by the notion of opposite action. Since two Q-values are updated simultaneously at each learning step. In this paper, adaptive policy and the notion of opposite action are used to speed up the learning process by integrated approach. The methods are simulated for the grid world problem. The results demonstrate a great advance in the learning in terms of success rate, the percent of optimal states, the number of steps to goal, and average reward. Manuscript profile
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        37 - Performance Improvement of Heterogeneous Networks with Backhaul Constraint through Decoupled Uplink and Downlink Access Policy
        a. j. Zolfa Zeinalpour-Yazdi Aliakbar tadaion taft
        One of the major challenges in the heterogeneous networks, where different base stations with different capabilities serve users, is the access policy for establishing a communication link between the user and its serving node. To overcome this challenge in a heterogene More
        One of the major challenges in the heterogeneous networks, where different base stations with different capabilities serve users, is the access policy for establishing a communication link between the user and its serving node. To overcome this challenge in a heterogeneous network which also suffers from the backhaul constraint, a special kind of “decoupled uplink and downlink access” policy is proposed in this paper, which let users to be served by different base stations in uplink and downlink communications. More precisely, in order to efficiently utilize the system resources, increase the users’ throughput, and guarantee the users’ fairness, a special load balancing association policy is considered in the uplink transmission and a problem which maximizes the weighted sum of users’ effective rates is solved. Simulation results show that using this association policy for the considered scenario, significantly improves the load balancing index, energy efficiency, and also users’ effective rate compared to the scenario which considers the criterion of the maximum received power of the downlink connection for both uplink and downlink transmissions. In addition we propose an algorithm which further improves the load balancing considering the backhaul constraint of the base stations and evaluate its efficiency. Manuscript profile
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        38 - Promoting Quality of Human Resources Training in Higher Education with Emphasis on Social Capital Development
          ebrahim salehi omran
        Development of social capital as a macro-policy in higher education may result from high quality human resource training. Educational systems can provide quality training opportunities, laying the groundwork for people to get involved in social events. In this respect, More
        Development of social capital as a macro-policy in higher education may result from high quality human resource training. Educational systems can provide quality training opportunities, laying the groundwork for people to get involved in social events. In this respect, various theoretical conceptions of training qualification should be, however, taken into consideration. In recent decades, the relevance and development of quality training or social capital development has been a theoretical conception influencing Human Resource training quality. Thus, the present paper explores this idea, using a descriptive, analytical, qualitative approach. Analysis of social capital and its relation to the quality of educational skills, which is required for human resources, can be regarded as a genuine policy in promoting higher education quality. Finally, it can be claimed that wise policies in higher education is a prerequisite for offsetting cultural and economic aspects. Manuscript profile
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        39 - Open Innovation Development Policy: Requirements for Iran
        atefeh zolfaghari Morteza Akbari Shokooh Sadat  Alizadeh
        In the open innovation system, in addition to ideas within the organization, organizations can also benefit from ideas outside the organization. In this way, the boundaries between organizations and their external environments become more permeable, and if appropriate p More
        In the open innovation system, in addition to ideas within the organization, organizations can also benefit from ideas outside the organization. In this way, the boundaries between organizations and their external environments become more permeable, and if appropriate policies are developed for the development of open innovation, it will be possible to take advantage of the facilities of other organizations in an appropriate way. This research have been reviewed texts and articles and researches related to open innovation and policy issues in open innovation. Requirements for open innovation policy in Iran regarding open innovation policy in the field of research and technology development, open innovation policy In the field of networking and interactions of open innovation ecosystem, open innovation policy in the field of entrepreneurship, open innovation policy in the field of science, open innovation policy in co-creation in universities, open innovation policy in the field of labor market, Competitive Open Innovation Policy-Making Provides International Open Innovation Policy-Making. Manuscript profile
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        40 - Identifying the causal factors affecting the training of entrepreneur-oriented human resources from the perspective of managers and educational policy makers
        hadi barati hamideh jalili
        Entrepreneurship and enterprising behavior as subject fields and frames of understanding can only happen concurrent with a transformation of the universities from ivory tower into entrepreneurial university. Therefore; the institutions of higher education and the univer More
        Entrepreneurship and enterprising behavior as subject fields and frames of understanding can only happen concurrent with a transformation of the universities from ivory tower into entrepreneurial university. Therefore; the institutions of higher education and the universities in particular play a highly central part in the innovative and entrepreneurial process. Identifying the causal factors affecting the training of entrepreneur-oriented human resources from the perspective of managers and educational policy makers. This research, based on the purpose, following the applied research that has done by the qualitative method. The participants study included all experts and activists in the field of entrepreneurship and policy-making in the field of human resources at Farhangian University in the academic year of 2019-2020, that by using purposive sampling method, 19 people were selected as participants. To collect the data, a semi-structured interview used.The validity of the measurement tool has confirmed through Coders agreement. The results of the research showed that the causal factors affecting the training of entrepreneur-oriented human resources from the perspective of managers and educational policy makers could be classified form of 3 components (Management, tangible and intangible resources, and strategies) and 56 indicators. The most important factors affecting the training of entrepreneur-oriented human resources are: institutionalization of the entrepreneurship debate; Improving the career path system and succession planning; Strengthen teamwork spirit; Strengthen strategic vision and transformational leadership; tangible and intangible support and Use of new generations of education. Manuscript profile
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        41 - Familiarity with open innovation and review of effective factors in its implementation and development
        sattar hashemi
        In this article, open innovation is introduced as one of the ways to increase productivity and create profitable partnerships, and its challenges and benefits are examined. In the following, the role of governments in advancing the goals of open innovation and how to po More
        In this article, open innovation is introduced as one of the ways to increase productivity and create profitable partnerships, and its challenges and benefits are examined. In the following, the role of governments in advancing the goals of open innovation and how to policy it will be studied and the relationship between open innovation and new technologies and its role in the relationship between academia and industry will be analyzed. Manuscript profile
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        42 - Strategic Evaluation of the Policy-Making Process of Dealing with Social Issues in Iran
        Ebrahim hajiani
        The main purpose of the present study is providing a critique and a critical strategic evaluation of a set of social policies adopted by the Iranian decision-making system and executive power in the past few decades. For reaching this purpose, these policies including d More
        The main purpose of the present study is providing a critique and a critical strategic evaluation of a set of social policies adopted by the Iranian decision-making system and executive power in the past few decades. For reaching this purpose, these policies including decisions and actions regarding issues, problems, harms and crimes were identified in five categories. Then the basics of confrontation policy and policy selection, implementation, and evaluation have been reviewed. The method is meta-synthesis which uses the existing analyses, assessments and critiques of Iranian scholars and researchers, as well as the author's lived experience. After a brief review of the current status of social issues, which indicates failures and lack of success, and also a brief overview of the policies adopted, the findings show that the identification of issues has been untimely and delayed. As for the general principles, there has been a kind of uncertainty, a biological and individualistic approach, and an indifference to the basic solutions. In the field of policy review and selection, there is a lack of learning and inattention to policy experiences, centralism, sentimentality, lack of audience recognition, lack of transparency, and disregard for marginalized groups and indigenous-local conditions. As to the implementation, we see the lack or inadequate distribution of financial resources, disregard for policies, lack of infrastructure, mismatch and the problem of human resources. In the field of execution, we face the weakness of the executive power, the ceremonial/ritual confrontation, and the lack of matrix thinking and haste. As to the monitoring phase, the lack of a monitoring system and the weak participation of civil society organizations in the evaluation process are among the most important weaknesses. Finally, we have proposed strategies such as transparency and structural change. Manuscript profile
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        43 - An Analysis of the Effectiveness of National Measures Taken in the Field of University-Industry Cooperation; Identify, Prioritize and Provide Solutions for Excellence
        Seyed Maseood  Ghoreishi mehdi majidpour babak negahdari morteza mousakhani
        In the upstream documents of the country, the issue of responding to scientific and research centers to the demand of industries and organizations has been emphasized; Therefore, the cooperation between the university and industry has become very important. Numerous nat More
        In the upstream documents of the country, the issue of responding to scientific and research centers to the demand of industries and organizations has been emphasized; Therefore, the cooperation between the university and industry has become very important. Numerous national measures have been taken in cooperation with the university and industry, which need to be evaluated. Two main goals are pursued; One is to discover the extent to which the goals and functions of the actions taken in the field of university-industry relations have been achieved, and the other is to provide executive solutions to improve the current path and move towards the excellence of university-industry cooperation. In this research, using methods such as library studies, interviews with experts and the focus group, first the measures taken in the field of cooperation between the university and the statistics industry and then by surveying experts, the effectiveness of each measure in terms of each criterion and The rate of fulfillment of each criterion was calculated in terms of measures taken and analyzed using statistical mean method. It can be said that none of the measures that have been taken so far in the field of industry-university relationship have had the desired efficiency and also the efficiency criteria have not been met to an acceptable level in most of the executive measures. At the end, several proposals were presented, including the establishment of the executive headquarters of university-industry cooperation and the privatization of offices related to industry and university entrepreneurship Manuscript profile
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        44 - Institution of Charity and Instruction and Restorative Justice
        اسعد نوبخت mysam nemat allahi
        Expecting the legal community to know about the ideal goals and the ideal justice of all the tools, or the ability to use all of these tools is an unreasonable and in vain, so all the scholars and thinkers of the field of science of law to identify and Using these tools More
        Expecting the legal community to know about the ideal goals and the ideal justice of all the tools, or the ability to use all of these tools is an unreasonable and in vain, so all the scholars and thinkers of the field of science of law to identify and Using these tools has made a lot of effort. However, due to the fact that it is desirable for all the scholars of this field and scholars of this field to mobilize all their possibilities to continue the course and achieve the desired justice and trials, until the knowledge and achievement of human justice is a long and long way. Be honest and fair. This paper seeks to explore new ways and ways to use the capacities of criminal politics and to take steps to reach this goal using religious orders and capacities. Using the examples of restorative justice is at the same level as the writer's point of view. Manuscript profile
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        45 - The Framework for Formulating Tourism Policies of Islamic Republic of Iran
        Hamid Zargham Boroojeni  
        In this article, the researchers have tried to propose a model for formulating tourism policies of Iran in accordance to tourism policies of Five-Year Economic, Social and Cultural Plan and that of Iran Vision of 2025. Hence, a questionnaire composed of 15 questions (wi More
        In this article, the researchers have tried to propose a model for formulating tourism policies of Iran in accordance to tourism policies of Five-Year Economic, Social and Cultural Plan and that of Iran Vision of 2025. Hence, a questionnaire composed of 15 questions (with Likert scale) was distributed among tourism experts (university professors, tourism experts at Iranian Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization and etc.). The data was then analyzed by use of Exploratory Factor Analysis and Confirmative Factor Analysis. The results showed that there are four factors (Economic and Supportive, Political, Marketing and Development and Cultural) that can be considered for policy making of Iran, more specifically for future formulation of tourism policies of Iran. The results also showed that marketing and development policies are of highest priority (regarding the experts’ point of view). The importance of different variables was also examined in this article. Manuscript profile
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        46 - Investigating the Scenarios of non-Muslim non-Iranian Tourists of Mashhad Within 2025 Perspective
        Arash   Ghahreman Ahmad roumiani Sareh   Nematian zahra bostan
        The uncertainty caused by environmental complexities has made it difficult to forecast the future of Tourism in Mashhad in terms of non-Muslim tourists visiting the city, about whom no sufficient information exists. Therefore, this study sought to investigate the trend More
        The uncertainty caused by environmental complexities has made it difficult to forecast the future of Tourism in Mashhad in terms of non-Muslim tourists visiting the city, about whom no sufficient information exists. Therefore, this study sought to investigate the trend of variations in the visits made to Mashhad by non-Muslim tourists using the scenario writing method. To this end, this applied study used the analytical-qualitative approach, collecting the required data through detailed in-person interviews. In this regard, twenty-seven interviews were made in three phases with tourism experts in such fields as sociology, economics, planning, and specialized tourism services. In the first phase, the factors involved in attracting non-Muslim tourists to Mashhad were identified according to the views offered by the experts in interviews using the Delphi technique. In the second phase, the critical driving forces were identified based on two criteria of effectiveness and uncertainty. Finally, the optimistic and pessimistic scenarios concerning the future of non-Muslim tourism in Mashhad were described. The study’s findings revealed that smartizing tourism, making connections between tourism in Mashhad and its neighboring cities, increasing the number of media advertisements, improving the hospitality culture, and promoting a sense of security in the visiting tourists were the most important driving forces at the local level. Therefore, the number of Mashhad’s non-muslim tourists could be increased within the study period by improving IT infrastructure (including electronic trading, and electronic banking), introducing neighboring cities and villages of Mashhad and their tourist attractions, offering instructions regarding hospitality (especially for taxi drivers, business and shop owners), creating tourism police, and providing security in high-trafficking urban places. Manuscript profile
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        47 - Tourism Policymaking, Local Community Support, Place Image, Tourism Impacts, Tourism in Semnan
        Zohre  Kiani FeizAbadi Farnaz NikKhah Elisa  taherian
        Tourism policies widely affect the lives of local residents. On the other hand, the effectiveness of such policies depends on the local community’s support and participation. Therefore, the present study sought to investigate the influence of the Local Community’s Place More
        Tourism policies widely affect the lives of local residents. On the other hand, the effectiveness of such policies depends on the local community’s support and participation. Therefore, the present study sought to investigate the influence of the Local Community’s Place Image and their perception of tourism impacts on their support for tourism policies in Semnan. To this end, some 340 questionnaires were distributed among local residents, out of which 322 questionnaires were completed by the respondents. The collected data were then analyzed by PLS software using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results indicated that the residents’ place image had a direct significant effect on their perception of tourism impacts and consequently on their support for tourism development policies. Moreover, the findings highlighted the necessity of evaluating tourism impacts based on the perceptions of residents, because the more favorable they consider the tourism impacts, the more support they give to tourism development policies. Finally, this study suggests some policy recommendations on how to manage the local community’s place image, their perceptions of tourism impacts, and their support for tourism policy-making. Manuscript profile
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        48 - Tourism, Public Policy, Tourism Policy, Policy Implementation, Gilan Province
        Ezzatollah Abbasian shabnam zarjou seyyed Hamed Hashemi
        The current study set out to identify the influential factors involved in implementing public tourism policies in Gilan province, Iran. To this end, this developmental qualitative research applies an inductive approach and follows the interpretive-constructivist philoso More
        The current study set out to identify the influential factors involved in implementing public tourism policies in Gilan province, Iran. To this end, this developmental qualitative research applies an inductive approach and follows the interpretive-constructivist philosophy. The study’s population consisted of experts in the field of tourism, public policy, Gilan studies, and geography, out of whom some twenty experts were selected and interviewed using purposive snowball sampling. According to the findings of the study, technological, cultural, social, economic, and political-administrative factors were found to have contributed to the implementation of the public tourism policy in Gilan province. In this regard, the political-administrative factor was found to comprise bureaucracy reduction, education, and human resources development and improvement. Moreover, it was revealed that the social factors included strengthening social responsibility, increasing public and non-governmental organizations' participation, proper communication of the executive department with residents, and enjoying social capital. On the other hand, the results showed that the cultural factor consisted of utilizing cultural symbols, developing localized policies, and emphasizing the cultural structure of each region and that the technological factor included the emphasis on media advertisement and strengthening technological infrastructure. Finally, the economic factor was found to comprise participatory governance, proper financial planning, and proper budgeting. The main achievement of this research is its focus on the implementation aspect of policy-making and the recognition of various cultural, technological, social, economic, and political-administrative factors in the successful implementation of tourism policies, suggesting that in addition to economic factors, some other factors also contribute to the effective policy implementation, a fact which has been neglected in many similar studies. Manuscript profile
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        49 - The Issue of Iranian Older Women Living Alone: Case Study in Tehran and Alborz Provinces
        mirtaher mousavi Masoomeh Maarefvand maryam rahnama komamardakhi laleh maarefvand
        Older Women Living Alone (OWLA) are one of the most vulnerable groups due to the circumstances of the society and it is necessary to plan a specific program to support them. No specific program to support OWLA has been designed and implemented in Iran and for this purpo More
        Older Women Living Alone (OWLA) are one of the most vulnerable groups due to the circumstances of the society and it is necessary to plan a specific program to support them. No specific program to support OWLA has been designed and implemented in Iran and for this purpose it is necessary to assess and prioritize the needs of this group. In this study semi-structured interviews with experts, policy-makers, and managers and OWLA were conducted and their contents were analyzed. Targeted-sampling and snowball-sampling was performed in Tehran and Alborz provinces and continued until saturation was achieved. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews. The interviews were transcribed verbatim and coded in three steps and the categories and subcategories were obtained. The most important reason for living-alone among elderly-women is the death of their spouse and marriage of their children. In order to be independent, they try to manage their finances by saving, while at the same time take care of their health, are treated for their illnesses. Many of them don't want to remarry in old-age. Relocation due to home sales in old age means that in many cases their communication network is limited to their children and families and social participation is limited among them. The communication with family-members, care, independency, financial support, social-interaction and social-participation, security and a sense of security, geographical access to health-care and rehabilitation-services, training and awareness raising, entertainment and leisure appropriate to old-age are issues that need to be addressed in policies and planning related to OWLA. Manuscript profile
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        50 - Explaining the Relationship between Corruption and Tax Policy Implementation and the Role of Organizational Commitment (Yazd General Administration of Taxation)
        Maryam  Ali Omrani Alireza Manzari Tavakoli Sanjar Salajegheh
        The aim of this study was to explain the relationship between corruption and the rate of implementation of tax policies with respect to the mediating role of organizational commitment in order to provide a favorable model. Regarding the role of moral values in the field More
        The aim of this study was to explain the relationship between corruption and the rate of implementation of tax policies with respect to the mediating role of organizational commitment in order to provide a favorable model. Regarding the role of moral values in the field of corruption, it can be said that economic poverty and income disorders of employees of organizations, cultural poverty and lack of strong moral beliefs and lack of effective rules and regulations and control systems are among the main causes of corruption and the main factors are form. This phenomenon includes: main causes (roots) and facilitators. The research method is analytical, descriptive and correlational. The statistical population of 500 people included all employees of the General Department of Taxation of Yazd. The sample size according to Morgan table was equal to 221 people who were randomly selected. For data collection, a questionnaire of 20 questions of corruption with a validity of 75. and a reliability of 804. and a questionnaire of 11 questions of tax policy implementation with a validity of 74. and a reliability of 942. and a questionnaire of 24 questions of organizational commitment with a validity of 78. and a reliability of 907 / were used. Data analysis was performed with SPSS and Amos software. Data were collected through a questionnaire and the community of experts as a research tool. In order to analyze the data, statistical tests such as Pearson correlation coefficient and structural equation modeling were used. The research findings in the first step show that corruption has a negative and significant effect on organizational commitment. Also, corruption within the government has a negative and significant relationship with the implementation of tax policy. Organizational commitment as a positive moral characteristic also has a positive and significant effect on the implementation of tax policy. As a result, organizational commitment reduces the effects of corruption on tax policy implementation. Finally, it was shown that organizational commitment indirectly improves the implementation of tax policies and reduces the effects of corruption. Manuscript profile
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        51 - Role of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Regional and International Institutions
        Nasrin Mosaffa جواد  امین‌منصور
        With the emergence of transnational and multilateral arrangements as major means of international negotiations and cooperation, questions have arisen about membership and participation in such arrangements: how to interact with them, and how to assess the impact of tran More
        With the emergence of transnational and multilateral arrangements as major means of international negotiations and cooperation, questions have arisen about membership and participation in such arrangements: how to interact with them, and how to assess the impact of transnational institutions on national interests of member states. The present paper reviews the theoretical frameworks related to this issue before analyzing the role of the Islamic Republic of Iran in regional and international institutions and discussing the necessity of establishing a desirable and effective relations with international organizations. In doing this, the experience and scope of the presence and activities of the Islamic Republic of Iran in these organizations have been divided into three periods: from the victory of the Islamic Revolution to the end of the Iraq’s war against Iran in 1988; from 1989 to 2004, and from 2004 up to the present time. The paper enumerates common features of these three periods as well as their differences to delineate an overall picture of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s foreign policy with relation to regional and international institutions. Manuscript profile
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        52 - Dimensions, Consequences, and Challenges of Turkey’s EU Membership
        بهروز  مختاری keyhan bazegar
        This paper discusses the challenges Turkey has faced in its bid for accession to the European Union (EU) membership. As argued here, two independent variables; namely, identity and economic incongruity, have confronted Turkey’s endeavor with certain serious challenges More
        This paper discusses the challenges Turkey has faced in its bid for accession to the European Union (EU) membership. As argued here, two independent variables; namely, identity and economic incongruity, have confronted Turkey’s endeavor with certain serious challenges. To test this hypothesis, the authors explain the EU’s approach to the question of membership through theories of constructivism and economic liberalism. As discussed in the paper, the major challenges faced by Turkey in this process stem from the peculiar characteristics of power and political structure in the country, including the Islamic heritage and identity, incomplete democratization as embodied in a semi-democratic political structure, and also the developing nature of the economy. The paper concludes that as long as these characteristics persist, Turkey will have a hard row to hoe for the accession to the European Union. Manuscript profile
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        53 - Position of International Organizations in Foreign Policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran
        hosien karimifard
        The position of international organizations in the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran has differed according to the identity system adopted by the Iranian officials in various periods of time and their viewpoints about the nature and functions of internation More
        The position of international organizations in the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran has differed according to the identity system adopted by the Iranian officials in various periods of time and their viewpoints about the nature and functions of international organizations and institutions. Since 1979 up to the present time, the experience has proven that when Iran has had positive interaction with international organizations, it has been in a better position to guarantee its security and national interests, and cooperation with international organizations in different fields has provided Iran's political, economic and cultural diplomacy with opportunities. On the other hand, a confrontational approach to international organizations has created various challenges and problems in various fields for the country and has damaged the international prestige of the Iranian government. This study reviews position of international organizations in the foreign policy of Iran from 1979 to 2003. Manuscript profile
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        54 - Challenges Facing Security and Defense Policies of EU and US
        سعید  خالوزاده
        The Common Security and Defence Policy of the European Union is one of the challenges facing the NATO and the leading role played by the U.S. The post-Cold War Europe attempted to be less dependent on U.S. and NATO, and to counter American influence on the security arra More
        The Common Security and Defence Policy of the European Union is one of the challenges facing the NATO and the leading role played by the U.S. The post-Cold War Europe attempted to be less dependent on U.S. and NATO, and to counter American influence on the security arrangements of the Old Continent. In a post-Cold War world, Europeans have been seeking a multipolar international order with increasing power and balanced strengthening of the role played by influential countries within the international system while supporting the liberal hegemony bestowed on the Americans. The United States believed in a hegemonic order through unipolar order based on multilateralism. The main question of this article is what are the common challenges facing the US and EU policies with regard to security and defense structure in Europe as well as regional issues? What is their approach in dealing with those issues? After discussing the theoretical framework of the topic, the paper would focus on challenges facing the U.S. and the E.U. defines and security policies from a hegemonic liberalism perspective and rejection of U.S. unilateral hegemony. Manuscript profile
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        55 - Strategies and Components of EU Common Trade Policy
        Ali Sabbaghian Ebrahim Bagheri
        The European Union accounts for 19.7 percent of global trade in 2014. The EU with €1794 billion imports and €1687 billion of exports as well as absorbing some €523 billion foreign direct investments, the EU has gained the first position in these matters. The EU perfor More
        The European Union accounts for 19.7 percent of global trade in 2014. The EU with €1794 billion imports and €1687 billion of exports as well as absorbing some €523 billion foreign direct investments, the EU has gained the first position in these matters. The EU performs this large volume of trade in the framework of a special regulatory policy called the Common Trade Policy of the European Union. Now that the EU has been transformed into the world's largest trading power, we might ask what is the strategy of EU trade policy? What set of tools are being used to move it forward and what are its decision-making structures and mechanisms? And what are the main objectives of this policy? Given the importance of knowing the dimensions of the Europe Union's trade policy for the Islamic Republic of Iran, which is one of the EU’s trade partners, this article seeks to identify and analyze the implementation of the EU common trade policy mechanism and its various aspects. by discussing the answers to the above questions This article is a descriptive analysis and makes use of inferential research methodology to reach its objectives. Manuscript profile
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        56 - EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy: Challenges and Obstacles
        Yasser Nooralivand Mohammad Reza Majidi
        By investigating the security-political divide within the European Union despite the economic integration, the article suggests structural, internal and external challenges are preventing the EU to echo one voice in international level. The most important challenge in a More
        By investigating the security-political divide within the European Union despite the economic integration, the article suggests structural, internal and external challenges are preventing the EU to echo one voice in international level. The most important challenge in achieving the Common Foreign and Security Policy is Member States’ insistence on national structures such as national sovereignty and nation interests. In maintaining national structures on supra-national level, European Union is suspended between two different structure: confederate and federal. The indeterminate and fluid structure manifests itself in process of decision-making across different policy-making arenas. Achieving EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy is prevented by contradiction between the national approach (encompassing national sovereignty and national sovereignty) and the supra-national approach (limiting national sovereignty and compromising national interest for sake of common interest).This article tries to analyze the issue that why EU notwithstanding in the field political and security convergence in the international arena? Manuscript profile
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        57 - An Analysis of the Political-Security Integration of the European Union within the Framework of Realist Approaches
        Seyed Davood Aghaee Yasser Nooralivand Ebrahim Bagheri
        The entrance of the European Union as a supranational actor into the field of political-security issues is a rare occurrence that has challenged realism as the most important state-centered theory in the international arena. Therefore, since the theory of realism as the More
        The entrance of the European Union as a supranational actor into the field of political-security issues is a rare occurrence that has challenged realism as the most important state-centered theory in the international arena. Therefore, since the theory of realism as the main theory in the field of security issues does not recognize any role for non-state actors in this field, the question is brought forward that how do this theory and its various branches analyze and evaluate the actions and role of the European Union regarding political-security issues? In response, it can be said that this theory, at first, did not pay enough attention to the EU's security developments, due to the fact that it did not consider the EU a non-state actor, but as the EU began to formulate a common foreign and security policy and European security and defense policy and to establish European rapid reaction forces, it was forced to present some views in this regard. Although all branches of realism, due to their belief in the monopoly of state actors in the international arena, and their emphasis on elements such as national interests and national sovereignty, do not provide a clear-cut view on the political and security integration of the European Union, defensive neo-realists have a clearer and more optimistic view on the evolution of political and security integration at the EU level, due to the importance attached by them to the role of institutions in establishing security cooperation between states. Manuscript profile
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        58 - Advance on the European Common Foreign and Security Policy, from Kosovo to Ukraine
        Yousef Molaei Issa  Adeli
        The article seeks to evaluate the progress in the EU common foreign and security policy after the Lisbon treaty in comparison with Maastricht Treaty. Two crises in Eastern Europe have been studied by reviewing the EU’s official documents and ratifications. Ukraine crisi More
        The article seeks to evaluate the progress in the EU common foreign and security policy after the Lisbon treaty in comparison with Maastricht Treaty. Two crises in Eastern Europe have been studied by reviewing the EU’s official documents and ratifications. Ukraine crisis occurred five years after the Lisbon treaty, likewise the Kosovo crisis happened five years after the Maastricht treaty. By comparing the EU reaction to these two crises, the achievements can be evaluated. The focus is mainly on restrictive measures like economic and diplomatic sanctions. The study shows that considering all differences, the Ukrainian crisis was a success story and the EU drew a more cohesive and more efficient response. This conclusion was reached by the number of reactions and their efficacy. However, there are some qualifications, especially when positive peace is explored, the outcome did not satisfy the expectations. Manuscript profile
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        59 - EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy: Challenges and Obstacles
        Mohammad Reza Majidi Yasser Nooralivand
        By investigating the security-political divide within the European Union despite the economic integration, the article suggests structural, internal and external challenges are preventing the EU to echo one voice in international level. The most important challenge in a More
        By investigating the security-political divide within the European Union despite the economic integration, the article suggests structural, internal and external challenges are preventing the EU to echo one voice in international level. The most important challenge in achieving the Common Foreign and Security Policy is Member States’ insistence on national structures such as national sovereignty and nation interests. In maintaining national structures on supra-national level, European Union is suspended between two different structure: confederate and federal. The indeterminate and fluid structure manifests itself in process of decision-making across different policy-making arenas. Achieving EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy is prevented by contradiction between the national approach (encompassing national sovereignty and national sovereignty) and the supra-national approach (limiting national sovereignty and compromising national interest for sake of common interest).This article tries to analyze the issue that why EU notwithstanding in the field political and security convergence in the international arena? Manuscript profile
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        60 - Proposing a Framework for Ranking International Science and Technology Institutions: The case of International S&T Policymaking Institutions
        Effat Norouzi Javad Mashayekh
        One of the relevant topics in the field of science, technology and innovation policy is international S&T cooperation. This study proposes a framework for ranking these institutions focusing on a clear example of international S&T cooperation; cooperation in the context More
        One of the relevant topics in the field of science, technology and innovation policy is international S&T cooperation. This study proposes a framework for ranking these institutions focusing on a clear example of international S&T cooperation; cooperation in the context of multilateral international institutions, in order to decide on the membership and better utilization of their capacities. Seeing deficit in the history of the assessment of countries’ performance in these institutions, the research has suggested a function-oriented framework based on nine functions to rank these institutions. These functions are as follows: form and support of interaction, communication and networking at the level of individuals, organizations and governments; legitimacy and proper visualization in regional or international level; making regulation and international standards in the field of science and technology; production, processing and distribution of information; monitoring and enforcing international regulations; allocation and sharing of resources; cooperation and joint action; arbitration and resolving international challenges; training, empowerment and capacity building. Then, using the proposed framework, forty-six international active institutions in the field of S&T policy making were ranked in six categories. The result shows that the Islamic Republic of Iran almost poses the membership of those institutions placed second to fourth categories. Finally, some recommendations about the revision of the Islamic Republic of Iran's membership in these institutions as well as the efficient use of their capacity have been proposed. Manuscript profile
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        61 - A Study on the Evolution of Beijing Behavior in the Four Periods of "China's International Organizational Diplomacy" and its Outcomes for Beijing
        Hamed Vafaei
        The present article examines the evolution of China's behavioral characteristics in the three governing systems over the past century; Article divides this Era into four historical periods, examines and analyzes Chinese political ethics within the concept of "internatio More
        The present article examines the evolution of China's behavioral characteristics in the three governing systems over the past century; Article divides this Era into four historical periods, examines and analyzes Chinese political ethics within the concept of "international organization diplomacy". The article hope to answers the question of “how the relationship between the behavioral evolution and the policy of the leadership power in China, which has always been directly influenced by the ruling ideology, has an impact on the presence and role of Chinese in international environments, including international organizations?” This article also briefly examines China's interests through its relationship with international organizations and Count some of the benefits of this relationship for the Chinese Communist Party. Manuscript profile
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        62 - China's Foreign Policy and the Evolution of its Security Council Voting Behavior
        Hamid salehi Emad Aslani Minareh Bazaari
        To understand the behavior of governments, one of the most important areas of study is the views and opinions that are expressed by them in international organizations. China is Iran's most important trading partner, and examining its votes in the UN Security Council co More
        To understand the behavior of governments, one of the most important areas of study is the views and opinions that are expressed by them in international organizations. China is Iran's most important trading partner, and examining its votes in the UN Security Council could make prediction of its performance much more accurate in the face of developments in the region. In other words, by paying close attention to China's voting behavior in the UN Security Council, we can achieve a precise understanding about the gradual evolution of China's votes in the Security Council. This has made it especially important to know the country's voting framework in the Security Council. In this article, we try to examine the evolution of China's votes in the Security Council from a constructivist point of view and a pragmatic approach. The question we are trying to answer in this article is what will happen to China's foreign policy in light of the changes happened within China's voting behavior in framework of the Security Council? The hypothesis we introduce in response to this question is that the evolution of China's vote in the Security Council indicates an increase in influence and the creation of a network of Chinese allies in regional organizations. China is seeking to use its veto power to enhance its role as an emerging economic, security and political power on different international occasions and to achieve some sort of political-economic deterrent against US destructive-sanctions measures and, on the other hand, promote Chinese norms through the use of international expansion organizations in the international arena. Manuscript profile
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        63 - Assessing the factors affecting China's economic interaction with selected trade blocs, Comparative study; Persian Gulf Cooperation Council and Eurasia
        mehrdad Alipour reza simbar
        Given China's urgent need for sustainable energy to reduce energy vulnerabilities and maximize its growing power in international politics and relations, the rising country has sought to build energy cooperation in recent years. A special political-economic relationship More
        Given China's urgent need for sustainable energy to reduce energy vulnerabilities and maximize its growing power in international politics and relations, the rising country has sought to build energy cooperation in recent years. A special political-economic relationship with the countries present in the GCC and the Eurasian Strategic Region will emerge. In this regard, the authors of the present study with a descriptive-analytical-comparative approach and based on library documents, have sought to answer the strategic question that the People's Republic of China in the light of deepening relations by analyzing and examining the growing presence of Beijing in these areas. What are its political and economic goals with the member states of the Persian Gulf Council and the actors in the Eurasian strategic sphere? The hypothesis raised by the above question is that Beijing, taking into account the economic weight of the countries present in the mentioned regions and given their special position in the belt-road initiative, has tried to pursue its new geopolitical strategies through effort. To ensure sustainable security of access to energy, maintain target markets based on the Belt-Road Initiative, as well as increase cooperation with regional partners, extend to the Persian Gulf and Eurasia. Manuscript profile
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        64 - Neighborhood Policy and Multilateral Geoeconomic Order Making; The Islamic Republic of Iran and the Eurasian Economic Union
        Amir  Abbasi Khoshkar
        Geoeconomic Order Making as one of the main foundations of strategic Order Making in West Asia as well as playing the role of economic stabilization in the periphery areas have become some of the main directions of regional foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran More
        Geoeconomic Order Making as one of the main foundations of strategic Order Making in West Asia as well as playing the role of economic stabilization in the periphery areas have become some of the main directions of regional foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Neighborhood policy based on economic diplomacy in the geo-economic cluster of Central Asia and the Caucasus has provided a favorable business environment in the form of membership in the Eurasian Economic Union. Selling of consumer goods and services to the region in order to boost exports and enhance the value of national currency are among the main goals of joining the union. The question of the present study is that “what are the opportunities and challenges of advancing Iran's membership in the Eurasian Economic Union regarding geoeconomic participation in Central Asia and the Caucasus? In response to the above question, it is hypothesized that the expanding export markets and strengthen the convergence of geoenergy with union members are the most important opportunities and incompatibility of the economies of the member states along with their competition in energy exports are among the challenges facing the Islamic Republic of Iran in the markets of Eurasian Economic union. The research method in this article is descriptive-explanatory. Manuscript profile
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        65 - Designing a network policy model based on the public accountability of the treasury of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance using the foundation's data approach
        Maryam Maleki Frogh Roudgarnezhad Samad Jabbariasl
        The main goal of the research is to design a network policy model based on the general accountability of the treasury of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance using the foundation data approach. In order to achieve the goal of the research, the qualitative resear More
        The main goal of the research is to design a network policy model based on the general accountability of the treasury of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance using the foundation data approach. In order to achieve the goal of the research, the qualitative research method of grounded theory and paradigm model has been used to develop the aforementioned research model. The statistical population of this research was fifteen treasury managers of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance, the purposeful sampling method and the data collection method was semi-structured interviews, which continued until theoretical saturation was reached. By following the model of grounded theory, in the first step (open coding), the researcher has obtained the components based on the data obtained from in-depth interviews and their processing and categorization, the results of the current research lead to 31 sub-categories and 7 main sub-categories were identified, which in the form of a paradigm model include the elimination of operational gaps as causal conditions, targeted organizational orientation as background conditions, participation in decision-making and administrative health as intervening conditions. , the formation of organizational identity as strategies, sustainable organizational development as outcomes, and the central category includes public accountability, and finally, for the development and expansion of the theory of network policy based on public accountability, a general model was presented that The innovation of this research is considered. Manuscript profile
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        66 - Iran's criminal policy in criminal security agreements in the Criminal Procedure Code of 1392
        roya ghasemi
        Judicial authorities of the prosecutor's office play an important role in the formation and formation of criminal cases, and failure to comply with the requirements of a fair trial at various stages of the criminal process, especially the preliminary investigation stage More
        Judicial authorities of the prosecutor's office play an important role in the formation and formation of criminal cases, and failure to comply with the requirements of a fair trial at various stages of the criminal process, especially the preliminary investigation stage, can lead the trial to an unfair decision. Accordingly, the old position of the prosecutor's office has changed from two hundred years ago to the present day, and a great change has taken place in the new criminal policy in this regard. Thinkers' views on criminal policy are consistent, and without a rational criminal policy, there can be no answer. Iran's criminal policy is often repressive and coercive against criminals, and Iran's legislative policy is dichotomous, and sometimes legislative and judicial criminal policy are in conflict. The necessity of criminologies cannot be denied, but the anticipation of temporary punishments such as long-term detention and even non-departure from the judiciary, etc., is partly due to ignoring the teachings of criminology and criminal sociology. Judges are often hesitant to apply such punishments to avoid the consequences of criminal misconduct. Crime prevention is the most effective part of criminal policy, but prevention is not considered very important in Iranian law, and coercive politics is currently facing a serious challenge. Manuscript profile
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        67 - Providing the ideal model of public policy in the field of welfare with the agency of elites to achieve sustainable development
        Peyman Ayyari Nader  Bohlooli Gholamreza Rahimi
        Achieving public welfare is possible only through public policy with the role of elites. The present study was also carried out with the aim of presenting the ideal model of public policy in the field of welfare with the agency of elites to achieve sustainable developme More
        Achieving public welfare is possible only through public policy with the role of elites. The present study was also carried out with the aim of presenting the ideal model of public policy in the field of welfare with the agency of elites to achieve sustainable development. This research is applied-developmental in terms of purpose, and in terms of its nature and form of implementation, it was done in a descriptive-survey manner. The statistical population of this research includes public policy elites. Sampling was done using the theoretical sampling method and finally theoretical saturation was achieved with 11 people. The researcher-made questionnaire was also distributed among 384 public policy managers in the field of welfare, which was determined by Cochran's formula, by random sampling. The data collection tools are semi-structured interviews and questionnaires. In order to analyze the expert interviews, the grounded theory method and MaxQDA software were used, and partial least squares method and Smart PLS software were used to validate the model. Based on the research paradigm model, causal conditions include economic, cultural, technical and technological factors. that affect public policy. Public policy as a central phenomenon is effective in evaluating the implementation of welfare policies. In the meantime, elites provide background conditions, on the other hand, conflict of interests in the implementation of welfare policies are also interfering conditions. Finally, sustainable development can be achieved by evaluating the implementation of welfare policies. Manuscript profile
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        68 - Review and Qualitative Content Analysis of the Theoretical Origins of Urban Regeneration
        Ahmad Pourahmad Akbar Hamidi Hossein Hataminejad saeed zanganeh
        With the beginning of the twenty-first century, various policies have been adopted to manage the complexities and uncertainties of urban systems, especially in metropolitan areas. Meanwhile, Urban Regeneration (UR), as a policy focused on Inner-city, dysfunctional and r More
        With the beginning of the twenty-first century, various policies have been adopted to manage the complexities and uncertainties of urban systems, especially in metropolitan areas. Meanwhile, Urban Regeneration (UR), as a policy focused on Inner-city, dysfunctional and rundown urban fabrics, has found an undeniable significance in urban planning and studies. Then, the main purpose of this research is to review, evaluate and investigate urban regeneration policy based on Qualitative Content Analysis (QCA) method. Firstly, more than 300 scientific and valid texts in the field of urban regeneration were purposefully studied. After the final screening, 73 sources were analyzed in a content way as a selected document. In the second step, components and indicators of research variables were extracted and categorized. Results represent that the core categories of urban regeneration are: 1) principles of urban regeneration; 2) timeline evolution of urban regeneration policies; 3) sustainable urban regeneration strategies; 4) assessment frameworks of regeneration; 5) guiding theories for regeneration; and 6) land use-led urban regeneration. As a result, the conceptual model of urban regeneration was presented by focusing on expanded theoretical concepts. Considering extracted categories, the land use-led urban regeneration indicator has been noticed more in research studies, and the category of sustainable regeneration strategies has been given more priority. In contrast, the discussion of regenerative support theories, regeneration policy timeline and its evaluation frameworks are less emphasized than other issues. Manuscript profile
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        69 - Identifying the key factors affecting the application of forecasting in the field of policy making
        Sahar Kousari
        Policymakers should make policies for vague and uncertain futures. Policy makers make decisions for a vague and uncertain future. However, creating a suitable link between the concepts and methods of future studies with policymaking is one of the challenges that researc More
        Policymakers should make policies for vague and uncertain futures. Policy makers make decisions for a vague and uncertain future. However, creating a suitable link between the concepts and methods of future studies with policymaking is one of the challenges that researchers in the field of future studies and policymaking are facing. Future studies can be directly in the field of policymaking or indirectly through analysis. policy to be used. Policy-making and policy analysis in some countries such as Singapore, Great Britain, Japan, Finland, France, Germany, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa are carried out on the basis of future-based systematic studies. They have an important role in the policy-making process, but future research is not considered a part of policy-making. The purpose of this article is to identify factors that improve the relationship between future research and policy making. The identification of these factors has been done with the method of library studies and focus group. 70 factors improving the communication between the two fields of future studies and policy-making were identified, of which 8 factors specifically improve the relationship between policy analysis and future studies, which have the weakest relationship; These factors include: the level of uncertainty, the type of subjective judgment towards the future, the type of policy analysis, the conditions of the policy environment towards the future, the approach of the agents towards the future, the understanding of the system in facing future issues, the institutional conditions of openness to alternatives and Time perspective is about the future. After that, the alternatives of each of these factors have been extracted in order to expand the vision towards the future.. Manuscript profile
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        70 - Traumatic Narratives Emotions and Foreign Policy: Theoretical Hypotheses on The Basis of Iranian Experiences
        Homeira Moshirzadeh
        Following the “emotional turn” in International Relations, emotions since the 2000shave increasingly been regarded as a significant feature of international life. Thus collective memories (particularly traumatic memories together with emotions)and the narratives constit More
        Following the “emotional turn” in International Relations, emotions since the 2000shave increasingly been regarded as a significant feature of international life. Thus collective memories (particularly traumatic memories together with emotions)and the narratives constituting collective memory have become prominent issues in the contemporary study of international relations and foreign policy. The historical experience of trauma can in particular shape narratives and emotions hence influencing identity and agency; and hereby impacting foreign policy through legitimization and de-legitimization of specific foreign policy actions. What is less discussed in the literature is the conditions and the degree of their overall impact. This article seeks to develop a framework for the study of the ways in which significant traumatic narratives affect emotions, and hence it will seek to identity its related agenciesand actions within the context of foreign policy. On the basis of a few traumatic narratives in the history of Iranthis article subsequently develops a number of hypotheses about the impacts of traumatic narratives on foreign policy as a basis for empirical studies and research. Manuscript profile
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        71 - Identifying elements related to the evaluation of public policies in Iran's tourism industry Identifying elements of tourism policy evaluation in Iran
        Mohammad Hamed Dehghanpour abolhassan faghihi Mojtaba Kiaei
        Policy evaluation is the guarantor of their control, direction and perfection. But in the field of tourism industry, less attention has been paid to this important matter. The current research, with the aim of identifying the main elements related to the evaluation of t More
        Policy evaluation is the guarantor of their control, direction and perfection. But in the field of tourism industry, less attention has been paid to this important matter. The current research, with the aim of identifying the main elements related to the evaluation of tourism policies in Iran, is a step to partially cover this knowledge gap. To answer this main research question: What are the basic elements (dimensions, categories and concepts) to evaluate the general policies of tourism in Iran? The method of conducting this research is mixed (qualitative and quantitative). The research data included documents, texts related to the subject, the results of interviews with seven experts and the answers to the questionnaires of 21 experts who were selected by purposive sampling. Qualitative data was obtained from the review of related documents and literature, interview tool and Delphi method. In the initial stage, 18 categories and 59 basic concepts related to the evaluation model of public policies in Iranian tourism were identified and extracted and related to these 5 comprehensive dimensions of tourism policy evaluation: Diagnosing the problem, formulating the policy, legitimizing the policy, implementing the policy, evaluating the policy. For validation, the factors extracted during three rounds of the Delphi method were given to 21 experts. Based on the findings of the research, a total of 44 basic concepts related to the following 14 categories were identified for the evaluation model of tourism policies in Iran: Addressing the central issue, Having a comprehensive approach, Concern for experts, Rationality of the policy, Policy dynamics, Policy coherence, Legality, General admission, Efficiency, Executive commitment, Having the necessary tools, Continuity of assessment, Having appropriate evaluation indicators and Attention to the positive results of the policy Manuscript profile
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        72 - Presenting the ICT Policies Implementation Model of the 6th Development Using the Neural Network Method
        Nazila Mohammadi Gholamreza   Memarzadeh Tehran Sedigheh Tootian Isfahani
        It is inevitable to properly manage the implementation of information and communication technology policies in a planned way in order to improve the country's position in the fields of science and technology. The purpose of this research is to provide a model of the eff More
        It is inevitable to properly manage the implementation of information and communication technology policies in a planned way in order to improve the country's position in the fields of science and technology. The purpose of this research is to provide a model of the effective factors on the implementation of Iran's ICT policies with the help of the neural network technique and based on Giddens' constructive theory. From the point of view of conducting it, this research is of a survey type and based on the purpose, it is of an applied type because it is trying to use the results of the research in the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology and the Iranian Telecommunications Company. Data collection is based on library and field method. The tool for collecting information is research researcher-made questionnaire. The statistical population of the research is information and communication technology experts at the headquarters of Iran Telecommunication Company (810 people), of which 260 people were randomly selected as a sample based on Cochran's formula. MATLAB software was used for data analysis. According to the findings, the best combination for development is when all input variables are considered at the same time, and the worst case is when the infrastructure development variable is ignored, and the most important based on network sensitivity analysis is related to infrastructure development and the least important is related to content supply. Manuscript profile
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        73 - The effect of local content requirements industrial policy in development of automotive industry in the global value chain: a comparative analysis of China and Mexico
        Fereshte Gholami Hosein Aslipour Gholamreza  Kazemian Saeed Zarandi
        With reference to comparative policy studies and the level of competitiveness throughout the global value chain (GVCs), the effect of related policies can be traced. This article aims at studying industrial policy of local content requirements (LCRs), which are among th More
        With reference to comparative policy studies and the level of competitiveness throughout the global value chain (GVCs), the effect of related policies can be traced. This article aims at studying industrial policy of local content requirements (LCRs), which are among the most prevalent as well as primary policiese used in any development model. This has been done to study the effect of LCRs on upgrading the position of a country’s automotive industry concerning GVCs through a variable- oriented approach. China and Mexico have been picked out in accordance with sample selection approach in the systems encompassing a great deal of similarities as well as the most similar outcomes. Further to the historical review of the development process of the automotive industry, the effect of this policy on the three indicators FVASH, REII and DVAFXSH has been carried out by logistic regression. These indicators determine the level of competitiveness throughout GVCs. The logistic regression shows a significant logit relationship between the LCRs policy status and the DVAFXSH variable, but no significant relationship is observed for the other two variables. The trend review also shows that after the implementation and removal of LCRs, the FVASH and REII indices have not changed much, but the DVAFXSH has increased, especially in Mexico.It shows that the systematic implementation of LCRs can have significant effects in upgrading the position of countries in GVCs in the automotive sector, through DVAFXSH. Manuscript profile
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        74 - Providing the ideal model of public policy in the field of welfare with the agency of elites to achieve sustainable development
        پیمان  عیاری نادر  بهلولی غلامرضا  رحیمی
        Ayyari Peyman Bohlooli Nader Rahimi Gholamreza Abstract Achieving public welfare is possible only through public policy with the role of elites. The present study was also carried out with the aim of presenting the ideal model of public policy in the field of More
        Ayyari Peyman Bohlooli Nader Rahimi Gholamreza Abstract Achieving public welfare is possible only through public policy with the role of elites. The present study was also carried out with the aim of presenting the ideal model of public policy in the field of welfare with the agency of elites to achieve sustainable development. This research is applied-developmental in terms of purpose, and in terms of its nature and form of implementation, it was done in a descriptive-survey manner. The statistical population of this research includes public policy elites. Sampling was done using the theoretical sampling method and finally theoretical saturation was achieved with 11 people. The researcher-made questionnaire was also distributed among 384 public policy managers in the field of welfare, which was determined by Cochran's formula, by random sampling. The data collection tools are semi-structured interviews and questionnaires. In order to analyze the expert interviews, the grounded theory method and MaxQDA software were used, and partial least squares method and Smart PLS software were used to validate the model. Based on the research paradigm model, causal conditions include economic, cultural, technical and technological factors. that affect public policy. Public policy as a central phenomenon is effective in evaluating the implementation of welfare policies. In the meantime, elites provide background conditions, on the other hand, conflict of interests in the implementation of welfare policies are also interfering conditions. Finally, sustainable development can be achieved by evaluating the implementation of welfare policies. Manuscript profile
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        75 - Identifying the key factors affecting the using of futures studies in policy making
        Sahar Kousari
        Sahar Kousari Abstract Policymakers should make policies for vague and uncertain futures. Considering that futurist have an important role in the policy-making process, but future- oriented research is not considered a part of policy-making. The purpose of this More
        Sahar Kousari Abstract Policymakers should make policies for vague and uncertain futures. Considering that futurist have an important role in the policy-making process, but future- oriented research is not considered a part of policy-making. The purpose of this article is to identify the factors that improve the futures field and policy-making relationship. The identification of these factors has been done with the method of library studies and focus groups. eight factors improving the communication between the two fields of future studies and policy-making were identified, of which eight factors specifically improve the relationship between policy analysis and futures studies, which have the weak relationship; These factors include: the level of uncertainty, the type of subjective judgment towards the future, the type of policy analysis, the conditions of the policy environment towards the future, the approach of the agents towards the future, the understanding of the system in facing futures issues, the institutional conditions of openness to alternatives and time horizonis about the future. After that, the alternatives of each of these factors have been extracted to expand the vision towards the future, which can be the basis of different scenarios of supportive decision-making models in future research. rs. Manuscript profile
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        76 - Analyzing waste Management Policy from the Perspective of Local People in Selected Villages of Kermanshah
        Mohammad Akbarpour Parvin Rezaeibavandpour
        Due to the Increase in waste Production and the Concerns of Ecological damage Caused by them, waste Management Policy has become Extremely Important. Waste is a byproduct of Human Activities and includes all types of household, Medical, Agricultural, Industrial, Commerc More
        Due to the Increase in waste Production and the Concerns of Ecological damage Caused by them, waste Management Policy has become Extremely Important. Waste is a byproduct of Human Activities and includes all types of household, Medical, Agricultural, Industrial, Commercial, and Special and Hazardous waste. In Policy making and Comprehensive waste Management, waste Collection and methods of Processing and Disposal are managed in Interaction with each other in such a Way that the Triple Environmental, Social and Economic objectives of the Region are achieved. Based on this, the aim of this Research is to make waste Management policy from the Perspective of local People in Selected Rural areas of Kermanshah. Materials and methods: In terms of the Practical Purpose of this Research, it is a Strategic Development, and in terms of its Nature and Descriptive-Analytical method, it was carried out using a Survey and a questionnaire. The Statistical Population of the Research includes heads of households in selected villages. Which Includes 8 Selected Villages from 4 Rural Districts of the Central part of Kermanshah, which was determined by using Cochran's formula to have a Sample size of 275 People. Findings: Some indicators of waste Management of Local Residents have a Significant Correlation with their Individual Characteristics. Based on the Findings Obtained from this Research, it is felt Necessary to Pay Attention to Training in the Field of Waste Management to the Local Residents of the Target Areas. As a Result, the Implementation of Policies based on Waste Management has improved the Conditions of the target Areas and this shows the necessity of their Continuation and Development. Conclusion: The Results of the Show that the Current Research has a Weak Management Policy Regarding the wastes of the Region that the Village of Takhe Sarableh from Mian Darband Village has a better Situation than other Selected Villages and the village of Amme from Qarasu village has a weaker Situation than other villages has a selection. Manuscript profile
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        77 - Functions of the principle of dignity in criminal policies in the light of religious teachings
        mohammad mirzaei Fatemeh  Azimi
        Since human dignity is considered as a right or a set of inalienable and transferable rights, which has many potentials and fields of development and legislation in rule-making or compiling basic principles in the field of management and it is crime control or criminal More
        Since human dignity is considered as a right or a set of inalienable and transferable rights, which has many potentials and fields of development and legislation in rule-making or compiling basic principles in the field of management and it is crime control or criminal policy, so it is considered to be able to play a constructive and effective role in the field of macro and strategic criminal policies in an extra-legal way. In the religious teachings of Islam, human dignity is not based on a contractual and creditable matter, but on the basis of an ontological, ethical and original matter, which originates from the essence of human creation and a subject of development based on divine decrees and in the legislative dimension. It is justified. Now the question is, with all these capacities, how can this issue be given a practical aspect in a religious government, in the context of criminal policies and in the field of crime management and control? In other words, what is the place and functions of dignity-orientation in criminal and criminal policies? In other words, what is the place and functions of dignity-orientation in criminal and criminal policies? The findings of this article, prepared with descriptive and analytical methods, state that the preservation of human dignity, which has a moral origin on the one hand, and is also the creator of many moral works, has the ability to be the most important pillar of criminal policies. To be known in the general sense and criminal policies in the special sense. Since this principle is the justification factor and existential basis for many criminal and moral institutions and mechanisms in the criminal justice system, such as the principle of equality, proportionality, amnesty, acquittal, equality of arms, caution, and so on, with redefinition The function of the rule of dignity, which this article examines, can change the macro and strategic policies of penal and criminal. Manuscript profile
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        78 - The effect of local content requirements industrial policy in development of automotive industry in the global value chain: a comparative analysis of China and Mexico
        Fereshte Gholami Hosein Aslipour Gholamreza  Kazemian Saeed Zarandi
        Fereshte Gholami Hossein Aslipour Gholamreza Kazemian Shirvan Saeed Zarandi Abstract With reference to comparative policy studies and the level of competitiveness throughout the global value chain (GVCs), the effect of related policies can be traced. More
        Fereshte Gholami Hossein Aslipour Gholamreza Kazemian Shirvan Saeed Zarandi Abstract With reference to comparative policy studies and the level of competitiveness throughout the global value chain (GVCs), the effect of related policies can be traced. This article aims at studying industrial policy of local content requirements (LCRs), which are among the most prevalent as well as primary policiese used in any development model. This has been done to study the effect of LCRs on upgrading the position of a country’s automotive industry concerning GVCs through a variable- oriented approach. China and Mexico have been picked out in accordance with sample selection approach in the systems encompassing a great deal of similarities as well as the most similar outcomes. Further to the historical review of the development process of the automotive industry, focusing on the LCRs policy, the effect of this policy on the three indicators FVASH, REII and DVAFXSH has been carried out by logistic regression. These indicators determine the level of competitiveness throughout GVCs. The logistic regression shows a significant logit relationship between the LCRs policy status and the DVAFXSH variable, but no significant relationship is observed for the other two variables. The trend review also shows that after the implementation and removal of LCRs, the FVASH and REII indices have not changed much, but the DVAFXSH has increased, especially in Mexico.It shows that the systematic implementation of LCRs can have significant effects in upgrading the position of countries in GVCs in the automotive sector, through DVAFXSH. Manuscript profile
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        79 - A survey of ethical attitudes towards collaborative criminal justice
        Mohammad  Jamadi Ali  Janipour Karam  Janipour Dariush  Babaie
        Justice is one of the oldest concepts that mankind has known since the beginning of its civilization and has tried to establish it. Justice has different forms, which can be referred to as social, political, economic, etc. In this, criminal justice is of special importa More
        Justice is one of the oldest concepts that mankind has known since the beginning of its civilization and has tried to establish it. Justice has different forms, which can be referred to as social, political, economic, etc. In this, criminal justice is of special importance. Scientists and experts in social sciences have considered several factors effective on criminal justice, among which principles such as the principle of acquittal and the principle of legality of crimes and punishments, as well as the personal nature of criminal responsibility, are important, but criminal responsibility is of particular importance among them. It is necessary to carry out serious scrutiny in this regard and conduct ethical attitudes towards criminal justice, especially collaborative criminal justice, in a scientific manner. Ignoring the areas of moral responsibility in the field of criminal justice violates the right of those referring to the judicial system and causes injustice. Therefore, paying attention to the character and human dignity of people is a necessity of collaborative criminal justice. The present article deals with the ethical attitudes in the field of collaborative criminal justice with a library method and has answered many unknowns in this regard. Manuscript profile
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        80 - Presenting the ICT Policies Implementation Model of the 6th Development Using the Neural Network Method
        Nazila Mohammadi Gholamreza  Memarzadeh sedigheh tootian
        It is inevitable to properly manage the implementation of information and communication technology policies in a planned way in order to improve the country's position in the fields of science and technology. The purpose of this research is to provide a model of the eff More
        It is inevitable to properly manage the implementation of information and communication technology policies in a planned way in order to improve the country's position in the fields of science and technology. The purpose of this research is to provide a model of the effective factors on the implementation of Iran's ICT policies by the neural network technique and based on Giddens' constructive theory. From the point of view of conducting it, this research is of a survey type and based on the purpose, it is of an applied type because it is trying to use the results of the research in the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology and the Iranian Telecommunications Company. Data collection is based on library and field method. The tool for collecting information is researcher-made questionnaire. The statistical population of the research is ICT experts at the headquarters of Iran Telecommunication Company (810 people), of which 260 people were randomly selected as a sample based on Cochran's formula. MATLAB software was used for data analysis. According to the findings, the best combination for development is when all input variables are considered at the same time, and the worst case is when the infrastructure development variable is ignored, and the most important based on network sensitivity analysis is related to infrastructure development and the least important is related to content supply. Manuscript profile
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        81 - Analysis of the effects of monetary policy, government control and sanctions on production growth in Iran
        Taherh Omodi Fathkohi Morteza Ezzati رقیه  حسن‌زاده
        Abstract Production growth is the most important goal in all world economies. The main goal of all macroeconomic policies in different countries is to maintain and increase production as much as possible in the first step. Different policies are implemented in differen More
        Abstract Production growth is the most important goal in all world economies. The main goal of all macroeconomic policies in different countries is to maintain and increase production as much as possible in the first step. Different policies are implemented in different countries. Among these policies, a main category is monetary policies. The purpose of this article is to estimate the effects of monetary policy (within the framework of liquidity regulation and interest rate control), government control (in the monetary sector) and sanctions on Iran's GDP. In this study, data from the years 1357 to 1399 were used. Monetary policy, government control and sanctions were considered as independent variables and production as a dependent variable. The method of data analysis is econometrics, autoregressive with distributed lags (ARDL). EViews software was used to estimate the model. The findings of the research show that the embargo had a negative effect on the GDP. The monetary policy of increasing the applied liquidity has had a positive effect on production, and the monetary policy within the framework of interest rate or bank interest has not had a significant effect on production. Also, government control policy has had a positive effect on production. Manuscript profile