Open Innovation Development Policy: Requirements for Iran
Subject Areas : Entrepreneurship and Innovation Ecosystems
atefeh zolfaghari
Morteza Akbari
Shokooh Sadat Alizadeh
1 -
2 - Associate professor of Faculty of entrepreneurship, University of Tehran, Tehran, iran
3 - PhD student in Strategic Management, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Open innovation, policy making, co-creation, networking, market,
Abstract :
In the open innovation system, in addition to ideas within the organization, organizations can also benefit from ideas outside the organization. In this way, the boundaries between organizations and their external environments become more permeable, and if appropriate policies are developed for the development of open innovation, it will be possible to take advantage of the facilities of other organizations in an appropriate way. This research have been reviewed texts and articles and researches related to open innovation and policy issues in open innovation. Requirements for open innovation policy in Iran regarding open innovation policy in the field of research and technology development, open innovation policy In the field of networking and interactions of open innovation ecosystem, open innovation policy in the field of entrepreneurship, open innovation policy in the field of science, open innovation policy in co-creation in universities, open innovation policy in the field of labor market, Competitive Open Innovation Policy-Making Provides International Open Innovation Policy-Making.
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