• List of Articles Unity

      • Open Access Article

        1 - The relationship between learning orientation ,self-efficacy and opportunity recognition among Iranian knowledge-based organizations
        saba kakapour drnemati drnemati
        The purpose of this paper is to examine the relations between learning orientation and opportunity recognition and self-efficacy among Iranian knowledge-based entrepreneurial organizations (KBEs). A total of 240 usable questionnaires were received from entrepreneurs and More
        The purpose of this paper is to examine the relations between learning orientation and opportunity recognition and self-efficacy among Iranian knowledge-based entrepreneurial organizations (KBEs). A total of 240 usable questionnaires were received from entrepreneurs and top managers. These were subjected to a structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis. The results show that learning orientation positively affects self-efficacy and opportunity recognition and self-efficacy positively influences opportunity recognition. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Identification and assessment of HPWS practices in the Iranian Banking Industry
        mehrdad estiri mahdi sharifi
        This paper aims to identify and assess HPWS practices in the Iranian banking industry. This study used a combination of quantitative and qualitative data of this approach in banking industry's efforts to review and evaluate. In order to answer the study questions, this More
        This paper aims to identify and assess HPWS practices in the Iranian banking industry. This study used a combination of quantitative and qualitative data of this approach in banking industry's efforts to review and evaluate. In order to answer the study questions, this study was conducted in two stages. In the first phase, Using Banking Human resource management expert’s opinions, HPWS practices in Iranian banking industry recognized. In the second phase, based on a quantitative survey, the impact of high performance work systems in the research case study (Mellat Bank) has been asses. The results show that the high performance work systems, includes: training, recruitment selection, performance-based pay, career development, performance appraisal, teamwork and decentralized decision-making, quality jobs and effective supervision. Indeed, other results revealed that the impact of these practices are classified in three areas: Ability, Motivation, and Opportunity to participate of employees.   Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - A Centralized core Banking model in cloud environment
        Meysam Bayeriyar
        The network structure of banking systems each bank separately from a central management system and a channel management system. Branches users and customers through different systems to the channel and their request by the central system handled and processing by the ce More
        The network structure of banking systems each bank separately from a central management system and a channel management system. Branches users and customers through different systems to the channel and their request by the central system handled and processing by the central system. But some banks don't has a central management system and have to use different systems, along with several service-providers to do things. this multiplicity of the system of service and , serving is real issue of this thesis, in which lead to various problems, over time, Including decentralization logical storage resources and application of the maximum processing capacity of the banking network. In this thesis is to increase efficiency and maximum use of processing capability and centralized storage systems in Cloud environments ,Different models were examined, and finally one of the proposed models is selected as the basic model and the necessary changes were done, the model is improved. In this study, the technical structure of the Bank has been studied. The Implementation of the proposed model, lead to increase efficiency, availability, and fault tolerance and reliability of the bank. With increasing flexibility, the bank is able to offer a more diverse service. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Social Entrepreneurship in Higher Education: A Data-Based Study
        hassan nadalipoor karimi fariba mohammad ali nadi
        Social entrepreneurship as a branch of entrepreneurship has a key role in the sustainable development of society. Higher education, on the other hand, is considered a good course for fostering entrepreneurship. In this regard, the purpose of this study was to identify t More
        Social entrepreneurship as a branch of entrepreneurship has a key role in the sustainable development of society. Higher education, on the other hand, is considered a good course for fostering entrepreneurship. In this regard, the purpose of this study was to identify the components of social entrepreneurship in higher education. The research approach is qualitative and in the research process the strategy of data foundation theory has been used. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Introducing a genetic algorithm based Method for Community person's stance Detection in social media and news
        mehdi salkhordeh haghighi Seyyed Mohammad  ebrahimi
        News reports in social media are presented with large volumes of different kinds of documents. The presented topics in these documents focus on different communities and person stances and opinions. Knowing the relationships among persons in the documents can help the r More
        News reports in social media are presented with large volumes of different kinds of documents. The presented topics in these documents focus on different communities and person stances and opinions. Knowing the relationships among persons in the documents can help the readers to obtain a basic knowledge about the subject and the purpose of various documents. In the present paper, we introduce a method for detecting communities that includes the persons with the same stances and ideas. To do this, the persons referenced in different documents are clustered into communities that have related positions and stances. In the presented method. Community-based personalities are identified based on a friendship network as a base method. Then by using a genetic algorithm, the way that these communities are identified is improved. The criterion in the tests is rand index of detection of these communities. The experiments are designed based on real databases that published in Google News on a particular topic. The results indicate the efficiency and desirability of the proposed method Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - An Improved Method Based on Label Propagation and Greedy Approaches for Community Detection in Dynamic Social Networks
        Mohammad ستاری kamran zamanifar
        Community detection in temporal social networks is one of the most important topics of research which attract many researchers around the world. There are variety of approaches in detecting communities in dynamic social network among which label propagation approach is More
        Community detection in temporal social networks is one of the most important topics of research which attract many researchers around the world. There are variety of approaches in detecting communities in dynamic social network among which label propagation approach is simple and fast approach. This approach consists of many methods such as LabelRankT is one with high speed and less complexity. Similar to most methods for detecting communities in dynamic social networks, this one is not trouble free. That is, it is not considered the internal connection of communities, when it expands communities of the previous snapshots in the current snapshot. This drawback decreases the accuracy of community detection in dynamic social networks. For solving the drawback, a greedy approach based on local modularity optimization is added to LabelRankT method. Here, the newly proposed GreedyLabelRankT, LabelRankT and non-overlapping version of Dominant Label Propagation Algorithm Evolutionary (DLPAE-Non Overlapping) on real and synthetic datasets are implemented. Experimental results on both real and synthetic network show that the proposed method detect communities more accurately compared to the benchmark methods. Moreover, the finding here show that running time of the proposed method is close to LabelRankT. Therefore, the proposed method increase the accuracy of community detection in dynamic social networks with no noticeable change in the running time of that. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Community-based tourism development with an emphasis on aspects of local ethnic; Case Study of Kermanshah
        The process of globalization through the creation of cultural assimilation attempts to expand markets for the production of similar goods in the form of scales. In practice, the pressure to eliminate ethnic subcultures past few years has led to resistance that indicates More
        The process of globalization through the creation of cultural assimilation attempts to expand markets for the production of similar goods in the form of scales. In practice, the pressure to eliminate ethnic subcultures past few years has led to resistance that indicates intense desire to create dependency cultures, ethnic identity to avoid elimination. Iran is the most obvious examples of cultural diversity, ethnic, linguistic and religious in the world that, unlike most multi-ethnic countries, local ethnic diversity or cultural mosaic of indigenous and native of the area. Kermanshah city with so much power development, with strong ethnic community can be the background of ethnic tourism markets. Kurdish ethnicity is cross-border continuity that can be regional in scope commodification (tourism, media, etc.). The issue of how ethnic powers to achieve the objectives of social development at the local, regional and national benefit is important. Methods applied research - development and data collecting field and library. Urban population of 40 managers and 340 are tourists. Overall, most respondent's ethnic profiles of influential cultural ethnic tourism development in the city of Kermanshah in poor and middle-assessed. Chi-square test results in the desired quantity survey in evaluating community-based tourism development with an emphasis on local ethnic aspect is significant in Kermanshah. Since the amount of (sig) or smaller than the significance level corresponding to that test is (<p 05/0). Thus, according to the amount of x2 as well as degrees of freedom equal to 4 and 0 can be concluded significant level of local ethnic tourism is an influential role in the development of community-based tourism. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Investigating and Identifying the Causes of Rural Management Inefficiency from the Viewpoint of the Local Population of Saman County
        Asghar Norouzi Heydarali Gholamian
        Rural management can be considered planning for the village, organization, developmental action, and coordination and supervision of the work done. Also, the task of rural managers is to investigate the villagers’ needs, shortcomings, planning, and action to participate More
        Rural management can be considered planning for the village, organization, developmental action, and coordination and supervision of the work done. Also, the task of rural managers is to investigate the villagers’ needs, shortcomings, planning, and action to participate in the affairs of social, economic, development, etc. Saman County that in spite of the extensive (natural and human) capabilities faced with several problems in connection with the lack of rural, and it may be found in the management style. Therefore, this study aims to investigate and identify the factors, influencing the inefficiency of rural management from the viewpoint of local people. This study is of applied type and its method is descriptive - analytical and based on surveying. The statistics population consisted of all villagers in Saman, and they were firstly selected from among five villages to determine the sample size first by cluster sampling method and then through using the Cochran’s formula, 368 people were chosen to complete questionnaires by random sampling. The collected data were analyzed using spss20 software. The results of the linear regression test showed that the economic factor alone explains 47 % of the rural management inefficiency. The results of the t-test also showed that the socio-cultural dimension (mean 3.21), economic dimension (mean 3.18), and physical-environmental dimension (mean 3.16) had a significant impact on the inefficiency of rural managers performance. In addition, the results showed that in the economic dimension, the budgeting problems in macro level; in the socio-cultural dimension, ethnicity factor and structural failures of the elections; and in environmental dimension, lack of attention to the environment and ignorance of related issues were the most important factors. The results were also showing the place differences in the studied dimensions Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Reading Social Codes in Story Series of “The Acrid Taste of Persimmon” by Zoya Pirzad (From Social Semiotics Approach)
        سهیلا  فرهنگی Zahra صدیقی چهارده
        Semiotics is an interdisciplinary approach that can be a guidance in reading literary texts like poetry and story. Applying social semiotics, this article tries to analyze and examine social codes of story series of “The Acrid Taste of Persimmon”. This study shows that More
        Semiotics is an interdisciplinary approach that can be a guidance in reading literary texts like poetry and story. Applying social semiotics, this article tries to analyze and examine social codes of story series of “The Acrid Taste of Persimmon”. This study shows that identity and etiquette codes- which are regarded among the most important social codes- have significant status in Zoya Pirzad stories. It also shows that we can know social identity and status of characters of story and get a better understanding of social realities by recognizing lower layers of texts. Interpreting applied social codes in this story series shows Pirzad special attention to the role of women and their evolutions in social life scenes. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Analysis of Personality Disorder in “Ghale-Morghi; the Pyramidal Age” Novel
          دکتر سید علی  قاسم‌زاده
        The novel of “Ghale-Morghi, The Pyramidal Age” authored by Salman Amin, is one of the successful novels which is Concerned with unemployment and its consequences as a special social problem. Based on the American Robert Merton’s (1901– 2003) “Theory of Opportunity” thi More
        The novel of “Ghale-Morghi, The Pyramidal Age” authored by Salman Amin, is one of the successful novels which is Concerned with unemployment and its consequences as a special social problem. Based on the American Robert Merton’s (1901– 2003) “Theory of Opportunity” this research studies different types of personality and behavioral disorders within this novel. According to Merton’s theory, social problems are the result of the gap between desirable goals of the society and the ways of achieving them. By describing the desirable goals for their members, societies can also introduce their solutions and strategies; however, when there is a gap between goals and the institutionalized means of reaching them, deviation and disorder will occur. According to this theoretical model, “Ghale-Morghi, the Pyramidal Age” represents an image of a society that has determined the same accepted goals for every one; but choosing between the possible ways of reaching them is related to individual’s social status and class. Although the main character of the novel begins to discover new ways by means of Promethean rebellion; at the end, he finds no choice other than isolation and letting go of the goals.. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Explanation of Political and Rational Requirements for National Unity In Imam Khomeini's Thought
        In Imam Khomeini's thoughts and attitudes thatget startedfrommonotheistic religion of Islam, believers are a singleummah and,too, they need to a singlereligious, political and practicalorientation, based on the requirements and with regard to their common destiny within More
        In Imam Khomeini's thoughts and attitudes thatget startedfrommonotheistic religion of Islam, believers are a singleummah and,too, they need to a singlereligious, political and practicalorientation, based on the requirements and with regard to their common destiny within the credit geographical and national boundaries for the realization of the their sovereignty. They can achieve the caliphate of God on earth with this orientation and with Etesami to Hablallah. Therefore, in this article, we examine what arepolitical and rationalfoundations in the views of Imam Khomeini about national unity. The analytical study of the ideas of Imam Khomeini (RA), show to our until find that the issue of national unity as well as other forms of unity and solidarity based on political exigencies and environmental requirements is a necessity: the necessity thatit is based on both of rational arguments and evidence and religious arguments.As a result, Imam Khomeini hastwo-dimensional look - intellectual and revelation - to the cause of unity.But what are discussed in this paperare the reasons and political arguments of national unity and solidarity in the thought of the founder ofIslamic Republic of Iran.Imam Khomeini emphasized on: rational evident of unity, the demand of political reason, the common enemy, the development of cultural, political and social principles of maintenance of the Islamic Revolution and its values and Finally, national unity is the plan as a strategy to achieve freedom, liberation and victory. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - Explanation of the ratio between social gap and national unity in Iran
        Maintaining and strengthening national unity and integrity is one of the most important priorities of all political systems, because increasing the correlation coefficient can lead to reducing internal and external threats and providing good grounds for development and More
        Maintaining and strengthening national unity and integrity is one of the most important priorities of all political systems, because increasing the correlation coefficient can lead to reducing internal and external threats and providing good grounds for development and progress of the country. Iran is one of the countries that by relying on its historical background and civilization can overcome on the divergence challenges, throughout centuries. So despite, the occupation of this country and abstraction of some parts of vast territory by aliens at some historical sections, in recent decades,it continued to be a powerful and independent political unit with pervasive sovereignty. National unity and solidarity have been more exposed to domestic challenges and external threats and among them, the most important domestic challenge is the activation of some social gaps at some profiles of time. This article inevitably focuses on the role of external threats in weakening national unity on domestic factors and tries to investigate the ratio of four major social gap in Iran (generation gap, gender, ethnic and religious gap)with different dimensions of national unity ( religious, territorial, political, cultural, social dimensions). The used method in this article is secondary analysis method of research findings and studied period is between 2001-2011. The obtained results show that in this time period, there is no serious disagreement between two ends of spectrums oriented to social gaps about the various aspects of national unity and national convergence in Iran has benefited from a good level. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - Scalable Community Detection through Content and Link Analysis in Social Networks
        Zahra  Arefian Mohammad Reza  Khayyam Bashi
        Social network analysis is an important problem that has been attracting a great deal of attention in recent years. Such networks provide users many different applications and features; as a result, they have been mentioned as the most important event of recent decades. More
        Social network analysis is an important problem that has been attracting a great deal of attention in recent years. Such networks provide users many different applications and features; as a result, they have been mentioned as the most important event of recent decades. Using features that are available in the social networks, first discovering a complete and comprehensive communication should be done. Many methods have been proposed to explore the community, which are community detections through link analysis and nodes content. Most of the research exploring the social communication network only focuses on the one method, while attention to only one of the methods would be a confusion and incomplete exploration. Community detections is generally associated with graph clustering, most clustering methods rely on analyzing links, and no attention to regarding the content that improves the clustering quality. In this paper, to scalable community detections, an integral algorithm is proposed to cluster graphs according to link structure and nodes content, and it aims finding clusters in the groups with similar features. To implement the Integral Algorithm, first a graph is weighted by the algorithm according to the node content, and then network graph is analyzed using Markov Clustering Algorithm, in other word, strong relationships are distinguished from weak ones. Markov Clustering Algorithm is proposed as a Multi-Level one to be scalable. The proposed Integral Algorithm was tested on real datasets, and the effectiveness of the proposed method is evaluated. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - Analysis of expert finding algorithms in social network in order to rank the top algorithms
        AhmadAgha kardan Behnam Bozorgi
        The ubiquity of Internet and social networks have turned question and answer communities into an environment suitable for users to ask their questions about anything or to share their knowledge by providing answers to other users’ questions. These communities designed f More
        The ubiquity of Internet and social networks have turned question and answer communities into an environment suitable for users to ask their questions about anything or to share their knowledge by providing answers to other users’ questions. These communities designed for knowledge-sharing aim to improve user knowledge, making it imperative to have a mechanism that can evaluate users’ knowledge level or in other words “to find experts”. There is a need for expert-finding algorithms in social networks or any other knowledge sharing environment like question and answer communities. There are various content analysis and link analysis methods for expert-finding in social networks. This paper aims to challenge four algorithms by applying them to our dataset and analyze the results in order to compare the algorithms. The algorithms suitable for expert finding has been found and ranked. Based on the results and tests it is concluded that the Z-score algorithm has a better performance than others. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - De-lurking in Online Communities Using Repost Behavior Prediction Method
        Omid Reza Bolouki Speily
        Nowadays, with the advent of social networks, a big change has occurred in the structure of web-based services. Online community (OC) enable their users to access different type of Information, through the internet based structure anywhere any time. OC services are am More
        Nowadays, with the advent of social networks, a big change has occurred in the structure of web-based services. Online community (OC) enable their users to access different type of Information, through the internet based structure anywhere any time. OC services are among the strategies used for production and repost of information by users interested in a specific area. In this respect, users become members in a particular domain at will and begin posting. Considering the networking structure, one of the major challenges these groups face is the lack of reposting behavior. Most users of these systems take up a lurking position toward the posts in the forum. De-lurking is a type of social media behavior where a user breaks an "online silence" or habit of passive thread viewing to engage in a virtual conversation. One of the proposed ways to improve De-Lurking is the selection and display of influential posts for each individual. Influential posts are so selected as to be more likely reposted by users based on each user's interests, knowledge and characteristics. The present article intends to introduce a new method for selecting k influential posts to ensure increased repost of information. In terms of participation in OCs, users are divided into two groups of posters and lurkers. Some solutions are proposed to encourage lurking users to participate in reposting the contents. Based on actual data from Twitter and actual blogs with respect to reposts, the assessments indicate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - A Multi-objective Multi-agent Optimization Algorithm for the Community Detection Problem
        Amirhossein Hosseinian Vahid Baradaran
        This paper addresses the community detection problem as one of the significant problems in the field of social network analysis. The goal of the community detection problem is to find sub-graphs of a network where they have high density of within-group connections, whil More
        This paper addresses the community detection problem as one of the significant problems in the field of social network analysis. The goal of the community detection problem is to find sub-graphs of a network where they have high density of within-group connections, while they have a lower density of between-group connections. Due to high practical usage of community detection in scientific fields, many researchers developed different algorithms to meet various scientific requirements. However, single-objective optimization algorithms may fail to detect high quality communities of complex networks. In this paper, a novel multi-objective Multi-agent Optimization Algorithm, named the MAOA is proposed to detect communities of complex networks. The MAOA aims to optimize modularity and community score as objective functions, simultaneously. In the proposed algorithm, each feasible solution is considered as an agent and the MAOA organizes agents in multiple groups. The MAOA uses new search operators based on social, autonomous and self-learning behaviors of agents. Moreover, the MAOA uses the weighted sum method (WSM) in finding the global best agent and leader agent of each group. The Pareto solutions obtained by the MAOA is evaluated in terms of several performance measures. The results of the proposed method are compared with the outputs of three meta-heuristics. Experiments results based on five real-world networks show that the MAOA is more efficient in finding better communities than other methods. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        17 - A Game Theory Based Dynamic Transmission Opportunity Adjustment in WLANs
        Mahdieh Ghazvini Kamal Jamshidi Naser Movahedinia
        IEEE 802.11e is standardized to enhance real time multimedia applications’ quality of service (QoS). This standard introduces two access mechanisms called Enhanced distributed channel access (EDCA) and HCF Controlled Channel Access (HCCA) as well as four Access Categor More
        IEEE 802.11e is standardized to enhance real time multimedia applications’ quality of service (QoS). This standard introduces two access mechanisms called Enhanced distributed channel access (EDCA) and HCF Controlled Channel Access (HCCA) as well as four Access Categories (ACs) for different types of applications. Each AC has four adjustable parameters : Arbitrary Inter-Frame Space Number(AIFSN), minimum Size of Contention Window(CWmin), maximum size of Contention Window (CWmax), and TXOP_limit. A TXOP_limit (TXOP) is time interval, in which a wireless station can transmit a number of frames consecutively, without releasing the channel and any further contention with other wireless stations. TXOP improves network throughput as well as service differentiation. Proper TXOP adjustment can lead to better bandwidth utilization and QoS provisioning. This paper studies the determination of TXOP in EDCA mode of IEEE 802.11e using a game theory based approach called GDTXOP. Based on GDTXOP, each wireless node chooses its appropriate TXOP according to its queue length and media access delay. OPNET simulator simulated the proposed method and its accuracy is evaluated and verified. The results of the simulation indicate that tuning TXOP appropriately improves both channel utilization for all levels of traffic priority and fairness. This improvement does not impair the quality of high-priority traffics. The proposed approach improves channel utilization, while preserving fairness and efficiency in WLANs and minimizing selfishness behaviours of stations in a distributed environment. Simulation results show the proposed method improves fairness while not disrupting the quality of service. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        18 - A Bias-reduced Solution for Target Localization with Distance-dependent Noises in Illuminator of Opportunity Passive Radar
        حبیب راثی Maryam Shirzadian Gilan
        A closed-form solution for target localization based on the realistic distance-dependent noises in illuminator of opportunity passive radar and the reduction method of the bias which exists in the two-stage weighted least squares (2SWLS) method is proposed. 2SWLS is a c More
        A closed-form solution for target localization based on the realistic distance-dependent noises in illuminator of opportunity passive radar and the reduction method of the bias which exists in the two-stage weighted least squares (2SWLS) method is proposed. 2SWLS is a classic method for time-of-arrival (TOA) and frequency-of-arrival (FOA) localization problem and has a couple of improved solutions over the years. The 2SWLS and its improved solutions have great localization performances in their established location scenarios on the basis of two approximations that setting the noise to a constant and ignoring the high-order terms of TOA and FOA measurement noises. It is these two approximations that lead to a sub-optimal solution with bias. The bias of 2SWLS has a significant influence on the target localization in illuminator of opportunity passive radar that has lower measurement accuracy and higher noises than active radar. Therefore, this paper starts by taking into consideration of the realistic distance-dependent characteristics of TOA/-FOA noises and improving 2SWLS method. Then, the bias of the improved 2SWLS method is analyzed and bias-reduced solution based on weighted least squares (WLS) is developed. Numerical simulations demonstrate that, compared to the existing improved solutions of the 2SWLS, the proposed method effectively reduces the bias and achieves higher localization accuracy. Manuscript profile
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        19 - Green Development from an Entrepreneurship Perspective
        Negin Khatoony Mahdi Kolahi
        Nowadays, green entrepreneurship is one of the most popular fields of economics. Since entrepreneurship is a dynamic process, in order to create and increase capital, green entrepreneurship is a strategy to maintain both the cycle of nature and the stability and structu More
        Nowadays, green entrepreneurship is one of the most popular fields of economics. Since entrepreneurship is a dynamic process, in order to create and increase capital, green entrepreneurship is a strategy to maintain both the cycle of nature and the stability and structural continuity of society. The Green Entrepreneur is indeed an environmental think tank whose most important achievements for the green development of the country are job creation, wealth, welfare and discovering opportunities for sustainable development. This article examines entrepreneurship and entrepreneur, entrepreneurship and green development, and green entrepreneurship and its types. The relationship between entrepreneurship and green development depends on the relationship between the business and the environment, which acts as a two-way relationship. Accordingly, green entrepreneurship is a multidimensional phenomenon with multiple levels of analysis that takes place inter or transdisciplinary. As a result, the foundation of green entrepreneurship is environmental ethics, whose vision is nothing but ecocentric. Manuscript profile
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        20 - Industry-university relationship: lessons learned and experiences gained
        mohammad mahdi fanaei
        In the last few decades, the challenge of "industry-university relationship" has been the most important current issue in the country. "Standard and standard attitude" is a kind of practical thinking that is organized from the integration of global experiences and publi More
        In the last few decades, the challenge of "industry-university relationship" has been the most important current issue in the country. "Standard and standard attitude" is a kind of practical thinking that is organized from the integration of global experiences and public knowledge. One of the most important words in all standards developed at the international, national and organizational levels is the word "root cause". Ensuring the dynamism and reliability of the industry is the full observance of the necessary standards. Industrial culture grows by accepting and applying the standard in various dimensions of production and service, and expresses its impact beautifully. Those involved in the field of planning and implementation in the issue of the relationship between university and industry, should pay more attention to the observance of "professional and engineering ethics".At the heart of this is a commitment to honesty and belief in effectiveness. Knowing and applying engineering ethics charters around the world not only deepens the perspective but also expands the scope of action commitment. Ethics is a basic necessity for sustainable scientific development. Reproducing the issue of education and training at the university level is a very important challenge. University education is theoretical and does not have a skill or professional approach. The goal of the human resources industry is to train skilled craftsmen to do the job. The bridge between the university and industry is reliable with the aim of applying the lessons learned and the experiences gained. Manuscript profile
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        21 - An Investigation of Consequentialism and Ethical Conscientiousness with Emphasis on Kant's Theory in the Society of Iranian Certified Accountants and its Impact on Adherence to Auditors' Professional Behavior
        sherly Nematolahi   Mohamadreza Vatanparast
        Morality is a pervasive subject that covers all aspects of human life. Accounting is one of the most organized and disciplined professions in the world, and because of the type and nature of the services it offers, it must have a certain reputation. The continuation of More
        Morality is a pervasive subject that covers all aspects of human life. Accounting is one of the most organized and disciplined professions in the world, and because of the type and nature of the services it offers, it must have a certain reputation. The continuation of this credibility and its validity and reliability depends on the intellectual and practical commitment of the members of the profession to its ethical and ethical standards. One of the fundamental issues in the philosophy of ethics in accounting is the discussion of the standard of ethical action and the evaluation of auditors' voluntary actions ethically. In this context, throughout history, numerous schools of thought and philosophers have emerged, one of which is Kant's moral school and moral consequentialism. In the first step, this research has investigated the place of ethical philosophies in formulating such professional behavior through library method. In the second step, using the survey method, it analyzes the auditors' views. Ethical responsibility and ethical consequence have a significant effect on the level of adherence to auditors' professional conduct. Adhering to two ethical dimensions of ethical duty and ethical consequence can also encourage auditors in the process of conducting ethical boundaries, including ethical duty-making and the result of the work presented in a way that will be relevant and credible to all. And this is related to moral consequentialism. Manuscript profile
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        22 - Takeli on the institution of impunity for punishment according to the aims of moral punishment and considerations
          mahmood malmir  
        One of the fundamental institutions in the Islamic penal code is the legal justification for impunity. This issue, which creates a boundary between Islamic law and secular rights, has long been the subject of attention by lawyers, criminologists and psychologists. The r More
        One of the fundamental institutions in the Islamic penal code is the legal justification for impunity. This issue, which creates a boundary between Islamic law and secular rights, has long been the subject of attention by lawyers, criminologists and psychologists. The rights of the perpetrators It is considered that punishment is considered a legal issue, and criminologists, with a causal view of their consequences and consequences, in line with the goals of criminal psychology and educational approach, are a deterrent and prospective factor associated with the principles, foundations and objectives of punishment. Criminological Assistance Subject to Exemptions from Keeper in Respect of Goals The use of punishments and arbitrary institutions is one of the achievements of modern criminology in criminal law to assist in the criminalization of individuals' socialization and personal and social support, as reflected in new criminal laws. In this regard, criminal law shows a significant correlation with the use of jurisprudence and other sciences, including criminology, psychology and sociology, and, of course, ethical considerations in scientific and supportive dimensions. In the meantime, ethics and its relation to rights are the main and most commonly discussed issues in the philosophy of law. The impact of morality on criminal law has always been a controversial issue in both criminality and the determination of punishment. Nonetheless, attention to moral principles and considerations is one of the most important reasons for emphasizing impunity. Through respect and trust, one can influence the will of the criminal and prevent the repetition of the crime. Also, some of the conditions that the legislator has in Article 38 And the 39th Criminal Code, approved 92 (for example, honorary motivation, good record, etc.), is consistent with ethical considerations. Manuscript profile
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        23 - The Social Functions of Islamic unity (Vahdat) in the Thought of Imam Khomeini (RA) According to Political Unity
        Seyyed Abolhasan Navvab  
        Imam Khomeini (RA) is a luminary person in the Islamic world who has been very affective in the Islamic world in the contemporary century that try to increasing the conditional life of Moslems for the betterment of Islamic society. Islamic unity (Vahdat) is a specific a More
        Imam Khomeini (RA) is a luminary person in the Islamic world who has been very affective in the Islamic world in the contemporary century that try to increasing the conditional life of Moslems for the betterment of Islamic society. Islamic unity (Vahdat) is a specific and important viewpoint of Imam Khomeini (RA) before Islamic revolution and especially after it. There are two approaches for Islamic unity that are described by Muslim thinkers. One of them is proximity of Islamic schools (Taghrib) and other is political unity. So, in this article the theory of Imam Khomeini is analysed to show the approache of Imam Khomeini about Islamic unity (Vahdat) by descriptive analytical method according to all of speech, letters, messages of Imam Khomeini. In fact, first of all, the Social Functions of Islamic unity (Vahdat) in the Thought of Imam Khomeini (RA) is determined, after that this article is shown how those functions prove that the Imam Khomeini's theory of of Islamic unity is closer to political Islamic unity than the proximity of Islamic schools Manuscript profile
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        24 - The role of the gentlefolks in the collapse of the Islamic Society from Quran and Hadith perspective in the years leading up to Ashura
        Elite and gentlefolks of any society that conquer to the "right" and "wrong" sides, have a very important role in the orientation of people in various events. So if the gentlefolks of right side be able to practice "guidance and education" masses, happiness in this worl More
        Elite and gentlefolks of any society that conquer to the "right" and "wrong" sides, have a very important role in the orientation of people in various events. So if the gentlefolks of right side be able to practice "guidance and education" masses, happiness in this world and the Hereafter for people will be provided, but if for any reasons, do not shirk their duties, the wrong side come into play and "crash" of the community will begin. Only half a century after the Prophet's death, Ashura event occurred in situation which a large number of companions Prophet – much of them are known as gentlefolks - were alive, but Hussein-bin-Ali in the desert of Karbala in the fight against the wrong side left alone along with his family and his loyal companions that were about 100 man and was killed. In this paper, based on Quran verses, traditions and historical sources, we review the role gentlefolks in the fall of the Islamic community Manuscript profile
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        25 - Explaining the Existential Relationship of God with the Creatures by Investigating and Criticizing the Reasonable Reason in Sadra's Wisdom
        Ahmad saeidi Yaser  Hosseinpour Mehdi  Imani Moghaddam
        According to his existential authenticity, Sadr al-Mutawla'in established an existence in the levels of existence and called it a special formulation, but there were various interpretations of what he meant in terms of existence. Some of the unity of the existence of ex More
        According to his existential authenticity, Sadr al-Mutawla'in established an existence in the levels of existence and called it a special formulation, but there were various interpretations of what he meant in terms of existence. Some of the unity of the existence of existence is a modest doctrine of transcendental wisdom to bring the philosophers' minds closer to the ultimate vote of Mulla Sadra, the personal unity of existence. Some others believe that the existence of the existence is a philosophical version and an accurate interpretation of the unity of the witnesses of the mystics. But some believe that the unity of the mystical existence means the existence of all beings in the same vein and Sadra's arrangement is exactly the same. On this basis, matrix means that there is only one supernatural existence, and many, despite being, exist without the existence of a supreme, absolute and unified entity. In other words, in the opinion of the proponents of this interpretation, Sadr al-Muta'l-أīni sought to prove the existence of all being in the presence of God, or in other words, to prove the existence of God for all beings. In this article, the recent interpretation of Mulla Sadra's ultimate view assumes And with this principle, we have narrated and reviewed some of his arguments to prove this interpretation. Manuscript profile
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        26 - The affirmation of the good and the prohibition of evil and its effect on the social health of society in Islamic teachings With emphasis on verses and narrations
        ali maradani
        Nowadays, despite the many advances in scientific fields, we are endangering the health of the soul and body due to the lack of reliance on divine teachings in the crisis. Hence, the path to salvation of the return to Islamic teachings. The present paper, by analytical More
        Nowadays, despite the many advances in scientific fields, we are endangering the health of the soul and body due to the lack of reliance on divine teachings in the crisis. Hence, the path to salvation of the return to Islamic teachings. The present paper, by analytical method, describes with a library study the explanation of one of the important teachings of Islam in the name of oversight through the guise of good and forbidding evil and its impact on the health of the community. saving society from crises and providing community health in the light of clarifying the status of the affair with the good and forbidding it to be void and enforcing; the implementation of these two terms is a proven solution for the health of the community; whenever a person is cultivating and self-cultivating Step through internal control; t will have a significant impact on the organization of society, because avoiding sin and paying attention to positive human and practical points is an appropriate field for developing capacity and reform; Islam and its enormous effects on environmental health are evidence of the truth of this claim; Part of the mission of Hassbah's institution is in the form of good and forbidding at the beginning of Islam, monitoring food markets and health, covering meat and dairy products in the market and public places, and the other part is related to the protection of value Ethical and moral virtues in the community and prevent the commission of secrecy, insecurity and moral corruption; The practice of this promise means the friendship, the affection and the interest in the fate of others, and the negation of indifference, and ultimately, the mental and emotional peace of this empathy, which humanity today needs more than anything else.. Manuscript profile
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        27 - Iran in Comparison with other Outlook Countries in the Field of Entrepreneurial Growth
        Saeed KiyanPour
        Entrepreneurship is one of the most important and necessary strategies in developing and developed countries. But, the truth is that one of the fundamental steps for the development of entrepreneurship is its assessment. Entrepreneurship evaluation should be done based More
        Entrepreneurship is one of the most important and necessary strategies in developing and developed countries. But, the truth is that one of the fundamental steps for the development of entrepreneurship is its assessment. Entrepreneurship evaluation should be done based on indexes and global standards so that not only provides a clear picture to the status of entrepreneurship at the national level, But also, provides the possibility of measuring and comparing to the other countries in the field of entrepreneurship development. More than 95percent of the world GDP formed by the Members of GEM. GEM Programs are evaluated based on three indicators: "perceptions and entrepreneurial tendencies," "entrepreneurial activities" and "entrepreneurial passion". Among the 67 countries, Iran is ranked 30th based on Toddler entrepreneurs’ index equals to 11 percent. This index has increasing trend in the past five years, and its value is much greater than the other countries in Middle East. Also the Index of Entrepreneurial Intent in Iran equals to 28/22%, and our country is in 35th place among 67 countries. The Opportunity-oriented entrepreneurship index has grown among other entrepreneurial activity index, (from 5.67% in 1390 to 6.24% in 1391). This means that mandatory Entrepreneurship has decreased. Also the understanding of entrepreneurial opportunities index has increased from 32% in 1390 to 39/2% in 1391. Finally, for fear index of failure, Iran is in 39th place among 67 countries that shows the Iranian low-risk tendency for starting a business. Manuscript profile
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        28 - Explaining Analytical Structure of Strategy in Research and Technology Organizations
        Mahdi Bandariyan
        Reviewing the literature of Research and Technology Organizations (RTOs), and the studying the reasons of ineffectiveness of those organizations in carryout their role and mission shows that, most of the time they haven’t definitive strategy or their strategies formulat More
        Reviewing the literature of Research and Technology Organizations (RTOs), and the studying the reasons of ineffectiveness of those organizations in carryout their role and mission shows that, most of the time they haven’t definitive strategy or their strategies formulated and executed based on incompatible models. In other side, many managers of RTOs are familiar with strategic management approach, but each has its own interpretation of that concept. Accordingly, the raised issue is what is the interpretation of strategy in RTOs? The study’s purpose is to explore the analytical concept of strategy in RTOs, to generate a frame that facilitates the process of strategic management in RTOs. Generally, organizational strategy determines the future direction and draws how the organization wants to achieve it. This study explains the analytical structure of strategy in RTOs and finally concluded that strategy in RTOs is begin by recognizing a technological opportunity based on industry challenges and by achieving that technological competencies which are correspond to those challenges within the budgeted time and money, the strategy achieved successfully. In analytical structure of strategy in Research and Technology Organizations after determining the required technological competencies and the different technological solutions to achieve each of them, the way to achieve any of its technological solutions to be studied. The range options to achieve a technological solution are form technology transfer of foreign sources to internal development in RTOs. Between those two end points, there are different pattern of technological cooperation and partnership to developing a targeted technology, which some of them are strategic alliance, strategic partnership and joint venture. Manuscript profile
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        29 - Definition, Decomposition and Measurement of Opportunity Recognition Skill
        Seyed jalal Mosavi bazargani
        Entrepreneurship could be considered as an opportunity based management of resources and opportunity recognition is the main differentiating skill of entrepreneurs from the rest of population. Unfortunately no measurement tool for this skill has been developed. In this More
        Entrepreneurship could be considered as an opportunity based management of resources and opportunity recognition is the main differentiating skill of entrepreneurs from the rest of population. Unfortunately no measurement tool for this skill has been developed. In this paper a new tool based on Murphy decomposition of skill and lens model of Egon Brunswik is introduced. An example is provided for further clarification and areas in which the tool could be developed and used are discussed. Manuscript profile
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        30 - Study of Social Rights and Rehabilitation of Children with Disabilities in International instruments and Iranian Laws
        Manuchehr Tavassoli Naini Minou Tabatabaie Raheleh Jagir
        Attention to the issue of children with disabilities and the necessity of rehabilitation for regaining maximum possible extent of their abilities was initiated in the mid-19th century; this trend continued with ups and downs until attention to the rights of disabled per More
        Attention to the issue of children with disabilities and the necessity of rehabilitation for regaining maximum possible extent of their abilities was initiated in the mid-19th century; this trend continued with ups and downs until attention to the rights of disabled persons reached its pinnacle at the beginning of the new millennium through the enactment of the Convention on the Rights of Disabled Persons in 2006. Meanwhile, the issue of social and rehabilitation rights of the Children with disabilities is also of utmost importance. One of the important issues that make social rights and rehabilitation of persons with disabilities more particularly relevant is the different circumstances in which the disabled are placed and throughout history this difference has caused them to be deprived of their rights. In the recent century, with condition of various laws, organizations in many countries and many international bodies have taken effective steps through legislation with respect to disability rights; and countries through adopting these laws, of which the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is the most important; have accepted the rights of the disabled. However, it is noteworthy that the basis of this legislation and how to implement it is of utmost importance; whether the laws are implemented thoroughly or just being written on down. Unfortunately, the interval between codification of the law and its administration in developing countries such as Iran a huge gap is noticeable and there is a long way to go to meet the international standards. Manuscript profile
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        31 - The Rights of Delinquent Children and Adolescents in Iran: An Analysis of Four Determining Areas
        Maryam Sha’ban Seyed Mohammad Hosseini
        This study seeks to investigate how four main areas of reference in Iran and the world are exposed to child delinquent. Therefore, four main areas of reference were identified that include Iranian legal regulations, Islamic religion, the Convention on the Rights of the More
        This study seeks to investigate how four main areas of reference in Iran and the world are exposed to child delinquent. Therefore, four main areas of reference were identified that include Iranian legal regulations, Islamic religion, the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Islam and the Convention on the Rights of the Child; Then they were analyzed with a qualitative approach and documentary analysis method. The results show that exposure to delinquent children is approximately the same in all four domains. Although the three areas related to Iran and the Islamic world have been centered on Law of Religion, especially Shi'ism, their roots lie in Islamic religion, and against them the Convention on the Rights of the Child as an international matter has been drafted based on the Declaration of Human Rights and the belief in Humanism, but they work very closely on how to deal with child guilty and there are no significant differences between their procedures. Therefore, all four domains regard the child as having no precise decision-making power and consider his/her delinquency a common "mistake" in his/her development. The child should be forgiven as much as possible and his/her error should be ignored; this should also have a corrective and re-interactional aspect to be done within the child's family by the child's parents or legal guardians. Unless child guilty is limited, such as harm to others, which has resulted in violations of the rights of others, all three areas emphasize efforts to minimize penalties and impose penalties for reform and resocialization. the only point of difference is in the definition of the child and the age range that makes the subject different in applying the rules related to child delinquency. Manuscript profile
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        32 - A Critical Approach to the Content of Cyberspaces in Philosophical Communities of Inquiry
        Mehrnoosh  Hedayati Elham  Sabery
        Philosophical communities of inquiryenjoy a practical, rational and philosophicalattitude toward the development of critical,creative, and controlling insight into thesurrounding issues. Since a great deal ofpeople’s ideas, beliefs, thoughts, andworldviews are under the More
        Philosophical communities of inquiryenjoy a practical, rational and philosophicalattitude toward the development of critical,creative, and controlling insight into thesurrounding issues. Since a great deal ofpeople’s ideas, beliefs, thoughts, andworldviews are under the influence ofcyberspaces in the present time, particularlyin modern communities, it is necessary todevelop a critical approach among childrenin dealing with the contents of thecyberspaces, and teach them how toconfront with these immense informationprovided by these centers. The presentpaper, as carried out with the participationof children in philosophical communities ofinquiry, is an attempt to enhance the critical,creative and accountable ability of childrenin confronting with the content and existinginformation of the cyberspaces. An analysisof the data as collected by Covariancemethod with %99 certainty in twelvesessions indicate that the participation ofstudents in philosophical community ofinquiry can affect their critical thought skillsincluding the skills of inductive anddeductive reasoning, analysis of mediamessages, enhancing self confidence, andincreasing hypothesis making ininternet(p≤0.01). Accordingly, we canbenefit from the teaching program of“philosophy for children” in deepening ourunderstanding of information in cyberspacesand reducing the destructive impacts of thisinvaluable and overall media. Manuscript profile
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        33 - The Relationship between Beauty and the Good in Plato’s Ontology
        Hossein  Ghafari Behnaz  Parvini
        Based on various interpretations, the relationship between the good and beauty in Plato’s philosophy fluctuates between being identical and different, and these interpretations lead to different consequences in Platonic ethics and aesthetics and suggest different relati More
        Based on various interpretations, the relationship between the good and beauty in Plato’s philosophy fluctuates between being identical and different, and these interpretations lead to different consequences in Platonic ethics and aesthetics and suggest different relationships between the good and beauty and his metaphysics. Many interpreters believe that the truth and the good are the same in Plato’s view, while the relationship between beauty and the good is not clearly known to them. Through a study of the features of each of these two entities in various dialogs and contexts and the arguments adduced to describe the relationship between them, one can not only learn about the quality of this relationship but also determine the borderlines of Platonic aesthetics and, as a result, discover the place of beauty as the truth of being in this philosopher’s ontology. In this study, based on Plato’s prescriptive method in his seventh letter regarding the knowledge of every subject, the writers deal with the relationship between beauty and its equivalent concepts, such as pleasure, harmony, proportion, order, and unity. Then, by responding to the questions related to the difference of the good from beauty, they demonstrate that the other definitions and meanings of beauty can be interpreted in the same way, and that the truth of beauty is the same as the good in the sense of unity. Finally, they conclude that beauty is the cause of existence and the end of everything. Therefore, ethics and aesthetics are considered to be two dimensions of Plato’s unitary ontology. Manuscript profile
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        34 - Logos and Motion in Heraclitus
        Seyyed Mohammad Reza  Hosseini Khameneh Seyyed Mohammad Reza  Hosseini Khameneh
        Heraclitus is usually recognized as a philosopher who believes in the motion and becoming of all things. He also maintains that there is a kind of conflict among opposites, which finally leads to their unity. However, not much attention is paid to the fixed principles t More
        Heraclitus is usually recognized as a philosopher who believes in the motion and becoming of all things. He also maintains that there is a kind of conflict among opposites, which finally leads to their unity. However, not much attention is paid to the fixed principles that exist in his philosophy. The most important of all of them is logos, which is also referred to by some other terms such as fire, God (theos), etc. Logos is a fixed divine principle which establishes harmony among all things, and a philosopher is an individual who hears the words of logos and acts accordingly. Therefore, it can be said that, in addition to the becoming of worldly things, Heraclitus also speaks of unity and consistency in his philosophy. Manuscript profile
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        35 - The Brilliant Jewel of Islam in Seville: A Historical Analysis of Ibn Arabi’s Fusus al-Hikam
        Masood  Ahmadi Afzadi
        Ibn Arabi is one of the prominent figures in the field of theoretical gnosis in the world of Islam. He enjoys a unique status among Muslim gnostic-writers thanks to his benefitting from the legacy of distinguished Muslim and, particularly, Iranian gnostics, on the one h More
        Ibn Arabi is one of the prominent figures in the field of theoretical gnosis in the world of Islam. He enjoys a unique status among Muslim gnostic-writers thanks to his benefitting from the legacy of distinguished Muslim and, particularly, Iranian gnostics, on the one hand, and the philosophical legacy of Muslim thinkers of the West, especially, of Seville, on the other hand. The cultural center of Andalusia, which was the philosophical meeting point of Islamic gnosis with Christian gnosis and, especially, Jewish gnosis for centuries, clearly reflects Ibn Arabi’s influence over these gnostic schools and indicates the necessity of making a continuous effort at gaining a thorough knowledge of the different aspects of his thoughts and works. From among all his works, Fusus al-hikam seems to be the best criterion for learning about Ibn Arabi because this great book provides a trustworthy account of the history of Islamic gnosis and Andalusia. Several commentators have commented on Fusus al-hikam, but not all of them have praised the writer, and some of them have even criticized his ideas in their commentaries. Nevertheless, all of them have praised the magnificence of his thoughts in this work. The present paper casts an analytic glance at Ibn Arabi’s character and examines this book based on the ideas of its writer and commentators in terms of form and content. It is hoped that the findings of this study can pave the way for more comparative research in the interreligious atmosphere of Andalusia and contribute to a better understanding of this distinguished figure of the Andalusia school as the crossroad of cultures. Manuscript profile
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        36 - A Critical Evaluation of Hegel’s Reading of the Origin of Heraclitus’ Doctrines
        Dariush  Darvishy
        At the beginning of the modern period, German philosophy turned its eyes, more than to any other philosophical traditions, to Greek philosophy and borrowed its most fundamental principles from this school. This Hellenistic tradition in German philosophy, on the one hand More
        At the beginning of the modern period, German philosophy turned its eyes, more than to any other philosophical traditions, to Greek philosophy and borrowed its most fundamental principles from this school. This Hellenistic tradition in German philosophy, on the one hand, granted a new depth to these teachings and, on the other hand, resulted in some misunderstandings about Greek philosophy. This paper is intended to formulate one of the most well-known of such misunderstandings. This misunderstanding is rooted in the bases of Heraclitus’ teachings. Some ancient philosophers, such as Plato and Aristotle, who studied Heraclitus’ book, believed that the doctrine of motion was the basis of all his other doctrines. This was the case while Hegel, at a time when German modern philosophy was at its height of development, tried to bring his philosophy into harmony with Heraclitus’ doctrines. However, since it was impossible, he brought Heraclitus’ doctrines into harmony with the fundamental principles of his own philosophy. For example, he considered the basis of this early philosopher’s philosophy to be, not the doctrine of motion, but the identity of opposites. This reading of Hegel was soon accepted by some of researchers of Greek philosophy. In this paper, the writer has tried to demonstrate that a return to an ancient reading of the basis of Heraclitus’ philosophy is much more justified than accepting a Hegelian reading of the nature of its fundamental principles. Manuscript profile
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        37 - Love as a Path towards Human Perfection (A Comparison of the Ideas of Ibn Sina and Mulla Sadra)
        Fateme  Soleimani
        Islamic philosophers, such as Ibn Sina, have divided human love into true and virtual types. True love is the same extreme enthusiasm and passion for divine essence and attributes, and virtual love itself is divided into soulish love and animal love. The origin of souli More
        Islamic philosophers, such as Ibn Sina, have divided human love into true and virtual types. True love is the same extreme enthusiasm and passion for divine essence and attributes, and virtual love itself is divided into soulish love and animal love. The origin of soulish love is the substantial participation and commensurability of the souls of the lover and the beloved. However, the origin of animal love is physical desire and seeking animal pleasure. Ibn Sina believes that virtual love is one of the elements of the “purification of the inner self”, which is one of the goals of ascetic practice and a way for attaining perfection. Mulla Sadra also maintains that in soulish virtual love, the unity of the lover’s soul with that of the beloved through preference and representing the external beauty of the beloved leads to the lovers’ purification of the soul, so that he becomes ready for accepting the station of being annihilated in God. Accordingly, he says that virtual love is a bridge for attaining true love and, ultimately, human perfection. Manuscript profile
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        38 - God in Process Theology and Mulla Sadra
        Hamed  Naji Isfahani
        This paper presents a comparative study of two philosophical trends. Therefore, it has been organized in two parts: process theology and Sadrian Transcendent Philosophy. Process theology appeared in the 20th century as one of the developmental thought processes followed More
        This paper presents a comparative study of two philosophical trends. Therefore, it has been organized in two parts: process theology and Sadrian Transcendent Philosophy. Process theology appeared in the 20th century as one of the developmental thought processes followed by philosophers in the field of religion. Given all the arguments and conflicts existing in the Middle Ages and Modernity’s atheism, its followers sought to present a new version of theology in which various notions such as God, His pre-eternity, His Power, the existence of evil in the world, the relationship between God and the world of being, and the relationship between the changing world and God are revisited. This new school, which was established by Alfred North Whitehead and expanded by Charles Hartshorne and David Ray Griffin, is presently studied in western academic centers as one of the prevalent theological and religious schools. In general, this school has made two contributions to the field of philosophy: 1) presenting a new version of theology, the conformity of which with holy texts is questionable; 2) presenting a new form of ontology and the quality of God’s relationship with the world. The Transcendent Philosophy was initially founded by Mulla Sadra and developed at three stages: the Avicennan stage of the understanding of existence, gradation of existence, and the individual unity of existence. Although Mulla Sadra has not distinguished these three stages from each other in his magnum opus, al-Asfar, the evolution of his ideas in his various treatises attest to this developmental process. Through discovering the principiality of existence, he proceeded to generalize his understanding of existence from the level of concept to the level of referent. Finally, he presented a new model of God’s relationship with the world of being, which can be practically explored based on the development of his philosophical thoughts. This new approach to the concept of existence affected most theological concepts in the field of religion and prompted him to provide a new version of theology. The writer believes that, unlike Mulla Sadra’s system of individual unity, which is in the process of change, his gradational system is a relatively complete one. It is noteworthy that there is a relative conformity between the fundamental principles of the graded unity of existence and those of the Christian process theology. Of course, as explained in the paper, the Sadrian school is much more efficient and accurate than process theology in understanding religious and comparative teachings. Therefore, in addition to posing the discussion of process theology and its new achievements concerning religious concepts, the present paper compares this school with Mulla Sadra’s system of gradational wisdom and explores it strengths and weaknesses. Manuscript profile
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        39 - Specific Unity or Plurality of Man in Ibn Sina, Suhrawardi, and Mulla Sadra
        ‘Abdullah  Salavati
        The specific unity or plurality of man is one of the problems that has often remained a marginal one and taken for granted as a presupposition in traditional philosophy. In the past, most Muslim philosophers defended the specific unity of man. However, the opponents of More
        The specific unity or plurality of man is one of the problems that has often remained a marginal one and taken for granted as a presupposition in traditional philosophy. In the past, most Muslim philosophers defended the specific unity of man. However, the opponents of this idea posed the specific plurality of man using a demonstrative method. Of course, in the works of some of the advocates of the specific unity of man, such as Ibn Sina, there are some pieces of evidence attesting to this theory. This paper discusses and examines the curve of the evolution of the specific plurality and inequality of man with reference to some prominent and influential thinkers such as Ibn Sina, Suhrawardi, and Mulla Sadra. This curve has undergone some fluctuations in the philosophical and kalami schools of the world of Islam. Nevertheless, the process of its development entails the following theories: specific plurality of man at the level of evidence by Ibn Sina, graded specific unity (unequal equal human beings) by Suhrawardi, and three models of purely ontological and graded specific unity, the quiddative graded specific unity seeking ontological graded specific unity, and quiddative graded specific plurality seeking ontological graded specific unity by Mulla Sadra. It is noted that each of the three-fold Sadrian models exists in two apriori and aposteriori forms. The Sadrian specific plurality, because of its relying on solid supporting principles, having a variety of models, and entailing apriori and aposteriori forms of specific plurality, created a transformed atmosphere of inequality of human beings. In order to demonstrate the substantial difference between this type of plurality and the specific plurality of human beings before Mulla Sadra, the writer has referred to the former as human life-specific model. Manuscript profile
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        40 - A Critical Study and Explanation of Mulla Mohammad Na‘im Taleqani’s Approach to the Theory of the Individual Unity of Existence
        Seyyed Shahriyar  Kamali Sabzewari
        In the view of Mulla Mohammad Na‘im Taleqani, the theory of the individual unity of existence necessitates either the absolute identity of Almighty Necessary with objects or His possible being. Therefore, several objections can be advanced against this theory, which ren More
        In the view of Mulla Mohammad Na‘im Taleqani, the theory of the individual unity of existence necessitates either the absolute identity of Almighty Necessary with objects or His possible being. Therefore, several objections can be advanced against this theory, which render it into an implausible and unacceptable one. Here, after analyzing his view regarding this theory through using such concepts as the copulative existence of the effect and encompassing plurality and distinction, the writer clarifies the theory of the individual unity of existence and demonstrates that none of the mentioned objections are justified. He finally concludes that Taleqani has failed to explain and analyze gnostics’ views regarding this theory. Manuscript profile
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        41 - The Problem of Essential Oneness and its Relationship with the Representativeness of the Unity of Concept Based on the Unity of Referent
        Seyyed Majid  Mirdamadi
        In this paper, while demonstrating the representativeness of the concept of the one based on the single referent and rejecting the possibility of abstracting the single concept from multiple referents, the writer refutes Ibn Kamuneh’s paradox regarding the argument of t More
        In this paper, while demonstrating the representativeness of the concept of the one based on the single referent and rejecting the possibility of abstracting the single concept from multiple referents, the writer refutes Ibn Kamuneh’s paradox regarding the argument of the oneness of the Divine Essence and explains the essential unity of Almighty Truth. His paradox holds true based on the principiality and heterogeneity of existences and the principiality of quiddity; however, it is refuted based on the principiality and particular gradation of existence. This study was carried out following the descriptive-analytic method and a critical approach. Its most important conclusions include: 1) Concept and referent are essentially one; 2) Abstracting a single concept from multiple referents in terms of multiplicity is impossible; 3) Common truth is the origin of abstracting a single concept; 4) The unity of concept represents the unity of the referent; 5) Attributing the title of the necessity of existence to its truth is the same as attributing an essential entity to the essential thing, and the concept of the necessity of existence is derived from the innermost of the necessary existence without a determining and causal mode; 6) Ibn Kamuneh’s paradox regarding the argument of the Oneness of the Necessary being is rejected based on the impossibility of deriving a single concept from multiple referents, and 7) If the Necessary Being is considered to be pure existence or simple, no objection will be leveled. Manuscript profile
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        42 - Simple Human Intellect in Mulla Sadra
        Furugh al-Sadat  Rahimpoor Maryam  Fakhr al-Dini
        In this paper, through examining the meanings of the “simple intellect” in Mulla Sadra’s view, the writers have tried to clarify its specific meaning in relation to the human soul. He maintains that unity and simplicity are among the characteristics of the simple human More
        In this paper, through examining the meanings of the “simple intellect” in Mulla Sadra’s view, the writers have tried to clarify its specific meaning in relation to the human soul. He maintains that unity and simplicity are among the characteristics of the simple human intellect, and that the general acquisition of intelligible forms by the simple intellect is a particular attribute which distinguishes it from other levels of perception. The simple human intellect is a name coined for the level of acquired intellect in order to, firstly, explain the specific features of this level, that is, simplicity and unity, and secondly, to emphasize the ontological harmony of the acquired intellect with the “Active Intellect”, which is the origin of the emanation of intelligible forms and is in unity with the acquired reason. Mulla Sadra also uses the term “the simple intellect” to clarify the process of the descent of revelation and considers the descent of the Qu’ran to be the product of the union of the simple intellect of the human soul with the Active Intellect or the “Holy Spirit”. It is through this union that the “Divine Pen” or the same Active Intellect portrays intelligible forms on the tablet of the prophet’s rational soul. Manuscript profile
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        43 - Community of Names in Ibn Arabi’s Philosophical System
        Fatemeh  Mohammad
        One of the important subjects which Ibn Arabi has tried to explain based on his own gnostic principles is the relationship between unity and plurality or the mode of the emanation of the plural from the one. While dealing with the levels of the world and referring to th More
        One of the important subjects which Ibn Arabi has tried to explain based on his own gnostic principles is the relationship between unity and plurality or the mode of the emanation of the plural from the one. While dealing with the levels of the world and referring to the place of presences and the degrees of being, he discusses the names and attributes of the Truth. Then, through explaining the emanation of names from essence and the relationships among them, he tries to explain the quality of the emanation of multiple names and the creation of existence from the simple essence of the one under the two titles of “community” and “opposition”. Given the depth and range of the discussion, the present paper shortly examines the problem of the community of names in Ibn Arabi’s philosophy following a descriptive method and under the subcategories of the meaning and plurality of names, community of names, and types of community and finally ends with a conclusion section. It is hoped that this endeavor can cast a light on the discussed issue. Manuscript profile
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        44 - Ontological, Anthropological, and Epistemological Concomitants of the Theory of the Union of the Intellect and the Intelligible
        Seyyed Morteza  Hosseini Shahroudi Zohreh  Salahshur Sefid Sangi
        The principle of the union of the intellect and intelligible is one of the important discussions in Islamic philosophy. The background of this principle in Islamic philosophy goes back to the translation of the book Uthulugia, and Mulla Sadra explained it based on some More
        The principle of the union of the intellect and intelligible is one of the important discussions in Islamic philosophy. The background of this principle in Islamic philosophy goes back to the translation of the book Uthulugia, and Mulla Sadra explained it based on some of his own philosophical principles such as the principiality of existence, gradation of existence, and the trans-substantial motion of the soul. He considers knowledge acquisition by the soul to be similar to the emergence of corporeal forms for matter. The soul unites with its cognitive forms in the same way that matter and form unite with each other. Through demonstrating the union of the intellect and the intelligible, Mulla Sadra presented a new theory of ontology, anthropology, and epistemology and, in this way, provided some new responses to the problems and questions before Muslim philosophers. It was in the light of this principle that he presented a new philosophical explanation for some problems such as the ontological perfection and gradation of the soul, embodiment of acts, the simple intellect, supra-intellectual immateriality of the soul, the unity of the soul with the active intellect, and the issues related to mental existence. Manuscript profile
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        45 - Unity of Being, Unity of Intuition, and Speaking of God
        Ghasim  Kakaie Tayyebeh Masoumi
        One of the most important discussions in Islamic philosophy, kalam, and gnosis is speaking of God. The “unity of being” and “unity of intuition” have been proposed as two approaches to the quality of the relationship between the wayfaring gnostic servant and God and spe More
        One of the most important discussions in Islamic philosophy, kalam, and gnosis is speaking of God. The “unity of being” and “unity of intuition” have been proposed as two approaches to the quality of the relationship between the wayfaring gnostic servant and God and speaking of Him. Each of these approaches has some representatives in the tradition of Islamic gnosis and each has specific beliefs regarding gnostic unity. In this paper, through explaining the theories of the unity of being (based on Ibn Arabi’s ideas) and the unity of intuition (based on ‘Ala al-Dawlah Semnani’s views), the writers initially discuss their differences concerning unity. Then they explore the concept of “personal God” as one of the necessities and basic principles of the theory of the unity of intuition as opposed to the Absolute God of the theory of the unity of being. Manuscript profile
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        46 - Contexts and Causes of Posing Inconsistent Philosophical Theories in Mulla Sadra’s Works
        Saeed  Anvari
        In his various works, Mulla Sadra has presented different views concerning certain philosophical issues which cannot be gathered in a single philosophical system. In this paper, with reference to such issues, the writers have examined the causes of these different views More
        In his various works, Mulla Sadra has presented different views concerning certain philosophical issues which cannot be gathered in a single philosophical system. In this paper, with reference to such issues, the writers have examined the causes of these different views. For a more thorough study of the related cases, they have investigated different theories including the trans-substantial motion, the mediating movement, the cause of time, the nature of knowledge, God’s knowledge of particulars, divine activity, the cause-effect relation, the criterion for the dependence of possible beings on the Necessary Being, meanings of quiddity, the quality of attribution of existence to quiddity, unity of being, immateriality, and createdness of the soul. A study of these issues indicate that the existence of different views in Mulla Sadra’s works is rooted in one of the following factors: 1) a change in his philosophical theories and ideas over time (initially, he believed in the principiality of quiddity, then in the principiality of existence and gradedness of being, and finally in the individual unity of existence); 2) observing the instructional aspect in expressing his views, 3) posing his theories based on different principles (people, graded unity of being, and individual unity of existence); 4) trying to compose a pseudo-encyclopedic series of books on philosophical discussions. Manuscript profile
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        47 - A Critique of “the Methodological Role of the Principle of Nothing Proceeds from the One but the One”
        Mahdi  ‘Azimi
        “The Methodological Role of the Principle of Nothing Proceeds from the One but the One” is the title of an article the writer of which believes that the explanation of this principle is limited to a number of problems in the field of metaphysics in its particular sense. More
        “The Methodological Role of the Principle of Nothing Proceeds from the One but the One” is the title of an article the writer of which believes that the explanation of this principle is limited to a number of problems in the field of metaphysics in its particular sense. Therefore, any reference to it “in order to demonstrate logical and natural problems and some problems in metaphysics in its general sense” is unjustified. In this paper, in response to the above claim, the writer shows: 1) this idea was initially proposed by Mulla Sadra and later evaluated and developed by Hakim Sabziwari (although the article mentioned above refers to Mulla Sadra’s view and Sabziwari’s evaluation and development of this view, it does not provide any response to it); 2) the origin of this view neglects the limit of modal unity; 3) all through this article the true One is mixed with the one truth; 4) in the mentioned article, the original principle and its opposite are intermingled, and the claim of the original principle also effects its opposite, and 5) the writer of the same article considers the “impossibility of inferring a single concept from multiple referents” to be one example of the false applications of the principle of “Nothing proceeds from the One but the One”, whereas philosophers have not resorted to this principle in this regard. It seems that this error originates in equating the relationship between the concept and the referent with causality. Even if we assume that it is correct, it is better to say that this problem is based on the opposite of this principle rather than its original form. However, the claim made in the article, if assumed correct, entails the original principle and not its opposite. Moreover, the mentioned problem is not even based on the opposite of the principle. Manuscript profile
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        48 - A Study of the Effect of Mulla Sadra’s View of the Soul on his View of Revelation
        Furugh al-Sadat  Rahimpoor Majid  Yaryan
        Mulla Sadra based his Transcendent Philosophy and psychology on some principles which, before him, had not received much attention as fundamental principles of a school of philosophy. The trans-substantial motion of the soul from matter to kingdom, gradation of existenc More
        Mulla Sadra based his Transcendent Philosophy and psychology on some principles which, before him, had not received much attention as fundamental principles of a school of philosophy. The trans-substantial motion of the soul from matter to kingdom, gradation of existence and the gradedness of the soul, the place of the world of imagination and the union of the soul with the Active Intellect are among these basic principles in Sadrian psychology. In this article, the writers explore the place of Mulla Sadra’s psychological principles in the knowledge of revelation and explanation of this process, as well as their impact on this field. From among the consequences of these principles we can refer to the kalami nature of revelation, its being impersonal and error-free, its being parallel with the intellect, and its continuity. Manuscript profile
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        49 - A Study of ‘Allamah Tabataba’i’s Argument on Referring the Theory of “Gradation of Existence” to the Theory of the “Individual Unity of Existence”
        Hossein  Kalbasi Ashtari Mehdi  Sa‘atchi
        The theory of the individual unity of being is the basis of gnostic ontology. Therefore, a number of gnostic researchers have tried to demonstrate this theory in order to defend and explain their standpoint in this regard. The contemporary philosopher and gnostic, ‘Alla More
        The theory of the individual unity of being is the basis of gnostic ontology. Therefore, a number of gnostic researchers have tried to demonstrate this theory in order to defend and explain their standpoint in this regard. The contemporary philosopher and gnostic, ‘Allamah Tabataba’i, has also adduced some arguments in his works in order to prove this claim. In one of these arguments, through analyzing the argument of muta’allih philosophers concerning the congruent unity of being and its gradedness, he has demonstrated gnostics claim as to the individual unity of existence. This is an innovative and noteworthy argument regarding its way of reasoning, its dealing with the peripheral issues and different consequences of the problem and, particularly, its role in clarifying the relationship between the theories of gnostics and philosophers. After referring to each of these theories, the writers explain and analyze the above argument in this paper and examine some of its consequences. Manuscript profile
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        50 - Problem of Correspondence in Mulla Sadra’s Ontological Epistemology
        Shahnaz  Shayanfar
        The correspondence theory of truth is one of the most ancient and important theories concerning the knowledge of truth. Muslim philosophers share the same interpretation of the above theory and consider it as the correspondence of the subject and object, which is a pure More
        The correspondence theory of truth is one of the most ancient and important theories concerning the knowledge of truth. Muslim philosophers share the same interpretation of the above theory and consider it as the correspondence of the subject and object, which is a purely quiddative kind of correspondence. In line with early philosophers, Mulla Sadra speaks of the quiddative unity of the subject and object in relation to the discussion of mental existence and the other issues related to knowledge. The present paper intends to provide an answer to the question of how we can speak about the ontological correspondence of the subject and object in Mulla Sadra’s philosophy based on its internal capabilities. Here, through explaining some of the exclusive features and principles of his philosophy, such as his ontological view of knowledge, the distinction between knowledge and mental form, the graded unity of existence, man’s previous beings and, following it, the presential perception of phenomena the writer has tried to explicate the ontological correspondence of the subject and object. The results of the conducted research indicate that quiddative correspondence comes after ontological correspondence. In other words, if we agree with quiddative correspondence, we should initially and necessarily agree with ontological correspondence as a basis for the former. Manuscript profile
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        51 - Mulla Sadra on Oneness of Being
        Seyyed Morteza  Hosseini Shahroudi Mohammad Ali  Vatandoust
        In the process of development of his philosophical thoughts, Mulla Sadra managed to move from graded unity to the individual unity of existence based on his own philosophical principles. Through interpreting causality as epiphany, he limited the truth of existence to Al More
        In the process of development of his philosophical thoughts, Mulla Sadra managed to move from graded unity to the individual unity of existence based on his own philosophical principles. Through interpreting causality as epiphany, he limited the truth of existence to Almighty Necessary and considered other than Him to be the emanations and different forms of the Necessary Single Existence. The writers of this paper intend to present Mulla Sadra’s ultimate theory on the oneness of being and reveal the identity of the oneness of being in the Transcendent Philosophy with gnostics’ idea of this concept. Manuscript profile
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        52 - Explanation of Gnostic Theophanic Locutions in the Epistemology of the Transcendent Philosophy
        Mohammad Nejati
        Ambiguity and contradiction of expression are among the most important features of gnostic theophanic locutions in the field of epistemology. In Mulla Sadra’s view, the clarity or ambiguity of gnostic intuition is directly related to the extent of the gnostic’s soulish More
        Ambiguity and contradiction of expression are among the most important features of gnostic theophanic locutions in the field of epistemology. In Mulla Sadra’s view, the clarity or ambiguity of gnostic intuition is directly related to the extent of the gnostic’s soulish gradedness and sincerity of innermost in the process of the union of the intellect and intelligible and Shar‘i ascetic practice. Accordingly, he sees the rise of ambiguity in intuition as a product of the lack of gradedness of the gnostic’s soul and also the lack of Shar‘i ascetic practices, which leads to possible manipulations of affirmation and errors and diversions in this process. Regarding the problem of contradiction, based on his ontological principles, Mulla Sadra considers theophanic locutions a contradictory category due to their inclusion of their claims of immanence and unity with God’s essence, which necessitate duality in the essence of external objects. Based on the features mentioned above, he explicitly introduces theophanic locutions as the plight of religion and religious beliefs. However, based on his own epistemological principles, he tries to exonerate the gonstics believing in the Unity of Being, such as Bayazid and Hallaj, from this charge. On the basis of the tasha’un (modes) relationship between the Truth and creation, Mulla Sadra believes that these gnostics’ experience of annihilation means forgetting themselves and their I-ness or egoism and paying their complete attention to God’s Essence. The probable shortcoming of theophanic locutions lies in the fact that these gnostics have experienced the highest level of the union of the intellect and intelligible, which necessitates the same union by essence and by accident. However, such an experience cannot be qualified with unity and immanence, which are the basic features of sufis’ theophanic locutions. Manuscript profile
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        53 - Mulla Sadra: From General Gradation to Particular Oneness
        Abdolali  Shokr Morteza  Hamedi
        The term “gradation” was used first in logical discussions. Later some thinkers such as Ibn Sina and Suhrawardi employed it in the realm of philosophy as well. A study of the collection of Ibn Sina’s works indicates that he only treaded on the path of general gradation. More
        The term “gradation” was used first in logical discussions. Later some thinkers such as Ibn Sina and Suhrawardi employed it in the realm of philosophy as well. A study of the collection of Ibn Sina’s works indicates that he only treaded on the path of general gradation. Suhrawardi, who paved the way for particular gradation in Mulla Sadra’s philosophy, considered existence to be mentally-posited. Thus he turned to gradation in essence and quiddity; a theory which was not accepted by Mulla Sadra and Peripatetic philosophers. If principiality, unity, and gradation of existence constitute the three main pillars of the Transcendent Philosophy, particular gradation and particularly particular gradation complete the Sadrian school of philosophy and signify the peak of its excellence. Mulla Sadra initially proposed particular gradation in order to reject general gradation and the theory of the difference of beings. Then he tried to provide a new interpretation for it in comparison to the Illuminationist particular gradation. While rejecting this kind of gradation and through being inspired by gnostic thoughts and the revealed Qur’anic verses, he introduced a particularly particular gradation to justify the multiplicity of existents and provide a new interpretation of oneness which is in line with gnostic oneness. Manuscript profile
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        54 - Mulla Sadra’s Gnostic Explanation of the Theory of the Individual Unity of Existence
        Monireh  Sayyid Mazhari
        Mulla Sadra’s profound philosophical deliberations, which were accompanied by his intuitive contemplations, regarding the truth of being, finally led him to the theory of the individual unity of existence. In line with gnostics, he explicitly acknowledges the necessity More
        Mulla Sadra’s profound philosophical deliberations, which were accompanied by his intuitive contemplations, regarding the truth of being, finally led him to the theory of the individual unity of existence. In line with gnostics, he explicitly acknowledges the necessity of believing in this theory in some of his works, particularly, in his gnostic treatise of Iqaz al-na’imin. In order to provide a gnostic explanation for this theory in the realm of ontology, Mulla Sadra resorts to ontological terminology, describes the relationship between existence and quiddity, and discusses the validity of quiddities in terms of both their fact-itself individuation and ontological descent. In doing so, he initially propounds the theory of the graded unity of existence and states some delicate points in relation to its content. Then, based on the eternal and pre-eternal non-existential nature of possible things, he uses a gnostic language to clarify the individual unity of existence. Finally, he concludes that the unity or oneness of existents in their ontological essence is of an individual and permeating type rather than a specific one. In his view, true existence is exclusively limited to the existence of the Almighty, and all possible beings are the manifestations, appearances, and modes of the attributes of the existence of the Truth and enjoy a shadow-like existence in comparison to Him. Manuscript profile
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        55 - Particular Gradation of Being in the View of Aqa Ali Mudarres and its Difference from other Kinds of Particular Gradation
        Seyyed Shahriyar  Kamali Sabziwari
        In the Transcendent Philosophy, the basis of particular gradation is the return of the shared element to the distinguishing factor. This is a general rule and criterion for particular gradation, based on which at least three types of such gradation can be defined. In th More
        In the Transcendent Philosophy, the basis of particular gradation is the return of the shared element to the distinguishing factor. This is a general rule and criterion for particular gradation, based on which at least three types of such gradation can be defined. In the first type, plurality dominates oneness so that all beings and plural things in the world merely share the aspect of being in existence. In the next type, oneness dominates plurality so that all the multiple beings of the world comprise the stages of a single being. The third type of particular gradation is midway between the other two types. Based on the particular gradation discussed by Aqa Ali Mudarres in the book of Bidayah al-hikam, oneness dominates plurality among possible multiple beings because all of them comprise the different grades of a single and absolute being. However, between the Almighty Necessary and the collection of possible multiple things, it is plurality which dominates oneness. Manuscript profile
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        56 - The Relationship between the Graded Unity of Existence and the Theory of Perfect Man in Mutahhari
        Reza  Safari Kandsari
        Different philosophical and gnostic schools have each presented some theories regarding the perfect Man relying on their own specific worldviews. Believing in a worldview based on the “individual unity of existence”, gnostics maintain that it is only the Truth which exi More
        Different philosophical and gnostic schools have each presented some theories regarding the perfect Man relying on their own specific worldviews. Believing in a worldview based on the “individual unity of existence”, gnostics maintain that it is only the Truth which exists, and what is other than the Truth is only among the modes and manifestations of the Truth. In the view of this group, the perfect Man is a human being who has attained supreme glory. Such a person is indeed the locus of the manifestation of essential and nominal perfections of the Truth rather than having a different existence from the Truth. In his critique of gnostics’ theory of perfect Man, Mutahhari, based on the theory of the graded unity of existence, believes that the perfect Man is a human being who, while actualizing all goals and values to the level of moderation in oneself, has a single goal in mind which is the same proximity to God. According to the gradedness of existence, multiple goals and a single goal are the same but are different in their levels. In multiple goals, the intentions and the ultimate levels of divine proximity are also different. In other words, in the view of Mutahhari, as the graded unity of existence dominates the truth of being, a human being who has attained the graded goal is the same perfect Man. In this paper, the writer explains that none of Mutahhari’s criticisms of gnostics’ views are justified, and explicit references in the related texts demonstrate the falsity of his objections. Therefore, gnostics provide a more complete explanation of the perfect Man, and the existence of this human being is consistent with the individual unity of existence. Manuscript profile
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        57 - Natural Causality and Metaphysical Causality: Homonymy or Polysemy in Mulla Sadra
        Maryam Heydari Hamid Reza  Ayatollahy‬‏
        Causality is one of the most important philosophical problems which has undergone vast semantic changes in the course of history. This process has sometimes occurred in the mould of empirical explanation and sometimes in the mould of philosophical explanation. The vastn More
        Causality is one of the most important philosophical problems which has undergone vast semantic changes in the course of history. This process has sometimes occurred in the mould of empirical explanation and sometimes in the mould of philosophical explanation. The vastness of such changes has led some thinkers to believe that there is a large semantic gap between metaphysical and natural kinds of causality, and the relationship between them is merely of the type of homonymy. The spread of this view among some philosophers and scholars has made any kind of agreement among them impossible. As a result, no comparative study can be carried out in these two fields concerning their shared concepts. Although some of the followers of the Transcendent Philosophy advocate the same view, the philosophical principles of Mulla Sadra have removed any kind of breach or borderline between these two fields and defines them in the same way. Accordingly, it can be claimed that natural causality is the degraded form of metaphysical causality and, thus, the unison of the two fields, their proximity to each other, and any interaction between them will be inevitable. Manuscript profile
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        58 - A Critical Study of Hakim Sabziwari’s Innovative Arguments on the Trans-Substantial Motion
        Hussein Ali  Shidanshid Mohammad Hadi  Tavakkoli
        Among the various arguments that Hakim Sabziwari has adduced in his Sharh-i manzumah for demonstrating the theory of the trans-substantial motion, five appear to be among his own innovations at first glance. They include reasoning through the qualitative motion of ideas More
        Among the various arguments that Hakim Sabziwari has adduced in his Sharh-i manzumah for demonstrating the theory of the trans-substantial motion, five appear to be among his own innovations at first glance. They include reasoning through the qualitative motion of ideas in heavenly souls, reasoning through the renewal of Ideas, reasoning through the unified origination of the world, reasoning through the purposiveness of nature, and reasoning through the shadow-like unity of the soul. The present paper is aimed to report, analyze, and criticize such arguments. The conducted study indicates that four of these arguments can be considered to be among his innovations. The philosophical significance of these four-fold arguments mainly arise from the fact that they manifest the place of the theory of the trans-substantial motion, have mutual interactions with other problems in the field of the Transcendent-Philosophy, promote scrutiny regarding the different aspects and effects of this theory, and demonstrate the harmony and consistency among the various sections of Sadrian Transcendent Philosophy. However, the mentioned arguments are neither simple and explicit nor capable of proving this theory based on a few premises. Manuscript profile
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        59 - A Critical Study of Functionalism with a Glance at Mulla Sadra’s Self-Knowledge
        Reza  Safari Kandsari
        The relationship between the body and the soul is one of the complex issues in philosophy. The Cartesian and Platonic dualism is one of the solutions offered for this problem. Descartes and Plato believed that the soul and body are two different substances and enjoy the More
        The relationship between the body and the soul is one of the complex issues in philosophy. The Cartesian and Platonic dualism is one of the solutions offered for this problem. Descartes and Plato believed that the soul and body are two different substances and enjoy their own particular domains and features. Contemporary philosophers of the mind have also introduced a number of views in order to resolve the problems of substantial dualism. The theories of behaviorism and the identity of the mind and body deny the substantive nature of the soul and employ the words “mind” and “mental states” instead of the word “soul” and maintain that mental states are the same behavioral and brain-related states. However, while acknowledging the problems of dualism, the behavioral approaches, and the standpoint of the identity of the mind and brain, the advocates of functionalism provide an impartial interpretation of the mind (its being abstract or concrete) and believe that mental states are the same functional states which perform certain functional roles based on mental input and output and other mental states. Islamic philosophers and mutikallimun have also tackled the enigma of the soul and body and Plato’s substantial dualism. Ibn Sina and Suhrawardi deny the priority of the soul to the body (Platonic theory) but consider the essence of the soul and body to be immaterial and corporeal, respectively. Most mutikallimun reject the idea of the soul as an immaterial and self-subsistent substance and view it as a delicate kind of body. In line with functionalists, Mulla Sadra was well aware of the problems associated with considering the soul as an immaterial or corporeal substance and argued that the essence of the soul is not purely immaterial or material; rather, it is initially corporeal and then becomes immaterial through trans-substantial motion. He also stated that, based on the shadowy true unity, the soul is an intermediate world inclusive of both materiality and immateriality and becomes material and immaterial based on the states of its grades. Although both functionalists and Mulla Sadra reject the mind’s (the soul in Mulla Sadra’s view) being purely immaterial or corporeal, Mulla Sadra provided a more accurate explanation of the body-soul relation in comparison to functionalists, who hold a physicalist view of the mind. This is because he does not limit being exclusively to nature. Manuscript profile
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        60 - A Critical Study of the Objections against Ḥakīm Ghomsheī’s Argument on Demonstrating the Necessity of God’s Existence
        Reza Hesari Mojtaba Mirdamadi Abolfazl Rezai
        Several arguments have been adduced on demonstrating the individual unity of being. Most of these arguments, which have been presented by such gnostics as Dāvood Qayṣarī, Ḥamzah Fanārī, and Ibn Turkah, suffer from some defects in terms of a confusion of concept and refe More
        Several arguments have been adduced on demonstrating the individual unity of being. Most of these arguments, which have been presented by such gnostics as Dāvood Qayṣarī, Ḥamzah Fanārī, and Ibn Turkah, suffer from some defects in terms of a confusion of concept and referent. In his glosses on Tamhīd al-qawā’id (the section on the arguments on the demonstration of the individual unity of existence), Ḥakīm Moḥammad Rezā Ghomsheī has presented an argument which demonstrates the pre-eternal necessity of God. However, three criticisms have been advanced against it. The first concerns the meaning of the absolute nature of being, which has been stated ambiguously. The second criticism questions the confusion of concept and referent. The first part of the third criticism targets the whole argument, based on the presupposition of the realization of the essence of nature, and its second part objects to the consistency of the realization of the essence of the nature of existence with limited existences, as acknowledged in Ghomsheī’s argument. Finally, the fourth focuses on the absence of any kind of innovation in this argument. Following an analytic-comparative method, this paper examines all these criticisms and responds to the first three of them. Accordingly, the authors acknowledge the truth of Ḥakīm Ghomsheī’s argument by presenting a detailed discussion in this paper. Manuscript profile
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        61 - A Critical Analysis of Ḥakīm Gharawī Isfahānī’s View of the Levels of Divine Manifestations
        Mostafa  Azizi Alavijeh
        One of the epistemological innovations of Ḥakīm Gharawī Isfahānī entails his gnostic and intuitive approach in practice and theory. Based on the fundamental principles of the Transcendent Philosophy, Muḥaqqiq Isfahānī has proposed an innovative view regarding the levels More
        One of the epistemological innovations of Ḥakīm Gharawī Isfahānī entails his gnostic and intuitive approach in practice and theory. Based on the fundamental principles of the Transcendent Philosophy, Muḥaqqiq Isfahānī has proposed an innovative view regarding the levels of the determinations and manifestations of Almighty Truth. He emphasizes the “graded unity of existence” instead of the “individual unity of existence”, “copulative existence and illuminative relation” instead of “manifestations and epiphanies”, and “simple truth and pure existence” instead of “absoluteness of the source of division”. Ḥakīm Isfahānī introduces three specifications for the truth of existence: the “negatively conditioned” level of non-existential limits or pure existence, the level of “non-conditioned” from contingent limits or holy blessing, and the level of “conditioned-by-something” in the sense of the act of Almighty Truth. This division is different from the related division in theoretical gnosis. In this study, the author initially analyzes the levels of manifestations in the view of Muḥaqqiq Isfahānī and then evaluates them. Manuscript profile
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        62 - Human Soul: A Supreme Example of God in the Transcendent Philosophy
        Mojtaba  Afsharpour Mohammad Mehdi  Gorjian Mohsen Qomi
        One of the aspects that has been referred to in the Transcendent Philosophy for attaining the knowledge of God through the knowledge of the soul is that the human soul is a supreme example of God. This means that God has created the human soul similar to Himself in term More
        One of the aspects that has been referred to in the Transcendent Philosophy for attaining the knowledge of God through the knowledge of the soul is that the human soul is a supreme example of God. This means that God has created the human soul similar to Himself in terms of essence, attributes, and acts so that the knowledge of the soul could function as a means of attaining the knowledge of God in these three realms. However, it is noteworthy that God Almighty is pure from a like. Therefore, an example is different from a like. A careful study of Mullā Ṣadrā’s works reveals that he followed this theory seriously and tried his best to grant it a demonstrative nature. However, he never introduced it in a coherent and well-defined manner in a book or a chapter but dealt with its different dimensions in different chapters and works in relation to other discussions. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce this theory and the related interpretations in a coherent form. After some preliminary explanations regarding the Sadrian supreme example theory, this paper examines and analyzes the most important dimensions of the soul as an example of God and the related analyses in order to identify the most significant aspects of this feature of the human soul. Manuscript profile
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        63 - Anthropological Explanation of Death in Mullā Ṣadrā’s two Systems of Graded Unity and Individual Unity of Existence
        Abdollah Salavati Fatemeh Kookaram
        This study discusses the problem of death based on Mullā Ṣadrā’s two systems of graded and individual unities of existence and intends to explain death relying on anthropological principles. The most important of such principles include Man’s multi-dimensional nature, o More
        This study discusses the problem of death based on Mullā Ṣadrā’s two systems of graded and individual unities of existence and intends to explain death relying on anthropological principles. The most important of such principles include Man’s multi-dimensional nature, ontological gradedness, corporeal origination of the soul and its spiritual subsistence, the problem of the soul and its relationship with the body, human stations, and being the manifestation of divine names. Mullā Ṣadrā divides death into three natural, premature, and voluntary types. In his view, the soul plays an active and key role in death. The main question of the present study is what the principles of the anthropology of death are in Mullā Ṣadrā’s view. He believes that death is an ontological affair in the sense of the soul’s voluntary, forceful, or generative desertion of the world of sensibles. In Mullā Ṣadrā’s two philosophical systems, death has two different faces; in his system of graded unity, it means severing the relationship with the body in the light of ontological gradedness and, in the system of individual unity, it means cutting the relationship with a name and joining another name in the light of various manifestations. Manuscript profile
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        64 - A Study of Ḥakīm Khājūī’s Objections to the Gnostic Theory of Oneness of Being
        Mahmud  Seydi Mohammad Javad  Pashaei
        As the basis of theoretical gnosis, oneness of being has provoked several debates among thinkers in the history of Islamic philosophy. Mullā Ismā‘īl Khājūī, one of the thinkers and Mutikallimun of the Safavid period and post-Sadrian era, has criticized this theory and c More
        As the basis of theoretical gnosis, oneness of being has provoked several debates among thinkers in the history of Islamic philosophy. Mullā Ismā‘īl Khājūī, one of the thinkers and Mutikallimun of the Safavid period and post-Sadrian era, has criticized this theory and challenged it from different aspects. Khājūī rejects this theory based on the ontological differences between the Necessary Being and possible beings, absence of absoluteness in the Necessary Being, the lack of a rational argument for demonstrating the oneness of being, and the inefficiency of the arguments of some gnostics and mystics on proving this oneness. However, the present study postulates that Khājūī’s criticisms originate in confusing the different meanings of certain key terms in philosophical sciences and kalām with those in theoretical gnosis. Nevertheless, it seems that in certain cases, such as gnostics’ failure in adducing a rational argument for demonstrating the oneness of being, his criticism is justified. Manuscript profile
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        65 - Investigating the structure and evolution of the innovation network of catching-up countries in the field of solar energy using patent citations analysis
        Mahboubeh Nourizadeh Tahereh Saheb Shaghayegh Sahraee Ali Maleki
        Over the past three decades, research has focused on how and under what conditions latecomers have been able to become major producers of new technologies, such as renewable energy, and make technological catch-up in this area. This is emphasized for developing countrie More
        Over the past three decades, research has focused on how and under what conditions latecomers have been able to become major producers of new technologies, such as renewable energy, and make technological catch-up in this area. This is emphasized for developing countries because, on the one hand, the greatest growth in energy demand in the coming years will be in these countries, and on the other hand, it is a green window of opportunity for other developing countries to learn and work towards catching-up in these areas. In this research, from the perspective of global innovation networks, the technological approach was investigated by analyzing the structure and evolution of the solar energy innovation network using patent citation analysis. For this purpose, patents in this field were extracted and cleared from the Derwent Innovation over a period 1980-2017. Then, a citation network was formed and the topological structure and country-level indicator were examined using social network analysis methods. The results showed that countries that were able to gradually increase their absorption capacity by joining the global innovation network and moving in the path of technology of leading countries by increasing citations to their patents, could able to be producers of knowledge and granted high quality patents which have been increasingly cited by other countries. These countries found a special place in the network as intermediaries for the diffusion of technology and succeeded in technological catch-up. Manuscript profile
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        66 - Analysis the Relationship Between the organizational intelligence and the goal_oriented organizational forgetfulness in the Higher Education Center of Ilam city
        Mohammad Taban ولی محمد  درینی زهره  محمدیاری فاطمه  فروزش
        The present research aims to analysis the relationship between the organizational intelligence and the goal_oriented organizational forgetfulness in the Higher Education Center of Ilam city. statistical population include official employees of Ilam's governmental orga More
        The present research aims to analysis the relationship between the organizational intelligence and the goal_oriented organizational forgetfulness in the Higher Education Center of Ilam city. statistical population include official employees of Ilam's governmental organizations, and their educational degrees were bachelor's degree and higher. By using Kochran's formula sample size was determined as 380 persons. For data collection, two standardized questionnaires "organizational intelligence questionnaire" and "goal_oriented organizational forgetfulness questionnaire" were distributed among 390 employees. The collected data was analyzed by using software LISREL and SPSS. According to the researrch's findings, it could be concluded that there are the significant correlation between the dimensions of organizational intelligence (strategic conception, common fate, morale, knowledge usage, performance pressure, unity, and willingness to change) with the organizational forgetfulness in Ilam's Higher Education Center. Manuscript profile
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        67 - The model of technological knowledge role in enterpreneurial opportunity recognition and exploitation
        Hossein Abolhassani Ali Davari Farhad Sanjarifard
        In order to recognize and exploit opportunities successfully, enterpreneurs should understand techological environment, recognize driven forces and critical factors and understand the dynamic and real relationship among these factors. In this research which is an explor More
        In order to recognize and exploit opportunities successfully, enterpreneurs should understand techological environment, recognize driven forces and critical factors and understand the dynamic and real relationship among these factors. In this research which is an exploratory one, based on opportunity recognition litratures, new conceptual model of the influence of techological knowledge on innovation and opportunity recognition and exploitation process is introduced and examined. This model is developed based on other researches findings, evaluated based on industries experts as well as academic professionals and then examined using data collected from food industries companies. The results of analysis which is done using SPSS & PLS confirmed the justifiability of the model. This model can help the governmental authorities and industry stakeholders as well as researchers to develop new knowledge oriented guidelines within entrepreneurial activities. Manuscript profile
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        68 - Exploring of Opportunity Identification Process in Corporate of Converging Technologies
        Mohammad hashemi Ali Mobini Dehkordi Mohammad Reza Meigounpoory kamal sakhdari
        In the present era, technological innovation is a key factor in the development and advancement of societies, and technological entrepreneurship is recognized as the main source of disruptive innovation through identifying and effectively exploiting technological opport More
        In the present era, technological innovation is a key factor in the development and advancement of societies, and technological entrepreneurship is recognized as the main source of disruptive innovation through identifying and effectively exploiting technological opportunities. Given the emerging concept of "convergence" in high technologies and novel opportunities resulting from that, it is necessary to recognize the various dimensions of this phenomenon, especially the process of identifying opportunities, as the first and most fundamental step of the technological entrepreneurship process. This research is based on the epistemology of "interpretiveism" and it is exploratory and based on literature on Entrepreneurial opportunities, technological corporate entrepreneurship, interdisciplinary studies and convergent technologies. In this research, the unit of analysis, is the "opportunity identification process" and the level of analysis, is "organization" and the concept of "convergence" as the dominant approach to research has been considered. Also, the research method is qualitative and research strategy, is a multiple case study. The collection of research data has been done through a semi-structured interview and observation of archival documents. The results of the research indicate the great importance of factors such as interdisciplinary understanding, interdisciplinary absorptive capacity, and the type of human capital in the process of identifying opportunities in active companies in the field of converging technologies Manuscript profile
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        69 - Design and Simulation of a Two Stages OPAMP Using Positive Feedback for Achieving to a High Unity Gain Bandwidth and a High DC Gain
        P. Moallem A. Shiri Sichani
        The Fabrication of switch capacitor Filters and continuous time CMOS circuits, with a suitable unity gain bandwidth, a high DC gain and a high quality factor are a major challenge in integrated circuits design basically. This article is proposed a novel positive feedbac More
        The Fabrication of switch capacitor Filters and continuous time CMOS circuits, with a suitable unity gain bandwidth, a high DC gain and a high quality factor are a major challenge in integrated circuits design basically. This article is proposed a novel positive feedback topology for designing of OPAMP kernel and then a sample of OPAMP based on this method by tuning of the fabrication parameters is designed. The results of simulations which are done in frequency and time domain demonstrate that unity gain bandwidth of the designed OPAMP is greater than 1.4GHz and DC gain is greater than 108dB that in comparison with similar designs based on positive feedback can demonstrate there are plentiful increment in unity gain bandwidth and suitable increment in DC gain. The phase margin of the designed OPAMP is greater than 170 degree. Moreover, investigation of the proposed design outputs in time domain demonstrates the stability of the proposed OPAMP. Manuscript profile
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        70 - Double Recycling Folded Cascode Op-Amp Using Feed-Forward Capacitor Coupling Driving
        Mohammad R. Ali Ali Khamesi Naeini
        A double recycling Op-Amp based on a simple recycling folded cascode Op-Amp is presented. The proposed Op-Amp has significantly improved performance compared to a recycling folded cascode. In the proposed Op-Amp, those cascode output current sources of recycling folde More
        A double recycling Op-Amp based on a simple recycling folded cascode Op-Amp is presented. The proposed Op-Amp has significantly improved performance compared to a recycling folded cascode. In the proposed Op-Amp, those cascode output current sources of recycling folded cascode that still have a constant value have been considered and have taken on a dynamic state through capacitive couplings in the path created between the input and output of the amplifier. DC gain, unity-gain bandwidth, and slew rate have been improved compared to the previous amplifier at the same power consumption. Simulation results using the 0.18μm CMOS technology show a DC gain enhancement of 6dB, 35% improvement in slew rate, and almost a 30% increase the bandwidth compared to the traditional recycling folded cascode Op-Amp. Also, smaller input-referred noise is achieved. Simulated results of proposed circuit show the values of SR, power consumption and DC gain are about 93.5 V/µs, 1.02mW and 68.3 dB respectively. Manuscript profile
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        71 - Studying effective Factors on Facilitating the Transfer of Learning to the Workplace from the Perspective of Organizational Environment
        احمدعلی  روح الهی hassan mahjob mehdi kherandish  
        In today's changing world, training and development of staff is a key strategy for organizations to gain competitive advantage. But the advantage is not achieving only with training courses, Effectiveness of learning is attained if the staff imparts apprentices, knowled More
        In today's changing world, training and development of staff is a key strategy for organizations to gain competitive advantage. But the advantage is not achieving only with training courses, Effectiveness of learning is attained if the staff imparts apprentices, knowledge, skills and attitudes which are learnt to improve their performance. The aim of the present study is applied research and it is descriptive and survey methods of data collection. In terms of the relationship between variables and specific correlation is based on structural equation modeling. Statistical population research is 460 persons of a military units, that 210 persons were selected based on Morgan table. A researcher-made questionnaire according to Baldwin, et al. (2009) was used to collect data and to test hypotheses with 20 questions about some indexes such as climate for imparting, support of managers, peer support, and action after the training. Data analysis showed that recognized indicators have positive and significant relationship with facilitating the imparting training to the workplace. Manuscript profile
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        72 - The relationship between the community learn the profession of the self-efficacy of teachers: the role of mediator development professional of
        zhiar refaei Rafigh  Hassani Majid  Mohammadi
        This study relationship of the community to learn of in the career of the self-efficacy of teachers of the role of the Association of Professional Development of the took place. The research was applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-correlational in terms of metho More
        This study relationship of the community to learn of in the career of the self-efficacy of teachers of the role of the Association of Professional Development of the took place. The research was applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-correlational in terms of method. The population included all of the teachers involved in the education of L in the education of the L of 1398-1399 in Sanandaj 5040 were The way of life in the crash of the class is based on the typical characteristics of the Morgan 337 people in the sample were selected . Instruments included a questionnaire professional learning communities have , Inventory professional development of Chambrlayn (2008) and teachers' self-efficacy questionnaire Aschann - Moran and Vvlfvlk (2001) was . Roy Yi content and structure was approved research tool and as an oak legs of the Yi through the Q factor of the alpha of Cronbach showed that research tools legs of the Yi to accept the benefit . The decomposition of the main and analysis of L data for tests of statistical Kolmogorov name of Rvnvf , Pearson correlation and model the equations structure that was used . The findings showed that the community learn professional in the development of professional and self-efficacy of teachers in schools city of Baneh positively and significantly associated with it . Straight results showed that the development of professional and self- teacher schools in city of Sanandaj is also a positive relationship and a meaningful existence , and ultimately results showed that professional development in the relationship between community learning professionals and self-efficacy of teachers can be mediator To play . So as to be said that the establishment and strengthening of the communities of learning of each of the schools to be the improvement of the acidity of the work to be effective teachers and professional development of self-efficacy to help them. Manuscript profile
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        73 - Explaining the Different Ethical Approaches to the Antecedents and Consequences of Women's Conspicuous Buying
        Ali  Afshari Hamid Reza  Saeidnia Hussein  Vazifehdoost
        This study aims to identify the factors affecting conspicuous consumption from the perspective of women with different lifestyles, including academics and seminarians, and also to investigate what actions conspicuous consumption leads to in individuals. This research is More
        This study aims to identify the factors affecting conspicuous consumption from the perspective of women with different lifestyles, including academics and seminarians, and also to investigate what actions conspicuous consumption leads to in individuals. This research is fundamental in terms of purpose and methodologically examines and analyzes the views of women on the conspicuous consumption of luxury goods using the grounded theory. The method of data collection is field and using semi-structured interview tools in two groups of the statistical population including 15 female students of Islamic Azad University, Tehran Science and Research Branch, and 15 female students of Al-Zahra seminary in Qom. The results of the study show the difference between the beliefs and views of the first and second groups regarding the concept of conspicuous consumption and show that female students of Islamic Azad University are more inclined to the conspicuous consumption of luxury goods and female students of Al-Zahra seminary are less inclined to the conspicuous consumption and seek to control it through paying attention to Islamic ethics and religious life. This difference in the views of students is based on causal factors including structural, behavioral, psychological, and social factors. This research has for the first time dealt with the concept of conspicuous consumption from two perspectives with different intellectual approaches and compares them in Iran. Manuscript profile
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        74 - Sustainable development of the neighborhood in the direction of social happiness and public happiness (Analysis of principles, dimensions and indicators)
        Shiva  Shokri Raheleh  Rostami Fatemeh  Mozaffari
        Sustainable development is a potential solution to some important social challenges such as happiness, which is an ultimate goal for human beings and happiness is often seen as an individual trait for which each person is solely responsible. However, it is also a social More
        Sustainable development is a potential solution to some important social challenges such as happiness, which is an ultimate goal for human beings and happiness is often seen as an individual trait for which each person is solely responsible. However, it is also a social trait that is influenced by external factors. The present article reviews the parameters and goals of sustainable development to achieve happiness, the most important quantitative and qualitative criteria in five areas of happiness and ecological, economic, social and cultural sustainability through them, one can evaluate and promote happiness in neighborhoods and a brief insight about the neighborhood development project . The tool can also be used in future sustainable neighborhoods for fun projects. Finally, he suggests that sustainable development should promote happiness while rebuilding local economies and ecosystems, strengthening social ties and revives or preserves desirable cultural traditions, as well as provides an alternative framework for sustainable social development that focuses on improving the opportunities for happiness and well-being of society. Manuscript profile
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        75 - Explaining Deleuze's view on corona pandemic management with a community-oriented approach
        mohamad taghi heydari MARYAM RAHM,ANI mAHMMOD OMIDALI saeed moharami MAHTAB AMRAYI
        The history of twentieth-century urban planning is replete with theories and methods that rely on the ontological, cognitive, and methodological assumptions of the positivist paradigm; In fact, pre-late urban planning of the late 1970s is a legacy of the dominance of th More
        The history of twentieth-century urban planning is replete with theories and methods that rely on the ontological, cognitive, and methodological assumptions of the positivist paradigm; In fact, pre-late urban planning of the late 1970s is a legacy of the dominance of the modernist rationalist approach of the 1950s and 1960s. One of the most important theorists of postmodernism is the French philosopher Gilles Deleuze. Deleuze tries to introduce a new look at knowledge by presenting his horizontal and transverse approach to knowledge, which is called "rhizomatic approach"; A view that opposes the tree approach to knowledge and challenges all the different epistemological systems based on the tree approach to knowledge. Deleuze argues that tree systems are linear, hierarchical, static, and vertical, and suggest cuts, divisions, and lines between things. Tree thinking is "thinking", while rhizome thinking is "thinking". The Covid 19 epidemic occurred in the 21st century at a time when various countries were developing and expanding complex relationships around the world, and success was one of the states with the most relationships. The lowest rate. At the beginning of the spread of Covid 19, each country tried to prevent the spread of the epidemic in their own country. Among these, the community-based approach focuses on the role of the voluntary and grassroots sector in local development and the formation of community-based organizations, above all on the role of the voluntary and grassroots sector in local development and the formation of organizations. Emphasis is community-oriented. In this approach, local communities are pioneered, spontaneously organized to achieve common interests and goals, including . The lowest rate. At the beginning of the spread of Covid 19, each country tried to prevent the spread of the epidemic in their own country. Among these, the community-based approach focuses on the role of the voluntary and grassroots sector in local development and the formation of community-based organizations, above all on the role of the voluntary and grassroots sector in local development and the formation of organizations. Emphasis is community-oriented. In this approach, local communities are pioneered, spontaneously organized to achieve common interests and goals, including problem solving, achieving social welfare, and moving beyond the status quo of their local communitproblem solving, achieving social welfare, and moving beyond the status quo of their local community. Manuscript profile
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        76 - An investigation on the humorous Persian Stories In terms of components of philosophical thinking
          yahya ghaedy
        The aim of this research is to compare philosophical thinking components in the humorous stories of the ancient and contemporary Persian literature. In order to achieve this goal, a story from Masnavi and a story from Tanz va Shukhtabei Mulla Nasreddin were selected and More
        The aim of this research is to compare philosophical thinking components in the humorous stories of the ancient and contemporary Persian literature. In order to achieve this goal, a story from Masnavi and a story from Tanz va Shukhtabei Mulla Nasreddin were selected and analyzed. The criterion of comparison was Lipman's view about philosophical thinking components. These components were chozen from Lipman's works and were divided into three categories of critical, creative and caring thinking. In the second part, by using the deductive method and based on the theoretical framework provided in the first part, components of philosophical thinking were identified and analyzed in the the stories. The findings show that the selected story from Masnavi (The Fox and the Donkey in front of the Lion) is richer in the aspect of critical thinking and the two components of creative and caring thinking, being at the margin, make the story more powerful. As for the selected story of Tanz va Shukhtabei Molla Nasreddin (Bozorge Shahr), it is rich with regard to the creative and caring thinking. It provides a suitable platform for philosophical thinking because of the components of independence, innovation, testing, amazement, imagination, active and normative thinking. So, the two stories because of the components of philosophical thinking, are suitable for preparing this kind of thinking and they can be used in community of inquiry. Manuscript profile
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        77 - Evaluating the socio– cultural impact of tourism on the host community (case study: Baneh)
        mehdi karoubi   Mohammad r
        The presence of tourists at every country will influence the pattern of life, of the local people. Also, visitors will be affected by the culture and existing values of the host country. In this research, we studied the positive and negative effects of tourism developme More
        The presence of tourists at every country will influence the pattern of life, of the local people. Also, visitors will be affected by the culture and existing values of the host country. In this research, we studied the positive and negative effects of tourism development on the host community. This research was conducted by survey method and benefited of schedule interview (Baneh households). The sample size of this research was 369 (people) and it was done through Multi-stage cluster sampling method. Cronbach's alpha was 70 percent which showed relatively a high reliability. Regression analysis has been considered for the data analysis and hypotheses testing. Analysis of the data, shows that the most efficient factor in prediction of dependent variable "change in the host community", is cultural change. After that, conspicuous consumption and cultural adaption have the highest influence on the host community attitude change. Cultural Commodification has lower effect on changing the host community attitude comparing to other indicators. Manuscript profile
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        78 - Investigating Social Relations between Eco-Tourists and Local People of Hormoz Island
        Elham  Nasrabadi حنانه محمدی کنگرانی Mehdi  Mirzadeh Kohshahi
        Ecotourism creates special opportunities to identify a wonderful aspect of nature, provides new information for tourists, and improves the living conditions of the host society. Since the Hormuz Island has a great capability in ecotourism, it can attract a large number More
        Ecotourism creates special opportunities to identify a wonderful aspect of nature, provides new information for tourists, and improves the living conditions of the host society. Since the Hormuz Island has a great capability in ecotourism, it can attract a large number of eco-tourists. Identifying and analyzing the friendly networks between eco-tourists and local people of Hormuz Island are the main aims of this study to investigate such relationship and their social effects. Upon conducting interviews and completing questionnaires by selected people, the collected data were analyzed using descriptive analysis, network’s analysis, and Visone’s software. Investigating the social relations between eco-tourists and local people showed that the formation of an informal friendly relationship and cooperation between the inhabitants and eco-tourists of Hormuz Island positively influenced ecotourism. Created social networks helped ecotourism continue in Hormuz Island and would have desirable economic and environmental effects for local people and Hormuz Island. This can have positive consequences such as increasing ecotourism development, sustainable ecotourism, and better ecotourism recognition for Hormuz Island inside and outside of Iran. Manuscript profile
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        79 - Determining the Most Suitable Ecosystem for Community-Based Ecotourism Development: case of Siyahoo rural district in Bandar
          Ali Shahdadi  
        Sustainability in ecotourism requires comprehensive participation of the host community in ecotourism projects. Community-based ecotourism (CBET) is an approach in which the local community acts as the founder and promoter of ecotourism and it takes part in its developm More
        Sustainability in ecotourism requires comprehensive participation of the host community in ecotourism projects. Community-based ecotourism (CBET) is an approach in which the local community acts as the founder and promoter of ecotourism and it takes part in its development. This paper tried to locate community-based ecotourism as a development model in Siyahoo rural district. The paper wanted to answer: where are the most suitable ecosystems in Siyahoo rural district for developing CBET according to economic, socio-cultural, institutional-physical and environmental indices. This is an applied and developmental research, which followed a descriptive method in data collection and analyzed them quantitatively. The statistical population included the local communities, tourists, experts and elites in the tourism sector. Data were collected from four tourist rural areas (Siayhoo, Kharsin, Banglayan, and Sikhoran) in the Siyahoo rural district using interviews and questionnaires by Purposive Quota-Sampling. Participants included 370 people from the local community, 359 tourists from the Siyahoo rural district and 15 experts and elites. SPSS 22 was used to analyze the data, and the SWOT technique to determine the CBET development strategies. The findings of the assessed elements (including economic, socio-cultural, institutional-physical and environmental indices) showed that Bangelayan village had the highest capability to develop community-based ecotourism in Siyahoo. Manuscript profile
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        80 - Identifying Institutional Factors Influencing the Exploitation of Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Health-Tourism in Iran: a qualitative study of Tehran province
        Kamal Sakhdari nader seyedamiri Alireza Rajaian Javad Sakhdari
        Despite many potentials in health tourism in Iran, few entrepreneurial behaviors tried to use them. The nexus theory of actor-opportunity suggests that entrepreneurial behaviors result from a suitable combination of actors and the supporting environment. Institutional f More
        Despite many potentials in health tourism in Iran, few entrepreneurial behaviors tried to use them. The nexus theory of actor-opportunity suggests that entrepreneurial behaviors result from a suitable combination of actors and the supporting environment. Institutional factors are among the important elements of a supporting context for entrepreneurship. This qualitative research aimed to identify institutional factors that influenced the exploitation of health-tourism opportunities in Tehran province. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews with entrepreneurs and health tourism experts. Interviewees were selected using targeted and snowball methods. This study took place in Tehran, April to July 2015. We introduced four categories of institutional factors: regulatory, normative, cognitive and supportive. These categories form the essential factors for exploiting entrepreneurial opportunities in health tourism in Iran focusing on the capital city of Tehran. Manuscript profile
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        81 - Tourism Policymaking, Local Community Support, Place Image, Tourism Impacts, Tourism in Semnan
        Zohre  Kiani FeizAbadi Farnaz NikKhah Elisa  taherian
        Tourism policies widely affect the lives of local residents. On the other hand, the effectiveness of such policies depends on the local community’s support and participation. Therefore, the present study sought to investigate the influence of the Local Community’s Place More
        Tourism policies widely affect the lives of local residents. On the other hand, the effectiveness of such policies depends on the local community’s support and participation. Therefore, the present study sought to investigate the influence of the Local Community’s Place Image and their perception of tourism impacts on their support for tourism policies in Semnan. To this end, some 340 questionnaires were distributed among local residents, out of which 322 questionnaires were completed by the respondents. The collected data were then analyzed by PLS software using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results indicated that the residents’ place image had a direct significant effect on their perception of tourism impacts and consequently on their support for tourism development policies. Moreover, the findings highlighted the necessity of evaluating tourism impacts based on the perceptions of residents, because the more favorable they consider the tourism impacts, the more support they give to tourism development policies. Finally, this study suggests some policy recommendations on how to manage the local community’s place image, their perceptions of tourism impacts, and their support for tourism policy-making. Manuscript profile
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        82 - Examining the Role of a Community’s Social Media-based Destination Brand in Winning Tourists’ Hearts Towards Co-Creating Values and Visiting the Place
        Zohreh Ali Esmaili Armin Goli
        This study sought to investigate the role of a community’s social media-based destination brand in winning the tourists’ hearts and convincing them to co-create values and visit the community. The population of this applied survey study comprised of Ramsar visitors who More
        This study sought to investigate the role of a community’s social media-based destination brand in winning the tourists’ hearts and convincing them to co-create values and visit the community. The population of this applied survey study comprised of Ramsar visitors who discussed it as a travel destination on social media and had used social media to choose Ramsar as a tourist destination. In this regard, 73 media sources where Ramsar had been discussed were selected using a judgmental sampling method. The required data were collected through electronic questionnaires from 384 visitors (out of 450 visitors) who were selected through non-probability convenient sampling. The collected data were then analyzed via SmartPLS software using structural equation modeling and path analysis technique. The findings of the study suggested that a community’s social media-based destination brand had a positive impact on the visitors’ enjoyment of the place, loving the place, and positive surprise towards the destination, persuading them to participate in the co-creation of values and thus revisit the place. Manuscript profile
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        83 - Identifying and Prioritizing the Factors involved in Social Contribution of the Host Communities in Preserving UNESCO's World Heritage Sites: A Case Study of Yazd City
        Ali Asghar Shalbafian Fatemeh Khazaei Maryam Abdoli Negar Rajabi
        The UNESCO registry of communities' cultural heritage as the World Heritage Sites prepares the ground for further development of tourism industry, requiring local communities' contribution to the success of preservation programs. Given that Yazd province includes a hist More
        The UNESCO registry of communities' cultural heritage as the World Heritage Sites prepares the ground for further development of tourism industry, requiring local communities' contribution to the success of preservation programs. Given that Yazd province includes a historic city with several gardens and aqueducts that have been registered in the UNESCO World Heritage list, it demands the identification of influential factors involved in achieving maximum social contribution and improving the process of destination's strategic management. Therefore, this study sought to investigate the influential factors involved in enhancing the social contribution of the local community in preserving the world heritage sites existing in Yazd province. The study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-correlational in terms of data collection. The study's statistical population comprised all tourism professionals and staff who were active in Yazd during winter 2019, out of which 155 individuals were selected as the sample size via stratified random sampling. After measuring the validity and reliability of the instruments, the collected data were analyzed via LISREL software and structural equation modeling. The results suggested that perception, interest, the locals' knowledge and their awareness of the contribution process, and the opportunities and awards offered by managers for contributing to preserving the world heritage sites had significant direct effects on all levels of contribution (forced, induced, & voluntary), with voluntary contribution affected the most in comparison with other levels. Manuscript profile
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        84 - Investigating the impact of community-based tourism on development of rural communities from the perspective of the local community: A Case Study of Paveh Tourist Villages
        behrooz badko
        Community-oriented tourism seeks to create economic benefits, preserve natural resources, protect the local culture, and improve the local community's quality of life, so that needs of the present and future generations are met. This type of tourism development would be More
        Community-oriented tourism seeks to create economic benefits, preserve natural resources, protect the local culture, and improve the local community's quality of life, so that needs of the present and future generations are met. This type of tourism development would bear maximum benefits if the local communities' infrastructural potentials are strengthened, and the rural community's ability to use them is improved. Therefore, this descriptive-analytical study set out to examine the impact of community-oriented tourism on the development of rural communities from the perspective of the local community. To this end, 365 questionnaires were administered to the target tourism villages (namely Hajij, Shamshir, Nasmeh, and Khaneghah) located in Paveh city, using the SPSS software to analyze the collected data. The results showed that community-based tourism promoted economic, social, cultural, and environmental indicators, leading to rural development. Moreover, the regression analysis on the intended variables suggested economic indicators played the highest role in local community development, followed by social, cultural, and environmental indicators, respectively. Kendall's tau-b test results also proved a significant correlation between local community development and community-based tourism. Manuscript profile
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        85 - An Analysis on Capacity Building of Community-Based Tourism in Yazd
        Hosein Kalantari Zahra  Pirmoradian Ali  Shamsuddini
        The tourism industry, with its own characteristics, is a dynamic industry with a bright future. Investing in this industry could play an important role in increasing national income while being free from adverse environmental consequences. Due to the increasing importan More
        The tourism industry, with its own characteristics, is a dynamic industry with a bright future. Investing in this industry could play an important role in increasing national income while being free from adverse environmental consequences. Due to the increasing importance of tourism, it is necessary to analyze its impact on other dimensions. Possessing special potentials, the Yazd city is highly affected by different economic, social, environmental, and physical aspects of the tourism industry. As the Yazd province enjoys the required capacities for performing activities such as climbing, visiting the sand dunes and sand flows, hiking in the slopes of Shirkouh, etc., effective steps can be taken for improving tourist attractions through accurate and well-reflected planning. Therefore, this study sought to identify relevant factors, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats involved in developing sustainable tourism, elaborating on an appropriate model for realizing this goal and analyzing a community-based tourism capacity building in Yazd. The required data for this "descriptive-analytical" study were collected from library studies, relevant documents, and the questionnaire administered on 50 experts and staff members of active tourism NGOs, which were analyzed and weighted using the SWOT-AHP integrated model. The investigated indices included attracting public participation (public mobilization) with a total average of 4/4, facilitating (offering information), institutionalizing and empowering local groups with a total average of 4/3, enhancing collective partnership system with a total average of 4/2, identifying entrepreneurship and job opportunities, and local needs analysis and its update, indicating that tourism NGOs possess high capacities for implementing community-based tourism in Yazd. Manuscript profile
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        86 - Investigating the Factors Affecting the Local Community's Life Quality in Religious Tourism Destinations: A Case Study of Shiraz
        Abbas Javidian
        Religious tourism has long been welcomed by many tourists and individuals, creating changes in the host community's quality of life through changing human interactions. Therefore, this descriptive survey study sought to identify and rank the factors involved in the loca More
        Religious tourism has long been welcomed by many tourists and individuals, creating changes in the host community's quality of life through changing human interactions. Therefore, this descriptive survey study sought to identify and rank the factors involved in the local community's quality of life in Shiraz as a religious tourism destination using the fuzzy cognitive mapping approach. To this end, two types of statistical population groups were used. The first group comprised of experts in the field of religious tourism in Shiraz who were selected judiciously and purposefully to adjust and determine the intended factors. Then, a matrix questionnaire was administered to the second group which comprised thirty indigenous workers in the field of religious tourism. Then, the data and scenarios were analyzed using the fuzzy cognitive mapping technique, and the research model was designed using social network analysis. The results showed that there are several factors involved in improving the local community's quality of life in Shiraz, including increasing welfare, increasing investments, and a sense of belonging among residents and tourists, respectively. Manuscript profile
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        87 - Modifying social impact assessment to enhance the effectiveness of company social investment strategies in contributing to local community development
        Frank  Vanclay Ilya  Gulakov Jos  Arts sh n
        Good practice social impact assessment (SIA) should lead to improved local community development outcomes. However, the social benefits alleged to flow from projects are often not as evident to affected communities as the project’s adverse impacts. Projects still give i More
        Good practice social impact assessment (SIA) should lead to improved local community development outcomes. However, the social benefits alleged to flow from projects are often not as evident to affected communities as the project’s adverse impacts. Projects still give inadequate attention to social issues and fail to achieve social development outcomes. Using a prominent gas project in Russia, the Nord Stream 2 project, as an illustrative example, we explore the potential of environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) to enhance the effectiveness of project contributions to local community development. We analyse the main steps of the community development process for the Nord Stream 2 project, and consider how it benefitted from the SIA process. We also reflect on the potential further contribution of SIA to community development. Even though SIA and community development are interrelated, we conclude that SIA, as currently practiced, is constrained in its ability to contribute to community development outcomes. Adjustments to the SIA and corporate social investment frameworks are needed to make them more effective in achieving social development outcomes. Manuscript profile
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        88 - Social Networks Embedding Based on the Employment of Community Recognition and Latent Semantic Feature Extraction Approaches
        Mohadeseh Taherparvar Fateme Ahmadi abkenari Peyman bayat
        The purpose of embedding social networks, which has recently attracted a lot of attention, is to learn to display in small dimensions for each node in the network while maintaining the structure and characteristics of the network. In this paper, we propose the effect of More
        The purpose of embedding social networks, which has recently attracted a lot of attention, is to learn to display in small dimensions for each node in the network while maintaining the structure and characteristics of the network. In this paper, we propose the effect of identifying communities in different situations such as community detection during or before the process of random walking and also the effect of semantic textual information of each node on network embedding. Then two main frameworks have been proposed with community and context aware network embedding and community and semantic feature-oriented network embedding. In this paper, in community and context aware network embedding, the detection of communities before the random walk process, is performed through using the EdMot non-overlapping method and EgoNetSplitter overlapping method. However, in community and semantic feature-oriented network embedding, the recognition of communities during a random walk event is conducted using a Biterm topic model. In all the proposed methods, text analysis is examined and finally, the final display is performed using the Skip-Gram model in the network. Experiments have shown that the methods proposed in this paper work better than the superior network embedding methods such as Deepwalk, CARE, CONE, and COANE and have reached an accuracy of nearly 0.9 and better than other methods in terms of edge prediction criteria in the network. Manuscript profile
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        89 - Designing a model for creating a company's value set, taking into account the customer's ethical value and social ethical value
        Keyvan  Mohbed Hashem  NikouMaram Karim  Hamdi
        The overall purpose of this study is to provide a model for creating a set of company value, customer ethical value and social ethical value with a positive marketing approach. Data is in the category of exploratory (qualitative-quantitative) research and is done in two More
        The overall purpose of this study is to provide a model for creating a set of company value, customer ethical value and social ethical value with a positive marketing approach. Data is in the category of exploratory (qualitative-quantitative) research and is done in two phases. In the first phase, using the opinion of 15 experts and relying on study sources, the model framework was presented and validated. The statistical community in the second phase is the group of customers of entrepreneurial insurance services. In order to collect information and analyze the data, in the qualitative phase, the method based on data theory was used and in the quantitative phase, the method of structural equation modeling was used. Likert spectra were used. According to the results in the first and second part, social marketing has the greatest impact and role on positive marketing and positive marketing has the greatest impact and role on the value of the company. Manuscript profile
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        90 - Victims of Peace: UN Responsibility and Remedial Mechanisms
        ghasem zamani
        Occasional violations of international law occur as the United Nations and its peacekeeping forces carry out their important responsibility and mission for protecting global peace and security. Remedial mechanisms become more complicated when the actions of peacekeeping More
        Occasional violations of international law occur as the United Nations and its peacekeeping forces carry out their important responsibility and mission for protecting global peace and security. Remedial mechanisms become more complicated when the actions of peacekeeping forces are attributed to the UN as a result of certain principles of international responsibility. On the one hand, the UN’s responsibility toward victims of such violations requires the world body to be answerable while, on the other hand, its immunity to trial in national and transnational courts, has barred victims from taking legal action. Although the UN has taken steps to solve this problem in order to restore the credit it has lost as a result of the actions of its forces as well as its immunity, the proposed mechanisms have posed new challenges, thus, making the UN target of new criticism. Such criticism seems even more justified as a result of the promotion of human rights in international community and alterations in the aforesaid immunity. The present paper discusses the necessity of introducing new mechanisms or reforms by the UN which would make the existing mechanisms more efficient and fairer Manuscript profile
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        91 - G4, an Effort for Permanent Membership in the UN Security Council: Background and Future Trends
        آرمین امینی شمس عظیمی
        During the past two decades, many states and groups of states have offered proposals for structural reforms in the UN Security Council. Some proposals seek to increase the number of permanent members of the Council. The G4 –Germany, Japan, India and Brazil – seems to st More
        During the past two decades, many states and groups of states have offered proposals for structural reforms in the UN Security Council. Some proposals seek to increase the number of permanent members of the Council. The G4 –Germany, Japan, India and Brazil – seems to stand a better chance in this regard. This paper discusses special opportunities for permanent membership of this group in the Security Council while considering challenges facing it. All four countries enjoy comparative advantages in their own geographical regions which give them the chance to seek a permanent seat in the Security Council. On the other hand, they face two kinds of obstacles: regional and international obstacles. For some of these states, overcoming regional obstacles is more difficult than international ones and the opposite is true for others. This research aims to answer this question: What are the opportunities and challenges facing member states of this group in their effort to gain permanent seats in the Security Council? First, the necessity of structural reforms in the Security Council is discussed before analyzing the situation of these states and future outlook of the Council’s structure in the light of the existing situation of the international system Manuscript profile
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        92 - Mechanisms and Function of Transitional Justice: An Important Development in International Law
        مهدی  ذاکریان سيد‌رضي  عمادي
        The concept of justice has been always among the most important concepts in domestic and international systems and great efforts have been made to administer it in both areas, especially after the World War II. Nonetheless, in most cases, justice has not been administer More
        The concept of justice has been always among the most important concepts in domestic and international systems and great efforts have been made to administer it in both areas, especially after the World War II. Nonetheless, in most cases, justice has not been administered to leaders, especially in the Third World countries. The leaders and statesmen in these countries have never been held accountable for their inhuman acts which violate human rights as a result of their special position and by taking undue advantage of the concept of immunity. Since 2002, the Statute of the International Criminal Court has become binding for its Member States and this has been a major development in the administration of justice, especially with regard to political leaders with immunity and has paved the way for discussing the concept of transitional justice. The present article aims to expound the concept of transitional justice, its conditions, goals and mechanisms, as well as the impact of its enforcement on the restoration of peace and stability in transitional societies. The main argument of the article is that enforcement of transitional justice in transitional societies, especially by taking advantage of a combination of domestic and international courts, including the International Criminal Court, can pave the way for the restoration of calm and stability to transitional societies while sending a message to other totalitarian leaders who violate human rights. Manuscript profile
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        93 - A New Structure for UN Security Council; The Need of Hegemony of Power
        Siamak Soltani Saleh  Rezaie Pishrobat
        Wisdom of League of Nations has failed because of inability to set a leadership for world order and award appropriate monetary to that day’s powers and bring again the disaster of war. These shortcomings with wisdom resolved with implementation of Veto in the UN system, More
        Wisdom of League of Nations has failed because of inability to set a leadership for world order and award appropriate monetary to that day’s powers and bring again the disaster of war. These shortcomings with wisdom resolved with implementation of Veto in the UN system, and the World found a new approach. But over time, the emergence of new powers followed by weakness of old ones and reaching most countries to the maturity of the collective life, resolves the global need for a leadership and the international community which still retains its old structure, dropped in another type of silliness which necessarily do not resolved by discussion. It is necessary to avoid another disastrous war, contribute all the international powers to the bureau of the international community in the Security Council and gave all of them clear shared responsibility to run the game of the world. (Such shared responsibilities may be Spiritual indices come every state and over the number of votes and the votes of every state in the decision making processes). Manuscript profile
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        94 - Challenges of the International Criminal Court to End Impunity; The Case of Daesh
        Sadegh  Salimi Ebrahim  Molaei Jam
        Following the centuries-old efforts of the international community, strongly influenced by the events of the twentieth century in violation of fundamental human rights, in 1998, during a meeting in Rome to punish violators of international criminal law principle of non- More
        Following the centuries-old efforts of the international community, strongly influenced by the events of the twentieth century in violation of fundamental human rights, in 1998, during a meeting in Rome to punish violators of international criminal law principle of non-impunity International Criminal Court was formed. The failure of the International Criminal Court for crimes of Daesh, despite the international community's principle and the goal of a peaceful coexistence, has been seriously challenged. Experts have raised that barriers to prosecute and punish perpetrators of international crimes, in accordance with the Statute of the International Criminal Court, are often classified in two groups of theoretical obstacles and obstacles caused by defects in the Articles of Association. But the international community in the twentieth century, century of international organizations, faced with significant improvements in the formulation of social relations through the adoption of numerous conventions in order to achieve criminal justice. The Convention against Corruption (Merida 2003) is in this category. But after developing the system of social relations guarantor of international institutions is still in the development stages. The results showed that another obstacle is eradicating impunity as special is political corruption in terms of deviant behavior by officials and their official duties. However, immunity from prosecution and punishment of leaders and members of Daesh, is attributed to the structural weakness of International Criminal Court. The fragility of the restoration of the structure before finally getting it to the League of Nations appears necessary. Manuscript profile
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        95 - A New Structure for UN Security Council; The Need of Hegemony of Power
        Siamak Soltani Saleh  Rezaie Pishrobat
        Wisdom of League of Nations has failed because of inability to set a leadership for world order and award appropriate monetary to that day’s powers and bring again the disaster of war. These shortcomings with wisdom resolved with implementation of Veto in the UN system, More
        Wisdom of League of Nations has failed because of inability to set a leadership for world order and award appropriate monetary to that day’s powers and bring again the disaster of war. These shortcomings with wisdom resolved with implementation of Veto in the UN system, and the World found a new approach. But over time, the emergence of new powers followed by weakness of old ones and reaching most countries to the maturity of the collective life, resolves the global need for a leadership and the international community which still retains its old structure, dropped in another type of silliness which necessarily do not resolved by discussion. It is necessary to avoid another disastrous war, contribute all the international powers to the bureau of the international community in the Security Council and gave all of them clear shared responsibility to run the game of the world. (Such shared responsibilities may be Spiritual indices come every state and over the number of votes and the votes of every state in the decision making processes). Manuscript profile
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        96 - Challenges of the International Criminal Court to End Impunity; The Case of Daesh
        Sadegh  Salimi Ebrahim  Molaei Jam
        Following the centuries-old efforts of the international community, strongly influenced by the events of the twentieth century in violation of fundamental human rights, in 1998, during a meeting in Rome to punish violators of international criminal law principle of non- More
        Following the centuries-old efforts of the international community, strongly influenced by the events of the twentieth century in violation of fundamental human rights, in 1998, during a meeting in Rome to punish violators of international criminal law principle of non-impunity International Criminal Court was formed. The failure of the International Criminal Court for crimes of Daesh, despite the international community's principle and the goal of a peaceful coexistence, has been seriously challenged. Experts have raised that barriers to prosecute and punish perpetrators of international crimes, in accordance with the Statute of the International Criminal Court, are often classified in two groups of theoretical obstacles and obstacles caused by defects in the Articles of Association. But the international community in the twentieth century, century of international organizations, faced with significant improvements in the formulation of social relations through the adoption of numerous conventions in order to achieve criminal justice. The Convention against Corruption (Merida 2003) is in this category. But after developing the system of social relations guarantor of international institutions is still in the development stages. The results showed that another obstacle is eradicating impunity as special is political corruption in terms of deviant behavior by officials and their official duties. However, immunity from prosecution and punishment of leaders and members of Daesh, is attributed to the structural weakness of International Criminal Court. The fragility of the restoration of the structure before finally getting it to the League of Nations appears necessary. Manuscript profile
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        97 - Opportunities and Threats of Iran’s Membership in the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (Legal, Political, Defensive and Security)
        Afifeh  Abedi
        Due to the proliferation of technologies underlying weapons of mass destruction and the non-membership of Iran's regional rival, Israel, in the organization, and despite the indicators for the success of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) and the Organization for the More
        Due to the proliferation of technologies underlying weapons of mass destruction and the non-membership of Iran's regional rival, Israel, in the organization, and despite the indicators for the success of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), there are always concerns about the consequences of Iran’s membership in the OPCW, meaning that by joining the organization, Iran will not only lose its weapons-based deterrence, but also is exposed to intelligence threats by providing the organization with confidential onformation. The main question of the present study is what legal-political, defense and security opportunities Iran will enjoy and what threats it will face by joining the CWC and the OPCW. The purpose of this research is to accurately explain the opportunities and threats in order to benefit more from them to secure Iran's interests. The findings show that the implicit threats of membership in the CWC and the OPCW are also present in the case of non-membership. However, the direct and implicit opportunities for Iran's membership in the convention and the organization are unavoidable. Manuscript profile
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        98 - A Study of Ibn Sīnā’s Argument on the Accidental Nature of Unity in Ilāhīyyāt al-Shifā’
        Mihammadhadi Tavakoli
        According to Aristotle, a number of philosophers in ancient Greece theorized that the “one” is an independent substance that performs a causal role in relation to other substances. Through clarifying the predicative nature of the “one” and referring to the false consequ More
        According to Aristotle, a number of philosophers in ancient Greece theorized that the “one” is an independent substance that performs a causal role in relation to other substances. Through clarifying the predicative nature of the “one” and referring to the false consequences of the above theory, he tried to reject it. Ibn Sīnā has extensively investigated the theory of the one’s being a substance and Aristotle’s related criticisms in the ilāhīyyāt section of al-Shifā’. Unlike Aristotle, he has not merely referred to the one’s being a predicate and, rather, through a lengthy and complex argument, has tried to demonstrate that unity, as the source of the derivation of the one, is a necessary accident. Ibn Sīnā’ argument is prone to criticism from different aspects, the most important of which is the confusion of categorical and analytic accidents with each other. Unity is merely an analytic accident, and Ibn Sīnā’s argument is incapable of demonstrating its being a categorical accident. Manuscript profile
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        99 - A Critical Look at Judges' Civil Liability in Iranian Jurisprudence and Law
        Shaghayegh  Shaghayegh shamsi Abedin momeni
        According to Article 171 of the Constitution, if a judge causes damage to another as a result of a mistake or fault in a case or in a sentence or in the application of a sentence to a particular case, he is the guarantor in case of fault. Otherwise, the compensation i More
        According to Article 171 of the Constitution, if a judge causes damage to another as a result of a mistake or fault in a case or in a sentence or in the application of a sentence to a particular case, he is the guarantor in case of fault. Otherwise, the compensation is done by the government. It seems that the principle of government responsibility for the judge's mistake in jurisprudential books was due to the necessity of ijtihad in judges, and jurists based on this condition the verdict issued by the judge was considered his fatwa and they believed that the judge rules by his ijtihad, so they put the responsibility for compensation on the treasury. But the important point is that he should not be granted judicial immunity, because everyone has a responsibility wherever he is, and he should be held accountable for that position and his mistakes, and the judge, like other members of society, is paid for the act of judging and this does not cause the government, which has no worker-employer relationship with the judge, accept compensation for the damages caused by act them. Therefore, the purpose of writing this article is to critique the judicial process in the civil liability of judges and to compensate the damages from the government. The research method in this study is analytical-descriptive and the method of collecting information is library and documentary. Manuscript profile
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        100 - The Rights of Children with Disabilities in Iran: An Analysis of Determining Areas
        Maryam Sha’ban
        Background and Aim: The present study seeks to identify, interpret and analyze the rights of children with disabilities in Iran. In this regard, the decisive fields of jurisprudence and law have been identified and analyzed at the domestic and international level. Met More
        Background and Aim: The present study seeks to identify, interpret and analyze the rights of children with disabilities in Iran. In this regard, the decisive fields of jurisprudence and law have been identified and analyzed at the domestic and international level. Method: The research approach is qualitative and the research method is exploratory and documentary analysis. After identifying the documents related to the subject and issue of the research, they have been studied, analyzed and reviewed. Results: The results of the research show that at the international level and the Islamic Covenant on the Rights of the Child and in the internal laws and regulations of the Iranian society, the society and the political power structure are responsible for formulating and implementing protective policies for disabled children and these policies are also aimed at reducing harm, rehabilitating and Treatment of the disabled. In fact, they are considered a "posteriori strategy" towards the disabled. But in the religion of Islam, centered on Shiism as the dominant religion in Iran, dealing with the child is about potentially being a child, not actually being a child; This means that the children of future generations are considered and "foreseeable" in the current generation. It is as if the scope of childhood includes history and generations and is a "transhistorical" and “trans-generational" issue. Islam has emphasized on the "future and posterity" and respecting the potential rights of the next generations and has a "preventive" approach. Conclusion: The dominant strategy of the teachings of Islam in relation to children with disabilities can be inferred as "a priori and a posteriori strategy". In addition to the governing authority, community activists are responsible for the realization of plans related to this strategy for disabled children. Manuscript profile
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        101 - A Systematic Overview of Entrepreneurial Marketing: An Analysis of Components and Deterrents in Online Business Using the Hybrid Technique
        mahdi kasegarha Mohammad javad  Taghi porian Javad  Gilanipor Mehran  Mokhtari
        The interaction of marketing and entrepreneurship has occupied an important part of marketing research in the last decade. Marketing has a lot to offer entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurial marketing is a concept that has emerged from the level of sharing of two areas of marke More
        The interaction of marketing and entrepreneurship has occupied an important part of marketing research in the last decade. Marketing has a lot to offer entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurial marketing is a concept that has emerged from the level of sharing of two areas of marketing and entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial marketing in the field of online business is always growing and its fields are expanding day by day. Entrepreneurial marketing requires a valid and reliable scale to measure the underlying dimensions and factors in any type of business environment, which requires that it be done in a principled manner and in accordance with scientific methods. Therefore, by understanding this issue, by conducting this research, we are seeking to identify the components and inhibiting factors with the help of hybridization method. The considered articles and researches were considered from among the studied articles and books, using the CASP method, and the main indicators were extracted through the document analysis method and using the MaxQD software. Necessary aggregation and clustering were done, then they were organized in the form of concepts and components. The results showed that the factors inhibiting entrepreneurial marketing include two main components of internal factors (environmental disturbance, government problems, limited market share, lack of customer commitment, technological change, and market problems) and external factors (management challenges, human barriers, lack of resources, and limitations) are classified. Manuscript profile
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        102 - Three Modalities of Being Based on Mullā Ṣadrā’s Three Philosophical Approaches
        Ali Babaei
        Mullā Ṣadrā’s philosophy has witnessed the rise of three approaches in its process of development: principiality of quiddity, principiality of existence based on graded unity, and principiality of existence based on individual unity. In the light of these three Sadrian More
        Mullā Ṣadrā’s philosophy has witnessed the rise of three approaches in its process of development: principiality of quiddity, principiality of existence based on graded unity, and principiality of existence based on individual unity. In the light of these three Sadrian philosophical approaches, the discussion of the ‘three modalities of being’ has undergone some fundamental changes. In conformity to the first approach, the source of division is quiddity, which is divided into ‘necessity, possibility, and impossibility’. At this level, possibility refers to quiddative possibility. In the second approach, the common three modalities are promoted to necessity and possibility. At this level, possibility refers to indigent and ontological possibility. In the third approach, the division evolves into a two-fold division of ‘truth and false’. The concept of truth in this approach shares the same meaning and references with the three other meanings of ‘truth’ in the third approach – priority of the truth, existence of truth, and true union - and bears a ‘paradigm and analogue’ relationship to the truth discussed in the mother of all propositions. In other words, the mother of all propositions is similar to Almighty Truth among all propositions. Almighty Truth is interpreted as the Highest Truth among all existents, and the principle of non-contradiction is interpreted as the truest of all sayings and the truest of all origins. All mentioned ‘truths’ can be propounded based on the principles of Mullā Ṣadrā’s third philosophical approach. Manuscript profile
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        103 - Explaining Deleuze's view on corona pandemic management with a community-oriented approach
        mohamad taghi heydari saeed moharami MAHTAB AMRAYI محمود  اميد علي
        The history of twentieth-century urban planning is replete with theories and methods that rely on the ontological, cognitive, and methodological assumptions of the positivist paradigm; In fact, pre-late urban planning of the late 1970s is a legacy of the dominance of th More
        The history of twentieth-century urban planning is replete with theories and methods that rely on the ontological, cognitive, and methodological assumptions of the positivist paradigm; In fact, pre-late urban planning of the late 1970s is a legacy of the dominance of the modernist rationalist approach of the 1950s and 1960s. One of the most important theorists of postmodernism is the French philosopher Gilles Deleuze. Deleuze tries to introduce a new look at knowledge by presenting his horizontal and transverse approach to knowledge, which is called "rhizomatic approach"; A view that opposes the tree approach to knowledge and challenges all the different epistemological systems based on the tree approach to knowledge. Deleuze argues that tree systems are linear, hierarchical, static, and vertical, and suggest cuts, divisions, and lines between things. Tree thinking is "thinking", while rhizome thinking is "thinking". The Covid 19 epidemic occurred in the 21st century at a time when various countries were developing and expanding complex relationships around the world, and success was one of the states with the most relationships. The lowest rate. At the beginning of the spread of Covid 19, each country tried to prevent the spread of the epidemic in their own country. Among these, the community-based approach focuses on the role of the voluntary and grassroots sector in local development and the formation of community-based organizations, above all on the role of the voluntary and grassroots sector in local development and the formation of organizations. Emphasis is community-oriented. In this approach, local communities are pioneered, spontaneously organized to achieve common interests and goals, including problem solving, achieving social welfare, and moving beyond the status quo of their local community. Manuscript profile
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        104 - Human Identity in Comparison of Islam and Globalization and Positions of Applied Theology
        ghasem shabani mojgan mohammadi Alireza Faghihi
        In the global system, Western philosophy in the service of globalizers by increasing the amount of persuasive propaganda of cyber and digital media as the main driving force of globalization threatens the identity and nature of contemporary man, which should be given ne More
        In the global system, Western philosophy in the service of globalizers by increasing the amount of persuasive propaganda of cyber and digital media as the main driving force of globalization threatens the identity and nature of contemporary man, which should be given new thanks. Therefore, in Islamic societies, especially the Islamic society of Iran, we must use new issues such as: the necessity and realm of religion and science, secularism, religious pluralism and religion and human rights from the perspective of modern theology to preserve the foundations of belief and religious values. The acquisition of appropriate and normally continuous methods in academic and research centers was examined. The results of this study show that education based on human nature and the basis of religious rules and teachings guarantees different types of posterior identities and in the face of the challenges of globalization, it is necessary to rely on the application of modern theology. Manuscript profile
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        105 - پدیده دوستی در محل کار و شدت اخلاقی کارکنان در شرکت های داروسازی
        mojtaba farrokhi
        The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effect of friendship in the workplace on moral intensity. This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-correlation in terms of month. The statistical population of these researchers and More
        The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effect of friendship in the workplace on moral intensity. This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-correlation in terms of month. The statistical population of these researchers and pharmaceutical companies in the city of Isfahan were 1850 people in 1401, of which 322 people were selected as a sample using the available sampling method. This research includes 7 hypotheses, for which a 24-question standard questionnaire was used. In this research, construct validity and validity were used to check the validity of the questionnaire, and Cronbach's alpha method was used to determine the reliability of the questionnaire. SPSS 22 and AMOS 22 software were used to analyze the data and test the hypotheses. The results of the hypotheses test showed that friendship at work has a significant effect on moral intensity with a value of 0.64. Friendship at work has a significant effect on importance with a value of 0.41. Friendship in the workplace with a value of 0.49 is on the agreement of social influence. friendship at work with a value of 0.41 over proximity; friendship at work with a value of 0.37 on the effect; Friendship at work with a value of 0.46 has a significant effect on time urgency and friendship at work with a value . Manuscript profile
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        106 - A comprehensive survey on the influence maximization problem in social networks
        mohsen taherinia mahdi Esmaeili Behrooz Minaei
        With the incredible development of social networks, many marketers have exploited the opportunities, and attempt to find influential people within online social networks to influence other people. This problem is known as the Influence Maximization Problem. Efficiency a More
        With the incredible development of social networks, many marketers have exploited the opportunities, and attempt to find influential people within online social networks to influence other people. This problem is known as the Influence Maximization Problem. Efficiency and effectiveness are two important criteria in the production and analysis of influence maximization algorithms. Some of researchers improved these two issues by exploiting the communities’ structure as a very useful feature of social networks. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive review of the state of the art algorithms of the influence maximization problem with special emphasis on the community detection-based approaches Manuscript profile
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        107 - Community Detection in Bipartite Networks Using HellRank Centrality Measure
        Ali Khosrozadeh Ali Movaghar Mohammad Mehdi Gilanian Sadeghi Hamidreza Mahyar
        Community structure is a common and important feature in many complex networks, including bipartite networks. In recent years, community detection has received attention in many fields and many methods have been proposed for this purpose, but the heavy consumption of ti More
        Community structure is a common and important feature in many complex networks, including bipartite networks. In recent years, community detection has received attention in many fields and many methods have been proposed for this purpose, but the heavy consumption of time in some methods limits their use in large-scale networks. There are methods with lower time complexity, but they are mostly non-deterministic, which greatly reduces their applicability in the real world. The usual approach that is adopted to community detection in bipartite networks is to first construct a unipartite projection of the network and then communities detect in that projection using methods related to unipartite networks, but these projections inherently lose information. In this paper, based on the bipartite modularity measure that quantifies the strength of partitions in bipartite networks and using the HellRank centrality measure, a quick and deterministic method for community detection from bipartite networks directly and without need to projection, proposed. The proposed method is inspired by the voting process in election activities in the social society and simulates it. Manuscript profile
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        108 - Individual rights and freedoms in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran
        Mohammad  Nik Fekar
        The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran has paid attention to individual and collective rights and freedoms in a chapter entitled "The Rights of the Nation". The freedom of assembly is one of the collective rights and freedoms that is directly stated in Article More
        The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran has paid attention to individual and collective rights and freedoms in a chapter entitled "The Rights of the Nation". The freedom of assembly is one of the collective rights and freedoms that is directly stated in Article 27 of the Constitution and implicitly in Article 26 of the Constitution. Basic, identified and guaranteed. In this article, we analyze the importance that the Constitution has given to the freedom of assembly in Article 27 of the Constitution, and also emphasize the basic issue that freedom of assembly and marches cannot be absolute. Rather, the exercise of this right should be considered according to the conditions of the Islamic democratic society. Secondly, the constitution, while observing the standards of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the international community, has also taken into account the conditions and circumstances of its Islamic democratic society and has taken both into consideration. Also, in this research, an attempt has been made to first deal with the concept of public rights and freedoms in detail. Then, while stating the types of rights and freedoms, the right to assembly in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran and other relevant laws and regulations have been specifically investigated. In this regard, while guaranteeing the implementation of this right, the necessity of the government's attention and supervision on how to implement this has been discussed. Manuscript profile
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        109 - Explaining the factors affecting academic work ethics Mohagheg Ardabili University Society
        abazar ashtari Taha  Ashayeri
        The main purpose of the reseaThe main purpose of the research is to study the factors affecting academic work ethics in the academic community of Mohaghegh Ardabili (1401- 1400). The research method is survey type (quantitative), questionnaire, its statistical populatio More
        The main purpose of the reseaThe main purpose of the research is to study the factors affecting academic work ethics in the academic community of Mohaghegh Ardabili (1401- 1400). The research method is survey type (quantitative), questionnaire, its statistical population is 6000 people, of which 384 people are distributed among them in a Cochrane and random cluster method. Validity and reliability of the research has also been confirmed. The results show that there is a significant difference in the level of work ethic according to the marital status, and its value among the married group (1,8) differs more than the others according to the level of education, and its value among the group with a doctorate level of education (2,1) compared to others. There are more academic groups. The level of work ethic varies according to the type of job, and its value is higher among the occupational group of teachers (2,6) and students (2,2) than other occupational groups. The level of work ethic varies according to the type of class and its value is higher among the upper class (3,1) than the middle and lower class. The results show that between job satisfaction (0,35); Job stress (-0,31); Job burnout (-0,34); organizational commitment (0,56); Organizational identity (0,30) and religious beliefs (0,28) have a significant relationship with work ethics. The regression results show that the multiple correlation coefficient equals 0,601; The explanatory coefficient is equal to 0.532 and the corrected explanatory coefficient is equal to 0,483.rch is to study the factors affecting academic work ethics in the academic community of Mohaghegh Ardabili (1400-1401). The research method is survey type (quantitative), questionnaire, its statistical population is 6000 people, of which 384 people are distributed among them in a Cochrane and random cluster method. Validity and reliability of the research has also been confirmed. The results show that there is a significant difference in the level of work ethic according to the marital status, and its value among the married group (1.8) differs more than the others according to the level of education, and its value among the group with a doctorate level of education (2.1) compared to others. There are more academic groups. The level of work ethic varies according to the type of job, and its value is higher among the occupational group of teachers (2.6) and students (2.2) than other occupational groups. The level of work ethic varies according to the type of class and its value is higher among the upper class (3.1) than the middle and lower class. The results show that between job satisfaction (0.35); Job stress (-0.31); Job burnout (-0.34); organizational commitment (0.56); Organizational identity (0.30) and religious beliefs (0.28) have a significant relationship with work ethics. The regression results show that the multiple correlation coefficient equals 0.601; The explanatory coefficient is equal to 0.532 and the corrected explanatory coefficient is equal to 0.483. Manuscript profile
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        110 - Studying and analyzing the effects of development variables affecting the absorption of surplus capital in the less developed regions of the country
        afshin kasalaei   reza ali mohseni khalil mirzaei
        The present study investigates the factors affecting the absorption of excess capital in the less developed regions of Iran during the years 1395-1400. In order to investigate the above issue, the effect of independent variables (economic, social, cultural, legal and po More
        The present study investigates the factors affecting the absorption of excess capital in the less developed regions of Iran during the years 1395-1400. In order to investigate the above issue, the effect of independent variables (economic, social, cultural, legal and political indicators) on the dependent variable (the amount of excess capital absorption) is investigated. The statistical population in this research is 31 provinces of the country, among which 4 provinces are less privileged (less developed), (Kurdistan, Hormozgan, West Azarbaijan, and Sistan and Baluchistan) according to the surveys conducted (based on three principles opportunities, capabilities and achievements) have been purposefully selected as a statistical sample. The research method of this research is mixed method (quantitative-qualitative) and fuzzy Delphi techniques, TOPSIS-factor analysis, structural-interpretive equations and structural equations are used in it. Quantitative and qualitative data have been collected by the mentioned methods and analyzed and explained using statistical tests. This research was carried out with the aim of "designing a model and mechanisms for increasing the ability to absorb excess capital in less developed (less privileged) areas and with the assumption that economic, socio-cultural, political and legal indicators have an effect on the absorption of excess capital and the results obtained indicate It is because the proposed hypotheses have been confirmed and the independent variable has an effect on the dependent variable. Manuscript profile
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        111 - Investigating the importance of social components in primary school students
        sadg peshgo Jhaleh  Almasi Tayyaba   Aron
        The purpose of this research is to investigate the social components in primary school students. Social skills have different components and experts have different views about the components of social skills. But all experts agree on components such as empathy, cooperat More
        The purpose of this research is to investigate the social components in primary school students. Social skills have different components and experts have different views about the components of social skills. But all experts agree on components such as empathy, cooperation, visual and auditory ability, responsibility, self-expression, problem solving, etc. In this article, the role of various institutions in the development of students' social skills has been discussed. Communicating and continuously participating in group activities is one of the issues that affects everyone's personal and social life. Education and strengthening of social relations in children can help in getting their job positions in the future. Teaching these relationships from childhood and before entering school should be given to them by parents. Children who have learned these manners before starting school can accept being separated from their parents and entering a new educational environment better than others. Of course, training parents does not reduce any of the responsibilities of teachers and teaching staff to strengthen this skill. Students who acquire social skills are usually more popular with their peers, have higher grades, and are noticed by teachers. On the other hand, the low level of social relations of children leads to isolation and long-term consequences on their mental health. For this reason, teaching these relationships to children in schools is one of the necessary things to overcome the problems they face. Manuscript profile
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        112 - "Effective policies on cultural economic structures with a community-oriented development approach" (case study, Islamabad Karaj neighborhood)
        Sima   Kazemi
        Abstract The increasing growth of urbanization and the lack of coherent urban management have led to the inefficiency of planning in cities, so that this inefficiency is more visible at the small "neighborhood" level. The concept of community-based development is an ex More
        Abstract The increasing growth of urbanization and the lack of coherent urban management have led to the inefficiency of planning in cities, so that this inefficiency is more visible at the small "neighborhood" level. The concept of community-based development is an expanded concept of people-centered development that appeared in response to the development approach based on economic growth, which does not lead to social welfare. Rather, it spreads injustice especially in developing countries. In general, the community-based approach in urban development and planning can increase people's control over their own lives and livelihoods, and also increase participation in the provision of public services, and finally provide plans and programs. It should be more consistent with local needs and conditions. In the science of cultural economics, the fields and economic bases needed in a cultural category are discussed. For example, financial policies and issues, budgeting, pricing, market supply and demand of the cultural arena, identifying and paying attention to each of these elements as the main bases and origins of formulating efficient and operational strategies that lead to the growth and prosperity of the cultural economy. until reaching the target point of that country. Determining the correct policies in the field and sectors of cultural economy, i.e. production, distribution and consumption of cultural goods and services is one of the most important and key factors of its development. The growth and development of the economy of culture is one of the areas that can potentially lead to the growth of other sectors. In this regard, in the current research, effective policies in cultural economy in Muradab neighborhood of Karaj (Islamabad) were investigated with a neighborhood-based approach. The results show that the neighborhood council and urban management can contribute to the ecological, economic, social, political and cultural sustainability of the neighborhood by fundamentally changing the neighborhood planning structures in the direction of sustainable neighborhood development. Finally, it can be said that coherent neighborhood management plays a significant role in shaping the neighborhood and maintaining the economic structure of the neighborhood as well as creative industries. Manuscript profile
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        113 - Predication of Truth and the Defective in the Views of Mullā Ṣadrā and some Contemporary Philosophers
        Hadi Izanloo Ramin  Golmakani Rasool Padashpoor
        The problem of predication is one of the important discussions in philosophy and logic. Predication means the union of the subject and the predicate. In Mullā Ṣadrā’s view, the criterion for union is limited to existence; therefore, his ideas of the two primary essentia More
        The problem of predication is one of the important discussions in philosophy and logic. Predication means the union of the subject and the predicate. In Mullā Ṣadrā’s view, the criterion for union is limited to existence; therefore, his ideas of the two primary essential and common technical predications are different from those of others. These two predications were not efficient enough in explaining certain ontological discussions in Mullā Ṣadrā’s philosophical system. In fact, in clarifying the relationship between the real simple and possible things, he had to resort to a kind of predication that was in total conformity to the principles of the Transcendent Philosophy. Hence, he introduced a third kind of predication called the predication of ‘truth and defective, where ‘truth’ is the origin of the appearance of all things and manifestations, and things are the ‘defective manifestations’ of that ‘truth’. In this paper, the authors have examined the features of the predication of truth and defective that distinguish it from other types of predication. Meanwhile, they have tried to respond to some questions as follows: Can the truth and defective predication, which some thinkers view as a subcategory of the common technical predication, be considered a third type of predication? While some philosophers believe that this predication is invalid in relation to the active attributes of God and resort to a fourth kind of predication called the predication of apparent to manifestation, does this predication apply to such divine attributes based on the individual unity of existence? Finally, following a descriptive-analytic method and through explaining the characteristics of the predication of truth and defective, the writers demonstrate that this predication is a third type of predication that also applies to the active attributes of Almighty Truth in the light of the individual unity of existence. Manuscript profile
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        114 - Aristotelean Roots of the Soul’s Corporeal Origination in Mullā Ṣadrā’s View
        Hamideh  Ansari Hassan Fathi Morteza  Shajari
        Philosophers have presented different views about the whatness and truth of the soul based on dualism (immateriality of the soul based on the pre-eternity and origination of the soul before the existence of the body or along with it) or monism (corporeal origination of More
        Philosophers have presented different views about the whatness and truth of the soul based on dualism (immateriality of the soul based on the pre-eternity and origination of the soul before the existence of the body or along with it) or monism (corporeal origination of the soul). Mullā Ṣadrā believes that the soul is corporeally originated. The principles of the Transcendent Philosophy, including the trans-substantial motion, the principiality and gradedness of being, and the corporeal origination of the soul, have made it possible to demonstrate corporeal resurrection. Aristotle also believes that the origination of the soul is corporeal. However, the extent to which Mullā Ṣadrā is influenced by Aristotle’s ideas in this regard has never been studied so far. This paper is intended to explain the Aristotelean roots of Mullā Ṣadrā’s discussion of corporeal origination following a comparative-analytic method. The findings of this study indicate that in defining the soul as a “natural and organic body” and, following it, considering the soul as a formal substance and a primary perfection of the body, as well as believing in the unitary synthesis of the body and the soul and the unity of the faculties of the soul, all indicating the corporeal origination of the soul, Mullā Ṣadrā is under the influence of Aristotle. Nevertheless, Aristotle’s approach suffers from some ambiguity because of the existing implicitness in some of his words and not referring to an explicit standpoint regarding the principiality of existence or quiddity, presence of motion in substance, and gradedness of existence. Manuscript profile
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        115 - The Integrity of Elements in Persian Poetry and Its Impact on the Flourishing of Poetry
        mohammad hasan arjmandifar Bijan Zahirinav
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QFormat="true" Name="Subtle Emphasis"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="21" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" QFormat="true" Name="Intense Emphasis"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="31" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" QFormat="true" Name="Subtle Reference"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="32" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" QFormat="true" Name="Intense Reference"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="33" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" QFormat="true" Name="Book Title"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="37" Name="Bibliography"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="39" QFormat="true" Name="TOC Heading"/> </w:LatentStyles> </xml><![endif]--><!-- [if gte mso 10]> <style> /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman","serif";} </style> <![endif]--></p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;"><span style="mso-spacerun: yes;">&nbsp;</span>This research has been conducted in a descriptive-analytical manner based on library studies.With an introduction regarding the role of the unity of poetic elements, referred to with terms such as unity, coherence, and vertical axis, we will gradually accompany the formation of a ghazal to propose a method for the unity of elements in Persian poetry.This approach will help us answer the question (hypothesis) of whether maintaining the unity of poetic elements contributes to the flourishing of poetry, using the eight criteria outlined in this study.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">&nbsp;</span><strong><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">Introduction</span></strong></p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">Every structure is composed of components whose arrangement and selection significantly determine its quality.The better these parts are understood and precisely positioned alongside one another, fostering greater harmony between them, the higher the quality of the structure and its performance."Art is the effort to find harmony" (Ahmadi, 2001: 213), and harmony emerges from unity.Within this context, literature&mdash;specifically, "poetry is one of the fine arts, and the essence of poetry is beauty.According to scholars, fine arts and artistic beauty are interdependent.Fine arts require elements such as unity, harmony, repetition, balance, proportion, and similar factors to achieve immortality" (Sahraei and Golshani, 2013: 98-99)."Aristotle also sees harmony as a factor of unity and one of the characteristics of the beautiful" (Zarrin-Koub, 1978: 104).Therefore, "a good poem, despite its simplicity, is such a composition that its elements are so interconnected and harmonious that if there is a flaw in any one of the parts, it distances the entire piece from success and perfection" (Akvan Salas, 1997: 202).Thus, the components of poetry must be appropriately knowledgeable and suitably arranged together to create an impactful and enduring poem."If a poem is to be alive, its components must be connected and structured with the same precision and delicacy as the parts of a tree are intertwined.It should be an organism in which each component serves a useful purpose, collaborating with other elements to sustain and elucidate the vitality it contributes" (Parin, 1997: 21).Humanity's appreciation and admiration for harmony stem from our nature.As a part of nature, humans have observed and learned the first signs of harmony within it; having seen the spirit of harmony in nature's components, we are innately inclined toward unity and cohesion in any structure.In their artistic creation (poetry), the poet also reflects on the harmony borrowed from nature.Consequently, the components of poetry, despite their dispersion, require organization, a system, and ultimately, a purpose-driven unity, to form a robust structure and better express the poem&rsquo;s meaning; otherwise, "they will be deprived of imagination, influence, registration, and conveying the core objective" (Akvan Salas, 1997: 202).Given the importance of the integration of poetic elements in both poetry criticism and composition, a framework for the unity of elements in Persian poetry is presented using eight criteria.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><strong><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">Research Background</span></strong></p> <p>&nbsp;<span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">The topic of "the integration of poetic elements" is referred to with titles such as "vertical and horizontal axes of poetry, " "structural unity in poetry, " or "cohesion in poetry." Ghasem Sahraei and Shahab Golshani, in their article "Unity and Cohesion in the Poetry of Shafiei Kadkani" (2013), consider the principle of unity to be the most important element of aesthetic appreciation in Shafiei Kadkani's poems, identifying the factors that create unity in his poetry as thematic unity, harmony of components, evolution and gradual progression, and proportion and repetition.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">Mohammad Ismail Dehqan Tozarjani and Hassan Zolqari, in their article "Examining Grammatical and Lexical Cohesion Elements in Popular Poetry, " based on Halliday and Hasan's theory of grammatical and lexical cohesion, evaluate the degree of cohesion in popular poetry as high, listing repetition and ellipsis as fundamental elements in creating cohesion in this genre.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;<span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">Nahid Tehrani Sabzeh also argues in her article "Factors of Lexical Cohesion in Modern Poetry" that literary techniques can serve not only to create music and enrich meaning but also to ensure the cohesion of poetry and the formation of a text.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;<span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">Morteza Mohseni and Mahdi Sarahati Joibari, in their article "The Vertical Axis of Imagination in the Poems of Nasir Khusrow" (2021), state that the strength of the vertical axis in Nasir Khusrow's works is the key to distinguishing and elevating his poetry compared to that of his contemporaries.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;<span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">Ahmad Konjoori, Ali Noori, Mohammad Reza Roozbeh, and Ali Heydari, in their article "Types of Allusion Design and Expansion in the Vertical Axis of Simin Behbahani's Ghazals" (2019), highlight the innovative nature of Simin Behbahani's allusions in her ghazals, asserting that the scope of these allusions transcends the horizontal axis and enters the vertical axis of her poetry.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;<span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">Mohammad Jafar Yahqi and Mohammad Hadi Fallahi, in their article "Textual Cohesion in the Ghazals of Saadi and Bidel Dehlavi: A Study and Comparison of Ten Ghazals Each, " apply Halliday Hassan's method of textual cohesion analysis to examine and compare the textual cohesion in ten ghazals by Saadi and Bidel, concluding that "the more cohesive and coherent a text is, the more understandable and accessible it becomes.Saadi&rsquo;s ghazals, benefiting from more cohesive elements and shorter sentences, are easier to comprehend" (Yahqi and Fallahi, 2010: 339).</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">Monijeh Abdollahi, in her article "Vertical Connection and Spiritual Cohesion in Hafez's Ghazals, " attempts to "provide practical criteria regarding the overall cohesion of Hafez's ghazals by utilizing the theory of composition and juxtaposition proposed by structuralists" (Abdollahi, 2017: 94).</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">Masoud Alagoneh Jonaghani, in his article "Analysis of Textual Cohesion in a Ghazal by Hafez Based on the Simple Structure Approach, " investigates the structural cohesion of a ghazal by Hafez using a systemic-functional linguistic approach (Alagoneh Jonaghani, 2016: 265).Taher Ishani, in the article "Comparative Analysis of Cohesion Factors in Two Ghazals by Hafez and Saadi and Its Impact on Textual Cohesion, "concludes that "the greater cohesion in Saadi's ghazal compared to Hafez's is rooted in the types of cohesion factors employed in the text," based on Halliday and Hasan's theory of cohesion (Ishani, 2014: 10).Ali Akbar Shiri Zadeh, in the article "Cohesion Factors in Persian Language, " states that "based on the conducted research, sufficient and appropriate use of cohesion markers simplifies the text and enhances its understanding" (Shiri Zadeh, 2003: 10).</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">n her article "Cohesion and Coherence in Persian Language," Giti Taki defines cohesion as the internal coherence of the text, or "the inter-sentential relationships within a text that, in the Persian language, are established through factors such as connective words, semantic relationships or lexical ties, reference, substitution, comparison, and repetition" (Taki, 1999: 129).She defines coherence as "the interpretation and explanation of the text considering external conditions and social contexts" (same source) and further elaborates on these concepts.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">Mohammad Khamagar, in his article &ldquo;The Effectiveness of Halliday's Theory in Mapping the Textual Cohesion of the Quranic Surahs, &rdquo; concludes that "this theory is insufficient for analyzing all dimensions of textual cohesion and that utilizing role-based cohesive factors only elucidates the linear relationship of sentences within a text" (same source).</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><strong><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">Theoretical Framework</span></strong></p> <p>&nbsp;<span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">The theoretical framework of the present research introduces eight metrics that promote the coherence and unity of poetic elements, leading to the flourishing of poetry.These metrics are as follows: </span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">Musical Unity: This includes the unity of external music (meter) and the unity of adjacent music (rhyme and refrain).The poet must first maintain consistent meter across all verses and adhere to the rules of rhyme and refrain.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">Thematic Unity: Observing "thematic unity" requires the poet to remain within the thematic boundaries they have chosen.For instance, if a poem addresses the love of God, the poet should not stray from this primary theme.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">Pronominal Unity: Typically, poets adopt one of the narrative styles: the first-person narrator, the second-person narrator, or the third-person poet.Consequently, if the poet is in the first person, they cannot abruptly switch to the second person in subsequent verses.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">Logical Unity: Although "imagination is the essence and fixed element of poetry" (Shafiei-Kadkani, 1996: 18) and "poetry celebrates a unique occurrence within a culture, a language, and the way a person uses their language" (Schools, 2004: 95), it should not be forgotten that poetic imagination has its logic.The adherence to logic must be maintained both at the level of individual couplets and in the overall structure and length of the poem; in other words, a poem, despite being imaginative, should not lack reason.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">Lexical Cohesion: The word is the cornerstone of prose and poetry."When a poet selects a word for use in their poem, they activate a set of possibilities that fundamentally differs from what we use in everyday speech." (Schoolz, 2004: 52) Therefore, the word has a more specific role in poetry, and the careful placement of words elevates the poem, while careless selection disrupts its cohesiveness.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">Temporal Cohesion: Temporal cohesion refers to the consistency of verb tenses both horizontally (in each couplet) and vertically (across the entire poem).In horizontal temporal cohesion, the tense of verbs in each couplet and throughout the poem must have a logical relationship with each other.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">Stylistic Cohesion: Just as archaeologists deduce the approximate age of ancient artifacts based on certain indicators, literary scholars, by observing specific words and grammatical details in texts, infer the approximate time of writing or composing the text and, more importantly, its style.Thus, some grammatical and lexical markers are indicative of specific stylistic periods.For instance, the use of certain forms predominantly in the Khorasani style and occasionally in the Iraqi style, at the beginning of continuous verbs, has no place in contemporary poetry and prose.It is not that these forms cannot be utilized, but their use is no longer common or acceptable.Using "hamī" instead of "mī" in today's poetry is like wearing clothes from the 8th century AH on the streets of today&rsquo;s society.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">Narrative Coherence: The narrative coherence of poetry refers to the carefully arranged verses that serve the quasi-narrative structure of the work.This may be what strengthens the vertical axis in epics like the Shahnameh, such that "the Shahnameh not only surpasses the poetry of its contemporary and later periods regarding its vertical axis, but it is also incomparable with any of them." (Shafiei Kadkani, 1996: 458) This strength is also found in the vertical axis of the Masnavi-i Ma'navi and the Khamsa of Nizami Ganjavi.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">&nbsp;</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><strong><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">Data Analysis</span></strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">Adhering to the integrity of poetic elements -based on the criteria discussed in this article- will contribute to the impact and clarity of poetry.Although creating art and composing poetry is an intuitive process, it is not devoid of structure and rules.Many artists have started their creative endeavors with their "conscious mind" and gradually rooted it in their "unconscious mind." Therefore, following these rules during poetry composition is a necessary condition for achieving good and well-measured poetry, but it is not sufficient.This is where the weight of meaning, especially in poetry, is keenly felt.On the other hand, a meaningful poem that lacks structure does not lead to the desired essence and does not bring the ship of poetry to the shore of success.Would we still regard the poems of Rumi in the Masnavi</span> <span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">-as they are currently- filled with deficiencies in meter, rhyme, and structure as outstanding and sublime poetry? Thus, meaning and structure are two wings for the flight and elevation of poetry, each of which, without the other, does not lead to perfection and flourishing in poetry.Given the inspirational and internal nature of poetic expression in the poet's mind, and accepting the notion that the spiritual quality of poetry cannot be measured or subjected to fixed rules, the greater the harmony of internal and external elements in poetry and the better the integrity of poetic elements is observed, the more one can hope for the impact and clarity of the poetry.An example of this assertion is the adherence to various forms of integrity of poetic elements in the works of great poets like Saadi, Hafez, Rumi, and Ferdowsi, where it is rare to find instances of inconsistency in their poetry.In conclusion, while proposing a framework for measuring the integrity of Persian poetic elements, we conclude that adhering to the integrity of poetic elements has a positive effect on the impact and clarity of poetry.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">&nbsp;</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><strong><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">Keywords: </span></strong><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">Coherence, Unity, Vertical Axis, Coherence, Poetry.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">&nbsp;</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><strong><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">&nbsp;</span></strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><strong><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">&nbsp;</span></strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><strong><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">References</span></strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-left: 25.5pt; text-align: justify; text-indent: -17.0pt; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">Abdollahi, Manijeh (2017) Vertical Connection and Spiritual Cohesion in Hafez's Ghazals, Hafez Research, Volume 20, pp.91-107.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-left: 25.5pt; text-align: justify; text-indent: -17.0pt; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">Ahmad, Babak (2001) Truth and Beauty, 5th ed., Tehran: Markaz.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-left: 25.5pt; text-align: justify; text-indent: -17.0pt; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">Akhavan Thaleth, Mehdi (1997) The Innovations and Creations of Nima Yushij, 3rd ed., Tehran: Zamestan.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-left: 25.5pt; text-align: justify; text-indent: -17.0pt; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">Akhvat, Ahmad (2003) Structure and Interpretation of Text, Vol.2, 2nd ed., Tehran: Markaz.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-left: 25.5pt; text-align: justify; text-indent: -17.0pt; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">Aligone Jonaghani, Masoud (2016) Analysis of Textual Cohesion in a Ghazal by Hafez Based on the Basic Structure, Bi-monthly Journal of Linguistic Studies, No.35, pp.265-290.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-left: 25.5pt; text-align: justify; text-indent: -17.0pt; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">Arjmandi, Mohammad Hassan (2021) Confessions, Tehran: Arj Book.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-left: 25.5pt; text-align: justify; text-indent: -17.0pt; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span dir="RTL" lang="AR-SA" style="font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">----------------------------------</span><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;"> (2014) A Little Bit Wetter, Tehran: Maya.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-left: 25.5pt; text-align: justify; text-indent: -17.0pt; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span dir="RTL" lang="AR-SA" style="font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">----------------------------------</span> <span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">(2022) With You, Tehran: Arj Book.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-left: 25.5pt; text-align: justify; text-indent: -17.0pt; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; 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font-family: 'Times New Roman','serif'; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"><br style="mso-special-character: line-break; page-break-before: always;" clear="all" /> </span></p> Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        116 - Studying and analyzing the effects of development variables affecting the absorption of surplus capital in the less developed
        afshin kasalaei میثم موسائی reza ali mohseni khalil mirzaei بهرام  قديمي
        regions of the country Afshin kasalaei Meisam mousaaei Reza Ali Mohseni Khalil Mirzaie Bahram Ghadimei Abstract The present study investigates the factors affecting capital absorption in less developed regions of Iran during the years 1300-1400. To inves More
        regions of the country Afshin kasalaei Meisam mousaaei Reza Ali Mohseni Khalil Mirzaie Bahram Ghadimei Abstract The present study investigates the factors affecting capital absorption in less developed regions of Iran during the years 1300-1400. To investigate the above issue, the effect of independent variables (economic, social, cultural, legal and political indicators) on the dependent variable (the amount of capital surplus absorption) is examined. The statistical population in this study is 31 provinces of the country, among which 4 provinces have less (less developed) (Kurdistan, Hormozgan, West Azerbaijan and Sistan and Baluchestan) according to the studies (based on three principles). Opportunities, capabilities and achievements) have been purposefully selected as a statistical sample. Research method this research is a mixed method (quantitative-qualitative) and uses fuzzy Delphi techniques, TOPSIS-factor analysis, structural-interpretive equations and structural equations. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected by the mentioned methods and analyzed and explained using statistical tests. This study was conducted with the aim of "designing a model and mechanisms to increase the ability to attract surplus capital in less developed (less privileged) areas and with the assumptions of economic, socio-cultural, political and legal indicators on the impact of surplus capital and the results show This is because the hypotheses are confirmed and the independent variable affects the dependent variable. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        117 - Effective policies on cultural economic structures with a community-oriented development approach (case study, Islamabad Karaj neighborhood)
        محمّد¬تقی¬ حیدری Sima   Kazemi
        Mohammad Taghi Heydari Sima Kazemi Lemraski Abstract The increasing growth of urbanization and the lack of coherent urban management have led to the inefficiency of planning in cities, so that this inefficiency is more visible at the small "neighborhood" level. More
        Mohammad Taghi Heydari Sima Kazemi Lemraski Abstract The increasing growth of urbanization and the lack of coherent urban management have led to the inefficiency of planning in cities, so that this inefficiency is more visible at the small "neighborhood" level. In general, the community-based approach in urban development and planning can increase people's control over their own lives and livelihoods, and ultimately lead to the presentation of plans and programs that are more consistent with local needs and conditions. In the science of cultural economics, the economic fields and Websters needed in a cultural category are discussed. Determining the correct policies in the field and sectors of the economy of culture is one of the most important and key factors in its development. In this regard, in the present research; Effective policies in cultural economy in Moradab-Karaj neighborhood (Islam-Abad) have been compiled with a neighborhood-based approach with a descriptive-analytical method based on documentary and survey sources. First, we will examine and explain the nature of the cultural economy and the role of creative industries and effective policies on the cultural economy, and finally, strategic-executive solutions are presented in order to achieve the development of the neighborhood. The data used in this research is a combined method (quantitative and qualitative). Data analysis has been done according to the analytical descriptive method and according to theoretical inferences. The statistical community of this research is made up of experts and experts in the field of urban planning and some of them are native people of the neighborhood. In order to get a deeper understanding of issues and problems, especially social and economic characteristics, information was collected using a survey method and a questionnaire tool. After the comments and answers were counted, the content analysis method was used, and in particular, the software (MAXQDA) was used, through which the data of the answers to the interviews and questionnaires were summarized and coded. The results show that the neighborhood council and city-management can contribute to the ecological, economic, social, political and cultural sustainability of the neighborhood in the direction of sustainable neighborhood development by fundamentally changing the neighborhood's planning structures. Finally, it can be said that coherent neighborhood management plays a significant role in shaping the neighborhood and maintaining the economic structure of the neighborhood as well as creative industries. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        118 - Community Detection in Bipartite Networks Using HellRank Centrality Measure
        Ali Khosrozadeh movaghar movaghar Mohammad Mehdi Gilanian Sadeghi Hamidreza Mahyar
        Community structure is a common and important feature in many complex networks, including bipartite networks. In recent years, community detection has received attention in many fields and many methods have been proposed for this purpose, but the heavy consumption of ti More
        Community structure is a common and important feature in many complex networks, including bipartite networks. In recent years, community detection has received attention in many fields and many methods have been proposed for this purpose, but the heavy consumption of time in some methods limits their use in large-scale networks. There are methods with lower time complexity, but they are mostly non-deterministic, which greatly reduces their applicability in the real world. The usual approach that is adopted to community detection in bipartite networks is to first construct a unipartite projection of the network and then communities detect in that projection using methods related to unipartite networks, but these projections inherently lose information. In this paper, based on the bipartite modularity measure that quantifies the strength of partitions in bipartite networks and using the HellRank centrality measure, a quick and deterministic method for community detection from bipartite networks directly and without need to projection, proposed. The proposed method is inspired by the voting process in election activities in the social society and simulates it. Manuscript profile