Mulla Sadra’s Gnostic Explanation of the Theory of the Individual Unity of Existence
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Keywords: Existence individual unity graded unity immutable essences Mulla Sadra Iqaz al-na’imin ,
Abstract :
Mulla Sadra’s profound philosophical deliberations, which were accompanied by his intuitive contemplations, regarding the truth of being, finally led him to the theory of the individual unity of existence. In line with gnostics, he explicitly acknowledges the necessity of believing in this theory in some of his works, particularly, in his gnostic treatise of Iqaz al-na’imin. In order to provide a gnostic explanation for this theory in the realm of ontology, Mulla Sadra resorts to ontological terminology, describes the relationship between existence and quiddity, and discusses the validity of quiddities in terms of both their fact-itself individuation and ontological descent. In doing so, he initially propounds the theory of the graded unity of existence and states some delicate points in relation to its content. Then, based on the eternal and pre-eternal non-existential nature of possible things, he uses a gnostic language to clarify the individual unity of existence. Finally, he concludes that the unity or oneness of existents in their ontological essence is of an individual and permeating type rather than a specific one. In his view, true existence is exclusively limited to the existence of the Almighty, and all possible beings are the manifestations, appearances, and modes of the attributes of the existence of the Truth and enjoy a shadow-like existence in comparison to Him.
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