The model of technological knowledge role in enterpreneurial opportunity recognition and exploitation
Subject Areas :
Hossein Abolhassani
Ali Davari
Farhad Sanjarifard
1 - University of Tehran
2 - University of Tehran
3 - Islamic azad university
Abstract :
In order to recognize and exploit opportunities successfully, enterpreneurs should understand techological environment, recognize driven forces and critical factors and understand the dynamic and real relationship among these factors. In this research which is an exploratory one, based on opportunity recognition litratures, new conceptual model of the influence of techological knowledge on innovation and opportunity recognition and exploitation process is introduced and examined. This model is developed based on other researches findings, evaluated based on industries experts as well as academic professionals and then examined using data collected from food industries companies. The results of analysis which is done using SPSS & PLS confirmed the justifiability of the model. This model can help the governmental authorities and industry stakeholders as well as researchers to develop new knowledge oriented guidelines within entrepreneurial activities.
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