• List of Articles ادراک

      • Open Access Article

        1 - The effect of insurance customers' perception of quality of services provided
        seyed morteza ghayour baghbani omid behboodi ali pourang haniye feyzabad
        Top secret service provider organizations can be searched customer and the quality of their services. Quality services play an important role in service industries such as insurance, banking and transportation and play. Because the quality of services to achieve custome More
        Top secret service provider organizations can be searched customer and the quality of their services. Quality services play an important role in service industries such as insurance, banking and transportation and play. Because the quality of services to achieve customer perception and consequently, survival and profitability is vital. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of perceived quality of services provided to insurance customers is Iran Nishaboor city. The research community in the city of Neyshaboor, Iran now all branches of insurance. In order to collect data from a questionnaire containing 27 questions was used. By professors and experts confirmed the validity and reliability of the questionnaire using Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0/865. To analyze the data in this study, the descriptive and inferential statistics were used. In the descriptive part of the frequency and the frequency and the frequency graph was taken. Inferential statistics K-S test was used to determine the normality of variables. Due to the variables are normally distributed, so the regression analysis was used to test the hypothesis. The results show that tangible, reliability, responsiveness, commitment and empathy and competence on the improvement of services insurance companies in Neyshabur, Iran is effective. The results of the study from the perspective of insurance customers, the commitment to service quality and other aspects of the situation is more favorable. Next in the rankings, respectively, tangible, reliability, empathy and responsiveness are. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Mediating role of psychological empowerment in the relationship between perceived social support and entrepreneurial spirit of undergraduate students at University of Birjand
        reyhane ebrahimabadi
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating role of psychological empowerment in the relationship between perceived social support and the entrepreneurial spirit of undergraduate students at University of Birjand. The research method was descriptive-corre More
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating role of psychological empowerment in the relationship between perceived social support and the entrepreneurial spirit of undergraduate students at University of Birjand. The research method was descriptive-correlational and the statistical population consisted of 8304 undergraduate students of University of Birjand, that 340 people by using simple random sampling and based on Morgan's table were selected. The Perceptual Social Support Questionnaire (Zimet et al., 1988), Spreitzer and Mishra Psychological Empowerment Questionnaire (1995), and the Patrice and Attitude Entrepreneurship Questionnaire (1394) were used. Content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by experts. The reliability coefficients of the questionnaires were assessed by using Cronbach's alpha coefficient and 0.99 for social support, 0.98 for entrepreneurial spirit and 0.89 for psychological empowerment. Data analysis were done at descriptive level (frequency, mean, standard deviation) and inferential level (Pearson correlation, analysis of variance, regression and structural equation modeling). The results indicated that socially supported social support predicts entrepreneurial spirit (Beta=0.19), and predicts psychological empowerment (Beta= 0.42). Psychological empowerment is also a predictor of entrepreneurial spirit (Beta= 0.42). The findings showed that psychological empowerment plays a mediating role between perceived social support and entrepreneurial spirit and the research model has a good fit. According to the research results, social protection of family, friends and people has a reverse and significant relation with the entrepreneurial spirit of individuals. So that, by increasing the amount of social support, the entrepreneurial spirit of people decreases. The results also indicate a direct and significant relationship between social support and psychological empowerment.   Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Predicting Marriage Satisfaction Based on adverse Childhood Experiences, Attachment Behaviors, Exchange Patterns, and Perceptions of Parental Marriage in Couples
        Ahmadreza Kiani Mahmud Mohamadi razi
        The purpose of this study was to predict marital satisfaction based on adverse childhood experiences, attachment behaviors, exchange patterns, and perceptions of parental marriage in couples. This was a descriptive correlational study. The tools of this study were ACEs More
        The purpose of this study was to predict marital satisfaction based on adverse childhood experiences, attachment behaviors, exchange patterns, and perceptions of parental marriage in couples. This was a descriptive correlational study. The tools of this study were ACEs childhood adverse experiences, attachment behaviours, parental marriage perception, marital satisfaction, and a short communication form questionnaire which was administered to 400 subjects (200 couples) in Bojnourd city using SPSS software. Because the population was large and no information was available from all of these individuals, multi-stage cluster sampling was used. Results: Findings showed that one's perception of parental marriage and perception of one's own marriage as well as one's satisfaction with marriage was significant and positive. There was a significant and positive relationship between one's perception of marriage and attachment, as well as a negative and significant relationship between childhood adversity and one's own perception of marriage, and finally, the relationship between perceptions of marriage and exchange patterns showed a negative and meaningful relationship. Conclusion: It can be concluded from this study that adverse childhood experiences, attachment behaviors, exchange patterns, and perceptions of parental marriage are good predictors of marital satisfaction. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Gender and the Urban Environment Perception; Notions and factors
        علی رضا بندرآباد
        Gender differences in urban public spaces can be the source of many factors affecting the quality of urban environment. A review of this proposition requires an accurate understanding of the concept of urban perception. Interpretation of what our sensory receptors have More
        Gender differences in urban public spaces can be the source of many factors affecting the quality of urban environment. A review of this proposition requires an accurate understanding of the concept of urban perception. Interpretation of what our sensory receptors have received from the surrounding environment takes place in the brain. This act is called perception that leads to recognition. The research seeks to answer the question of how the gender differences of citizens can change sensory perception and ultimately their perception of the urban environment and what are the factors and notions of this kind of perception? The main method of research in this article is the descriptive method, along with analyzing the content of qualitative content and analyzing the data extracted by field studies method. An analysis of the content of research and theories on the factors derived from gender differences has also been part of the research method. After designing the conceptual model of the research, the findings of this study shows that Gender differences are manifested in three-dimensional perceptions, city-centered navigation, environment image ability, mapping skills, and ultimately routing and way finding. Therefore, these components can be regarded as the main notions of perceptual differences in urban environments. Of course, all of this is due to differences in the structure of the human brain, which can be altered for both women and men. Another important point before the perception of the environment is the sense of the environment that is received by our five senses and as a result, the ideas of this study add to the difference in the use of sensory, tactile, auditory, olfactory and taste (with varying degrees of importance) among men and women. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Studying perception of 20th district of Tehran from features of Islamic urban area
        ماندانا حبیبی Hosein Mojtabazadeh
        From the beginning of the formation of the Islamic government, this religious school has always emphasized in the sacred books and the narrations of its elders about respect for Muslim communities and the necessity of communication between them. The outstanding manifes More
        From the beginning of the formation of the Islamic government, this religious school has always emphasized in the sacred books and the narrations of its elders about respect for Muslim communities and the necessity of communication between them. The outstanding manifestation of these concepts has emerged in the cities of the early centuries of Islam. This has led the Islamic city as a space for the development of other Islamic fundamental principles and principles. However, with the emergence of modern thinking and the emergence of numerous movements, we see that many of these concepts have been met with considerable damage. This is considerably more significant in neighborhoods with a rich historical, religious, and civilian background, and its inhabitants can face the challenges of identity. The 20th district of Tehran is also one of the most valuable areas for this study, with the aim of measuring the readings of its inhabitants from the perspective of the Islamic city. Following the extraction of indices and sub-indexes related to the Islamic city from the opinions of experts and the conceptual modeling of the research, using the design and distribution of 50 questionnaires in the spectrum of 5 likert options, the characteristic The findings of the Islamic city were derived from the perceptions of the inhabitants of the 20th area using inferential statistics. The results of the findings suggest the fact that from the viewpoint of citizens, the most vulnerable factors that led to the deterioration of the quality of the 20th district of Tehran from the Islamic point of view were physical and environmental factors, and social and value factors are at a later stage. have. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - (Readout the Concept of Dwelling in the Neighborhoods of Tehran during the Qajar and Pahlavi Periods (Based on an Interpretive Study of the Cultural and Social Historic-writtens
        Gholamreza Haghighat Naini Mohammad Shaikhi Morteza Mahmoudi mehmandoost
        A survey of the history and evidence of life in traditional Iranian neighborhood reveals a coherent, self-made physical and social structure and system that expresses the transcendent concepts of human dwelling. Neighborhoods today due to changing lifestyles and new urb More
        A survey of the history and evidence of life in traditional Iranian neighborhood reveals a coherent, self-made physical and social structure and system that expresses the transcendent concepts of human dwelling. Neighborhoods today due to changing lifestyles and new urban developments, do not have the participation of locals and the self-made neighborhood system. Therefore, it is imperative to pay attention to the principles and teachings of the social life and transcendent concepts of traditional living to enhance the quality of life in today's city. The purpose of this study is to recognize the concept of dwelling in the neighborhoods of Tehran during the Qajar and Pahlavi periods and the research method is a combination of historical interpretation methods and data content analysis. This study first briefly defines the concept of neighborhood; then the factors of perception of neighborhood concept and characteristics and specifications of each factor and how to trace it from the content of the texts are presented. Finally, in the literature research, the recognition of the life and lived experiences of the dwellers of Tehran neighborhoods is discussed; this section is based on a number of social cultural writings from Tehran neighborhoods. The result is that the factors and criteria of perception of neighborhood concept demonstrate the social role and participation of citizens in different aspects of dwelling, including good affairs and social-political movements in neighborhoods. Neighborhoods that have been a place for the presentation and emergence of social and cultural values including dedication, charity, respect for elders, and the arrest of the deprived; whereas concepts of territory, hierarchy and privacy are defined and appearanced in neighborhood physics and perceptions of dwellers and they are relatively satisfied with the provision of many of the services in the neighborhood and the mental relaxation of social dwelling. As a result, dwellers have considered themselves part of the neighborhood and the emergence of place belongings to the neighborhood can be understood in various physical, behavioral, and semantic dimensions. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Synaestesia: character and nature
        مینا  بهنام
        This essay tries to study synaestesia with a cognitive approach to the structure of language. Its theoretical framework is provided by Joseph Stern (semantician), Stefan Ulmann (linguist), and Osgood (psychologist). The author tries to explain the symbolic nature of th More
        This essay tries to study synaestesia with a cognitive approach to the structure of language. Its theoretical framework is provided by Joseph Stern (semantician), Stefan Ulmann (linguist), and Osgood (psychologist). The author tries to explain the symbolic nature of this linguistic phenomenon as well as the speaker’s perceptional process while using it, and its emotional and mental effects on them. When explained the formation process of synaestesia, we will study it as a neurological and perceptional category. Then, we will provide some examples from Persian literature to clarify the structure of synaestesia. At last, we will come to rethinking synaestesia in art and linguistic phenomena (poetry and prose). According to the finding of the research, synaestesias is a metaphor in which a particular meaning, common to a given perceptional domain, projects to another domain to which it no longer is usual. The basis of such a transition is a kind of similarity and interference between the two domains. In general, this possibility comes from man’s selective system of thinking and his capability to use metaphor. That is why it is frequently seen in different fields of art, including cinema, painting and music. Literary schools use synaestesia differently, not just for creating images, but to communicate special meaning, and to impress the audience. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - The explanation of procedures of 11th presidential elections By using of relative deprivation theory
        In order to clarify the procedure of 11th presidential elections, the various reasons have been referred to and the quality of hassan rouhani’s politics and his supporting team in election competitions days to election waves created by political groups in his support ha More
        In order to clarify the procedure of 11th presidential elections, the various reasons have been referred to and the quality of hassan rouhani’s politics and his supporting team in election competitions days to election waves created by political groups in his support have been emphasized to. In this paper it is attempted to study the reflection of psychological origins and relative deprivation feeling created in Iranian' society in formation of supporting wave of Rouhani. Generally, in individualistic and psychological prospect, the circumstances of changing the existing situation can be looked for in individual imaginations and feelings that in themselves are affected by social changes. In this paper, based on theoretical pattern of “Ted Robert Gar” and considering this presumption that the social dissatisfaction and trying to change the existing situation, is due to the amount and degree of relative deprivation feeling among various groups of every society, the grounds of relative deprivation creation in society including the understanding of inequality in 8-year period of 9th and 10th governments have been studied. Finally, it can concluded that how the various factors like development of universities and their dissatisfaction of government’ performance, the formation of class gap due to the conspicuous difference of per capita income and increasing inflation and expenses and unemployment , have reflected themselves in society’s relative deprivation, frustration and finally a general attempt for changing the existing situation and voting for the most prominent election candidates who is precursor of changing the situation Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - The Role of "Allameh Tabatabai" Credit Theory in Realization of Transcendent Socio-Political Philosophy
        Hassan Owraei Tahereh Kamalizadeh Maryam Saneapour
        Despite the welcome of scholars and thinkers in the Islamic world and the writing of numerous commentaries and interpretations, many functions of the system of Transcendent philosophy have not yet received enough attention. The socio-political dimensions of Transcendent More
        Despite the welcome of scholars and thinkers in the Islamic world and the writing of numerous commentaries and interpretations, many functions of the system of Transcendent philosophy have not yet received enough attention. The socio-political dimensions of Transcendent philosophy are the most important neglected aspects of this school. Sayyed Mohammad Hossain Tabatabaei is one of the greatest followers of the Sadra's school who, by proposing the theory of credit, marked the extension of Transcendent philosophy in the socio-political path. This article examines the theory of credit perceptions and its role in explaining socio-political philosophy in the context of Transcendent philosophy. Credit perceptions are the mediators between human needs and his actions to meet those needs, and based on this, credit theory can be considered as the link between theoretical philosophy and practical philosophy. According to this theory, society is an irreducible reality to individuals and depends on the realization of a human group that has mutual influence and effect, the realization of this group is subject to the principle of employment. The principle of mutual employment requires mutual interaction and understanding, and consequently requires the creation of language and the continued validity of social structures, justice, power, and ultimately politics. Then, social systems are organized based on the rules and rational orders arising from nature for the good and development of the individual and society. The originality of society from the perspective of Allameh and the series of pre-social credentials in the later credentials provides a more accurate explanation of the perfectionist movement of the universe from plurality to unity and the orientation of individuals towards perfection in the context of transcendent socio-political philosophy and within the framework of Sharia. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Perceived ethical climate in organization: the concepts and classifications
        While there are numerous organizations including moral climate, important for most organizations was perceived ethical climate and ethical behavior is affected employees. Human resources in today's world, the best competitive advantage of the company and any man more th More
        While there are numerous organizations including moral climate, important for most organizations was perceived ethical climate and ethical behavior is affected employees. Human resources in today's world, the best competitive advantage of the company and any man more than any other time, the theory of organization and management has become important. Human resources as much as it can help organizations compete, can also be a major obstacle in the way of organization. The research method is analytical and data collection for the library. In this study attempted to perceived ethical climate models and concepts are examined from the perspective of different theorists. Among several categories about perceived ethical climate, Victor and Cullen ethical climate theory, Vidaver and Cohen ethical climate continuum theory, the Webber theory of ethical climate and Arnaud the theory of moral decision-making processes in this study were investigated Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Students Participation Pattern in Sport for all Based on Theory of Planned Training Behavior
        mohammad ali ghareh Naser Zardi
        the goal of this research was presenting students participation pattern of Payame noor university in public sports based on theory of planned training behavior. The research was descriptive study that was done in a survey method. The statistical population consisted of More
        the goal of this research was presenting students participation pattern of Payame noor university in public sports based on theory of planned training behavior. The research was descriptive study that was done in a survey method. The statistical population consisted of students of Payame Noor University in the academic year 94-95. Statistical sample according to Morgan table was 384 people Which were selected by multi-stage clustering. The measurement tool included a modified behavioral scale of planned behavior. validty&Reliability if questionnaire were comfirmed. For inferential analysis of collected data used by Amos software and spss software version 18. The results of stepwise regression model showed that 46% of total changes in the level of participation in sport for all is dependent on three variables ; Attitude , behavior control and sport for all. Good fit indicators of Research model showed that The proposed model is well suited that means that the theory of the pattern of planned behavior can explaine student participation in sport for all. So it is suggested that sports devices to strive about doing tricks In order to strengthen the attitude , mental norms and perceived behavior controlling , along with other influential factors of Participation in sport for all, Including the provision of hardware and software infrastructure , access , financial issues , etc. to institutionalized sport for all in students. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - The thought of Islamic scholars regarding sensory perception based on the viewpoint of Mulla Sadra philosopher
        hossein  imani moghadam
        In this writing, the basics and preconditions of the discussion such as the recognition of the truth of the soul and body and its ability as the inductor or the sentient of perception, are specifically expressed in Mulla Sadra's view. In the following, the differences b More
        In this writing, the basics and preconditions of the discussion such as the recognition of the truth of the soul and body and its ability as the inductor or the sentient of perception, are specifically expressed in Mulla Sadra's view. In the following, the differences between the views of the Islamic scholars in the discussion of the above are discussed as the introduction of the concept of perception and feeling, and these discussions will also differentiate the speeches of those intellectuals in the context of perception and feeling. In terms of perception, the author, after expressing the theory and foundations and the results of the discussion, regards those intellectuals, and especially Mulla Sadra, in expressing the differences and differences between the views of those Islamic scholars. In the final section, discussions on issues such as emotions and controversies have been considered, based on Mulla Sadra's principles and views on animal and human perception, and the attention is paid to the distinction between feelings in animals and humans. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - Consonance of Transcendent Philosophy and Quran in the Theory of Coextensive of Being and Perception
        Ali Mohammad  Jafari Nejad
        The manifestation of Quranic teachings in philosophical approaches on the one hand, and the demonstration of Qur'anic teachings through philosophical analysis, on the other hand, signify a deep link between revealed knowledges and philosophical ideas in the epistemic sy More
        The manifestation of Quranic teachings in philosophical approaches on the one hand, and the demonstration of Qur'anic teachings through philosophical analysis, on the other hand, signify a deep link between revealed knowledges and philosophical ideas in the epistemic system of transcendent philosophy. Among the issues that reveal correspondence between Sadrian philosophical findings with the Qur'anic teachings is Mulla Sadra's view in the coextensive of being and perception. A look at Mulla Sadra's philosophical analysis on this issue and survey and critique of its compatibility with the Qur'anic teachings is the subject of this article. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - Emanation of sensory perception and its certainty: inquiry of the influence of the Stoics on Mulla Sadra
        Ebrahim  Arash Mohsenn Fahim Mojtaba Jafari ashqavandi
        In this research, Mulla Sadra's theory about the union of sensory and senses in sensory perception was examined based on the issue of the emanation of sensory perception and its certainty. The importance of the issue is in the sense that Mulla Sadra was influenced by th More
        In this research, Mulla Sadra's theory about the union of sensory and senses in sensory perception was examined based on the issue of the emanation of sensory perception and its certainty. The importance of the issue is in the sense that Mulla Sadra was influenced by the Stoic theory in relation to this issue, and he himself clarified this issue.. Mulla Sadra's theory about sensory knowledge is the actualization of the forms of sensations for the soul and its realization in the sensory world. This kind of approach to knowledge as an ontological form that considers the relationship between the senses and the sensory perceptions as a kind of evolutionary relationship is different from the peripatetic theory. In Peripatetic theory, the forms of sensations in the soul are a prelude to rational knowledge through the abstraction of these forms. According to Mulla Sadra, the soul is active in the level of sense because it is the issuer of forms of sensations instead of being passive and therefore knowledge at this stage is also scientific and certain. Mulla Sadra has stated that, many thinkers before him had believed this promise. Accordingly, in this research Mulla Sadra's theory of sensory knowledge has been matched with the theory of epistemological impression of the early Stoics. In the theory of epistemological impression, the early Stoics consider sensory perception as the face for the matter of the soul on which it is engraved. The early Stoics consider the certainty of an epistemological impression to be synonymous with the soul and use it for the excellence of wisdom and morality in individuals. The results of the research show that Mulla Sadra and the early Stoics paid attention to the homogeneity of the senses and the activity of the soul in sensory perception to obtain sensory certainty. The method of conducting the research is content analysis and innovation of research is the possibility of dialogue between Mulla Sadra's views and early Stoic philosophy in the field of epistemology. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - Mediating Role of Perceived Social Support between Early Maladaptive Schemas and Quality of Life
        Mohammad Ali Besharat Samira Keshavarz Masoud Gholamali Lavasani Elham Arabi
        The purpose of this study was to examine the mediating role of perceived social support in the relationship between early maladaptive schemas and quality of life. The method of present study was descriptive-correlational and population comprised general population of Sh More
        The purpose of this study was to examine the mediating role of perceived social support in the relationship between early maladaptive schemas and quality of life. The method of present study was descriptive-correlational and population comprised general population of Shiraz city. Three handred and ninety one individuals (182 men, 209 women) were selected through convenience sampling method. Subjects were asked to complete the Schema Questionnaire (Young & Brown, 1999), Quality of Life Scale (WHOQOL-BREF, 1998) and Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (Zimet, et al, 1988). Data analysis was accomplished by path analysis. Results showed that perceived social support has mediating role between disconnection/ rejection domain, impaired limits domain (p<0/01) and being other-directed domain (p<0/05) with quality of life. Based on findings, it can be concluded that early maladaptive schemas influence quality of life through perceived social support. Therefore, perceived social support and early maladaptive schemas should be the core of clinical focus in improving quality of life. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - The Relationship between Perception of Parental Styles and Resilience: The Mediating Role of Human Agency
        Mamak Mahdavi Mazdeh Elahe Hejazi Zahra Naghsh
        The purpose of this study was to identify the role of human agency in the relationship between perception of parental styles and resilience among adolescents. To fulfill the stated goal, 516 high school students (273 female, 243, male) were selected by means of cluster More
        The purpose of this study was to identify the role of human agency in the relationship between perception of parental styles and resilience among adolescents. To fulfill the stated goal, 516 high school students (273 female, 243, male) were selected by means of cluster and multi stage sampling. The following measures were given to them to complete a survey consisted of Assessment Human Agency Scale, Perception of Parenting Styles Questionnaire and Resilience Scale. The results of structural equation modeling showed that human agency mediated the relation between perception of parental style and resilience .Human agency with parental style perceived are predicted 63% of variance of resilience. Perception of paternal style and maternal style are predicted the 37% and 31% of variability of human agency. In general, when there was a consistency between mother and father parental style and this style is based on satisfaction of psychological basic needs, adolescence' human agency and resilience raised and increased. Manuscript profile
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        17 - The Relationship between Risk Perception and Cognitive Emotion Regulation with Tendency to Addiction Mediated by Decision-Making Styles
        Hossein Zare Sosan Kangavari Mahnaz Aliakbaridehkordi
        The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between risk perception and cognitive emotion regulation with tendency to addiction by mediating decision-making styles. This research was a descriptive and a correlational study. To this end, 320 students from t More
        The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between risk perception and cognitive emotion regulation with tendency to addiction by mediating decision-making styles. This research was a descriptive and a correlational study. To this end, 320 students from the Department of Banking and Payam of Noor University of Bijar city were selected by random sampling method. Data were collected using Risk Perception Index, Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire, Zargars Addiction Tendency Questionnaire and Scott and Bruce's Decision-Making Styles. Questionnaire. In order to evaluate the proposed model, Amos software and path analyze method were used. The findings showed that there was a negative significant relationship between risk perception and positive cognitive emotion regulation directly with the tendency to addiction and negative cognitive emotion regulation have a positive significant relationship with the tendency to addiction. Also, decision-making style indirectly influenced the predictive value of the variables. Overall, the results showed that decision-making style had a significant mediating role in the relationship between risk perception and cognitive emotion regulation with tendency to addiction. Manuscript profile
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        18 - Phenomenological Analysis of Students’ Perception of Teacher’s Effective Features and Actions in Teacher-Student Relationship
        Narjes Lari Elahe Hejazi Bahram Joukar Javad Ejei
        This study aims to analyze students’ perceptions of the characteristics and actions of elementary school teachers that affects student teacher relationship. A qualitative phenomenological approach was used to achieve deep description of these characteristics. Semi-struc More
        This study aims to analyze students’ perceptions of the characteristics and actions of elementary school teachers that affects student teacher relationship. A qualitative phenomenological approach was used to achieve deep description of these characteristics. Semi-structured interviews, in oral and written format, were conducted with 99 primary school students studying in second to sixth grade (66 girls and 33 boys) who were selected from elementary schools in Shiraz. According to the findings of this study, autonomy support against control, competence, mastery goal support, care, engagement, mutual trust, and support for the class structure are the main themes of the teacher characteristics and functions that affect student teacher relationship. Implication of the findings in interventional plans for teacher-student interaction improvement is discussed in the end. Manuscript profile
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        19 - The Role of Alexithymia to Predict High-Risk Behaviors based on Mediating Role of Perceived Social Support
        marzieh farzadnia
        The present research that is a descriptive and correlational study, aimed to investigate the mediating role of perceived social support in relation between Alexithymia and tendency to high-risk behaviors in master degree girl students of one of the universities in Qom c More
        The present research that is a descriptive and correlational study, aimed to investigate the mediating role of perceived social support in relation between Alexithymia and tendency to high-risk behaviors in master degree girl students of one of the universities in Qom city who were studied in the year 2017-2016, was implemented. 470 students were selected in two phases by stratified and cluster random sampling, and completed multidimensional scale of P\perceived social support (MSPSS), Toronto alexithymia scale -20 (TAS-20), and scale of Iranian adolescents risk-taking scale (IARS). Analysis of data was done by using Pearson correlation coefficient and path analysis by using software SPSS 22 and Lisrel 8/72. According to the results, perceived social support had meaningful negative correlation with tendency to high-risk behaviors and alexithymia had meaningful positive correlation with tendency to high-risk behaviors. Path analysis showed that perceived social support had a mediating role in the relation between alexithymia and its tendency to high-risk behaviors. The findings of this research can be used to identify individuals who expose at risk and by strengthening emotional intelligence and relational and social skills, also, with strengthening perceived social support in individual with alexithymia can reduce tendency to high-risk behaviors. Manuscript profile
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        20 - A Study of the Principles of an Approach for Promoting Children Perception of Environment through Environmental Art
        Faezeh Hasani  Helm
        Today, a modern and strategic approach has come out for teaching the environmental concepts to the children which is based on environmental art. The aim of this approach is to turn the environmental crisis into a thoughtful discourse for deepening our understanding, imp More
        Today, a modern and strategic approach has come out for teaching the environmental concepts to the children which is based on environmental art. The aim of this approach is to turn the environmental crisis into a thoughtful discourse for deepening our understanding, improving the techniques, nourishing our feeling and sentiments in order to have a different and fresh view towards the relationship between man and environment. The present article proceeds to study the principles of various solutions through which we can apply it to environmental art which leads to the enhancement of environmental understanding of children. Accordingly, the present work follows a descriptive- analytic method according to which the role of art creations and researches in nature will be used to promote the environmental awareness of children. The findings of this work indicate that environmental art by establishing easy relationship with the audiences by taking into account the objective, empirical, and reflective consideration can turn out to be a suitable method for children in their approach towards the environment. One of the main features of this approach is that it is based on visual, symbolic and conceptual method of environmental art versus mere scientific method of certain approaches. Manuscript profile
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        21 - A Critical Evaluation of Ibn Sina’s Arguments on the Presential Perception of Essence
        somayyeh ajalli sahar kavandi
        According to Islamic philosophers, the soul’s self-perception is of the type of presential knowledge. In other words, the soul’s awareness of its own essence, unlike what Descartes states in his concept of Cogito, does not occur through external objects, body organs, or More
        According to Islamic philosophers, the soul’s self-perception is of the type of presential knowledge. In other words, the soul’s awareness of its own essence, unlike what Descartes states in his concept of Cogito, does not occur through external objects, body organs, or soulish acts. Rather, the soul perceives its self free from its acts and states and with no reliance on the activities of material body. The prominent Islamic philosopher, Ibn Sina, has posed different arguments in order to demonstrate this claim, the most important of which is the argument of “floating man” or “suspended man”. However, an evaluation of such arguments seems to reveal that they are not capable of demonstrating their claim and, under the best circumstances, they can merely prove the difference between the soul’s self-knowledge and its knowledge of other objects. Therefore, it seems that either more solid arguments are necessary to demonstrate the soul’s independence in self-perception or the soul should not be considered independent of the body and, particularly, the brain in this regard. Manuscript profile
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        22 - A Study of Ibn Sina’s Encounter with Early Philosophers’ Views of the Whatness of Pleasure
        Hoorieh Shojaee Baghini Einollah  Khademi Amirhosein Mansori Noori
        The whatness of pleasure is a topic which demands a thorough and accurate investigation. The study of this topic was also of particular importance in the view of Ibn Sina. A part of this investigation concerns his mode of encounter with the related views of his predeces More
        The whatness of pleasure is a topic which demands a thorough and accurate investigation. The study of this topic was also of particular importance in the view of Ibn Sina. A part of this investigation concerns his mode of encounter with the related views of his predecessors. The purpose of this paper is to explore the development of early thinkers’ ideas regarding pleasure and the extent of their impact on Ibn Sina’s views. The findings of this study are two-fold: firstly, in his critical review of the definition provided by Zakariya al-Razi, Ibn Sina presents an accurate explanation of its defects. However, this critique has mostly been attributed to Fakhr al-Din Razi. Secondly, in his later examination of early thinkers’ views of pleasure, he benefits from the Second Teacher’s brief explanation regarding the definition of pleasure. Hence, he owes his insight in this respect to Farabi. Given the various criticisms of Razi’s definition, Ibn Sina overlooks it and, through resorting to Farabi’s ontological approach to the whatness of pleasure, adopts his view as the basis of his own definition. Next, based on his own Peripatetic and perfection-oriented principles, he completes his own definition of pleasure in his works so that the presented definition is later confirmed and accepted as the basis for the related discussions. Manuscript profile
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        23 - A Critique of Innate Ideas in Descartes’ Philosophy Based on Sadrian Principles
        Maryam  Samadieh عبدالرزاق  حسامی فر
        Descartes believed in the existence of innate ideas in human beings. He maintained that the idea of God is the most important of such ideas which He, similar to a dexterous craftsman, has imprinted on our primordial nature (fitrah). The interpreters of Cartesian philoso More
        Descartes believed in the existence of innate ideas in human beings. He maintained that the idea of God is the most important of such ideas which He, similar to a dexterous craftsman, has imprinted on our primordial nature (fitrah). The interpreters of Cartesian philosophy have adopted various methods to interpret the place of innate ideas in Descartes’ philosophy. Based on one of these interpretations, these ideas potentially exist and are present in the soul prior to experiencing them, and their appearance and actuality comes after their sense perception. However, based on another interpretation, the innateness of ideas does not necessarily indicate their permanent presence in the mind as, in this case, no idea can ever be innate. Rather, it means that we are capable of creating such ideas and can perceive their truth through sufficient mental and rational contemplation and needless of the knowledge acquired through the senses. It seems that the first interpretation conforms more to Descartes’ own view as to the potential existence and presence of such ideas. Accordingly, it is inferred that the existence of innate ideas in its Cartesian sense is not consistent with Mullā Ṣadrā’s philosophical principles because he denies the existence of any kind of concept and judgement prior to experiencing them in the mind. Moreover, based on Sadrian principles, the human soul is a corporeal substance void of any kind of concept and judgement at the beginning of its creation, but it gradually develops through its trans-substantial motion until it reaches the level of intellectual immateriality. Manuscript profile
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        24 - Fārābī and the Question of the Truth of Perception: A Critical Review of Mullā Ṣadrā’s View
        Ghasem Purhasan Ali Piri
        One of the most important and accurate problems in Fārābī’s epistemological philosophy is the question of perception and its relationship with the soul, reason, and ontological promotion. In sharp contrast to Aristotle, Fārābī challenges the theory of the passivity of t More
        One of the most important and accurate problems in Fārābī’s epistemological philosophy is the question of perception and its relationship with the soul, reason, and ontological promotion. In sharp contrast to Aristotle, Fārābī challenges the theory of the passivity of the soul in perception, considers the soul to be the creator of perception and, in this way, founds the theory of the soul as an active agent. This theory has influenced the ideas of all the philosophers after him in the field of Islamic philosophy, from Ibn Sīnā to ‘Allamāh Ṭabāṭabā’ī. Fārābī connects perception with manifestation and presence, which are mainly discussed in the philosophical schools of Suhrawardī and Mullā Ṣadrā and defends it from the view point of ontology. Some of Fārābī’s innovations include acknowledging the creativity of the soul in perception, granting a graded nature to perception and knowledge, paying attention to the emergent and ontological mode of knowledge, understanding the generous and giving nature of knowledge alongside attaching fundamental importance to sense perception, criticizing non-certain types of knowledge and presenting a fundamental view regarding certain knowledge and, finally, introducing perception as a process. Following a comparative approach, the present study examines the problem of perception and its nature in Fārābī’s philosophy, while considering the views of other Muslim philosophers, and portrays the significance of his theory of perception. Manuscript profile
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        25 - The Identify Strategies for Encouraging Employees to Use New Technologies in The Education of Tehran
        محسن  مردانی جابر  کریمی جشنی مجید  مردانی حسین  مردانی
        The development of modern technology increasing in recent decades has increased the competitiveness of organizations. So, pay attention and identify factors affecting the adoption of new technology is a necessity for organizations. In this study, A descriptive-survey to More
        The development of modern technology increasing in recent decades has increased the competitiveness of organizations. So, pay attention and identify factors affecting the adoption of new technology is a necessity for organizations. In this study, A descriptive-survey to identify factors affecting the acceptance of new technology by staff education has been the city of Tehran. The survey questionnaire was prepared to collect information and expert groups, Has been director and manager. SPSS software was used to analyze the data. Pearson correlation analysis of the variables of the research hypotheses and to compare the level of education and organizational position analysis of variance was used; The results of this study indicate that all hypotheses are accepted as a result, Some factors affecting the acceptance of new technology by the staff of Tehran Education Organization, Such as: Ease of use and perceived usefulness of technology users, Subjective norms, Teach and encourage users confidence in the use of computer technology and etc to encourage employees to use the technology Manuscript profile
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        26 - بررسی عوامل مؤثر بر ایجاد موقعیت یابی استراتژیک در صنعت پتروشیمی ( مورد مطالعه: شرکت پتروشیمی بیستون)
        لطف اله  فروزنده دهکردی محسن  اعظمی
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        27 - The Impact of Brand Extension Success Drivers on Attitude toward Brand Extension with Role of Mediator Service Quality (Case Study: Day Bank and Service Companies with Day Brand in Isfahan City)
        Ali Kazemi Hajar Rafie Azarnoosh Ansari
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        28 - A model to collaborate on R&D projects based on TRL
        Hassan Torabi Hossein  Dehghani poodeh Mohsen  Cheshmberah Mohammad Hussein Karimi gavareshki Reza i Hosnav
        Regarding the importance of CoPS in providing the organization with technological capability and the differences existing between these systems and mass products, it is essential to develop a model to collaborate on CoPS R&D. Exploitation of the capabilities of the netw More
        Regarding the importance of CoPS in providing the organization with technological capability and the differences existing between these systems and mass products, it is essential to develop a model to collaborate on CoPS R&D. Exploitation of the capabilities of the network of collaborators is a desirable option due to inability of the organization in providing the resources comprising finance, human, facilities and expertise. Reviewing the literature on CoPS and technological collaboration incorporating the kind and motivations of collaborators and organizational forms of collaboration and interviewing 18 experts of the organization, a model was developed based on TRL approach and fuzzy cognitive mapping tool. Considering the model developed, the steps of project is classified into 3 categories: Green(able to be collaborated in network), Yellow (able to be collaborated on condition) and red (unable to be collaborated). The role of the members of the network and the strategy of collaborating with them is specified as follows: R&D contract with universities and consulting agents, Educational acquisition with faculty members, outsourcing the projects intended as military service compensation, and R&D contract or research funding with knowledge-based institutions. On the other hand, the position of technology developing and designing centers is specified employing the national innovation system as an upper hand document. Validity of model is proven by checklist of good theories. Manuscript profile
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        29 - Exploring to Moderating Role of Ethical trait On Model of Brand Affect in Banking Services
        Mohammad Reza  Karimi Alavijeh Amir Aslani Aslani Afrashteh
        Research has shown that in the services industry, such as banking, in addition to the Perceived Quality of Service and brand trust, ethical behaviors of businesses plays a substantial role in shaping and maintaining long-term relationships between organizations and thei More
        Research has shown that in the services industry, such as banking, in addition to the Perceived Quality of Service and brand trust, ethical behaviors of businesses plays a substantial role in shaping and maintaining long-term relationships between organizations and their customers. So, in addition to the perceived quality of service, business ethics in services can also have a positive effect on the trust and loyalty of customers. Therefore, this study first examines the relationship between the perceived quality of service, the trust and the brand's Affect, and then examines the effect of ethical traits as a moderating variable on the relationship between perceived quality of service and the trust that leads to the brand's affect. This research in terms of purpose is considered as an applied research; in terms of data collection, it is considered as a descriptive-survey research and To analyze the data and to test the research hypotheses, structural equation modeling using Smart PLS software is used. The statistical population is the Students of the Faculty of Management and Accounting of Shahid Beheshti University. 180 Structured questionnaire based on literature was administered to the target statistical sample. Simple non-probability sampling method is used. The results indicate that perceived quality of service has a significant positive impact on Brand Trust and Brand Trust is also found a predictor variable having a significantly positive impact on brand's affect. Also, the role of moderating variable of ethical traits was confirmed and it is significant. Finally the results of the modeling tests show that ethical traits also enhance trust. Manuscript profile
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        30 - Providing a model for superior value proposition with emphasis on developing a unique marketing strategy for the company using of Grounded theory
        Abolfazi Danaei
        The purpose of the present study is to provide a model for creating the superior value proposition through strategic focus on designing a unique marketing strategy for the company. In this regard, the qualitative method of data theory of the foundation has been used. Th More
        The purpose of the present study is to provide a model for creating the superior value proposition through strategic focus on designing a unique marketing strategy for the company. In this regard, the qualitative method of data theory of the foundation has been used. The statistical population of the present study is marketing professors and marketing activists of packaged food products. The interview method has been used to collect the required information. The results of qualitative data analysis with MAXQDA software show that functional value, value, interactional value and emotional value as the proposed company value, value of use and exchange value as dimensions of perceived customer value, customer satisfaction and loyalty The customer has been identified as the dimensions of the marketing outcomes and ultimately the volume of sales, market share, net profit and return on investment as aspects of the financial implications of the proposed firm's value. In addition, the outputs indicate that the company's proposed value in the number of code count and in terms of generalization and learning in the majority of respondents is a priority, which indicates the importance of this category. Afterwards, the financial, marketing, and perceived value of customers are ranked next. This suggests that in our country, the strategic perspective (value from the perspective of the company) among the food industry managers and marketing professors is more general than the marketing perspective. Manuscript profile
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        31 - Investigating effect of front-line of employees’ competences on customer satisfaction with the role of moderating situational conditions (case of study: hypermi of store mashhad
        وجیهه  هوشیار Seyede farnaz Ahmadi saeed
        Abstract Today, competition in the market is accelerating, organizations to be successful and take advantage of their competitive advantage must have the capabilities, which can be used with the resources they have, valuable performance and unparalleled. On the other h More
        Abstract Today, competition in the market is accelerating, organizations to be successful and take advantage of their competitive advantage must have the capabilities, which can be used with the resources they have, valuable performance and unparalleled. On the other hand, human resources are the most important assets of organizations that help the productivity of the organization by learning knowledge and are effective in creating a competitive advantage and success of the organization in competition. This study seeks to investigate the effect of queue 1 staff competencies on customer satisfaction with the role of moderator of situation 2. The population of this study were the customers of Hypermy store in Mashhad. The sampling of this study is using Cochran's formula and 385 customers, whose data were collected through the standard questionnaire of Palacius et al. (2020). The measurement of validity from the validity of the structure gave the validity of the validity and the validity of the structure and Cronbach's alpha test was used to measure the reliability coefficient and Cronbach's alpha test was validated for variables. In this study, smart pls software was used to test the hypotheses. Because the model has two modifiers, one of which is qualitative. The results of this study indicate that the interaction competency variable of queue employees has an effect on customer satisfaction. Also, the competency variable has an effect on customer satisfaction. Employee demand variable modulates the effect of queue staff competence on customer satisfaction, but queue employee demand variable does not moderate the effect of interaction competence on customer satisfaction. In addition, store swarm variable 6 moderates the effect of queue staff competence on customer satisfaction, but store swarm variable did not have a moderating effect on the effect of queue staff interaction competence on customer satisfaction. Therefore, hyperemia store managers should provide customer satisfaction with the hypermia store by training capable employees in providing information and customer-oriented behavior in the hyperemia store. Manuscript profile
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        32 - Effectiveness of Narrative Therapy on Body Dysmorphic Concern & Perceived Self-efficacy of Female Students with Obesity & Overweight
        Mahak Nagizadeh-Alamdari hadi AkbariNejhad
        The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of narrative therapy on body dysmorphic concern and perceived self-efficacy of female students with obesity & overweight. The method of this study was semi-experimental with pre-test, post-test and follow up with More
        The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of narrative therapy on body dysmorphic concern and perceived self-efficacy of female students with obesity & overweight. The method of this study was semi-experimental with pre-test, post-test and follow up with the control group. The population of the study consisted of obese female secondary school students in Jolfa city in the academic year 2019-2020. In total, 30 people selected by available sampling method and randomly divided into two groups. Members of both experimental groups received their own treatment respectively in 8 sessions of 1.5 hours. Measurement tools were body image concern inventory and Scherer self-efficacy questionnaire. Analysis of findings through repeated measures analysis of variance test. The mean of body dysmorphic concern and perceived self-efficacy of the experimental group in the pre-test were (57.60) and (48.93), respectively; The mean of body dysmorphic concern and perceived self-efficacy in the control group were (61.40) and (49.20), respectively. The results showed that in the post-test, the body dysmorphic concern score of the experimental group (51.40) decreased compared to the control group (64.40) (P<0.001); and the perceived self-efficacy score of the experimental group (56.33) compared to the group The control (49/27) was higher (P<0.001). The results also showed that in the follow-up phase, the effect of narrative therapy on body dysmorphic concern (51.47) and perceived self-efficacy (56.47) is lasting (P<0.001). . Manuscript profile
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        33 - Spectral Shaping of Reconstruction Noise in Backward ADPCM Coding
        قاسم علیپور محمدحسن  ساوجی
        The main idea in ADPCM coding is to remove the redundancies of the speech signal before quantization. One of the important characteristics of this coding scheme is the spectral flatness of the reconstruction noise in spite of its low level. It has been tried, in the pre More
        The main idea in ADPCM coding is to remove the redundancies of the speech signal before quantization. One of the important characteristics of this coding scheme is the spectral flatness of the reconstruction noise in spite of its low level. It has been tried, in the present research, to improve the perceptual quality of the reconstructed signal by shaping the spectrum of the reconstruction noise using an all-zero filter in the backward ADPCM coding. By doing so, a useful compromise is achieved between the level and the spectral shape of the reconstruction noise. The obtained results show an improvement in the perceptual quality of the reconstructed signal (higher PESQ score) and an increase in the noise level (lower SNR). Manuscript profile
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        34 - Studying the Effect of Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) on Work – Family Balance (WFB) in Refah Bank
        Aryan gholipour  
        Today's work environment is competitive with complex and different activities. Organizations need appropriate strategies for different parts ,in order to work in such environments and to realize their goals. These strategies are implemented by human resources or human c More
        Today's work environment is competitive with complex and different activities. Organizations need appropriate strategies for different parts ,in order to work in such environments and to realize their goals. These strategies are implemented by human resources or human capital, and they are critical factors for the success of the organization. So readiness, abilities and effectiveness of these resources are important for organization .In fact, employees are faced with different problems that can effect on their workplace and family performance. So the mechanisms are required to offer solutions to these problems. One of these mechanisms is Employees Assistance Programs (EAPs) that are created in order to help to solve their employees and family member problems. Among of these problems, we can consider the Work – Family Balance (WFB) issue and its importance in today's organization. Existence of balance between all of these areas will have a positive effect on performance at work and family life. Refah K. Bank has recognized the importance of employees and it offers some EAPs to them. One of the problems of Refah K. Bank that has created the importance of addressing the issue of work – family balance, is employees’ overtime and its consequences for the bank.According to what was said, the main research question was: “Do EAP are influencing on WFB for employees of Refah Bank?” 385 questionnaires were distributed among Refah Bank employees. The research method of this study was Survey method and Regression analysis was used to analyze the data. The results show that EAPs are influencing on WFB by reducing Work- Family Conflict (WFC) and increasing Work- Family Enrichment (WFE). Manuscript profile
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        35 - Identification of Instructional Competency Evaluation Indicators in Tehran Municipality Managers
        Maryam Hafezy fatemeh moradi
        The purpose of this research is to identify of Instructional Competency Evaluation Indicators in Tehran Municipality Managers. The method of this research is descriptive as survey type and in terms of purpose it is considered as an applied research. The statistical popu More
        The purpose of this research is to identify of Instructional Competency Evaluation Indicators in Tehran Municipality Managers. The method of this research is descriptive as survey type and in terms of purpose it is considered as an applied research. The statistical population are the managers of Tehran municipality. Sample selection was done by random sampling method that included 15 senior managers, 45 middle managers, and 62 executive managers. To collect the research data, we used a questionnaire based on Robert-El-Katz's theory that made by researchers. The questionnaire had 66 questions and was in accordance with Likert scale. Validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by the professors and experts of the field and its reliability coefficient was estimated using Cronbach's alpha (0/964). In order to analyze the collected data, One Sample T-Test and Friedman Test were used. The results of the analysis of data indicate identification of criteria and indicators of each of the instructional competencies of managers as well as the conceptual model of instructional competencies of municipality managers. In addition, the results showed that all indicators of perceived, human and technical competence evaluation at all levels of managers including senior managers, middle and executives are optimal, Except for the perceived competency of mid-level managers who have been moderately evaluated. Manuscript profile
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        36 - The Mediator Role of Managers' Trustworthiness in the Relationship between Transformational Leadership Style and Justice Perception of Employees (Case study: Mashhad Electric Energy Distribution Company; MEEDC)
        Mohamad Reza  Raecy Sepide Eskandari
        The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between transformational leadership style and justice perception of employees with considering the mediator role of managers' trustworthiness in a semi- governmental company. The data was collected through three k More
        The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between transformational leadership style and justice perception of employees with considering the mediator role of managers' trustworthiness in a semi- governmental company. The data was collected through three kinds of questionnaires; transformational leadership (Bass& Avolio,1999), justice perception (Collquitt,2001) and trustworthiness (Maior& Davis,1999), in total 127 employees participated in this study. Findings indicate that transformational leadership was positively related to justice perception, managers' trustworthiness was positively related to both transformational leadership and justice perception beside managers' trustworthiness mediating the relationship between transformational leadership and justice perception. Manuscript profile
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        37 - Examining teachers' Perceptions of Virtual in-Service Training
        Peyman Yarmohamadzadeh Behbood Yarigholi Marjan doostI Alvanegh
        Given the role that virtual in-service education plays today in the development of teachers 'professions, it is important to examine teachers' perceptions of this type of education. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze the perceptions of teachers in distri More
        Given the role that virtual in-service education plays today in the development of teachers 'professions, it is important to examine teachers' perceptions of this type of education. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze the perceptions of teachers in district one of Tabriz about virtual in-service education. The method of this study was descriptive phenomenology. The participants in this study were teachers in district one of Tabriz in primary and secondary schools who had the experience of participating in in-service virtual education. Purposeful standard sampling was used to interview teachers. In this regard, after semi-structured interviews with a general question and then exploratory questions to obtain more in-depth information with 18 people, theoretical saturation was obtained in the data. During the interviews, teachers shared their experiences of in-service training, which was analyzed using the seven-step Colaizzi method. The results of the analysis of teachers' perceptions about in-service education showed 9 main themes, which are: accessibility regardless of time and place, optimization, suitability with educational methods and new technologies, organizational support, content problems, implementation problems, Evaluation problems, human resource problems; Lack of necessary infrastructure. According to these results, it can be said that the use of virtual education system for in-service training courses can solve some of the problems and inefficiencies of in-service training of teachers, including inconsistent training with changes in textbooks, time, place and Eliminate educational resources and pave the way for the emergence of new methods of teacher education such as electronic and virtual methods. Manuscript profile
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        38 - Investigating the Relationship between Transfer of Management Skills and Substitutation with the Mediating Role of Coaching in Mobarakeh Steel Company of Isfahan
        Iraj Soltani Navid Izadi Elham Ehsanifarid
        Abstract Objective: The present study was conducted to investigate the relationship between the transfer of management skills to subordinates and successor parenting according to the mediating role of coaching in Mobarakeh Steel Company of Isfahan. Method: This study More
        Abstract Objective: The present study was conducted to investigate the relationship between the transfer of management skills to subordinates and successor parenting according to the mediating role of coaching in Mobarakeh Steel Company of Isfahan. Method: This study was descriptive-correlation in 1398 and its statistical population included 432 managers, deputies, heads and supervisors of Mobarakeh Steel Company. The sample size was obtained through Morgan table of 205 people and the samples were randomized. Simple were selected. The data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire with 76 questions that hypothesized after content, formal and structural validity (confirmatory factor analysis method) and reliability (Cronbach's alpha method 0.88) with partial least squares method and SPSS software and SmartPLS 2.0.M3 was analyzed. Results: There was a significant relationship between the transfer of managerial skills (technical, perceptual, human and professional) and succession based on the results obtained. Also, there was a significant relationship between the transfer of managerial and coaching skills and between succession and coaching Manuscript profile
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        39 - perception of Parenting Styles and Thriving in Emerging Adulthood: The Mediating Role of Life- management strategies
        reyhane eskandari Elahe Hejazi zahra naghsh
        The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between perception of parenting styles and components of thriving with mediating role of life management strategies among emerging adulthood. A total of 487 Universities students 18-29 yerars old emerging adults More
        The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between perception of parenting styles and components of thriving with mediating role of life management strategies among emerging adulthood. A total of 487 Universities students 18-29 yerars old emerging adults responding a survey included the Inventory of the The questionnaire of perceived parenting practices (Grolnick et al., 1997) , Life-management strategies questionnaire (Geldhof et al., 2015) and Positive Youth Development Inventory (Arnold et al., 2012) volunteerly. Data were analaysed with structural equation model method and the results show the Perception of Parenting styles and Life-management strategies have positive significance effect on thriving. Furthermore the indirect effect of Perception of Parenting styles via mediating role of life management strategies on thriving is significant. As results indicated the model of Perception of mother predict 40% variation of thriving and the model of Perception of father 45% variation of thriving. In general our findings suggest that Perception of Parenting styles alongside individual variable can affect on thriving in emerging adulthood. Manuscript profile
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        40 - Investigating the factors affecting on the perception of the sense of spirituality in mosques
        shideh parto vida norouz borazjani shervin mirshahzadeh
        The mosque is one of the most important and special buildings of Muslims in Islamic countries and the introduction of new theoretical fields into architecture, such as the subject of the atmosphere, opens new windows for designers, which may be able to cover what has be More
        The mosque is one of the most important and special buildings of Muslims in Islamic countries and the introduction of new theoretical fields into architecture, such as the subject of the atmosphere, opens new windows for designers, which may be able to cover what has been lacking in recent years in the design and construction of mosques. This study is formed by asking the question what are the effective components on creating the spiritual atmosphere of mosques from the perspective of the audience and its purpose is to read the atmosphere of contemporary mosques in Tehran based on the lived experience of audiences. The research method is based on the Grounded theory and the analyzes is based on the systematic coding method of Strauss and Corbin with the help of Max QD software.In order to measure the extracted components, six mosques in the contemporary geography of Tehran were selected and paired analysis and comparison on the parameters of the studied samples was done by an expert questionnaire by Expert Choice software.The most important findings and conclusions of the research show that the spiritual atmosphere of mosques, based on the lived experience of the audience, is influenced by 9 main components. Each has its own weight value. Among the found components, proportions are in the first rank and the components of light, sound, color, materials, decorations, access and position are in the next ranks, respectively. Manuscript profile
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        41 - Explaining the perception and manifestation of meaning in architectural spaces, based on teleology from the views of Kant and Coomaraswamy
        Mahdi Baniasadi Baghmirani Seyed Behshid   Hosseini azadeh shahcheraghi
        One of the most thought-provoking issues in modern Western and traditional thought is the issue of teleology in art. Explaining the perception and manifestation of meaning in traditional architectural spaces requires a detailed analysis in the field of modern art and tr More
        One of the most thought-provoking issues in modern Western and traditional thought is the issue of teleology in art. Explaining the perception and manifestation of meaning in traditional architectural spaces requires a detailed analysis in the field of modern art and traditional art teleology. The present study seeks to find a conceptual model to explain the perception and manifestation of meaning in architectural spaces by reflecting on the concept of teleology in the philosophical ideas of Kant and Coomaraswamy. This study is interdisciplinary, and by analytical approach, Kant and Coomaraswamy's views on the teleology of modern and traditional art have been explored. Then, the views of these two thinkers have been put together in the form of two types of outward and inward purposes to obtain a conceptual model based on it; Which provides the possibility of describing the perception and manifestation of meaning in traditional art and architecture. Based on this conceptual model, the purpose of this study is to investigate the purposefulness position in Western modern art and traditional Eastern art, to explain how meaning is perceived and manifested in architectural spaces. The main question of this research is how the concept of purpose is related to concepts of perception and manifestation of meaning in architectural spaces? Conclusion: In traditional architecture, people can perceive meaning by manifesting meaning in design and color. Accordingly, the main purpose is the perception unity and manifestation of meaning (aesthetic and glorious attributes) in architectural spaces. By manifesting multiple aesthetic traits with a single meaning in the architectural space, it is possible to perceive the meanings and glorious traits being the cause of violence in the observer. Manuscript profile
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        42 - Stimulus Repetition and Time Perception: Repetition Priming or Repetition Suppression?
        hassan sabourimoghaddam MohammadAli Nazari   حسین سپاسی مقدم
        Repetition priming and repetition suppression are two phenomena that both are caused by repeated exposure to an identical stimulus. Repetition priming usually is under- lined by improved behavioral performance, whereas in timing, the repetition suppression is accompanie More
        Repetition priming and repetition suppression are two phenomena that both are caused by repeated exposure to an identical stimulus. Repetition priming usually is under- lined by improved behavioral performance, whereas in timing, the repetition suppression is accompanied by increasing error in time two estimations. This study investigated the possible simultaneous concurrence of these phenomena. Twelve adult subjects participated in a temporal oddball task in which the repetition of standard stimuli was under experimental manipulation, compard to the target stimulus. Both changes in performance and time representation were analyzed by a repeated measure within group design. Repeated presentations of temporal stimulus either in visual or auditory modalities improved participants behavioral performance (repetition priming). At the same time, data analysis for time representation showed that despite different directions in the modalities, the oddball stimulus was able to distort the time representation, both in time contraction and time expantion. The findings proposed that although the repetition priming can lead to faster and more accurate response, but more time distortions after repeated stimuli can be explained by the shift occured in errors distribution. Manuscript profile
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        43 - Effect of Cognitive Load and Task Duration on Time Perception
        ALI Shahabifar Seyed Mehdi Hosseinifard Ata-o-llah Movahediniad
        The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of cognitive load and task duration and interaction of these variables on time perception. The research method was quasi-experimental. The population of this research was school students, university students, and perso More
        The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of cognitive load and task duration and interaction of these variables on time perception. The research method was quasi-experimental. The population of this research was school students, university students, and personnel of organizations of Kerman city in 2018 and among them, 300 persons (150 males and 150 females) were selected by available sampling method. The time reproduction task was used for obtaining data. The results showed that the main effect of cognitive load and task duration and interactive effect of these variables on time perception were significant (p<0.01). Cognitive load and increase of the task duration affect time perception in the form of increasing the amount of time reproduction error. Manuscript profile
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        44 - Attenuating the Effect of Sensory Modality on Time Perception
        MohammadAli Nazari hassan sabourimoghaddam Reza khosrowabadi Hossein Sepasi Moghaddam Seyed Shahriar  Arab
        In psychophysics domain, various factors have been studied as the main account of the time contraction after stimulus repetition and the time expansion after a novel stimulus; however, there is no clear explanation about the amount of involvement of temporal and non-tem More
        In psychophysics domain, various factors have been studied as the main account of the time contraction after stimulus repetition and the time expansion after a novel stimulus; however, there is no clear explanation about the amount of involvement of temporal and non-temporal features. In this study, 48 sub-jects participated in 3 experiments in which the purer role of temporal properties of stimului were examined. Data were provided by a tem-poral oddball paradigm and the analysis was implemented by repeated measures analysis of variance in experiments 1 and 3. In experiment 2, a psychometric function was used to deter-mine the modified estimations in temporal pro-cessing system. Findings showed that despite removing the non-temporal change in expe-riment 1, the temporal change between repea-ted/non-repeated stimuli can produce time con-traction and dilation respectively. The result was only for the auditory system. In experi-ment 2, an efficient threshold for temporal oddball was suggested. Using the updated threshold, experiment 3 revealed concordant repeated/non-repeated effects on time percep-tion in both modalities. Manuscript profile
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        45 - Coping Styles and Critical Thinking Skills of Students with Perceived Stress of Earthquake
        Fariborz Nikdel
        The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between coping styles and critical thinking skills of university students with their perceived stress after Yasouj earthquake (April 2018). The research method was non-experimental and correlational. Statistical po More
        The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between coping styles and critical thinking skills of university students with their perceived stress after Yasouj earthquake (April 2018). The research method was non-experimental and correlational. Statistical population of the study consisted of students of Yasouj universities in the academic year of 2017-18. The sample of the study included 280 students selected through multistage cluster random sampling. Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory (CCTDI), and Coping Innventry for Stressful Situations (CISS) were administered. The results showed that there was a negative and significant relation-ship between problem-oriented coping style and students' perceived stress. Also, there was a positive and significant relationship between students' emotion-oriented coping style and their perceived stress. The relationship between avoidant coping style and students' perceived stress was not significant. Critical thinking had significant negative relationship with students' perceived stress. The results of step wise regression analysis showed that emotion-oriented coping style, critical thinking, and problem-oriented coping style were respectively predictors of students' perceived stress. Manuscript profile
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        46 - A dairy Products Green Supply Chain model with Emphasis on Customer Satisfaction: Combining Interpretive Structural Modeling Approach and Analytical Network Process
        heydar Safari rashid Zolfaghari Zafarani Mohsen  Mohammadian Saravi
        Changing the energy-based economy to a knowledge-based economy, increasing the level of education of the society, raising the standard of living standards, increasing the international complexities have led to many changes in the management of the organization. To overc More
        Changing the energy-based economy to a knowledge-based economy, increasing the level of education of the society, raising the standard of living standards, increasing the international complexities have led to many changes in the management of the organization. To overcome these challenges, future organizations must be able to harness and develop the potential of their talents. Talents are the rarest resource in the current knowledge-based market. In the wake of the globalization of the economy, the downsizing of most public and private organizations, rapid environmental developments and global challenges, the need for organizations to have capable and experienced leaders. Despite the global need and attention to talent, the principles of talent management in all organizations follow the same rules. Talent management includes a set of plans that, in general, make effective use of these individuals to achieve the goals of business and achievement. In this research, with the aim of identifying the variables affecting talent management with the approach of managers' capabilities, Delphi method has been performed by 50 experts. After collecting data and conducting interviews and Delphi method in 2 replications and confirmation of validity and reliability tests using CVR, reflectivity and Cronbach's alpha, the final model is calculated in 3 main components, 14 dimensions and 59 indicators. Among these, management support, engaging talented people, increasing learning capacity, self-centered learning, continuing education, setting criteria for promotion, appreciation and creating internal motivation with an average of 4.9 have been identified as the most effective factors. Finally, the structural model with the partial least squares method was approved by PLS software with a GOF fit coefficient of 0.58. Manuscript profile
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        47 - The Position of Aesthetics in Sublimation of Religious Education
        Considering the fact that the existing approaches in determining the ultimate goals of the educational system are based on Islamic education, therefore, to explain this education and highlighting its potentials for promoting excellence are highly important in educationa More
        Considering the fact that the existing approaches in determining the ultimate goals of the educational system are based on Islamic education, therefore, to explain this education and highlighting its potentials for promoting excellence are highly important in educational science research. The aim of this study is to explain the position of aesthetics and aesthetic perception in promoting sublimity and the realization of religious education.The research method is descriptive- analytical. The purpose of the analysis was to identify and pin down the relevant concepts and map the network of their relationships. For this purpose, first the concept of religiosity and religious education and its approaches were examined. Then, the concept of aesthetics and the nature of aesthetic perception and the theory associated with aesthetic perception and aesthetic education were introduced. Finally, the conceptual relationships peculiar to the special place of aesthetic sublimity in religious education were proposed and discussed. Results indicate that, based on the conceptual networks established between the components of religious education and those of aesthetics, the introduction of aesthetics components in the educative process could provide grounds for the enrichment of internal motivation, inner experience and moral obligation.Thus it seems that for the successful execution of religious education attention to aesthetics as an important part of axiology of education is a necessary condition over and above the art of pedagogy. Manuscript profile
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        48 - Methodological Exploration of the Conceptual Analysis Process in the Islamic Philosophy of Education Based on the Theory of Conventional Perceptions of M.H. Tabatabaie
        sara hanifehzadeh alireza sadeghzdeh ahad faramarz gharamaleki Mohsen Imani Naeini
        The purpose of this paper is to present a methodological exploration of the process of analyzing educational concepts in philosophy of education with an Islamic approach based on the theory of conventional perceptions of M.H. Tabatabaie. The findings show firstly that e More
        The purpose of this paper is to present a methodological exploration of the process of analyzing educational concepts in philosophy of education with an Islamic approach based on the theory of conventional perceptions of M.H. Tabatabaie. The findings show firstly that educational concepts have these characteristics: 1. Conventional and normative, and therefore the impossibility of connecting them to facts and the truth 2. Not having a productive relationship with the obvious and theoretical theorems. 3. The possibility of change. 4- The possibility of the psychological connection of these types of concepts with the set of facts and needs of human existence. Therefore, it is necessary for educators to integrate these realities and existential needs in the process of analyzing educational concepts. Secondly, the most important criteria for accreditation of such concepts are: 1- Validity of values and supporting propositions, 2- Efficiency (in meeting the needs of human beings), and 3- Compatibility with other social values. Manuscript profile
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        49 - Methodological Exploration of the Conceptual Analysis Process in the Islamic Philosophy of Education Based on the Theory of Conventional Perceptions of M.H. Tabatabaie
        sara hanifehzadeh alireza sadeghzdeh ahad faramarz gharamaleki Mohsen Imani Naeini
        The purpose of this paper is to present a methodological exploration of the process of analyzing educational concepts in philosophy of education with an Islamic approach based on the theory of conventional perceptions of M.H. Tabatabaie. The findings show firstly that e More
        The purpose of this paper is to present a methodological exploration of the process of analyzing educational concepts in philosophy of education with an Islamic approach based on the theory of conventional perceptions of M.H. Tabatabaie. The findings show firstly that educational concepts have these characteristics: 1. Conventional and normative, and therefore the impossibility of connecting them to facts and the truth 2. Not having a productive relationship with the obvious and theoretical theorems. 3. The possibility of change. 4- The possibility of the psychological connection of these types of concepts with the set of facts and needs of human existence. Therefore, it is necessary for educators to integrate these realities and existential needs in the process of analyzing educational concepts. Secondly, the most important criteria for accreditation of such concepts are: 1- Validity of values and supporting propositions, 2- Efficiency (in meeting the needs of human beings), and 3- Compatibility with other social values Manuscript profile
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        50 - The Impact of Perceived Value and Sense of Place on Tourist Loyalty (Case Study: Hamedan Province)
        mostafa taheri
        The objective of this paper is to analyze the factors that impact tourist loyalty from two perspectives: “perceived value” and “sense of place”. The study aims to answer the following questions: Are there any relations between the dimensions of perceived value and sense More
        The objective of this paper is to analyze the factors that impact tourist loyalty from two perspectives: “perceived value” and “sense of place”. The study aims to answer the following questions: Are there any relations between the dimensions of perceived value and sense of place with loyalty to the destination brand? If so, to what extent are they correlated? Which dimensions play a more important role? Sample size was determined by using Cochran’s formula. A total of 384 questionnaires were randomly destributed between tourists in Hamedan Province during summer 2016. Given the Pearson correlation coefficients, the dimensions of perceived value (Functional, emotional, and social value) and sense of place (identity, dependence, and attachment) were found to be associated with tourist loyalty to destination brand. Standardized R2 was 45.9 and nearly 45 percent of the variation in tourist loyalty was explained by the model. Perceived Functional value and sense of dependence were the strongest predictors of loyalty, followed by perceived emotional value, social value, sense of attachment, and sense of identity, respectively. Manuscript profile
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        51 - The Effect of the Perceived Value of a Brand Image on Purchase Intention Case: Bojnord Candy Souvenir
          narges ahanchian zahra nori
        The perceived value of a brand is a basic concept for brand purchase and is considered as a valuable and necessary asset. Marketers need to identify the effective factors on brand purchase intention to promote their products and aim for improving the perceived value of More
        The perceived value of a brand is a basic concept for brand purchase and is considered as a valuable and necessary asset. Marketers need to identify the effective factors on brand purchase intention to promote their products and aim for improving the perceived value of the brand. This study tried to test the concept in tourism and test the effect of the perceived value of tourists on purchase intention (candy) and brand image. The statistical population was all the tourists who visited the city of Bojnord. Based on Krejcie and Morgan sampling table, 384 tourists were selected randomly. A localized questionnaire was used to collect data. Using structural equation modeling and LISREL, the study investigated the conceptual model and the research hypotheses. The results showed that the perceived value of tourists had a positive and significant effect on the brand image and purchase intention toward the candy. Tourists’ mental image had also a positive and significant effect on the purchase intention. The results showed that the tourism marketers could increase the tendency of tourists to purchase Bojnord candy by improving the index of the perceived value of the candy and by making efforts to brand these local souvenirs, which could lead to developing the tourism industry. Manuscript profile
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        52 - The Impact of Crowding on Tourist Satisfaction in Urban Destinations: A Case Study of Tabriz Bazaar
        Abolfazl  Haghverdizadeh Naser Sanoubar Akbar Ghasemi Saeedeh Khani
        "As tourist satisfaction plays a significant role in the economic prosperity of tourism industry, researchers are seeking to identify the various influential factors in that regard. While the findings of some studies indicate a negative impact of overcrowding on visitor More
        "As tourist satisfaction plays a significant role in the economic prosperity of tourism industry, researchers are seeking to identify the various influential factors in that regard. While the findings of some studies indicate a negative impact of overcrowding on visitors satisfaction, other studies suggest that the collective sense may affect the directionality of overcrowding effect. This study, therefore, sought to examine the effect of overcrowding on the satisfaction of visitors with the intervening role of the collective sense. Applying a descriptive-quantitative method based on library and field studies, the required data for the study were collected through surveying 384 visitors of the historical Tabriz Bazaar who visited there from March to April 2018. Moreover, structural equations and SMART PLS software were used for analyzing the collected data. The findings of the study indicated that overcrowding had a positive impact on the perception of the collective sense. Furthermore, although many visitors found overcrowding unpleasant, such factors as the joy of being together, the feeling of sympathy with other people, and the opportunity to establish widespread social communications with other tourists made the collective sense act as an intervening variable, ending in the visitors’ satisfaction. The results of this study could be used in planning the development of tourism and preparing touring packages, especially for rare tourist destinations. " Manuscript profile
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        53 - Investigating the Quality of Subjective Perception of Tourists of the Artistic lements of Monuments in a Mixed- Methods Case Study: Hamedan City
        Tooran Ahmadi
        One of the important factors in shaping the quality of tourists' mental perception of the monument is the quantity and quality of architectural elements, both tangible and intangible elements, which the tourist judges in his mind after visiting. This study aimed to inve More
        One of the important factors in shaping the quality of tourists' mental perception of the monument is the quantity and quality of architectural elements, both tangible and intangible elements, which the tourist judges in his mind after visiting. This study aimed to investigate the role of architectural elements of historical monuments in Hamadan in shaping the quality of tourists' mental perception. The research method is mixed (qualitative than quantitative). The results of qualitative research findings showed that tourists, depending on their characteristics, receive different meanings from seeing a historical monument. Also, the results showed that the variables of patterns, inscriptions, plastering, and tiling have the highest frequency among tourist interviews and have a great impact on creating mental quality. In the quantitative findings section, the results of regression test showed that the variables of designs and inscriptions are R2 = 0.841, historical history of the building = R2 = 0.542, plastering and tiling = R2 = 0.509, date of construction = R2 = 0.489, respectively. Entrances and windows = R2 = 0.403, materials, brickwork and structure shape = R2 = 0.388, landscape = R2 = 0.369 and structural proportions = R2 = 0.610 have a significant relationship with the quality of mental perception. The results of one-way analysis of variance showed that the role of architectural elements in the quality of tourists 'mental perception by age, gender, level of education and previous tourist experience in visiting the monument in all eight dimensions of factors affecting the quality of tourists' mental perception at 000 / 0 was significant. Among these, the literacy level variable with the value of F = 12.478 had the highest expectation from the three groups. Manuscript profile
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        54 - Designing a model to control deviant behavior among hotel staff with respect to perceived organizational support, burnout and job satisfaction
        Shahed Zandipak Rabeah Zandipak*
        Perceived organizational support, burnout, and job satisfaction are variables that can be effective in predicting the extent of deviant behaviors in the organization. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of perceived organizational support and burnout on de More
        Perceived organizational support, burnout, and job satisfaction are variables that can be effective in predicting the extent of deviant behaviors in the organization. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of perceived organizational support and burnout on deviant behavior mediated by job satisfaction. The present study is applied in terms of purpose, descriptive-survey in terms of nature and method. To test the hypotheses, a questionnaire consisting of 21 questions arranged according to the Likert 7-choice spectrum was used. The statistical population of the study includes the staff of three, four and five star hotels in Mashhad with more than 1000 people; The sample size was 278 people, which was selected based on Krejcie and Morgan table by relative stratification method and Cronbach's alpha coefficient was calculated using Spss software and confirmatory factor analysis was used to evaluate the validity of the structure using Lisrel software. In order to analyze the findings, the path analysis model was used and to analyze the mediating variable, the Sobel test was used. The results showed that perceived organizational support and burnout can have a significant direct and indirect effect on deviant behavior. To investigate the role of the mediator variable, the Sabel test method was used, which showed that job satisfaction plays the role of the mediator variable in the relationship between other variables. Manuscript profile
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        55 - Tourism, Perceived Travel limitations, Seligman's Helplessness Theory, Disabled People
        Maedeh Hashemi Zahra Nadalipour
        While leisure limitations have long been the subject of research, there has recently been a growing trend in academic studies that examine such limitations in terms of tourism and disability. However, as those studies are merely limited to the identification and elabora More
        While leisure limitations have long been the subject of research, there has recently been a growing trend in academic studies that examine such limitations in terms of tourism and disability. However, as those studies are merely limited to the identification and elaboration of the barriers and limitations., the current study sought to investigate the influence of such limitations on the target population. Therefore, based on the study conducted by Lee et al. (2012), the current study set out to investigate the effect of perceived travel limitations on the tourism tendency of physically disabled individuals living in Tehran, Iran, using Seligman's Helplessness Theory. The required data for this applied, descriptive-analytical correlational study was collected through a survey using a researcher-developed questionnaire. The statistical population of the study comprised all physically disabled people, those suffering from spinal cord injury, and war-disabled individuals living in Tehran, out of whom 383 people were selected as the sample size using the convenience sampling method. The findings of the study indicated that tourism limitations perceived by the disabled residents of Tehran did not significantly affect their tourism tendencies. On the other hand, the perceived tourism limitations exerted a positive influence on their learned helplessness. Finally, the learned helplessness of people with disabilities negatively affected their intention to travel. The results of the present study can be used by relevant institutions such as Tehran's municipality, those responsible for urban management, and institutions in charge of the affairs of disabled people. Manuscript profile
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        56 - Perceived Authenticity, Satisfaction, Revisiting, Cultural Heritage Tourism, Kourd House, Sanandaj
        akbar pourfaraj sasan ahmadi
        While many scholars believe that tourists take the trouble to visit authentic destinations away from their place of residence, few studies have so far been conducted in this regard. Therefore, this study sought to investigate the role of perceived authenticity on touris More
        While many scholars believe that tourists take the trouble to visit authentic destinations away from their place of residence, few studies have so far been conducted in this regard. Therefore, this study sought to investigate the role of perceived authenticity on tourists' satisfaction and revisiting intention. To this end, perceived authenticity was divided into objective, structural, and existential categories based on the analysis of the related literature review. Moreover, the study was conducted in the Kourd House Ethnology Museum of Sanandaj. On the other hand, to collect the required data, a valid questionnaire was administered to 224 tourists who visited the place. Finally, the collected data were analyzed through SPSS20 software using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The results indicated that objective, structural, and existential authenticity positively influenced tourists’ satisfaction. However, it was merely the objective and existential authenticity that exerted a positive effect on the tourists’ intention to revisit the place. Moreover, tourists’ satisfaction was also found to have a positive influence on their revisiting intention. Manuscript profile
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        57 - Identifying and Analyzing the Factors Affecting the Work Motivation of Employees of an Industrial Unit Using the Thematic Analysis Approach
        Atieh Sabaghinia Hossein Samavatyan
        The aim of this study was to recognize and analyze the effective factors on employee work motivation in an industrial production unit applying thematic analysis approach. The purpose of the current study was considered as an applied research. The research method was qua More
        The aim of this study was to recognize and analyze the effective factors on employee work motivation in an industrial production unit applying thematic analysis approach. The purpose of the current study was considered as an applied research. The research method was qualitative and the statistical population was consisted of all 270 employees in different levels of an auto-parts manufacturing company in 2020-2021. Judgment sampling was done until the theoretical saturation was acquired. Applying in-depth and heurictic interviews, 17 individuals, both managers and non manager personnel at different levels of the company were questioned. The analysis method of this research was thematic analysis (Braun & Clarke) using MAXQDA2020 software. The findings indicate the identification of ten main themes as factors affecting work motivation was indicated, including perceived organizational justice, perceived organizational support, job involvement, occupational hardiness, compensation management, leadership style, economic status, role clarity, job security, and job demands. According to the results each of the main themes has a share of employees' work motivation while managers were better able to improve the work motivation of employees and affect their performance by considering identified perceptual factors derived from the qualitative analysis method. Manuscript profile
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        58 - A Study of the Quality of Abstraction of Philosophical Concepts Based on the Principles of the Transcendent Philosophy
        Mojtaba Rahmanian Koushkaki Mohsen Heidari Seyyed Mohammad  Musawy
        The common view is that philosophical concepts, such as existence, unity, causality, and necessity, have no objective existence and, even if they have, Man is not capable of perceiving them. This is because Man’s encounter with the world of sensibles is through the sens More
        The common view is that philosophical concepts, such as existence, unity, causality, and necessity, have no objective existence and, even if they have, Man is not capable of perceiving them. This is because Man’s encounter with the world of sensibles is through the senses, which can only perceive sensible qualities of objects and are not even capable of perceiving all accidents. Based on these two points, the abstraction of philosophical concepts from external sensible realities seems to be totally impossible. Following a descriptive-analytic method and based on some of the principles of the Transcendent Philosophy, including the subsistence and affirmation of philosophical concepts in the outside and the quality of the existence of the soul and the quality of perceiving it, this study is intended to demonstrate that philosophical concepts are attained directly and without any intermediary from the heart of sensory perceptions. Although this theory does not exist in Mullā Ṣadrā’s works, his philosophical principles fittingly provide the context for such an explanation. Manuscript profile
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        59 - شعور موجودات در قرآن و روایات(1) علم و ادراک از دیدگاه اندیشمندان با تطبیق بر آیات و روایات
        علی عظیمی
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        60 - A Comparison of the Immateriality of Sensory and Imaginal Perceptions with the Growing Block View of Time
        Mahdi Assadi
        One of the important problems that has remained untouched in Sadrian philosophy is the growing block view of time. On the basis of the growing view of time is the non-existence of future, while the past and present have their fixed places. Muslim philosophers have not d More
        One of the important problems that has remained untouched in Sadrian philosophy is the growing block view of time. On the basis of the growing view of time is the non-existence of future, while the past and present have their fixed places. Muslim philosophers have not directly addressed this idea; however, it seems to be necessary for demonstrating some statements of Sadrian philosophers about the immateriality of sensory and imaginal perceptions and memory. When we perceive something using our senses or imagination, the perception remains in our mind exactly in the same way that it had appeared. This paper is intended to illustrate that this view is, in fact, unrelated to immateriality and, in case of admissibility of its arguments, can only prove the growing block view of time. In line with this approach, the author has critically examined the literature on this theory in pre-Sadrian philosophers, particularly Suhrawardī’s claim as to attributing the idea of the growing block to some thinkers. Suhrawardī maintains that, as each of the motions has come into existence, so the whole of the motions have come into existence, and they are together in existence. Manuscript profile
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        61 - Investigating the Perceptions of Nature in Tajabad Natanz Garden from the Ecological Perspective of Perception
        Parnian Gholipour Mohammadreza Ataee Hamedani Sara Taghavi Ardakan Razie Fathi
        The Iranian garden can be considered one of the most prominent and best models of landscape design in Iran, which is the result of the interaction between humans in the face of nature, since the interaction formed between man and nature results in mutual effect of them More
        The Iranian garden can be considered one of the most prominent and best models of landscape design in Iran, which is the result of the interaction between humans in the face of nature, since the interaction formed between man and nature results in mutual effect of them on each other. The main aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between stimulation of the senses, perceptions and the geometry of the Iranian garden. In other words, the three basic factors of man, environment and the relationship between man and environment are examined to determine how each one acts and reacts, and influences the other. The methodology in the present study is qualitative with a comparative approach to present the general structure of a unique example, which is the Tajabad Natanz Garden. It expresses the general theoretical foundations arising from the perceptions of the environment and psychology related to it. Field observation and library documents were used to collect information. The obtained result indicate that the Iranian garden as a whole is the product of the connection of components, each of which alone does not convey a specific meaning and concept to the audience, and the coexistence of these elements and components together forms the concept of the Iranian garden. Thus, in recreating the Iranian garden in the physical environment of life, including in contemporary cities, increasing attention should be paid to its perceptual process by modern man to provide an appropriate response to the needs of contemporary man. It will improve the mental health of the society in the first step and leads to the connection in the areas of meaning and provides the conditions for individual self-fulfillment in the second step. Manuscript profile
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        62 - Design and test a model of personality relationship with corona dissease anxiety mediated by perceived stress and self-efficacy in adolescents
        Elahe Aslami Farzaneh  Khani Mehrabadi Azam  Tadayon
        This study aimed to investigate the relationship between personality traits and Corona disease anxiety by the mediating effect of perceived stress and self-efficacy among adolescents. Method: In this descriptive correlational study, the statistical population comprised More
        This study aimed to investigate the relationship between personality traits and Corona disease anxiety by the mediating effect of perceived stress and self-efficacy among adolescents. Method: In this descriptive correlational study, the statistical population comprised high-school students in Abarkooh (Iran), of whom 318 were selected via random cluster sampling. The Corona Disease Anxiety Scale (Alipour et al. 2019), the five-factor NEO Personality Inventory (Costa & McCrae, 1992), The Perceived Stress Scale (Cohen et al. 1983), and The Self-Efficacy Scale (Sherer et al. 1982) were employed. The proposed model was evaluated by path analysis in AMOS and SPSS. Resalts: The results of direct hypotheses showed that agreeableness, conscientiousness and self-efficacy had a negative and inverse effect and perceived stress had a positive and direct effect on Corona disease anxiety. The results of the study of indirect hypotheses showed that conscientiousness had an indirect and inverse effect on corona disease anxiety mediated by stress and self-efficacy, and neuroticism, extraversion, and conscientiousness had an indirect effect on corona disease anxiety through perceived stress. Conclusion: Therefore, it is possible to reduce the level of corona disease anxiety in adolescents by strengthening self-efficacy as a coping resource and teaching stress management to adolescents and their effect on neuroticism, extraversion and conscientiousness, and use the obtained results in therapeutic interventions. Manuscript profile
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        63 - The mediating role of academic self-efficacy in the relationship between identity styles and perceived social support with academic commitment
        mitra mashallahi Mahboubeh Fouladchang
        The aim of this study was to investigate the mediating role of academic self-efficacy in the relationship between identity styles and perceived social support with academic commitment. The research method was a descriptive correlational study using path analysis. The st More
        The aim of this study was to investigate the mediating role of academic self-efficacy in the relationship between identity styles and perceived social support with academic commitment. The research method was a descriptive correlational study using path analysis. The statistical population of this research included undergraduate students of Tabriz university during the academic year of 2021-2022. For this purpose, 300 students were selected using available sampling method. Data were collected using academic commitment scale (Human-Vogel and Rabe, 2015), berzonsky identity style inventory(Berzonsky,1992), perceived social support scale (Zimet et al.,1988) Academic self-efficacy Questionnaire (Owen and froman, 1988). The results showed that the research model fit well with the data collected. The results indicated that informative and normative identity styles can directly predict higher academic commitment and academic self-efficacy while Diffuse-avoidant style can directly and negatively predict academic commitment and academic self-efficacy Findings also showed that academic self-efficacy and perceived social support from family, friends and Significant others can directly and positively predict academic commitment. Besides, the research hypothesis regarding the mediating role of academic self-efficacy in the relationship between identity styles and perceived social support with academic commitment was confirmed. Overall, the findings suggest that identity styles and perceived social support play an important role in predicting academic commitment Manuscript profile
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        64 - Examining Goods Smugglingas A Social Issue in the Country
        Reza Safari shali
        This article explores one of the most important social issues that is "Smuggling of goods”.In terms of methodology, it has a survey nature and is a descriptive and analytical study. The sample population consists of all residents 16 years and over in seven provinces, in More
        This article explores one of the most important social issues that is "Smuggling of goods”.In terms of methodology, it has a survey nature and is a descriptive and analytical study. The sample population consists of all residents 16 years and over in seven provinces, including Kurdistan West Azarbaijan, Hormozgan and Khorasan (as frontier provinces), Tehran and Isfahan (provinces with highest consumption rate) and Semnan province (province with lowest consumption rate). The sample size was 7230 people. The main findings of this study indicate that the majority of the population (69 percent) believe that there are considerable Smuggling goods in the country, has various disadvantages and devastating effects. This is while, a large part of society has stressed that a variety of foreign goods - including televisions, mobile phones, home appliances and rare drugs that are entered the country through illicit means, due to low price are easily sold on the market, and this is more observed in the provinces with highest consumption rate compared to provinces with lowest consumption rate and frontier provinces. The majority of respondents of the survey (over two-thirds) have stressed that the smuggling of goods is a phenomenon in which different groups and organizations are involved, and convergence, synergy and linkage between flows and organized bands and some figures and influential forces in machines officially facilitate the smuggling process. The respondents also acknowledged that the fight against smuggling requires firm determination of the authorities, and especially the presence and participation of people with the authorities so that by relying on social capital we can fight cleverly against this phenomenon that has various functions and negative consequences. Manuscript profile
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        65 - The Comparison of Resilience and Perceived Social support in infertile women with High and Low Levels of Infertility Stigma
        mahdieh shafieetabar
        This study aimed to compare resilience and perceived social support in infertile women with high and low levels of infertility stigma. The design of the present study was a descriptive and causal-comparative design. The statistical population was infertile women who ref More
        This study aimed to compare resilience and perceived social support in infertile women with high and low levels of infertility stigma. The design of the present study was a descriptive and causal-comparative design. The statistical population was infertile women who referred to Jihad Arak University's Royan Infertility Center in 1401. 98 infertile women were selected as the research sample by available and purposeful sampling method (49 infertile women with high and 49 infertile women with low levels of infertility stigma). Participants answered the Infertility Stigma Consciousness Questionnaire, Resilience Scale and Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support. Multivariate analysis of variance was used to analyze the data. The present study showed that infertile women with high levels of infertility stigma had significantly lower scores than the comparing group in resilience and perceived social support (P<0.05). Findings of this study clarify the importance of paying attention to psycho-social factors in dealing with the stigma of infertility. Manuscript profile
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        66 - Pentagonal Model of Knowledge Sources and their Comparative Order in Sadrian and Cartesian Structure of Knowledge
        Hassan  Rahbar Kazim Mosakhany Eshaq Asoodeh Hamid  Eskandari
        Epistemology, which deals with the possibility, whatness, sources, and realm of knowledge, bases one of its most important principles on discovering Man’s sources of knowledge. Contemporary epistemologists refer to five sources of knowledge for human beings: sense perce More
        Epistemology, which deals with the possibility, whatness, sources, and realm of knowledge, bases one of its most important principles on discovering Man’s sources of knowledge. Contemporary epistemologists refer to five sources of knowledge for human beings: sense perception, reason, introspection, testimony, and memory. Descartes, as a philosopher of the Western world, and Mullā Ṣadrā, as a philosopher of the world of Islam, have provided some theories regarding the problem of knowledge, particularly its sources. Their views are compatible with the pentagonal model proposed by cotemporary epistemologist in this respect. Mullā Ṣadrā and Descartes believe that knowledge acquisition begins with sense perception and ends in reason. Nevertheless, the difference is that, although reason in the Transcendent Philosophy is the last level of perception, it does not mark the end of the way, and it is intuition-based introspection that ends the acquisition of true knowledge. In the cognitive schools of Mullā Ṣadrā and Descartes, sense perception, intellect, and introspection are responsible for producing knowledge, testifying to its transfer, and functioning as social and general sources of knowledge, and memory is responsible for maintaining and safekeeping of knowledge. Manuscript profile
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        67 - Investigating the effect of employees' perceptions of corporate social responsibilities on organizational pride and customer service commitment
        elahe Maneshdavi seyed mehdi mirmehdi فتانه یاراحمدی
        In organizations today, lack of sense of responsibility towards customers prevents effective service to them.The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of employees' perceptions of corporate social responsibilities on organizational pride and customer servi More
        In organizations today, lack of sense of responsibility towards customers prevents effective service to them.The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of employees' perceptions of corporate social responsibilities on organizational pride and customer service commitment in Ahvaz Social Security Organization. This research is applied and descriptive. The statistical population of this research is 210 employees of the Social Security Organization of Khuzestan province. Cochran's formula was used to determine the sample size and the number of samples was estimated to be 126. Sampling in this study was simple random. The data collection tool in this study is a questionnaire. The validity of the questionnaires was confirmed by using the content validity method and their reliability was confirmed by calculating Cronbach's alpha. In this study, to investigate and test the hypotheses and conceptual model, the structural equation approach and Smart Pls2 and Spss 19 software were used. The results of examining the hypotheses showed that social responsibility has a positive and significant effect on organizational pride. It also showed that among the dimensions of social responsibility, legal responsibility and humanitarian responsibility are of the highest importance. The results also show that social responsibility and customer service commitment have a positive and significant effect and finally organizational pride has a positive and significant effect on customer service commitment. Manuscript profile
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        68 - The effect of self- awareness on the creation of life quality in the architecture of religious places (case study: DezfulJam’e Mosque)
        Ahmad Sarrafzadeh Minou  Ghareh Baglou Mohammad Ali  KayNejad
        Human has always been in interaction, one of its aspects is the communication with himself. In this relationship, on one hand, human is placed as a self- aware being and on the other hand, as the real self. In such a way that common sense is affected by his existential More
        Human has always been in interaction, one of its aspects is the communication with himself. In this relationship, on one hand, human is placed as a self- aware being and on the other hand, as the real self. In such a way that common sense is affected by his existential nature and affects the quality of life. The goal of the research can be considered to evaluate the biological aspects affecting the internal relationships of self- knowledge between human and the architectural body. Biological quality is created at different levels and shapes the environment in interaction with humans. The method of this research is a combination of qualitative and quantitative factors. So that, in the qualitative review, the topic is addressed using descriptions, observations and library studies, and in its quantitative aspect, it benefits from numerical data and analysis using the scientific method of Codas. The findings of the research show the formation of an internal relationship that has affected the quality of life and architectural environment. so that in each of the senses affecting self- awareness, Different quality levels are created. In this regard, it can be concluded that the purposeful design of architecture in order to shape the quality of life is influenced by the common senses of faith and time with the greatest impact, the sense of unity, presence and place with an average impact, and the sense of safety and awareness with the least impact. So that it is formed in a direct relationship between independent components (spatial physical perception, collective behavior, psychological) and connected components (common senses) and is a platform for achieving a desirable life. Therefore, this issue can be considered as a result of the internal relationship between three aspects of self- awareness, common senses and architecture, which is formed according to the relationship between independent and dependent components in architecture. Manuscript profile
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        69 - Functions of practical reason and explaining the principles of moral practice from the perspective of Allameh Tabatabai
        Nasibeh Nikpoor Narges  Keshti Arai Seyed Hossein  vaezi
        The aim of this study was to investigate the function of practical reason from the perspective of Allameh Tabatabai and to formulate the principles of moral practice based on it, using a descriptive-analytical method of qualitative content analysis. He considers theoret More
        The aim of this study was to investigate the function of practical reason from the perspective of Allameh Tabatabai and to formulate the principles of moral practice based on it, using a descriptive-analytical method of qualitative content analysis. He considers theoretical intellect as having the function of true perception, distinguishing right from wrong, and the function of practical intellect as credit perception and distinguishing good from evil, and issues rulings related to voluntary actions. In this regard, the research findings indicate that practical intellect has three functions of perception (science), recognition of should and should not, is the ruling to perform action. In the field of perception (science), practical intellect operates with divine inspiration and the construction of credit perception. In the part of discernment, in order to achieve moral goodness, one should use the healthy nature and the divine law, which is the guardian religion, and in the function of the ruling to perform an action, practical intellect with the help of active force and during the stages of need, create inner feeling. Credit perception, giving the relation must (necessity), enthusiasm, will, command to do the action, and finally, by doing the action, pleasure is achieved for human beings. It is a moral act that seeks the pleasure of the hereafter, not the worldly. Manuscript profile
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        70 - Introducing the Transcendent Perceptual Process In order to perceived the Aesthetic Quality of Space (Combining the Viewpoints of New Sciences and Mulla Sadra's Transcendent Theosophy)
        sara daneshmand Kaveh Fattahi
        In the field of art and architecture, aesthetic quality as one of the types of qualities has been considered in old and new researches. Although today, in the studies of urban planning and architecture, efforts have been made to understand the aesthetic quality of space More
        In the field of art and architecture, aesthetic quality as one of the types of qualities has been considered in old and new researches. Although today, in the studies of urban planning and architecture, efforts have been made to understand the aesthetic quality of space and how to perceive it using the term atmosphere, but in the texts of Islamic sages and philosophers, no separate treatise has been written on this topic, and researchers in the old texts and the new ones have used many and sometimes inconsistent expressions. Also, no consensus has been reached in expressing its perceptual processes. Therefore, the research introduces the framework of transcendent perceptual process and its details, by correlating the expressions used in modern sciences and Islamic sciences with the help of Mullah Sadra's Transcendent Theosophy. The descriptive-analytical study first describes the viewpoints of three generations of theorists, then analyses them, and finally combines the viewpoints of new researchers and the Transcendent Theosophy to provide a comprehensive innovative framework. The results of the work include the identification of 5 depths for the perceptual process, providing a triple model to express the quality of the perceptual process with the terms used by previous scholars, and also extracting the framework of the transcendent perceptual process. This framework increases the ability of research in the interdisciplinary field, and where the range of words for communicating different sciences is wide, it creates a platform for the coordination of perceptual processes from the perspective of different sciences. Manuscript profile
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        71 - The relationship between big 5 personality traits and job satisfaction: the mediating roles of perception of procedural justice and job stress
        leila Fathi Mohammad Naghy Farahani Hamid Khanipour
        The aim of this paper is to investigate relations between an isolated dimension of Big Five personality traits and job satisfaction and the mediating effects of procedural justice and job stress on this relationship .Data was gathered via a questionnaire in a corre More
        The aim of this paper is to investigate relations between an isolated dimension of Big Five personality traits and job satisfaction and the mediating effects of procedural justice and job stress on this relationship .Data was gathered via a questionnaire in a correlational study of Big Five Inventory (21 items), Minnesota Job Satisfaction scale (19 items), Gray Taft-Anderson nursing stress scale (34 items) and Niehoff-Moorman organizational Justice (in the latter only the 6 items concerning procedural justice were used). data was analyzed by using SPSS v26 and PLS-SEM v3. It was found that across the traits, agreeableness and openness to experience had the strongest relationship with job satisfaction, while the others did not have any relationship with job satisfaction. Procedural justice completely mediated the association between agreeableness and job satisfaction, and it was true about job stress as the mediating between big 5 and job satisfaction. despite the supposed path for the relationship between big 5 personality traits and job satisfaction through simultaneous effect of the two mediating variables of perception of procedural justice and job stress on job satisfaction, the mentioned path was not realized and had no effect in the model. job stress had statistically significant effect on job satisfaction and the same was true between perception of procedural justice and job satisfaction. Manuscript profile
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        72 - Investigating the impact of the components of environmental perceptions of educational spaces on improving students' learning
        nazanin yarmohammadian Saeed Azemati sara tahersima
        Every child spends an important part of his life in school. The purpose of this presence in schools is to learn and develop the child's abilities and skills, as well as individual and social behaviors. Improper design of the school environment causes dissatisfaction, fa More
        Every child spends an important part of his life in school. The purpose of this presence in schools is to learn and develop the child's abilities and skills, as well as individual and social behaviors. Improper design of the school environment causes dissatisfaction, fatigue and decrease in their learning. Paying attention to the mental and physical characteristics of children and their behavioral patterns in the design of educational environments and the impact of environmental perceptions can help children's learning and the emergence of talents and ultimately their growth and prosperity. Hence, designing schools according to the needs It is especially important for children between 6-12 years old. What this article deals with is the different aspects of the effect of educational spaces and the components of environmental perceptions of these spaces on children's learning with the approach of improving students' learning. The current research is applied in terms of its purpose and survey-analytical in terms of the research method. The result shows that the factors that make up the educational environment are effective in facilitating children's learning and this effect is such that the sum of these factors together provide conditions so that students can focus more easily on the subject matter in order to improve Let them learn. And also this research states that components derived from environmental perception, such as: variety of furniture arrangement and flexible and movable furniture, spaces with the possibility of collaborative interactions, appropriate combination of colors in the space, readable and inviting entrances and paths, sand playground , the presence of water, terraces along the classes on the floors, participatory park, garden pit, tall and light windows, etc. are effective in improving students' learning. Manuscript profile
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        73 - Comparison of Resilience, Mindfulness and Perceived Social Support in Mothers of Children with ADHD and Learning Disabilities, with Mothers of Normal Children in Shiraz
        reza chalmeh Khadijeh arjmandi
        The aim of this study was to compare resilience, mindfulness and perceived social support in mothers of children with ADHD, learning disabilities and normalcy in Shiraz. Methodology: The statistical population of the present study was the mothers of children with Attent More
        The aim of this study was to compare resilience, mindfulness and perceived social support in mothers of children with ADHD, learning disabilities and normalcy in Shiraz. Methodology: The statistical population of the present study was the mothers of children with Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder, Learning Disabilities and Normal in Shiraz. Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder, 52 mothers with children with learning disabilities and 54 mothers with normal children were selected and the Resilience Questionnaire (Connor & Davidson, 2003), Mindfulness Questionnaire (Walch et al., 2006) and Social Support were selected. Perceived (Zimet et al., 1988). Data were analyzed using Levin test method (to check the homogeneity of variances), and multivariate analysis of variance (to check the differences between variables in the study group) and SPSS-24 software. Results: The results of analysis of variance showed that there is a significant difference between resilience, mindfulness and perceived social support between mothers of children with ADHD and learning disabilities with mothers of normal children; In a way, mothers of normal children had more resilience, mindfulness and social support. Conclusion: The final results showed that in the areas of resilience and mindfulness, mothers of hyperactive children / attention deficit and learning disabilities need resilience and mindfulness-based education and special rehabilitation programs to increase Perceived social support is needed. Manuscript profile
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        74 - Presenting a model of psychological helplessness in infertile women based on cognitive flexibility and psychological hardiness with the mediating role of perceived social support
        Fatemeh Hemmati فریده  انصافداران Seyed Mehdi Hosseini
        The purpose of this study was to test the model of cognitive flexibility and psychological hardiness on psychological helplessness with mediation of perceived social support. The study was a correlation through structural equation modeling. The statistical population in More
        The purpose of this study was to test the model of cognitive flexibility and psychological hardiness on psychological helplessness with mediation of perceived social support. The study was a correlation through structural equation modeling. The statistical population included all infertile women in Shiraz, which was selected from 250 people with targeted sampling method as sample. The research data were collected by Lovibond and L0vibond psychological helplessness questionnaire(1995), Dennis and Vonder Wal's cognitive flexibility questionnaire(2010), Ahwaz psychological hardiness questionnaire(1377) and Zimet and colleagues perceived social support questionnaire. Data analysis was performed using SPSS and AMOS software. According to the findings, the coefficient of direct pathway of cognitive flexibility to psychological helplessness, cognitive flexibility to perceived social support and psychological hardiness for perceived social support was significant. The coefficient of two direct pathways of psychological hardiness to psychological helplessness and perceived social support to psychological helplessness and also the indirect pathway coefficient of cognitive flexibility to psychological helplessness and psychological hardiness to psychological helplessness through perceived social support is not significant. In order to reduce the psychological helplessness of infertile women, measures should be taken to improve and increase psychological hardiness, cognitive flexibility and perceived social support. Manuscript profile
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        75 - Relationship Between Perceived Stress And Craving Usage with Predicting Relapse in Stimulants Users Mediated By Self-Control
        roya jalili Javad KHalatbari Hassan  Ahadai shohreh ghorban shiroudi
        The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between perceived stress and craving for consumption with predicting people's return to stimulants with the mediation of self-control. This research was method descriptive-correlative. The statistical More
        The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between perceived stress and craving for consumption with predicting people's return to stimulants with the mediation of self-control. This research was method descriptive-correlative. The statistical population of this research included all people who used stimulants, hospitalized in care centers in Tehran in 1400 (2019). For sample selection, 250 persons were randomly selected based on the structural modeling formula. In order to collect information, Cohen's Perceived Stress Scale, Franken's Substance Craving, Wright's Substance Return Prediction and Tanji's Self-Control Scales were used. The analysis of the research data, using the path analysis method, showed that there is a positive and significant relationship (P<0.01) between perceived stress and predicting return to stimulants with the mediation of self-control and between drug craving and predicting return to stimulants with The mediation of self-control. Also, there were a negative and significant relationship (P<0.01) between self-control and predicting return to stimulants. Thus, it can be concluded that with increase in perceived stress and the urge to use, the return to use of stimulants increases and the amount of self-control decreases, and with decrease of self-control, the return to use of stimulants increases. Manuscript profile
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        76 - Investigating the Relationship Between Rumination and Perceived Stress with Life Satisfaction in Married Women in Shiraz
        Fatemeh Dinakani reza chalmeh fatemeh abdolahi
        <p>The aim of the present research was to explain the relationship between rumination and perceived stress with life satisfaction in married women in Shiraz. The research method was a descriptive and survey-based. The statistical population included all the women of Shi More
        <p>The aim of the present research was to explain the relationship between rumination and perceived stress with life satisfaction in married women in Shiraz. The research method was a descriptive and survey-based. The statistical population included all the women of Shiraz city, and 210 individuals were selected as the statistical sample size using a convenience sampling. Data were collected using the Hoeksma and Maro's Rumination Questionnaire (1991), Cohen et al.'s Perceived Stress Questionnaire (1983) and Diener Ammons Larsen and Griffin's Life Satisfaction Questionnaire (1985). The findings revealed that among the dimensions of rumination, the two components of preoccupation and depression had a negative and significant relationship with life satisfaction. However, there was no significant relationship between reflection and life satisfaction. In conclusion, the overall score of rumination was negatively and significantly related to life satisfaction, and ultimately, perceived stress is not a significant predictor of life satisfaction.</p> Manuscript profile
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        77 - The test of the model of mindfulness and perception of the classroom environment with boredom and academic incivility with the role of a mediator of wisdom
        Majid Jafari Askar atashafrouz alireza  hajiyakhchali
        <p><span style="font-size: 11.5pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;">There are various factors that create or hinder education and learning, More
        <p><span style="font-size: 11.5pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;">There are various factors that create or hinder education and learning, which are of particular importance to investigate. Therefore, the current research was conducted with the aim of testing the model of mindfulness and perception of the classroom environment with boredom and academic incivility with the mediating role of wisdom in students. The participants included 600 second grade students who were selected by multi-stage cluster random sampling method, and to mindfulness questionnaires (Drotman </span><span style="font-size: 12.0pt; mso-bidi-font-size: 11.0pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;">&amp;</span> <span style="font-size: 11.5pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;">et al., 2018), What is going on in this class (Fraser &amp; et al., 1996), Intelligence (Ardelt, 2003), academic boredom (Pekran &amp; et al., 2005) and academic avoidance (Spadafora and Volk, 2021) answered. The results indicated a good fit of the model with the data and the significance of the direct effect of the perception of the classroom environment on wisdom, boredom, and academic incivility, as well as mindfulness on wisdom and academic incivility. The indirect effect of mindfulness and perception of the classroom environment on academic boredom with the mediating role of wisdom was also statistically significant. Based on this, it can be concluded that in order to reduce the boredom and academic incivility of students, it is necessary to pay attention to the wisdom resulting from the perception of the classroom environment and their mindfulness.</span></p> Manuscript profile