The explanation of procedures of 11th presidential elections By using of relative deprivation theory
Subject Areas : Research in Theoritical Politics1 , Mohammad 2
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Abstract :
In order to clarify the procedure of 11th presidential elections, the various reasons have been referred to and the quality of hassan rouhani’s politics and his supporting team in election competitions days to election waves created by political groups in his support have been emphasized to. In this paper it is attempted to study the reflection of psychological origins and relative deprivation feeling created in Iranian' society in formation of supporting wave of Rouhani. Generally, in individualistic and psychological prospect, the circumstances of changing the existing situation can be looked for in individual imaginations and feelings that in themselves are affected by social changes. In this paper, based on theoretical pattern of “Ted Robert Gar” and considering this presumption that the social dissatisfaction and trying to change the existing situation, is due to the amount and degree of relative deprivation feeling among various groups of every society, the grounds of relative deprivation creation in society including the understanding of inequality in 8-year period of 9th and 10th governments have been studied. Finally, it can concluded that how the various factors like development of universities and their dissatisfaction of government’ performance, the formation of class gap due to the conspicuous difference of per capita income and increasing inflation and expenses and unemployment , have reflected themselves in society’s relative deprivation, frustration and finally a general attempt for changing the existing situation and voting for the most prominent election candidates who is precursor of changing the situation
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