Providing a model for superior value proposition with emphasis on developing a unique marketing strategy for the company using of Grounded theory
Subject Areas :
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Keywords: superior value propositions perceived value marketing outcome financial outcome food products ,
Abstract :
The purpose of the present study is to provide a model for creating the superior value proposition through strategic focus on designing a unique marketing strategy for the company. In this regard, the qualitative method of data theory of the foundation has been used. The statistical population of the present study is marketing professors and marketing activists of packaged food products. The interview method has been used to collect the required information. The results of qualitative data analysis with MAXQDA software show that functional value, value, interactional value and emotional value as the proposed company value, value of use and exchange value as dimensions of perceived customer value, customer satisfaction and loyalty The customer has been identified as the dimensions of the marketing outcomes and ultimately the volume of sales, market share, net profit and return on investment as aspects of the financial implications of the proposed firm's value. In addition, the outputs indicate that the company's proposed value in the number of code count and in terms of generalization and learning in the majority of respondents is a priority, which indicates the importance of this category. Afterwards, the financial, marketing, and perceived value of customers are ranked next. This suggests that in our country, the strategic perspective (value from the perspective of the company) among the food industry managers and marketing professors is more general than the marketing perspective.
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