• List of Articles Tourism

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Identifying Strategies of Tourism Entrepreneurdhip Development in Chabahar and Qeshm Free Zones
        maryam rashki farid shahmoradi aminreza kamalian
        Tourism has great impact on the country's economic, cultural and political dimensions. The purpose of this study is to identify effective strategies for developing tourism entrepreneurship in Chabahar and Qeshm free regions. The statistical population consists of free-f More
        Tourism has great impact on the country's economic, cultural and political dimensions. The purpose of this study is to identify effective strategies for developing tourism entrepreneurship in Chabahar and Qeshm free regions. The statistical population consists of free-field managers, specialists and managers of travel and tourism companies and business owners in the Chabahar and Qeshm free regions. The research was a researcher- made method and a researcher-made questionnaire was used to collect the data. After assessing the validity (using the opinions of the supervisors and counselors and verifying factor analysis), reliability of the questionnaire was used through Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient. Using SPSS21 software, Friedman test and independent T were calculated and analyzed. The results indicate that regulatory strategy, cognitive strategy and normative strategy are considered as three general strategies for the development of tourism entrepreneurship in free zones, which consist of 9 components and 36 indicators of tourism entrepreneurship development. Also, the results of the Friedman test show that the regulatory strategy has a more important priority than the other two strategies and is more important. Manuscript profile
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        2 - The Study of Wellness Tourism Demand in Urban - Rural Area of Sareyn County
        Neda Torabi Farsani sara abdemoazam محمدعلی رجائی ریزی zahed shafiei
        1. INTRODUCTION In recent years, Wellness tourism has grown considerably and this is due to spread of various diseases as a result of job stress, life stress, and unhealthy lifestyle. Hence, people try to pay more attention to health and tend to be more likely to pre More
        1. INTRODUCTION In recent years, Wellness tourism has grown considerably and this is due to spread of various diseases as a result of job stress, life stress, and unhealthy lifestyle. Hence, people try to pay more attention to health and tend to be more likely to prevent diseases and strive to improve their health through various ways, such as travel with the aim of health. Therefore, it can be said that today health tourism has become a trend of travel. In this regard, the city of Sareyn And the surrounding villages in Ardebil Province has a high potential for promoting Wellness tourism. This research has three major purposes:(1) to identifying the potential of Wellness tourism in Sareyn;(2) to investigate the domestic tourists tendency towards Wellness tourism activities in Sareyn; and(3) to prioritize the Wellness tourism activities from the domestic tourists’ perspective 2.METHODOLOGY The research methodology is qualitative – quantitative and in the first step the statistical population are experts. The data was gathered through an interview form with snowball sampling method and lastly the data was analyzed using coding(open and axial coding) methods. In the second step in order to investigate the domestic tourists tendency towards wellness tourism activities a questionnaire(on a 5-point Likert Scale) was designed and the tourists filled in the forms. The data was evaluated through one sample t- test and Friedman tests. 3.CONCLUSION The results of this research illustrated that the Sareyn has a high potential for promoting wellness tourism and tourists have a high tendency towards wellness tourism activities, and activities such as nature sightseeing, nature tourism, clean air; mineral water springs, spa springs and hydrotherapy and hiking in nature, climbing and hiking in plain are their priorities for wellness tourism. The development of health tourism in the rapid geographical area leads to more interaction between rural and urban centers and through the expansion of rural-urban flows (including the flow of people, goods, capital, information and technology), to bilateral relations and finally, to rural-urban links. To lead. This trend, over time, in turn, leads to the dynamism of rural and urban spaces and creates more opportunities for business activities in the tourism industry and improves socio-economic conditions. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - The role of tourism in rural development, Marivan city
        saeed ahmadian Behnam Valizadeh  
        Overall goal of this research is the role of tourism in rural development, Marivan city. In order to achieve this objective, two methods have been used to document and track. Approach and an exploratory study - an analysis of this issue in the tourist, what role in rura More
        Overall goal of this research is the role of tourism in rural development, Marivan city. In order to achieve this objective, two methods have been used to document and track. Approach and an exploratory study - an analysis of this issue in the tourist, what role in rural development, Marivan city, plays. The study population (15 villages studied), includes three groups of experts and staff (236 people), rural (8570) and tourists (1200) have been using formula and Morgan, respectively, 146 bachelors 291 out of 368 people, villagers and tourists as the sample size has been determined. How to choose the subjects and finally systematic random sampling is. In order to analyze the data, exploratory factor analysis, nonparametric Friedman test using SPSS software is used. The results show that the role of tourism in rural development Greatest impact on reducing rural exodus, and restoring social tourism in the local traditions andGreatest impact on the economic dimension of the rising cost of land and housing. Finally, according to achieved results and findings of the research Strategies for developing rural tourism activities is provided in the city of Marivan Manuscript profile
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        4 - The effects of tourism on sustainable livelihoods of rural households from the perspective of the host community (Case Study: Avraman District - Srvabad county)
        Dr saadi Mohammadi   اصغر رشیدی ابراهیم حصاری
        Rural tourism, including economic and profitable activities that could impact of economic, socio-cultural, environmental and physical - space on the host community, In this study, the effects of tourism on sustainable livelihoods of rural households Oraman the Sarvabad More
        Rural tourism, including economic and profitable activities that could impact of economic, socio-cultural, environmental and physical - space on the host community, In this study, the effects of tourism on sustainable livelihoods of rural households Oraman the Sarvabad county is studied. The study, in terms of purpose, functional and in terms of data collection, a combination of documentary survey. The population of the study households 4 village of Avram (Oraman Takht, Slin, Belbar and Kamaleh) constitute the highest volume of tourists. The number, equal to 1270 households. A sample using Cochran formula, 250 samples were obtained, Samples, stratified random sampling method based on the population of each village were selected. The data of this study is questionnaire. Reliability using Cronbach's alpha (0.84) respectively. To investigate the impact of tourism on sustainable livelihoods, single-sample t-statistics, analysis of variance, regression analysis and path analysis were used. The findings of this study indicate that the use of statistical tests on one sample t-test, tourism on the human, social, physical, natural and financial Villagers positive impact. Analysis of variance showed that there were significant differences between the different dimensions of sustainable livelihoods. Regression analysis showed that all dimensions of sustainable livelihoods (the human, social, natural, physical, and financial) have a significant effect on rural sustainable livelihoods. In general, the views of local people, tourism has a positive impact on sustainable livelihoods villagers section Oraman bed. The result of the path analysis showed that all dimensions, direct and indirect impact on rural tourism area. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Community-based tourism development with an emphasis on aspects of local ethnic; Case Study of Kermanshah
        The process of globalization through the creation of cultural assimilation attempts to expand markets for the production of similar goods in the form of scales. In practice, the pressure to eliminate ethnic subcultures past few years has led to resistance that indicates More
        The process of globalization through the creation of cultural assimilation attempts to expand markets for the production of similar goods in the form of scales. In practice, the pressure to eliminate ethnic subcultures past few years has led to resistance that indicates intense desire to create dependency cultures, ethnic identity to avoid elimination. Iran is the most obvious examples of cultural diversity, ethnic, linguistic and religious in the world that, unlike most multi-ethnic countries, local ethnic diversity or cultural mosaic of indigenous and native of the area. Kermanshah city with so much power development, with strong ethnic community can be the background of ethnic tourism markets. Kurdish ethnicity is cross-border continuity that can be regional in scope commodification (tourism, media, etc.). The issue of how ethnic powers to achieve the objectives of social development at the local, regional and national benefit is important. Methods applied research - development and data collecting field and library. Urban population of 40 managers and 340 are tourists. Overall, most respondent's ethnic profiles of influential cultural ethnic tourism development in the city of Kermanshah in poor and middle-assessed. Chi-square test results in the desired quantity survey in evaluating community-based tourism development with an emphasis on local ethnic aspect is significant in Kermanshah. Since the amount of (sig) or smaller than the significance level corresponding to that test is (<p 05/0). Thus, according to the amount of x2 as well as degrees of freedom equal to 4 and 0 can be concluded significant level of local ethnic tourism is an influential role in the development of community-based tourism. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Strategic Tourism Planning in ilam Province Using the Meta Swot Technique
        Lotfali kozegarkaleji sajjad darabi
        Today, tourism is referred to as the tourism industry, which plays an important role in the economic development of human societies. The expansion of the tourism industry is an activity that affects almost all macroeconomic indicators. In the present era, considering th More
        Today, tourism is referred to as the tourism industry, which plays an important role in the economic development of human societies. The expansion of the tourism industry is an activity that affects almost all macroeconomic indicators. In the present era, considering the globalization of most countries and cities, they are looking for appropriate planning to improve their competitive position and, consequently, to increase their quality of social life. This research was conducted with the aim of developing tourism in ilam province using the Strategic, Strategic Meta-SWOT Planning Model. The method of this research is descriptive-analytical and in terms of applied purpose. The method of collecting documentary data is survey. The statistical population consists of 25 experts and experts in the field of tourism. In order to analyze the research data, the Meta-SWOT model has been used. The findings of the research show that the main factor in the development of tourism in the province of ilam is political stability and the most important strategy for the development of tourism industry in iIlam province is to compete with its regional rivals and the eco tourism tourists. Among other influential factors is the strengthening and development of infrastructures. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Food tourism development model in Iran interpretive structural modeling approach
        Farzaneh Salami majid شنذشقه BEHROUZ Darvish
        With the start of the twenty-first century because of economic infrastructure, health, security, communication, tourism has become one of the world's top three industries. In recent years, tourism has grown considerably meal in one of the most dynamic and most innovativ More
        With the start of the twenty-first century because of economic infrastructure, health, security, communication, tourism has become one of the world's top three industries. In recent years, tourism has grown considerably meal in one of the most dynamic and most innovative tourism sector has become. Gastrvnvmy the purposes and tourism companies of the importance of tourism and economic development in order to diversify the national, regional and local awareness. The aim of the present study, functional, and in terms of data collection is descriptive. And data collected through questionnaires. tourism development and integrated set of food analyzed and finally using MICMAC analysis of variables and their effects on other variables were determined according to. Underlying operating model and to start and improve our position in the industry should be emphasized in the first place. As well as encouraging the development and promotion and consumption of local foods with the four lowest leverage effect. These variables have low leverage and dependence. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Analysis and assessment of environmental quality Urban Tourist Destinations In line with sustainable development (Case study: Shushtar)
        saeed amanpour saeed maleki Mohsen Ahadnejhad Roshti  
        Tourism development in urban areas of different components affected, including the environmental quality of these areas which is effective in the satisfaction of local residents and tourists. So check the environmental quality indicators Tourism can be Power, needs and More
        Tourism development in urban areas of different components affected, including the environmental quality of these areas which is effective in the satisfaction of local residents and tourists. So check the environmental quality indicators Tourism can be Power, needs and weaknesses in these environments Based on satisfaction Or disturbing the urban environment And ensure the stability of these neighborhoods Because tourists, considering the nature of tour ism, Looking for fun And leisure are combined with pleasure. For this purpose, they are mostly looking for destinations have the highest level of environmental quality. The purpose of this research investigating the role of environmental quality in tourism in Shushtar. In terms of purpose, the type of applied research and the method is descriptive-analytic. In order to collect the required data two documentary and field methods (questionnaire tool) have been used. Also the tool is used in analyzing information, using descriptive and inferential statistical methods in the Excell environment and using the Spss software is used. The statistical population of the study is two groups of tourists and urban households in Shushtar. T test results show single sample which are some of the quality indicators of the city of Shushtar From the perspective of both sample societies Research is higher than average Meanwhile, the highest average was due to the functional-structural quality(3.562), Environmental quality(3.281), Tourist Attractions(3.191), And security and comfort(3.114), have been. Also, the results of Spearman's correlation test indicate this the highest correlation and positive and significant relation between sustainable development index and functional-structural quality with coefficient .0537 and with a confidence level .099 There is. In addition, Friedman's test showed Low level of environmental quality dimensions of the study area less than moderate in size, Tourist attractions, safety and comfort, social and visual environment And above average in terms of functional-structural quality And the quality of the environment. Manuscript profile
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        9 - The Role of Tourism in Rural Employment )A Case Study of Firoozkooh City(
          saeed ahmadian    
        is seeking to investigate the role of tourism on employment in the studied villages. In order to accurately describe the issue, 8 villages of Firoozkooh city were selected purposefully. In order to achieve the objectives of the research, documentary and field methods is More
        is seeking to investigate the role of tourism on employment in the studied villages. In order to accurately describe the issue, 8 villages of Firoozkooh city were selected purposefully. In order to achieve the objectives of the research, documentary and field methods is used. Therefore, after designing the theoretical framework of the research for collecting data, field operations were completed by completing the local community and experts' questionnaires. For analyzing data using software SPSS and performing t-test, Levene's test, ANOVA and Walsh, we compared the research variables in all the studied villages. In calculating the reliability of the measurement instrument the Cronbach's alpha method has been used and the obtained coefficient of reliability is 0.9. Validity of the questionnaires is based on previous studies and experts' opinions. The results of research show that tourism in Jalizjand, Badrood, Khamdeh and Mozdaran villages can have an important role in increasing employment and in Harandeh, Lazor, Tares,and Simindasht villages, tourism has not had an effective role in increasing employment. Also, the highest rate of employment is in Khamdeh village and the lowest employment rate is in the village of Simindasht. In the Khamdeh village, which has the highest employment rates, the job creations were the field of supply and sale of crops and gardens, rental of houses, villas or suites, tourist’s services, livestock products supply and sale, and finally, the sale of handicrafts. In addition, according to more than 60% of the local community, jobs have been created in the areas mentioned for indigenous people. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Space Administration of Tourism Destinations in Rural Areas
        hajar mazidi rahmatollah monshizadeh farhad azizpour bijan rahmani
        Rural tourism is also considered as a part of tourism that is located in a peripheral economy that not only does not promote rural and local areas, but also creates environmental and social imbalances in these areas, resulting in very little benefit; and, as a result, t More
        Rural tourism is also considered as a part of tourism that is located in a peripheral economy that not only does not promote rural and local areas, but also creates environmental and social imbalances in these areas, resulting in very little benefit; and, as a result, this economic activity (Rural Tourism) creates very little benefit for the villagers, and the major benefits and costs return to the mother cities and large cities of the Third World, and ultimately to transnational corporations (Holland et all, 2003). In this regard, paying attention to planning (specially space planning) becomes necessary. This kind of planning should particularly be considered as an effective approach to the issue of tourism space organization. On the basis, the present study looks for the space administration of tourism destination in the rural areas of Mohammad Abad-Zarrin Gol area (the city of Ali Abad Katoul) as one of the tourism destinations. The methodology of the study is quantitative and its method is descriptive, and the data have been collected through a documentary and field manner. The statistical population included 20 rural tourism destinations in Mohammad Abad-Zarrin Gol area in Ali Abad Katoul city. It has been used the AHP method for rating factors, the Prometheus method for final score and ranking the destinations, and cluster analysis method for leveling the tourism destinations; as well, to determine the functional area of rural tourism destinations, GIs point of deflection in the sofware environment has been applied. The results of the study showed that the disproportion in the distribution of rural tourism destinations in the intended area of the study is one of the important challenges of the space administration of tourism development of this area. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Evaluation and Prioritization of Geotourist Potentials (Case Study of Alamut Qazvin Region) Based on Conservation and Sustainable Tourism Approach
        Mohammad طاهرخانی Somaieh  jahantighmand Mohmmad reza Salimi sobhan
        Geotourism is one of the branches of the earth sciences, which today represents new methods for explaining and analyzing the geosciences and identifying natural attractions in each region. In addition to playing an educational and scientific role, it contributes to the More
        Geotourism is one of the branches of the earth sciences, which today represents new methods for explaining and analyzing the geosciences and identifying natural attractions in each region. In addition to playing an educational and scientific role, it contributes to the growth and development of tourism in a region. Geosites embody the scientific, conservation and tourism values that together form geotourism. Evaluating geosciences and prioritizing them from the perspective of tourism potential can be very effective in promoting scientific conservation and sustainable economic and social development. Alamut area is located northeast of Qazvin province. In addition to its heritage potential, it is also a culturally and socially important destination in the country. Alamut area of Qazvin province, along with its heritage potential, is also an important cultural and social destination in the country. For this purpose, ten area geostrategies including Alamut, Moalem Kale, Andaj Valley, Andaj rocks, , Athan-Kuchan Peak, Evan Lake, Garmarud Valley, Pich Bonn Falls and Athan Valley were selected, and through three evaluation methods GAM, Kubalikova and Kirchner (2016) and the National Parks method were evaluated. The combined results of the three methods show that the Evan, Alamut, and Moale Kyeh Geosites have the most favorable conditions that can be marketed as a tourism product, in contrast to the three Circus Evangeles - Dine River and Cochnan-Ethane and The Atan Valley is also in poor condition and the planning necessity to manage these geosites is very clear. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - The effect of satisfaction on behavioral intentions of pro-environmental tourists (Case Study: Taq Bostan Kermanshah)
        سمانه جلیلی صدر آباد ebrahim nazari
        Tourism is one of the most important sectors of the economy in terms of its economic impacts for its intended purpose. Along with the relentless competition between places (tourist destinations), attracting and sustaining tourists is of paramount importance to governmen More
        Tourism is one of the most important sectors of the economy in terms of its economic impacts for its intended purpose. Along with the relentless competition between places (tourist destinations), attracting and sustaining tourists is of paramount importance to government and non-state actors. In the field of tourism. The researcher in this paper seeks to investigate the effect of satisfaction on behavioral intentions of pro-environmental tourists. According to the experts, satisfaction has been measured in several dimensions, in this study 5 indicators of enjoyment, needs fulfillment, confidence and trust, re-referral and wise selection. This study is of practical purpose in terms of qualitative - quantitative and data mix. In terms of research method, it is based on data type (qualitative stage) and cross-sectional survey (quantitative stage). The statistical sample of the qualitative section consisted of 21 tourism professors and 9 experts and managers of the Cultural Heritage and Urban Development Organization. In the quantitative section, the statistical population includes all tourists who visited Kermanshah for one year and finally 381 people were selected according Morgan table. The results of Amos analysis confirmed all the research hypotheses and showed that satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on the behavioral intentions of the tourists and its coefficient was 0.83. Given that this coefficient is positive, its effect is direct, that is, by changing one unit (increase), satisfaction increases by 0.86 percent of behavioral intentions. Therefore, satisfaction has a direct and positive impact on the behavioral intentions of tourists. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - An Analysis of Sustainable Urban Tourism Capacities, Case Study: Yazd
          Ali Shamaei farzaneh sasanpour Mansour Arjmandi
        The concept of capacity is an important tool for achieving sustainable tourism in the context of sustainable development. Lack of attention to the category of capacity in the tourism industry causes irreparable damage to the environment and natural tourism areas, as wel More
        The concept of capacity is an important tool for achieving sustainable tourism in the context of sustainable development. Lack of attention to the category of capacity in the tourism industry causes irreparable damage to the environment and natural tourism areas, as well as dissatisfaction of visitors and indigenous people in the tourism area. The most important step in planning and expanding tourism in a particular region is to analyze the existing capacities in it. Because not paying attention to the capacities with incorrect planning and not paying attention to the ecological potential of the region, not balancing between the volume and type of recreational activities, not paying attention to the range capacity of the region, not paying attention to the facilities and infrastructure factors (type and quantity) necessary for physical development. Considering the seasonal nature of recreation and fluctuations throughout the year can be considered as a threat to the environment. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the tourism potential of Yazd. This research is of applied type and the method of doing it is descriptive-analytical. The research data were completed by a questionnaire of 400 tourists and citizens as well as 30 experts (as a sample size) and then analyzed by t-test, Delphi method and Shannon entropy. The results show that by relying on the high tourism capacities of Yazd in three levels of individual, environmental and organizational and attracting specialized forces in the field of tourism, using the potentials of the old texture of the city, and by identifying sustainable tourism, and holding Various festivals for economic prosperity and the like have eliminated many of the current shortcomings in meeting the needs of tourists and developed a sustainable urban tourism environment in Yazd. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - Basic parameters of selecting urban forest park location based on sustainable development components
        MAHNAZ BEIGI mehrdad khanmohammadi Mahmood Hashemi
        Determining suitable land uses in order to make optimal use of the land and prevent the destruction of resources is an effective step in the sustainable development strategy. On the other hand, ecotourism is considered as a tool to improve the social and economic level More
        Determining suitable land uses in order to make optimal use of the land and prevent the destruction of resources is an effective step in the sustainable development strategy. On the other hand, ecotourism is considered as a tool to improve the social and economic levels of indigenous peoples and one of the most important positive effects of tourism in nature can be considered the protection of natural resources in the region. Accordingly, in this study, the introduction of global criteria for selecting the geographical location of forest parks to develop the tourism industry in the watershed or wider for ecotourism was examined. Due to the lack of comprehensive planning at the national level, urban service uses, including urban forest parks, face problems such as inadequate distribution and location, lack of such spaces in cities, and a per capita shortage of green space. Green space in urban areas is considered as a tool to reduce the stress of everyday life and is of great importance and attention. Due to this issue, it is necessary to construct urban green spaces, including urban forest parks, and select new locations with detailed studies and principled methods in cities. Choosing the right place is very important in reducing costs in setting up various activities. For this reason, it is one of the most important and effective steps in the implementation of projects. In this article, after stating the preliminary definitions of urban forest parks, the criteria and standards used worldwide in locating urban forest parks are discussed. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the location criteria of urban forest parks. The results indicate the importance of land use criteria, accessibility, topography, landscape, proximity to water resources, vegetation and so on. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - Using Internet Of Things Technology For Make Smart Tourism Attractions And Destinations
        Khadije Kaveh Maryam Nekooeezade Moslem  Alimohammadlo
        Given that tourism is one of the most important industries in the present era, the use of modern technologies to meet the needs of growth and development of this industry seems inevitable. On the other hand, today, in order to increase economic growth and job creation, More
        Given that tourism is one of the most important industries in the present era, the use of modern technologies to meet the needs of growth and development of this industry seems inevitable. On the other hand, today, in order to increase economic growth and job creation, countries are looking for appropriate investments in their tourism. The Internet of Things is a modern and Smart technology that has led to the transformation and development of this industry by entering tourism. Many countries have moved towards using this modern and smart technology in their cities and tourism destinations and have been able to get good results from it, considering the investments they have made in this field. In this regard, the present study has been conducted with the aim of research on the use of IoT technology to smarten tourism attractions and destinations in the country. In this article, based on a review study and thematic analysis of research related to the Internet of Things in tourism and smart tourism destinations, as well as interviews with experts in the field of tourism and the Internet of Things, the most important applications of this smart technology in tourism achievements that help to make tourism attractions and destinations smarter. The findings can lead to the awareness of tourism activists who are familiar with this modern and Smart technology, as well as provide the necessary background to create the appropriate infrastructure for the implementation of this technology in tourism, as well as the program. Provide long-term and suitable investments to achieve this. Manuscript profile
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        16 - Providing an IT commercialization model in online business by focusing on tourism industry
        Hamed Khatami Nejad mohammad ali nasimi Behzad Farrokh Seresht
        One of the main reasons for the rapid development of technology in industrialized countries has been the attention to the commercialization process. Commercialization is a prerequisite for achieving competitive advantages and entering today's businesses in various fiel More
        One of the main reasons for the rapid development of technology in industrialized countries has been the attention to the commercialization process. Commercialization is a prerequisite for achieving competitive advantages and entering today's businesses in various fields of information technology. The purpose of this study is to present an IT commercialization model in online businesses. In order to conduct the research, the qualitative research approach and based on the data method of the foundation using semi-structured interviews with experts in the field of information technology commercialization have been used. The sample size included a total of 12 people by judgmental sampling method until theoretical saturation was achieved. Data encoding was performed using Max Kyoda software. Findings showed that commercialization of information technology in online businesses with 10 components including (economic factors, legal issues, structure, factors related to marketing, management factors, factors affecting business, political issues, cultural prerequisites , Business environment, technology management) were explained. It is suggested that in order to achieve successful commercialization in online tourism businesses, infrastructure indicators should be constantly monitored. Prioritize cultural support for the organization's commercialization activities, change and encourage consumer attitudes, and create a positive attitude toward information technology. Due to the lack of research in the field of commercialization of knowledge-based products, it is suggested to study the model of commercialization of knowledge-based products with emphasis on information technology. Manuscript profile
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        17 - Measurement of Economic-Management Tourism Dimensions of Religious, Modern and Local Tourism in Iran
        سمیرا متقی asghar abolhasani
        Different dimensions of tourism and its relations with religious is an important issue in state management and religious stability planning. According to the important of recognizing correlation between different types of tourism with economy, the paper has studied the More
        Different dimensions of tourism and its relations with religious is an important issue in state management and religious stability planning. According to the important of recognizing correlation between different types of tourism with economy, the paper has studied the tendency of managers to modern, local and religious tourism. In fact, the paper is measured the quantity of managers tourism tendencies. A researcher-made questionnaire was used to collect information. The results showed that the relationship between all independent variables of research with the dimensions of collective tourism (religious, local/Eco-Tourism and modern) was significant. Among the variables, the value tendency system with a coefficient of 0.13 and religiosity with a regression coefficient of 0.255 are the most effective variables on religious tourism. The results also show that the variables of language and dialect with an effect level of 183/0, education with a coefficient of 142 religiosity with a coefficient of 0.41 are the most effective variables on local tourism. In the case of modern tourism, the variables of the value tendency system with the effect of 0.136, and religiosity with the coefficient of regression of -0.176 are the most effective variables on modern tourism. Manuscript profile
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        18 - Factors affecting the promotion of tourism entrepreneurship in rural areas with emphasis on environmental protection
        seyede Mohadese Hatami Shahkhali
        It can be said that like other spontaneous human activities, entrepreneurship that leads to improving the quality of life and well-being is of great importance. Influential factors play a role in the development and promotion of entrepreneurship, while there are obstacl More
        It can be said that like other spontaneous human activities, entrepreneurship that leads to improving the quality of life and well-being is of great importance. Influential factors play a role in the development and promotion of entrepreneurship, while there are obstacles and challenges for entrepreneurs. The purpose of this study is to identify these factors and study the effective elements. This research is applied in terms of purpose and the results of research in other areas can be used and in terms of the method of work, it is descriptive-analytical. In this research, SPSS software has been used to extract the questionnaire data and a one-sample method has been used to test the hypotheses. The research indicates that there is a significant relationship between institutional and organizational factors, economic factors, managerial factors, social, environmental and cultural factors and the promotion of entrepreneurship in the studied villages. Manuscript profile
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        19 - The effect of tourism on increasing the income of villagers Case study: Villages of Chabaksar section of Rudsar city
        sabere salahkar
        t For countries like Iran, oil revenues are considered an economic rent that does not have any direct inductive effects in terms of raising the level of production in the economy. While the tourism industry is chained to some economic activities and its prosperity, in t More
        t For countries like Iran, oil revenues are considered an economic rent that does not have any direct inductive effects in terms of raising the level of production in the economy. While the tourism industry is chained to some economic activities and its prosperity, in terms of increasing revenues in the economy of the host country has a significant impact. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of tourism on increasing the income of the studied villages, which has been done by survey and descriptive-analytical methods. The statistical population of the study is the residents of 7 selected tourist villages from Siakhlorud and Oshian districts of Chabaksar district of Rudsar city, which according to Cochran's formula, 331 people have been done using stratified sampling method. Questionnaire is the most important data collection tool in the present study, the validity of which has been confirmed by technical experts and the reliability of the research tool has been confirmed using Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 94%. Explained with a mean of 3.79 and standard deviation of 0.51. Manuscript profile
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        20 - Analysis of factors affecting the development of tourism demand based on ecotourism in rural areas of Guilan
        Farhad Javan Naimabadi Nazanin
        The present study investigates the factors affecting the development of tourism demand based on ecotourism in rural areas of Gilan. The research method is analytical and the purpose of the research is practical. In order to analyze the data, SPSS software and FARAS mode More
        The present study investigates the factors affecting the development of tourism demand based on ecotourism in rural areas of Gilan. The research method is analytical and the purpose of the research is practical. In order to analyze the data, SPSS software and FARAS model were used. The results of the exploratory analysis model showed that in the physical factor, the sub-criterion (existence of beautiful and unique landscapes) had the highest percentage of effect and the criterion (suitability of recreational and sports equipment) had the least effect, in the economic factor, the sub-criterion (cheapness) Travel to the villages of Gilan) the most impact and and sub-criteria (reasonable prices of welfare accommodations and tourist suites) have the least impact, finally the social factor, sub-criteria (attractive lifestyle of the people of Gilan village for tourists) the most impact and Sub-criteria (level of awareness and education of rural residents towards tourists) has the least impact on the development of ecotourism demand in rural areas of Gilan. The results of the gray Aras model showed that the physical dimension with weight (0.590), the social and cultural dimension with weight (0.542), the economic dimension with weight (0.389), the highest and the lowest, respectively. They have the highest rankings. Manuscript profile
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        21 - Social impact assessment of Moradab cultural, recreational and tourism complex
        طلیعه  خادمیان حبیب  جباری
        The purpose of this study is to evaluate the social effects of the construction project of Moradab cultural and tourism complex in Islamabad neighborhood located in district one of Karaj municipality and to provide solutions to increase the positive consequences and red More
        The purpose of this study is to evaluate the social effects of the construction project of Moradab cultural and tourism complex in Islamabad neighborhood located in district one of Karaj municipality and to provide solutions to increase the positive consequences and reduce the negative consequences. The method of this research was cross-sectional in terms of time and in terms of implementation process, it was combined (quantitative and qualitative). In the quantitative part, the information was obtained through a survey of 400 Islamabad residents of Karaj and in the qualitative section, interviews have been conducted with the managers of the municipality of Karaj region, executive agents, planners and prominent people and local elites. Formal validity was used to determine the validity of the questionnaire and Cronbach’s alpha method was used to determine the reliability. The findings of the study indicate that the implementation of this project has positive effectsو such as improving leisure time, improving the local landscape and improving the environment, a sense of peace and social vitality, increasing a sense of security, increasing access to recreational and cultural services. , Increase housing prices, create job opportunities and income generation, improve the appearance of the neighborhood, increase participation and local affiliation and increase satisfaction and its negative effects are boredom and distrust of the people to the officials and the plan, forced migration and dissatisfaction with the crowds and crowds after the implementation of the plan, which, with the implementation of proper organizing policies and satisfaction of residents and principled design and benefit of the investor Private to speed things up can reduce the negative effects. Manuscript profile
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        22 - Investigating the managerial performance of tourism complexes by reviewing socio-cultural components (Case study: Kermanshah Tourism Complex)
        Behroz Badko Mohammad Ghasemi Siani Farhad Jalalvandi
        Today, tourism is one of the largest industries in the world and depends on a major part of the global economy; Tourism is economically, socio-culturally and environmentally integrated with the lives of people and governments. The purpose of this study is to investigat More
        Today, tourism is one of the largest industries in the world and depends on a major part of the global economy; Tourism is economically, socio-culturally and environmentally integrated with the lives of people and governments. The purpose of this study is to investigate the managerial performance of tourism complexes and present a strategic proposal with emphasis on socio-cultural components in Kermanshah tourism complex. This article examines the managerial performance in four tourism complexes, Rakhsh, Nesar, Nodsheh and Sefid Barg in Kermanshah province. And how can focusing on these components provide successful and appropriate management for the Kermanshah Jihad University tourism complex? This research was conducted using field survey and questionnaire tools presented to 152 people in Kermanshah tourism managers. The results showed that the components of reviving cultural identity and sense of national pride, promoting the culture of tourist reception and retention are ranked first, second and third among all the identified components affecting the managerial performance of tourism complexes, respectively. Accordingly, the emphasis on cultural identity and the necessary training to the managers of the complexes to create a culture of tourist reception has a significant impact on attracting tourists to the tourist complexes of the province. Manuscript profile
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        23 - Analysis of the impact of the legal structure of "geographical indications" on the development of handicrafts and rural tourism
        hamid hamidian abas borozoie
        Rural areas have natural and human potentials that lead to the creation of unique products that have a distinguishing feature from other regions. These products, which in the general sense can be referred to as rural handicrafts or indigenous rural products, have always More
        Rural areas have natural and human potentials that lead to the creation of unique products that have a distinguishing feature from other regions. These products, which in the general sense can be referred to as rural handicrafts or indigenous rural products, have always been considered as one of the foundations of growth and development of rural economy. Income and commercialization of these industries Sometimes it can be effective in local, regional, national and even international economies. Supporting these rural handicrafts can not only be directly effective in the rural economy, but can also provide a basis for attracting tourists. "Geographical indications" as one of the tools of the intellectual property rights system, in the national and international arenas, has provided guarantees to protect these industries. However, these guarantees, despite providing opportunities for the growth and development of rural Rural areas have natural and human potentials that lead to the creation of unique products that have a distinguishing feature from other regions. These products, which in the general sense can be referred to as rural handicrafts or indigenous rural products, have always been considered as one of the foundations of growth and development of rural economy. Income and commercialization of these industries Sometimes it can be effective in local, regional, national and even international economies. Supporting these rural handicrafts can not only be directly effective in the rural economy, but can also provide a basis for attracting tourists. "Geographical indications" as one of the tools of the intellectual property rights system, in the national and international arenas, has provided guarantees to protect these industries. However, these guarantees, despite providing opportunities for the growth and development of rural industries, have several challenges that have been addressed in this study.industries, have several challenges that have been addressed in this study. Manuscript profile
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        24 - Provide a Pattern Sustainable Tourism Development with Emphasis on Technology Commercialization in Iran
        shirin amirhosseini سید محمدرضا حسینی Roohalla samiee
        In today's era, many development planners and policymakers refer to tourism as the main pillar of economic development and believe that the basic method of tourism development is to achieve sustainable development, and the develop ent of sustainable tourism increases ta More
        In today's era, many development planners and policymakers refer to tourism as the main pillar of economic development and believe that the basic method of tourism development is to achieve sustainable development, and the develop ent of sustainable tourism increases tax revenues, exports and economic growth of countries. The aim of the this research was to present a model of sustainable tourism development with an emphasis on technology commercialization in Iran, which was done in a combined manner and is practical in terms of purpose and based on the descriptive-correlation method. Factors affecting the development of tourism were identified with an emphasis on technology commercialization based on in-depth interviews with 11 academic and organizational experts. The output of this stage was 35 components in the form of 4 dimensions: technology, economic, market awareness, laws and guidelines, That were leveled with interpretive structural modeling method and clustered with Mic Mac analysis, which was analyzed using Excel software. The results showed that the economic dimensions, market knowledge, rules and guidelines are in the first level, and the technological dimension is in the second level. The economic dimension is in the dependent cluster, the dimensions of market knowledge, rules and guidelines are in the linked cluster and the technology dimension is in the independent cluster. Based on the results of the research, it is suggested that information and communication technology tools should be seen in all official and unofficial tourism. Manuscript profile
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        25 - Assessing the consequences of visa cancellation with the Republic of Azerbaijan on the sustainable development of the northwestern of Iran
          Abolghasem mahmoodi afsaneh bashiri
        Many countries around the world use the visa cancellation policy as a privilege to attract tourists and develop sustainable tourism. Since 2010, the world tourism organization has supported the growing trend of visa cancellation and tourist entry facilities. Iran is no More
        Many countries around the world use the visa cancellation policy as a privilege to attract tourists and develop sustainable tourism. Since 2010, the world tourism organization has supported the growing trend of visa cancellation and tourist entry facilities. Iran is no exception to this rule and intends to benefit from the visa cancellation policy. Of course, the political benefits of a visa waiver for Iran is more important than tourism benefits. Northwestern region of Iran is important for the implementation of the visa cancellation policy due to special conditions; Proximity to 4 foreign countries, the existence of many tourist attractions and the need for further development. Among the four neighboring countries in the northwestern region of Iran, the Republic of Azerbaijan is very importance due to the same ethnicity, religion and culture, as well as some political issues. The visa cancellation with this country has had many positive and negative effects on the region tourism statistics, however, this trend has not had a positive impact on the sustainable development of tourism the study of these effects and providing a model for other regions of the country is one of the main objectives of this study which by combining quantitative and qualitative research methods, the result indicates that The visa cancellation with the Republic of Azerbaijan has been done with a political attitude and has not had significant positive effects on the indicators of sustainable tourism development in the northwestern region of Iran. Manuscript profile
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        26 - The Role of Religious tourism in The Planning System of Qom City
        esmail aliakbari Seyed Mehdi  Musa Kazemi ali nejat torkaman
        Religious tourism is a type of tourism in which participants are motivated by religious reasons. The aim of the research is to investigate the role of religious tourism in the planning system of Qom city. This research has been developed in terms of practical purpose an More
        Religious tourism is a type of tourism in which participants are motivated by religious reasons. The aim of the research is to investigate the role of religious tourism in the planning system of Qom city. This research has been developed in terms of practical purpose and in terms of descriptive-analytical method. The data obtained from the research was collected by documentary and field method based on the opinions of 35 experts and using a researcher-made questionnaire. The research findings showed; Religious tourism is not directly mentioned in any document or development plan until the fifth plan. The prioritization of the components showed that the shrine of Hazrat Masoumeh (PBUH), the Jamkaran Mosque and religious places are known as the most important components in the development of the landuses of Qom city, and the planners and officials of the regional levels and the national and local level planners have the lowest rank among the components according to the experts. Also, the results of the research showed that the planning system's attention to religious tourism in Qom city and the whole country is moderate to low. Concluding, as a social and cultural reality, religious tourism plays an essential role in the sustainable development of Qom and the country's tourism, and executives, planners and activists can provide reasons for the development of religious tourism in its various dimensions by preparing and implementing development plans. Manuscript profile
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        27 - Phenomenological approach in tourism studies
        Saeed Shariati
        Tourism studies globally, and specifically in Iran have been mainly based on positivistic approach and quantitative techniques. Adopting new insight, perception and definitions in the field of tourism based on the idea that people have their own feelings, values and ins More
        Tourism studies globally, and specifically in Iran have been mainly based on positivistic approach and quantitative techniques. Adopting new insight, perception and definitions in the field of tourism based on the idea that people have their own feelings, values and insight (personal) toward surrounding phenomena and that they can make a precise presentation of them, necessitates taking qualitative and interpretive approach in tourism studies. Phenomenology with the emphasis on humanistic and experimental dimension of tourism, provides researchers the opportunity to look at tourism from those who are experiencing it; tourists’ point of view. This article reviews some highly referenced papers in order to show how phenomenology, specifically in hermeneutic, interprets tourists’ experience and that how social science researchers can apply phenomenology to their tourism studies. Manuscript profile
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        28 - Typology of Cultural Tourism Action (Case Study: Mashhad pilgrims and tourists)
        Sahar Eghbali Mozhgan  Azimi Hashemi Hamed Bakhshi
        This study analyzes different types of cultural tourism action and its influencing factors among the pilgrims and tourists in Mashhad. The authors’ theoretical approach is a combination of motivation, attitude and Bourdieu’s capital theory.In this research required data More
        This study analyzes different types of cultural tourism action and its influencing factors among the pilgrims and tourists in Mashhad. The authors’ theoretical approach is a combination of motivation, attitude and Bourdieu’s capital theory.In this research required data were collected by means of a questionnaire with the sample size of 302, pilgrims and tourists, in Mashhad during March 2013(Iranian New Year holidays). Based on the research findings, the cultural tourists are divided into three categories: “specific cultural tourists” including tourists whose traveling aim is visiting cultural destination, “general cultural tourists” including tourists that during their travels, they will visit cultural destinations as well and “incidental cultural tourists” including tourists that accidentally and unknowingly will visit cultural destinations. Also, the results indicated that facilities will affect both attitudes and motivations toward cultural travel. Coefficient of determination model showed that the entered variables explain 45 % of the dependent variable variations (cultural travel action) and education level have the greatest effect on the variable of cultural travel action. Regarding the results, there are appropriate potential in order to promote cultural tourism, which will help tourists to gain more experiences while visiting cultural attractions and /or taking part in cultural events. Furthermore, it seems educated people are the main participants of this type of tourism. Manuscript profile
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        29 - The effect of religious tourism on quality of life and social capital of rural households (Case Study: Bardy village, Dehloran County).
        Javad Alibeigi
        Religious tourism is one of the oldest forms of tourism that has been considered by human beings which caused changes in the quality of life and social capital of the host society through changes between their interactions. This phenomenon is more obvious in third world More
        Religious tourism is one of the oldest forms of tourism that has been considered by human beings which caused changes in the quality of life and social capital of the host society through changes between their interactions. This phenomenon is more obvious in third world countries’ rural areas that are experiencing their early stages of tourism development. Accordingly, the aim of this study is to investigate the effect of religious tourism on quality of life and social capital of rural households in Bardi village, Dehloran County. This is an applied research, which benefits from descriptive and analytical method. The data were collected by means of a questionnaire, interviews, observation and desk research while data analysis was done through descriptive and inferential statistics method (Friedman and Wilcoxon tests). The study population was 165 households and 857 people of Bardy village according to 2011 census. Accordingly 102 households were chosen as sample size based on Cochran formula. Research findings show that religious tourism has affected and improved their quality of life in all aspects, including social, environmental (higher than average) and economical, physical (on average), also research findings regarding the social capital component shows that, after the expansion of religious tourism, social participation, social networks and social cohesion has improved, but the aspect of social trust has been reduced dramatically. Manuscript profile
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        30 - Socio - economic factors affecting overnight stays of domestic tourists (case study: Mashhad)
        Hadi Rafiy    
        Tourist overnight stays is a key factor in decision making process for tourists and it has a fundamental importance for tourism destinations. Length of stay is one of the most important determinants of tourism which affects the economy of a region. Mashhad is one of the More
        Tourist overnight stays is a key factor in decision making process for tourists and it has a fundamental importance for tourism destinations. Length of stay is one of the most important determinants of tourism which affects the economy of a region. Mashhad is one of the tourist destinations which its tourists and pilgrims was increased in number but their average length of stay was decreased recently. According to statistics, about 75 percent of pilgrims and tourists of Mashhad stay less than a week and only 25% of them are staying more than one week and the overnight stay average of Mashhad pilgrims is 5/43 days. The main objective of this study is to identify the socio-economic factors affecting the overnight stays of tourists and pilgrims in Mashhad. For this purpose, 692 questionnaires were completed randomly among tourists and pilgrims of Mashhad in spring 2015. Data were evaluated by Ordered Logit Model. The length of stay (the dependent variable) is classified into three groups; less than five days, between 5 to 7 days and more than 7 days. Results showed that the type of trip (Lonely), the frequency of traveling to Mashhad , the number of family members accompanying during the trips, food preparing ways and education level, have significant negative effects and the type of transportation (train) and income level (between 10.000.000 – 20.000.000 IRR) have significant positive effects on tourists and pilgrims overnight stay in Mashhad. Manuscript profile
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        31 - Analyzing the barriers of rural tourism development (Case study: Fash Village Kangavar city, Kermanshah province)
        Rural tourism is considered as an employment factor and income generator that can be an important solution for social and economic development of rural communities as well as protecting the rural culture and environment. The first step in the development of rural touris More
        Rural tourism is considered as an employment factor and income generator that can be an important solution for social and economic development of rural communities as well as protecting the rural culture and environment. The first step in the development of rural tourism is to identify its barriers and challenges. This study will analyze the barriers and challenges of rural tourism, through a qualitative paradigm and a grounded theory, also analysis of variance (ANOVA) was explored in the case study, the village of Fash from Kangavar. Data collection was conducted through, in-depth interviews, direct observations and desk research. The validity of this research was confirmed by experts and specialists such as university professors, experts and managers in Iranin Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization (ICHTO). By using MaxQDA, as a valuable qualitative analyzing software, themes, percentage and frequency of codes were analyzed. The results of the study showed that the main barriers of rural tourism development are: economic problems, socio-cultural problems, managerial-infrastructural problems and informational and publicity problems. Analyze of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey tests revealed that, from villagers’ point of view, the managerial-infrastructural problem has a higher impact whereas experts considered the same range of impact for informational and publicity problems as a barrier for rural tourism development. Manuscript profile
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        32 - The Effect of Perceived Service Quality, Satisfaction and Trust of Health Tourists on Their Revisiting and Reusing the Hospitals and
        Health tourism is becoming a developing sector in the tourism industry. It involves economic grounds; creates job opportunities; introduces different cultures; and even holds political interests for the countries. Health tourism has many economic benefits for the countr More
        Health tourism is becoming a developing sector in the tourism industry. It involves economic grounds; creates job opportunities; introduces different cultures; and even holds political interests for the countries. Health tourism has many economic benefits for the countries that are active in this industry. Health tourism is an emerging field, and there are serious competitions among countries that try to attract health tourists and keep them satisfied during their stay. This study aims to investigate the effect of perceived service quality, satisfaction, and trust of health tourists revisiting and reusing the hospitals and health centers in Mashhad. Data were collected using a questionnaire. Based on a judgmental sampling method, 206 people were selected from the international health tourists. Structural equation modeling was employed. Results confirmed there was a direct and positive relation between the perceived service quality and the customers’ satisfaction. Also, the hypothesis proved the positive effect of customers’ satisfaction on their trusting healthcare centers and their staff. Results also approved the effect of customers’ trust on their future decisions to return to the same places of treatments. Manuscript profile
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        33 - Analysis of Tourists’ Social Responsibility in Tourist Villages (Case study area: Tourist Villages of Khaf Township)
        Hamdollah  Sojasi Qeidari  
        Inappropriate behavior and odd recreational activities by tourists may have direct or indirect negative impact on the destination. Reducing the negative effects of tourism on the environment is a priority and main concern. Accordingly, a responsible environmental behavi More
        Inappropriate behavior and odd recreational activities by tourists may have direct or indirect negative impact on the destination. Reducing the negative effects of tourism on the environment is a priority and main concern. Accordingly, a responsible environmental behavior is important and necessary while achieving sustainable tourism development. This study was conducted in the spring of 2016 to analyze the social responsibility of rural tourists. The methodology was analytical-descriptive, using the library and field study (questionnaire). The study population comprised 228 tourists from 14 rural areas of Khaf. Data were collected using a stratified random sampling method with a questionnaire, which was based on the 5-fold elements of social responsibility in the literature. The reliability of the measurement tool was (0.869) based on Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. The results and findings of this study suggested the sample stayed higher than the favorable average number of 3 in terms of social responsibility component. In other words, tourists visiting these villages feel more responsible towards the different aspects of rural attractions. Manuscript profile
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        34 - Systematic Review of Research Papers in the Field of Tourism Social Studies
        Mozhgan  Azimi Hashemi zahra bostan
        Reviewing research in any field provides a clear understating of theoretical approaches, methods, and techniques used in that field. It also expresses theoretical and methodological developments. In addition to general issues about the nature and evolution of scientific More
        Reviewing research in any field provides a clear understating of theoretical approaches, methods, and techniques used in that field. It also expresses theoretical and methodological developments. In addition to general issues about the nature and evolution of scientific knowledge, Paradigmatic topics and new studies on tourism (which can provide theories on the evolution of tourism knowledge), systematic reviews provide verifiable and firm conclusions about the evolution of research on a relevant topic. In order to reveal insights and social thoughts about tourism, this article utilized content analysis to review the social studies of tourism in scientific journals in Iran. According to Cohen’s sociology of tourism, tourism social studies are classified into four categories: (a) the tourist-his motivations, attitudes, reactions, and roles; (b) the relations and perceptions of tourists and locals; (c) the structure of the tourist system; and (d) impacts of tourism. Research findings show that the structure of the tourist system is the most prevalent social issue in the Iranian scholars’ research. Tourists, impacts of tourism, and the relations and perceptions of tourists and locals are in the next places respectively. The results show that tourism is not popular among sociologists in Iran. Geographers are more active in producing and publishing social issues of tourism, and they have published most of the articles in all of the four categories. Results do not show growth in interdisciplinary studies of tourism but they confirm multidisciplinary research that was carried out mainly by using quantitative methods and through surveys of stakeholders and experts. The results show that there are many conceptual and methodological gaps in the development of knowledge between the tourism industry and its impact on policy-making, development, and management of commercial tourism in Iran. Manuscript profile
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        35 - Prioritizing Motivations of Iraqi Tourists Visiting the Holy City of Mashhad
        Though discussions about tourists’ motivations have witnessed many investigations in recent years, research regarding motivations for religious tourism is in its infancy. Researchers have not reached an exact consensus in distinguishing religious and pilgrimage tourism. More
        Though discussions about tourists’ motivations have witnessed many investigations in recent years, research regarding motivations for religious tourism is in its infancy. Researchers have not reached an exact consensus in distinguishing religious and pilgrimage tourism. Success in destination marketing requires a thorough analysis of tourists’ motivations. Therefore, the current study surveyed and prioritized motivations of Iraqi tourists. The study is based on library research, and the use of a questionnaire. In this study, 385 questionnaires were distributed among Iraqi tourists entering the city of Mashhad. 10 hidden variable and 38 items or questions were analyzed. After the final review, 247 questionnaires were accepted. Demographic variables were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Confirmatory factor analysis was used in analyzing the main variables. Data validity, reliability, and goodness of fit were approved and the Friedman test was used to rank the factors. The results showed that spirituality and self-actualization motives were of the highest priority. Other motivations were: visiting historic-cultural attractions; gaining respect and prestige; family reasons; searching for safety and relaxation; enjoying recreation and leisure; and learning and curiosity motivations. Pull factors were religio-cultural motivations, leisure attractions, and structural features, respectivesly. Manuscript profile
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        36 - Analyzing the Effective Factors Influencing the Satisfaction of Foreign and National Tourists of Bisotoun Tourism Complex
        When discussing the level of tourists’ satisfaction in a specific destination, attention needs to be paid to indicators of satisfaction analysis. Providing needs and expectations of tourists guarantee a higher level of tourist attraction and development. The main questi More
        When discussing the level of tourists’ satisfaction in a specific destination, attention needs to be paid to indicators of satisfaction analysis. Providing needs and expectations of tourists guarantee a higher level of tourist attraction and development. The main question of this study was, “What are the main factors which affect the level of tourists’ satisfaction in Bisotoun international tourist destination?” This research is applied, and the method is descriptive analysis. Data collection was based on field observations, library research, and using questionnaires. To analyze the data, descriptive and inferential statistics, including factor analysis method and independent T Test, have been used. Statistical population of this study included national and foreign visitors of Bisotoun international tourism complex. Since the number or the statistical population was unclear, using Cochran, the numbers of required samples were specified as 384 for each group of national and international tourists. The results of the study show that six factors affect tourists’ satisfaction: quality of the environment; quality of services; quality of the host community and their behavior toward tourists; prices of the services; quality of safety; and the quality of transportation services. Results also show that prices of the services, quality of the environment, and transportation services have the highest effect on the satisfaction of the national and international tourists. Manuscript profile
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        37 - Factors Influencing the Realization of the Green Supply Chain in Iran’s Tourism Industry
        Mohammad Hossein   Imani khoshkho seyed mohammad mousavi
        This research identified and mapped a model of critical factors to realize the green supply chain of tourism industry. Studying the literature and research background, effective factors on the emergence of the green supply chain were identified. In the quantitative phas More
        This research identified and mapped a model of critical factors to realize the green supply chain of tourism industry. Studying the literature and research background, effective factors on the emergence of the green supply chain were identified. In the quantitative phase, 100 stakeholders from the tourism industry were selected and were surveyed to identify critical factors in the green supply chain of the tourism industry. Questionnaires were used for data gathering. To analyze the research data, using the statistical analysis and t-test, the coefficient of the significance of the components was determined. To prioritize the indicators and their cause and effect, the Fuzzy Dematel technique was used in the second phase. The results of the analysis showed that all of the 33 identified factors were critical and essential. The analysis of the factors influencing the management of suppliers showed that among the 6 factors, the following three were root causes of the green supply chain: a) providing encouraging services to the supplier to pay attention to and protect the environment; b) considering the environmental characteristics as Quality Requirements Provider; and c) holding meeting with Suppliers. Meanwhile, three other factors are short-term goals in the green supply chain. They included: a) helping suppliers to solve their environmental problems; b) paying attention to environmental principles and adhering to them in holding tenders; and c) efforts to reduce environmental impacts through the timely delivery of supply commitments. Manuscript profile
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        38 - Consumer Behavior in E-Tourism Services
        sakineh jafari Mohammad najjarzadeh rezvan Golestaneh narjes deyrgandom
        Today’s tourists are more dependent on the Internet than ever before to search for travel information. They share their travel experiences in cyberspace. The goal of this study is to investigate the effects of travel stimulus variables, information search and the qualit More
        Today’s tourists are more dependent on the Internet than ever before to search for travel information. They share their travel experiences in cyberspace. The goal of this study is to investigate the effects of travel stimulus variables, information search and the quality of electronic tourism services on the behavior of young consumers, aged 20 to 40 years. Participants included 182 young people from Tehran (46 male, 105 female), and were selected based on random sampling. Data were analyzed using the structural equation model with LISREL software. The findings showed that the motivation of travel had a significant indirect effect, through the quality of services, on the behavior of the users of electronic tourism services. The study found that the motivation to travel and search information indirectly and through the quality of service could affect the behavior of the consumer of electronic tourism services. Manuscript profile
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        39 - Motivational Factors in War Tourism: The case of Khorramshahr war museum
          نیلوفر رحبی مقدم
        In recent tourism studies, motivation is accepted as a crucial variable that explains tourism behavior and is used to understand decision-making and destination selecting. Studies show that many tourists travel to war-related areas, and war memorials are important attra More
        In recent tourism studies, motivation is accepted as a crucial variable that explains tourism behavior and is used to understand decision-making and destination selecting. Studies show that many tourists travel to war-related areas, and war memorials are important attractions in these destinations. In Iran, war tourism and war-related sites (e.g. sites of the 8-year-old war) provided real good demands. The purpose of this study was to assess the motivations for travel to war-related tourism destinations. The war museum in Khorramshahr was selected as the case study. This research employed quantitative research methods with 270 valid questionnaires obtained for data analysis. Based on 18 criteria, the motivational factors were classified into four categories: publicity; interest in the acquisition of knowledge and recognition; facilities; and internal factors. Structural Equation Model (SEM) was used to analyze the data. The results showed that three of the categories, excluding the internal factors, influenced on creating the visitors’ motivation but the most important factor was about interest in acquiring knowledge and recognition (R2=0.645). Manuscript profile
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        40 - The Role of Social Responsibilities on Developing Brand Equity in Tourist Destinations: The case of Isfahan
          فرزانه  عبدالمحمدی
        This research investigated the effects of social responsibilities on brand equity in tourism destinations. This is an applied study and follows surveying in goal and method. The statistical population of this study included foreign tourists who traveled to Isfahan and v More
        This research investigated the effects of social responsibilities on brand equity in tourism destinations. This is an applied study and follows surveying in goal and method. The statistical population of this study included foreign tourists who traveled to Isfahan and visited Naqshe Jahan Square in summer 2017. Data-collection instrument was a researcher-developed questionnaire based on the literature and it included 40 closed questions. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire were examined and confirmed through content and construct validities, and Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient. To analyze the data and to test the hypotheses, both SEM and path analysis were used in the SPSS and LISREL, respectively. The findings showed that social responsibilities in tourism destinations significantly affected brand through brand awareness; perceived value; perceived quality of tourism destination; the brand image of tourism destination; loyalty towards tourism destination. Manuscript profile
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        41 - Identifying Goals of Strategic Alliances Case: Medical Tourism Businesses in Iran
        Ali Asghar Shalbafian Hashem   Aghazadeh hamid Reza Zargham Broujeni Ali  Heidari
        Strategic alliances stand among the most prominent collaborations between businesses. In service businesses such as tourism, due to heterogeneity in key elements, dominance of SMEs and high sensitivity of the industry regarding the environmental changes, strategic allia More
        Strategic alliances stand among the most prominent collaborations between businesses. In service businesses such as tourism, due to heterogeneity in key elements, dominance of SMEs and high sensitivity of the industry regarding the environmental changes, strategic alliances experienced more referrals. There seems to be no comprehensive study on how strategic alliances form in niche areas of tourism, like medical tourism, in Iran. This study focused on identifying the formation of strategic alliances among Iranian medical tourism businesses. Using snowball sampling, 17 experts in medical tourism were selected. Through semi-structured interviews, the data was gathered, and it was analyzed with MAXQDA10 software using theme analysis. Results showed that the goals behind the formation of medical tourism businesses could be categorized in eight key themes: 1) lifting legal barriers; 2) the contingencies of industry; 3) personal interests; 4) organizational goals; 5) customer-related goals; 6) strategic goals; 7) economic goals; 8) securing national interests. Manuscript profile
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        42 - Modeling for Predicting Domestic Demands for Recreational Tourism in Tehran
              ebtehal zandi
        Recreational tourism is an important form of domestic tourism in Tehran, based on the statistics of the National Center of Statistics and the views of the experts. This paper tried to propose models for predicting effective variables on predicting domestic demands for r More
        Recreational tourism is an important form of domestic tourism in Tehran, based on the statistics of the National Center of Statistics and the views of the experts. This paper tried to propose models for predicting effective variables on predicting domestic demands for recreational tourism in Tehran. The study used the monthly information between 2001 and 2015. The independent variable was the number of domestic recreational tourists in Tehran, and the dependent variables were selected based on Delphi and Fuzzy DEMATEL techniques. The model framework was a combination of regression, the fuzzy neural network, and SVR algorithm. The combinations of these methods helped measure prediction errors and compare methods. Results showed that the proposed hybrid approach of regression and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) could have a better prediction compared to other methods for predicting domestic recreational tourism. Manuscript profile
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        43 - Sociological Analysis of Factors Influencing Destination Loyalty
        طیبر ظیسبل
        This paper is a part of a survey. It applies structural equal modeling techniques to analyze factors that influence tourism destination loyalty. The approach was “Tourism as a customer.” The customer buys leisure services from the provider and the destination. One model More
        This paper is a part of a survey. It applies structural equal modeling techniques to analyze factors that influence tourism destination loyalty. The approach was “Tourism as a customer.” The customer buys leisure services from the provider and the destination. One model in this approach is the European Customer Satisfaction Index. Based on this model, variables influencing the loyalty of tourists to the host community are not just the service provided by the host community. Rather, loyalty is correlated to the image of the destination, and the related expectations of that image. The statistical population was the families and parents of the martyrs in Mashhad. The sample included 400 cases selected by stratified sampling. Based on regression coefficients, perceived value and perceived quality were factors that influenced trip satisfaction. The final model of path analysis showed perceived value and perceived quality influenced trip satisfaction. Perceived quality impacted life satisfaction both directly and indirectly. We considered this perceived value as a mediate variable. Perceived quality leads to a positive evaluation of travel achievement, and it increases trip satisfaction. Manuscript profile
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        44 - Sociological Analysis of Factors Influencing Destination Loyalty
        طیبر ظیسبل   سميه  عفتی
        This paper is a part of a survey. It applies structural equal modeling techniques to analyze factors that influence tourism destination loyalty. The approach was “Tourism as a customer.” The customer buys leisure services from the provider and the destination. One model More
        This paper is a part of a survey. It applies structural equal modeling techniques to analyze factors that influence tourism destination loyalty. The approach was “Tourism as a customer.” The customer buys leisure services from the provider and the destination. One model in this approach is the European Customer Satisfaction Index. Based on this model, variables influencing the loyalty of tourists to the host community are not just the service provided by the host community. Rather, loyalty is correlated to the image of the destination, and the related expectations of that image. The statistical population was the families and parents of the martyrs in Mashhad. The sample included 400 cases selected by stratified sampling. Based on regression coefficients, perceived value and perceived quality were factors that influenced trip satisfaction. The final model of path analysis showed perceived value and perceived quality influenced trip satisfaction. Perceived quality impacted life satisfaction both directly and indirectly. We considered this perceived value as a mediate variable. Perceived quality leads to a positive evaluation of travel achievement, and it increases trip satisfaction. Manuscript profile
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        45 - Investigating Stakeholder Perceptions on the Realization of Pro-Poor Tourism in Selected Villages in the Eastern Province of Semnan
        Mohammad Reza  Rezvani seyed ali badri Zabih-Allah  Torabi
        The poor have been the focus of attention in tourism development programs in developing countries. This has become a primary concern in tourism development programs so that the net revenues of tourism have been the reason for any tourism development initiative. The pres More
        The poor have been the focus of attention in tourism development programs in developing countries. This has become a primary concern in tourism development programs so that the net revenues of tourism have been the reason for any tourism development initiative. The present qualitative study used content analysis to identify and explain perceptions of tourism stakeholders to reduce the poverty in the selected villages, i.e. Qaleh Bala, Abr and Reza Abad, in the east of Semnan. Because of their geographical isolation and traditional lifestyles, people in these villages suffered from poverty. In recent years, the government made efforts to reduce poverty through tourism development in these areas. The interviews with the five stakeholders showed that with government support, tourism reduced poverty in three ways: direct, indirect, and dynamic. The support had thus increased opportunities and skills for a large part of the rural poor and had also promoted relative cohesion, participation, and environmentally responsible behavior. Manuscript profile
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        46 - Identifying Institutional Factors Influencing the Exploitation of Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Health-Tourism in Iran: a qualitative study of Tehran province
        Kamal Sakhdari nader seyedamiri Alireza Rajaian Javad Sakhdari
        Despite many potentials in health tourism in Iran, few entrepreneurial behaviors tried to use them. The nexus theory of actor-opportunity suggests that entrepreneurial behaviors result from a suitable combination of actors and the supporting environment. Institutional f More
        Despite many potentials in health tourism in Iran, few entrepreneurial behaviors tried to use them. The nexus theory of actor-opportunity suggests that entrepreneurial behaviors result from a suitable combination of actors and the supporting environment. Institutional factors are among the important elements of a supporting context for entrepreneurship. This qualitative research aimed to identify institutional factors that influenced the exploitation of health-tourism opportunities in Tehran province. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews with entrepreneurs and health tourism experts. Interviewees were selected using targeted and snowball methods. This study took place in Tehran, April to July 2015. We introduced four categories of institutional factors: regulatory, normative, cognitive and supportive. These categories form the essential factors for exploiting entrepreneurial opportunities in health tourism in Iran focusing on the capital city of Tehran. Manuscript profile
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        47 - Investigating the Effect of Smart Tourism Technologies’ Select Factors on the Satisfaction of Using Technology in Travel: A Case Study of Yazd Visitors
        Hashem Reisi amirreza konjkav monfared elahe hosseini
        Emerged out of recent advances and the development of information technology, smart tourism provides modern modes of communication, novel ways of collecting information, and new opportunities for value creation and management. Therefore, this study sought to investigate More
        Emerged out of recent advances and the development of information technology, smart tourism provides modern modes of communication, novel ways of collecting information, and new opportunities for value creation and management. Therefore, this study sought to investigate the influence of the technologies used in smart tourism on tourists’ satisfaction with using technology in their travels. The study's statistical population comprised domestic tourists who visited Yazd city in Iran, out of whom 240 individuals were selected via convenient sampling. The required data were collected by administering the 16-item questionnaire proposed by Yoo et al. (2017) and Huang et al. (2017). Moreover, the questionnaire’s technical characteristics were examined in terms of validity (structure and content) and reliability (Cronbach's alpha) to secure the accuracy of the research results. The research hypotheses were also tested based on the partial least squares method using the structural equation modeling and Smart PLS 3 software. The study’s results indicated that all three hypotheses were confirmed, as their t-statistic value was over 1.96. Furthermore, it was found that the highest impact factor belonged to informing aspect of smart tourism technologies, suggesting that offering information, interaction, and accessibility had a significant positive effect on the satisfaction of using technology in travel. It can therefore be argued that satisfaction with the use of technology in travel generates profits for tourism companies, leading to the loyalty of tourists to a particular destination. Manuscript profile
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        48 - The effect of moderating cultural congruence on the relationship between internal marketing activities and employee satisfaction (Case study: Tourism staff in the western Iran, Iraq and Turkey)
        Fakhrodin Maroofi  
        The role of internal marketing in employee satisfaction has been empirically investigated. More than 200 research on internal marketing has been carried out and a small number of research has been made about the role of employees in cultural backgrounds. Following the g More
        The role of internal marketing in employee satisfaction has been empirically investigated. More than 200 research on internal marketing has been carried out and a small number of research has been made about the role of employees in cultural backgrounds. Following the gap in literature, the study aims to explore the moderating effect of cultural congruence on the internal marketing operations and the satisfaction of employee satisfaction in the workplace. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between internal marketing and employee satisfaction with regard to the mediating role of cultural congruence. This research is applicable in terms of purpose, and is a quantitative and survey method in terms of quantitative and cross - sectional method. The statistical population is the tourism field staff among the Iraqi, Iranians and Turkish Kurds, who were selected by simple random and stratified random sampling method from 338 individuals. Data were collected by library and field research (questionnaire) which were conducted online and face to face.Structures were measured using existing scales and confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling were used to evaluate the effects. The results show that there is a positive relationship between internal marketing operations and employee satisfaction. Moreover, the empirical and theoretical results of this study and empirical evidence confirm that cultural congruence can further enhance the internal marketing operations and satisfaction of employees. Manuscript profile
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        49 - Ethnographic Study of the Tourists' Motivation for Recreational Trip to Mazandaran Province Through the Lens of Rite of Passage Theory
        Zohreh Korani Fatemeh Sam
        Considering the relationship between tourists' motivations and the type of their trip, a clear and logical perception of the process could be of great significance. Therefore, this study sought to analyze the tourists’ motivations for traveling to the coastal cities of More
        Considering the relationship between tourists' motivations and the type of their trip, a clear and logical perception of the process could be of great significance. Therefore, this study sought to analyze the tourists’ motivations for traveling to the coastal cities of Mazandaran province, taking a distinct anthropological perspective by highlighting the concepts of leisure trips. As ethnography is the main method used by anthropologists to discover the elements existing in a field, this study used a qualitative method with an emphasis on ethnography. Primary data were collected through participant observation and semi-structured in-depth interviews. To this end, 16 tourists who had visited the three coastal cities of Mahmoud Abad, Fereydoonknar, and Babolsar were selected via purposive sampling. The collected data were then analyzed using a three-stage coding system. In this regard, first, three categories, including "a place with a different structure", "in search of novel experiences", and "suspension" were identified. Finally, after performing the selective coding, the core category of "rites of passage" was extracted. According to the study’s results, it appears that the tourists who travel to the cities mentioned above for recreational purposes experience a mixed feeling of suspension and freedom from the requirements and responsibilities of daily life during the trip, which could be considered similar to the second phase of the theory of rites of passage. Manuscript profile
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        50 - Metatheorizing Regional Tourism: A Meta-analysis Report
        Abbasgholi Sangi Noorpour
        Considering the growing number of research articles published on regional planning and tourism worldwide, and the fact that it appears impossible for the researchers to review all of them in detail, it is necessary to analyze the studies conducted in this field whatsoev More
        Considering the growing number of research articles published on regional planning and tourism worldwide, and the fact that it appears impossible for the researchers to review all of them in detail, it is necessary to analyze the studies conducted in this field whatsoever. Moreover, as meta-analysis has recently been welcomed by Iranian researchers, it seems that in a near future, a considerable number of studies on urban and regional planning would apply meta-analysis as their research method. Therefore, this study sought to examine, based on the PRISMA statement, the reports of meta-analysis studies on regional planning published in both Iranian and Non-Iranian journals. To this end, all Iranian and Non-Iranian journals (in Persian and English) in the field of regional planning indexed during the last decade with the subject of regional tourism by such databases as Magiran, SID (Scientific Information Database, affiliated with the Academic Center for Education Culture and Research), Google Scholar, and IranDoc (Iranian Research Institute for Information Science and Technology) were examined, using meta-analysis and tourism as keywords for searching through the aforementioned databases, resulting in the identification of 38 relevant articles. Then, 13 articles were selected based on predetermined criteria, whose data were analyzed based on the PRISMA statement using descriptive statistics. The study’s findings indicated the examined meta-analysis articles were acceptably compatible with the criteria set by the PRISMA statement in terms of overall quality. Moreover, it was found that 38% percent of the articles lacked expected methodological quality. Also, the quality of the meta-analysis studies reported in the field of regional tourism was found to be moderate. Manuscript profile
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        51 - Coastal and marine tourism scheme in the Coast of Ramsar (based on choice of tourists)
          Hamid Amirnejad Mohammad 
        The profits of the coastal tourism industry are such that many people would invest in it. Considering the potential of the southern shores of the Caspian Sea, this study measured the views of tourists to improve the factors of the coastal industry. With a random sample More
        The profits of the coastal tourism industry are such that many people would invest in it. Considering the potential of the southern shores of the Caspian Sea, this study measured the views of tourists to improve the factors of the coastal industry. With a random sample in the city of Ramsar, this study used a choice experiment model and advanced econometric regressions such as conditional Logit. The aim was to improve the utility of tourists and to suggest a functional model for the development of Ramsar coastal tourism by creating sustainable employment. To develop models, we conducted field interviews on Ramsar beaches in the spring and summer of 2018. The results showed that improving the sanitation facilities and the recreational facilities plus beach prospects had a positive impact on the ultimate utility of the tourists. The tourists would spend forty percent more if the current situation improved by fifty percent. To develop a desirable model for tourists, our recommendations to the investors were to improve: a) the beach and sea landscape 25 percent; b) the health and wellness facilities 50 percent; c) the recreational facilities 50 percent. Manuscript profile
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        52 - Effective Drivers on the Sustainable Development of Rural Tourism with an Emphasis on Futures Studies (Awraman district of Sarvabad city)
          رسول صفیاری soran manoochehri
        Sustainable development of tourism requires a future studies approach. Given the nature of sustainability and the complexity of the open tourism system and its impact from trends, events, and changes (known as drivers), such an approach can identify, understand, and ana More
        Sustainable development of tourism requires a future studies approach. Given the nature of sustainability and the complexity of the open tourism system and its impact from trends, events, and changes (known as drivers), such an approach can identify, understand, and analyze the complexities and the operating drivers. This applied research with a descriptive-analytical method and a prospective exploratory approach identified the most important drivers that would affect the sustainable development of Awraman (Kurdistan, Iran) rural tourism. To identify the drivers, we used the Delphi technique and selected 38 experts. The MicMac software was used to find the relationships and their impacts and effectiveness. The results showed that the tourism system of the region would follow an unstable development. In such a situation, the aggregated drivers of economic, institutional, and environmental indicators would be more effective than social drivers. The most effective driver would be an inappropriate business environment, while a culture of self-employment and entrepreneurship would be the most influential driver in the sustainable development tourism for the region. Manuscript profile
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        53 - A Conceptual Model for the Cultural Tourism Sustainable Development: a meta-synthesis approach
        Mohanna Nikbin hamid Reza Zargham Broujeni sayed reza salehi amiri kamran mohamadkhani farhad ghaffari
        Tourism is a powerful means of cultural transactions among societies. UNWTO predicted the following two decades (to 2030) to be the tourism sustainable growth period. Cultural tourism development could preserve the cultural and natural assets of destinations, enhance th More
        Tourism is a powerful means of cultural transactions among societies. UNWTO predicted the following two decades (to 2030) to be the tourism sustainable growth period. Cultural tourism development could preserve the cultural and natural assets of destinations, enhance the host communities’ quality of life, and delight the tourists. Following an interpretive approach and a systematic meta-synthesis technique, this paper systematically studied the scholarship in cultural tourism sustainable development. This study identified and categorized the extracted codes using a latent content analysis strategy. Based on the CASP criterion, the papers published in authentic Persian and English scientific databases by 2019 (Azar 1397) were selected. Maxqda 2018.1 was used to identify, group, analyze, and interpret the codes. One hundred four primary codes were grouped into 29 major and minor categories, and four main codes: i.e., dimensions, influential factors, impacts and challenges of cultural tourism sustainable development. We presented a conceptual model for cultural tourism sustainable development. Finally, by Cohen’s kappa index using SPSS, the validity of the results was measured 0.712, also verified by the experts excluding the authors. Manuscript profile
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        54 - The Effects of Interactional Experience of Tourists on Their Attitudes to the Host (case study: Mashhad)
        hamed bakhshi Maryam Hashemian
        Tourist-host relations are inevitable in the destination. The tourists expect to have a good experience in their interactions with the host. However, when they encounter unpleasant actions, they get contradictory attitudes towards the destination. This paper studied the More
        Tourist-host relations are inevitable in the destination. The tourists expect to have a good experience in their interactions with the host. However, when they encounter unpleasant actions, they get contradictory attitudes towards the destination. This paper studied the effects of tourist-host interactional experience on tourists’ attitudes towards the local people. Four groups of service providers were selected: vehicle drivers, the staff of the Holy Shrine, resellers, and citizens of Mashhad. Data about the tourists’ experiences were extracted from open questions in the questionnaire. Participants’ qualitative experiences were then categorized and codified by thematic analysis in two categories of positive and negative experiences. After counting the thematic codes, attitudes of pilgrims and tourists were measured using a Likert scale. The results showed that the average score of tourists’ attitudes towards the people of Mashhad was 3.33 (1-5), which showed a neutral attitude to the hosts. Among the demographic characteristics, only age and education had significant relations with the pilgrims’ attitude. Age had a positive relation, while education had a negative relation. Besides, interactional experiences influenced the pilgrims’ and tourists’ attitudes. When they had pleasant and positive experiences with the hosts, their attitudes increased positively, while their negative and unpleasant experiences with the host, led to their negative attitudes. Manuscript profile
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        55 - Effective Factors in Management Strategies for Sustainable Branding in Coastal Destinations (Case Study: Chabahar Coastal Zone)
          seyed saeed hashemi abdolreza roknedin eftekhari
        Given the critical importance of branding, tourism destinations seek to attract broader support in social, environmental, and managerial dimensions and set their management methods. To accomplish such goals and to establish an optimal management approach, one needs to i More
        Given the critical importance of branding, tourism destinations seek to attract broader support in social, environmental, and managerial dimensions and set their management methods. To accomplish such goals and to establish an optimal management approach, one needs to identify the influential factors. This paper aimed to establish a sustainable branding management strategy for coastal tourism destinations by identifying influential factors. The resource-based theory was used besides the METASWOT technique to establish a sustainable branding management strategy in Chabahar coastal zone. This mixed descriptive-analytical study was conducted on a statistical population of 84 experts and tourists. It used tested indices of a sustainable brand. The resource-based approach in sustainable branding included a set of assets and abilities that were available and useful in identifying threats and opportunities while reacting to them. This set was considered based on the “valuability,” “scarcity,” “non-imitability,” “non-replaceability of resources,” and “internal capabilities.” Besides, Chabahar coastal zone was compared to Oman, Kish, and Qeshm to identify the competitive dimensions. Given the tendency of local people and government towards economic development in Chabahar and the results from other qualitative and quantitative studies, it can be suggested that Chabahar coastal zone had the capacities required for collaborative and community-centered management. Based on the results, the optimal management strategy for this zone was resource-based, collaborative, and community-centered. Manuscript profile
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        56 - Comparing the Attitude Patterns of Men and Women in Planning and Developing Clean and Inexpensive Coastal Cycling Tourism (Case Study of Babolsar)
        Mehdi   Ramezanzadeh Lasbuie فرشته  دوستی
        In traditional societies, gender roles are not notable, whereas gender relations play a significant role in planning and developing tourism. Gender relations give identity to people and set their power and participation in environmental and socio-cultural affairs. All t More
        In traditional societies, gender roles are not notable, whereas gender relations play a significant role in planning and developing tourism. Gender relations give identity to people and set their power and participation in environmental and socio-cultural affairs. All types of tourism, including cycling tourism, play roles in distributing power, resources, participation, and support among the members of society, particularly women and youths. Babolsar city has a coastline of 27 km, which makes it the lengthiest swimming beach in Mazandaran province, visited by various tourists. Should the standards improve, the city’s coastline could attract bicycle tourists and even hold cycling races on a national level. This study compared the attitude patterns of men and women to develop cycling tourism. It also discussed the motivational factors affecting women. Two hundred questionnaires were randomly distributed among tourists on the beaches of Babolsar city. Data were analyzed by T-test and linear regression in SPSS. The results showed that women, similar to men, had a high tendency to use bicycles in a suitable environment. They also asked to establish standard infrastructures to improve their skills. Among the motivational factors in women’s views, the pro-cycling attitudes and perceived cycling ease had the highest impact on developing cycling tourism in Babolsar. Manuscript profile
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        57 - Assessing Users’ Recreational Demand in Urban Parks in Tehran with the Help of the Artificial Neural Network
        The advantages of public green spaces are clear. However, it is hard to estimate which parks provide higher standards for users’ (both tourists and citizens) recreational demands. This study provided a model to assess recreational demands in urban parks with the help of More
        The advantages of public green spaces are clear. However, it is hard to estimate which parks provide higher standards for users’ (both tourists and citizens) recreational demands. This study provided a model to assess recreational demands in urban parks with the help of the artificial neural network. The aim was to clarify the rules of satisfaction among the users’ recreational demands in urban parks. In 22 districts of the city of Tehran, 104 local urban parks (with a high diversity of the quality of welfare services and design) were selected. Using the user-centered viewpoint, we assessed the recreational demand. A field study from 1395 to 1396 helped to investigate the role of the urban district and park service variables in increasing the demand for urban parks. Results of trained networks showed that the artificial neural network created the best function of topology optimization with a higher coefficient of determination in three categorists of training, validation, and test data. Sensitivity analysis showed that the number of urban district parks, sports areas, cultural areas, and the quality of landscape with a sensitivity coefficient of 183.5, 58.1, 52.7, and 30.4, respectively, had the highest effect on the users’ recreational demand in urban parks. The suggested model would be a decision support system in designing urban parks. Such an approach would help improve urban development based on tourism attractions and would develop urban tourism on a broader scale. Manuscript profile
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        58 - A model for developing disabled tourism in the city of Yazd
        Mir Mohhammad  Asadi Mehdi Bassouli Yasamin Boroumandzad
        Traveling always brings with itself a sense of rejuvenation, hope, and abandonment from daily activities. Most experts recommend traveling to the elderly, the disabled, and the veterans. The main issue for disabled people is their being ignored in the Iranian tourism ne More
        Traveling always brings with itself a sense of rejuvenation, hope, and abandonment from daily activities. Most experts recommend traveling to the elderly, the disabled, and the veterans. The main issue for disabled people is their being ignored in the Iranian tourism network. Many urban and public spaces lack the proper facilities and are hard to use. People with disabilities have less or limited opportunities to enjoy tourism activities. Disabled tourism needs particular attention since Yazd was named a World Heritage by UNESCO. This research designed a model of the factors that influenced developing disabled tourism in Yazd. Reviewing the literature, we identified 15 essential factors, which were revised and modified into 13 after interviews with some experts. Using cognitive mapping technique and interpretive structural modeling, we designed a model for essential factors. The results showed that the most critical factors in developing disabled tourism included the role of the government in promoting such tourism, a customized transportation system for the disabled, and security. Manuscript profile
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        59 - The willingness of tourists to pay for services in rural tourism destinations
        Hamdollah  Sojasi Qeidari حمیده محمودی Atefe jomeei
        Tourism-baed development would only takes place if local communities are provided with the revenues earned from visiting tourists who are willingly pay for tourism services offered. This study, therefore, sought to investigate the willingness of toursits visiting the vi More
        Tourism-baed development would only takes place if local communities are provided with the revenues earned from visiting tourists who are willingly pay for tourism services offered. This study, therefore, sought to investigate the willingness of toursits visiting the villages of Shandiz city in Binalood town to pay for tourism services offered there. Being a descriptive-analytic research, the study used conditional evaluation method and logit model to measure the pay willingness rate. Vikor model was also employed to identify the spatial differences among the tourists in terms of their willingness to pay for the services they received. The population of the study comprised of eleven villages which were visited throughout 2018 by 96 visitors who were selected as the participants of the study according to Cochran formula with 0.1 error rate. The results of the stusy indicate that tourists tends to spend an average of 776540 Rials (equal to 6 USD) in the villages they visit. Taking the the total willingness of the visiting tourists to pay for the services for a full day into account, commercial facilities, catering, recreation, and residential facilities were the most willingly paid services respectively. Moreover, based on the Vikor model, tourists spend more money in Virani village as more services are offered there in terms of restaurant, catering, and residential facilities. Manuscript profile
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        60 - Investigating the Scenarios of non-Muslim non-Iranian Tourists of Mashhad Within 2025 Perspective
        Arash   Ghahreman Ahmad roumiani Sareh   Nematian zahra bostan
        The uncertainty caused by environmental complexities has made it difficult to forecast the future of Tourism in Mashhad in terms of non-Muslim tourists visiting the city, about whom no sufficient information exists. Therefore, this study sought to investigate the trend More
        The uncertainty caused by environmental complexities has made it difficult to forecast the future of Tourism in Mashhad in terms of non-Muslim tourists visiting the city, about whom no sufficient information exists. Therefore, this study sought to investigate the trend of variations in the visits made to Mashhad by non-Muslim tourists using the scenario writing method. To this end, this applied study used the analytical-qualitative approach, collecting the required data through detailed in-person interviews. In this regard, twenty-seven interviews were made in three phases with tourism experts in such fields as sociology, economics, planning, and specialized tourism services. In the first phase, the factors involved in attracting non-Muslim tourists to Mashhad were identified according to the views offered by the experts in interviews using the Delphi technique. In the second phase, the critical driving forces were identified based on two criteria of effectiveness and uncertainty. Finally, the optimistic and pessimistic scenarios concerning the future of non-Muslim tourism in Mashhad were described. The study’s findings revealed that smartizing tourism, making connections between tourism in Mashhad and its neighboring cities, increasing the number of media advertisements, improving the hospitality culture, and promoting a sense of security in the visiting tourists were the most important driving forces at the local level. Therefore, the number of Mashhad’s non-muslim tourists could be increased within the study period by improving IT infrastructure (including electronic trading, and electronic banking), introducing neighboring cities and villages of Mashhad and their tourist attractions, offering instructions regarding hospitality (especially for taxi drivers, business and shop owners), creating tourism police, and providing security in high-trafficking urban places. Manuscript profile
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        61 - Assessing Social Entrepreneurship Criteria in Rural Tourism Development: A Case Study of Gilan Province, Iran
        Hamed Fallah Tafti Fatemeh Doozandehziabary Asghar  Nabil
        In today’s world, finding practical solutions to deal with rural developments is required for the survival of the villages. On the other hand, many countries consider tourism as the economic driving force, setting as the main strategy in developing appropriate plans for More
        In today’s world, finding practical solutions to deal with rural developments is required for the survival of the villages. On the other hand, many countries consider tourism as the economic driving force, setting as the main strategy in developing appropriate plans for rural development. To this end, social entrepreneurship and tourism are given specific priority, the promotion of which could prepare the grounds for the development and progress of rural areas. Therefore, considering the fact that social entrepreneurship criteria are of great importance in rural tourism development and that few studies have so far been conducted on the assessment of the effectiveness of such criteria in fulfilling the development goals, this study sought to investigate social entrepreneurship criteria in rural tourism development in Gilan province, Iran. To this end, first, the criteria for social entrepreneurship in tourism were identified by reviewing the related literature. Then, a researcher-developed questionnaire was administered to thirty-five entrepreneurs, experts, and professionals in the field of tourism with at least five years of working experience who were selected via snowball sampling to identify the significance of each criterion with regard to the other ones. Finally, the investigated criteria were ranked using Interpretive structural modeling (ISM). According to the findings of the study, nine levels were identified for the ranking of the investigated criteria, with the ninth level, that is belief in entrepreneurship and the creative use of resources, being the most influential social entrepreneurship criteria involved in rural tourism development in Gilan province. Manuscript profile
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        62 - Exploring Employer Branding in Job Ads: A Case Study of Tourism and Hotel Industry
        Ali Abedini hamid zare
        Taking the increasing growth of the Iranian tourism industry and the mounting competition between various active tourism companies to recruit talented workforce into consideration, the conduct of studies on employer branding from the perspective of potential employees o More
        Taking the increasing growth of the Iranian tourism industry and the mounting competition between various active tourism companies to recruit talented workforce into consideration, the conduct of studies on employer branding from the perspective of potential employees of such companies could be useful in employing top talents. In this regard, it could be argued that Job advertisements are the first contact zones where the job hunters may cross into, and that at this critical stage, employer branding could play a significant role in recruiting talents before other competitors do so, providing the companies with a sustained competitive advantage. The population of this applied-qualitative study comprised of all Iranian companies acting in tourism industry. As for collecting the required data, 177 relevant tourism job advertisements released in 12 different job hunting websites in autumn 2018 were identified and recorded. Then the content of the ads were coded via quantitative content analysis method and the frequency of each code was computed. The findings of the study indicated that work missions, company’s location, flextime, working hours, holidays, teleworking facilities, co-worker quality, work challenges, international mobility, company size, reputation of the company’s product or service, basic salary and bonuses, and welfare facilities were the items which normally appear in job advertisements published by tourism companies. Job seekers, therefore, mentally examine the messages they receive from various organizations and select the organization that best suits them. Tourism companies, thus, need to feature as much dimensions of their brands as possible in their job advertisements and internet-based recruitments so that they manage to recruit top talents. Manuscript profile
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        63 - Exploring the Relationship between the Culture of Cooperation and the Creative Performance of Tourism Hoteling Organizations Staff
        majid sarani ali akbar amin bedokhti sakineh jafari
        In today’s competitive world, the key to success of tourism and hoteling organizations lies in their provision of creative products and services with regard to the different needs of their customers. As the staff’s creativity could provide organizations with some compet More
        In today’s competitive world, the key to success of tourism and hoteling organizations lies in their provision of creative products and services with regard to the different needs of their customers. As the staff’s creativity could provide organizations with some competitive advantages, they need to try more to increase their employees’ creativity so that they may enjoy such advantages. This applied descriptive-correlative study, therefore, set out to investigate the relationship between the culture of cooperation and the creative performance of those staff members working in tourism organizations and two, three and four-star hotels in Yazd, Iran. To this end, a population of 172 supervisors and employees from all two, three and four-star hotels of Yazd city were selected through stratified random sampling. Having administered the standard questionnaires on culture of cooperation, working environment, and creative performance, the collected data were analyzed through the path analysis model, using LISREL software. The findings of the study indicated a significant positive and direct correlation between the culture of cooperation and the employees’ creative performance, while the culture had no such effect on the creativity of the staff when enforced through the procedural justice as an intervening variable. It was also found that there was a significant indirect relationship between the culture and the employees’ creative performance when the sharing of knowledge acted as a mediator, and that the cooperative culture had an indirect effect on employees’ creativity with the motivation acting as a mediator. Moreover, the culture of cooperation proved to have a significant indirect influence on the employees’ creative performance with the promotion factor acting as an intervening variable. Manuscript profile
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        64 - Exploring the Greatest Tourism Problems in Isfahan
        Mehri Shahzeidi Sahar Movahedi Nafise Bagheri
        Urban tourism is one of the most prevalent and lucrative types of tourism. Enjoying great cultural and historical potentials, Isfahan could be regarded as one of main destinations for urban tourism in Iran. However, while its development in terms of tourism has been def More
        Urban tourism is one of the most prevalent and lucrative types of tourism. Enjoying great cultural and historical potentials, Isfahan could be regarded as one of main destinations for urban tourism in Iran. However, while its development in terms of tourism has been defined in some legally binding documents such as "Isfahan’s 1404 Development Strategic Document" and "Isfahan Province Development Document", it has failed to be developed ideally in that regard. This study, therefore, set out to identify the most significant problems hindering the development of tourism in Isfahan. The data of this qualitative research were collected via 26 semi-structured interviews whose size was determined based on saturation effect. The participants of the study were selected through purposive sampling from among the elites, officials, and the practitioners of the tourism industry. Analyzing the data through thematic analysis, one core problem and three axial problems were identified for the Isfahan’s tourism industry. The core problem was, according to the findings, that tourism did not have priority at the macro level, and the axial problems included “inefficient management and lack of well-defined plans”, “abstinence from investment”, and “inadequate human resources”. It was also found that conflicting ideas were the dominant problem in defining the main issues in tourism. Manuscript profile
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        65 - Exploring Citizens View on Fast Food and Effective Factors in its Development: A Case Study of Isfahan Citizens
        atiyeh Aliakbari masoud taghvaei
        Having dramatically grown worldwide over the past few decades, tourism has increasingly added to the diversity of its fields. As a subset of tourism, food tourism which includes fast foods as one of its major components has attracted the attention of planners and policy More
        Having dramatically grown worldwide over the past few decades, tourism has increasingly added to the diversity of its fields. As a subset of tourism, food tourism which includes fast foods as one of its major components has attracted the attention of planners and policymakers in different countries due to its functions and benefits. The required data for this applied descriptive-analytical research were collected from administering questionnaires on 384 people who were selected based on Cochran's formula. The collected data were then analyzed in SPSS software Version 22, using factor analysis, Friedman test, Chi-square, and Pearson correlation. With 13.78% of the variance reported by the factor analysis, culture was identified as the most influential factor. Moreover, Friedman test showed that the most important dimension was the physical one according to mean rank values. The results of the χ2 test indicated a lack of social satisfaction of citizens with fast foods in Isfahan. Pearson's test also found a moderate correlation between luxuriousness and increased damage to local traditions of Isfahan. Manuscript profile
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        66 - Assessing the Elasticity of Health Tourism Demand from Middle Eastern Countries
        hamid  asayesh mahdi kamali hadi rahmani fazli
        Comprising medical and health (prevention) types of tourism, health tourism is of great importance for Iran, considering the country’s potential medical capabilities (the presence of qualified practicing physicians and extensive medical and treatment facilities) and app More
        Comprising medical and health (prevention) types of tourism, health tourism is of great importance for Iran, considering the country’s potential medical capabilities (the presence of qualified practicing physicians and extensive medical and treatment facilities) and appropriate natural health resources (such as hot springs, salt domes, salt lakes, and Mud therapy facilities). Moreover, the capacity of health tourism in terms of foreign exchange earnings is more than three times than that of ordinary international tourism. However, despite its great capacities, Iran has a modest share of the health tourism market, the increase in which requires the assessment of the elasticity of health tourism demand from the Middle East in terms of the relevant effective factors. Therefore, this study sought to find answers to the following basic questions: 1- What are the factors affecting the demand for health tourism? 2- What is the elasticity of the demand for health tourism in terms of such factors? To this end, this study assessed the demand for health tourism using the Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) and the simultaneous equation Model. Moreover, a questionnaire was administered to 182 tourists coming from the Persian Gulf countries to express their opinion regarding health tourism and estimate the elasticity of health tourism demands in terms of relevant effective factors. The results of the AIDS estimations revealed that the price elasticity of health tourism demand was greater than one, while the price elasticity of other products and accommodation services was less than one. Moreover, it was found that the elasticity of health tourists' demand from Iran belonged to significant variables such as the tourist’s income level, visa validity, expenses, exchange rate variations, and the inflation rate. Manuscript profile
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        67 - Developing a Cultural-Indices-based Model of Health Tourism in Iran
        samaneh barkhordari
        The globalization of health means patients travel to other countries to receive medical treatment. Nowadays, healthcare is a global phenomenon. On the other hand, the establishment of multi-national hospitals, the competitive costs of healthcare worldwide, the internati More
        The globalization of health means patients travel to other countries to receive medical treatment. Nowadays, healthcare is a global phenomenon. On the other hand, the establishment of multi-national hospitals, the competitive costs of healthcare worldwide, the internationalization of standards, and the fact that different countries are getting closer to each other in terms of specialized technologies are some indications of the globalization of healthcare. This applied exploratory study sought to develop a model for health tourism based on cultural indices in Iran using a mixed method. Accordingly, the required data were collected via semi-structured interviews and questionnaires at qualitative and quantitative phases, respectively. The statistical population of the study comprised of senior officials involved in health tourism policy making, professionals of Iran’s health tourism industry, and professors and faculty members in management who specialized in tourism and cultural studies, out of whom 100 participants were selected using Cochran’s formula. Finally, after multiple reviewing of the codes and combining them in several phases, some sixty-six sub-codes were identified, out of which eleven key factors were identified to be included in the intended cultural-indices-based model for health tourism in Iran. Manuscript profile
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        68 - The Impact of Inbound Tourism Development on the Income Distribution among Households and Institutions (A Structural Path Analysis Approach)
        Mohammadreza Farzin Niloofar Abbaspoor Yekta Ashrafi Hamid Zargham Boroojeni
        Income generation potential of Tourism is a feature that has attracted the support of policymakers and host communities. The injection of inbound tourists’ expenditures to the destinations increases the income of households and institutions. Using the social accounting More
        Income generation potential of Tourism is a feature that has attracted the support of policymakers and host communities. The injection of inbound tourists’ expenditures to the destinations increases the income of households and institutions. Using the social accounting matrix of 2011, this paper evaluates the impact of the development of inbound tourism sector on the income of the households and institutions, as well as its distribution. The social accounting matrix has been altered so that it can incorporate tourism sector as one single sector next to other sectors in the production account. Moreover, the channels through which this development affects the income of households and institutions have been identified adopting structural path analysis approach. The findings show that institutions, urban households and rural households enjoy the most income increase, respectively. The four-fold share of the urban households compared to that of the rurals indicates an increase in the income gap as a result of inbound tourism development. Transportation sector has the greatest share in transferring the income-generating effects of the inbound tourism development to the households and institutions. Labor and capital are the most important factors of production in transferring inbound tourism development income to the households and institutions respectively. Manuscript profile
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        69 - A marketing model for Iranian rural tourism
        سمیرا اله‌یاری Abolfazl Tajzadehnamin Ali Badizadeh akbar pourfaraj
        The main purpose of this study was to develop the model of rural tourism for Iranian organizations. The philosophy of the research is Interpretivism, the approach is deductive, and the strategy is the case study. In this research, by using multiple case study method and More
        The main purpose of this study was to develop the model of rural tourism for Iranian organizations. The philosophy of the research is Interpretivism, the approach is deductive, and the strategy is the case study. In this research, by using multiple case study method and pluralistic approach, three companies of Tourism in Iran have been chosen and studied. Finally, interviews were conducted with 7 managers and elites. In each company, the current process of Rural tourism marketing and recommendatory Marketing model, by using different methods like semi-structured interviews, observation, and document analysis have been explored and have been defined. Then the suggested concepts of the interviews were analyzed and finally, the proposed model was drawn after comparing with the theoretical basis of the research and final analysis of the data obtained from the interviews. The results indicate that the Marketing model of rural tourism in Iran Includes four dimensions of environmental analysis(General and specialized environment), marketing planning(Mission, environmental intelligence, market-entry, more and Building Brand), operational planning(marketing mix and networking), and outcomes. Manuscript profile
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        70 - Identifying and Analyzing the Driving Forces Involved in Developing Tourism Industry in Kondoleh Village, Sahneh City
        mitra jaliliyan Mohammad Akbarpour Jafar Tavakoli
        Abstract Tourism is regarded as an inflectional factor in developing the communications between nations worldwide in today’s world, providing job opportunities in the economic sector and fostering socio-cultural interactions. On the other hand, rural tourism has widely More
        Abstract Tourism is regarded as an inflectional factor in developing the communications between nations worldwide in today’s world, providing job opportunities in the economic sector and fostering socio-cultural interactions. On the other hand, rural tourism has widely been researched by a wide variety of scholars around the world, as it can help create new jobs, increase the residents’ revenues, and mitigate poverty, especially in villages that enjoy cultural attractions. Therefore, this sought to investigate the key factors and influential driving forces involved in developing tourism in Kandoleh village using the Delphi method and the future study approach. This study is considered applied in terms of purpose, carried out based on new methods followed in the future study, and novel exploratory and analyzing techniques using a mixture of quantitative and qualitative methods. In this regard, the key indices were identified via Delphi method, and the critical driving forces were detected based on the cross-impact analysis method using the Mick Mac software. The study’s results suggested that out of the twenty-eight key factors identified, efficient management and designation of Kandoleh village as the pilot site for rural tourism were the most influential elements in developing tourism within the village, followed by factors such as increased investments by the private sector, advertising, registering and preserving historical and cultural monuments, and providing security for tourists, respectively. Manuscript profile
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        71 - Tourism Policymaking, Local Community Support, Place Image, Tourism Impacts, Tourism in Semnan
        Zohre  Kiani FeizAbadi Farnaz NikKhah Elisa  taherian
        Tourism policies widely affect the lives of local residents. On the other hand, the effectiveness of such policies depends on the local community’s support and participation. Therefore, the present study sought to investigate the influence of the Local Community’s Place More
        Tourism policies widely affect the lives of local residents. On the other hand, the effectiveness of such policies depends on the local community’s support and participation. Therefore, the present study sought to investigate the influence of the Local Community’s Place Image and their perception of tourism impacts on their support for tourism policies in Semnan. To this end, some 340 questionnaires were distributed among local residents, out of which 322 questionnaires were completed by the respondents. The collected data were then analyzed by PLS software using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results indicated that the residents’ place image had a direct significant effect on their perception of tourism impacts and consequently on their support for tourism development policies. Moreover, the findings highlighted the necessity of evaluating tourism impacts based on the perceptions of residents, because the more favorable they consider the tourism impacts, the more support they give to tourism development policies. Finally, this study suggests some policy recommendations on how to manage the local community’s place image, their perceptions of tourism impacts, and their support for tourism policy-making. Manuscript profile
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        72 - Bibliometric Analysis, Tourism Experience, Computational Literature Review, Co-occurrence Network, Co-authorship Network
        leila ilchi mesbah seivandian amir salar vanaki
        This study set out to investigate the trend of studies conducted on tourist experience using bibliometric analysis. To this end, the study analyzed 2683 articles published in the Web of Science database from 1980 to 2020 using the VOS Viewer software to visualize and an More
        This study set out to investigate the trend of studies conducted on tourist experience using bibliometric analysis. To this end, the study analyzed 2683 articles published in the Web of Science database from 1980 to 2020 using the VOS Viewer software to visualize and analyze the results. In this regard, two analysis levels were considered. At the first level, the publication trend and the impact factor of authors, journals, and articles were examined. At the second level, the structure of the co-occurrence network of keywords and the co-authorship network of authors, institutions, and countries were analyzed. The findings of the study indicated a significantly growing trend of studies (most of which were published in 2019) conducted on tourism experience in recent years, which is expected to continue to grow in the future. On the other hand, hospitality and leisure, management, and environmental studies were found as the highly researched areas, with most articles being published on tourism experience. Moreover, social media, trust, user opinions, and competitiveness are among the emerging research areas in the relevant literature. In this regard, health tourism, culinary tourism, social experience, shared value creation, authenticity, cultural experience, destination experience, backpackers, information technology, cultural differences, cultural heritage, students’ experiences, sustainable management, and transportation are among the main topics addressed in the literature. On the other hand, the analysis of the authors' co-authorship network revealed that thirty-five research groups are currently working in this field worldwide, with the Hong Kong Polytechnic University exerting the highest influence on the international collaboration network. Manuscript profile
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        73 - An Analysis of Effective Factors in the Formation of Rural Tourism Brand in Kerman
        Aliakbar Anabestani Marziyeh Pourjopari Ali Khodadadi
        The mental image of target places is the most important factor that helps tourists determine their tourism destination, the lack of which may result in limited visits by tourists. Thus, paying attention to the formation of tourism brand is of great importance. Among dif More
        The mental image of target places is the most important factor that helps tourists determine their tourism destination, the lack of which may result in limited visits by tourists. Thus, paying attention to the formation of tourism brand is of great importance. Among different cities of Kerman Province, Kerman city is impoverished in terms of infrastructure, facilities, and tourism services. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the influential factors (environmental, social, and economic) in the formation of the tourism brand in rural areas of Kerman city. The required data were collected through document analysis and questionnaires. To this end, the main and complementary factors were set within the framework of two questionnaires concerning the host community (52 persons) and a paired comparison with experts (24 persons). Fuzzy and MABAC hierarchical models were also used to weigh the main factors and rank the villages. The study found that the environmental factor had the highest weight with a coefficient of 0.676, and economic and social factors had the lowest weight with a coefficient of 0.213 and 0.111, respectively, indicating that enough attention has no been paid to economic and social factors in the field of tourism branding. This study's findings could help resolve the major weaknesses found in the city and reinforce its strengths concerning the tourism brand. Manuscript profile
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        74 - Tourism, Tourism development# Religious development#Systematic approach#Interpretive structural modeling (ISM)
        Hamid Zargham Boroojeni marjan abdi Seyed Mojtaba Mahmoudzadeh hossein aslipour
        Religious tourism plays an important role in Iranian cultural and economic sustainability. Due to the special nature of the Iranian political establishment, this type of tourism provides many potentials for tourism development in different parts of Iran. Making the best More
        Religious tourism plays an important role in Iranian cultural and economic sustainability. Due to the special nature of the Iranian political establishment, this type of tourism provides many potentials for tourism development in different parts of Iran. Making the best use of these capacities requires recognition of the barriers and challenges lying ahead of the development of religious tourism. Therefore, this study set out to identify the challenges facing religious tourism, using thematic analysis (TA) and interpretive structural modeling (ISM). Moreover, the relationship model between the influential factors involved in this regard was extracted at three levels via the thematic network. Finally, MICMAC analysis was conducted to measure the influence power and dependence of the factors. The required data were collected through library research and administering a questionnaire on 15 experts familiar with the subject matter who were selected through purposive sampling, out of whom 11 experts completed the questionnaire. The findings of the study indicated that variables such as lack of attention to the chain of providing religious tourism services, lack of programming, policymaking, and monitoring the religious tourism process, and not allocating budget and financial supports for religious tourism development in Iran played essential and key roles in the non-development of this type of tourism. These variables were placed at the third level of the model that affect the second level variables. It was also found that the variables such as inefficient management of religious tourism facilities and services, inefficient management of religious attractions and events, and improper management of religious tourism marketing were dependent variables that were placed at the first level of the model. Manuscript profile
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        75 - Investigating the Pattern of Behavioral Factors in Accessible Tourism Development for People with Physical Disabilities: A Case Study of Tehran City
        mehdi karoubi Mahmood Ziaee Nazanin Fekrizad
        Participating in tourism activities is the undeniable right of all society members, including people with disabilities. However, sometimes factors related to people with disabilities or inappropriate social environment for acceptance of these people as community members More
        Participating in tourism activities is the undeniable right of all society members, including people with disabilities. However, sometimes factors related to people with disabilities or inappropriate social environment for acceptance of these people as community members prevent them from participating in tourism activities. In this regard, this study sought to identify such factors (under the title of behavioral factors) and investigate their role in the development of accessible tourism for people with physical disabilities, using a mixed-methods approach in two stages of qualitative (identifying the behavioral indicators and factors through interviews with experts in the field of tourism and disability) and quantitative (designing a questionnaire based on the indicators obtained from the qualitative stage and distributing them among tourists with disabilities in Tehran). The first stage was conducted using the content analysis method and Maxqda2018 software. The partial least squares method and SmartPLS3 software were used at the second stage. The results of the study indicated that the two main categories of behavioral factors, i.e., "Personal factors" (personal characteristics of people with disabilities and their perception of interaction with the environment) and "interpersonal factors" (public responsibility towards people with disability, community education, the dependency of people with disability on another person's assistant along with the development of positive feelings in these people) affected the development of accessible tourism for people with physical disabilities. Manuscript profile
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        76 - Designing a model for intrapreneurship development in Sports Recreation Complexes
        Taghi Ashouri hamidreza ghezelsefloo meysam asgarshamsi
        ·         ##اسکوئیان، سنجر و حسینی گوهری، مریم. (1391). «بررسی عوامل درون‌سازمانی مؤثر بر کارآفرینی سازمانی». کنفرانس ملی کارآفرینی و مدیریت کسب‌و‌کارهای دانش‌بنیان. بابلسر. آبان ماه.##اسمعیلی، محمد. (1397). «تبیین رابطه حمایت سازمانی ادراک شده و رفتار شهروندی سازمانی». More
        ·         ##اسکوئیان، سنجر و حسینی گوهری، مریم. (1391). «بررسی عوامل درون‌سازمانی مؤثر بر کارآفرینی سازمانی». کنفرانس ملی کارآفرینی و مدیریت کسب‌و‌کارهای دانش‌بنیان. بابلسر. آبان ماه.##اسمعیلی، محمد. (1397). «تبیین رابطه حمایت سازمانی ادراک شده و رفتار شهروندی سازمانی». مجله نخبگان علوم و مهندسی. 3 (1). 1-12.##اندام، رضا؛ منتظری، امیر و فیضی، سمیرا. (1393). «بررسی ابعاد کیفیت خدمات در گردشگری ورزشی». مطالعات مدیریت ورزشی. (26). 36-15.##ایمانی‌پور، نرگس و زیودار، مهدی. (1387). «بررسی رابطه‌ی گرایش به کارآفرینی شرکتی و عملکرد». توسعه کارآفرینی. 1 (2). 11-34.##آصفی، احمدعلی؛ خبیری، محمد؛ اسدی دستجردی، حسن و گودرزی، محمود. (1393). «بررسی عوامل سازمانی مؤثر در نهادینه کردن ورزش همگانی در ایران». پژوهش‌نامه مدیریت ورزشی و رفتار حرکتی. 10 (20). 63-76. ##بالوندی، علی حیدر و زردشتیان، شیرین. 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      • Open Access Article

        77 - Investigating the Potentials of handicraft Items on Production Boost and Development of Tourism Target Markets in Lorestan province
        Hojjat Vahdati mehrdad naserpoor peyman sayadmansoor
        The purpose of this descriptive-analytical study was to investigate the role of novel potentials of handicrafts on production boost and the development of tourism target markets in Lorestan province. The study's statistical population comprised 620 experts, specialists, More
        The purpose of this descriptive-analytical study was to investigate the role of novel potentials of handicrafts on production boost and the development of tourism target markets in Lorestan province. The study's statistical population comprised 620 experts, specialists, and researchers in the field of handicrafts of the Lorestan Province, out of which 237 participants were randomly selected via convenience sampling based on Cochran's formula. The research instrument was a 31-item questionnaire. To analyze the collected data, SPSS 22 software and AMOS software, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, and structural equation modeling were used. The study's findings indicated that the new potentials of handicrafts had been effective on production boost and development of tourism target markets in Lorestan province. Manuscript profile
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        78 - Identifying Systematic Risk Factors in Companies Active in Iranian Medical Tourism Industry[1]
        Saeid Amirian Ali Mohammad Ahmadi Abbas Assari Arani Ezatollah Abbasian
        Today, medical tourism is considered a valuable industry for many countries' economies that have the potentials to receive patients. However, demand fluctuations have devastating effects on the medical tourism industry and put active companies at risk of bankruptcy. Sys More
        Today, medical tourism is considered a valuable industry for many countries' economies that have the potentials to receive patients. However, demand fluctuations have devastating effects on the medical tourism industry and put active companies at risk of bankruptcy. Systematic risks are among the factors involved in demand fluctuations, and companies' readiness to resist them is regarded as an important point in risk management. In cases where the companies are not ready in this regard, potential financial problems and widespread bankruptcy could bring about severe social consequences. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to measure systematic risks in companies actively involved in attracting medical tourists and to estimate the factors affecting such risks. To this end, the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) was used. In this method, the beta coefficient ( Manuscript profile
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        79 - Investigating the Effect of Tourists Visits on Social Health of Host Communities: A Case Study of Select Tourism villages of Binalood city
        tahereh Sadeghloo mitra yarahmadi
        ), which is a statistical measure and gives investors a clue concerning volatility, is calculated to determine the extent to which companies are exposed to systematic risk. However, the asymmetry of information between the internal and external environment of small and More
        ), which is a statistical measure and gives investors a clue concerning volatility, is calculated to determine the extent to which companies are exposed to systematic risk. However, the asymmetry of information between the internal and external environment of small and medium-sized companies makes such studies more complex. According to the panel-data model results, the size of companies and the amount of their advertising have an adverse effect on systematic risk. Manuscript profile
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        80 - Semantic reconstruction of the phenomenon of collective Nature-Based tourism among the people of Ilam City
        Ali Feizolahi yarmohammad ghassemi farhad sabzifard
        This qualitative study sought to identify the causes and effects of the phenomenon of collective nature-based tourism among the people living in Ilam City using the grounded theory method. The population of the study comprised all residents of Ilam City in 2019, among w More
        This qualitative study sought to identify the causes and effects of the phenomenon of collective nature-based tourism among the people living in Ilam City using the grounded theory method. The population of the study comprised all residents of Ilam City in 2019, among whom twenty-four people were selected through purposive sampling until theoretical saturation was reached. The required data were collected via semi-structured in-depth interviews, which were then analyzed using open, axial, and selective coding. In the open coding stage, 928 semantic propositions and 157 basic concepts were identified, which were then categorized into 27 axial categories in the axial coding stage. Finally, the core category was identified based on the content analysis of the axial categories identified in the previous stage. The findings of the study indicated the effective role of causal conditions, curiosity, psychological reinvigoration, nostalgia, and conspicuous consumption on the spread of collective nature-based tourism. Moreover, it was found that contextual conditions, including environmental and climatic conditions, economic status, family background, holidays, and spatial belonging on the one hand, and intervening conditions such as the lack of leisure facilities in the city, and temporal and gender limitations on the other hand, were also involved in such a phenomenon. On the other hand, the findings revealed that the people living in Ilam opted for health-oriented, taste-oriented, culture-oriented, and destructive interactions and strategies while trying to improve social relations. In general, the core category of "collective nature-based tourism as a manifestation of opportunities and threats" was extracted from the content analysis of axial codes, indicating that this kind of tourism creates opportunities for individuals to improve their mental and emotional well-being and social life and strengthen their solidarity. However, it can bring about some threats to nature, including its destruction which may be caused by dumping waste, deforestation, and hunting. Manuscript profile
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        81 - Developing an Innovative Business Model for Tourism Industry with an Emphasis on Creating Value in Tourist Destination: A Case Study of Mashhad City, Iran
        hossein ghadami hadi bastam Ali Hosseinzadeh
        As one of the most important industries worldwide, the tourism industry has led to the rapid growth of economic development, preparing the grounds for the development of new businesses, which has proved very effective in expanding job opportunities for different walks o More
        As one of the most important industries worldwide, the tourism industry has led to the rapid growth of economic development, preparing the grounds for the development of new businesses, which has proved very effective in expanding job opportunities for different walks of life. Therefore, this exploratory study sought to develop an innovative business model for the tourism industry with an emphasis on creating value in the destination using a grounded theory method. The required data were collected through library studies and semi-structured interviews. To this end, open and in-depth interviews were made with 16 experts until the theoretical saturation was reached. The participants comprised experts of the tourism industry, university professors, hotel managers, guides of travel agencies and tours, heads, and officials of tourism industry departments, and tourists, who were selected via purposive sampling. The collected data were thematically analyzed according to open, axial, and selective coding. Finally, the conceptual model of the study was developed based on the Strauss and Corbin model, indicating that the core principle underlying the development of diverse advantage-oriented businesses is derived from casual conditions and influenced by contextual factors. It was also found that the core principle could be identified based on some strategies. Moreover, the intervening factors were extracted from the textual data collected from the interviewees by identifying the categories that indicate environmental conditions. Manuscript profile
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        82 - Anthropology of Tourism, Creative Space, Creative Tourism, Social Communication
        mehdi karoubi razieh Rabani Javad Yousefi
        This study sought to identify and describe social communication methods used in terms of cultural signification by tourists and the host community in Chaharbagh Avenue, Isfahan, Iran. To this end, a qualitative approach was adopted, using the meaning coordination manage More
        This study sought to identify and describe social communication methods used in terms of cultural signification by tourists and the host community in Chaharbagh Avenue, Isfahan, Iran. To this end, a qualitative approach was adopted, using the meaning coordination management model as the theoretical framework. The population of the study comprised the residents of Isfahan City, among whom thirty people were selected through purposive sampling until theoretical saturation was achieved. The required data were collected via participatory observation and semi-structured interviews, which were then analyzed through content analysis, and open and axial coding. The study’s findings indicated that while the majority of Isfahani people expressed a positive attitude concerning the presence of tourists and establishing communication with them in Chaharbagh Avenue, poor creative hardware and software infrastructure in street communication, lack of coordination among policymakers, planners, and operational units in establishing effective communication and failing to consider creativity in redefining the third generation tourism products have prevented the avenue to gain a desired position in terms of tourism success. However, it could generally be argued that the residents of Isfahan City (as the host community) had a favorable attitude towards making effective communications with tourists in Chaharbagh Avenue. Manuscript profile
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        83 - Developing a Dynamic Model for Predicting Responsible Travel Intentions Based on the Complexities of Maslow's Needs Pyramid
        mahnaz Doosti-Irani Hamed Fallah Tafti
        This applied qualitative study sought to classify the factors involved in responsible travel intentions based on Maslow's needs pyramid and elaborate on the causal relationships between the factors so that it can offer a more effective model for marketing sustainable to More
        This applied qualitative study sought to classify the factors involved in responsible travel intentions based on Maslow's needs pyramid and elaborate on the causal relationships between the factors so that it can offer a more effective model for marketing sustainable tourism. To this end, the factors were identified and categorized using the content analysis of the data collected via reviewing the related literature and conducting interviews with apropos experts. Then, systemic thinking was used qualitatively (validated through the experts’ opinions) to develop the interpretive model of causal relations. According to the study’s findings, 23 factors were classified into five categories based on Maslow's needs pyramid as follows: Physiological needs (perceived quality, price, shopping habits, and perceived behavioral control), safety (protection and beliefs concerning the health in responsible travels), love/attachment (environmental concerns, sense of responsibility, perceived effectiveness, environmental awareness, environmental value, spatial belonging, and emotional dependence on residents), respect (social norms, identity representation, satisfaction, advertising, social media content, attitude regarding the responsible travel, beliefs concerning the luxurious nature of responsible travel, and the image of responsible travel), and self-actualization (self-transcendence and personal norms). Moreover, the proposed conceptual model indicated the mutual influence of the factors and categories on each other. Therefore, marketers are required to plan their intended interventions after prioritizing the target group’s responsible needs and selecting the category of needs using systemic thinking. Manuscript profile
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        84 - Identifying Componential Elements of Tourism Marketing Using Metasynthesis Method
        Ehsan Dorostkar
        As the most widely provided service industry worldwide, tourism has attracted the attention of a wide variety of managers and researchers. Therefore, it is crucially important to identify the componential elements involved in tourism marketing and offer optimal solution More
        As the most widely provided service industry worldwide, tourism has attracted the attention of a wide variety of managers and researchers. Therefore, it is crucially important to identify the componential elements involved in tourism marketing and offer optimal solutions to facilitate tourist attraction. Considering the fact that previous has merely partially investigated the factors involved in tourism marketing, this study sought to conduct a comprehensive examination of such factors, systematically reviewing the expansive related literature. This study is considered exploratory in terms of purpose and applied in terms of nature, using the meta-synthesis method to analyze the collected data. The study’s statistical population comprised 580 studies conducted from 2000 to 2020, out of which 87 studies were selected using purposive sampling. The collected data were then gone through content analysis, coded based on open, axial, and selective coding methods, according to which 78 codes, 21 concepts, and six categories were identified and analyzed using the meta-synthesis method. Finally, the validity of the analyzed data was confirmed by Cohen’s Kappa Coefficient. According to the study’s results, the main categories identified for tourism marketing were as follows: integrated marketing (incentive promotional mixtures); satisfaction; relationship marketing; internal marketing; electronic marketing; and ICT factors. Therefore, it could be argued that this study offers a deep understanding of the existing literature on tourism marketing. Manuscript profile
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        85 - Augmented Reality Technology: A Novel Marketing Tool in Tourism Industry
        niloufar hadianfar
        Introduction: Many businesses were challenged by the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in early 2020 worldwide. Meanwhile, the tourism industry was among those industries that were affected the most by the pandemic, suffering huge losses economically. Therefore, conside More
        Introduction: Many businesses were challenged by the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in early 2020 worldwide. Meanwhile, the tourism industry was among those industries that were affected the most by the pandemic, suffering huge losses economically. Therefore, considering the restrictions imposed by governments on tourists’ travels to counter the spread of the virus, turning to virtual tourism can partially compensate for some of the losses incurred in this regard. Goal: Investigating the potential tourists' attitudes toward AR applications, their intention to use them in their future travels, and, similarly, their intention to recommend these applications to others. Methods: The required data were collected via online questionnaires using the convenient sampling method. The research questions were then analyzed via the SPSS software using a binominal test. Findings & Results: The results indicated the positive attitude of the respondents and their high willingness to use and recommend this application to others. Conclusion: The findings of the study suggested that the respondents had a positive attitude towards using AR-based applications and that they were willing to use them for their future travels. Moreover, it was found that they were ready to recommend such applications to others. Therefore, AR technology could be regarded as an opportunity for marketing managers of tourist destinations to use to maintain public awareness of their destinations’ brands during the lockdown imposed upon the outbreak of pandemics such as covid-19. Moreover, this new technology can help flourish tourist destinations by creating added value for tourists. Manuscript profile
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        86 - Investigating the Citizens' Attitude Towards Liveliness of Pedestrian Streets: A Case Study of Charbagh Abbasi Street, Isfahan, Iran
        Zahra masaeli samar haghighi
        Enhancing the quality and liveliness of pedestrian zones is being increasingly turned into a significant scenario in the process of tourism development among competing actors at national, regional, and international scales. However, many projects regarding the developme More
        Enhancing the quality and liveliness of pedestrian zones is being increasingly turned into a significant scenario in the process of tourism development among competing actors at national, regional, and international scales. However, many projects regarding the development of pedestrian tourism routes are not welcomed by the public when operationalized due to their lack of liveness, despite the huge costs and time dedicated to them in the pre-planning phase. Therefore, the main question posed in this regard is whether there is any significant difference between different people in terms of knowing the factors involved in the liveliness of urban pedestrian zones. The answer to this question could be of great importance, especially in countries like Iran where the decisions to intervene in public spaces are taken unilaterally without the participation of the prospective users of such projects. Thus, this study sought to identify the barriers to obtaining liveliness in Charbagh Abbasi Pedestrian Street" in Isfahan via the Q method, trying to analyze the attitude of different people in this regard using Q factor analysis. To this end, ten frequent users of Charbagh Abbasi Pedestrian Street were selected via snowball sampling method, ten subjects were selected. Moreover, the required data were collected via semi-structured interviews with those ten participants and the review of the related literature, based on which some thirty-nine barriers were identified and prioritized. Finally, Based on the findings of Q factor analysis, the attitude of the participants was classified into three main categories. In other words, the findings of the study revealed three different perspectives on the barriers to obtaining the desired liveliness in such an urban space. Manuscript profile
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        87 - Investigating the Effect of Digital Revolution on Tourism Business Trends
        Seyed Mojtaba Mahmodzadeh Fatemeh Izadi Yazdanabadi Tahereh Ashtiani Aliasghar Heydari
        As an influential basis of development worldwide, especially economic development, tourism currently lies at the center of the world governments’ main policies in job creation, entrepreneurship, and promoting sustainable businesses. On the other hand, by naming the year More
        As an influential basis of development worldwide, especially economic development, tourism currently lies at the center of the world governments’ main policies in job creation, entrepreneurship, and promoting sustainable businesses. On the other hand, by naming the year 2018 as “Tourism and Digital Revolution', the World Tourism Organization clearly indicates the significance of the digital revolution and its influence on the sustainable growth of the tourism industry. Considering the influence of the digital revolution on all aspects of human life, including travel and tourism, businesses and organizations involved in tourism have no other choice but to adapt themselves to the current dynamic and ever-changing environment. Therefore, this applied descriptive-survey research sought to examine the effects of the digital revolution on tourism businesses using a quantitative approach. The population of the study comprised the staff of tourism businesses working in Tehran city, among whom 385 people were selected via random sampling. The required data were collected through a questionnaire administered to the participants of the study, which were then analyzed using the SPSS24 and Smart-PLS2 software. The study’s findings indicated that the rate of digital revolution status was above average in terms of all the indices included in the study’s conceptual model. Moreover, the overall role of the digital revolution in tourism businesses was assessed using a single sample T-test. Accordingly, the average rate of most of the twenty-five indices investigated in the study was found to be greater than 4, indicating the influence of the digital revolution on all aspects of tourism organizations which may bring about some changes in tourism businesses. On the other hand, Friedman's variance analysis test revealed a significant difference between the mean ranks of digital revolution components in tourism, with its greatest influence being on human resources training and development. Therefore, it seems necessary to invest in employing and training human resources that can deal with such developments. Manuscript profile
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        88 - Investigating the Role of Interpretation in Politics-Cultural Heritage Interaction in Terms of Developing Islamic Republic of Iran’s Cultural Tourism
        Mohammad reza salehi pour akbar pourfaraj Seyed Mojtaba Mahmodzadeh Ahmad golmohammadi
        The development of cultural tourism depends on the interaction of a wide variety of factors. On the other hand, considering the fact that the process of cultural tourism is influenced by Politics and that cultural heritage is regarded as a constructive source for cultur More
        The development of cultural tourism depends on the interaction of a wide variety of factors. On the other hand, considering the fact that the process of cultural tourism is influenced by Politics and that cultural heritage is regarded as a constructive source for cultural tourism, it could be argued that the success of cultural tourism is contingent upon the interaction of Politics and cultural heritage, between which interpretation can act as an intervening factor to establish such an interaction, playing different roles in this regard. This study, therefore, sought to investigate the functions of interpretation as a factor that establish an interaction between politics and cultural heritage and identify the status of such functions in this regard to help the IRI’s cultural tourism benefit from them. To this end, such potential functions were identified by reviewing the related literature and analyzing the qualified experts’ opinions as follows: recalling the spatial identity of historical sites, learning from the ancestors’ works and history, altering the politicians' attitudes towards cultural heritage, strengthening national identity, preserving the historical sites’ structure and spirit, bringing the stakeholders of historical sites closer to each other, fighting against racism and ethnocentrism, correcting historical misunderstandings, converging different cultures, and developing mutual understanding between politicians and the public. Moreover, the surveying phase of the study identified the aggregate opinions of experts concerning the priority of the aforementioned functions using the fuzzy Delphi method. The study’s results revealed that recalling the spatial identity of historical sites, strengthening national identity, and preserving the historical sites’ structure and spirit were those potential functions of interpretation in the interaction between politics and cultural tourism in which the experts had the highest consensus. Manuscript profile
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        89 - Assessing the Contributing Factors to the Tourism Professionals’ Attitude and Willingness Towards Green Tourism
        mostafa mahmoudi Bahar Bishami
        Environmental crises and the destruction of natural resources are the main problems faced by the tourism industry, whose treatment requires concerted efforts to change the needs and behaviors of tourists and to offer green products and services. In this regard, as touri More
        Environmental crises and the destruction of natural resources are the main problems faced by the tourism industry, whose treatment requires concerted efforts to change the needs and behaviors of tourists and to offer green products and services. In this regard, as tourism professionals play an important role in directing the market towards special styles and behaviors, especially environmentally friendly and sustainable behaviors, investigating the factors involved in shaping the attitude and tendency of such professionals to green tourism can help attract the attention of other beneficiaries to this field. The required data for this developmental/applied and descriptive/survey study was collected through a 31-item questionnaire administered to some 102 professionals in the tourism industry who were selected via purposive sampling. The data were then analyzed in the following two parts using the Structural Equation Modeling: 1) the measurement model to be used for examining the technical characteristics of the questionnaire and 2) the structural part to test the research hypotheses. The study’s findings indicated the direct positive influence of religiosity on collectivism, and the indirect effect of religiosity on other variables considered in the study. Moreover, while a positive correlation was found between collectivism, environmental concerns, environmental knowledge, and the tendency toward green tourism, no correlation was observed between religiosity and environmental knowledge, and between environmental knowledge and environmental concerns. Therefore, it is recommended that some courses be added to educational levels concerning how to protect the environment when traveling. Manuscript profile
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        90 - Investigating the Factors Involved in Tourism Intercultural Communication among Tourists: A Case Study of Hamadan City, Iran
        Golnoush jabbari Nader Jafari haftkhani
        In today’s modern world, tourism has turned into an effective way to access the environment and culture through intercultural communication. However, despite its significance in long-term economic development, intercultural communication is neglected in the planning sta More
        In today’s modern world, tourism has turned into an effective way to access the environment and culture through intercultural communication. However, despite its significance in long-term economic development, intercultural communication is neglected in the planning stages of tourism development projects. Therefore, this study sought to investigate the factors that influence intercultural communication in tourism using a grounded theory approach. To this end, the required data were collected through detailed semi-structured interviews with fifteen experts and professionals in the tourism industry of Hamedan City who were selected via snowball sampling. The collected data were then analyzed, and the results were organized under six main categories with twenty-six sub-categories. Finally, the theoretical model of the study was developed using the Atlas-Ti software. Accordingly, the main six categories of the model included personal characteristics, socio-cultural characteristics, education, producing materials and creating knowledge on intercultural issues in tourism, management and planning, the health and safety of the environment, and media and information technology in intercultural tourism communication. The results of this study propose an integrated approach for tourism managers and entrepreneurs so that they can develop a high level of intercultural communication and competence for tourists. Manuscript profile
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        91 - Designing a Strategic Model of the Antecedents of Customer’s Experience in the Tourism Industry
        soghra taghipour Samad Aali Alireza  Bafandeh Zendeh Hakimeh  Niki
        This study sought to identify the antecedents of customers’ experience in the tourism industry using a mixed-method approach. To this end, first, 246 domestic and foreign relevant articles published from 2010 to 2020 were collected in the qualitative phase using the met More
        This study sought to identify the antecedents of customers’ experience in the tourism industry using a mixed-method approach. To this end, first, 246 domestic and foreign relevant articles published from 2010 to 2020 were collected in the qualitative phase using the meta-synthesis method, out of which 52 articles were selected and analyzed via the content analysis method. Then, a questionnaire was developed based on the results of the content analysis conducted on the articles mentioned, applying the opinions of 10 experts and specialists in marketing and tourism. The researcher-developed questionnaire was then administered to 440 Iranian tourists who had traveled to Turkey, Malaysia, Azerbaijan, and UAE over the last five years (2016-2021). On the other hand, each construct of the proposed model was examined in terms of mono-dimensionality through a separate measurement model using Kline's method (2005) to ensure that the factor loading of the indicators and the correlation coefficient between factors do not exceed 0.5 and 0.85, respectively. Then, the reliability and validity of the constructs together with the construct validity, convergent validity, and divergent validity were measured, and Cronbach's alpha, Composite Reliability (CR), and Average Variance Extracted (AVE) were calculated. Finally, the model concerning the tourist experience antecedents was developed. According to the results of the study, a model comprising of four main components, including tourist management, tourism destinations’ management, tourism resource management, and tourism product management were developed based on the antecedents of the tourist experience using a mixed method approach (which is one of the innovations of the study). Manuscript profile
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        92 - Designing Entrepreneurship Development Model for cultural tourism in Yazd, the World Heritage City
        Mehdi Basouli seyed saeed hashemi Mohammad Hossein   Imani khoshkho Seysd habib o allah  mirghafouri
        "Due to its very nature, tourism enjoys proper grounds for entrepreneurship development. There are limited studies on the development of entrepreneurship in tourism. Among the growing areas of tourism, ‘Cultural Tourism’ could be referred to as a demanding preference fo More
        "Due to its very nature, tourism enjoys proper grounds for entrepreneurship development. There are limited studies on the development of entrepreneurship in tourism. Among the growing areas of tourism, ‘Cultural Tourism’ could be referred to as a demanding preference for development in areas with the potentials for growth. This study sought to provide a model for entrepreneurship development in cultural tourism using Grounded theory. To this end, some eleven semi-structured interviews were conducted to collect the required data, out of which and 367 primary codes, 97 secondary codes, 44 concept codes were extracted and classified into ten distinct categories. The study’s population consisted of university instructors and lecturers, experts working in state-owned tourism institutions, the owners of active businesses in Yazd cultural tourism, and the professionals within the field who were selected through ‘theoretical sampling.’ Moreover, the sample size was determined based on theoretical saturation. The study’s results found via the application of the ‘three-pronged model’ indicated that factors involved in the development of cultural tourism entrepreneurship could be categorized in three general categories of ‘structural factors,’ grounds and ‘environmental conditions, and ‘behavioral factors,’ each including their own relevant components and indices. Manuscript profile
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        93 - Analyzing the Effect of Tourists’ Vandalistic Activities in Rural Areas on Local Community’s Tourist Reception and Tolerance: A Case Study of Neyshabour’s Tourist Villages
        Hamdollah  Sojasi Qeidari zahra rajaei Asma  Bazri Keshtan
        Apart from its positive effects, rural areas’ tourism development would exert some tangible and intangible negative influences on the host community. For instance, some tourists destroy and damage the rural areas’ infrastructure and tourist attractions in different ways More
        Apart from its positive effects, rural areas’ tourism development would exert some tangible and intangible negative influences on the host community. For instance, some tourists destroy and damage the rural areas’ infrastructure and tourist attractions in different ways such as engraving remembrance words, breaking down trees, etc., which, in the long term, may negatively affect the relationship between the host community and the visitors of the tourism destination villages, leading to a decrease in community’s tourism reception and social tolerance. Therefore, this study sought to analyze the relationship between tourists’ vandalistic activities in rural areas and the local community’s tourism reception and tolerance in the five tourism villages of Neyshabour. To this end, a descriptive-analytical methodology was applied, using library resources and surveys to collect the required data. The study’s population comprised 92 heads of families living in the studied villages. The results suggested that the most frequent vandalized activity conducted by tourists was polluting the village and its surroundings with wastes and the use of alcoholic drinks and drugs. Scores of the locals’ tourism reception and tolerance were, except one case (tolerance of social anomalies induced by tourist visits), reported above average. Moreover, the results of correlation analysis indicated a significant reverse correlation between tourism reception and the locals’ conflict with tourists. Also, the analysis of the effect of tourists’ vandalistic activities on the local community’s tourism reception and social tolerance showed that the significance level was less than 0.05, indicating that the regression model used for the analysis was significant for both dependent variables. Manuscript profile
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        94 - " Cognitive mapping of components for developing people-oriented cities and their importance in tourism development: A case study of Yazd province, Iran "
        Hamed Fallah Tafti saeede derakhsh vahideh hekmat
        "Contrary to automotive, commodity-based, and money-oriented cities, a people-oriented city is an organic and systematic city based on human virtues and commune where people are concerned about each others’ rights. In such a city, humans are the main focus of urban plan More
        "Contrary to automotive, commodity-based, and money-oriented cities, a people-oriented city is an organic and systematic city based on human virtues and commune where people are concerned about each others’ rights. In such a city, humans are the main focus of urban planners, urban developers, and, most importantly, municipal decision-makers and executives. Therefore, here the biological, spiritual, and psychological needs of humans are the fundamental elements taken into account by urban management. This city, then, could unite urban spaces and tourists. Considering its great potentials, Yazd could be a good case for tourism development, building people-oriented cities, and improving the desirability of urban life. This qualitative-quantitative study sought to explore the feasibility of building a people-oriented city in Yazd province based on urban planning and the causal factors involved in this regard, intending to attract more tourists to this region. To this end, 14 interviews were conducted with tourism and urban planning experts, out of which 19 factors involved in building such a city were identified. The causal relationship between the identified factors was examined through a mixed-method approach, using the fuzzy cognitive mapping technique. The study’s findings indicated that educating the citizens, developing a sense of familiarity with the environment, and reducing environmental pollutions (soil, water, air) were the three most important factors for developing people oriented-cities in Yazd province, Iran. " Manuscript profile
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        95 - Investigating the impact of community-based tourism on development of rural communities from the perspective of the local community: A Case Study of Paveh Tourist Villages
        behrooz badko
        Community-oriented tourism seeks to create economic benefits, preserve natural resources, protect the local culture, and improve the local community's quality of life, so that needs of the present and future generations are met. This type of tourism development would be More
        Community-oriented tourism seeks to create economic benefits, preserve natural resources, protect the local culture, and improve the local community's quality of life, so that needs of the present and future generations are met. This type of tourism development would bear maximum benefits if the local communities' infrastructural potentials are strengthened, and the rural community's ability to use them is improved. Therefore, this descriptive-analytical study set out to examine the impact of community-oriented tourism on the development of rural communities from the perspective of the local community. To this end, 365 questionnaires were administered to the target tourism villages (namely Hajij, Shamshir, Nasmeh, and Khaneghah) located in Paveh city, using the SPSS software to analyze the collected data. The results showed that community-based tourism promoted economic, social, cultural, and environmental indicators, leading to rural development. Moreover, the regression analysis on the intended variables suggested economic indicators played the highest role in local community development, followed by social, cultural, and environmental indicators, respectively. Kendall's tau-b test results also proved a significant correlation between local community development and community-based tourism. Manuscript profile
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        96 - Identifying and Prioritizing Development Steps of Cultural Tourism in Lorestan Province Rural Areas
        zeinab asadporiyan yaser mohamadi mehdi rahimian
        This study sought to identify and prioritize the development steps of cultural tourism in rural areas of Lorestan province using the qualitative-quantitative method and exploratory approach. To this end, at the first stage, 19 semi-structured interviews were conducted w More
        This study sought to identify and prioritize the development steps of cultural tourism in rural areas of Lorestan province using the qualitative-quantitative method and exploratory approach. To this end, at the first stage, 19 semi-structured interviews were conducted with cultural tourism experts to identify the steps involved in cultural tourism development, out of which thirty-three solutions were identified in four main steps via open, axial, and selective coding. At the second stage, the Delphi-Fuzzy technique was applied in two stages to reach a consensus among the experts and prioritize cultural tourism development steps through the defuzzification process. The results showed that the identified strategies for cultural tourism development in Lorestan province could be categorized into four main steps: "Education and Innovation," "Physical Infrastructure," "Supportive-Institutional," and "Cultural-Advertising." Moreover, since the defuzzificated mean difference of the experts' opinion was less than 0.25 in two steps, all the identified solutions were proved to be valid. The results also indicated that the first and foremost step in tourism development was "education and innovation," followed by physical infrastructure, supportive-institutional, and cultural-promotional steps, respectively. Furthermore, at each step, the most important solutions were found to be advertising for tourism villages, identifying villages with tourism potentials, providing banking facilities for villagers to help them develop tourism, and building cultural elements and particular architectures in rural areas, respectively. Manuscript profile
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        97 - A Comparative Study of the Tourism Laws’ Hierarchy and Regulations in Iran and Other Countries
        Ozra Azizi Ali Asghar Shalbafian aboutaleb ghasemi
        Laws and regulations are among the most important executive and monitoring tools that help governments fulfill their role in setting tourism development policies, and assessing, controlling, and regulating the relations among tourism stakeholders. Therefore, this study More
        Laws and regulations are among the most important executive and monitoring tools that help governments fulfill their role in setting tourism development policies, and assessing, controlling, and regulating the relations among tourism stakeholders. Therefore, this study sought to examine the structure and titles of tourism laws in China, France, Malaysia, and Turkey and compare them with the relevant laws and regulations exercised in Iran to identify the status of the key issues in the respective hierarchical system of those countries' laws and regulations. To this end, the study followed the comparative law methodology to analyze the content of the laws and regulations mentioned above using a text-based approach. According to the findings of the study, many of the issues that are turned into law in the countries investigated in the current study occupy a lower position in the hierarchy of Iran’s Tourism Laws and Regulations System, being referred to in terms of either by-laws or executive instructions. Moreover, some issues have not been addressed at any level. Therefore, it can be argued that compared to the countries studied in this research, Iran’s tourism sector does not enjoy a proper status in Iran’s legal system. In other words, the current laws and regulations enforced in Iran lack many key tourism-related issues that could help regulate the relations between various relevant stakeholders, prevent unnecessary interventions by different bodies and organizations, reduce the number of lawsuits among the suppliers of tourism services and tourists, or help coordinate the relevant actors in achieving the intended goals. Therefore, the tourism sector needs a centralized, transparent, and comprehensive law. Manuscript profile
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        98 - Investigating the Factors Affecting the Demand for Medical Tourism in Mashhad
        Fatemeh Rahmani pejman avazpoor
        As one of the largest and most profitable sub-sectors of tourism worldwide, Medical Tourism is considered an economic activity involving service exchanges, representing the link between at least medicine and tourism sectors. Therefore, this study sought to investigate t More
        As one of the largest and most profitable sub-sectors of tourism worldwide, Medical Tourism is considered an economic activity involving service exchanges, representing the link between at least medicine and tourism sectors. Therefore, this study sought to investigate the factors affecting the demands for medical tourism in Mashhad using the Multinomial Logit Model, which was estimated by Stata 16 software. The statistical population of the study comprised of domestic medical tourists who visited Mashhad in 2021, out of whom 150 people were selected as the participants. The dependent variable of the study was the demand for medical tourism in Mashhad, that was divided into low, high, and medium classes, and the required data was collected by administering a questionnaire. Accordingly, it was found that an increase in the quality of medical and urban services, low medical costs, and an increase in the tourists’ income would increase the demand for medical tourism in Mashhad. Moreover, the quality of medical services’ sub-indices and urban factors were also evaluated separately by the tourists who participated in this study. Manuscript profile
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        99 - Investigating the Effect of Leisure Time's Perceived Risks on Sports Tourists’ Social Happiness During COVID_ 19 Pandemic
        sahar pirjamadi Ahmad  Mahmoudi Vahid  Saatchian Kamran Romiani
        This descriptive study sought to investigate the effect of leisure time's perceived risks on the sports tourists’ social happiness during the COVID_ 19 Pandemic using the structural equation model. The study’s statistical population comprised all tourists who used sport More
        This descriptive study sought to investigate the effect of leisure time's perceived risks on the sports tourists’ social happiness during the COVID_ 19 Pandemic using the structural equation model. The study’s statistical population comprised all tourists who used sports tourism complexes in Mashhad, out of whom 381 people were selected via purposive sampling. The required data were collected via Ishraqi et al’ (2017) perceived risks questionnaire and the oxford social happiness scale. The questionnaires’ face and content validities were confirmed by experts, and their construct validity was confirmed via exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Moreover, the questionnaires’ reliability, obtained through Cronbach's alpha, was found to be over 0.7. As for analyzing the data, descriptive and inferential statistics such as one-sample T-test and structural equation modeling were used. The study’s results indicated a significant difference between the mean perceived risk components, the tourists’ happiness, and the theoretical mean. Furthermore, a significant correlation was found between perceived risk components and the tourist's happiness during the COVID_ 19 Pandemic. Therefore, it is emphasized that factors such as supervision, planning, hardware, security, information provision, organizational matters, and internationally recognized methods be considered in setting sports tourism policies to prevent the psychological consequences of COVID_ 19 and achieve perfect social happiness. Manuscript profile
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        100 - Investigating the Relationship between Tourism and Creating a Happy City: A Case Study of Chalous and Nowshahr Cities, Mazandaran, Iran
        nastaran khandan nazanin Tabrizi mohammad hasan zaal
        Tourism can help create happiness and, therefore, provide people with the satisfaction of life. On the other hand, the presence of a "happy host" is a fundamental requirement for the successful development of tourism, making the monitoring of the tourism-induces happine More
        Tourism can help create happiness and, therefore, provide people with the satisfaction of life. On the other hand, the presence of a "happy host" is a fundamental requirement for the successful development of tourism, making the monitoring of the tourism-induces happiness and satisfaction level a key factor in any such development program. In this regard, as assessing the issue in Noshahr and Chalous cities (as two main tourist destinations in northern Iran) is of particular importance, this study set out to investigate the role of tourism in constructing the indices of a happy city in Chalus and Nowshahr. The statistical population of the study comprised residents of Nowshahr and Chalous cities. Moreover, the sample size was estimated to be 380 using Cochran's formula, and the participants of the study were selected via the convenience sampling method. Finally, the data collected from the questionnaires distributed among the respondents were analyzed through structural equations and factor analysis using the SPSS and PLS software. The results revealed that tourism was effective in creating happy cities in Nowshahr and Chalous. However, according to the results of statistical tests, the extent of such influence was found to be very poor. It was also found that tourism slightly increased the welfare, happiness, social participation, and satisfaction of the residents of Nowshahr and Chalous cities. Manuscript profile
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        101 - Investigating the Factors Involved in Feasibility Studies of Tourism Development in Kermanshah Province: A Local Community Perspective
        Mohammad Ali Feizpour Habib Ansari samani zahra naseri
        Considering the dependence of tourism on its host community and thus the interdependence of tourists and local residents, it could be argued that the culture and viewpoints of the local people may influence tourism activities. Therefore, the local community must be acti More
        Considering the dependence of tourism on its host community and thus the interdependence of tourists and local residents, it could be argued that the culture and viewpoints of the local people may influence tourism activities. Therefore, the local community must be actively involved in the development process to ensure the success of feasibility studies, proper assessment of investments made in tourism, and the extension of tourism projects’ lifespan. In this regard, this study sought to perform a feasibility analysis of tourism activities, focusing on running a coffee shop in a representative tourist destination in Kermanshah Province, Iran. To this end, the tourism development project during the years 2019-2023 was examined in terms of financial and economic assessments, and the evaluation of its effects from the viewpoint of the local community. The financial and economic data were collected from the Statistical Center of Iran, and the data concerning the evaluation of the project’s effects from the local community’s perspective were gathered through a questionnaire. The results of the financial and economic feasibility study indicated that setting up the coffee shop was financially and economically viable and justified. On the other hand, the evaluation of the local residents’ viewpoint in this regard revealed that tourism could contribute to economic prosperity, the introduction of the region to others, feeling the sense of pride by the local people, and the restoration and reconstruction of historical buildings. This study attempted to identify the factors involved in the feasibility study of tourism and assess the local community's viewpoint regarding the effects of tourism. The findings of the study suggested that financial and economic feasibility studies along with an evaluation of the effects of tourism could contribute to the success of investment projects. Manuscript profile
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        102 - Analyzing Ideological Attitudes of Modern Tourists Towards Visiting Natural Attractions: A Case Study of Tourists Visiting Western Kalate of Bastam District, Shahrood County
        tahereh sadeghloo fahimeh jafari fahimeh karimiyan
        This applied study sought to investigate the ideological bases and theoretical attitudes of tourists of modern tourists towards the environment and their behavior in this regard using a descriptive-analytical approach. The unit of analysis is the tourists who visited th More
        This applied study sought to investigate the ideological bases and theoretical attitudes of tourists of modern tourists towards the environment and their behavior in this regard using a descriptive-analytical approach. The unit of analysis is the tourists who visited the Kharghan and Western Kalateh districts in Bastam district, Shahrood County. Due to the lack of accurate information on the number of tourists visiting the study area, the current study used Cochran's formula (applied in cases of unknown communities) to determine the sample size of the study. Accordingly, 140 tourists were selected, to whom a relevant questionnaire was administered. The results of the study indicated that the aesthetic-mental attitude of the tourists towards nature (with an average of 4.78) exerted the greatest influence on their behavior towards the environment, suggesting that most of the tourists do not seek economic benefits in visiting tourist areas. In other words, the tourists do not follow a utilitarian attitude in visiting nature. Moreover, the results revealed that the attitudes of professional tourists (those who are actively engaged in tourism) towards nature differ from those of non-professional tourists. According to the results of the t-test performed on two independent samples, women and men possess different ideological attitudes towards nature, making them behave differently towards the natural environment. Furthermore, a positive direct correlation was found between age and the ideological attitudes of tourists towards nature, indicating that the attitude towards nature changes with an increase in age, which in turn affects the behavior of tourists towards the environment. Manuscript profile
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        103 - Explaining Socio-cultural Factors Affecting Creative Tourism From the Tourists’ Perspective: A Case Study of Zayandehrood Visitors
        Faezeh Mohaghegh masoud taghvaei Negin sadeghy
        Creative tourism is a type of emerging cultural tourism that focuses on skill development. Accordingly, cultural heritage, rituals, and handicrafts can be presented in such a way as to provide more interactions between visitors and the local population. In this regard, More
        Creative tourism is a type of emerging cultural tourism that focuses on skill development. Accordingly, cultural heritage, rituals, and handicrafts can be presented in such a way as to provide more interactions between visitors and the local population. In this regard, due to successive droughts in Isfahan city and thus the decreasing number of visiting tourists, it appears necessary to develop creative sociocultural tourism in the city, especially with regard to the Zayandehrood site. Therefore, this study sought to identify and prioritize socio-cultural factors involved in creative tourism from the perspective of the tourists who visited Zayandehrood using a descriptive-analytic and survey-based method. To this end, confirmatory factor analysis was used to analyze the collected data using the Amos software. The results indicated that among socio-cultural factors, it was the cultural ones that had the priority in creative tourism of Zayandehrood. Therefore, it could be argued that introducing the indigenous culture of the Zayandehrood area will be effective in attracting tourists even during the drought. Finally, Zayandehrood-based creative cultural tourism strategies were developed using the QSPM matrix, according to which "creating an atmosphere and organizing events based on the cultural capacities of Isfahan with an emphasis on Zayandehrood" turned out to be the prioritized strategy, with its score being 10.48. Manuscript profile
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        104 - A Future Study of Business Intelligence in the Tourism Industry
        nayereh abtahi Mohammad Hasan Maleki behrooz bayat tohfeh ghobadi
        Despite potential tourism capacities in Iran, few foreign tourists visit Iran compared to the competing countries due to the lack of infrastructure, the existence of legal barriers, and the sanctions imposed against Iran. As considerable growth in the application of inf More
        Despite potential tourism capacities in Iran, few foreign tourists visit Iran compared to the competing countries due to the lack of infrastructure, the existence of legal barriers, and the sanctions imposed against Iran. As considerable growth in the application of information technology to tourism is one of the main trends in this industry, this applied exploratory study sought to identify future scenarios of business intelligence in Iran’s tourism industry using both qualitative and quantitative methods to analyze the collected data. The population of the study comprised tourism, future study, and business intelligence experts, out of whom the intended participants were selected via judgmental sampling. The study was conducted in three phases. In the first phase, thirty effective driving forces of the prospective business intelligence in the tourism industry were identified by reviewing the related literature and interviewing the experts. In the next phase, the identified driving forces were screened and prioritized using the EDAS. To this end, the driving forces were screened via the Binominal test, twenty of which were eliminated from the analysis, accordingly. Then, the remaining ten driving forces were assessed using the EDAS method. Finally, the type of decision-making culture and the arrival of foreign tourists were selected as the final driving forces, which, together with the application of root definitions and the organization of consultation workshop, formed the basis of offering four scenarios, namely the prosperity, heterogeneity, the spider web, and the ice ages. Accordingly, the prosperity and ice age scenarios illustrate the best and worst conditions for the future of business intelligence in tourism, respectively. Manuscript profile
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        105 - Perceived Authenticity, Satisfaction, Revisiting, Cultural Heritage Tourism, Kourd House, Sanandaj
        akbar pourfaraj sasan ahmadi
        While many scholars believe that tourists take the trouble to visit authentic destinations away from their place of residence, few studies have so far been conducted in this regard. Therefore, this study sought to investigate the role of perceived authenticity on touris More
        While many scholars believe that tourists take the trouble to visit authentic destinations away from their place of residence, few studies have so far been conducted in this regard. Therefore, this study sought to investigate the role of perceived authenticity on tourists' satisfaction and revisiting intention. To this end, perceived authenticity was divided into objective, structural, and existential categories based on the analysis of the related literature review. Moreover, the study was conducted in the Kourd House Ethnology Museum of Sanandaj. On the other hand, to collect the required data, a valid questionnaire was administered to 224 tourists who visited the place. Finally, the collected data were analyzed through SPSS20 software using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The results indicated that objective, structural, and existential authenticity positively influenced tourists’ satisfaction. However, it was merely the objective and existential authenticity that exerted a positive effect on the tourists’ intention to revisit the place. Moreover, tourists’ satisfaction was also found to have a positive influence on their revisiting intention. Manuscript profile
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        106 - Investigating Agrotourism Aesthetics and Social Production of Space from Local Stakeholders’ Perspective: A Case Study of Grape Festival in Abhar City, Darsjin Village, Iran
        mohamad taghi heydari Daruish jahani Ismail  Dali yagoob haghi
        Playing a significant role in reducing rural poverty, fostering sustainable agricultural and rural development, creating income-generating opportunities for local residents, promoting the culture of natural resource protection, and optimal use of cultural and natural at More
        Playing a significant role in reducing rural poverty, fostering sustainable agricultural and rural development, creating income-generating opportunities for local residents, promoting the culture of natural resource protection, and optimal use of cultural and natural attractions, agricultural tourism provides the basis for interaction between village residents and visiting tourists. In this regard, this study sought to examine the driving forces involved in developing agricultural tourism in Dresjin village from the local stakeholders’ perspective, focusing on the grape festival. The current research is applied in terms of type and descriptive-analytical in terms of nature. The sample size of the study comprised seventy-eight household members who were interviewed along the sidewalks leading to the festival site of Dresjin village. The required data were also collected through library and field studies. The data were then analyzed via the MICMAC approach using the worst-best preference technique. The findings of the study indicated that the positive and pleasant feeling produced by the space and the restoration and maintenance of monuments were the most significantly preferred factors involved in the social production of the space, providing the visitors of Dresjin village with a pleasant feeling and bringing about positive results for the village. Therefore, it appears that tourism development programs must be developed for the village, including clearly set missions and duties of relevant organizations. Such well-developed programs could help avoid parallel working and unnecessary duplications, and also create a sense of responsibility in the actors involved through the tasks assigned to them. Manuscript profile
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        107 - Tourism, Public Policy, Tourism Policy, Policy Implementation, Gilan Province
        Ezzatollah Abbasian shabnam zarjou seyyed Hamed Hashemi
        The current study set out to identify the influential factors involved in implementing public tourism policies in Gilan province, Iran. To this end, this developmental qualitative research applies an inductive approach and follows the interpretive-constructivist philoso More
        The current study set out to identify the influential factors involved in implementing public tourism policies in Gilan province, Iran. To this end, this developmental qualitative research applies an inductive approach and follows the interpretive-constructivist philosophy. The study’s population consisted of experts in the field of tourism, public policy, Gilan studies, and geography, out of whom some twenty experts were selected and interviewed using purposive snowball sampling. According to the findings of the study, technological, cultural, social, economic, and political-administrative factors were found to have contributed to the implementation of the public tourism policy in Gilan province. In this regard, the political-administrative factor was found to comprise bureaucracy reduction, education, and human resources development and improvement. Moreover, it was revealed that the social factors included strengthening social responsibility, increasing public and non-governmental organizations' participation, proper communication of the executive department with residents, and enjoying social capital. On the other hand, the results showed that the cultural factor consisted of utilizing cultural symbols, developing localized policies, and emphasizing the cultural structure of each region and that the technological factor included the emphasis on media advertisement and strengthening technological infrastructure. Finally, the economic factor was found to comprise participatory governance, proper financial planning, and proper budgeting. The main achievement of this research is its focus on the implementation aspect of policy-making and the recognition of various cultural, technological, social, economic, and political-administrative factors in the successful implementation of tourism policies, suggesting that in addition to economic factors, some other factors also contribute to the effective policy implementation, a fact which has been neglected in many similar studies. Manuscript profile
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        108 - Designing a Model for The Development of Rural Entrepreneurship Ecosystem with Emphasis on Ecotourism Resorts in Tourist Villages of Khorasan Razavi Province
        Javad Sakhdari Jahangir Yadolahi farsi Malihe Shahriary
        Developing the rural entrepreneurship ecosystem could be considered an appropriate strategy to accelerate the development of rural areas and increase job opportunities. On the other hand, applying entrepreneurship to Iran’s ecotourism and rural tourism is considered a s More
        Developing the rural entrepreneurship ecosystem could be considered an appropriate strategy to accelerate the development of rural areas and increase job opportunities. On the other hand, applying entrepreneurship to Iran’s ecotourism and rural tourism is considered a supplement to agricultural activities to create favorable living conditions for the villagers and resolve the challenges existing in rural development. Therefore, this study sought to present a model for developing the rural entrepreneurship ecosystem in target tourism villages of Khorasan Razavi province using a qualitative research method with an applied descriptive-survey approach. To this end, the required data were collected via semi-structured interviews made with fifteen managers and board members of eco-tourist resorts. The data were then analyzed using the Grounded Theory method. Moreover, the validity and reliability of the model were measured via the Kappa index and confirmed by two researchers in the field of tourism and a few university professors. The study’s results suggested that the development of the ecosystem requires the decision maker to consider five aspects, including strategic orientation and effective leadership, identify appropriate sites’ locations, monitor the ecosystem’s development and provide its improvement mechanisms, set the demand-side policies, supply-side policies, and twelve sub-factors. Therefore, it could be argued that the proposed model may provide valuable insights for the development of an entrepreneurial ecosystem in rural areas with an emphasis on ecotourism opportunities. Manuscript profile
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        109 - Developing A Structural Model for Establishing A Sustainable Consumption and Production Pattern in Tourism Industry
        Faezeh Mirfakhraee
        Sustainable consumption and production patterns (SCP) play a crucially important role in the sustainable implementation of all economic activities. Therefore, this study specifically sought to develop a structural model to assess the driving forces involved in establish More
        Sustainable consumption and production patterns (SCP) play a crucially important role in the sustainable implementation of all economic activities. Therefore, this study specifically sought to develop a structural model to assess the driving forces involved in establishing a sustainable consumption and production pattern and to improve the sustainable aspects of the supply chain in tourism. To this end, first, fourteen consumption and production-related factors were selected and developed using the relevant literature and the experts’ views. Then, the collected data were analyzed using the Gray Relational Analysis, considering the fact that this model helps identify the causal relationships between the selected stimuli and assess the power of their mutual interactions. According to the study’s findings, ten influencing driving forces and four influenced ones were identified as the factors involved in establishing a sustainable consumption and production pattern in the tourism industry. Accordingly, the highly influential driving forces that readily affect other driving forces were identified as the "Government policies and regulations for developing an integrated system of sustainable consumption and production", "The managerial Support and involvement in implementing a sustainable consumption and production pattern", "Initiatives and advertising campaigns developed by various tourism enterprises for implementing a sustainable consumption and production pattern", and “Gaining market advantage and improving the overall performance in the industry". Identifying the causes and effects involved in implementing a sustainable consumption and production pattern in tourism’s supply chain, the findings of this study can help managers easily analyze relevant issues in this regard and thus enhance their overall performance by recognizing the cause and effect driving forces. Manuscript profile
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        110 - Investigating the Role of Residents' Support for Health Tourism Development in Marketing Using the Cognitive Mapping Approach: A Case Study of Isfahan’s Healthcare Town
        mahnaz Doosti-Irani Mir Mohammad  Asadi
        Focusing on "the residents' support for the development of health tourism" as a variable that could be considered by marketers to increase demands for this kind of tourism, this study sought to investigate the variables affected by the residents' support and prepare a f More
        Focusing on "the residents' support for the development of health tourism" as a variable that could be considered by marketers to increase demands for this kind of tourism, this study sought to investigate the variables affected by the residents' support and prepare a fuzzy cognitive map of such factors using a systemic model. To this end, the aforementioned variables were identified using the Delphi technique. Then, the research model was developed and analyzed using fuzzy cognitive mapping. The findings of the study suggested that the residents' support affected factors such as the destination image, tourist satisfaction, tourist loyalty, positive advertisements by word of mouth, perceived quality of services, tourists' emotional solidarity with the residents, and spatial belonging of tourists to destinations. Moreover, the results of fuzzy cognitive mapping showed that in a system consisting of the above-mentioned variables, the residents' support played a significant role in tourist loyalty and positive word-of-mouth advertisement, with its impact being greater than that of satisfaction or even service quality. In other words, winning the residents' support is a priority in this regard. Moreover, residents' support affects other relevant factors, including perceived quality, tourist satisfaction, spatial belonging, and emotional attachment. Therefore, gaining the residents’ support is highly recommended to be considered in marketing health tourism. Considering the research gaps in this field, the results of the current study could be used for enriching the related literature. Manuscript profile
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        111 - Investigating the Effect of Socio-Subjective Norms-induced Cognitive Risk Perception on Tourists' Behavioral Intentions During Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case Study of Shiraz City, Iran
        Yazdan  Shirmohammadi Jafar  Ahangaran Amin  Ghanbari
        This survey study sought to investigate the effect of cognitive risk perception induced by the subjective norms attitude on tourists' behavioral intentions during the Covid-19 pandemic using structural equation modeling. The statistical population of the study comprised More
        This survey study sought to investigate the effect of cognitive risk perception induced by the subjective norms attitude on tourists' behavioral intentions during the Covid-19 pandemic using structural equation modeling. The statistical population of the study comprised all tourists who visited the cultural and historical sites of Shiraz City, Iran, out of whom 384 people were selected through convenient sampling using the Cochran formula with a 95% confidence level. To collect the required data, a researcher-developed questionnaire on the “effect of tourists' perception on their target destinations during the Covid-19 pandemic” was administered to the participants. The collected data were then analyzed using Amos software and SPSS software. On the other hand, the reliability and validity of the questionnaire were measured via Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Accordingly, Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, composite reliability, and Average Variance Extracted values were reported as over 0.7, 0.7, and 0.5, thus confirming the reliability and validity of the questionnaire. Finally, the structural equation model was used to test the research hypotheses and the relationships between research variables (cognitive risk, behavioral intentions, and subjective norms). The findings of the study suggested that cognitive risk perception positively affected tourists' behavioral intentions through their subjective norms and attitude. Moreover, attitude was recognized as a significant mediator between risk perception and behavioral intentions, while subjective norms mediated the relationship between cognitive perception and behavioral intentions. Manuscript profile
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        112 - Presenting a Framework for Developing Ecotourism in Kermanshah Province's Target tourism Villages
        heshmat moradi Alireza  Poursaeid Marjan vahedi mohamad bagher Arayesh
        Ecotourism is a sustainable strategy for earning revenues while preserving natural resources. Therefore, this study set out to provide a framework for developing ecotourism in Kermanshah province's target tourism villages using grounded theory. The required data were c More
        Ecotourism is a sustainable strategy for earning revenues while preserving natural resources. Therefore, this study set out to provide a framework for developing ecotourism in Kermanshah province's target tourism villages using grounded theory. The required data were collected via semi-structured interviews with 20 experts who were selected through snowball sampling. The collected data were then analyzed in Maxqda12 software using open coding, axial coding, and selective coding approach, resulting in 433 codes, 124 concepts, 23 sub-categories, and 6 main categories. The main categories of the model included causal categories (participatory, economic, regional attractions and potentials, policy, social and cultural, managerial, infrastructure, ecotourism services and facilities, and the core category of ecotourism development), intervening categories (economic, managerial, and educational), strategic categories (economic and educational), and consequential categories (positive and negative economic consequences, and social, cultural and environmental consequences) were grouped together in a paradigmatic framework. Manuscript profile
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        113 - Investigating Socio-Economic Impact of Religious Tourism on Spatial Development of Qom Province
        Ali Sadeghi Valiollah Nazari Mohammad Gholami Mohammad Amir  Amrollahi
        This descriptive-analytical study sought to investigate the socio-economic impacts of religious tourism on the spatial development of Qom province, using a researcher-developed questionnaire designed via Analytical Hierarchy Process to collect its required data. To this More
        This descriptive-analytical study sought to investigate the socio-economic impacts of religious tourism on the spatial development of Qom province, using a researcher-developed questionnaire designed via Analytical Hierarchy Process to collect its required data. To this end, the required criteria were developed at two levels: the economic level comprising of five sub-criteria, including "Increase in employment, increase in incomes, reduction in inflation, increase in regional production", and: private sector participation", and the social level comprising three sub-criteria, including "Increasing the security, increasing the social culture, improving services and infrastructure". The results of surveying the priority of these criteria indicated the high impact of the economic element of tourism on the spatial development of Qom province. According to experts, the more economic power the people have, the better its impact would be on the social and environmental sectors of the society. Also, the criteria were also evaluated and prioritized within the study area that formed different districts of Qom province. Accordingly, it was found that the spatial development of the central district of the province (Qom city) was mostly influenced by religious tourism in terms of 5 criteria out of the 8 criteria identified in the study, suggesting that Qom, as the hub of religious tourism of the province, outweighs other parts of the province in terms of development, which may cause some problems in the future for the development of tourism in Qom province. Manuscript profile
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        114 - Segmenting and Profiling Psychological-Demographic Behavior of Karbala Pilgrims Attending the Annual Arbaeen Rituals: A Case Study of Pilgrims Crossing Khuzestan Province's Air and Land Borders
        Yaghoob  daghagheleh maryam darvishi
        Religious tourism is one of the five main branches of tourism according to the World Trade Organization. The popularity of pilgrimage has increased in recent decades, and religious tourism has been an important part of the dynamics of the world tourism economy. Therefor More
        Religious tourism is one of the five main branches of tourism according to the World Trade Organization. The popularity of pilgrimage has increased in recent decades, and religious tourism has been an important part of the dynamics of the world tourism economy. Therefore, this applied descriptive-survey study sought to segment and determine the psychological-demographic and behavioral profile of Karbala pilgrims attending the annual Arbaeen rituals. The statistical population of the study comprised of the pilgrims of Karbala who have traveled through the borders of Khuzestan province to attend the Arbaeen rituals. The neural network algorithm was used to analyze the data via self-organizing maps. The study's findings indicated that there were three different groups of pilgrims with different travel motives, who were categorized as a) being more tourist than a pilgrim (tourist pilgrim), b) being more pilgrim than a tourist (pilgrim tourist), and c) pilgrims. These three groups of tourists were named after leisureists, enthusiasts of various activities, and religious people, suggesting that each type of pilgrim had its own psychological, demographic, and behavioral characteristics. Therefore, marketing strategies for developing tourism activities should be set based on the characteristics of each type of tourist. Manuscript profile
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        115 - Determining the Tourism Calendar Using the Climate Tourism Index (TCI) and the Climate-Holiday Index (HCI): A Case Study of Astara, Gilan Province
        Tooba Abedi Ladan Kazemi Rad Roya Abedi
        Favorable climatic conditions are the most important information that nature tourists need to choose their destination. Moreover, one of tourism climatologists' goals is to identify different types of climates that affect tourism. Therefore, this study sought to investi More
        Favorable climatic conditions are the most important information that nature tourists need to choose their destination. Moreover, one of tourism climatologists' goals is to identify different types of climates that affect tourism. Therefore, this study sought to investigate the relationship between climatic variables, climate-related indicators, and tourism in the most important tourist destinations of Astara, including Heyran mountain pass and Bibiyanlou forest park in terms of Tourism Climate Index (TCI) and Holiday Climate Index (HCI), using indices such as temperature, relative humidity, rainfall, cloud cover, and wind speed during a 15-year period (2005-2020). The results of the monthly survey of the TCI index showed that the region had a good rank in this regard in October (TCI = 65) and July (TCI = 69), a very good rank (TCI = 79) in May, and an excellent rank (TCI = 80) in June. Moreover, the results of the HCI showed that January and July had good ratings (with their HCI values being 69 and 65, respectively). The months of June and February (HCI = 75) had very good ranks, the months of May and April had excellent ranks (with their HCI values being 89 and 85, respectively), and the month of March had an ideal rank (HCI = 93). It was also found that in the early spring and summer (corresponding to the holiday season) when the climatic conditions were more favorable, the region was more visited by tourists. However, the region would probably be less welcomed by the tourists during the working and exam seasons. The results of the present study could be helpful in improving tourism activities based on climatic conditions, managing tourism in terms of providing the tourists with the required equipment and their needs during the tourism peaks, and providing for the required infrastructure to overcome the difficulties and attract tourists at other times. Manuscript profile
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        116 - Analysis of Tourism Research Papers in Iran
        Mohsen Torabi mohammad reza fathi
        This applied library study sought to examine five Iranian research journals in the field of tourism from a methodological perspective. The population of the study comprised of all articles published from 2016 to 2020 in the aforementioned journals, including the Journal More
        This applied library study sought to examine five Iranian research journals in the field of tourism from a methodological perspective. The population of the study comprised of all articles published from 2016 to 2020 in the aforementioned journals, including the Journal of Tourism and Development, Social Studies of Tourism Journal, Tourism planning and Development journal, Urban Tourism journal, and Tourism Management journal. No sampling was utilized, and all the components of the study's population were examined via the census. Accordingly, some 814 articles were examined in terms of the number of articles published per year, the research approach, the data analysis method, the data collection tools, data collection method, research area, the number of authors per article, the geographical areas studied, and the corresponding author's organizational affiliation and major. The findings showed that the largest number of published articles within the recent five editions belonged to the Journal of Tourism and Development and that most of the articles were focused on Iran's northern and central provinces. It was also found that researchers in the fields of geography and urban planning had great contributions to the articles published on the subject of tourism. Moreover, in terms of the corresponding author's affiliation, the greatest number of published articles belonged to Allameh Tabatabai University and Tehran University, respectively. Also, most of the published articles were descriptive-applied in terms of purpose and quantitative in terms of research method (structural equations), with 61% of them using a questionnaire to collect their required data. Manuscript profile
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        117 - Smartization of Iran's Tourism Industry: An emphasis on Social and Cultural Empowerment
        Farnoush Zangouei Zahra Kharazi Mohammadvandi Azar Jamshid Salehi Sadaghiyani
        The main purpose of this article was to investigate the role of social and cultural empowerment in institutionalizing smart programs of Iran's tourism industry and identify the components of smart tourism in Iran's urban destinations. As a mixed-method research, this st More
        The main purpose of this article was to investigate the role of social and cultural empowerment in institutionalizing smart programs of Iran's tourism industry and identify the components of smart tourism in Iran's urban destinations. As a mixed-method research, this study used contractual qualitative content analysis within its qualitative phase and a survey in its quantitative phase. As for the qualitative phase, 13 Iranian tourism managers were selected and interviewed through targeted and snowball sampling. Moreover, to conduct the quantitative phase, 390 travel agency experts were selected via convenience sampling, using Cochran's formula. The results of analyzing the data via structural equation modeling with the partial least squares approach showed that all observable and hidden variables were significant at the level of 0/05, all of which were confirmed. Furthermore, socio-cultural empowerment, smart governance, development of new smart technologies applications, and comprehensive smart tourism services were identified as components of the smart tourism industry in Iran. In addition, based on the Stone-Geisser index, the redundancy index of the social and cultural empowerment component was calculated to be 0/523 and based on its value in the final model (0/528), the strong predictive power of the model was confirmed. Manuscript profile
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        118 - Investigating the Factors Affecting the Local Community's Life Quality in Religious Tourism Destinations: A Case Study of Shiraz
        Abbas Javidian
        Religious tourism has long been welcomed by many tourists and individuals, creating changes in the host community's quality of life through changing human interactions. Therefore, this descriptive survey study sought to identify and rank the factors involved in the loca More
        Religious tourism has long been welcomed by many tourists and individuals, creating changes in the host community's quality of life through changing human interactions. Therefore, this descriptive survey study sought to identify and rank the factors involved in the local community's quality of life in Shiraz as a religious tourism destination using the fuzzy cognitive mapping approach. To this end, two types of statistical population groups were used. The first group comprised of experts in the field of religious tourism in Shiraz who were selected judiciously and purposefully to adjust and determine the intended factors. Then, a matrix questionnaire was administered to the second group which comprised thirty indigenous workers in the field of religious tourism. Then, the data and scenarios were analyzed using the fuzzy cognitive mapping technique, and the research model was designed using social network analysis. The results showed that there are several factors involved in improving the local community's quality of life in Shiraz, including increasing welfare, increasing investments, and a sense of belonging among residents and tourists, respectively. Manuscript profile
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        119 - An analysis of the role of holy shrines in the development of religious tourism (Case study of the holy shrines of Sarfaryab section of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad province)
        Behrouz  kheshtzar
        Religious tourism is one of the major forms of tourism, which includes visiting religious places and performing religious duties. Pilgrimage tourism is one of the oldest forms in the past and one of the most prosperous tourism in the present time. In fact, in the catego More
        Religious tourism is one of the major forms of tourism, which includes visiting religious places and performing religious duties. Pilgrimage tourism is one of the oldest forms in the past and one of the most prosperous tourism in the present time. In fact, in the category of cultural tourism, we should mention pilgrimage tourism and religious tourism. In the first type, the tourist travels only with the motive of visiting the places of his respect and belief, but in the second type, in addition to visiting holy places, he also travels and has fun. Pay. Therefore, in this study, pilgrimage tourism is expressed in the concept of religious tourism, because in the study area, in addition to the presence of the tombs of the Imams, the existence of pristine and beautiful nature is effective in attracting tourists. In religious tourism, on the one hand, religious belief plays a role, and on the other hand, when tourists spend time visiting religious places. Another aspect of the fact is that these tourists have religious motives for traveling before they intend to travel. Pilgrimage is one of the examples of religious practice that has been emphasized in different religions and sects. This type of tourism in our country is more important due to the religious context as well as the pilgrimage attractions that exist in it and can increase macro and micro investments in rural areas, self-employment of villagers, development of rural tourism, recognition of attractions. Historically, naturally, religiously and provide better service to the villagers. The purpose of this study is to provide a new description of religious tourism and its development in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad provinces and especially Sarfaryab section. For this purpose, first the theoretical foundations of religious tourism were studied, then, the attractions of religious tourism in Sarfaryab were mentioned and the capacities of religious tourism in Sarfaryab were introduced. The research method of this study is direct observation of the capacities of the studied area and the use of documentary studies and secondary information. Finally, some suggestions for the development of religious tourism in the study area are presented. Manuscript profile
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        120 - A Development for Sustainable Business Model of Ecolodges
        Hamid Hashemi mahmoud ziaei Vajhollah ghorbanizadeh mahmoud jomehpour
        Considering the increasing development of ecolodges in Iran and also their role in the development of sustainable tourism, it seems that a comprehensive and successful business model for this socio-economic institution has not yet been introduced. The purpose of this st More
        Considering the increasing development of ecolodges in Iran and also their role in the development of sustainable tourism, it seems that a comprehensive and successful business model for this socio-economic institution has not yet been introduced. The purpose of this study is to identify the factors affecting the sustainability of ecolodges and propose a sustainable business model based on the knowledge of experts and managers of these businesses. The research method of this paper is qualitative and thematic analysis has been used with deductive approach and descriptive-inferential method. The required data has been provided through the analysis of semi-structured experts interviews. The research community has been the managers of successful ecolodges and knowledgeable university professors and experts in the field of entrepreneurship and tourism in the country. Purposeful judgmental sampling method was used to select the research sample and the interviews were continued until theoretical saturation. The research tools were semi-structured in-depth interviews as well as the results based on the themes obtained from the content analysis of scientific texts. The findings show that according to the proposed sustainable business model, ecolodges need to be integrated and important for all three dimensions of economy, community and environment in order to have long-term sustainability and survival. The results of this study show that the sustainability of new businesses and ecolodges depends on adopting a diverse income portfolio and trying to achieve benefits in three dimensions: economic, socio-cultural, environmental, in other words, attention to the benefits, people and land. Manuscript profile
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        121 - Survey of food tourism capacities (Case study: Survey of local indigenous food of Qom province)
        hossein sadeghi Mohammad aghazadeh
        The food system, as a part of the cultural heritage of the society, has several capacities to be considered in the field of tourism. The food system has opened the door for experienced and experienced tourists to delve into the depths of the local culture and understand More
        The food system, as a part of the cultural heritage of the society, has several capacities to be considered in the field of tourism. The food system has opened the door for experienced and experienced tourists to delve into the depths of the local culture and understand the difference that is most important motivation to perceive and touch with their culture through taste. Food tourism in its specific geographical space and in connection with other sectors is one of the most popular and lucrative goals in the valley of developed countries in terms of tourism. Food tourism can lead to many economic benefits, and many see it as a tool for local development that can stimulate the economy, protect existing jobs, and create jobs. The purpose of this study is to study the local cuisine of Qom and its impact on attracting tourists and developing tourism in this region of the country. This study is descriptive in terms of user purpose and method. Also, information and data have been collected through documentary-library studies. The results of the present study show that the local food of Qom has a high capacity in attracting and retaining tourists, and those in charge of this issue, can host more tourists in Qom for a longer period of time, and this region has cultural benefits. And benefit economically. Manuscript profile
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        122 - A Formal and Contentual Review of Pilgrimage and Religious Tourism Studies in Iran (2003-2021)
        Neda Razavizadeh somaye varshoe
        Having a long-standing tradition in the Iranian and Shiite communities, pilgrimage and religious travels have considerably increased throughout the last two decades with a boom in tourism. In this regard, many studies have been carried out on different aspects of pilgri More
        Having a long-standing tradition in the Iranian and Shiite communities, pilgrimage and religious travels have considerably increased throughout the last two decades with a boom in tourism. In this regard, many studies have been carried out on different aspects of pilgrimage, addressing both managerial aspects of the pilgrimage destinations and the experiences reported by the pilgrims. However, while several review articles have already been published in English-language journals on pilgrimage studies, no such article could be found in the Iranian -Persian academic journals concerning pilgrimage and religious trips made in Iran. Therefore, this article sought to examine the formal and contentual features of the Persian scientific-research papers on pilgrimage and religious tourism published in Iranian Journals, trying to identify the research gaps in this regard. To this end, the relevant articles published from 2003 to 2021 in Iranian journals accredited by Iran’s Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology using a systematic review and content analysis method. Then, the features of the collected papers were examined in terms of spatial distribution, frequency, geographical distribution, authors’ characteristics (gender, frequency, and field of study), and methodology (research method, data sources, data collection tools, observation unit, sampling method, and statistical tests). Finally, the papers were categorized in terms of their relationship with the Parsons’ social systems, introducing the over-researched and under-researched areas and the research gaps in the Iranian pilgrimage and religious tourism studies so that new ideas and research topics be offered for novel studies and the development of knowledge in this regard. Manuscript profile
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        123 - The effect of using augmented reality technology in marketing the tendency to overpay European tourists through the experience of persuasion, immersion and participation of tourists
        Yazdan Shirmohammadi sinaei sinaei
        Augmented reality is an emerging field in the tourism and hotel industry. Augmented reality can affect the satisfaction and behavior of tourists. The present study investigates the effect of using augmented reality in marketing on the tendency of tourists to pay a price More
        Augmented reality is an emerging field in the tourism and hotel industry. Augmented reality can affect the satisfaction and behavior of tourists. The present study investigates the effect of using augmented reality in marketing on the tendency of tourists to pay a price premium through the experience of persuasion, immersion and participation of tourists. In this study, the researcher examines the effects of two augmented reality empowerment factors, namely the embedding of augmented reality environment and simulated physical control of augmented reality on the motivational experiences of online tourists in virtual tourism destinations and the direct effects of immersion and immersion experiences of online tourists on their real willingness to pay a price premium in the pre-purchase stage. Examining the level of tourism participation is considered as a control variable that may affect the immersion and the real willingness of online tourists to pay a price premium. This is an applied research in terms of objectives and in term of method is descriptive. The questionnaire was used to collect research data and its validity and reliability were confirmed. The statistical population includes European tourists in Shiraz. The sampling method was convenient non-randomly. Manuscript profile
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        124 - Identifying the Factors Involved in Applying IoT to Smartening Tourism Destinations Using Future Studies Approach: A Case Study of Fars Province
        Khadije Kaveh maryam nekooeezadeh Moslem  Alimohammadlo
        Fars province is one of the main hubs of tourism centers in Iran. Therefore, paying special attention to tourism in the province and using Internet-of-things technology in its tourism management can provide suitable facilities for improving the welfare of its visiting t More
        Fars province is one of the main hubs of tourism centers in Iran. Therefore, paying special attention to tourism in the province and using Internet-of-things technology in its tourism management can provide suitable facilities for improving the welfare of its visiting tourists, thus increasing the visiting rate of its tourist destinations. In this regard, the present study sought to predict and identify the most important factors involved in applying the Internet of Things technology to the Smartization of tourist destinations in Fars province and to develop feasible desirable future scenarios thereof. To this end, the required data for this applied study were collected by conducting interviews, administering questionnaires, and carrying out a systematic review of related literature. Finally, the collected data were analyzed by the Scenario Wizard software using the MICMAC method. The results of the MICMAC analysis revealed the main role of 14 key variables in the application of the Internet of Things technology to the Smartization of tourist destinations in Fars province. On the other hand, two strong scenarios, 1548 weak scenarios, and nine scenarios with high compatibility were obtained using the Scenario Wizard software. Accordingly, the study used the aforementioned nine high-compatibility scenarios, finding that the future of tourism in Fars province would be similar to the current circumstances. It was also found that the trend of changes in the status of tourism would be slow and that the chances of applying the Internet of Things technology to the province’s tourism destinations would be low. Finally, based on the obtained scenarios, the study proposed some strategies to achieve the desired results in smart tourism. Therefore, the results of the current study could help tourism professionals prepare the ground for the application of state-of-the-art technologies such as the Internet of Things to tourism and thus develop the field through setting long-term plans. Manuscript profile
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        125 - Provide a Model for the Development of Sports Tourism with an Emphasis on Entrepreneurial Marketing
        Mohammad mahdi Gorzin parviz saeidi سید محمدرضا حسینی zeinolabedin fallah
        Today, many development policy makers refer to tourism as the main pillar of the economic development of societies. The development of tourism as a type of invisible export will increase tax revenues, exports and economic growth of countries. Sports tourism is one of th More
        Today, many development policy makers refer to tourism as the main pillar of the economic development of societies. The development of tourism as a type of invisible export will increase tax revenues, exports and economic growth of countries. Sports tourism is one of the fastest developing sectors in the tourism industry. The purpose of the current research was to provide a model of sports tourism development with an emphasis on entrepreneurial marketing in the northern provinces of Iran. The current research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-correlation based on the method. In the first step, the factors affecting the development of sports tourism were identified with an emphasis on entrepreneurial marketing through interviews with 11 academic experts. The output of this step was 31 components in 7 dimensions format. Then, in the second step, the identified dimensions were leveled with interpretive structural modeling method and clustered with Micmac analysis, which was analyzed using Excel software. The results showed that the dimension of value creation is at the first level and the dimensions (progressiveness, focus on innovation, opportunity-oriented, customer orientation, leveraging resources) are at the second level, and the dimension of risk management is at the third level, and the dimension of value creation is in the dependent cluster, dimensions ( Being a leader, focusing on innovation, opportunity-oriented, customer orientation, leveraging resources) are placed in the connected cluster and risk management dimension in the independent cluster. Manuscript profile
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        126 - Designing a Model for Effective Strategic Factors in Attracting Investors to the Tourism Industry Using a Mixed-Method Approach
        Arash Farhoudi Seyyed Mahmoud  Shabgoo Monsef Ali Gholipour Soleymani
        As the goals outlined in the Iranian Strategic Tourism Development Policy Document cannot be realized without attracting financial resources, this study sought to design a model for effective strategic factors in attracting investors to the tourism industry in Ardabil More
        As the goals outlined in the Iranian Strategic Tourism Development Policy Document cannot be realized without attracting financial resources, this study sought to design a model for effective strategic factors in attracting investors to the tourism industry in Ardabil province using the mixed-method approach. The population of the study at the qualitative phase comprised managers and officials of the Directorate General for Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts, and Tourism of the province, potential and real professionals and investors in tourism, and university experts with at least five years of experience in tourism management, investment, and marketing. The sample size of the study was selected through purposive sampling. To collect the required data, semi-structured interviews were conducted with the participants of the study until theoretical saturation was achieved in the twenty-fifth interview. The collected data were then analyzed via systematic grounded theory using open, axial, and selective coding. Accordingly, fifty-four concepts, eighteen sub-categories, and seven main categories were found after the integration and classification of concepts. Based on the proposed model of the study, the investors’ tendency to invest in tourism, tourism environment, and investment attraction management, the quality of tourism infrastructure, social factors prevailing over the region, supportive measures, and strengthening the position of tourism were identified as the core category, causal conditions, contextual conditions, intervening conditions, strategy, and the result of the implementation of strategies, respectively. In the quantitative phase, a questionnaire was developed by the researchers based on the identified components. Then, the questionnaire was administered to 220 investors and experts in the field of tourism. The collected data were then analyzed through the Smart PLS Software using structural equation modeling. Finally, the validity and correlation among the model’s variables were reconfirmed. Manuscript profile
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        127 - Review and analysis of agricultural tourism management in the world and Iran
        Hamid  Ahmadizadeh
        Agricultural tourism is one of the forms of rural tourism that is included in the special or alternative tourism group. Today, agricultural tourism in the world is considered as a strategy to improve the economic, social and biological conditions of villages. Also, by c More
        Agricultural tourism is one of the forms of rural tourism that is included in the special or alternative tourism group. Today, agricultural tourism in the world is considered as a strategy to improve the economic, social and biological conditions of villages. Also, by creating new job opportunities, it promotes social and cultural values ​​in rural areas, helps preserve the environment and reverses the flow of rural-urban migration; But studies show that this type of tourism has not developed significantly in Iran. This research was conducted with the aim of investigating and analyzing the management of agricultural tourism in the world and Iran. Based on this research, agricultural tourism provides a farm-based tourism experience for visitors who are looking for traditional rural hospitality and access to nature, sightseeing and cultural experiences, and it can be considered as one of the Diversifying fields should be considered for the rural economy. Through agricultural tourism, farmers can provide tourists with special experiences of rural lifestyle and culture through recreation and entertainment of agricultural activities and agricultural products. Manuscript profile
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        128 - Impact of the socio-cultural worldview of tourists on their intention to visit Shushtar traditional houses
        Yazdan shirmohammad Mehran  Shahrestani
        This research try to investigate the effect of cultural worldview and the authenticity of Shushtar traditional houses on the intention of tourists to visit Shushtar traditional houses. In this research, the cultural worldview and authenticity of the behavioral intention More
        This research try to investigate the effect of cultural worldview and the authenticity of Shushtar traditional houses on the intention of tourists to visit Shushtar traditional houses. In this research, the cultural worldview and authenticity of the behavioral intention process of tourists in visiting traditional houses have been measured by using the variables of the purposeful behavior model and with an interdisciplinary approach. It is a survey. The statistical population of the research was determined and selected based on Cochran's formula, 384 people among the tourists visiting the traditional houses of Shushtar. Statistical analysis was done using the structural equation method and using SPSS and PlS software. To test the hypotheses, a p_value smaller than 0.05 was considered. For the reliability of the questionnaire, three criteria of factor loading coefficients, Cronbach's alpha, and composite reliability were used, and for the validity of the questionnaire, convergent and face validity were used. Structural equation modeling examined the relationships between variables (cultural worldview, authenticity, attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, anticipated positive and negative emotions, behavioral desire, and intention). this research showed that cultural worldview and authenticity, through the variables of the targeted behavior model, can play an effective role in creating desire in the behavioral intention of tourists, in the decision-making process of visiting the traditional houses of Shushtar. The results of this research showed that maintaining the authenticity of the tourist destination is an important and influential factor in forming a positive image of the destination and visiting cultural and historical areas. Manuscript profile
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        129 - To Identify Challenges and Opportunities of Urban Tourism Development in District 4 of Tehran
        Farangis Torabi Zahra Nadalipour
        Today, along with the expansion of urbanization, changes in people's lifestyles and work- leisure patterns, the phenomenon of urban tourism is increasingly important. From this point of view, cities act as tourist destinations with a wide range of attractions and entert More
        Today, along with the expansion of urbanization, changes in people's lifestyles and work- leisure patterns, the phenomenon of urban tourism is increasingly important. From this point of view, cities act as tourist destinations with a wide range of attractions and entertainment for citizens and residents, as well as for tourists and visitors from other places. The purpose of the present study is to identify the challenges and opportunities of urban tourism development in the district 4 of Tehran. The present study was a qualitative study that applied thematic analysis method to analyze the relevant data. The tool for data gathering was interview and 10experts were interviewed. MAXQDA software version 2020 was applied to analyse collected data, through which the main and secondary codes were extracted in three stages of open coding, central coding and selective coding. The results indicated that in the challenges section, the main factors of infrastructural challenge, socio- cultural challenge, managerial challenge, environmental challenge and economic challenge were identified. Sub- codes were also identified for each main code. Moreover, for tourism development opportunities, the main components of amenities, tourist attractions, motivational factors, cultural and social factors and human resources were identified. On the other hand, the components of educational and advertising measures, infrastructure and policy measures, cultural and social measures, regulatory and health measures, public transport fleet infrastructure and environmental issues were identified as solutions for tourism development. Findings showed that in addition to the facilities, potential and actual opportunities for the development of urban tourism, there are several challenges and obstacles, including economic, infrastructural, socio- cultural, managerial and environmental challenges and obstacles. Manuscript profile
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        130 - Examining the role of influencing factors on value co-creation through technologies equipped with artificial intelligence and knowledge management in the tourism industry
        Mohammad bashokouh Iman Ghasemi hamedani
        In the 21st century, the growth of new technologies, especially in tourism, is inevitable. The development of information and communication technology has also caused significant changes in tourism behavior. The current research is devoted to the analysis of the effecti More
        In the 21st century, the growth of new technologies, especially in tourism, is inevitable. The development of information and communication technology has also caused significant changes in tourism behavior. The current research is devoted to the analysis of the effective factors on value co-creation through technologies equipped with artificial intelligence and knowledge management in the tourism industry. This research is descriptive-correlation type. The statistical population of the research consists of employees and experts of the tourism industry, and 190 sample members were randomly selected. Data were analyzed using spss software and partial least squares method and Smart PLS software. were analyzed. Customer-based factors with a coefficient of 0.364 on the effectiveness of value co-creation, technology equipped with artificial intelligence with a coefficient of 0.802 on customer-based factors and with a coefficient of 1.097 on the effectiveness of value co-creation, and finally knowledge management with a coefficient of 0.540 The effectiveness of value co-creation has a significant impact. And customer-based factors with a coefficient of 0.292 were able to mediate the relationship between technology equipped with artificial intelligence and the effectiveness of value co-creation. Examining the results of this research showed that the significant effect of customer-based factors, technologies equipped with artificial intelligence and knowledge management on the effectiveness of value co-creation was confirmed. And customer-based factors were able to mediate the relationship between AI-enabled technologies and value co-creation effectiveness. Finally, technologies equipped with artificial intelligence were able to mediate the relationship between customer-based factors and the effectiveness of value co-creation. Manuscript profile
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        131 - The Effect of Aesthetics, Satisfaction from Augmented Reality Marketing on Travel Intention in Food Tourism Brand (Tehran City Case Study)
        Yazdan  Shirmohammadi Zahra Mehdipour Sinaei Soolmaz
        One of the important aspects of tourism is paying attention to food, which restaurants should consider in various matters such as advertising. This research investigates the impact of experiential economics and satisfaction with augmented reality marketing on travel int More
        One of the important aspects of tourism is paying attention to food, which restaurants should consider in various matters such as advertising. This research investigates the impact of experiential economics and satisfaction with augmented reality marketing on travel intention and shared social experiences in the food tourism industry in Tehran. This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-correlational in terms of method. The statistical population comprises domestic tourists at tourist restaurants in Tehran, with a sample size of 384 individuals selected due to the unlimited population. The data collection tool was a standard questionnaire, whose face validity was confirmed by research experts, construct validity by factor analysis, and the reliability of variables by Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The overall Cronbach's alpha value for the questionnaire was 0.961. Using a random method, 384 usable questionnaires were collected. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS22 and Amos22 software. The results showed that aesthetics have a significant effect on entertainment, education, and escape from reality. Additionally, the positive and significant effect of entertainment, education, and escape from reality on satisfaction with augmented reality was confirmed. It was shown that escape from reality has a significant effect on shared social experience; however, the effect of escape from reality on satisfaction with augmented reality was not confirmed. Finally, the positive and significant effects of satisfaction with augmented reality and new brand experience on shared social experience, purchase intention, and credibility on new brand experience were confirmed. Manuscript profile
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        132 - Identifying and Prioritizing Factors Affecting Tourism Competitiveness in Tehran
        Hossein Farhadikhah Keramatalah Zayyari saeed zanganeh Nasser Rezaei
        While enjoying great tourism potential, Tehran has failed to attract tourists in proportion to such potential, making it necessary to identify, enhance, and introduce the potential. In this regard, as developing tourism and improving Tehran’s tourism competitiveness cou More
        While enjoying great tourism potential, Tehran has failed to attract tourists in proportion to such potential, making it necessary to identify, enhance, and introduce the potential. In this regard, as developing tourism and improving Tehran’s tourism competitiveness count as the main prerequisite for putting such potentials into practice, this applied study sought to identify the key factors involved in the tourism competitiveness of Tehran using the mixed method approach. To this end, the study identified, with the help of 15 experts in the relevant field, the most important factors involved in Tehran’s tourism competitiveness based on the indicators defined by the World Economic Forum using the Delphi technique. Then, a cross-impact questionnaire was applied to identify the main driving forces that influence the future of tourism in Tehran and its competitiveness. Finally, the collected data were analyzed using the MICMAC software. According to the study’s results, out of the 35 examined factors, 12 factors were selected as the key factors affecting Tehran’s tourism competitiveness which are as follows: developing state-backed prioritization of travel and tourism, enjoying international openness, revising prevailing laws and regulations to enhance tourism, improving the status of human resources and tourism labor market, making better use of cultural and natural resources, fostering communications with the world media, publicizing Tehran’s tourism attractions, branding Tehran in terms of tourism potentials, and introducing Tehran’s tourism potentials. . Manuscript profile
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        133 - Identifying elements related to the evaluation of public policies in Iran's tourism industry Identifying elements of tourism policy evaluation in Iran
        Mohammad Hamed Dehghanpour abolhassan faghihi Mojtaba Kiaei
        Policy evaluation is the guarantor of their control, direction and perfection. But in the field of tourism industry, less attention has been paid to this important matter. The current research, with the aim of identifying the main elements related to the evaluation of t More
        Policy evaluation is the guarantor of their control, direction and perfection. But in the field of tourism industry, less attention has been paid to this important matter. The current research, with the aim of identifying the main elements related to the evaluation of tourism policies in Iran, is a step to partially cover this knowledge gap. To answer this main research question: What are the basic elements (dimensions, categories and concepts) to evaluate the general policies of tourism in Iran? The method of conducting this research is mixed (qualitative and quantitative). The research data included documents, texts related to the subject, the results of interviews with seven experts and the answers to the questionnaires of 21 experts who were selected by purposive sampling. Qualitative data was obtained from the review of related documents and literature, interview tool and Delphi method. In the initial stage, 18 categories and 59 basic concepts related to the evaluation model of public policies in Iranian tourism were identified and extracted and related to these 5 comprehensive dimensions of tourism policy evaluation: Diagnosing the problem, formulating the policy, legitimizing the policy, implementing the policy, evaluating the policy. For validation, the factors extracted during three rounds of the Delphi method were given to 21 experts. Based on the findings of the research, a total of 44 basic concepts related to the following 14 categories were identified for the evaluation model of tourism policies in Iran: Addressing the central issue, Having a comprehensive approach, Concern for experts, Rationality of the policy, Policy dynamics, Policy coherence, Legality, General admission, Efficiency, Executive commitment, Having the necessary tools, Continuity of assessment, Having appropriate evaluation indicators and Attention to the positive results of the policy Manuscript profile
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        134 - A review of the concepts and schools of ecology in the tourism industry
        SHAHRAM RAFIEI NAEINI Atena  Herfehgar Mitra Hosseinpour Sharafshad Mahbube Jurjani
        Today, the tourism and hospitality industry are known as one of the most important factors of wealth and job creation in the world, and it is considered as the driving engine of economic growth and progress in developed and developing countries in the world arena. The More
        Today, the tourism and hospitality industry are known as one of the most important factors of wealth and job creation in the world, and it is considered as the driving engine of economic growth and progress in developed and developing countries in the world arena. The river Ecotourism as a type of tourism is capable of increasing cooperation and its economic effects in the use of environmental resources, as well as environmental protection and sustainable development, and mobility and dynamism in the local and regional economy. The purpose of this research is to investigate the concepts and schools of ecological tourism. The research method is descriptive and analytical using library resources. The relationship between tourism and the environment is not only fundamental, but also very complex. Between these two, there is mutual dependence, which is called symbiosis. This coexistence in simple language means that tourism owes its development to high quality environments. The environmental dimensions of tourism are one of geographers' favorite fields, the reason for this lies in the nature of geography, which has a strong approach in the field of human-environment relations. In fact, the effects of tourism and recreation on the environment and resource analysis is an area in which human and natural geographers have common ground in studying the problems related to tourism. However, another reason is the importance of the natural environment for tourism and recreation. Manuscript profile
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        135 - Provide a Model for the Development of Sports Tourism with an Emphasis on Entrepreneurial Marketing
        Mohammad mahdi Gorzin پرویز  سعیدی   zeinolabedin fallah
        M.M.Gorzin P.Saeedi S.M.R.Hosseini Z.Fallah Abstract Today, many development policy makers refer to tourism as the main pillar of the economic development of societies. The development of tourism as a type of invisible export will increase tax revenues, e More
        M.M.Gorzin P.Saeedi S.M.R.Hosseini Z.Fallah Abstract Today, many development policy makers refer to tourism as the main pillar of the economic development of societies. The development of tourism as a type of invisible export will increase tax revenues, exports and economic growth of countries. Sports tourism is one of the fastest developing sectors in the tourism industry. The purpose of the current research was to provide a model of sports tourism development with an emphasis on entrepreneurial marketing in the northern provinces of Iran. The current research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-correlation based on the method. In the first step, the factors affecting the development of sports tourism were identified with an emphasis on entrepreneurial marketing through interviews with 11 academic experts. The output of this step was 31 components in 7 dimensions format. Then, in the second step, the identified dimensions were leveled with interpretive structural modeling method and clustered with Micmac analysis, which was analyzed using Excel software. The results showed that the dimension of value creation is at the first level and the dimensions (progressiveness, focus on innovation, opportunity-oriented, customer orientation, leveraging resources) are at the second level, and the dimension of risk management is at the third level, and the dimension of value creation is in the dependent cluster, dimensions ( Being a leader, focusing on innovation, opportunity-oriented, customer orientation, leveraging resources) are placed in the connected cluster and risk management dimension in the independent cluster. Manuscript profile
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        136 - Review evaluation of systematic literature (green marketing) and analysis of definitions, strategy steps and tools in tourism and hospitality industry (green focus)
        SHAHRAM RAFIEI NAEINI Atena  Herfehgar Mitra Hosseinpour Sharafshad Mahbube Jurjani
        In recent years, growing international concerns about environmental sustainability and climate change are pushing all tourism and hospitality companies (green) to challenge and integrate environmental issues into their strategy and business activities. give, the purpose More
        In recent years, growing international concerns about environmental sustainability and climate change are pushing all tourism and hospitality companies (green) to challenge and integrate environmental issues into their strategy and business activities. give, the purpose of the preliminary review of this article; Investigating the main drivers of innovation in systematic literature (green marketing). Considering that the number of tourism and hospitality companies (green-oriented) that develop green products is growing rapidly and consumers (customers) have shown an increasing interest in these products. Therefore, knowing the main characteristics of green products, identifying the factors affecting the price and willingness of consumers to pay more for them, sales channels and advertising tools (4Ps of green marketing) will be very useful for companies that intend to design, develop and market. Green products For this reason, a deep understanding of green marketing promotes, on the one hand, cleaner production through the development of green products and, on the other hand, sustainable consumption through their successful marketing. This study uses a systematic literature review method. Specifically, this paper analyzes: 1) dominant definitions of green marketing (and related concepts) and their evolution over time, 2) different steps to create a green marketing strategy, and 3) characteristics of green marketing mix elements. After searching academic publications in three databases (Absco, Scopus and Web of Science) and selecting publications based on their relevance to the stated objectives, 114 studies were included in the review. The results show that the definition of green marketing has changed over time due to the growing relevance of environmental sustainability. According to green marketing strategy, several ways to segment consumers have been identified. Studies are converging on green brand positioning rather than green product positioning, and many of them see it as a chance for differentiation. Referring to the green marketing mix, the results show that: There are many types of green products. And as such, it has important implications for tourism industry managers, researchers and students. Manuscript profile
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        137 - Examining the role of the effects of sustainability standard certificates in measures (competitiveness and performance) in green-oriented hotels (case study: Parsian Hotel - Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province)
        SHAHRAM RAFIEI NAEINI abdolreza farajirad
        Nowadays, environmental, social and governance issues in geographic environments is at the forefront of hospitality companies' agenda due to the increasing pressure of stakeholders regarding the adverse social and environmental effects of tourism companies' actions. The More
        Nowadays, environmental, social and governance issues in geographic environments is at the forefront of hospitality companies' agenda due to the increasing pressure of stakeholders regarding the adverse social and environmental effects of tourism companies' actions. The purpose of the preliminary study is to examine the benefits of sustainability certificates for businesses, their impact on the financial performance of hospitality companies, and it is not clear at the level of the competitive set (compost). To fill the above gap in the literature, this study used the data of Parsian Hotel - Chaharmahal province and Bakhtiari as a green hotel. To compare the impact of sustainability certificates on key performance indicators in the hotel to its comp (eg, occupancy, average daily rate, revenue per available room). Methodology In this study, we used various random effect models to test our hypotheses to determine whether receiving certification improves hotel performance, whether hotels should respond to a hotel receiving certification, and whether the order of response and timing of response Does it matter or not? Our sample consists of an unbalanced panel dataset of 51,625 monthly observations from the standard-certified Parsian International Hotel located in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province. We chose Parsian International Hotel based on the previous confirmation and greenness by several studies that this province is a tourist destination as the eco pole of the nature tourism museum and the said hotel includes all levels. Our findings suggest that certified hotels can enhance themselves compared to competitors through first-mover advantage. In conclusion, this study provides significant contributions to the literature on environmental management and competitive dynamics in the hospitality industry. We provide managers with guidelines on when to respond to other hotels in their competitive portfolio when receiving sustainability certification. Manuscript profile
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        138 - The advantage of industrial heritage values in the protection and development of Trans iranian railway Tourism
        MORTEZA farahbakhsh hamid nadimi Alireza Razeghi
        Values are one of the main topics related to cultural heritage, all activities in heritage are recognition, documentation, protection and introduction for the continuity of values. The national railway of Iran is a part of the industrial and cultural heritage and has an More
        Values are one of the main topics related to cultural heritage, all activities in heritage are recognition, documentation, protection and introduction for the continuity of values. The national railway of Iran is a part of the industrial and cultural heritage and has an important impact on contemporary history and has diverse social, economic, cultural, political and spatial characteristics, a body that includes many values and their prioritization plays an effective role in protecting It will have the heritage and development of industrial tourism. Prioritization of tangible and intangible values hidden in railway heritage from the perspective of experts in related fields plays a fundamental role in planning and organizing interventions in order to synergize protection and tourism of its valuable elements and components. The current research, with an applied-developmental approach, in a descriptive-analytical and survey way, by referring to library documents, using the questionnaire tool and the ANP method, has attempted to identify, prioritize and score the railway heritage based on values. The results show that from the shared perspective of conservation and tourism, the first priority is bridges, the second priority is given to railway stations, the third priority is given to landscapes related to railway lines, and the fourth priority is intangible and spiritual funds, the fifth priority is given to tunnels. And the sixth is assigned to the structures and remains related to the railway, which indicates the need for the attention of all stakeholders and decision makers in presenting the program and implementing the plans according to this prioritization. Manuscript profile
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        139 - Investigating the economic development components of the tourism industry in Kermanshah
        Fatemeh  Jalaeipour میثم موسائی nayereh pirahari mansour vosooghi Mansour  Sharifi
        Fatemeh Jalaeipour Meysam Mousaei Nayer Pirahari Mansour Vosooghi Mansour Sharifi Abstract The main purpose of the article is to examine the economic development components of the tourism industry in Kermanshah. Tourism is a temporal and short trip in w More
        Fatemeh Jalaeipour Meysam Mousaei Nayer Pirahari Mansour Vosooghi Mansour Sharifi Abstract The main purpose of the article is to examine the economic development components of the tourism industry in Kermanshah. Tourism is a temporal and short trip in which a tourist goes toward the regions outside of their place of residence and work for touring and exploring. Tourism has been deemed as the temporal moving of people to a place that is outside of their usual place of residence and work. In a way that travelers do actions and special facilities during their stay in destination and the special facilities will be provided to meet their needs. Tourism has been existed by its special forms in humane societies based on the motivation, root of travelling and moving traditionally and has been placed in the route of evolution. An important change in tourism can be recognized along with the industrial revolution that paved the way for a considerable change in life, especially in transportation. Todays, tourism activities are deemed as the fourth part of human activities after agriculture, industry and services, and experts predict that, it will turn out to be the most lucrative industry in the world by 2020.The results of this research showed that in the development of the tourism industry, one should pay attention to its strong points in Kermanshah, including the existence of historical monuments and rich cultural heritage, along with the existence of civil infrastructures, and use the potential capacity of this industry's development. By designing such a model, it is expected that the development of tourism will significantly increase the level of income, employment and productivity. Manuscript profile
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        140 - The developed framework for the conceptual model of the Strategic Foresight for Creativity-Based Rural Tourism in Iran in Horizon of 2045
        Farhad Darvishi Sehtolani Bijan  Khalil-Moghaddam Rohullah  Bayat Safar  Fazli Ali  Zangiabadi
        Purpose: Considering the importance and position of rural tourism and creative approach in the development of the future rural of Iran, and also considering the lack of a study in the field of Creativity-Based Rural Tourism based on a future-oriented perspective; How to More
        Purpose: Considering the importance and position of rural tourism and creative approach in the development of the future rural of Iran, and also considering the lack of a study in the field of Creativity-Based Rural Tourism based on a future-oriented perspective; How to conduct such a research is questionable. Therefore, the main goal of article is to present the framework of the proposed model for the strategic foresight of the development of Iran's Creativity-Based Rural Tourism in horizon of 2045. Research Methodology: This article based on the purpose, is developmental and applied type and is among qualitative, interpretive, exploratory, inductive, survey and descriptive researches. The statistical population includes literature related to the research title published from 2000 to 2020. Information sampling method and representative sampling method were used. The statistical sample consists of 40 studies. To collectting data and information, the survey and qualitative trend extrapolation methods were used, and meta-analysis method was used for analysis. Findings: The proposed model consisting of 3 stages. The input phase is intellectual and software in nature and with the purpose of preparation. The intellectualization stage includes knowledge acquisition, integration and intellectualization, and finally creation as an output that includes two tangible products and intangible. Discussion and conclusion: In the mentioned proposed model, the intended platform for the realization of the model is a collaborative, networked, flexible and sliding platform, creativity-oriented and based on continuous education (pluralism and connoisseurship), and the factor of imagination and creativity plays a prominent role in design and implementation. Manuscript profile
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        141 - The Impact of Economic Indicators on The Development of The Rural Tourism Industry in Rudbar Qasran
        Masoumeh Nazari
        In general, tourism development can have positive and negative economic effects in rural areas.Although the positive economic effects of tourism are confirmed, many researchers believe that rural tourism also has negative effects on the host society In this way, economi More
        In general, tourism development can have positive and negative economic effects in rural areas.Although the positive economic effects of tourism are confirmed, many researchers believe that rural tourism also has negative effects on the host society In this way, economic benefits usually appear in the initial stage of tourism development, But in the next stages and with the development on a massive and uncontrolled scale, the negative effects and consequences are manifested. tourism as a human activity has a profound effect o Therefore, it is important to know the effects and manage and control them in order to reduce the negative effects and strengthen the positive effects. this research aims to identify economic indicators that are effective in the development of the rural tourism industry in Rudbar Qasran,and has investigated the effects of economic dimensions.the current research is of a survey type in terms of practical purpose and in terms of nature and descriptive-analytical method.The statistical population includes heads of households in the villages of this sector.the sample size for the local community was determined using Cochran's formula of 100 people.It was used to determine the validity and validity of the content of the questionnaires from the point of view of specialists,supervisors and experts.also, the reliability of the questionnaire was measured by comparing two ratios. the results obtained by using the trait independence test with the help of chi-square distribution showed that there is a significant relationship between economic indicators and the effects of rural development developments in the study area. Manuscript profile
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        142 - A Reflection on the Two Dimensions of Human Rights and the Rights of Pilgrim Tourists in the Mina Tragedy with an Emphasis on the Role of Relevant Organizations
        Sommaye Eshkevaryan
        The violation of human rights, both as a customary rule and as rights enshrined in human rights documents, was evident in the Mina tragedy. More than ever, the intervention of the United Nations as an organization that safeguards peace and human rights was needed, using More
        The violation of human rights, both as a customary rule and as rights enshrined in human rights documents, was evident in the Mina tragedy. More than ever, the intervention of the United Nations as an organization that safeguards peace and human rights was needed, using the capacities of the Security Council and the Human Rights Council to assist the victims' families. Additionally, peaceful resolution of this tragedy required the intervention of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, which, according to its goals, should have entered into negotiations and provided a platform for cooperation between two governments. But since then, these pilgrims are known as religious tourism, and tourism has been a natural human right, Any government that recognizes this right and allows entry into its territory, In return, he will be obliged to respect the rights of tourists While these rights have been violated by the Saudi government as the host government And this will be a proof of the responsibility of the Saudi government and it was deserved that the World Tourism Organization paid attention to these violated rights. Finally, it should be said that the right of these victims is largely due to the role of the Iranian diplomatic delegation in the upcoming negotiations, To follow up on this tragedy by insisting on the formation of a fact-finding committee and other political methods and predicting measures to prevent such tragedies from happening. Manuscript profile
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        143 - The advantage of industrial heritage values in the conservation and development of Tourism of the Trans-Iranian railway
        MORTEZA farahbakhsh hamid nadimi Alireza Razeghi
        Morteza Farahbakhsh Hamid Nadimi AliReza Razegi This research focuses on the values of the Iranian national railway heritage and the importance of conserving and optimally utilizing these values. It introduces and emphasizes the key role of these values in t More
        Morteza Farahbakhsh Hamid Nadimi AliReza Razegi This research focuses on the values of the Iranian national railway heritage and the importance of conserving and optimally utilizing these values. It introduces and emphasizes the key role of these values in the development, management, and conservation plans of the railway heritage, as well as the sustainability of tourism. Using descriptive, analytical, and survey methods, the research evaluates and prioritizes the values of the railway heritage based on their importance and impact on conservation and development.As a result, this research can assist managers, stakeholders, and decision-makers in the field of railway heritage conservation and development to formulate and implement their programs and plans based on the priorities of these values. This approach can contribute to the preservation and continuity of these values. Additionally, this research can help researchers and enthusiasts in the cultural heritage and tourism sector to identify the best solutions and strategies for the conservation and utilization of these values.The use of the ANP method has prioritized the recognition, prioritization, and scoring of the railway heritage based on values. The achievement of the research has been comprehensive prioritization and categorization, with a focus on the shared aspects of conservation and tourism. The first priority is given to the perspectives, the second priority to the bridges, the third priority to the central railway stations, the fourth priority to intangible aspects, and the fifth priority to the tunnels. The recommendation emphasizes the attention of managers, stakeholders, and decision-makers to base their programs and plans on this prioritization. Manuscript profile