A review of the concepts and schools of ecology in the tourism industry
Subject Areas : Geography
Atena Herfehgar
Mitra Hosseinpour Sharafshad
Mahbube Jurjani
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2 - Department of Geography, Faculty of Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of Geography, Faculty of Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, Tehran, Iran
4 - Department of Geography, Faculty of Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Ecological tourism, sustainable tourism, school of ecological geography, tourism ecosystem,
Abstract :
Today, the tourism and hospitality industry are known as one of the most important factors of wealth and job creation in the world, and it is considered as the driving engine of economic growth and progress in developed and developing countries in the world arena. The river Ecotourism as a type of tourism is capable of increasing cooperation and its economic effects in the use of environmental resources, as well as environmental protection and sustainable development, and mobility and dynamism in the local and regional economy. The purpose of this research is to investigate the concepts and schools of ecological tourism. The research method is descriptive and analytical using library resources. The relationship between tourism and the environment is not only fundamental, but also very complex. Between these two, there is mutual dependence, which is called symbiosis. This coexistence in simple language means that tourism owes its development to high quality environments. The environmental dimensions of tourism are one of geographers' favorite fields, the reason for this lies in the nature of geography, which has a strong approach in the field of human-environment relations. In fact, the effects of tourism and recreation on the environment and resource analysis is an area in which human and natural geographers have common ground in studying the problems related to tourism. However, another reason is the importance of the natural environment for tourism and recreation.
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