A marketing model for Iranian rural tourism
Subject Areas :
سمیرا الهیاری
Abolfazl Tajzadehnamin
Ali Badizadeh
akbar pourfaraj
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2 - Allameh Tabataba’I University
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4 - Allameh Tabataba’I University
Keywords: Marketing Model#destination tourism#Rural tourism,
Abstract :
The main purpose of this study was to develop the model of rural tourism for Iranian organizations. The philosophy of the research is Interpretivism, the approach is deductive, and the strategy is the case study. In this research, by using multiple case study method and pluralistic approach, three companies of Tourism in Iran have been chosen and studied. Finally, interviews were conducted with 7 managers and elites. In each company, the current process of Rural tourism marketing and recommendatory Marketing model, by using different methods like semi-structured interviews, observation, and document analysis have been explored and have been defined. Then the suggested concepts of the interviews were analyzed and finally, the proposed model was drawn after comparing with the theoretical basis of the research and final analysis of the data obtained from the interviews. The results indicate that the Marketing model of rural tourism in Iran Includes four dimensions of environmental analysis(General and specialized environment), marketing planning(Mission, environmental intelligence, market-entry, more and Building Brand), operational planning(marketing mix and networking), and outcomes.
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