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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Automatic Sepration of Learnrs in Learning Groups Based on Identifying Learning Style from Their Behavior in Learning Environment
        mohammad sadegh rezaei gholamali montazer
        Automatic identification of learners groups based on similarity of learning style improves e-learning systems from the viewpoint of learning adaptation and collaboration among learners. In this paper, a new system is proposed for identifying groups of learners, who have More
        Automatic identification of learners groups based on similarity of learning style improves e-learning systems from the viewpoint of learning adaptation and collaboration among learners. In this paper, a new system is proposed for identifying groups of learners, who have similar learning style, by using learners’ behavior information in an e-learning environment. Proposed clustering method for separation of learners is developed based on ART neural network structure and Snap-Drift neural network learning process. This artificial network enables us to identify learners groups in uncertain group separation parameters, without knowing appropriate number of groups.  The results of an empirical evaluation of the proposed method, which are based on two criteria, “Davies-Bouldin” and “Purity and Gathering”, indicate that our proposed method outperforms other clustering methods in terms of accuracy. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Matched grouping of learners in e-learning environment using council clustering method
        malihe kamareiy gholamali montazer
        Despite the individual differences of learners such as their abilities, goals, knowledge, learning styles and backgrounds, most of the electronic learning systems has presented an equal learning content for all of the learners. This is happening while producing a specia More
        Despite the individual differences of learners such as their abilities, goals, knowledge, learning styles and backgrounds, most of the electronic learning systems has presented an equal learning content for all of the learners. This is happening while producing a specialized content for the individuals. Increasing appliances of artificial memory in teaching the adaptation learning systems will require recommended teaching methods which are appropriate to the learner’s individual differences. In order to grouping learners based on their learning styles in their own similar groups, we are presenting a new method in this text. This method is mainly about combining the result of clustering methods which is certainly reducing choosing an unreliable method. Meanwhile it is preventing method`s complication which is because of using simpler and more useful clustering algorithms that subsequently will cause a better result and it may happen due to the fact that different methods will overlap each other’s defections. In this article we are using Felder- Silverman learning style which consist of 5 dimensions: processing (active-reflective) , input (visual-verbal) , understanding (sequential-global) , perception (sensing-intuitive) and organization (inductive-deductive). Firstly, proper behavioral indicators to different learning style dimension of Silverman-Feedler will recognize and then based on these behaviors learners will be able to be groups by one of these 5 methods. In the case of evaluating the proposed method, utilizing the c++ programming electronic teaching period information is necessary. Learner members of experiment environment were 98 ones which were extracting the expressed indicators connected to their network behaviors in 4 dimensions of Perception , process , input and understanding of Felder- Silverman model. On the other hand students were asked to fill the questionnaire forms and their learning styles were calculated between 0-11 and then based on the behavioral information they were being grouped. We are using 5 clustering grouping methods : k-means , FCM , KNN , K-Medoids and SVM to produce ensemble clustering in generation step and co-occurrence samples or majority votes were used in Integration step. Evaluating the results will require the followings : Davies-bouldin index , Variance index , and gathering purity index. Due to the fact that the expressed methods are not able to indicate automatically the best cluster, clustering 3,4,5,6,7 clusters were using this method. And with calculating Davies-bouldin index the best cluster in each method were selected. In FCM each data were contributed to the cluster which has the most dependence to that . Numerical results of Davies-bouldin index have shown that ensemble clusters have the exact accumulation clusters among the others. Clustering variance in different size is indicating that ensemble clustering has the most accumulation and the least dispersion and also purity-gathering results has shown that proposed grouping method has the ability to gather learners with the similar style in each cluster and has a better efficiency compared to the others. So with this idea while maintaining simplicity, more accurate results based on the Davies-bouldin index , Variance index , and gathering purity index is obtained. Due to the importance of high accuracy and high speed and low computational complexity in the clustering methods, instead of a more complex approach, combining the weaker and easier clustering methods, better and more accurate results reached. Manuscript profile
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        3 - The effect of the Gachsaran mobile formation on folding style and tectonic evolution of the Rag-e- Sefid anticline in the southern Dezful Embayment
        Mehdi Yosefi Seyd Morteza Moussavi Mohammad Mahdi Khatib
        Plastic behavior and significant thickness of the Gachsaran incompetence formation on top of middle carbonate units in the sedimentary sequence of the southern Dezful Embayment led to the emergence of different styles of folding above and below of this formation. So tha More
        Plastic behavior and significant thickness of the Gachsaran incompetence formation on top of middle carbonate units in the sedimentary sequence of the southern Dezful Embayment led to the emergence of different styles of folding above and below of this formation. So that the structures in the upper and lower parts of this formation are completely separated and do not match each other. In the upper anticlines, above the Gachsaran horizon, the calculation of the limbs angle, the main thrust slope and the percentage of forelimb thickening indicate the fault detachment fold style. This style marks the geometry of fold at the early stage of the development of this anticline. Also the seismic profiles below the Gachsaran horizon also show the fault-propagation folding style. In the south Dezful Embayment, folding in the Gachsaran Formation occurs with shorter wavelengths in the form of disharmonic folds. This folding acts as the decoupling surface for the lower folds so that the synclines in this moving horizon directly cover the lower anticlines. The rounded folds in the carbonates in lower anticline are the imposed folds associated with steepened up reverse faults, detached on the basal decollement level and ultimately faulted by progressive deformation. The interpretation of seismic sections in the southern Dezful Embayment shows that lateral migration occurs in the salt units of the GS2 and GS4, and the upper and lower units of the Gachsaran Formation do not play a role in salt migration. Lateral migration in Miocene salts of the Gachsaran Formation is accomplished by the growth of sub-anticline during folding and loading of upper formation at the upper Gachsaran Formation. Manuscript profile
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        4 - A Study on the Poetry-Oriented Prose Style in Abhar-ul Asheghein
        سعید  بزرگ بیگدلی
        Roozbahan Baghli Shirazi is one of the most prominent mystics of 6th century. Abhar-ul Asheghein is one of his highly valued persian works, which is notable not only for its significance in the realm of mysticism, but also due to its rich prose. The present paper is aim More
        Roozbahan Baghli Shirazi is one of the most prominent mystics of 6th century. Abhar-ul Asheghein is one of his highly valued persian works, which is notable not only for its significance in the realm of mysticism, but also due to its rich prose. The present paper is aimed at dealing with the style of prose used in Abhar-ul Asheghein from the view point of music and order, as well as language of expression, and imagination, which are the three most significant elements of the poetic expression. The paper also introduces its readership to some forms of artistic expression created by the poets. Based on the findings of the present paper, various manifestations of imagination, rhymes, deep affection, are all reflected by the mystic experiences of the autho; moreover, the magnificent language employed by the author, as well as ambiguities deriving from this kind of language, are among the elements of defamiliarization which turn Abhar-ul Asheghin into a poetic prose; and this feature distinguishes it from all other mystic types of prose ever existed. Employing these elements, Roozbehan enhances the usual norms of the standard language, so as to express certain aspects of his spiritual experiences, which are not compatible with the logical norms, nor can they be expressed. Moreover, Roozbehan appears to have always been in search of beauty of the Persian prose, in his mind and soul. Manuscript profile
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        5 - The role of simile in stylistic variety change
        Style reflects selection and combination of the language capabilities applied by the poet. On the other hand, it reflects the imitation and innovation in the language various aspects like phonology, words and grammar. Rhetoric system is one of the language systems. Rhe More
        Style reflects selection and combination of the language capabilities applied by the poet. On the other hand, it reflects the imitation and innovation in the language various aspects like phonology, words and grammar. Rhetoric system is one of the language systems. Rhetoric system includes all the language decorative tools such as expressive, rhetorical and, in other word, all the language decorative elements. Rhetoric system is the most important and major language system in which literature creation process can be observed. The reason includes that style related changes are occurred in this system. Simile, from which the other systems such as metaphor, personification and even irony are originated, is the basic element in this system. Rhetoric language system change can be simply shown by studying the simile structure. This article tries to have a glance at the style related changes in Modern Poem simile by the statistics available on the full analysis of the similes used in the poetries by Nima, Akhavan and Sohrab Sepehri. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Anvari′s Dual Approach to Mysticism and Sufism
        محمدحسین  کرمی ناهید  دهقانی
        In the whole Persian literature history, you cannot find many poets who contradict themselves as much as Anvari does. The most obvious example of this poet’s self-contradiction is noticeable in his dual approach to mysticism. The themes of Anvari′s poems in odes, Moghat More
        In the whole Persian literature history, you cannot find many poets who contradict themselves as much as Anvari does. The most obvious example of this poet’s self-contradiction is noticeable in his dual approach to mysticism. The themes of Anvari′s poems in odes, Moghattaat is different from that of Sonnets and quatrain (a poem consisting of four hemistiches, rube). The poet, who developed eulogy and satire in odes and Moghattaat, also developed a mystic appearance in sonnets and quatrain. Anvari’s numerous self-contraditions especially regarding mysticism have caused the readers of his poems not being able to make a certain and precise judgment about his character and his poems. In this article, using a descriptive-analytical approach, Anvari’s contradictory views on mysticism and the origin of this duality are investigated. It seems that, poetic period in Anvari’s time, more than any other factor, had an impact on the creation of these contradictions. Usually, in works in middle style or the style of transition period, such chaos is noticeable. These contradictions are found not only in Anvari’s poems, but also more and less in the poems of other 6th –century poets. Based on this, penetration of mystic themes in Anvari’s poems can not necessarily be considered as a proof of his tendency towards mysticism. Manuscript profile
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        7 - The Equation and the Condition of Reductio Ad Absurdum
        Equation and the condition of Reductio ad absurdum (reduction to absurdity) are among the most important and most frequent types of allegory in Hindi style. In Hindi style the poets have used these literary devices to make general and abstract concepts tangible and to i More
        Equation and the condition of Reductio ad absurdum (reduction to absurdity) are among the most important and most frequent types of allegory in Hindi style. In Hindi style the poets have used these literary devices to make general and abstract concepts tangible and to induce their subjects to their audiences. In order to do so, the use of different forms of these literary devices has satisfied their linguistic needs in expressing the meaning intended. Using equation and the condition of Reductio ad absurdum reinforces the content of the discourse, and confirms a collective thought, and it contributes to the readers' understanding. In this research, various types of equation and the condition of Reductio ad absurdum have been studied, and their functions, content, and forms have been investigated. The research is based on the use of these literary devices in the prominent works in Hindi style through considering the views of the scholars and the author's personal perception of these literary devices. The results show that the equation and the condition of Reductio ad absurdum have been used in Hindi style to meet the need for uttering the experiences, thoughts, and mystical concepts in a meaningful way. Therefore, they can be regarded as prominent rhetorical features of the literary works in the Hindi era in Persian poetry. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Resurrection of Meaning in The Ghazal Of Orfi Shirazi Based on Leech’s Semantic Deviation
        majid khosravi   Mohammad Irani Gholamreza Salemiyan
        The anomalies or deviation is one of the aspects of "resurrection of vocabulary" based on linguistics and it is one of the new literary criticism theories proposed within the framework of the Russian school of formalism. Orfi Shirazi, the Indian style poet, has created More
        The anomalies or deviation is one of the aspects of "resurrection of vocabulary" based on linguistics and it is one of the new literary criticism theories proposed within the framework of the Russian school of formalism. Orfi Shirazi, the Indian style poet, has created the Ghazal language of this style beyond the norm of his time and he has been sometimes created an individual style and new norm in the language of the Ghazal.Therefore, the words have a variable resurrection in the imagery and semantic creation of the early Indian lyric style and Orfi Shirazi, as one of the early lyricists of Indian style, has created phenomena in a wide variety of ways in the imagination and he has challenged the mind of the audience in confronting the ups and downs of the Ghazal's image. This research was conducted with the aim of explaining the new techniques of imagination and semantics in Orfi Shirazi Ghazal with a descriptive-analytical approach and relying on the semantic deviation of "Leech"and has shown he has created techniques of semantic deviation with rhetorical and meaningful images in Ghazal. Accordingly, explanation of the semantic deviation on the imagination of Orfi in the Ghazal and the explanation of how words are used in the structure of new images, is the main achievement of the research. Manuscript profile
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        9 - Investigating the Role of Conceptual Metaphors in the Evolution of literary styles (Relying on Body Metaphors in Farrokhi Sistani, Anvari, and Hafiz's poems)
        Mohammad Taheri Masoumeh  Archandani
        The conceptual metaphor is the mind’s technique for conceptualizing affairs. The mind tries to conceive and contemplate some intangible affairs for itself with the help of this fundamental construct. Hence, it is expected that by changing it, we will also see a change i More
        The conceptual metaphor is the mind’s technique for conceptualizing affairs. The mind tries to conceive and contemplate some intangible affairs for itself with the help of this fundamental construct. Hence, it is expected that by changing it, we will also see a change in thought-related macro-systems. Among these macrosystems are literary styles that have many factors involved in changing them. This article tries to answer the question of how the change of conceptual metaphors in time has an effect on the change of literary styles through analytical-descriptive method. To answer it, we trace the conceptual metaphors related to the body, which include the words "hand, eye, heart and head", in a selection of poems by Farrokhi Sistani, Anvari and Hafez. By analyzing the obtained information, we conclude that conceptual metaphors have undergone significant changes over time that are in line with the evolution of literary styles and are variables affecting the evolution of styles. Manuscript profile
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        10 - Examining the meaning of imperative propositions in Hafez's lyric poems and their relationship with Hafez's personal style
        asghar shahbazi
        Examining the meaning of imperative propositions is one of the topics related to rhetoric (semantics). As a result of this study, it is possible to follow the orientation of poets' thoughts and interests on various topics; Because usually the initial interpretation of More
        Examining the meaning of imperative propositions is one of the topics related to rhetoric (semantics). As a result of this study, it is possible to follow the orientation of poets' thoughts and interests on various topics; Because usually the initial interpretation of imperative propositions is imperative and order, while poets consider different meanings and intentions of imperative propositions, and this issue is more important in Hafez's poems due to the analytical-inferential structure of imperative sentences; A topic that unfortunately has not been well explored. Therefore, in this article, Hafez's imperative propositions in the first 250 lyric poems of Hafez's Divan have been studied by content analysis method (descriptive-analytical approach) and finally it has been determined that in the first 250 lyric poems of Hafez Divan (equivalent to 2098 bits), in 724 verses,there are imperative sentences (554 beits have a positive imperative and 170 beits have a negative imperative) and Hafez is a great imperativeer from this point of view.Of these, the frequency of imperative sentences with the meanings of desire and guidance is high, and perhaps this is one of the reasons for Fortune telling with Divan Hafez.In more than 35% of these poems, the construction of compound imperative sentence-analytic / inferential sentences is used, in such a way that the reader, after reading those imperative sentences, is mentally convinced and forgets the bitterness of the advice. In this article, Hafez's imperative sentences are also examined based on the type of speaker, audience and demand, and in all cases, an attempt is made to find a connection between Hafez's personal style and its results. Manuscript profile
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        11 - The analysis of meaning elements of the ethic word “sacrifice" in Holey Quran
        The semiotics about ethic words in Quran is among the latest studies in the field of Qoranic researches aiming to discover new layers of meaning from Quran words through a systematic and accurate study. in the current text، it has been attempted to analyze the ethic wo More
        The semiotics about ethic words in Quran is among the latest studies in the field of Qoranic researches aiming to discover new layers of meaning from Quran words through a systematic and accurate study. in the current text، it has been attempted to analyze the ethic word ''sacrifice" to its essential elements of meaning components through a semiotic and detailed look; in addition to the etymology of this word، its intersexual relations including collocation، substituational، and stylistic relations should be considerate. It must be concluded that the meaning of “sacrifice" in Quran is not a single-layered concept، but، it has interwebbed borders. Saving the essential meaning of “choose"، this word entered the Quran’s semantic system in its developmental path and covered components such as no intermediating، choice or authority، various alternatives، desirability، and positive and negative value weights. In the process of its meaning development، this word involved meaning allocation to the extent that today، whatever is suggested by the meaning of "sacrifice" has an absolute special and general relation. Manuscript profile
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        12 - Morals of pedagogy in Islamic life style
        سیدعلی موسوی
        The main subject that has been noticed in this study is “Morals of pedagogy in Islamic life style”. Excessive importance of “life style” in people’s social, cultural and political lives, and also essential consequences of these life styles have been the center of atten More
        The main subject that has been noticed in this study is “Morals of pedagogy in Islamic life style”. Excessive importance of “life style” in people’s social, cultural and political lives, and also essential consequences of these life styles have been the center of attention of scientists from different fields. Therefore scholars from various fields such as, sociology, psychology, cultural studies, anthropology, medicine and theology etc. have studied part of this concept from their own point of view. The term, itself is a product of modern world, in which, it is shaped by weakening structural variables such as, social class, choices, emotional behaviors. While in Islam, it is shaped through divine instructions, pedagogical role models and patterns which are the basis for formation of the person’s identity and existence. In the modern world, besides its features and evolutions such as, developments and improvements of technological and communicational equipment, Islam causes progress, prosperity and excellence of humanity by presenting its special life style. Current paper will study intents and purposes of pedagogy in Islamic life style, pattern and society based pedagogy in social life style, concept of responsibility and replacement of divine virtues in Islamic life style. The paper will also take a glance at the role of spirituality in upbringing of educated people and also the role of governments in formation of life style. Manuscript profile
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        13 - The role of renunciation in Islamic training, concentraining Alavi and prophetic method
        Renunciation is one of the issues. Important in training people. That is to say overlooking one’s mistakes, man gives the opportunity to him to return and correct himself. Now it is the question: who is the role of renunciation in training others? And what is the prophe More
        Renunciation is one of the issues. Important in training people. That is to say overlooking one’s mistakes, man gives the opportunity to him to return and correct himself. Now it is the question: who is the role of renunciation in training others? And what is the prophet’s and his family’s life style in this regard? In this article, a descriptive and analytic method, a library method as well as a sampling method is used and concludes that overlooking method is useful in training other peoples and help the man to save himself in dangerous conditions. The prophet and his family also have practiced renunciation. Because although some people insulted the prophet (pbuh) and his family, they respected them apparently and they overlooked their impolite behaviors. And this method was useful in their correction and training. That is, the renunciation method helps the people to find the opportunity for penitence, causes munificence, hinders contumacy, attracts prophet’s family, etc. so the student’s parents can use this method. Manuscript profile
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        14 - The meaning of life from the Islamic point of view and its relation to lifestyle
        zari pishegar Morteza  Samanun mohamad esmaeil said hashemi enayat sharifi
        Does life have meaning? What is the meaning of life? Question about the meaning of life has a history as long as human’s life. One of the most important meanings in the phrase “the meaning of life" believed by Abrahamid's religions is that the meaning of life is equival More
        Does life have meaning? What is the meaning of life? Question about the meaning of life has a history as long as human’s life. One of the most important meanings in the phrase “the meaning of life" believed by Abrahamid's religions is that the meaning of life is equivalent to the very purpose of life. The next question is that whether humans generate the meaning in their lives? Or the meaning exists per se and should be discovered by human? In the first case, the meaning of life becomes a fake matter and in the other case it becomes a real one. The divine religions, with the most decisive responses, are the best means to save humans from uncertainty and vanity in life. In the present study, the chosen viewpoint is that life becomes meaningful by the recognition of God and being connected to him. When the meaning becomes clear, then it would be the time for selecting the manner and type of behaviors and objectives in life. There is a strong connection between the meaning and the style of life. In this regard, some of the intellectuals’ opinions and viewpoints have been provided here. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - The meaning of life from the Islamic point of view and its relation to the lifestyle
        zari pishegar Morteza  Samanun mohamad esmaeil said hashemi enayat sharifi
        Does life have meaning? What is the meaning of life? Question about the meaning of life has a history as long as human’s life. One of the most important meanings in the phrase “the meaning of life" believed by Abrahamid's religions is that the meaning of life is equival More
        Does life have meaning? What is the meaning of life? Question about the meaning of life has a history as long as human’s life. One of the most important meanings in the phrase “the meaning of life" believed by Abrahamid's religions is that the meaning of life is equivalent to the very purpose of life. The next question is that whether humans generate the meaning in their lives? Or the meaning exists per se and should be discovered by human? In the first case, the meaning of life becomes a fake matter and in the other case it becomes a real one. The divine religions, with the most decisive responses, are the best means to save humans from uncertainty and vanity in life. In the present study, the chosen viewpoint is that life becomes meaningful by the recognition of God and being connected to him. When the meaning becomes clear, then it would be the time for selecting the manner and type of behaviors and objectives in life. There is a strong connection between the meaning and the style of life. In this regard, some of the intellectuals’ opinions and viewpoints have been provided here. Manuscript profile
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        16 - The Analysis of Love in Orfi Shirazi Lyrics with an Approach to Iran ‎ Thinking System
        mohsen berahmand
        In the Safavid era the Safavid kings encouraged poets to compose poems in the eulogy of the Prophet (PBUH) and had a negative reaction to the themes of love, thus poetry lost its boom and many poets emigrated from Iran to India and this gave rise to a new style nowadays More
        In the Safavid era the Safavid kings encouraged poets to compose poems in the eulogy of the Prophet (PBUH) and had a negative reaction to the themes of love, thus poetry lost its boom and many poets emigrated from Iran to India and this gave rise to a new style nowadays referred to as Indian style. Orfi Shirazi is one of the first poets to play an important role in the construction and development of this style. This is a content analysis paper based on library resources. We have attempted to analyze the first one hundred lyrics of Shirazi Orfi from his book of poem to examine love in his thinking system. The results show that his lyrics are manifestations of love in the form of self-harming thoughts, expressing the hardships and pitfalls of love, the warmth of love and the burning of love, the high value of love, the mystical conduct associated with love, parting, the pain and sadness of love, the gay relationship, describing the behavioral characteristics of the lover, addressing expressions such as eye and gaze description, facial expression, lips and mouth, eyelashes, and stature. Manuscript profile
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        17 - Nolans life cycle model: An Instrument for IT/IS Planning
        Mohammadjavad Ghorbani Abdoreza Shakeri
        In this paper we study Nolan’s life cycle models and explain it as an Instrument for IT Planning. In this world that competition is developed libertine, use of IT to access to competition advantage is necessary for all companies and is a more important key for companies More
        In this paper we study Nolan’s life cycle models and explain it as an Instrument for IT Planning. In this world that competition is developed libertine, use of IT to access to competition advantage is necessary for all companies and is a more important key for companies' survival guaranty. However use of IT costs a lot, implementing unplanned IT probably burden heavy problems to companies. So the organizations try to decrease these threats and access to IT opportunities, using IT planning to implement IT/IS. Environment produces different opportunities and threats to companies. So organizations should recognize all their characteristics and use of opportunities to decrease threats. Although we have different models and methodologies that explain all of IT/IS implementation stages, but Nolan’s life cycle model is a more important and famous in IT/IS planning stage. In this article we explain Nolan’s life cycle model and finally we explore relationship between managerial styles, participation and system success in each stage of model. Manuscript profile
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        18 - Promotion of Management Potentials of Pre-incubation seeds and Tenants in Incubators by Applying Suitable Management Style
        MOrteza Rasti bozorgi Mohsen Fathollah Bayati
        Organizations experience management needs during the different periods of their life cycle. In fact, based on the present conditions dominating the organization during a specific period, management measures should be taken or an organization would actually die. This pro More
        Organizations experience management needs during the different periods of their life cycle. In fact, based on the present conditions dominating the organization during a specific period, management measures should be taken or an organization would actually die. This problem is even more extreme about the tenants in incubators and preincubator stage seeds, because companies and seed firms in incubators are truly vulnerable against mismanagement, and this problem would cause failure more than any other time. Taking nice management style during preincubation and incubation period, not only prevents from death of the company, but also increase probability of success, because the success of organization is depend on their successful passage from different levels and stages. In this paper, the types of management styles and mismanagement are carefully dealt with, and regarding position of the pre-incubation seeds and tenants in incubators over the life cycle of the organizations, different types of management including improper styles which can affect the organization trend of management are introduced also for a successful passage from pre-incubation to incubation regarding the management style of organization in pre-incubation, we suggested a management style effective for organization during the incubation period. Manuscript profile
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        19 - The Mediating Role of Identity Processing Styles in the Relationship between Attachment Styles and Cognitive Emotion Regulation
        Hamideh Mohammadi Mahboobe Fouladchang
        The aim of present study was to investigate the mediating role of identity processing styles in the relationship between attachment styles and cognitive emotion of regulation. Participants included 378(253 females and males 125) selected from Shiraz University students More
        The aim of present study was to investigate the mediating role of identity processing styles in the relationship between attachment styles and cognitive emotion of regulation. Participants included 378(253 females and males 125) selected from Shiraz University students selected by multistage random cluster sampling method. The research instruments were Attachment Styles Scale (Gillath, Hart, Noftle, & Stockdale, 2009), Identity Styles Scale (ISS-6G, White, Wampler & Winn, 1998) and Cognitive Emotion of Regulation Questionnaire (Granefski, Kraaij & Spinhoven). Findings showed that secure attachment had indirect effects on positive and negative cognitive emotion of regulation strategies by mediation of informational identity style and by mediating of normative identity style had an indirect effect on positive cognitive emotion regulation strategies. Ambivalent attachment had indirect effects on positive emotion regulation by mediation of informational and normative identity styles and on negative emotion regulation strategies by informational identity style. In addition avoidant attachment showed an indirect effect on positive and negative cognitive emotion regulation strategies by mediation of diffused identity style. Accordingly, identity processing styles played mediating roles in relationship between attachment styles and cognitive emotion regulation. Manuscript profile
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        20 - The Relationship between Perception of Parental Styles and Resilience: The Mediating Role of Human Agency
        Mamak Mahdavi Mazdeh Elahe Hejazi Zahra Naghsh
        The purpose of this study was to identify the role of human agency in the relationship between perception of parental styles and resilience among adolescents. To fulfill the stated goal, 516 high school students (273 female, 243, male) were selected by means of cluster More
        The purpose of this study was to identify the role of human agency in the relationship between perception of parental styles and resilience among adolescents. To fulfill the stated goal, 516 high school students (273 female, 243, male) were selected by means of cluster and multi stage sampling. The following measures were given to them to complete a survey consisted of Assessment Human Agency Scale, Perception of Parenting Styles Questionnaire and Resilience Scale. The results of structural equation modeling showed that human agency mediated the relation between perception of parental style and resilience .Human agency with parental style perceived are predicted 63% of variance of resilience. Perception of paternal style and maternal style are predicted the 37% and 31% of variability of human agency. In general, when there was a consistency between mother and father parental style and this style is based on satisfaction of psychological basic needs, adolescence' human agency and resilience raised and increased. Manuscript profile
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        21 - Relationship between Attachment Styles and Suicidal Tendency with a Moderating Role Self-critical and Dependency in Student (Case Study of Golestan University)
        هیوا محمودی
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between attachment styles and suicidal tendency with a moderating Role of self-critical and dependency among students.The study method was descriptive-correlation. The statistical population consisted of all More
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between attachment styles and suicidal tendency with a moderating Role of self-critical and dependency among students.The study method was descriptive-correlation. The statistical population consisted of all undergraduate and postgraduate students of Golestan University (N = 3757), of which 380 were sampled according to the Morgan table by proportional stratified random sampling. The research instruments were Blatt Depressive Experiences Questionnaire, Beck suicidal tendencies Questionnaire, and Hazan and Shavar Attachment Styles Questionnaire. Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficient and structural equation model. The results showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between avoidant style and self-criticism and suicidal tendency and there is a positive and significant relationship between anxiety attachment style and self-critical attachment, and suicidal tendency, but there is a negative relationship between avoidant style and dependency. Also, Also, model fitting indicators confirms the role of mediator of dependency and self-critical in the relationship between anxiety and avoidance attachment styles with suicidal tendencies. According to the results, avoidant and anxiety attachment styles in negative situations with dependency and self-criticism are suitable components for the rate of suicidal tendency in students. Manuscript profile
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        22 - The Relationship between Risk Perception and Cognitive Emotion Regulation with Tendency to Addiction Mediated by Decision-Making Styles
        Hossein Zare Sosan Kangavari Mahnaz Aliakbaridehkordi
        The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between risk perception and cognitive emotion regulation with tendency to addiction by mediating decision-making styles. This research was a descriptive and a correlational study. To this end, 320 students from t More
        The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between risk perception and cognitive emotion regulation with tendency to addiction by mediating decision-making styles. This research was a descriptive and a correlational study. To this end, 320 students from the Department of Banking and Payam of Noor University of Bijar city were selected by random sampling method. Data were collected using Risk Perception Index, Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire, Zargars Addiction Tendency Questionnaire and Scott and Bruce's Decision-Making Styles. Questionnaire. In order to evaluate the proposed model, Amos software and path analyze method were used. The findings showed that there was a negative significant relationship between risk perception and positive cognitive emotion regulation directly with the tendency to addiction and negative cognitive emotion regulation have a positive significant relationship with the tendency to addiction. Also, decision-making style indirectly influenced the predictive value of the variables. Overall, the results showed that decision-making style had a significant mediating role in the relationship between risk perception and cognitive emotion regulation with tendency to addiction. Manuscript profile
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        23 - Mediating role of loving Styles in the relationship between Personality characteristics and marital satisfaction
        Faezeh Salayani MohammadJavad Asghari EbrahimAbad Seyed Kazem Rasoolzadeh Tabatabaei Razieh Abbaszadeh Rougoushouee
        Marital satisfaction is one of the most dimensions creating couples’ relationship stability. Personality traits and love styles have an impact on marital relationships. The aim of this study was to determine the mediating role of loving style in relationship between per More
        Marital satisfaction is one of the most dimensions creating couples’ relationship stability. Personality traits and love styles have an impact on marital relationships. The aim of this study was to determine the mediating role of loving style in relationship between personality characteristics and marital satisfaction among married individuals in Mashhad. This study was a descriptive-correlational study. In this study, 344 married individuals in Mashhad, were selected through cluster sampling and they completed loving style scale, NEO-FFI and Enrich marital satisfaction. Pearson’s correlation, stepwise regression and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) were used to analyze the data through SPSS and AMOS software. The results showed that there were significant correlations between personality characteristics, loving styles and marital satisfaction (p<0/05). Regression analysis showed that personality characteristics and loving styles predicted 34 percent variances of marital satisfaction (p<0/001). Results also showed personality characteristics effect through love styles on marital satisfaction. Conceptual model of marital satisfaction was fit. According to finding loving styles and personality characteristics can predict marital satisfaction among married individuals. Manuscript profile
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        24 - Relationship between Attachment Style and Psychological Well-Being: The Mediating Role of Cognitive Flexibility
        Mina Fathi-Ashtiani razieh sheikholeslami
        The current study aimed to investigate the relationship between attachment styles (secure, insecure) and psychological well-being, mediated by the role of cognitive flexibility. This research was a correlational study. A total of 272 participants were selected by means More
        The current study aimed to investigate the relationship between attachment styles (secure, insecure) and psychological well-being, mediated by the role of cognitive flexibility. This research was a correlational study. A total of 272 participants were selected by means of multistage cluster sampling among Shiraz university undergraduate students. The data were gathered by using 3 measures: Adult Attachment Scale (Collins & Reid,1996), Scale Psychological Well-Being (Ryff, 1989) and Cognitive Flexibility Inventory (Dennis & Vander Wal, 2010). Using Pearson's correlation coefficient and path analysis with software, SPSS 20 and Amos 22, the data were analyzed. The results of path analysis indicated that the model had a good fit to the data. The secure attachment styles had a significant positive direct effect on psychological well-being. And insecure (avoidance, ambivalence) attachment style had a significant negative direct effect on psychological well-being. Also attachment style had predicted psychological well-being stronger by mediating cognitive flexibility. The results of the prediction showed that, when people with a secure attachment style have more cognitive flexibility, they experience a higher psychological well-being. Manuscript profile
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        25 - Relationship between Perception of Coach’s Leadership Style and Mental Toughness of Contact Athletes
        Jalil Moradi Kambiz Sadeghi Alireza Bahrami
        The purpose of this research was to study the relationship between coach’s leadership style and mental toughness of contact athletes. The sample consisted of 357 athletes who were randomly selected. All participants were asked to complete the Salzmann (1982) Leadership More
        The purpose of this research was to study the relationship between coach’s leadership style and mental toughness of contact athletes. The sample consisted of 357 athletes who were randomly selected. All participants were asked to complete the Salzmann (1982) Leadership Style Questionnaire and Mental Toughness Questionnaire of Clough et al. (2002). Pearson correlation coefficient and multivariate regression were used to analyze the data. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between coach’s leadership style and mental toughness of contact athletes. Also from the perspective of athletes, coach’s leadership styles, respectively supportive, combined and directive. The results of multivariate regression showed that we can predict athletes' mental toughness according to the coach’s leadership style. The findings of this study indicated that the coach leadership style as environmental variable and the relationship between coaches and athletes are important factors in the development of athletes' mental toughness. Manuscript profile
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        26 - Relationship between Attachment Styles and Suicidal Tendency with a Moderating Role of Self-criticism and Dependency in Students
        هیوا محمودی
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between attachment styles and suicidal tendency with a moderating role of self-criticism and dependency among students. The study method was descriptive-correlational. The statistical population consisted of More
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between attachment styles and suicidal tendency with a moderating role of self-criticism and dependency among students. The study method was descriptive-correlational. The statistical population consisted of all undergraduate and postgraduate students of Golestan University (N = 3757), of which 380 were sampled according to the Morgan table by proportional stratified random sampling. The research instruments were Blatt Depressive Experiences Questionnaire, Beck Suicidal Tendencies Questionnaire, and Hazan and Shaver Attachment Styles Questionnaire. Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficient and structural equation model. The results showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between avoidant style and self-criticism and suicidal tendency and there is a positive and significant relationship between anxiety attachment style and self-critical attachment, and suicidal tendency, but there is a negative relationship between avoidant style and dependency. Also, model fitting indicators confirms the role of mediator of dependency and self-criticism in the relationship between anxiety and avoidance attachment styles with suicidal tendencies. According to the results, avoidant and anxiety attachment styles in negative situations with dependency and self-criticism are suitable components for the rate of suicidal tendency in students. Manuscript profile
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        27 - Attachment style, mindfulness eating, mother beliefs with child emotional eating: mediating role of child emotion regulation
        mahdieh  sarshar shirin zeinali
        Objective: child eating problems, as one of the important factors that affect the development and performance of the person, is affected by many environmental and relational factors including mother psychological component and child emotion regulation. The main purpose More
        Objective: child eating problems, as one of the important factors that affect the development and performance of the person, is affected by many environmental and relational factors including mother psychological component and child emotion regulation. The main purpose of this study was to develop the modelling of child emotional eating based on attachment style, mindfulness eating, and mother beliefs with mediating role of child emotion regulation. Method: The participants of this study were 250, 11-12 year students (100 male and 150 female) studding in Urmia schools with their mothers. Mothers completed the attachment style, mindfulness eating and mother beliefs questionnaires and children completed emotional eating and emotion regulation questionnaires. Results: The results of the data analysis with SPSS and Lisrel revealed that due to attachment style, mindfulness eating, mother beliefs and child emotion regulation can significantly predict child emotional eating. The Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA = 0.016) and the Comparative Fit Index (CFI = 0.95) were optimal. Conclusion: This model determines that mother and child components affected child emotional eating and these elements should be taken into consideration in dealing with the causes and treating child emotional eating. Manuscript profile
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        28 - Mediating Role of Loving Styles in the Relationship between Personality Characteristics and Marital Satisfaction
        Faeze Salayani MohammadJavad Asghari EbrahimAbad Kazem Rasoolzadeh Tabatabaei Razieh Abbaszadeh Rougoushouee
        The aim of this study was to determine the mediating role of loving in relationship between personality characteristics and marital satisfaction among married individuals in Mashhad. This study was a descriptive-correlational study. In this study, 344 married individual More
        The aim of this study was to determine the mediating role of loving in relationship between personality characteristics and marital satisfaction among married individuals in Mashhad. This study was a descriptive-correlational study. In this study, 344 married individuals in Mashhad, were selected through available sampling and they completed Love Attitude Scale (LAS), NEO-Five Factor Inventory (FFI) and Enrich Marital Satisfaction Questionnaire. Pearson’s correlation, stepwise regression analysis and path analysis were used to analyze the data through SPSS and AMOS software. The results showed that there were significant correlations between personality characteristics and, eros, ludos, Storge, Pragma and Agape loving styles with marital satisfaction (p<0/01). Regression analysis also showed that eros style, neuroticism, Pragma style, ludos styles, agreeableness and extraversion predicted 34 percent variances of marital satisfaction. Results also revealed the mediating effect of eros, Pragma and ludos love styles on the relationship between neuroticism and extraversion with marital satisfaction (p<0/05). According to the findings, marital satisfaction is influenced by loving styles and personality characteristics. Manuscript profile
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        29 - The Relationship between Attachment Style and Moral Identity: The Mediating Role of Empathy
        Ghasideh Hojjati zahra naghsh Mohammad Khodayarifard
        The current study aimed to investigate the relationship between attachment styles and moral identity, mediated by role of empathy. This research was a correlational study. A total 350 participants were selected by means of multistage cluster sampling among all the girl More
        The current study aimed to investigate the relationship between attachment styles and moral identity, mediated by role of empathy. This research was a correlational study. A total 350 participants were selected by means of multistage cluster sampling among all the girl students of tenth grade of Hamedan city’s public schools. The data were gathered by using 3 measures: Moral Identity Scale (Aquino & Reed, 2002), The Basic Empathy Scale (Joliffe & Farrington, 2006) and Adult Attachment Questionnaire (Collins & Reed, 1996). Using software Spss and Lisrel, the data were analyzed. The results indicate that the model had a good fit to the research’s data. The secure attachment style was a significant positive predictor of moral identity and avoidant attachment style and ambivalent attachment style, were both negative predictors of moral identity. Also secure attachment was a positive predictor of empathy and avoidant attachment was a negative predictor of empathy. And in the meantime the relationship among ambivalent attachment style and empathy was not significant. Manuscript profile
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        30 - Investigating the role of quality of thematic relationships in predicting personality type D by mediating individual style in people referring to psychological clinics in Mashhad
        zeynab khosrojerdi fereshteh momeny
        The aim of this study was to investigate the role of the quality of thematic relationships in predicting type D personality with individual style mediation. The method of this research is descriptive-correlational. The statistical population included all people referrin More
        The aim of this study was to investigate the role of the quality of thematic relationships in predicting type D personality with individual style mediation. The method of this research is descriptive-correlational. The statistical population included all people referring to psychological and clinical clinics in Mashhad. For this purpose, 215 people referred to six clinics were selected in a two-step cluster method. The research tools included Bell's thematic relationship quality questionnaires, Dowellt's personality type and Robbins' individual style (PSI-II). LISREL software and path analysis were used to analyze the research data. Findings suggest that the quality of thematic relationships in individuals can predict the personality type D in them, and individual style also plays a mediating role in relation to the quality of thematic relationships and individual style. Of course, individual style does not have a complete and definite effect on the formation of Type D. The results of this study indicate the role and importance of early relationships with important people in the first years of life and its impact on the formation of personality and personality styles in people. Manuscript profile
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        31 - The causal model of elite athletes' burnout based on athletes' perfectionism during the Covid-19: the mediating role of coaching style
        Sahar Zarei Mahmoud Mohebi Hassan  Garayagh Zandi
        Burnout encompassed a host of medical, psychological, emotional and performance-related issues that can always be affected by individual and coach factors in elite athletes; therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between perfectionism and b More
        Burnout encompassed a host of medical, psychological, emotional and performance-related issues that can always be affected by individual and coach factors in elite athletes; therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between perfectionism and burnout, mediated by perceived coaching style in the context of the Covid-19 epidemic. In this cross-sectional study, 258 elite athletes (M= 22.05 years, SD= 3.08; 148 male) participated and completed scales of multidimensional perfectionism, athlete burnout and coaching style. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics by structural equation modeling. The results indicate that direct paths perfectionism to burnout, perfectionism to coaching style, coaching style to burnout, and indirect pathways to perfectionism to burnout were mediating by coaching style, significant. The results indicate that during the COVID 19, athletes who are less able to organize performance standards and expectations of themselves and others, and who are more committed to meeting external demands, are at higher risk of burnout. One could develop coach-education programmes that challenge beliefs regarding the effectiveness of controlling coaching behaviors to reduce perfectionist tendencies and expectations in athletes. In doing so, one might curtail the risk of burnout in athlete during the COVID 19. Manuscript profile
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        32 - Studying the moral concepts in Seyed Ali Jebelamoli(Mehri Arab)'s poetrical works
        bahman allami
        In this study the reflection of moral elements in the poem of a poet from the Safavi age will be discussed. Mehri Arab is an emigrant who migrated to Isfahan from Lobnan in 11 century. There is a manuscript of his poetrical works in the Tehran university library with th More
        In this study the reflection of moral elements in the poem of a poet from the Safavi age will be discussed. Mehri Arab is an emigrant who migrated to Isfahan from Lobnan in 11 century. There is a manuscript of his poetrical works in the Tehran university library with the number of 3217. One of the topics that can be discussed in Mehri's works is the ethics. Subjects are in two parts:1. moral virtues included: beneficence, humility, goodnature, silence, sitting in privatep place to think about God, repetance, generosity, contentment, and 2. devilish morals included: stinginess, illnature, blasphemy, greed, revenge, hypocrisy.in every part these attributes will be analized adducing riligious, moral and mystical teachings as well as examples of the poet / / / / / / / / / // / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / // / / / // / / // / / // / / / / / // // / / // // / / / / / / / / / / // / / / / / / / / / / / / / Manuscript profile
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        33 - Stylistic Multiplicity in the Ancient Text of the Letter of Tensar
        zhila dehbozorgi
        Persian prose comes from the ideas and style of Iranian writers. Some writings contain more than one thought and style in its writing. Tensar's letter is a work in Pahlavi language by Ibn al-Maqqaf in Arabic and Ibn Esfandiar translated into Persian and added to the let More
        Persian prose comes from the ideas and style of Iranian writers. Some writings contain more than one thought and style in its writing. Tensar's letter is a work in Pahlavi language by Ibn al-Maqqaf in Arabic and Ibn Esfandiar translated into Persian and added to the letter. This letter illustrates an example of light multiplicity in a Persian work. The question that arises is that what features of the text appear lightly despite the writings of the three authors? Tensar's letter is somewhat uniform in content, but structurally different. The purpose of this article is to identify the stylistic multiple in Tensar's letter. This query is documented. According to the research, the authors of the letter have been involved in the writing structure of the text, such as the introduction, content, and old terms and vocabulary of the first author's style, such as to approach the letter to Islamic texts, In particular, the stylistic features of the third author are a mix of anecdotes and allegories from the second author's initiative, and an updated language of literary beauty, elaborate sentences and quotations from the like. Manuscript profile
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        34 - Traditional stylistic approaches in Khamseh Nezami
        Mohammad karimi sharareh elhami
        Style and stylistics is one of the topics in the field of literature and literary criticism, which is also related to the history of literature and linguistics. Therefore, the stylistic study of literary texts and prose and the views of poets and writers is of particu More
        Style and stylistics is one of the topics in the field of literature and literary criticism, which is also related to the history of literature and linguistics. Therefore, the stylistic study of literary texts and prose and the views of poets and writers is of particular importance that has always been the focus of scholars and researchers of past and present times. In this article, using library resources and analytical-descriptive method, after defining the terms and approaches of traditional stylistics and its subsets (sham, emotional, expressive and formative stylistics), evidence of the effects of Khamseh Nezami Ganjaei Let us bring and in this way examine his new and new views and perspectives on poetry, based on those approaches. The findings show that Nezami Ganjaei is a prominent and stylistic poet who had his own poetic style. He is creative in creating special and new compounds (derivation and compounding), inventing new meanings and new themes, paying attention to descriptions, depicting beautiful and precise details and descriptions, choosing appropriate words and arrangements in the axis of companionship and substitution, using similes and Pleasant metaphors, eloquence, appropriateness and repetition have taken initiatives And by norm-breaking, he has found his own way of expression (personal style) and has established his new style and new style, and during the time, he has also found many followers and imitators. Manuscript profile
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        35 - The Sociological Study of the Implications of Cultural the Apartments Life in Iran (Stressing Tehran)
        Coincide with the development of modern urban life and to bring one's own culture in community life, culture and traditional life has undergone many change and evolution in come. Development of appartement,s life as an important symbols and indication of new urban life More
        Coincide with the development of modern urban life and to bring one's own culture in community life, culture and traditional life has undergone many change and evolution in come. Development of appartement,s life as an important symbols and indication of new urban life, with its cultural implications of intentionally or unintentionally income a lot. This may suggest a positive from the perspective of us or not, but what is definite this kind of life, a lot of impact in the sphere of the culture of the people's lives from the apartment, sometimes accepted by some segments of society is also. This research sought to explain the cultural implications of community life apartment life. In part of theoretical basics, the most important principles of the different schools of scholars studied sociology. In this study, the method of collection, and the questionnaire using the likert range has been formulated, is used. For the analysis of the findings as well as SPSS software was used Manuscript profile
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        36 - Analyzing the Role of Collaborative and Competitive Leader Conflict Management Styles in Innovative Performance of Entrepreneurial Teams (Case Study of Shiraz Industrial Companies)
        Mohammad ghaffari akram nariman
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between Leadership Collaborative and Competitive Conflict Management Styles and the innovative performance of the entrepreneurial team by considering the mediating role of team passion. This study was applied More
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between Leadership Collaborative and Competitive Conflict Management Styles and the innovative performance of the entrepreneurial team by considering the mediating role of team passion. This study was applied in a descriptive and surveyed manner. The statistical population in this study is 212 employees of industrial companies in Shiraz who were selected by convenience sampling method. For data analysis, partial least squares method and Smart PLS2 software were used. Convergent validity was used to assess the validity and Cronbach's alpha was used to measure the reliability and its coefficient is more than 0.7 for all research structures. The results show that collaborative conflict management style has a positive and significant effect on team passion, but competitive conflict management style has a negative and significant effect on team passion. The results of the study confirmed the positive and significant effect of team passion and innovative performance of entrepreneurial teams. Team passion also mediates the relationship between collaborative conflict management style and the innovative performance of entrepreneurial teams, but does not mediate the relationship between competitive conflict management style and the innovative performance of entrepreneurial teams Manuscript profile
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        37 - Effective organizational elements and the results of cross-functional coopetition in small and medium size industries
        Hossein  Rahmanseresht bahram jabarzadeh karbasi
        Due to changing conditions and unstable environment, Companies to survive and have a good competitive position always require proper utilization of the knowledge available in the organization. Without a proper structure and leadership style, using this source is not pos More
        Due to changing conditions and unstable environment, Companies to survive and have a good competitive position always require proper utilization of the knowledge available in the organization. Without a proper structure and leadership style, using this source is not possible. An appropriate leadership style and structure can not only create competition for the creation of new knowledge but also by providing suitable cooperation condition, can create conditions for sharing created knowledge. Therefore this study, investigates the effective organizational elements as well as the results of cross-functional coopetition, in small and medium size industries. The study was causal and statistical sample is 165 employees and managers working in companies located in the industrial areas of Kerman city and the tool for data collection is questionnaire. Reliability for Conservative leadership, participative leadership, formalization, centralization, cross-functional coopetition and knowledge integration mechanisms is obtained 0/81, 0/70, 0/72, 0/70, 0/91 and 0/84 respectively. The results indicate that the conservative leadership and formalization impact on cross-functional coopetition but participative leadership and centralization have no effect on cross-functional coopetition. Also the results indicate that the cross-functional coopetition has a significant and positive impact on knowledge integration mechanisms. Manuscript profile
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        38 - The effect of the innovative behavior experts intuitive problem solving style Moderator role of information technology and knowledge sharing
        Abstract Innovation in today’s competitive world and changing environment, is necessary not only for the growth of organization, but also for their survival. IT companies need continuous innovation more than other companies ,because of high speed of change in this area More
        Abstract Innovation in today’s competitive world and changing environment, is necessary not only for the growth of organization, but also for their survival. IT companies need continuous innovation more than other companies ,because of high speed of change in this area and if not innovative, they immediately exclude from competitive IT industry. The key of innovation is in innovative behavior of staff. There are various factors which have impact on the innovative behavior. This study examines the effect of intuitive problem solving style on the experts’ innovative behavior and the moderator role of knowledge sharing behavior. The statistical society of this research is IT experts of companies which are members of computer trade organization of KhorasanRazavi. Three scales of algebraic problem solving , Mora knowledge sharing behavior and Johnson innovative behavior, a 5-choice Likert range(total 26 question) have been used for measuring the research variables. Cluster sampling was performed and sampling included 290 IT experts of KhorasanRazavi province. Pearson‘s correlation and hierarchical regression style is used for data analysis. This research suggested that intuitive problem solving style to generate idea, promotion and implementation of idea (dimensions of innovative behavior) have a significant and positive impact and also the relationship between intuitive problem solving style and innovative behavior moderates knowledge sharing behavior in three dimensions of generating idea, promoting idea and implementation of idea. Manuscript profile
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        39 - The Effects of Cultural Intelligence and Transformational Leadership Style of Managers on Employee Resistance to Change
        Fakhriyeh Hamidianpour Majid Esmaeilpour razie zarei
        Abstract Background: One of the most important challenges faced by organizations is the environmental factors’ change and increasing global competitions. In response to this challenge, it should be noted that change management is a difficult task. Most of organizationa More
        Abstract Background: One of the most important challenges faced by organizations is the environmental factors’ change and increasing global competitions. In response to this challenge, it should be noted that change management is a difficult task. Most of organizational changes fail. Lack of personnel’s agreement with the change and their resistance are among the most important factors that cause the failure of organizational change. Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of two factors of cultural intelligence of managers and transformational leadership style on employees' resistance to change. Methodology: The population of this research includes managers and employees of Jam Petrochemical Company (Iran). The sample consisted of 260 employees and 60 managers of various units of the company. Data were collected using the tool of questionnaire. To analyze the data SMART PLS structural equation modeling software was used. Results: The findings of this study show that cultural intelligence of managers both directly and through transformational leadership style has a positive and significant impact on the resistance to change and also the transformational leadership style has a positive and significant impact on the resistance to change. Manuscript profile
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        40 - The study of the relationship between, metacognitive believes variables with decision making styles of the managers of Malek Ashtar industrial university.
        The aim of the present research was examine of relationship between, metacognitive believes variables with decision making styles of the managers of malek Ashtar industrial university. The statistics population includes all the manager of Malek Ashtar industrial univers More
        The aim of the present research was examine of relationship between, metacognitive believes variables with decision making styles of the managers of malek Ashtar industrial university. The statistics population includes all the manager of Malek Ashtar industrial university, that according to simple random sampling method 88 managers were selected. The instruments of research were: General decision making styles questionary (Scott, Bruce), and metacegnitive believes of Wells. The methods of analysis were: pearson correlation, T test, Anova, regression. The results indicated that: - Demographic variables such as age-education – work experience didn't have any effect on decision making styles except orgazinational degree. The regression analysis showed.: - Spontanious style is predictable on the subtests of negative belief about worry and negative belief about thoughts (the subtests of metacegnitive believes). - Avoidance style is predictable on the subtest of negative belief about worry (The subtest of metacegnitive believes). Manuscript profile
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        41 - An Impact model of Personal Knowledge Management and Ledership Style on Organizational Performance in the Tehran Municipality
        vajholla ghorbanizadeh Mohammad sadeghi  
        Knowledge-based age, in which knowledge, as the most important capital of organizations, requires a different managerial approach to organizational issues and employees. Therefore, influential leaders in the form of a pension will evaluate the amount of production, diss More
        Knowledge-based age, in which knowledge, as the most important capital of organizations, requires a different managerial approach to organizational issues and employees. Therefore, influential leaders in the form of a pension will evaluate the amount of production, dissemination, exchange and application of knowledge among their employees in order to achieve organizational goals and improve the performance of the organization. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of individual knowledge management and leadership style on organizational performance in Tehran municipality. The research type is descriptive-survey based on the purpose of the research and the method of data collection. The statistical population of this research is directors, advisers and expert experts of the municipality of Tehran in the highest organizational occupation (three categories) in terms of career 14 - 15 - 16 which is equal to 2467 people. The appropriate sample for this study was 332 people based on Cochran's formula. In this research, a questionnaire was used to collect data. In order to fit the conceptual model of research and hypothesis testing, structural equation modeling and LISREL software were used. The results of the research show that the variables of individual knowledge management and leadership style have a significant effect on organizational performance of Tehran municipality; also, the effect of individual knowledge management variable on approved leadership style. Manuscript profile
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        42 - A Survey of the Relationship between Transformational- Transactional Leadership Style and Organizational Silence/Voice: A Meta-Analysis Approach
        zahra SadeqiArani mahmoud pourbaferani fatemeh  namian zahra hoseinpour
        Improvement in today's organizations requires the empowerment and optimal use of the organization's human resources knowledge, skills opinions and ideas. Various organizational factors can cause non-hearing (silence) or hearing (voice) opinions of employees. One of the More
        Improvement in today's organizations requires the empowerment and optimal use of the organization's human resources knowledge, skills opinions and ideas. Various organizational factors can cause non-hearing (silence) or hearing (voice) opinions of employees. One of the key factors affecting organizational silence or voice is leadership style. The Researches that to survey the impact of organization's leadership style on organizational silence or voice was scattered and do not offer comprehensive result. Accordingly, the present study aimed at meta-analysis of research on the impact of transformational- transactional leadership style on organizational silence or organizational voice. The results of this study indicate that at 95% confidence level, the effect size of transformational leadership style with organizational voice is 0.442 and the effect size of transformational leadership style and transactional leadership style with organizational silence are 0.440 (reversed) and 0.460 (direct), respectively. In other words, Transformational leadership style is driving organizational voice and organizations can have active employees and benefit from their ideas by shift their leadership style from transactional leadership to transformational leadership. Manuscript profile
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        43 - The Relationship between Attachment Style and Moral Identity: The Mediating Role of Empathy
        Ghasideh Hojjati zahra naghsh Mohammad Khodayarifard
        The current study aimed to investigate the relationship between attachment styles and moral identity, mediated by role of empathy. This research was a correlational study. A total 350 participants were selected by means of multistage cluster sampling among all the girl More
        The current study aimed to investigate the relationship between attachment styles and moral identity, mediated by role of empathy. This research was a correlational study. A total 350 participants were selected by means of multistage cluster sampling among all the girl students of tenth grade of Hamedan city’s public schools. The data were gathered by using 3 measures: Moral Identity Scale (Aquino & Reed, 2002), The Basic Empathy Scale (Joliffe & Farrington, 2006) and Adult Attachment Questionnaire (Collins & Reed, 1996). Using correlation and path analysis with software Spss and Lisrel, the data were analyzed. The results indicate that the model had a good fit to the research’s data. The secure attachment style was a significant positive predictor of moral identity and avoidant attachment style and ambivalent attachment style, were both negative predictors of moral identity. Also secure attachment was a positive predictor of empathy and avoidant attachment was a negative predictor of empathy. And in the meantime the relationship among ambivalent attachment style and empathy was not significant. Therefore, parents will be able to create a moral identity in their children by having a secure attachment style and through empathy. Manuscript profile
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        44 - Attachment Style, Mindfulness Eating, Mother Beliefs with Child Emotional Eating: Mediating Role of Child Emotion Regulation
        mahdieh  sarshar shirin zeinali
        Objective child eating problems, as one of the important factors that affect the development and performance of the person, is affected by many environmental and relational factors including mother psychological component and child emotion regulation. The main purpose o More
        Objective child eating problems, as one of the important factors that affect the development and performance of the person, is affected by many environmental and relational factors including mother psychological component and child emotion regulation. The main purpose of this study was to develop the modelling of child emotional eating based on attachment style, mindfulness eating, and mother beliefs with mediating role of child emotion regulation. Method: The participants of this study were 250, 11-12 year students (100 male and 150 female) studding in Urmia schools with their mothers. Mothers completed the attachment style, mindfulness eating and mother beliefs questionnaires and children completed emotional eating and emotion regulation questionnaires. Results: The results of the data analysis with SPSS and Lisrel revealed that due to attachment style, mindfulness eating, mother beliefs and child emotion regulation can significantly predict child emotional eating. The Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA = 0.016) and the Comparative Fit Index (CFI = 0.95) were optimal. Conclusion: This model determines that mother and child components affected child emotional eating and these elements should be taken into consideration in dealing with the causes and treating child emotional eating. Manuscript profile
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        45 - The role of impulse control, irritability and attachment style of mothers in predicting the symptoms of attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder in children
        zahra sepehrinasab sajjad basharpoor seyfollah Aghajani nader hajloo
        The aim of this study was the role of impulse control, irritability and attachment style of mothers in predicting the symptoms of attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder in children. The present study was a descriptive correlational study. 120 mothers of elementary s More
        The aim of this study was the role of impulse control, irritability and attachment style of mothers in predicting the symptoms of attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder in children. The present study was a descriptive correlational study. 120 mothers of elementary school students (65 girls and 55 boys) who were studying in Tehran in the academic year of 2019- 2020 and had symptoms of attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder were selected using the purposive sampling method. Data were collected using the Connerss Parent Questionnaire (1999), the Buss and Plomine Irritability Questionnaire (1984), the Lynham Impulse Control Scale (2006), and the Collins and Read Attachment Styles Questionnaire (1999). To analyzing data, was used Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis. The results of regression analysis showed that the control of impulse, irritability and attachment style of mothers by explaining 58 percent of the variance of the total score of attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder symptoms can predict the criterion variable. These findings indicate that therapists and psychologists pay close attention to the psychological characteristics of mothers in the effectiveness of treatment for the symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children. Manuscript profile
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        46 - Learners Grouping in Adaptive Learning Systems Using Fuzzy Grafting Clustering
        M. S. Rezaei Gh. A. Montazer
        Quality of adaptive and collaborative learning systems is related to appropriate specifying learners and accuracy of separation learners in homogenous and heterogeneous groups. In the proposed method for learners grouping, researchers effort to improving basic clusterin More
        Quality of adaptive and collaborative learning systems is related to appropriate specifying learners and accuracy of separation learners in homogenous and heterogeneous groups. In the proposed method for learners grouping, researchers effort to improving basic clustering methods by combination of them and improving methods. This work makes the complexity of grouping methods increased and quality of result’s groups decreased. In this paper, new method for selection appropriate clusters based on fuzzy theory is proposed. In this method, each cluster is defined as a fuzzy set and the corresponding clusters are determined. So the best cluster is selected among each corresponding clusters. The results of an empirical evaluation of the proposed method based on two criteria: “Davies-Bouldin” and “Purity and Gathering” indicate that this method has better performance than other clustering methods such as FCM, K-means, hybrid clustering method (HCM), evolutionary fuzzy clustering (EFC) and ART neural network. Manuscript profile
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        47 - Evaluation of Performance, Reliability and Security for Share-Data, Object-Oriented and Pipe and Filter Styles
        H. Banki H. Banki
        A desirable software application should be able to provide the quality attributes required by the system, as well as the functional requirements. Software architecture styles have a significant effect on the quality attributes of the designed software as well as its spe More
        A desirable software application should be able to provide the quality attributes required by the system, as well as the functional requirements. Software architecture styles have a significant effect on the quality attributes of the designed software as well as its specification and decomposition.) The quantity evaluation and analysis of this effectiveness rate result in the selection of the most appropriate style for designing the architecture. In this paper, a method based on the Colored Petri Net is proposed to quantitatively evaluate three candidate attributes of the software architectural styles called the quality attributes, performance, reliability, and security in three candidate styles named shared-data, object-oriented, and pipe-and-filter software architectural styles. This method has not limitations of the previous-ones in evaluating the quality attributes. In this method, the candidate styles are firstly modeled by using the Colored Petri Net; then, considering the evaluation rules, CPN tools are used to analyze the networks and calculate the exact value of the candidate attributes. At the end, the best candidate style is chosen for implementation through ranking the styles in terms of the satisfaction level of the candidate quality attributes. To present a practical representation using the proposed methodology, the ATM system has been chosen as a case study. Manuscript profile
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        48 - Adaptive Educational Hypermedia Web Pages Recommending Based on Learning Automata and User Feedback for Resource-Based Learning
        Mohammad Tahmasebi Faranak Fotouhi-Dgazvini M. Esmaeili
        Personalized recommender systems and search engines, are two effective key solutions to overcome the information overloading problem. They use the intelligent techniques on users’ interactions to extract their behavioral patterns. These patterns help in making a persona More
        Personalized recommender systems and search engines, are two effective key solutions to overcome the information overloading problem. They use the intelligent techniques on users’ interactions to extract their behavioral patterns. These patterns help in making a personalized environment to deliver accurate recommendations. In the technology enhanced learning (TEL) field and in particular resource-based learning, recommendation systems have attracted growing interest. Specially, they are an important module of Adaptive Educational Systems that deliver the appropriate learning objects to their users. Gray-sheep users are a challenge in these systems. They have a little similarity with their peers. So the recommendations to others are not suitable for them. To overcome this problem, we propose the idea of accommodating the user’s learning style to web page features. The user's learning style will be computed according to Felder-Silverman theory. On the other hands, the necessary implicit and explicit meta data will be extracted from OCW web pages. By matching the extracted information, the system delivers the appropriate educational links to user. The user can compare the proposed links, based of our algorithm, to the output of Lucene algorithm. A user’s opinion about every web page as a recommended result would be submitted to the system. The system uses a learning automata algorithm and user’s feedback to deliver best recommendations. The system has been evaluated by a group of engineering students to evaluate its accuracy. Results show that the proposed method outperforms the general search algorithm. This system can be used at formal and informal learning and educational environments for Resource-based learning. Manuscript profile
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        49 - Studying the Readiness of Petrochemical Companies for Organizational Learning and Presenting an Appropriate Structural Model for the Establishment of Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management in the National Petrochemical Company
        Mohammad عموزاد  
        The purpose of the current study is to study the readiness of petrochemical companies for organizational learning and to present an appropriate structural model for the establishment of organizational learning and knowledge management in the National Petrochemical Compa More
        The purpose of the current study is to study the readiness of petrochemical companies for organizational learning and to present an appropriate structural model for the establishment of organizational learning and knowledge management in the National Petrochemical Company. To achieve the purpose, the mixed method of qualitative-quantitative was used. To know the current situation, the quantitative survey method/ survey electronically were used in the country with the return of 801 questionnaires from 18 petrochemical companies and the variables of organizational culture, learning styles and dominant trends of learning were examined. For elaboration on the current situation and expectations of the company, the qualitative approach and grounded theory were used and finally the results of qualitative and quantitative parts were mixed. The findings show that the organizational culture of petrochemical companies in the current situation has more skewers towards the hierarchy and to some extent towards the market, and the components of family culture and especially Ad hoc are poor. Also, among the four learning styles, in the company’s current situation the convergent and divergent poles are dominant and also assimilating and adapting styles have less frequency. In terms of existing training programs, the general attitudes can be observed to the personal acquisition of knowledge instead of attending the formal training programs. Also, the qualitative findings and the results of interviews highlighted the changes in three areas; requirements, key processes, learning operations for the establishment of organizational learning. Manuscript profile
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        50 - Interactive video or video? Which one is more effective on learner engagement
        Hamed Hoseini zarrabi Abasalt Khorasani Morteza Rezaeizadeh Mohammad ali Mazaheri
        Digital technologies have become an important part of education and educational activists pay special attention to these technologies in order to increase learners' engagement in three dimensions: cognitive, emotional and behavioral. Video is the most popular e-learning More
        Digital technologies have become an important part of education and educational activists pay special attention to these technologies in order to increase learners' engagement in three dimensions: cognitive, emotional and behavioral. Video is the most popular e-learning medium, but with the development of interactive video technology and the possibility of more learner interaction with content, it is important to examine the effects of interactive video on learners' engagement. The purpose of this study is to answer the question which of the linear video and interactive video have the greatest impact on learners' engagement and whether this effect is different in learning styles. For this purpose, in an experimental design, a training course was designed, half of which was presented as a linear video and the other half as an interactive video. The statistical population was educational specialist and training and development specialist who were selected by purposive and available sampling of 55 people. After completing the course, learners completed an engagement questionnaire and answered the four-choice test questions of the course. The internal validity of these two instruments was calculated using Cronbach's alpha coefficient, which was the participation evaluation form (0.878) and test (0.824). Using repeated measures design and paired t-test, the results showed that interactive video compared to linear video is significantly more effective on learners' engagement in three dimensions of cognitive, emotional and behavioral and is recommended to training and development specialists to use interactive videos. The theoretical and practical effects and applications of these findings in the field of organizational training and development are discussed. Manuscript profile
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        51 - In Search of Principles of Designing a Residential Complex Based on “Islamic Wisdom” (Based on the views of Allama Ayatollah Javadi Amoli in the book Mafatih Al-Hayat)
        salman noghrekar reyhaneh rahimi
        Without a proper definition of the right way of “living”, we can not talk about the good form of “housing” and the desired quality of “living space”. The research hypothesis is that “living container” and “lifestyle” have a reciprocal effect. Man’s life includes his fou More
        Without a proper definition of the right way of “living”, we can not talk about the good form of “housing” and the desired quality of “living space”. The research hypothesis is that “living container” and “lifestyle” have a reciprocal effect. Man’s life includes his fourfold relationship with “God, self, others and nature”, which, if based on Islamic teachings, can be said to have been achieved by the Muslim way of life. And “architecture” has the attribute of “Islamic” to the extent that it facilitates it. The aim of this research is to achieve principles for such “architecture” on the scale of “residential complex”. The research question is “What principles should we follow in designing a residential complex that lays the groundwork for an Islamic lifestyle?” To find the answer On the one hand, during conceptual modeling, nine key components of a residential complex were explained. Then, during library studies and content analysis methods, different approaches to “Islamic housing” were categorized and analyzed in two ways: “quantitative and qualitative”. From the third path, the characteristics of the Islamic way of life were obtained from the point of view of Allameh Javadi Ameli - as an Islamologist based on research; accordingly, the residential complex includes four main areas: “housing, roads, service space and green and open space”. The result of the research is the achievement of “design rules” of each of these nine elements that make up the residential complex, which is expressed in the form of “negative and positive principles”. In the current situation of the country, where due to the people’s need for housing, the policy of the “National Housing Production Movement” has been proposed by managers, the achievement of this research can be the guiding principles in designing a residential complex for designers. It should also be a basis for teaching architecture and training architects, especially in the course “Residential Complex Design” (Design 5). Manuscript profile
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        52 - perception of Parenting Styles and Thriving in Emerging Adulthood: The Mediating Role of Life- management strategies
        reyhane eskandari Elahe Hejazi zahra naghsh
        The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between perception of parenting styles and components of thriving with mediating role of life management strategies among emerging adulthood. A total of 487 Universities students 18-29 yerars old emerging adults More
        The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between perception of parenting styles and components of thriving with mediating role of life management strategies among emerging adulthood. A total of 487 Universities students 18-29 yerars old emerging adults responding a survey included the Inventory of the The questionnaire of perceived parenting practices (Grolnick et al., 1997) , Life-management strategies questionnaire (Geldhof et al., 2015) and Positive Youth Development Inventory (Arnold et al., 2012) volunteerly. Data were analaysed with structural equation model method and the results show the Perception of Parenting styles and Life-management strategies have positive significance effect on thriving. Furthermore the indirect effect of Perception of Parenting styles via mediating role of life management strategies on thriving is significant. As results indicated the model of Perception of mother predict 40% variation of thriving and the model of Perception of father 45% variation of thriving. In general our findings suggest that Perception of Parenting styles alongside individual variable can affect on thriving in emerging adulthood. Manuscript profile
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        53 - Comparing Attentional Bias to Facial Expressions of Pain and Coping Styles between Individuals with Migraine and Controls
        Zahra Zarei Khatereh Borhani Farzad Ashrafi Setareh Mokhtari
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between different types of pain coping styles and attentional bias to facial expressions of headache in people with migraines. To this end, 44 individuals with migraine and 43 healthy controls in the age rang More
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between different types of pain coping styles and attentional bias to facial expressions of headache in people with migraines. To this end, 44 individuals with migraine and 43 healthy controls in the age range of 18 to 50 years were selected as a sample of this study through available sampling method. The materials that we used in this study were the “Coping styles” questionnaire and “Dot Probe task”. Mann Whitney and Kruskal Wallis tests were used to statistically analyze the data. The results show in terms of coping styles, there was a significant difference between the two groups. The control group used avoidance and problem-oriented styles significantly more than the individuals in migraine group. no significant difference between attentional bias towards facial expressions of headache in people with migraines and healthy controls. This finding potentially indicates that information processing with pain content in these people is carried out without any biases and probably has no role in maintaining the disease. However, attention to pain coping styles should be considered in the treatment process and teaching effective coping techniques. Manuscript profile
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        54 - Comparison of Criminal Thinking Styles of Substance-Dependent and Independent Offenders
        malek Mirhashemi
        This research was carried out based on causal-comparative research to compare cri-minal thinking of substance-dependent and in-dependent offenders. The population consisted of 300 prisoners in Tehran Province in 2014. Sampling was the one stage clustering sam-pling meth More
        This research was carried out based on causal-comparative research to compare cri-minal thinking of substance-dependent and in-dependent offenders. The population consisted of 300 prisoners in Tehran Province in 2014. Sampling was the one stage clustering sam-pling method. Multivariate analysis of variance indicated that means of criminal thinking styles of power-orientation and criminal rationalization are higher for substance-dependent offenders than substance-independent offenders (p<0.05). Manuscript profile
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        55 - Causal Relation of Metacognition and Feeling of Fatigue Mediated by Coping Strategies and Perfectionism
        Somayeh Saeedi Dehaghani
        In the present study, the relationship between metacognition and feeling of fatigue, mediated by coping styles and perfectionism was investigated. The present research was a descriptive (non-experimental) study of correlational type. To do so, 400 undergraduate students More
        In the present study, the relationship between metacognition and feeling of fatigue, mediated by coping styles and perfectionism was investigated. The present research was a descriptive (non-experimental) study of correlational type. To do so, 400 undergraduate students of Tabriz University were selected by random multi-stage cluster sampling method. They responded to Fatigue Impact Scale (FIS), short form of Wells Metacognition Questionnaire (MCQ-30), Hill’s Perfectionism Inventory (PI), and Folkman and Lazarus’ Ways of Coping Questionnaire (WOCQ). Data were analyzed via path analysis by Amos software. Research findings revealed that the causal in-direct metacognition path, mediated by per- fectionism has a significant effect on fatigue feeling (p>0.01). Also, perfectionism mediated by emotional oriented coping style has an indirect effect on fatigue feeling (p>0.01). On the basis of the results, focusing on the mediating role of Perfectionism may consist an important part of treatment for people with chronic fatigue syndrome Manuscript profile
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        56 - Causal Relation of Metacognition and Feeling of Fatigue Mediated by Coping Strategies and Perfectionism
        somayeh  saeedi Dehaghani
        In the present study, the relationship between metacognition and feeling of fatigue, mediated by coping styles and perfectionism was investigated. The present research was a descriptive (non-experimental) study of corre-lational type. To do so, 400 undergraduate stu-den More
        In the present study, the relationship between metacognition and feeling of fatigue, mediated by coping styles and perfectionism was investigated. The present research was a descriptive (non-experimental) study of corre-lational type. To do so, 400 undergraduate stu-dents of Tabriz University were selected by random multi-stage cluster sampling method. They responded to Fatigue Impact Scale (FIS), short form of Wells Metacognition Question-naire (MCQ-30), Hill’s Perfectionism Inven-tory (PI), and Folkman and Lazarus’ Ways of Coping Questionnaire (WOCQ). Data were analyzed via path analysis by Amos software. Research findings revealed that the causal in-direct metacognition path, mediated by per-fectionism has a significant effect on fatigue feeling (p>0.01). Also, perfectionism mediated by emotional oriented coping style has an indirect effect on fatigue feeling (p>0.01). On the basis of the results, focusing on the mediating role of Perfectionism may consist an important part of treatment for people with chronic fatigue syndrome Manuscript profile
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        57 - Causal Relation of Metacognition and Feeling of Fatigue Mediated by Coping Strategies and Perfectionism
        Somayeh Saeedi Dehaghani Jalil Babapor Kheiredin Khalil  Esmaeilpour
        : In the present study, the relationship between metacognition and feeling of fatigue, mediated by coping styles and perfectionism was investigated. The present research was a descriptive (non-experimental) study of corre-lational type. To do so, 400 undergraduate stu-d More
        : In the present study, the relationship between metacognition and feeling of fatigue, mediated by coping styles and perfectionism was investigated. The present research was a descriptive (non-experimental) study of corre-lational type. To do so, 400 undergraduate stu-dents of Tabriz University were selected by random multi-stage cluster sampling method. They responded to Fatigue Impact Scale (FIS), short form of Wells Metacognition Question-naire (MCQ-30), Hill’s Perfectionism Inven-tory (PI), and Folkman and Lazarus’ Ways of Coping Questionnaire (WOCQ). Data were analyzed via path analysis by Amos software. Research findings revealed that the causal in-direct metacognition path, mediated by perfectionism has a significant effect on fatigue feeling (p>0.01). Also, perfectionism mediated by emotional oriented coping style has an indirect effect on fatigue feeling (p>0.01). On the basis of the results, focusing on the mediating role of Perfectionism may consist an important part of treatment for people with chronic fatigue syndrome. Manuscript profile
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        58 - Coping Styles and Critical Thinking Skills of Students with Perceived Stress of Earthquake
        Fariborz Nikdel
        The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between coping styles and critical thinking skills of university students with their perceived stress after Yasouj earthquake (April 2018). The research method was non-experimental and correlational. Statistical po More
        The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between coping styles and critical thinking skills of university students with their perceived stress after Yasouj earthquake (April 2018). The research method was non-experimental and correlational. Statistical population of the study consisted of students of Yasouj universities in the academic year of 2017-18. The sample of the study included 280 students selected through multistage cluster random sampling. Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory (CCTDI), and Coping Innventry for Stressful Situations (CISS) were administered. The results showed that there was a negative and significant relation-ship between problem-oriented coping style and students' perceived stress. Also, there was a positive and significant relationship between students' emotion-oriented coping style and their perceived stress. The relationship between avoidant coping style and students' perceived stress was not significant. Critical thinking had significant negative relationship with students' perceived stress. The results of step wise regression analysis showed that emotion-oriented coping style, critical thinking, and problem-oriented coping style were respectively predictors of students' perceived stress. Manuscript profile
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        59 - Providing a model of connection with school based on identity styles and school atmosphere with the mediation of academic self-efficacy
        علیرضا مرآتی Ezatollah Ghadampour
        Several variables play a role in the relationship between the student and the school and affect it. This research was done with the aim of providing a model of connection with school based on identity styles and school atmosphere with the mediation of academic self-effi More
        Several variables play a role in the relationship between the student and the school and affect it. This research was done with the aim of providing a model of connection with school based on identity styles and school atmosphere with the mediation of academic self-efficacy. The statistical population of the study was all 3600 first year high school students in Kangavar in the academic year 1399-1400. For this purpose, 520 students were selected by cluster sampling method and questionnaires related to Rezaei Sharif et al. (2014). School atmosphere Lee et al. (2017), Identity style Brzezinski (1992) And Academic Self-Efficacy of Jenks & Morgan (2003) Completed electronically.. After collecting data, structural equation modeling was used to test the proposed model and hypotheses. The results showed that school style and identity style have a significant and positive relationship with academic self-efficacy and connection with school. The style of school identity and atmosphere also affects the connection with the school through self-efficacy. According to the fit of the developed model, the findings show that paying attention to the variables of identity style, school style and self-efficacy can lead to an increase in school connection in students. In order to improve the connection with the school, it seems necessary to pay attention to the styles of academic self-efficacy, identity and school atmosphere. Manuscript profile
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        60 - Leadership Style, Servant Leadership, Paternal Leadership, Authentic Leadership, Psychological Capital, Job Engagement, Extra-role Services
        Somayeh  Abedi Bagher Asgarnezhad Nouri Vali Nemati Sayed Mohammad Reza Movahed
        This study sought to investigate the influence of newly-emerged leadership styles, that is, servant leadership, authentic leadership, and patriarchal leadership on the psychological capital and occupational behavior of hotel staff in the Iranian cities of Sareyn and Ard More
        This study sought to investigate the influence of newly-emerged leadership styles, that is, servant leadership, authentic leadership, and patriarchal leadership on the psychological capital and occupational behavior of hotel staff in the Iranian cities of Sareyn and Ardabil. To this end, the population of the study comprised 312 hotel staff, out of whom 255 people were selected via convenient sampling. The required data were collected through a standard questionnaire which was administered online. The collected data were then analyzed through SPSS software and LISREL software using the structural equation method. The findings proved that all three leadership styles investigated in this study influenced the hotel staff’s psychological capital and occupational behavior. Furthermore, the staff’s occupational participation was found to be effective in the provision of extra-role services to the customers. It can thus be argued that the intended novel styles of leadership increase individuals’ psychological capital and occupational participation. Therefore, organizations, especially those involved in tourism and accommodation, should try their best to adopt such leadership styles. Manuscript profile
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        61 - A Rhetorical Introduction to Parenthetical Phrase in Holy Quran
        mohammad mahdi valizadeh abolghasem valizadeh
        The style of parenthetical phrase is among frequently used discursive styles in the Holy Quran. In this research, with a review and detailed search in exegeses and literary books, the extensive use of parenthetical phrases in the Quran and their types have been reflecte More
        The style of parenthetical phrase is among frequently used discursive styles in the Holy Quran. In this research, with a review and detailed search in exegeses and literary books, the extensive use of parenthetical phrases in the Quran and their types have been reflected and then, after categorizing and differentiating single-purpose parenthetical phrases from multi-purpose ones, the overall purposes hidden in the verses have been identified, examined and documented. Next the four purposes of emphasis, prevention of crossing mind, expression and refuting the remarks of Kuffar (disbeleivers) have been considered to be the most used ones. The goal of this research is to answer the question why the style of parenthetical phrase is used in the Quran and resolve the ambiguity regarding a lack of proportion and relation between verses containing parenthetical phrase and other verses. This research is an analytical-descriptive one in which some 20 cases of purposes of parenthetical phrases are identified and by examining them, it is proved that the verbiage resulting from the style of parenthetical phrase in the Holy Quran is completely purposeful, fitting and appropriate, and in terms of quantity and quality, it is far beyond the styles used in Arabic poetry and prose texts. It is also one of the major factors of the Holy Quran’s literary, rhetoric and content miracles. Manuscript profile
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        62 - Investigating the relationship between attachment styles and the mediating role of mental health in teachers in Yasuj
        mozafar khodaparast heshmatelah khodaparast
        In general, attachment can be defined as the emotional atmosphere that governs a child's relationship with his caregiver. The fact that the child seeks and clings to the caregiver, who is usually his mother, confirms the attachment between them. Babies usually begin to More
        In general, attachment can be defined as the emotional atmosphere that governs a child's relationship with his caregiver. The fact that the child seeks and clings to the caregiver, who is usually his mother, confirms the attachment between them. Babies usually begin to show such behavior by the end of the first month of life, and this behavior is designed to accelerate intimacy with the desired person. According to Skinner, human mental health is equivalent to behavior that conforms to the rules and regulations of society, and such a human being when faced with a problem until it is considered normal by society, through behavior modification to improve and normalize the behavior of himself and others around him. It is used intermittently. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between attachment styles and the mediating role of mental health in teachers in Yasuj. To achieve this goal, a sample of 198 teachers in Yasuj was selected through available sampling. The instruments used included a general health questionnaire, Hazen and Shaver attachment, and Miller and Bron self-regulation. The results showed that avoidant attachment style (t = 04.50, p = 0.001) and safe attachment (t = 49/49, p = 0.013) can significantly predict mental health. Finally, mental health mediates the relationship between attachment style. Manuscript profile
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        63 - Investigating the relationship between the leadership style of managers and the level of job satisfaction of middle school teachers in Yasouj city
        Maryam  Samanpour
        This research is to gather teachers' opinions about the leadership style of their school principals and the level of job satisfaction of teachers in schools. The basic premise of this research is that there is a significant relationship between the leadership style of m More
        This research is to gather teachers' opinions about the leadership style of their school principals and the level of job satisfaction of teachers in schools. The basic premise of this research is that there is a significant relationship between the leadership style of managers and the level of job satisfaction of middle school teachers in Yasouj. The research method is a survey, the statistical population of this research is all the male and female teachers working in middle schools of Yasuj city in the academic year 2014-2015, there are 54 people among the 200 teachers working in 8 middle schools, 54 people are sampled. Random stratification was determined. In order to collect the necessary information about the research problem, two types of closed-ended questionnaires were used. One is a questionnaire that examines the leadership style of managers and the other is a job satisfaction questionnaire that examines the level of job satisfaction of teachers from experts. The dominant method in this research is the Pearson correlation method. The collected information was analyzed using a computer software package (spss) and with one-way analysis of variance tests and checking the significance of the difference between the average scores of two independent groups "t.test" and another supplementary test. And the following results were obtained. 1- There is a significant relationship between the authoritarian-exploitative leadership style of managers and the level of job satisfaction of teachers. 2- There is a significant relationship between the authoritarian-benevolent leadership style of managers and the level of job satisfaction of teachers. 3- There is a significant relationship between the consultative leadership style of the managers and the level of job satisfaction of the teachers in the statistical community. Manuscript profile
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        64 - Investigating the Relationship of Parenting Styles with Parents’ Sexual Knowledge and Attitude and the Level of Interest in Talking about Sexual Issues in Shirazi Families
        Soheila Bastani Mitra Safakish
        The present study aimed to investigate the relationship of parenting styles with parents’ sexual knowledge and attitude and the level of interest in talking about sexual issues with children in Shirazi families. The statistical sample consisted of 160 parents with child More
        The present study aimed to investigate the relationship of parenting styles with parents’ sexual knowledge and attitude and the level of interest in talking about sexual issues with children in Shirazi families. The statistical sample consisted of 160 parents with children in Shiraz who were selected by convenience sampling. The data were collected by Parenting Styles Questionnaire (Baumrind, 1991), Parents’ Interest in Talking about Sexual Issues (Koblinsky & Atkinson, 1982), and Sexual Knowledge and Attitude Scale (Besharat, 2005). The reliability of the instruments was estimated using Cronbach’s alpha. The relationship of each dimension of parenting styles and parents’ sexual knowledge and attitude and interest in talking about sexual issues was examined using correlation and regression analysis. The results revealed a significant negative relationship between authoritarian parenting style and interest in talking about sexual issues. There was a significant positive relationship between authoritative parenting style and sexual knowledge and attitude . Furthermore, no significant relationship was found between permissive parenting style and sexual knowledge and attitude, and interest in talking about sexual issues in the family. However, even with the introduction of sexual knowledge and attitudes as predictors, authoritarian parenting style still negatively predicted the level of parents’ interest in discussing sexual issues. According to the results of this study, the best parenting style for communicating with children and talking about sexual issues is the authoritative parenting style. Parents should increase their knowledge and awareness about sexual issues and learn the principles of authoritative parenting to prevent high-risk and harmful behaviors in children. Manuscript profile
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        65 - The mediating role of academic self-efficacy in the relationship between identity styles and perceived social support with academic commitment
        mitra mashallahi Mahboubeh Fouladchang
        The aim of this study was to investigate the mediating role of academic self-efficacy in the relationship between identity styles and perceived social support with academic commitment. The research method was a descriptive correlational study using path analysis. The st More
        The aim of this study was to investigate the mediating role of academic self-efficacy in the relationship between identity styles and perceived social support with academic commitment. The research method was a descriptive correlational study using path analysis. The statistical population of this research included undergraduate students of Tabriz university during the academic year of 2021-2022. For this purpose, 300 students were selected using available sampling method. Data were collected using academic commitment scale (Human-Vogel and Rabe, 2015), berzonsky identity style inventory(Berzonsky,1992), perceived social support scale (Zimet et al.,1988) Academic self-efficacy Questionnaire (Owen and froman, 1988). The results showed that the research model fit well with the data collected. The results indicated that informative and normative identity styles can directly predict higher academic commitment and academic self-efficacy while Diffuse-avoidant style can directly and negatively predict academic commitment and academic self-efficacy Findings also showed that academic self-efficacy and perceived social support from family, friends and Significant others can directly and positively predict academic commitment. Besides, the research hypothesis regarding the mediating role of academic self-efficacy in the relationship between identity styles and perceived social support with academic commitment was confirmed. Overall, the findings suggest that identity styles and perceived social support play an important role in predicting academic commitment Manuscript profile
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        66 - Investigating the relationship between learning styles and academic achievement of Yasouj fifth grade students
        Jan Mohammad  Nikoyi
        Education is defined as the creation of learning environments in which the activities required by learners to build knowledge and thinking ability are maximized. The purpose of this research was to determine the relationship between learning styles and academic progress More
        Education is defined as the creation of learning environments in which the activities required by learners to build knowledge and thinking ability are maximized. The purpose of this research was to determine the relationship between learning styles and academic progress and stress of fifth grade elementary school students in Yasouj. The statistical population of the research included 100 male and female students of the fifth grade of Yasouj elementary school in the academic year of 1400. The research method was a descriptive survey, and the data collection tool was a questionnaire of learning styles and students' academic grades. The data was analyzed using the statistical methods of Pearson's correlation coefficient and multiple regression. The results showed that learning style has a significant relationship with students' academic progress. Based on this finding, we conclude that learning style and academic progress are completely interdependent.. Manuscript profile
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        67 - The Content of Quranic Inscriptions in the Minarets of Razi Style in Iran; Re-reading the Minarets Function
        Reza Rahimnia Nahid Holakooei Sajad Moazen
        Minarets are one of the key elements of Islamic Architecture and especially in Iran there are valuable examples of them in the Razi style. After The spread of Islam, religious ideas have been influential in the construction and decoration of minarets and Used in the con More
        Minarets are one of the key elements of Islamic Architecture and especially in Iran there are valuable examples of them in the Razi style. After The spread of Islam, religious ideas have been influential in the construction and decoration of minarets and Used in the concepts of their inscriptions. In the meantime, the Quranic inscriptions on these minarets can be one of the important sources for understanding and examining the religious and belief views of people and architects as well as their function; a subject that has been paid less attention to in the Recognition and verification of architectural works function. The following study tries to investigate the concepts used in them, while identifying Quranic Ayah (verses), by examining the inscriptions of Razi style minarets in Iran. Also, the relationship between the concepts or themes of the Qur'anic verses in the inscriptions of the Razi style minarets and their function will be the main question of the upcoming research. In this study, in addition to identifying Razi style minarets and their classification, the main goal of the article is to analyze the themes of Quranic inscriptions to Recognition and verification their usage. The upcoming research tries to extract, categorize and analyze the most used concepts in these verses. These analyzes are important to read the Function of minarets. To achieve this goal, the Quranic inscriptions of Razi style minarets, which are mostly Seljuk, have been identified in the library and field studies, and some of the mentioned minarets have been visited to verify the text of the inscription. After documenting the inscriptions and identifying their verses, the texts of the verses were analyzed using the interpretation-analytical approach (content analysis). Based on the studies, the repetition of the concepts of "expressing the attributes of those who invite to God", "monotheism" and "expressing the attributes of God" in the verses of the minaret inscriptions is significant. As a result, the verses of these inscriptions mostly deal with the two general issues of "sign" and "guidance", according to which the function of the minaret can be considered as "Media and sign for guidance". Manuscript profile
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        68 - Comparison of the Health Literacy and the Lifestyle of Hospitalized Covid-19 Patients Admitted to the Hospital
        Bita raesi Ensiyeh Nazari Dulabi Amirhoseyn Afzali
        The aim of this study was to compare the health literacy and the lifestyle of Covid-19 patients admitted to Shahid Firooz-abadi Hospital in Tehran's 20th district and non-covid-19 patients. For this purpose, 60 Covid 19 patients admitted to the hospital were compared to More
        The aim of this study was to compare the health literacy and the lifestyle of Covid-19 patients admitted to Shahid Firooz-abadi Hospital in Tehran's 20th district and non-covid-19 patients. For this purpose, 60 Covid 19 patients admitted to the hospital were compared to 60 patients with diseases other than Covid-19. To achieve this goal, two questionnaires were submitted to the participants; Health literacy of Iran's Urban Population and Miller-Smith Lifestyle Assessment Ques naire. Data analysis was performed using central tendency analysis (mean), and multivariate analysis of variance. The results showed a significant difference between these two groups on the two variables of health literacy and lifestyle. The results showed that the Covid-19 patients had a higher level of health literacy than non-covid-19 patients. It is possible that covid-19 patients attempt to gather health-related information in order to accelerate the recovery process, to prevent other family members from getting infected, to reduce the side effects of medications and the disease, have led to an increase in health literacy in this group compared to non-covid-19 patients. Also, the unfavorable conditions and the long-term side-effects of Covid-19 have caused them to experience an unpleasant lifestyle compared to non-covid-19 patients. Manuscript profile
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        69 - Investigating the structural relationships between attachment styles and major depressive symptoms in adolescents: the mediating role of distress tolerance & cognitive flexibility
        Negar Ghadimi Bavil Olyayi Mansor Beyrami
        The current study was conducted to investigate the structural relationships between attachment styles and major depressive symptoms in adolescents with the mediation of cognitive flexibility and distress tolerance. The research method is a correlation type, which was co More
        The current study was conducted to investigate the structural relationships between attachment styles and major depressive symptoms in adolescents with the mediation of cognitive flexibility and distress tolerance. The research method is a correlation type, which was conducted through structural equation modeling on 352 adolescents aged 13-18 years old, who were selected by available sampling from the adolescent population of the 1st district of Tabriz city. Data were collected using the Collins and Reed attachment style scale, Kotcher depression scale, Dennis and Vanderwaal cognitive flexibility questionnaire, and Simmons and Gaher distress tolerance scale. Research data were analyzed using path analysis. The findings of the research indicated the optimal fit of the hypothetical research model. In addition, the results showed that distress tolerance can be considered as a mediating factor in the relationship between secure and insecure avoidant attachment styles with adolescent depression symptoms, on the other hand, the results showed that cognitive flexibility can be the relationship between secure attachment styles to mediate insecure avoidance and insecure anxiety with adolescent depression symptoms. The results of the research showed that distress tolerance and cognitive flexibility can mediate the relationship between attachment styles and the symptoms of major depression in adolescents. The results of this research can be used to identify the causes of adolescent depression and formulate therapeutic, interventions, including teaching adolescents the components of distress tolerance and cognitive flexibility. Manuscript profile
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        70 - The role of emotional dyslexia and parents' conflict resolution style in children's psychosomatic manifestations by mediating the quality of parent-child relationship: a causal model
        زهرا محسنی حبیب آبادی fariborz sedigh arfaee asghar jafari
        <p class="a" style="line-height: normal; mso-pagination: none;"><span style="font-size: 10.5pt; letter-spacing: -.2pt;">Psychosomatic disorders refer to physical symptoms caused by psychological causes. Considering the increase in the prevalence of psychosomatic symptom More
        <p class="a" style="line-height: normal; mso-pagination: none;"><span style="font-size: 10.5pt; letter-spacing: -.2pt;">Psychosomatic disorders refer to physical symptoms caused by psychological causes. Considering the increase in the prevalence of psychosomatic symptoms in childhood and adolescence, it is important to investigate the underlying factors of this issue. The purpose of this study is to explain the role of alexithymia and parents' conflict resolution style in children's psychosomatic disorders by mediating the quality of the parent-child relationship. In this descriptive-correlational study, 120 parents of children with at least one psychosomatic disorder were selected using the available sampling method, and the Toronto Ataxia Questionnaire, Rahim's conflict resolution style, Pianta's parent-child relationship, and Takata's psychosomatic complaints completed the collected data were analyzed by SPSS and smartPLS software. According to the results of the research on emotional dyslexia, parents' conflict resolution style and the quality of the child's parent relationship have a significant relationship directly with the children's psychosomatic manifestations. Also, emotional dyslexia and parents' conflict resolution style have a significant relationship with children's psychosomatic manifestations indirectly and by mediating the quality of parent-child relationship (P&lt;0.50). The structural model of the role of alexithymia and parents' conflict resolution style in children's psychosomatic manifestations with the mediation of parent-child relationship quality had a good fit, and the mediator's role in the model was confirmed. In general, the family environment and parents' characteristics, including emotional ataxia, how to resolve conflicts, and the quality of the parent-child relationship play a role in children's psychosomatic disorders.</span></p> Manuscript profile
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        71 - Predicting resilience from attachment styles and cognitive emotion regulation of women with the experience of bereavement
        Golnoush Ebrahimi nazanin Abed
        The aim of present study was predicting resilience from attachment styles and cognitive emotion regulation of women who have experienced bereavement. The research method was of correlational type and its statistical population was women who experienced the bereavement o More
        The aim of present study was predicting resilience from attachment styles and cognitive emotion regulation of women who have experienced bereavement. The research method was of correlational type and its statistical population was women who experienced the bereavement of their spouse in Tehran in 1400. The research samples included 200 women with the experience of bereavement, who were selected by available sampling method, and filled the Collins and Reed Attachment Styles Questionnaire (RAAS), the Gratz and Roemer Difficulty in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS) and Connor and Davidson Resilience scale (CD- RISD). Pearson's correlation method and simultaneous multiple regression analysis were used to calculate the results. The results indicated that there is a significant negative relationship between avoidant attachment style, ambivalent style and difficulty in emotional regulation with resilience. Also, there was a significant positive relationship between secure attachment style and resilience (p<0.01). The results of simultaneous regression to predict resilience based on ambivalent and avoidant attachment style showed that ambivalent and avoidant attachment style have the power to predict resilience negatively (p<0.01). Therefore, secure attachment style can predict greater resilience in women who have experienced spousal bereavement. Manuscript profile
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        72 - Investigating the mediating role of couples communication styles in the relationship between safe and insecure attachment styles and forgiveness in the family in married women
        reza chalmeh fatemeh abdolahi sanaz bageri
        This study was aimed to investigate the mediating role of couples' communication styles in the relationship between safe and insecure attachment styles and family forgiveness in married women. This study was a descriptive correlational study based on path analysis. The More
        This study was aimed to investigate the mediating role of couples' communication styles in the relationship between safe and insecure attachment styles and family forgiveness in married women. This study was a descriptive correlational study based on path analysis. The statistical population included all married women in Shiraz. The sample of this statistical population was selected by the available sampling method, 202 people. Research instruments included attachment style questionnaires (Bartolomio and Horotiz, 1991), couples' communication styles (Mabler Nanali and Ekman, 2006), and family forgiveness (Pollard et al., 1998). Findings from this study indicate that attachment styles were a direct and significant predictor of forgiveness in the family. Also, couples' communication styles were able to predict forgiveness in the family. In addition, attachment styles were also significant predictors of couples' communication styles. Finally, the results showed that couples' communication styles could play a mediating role in the relationship between attachment and forgiveness styles in family. The results show that safe and insecure attachment styles and communication styles between couples are among the variables affecting forgiveness in the family and need to be considered by experts and specialists in the field of family. Manuscript profile
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        73 - Investigating the Relationship of Parenting Styles with Parents’ Sexual Knowledge and Attitude and the Level of Interest in Talking about Sexual Issues in Shirazi Families
        Soheila Bastani Mitra Safakish
        The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between parenting styles with parents’ sexual knowledge and attitude and the level of interest in talking about sexual issues with children in Shiraz. Therefore, 160 parents with children were selected by convenien More
        The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between parenting styles with parents’ sexual knowledge and attitude and the level of interest in talking about sexual issues with children in Shiraz. Therefore, 160 parents with children were selected by convenience sampling as a statistical sample. The data were collected by Parenting Styles Questionnaire (Baumrind, 1991), Parents’ Interest in Talking about Sexual Issues (Koblinsky & Atkinson, 1982), and Sexual Knowledge and Attitude Scale (Besharat, 2005). The reliability of the instruments was estimated using Cronbach’s alpha. The relationship between each dimension of parenting styles and parents’ sexual knowledge and attitude and interest in talking about sexual issues was examined using correlation and regression analysis. The results revealed a significant negative relationship between authoritarian parenting style and interest in talking about sexual issues. There was a significant positive relationship between authoritative parenting style and sexual knowledge and attitude. Furthermore, no significant relationship was found between permissive parenting style and sexual knowledge and attitude, and interest in talking about sexual issues in the family. However, even with the introduction of sexual knowledge and attitudes as predictors, the authoritarian parenting style still negatively predicted the level of parents’ interest in discussing sexual issues. According to the results, the best parenting style for communicating with children and talking about sexual issues is the authoritative parenting style. Parents should increase their knowledge and awareness about sexual issues and learn the principles of authoritative parenting to prevent high-risk and harmful behaviors in children. Manuscript profile
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        74 - Relationship between Dimensions of Percieved Teaching Style , Autonomous Motivation and Creativity: A Model of Creativity Based on Self-Determination Theory
        Afsaneh Marziyeh Javad Ejei Elaheh Hejazi Mahmood Gazi Tabatabaei
        The aim of this research was to study the relationships between dimensions of perceived teaching styles with autonomous motivation and creativity. A sample of 500 (girl & boy) third grade higher school students in Zahedan were selected by Cluster multi – level sampling More
        The aim of this research was to study the relationships between dimensions of perceived teaching styles with autonomous motivation and creativity. A sample of 500 (girl & boy) third grade higher school students in Zahedan were selected by Cluster multi – level sampling method. The Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT,verbal form A & B) the Academic Motivation Scale (AMS) and the Teacher as a Social Context Questonnair (TASC) were administrated on all subjects. The questionnairs validity and reliability were satisfied with methods: Convergent validity, equivalence reliability, Cronbach`s Alpha, Test-retest, and confirmatory factor analysis. The results of path analysis shows direct influence of perceived teaching style and indirect influence by mediating autonomous motivation on creativity. All path coefficients of purposed model were significant. Manuscript profile
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        75 - Investigating students' creativity with parents' parenting attitudes in Yasouj primary schools
        Mahshid   Rastar Fatima  Rahbar Siddiqa  Moradi Hossein Abad
        The purpose of the research is to investigate the creativity of students with parenting attitudes of parents in primary schools of Yasouj city. In order to test the research hypotheses, the necessary information has been collected through the implementation of two quest More
        The purpose of the research is to investigate the creativity of students with parenting attitudes of parents in primary schools of Yasouj city. In order to test the research hypotheses, the necessary information has been collected through the implementation of two questionnaires as described below. 1- Multi-answer paper-pencil contextualization test to measure creativity. 2- Contextualization questionnaire to evaluate the attitude of parents in society and the statistical sample consisted of 209 boys and 218 girls (427 people in total) and their parents. Analysis of results and data using descriptive and inferential statistical methods such as frequency, mean, Pearson's correlation coefficient, standard deviation, t-test, analysis of variance, etc. has been done by SPSS13 statistical software package. The results of the research show that 11.6% of students showed very high creativity, 42.2% high creativity, 28.7% low creativity and 17.5% very low creativity, 53.8% above average and 2.2 46% is also below the average. The majority of parents (92.5%) also have an average attitude towards the development of children's creativity. In terms of parenting methods and students' creativity level, no significant statistical relationship has been obtained (r=20%). That is, parents do not have clear and directional educational views that can support and support the growth of children's creativity and innovation, and they have extremely conservative tendencies in raising children, which can probably be a proof of the priority and importance of academic success over the growth of creativity. The relationship between some of the factors that make up creativity with parents' attitudes, students' gender, parents' education and occupation, the well-being of families, etc., which is related to the sub-hypotheses of the research, is significant. Manuscript profile
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        76 - Investigating the relationship between managers' leadership style and job satisfaction Middle school teachers of Kerman city
        Zahra  Biraminia
        This research aims to collect teachers' opinions about the leadership style of their school principals and the level of job satisfaction of teachers in schools. The basic premise of this research is that there is a significant relationship between the leadership style o More
        This research aims to collect teachers' opinions about the leadership style of their school principals and the level of job satisfaction of teachers in schools. The basic premise of this research is that there is a significant relationship between the leadership style of managers and the level of job satisfaction of middle school teachers in Kerman. The research method is a survey, the statistical population of this research is all male and female teachers working in middle schools in Kerman city in the academic year 1401-1400 in the number of 54 people, out of 200 teachers working in 8 middle schools, 54 people are sampled. Random stratification was determined. In order to collect the necessary information about the research problem, two types of closed-ended questionnaires were used. One is a questionnaire that examines the leadership style of managers and the other is a job satisfaction questionnaire that examines the level of job satisfaction of teachers from experts. The dominant method in this research is the Pearson correlation method. The collected information was analyzed using a computer software package (spss) and with one-way analysis of variance tests and checking the significance of the difference in the average scores of two independent groups "t.test" as well as another supplementary test. and the following results were obtained. 1- There is a significant relationship between the authoritarian-exploitative leadership style of managers and the level of job satisfaction of teachers. 2- There is a significant relationship between the authoritarian-benevolent leadership style of managers and the level of job satisfaction of teachers. 3- There is a significant relationship between the consultative leadership style of managers and the job satisfaction of teachers in the statistical community. Manuscript profile
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        77 - The effect of Vauban style defensive fortifications on the spatial organization of the city of Khoy in the Qajar period
        parviz pourkarimi karim hajizadeh
        The city is the most important area of human life and the largest cell of civilization, and the study of the impact and impression of this area has a special place. The present article aims to investigate and analyze the impact of the European-style defensive fortificat More
        The city is the most important area of human life and the largest cell of civilization, and the study of the impact and impression of this area has a special place. The present article aims to investigate and analyze the impact of the European-style defensive fortifications known as Vauban as an effective component in the shaping and spatial organization of the city of Khoi during the Qajar period. The purpose of this research is to explain and analyze why and how European knowledge of urban planning and defensive architecture penetrated in the city of Khoi during the Qajar period and to examine the architectural plan and structure of this castle-city and its impact on the spatial and physical organization of the primary core of Khoi city. In terms of the nature and method of research, the present research is historical-analytical and the method of data collection is library and text mining of historical documents. The research findings indicate that following the developments resulting from modernity and military technology, Iran's military elites realized the necessity of adapting defense fortifications to the needs of the day, i.e. adapting to firearms, including cannons and artillery. Therefore, they started to build European-style defense fortifications equipped with artillery and called "Vauban", one of the prominent examples of which is the tower and rampart of Khoi city in the Qajar period. Manuscript profile
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        78 - Effectiveness of Schema-Therapy on Eating Styles Happy Child and Healthy Adults Modes in Obese People with Binge Eating Disorder: A Single-Case Study
        Maryam Nourizadeh Mirabadi Marjan  Hoseinzadeh Taghvaee Reza  Moloodi Sheida Sodagar Maryam  Bahrami Hidaji
        The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effectiveness of schema therapy on eating styles and happy child and healthy adults Modes modes in obese people with binge eating disorder. The design of the current research was semi-experimental with a More
        The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effectiveness of schema therapy on eating styles and happy child and healthy adults Modes modes in obese people with binge eating disorder. The design of the current research was semi-experimental with a single case structure of ABA type. The statistical population of the study included obese women suffering from binge eating disorder who referred to a slimming clinic in Tehran in 2014-2016. The study sample consisted of eight obese women according to the inclusion criteria. Data collection tools included the Dutch Eating Styles Questionnaire (1986), the Young Schema Modes Questionnaire (2008) and a semi-structured interview. Schema therapy was implemented in form of 20 90-minute group sessions and 4 additional 45-minute individual sessions. The participants were evaluated 3 times in the baseline phase, 10 times in the intervention phase, and 8 weeks after the intervention, they were followed up 4 times every 2 weeks using the measurement tool. In order to analyze the data, the participants' scores were collected individually during the three stages of baseline, ten stages of intervention and four stages of follow-up, and then by using the trend chart and interpreting the ups and downs of the scores. Participants were visually analyzed in different stages of baseline, intervention and follow-up. Then, by using the effect size indices, the percentage of non-overlapping data (PND), and the percentage of improvement and the valid change index (RCI), the effectiveness of the treatment was determined. The findings showed that in most of the participants, in the intervention stage compared to the baseline stage the scores of efficient modes; The happy child and healthy adult had an upward and increasing trend. For all the participants, The scores of emotional eating styles all people and external for most of them, and inhibited eating styles also had a downward and decreasing trend. Also, the RCI index scores indicated the stability of schema therapy results in the follow-up phase. Manuscript profile
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        79 - Investigating the geometry and mechanism of folding in Sulabder anticline (SW Iran)
        Mehdi Yosefi F. Esfahani Seyd Morteza Moussavi
        Calculating the amount of shortening, the angle between ridges, the slope of the main thrust and the percentage of thinning of the front ridge compared to the back ridge in the middle and northwestern parts of Sulabder anticline shows the folding style related to fault More
        Calculating the amount of shortening, the angle between ridges, the slope of the main thrust and the percentage of thinning of the front ridge compared to the back ridge in the middle and northwestern parts of Sulabder anticline shows the folding style related to fault propagation in these parts. The calculation of these geometrical parameters in the south-eastern part of the Sulabder anticline also shows the faulted detachment folding style. The change of folding class from 1c to 2 and 3, as well as the change of fold style from detachment folds to fault propagation style, are a sign of increased shortening, deformation progress and evolution of folding from the south-eastern part. This represents that in the initial stage the thrust fault system belongs to the middle and north-western parts, which are in the developed stages of the thrust fault system. The interpretation of seismic sections perpendicular to the Sulabder anticline in different sections shows that the Sulabder anticline in a raised wedge form is higher than the adjacent structures due to the action of the thrust faults on the northern and southern edges. In the Solabdar anticline, the performance and mobile behavior of marl-shale units of Pabdeh and Gurpi formations, due to its high thickness and formable rheology as an intermediate separation horizon, create different folding styles at the top and bottom of this unit. It also caused displacement in the axis of the upper and deeper parts of anticlines. Manuscript profile
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        80 - Investigating the Effect of Educational Methods on the Creativity of Architecture Students According to Individual Learning Styles
        Hesan Mollajafari Esmaeil Zarghami
        <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; line-height: normal;"><span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif; mso-ascii-theme-font: major-bidi; mso-hansi-theme-font: major-bidi; mso-bidi-theme-font: major-bidi;">The use of educational methods tailored to the More
        <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; line-height: normal;"><span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif; mso-ascii-theme-font: major-bidi; mso-hansi-theme-font: major-bidi; mso-bidi-theme-font: major-bidi;">The use of educational methods tailored to the personal characteristics of architecture students has garnered significant attention from researchers in recent years. Emphasizing students' learning styles, which is a crucial aspect of individual differences, is of paramount importance. This descriptive-analytic study investigates the relationship between the learning styles of architecture students and their creativity and academic performance. Additionally, in the second phase of the research, the impact of proposed architecture training models on enhancing learners' creativity is examined. The statistical sample comprises 107 individuals, including high school students and both undergraduate (BA) and graduate (MA) students. Data collection was conducted using Kolb's learning styles questionnaire. Furthermore, the grades from the design workshop courses of the students before and after implementing the educational models were recorded. In this research, the analysis of variance (ANOVA) method was utilized to determine the significance of varying levels of creativity among different learning styles. Additionally, in the second phase of the study, an independent t-test was employed to assess the impact of the educational models on improving learners' creativity. The results indicate that students with a divergent learning style exhibited the best performance in creative design and adaptation to educational models. Finally, the integration of individuals with different learning styles into groups for design projects was presented.</span></p> Manuscript profile
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        81 - Comparison of the features of romanticism in Nima and Forough Farrokhzad poetry
        Manijheh  Hamrah BEHROZ ROMIANI mostafa salari
        <p>The main issue of this paper is the comparison of the image in the poems of Nima and Forough Farrokhzad from the perspective of the romantic image. The romantic image of the epistemological and aesthetic nature is fundamentally different from the classical, symbolic, More
        <p>The main issue of this paper is the comparison of the image in the poems of Nima and Forough Farrokhzad from the perspective of the romantic image. The romantic image of the epistemological and aesthetic nature is fundamentally different from the classical, symbolic, and surrealistic. The author has tried to explain the nature of the romantic image in three parts: in the first part, explains the special features of romantic imagery with the discussion of four characteristics: transformation in nature, shadow of the image, dynamics, and individuality in the image. In the second section, the relationship between the images and the position of the image in the context of the poem is examined by two characteristics of continuity and maturity. The paper is based on a descriptive-analytical method based on a library method.</p> Manuscript profile