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        1 - The Emerging Knowledge base Business Technology Commerce Pattern
        habibollah  tataeian esmaiel ghaderifa mahdi elyasi jahanyar bamdadsoufi
         Research findings play a significant role in promoting the quality of human life and the development of the community's welfare and international economic and social developments, but these findings, as long as they are not applied and are not available to the public o More
         Research findings play a significant role in promoting the quality of human life and the development of the community's welfare and international economic and social developments, but these findings, as long as they are not applied and are not available to the public or available to applicants They will not be of much importance and will have the cost of research Will not be compensated. The main purpose of this research is to design the Emerging Technologies Commercialization Model in knowledge-based companies. In fact, this research seeks to analyze and identify the direct and indirect barriers to the success of the commercialization of emerging technologies in knowledge-based companies. Make Therefore, it has been tried to create a good framework for this research by drawing on previous research and documentary studies. Then, based on the original framework, we will examine the case studies and analyze them. To study the case studies of 10 research companies that were selected from the list of knowledge based companies of the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology, the tools of interviewing and studying the documents of these companies were used to extract the conceptual model of the research. The conceptual model derived from the review of these companies in terms of business disclosure, organizational factors, life cycle, government policy, ecosystem of innovation, environmental factors, market development, and the success of the commercialized product. Validity and reliability of the research were measured through a group of 15 experts and 5 re-interviews. To analyze the data, open and axial coding was used and the software MAX QDa Data from the interviews were analyzed. Finally, a technology cube including 6 policy packages was presented as research proposals. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Predicting Marriage Satisfaction Based on adverse Childhood Experiences, Attachment Behaviors, Exchange Patterns, and Perceptions of Parental Marriage in Couples
        Ahmadreza Kiani Mahmud Mohamadi razi
        The purpose of this study was to predict marital satisfaction based on adverse childhood experiences, attachment behaviors, exchange patterns, and perceptions of parental marriage in couples. This was a descriptive correlational study. The tools of this study were ACEs More
        The purpose of this study was to predict marital satisfaction based on adverse childhood experiences, attachment behaviors, exchange patterns, and perceptions of parental marriage in couples. This was a descriptive correlational study. The tools of this study were ACEs childhood adverse experiences, attachment behaviours, parental marriage perception, marital satisfaction, and a short communication form questionnaire which was administered to 400 subjects (200 couples) in Bojnourd city using SPSS software. Because the population was large and no information was available from all of these individuals, multi-stage cluster sampling was used. Results: Findings showed that one's perception of parental marriage and perception of one's own marriage as well as one's satisfaction with marriage was significant and positive. There was a significant and positive relationship between one's perception of marriage and attachment, as well as a negative and significant relationship between childhood adversity and one's own perception of marriage, and finally, the relationship between perceptions of marriage and exchange patterns showed a negative and meaningful relationship. Conclusion: It can be concluded from this study that adverse childhood experiences, attachment behaviors, exchange patterns, and perceptions of parental marriage are good predictors of marital satisfaction. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Adaptive rotation models and traffic patterns to reduce light loss in networks on optical chip
        bahareh asadi midia reshadi Ahmad khademzade mostafa karbasi
        Large number of processing cores integrated into a single chip have high growth rates. Networks on an optical chip are one of the simplest ways to solve the addressing problem between bulk interconnected networks. That's why high-performance, high-bandwidth multi-proces More
        Large number of processing cores integrated into a single chip have high growth rates. Networks on an optical chip are one of the simplest ways to solve the addressing problem between bulk interconnected networks. That's why high-performance, high-bandwidth multi-processor chips will be needed in the future. Optical chip networks were introduced as a new generation of on-chip networks that overcome all the limitations of this type of network and have many advantages such as high communication bandwidth, low transmission delay. And power consumption is low. On the other hand, networks on optical chips have challenges, one of the most important of which is the routing of optical data in the optical layer, because how the path is selected affects the optical loss factor. In this paper, routing algorithms free from the impasse of adaptive rotational models, circuit switching and various traffic patterns to reduce light loss in the optical layer by considering a 5-port unobstructed router and two-dimensional grid or Mesh will be provided. Finally, we compare the simulation results with similar methods such as the XY-based algorithm and examine the improvements obtained. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Spatial Analysis of Changes of Population Density Pattern under Renewal Actions in Tehran (1996-2011)
        This paper contains a comparative study of neighbourhood transformation taking place in different administrative parts of Tehran city in Iran. The way of occupation of different areas of the city show it’s certain economic, social and cultural identity and presents diff More
        This paper contains a comparative study of neighbourhood transformation taking place in different administrative parts of Tehran city in Iran. The way of occupation of different areas of the city show it’s certain economic, social and cultural identity and presents different landscapes in city. This paper tried to answer this question that how is population density during 1996, 2006 and 2011 in Tehran. This tried to recognize the spatial pattern for population density using ArcGIS, Geoda and techniques of spatial-statistical analysis especially spatial autocorrelation in better way by spatial-temporal investigation. Spatial autocorrelation measures the correlation of a variable with itself through space. The results show that during the three periods of 1996, 2006 & 2011 pattern of population distribution in Tehran has been clustered and has changed during these three periods. Although the intensity and concentration of High-High and Low-Low clusters is reduced however, the more high-density clusters have been formed in the city. Indifferent (Residual) zones have emerged during these periods in places where the High-High zones have formed, this means that New boundaries will change to form high-high clusters. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Analysis of spatial growth pattern - time in Maragheh city using spatial metric methods
        Ali Shamaei Hasan Ahar Eshaq Jalaliyan
        physical development of the city as the spatial pattern of activity in a particular period of time is defined and it is divided into two main groups, means Urban sprawl (Sprawl), and the compact city model (Compact city). In recent decades, cities have grown organically More
        physical development of the city as the spatial pattern of activity in a particular period of time is defined and it is divided into two main groups, means Urban sprawl (Sprawl), and the compact city model (Compact city). In recent decades, cities have grown organically and urban areas in a short time have been several times its original size and city development has been the forms of the individual components, without planning, uncoordinated that urban sprawl pattern is the main feature. This is necessary that attention to physical development of the city in order to sustainable Development. The case study is Maragheh city. Analytical method in this study is comparative. In this study is used of the methods of spatial metrics in order to analysis of urban sprawl in Maragheh city. The results show urban sprawl. Urban growth has been slowly in the past. Starting with rapid urbanization from 1355 to 1365 the city began a rapid growth and area of the city has increased several times and urban sprawl has occurred in this decade and it is continued until 1394. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Synoptic-statistical analysis Heavy rainfall patterns in the Karkhe basin
        fardin ghadami zahra hedjazizadeh Buhlool Alijani
        Rain is one of the most important environmental variables that shows a lot of time and space changes And this phenomenon is affected by high-level circulation systems. Therefore, identification of dominant atmospheric patterns in relation to heavy rainfall is necessary More
        Rain is one of the most important environmental variables that shows a lot of time and space changes And this phenomenon is affected by high-level circulation systems. Therefore, identification of dominant atmospheric patterns in relation to heavy rainfall is necessary to manage and reduce the risk of flood. in this research To identify heavy rainfall patterns In the Karkheh basin During the statistical period of 45 years(1967 to 2012) By applying 95 percent percentile On daily data 33 synoptic and Rain Sensing Through the approach environmental to Circulation Number of 310 days of heavy rainfall were detected then To explain the behavior of the patterns generating these rainfall By applying principal component analysis Of type T array And through promax rotation on Geopotential elevation dataof Exchanged from the National Center for Environmental Forecasting National Center of atmosphericResearch(NCEP/NCAR) Number 4 Weather brigade is identified. The results of this study were obtained showsWhich is the most heavy rainfallof Karkheh basin Affected by Deep Trough patterns Along with cut of low On the area and also Affected by have been from blockings of type Bipolar, omega, and Rex and And the study area in the eastern part of the Troughs that Formed by these patterns, is located. Manuscript profile
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        7 - The explanation of food patterns in rural settlements in Jiroft city With approach Land use planning
        ali shahdadi علي آذره
        Despite the central role of food production, villagers are now one of the most vulnerable groups in terms of food security due to climate, economic and social changes. Changes in food patterns have led to poor nutrition and severe food insecurity in these settlements du More
        Despite the central role of food production, villagers are now one of the most vulnerable groups in terms of food security due to climate, economic and social changes. Changes in food patterns have led to poor nutrition and severe food insecurity in these settlements due to the poor power and access of villagers to the supply of basic food. This research attempts to answer the question of how dietary patterns among rural households in Jiroft city are affected and what factors affect it. The survey was conducted using a survey method and a questionnaire. The theoretical model of research with the approach of land management has identified three types of environmental, social and economic factors as the main factors explaining the patterns of popular food among villagers. Findings of the research show that rural households had a total of 14 main lunches and dinners per week; rice (average 4.99 times); artificial sugars such as sugar, sugar and sweetmeats (average 4.71 times) and dairy products (average 4.7 Times) and fish and shrimp (average 1.61 times). The consumption of rice among the villagers was significantly correlated with consumption of other foods including milk and herbs, vegetables and fruits, legumes, and chicken grass (with the acceptance of the positive effect of the symmetry of the data collection time on harvesting the consumption of rural households ) Access to water needed for agricultural and livestock production is the most important factor explaining the use of milk and its products among rural households (R = 0.47, F = 5.628, Sig = 0.028). In sum, the annual income associated with the sale price of agricultural products is the most important factor explaining how the consumption of food, especially consumption of meat, dietary foods, canned foods, etc. with (R = 0.51, F = 11.615, Sig = 0.002) and how much interest They consume food with (R = 0.52, F = 7.44, Sig = 0.013). Manuscript profile
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        8 - Synoptic analysis of extreme and widespread precipitations in Caspian western coasts by emphasis on patterns of sea level pressure
        In this research, for synoptic analysis of extreme and widespread precipitations in Caspian western coasts, we interpolated and traced the daily isohyet maps from 1340.1.1 to 1383.11.10 (15992 days) on the 14*14 km pixels by Kriging method and by use of daily precipitat More
        In this research, for synoptic analysis of extreme and widespread precipitations in Caspian western coasts, we interpolated and traced the daily isohyet maps from 1340.1.1 to 1383.11.10 (15992 days) on the 14*14 km pixels by Kriging method and by use of daily precipitation data base of this region. These data provided the data of 48 studied local points for 15992 days to calculate maximum precipitation and area percent under precipitation for every precipitation day. On this basis, we identified the most extreme and the most widespread of region precipitations on the basis of 99th centile base index for studying and analyzing. By applying environment- circulation approach and agglomerative hierarchical cluster analysis by “Ward” method on the maps of sea level pressure, we could identify three circulation patterns which were effective and important for creating the extreme and widespread precipitations of Caspian western coasts. In continuation, for analyzing the precipitations in every pattern, the representative day defined on the basis of correlation coefficient with 95% threshold and in these days, sea level pressure maps, atmosphere thickness in 500-1000 hpa levels, functions of frontogenesis and humidity convergence flux traced and analyzed for 500, 600, 700, 850, 925 and 1000 hpa levels. The results of this research indicate the presence of high pressure system in the occurring time of patterns of sea level pressure on the Black sea. The average of received water volume of region is 906.9 million m3 in every three patterns which is a considerable number. The study of atmosphere thickness patterns indicate the relatively deep trough on the Caspian Sea. The analysis of frontogenesis function maps in the Caspian western coasts confirm the existence of front core on the Caspian Sea and around it too. The analysis of humidity convergence flux indicate that Caspian sea is the most important source of providing the humidity of western coasts precipitations of this sea, and Black sea is in the next importance ranking. Manuscript profile
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        9 - Remote communication link patterns on the water cycle in the atmosphere in Iran
        This research is trying to assess the hydrological cycle and its trend in Iran. It is also tried to study the effect of NAO, AISMR and ONI Tele-connection pattern on the spatial variability of precipitation in Iran. For this purpose, the precipitation and precipitable w More
        This research is trying to assess the hydrological cycle and its trend in Iran. It is also tried to study the effect of NAO, AISMR and ONI Tele-connection pattern on the spatial variability of precipitation in Iran. For this purpose, the precipitation and precipitable water data during the 1979 - 2014 were extracted and analyzed from NCEP / NCAR. Then the hydrologic cycle was calculated on the basis of reproducibility time formula. The maps of this cycle across Iran were drawn. The analysis shows some region like Southwest Caspian Sea, Kermanshah, Lorestan have had the short hydrological cycles (5.5 to 11.5 years) due to the topographic and neighborhood effect. The longest hydrological cycle (98.30 to 141.17-year) have happened in the East and South of Sistan and Baluchestan. In the South East of Iran, AISMR has negative correlation (sig< 0.01) with the hydrologic cycle. The negative phase of the NAO in the middle of the Iran caused shortening the hydrological cycle. Spring ONI has negative correlation (sig< 0.05) with the hydrologic cycle in the North-East and South-East and hydrological cycle in the West has negative correlation (sig< 0.05) with autumn and spring ONI. Manuscript profile
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        10 - Tectonic geomorphology approach in the assessment of fold- growth mechanism within the Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt
        آرش جمشیدی معصومه  Vatandoust بهنام  Oveisi علی  فقیه
        Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt consists of several fault–related folds which important hydrocarbon reservoirs are formed in relation to their evolution. Understanding of fold geometry and its growth pattern are affective parameters in the exploration and drilling programs of More
        Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt consists of several fault–related folds which important hydrocarbon reservoirs are formed in relation to their evolution. Understanding of fold geometry and its growth pattern are affective parameters in the exploration and drilling programs of hydrocarbon reservoirs. In this research, stream bed erosion pattern and quantitative morphometric indices were used as geomorphic indicators to recognition the mechanism of fold-growth. Results of geomorphic investigation reveal dominant of detachment folding pattern in the coastal Fars area. Moreover, the effect of change in the thickness of detachment horizon on the folding pattern was evaluated. Manuscript profile
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        11 - Periodical effects of land uses on water quality of Zrebar Lake
        Majid  Delavar Mohammad Hossein  Niksokhan سمیه   ایمانی امیرآباد
        The entrance of nutrients and sediments to the water resources has become a challenge in water quality management. Accordingly, identifying main polluting sources and estimating total loads discharged to the surface waters are indispensable for simulation and management More
        The entrance of nutrients and sediments to the water resources has become a challenge in water quality management. Accordingly, identifying main polluting sources and estimating total loads discharged to the surface waters are indispensable for simulation and management. The purpose of this study is to use Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) to estimate nitrogen and phosphor loads discharging to the Zrebar Lake. In addition, it is intended to identify the effects of land uses and variations of time and spatial pattern of discharges. Currently, this lake contains fresh water and is used for recreational purposes while tackles with eutrophication problem because of agricultural activities. Regarding the results, the irrigated farmlands have the highest nitrogen discharge on June and August while it is on May for phosphorous. For dry crops, the highest value of nitrogen and phosphorous loads respectively belong to October and September. These are attributed to the way farms are irrigated and the amounts of fertilizers applied. Manuscript profile
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        12 - Vladimir Propp’s Structuralism Pattern and its Functions in Narratology
        دكتر خليل  پرويني هومن  ناظميان
        Narratology is a modern and structural approach in the study of fictional literature which seeks to discover the grammar of the story, language of narration, dominant system of different narrations and their structure. Vladimir Propp, the formalistic Russian anthropolog More
        Narratology is a modern and structural approach in the study of fictional literature which seeks to discover the grammar of the story, language of narration, dominant system of different narrations and their structure. Vladimir Propp, the formalistic Russian anthropologist, became the pioneer of modern narratology when he studied the Russian fairytales in 1928 through morphology. He drew out the dominant pattern in these stories and revealed how the fairytales, despite their variety and seeming high number, enjoy cohesion and unity regarding the types of heroes, their actions and roles; in other words a number of functions are limited, their sequences are similar and they all possess one specific structure. This article has surveyed and analyzed ten stories in the fables of Kalileh Va Damneh’s - as instances- in order to evaluate the function and the potential of Propp’s pattern in morphological analysis of these stories. The results coordinate with Propp’s achievements; as they reveal that in the studied fables taken from Kalileh Va Damneh, despite the appearing variety and high number of heroes, their roles and actions, a number of heroes and their functions are limited and they possess a similar sequence. These fables all have one structure and although Propp’s pattern has some deficiencies, it still has the potential for a morphological analysis. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - A Comparative Study of Metrical Patterns of Contemporary Ghazals and Khanlari's Pattern of Persian Ghazal Meter
        One of the main aspects of the development of contemporary Ghazal is the relative change in the prosodic circle and introducing new meters. However, researches are only focused on studying the new metrical patterns of some poets, and metrical patterns of contemporary Gh More
        One of the main aspects of the development of contemporary Ghazal is the relative change in the prosodic circle and introducing new meters. However, researches are only focused on studying the new metrical patterns of some poets, and metrical patterns of contemporary Ghazal have not been analyzed. Adapting an analytic-comparative method, in this research, the meters of more than 2500 Ghazals of 10 prominent contemporary poets have been identified and then these meters have been compared with Khanlari’s pattern of Persian Ghazal meters. Moreover, poets’ tendencies regarding following the traditional metrical patterns and their innovations in employing new meters have been analyzed and compared. The results show that 13 among 20 major meters, proposed in Khanlari's pattern, are still considered the main Ghazal meters, and other meters are added to this pattern; however, the frequency of composing Ghazals based on Khanlari's pattern, is in general 15% less than the average in Persian Ghazals. In contemporary Ghazal, the frequency of the short meters is decreased, while the frequency of the medium, long and overlong meters are increased; however, medium meters are the most frequent in contemporary Ghazal. Among the contemporary poets, Behbahani and Monzavi are the most innovative and ingenious in employing Ghazal meters. Aref Qazvini, Rahi Mo'ayyeri, Shahriar and Mardani have shown the highest conformity with the traditional prosody while poets like Mohammad Ali Bahmani, Emad Khorasani, Farrokhi Yazdi and Ebtehaj are somewhere between the innovation and tradition. Manuscript profile
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        14 - Investigating and analyzing the structure of the row and rhyme of Hafez's poetry From the perspective of relative frequency construction and syllable pattern
        Mehrzad Mansouri
        Extracting components to determine the author's personal style is one of the things that can show the author's style more accurately and better based on measurable parameters. One of these parameters is the study of the relative frequency of a particular structure. In t More
        Extracting components to determine the author's personal style is one of the things that can show the author's style more accurately and better based on measurable parameters. One of these parameters is the study of the relative frequency of a particular structure. In this regard, the study of the syllabic structure of the row and rhyme can be effective. For this purpose, this research has tried to determine the frequency of construction and the syllabic pattern of rows and rhymes in Hafez's poems. The study also aims to examine the extent to which Hafez uses each of the syllable structures in the row and rhyme and the arrangement of these structures in each syllable pattern. This research shows that the ratio of syllable construction in Hafez's poetry is somewhat in harmony with the natural Persian language. In terms of syllable pattern, the poet has used a wide variety of patterns. In terms of frequency, the patterns used also have different frequencies. Although the poet has shown no interest in using open syllables in the one-syllable pattern, he has used this syllable well in multi-syllable patterns.This study shows that the poet has limitations in using some patterns, such as not using patterns that start with cvcc in two-syllable patterns. This study also shows that in the application of each of the constructions in total patterns, the construction of cv is superior to the constructions of cvc and cvcc. In terms of the average use of each of the three constructions in all row and rhyme syllables, cv syllables are in the first place and cvc and cvcc syllables are in the next positions, which in terms of both rank and relative frequency is accompanied by spoken and written language. Manuscript profile
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        15 - The Pattern of the History of Knowledge and the Resurrection of Meaning in Shahaboddin Yahya Sohrewardi's Thought
        Zahra Mahouzi  Ghobadi Ahmad Pakatchi maryam آخسسثهده
        The history of knowledge that is considered by Sohrewardi in Hikmat-Al-Ishraq follows a pattern that has been formulated before him in the Sufi texts. This historical pattern which is based on a hadith attributed to the Prophet (peace be upon him) foretells the future o More
        The history of knowledge that is considered by Sohrewardi in Hikmat-Al-Ishraq follows a pattern that has been formulated before him in the Sufi texts. This historical pattern which is based on a hadith attributed to the Prophet (peace be upon him) foretells the future of esoteric knowledge of Islam after the Prophet. As to the fate of divine knowledge on earth, this pattern defines three stages: the era of knowledge by presence, the era of assenting meaning to the word, and the period in which metaphor is converted to symbol. Sohrewardi refers to this historical pattern and completes it by presenting a certain definition of the Divine Hakim and his role in interpreting the mysteries of the mystics. By this action, he makes a commentary on the history of knowledge. The fourth stage that Sohrewardi adds to this historical pattern is the resurrection stage of meaning to its truth, and it can be defined only by reference to the totality of Sohrewardi's intellectual system. The present article attempts to extract this historical pattern from the Sufi texts and then explains Sohrewardi's role in completing it. Manuscript profile
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        16 - The comparative study of Arabian-Islamic Urban pattern with Iranian-Islamic Urban pattern (case study: Khartoum and shiraz)
        علی احمدیان کیسمی
        Islamic big cities like: khartom, Cairo, mashad, shiraz and… can be a pattern for other Islamic cities in the world. This cities have had different history. Since 19th century, this cities have experienced less traditional characters. Because in Africa and other reg More
        Islamic big cities like: khartom, Cairo, mashad, shiraz and… can be a pattern for other Islamic cities in the world. This cities have had different history. Since 19th century, this cities have experienced less traditional characters. Because in Africa and other region, this cities have had changes in urban culture and this trend change local Arabic urban indexex. But Iranian cities have not experienced this history. morphologic urban indexes include: rest sense, place Identity, Perception of Beauty, Ideal view and fast access and so on.This paper study morphologic factors (subjective and objective) of Arabian -Islamic Urban pattern (Khartoum) with Iranian - Islamic Urban pathern (shiraz). We use from documentary and structural content analysis methods for comparative of Arabian-Islamic Urban pattern with Iranian-Islamic Urban pattern. results show that there is no significance different between morphologic indexes for Arabian - Islamic Urban pattern and Iranian - Islamic Urban pattern. On the other hands, there is Similarity subjective (rest sense and place Identity and Perception of Beauty) and objective (Ideal view, fast access) indexes. so, even though there is different in history, we see Similarity in morphologic urban indexes specially rest sense, place Identity, Perception of Beauty, Ideal view and fast access, for this cities. Manuscript profile
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        17 - Analysis of cemeteries organizing in Isfahan city from the perspective of the Islamic Iranian city pattern
        Asghar Montazer alghaeem Fardin Koshki
        As death is an inevitable stage of human life, the cemetery has always been one of the main and unavoidable spaces of every human settlement, including Islamic Iranian cities.The present study has been carried out to analyze the organization of the cemeteries in the cit More
        As death is an inevitable stage of human life, the cemetery has always been one of the main and unavoidable spaces of every human settlement, including Islamic Iranian cities.The present study has been carried out to analyze the organization of the cemeteries in the city of Isfahan from a native and Islamic perspective.The research methodology is qualitative and Sampling method is purposeful. In compared to local cemeteries (decentralized approach) and Rezvan Garden (centralized approach) results show thateach one has different characteristics; among them, in cemetery of the Garden of Rezvan, it would be better service andhygienic and religious issues are being respected.In the case of Isfahan local cemeteries is easier access to them that this will result in savings in time and money of citizens.Also, the use of local cemeteries helps promote walking and reducing the use of cars that this follows savings in fuel consumption and reduces air pollution.In terms of urbanity, local cemeteries have a more human scaleand because they are formed influenced by native thoughts are considered as the promoters of Iranian-Islamic urbanity.Socially, local cemeteries create social cohesion and reinforce collectivism against individualism.Legally, with reinforcement of local cemeteries, the freedom of individuals is greater to determine the place of burial.From a spiritual and cultural point of view, decentralized approach to cemeteries,due to easy access to space of cemetery,strengthens the memory of death in society and the city and create the ultimate goal of space of the cemetery, which is a reminder to the live people and beacause in 20-year perspective document of Country emphasizes on Islamic identity and ethics, therefore, the strengthening of local cemeteries is in direction of the 20-year perspective document of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the horizon of 1404 solar calender. Manuscript profile
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        18 - Elucidation of the physical patterns of contemporary housing based on the contextual architecture in Kashan; Case study: Selected historical houses of the Qajar dynasty
        Hossein kalantari Seyed Amir nezam dost Ali yaran
        In previous eras, Iranian architecture and urban planning has always followed a specific trend that established a balanced, logical, strong, and in the meantime onward relationship with the before and after eras, but this trend has not continued in the contemporary era More
        In previous eras, Iranian architecture and urban planning has always followed a specific trend that established a balanced, logical, strong, and in the meantime onward relationship with the before and after eras, but this trend has not continued in the contemporary era of architecture and urban planning and is in chaos, turmoil, and disturbance. The houses formed during this time do not meet many of the physical, cultural, social, and lifestyle requirements of the people of this land. Therefore, this paper aims to determine the components and nanocomponents of the physical dimension of contextualism, and propose suggestions and solutions to explain the physical patterns of housing in Kashan based on the mentioned components and the evaluation results of case studies. This research is qualitative and based on the descriptive-analytical method. At first, the concept of contextualism is developed by referring to study sources, and the components and nanocomponents of the physical dimension of contextualism are compiled by adapting the sources of research and analysis of the opinions of experts. Subsequently, the selected case samples in Kashan are evaluated based on the obtained components and using observation tools, library studies, and photography, the results of which are presented separately for each sample. The results of the study in the field of contextualization along with an adaptive comparison of the evaluation results of the samples are reviewed and analyzed. Finally, the solutions and suggestions are presented under the general characteristics of the building’s location, scale and size, shape and form, materials and details, and the arrangement of physical elements and components indexes. In the end, paying attention to the contextualism approach, especially its physical pattern, and the practical application of the proposed solutions can play a pivotal role in establishing this lost connection and promoting Kashan residential architecture. Manuscript profile
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        19 - Modeling and simulation of the central generator of the pattern to produce curved-linear motions in the snake robot
        morteza vasegh yaghoub pourasad
        With the advancement of science and technology and the importance of using robots, the need to use automated systems seems essential. Since most applications of snake robots move in unfamiliar and sometimes complex environments, there is a need to develop different cont More
        With the advancement of science and technology and the importance of using robots, the need to use automated systems seems essential. Since most applications of snake robots move in unfamiliar and sometimes complex environments, there is a need to develop different control methods for them. The product of the integration of the two sciences of neuroscience and robotics, are motor neuron producers known as model central generators, which is the problem of producing motion in the robot. In this paper, we control the movement of a snake-like robot with a central pattern generator (CPG) that is able to produce coordinated patterns of output signals with different frequencies. For this purpose, it is necessary to model the snake robot first and then apply control Be. In this paper, the control of robot motion control in two modes of open loop and closed loop for CPG network is presented. At the same time, this study with simulations shows that the lower the level of stimulation and the lower its level, the lower the frequency of motion production and vice versa. Then, the effect of CPG models, which are used as neural networks, is simulated in motion control. In this paper, the remarkable point in comparison with other controllers is that in the central generating neural networks, the pattern of simple signals is sufficient to stimulate and induce the movement of robots, which is shown in the simulation Manuscript profile
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        20 - Spatial-temporal Analysis Hotspots Theft Crime in the City of semnan
        Esmaeil  Najafi Keramatalah Zayyari Ali Reza Darban Astaneh
        Background and Purpose:Nowadays the problem of increasing the rate of delinquency and social deviations is one of the most important and most fundamental problem in many cities in the world. After years criminologists have found that certain locations effect on crime. S More
        Background and Purpose:Nowadays the problem of increasing the rate of delinquency and social deviations is one of the most important and most fundamental problem in many cities in the world. After years criminologists have found that certain locations effect on crime. So in recent years researches about the interaction between the physical environment of cities and social ills and crime has become increasingly important. Theft is one of the most important types of crime and delinquency. There are a variety of different forms of theft at the community level. Method:This study, Identifying and Spatial-temporal Analysis of urban Crime Hotspots, have been conducted in Semnan. Geographical information system and SPSS software are used in this study to do spatial and temporal analyze. In this study some crimes have been studied as a sample that took place in legal limit of Semnan city in range of 1394/1/1 until 1394/29/12. Then after preparing a database of theft and using statistical and graphical tests, crime hotspots have been identified and analyzed in a spatial way in Semnan city. This is a descriptive and analytical research and data is provided by library and statistical information and field observations. Findings and results:The results showed that the urban crime hotspots of Semnan are in the Imam street. With more details this area extends from Imam square to Mazandaran crossroad. These hotspots also lay in Semnan market. This market is in the crowded and bustling part of city and has mostly commercial function and unsuitable physical structure. It is cleared that in terms of time, the highest rate of theft in Semnan city had occurred in warm months of year as well as the initial days of the week. The results showed that most of thefts had occurred in a time between 9 A.M until 13 P.M. Manuscript profile
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        21 - Wideband Log Periodic-Microstrip Antenna with Elliptic Patches
        hamed ghanbari foshtami Ali Hashemi Talkhouncheh Hossein Emami
        A broadband microstrip antenna based on log periodic technique was conceived and demonstrated practically. The antenna exhibits a wideband characteristic comparing with other microstrip antennas. Over the operation frequency range, i.e. 2.5-6 GHz, a 50 Ω input impedanc More
        A broadband microstrip antenna based on log periodic technique was conceived and demonstrated practically. The antenna exhibits a wideband characteristic comparing with other microstrip antennas. Over the operation frequency range, i.e. 2.5-6 GHz, a 50 Ω input impedance has been considered. Manuscript profile
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        22 - Camera Identification Algorithm Based on Sensor Pattern Noise Using Wavelet Transform, SVD / PCA and SVM Classifier
        Kimia Bolouri Mehdi Javanmard Mohammad Firouzmand
        Identifying the source camera of an image is one of the most important issues of digital court and is useful in many applications, such as images that are presented in court as evidence. In many methods, the image noise characteristics, extraction of Sensor Pattern Nois More
        Identifying the source camera of an image is one of the most important issues of digital court and is useful in many applications, such as images that are presented in court as evidence. In many methods, the image noise characteristics, extraction of Sensor Pattern Noise and its correlation with non-uniformity of the light response (PNU) are used. In this paper we have presented a method based on photo response non uniformity (PRNU) that provides some features for classification by support vector machine (SVM). Because the noise model is affected by the complexity of the image, we used the wavelet transform to de-noise and reduce edge effects in PRNU noise pattern and also raise the detection accuracy. We also used the Precision processing theory to reduce the image size, then we simplified and summarized the data using the Single Value Decomposition (SVD) Or principal component analysis (PCA). The results show that using two-level wavelet transform and summarized data is more suitable using PCA. Manuscript profile
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        23 - Facial Expression Recognition Using Texture Description of Displacement Image
        Hamid Sadeghi Abolghasem Asadollah Raie Mohammad Reza Mohammadi
        In recent years, facial expression recognition, as an interesting problem in computer vision has been performed by means of static and dynamic methods. Dynamic information plays an important role in recognizing facial expression. However, using the entire dynamic inform More
        In recent years, facial expression recognition, as an interesting problem in computer vision has been performed by means of static and dynamic methods. Dynamic information plays an important role in recognizing facial expression. However, using the entire dynamic information in the expression image sequences is of higher computational cost compared to the static methods. To reduce the computational cost, instead of entire image sequence, only neutral and emotional faces can be employed. In the previous research, this idea was used by means of DLBPHS method in which facial important small displacements were vanished by subtracting LBP features of neutral and emotional face images. In this paper, a novel approach is proposed to utilize two face images. In the proposed method, the face component displacements are highlighted by subtracting neutral image from emotional image; then, LBP features are extracted from the difference image. The proposed method is evaluated on standard databases and the results show a significant accuracy improvement compared to DLBPHS. Manuscript profile
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        24 - High-Resolution Fringe Pattern Phase Extraction, Placing a Focus on Real-Time 3D Imaging
        Amir Hooshang  Mazinan Ali  Esmaeili
        The idea behind the research is to deal with real-time 3D imaging that may extensively be referred to the fields of medical science and engineering in general. It is to note that most effective non-contact measurement techniques can include the structured light patterns More
        The idea behind the research is to deal with real-time 3D imaging that may extensively be referred to the fields of medical science and engineering in general. It is to note that most effective non-contact measurement techniques can include the structured light patterns, provided in the surface of object for the purpose of acquiring its 3D depth. The traditional structured light pattern can now be known as the fringe pattern. In this study, the conventional approaches, realized in the fringe pattern analysis with applications to 3D imaging such as wavelet and Fourier transform are efficiently investigated. In addition to the frequency estimation algorithm in most of these approaches, additional unwrapping algorithm is needed to extract the phase, coherently. Considering problems regarding phase unwrapping of fringe algorithm surveyed in the literatures, a state-of-the-art approach is here organized to be proposed. In the aforementioned proposed approach, the key characteristics of the same conventional algorithms such as the frequency estimation and the Itoh algorithm are synchronously realized. At the end, the results carried out through the simulation programs have revealed that the proposed approach is able to extract image phase of simulated fringe patterns and correspondingly realistic patterns with high quality. Another advantage of this investigated approach is considered as its real-time application, while a significant part of operations might be executed in parallel. Manuscript profile
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        25 - The pattern effect of central courtyard geometric on the air flow in traditional houses of Shushtar
        ali mardani امین رؤسائی
        The central courtyard is one of the ancient and valuable models of Iranian climatic architecture and as a physical element in organizing the structure of the space of traditional houses has responded to various dimensions of biological, social and cultural needs. The ge More
        The central courtyard is one of the ancient and valuable models of Iranian climatic architecture and as a physical element in organizing the structure of the space of traditional houses has responded to various dimensions of biological, social and cultural needs. The geometry of the central courtyard (shape and proportions) as the main design feature always affects the performance of the amount of radiated energy absorbed, suitable thermal comfort conditions, and the pattern of air flow movement. Therefore, the present study has evaluated the relationship between yard proportions and airflow pattern in traditional Shushtar houses. In order to achieve more accurate findings in the existing buildings, Nanaee, Rezvan, Aminzadeh, and Baghal houses were selected as the studied samples in a historical period, with minimal intervention in their spatial structure. The research method of this research is a hybrid method due to its interdisciplinary nature. Firstly, the initial observations, using the experimental strategy, the independent variables (shape, proportions) of the yards are identified and the dependent variables (wind flow velocity) have been measured by using digital anemometer device. Secondly, Anemometers are measured. In order to study the data more accurately, the simulation of this research is performed by CFD computational fluid dynamics method by using Design Modeler and Fluent software. Finally, the air flow inside the yards is analyzed. The results show that houses with four-sided construction yards with length to widths of 1.08 and 1.2 have the most favorable air flow distribution conditions and three-sided construction yards with lengths of 1.01 and 1.13 width in terms of uniform air flow distribution suffer .They enjoy unfavorable conditions in the hot seasons of the year in Shushtar. Changes in the proportions and geometric pattern of the yards have affected the air quality conditions and thermal comfort conditions of the residents. Manuscript profile
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        26 - Analysis of the quran procedure inealing with thin fidelity (with emphasis on the youth period)
        Quran as God's authoritative source and celestial status can be very specifically efficient regarding resolving and expulsion of vices and virtues. The scrutiny of bible verses shows that Quran suggests principles and approaches for moral education of society. One of t More
        Quran as God's authoritative source and celestial status can be very specifically efficient regarding resolving and expulsion of vices and virtues. The scrutiny of bible verses shows that Quran suggests principles and approaches for moral education of society. One of these methods is giving admonition. Consequently, what is this method according to bible verses and how and with which approaches can be led to moral education in order to being away from vices and obliquity is our aim in this presence study. This approach which some considered it as an ethical principle, with creating question and argument, edification, good sermons, advice, parable, analogy, admonition and negligence could form remaindering and negligence of individuals and their moral education. The Holy Qur'an express the principles and practices of its implementation in the form of stories and encounters of prophets with infidelity, therefore, man learns to use these tools in order to create favorable ethical traits and attempt to wipe out the deviations and perversions. The emphasis of this study is on the verses which indicating infidelity, especially at a young age is taken and this article describes and investigates them according to the mentioned issues Manuscript profile
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        27 - Designing a Bleilian Model for Human Resource Excellence for the Ministry of Education of Iran (with a Behavioral-Ethical Approach)
        Mohsen Emamifar naser mirsepasi seyed jamaledin tabibi
        The purpose of this study is to design an appropriate model for human resources excellence in the Ministry of Education with a behavioral-ethical approach. This research is based on the goal of a fundamental research. Based on the research design and the method of data More
        The purpose of this study is to design an appropriate model for human resources excellence in the Ministry of Education with a behavioral-ethical approach. This research is based on the goal of a fundamental research. Based on the research design and the method of data collection, the present study is a descriptive (non-experimental), exploratory and exploratory research. In order to validate the proposed model, Delphi technique was used by several faculty members, thinkers, talents and experts. The research was carried out in four stages and Finally, the Brilliant Temple of Human Resource Excellence was designed in five main processes, 22 components and 10 comprehensive criteria and presented as a model for human-behavioral ethics pathology and Human Resources Excellence Award at the Ministry of Education. Manuscript profile
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        28 - Elite Ethics and Patterns of Elite Explained Based on the Works of Naser Khosrow, Ghashiri and Hojawiri
        habiballa gogich habib jadidolaslam ghalehno
        The elders of our religion over the centuries have mentioned the elite and elite morality, among which are the characteristics of worship, science and knowledge, thinking and reasoning, authority, divine, commitment and responsibility Social justice, knowledge and insig More
        The elders of our religion over the centuries have mentioned the elite and elite morality, among which are the characteristics of worship, science and knowledge, thinking and reasoning, authority, divine, commitment and responsibility Social justice, knowledge and insight, critique and evaluation, pragmatism, perfection and purity, good faith and forbidding evil, justice and righteousness, truth and righteousness, the fight against oppression, presidency, piety and piety, negation Immortal blindness, sacrifice, sacrifice, humility and modesty. In this article, the authors point out that in the works and character of all three (Naser Khosrow, Ghashiri and Hojaviri) are observed and samples. The present study utilizes a qualitative method based on information gathering from library resources with the aim of answering the main research question that in the process of modeling of elites, what features and The prominent features that illustrate the elitism of ethics in Islamic-Iranian texts (in the works of Naser Khosrow, Abolqasem Ghashiri and Ali Jabbani Hojawiri) have been accomplished. Manuscript profile
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        29 - Examining the appropriate pattern of moral hazard in the non-financial terms of oil and gas contracts
        Davood  Baghaee Babak  Vosoughifard Homayoun  Habibi
        Today, oil has a lot in the economy of its producing countries. For numerous reasons, including the colonial relations between the producing countries and the colonial peoples on the one hand, and the lack of specialist forces and the necessary capital for oil productio More
        Today, oil has a lot in the economy of its producing countries. For numerous reasons, including the colonial relations between the producing countries and the colonial peoples on the one hand, and the lack of specialist forces and the necessary capital for oil production in the Third World countries, with the participation of mainly capitalists from industrialized countries. For this reason, the legal nature of these relationships has been the subject of many discussions. On the one hand, the general and economic aspects and its moral hazard for the host country and the private aspects of capitalism have added to the difficulty of the discussion. The financial and non-financial conditions of such contracts have changed dramatically in different periods of history, creating many patterns. The political and economic changes in the world, in turn, have brought about changes and changes in the context of these relations and its moral hazard. A survey of the first form of these oil relations, signed under the title "Concession Concession" of capital investors with oil-rich governments, has revealed that today's conventional contracts can outline the different aspects of morality in these contracts. In this paper, the study of the appropriate model of moral hazard in the non-financial conditions of oil and gas contracts in Iran is carried out in a descriptive-analytical manner.. Manuscript profile
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        30 - Explaining Islamic-Iranian Patterns of Education Based on Educational Options by Mulla Sadra
        Somayyeh Marhaba Najmeh  Vakili Mohsen  Imani
        Education is one of the issues that has been paid special attention to religious and non-religious philosophies for a long time. It is important to study the Islamic-Iranian model for the development of human beings in the science of education. The Islamic-Iranian patte More
        Education is one of the issues that has been paid special attention to religious and non-religious philosophies for a long time. It is important to study the Islamic-Iranian model for the development of human beings in the science of education. The Islamic-Iranian pattern is a theoretical model with normative function. This pattern can be presented in mathematical or logical language and it is necessary to use the methods of today's science to explain complex matters. Islamic-Iranian theory is a theory based on the principles of Islam's insight and within the framework of Islamic ethics and law and is in accordance with Iran's conditions. The study of Mulla Sadra's thoughts suggests that in the thought of Mulla Sadra, man has a vertical movement and flow in the levels of existence. Sadra's anthropology is the point of convergence between religious, ethical, philosophical and mystical anthropology, according to ontological and epistemological foundations, such as the originality of existence, the essential motion, etc., the comprehensiveness of man according to the different degrees and categories, which are the lowest Levels, ie, Jimdi, begin to the last stage, namely, immortality, rational thinking and rational perception. So it deserves to reach the highest degree of being or to be at the lowest level with the opportunity of burning. Manuscript profile
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        31 - Islamic Economics (Indicators of Economic Morality based on Quran and Nahj al-Balaghah)
        Hamed  Fath'aliani seyed hamid hoseini
        No economic movement and especially jihadist ethics in the religious epistemic system can not be successful unless it is the path, path, and destination of the divine, and based on morality. By looking at the Holy Qur'an, we see the importance of the discussions of econ More
        No economic movement and especially jihadist ethics in the religious epistemic system can not be successful unless it is the path, path, and destination of the divine, and based on morality. By looking at the Holy Qur'an, we see the importance of the discussions of economic ethics in the religion of Islam in such a way that the Almighty God made a significant portion of this great and humane book to various macro and sometimes microeconomic debates such as Halal, Haram, Makruh , Mustahab, divestiture, divine test through the world, khums, zakat, buying, selling, renting and even economic operations such as hunting, fishing, places of honor, fishing harbors, farming, diving, shipping, livestock and ... dedicated. In this regard, we first briefly describe the jihad and the economy, then consider the Indicators of the Holy Quran and Nahj al-Balaghah for the realization of Islamic economics in a society, and then some of the strategies of economic ethics contained in the Holy Qur'an and Nahj al-Balaghah And also the results and the effects of Islamic economics in this article, although we look at our low income Manuscript profile
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        32 - Providing university management model based on green thinking
        Golshan Moradi nader soleymani hamid shafizadeh
        Globalization, increasing pollution and creating environmental concerns, in today's knowledge-based, competitive, accountable and participatory environment, forced university management to make changes in applying management models, accepting green strategies and app More
        Globalization, increasing pollution and creating environmental concerns, in today's knowledge-based, competitive, accountable and participatory environment, forced university management to make changes in applying management models, accepting green strategies and applying green management as a new paradigm in all its organizational activities. For this purpose, the present study was conducted to provide a university management model based on green thinking. This research is "fundamental-applied" in terms of purpose, as well as "qualitative" in terms of data type and in terms of implementation is based on the data-driven theory ". The researcher conducts Semistructured interviews until reaching data saturation with 15 participants based on purposeful and snowball samplings from the managers and experts of the Environmental Protection Organization, the Renewable Energy Organization, Ministry of Oil, as well as managers of the country's green universities. Analysis of obtained data was performed in three stages of open, axial, and selective coding. The qualitative research model was designed base on this analysis. The results of research extract 576 primary codes from interviews as well as 43 concepts and 16 categories which are conceptualized and categorized in the form of Strauss and Corbin paradigm model including nuclear phenomenon, causal factors, contextual conditions, interfering factors, strategies, and consequences Manuscript profile
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        33 - Modeling of the fold interference patterns from the northern Golpaygan metamorphic complex using MATLAB
        Mohammad Reza Sheikholeslami
        Modeling of geological structures plays an important role in understanding the geometry of the structures and their relationships. In recent years, digital modeling using computers has attracted the attention of engineers as well as researchers in basic sciences. "MATLA More
        Modeling of geological structures plays an important role in understanding the geometry of the structures and their relationships. In recent years, digital modeling using computers has attracted the attention of engineers as well as researchers in basic sciences. "MATLAB" is one of the softwares that is used with its extensive facilities for data analysis and modeling in various sciences, including structural geology. In this paper, possible models of interference patterns of the three generations of folds in metamorphic rocks of the Golpayegan area were reconstructed using the script written in MATLAB software. The required data include the attitudes of the mean axis and the mean axial planes of three consecutive generations of folds which were obtained during field measurements. Field studies show that the first and second generation folds are almost coaxial, however the third generation folds have a different axial trend. The results of modeling indicate that four classical fold interference patterns may be formed in horizontal (map view) and vertical sections in Golpayegan metamorphic rocks. Modeled fold interference patterns are closely consistent with the natural fold interference patterns observed in the outcrop and regional scales. Using the modeling, it can be determined that the different interference patterns of the folds in the northern Golpayegan metamorphic rocks are related to superposition of the related fold generations. Manuscript profile
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        34 - Suitable Organizational Structure for Knowledge-Based Companies
        Najaf Allahyari fard Rasoul Abbasi
        Knowledge-based economy is modern economy that production and distribution is based on knowledge and knowledge itself is the main source of growth and wealth creation. Knowledge-based companies are generators of knowledge-based economy. Knowledge-based companies & insti More
        Knowledge-based economy is modern economy that production and distribution is based on knowledge and knowledge itself is the main source of growth and wealth creation. Knowledge-based companies are generators of knowledge-based economy. Knowledge-based companies & institutions are private or cooperative companies that cause synergy of science and wealth, development of knowledge-based economy, achievement of scientific and economic goals (including development and application of invention and innovation) and commercialization of research and development (including design and production of goods and services) in the high technology and high value-added production, particularly in the form of software. Knowledge-based companies can be divided into two categories: micro and macro. K-based companies have made some important features such as job creation, positive competitiveness, generation and development. Those companies are commensurate with their growing economies. Organizational structures of companies in many different companies and organizations are playing an efficient role. The types of organizations and companies determine organizational structure. In this study we reviewe organizational structures, including functional, productional, regional, Matrix, connectional, horizontal, network, associational, star, clover and Virtual. We propose a suitable pattern “network-Virtual-horizontal” for organizational structure of K-based companies. This organizational structure increases productivity in knowledge-based companies. Manuscript profile
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        35 - Privatization of Incubators; Necessities and Challenges
        Alireza Faraji
        The most important incubators mission is to provide proper basis for establishment, growth and development of new technological private enterprises and to give financial and moral supports to make them successful. Since initial structure of these new enterprises is shap More
        The most important incubators mission is to provide proper basis for establishment, growth and development of new technological private enterprises and to give financial and moral supports to make them successful. Since initial structure of these new enterprises is shaped inside the incubator, financial and moral structure of them is affected with incubator. Verifying this subject with interest to relations between incubator and determinate new units; requirement of incubator to have independence financial resources and to create basis for its own growth and development and experience of successful-abroad-incubators, shows that applyment of private management in state incubators is a favorite strategy to solve a lot of problems; an available and good pattern for determinate units and an optimal structure for incubators management. Manuscript profile
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        36 - Designing an Appropriate Collaboration for the Relationship Between Two Partner Organizations Using the Analysis Hierarchical Process (AHP) Based on the BOCR Model
        morteza abasi simin mohebbi ashtiani mohammad hossein karimi fatemeh saberian
        Today, as global competition in the business world grows, companies need to have a close relationship with their suppliers in order to survive and achieve reasonable profits. Researchers have recently examined some models for supplier selection, with less attention to t More
        Today, as global competition in the business world grows, companies need to have a close relationship with their suppliers in order to survive and achieve reasonable profits. Researchers have recently examined some models for supplier selection, with less attention to the determination of collaboration pattern with selected partners. Despite much research on the types of collaboration models, their features, requirements and achievements, providing a comprehensive and uppropriate model for selecting the most appropriate type of relationship between the two partner organizations has not been sufficiently considered. Generally, supplier-buyer collaboration patterns include outsourcing, strategic alliance, joint investment and ownership. The purpose of this research is to design a model that determines the appropriate collaboration model according to the product characteristics, business conditions and goals of the organization. The model uses profit, opportunity, cost and risk structure, which is a comprehensive and useful model for strategic decisions. In this research, the choice of collaboration model between two partner organizations is investigated in order to design radar components. By library study and interviewing with the experts of the Iranian Defense Industry Organization, the factors influencing the selection of the appropriate cooperation model for the relationship between the two partner organizations were identified and prioritized. A Hierarchical Analysis Process Model (AHP) is designed to prioritize the relevant criteria and sub-criteria. Pairwise comparisons were made according to the experts' opinion and the results were analyzed using SuperDisign software. Manuscript profile
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        37 - Designing a Technology Innovation Hub Pattern Using Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM) Approach
        Ramazan  Mahdizadeh parviz saeedi Babak  Ziyae Ahmad Mehrabian
        The Innovation Hub is a unique research and innovation ecosystem. It is a global environment that attracts high quality academic members, researchers, students, innovators and entrepreneurs. Innovation Hub as essential components of knowledge-based economic and social d More
        The Innovation Hub is a unique research and innovation ecosystem. It is a global environment that attracts high quality academic members, researchers, students, innovators and entrepreneurs. Innovation Hub as essential components of knowledge-based economic and social development in the innovation ecosystem have been expanding in recent years and have been considered by science and technology policymakers in countries during the growth mechanisms of technology businesses. For the growth of technological innovations in developing countries, it is necessary to have a deeper knowledge and understanding of the processes of innovation development structures in order to achieve the desired effectiveness in implementation and modeling, so the present study seeks to aim at how the Technology Innovation Hub modelis. In this study, a qualitative and quantitative mixed method was used. Researchers identified key factors in creating the innovation hub by library studies and interviews with experts. These factors included six dimensions of network and social interaction, infrastructure and resources, the existence of innovative and knowledge-based companies, institutional factors, team and structure. In this study, using Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) method, the factors affecting the creation of the Technology Innovation Hub were superficially prioritized and the relationships between the factors were calculated. The results showed that the management team factor and the structure with high degree of permeability and low dependence have had the greatest impact on the relationships between the factors. Manuscript profile
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        38 - The Study of Mediating Role of Resilience on the Relationship between Family Communication Patterns and Motivational Regulation
        Samira Firoozbakht Morteza Latifian
        This study investigated the mediating role of resilience on the relationship between family communication patterns (including conversation orientation and conformity orientation) and motivational regulation (including interest enhancement, self-consequating, environment More
        This study investigated the mediating role of resilience on the relationship between family communication patterns (including conversation orientation and conformity orientation) and motivational regulation (including interest enhancement, self-consequating, environmental control, mastery self-talk and performance self- talk). Participants were 572 high school students (290 boys and 282 girls) in Shiraz city selected through multistage cluster sampling method. Structural equation modeling using AMOS software revealed that conversation orientation and conformity orientation can positively predict motivational regulation. However conversation orientation was much stronger than conformity orientation. Conformity orientation predicted motivational regulation directly but the association between conversation orientation and motivational regulation was indirect and mediated by resilience. Manuscript profile
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        39 - Explaining Academic Burnout on Parent-Child Relationship with Mediating Resiliency and Problem Solving Ability
        Khadije Abolmaali Kianoosh Hashemian Aghdas Arabiyan
        The purpose of the present research was explaining academic burnout on child- parent relationship pattern( parental styles) with mediating resiliency and problem solving ability among female students in junior high school in Tehran city. Statistical population were fema More
        The purpose of the present research was explaining academic burnout on child- parent relationship pattern( parental styles) with mediating resiliency and problem solving ability among female students in junior high school in Tehran city. Statistical population were female students in high schools in Tehran city in academic year 2015-2016. Method of research was mixed method-explaining (quantitative- qualitative)in two stages. First stage used correlation method and second stage was qualitative method with descriptive phenomology. In first stage sampling method was multi stages cluster and included 461 female students in high school. In second stage sampling method was burn out purposive method and 10 students were selected. The instruments were: Breso and others Academic Burnout Questionnaire(2007), Bagheris Child-Parent Relationship Questionnaire(1392), Conner and Davidson Resiliency Scale (2003) and Heppner and Peterson,s Problem Solving Ability Inventory(1982) and semi-structural interview were used. In first stage data were analysised by structural equation model and in second stage we used Colaizzi method. The results indicated that the model had a good fitness with the data. Results in qualitative research was congruent with results quantitative research. Manuscript profile
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        40 - Philosophical Patterns of Irano-Islamic Way of Training Children
        Masoomeh  Zabihi
        The presence of philosophy in Irano-Islamic thought differentiates the pattern of training of Iranian children with other nations. Since old time, philosophy considered to be the link between education and human civilization. The history of the human civilization also s More
        The presence of philosophy in Irano-Islamic thought differentiates the pattern of training of Iranian children with other nations. Since old time, philosophy considered to be the link between education and human civilization. The history of the human civilization also supports the view that Iran has been always the cradle of civilization, science, and philosophy, and following the rise of Islam, it succeeded to develop its activity anew and presented its achievements to the world. In the lap of Islam, philosophical education of Iranians reached its zenith and maturity, and succeeded to leave behind certain particular patterns that have been followed by other nations, to the extent that, had there been no Iranian nationalistic feelings, other nations would have registered these patterns in their own names in the history of their culture. The present paper is an attempt to address these patterns, and review the impact of Irano-Islamic culture on them. Manuscript profile
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        41 - Explaining the Concepts of Illuminationist Philosophy in Iranian Houses
        ‏Takameh Abbasnia Tehrani Khosro  Sahhaf Hassan  Rezaei Abolghasem  Qavam
        Illuminationist philosophy is a discoursive-intuitive and light-centered school of philosophy. It has exercised a significant effect on Iranian art and architecture because of the Iranian-Islamic philosophical concepts that it employs. The present paper examines the ef More
        Illuminationist philosophy is a discoursive-intuitive and light-centered school of philosophy. It has exercised a significant effect on Iranian art and architecture because of the Iranian-Islamic philosophical concepts that it employs. The present paper examines the effects of Illuminationist views as a common language for the design of spiritual houses in the contemporary era. Hence, following a descriptive-analytic method, the authors initially explain some of the concepts and ideas in Suhrawardī’s Illuminationist philosophy and then examine their manifestation in the architecture of Iranian houses. Manuscript profile
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        42 - A methodology for interpreting the role of Islamic values and tenets in the design of directive elements of strategic plan (case study: design of directive elements of national macro-economy plan)
        ﻋﻠﻴﺮﺿﺎ ﻋﻠﻲ اﺣﻤﺪي
        Design of an effective strategic plan in the level of national to regional, and from ministries to governmental organizations is one the most essential priorities in the realization of national policies and goals. In addition, Islam as the most complete religion, provid More
        Design of an effective strategic plan in the level of national to regional, and from ministries to governmental organizations is one the most essential priorities in the realization of national policies and goals. In addition, Islam as the most complete religion, provide some values and tenets that could be used in the administration of the society and ruling based on them will lead to perfect felicity of humankind. Thus, in this research, the efforts were concentrated on the manner of influence of Islamic values and tenets and also achievements of human pure sapience on the various governmental plans. For this purpose a methodology was proposed for codification of governmental plans, so that Islamic values and tenets, and approaches based on knowledge and technology, will be used in a structured way in the design of directive elements (vision, mission, goals, qualitative and quantitative objectives) of a strategic plan. Furthermore, the proposed methodology was implemented in the design of directive elements of a strategic plan in the economic and social sector of government, and the results about the economic sector was reported in this paper. Manuscript profile
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        43 - A model for determination and reduction of conflicts among national plans based on the Islamic-Iranian advancement pattern
        وحیدرضا  سلامت
        Planning is one of the main functions of management and has always been the focus of managers and policy-makers. Planning at large scale levels involves complexities that can lead to conflicts among different national plans. In this study, the inter-plan conflicts betwe More
        Planning is one of the main functions of management and has always been the focus of managers and policy-makers. Planning at large scale levels involves complexities that can lead to conflicts among different national plans. In this study, the inter-plan conflicts between national plans and the “Islamic-Iranian advancement pattern” have been addressed. National plans are defined as plans designed by the national level organizations and being implemented by them. The “Islamic-Iranian advancement pattern” is an upper-hand document that all of the other plans must be designed in compatibility and adaptability with it; therefore the conflicts between “Islamic-Iranian advancement pattern” and other national plans are a remarkable and important issue. Also it should be noted that the most important point in preventing the conflicts is the comprehensive view of planners and also their expertise, but according to complexity of such plans the occurrence of conflicts is inevitable. In this study, a model based on the multi-criteria decision making methods for the determination and reduction of the conflicts in national plans has been introduced and also the advantages of this model have been discussed. Manuscript profile
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        44 - Social and cultural Impact Assessment of Sports Complexes: A Case Study of Narmak Sports Complex
        Ma’soumeh  MohaqeqMontazeri
        One of the biggest problems facing cities, especially large ones is inadequate share and distribution of sports facilities due to the size of urban population and insufficient government budget. Construction of Narmak Sports Complex is one of the projects that have been More
        One of the biggest problems facing cities, especially large ones is inadequate share and distribution of sports facilities due to the size of urban population and insufficient government budget. Construction of Narmak Sports Complex is one of the projects that have been implemented with the aim of developing sports and leisure areaaligned with the Comprehensive Master-plan for Tehran City and the Detailed Plan of Region 8. It also aimed to transform a polluted site into a service area.The present study seeks to identify the social and cultural impacts of this project and to estimate the positive and negative outcomes within the project-affected area. This research took a mixed approach combining documentary and field methods, and tools such as observation, in-depth and semi-structured interviews, questionnaires, and focused group discussions were used to collect data.The findings of this study show that besides positive impacts such as increasing sports spaceper capita, eliminating environmental pollution, improving the urban landscape, reducing household costs, reducing perceived public insecurity, enriching leisure activity patterns, etc., this projectalso has negative impacts such as reducing market share of pre-existing sports complexes, causing traffic problems due to lack of parking space and increasing traffic jams in the area. Manuscript profile
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        45 - Analysis, Design, and Fabrication of TEM Horn Antennas
        Mohammad Khalaj-Amirhosseini
        In this paper, TEM horn antennas are reviewed as an ultra wideband antennas and then analyzed theoretically. The far zone fields, radiation patterns, directivity, and bandwidth of these antennas are determined. Also, the characteristic impedance and input reflection coe More
        In this paper, TEM horn antennas are reviewed as an ultra wideband antennas and then analyzed theoretically. The far zone fields, radiation patterns, directivity, and bandwidth of these antennas are determined. Also, the characteristic impedance and input reflection coefficient of these antennas are determined using the taperd transmission lines model. Then some relations are introduced to optimum design of these antennas. Finally, two TEM horn antennas are designed and then are simulated, fabricated, and measured in an experiment. Manuscript profile
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        46 - Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Classifier
        Seyed-Hamid Zahiri
        A multi-objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) algorithm has been used to design a classifier which is able to optimize some important pattern recognition indices concurrently. These are Reliability, Score of recognition, and the number of hyperplanes. The propos More
        A multi-objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) algorithm has been used to design a classifier which is able to optimize some important pattern recognition indices concurrently. These are Reliability, Score of recognition, and the number of hyperplanes. The proposed classifier can efficiently approximate the decision hyperplanes for separating the different classes in the feature space and dose not have any over-fitting and over-learning problems. Other swarm intelligence based classifiers do not have the capability of simultaneous optimizing aforesaid indices and they also may suffer the over-fitting problem. The experimental results show that the proposed multi-objective classifier can estimate the optimum sets of hyperplanes by approximating the Pareto-front and provide the favorite user's setup for selecting aforesaid indices. Manuscript profile
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        47 - An Antenna Radiation Pattern Measurement System at Ordinary Room Using Adaptive Filter
        J. Dianat Ch. Ghobadi J. Nourinia
        In this work the inverse transfer function of the measurement room is obtained using a linear and RLS (recursive least-squares algorithm) adaptive filter. At first, an antenna with known pattern (reference antenna) is placed in the test zone to obtain the optimal tap we More
        In this work the inverse transfer function of the measurement room is obtained using a linear and RLS (recursive least-squares algorithm) adaptive filter. At first, an antenna with known pattern (reference antenna) is placed in the test zone to obtain the optimal tap weights of the adaptive filter. Once the filter converges, the learning stage finishes. After that the reference antenna is replaced with the test antenna and its pattern is measured and the data of the measurement is filtered by the optimal tap weights adaptive filter. The filter cancels the stray signals (reflected and scattered signal) and produces the radiation pattern of the test antenna. This technique is superior to that of others because it has better accuracy and it is less costly. Manuscript profile
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        48 - Defect Detection in Textile Fabrics Using Modified Local Binary Patterns
        F. Tajeripour E. Kabir a. sheikhi
        One of the methods which can produce powerful features for texture classification is Local Binary Patterns, LBP. In this paper we propose a method for defect detection in textile fabrics using these features. In the training stage, at first step LBP operator is applied More
        One of the methods which can produce powerful features for texture classification is Local Binary Patterns, LBP. In this paper we propose a method for defect detection in textile fabrics using these features. In the training stage, at first step LBP operator is applied to an image of defect free fabric, pixel by pixel, and the reference feature vector is computed. Then this image is divided into windows and LBP operator is applied on each of these windows. Based on comparison to the reference feature vector a suitable threshold for defect free windows is found. In the detection stage, a test image is divided into windows and using the threshold, defective windows can be detected. The proposed method is gray scale and shift invariant and can be used for defect detection in patterned and plain fabrics. Due to its simplicity online implementation is possible. Manuscript profile
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        49 - Fuzzy Evaluation of Long-Term Impacts of Electrical Appliances Efficiency Improvement on Load Pattern
        M. Behrangrad M. Parsa-Moghaddam
        Evaluation of long-term home electrical appliance efficiency improvement scenarios on load and energy pattern needs comprehensive and precise modeling taking to account a variety of uncertainties. In the modeling process, all effective parameters should be considered. E More
        Evaluation of long-term home electrical appliance efficiency improvement scenarios on load and energy pattern needs comprehensive and precise modeling taking to account a variety of uncertainties. In the modeling process, all effective parameters should be considered. Estimation is the main source of information in this process which is a long-term large scale impact assessment procedure. Furthermore, the non homogeneous structure of load behavior in response to DSM policies makes the problem more sophisticated. The presented method implies fuzzy numbers to model the main uncertainties of the demand side reactions to the proposed DSM program. Here, the social classes of customers and their behaviors regarding energy utilization as well as time dependency of the problem parameters are taken into account. The paper focuses on the efficiency improvement of the electric appliances in Iran as a long-term DSM program, due to their considerable share in electricity consumption in residential sector. Finally, the numerical results are presented. Manuscript profile
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        50 - Blind Modulation Recognition of Communication Signals Based on Support Vector Machines
        S. Shaerbaf M. Khademi Mohammad Molavi
        Automatic modulation type classifier is a system which recognizes the modulation type of received signal automatically from some possible, pre-assumed types. Automatic modulation classification has applications such as spectrum surveillance, signal confirmation, interfe More
        Automatic modulation type classifier is a system which recognizes the modulation type of received signal automatically from some possible, pre-assumed types. Automatic modulation classification has applications such as spectrum surveillance, signal confirmation, interference identification, software radio, etc. This paper, proposes a new method for recognition of 9 famous digital and analog modulations, which no need for prior knowledge of the signal to be recognized. This system is used to separate AM, FM, DSB and SSB in Analog modulations and 2ASK, 2PSK, 2FSK, 4PAM and 16QAM in digital modulations. Support Vector Machines (SVM) is used to classify these modulations and Genetic Algorithm is used to optimize Classifier Structure. Simulation results show that proposed algorithms have a good performance in comparison with other algorithms. Computational simplicity, High training speed and High classification rate, are the advantages of proposed algorithms. Manuscript profile
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        51 - Determining of Classifiers Behavior Using Hidden Markov Model Based Decision Template
        H. Sadoghi Yazdi
        Studying of classifier behavior is interested from viewpoint of error checking and presentation of suitable solution for decreasing error rates and decreasing performance. Weakness operation of recognition system is because of small number of training samples, noisy sam More
        Studying of classifier behavior is interested from viewpoint of error checking and presentation of suitable solution for decreasing error rates and decreasing performance. Weakness operation of recognition system is because of small number of training samples, noisy samples, unsuitable extracted features, method of determining of system response. Presentation of suitable model for behavior or response of recognition system, we can improve operation of recognition system. In this paper, a new hidden Markov model based decision template is generated for modeling of neurons behavior in neural network. In existing methods, relation of neurons and interaction between them is not studied whereas; response of neural network includes response value of all neurons. So, relations of neurons are modeled using new hidden Markov decision templates. This method is used into three applications include recognition of Farsi number images, normal traffic in internet network, and recognition of types of vehicles. Increasing performance of neural network indicates to superiority of the proposed system. Manuscript profile
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        52 - A Pseudo Covariance Wavelet-based Feature Extraction Method to Biomarker Selection from Ovarian Cancer Proteomic Patterns
        H. Montazery Kordy M. H. Miran-Baygi M. H. Moradi
        Pathological changes within an organ can be reflected as proteomic patterns in blood. The mass spectrometry has been used as powerful tools to generate proteomic patterns from serum. The produced profiles can be viewed as high dimensional and correlation data for which More
        Pathological changes within an organ can be reflected as proteomic patterns in blood. The mass spectrometry has been used as powerful tools to generate proteomic patterns from serum. The produced profiles can be viewed as high dimensional and correlation data for which the features of scientific interest are the peaks. Due to this complexity of data, an appropriate analysis method is needed such as wavelet transform. In this study, we proposed a pseudo-covariance wavelet-based feature extraction method for dimension reduction and de-correlation between mass spectra data. Our algorithm was applied to datasets of ovarian cancer obtained from the National Cancer Institute of USA. The proposed algorithm was used to extract the set of proteins as potential biomarkers in each dataset from reconstructed mass spectra. The selected biomarkers were able to diagnose ovarian cancer patients from non-cancer with high accurate results using standard diagnosis criteria. Using different classification algorithms, our approach yielded an accuracy of 98%, specificity of 97%, and sensitivity of 98%. Manuscript profile
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        53 - A Method for Automatic Printing Carpet Map Reading and Comparing to C-Means Clustering
        Ahmad Izadipour E. Kabir
        The subject of this paper is to read carpet pattern automatically by computer. This is composed of two steps: detection of vertical and horizontal lines in the pattern and color reduction. Color reduction is essential because of limitation of the number of colors that i More
        The subject of this paper is to read carpet pattern automatically by computer. This is composed of two steps: detection of vertical and horizontal lines in the pattern and color reduction. Color reduction is essential because of limitation of the number of colors that is used in a carpet. To accomplish of this process, we must detect the grid lines on the carpet pattern automatically. These lines are two types: thin lines and thick lines. At the first stage, the distance between thin lines is obtained. Having the first thin line detected, the other thin lines are drawn using this distance. We use a Comb method for detection of thick lines. The major problem in line detection is lagging or leading of the lines due to the mismatch between sampling frequency of the scanner and image resolution. We compensate this distortion in various steps in our algorithm. In the second step, we want all the pixels in the same square, to have the same color. This is obtained by mapping colors to the best color in the palette. We propose three methods. In first method the user selects two selections per any colors. Palette is obtained from some processes in these selections. Those pixels that are in the middle of the squares are mapped to the palette. Then color histogram is computed. The color that has the maximum histogram value is assigned to the square. In order to decrease user’s interference, C-means clustering algorithm is used in two types. The centers of initial clusters are determined once with user’s interference and once randomly. Results of these three methods are compared. We tested our methods on 20 samples of carpet patterns, and the error rate was variable from 0.07% to 0.5% between samples. Manuscript profile
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        54 - Learning Stable Analysis Patterns for Intelligent Software Agents
        S. Vafadar Ahmad Abdollahzadeh Barforoush
        Artificial Intelligence (AI) Techniques (such as learning) are used widely in agent-based systems. However, current research does not address a software engineering view on these techniques that support all the software development process. In this paper, we focus on re More
        Artificial Intelligence (AI) Techniques (such as learning) are used widely in agent-based systems. However, current research does not address a software engineering view on these techniques that support all the software development process. In this paper, we focus on requirement analysis – as the first step of the software development process and present techniques and tools to cover this shortage. In this regard, we provide a set of stable analysis patterns for learning capability of the agents. Stable analysis patterns are a set of meta-classes and their relations to analyze a specific issue in a domain-independent manner. Using stable analysis concepts, namely Enduring Business Themes (EBT), Business Objects (BO) and Industrial Objects (IO), these patterns represent the conceptual model of the learning. In this paper, we also apply these patterns on two case studies to investigate their applicability. These patterns are used as guidelines during analysis of learning. The main advantage of applying the stable analysis patterns in comparison with conventional analysis methods is modeling the knowledge of the learning analysis in addition to the ordinary classes of the domain. In addition, they generate more stable models via considering different levels of abstraction in the analysis. Manuscript profile
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        55 - Color reduction for Machine-Printed Carpet Pattern by Reinforcement Learning
        M. Fateh E. Kabir M. Nili Ahmadabadi
        Automatic reading of carpet patterns Requires To find the original colors of the pattern in a scanned image. It includes detecting of pattern lines and reducing the number of colors in the image. Color reduction is done in two steps: Finding the best pallet and mapping More
        Automatic reading of carpet patterns Requires To find the original colors of the pattern in a scanned image. It includes detecting of pattern lines and reducing the number of colors in the image. Color reduction is done in two steps: Finding the best pallet and mapping the image colors to the pallet colors. The accuracy of color reduction is so important that it may be required to ask for user intervention. The purpose of this study is to provide a new method in automatic color reduction with high accuracy. To achieve this target, reinforcement learning method is used which yields a 98% accuracy. This is a new method in color reduction and no one has used it yet. This method is defined with respect to the application and the amount of color reduction is such that does not degrade the accuracy. Therefore, the resulting pallet has more colors comparing to the original one. In the work reported in this article, first the grid lines of the pattern are detected. Then a single color is assigned to each box of the grid. After these steps, through the reinforcement learning method the color reduction is carried out. The results obtained from applying the proposed algorithm on some sample images are reported and discussed. Manuscript profile
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        56 - Developing a New Version of Local Binary Patterns for Texture Classification
        M.  Pakdel M. H. Shakoor
        Texture classification is one of the main steps in image processing and computer vision applications. Feature extraction is the first step of texture classification process which plays a main role. Many approaches have proposed to classify textures since now. Among them More
        Texture classification is one of the main steps in image processing and computer vision applications. Feature extraction is the first step of texture classification process which plays a main role. Many approaches have proposed to classify textures since now. Among them, Local Binary Patterns and Modified Local Binary Patterns, because of simplicity and classification accuracy, have emerged as one of the most popular ones. The Local Binary Patterns have simple implementation, but with increase in the radius of neighborhood, computational complexity will be increased. Modified Local Binary Patterns assigns various labels to uniform textures and a unique label to all non-uniform ones. In this respect, the modified local binary pattern can't classify non uniform textures as well as uniform ones. In this paper a new version of Local Binary Pattern is proposed that has less computational complexity than Local Binary Patterns and more classification accuracy than Modified version. The proposed approach classifies non uniform textures as well as uniform ones. Also with change in the length of central gray level intervals, locality and globally of the features can be controlled. Classification accuracy on two standard datasets, Brodatz and Outex, indicates the efficiency of the proposed approach. Manuscript profile
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        57 - A New Scheme for Automatic Classification of Power Quality Disturbances Based on Signal Processing and Machine Learning
        M.  Hajian A. Akbari Forod
        Identification and classification of power quality disturbances (PQDs) are one of the most important functions of monitoring and protection of modern power systems. One of the most important issues in PQ analysis is automatic diagnosis of waveforms using an effective al More
        Identification and classification of power quality disturbances (PQDs) are one of the most important functions of monitoring and protection of modern power systems. One of the most important issues in PQ analysis is automatic diagnosis of waveforms using an effective algorithm. This paper presents an effective method, for extracting features, using integration of discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and hyperbolic S transform (HST). Moreover, an efficient feature selection method namely Orthogonal Forward Selection (OFS) by incorporating Gram Schmidt (GS) procedure and forward selection is applied for selection of the best subset features. Multi support vector machines (MSVM), as famous classifier, is applied. Also, the variable parameters of the classifier are optimized using a powerful method namely particle swarm optimization (PSO). Six single disturbances and two complex disturbances as well pure sine (normal) selected as reference are considered for the classification. Sensitivity of the proposed expert system under different noisy conditions is investigated. Also, efficiency of the proposed methods by comparing the results of this study with the results of other papers is examined. Manuscript profile
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        58 - Color Reduction of Hand-painted Carpet Patterns Before Discretization
        M. Fateh E. Kabir
        Carpet patterns are in two categories: machine-painted and hand-painted. Hand-painted patterns are divided into two groups: before and after discretization. The purpose of this study is color reduction of hand-painted patterns before discretization. There are some artic More
        Carpet patterns are in two categories: machine-painted and hand-painted. Hand-painted patterns are divided into two groups: before and after discretization. The purpose of this study is color reduction of hand-painted patterns before discretization. There are some articles about color reduction of hand-painted carpet patterns after discretization, but so far, there is not an article on patterns before discretization. The proposed algorithm consists of the following steps: image segmentation, finding the color of each region, color reduction around the edges and final color reduction with C-means. For 80 segments of different 20 patterns, the algorithm has an approximate of 96% accuracy. In other words, the colors of 96% of image pixels are found correctly. The high accuracy of this method is due to its fitness to the application. The proposed method is not fully automatic and requires the total number of colors as its input. Manuscript profile
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        59 - Select the Optimal Subset of LABP Features Based on CLA-EC Method in Face Recognition System
        A. Hazrati Bishak K. Faez H. Barghi Jond S. Ghatei
        In this paper, we present a new efficient method based on local binary pattern descriptor, for face recognition. Because, the calculations in Local binary pattern are done between two pixels values, so, small changes in the binary pattern affect its performance. In this More
        In this paper, we present a new efficient method based on local binary pattern descriptor, for face recognition. Because, the calculations in Local binary pattern are done between two pixels values, so, small changes in the binary pattern affect its performance. In this paper, a new local average binary pattern descriptor is presented based on cellular learning automata and evolutionary computation (CLA-EC). In the proposed method, first, the LABP operator are used to extract uniform local binary patterns from face images; it should be noted that, in LABP operator to obtain more robust feature representation, many sample points has been used. Then, the best subset of patterns found by CLA-EC methods, and the histogram of these patterns is obtained. Finally, support vector machine is used for classification. The results of experiment on FERET data base show the advantage of the proposed algorithm compared to other algorithms. Manuscript profile
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        60 - A Novel Extended Mapping of Local Binary Pattern for Texture Classification
        M. H. Shakoor M. H. Shakoor
        Texture classification is one of the important branches of image processing. The main point of texture classification is feature extraction. Local Binary Pattern (LBP) is one of the important methods that are used for texture feature extraction. This method is widely us More
        Texture classification is one of the important branches of image processing. The main point of texture classification is feature extraction. Local Binary Pattern (LBP) is one of the important methods that are used for texture feature extraction. This method is widely used because it has simple implementation and extracts high discriminative features from textures. Most of previous LBP methods used uniform patterns and only one feature is extracted from non-uniform patterns. In this paper, by extending non-uniform patterns a new mapping technique is proposed that extracts more discriminative features from non-uniform patterns. So in spite of almost all of the previous LBP methods, the proposed method extracts more discriminative features from non-uniform patterns and increases the classification accuracy of textures. The proposed method has all of the positive points of previous LBP variants. It is a rotation invariant and illumination invariant method and increase the classification accuracy. The implementation of proposed mapping on Outex dataset shows that proposed method can improve the accuracy of classifications significantly. Manuscript profile
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        61 - Optimizing Quantum Circuits by One-Way Quantum Computation Model Based on Pattern Geometries
        M. Eslamy M. Saheb Zamani M. Sedighi M. Houshmand
        A fundamentally quantum model of computation based on quantum entanglement and quantum measurement is called one-way quantum computation model (1WQC). Computations are shown by measurement patterns (or simply patterns) in this model where an initial highly entangled sta More
        A fundamentally quantum model of computation based on quantum entanglement and quantum measurement is called one-way quantum computation model (1WQC). Computations are shown by measurement patterns (or simply patterns) in this model where an initial highly entangled state called a graph state is used to perform universal quantum computations. This graph together with the set of its input and output qubits is called the geometry of the pattern. Moreover, some optimization techniques have been introduced to simplify patterns. Previously, the 1WQC model has been applied to optimize quantum circuits. An approach for parallelizing quantum circuits has been proposed which takes a quantum circuit and then produces the corresponding pattern after performing the proposed optimization techniques for this model. Then it translates the optimized 1WQC patterns back to quantum circuits to parallelize the initial quantum circuit by using a set of rewriting rules. To improve previous works, in this paper, a new automatic approach is proposed to optimize patterns based on their geometries instead of using rewriting rules by applying optimization techniques simultaneously. Moreover, the optimized pattern is translated back to a quantum circuit and then this circuit is simplified by decreasing the number of auxiliary qubits. Results show that the quantum circuit cost metrics of the proposed approach is improved as compared to the previous ones. Manuscript profile
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        62 - Human Recognition via Finger Vein Images in Radon Space Using Common Spatial Patterns
        H. Hassanpour A. Gholami
        One of the most fitting biometric for identifying individuals is finger veins. In this paper, we study the human recognition via finger vein images that recognize persons at a high level of accuracy. First we use entropy based thresholding for segmentation and extractio More
        One of the most fitting biometric for identifying individuals is finger veins. In this paper, we study the human recognition via finger vein images that recognize persons at a high level of accuracy. First we use entropy based thresholding for segmentation and extraction veins from finger vein images. The method extract veins as well, but the images are very noisy. That means in addition to the veins that appeared as dark lines, they have some Intersecting lines. Then we applied radon transformation to segmented images. The radon transform is not sensitive to the noise in the images due to its integral nature, so in comparison with other methods is more resistant to noise. This transform does not require the extraction of vein lines accurately, that can help to increase accuracy and speed. Then for extracting features from finger vein images, common spatial patterns are applied to the blocks of Radon Transform. In identification step two methods are used: Nearest Neighbor (1-NN) and Artificial Neural Network (MLP). Experiments conducted on sets of finger vein image database of Peking University show 99.6753 percent success rate in identifying individuals. Manuscript profile
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        63 - A Multi-Criteria Decision Making Mechanism for Data Offloading from Cellular Networks to Complementary Networks
        M. Fallah Khoshbakht saleh Yousefi B. Ghalebsaz Jeddi
        Due to proliferation of smart phones, data traffic in cellular networks has been significantly increasing, which has resulted in congestions in cellular networks. Data offloading to a complementary network such as Wi-Fi has been identified as a rational and cost-effecti More
        Due to proliferation of smart phones, data traffic in cellular networks has been significantly increasing, which has resulted in congestions in cellular networks. Data offloading to a complementary network such as Wi-Fi has been identified as a rational and cost-effective solution to these congestions. In this paper, a multi-criteria offloading (MCO) mechanism is proposed to select the best transfer mode among: cellular delivery, delay-tolerant offloading (DTO) to a complementary network, and peer-assisted offloading (PAO). The proposed MCO mechanism utilizes TOPSIS multi-criteria decision analysis method and a prediction model for the Wi-Fi connection pattern. The decision criteria include: the fraction of total users’ request satisfied by offloading, data transfer costs of cellular operator to users, data transfer bandwidth of users in both cellular and complementary networks, and total users’ power consumption. To evaluate the proposed mechanism various scenarios have been simulated, and the results show that the MCO mechanism can successfully take into account the preferences of the cellular operator and its users. Through simulations, the MCO mechanism demonstrated superior performance in comparison with other proposed solutions in the literature in terms of balancing the load on the network, reducing the cost of the cellular operator, and reducing energy consumption of the users. Manuscript profile
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        64 - The Effect of Topic Pattern of Teen Users’ Search Behavior on Query Recommendation
        H. Ghasemzadeh Mohammad Ghasemzadeh A. Zareh
        Teenager users apply a limited vocabulary when they proceed to look for their desired materials. Another important issue is that teenagers often click mostly on the first items presented in the list of the search results. This research shows that, in order to amend and More
        Teenager users apply a limited vocabulary when they proceed to look for their desired materials. Another important issue is that teenagers often click mostly on the first items presented in the list of the search results. This research shows that, in order to amend and compensate these issues, we can extract and suggest a more appropriate query to the teenager user. This can be accomplished by discovering the relevant subject patterns from the behavior of the teenage user according to his or her previous search quarries and based on the already found patterns. In the proposed method, the topic patterns of the user are discovered based on the popularity of the clicks and the most relevant topics from the search logs which are generally massive. Afterwards, by using the binary classification method, the closest query to the query given by the user would be specified. Then, by filtering the subject navigation noise via extraction of the subject patterns of the teen user’s clicks, a user model with a higher accuracy can be obtained. We evaluated performance of the proposed method using the Alteryx and Weka tools, over the AOL search log, which includes about twenty million sample search transactions from six hundred and fifty different users. The results obtained from the experiments indicate that the queries presented by the proposed system are closer to the target user's query, and consequently, leads to achievement of more related results. Manuscript profile
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        65 - Traffic Patterns Detection in Video Surveillance Using Optical Flow and Topic Model
        Amin Moradi Asadollah Shahbahrami Alireza Akoshideh
        Research in the field of video surveillance systems has been improving because of the increasing need for intelligent monitoring, control and management. Given the large amount of data on these intelligent transportation systems, extracting patterns and automatically la More
        Research in the field of video surveillance systems has been improving because of the increasing need for intelligent monitoring, control and management. Given the large amount of data on these intelligent transportation systems, extracting patterns and automatically labeling them is a challenging task. In this paper, a topic model was used to detect and extract traffic patterns at intersections so that visual patterns are transformed into visual words. The input video is first split into clips. Then, the flow characteristics of the clips, which are based on abundant local motion vector information, are computed using optical flow algorithms and converted to visual words. After that, with a non-probabilistic topic model, the traffic patterns are extracted to the designed system by a group sparse topical coding method. These patterns represent visible motion that can be used to describe a scene by answering a behavioral question such as: Where does a vehicle go? The results of the implementation of the proposed method on the QMUL video database show that the proposed method can correctly detect and display meaningful traffic patterns such as turn left, turn right and crossing a roundabout. Manuscript profile
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        66 - Feed Locating and Beamforming in Collocated MIMO Antenna Using Characteristic Mode Theory
        Mostafa Parvin J. ahmadi-Shokouh Hamideh DashtiKhavidaki
        In this paper, a procedure for feed placement in a collocated Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) antenna is presented based on characteristic mode theory. The orthogonality of characteristic currents is used to determine optimal feed locations in the presented antenn More
        In this paper, a procedure for feed placement in a collocated Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) antenna is presented based on characteristic mode theory. The orthogonality of characteristic currents is used to determine optimal feed locations in the presented antenna. First, characteristic mode analysis is done to determine the resonance modes of the antenna; Then the optimal feed locations are determined to excite these orthogonal modes. Moreover, we modify the shape of the radiation pattern of the antenna by changing amplitude excitation of these modes. It is observed that only by changing amplitudes of the antenna modes and their composition at the desired frequency, the shape and the beam width of the antenna pattern is changed. Manuscript profile
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        67 - Sub-Region Analytical Modeling of the Outer-Rotor Surface-Mounted Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine
        Armin Solhroshan Mohammad Reza  Alizadeh Pahlavani Arash Dehestani Kolagar
        In this paper, the sub-region method is used to analyze the outer-rotor permanent magnet synchronous machine. In this method, based on hypotheses such as geometry, electrical and magnetic characteristics, the machine is divided into four sub-regions of groove, groove op More
        In this paper, the sub-region method is used to analyze the outer-rotor permanent magnet synchronous machine. In this method, based on hypotheses such as geometry, electrical and magnetic characteristics, the machine is divided into four sub-regions of groove, groove opening, air gap and magnet. Based on Maxwell's equations and considered assumptions, the governing partial differential equations for each sub-region are presented and solved analytically. In this paper, after calculating the air-gap flux density caused by the armature winding current and magnets with three patterns of radial, parallel and Halbach magnetization, the other main quantities of the machine are calculated accordingly. To validate the analytical model, the results obtained from MATLAB software are compared with the values obtained from the finite element method. Manuscript profile
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        68 - Designing an Empowerment pattern for Sepah bank staff Based on Organizational Learning
        Marzieh Damirchi Rasul Hoseini Masumeh Oladian
        Competition in today's world is not having assets but having two other essential elements. One is investing in knowledge and learning in the organization, and the other one is the training of capable employees. The purpose of this study was to design a staff empowerment More
        Competition in today's world is not having assets but having two other essential elements. One is investing in knowledge and learning in the organization, and the other one is the training of capable employees. The purpose of this study was to design a staff empowerment model based on organizational learning. The research method has been used in terms of qualitative-quantitative nature (mixed) in terms of applied type and in mixed research methods, exploratory method is used sequentially. The data collection tool was semi-structured in the qualitative section of the interview and a researcher made questionnaire in the quantitative section. The statistical community in the qualitative sector is the knowledge and expertise of human resources in the banking system and universities. Sampling was done using a non-probabilistic sampling method including targeted techniques (snowball chains), based on which 18 interviews with experts in the banking industry took place and from among them, it was interviewed with 10 people through the focal group. For analysis of qualitative information, content analysis and open, axial and selective coding method is used and in this way, the MAXQDA2018 software is used. The statistical populations in the quantitative chiefs of staff and managers of Sepah bank branches in Tehran province were 322 people. A sample of 175 people was identified using the Cochran formula & stratified sampling. For analyzing quantitative data, structural equation and PLC software have been used. The obtained pattern includes organizational learning relationships and empowerment of employees, components, indicators and impacts of empowerment based on organizational learning. Based on research findings, empowerment of employees based on organizational learning leads to productivity, dynamism and agility. Manuscript profile
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        69 - Provide a model for the growth of human resources in the Ministry of Labor Cooperation and Welfare and Social Affairs
        mohsen akbari Abolghasem Delkhosh Kasmaee Mahmood  safari
        The purpose of this study is to provide a model for identifying and developing the growth of government employees (Case study: Ministry of Labor Welfare and Social Affairs). The research has been done in terms of applied purpose and exploratory methods. The data collect More
        The purpose of this study is to provide a model for identifying and developing the growth of government employees (Case study: Ministry of Labor Welfare and Social Affairs). The research has been done in terms of applied purpose and exploratory methods. The data collection method was quantitative and the data collection tool was a questionnaire. The sample size is 237 employees of the Ministry of Labor Welfare and Social Affairs of Tehran living in Tehran (villages and cities), who have answered the above-mentioned distribution questionnaire in this study. In this study, to collect information, two methods of library studies were used to review books and articles and related and dissertations, and documents in libraries related to the subject and content in cyberspace, as well as field studies using a questionnaire. The researcher-made questionnaire is based on semi-structured interviews (individual or group) that include components that were administered after confirmation of reliability and validity. Data analysis was performed by descriptive and inferential methods using SPSS 16 and Smart PLS software. In the model of factor analysis between components because organizational growth dimension (one component) and ethical growth dimension (four components); they had a factor load of less than 0.3, were removed from the factor analysis process, and were considered "very desirable" given that the remaining 14 items were greater than 0.6. Finally, all 14 remaining components and their indicators were accepted under the heading of dimensions and components of the growth pattern of the Ministry of Welfare and Social Affairs. The results indicate that the main components of staff growth in the Ministry of Labor Welfare and Social Affairs are process maturity, individual maturity, organizational maturity, professional maturity, and moral maturity. To check the fit of the model, check the X2, R, and RS; It was discussed that the presence of low X2 and the ratio of chi-square to the degree of freedom less than three, as well as the coefficient of determination and the adjusted coefficient of determination, were calculated; Indicates the proper fit of the model. Findings showed that in the studied companies, there is a positive and strong relationship between intelligence and organizational performance. Also, the relationship between intelligence and organizational growth principles is positive and significant, but there is no significant relationship between organizational growth principles and performance.The results showed that the components of improving the quality of education and growth of municipal managers are individual, educational and organizational. The results of organizational maturity research align individual and organizational goals in order to create cohesive and efficient groups in the workplace, in accordance with the mission and interests of the organization, and this is important through responsibility and voluntary participation in continuous improvement activities. Reduces negative behaviors in the organization In general, organizational maturity is a very complex theory of behavior that refers to behavior change at the organizational level. Manuscript profile
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        70 - Virtual Social Networks and Consumption Patterns of Tehran Citizens
        Hadi Barghamadi adel abdollahi Elaheh  Shams Koushki
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the use of virtual social networks of Tehran citizens and their consumption pattern. The theoretical framework is based on the views of theorists such as Veblen, Giddens and Bourdieu. The approach o More
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the use of virtual social networks of Tehran citizens and their consumption pattern. The theoretical framework is based on the views of theorists such as Veblen, Giddens and Bourdieu. The approach of the present research is quantitative and the research method is descriptive in terms of descriptive path and applied in terms of purpose. Data were collected by a survey method and using a questionnaire tool. The statistical population of the study included citizens over 15 years of age in Tehran who were interviewed using the sample size estimation formula, 600 of them were interviewed using multi-stage stratified sampling. The results, regarding objective dimension, showed that cultural consumption is one of the influential variables in the consumption pattern of Tehran citizens and in addition there is a significant relationship between cultural consumption and the use of virtual social networks. On the other hand, there is a relationship between the use of virtual social networks and the clothing consumption pattern of Tehran citizens. In fact, the use of virtual social networks by Tehran citizens has affected their coverage and how they buy. The results obtained in the mental dimension of the subject under study also indicate that the use of social networks has affected the values and social attitudes of Tehran citizens based on consumerism. Manuscript profile
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        71 - A Content-Based Image Retrieval System Using Semi-Supervised Learning and Frequent Patterns Mining
        Maral Kolahkaj
        Content-based image retrieval, which is also known as query based on image content, is one of the sub-branches of machine vision, which is used to organize and recognize the content of digital images using visual features. This technology automatically searches the imag More
        Content-based image retrieval, which is also known as query based on image content, is one of the sub-branches of machine vision, which is used to organize and recognize the content of digital images using visual features. This technology automatically searches the images similar to the query image from huge image database and it provides the most similar images to the users by directly extracting visual features from image data; not keywords and textual annotations. Therefore, in this paper, a method is proposed that utilizes wavelet transformation and combining features with color histogram to reduce the semantic gap between low-level visual features and high-level meanings of images. In this regard, the final output will be presented using the feature extraction method from the input images. In the next step, when the query images are given to the system by the target user, the most similar images are retrieved by using semi-supervised learning that results from the combination of clustering and classification based on frequent patterns mining. The experimental results show that the proposed system has provided the highest level of effectiveness compared to other methods. Manuscript profile
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        72 - Sociological Study of Marriage Patterns as a Subject of Generational Conflict in Families of Clergy Students from the Children’s Point of View
        zahra  movahedi saveji mansoure azam azade mahdi etemadi fard
        Transitional position of Iran from tradition to modernity, set new conditions in terms of challenges between two generations. One of these challenges is in relation to marriage. Family plays an important role in marriage culture, and actively participate in it. Basicall More
        Transitional position of Iran from tradition to modernity, set new conditions in terms of challenges between two generations. One of these challenges is in relation to marriage. Family plays an important role in marriage culture, and actively participate in it. Basically, marriage is interpreted as a family bond. In some eras, initially choosing a spouse did by family; and love marriage was limited. Such pattern has been modified over time. In this study, we seek a descriptive-analytical study of conflicts arising from marriage patterns between clergy parents and their children. Another objective of this study is to examine strategies and approaches employed in conflict resolution. This research utilized a qualitative and grounded theory approach to provide an accurate and detailed explanation of the generational problems within the clergy family. The data from this study suggest that confrontation between clergy parents and their children has three patterns: 1. Endogamy versus Exogamy 2. Haste in marriage versus delay in marriage 3. Marriage based on gerontocracy versus Marriage based on freedom. The following three strategies were identified in their children 's exposure to conflicts in marriage patterns: 1. confrontation strategy 2. Surrender strategy 3. secrecy strategy. According to this study, there is a multiplicity of educational resources as well as a difference between the discourse and epistemological system governing the thought of parents and children. Also based on the research data, children's experience of divorce and their family emotional relationships are highly influential in how they approach conflicts. Furthermore, we have found that parents' attitudes toward girls and boys differ dramatically, which could explain the exacerbation of conflict due to "gender" contexts. Results also note the role of “educational status” as a facilitator of communication, referred to as "facilitating communication". Manuscript profile
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        73 - The Relationship between Family Communication Patterns with Meaning in Life on High School Students in Shiraz
        raziyeh shakibafard reza chalmeh
        The aim of this research was to investigate the relationship between dimensions of family communication patterns(conversation and conformity)and the meaning in life(presence of meaning and search for meaning).The research sample included 120 first period high school stu More
        The aim of this research was to investigate the relationship between dimensions of family communication patterns(conversation and conformity)and the meaning in life(presence of meaning and search for meaning).The research sample included 120 first period high school students in Shiraz(60 girls and 60 boys)who were selected by multi-stage cluster random sampling. The data collected by questionnaire of family communication patterns (Fitzpatrick and Ritchie, 1990) and the meaning in life questionnaire (Steger, 2010). Cronbach's Alpha was calculated to examine reliability of the measures. The power of dimensions of family communication patterns (conversation and conformity) was examined in predicting the meaning in life (presence of meaning and search for meaning) by using correlation test and simultaneous regression analysis. According to the results of this study, the dimensions of family communication patterns were able to predict the search for meaning and the strongest prediction was related to the conversation dimension (p <0.05), but the presence of meaning was not predictable by the dimensions of family communication patterns. Whereas, proper communication of family members plays an important role in creating a search for meaning in children, it can be strengthened to increase meaning in life. Manuscript profile
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        74 - Designing and validating the growth model of faculty members
        Mohammad bakhtiyari fereshteh kordestani lotfollah abbasi Abbas Khorshidi
        This study was conducted to present the growth pattern of faculty members. The method of the present research in terms of practical objectives, In terms of data, it was an exploratory mix and in terms of nature and type of study, it was a cross-sectional survey. Researc More
        This study was conducted to present the growth pattern of faculty members. The method of the present research in terms of practical objectives, In terms of data, it was an exploratory mix and in terms of nature and type of study, it was a cross-sectional survey. Research model based on studies Previously, inside and outside the country and the views of experts in this field were suggested. The statistical population of this research in the qualitative section 15 experts in the field of higher education and in a small dimension the faculty members of the Islamic Azad University, Tehran Branch Were central, and a sample of 280 of them identified by Morgan’s table. The main collection tool The data were first interviews with experts in this field and then the compilation of a seven-point questionnaire. Validity of measurement tools (CVR) and its validity was assessed and confirmed by Cronbach’s alpha. Pattern based on data analysis Optimally presented that has three dimensions: 1) Scientific abilities with a validity of %91 with three components of educational maturity, maturity Research, specialized maturity, 2) Personal abilities with a validity of %89 with two components: individual maturity, maturity Organizational 3) Spiritual / social abilities with a validity of %90 with two components of religious maturity and social maturity A total of 138 indicators had an effect on the growth of faculty members. This template can help managers and other professors Be a university. Manuscript profile
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        75 - Drilling mud loss modeling to detect high risk point and suitable location for new drilling project in Sarvak Formation, Azadegan Oil Field
        Bahman Soleimani Abass  Esmaeli Ehsan Larki
        Drilling mud loss is considered as one of common problems encountered during excavation. The aim of this study is to evaluate of mud loss of the Sarvak Formation (Cenomanian age) in Azadegan oil field which is known as the most important rich hydrocarbon reservoir in th More
        Drilling mud loss is considered as one of common problems encountered during excavation. The aim of this study is to evaluate of mud loss of the Sarvak Formation (Cenomanian age) in Azadegan oil field which is known as the most important rich hydrocarbon reservoir in the Zagros region by providing the model in the environment of GS+ software. This formation consists of a thick sequence of limestone and clay limestone layers, which is divided into 7 zones based on petrophysical characteristics. For this purpose, available data such as drilling mud weight, pump pressure, mud loss, and related depths of 9 drilled wells were investigated. The results showed that despite of the operating factors including the weight of drilling mud and the pressure of the pumps were kept constant, the presence of fractures in the reservoir rocks causes to occur mud loss significantly in zone 3 while it is observed the lowest level of mud loss in zone7. Based on the results of mud lost data patterns, faults, sedimentary environments morphology (such as sedimentary channels) seem to play major roles in creating fractures or areas susceptible to mud loss. The difference in observed patterns of mud loss is more likely to confirm the relocation of channel status over the time in different parts of the reservoir. In general, the highest rate of mud loss was detected in the northern and southern edges while the lowest rate was happened in the middle part of the field. It is suggested to prevent mud loss hazards in this field, underbalanced drilling method should be used. Manuscript profile
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        76 - Comparing the Attitude Patterns of Men and Women in Planning and Developing Clean and Inexpensive Coastal Cycling Tourism (Case Study of Babolsar)
        Mehdi   Ramezanzadeh Lasbuie فرشته  دوستی
        In traditional societies, gender roles are not notable, whereas gender relations play a significant role in planning and developing tourism. Gender relations give identity to people and set their power and participation in environmental and socio-cultural affairs. All t More
        In traditional societies, gender roles are not notable, whereas gender relations play a significant role in planning and developing tourism. Gender relations give identity to people and set their power and participation in environmental and socio-cultural affairs. All types of tourism, including cycling tourism, play roles in distributing power, resources, participation, and support among the members of society, particularly women and youths. Babolsar city has a coastline of 27 km, which makes it the lengthiest swimming beach in Mazandaran province, visited by various tourists. Should the standards improve, the city’s coastline could attract bicycle tourists and even hold cycling races on a national level. This study compared the attitude patterns of men and women to develop cycling tourism. It also discussed the motivational factors affecting women. Two hundred questionnaires were randomly distributed among tourists on the beaches of Babolsar city. Data were analyzed by T-test and linear regression in SPSS. The results showed that women, similar to men, had a high tendency to use bicycles in a suitable environment. They also asked to establish standard infrastructures to improve their skills. Among the motivational factors in women’s views, the pro-cycling attitudes and perceived cycling ease had the highest impact on developing cycling tourism in Babolsar. Manuscript profile
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        77 - The Impact of Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Indicators on Foreign Tourism Demand in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
        Fatemeh Rahmani Ali Rahnama
        Today, the role of the tourism industry has been accepted as a category in creating fields of interaction between the countries of the world. Tourism in developed and developing countries is one of the basic approaches in creating sustainable employment, increasing per More
        Today, the role of the tourism industry has been accepted as a category in creating fields of interaction between the countries of the world. Tourism in developed and developing countries is one of the basic approaches in creating sustainable employment, increasing per capita income, and diversifying sources of income. Various indicators affect the development of this industry and the number of tourists attracted by countries. Due to the importance of this issue, this study examines the effect of travel and tourism competitiveness indicators on foreign tourism demand in the Middle East and North Africa. The panel data model was used to measure the impact of these indicators for 15 countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) for the years 2011-2019, whose information is available in the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report. According to the results of this study, the three variables "air transport infrastructure", "labor market and human resources" and "price competitiveness" had the highest impact on attracting foreign tourists to the surveyed countries. Manuscript profile
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        78 - Identifying Effective Factors in Tourists' Satisfaction of and Tendency to Purchase from Mashhad's Shopping Centers
        sara parsapour Hadi  Rafiei Darani
        Purchasing is a new type of tourism that is considered as one of the main activities of tourists. This study sought to investigate the effect of shopping centers' features, traveling options, and the tourist destination's economic and social characteristics on tourists’ More
        Purchasing is a new type of tourism that is considered as one of the main activities of tourists. This study sought to investigate the effect of shopping centers' features, traveling options, and the tourist destination's economic and social characteristics on tourists’ satisfaction of and tendency to purchase from shopping centers with an emphasis on comparing tourists and pilgrims visiting Mashhad's traditional and modern shopping centers (Bazaar Reza and Almas-e-Sharq). To this end, 404 questionnaires were administered during the summer of 2019, using multiple logit analyses to identify the relevant factors. The study's results indicated that variables such as background information concerning the shopping center, the number of family members accompanying a person in travel, seller`s appropriate treatment, the existence of parking lots, quality of the product, marital status, geographical location, income, and product variety had a significant effect on tourists' tendency to purchase from shopping centers. Therefore, to increase the tourists' satisfaction of and willingness to purchase from shopping centers, the following steps are recommended to be taken: constructing shopping centers in places that are easier to access for the tourists; Exercising stricter supervision on prices of different products and services; equipping the shopping centers with parking lots that are capacious enough, and providing the shopping centers with diverse various goods and services. Manuscript profile
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        79 - Comparing the Efficiency of Sustainable Urban Economy Models on Local Development (Case study: District 10 of Tehran)
        Zohreh  Tajik Seyed Mosa Mosavi Farzaneh Salami
        Urban economics, after the formation of sustainability-based approaches such as sustainable development, became more and more associated with these approaches and formed a comprehensive category called "sustainable urban economy".The aim of this research is researching More
        Urban economics, after the formation of sustainability-based approaches such as sustainable development, became more and more associated with these approaches and formed a comprehensive category called "sustainable urban economy".The aim of this research is researching the effectiveness of sustainable urban economy for the transformation and redevelopment of dysfunctional urban neighborhoods in which haven’t been evaluated until now. , using a quantitative-qualitative method based on interviews and questioning of experts in Tehran, research data were collected. The results showed a significant effect of all the studied models on the dependent variable, ie local development. However, some models of sustainable urban economy, such as "social entrepreneurship" and "LED model", had a greater impact on local development. This means that the two models can be used more than other models in accordance with the conditions of dysfunctional neighborhoods in the 10th district of Tehran. Finally, it was concluded that in order to apply the models of sustainable urban economy in local development and the transformation of dysfunctional urban neighborhoods in the 10th district of Tehran, two basic preconditions should be considered. One is that the priority of selecting redevelopment models should be based on their adaptation to "endogenous local development" and the other is that the sociological conditions and requirements of dysfunctional urban neighborhoods should be considered in choosing the development model. Thus, by accepting and applying these two preconditions, it is possible to create a local model of local development in Tehran. Manuscript profile
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        80 - Reading the meaning of mandala in the pattern of Behnam and Qadaki Qajar houses of Tabriz
        sara pourmokhtar Mohammadreza  pakdelfard Hassan Sattari
        From the Qajar period of Tabriz, extremely valuable houses have been left. One of them is Behnam and the other is Qadaki who have a common entrance and porch and it seems that there are hidden concepts behind their architectural plan. Addressing the issue of meaning and More
        From the Qajar period of Tabriz, extremely valuable houses have been left. One of them is Behnam and the other is Qadaki who have a common entrance and porch and it seems that there are hidden concepts behind their architectural plan. Addressing the issue of meaning and finding deep layers in the field of architecture is inevitable. Therefore, in order to find these concepts and the relationship between these two buildings in terms of using archetypal concepts, a comparative comparison has been made. One of Jung's most important archetypes is the self (mandala). And it is necessary to investigate more precisely, the main questions of the research are raised as follows: 1. How has the mandala archetype appeared in the architecture of the houses of Qadki and Behnam in Tabriz? 2. What is the manifestation of meaning based on the archetypal concepts of mandala in Behnam and Qadki houses? The aim of this research is to find the basic patterns as a common language for the continuity of the architecture of these houses. In this research, the ancient pattern of mandala can be recovered by semiotic reading through its basic forms, images and representation of its concepts. Considering the historical-analytic nature of the research and the comparative comparison of the studied houses, it has been summarized qualitatively and descriptively. At the same time, according to its theoretical approach, the semiotic approach has been used to extract symbols and meaning. Referring to the method of layered semiotics, it has been used to convert the data into paradigm patterns that indicate the presence of the mandala in the formation of the structure of the studied houses. In the following, the semantic analysis of each of the mandala images in the studied samples has been done. The result of the research shows the traces of mandal images such as numbers and specific geometric patterns. The first architectural foundations of Behnam and Qadaki houses are in the form of simple, regular geometrical shapes, which include circles, regular polygons, and squares, which are developed in a mandal combination and have an archaic nature. Manuscript profile
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        81 - A rhetorical introduction to the objection in the Holy Quran
        mohammad mahdi valizadeh abolghasem valizadeh
        Protest style is one of the most widely used discourse styles of the Holy Quran. In this research, by rereading and searching in the domain of interpretive and literary books, the widespread use of protest sentences in the Qur'an and its variants is presented, then by r More
        Protest style is one of the most widely used discourse styles of the Holy Quran. In this research, by rereading and searching in the domain of interpretive and literary books, the widespread use of protest sentences in the Qur'an and its variants is presented, then by regular categorization as well as the separation of single-subject protest sentences from the multi-faceted, general omissions in the identification verses, They have been studied and documented, then the four most commonly used denominations of affirmation, rejection, interpretation and rejection of the word of the unbelievers. The purpose of the present study is to answer the question of how to use the expressive style of protest in the Holy Quran as well as to resolve the ambiguity of the discrepancy and the relationship between the verses of the protest and other verses. This research is an analytical-descriptive one, during which it is found that about twenty cases of the objections of the protest sentences and their examination prove that the object of the protest method in the Holy Quran is completely purposeful and in its proper place and used according to the present circumstances. It is, and is, in quantitative and qualitative terms far beyond the style used in the Arabic prose and discipline texts, as well as being one of the most important literary, literary and content miracles of the Holy Quran. Manuscript profile
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        82 - Gait biomechanics and digital growth and weight bearing pattern in dairy cows.
        mohammad ali sadeghi Khosro Safari Nikroo Mohammad mirhaj
        Lameness is one the most important problems in dairy herds and a major cause of financial loss and pain and discomfort to animals. Different surveys have revealed that most lameness causing lesions in cattle originate in the claw and in order to better understand the cl More
        Lameness is one the most important problems in dairy herds and a major cause of financial loss and pain and discomfort to animals. Different surveys have revealed that most lameness causing lesions in cattle originate in the claw and in order to better understand the claw disorders, one has to have good understanding of the anatomic structure, horn characteristics, and biomechanics of the claw. The claw is a direct product of the underlying living tissue and different factors affect the rate of horn growth and wear. Here, we aim to review the different factors effecting the horn growth and wear, weight bearing, and biomechanics of the claw. Manuscript profile
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        83 - Explaining the family pattern in fertility with an analytical approach and referring to Quranic teachings
        فاطمه فرهادیان Narges Afshar
        According to the data published by various demographic organizations, the fertility rate is decreasing in many countries of the world, including in Iran. This can be due to several reasons. Despite this, the cultural transformations during the last few decades, among ot More
        According to the data published by various demographic organizations, the fertility rate is decreasing in many countries of the world, including in Iran. This can be due to several reasons. Despite this, the cultural transformations during the last few decades, among other changes, stand out the most. The growth of individualism and humanistic thoughts, changes in beliefs and attitudes, the growth of secularism, transformation in family values, and reformation are among the most important developments related to fertility. The purpose of this research is to study the effective factors in fertility in the individual, family and social spheres and to explain a model for the family in the field of fertility based on reliable evidence and relying on religious teachings. Therefore, the research method in this study is qualitative and analytical. The research results showed that there is a significant relationship between the variables of individualism, modernization, religiosity, secularism and family values in families and fertility; In this sense, the higher the level of commitment to the religious beliefs of the family, the lower the levels of secularism and individualism, and the higher the level of attention to family values, the higher the fertility rate in those families. In the meantime, modernization and its consequences on the family and especially on women have contributed greatly to changing attitudes. Therefore, the most important principle is the change in attitude, belief, value and action at the three levels of the individual, family and society. Attitudes are formed over time and a transformational process, and then they become beliefs and values and finally actions, and once they are formed, it is simply not possible to change them, therefore, effective measures must be formed in this field. Manuscript profile
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        84 - Review and Qualitative Content Analysis of the Theoretical Origins of Urban Regeneration
        Ahmad Pourahmad Akbar Hamidi Hossein Hataminejad saeed zanganeh
        With the beginning of the twenty-first century, various policies have been adopted to manage the complexities and uncertainties of urban systems, especially in metropolitan areas. Meanwhile, Urban Regeneration (UR), as a policy focused on Inner-city, dysfunctional and r More
        With the beginning of the twenty-first century, various policies have been adopted to manage the complexities and uncertainties of urban systems, especially in metropolitan areas. Meanwhile, Urban Regeneration (UR), as a policy focused on Inner-city, dysfunctional and rundown urban fabrics, has found an undeniable significance in urban planning and studies. Then, the main purpose of this research is to review, evaluate and investigate urban regeneration policy based on Qualitative Content Analysis (QCA) method. Firstly, more than 300 scientific and valid texts in the field of urban regeneration were purposefully studied. After the final screening, 73 sources were analyzed in a content way as a selected document. In the second step, components and indicators of research variables were extracted and categorized. Results represent that the core categories of urban regeneration are: 1) principles of urban regeneration; 2) timeline evolution of urban regeneration policies; 3) sustainable urban regeneration strategies; 4) assessment frameworks of regeneration; 5) guiding theories for regeneration; and 6) land use-led urban regeneration. As a result, the conceptual model of urban regeneration was presented by focusing on expanded theoretical concepts. Considering extracted categories, the land use-led urban regeneration indicator has been noticed more in research studies, and the category of sustainable regeneration strategies has been given more priority. In contrast, the discussion of regenerative support theories, regeneration policy timeline and its evaluation frameworks are less emphasized than other issues. Manuscript profile
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        85 - Proposing a Cognitive Model for the Development of Creative Industries Employees (Case Study: IRIB )
        Ilya Monzavi Mehdi Sharifi freshteh Amin
        Cognitive science can create mechanisms that facilitate and accelerate the process of human resource development. For this purpose, the present article has been done with the aim of compiling and validating the cognitive model of development of creative industry employe More
        Cognitive science can create mechanisms that facilitate and accelerate the process of human resource development. For this purpose, the present article has been done with the aim of compiling and validating the cognitive model of development of creative industry employees in the news section of the Islamic Republic of Iran TV. In terms of research approach, heuristic blending method has been used. In the first stage of this research, an analytical method was used, based on which a specific classification of the research process conducted inside and outside the country in the field of organizational repository was done, and then the interview protocol was based on the dimensions and components of The results were compiled from the theoretical foundations and background of the research and the researcher, through the content analysis method, interviewed experts in the field of human resources and using the content analysis steps, a conceptual model in five conceptual layers, category O and codes were obtained. It includes all the experts in the news section of the Islamic Republic of Iran TV and a statistical sample was made available to 20 experts of this organization. The results of the research showed that according to the interviews conducted and the process of content analysis, the dimensions include: 1- Psychological development of employees, 2- Behavioral development of employees, 3- Skills development of employees, 4- Development Employee analysis and 5-Employee support development, which was presented in the form of a schematic model. Manuscript profile
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        86 - Presenting a suitable model for predicting the consumption market of specialized drugs in Iran
        Alireza  Rezvani Chaman Zamin Naser  Feghhi Farahmand Musa Rezvani Chamanzamin Yaqhoub Alavi Matin
        The present study aims to explain and present a market forecasting model for the use of specialized drugs in Iran. The results of the leading research have been examined by two methods, qualitative and quantitative. The method used in this research is based on fundament More
        The present study aims to explain and present a market forecasting model for the use of specialized drugs in Iran. The results of the leading research have been examined by two methods, qualitative and quantitative. The method used in this research is based on fundamental studies. The present study is a cross-sectional research based on data collection method. In this study, purposive sampling method for selecting experts in the qualitative section and simple random method with 385 in the qualitative method have been used. The results showed that processing and ease of use with a coefficient of 26.089, access to offices and physicians with a coefficient of 4.514, necessary standards and approvals with a coefficient of 1.028, payment share of support systems with a coefficient of 3.025, drug distribution to Supply point with a coefficient of 3.250, non-competitive products in the target market with a coefficient of 3.878, marketing power of physicians with a coefficient of 1.986, reduction of monopoly profit with a coefficient of 3.801 and black market and smuggling with a coefficient of 5.971 and a significant level of 0001 / 0 (P <0.05) has an effect on the market forecast for specialized drugs. Manuscript profile
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        87 - The prediction of marital conflicts based on marital quality of life and communication patterns during quarantine of coronavirus outbreak (Covid-19)
        Mohammad Vahidi Kooresh  Zare Shibani
        This study aimed to investigate the prediction of marital conflicts based on marital quality of life and communication patterns during coronavirus quarantine (Covid-19). The descriptive-correlation method was used. According to the random convenience sampling method, 38 More
        This study aimed to investigate the prediction of marital conflicts based on marital quality of life and communication patterns during coronavirus quarantine (Covid-19). The descriptive-correlation method was used. According to the random convenience sampling method, 385 married women in Shiraz were selected by the Cochran formula as the statistical population. The selected population was asked to answer the Marital Conflict Questionnaire (MCQ) (Barati and Sanaee, 1372- solar calendar), Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS)(Busby etal, 1995), and Communication Patterns Questionnaire (CPQ)(Christensen and Sullaway, 1984). The data were analyzed by Pearson correlation coefficient and multivariate regression. Findings showed a significant correlation between marital life quality and communication patterns with marital conflicts (P<0/01). Regression analyses also revealed that %27.4 of the variance of marital conflicts was explained by the marital life quality and communication patterns. This study demonstrates that marital life quality and communication patterns significantly contributed to marital conflicts prediction during quarantine (Covid-19). Manuscript profile
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        88 - Investigating the relationship between family communication patterns and academic vitality: The mediating role of self-regulated learning strategy
        محسن علیزاده Siruos Alipor Birgani Manijeh Shehniyailagh
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between family communication patterns and academic vitality: the mediating role of self-regulated learning strategies. The research method was correlation and structural equations. Participants in this study More
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between family communication patterns and academic vitality: the mediating role of self-regulated learning strategies. The research method was correlation and structural equations. Participants in this study were 240 ninth grade male students in Behbahan, who were selected by multi-stage (relative) random sampling. The instruments used in this study were a revised version of the Fitzpatrick and Ritchie family communication patterns, the Martin and Marsh Vital Life Questionnaire, and the Pintrich and De Groot self-regulatory, cognitive, and metacognitive learning strategies scale. Confirmatory factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha coefficient were used to evaluate the validity and reliability of these instruments. The evaluation of the proposed model was performed using the structural equation method. Bootstrap method was used to test indirect relationships. The results showed that the direction of dialogue has a direct positive and significant relationship with academic vitality and self-regulated learning strategies. Also, the orientation of dialogue with academic vitality through self-regulated learning strategies has a significant indirect relationship. But compliance orientation was not directly related to academic vitality and self-regulated learning strategies and this relationship was indirectly insignificant with the mediation of self-regulated learning strategies (cognitive and metacognitive) with academic vitality. Finally, self-regulated learning strategies have a significant relationship with academic vitality. Better fit of the model was achieved by eliminating non-significant paths of compliance orientation to academic vitality and compliance orientation to self-regulated learning strategies (cognitive and metacognitive). Manuscript profile
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        89 - A Psychological Re-Reading of the Novel "Haras" (An Explanation and Analysis of the Enduring Psychological Consequences of War in the Characters of the Novel "Haras")
        DR abolfazl ghanizadeh noushin derakhshan
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examples in the behavioral response of Rasul and Nawal as the two central characters of the story with the amount of damage explained the high adaptability and based on the concept of stress disorder caused by psychological blows of war to analyze strategies; It deals with coping, compromise patterns and defense mechanisms.The result of the research shows: that the novel Haras can be analyzed and explained based on coping strategies and compromise patterns as well as Freud's defense mechanisms, and how these strategies, patterns, and mechanisms are applied has a decisive role in the mental health and subsequently the fate of its hero.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; text-justify: kashida; text-kashida: 0%;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin';">&nbsp;</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify;"><strong><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin';">Introduction</span></strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">The novel "Haras" by NasimMarashi was published in 2017 under the name of Jang.It narrates the years of life affected by the war of a Khorramshahri family and reveals their style and behavior in dealing with the negative psychological consequences of the war.The consequences, if analyzed and interpreted in psychology based on coping strategies, adaptive patterns, and explanatory mechanisms, can alleviate psychological tensions in similar situations and lead to mental health and well-being.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">Rasool and Naval, as the main characters of the story, are trapped by these consequences and complex and nested layers of psychological tensions.In the period after the war, Naval became pregnant to give birth to a son and fill the void of Sharhan, who was lost in the war.Incorrectly diagnosing the gender of the fetus, infant substitution, Tahani's suffocation, and the eldest daughter's mental illness add fresh and intricate psychological wounds to the scenes of the story, ultimately leading to daily conflicts and, eventually, Navaal's expulsion from the house.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">In the ups and downs of the story and its various scenes, Rasoul and Naval act according to their cognitive and behavioral abilities, and the situations in which they find themselves lead them to unconsciously employ coping strategies, adaptive patterns, and defense mechanisms.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">Counteracting strategies for reducing mental stress using problem-focused, emotion-focused, and avoidance approaches, adaptive patterns in two reactive approaches, practical and defensive, and defensive mechanisms in suppressing, displacement, denial, rationalization, camaraderie, bonding, and fantasy are employed.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">In various scenes of the story, Rasoul uses problem-focused coping strategies and defensive mechanisms of displacement and suppression.In adaptive patterns, he utilizes practical reactive responses to reduce mental stress.Meanwhile, Naval employs incompatible emotion-focused and avoidance coping strategies, defensive mechanisms of suppression, denial, rationalization, isolation, fantasy, and physical type, and in adaptive patterns, she employs defensive reactive responses to reduce tensions.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">In conclusion of the article, it is deduced that alongside post-war life, not only have the psychological damages of families not disappeared, but their depth and intensity have also increased.The positive impacts of effective coping strategies, adaptive patterns, and defensive mechanisms, as well as their negative effects, are understandable and interpretable in human life, and conscious use of them can lead to the mental health and well-being of those affected by mental injuries.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">&nbsp;</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><strong><span style="color: black;">Background of the Research</span></strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">In recent years, interdisciplinary research, especially in psychology and literature, has gained more attention, and many articles focusing on psychological readings of novels and poetry have been written.In line with the subject of the present article, which is based on a psychoanalytic approach centered around defense mechanisms, several studies have been conducted on other novels.Notable among these are the articles "A Freudian Reading of the Novel SuranSard" by Mahmoud AghakhaniBeizhni and colleagues (2019), "An Examination of Psychological Defense Mechanisms in the Novel The Suspended Bridge" by Zeinab Haji and colleagues (2014), "An Analysis of Psychological Defense Mechanisms in the Works of SiminDaneshvar with a Focus on the Novels Suvashun, Island of Confusion, and The Wandering Camel Driver" by Zahra Doosti and colleagues (2023), "An Examination of Esfandiar's Defense Mechanisms in the Battle of Rostam" by Alami (2015), "Character Analysis of Rostam in the Story of Rostam and Sohrab Based on Defense Mechanisms" by Salehi and colleagues (2019), and the article "Analysis of the Novel Men of the Sun Based on Freud's Theory of Defense Mechanisms" by MollaEbrahimi and Hamze (2022).</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">In non-academic research, one can refer to the article by OmidiSarvar (2016) titled "The Headless Palm Trees, " the article "A Look at the Novel Hars" by Kanaan (2016), and also the article "Unfinished Mourning" by Feyzabadi (2019) In academic research, there are two articles by GhasemiIsfahani and Dadour (2023) titled "The Application of Reception Theory in Analyzing the Concept of War in the Novel Hars" and the article "Psychoanalytic Analysis of the Main Character in the Novel Hars Based on Karen Horney's Theories" by Khadiyapur and colleagues (2022).</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">In all the academic and non-academic research conducted on the novel "Hars, " the focus has been on describing and analyzing the characters from psychological or literary perspectives.However, none of the studies have addressed the reasons behind Nawal's behavior or how her actions impact the family dynamic and perpetuate its vulnerability from a psychological standpoint.Additionally, the behavioral confrontation between Rasool and its influence on the narrative progression has not been explored.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">&nbsp;</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><strong><span style="color: black;">Theoretical Foundations</span></strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">Anxiety and stress, as psychological phenomena, are significant factors in the emergence and persistence of many mental disorders and are an inseparable part of human life.Therefore, the way individuals cope with stress plays a crucial role in reducing the formation and duration of stressful events (Chen &amp; Chang, 2011: 10) and is among the most significant factors influencing mental health (Lazarus &amp; Folkman, 1992: 51). Coping strategies for stress are a dynamic process and manifest differently among individuals in the form of coping strategies, adaptive patterns, and defense mechanisms, with their application relating to the individual's personality structure.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">Freud introduced three structures in the anatomy of personality: the id, the ego, and the superego.Anxiety is an inevitable result of the interaction between these three personality structures and occurs when the ego is under significant pressure.Anxiety, which is a crucial part of Freud's theory of personality, forms the basis for the emergence of neurotic and psychotic behaviors, manifesting in three forms: realistic anxiety, neurotic anxiety, and moral anxiety.The ego's dependence on the id leads to neurotic anxiety; its dependence on the superego results in moral anxiety; and its reliance on the external world generates realistic anxiety.Thus, defensive behaviors take on an important role by protecting the ego from the pain of anxiety.In addition to the defense mechanisms outlined by Freud, these coping methods also include coping strategies and adaptive patterns (Schultz &amp; Schultz, 2012: 63).</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">&nbsp;</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><strong><span style="color: black;">Conclusion</span></strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">In the present study, a psychological perspective was taken to explore the bitter days of this family, addressing the reasons behind Nawal and Rasool's behaviors and the painful bitterness of their lives through the lens of coping and defense styles.This approach aimed to familiarize readers with the lasting psychological impacts of war, emphasizing the importance of individuals' responses to stressful events and the necessity of training to assist affected individuals in learning coping skills.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">In this context, an effort was made to highlight the significant role of coping strategies in portraying Rasool as a person who single-handedly guides his fragmented family toward life, prompting the reader to empathize with and sometimes admire him.Additionally, the paper examined and discussed the negative impact of Nawal's ineffective coping strategies, which contributed to the creation of an endless mourning cycle with the new victims of the concluded war.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">Ultimately, what emerges from the psychological analysis of the research is that the novel "Hars" provides a narrative interpretation and explanation for the continuity of the bitter days and years of a war-torn family.It offers a psychological response to the unending war in Nawal's life, her unfamiliar behaviors, her regained tranquility in solitude with the withered palms, and Rasool's return to an unwelcoming home from the village.This article serves as a review of the bitter histories of Nawal, Rasool, and their innocent children, aiming to answer the harsh reality of why sometimes the world ends not with a shout, but with a lament.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">&nbsp;</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><strong><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">Keywords: </span></strong><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">Haras, War, Defensive Strategies, Adaptive Patterns, and Defensive Mechanisms.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; text-indent: 36.0pt; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">&nbsp;</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify;"><strong><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; mso-bidi-language: FA;">References</span></strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-left: 25.5pt; text-align: justify; text-indent: -17.0pt; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; 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text-align: justify; text-indent: -17.0pt; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">Salehi Mazandarani Mohammadrezaand others (2019) Analysis of Rostam's character in the story of Rostam and Sohrab based on defense mechanisms.Pahlavi literature biannual.(6): 213-242.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-left: 25.5pt; text-align: justify; text-indent: -17.0pt; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">Schultz Duanane P &amp; Schultz Sydney Ellen (2005) Theories of Personality.8th ed.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-left: 25.5pt; text-align: justify; text-indent: -17.0pt; tab-stops: center 170.05pt right 340.15pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin'; color: black;">&nbsp;</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        90 - government policies and changing food consumption patterns; The study of households in Rasht city during the years 2014 to 2019: the results of a qualitative analysis
        mahya azmayesh asyabsari Nader Motie Haghshenas valiolah rostamalizadeh,
        Throughout history, food and its supply have been important to humans. It is obvious that the diet of any country is affected by their cultural, economic and social policies, which have a direct effect on the implementation of this matter. The purpose of this article is More
        Throughout history, food and its supply have been important to humans. It is obvious that the diet of any country is affected by their cultural, economic and social policies, which have a direct effect on the implementation of this matter. The purpose of this article is to qualitatively study government policies and their effects on changing food consumption patterns among households in Rasht city. This research is qualitative and phenomenological and has been collected through expert interview and observation. The sampling method was purposeful and 21 citizens of Rasht city were interviewed. The findings obtained from the analysis of the opinions of the interviewees show that they are related to the policies of the governments The negative consequences of government policies in the 80s and 90s have dominated their positive consequences, although the applied economic and social policies have created many problems for people at different levels of society, but on the other hand, they have led people towards the optimal economic consumption of consumer goods. has pushed Investigations related to the changes in the food consumption pattern of the citizens of Rasht show that the categories of demographic and cultural structure, lifestyle change, distinguishing oneself from others, the extent of food preparation centers and numerous services, and the media play a key role in the tendency of citizens to eat outside. have had and financial issues and economic capacity, relatively high food security and adherence to traditional culture have been the reasons for the trend towards traditional foods. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        91 - Fuzzy Multicore Clustering of Big Data in the Hadoop Map Reduce Framework
        Seyed Omid Azarkasb Seyed Hossein Khasteh Mostafa  Amiri
        A logical solution to consider the overlap of clusters is assigning a set of membership degrees to each data point. Fuzzy clustering, due to its reduced partitions and decreased search space, generally incurs lower computational overhead and easily handles ambiguous, no More
        A logical solution to consider the overlap of clusters is assigning a set of membership degrees to each data point. Fuzzy clustering, due to its reduced partitions and decreased search space, generally incurs lower computational overhead and easily handles ambiguous, noisy, and outlier data. Thus, fuzzy clustering is considered an advanced clustering method. However, fuzzy clustering methods often struggle with non-linear data relationships. This paper proposes a method based on feasible ideas that utilizes multicore learning within the Hadoop map reduce framework to identify inseparable linear clusters in complex big data structures. The multicore learning model is capable of capturing complex relationships among data, while Hadoop enables us to interact with a logical cluster of processing and data storage nodes instead of interacting with individual operating systems and processors. In summary, the paper presents the modeling of non-linear data relationships using multicore learning, determination of appropriate values for fuzzy parameterization and feasibility, and the provision of an algorithm within the Hadoop map reduce model. The experiments were conducted on one of the commonly used datasets from the UCI Machine Learning Repository, as well as on the implemented CloudSim dataset simulator, and satisfactory results were obtained.According to published studies, the UCI Machine Learning Repository is suitable for regression and clustering purposes in analyzing large-scale datasets, while the CloudSim dataset is specifically designed for simulating cloud computing scenarios, calculating time delays, and task scheduling. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        92 - Analytical Pattern of Behavior from Social-Political Action
        Rahim Abolhasani
        <p><!-- [if !mso]> <style> v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} o\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} w\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} .shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);} </style> <![endif]--><!-- [if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> More
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Name="Medium Shading 1 Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="64" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Shading 2 Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="65" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium List 1 Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="66" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium List 2 Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="67" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 1 Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="68" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 2 Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="69" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 3 Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="70" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Dark List Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="71" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful Shading Accent 6"/> 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Name="TOC Heading"/> </w:LatentStyles> </xml><![endif]--><!-- [if gte mso 10]> <style> /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:Arial; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} </style> <![endif]--></p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center; line-height: 97%;" align="center"><strong><span style="font-size: 14.0pt; line-height: 97%; color: black;">Analytical Pattern of Behavior </span></strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center; line-height: 97%;" align="center"><strong><span style="font-size: 14.0pt; line-height: 97%; color: black;">from Social-Political Action</span></strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-left: 1.1pt; text-align: justify; text-justify: kashida; text-kashida: 0%;"><span class="rynqvb"><strong><span style="font-size: 14.0pt;">&nbsp;</span></strong></span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-left: 1.1pt; text-align: right;" align="right"><span class="rynqvb"><span style="font-size: 11.0pt; mso-fareast-font-family: Calibri;">Seyyed Rahim Abolhasani</span></span><a style="mso-footnote-id: ftn1;" title="" href="#_ftn1" name="_ftnref1"><span class="MsoFootnoteReference"><span style="font-size: 11.0pt;">*</span></span></a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-left: 1.1pt; text-align: justify; text-justify: kashida; text-kashida: 0%;"><span class="rynqvb"><strong><span dir="RTL" lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 14.0pt;">&nbsp;</span></strong></span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; text-justify: kashida; text-kashida: 0%; text-indent: 14.2pt; line-height: 97%;"><span style="color: black; letter-spacing: -.3pt; mso-bidi-language: FA;">To understand the reasons for people's participation in social and political arenas, various analytical patterns can be utilized. The purpose of this article is to present a suitable analytical model for comprehending and delineating the causes and contexts of the social-political behaviors and actions of individuals for future research. This research attempts to answer the question of how political participation can be analyzed using a model. By employing an analytical-descriptive method and drawing on a theory based on social-political behavior, it is possible to provide an analytical model for political participation. Thus, we aim to integrate the micro and macro levels of analysis and compare the main explanatory variables of behavior in interaction with each other. The influential variables on individuals' social action motivations are categorized into internal (values, beliefs, and emotions) and external (goal-oriented) factors.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; text-justify: kashida; text-kashida: 0%; text-indent: 14.2pt; line-height: 97%;"><span style="color: black; letter-spacing: -.3pt; mso-bidi-language: FA;">&nbsp;</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; text-justify: kashida; text-kashida: 0%; text-indent: 14.2pt; line-height: 97%;"><span style="color: black; letter-spacing: -.3pt; mso-bidi-language: FA;">&nbsp;</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; text-justify: kashida; text-kashida: 0%;"><strong><span style="color: black;">Keywords:</span></strong><span style="color: black;"> Analytical pattern, behavior or action, inclinations and tendencies, attitudes and perceptions, stimuli and environmental and structural factors.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <div style="mso-element: footnote-list;"><br clear="all" /><hr align="left" size="1" width="33%" /> <div id="ftn1" style="mso-element: footnote;"> <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-left: 1.1pt; text-align: justify;"><a style="mso-footnote-id: ftn1;" title="" href="#_ftnref1" name="_ftn1"><span class="MsoFootnoteReference"><span style="font-size: 10.0pt;">*</span></span></a><span class="rynqvb"><span style="font-size: 10.0pt; mso-fareast-font-family: Calibri; mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin';">Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Tehran, Iran</span></span><span class="rynqvb"><span style="font-size: 10.0pt; mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin';">.</span></span></p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-left: 1.1pt; text-align: justify;"><span class="rynqvb"><span style="font-size: 9.0pt; mso-fareast-font-family: Calibri; mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin';">abhasani@ut.ac.ir</span></span></p> </div> </div> <p>&nbsp;</p> Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        93 - The State Policies and Changes Of Food Consumption Patterns; The study of Households in Rasht City from 2005 - 2020: Results of a Qualitative Analysis
        mahya azmayesh asyabsari نادر  مطیع‌حق‌شناس valiolah rostamalizadeh,
        Throughout the history, food and its supply has been the most important concern of human beings. It is obvious that the food system of any country is affected by the cultural, economic and social policies in which the states have a direct influence. The aim of this arti More
        Throughout the history, food and its supply has been the most important concern of human beings. It is obvious that the food system of any country is affected by the cultural, economic and social policies in which the states have a direct influence. The aim of this article is to conduct a qualitative study of the state policies and their effects on the changes in food consumption patterns among the households in Rasht city. It is conducted by a qualitative method and phenomenological approach and the data were collected through an in-depth interview and observation. The sampling method was purposeful and 21 citizens of Rasht city were interviewed. The data obtained from the interviews were analyzed using MAXQDA software. The findings show that the negative consequences of state policies in the 2000s and 2010s dominated the positive consequences. Although the economic and social policies caused many problems for the people with different levels, they also led people towards the optimal economic consumption of the goods. Investigations of the changes occurred in the food consumption pattern among the Rasht citizens show that the categories of demographic and cultural structure, lifestyle change, self distinguishing, the availability of food centers, and the media play a key role in the tendency of citizens towards eating outside. On the other hand, the financial challenges and economic capacity, relatively high food security and adherence to the traditional culture are the reasons tending people towards having the traditional foods. Manuscript profile