Defect Detection in Textile Fabrics Using Modified Local Binary Patterns
Subject Areas : electrical and computer engineering
F. Tajeripour
E. Kabir
a. sheikhi
1 - Tarbiat Modares University
2 - Tarbiat Modares University
3 -
Keywords: Detectionlocal binary patterntexturemachine visionfabrictextural defects,
Abstract :
One of the methods which can produce powerful features for texture classification is Local Binary Patterns, LBP. In this paper we propose a method for defect detection in textile fabrics using these features. In the training stage, at first step LBP operator is applied to an image of defect free fabric, pixel by pixel, and the reference feature vector is computed. Then this image is divided into windows and LBP operator is applied on each of these windows. Based on comparison to the reference feature vector a suitable threshold for defect free windows is found. In the detection stage, a test image is divided into windows and using the threshold, defective windows can be detected. The proposed method is gray scale and shift invariant and can be used for defect detection in patterned and plain fabrics. Due to its simplicity online implementation is possible.
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