Designing a Technology Innovation Hub Pattern Using Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM) Approach
Subject Areas : Entrepreneurship and Innovation Ecosystems
Ramazan Mahdizadeh
parviz saeedi
Babak Ziyae
Ahmad Mehrabian
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3 - University of Tehran
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Abstract :
The Innovation Hub is a unique research and innovation ecosystem. It is a global environment that attracts high quality academic members, researchers, students, innovators and entrepreneurs. Innovation Hub as essential components of knowledge-based economic and social development in the innovation ecosystem have been expanding in recent years and have been considered by science and technology policymakers in countries during the growth mechanisms of technology businesses. For the growth of technological innovations in developing countries, it is necessary to have a deeper knowledge and understanding of the processes of innovation development structures in order to achieve the desired effectiveness in implementation and modeling, so the present study seeks to aim at how the Technology Innovation Hub modelis. In this study, a qualitative and quantitative mixed method was used. Researchers identified key factors in creating the innovation hub by library studies and interviews with experts. These factors included six dimensions of network and social interaction, infrastructure and resources, the existence of innovative and knowledge-based companies, institutional factors, team and structure. In this study, using Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) method, the factors affecting the creation of the Technology Innovation Hub were superficially prioritized and the relationships between the factors were calculated. The results showed that the management team factor and the structure with high degree of permeability and low dependence have had the greatest impact on the relationships between the factors.
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