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        1 - Design business model with emphasis on social and environmental considerations
        hosein sormeh
        Abstract                The commitment of business owners to the design of the business model in a way that, in addition to providing its own benefits, improves the community's well-being and environmental sustainability, is at the forefront of customers' attention. The More
        Abstract                The commitment of business owners to the design of the business model in a way that, in addition to providing its own benefits, improves the community's well-being and environmental sustainability, is at the forefront of customers' attention. The purpose of this study was to design a business model with an emphasis on social and environmental considerations. The present research is a practical purpose and the research organization of this research is the largest educational nongovernmental educational institution in Iran, which is active in the field of teaching and publishing study books and conducting program tests and academic planning. For this purpose, and as a research sample, 1,300 of the customer groups, including students, students and funded scholars, blind and disabled students, as well as groups of school builders, university dormitories and library were selected and reviewed. . Given the proposed values, the business model was presented in the social and environmental responsibility layers, so that in the new business model, the three proposed values ​​in the field of social responsibility include social justice (educational), special services for particular classes and promotion Commonly accepted values ​​of the community and two proposed environmental values, including the promotion of environmental protection and the use of green technologies Manuscript profile
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        2 - Quantity and quality investigation of generated wastes at steel industries
        Zahra Zamiraei علی ناهد
        Regarding to the variety of uses of steel in the world and widening its scope of application with the advancement of technology, steel production has changed to keep pace with advances in technology, following the changes; producers have tried to raise productivity and More
        Regarding to the variety of uses of steel in the world and widening its scope of application with the advancement of technology, steel production has changed to keep pace with advances in technology, following the changes; producers have tried to raise productivity and use of cheaper energy and fuels due to its geographical environment. There are the wastes in different stages of steelmaking (coke making, iron making and steelmaking). The generated wastes in this industry are with hazardous substances such as heavy metals, according to the classifications of the wastes, are classified as hazardous wastes. Therefore, identification and analysis and management of such waste in these industries are essential. The release of aforesaid hazardous wastes in nature can be had issues and problems for the environment and human health ultimately exceed the acceptable environmental conditions. The proper management of hazardous wastes in order to reduce and control pollution of the environment is utmost importance. Manuscript profile
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        3 - A review of widely used industrial dyes and their removal methods from water and wastewater
        Fariba Ostovar Marzieh Hasanzadeh
        In recent years, the expansion of industries has led to increase industrial wastewater production and environmental pollution. Dyes materials are one of the most important pollutants in industrial wastewater. Today, dyes are widely used in various industries such as tex More
        In recent years, the expansion of industries has led to increase industrial wastewater production and environmental pollution. Dyes materials are one of the most important pollutants in industrial wastewater. Today, dyes are widely used in various industries such as textile, paper, leather, printing, and cosmetics. Drainage of colored wastewater does not only affect the aesthetic aspect of the receiving water but also reduces the process of photosynthesis. Also, the colors and their intermediate products are toxic, carcinogenic and mutagenic for aquatic life. Most of these dyes cause skin allergies, dermatitis, and itching, and accelerate the incidence of cancer and mutation in humans. Therefore, industrial wastewaters containing dye need to be treated prior to discharge into the receiving environment. The purpose of this study was to provide a summary of the most important industrial dyes, the health and environmental effects of dyes as pollutants, and to describe the methods for their removal from water and wastewater. In this study, different dye removal methods such as biological, physical and surface adsorption methods were described and the best process for treatment of colored wastewater was introduced considering the economical cost. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Investigation of the trend of land use changes in Rey city using remote sensing data
        sara foroutan mahmoud shariat mirmasoud kheirkhah zarkesh rahim sarvar
        Rey city has experienced unprecedented urban growth in recent decades that leading to drastic changes in the land use of the region. Therefore, the purpose of this article was to investigate the changes in land use area of Rey city during the years 1988 to 2006 using ae More
        Rey city has experienced unprecedented urban growth in recent decades that leading to drastic changes in the land use of the region. Therefore, the purpose of this article was to investigate the changes in land use area of Rey city during the years 1988 to 2006 using aerial photographs and satellite images of Landsat and IRS. With supervised and unsupervised classification of the satellite images, 4 land uses types including urban lands, agricultural lands, green spaces and barren lands were extracted. Land use layers were compared in pairs and the rate of land use changes was extracted. The results showed that urban land use made and urban green space have increased 369.7 and 55.6 hectares, respectively, and agricultural lands and barren lands have decreased 213.8 and 211.5 hectares, respectively. The growth of residential areas during a period of 6 years from 2000 to 2006 totally with 212.7 hectares has been faster changed than a period of 12 years from 1988 to 2000 with 157 hectares. A pairwise comparison matrix of land uses was used to determine the amount of environmental damages caused by unprincipled changes in the region land uses in the studying period. The results show that the conversion of barren lands, agriculture and urban green space into residential lands with the amounts 44.65, 42.44 and 14.85 causes high degree of environmental damages. Land use change, especially the loss of vegetation, has a negative impact on the landscape. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Cheese whey recycling, the right approach to prevent environmental damage
        Zahra  Katabehei Moradi Maryam  Haghighi khomami Hamed Kioumarsi hooshang dehghanzadeh saeed tamadoni jahromi
        Today, with increasing in production and diversity expansion of dairy products in factories and production of whey products, this food product has become very important. Whey is a water-soluble part of milk that is obtained by adding acid, heating, and coagulating the c More
        Today, with increasing in production and diversity expansion of dairy products in factories and production of whey products, this food product has become very important. Whey is a water-soluble part of milk that is obtained by adding acid, heating, and coagulating the cheese. This yellow liquid contains a lot of lactose and mineral compounds such as calcium and phosphorus, which is important to achieve in order to use as a food source and prevent environmental pollution. Since the wastewaters of the dairy industry have the highest levels of contamination, if the untreated wastewaters of this industry are discharged, serious environmental problems will be inevitable. On the other hand, a reduction in existing reserves and environmental problems followed by increasing use of fossil fuels has prompted researchers to produce new sources of renewable energy, and it can be said that new biological technologies, such as the use of whey as a way to produce biofuels, reduces the environmental problems of dischrging this kind of wastewaters into nature. Today, using biological technology, these compounds can be used to produce biofuels such as hydrogen, methane, and ethanol. So far, various methods and tests have been performed to produce these fuel sources and in this study, the effective strategies for recycling whey and preventing environmental damages are investigated. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Identifying the factors affecting the formation of free innovation process in Iran Using fuzzy Delphi approach and Dematel technique
        ali asghar sadabadi mohammad sadegh khayyatian fatemeh mohammadi
        Free innovation is an important and evolving process in the domestic sector of national economies, leading to human prosperity and social welfare. The main purpose of this study is to identify the factors affecting the process of forming free innovation in Iran with fuz More
        Free innovation is an important and evolving process in the domestic sector of national economies, leading to human prosperity and social welfare. The main purpose of this study is to identify the factors affecting the process of forming free innovation in Iran with fuzzy Delphi analysis and Dematel technique. The statistical population of the study is all experts in the field of free innovation that 12 experts from Shahid Beheshti, Allameh Tabatabai, Tehran, Imam Sadegh (AS) universities were selected and finally 12 Delphi questionnaires were completed and analyzed by the researcher. it placed. According to the results of fuzzy Delphi technique in the panel of experts, 8 components affecting the formation of free innovation process were identified and classified into three main groups. Then, in order to investigate the effect and effectiveness of the subcomponents, these factors were measured by the dimethyl technique. The results show that among the three factors affecting the formation of the free innovation process, the environmental factor has the most impact and individual and contextual factors are in the next ranks. Also, among the 8 sub-components, the factor of culture of understanding and supporting innovation has the most impact among other factors Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Social responsibilities in scientific-educational organizations: how to redesign the business model
        reza abbasi hosein sormeh
        The commitment of business owners to the design of the business model in away that ,in addition to providing its own benefits, improves the commuintys well- being and environmental sustainability, is at the forefront of customers attentino. The purpose of this study was More
        The commitment of business owners to the design of the business model in away that ,in addition to providing its own benefits, improves the commuintys well- being and environmental sustainability, is at the forefront of customers attentino. The purpose of this study was to redesign the business model with an emphasis an social and environmental considerations at scientific and educational organizations. The present research is a practical purpose and the research organization of this research is the largest educational nongovernmental educational institution in Iran, which is active in the field of teaching and publishing study books and conucting program tests and academic planning. For this purpose and as a research sample, 1300 of the customer groups including students, students and funded scholars, blind and disabled students as well as groups of school builders, university dormitories and libraries were Selected and reviewed. Given the proposed values, the business model was presented in the social and environmental responsibility layers, so that in the new business model, the three proposed values in the field of social responsibility include social justice (educational), special services for particular classes and promotion Commonly accepted values of the community and two proposed environmental values, including the promotion of environmental protection and the use of green technologies. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Land evaluation - Environmental land suitability for urban land planning (Case Study: District 22 of Tehran)
        amir karam ensiyeh mihanparast
        Rapid growth of urbanization and increase of population in the recent decades along reactive planning (in sense of urban planning after occurrence of crises and urban challenges, not before occurrence of crises) of urban districts and metropolitan in order to serve desi More
        Rapid growth of urbanization and increase of population in the recent decades along reactive planning (in sense of urban planning after occurrence of crises and urban challenges, not before occurrence of crises) of urban districts and metropolitan in order to serve desirable services to citizens and the peoples going to cities and extent them, has encountered a problem. In this research , by using the multi criteria techniques and analytic hierarchy process of geo – environmental evaluation for urban land planning with use of geographical information system of zone of 22 has been used .according to this research, effective criteria of land suitability of land planning is divided in to 9 criteria , slop, height , geology , land use , land unit , distance from river, distance from fault , distance from road .the 5 main land uses are high rise building , multistory building , low rise building natural conservation, recreate . the results show that the results show that 19.3 percent area of zone is suitable for high rise building, and 15.28 percent suitable for low rise building. the spatial distribution is of these zones is from north to south and southeast. Suitable area for natural conservation is about 17.6 percent, and 23.33 percent area appropriated for recreation. The conformity of existing building with the suitability maps for the 5 main land uses shows that there are some areas of conformity, but in the other areas, there is unconformity. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - The Role of Environmental and Physical in Urban Security
        According to the security of its non-police aspect, it is a new phenomenon and generally a lack of studies in this area is obvious. The roots of some crimes and a feeling of insecure is due to a lack of attention of urban planners and managers. The big issue in terms of More
        According to the security of its non-police aspect, it is a new phenomenon and generally a lack of studies in this area is obvious. The roots of some crimes and a feeling of insecure is due to a lack of attention of urban planners and managers. The big issue in terms of security and the prevention of critical events and crime is whether the big cities, have provided such conditions? This study aimed to understand the role of different factors and the physical environment and its impact on security. The research method is a combination of descriptive - analytic. This article attempts to answer these questions:1- Does the combination of environmental and physical factors is effective in security of urban areas? 2. Is the composition and distribution of urban land use surrounding public spaces in the study area is effective to increase urban security? The study area is District 8 of Tehran. Information required is obtained by library and field observation. Analysis of the data is done via SPSS software and Minitabs and GIS. The results indicate that the local security as well as environmental and physical differences in them is different. Also 13 neighborhood of district 8 of Tehran in terms of security and the individual components of research were ranked. Security in those public spaces which have diverse and mix urban land-use, compared to other similar places that have lack of diversity and mix urban land use were different. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Environmental security and national security in the context of cross-border hydropolitics developments (Case Study: Harirud)
        hassan kamran    
        Considered the most important environmental issues of our time, the water crisis and security challenges arising from it. Water is the source of production, effort and civilization, and life and death and not to be dependent on it. In situations where conflicts over wat More
        Considered the most important environmental issues of our time, the water crisis and security challenges arising from it. Water is the source of production, effort and civilization, and life and death and not to be dependent on it. In situations where conflicts over water resources are increasingly caused tension in the relations between states, increasing attention to issues of rivers, the importance of finding increasingly, we are seeing increased emphasis and hydro disputes among nations. Iran, through common border rivers is no exception. The river Harirud common rivers including Iran, Afghanistan and Turkmenistan lie that originates from Afghanistan. This is the most important source of water utility is the North East of Iran. This article is a descriptive study, with an emphasis on geographical and political issues, seeks to answer the question whether hydro-border development and utilization of Salma dam in Afghanistan can be a challenge for security, environmental and national security of the Islamic Republic of Iran is? And in case of challenges, approaches and Proper management what is it? Findings from the study indicate that according to Salma dam upstream position with respect to the seasonality factor Harirud water, can be the subject of environmental security, and from the perspective of national security, given the prospect of big cities northeastern dependence on water resources and the high risk of water security of the country, can be challenging. The challenges to Proper management, to look at the system, in the form of legal approaches, economic and political, are essential. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Evaluation of social housing and the effective factors in housing provision for low income classes(a case study :Eslamshahr)
        محسن  سقایی Ahmad mozeni amir sanaeirad
        In recent years, following the main political, economical and social changes, cities and towns have expanded which resulted in lack of sufficient housing and proper lands for urban development. Therefore, governments have always been focusing on housing projects More
        In recent years, following the main political, economical and social changes, cities and towns have expanded which resulted in lack of sufficient housing and proper lands for urban development. Therefore, governments have always been focusing on housing projects. One of these projects is the social housing designed by governments for the low-income classes. For this purpose, the present research study was carried out with the aim of studying the social housing situation in Eslamshahr and the effective factors, by means of a questionnaire, one-sample t-test and structural equation modeling. The findings demonstrate that the social housing policy couldn’t solve the housing problem of the low-income classes in Eslamshahr and the satisfaction level of the people with the social housing is low. Findings of the study show that social houses in Eslamshahr aren’t in favored conditions. These houses are not well-conditioned in terms of the four criteria of interior construction, safety, environmental situation, and access to municipal services. However, by accurate categorization of the low-income classes, allocation of sufficient and necessary funds, careful studies to choose a place to build the houses, proper design of interior space of the houses, improvement of service providing, and taking environmental factors into consideration, we can take a big step to improve and remove the housing problem of low-income classes in Eslamshahr. Manuscript profile
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        12 - Investigating the Impact of Border Markets
          roonak ghaffari  
        Eliminating rural areas, in addition to improving the quality of livelihood of villagers, will have a positive and favorable reflection on neighboring countries. In this regard, the present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the status of habitat of Dazli More
        Eliminating rural areas, in addition to improving the quality of livelihood of villagers, will have a positive and favorable reflection on neighboring countries. In this regard, the present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the status of habitat of Dazli rural district and Khavmirabad rural district in the west of Kurdistan province. The method of doing research is descriptive-analytic. Data gathering was done using documentary and field resources based on a questionnaire and interview. The statistical population of this research consists of 4032 households. According to the corrected formula of Cochran, 260 families were selected as sample size. Sampling was done by stratified sampling and data analysis was done using SPSS software. The findings of the research indicate that the establishment of the market on the environmental and physical dimensions of the studied villages has had a positive and significant impact on the previous period. Also, the impact of border markets on the rural housing index and the value of agricultural land had a greater effect. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - The effect of satisfaction on behavioral intentions of pro-environmental tourists (Case Study: Taq Bostan Kermanshah)
        سمانه جلیلی صدر آباد ebrahim nazari
        Tourism is one of the most important sectors of the economy in terms of its economic impacts for its intended purpose. Along with the relentless competition between places (tourist destinations), attracting and sustaining tourists is of paramount importance to governmen More
        Tourism is one of the most important sectors of the economy in terms of its economic impacts for its intended purpose. Along with the relentless competition between places (tourist destinations), attracting and sustaining tourists is of paramount importance to government and non-state actors. In the field of tourism. The researcher in this paper seeks to investigate the effect of satisfaction on behavioral intentions of pro-environmental tourists. According to the experts, satisfaction has been measured in several dimensions, in this study 5 indicators of enjoyment, needs fulfillment, confidence and trust, re-referral and wise selection. This study is of practical purpose in terms of qualitative - quantitative and data mix. In terms of research method, it is based on data type (qualitative stage) and cross-sectional survey (quantitative stage). The statistical sample of the qualitative section consisted of 21 tourism professors and 9 experts and managers of the Cultural Heritage and Urban Development Organization. In the quantitative section, the statistical population includes all tourists who visited Kermanshah for one year and finally 381 people were selected according Morgan table. The results of Amos analysis confirmed all the research hypotheses and showed that satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on the behavioral intentions of the tourists and its coefficient was 0.83. Given that this coefficient is positive, its effect is direct, that is, by changing one unit (increase), satisfaction increases by 0.86 percent of behavioral intentions. Therefore, satisfaction has a direct and positive impact on the behavioral intentions of tourists. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - Study of arsenic contamination soil and water resources of coalmining region Sangrood loshan
        فرزاد  ستوهیان Mohsen  Ranjbaran Saeed Sharifi
        Environmental pollution caused by coal mining operation sharmful and toxic elements Sangrood series with the release of mineral processing and tailings deposit sit into the hydrological system (surface and underground) and soil is. Complications such as ulceration, skin More
        Environmental pollution caused by coal mining operation sharmful and toxic elements Sangrood series with the release of mineral processing and tailings deposit sit into the hydrological system (surface and underground) and soil is. Complications such as ulceration, skin damage and cancers of the nasal tract can be dangerous due to high levels of arsenic in drinking water, especially in these areas. The aim of the present study was to investigate the environmental effect of Arsenic on Sangrood loshan mine which is one of the active mines in province. Sampling was done on 60 soil types and 14 water samples in 4 stations in the mine zone. The results of the present study showed that the level of Arsenic element in the sampling stations is more than standard level and permissible limit. Sulfur content of the coal in this area have been moderate to high mainly pyrite. Arsenic concentration sin soils greater than rocks. Many compounds are readily soluble in water and can contaminate water. Manuscript profile
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        15 - Microfacies and petrofacies analysis, diagenetic characteristics and environmental condition of the Faraghan Formation in the central part of the Persian Gulf
        J. Amraei Peyman Rezaei A.H. Amini Seyed Mohammad Zamanzadeh V. Tavakoli
        <p>Clastic deposits of the Faraghan Formation (Late Permian, Sakmarian) are present in different outcrops in the Zagros area and some wells in the Persian Gulf Basin. The presence of these clastics represents the existence of an extended clastic system on the north-east More
        <p>Clastic deposits of the Faraghan Formation (Late Permian, Sakmarian) are present in different outcrops in the Zagros area and some wells in the Persian Gulf Basin. The presence of these clastics represents the existence of an extended clastic system on the north-east of the Arabian plate. The Faraghan Formation unconformably overlies Zakeen sandstone (Devonian) and grades upward into Dalan carbonate (Upper Permian). To study the Faraghan Formation some thin sections were prepared from cuttings of some wells in the central part of the Persian Gulf and then they were studied. Results show of this study that the Faraghan Formation consists of quartz arenite, sandy siltstone and sandy claystone petrofacies and carbonate mudstone, bioclast wackestone and bioclast packstone microfacies. Based on sedimentary characteristics and spatial relationships between the petrofacies, this formation was deposited on a linear shoreface environment (floodplain, shoreface and offshore sub-environments). Main diagenetic processes consist of compaction, dissolution, cementation, neomorphism, sericitization and dolomitization. Heterogeneity of the Faraghan Formation lithology and variety of environmental conditions and diagenetic features make this formation a good candidate for hydrocarbon reservoir studies.</p> Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - Investigation of microplastics as emerging contaminants in sources and health effects on humans, review study
        Marjan Salari Mohammadbagher Khorasani
        In recent years, environmental contamination with plastics has become one of the biggest concerns of various communities. Microplastics (MPs) are plastics less than 5 mm in size. MPs remain in the environment for thousands of years without decomposing. However, accurate More
        In recent years, environmental contamination with plastics has become one of the biggest concerns of various communities. Microplastics (MPs) are plastics less than 5 mm in size. MPs remain in the environment for thousands of years without decomposing. However, accurate analytical methods for the detection and characterization of MPs are scarce. In this descriptive-review study, based on the studies of various researchers and the papers of recent years, this contamination has been introduced and its adverse effects on human health and different environments have been discussed. The results of the studies have shown that microplastic contamination of salt has been reported significantly between four different sources: sea salt 0-1674, lake salt 8-468 and well rock salt 0-204 microplastic per kg (MPs/kg). The number of MPs in untreated water is 1437±34 to 3605±497 particles per liter and in general, the amount of microplastics in treated water is about 83% less than untreated water generally. The length and diameter should be considered when reporting the presence of MPs because the diameter is significant for respiration, while length plays a vital in durability and toxicity. Although the adverse health effects of microplastics have not been fully revealed, but the transfer of chemicals from microplastics to living organisms is a significant concern, and a better understanding of the potential dangers of microplastics is essential to human health. Manuscript profile
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        17 - Ecosophy and Ibn Arabi Application Divine Names and Attributes Marriage’s
        Ecosophy is an interdisciplinary science that is formed of the combination of two natural and epistemological areas. A discussion of the noms (divines) and attributes of God marriage is a mystical discussion, but in this article we intend to use in the environmental fie More
        Ecosophy is an interdisciplinary science that is formed of the combination of two natural and epistemological areas. A discussion of the noms (divines) and attributes of God marriage is a mystical discussion, but in this article we intend to use in the environmental field. Our aim in this research is the application of this doctrine in the field of environmental ethics and extraction of teachings of the related to environmental issues. The fundamental issue in the research is the explanation of status Nature in Ibn Arabi and discussion of the noms (divines) and attributes of God marriage and how will be done mystical teachings of the environmental ethics. In this article has been used descriptive –analytic method. Outcome of this research, true respect for nature by man that has intrinsic value as a sacred being Manuscript profile
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        18 - The Role of Ethics in Implementation of Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) by Companies Acquired in Tehran Stock Exchange
        Jamal  Mohammadi Ali  Khozain
        The new language of financial reporting in the new age is Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL). It is a powerful tool, efficiency and effectiveness of the financial reporting process makes it easy. And process data acquisition and transparency in the disclosure More
        The new language of financial reporting in the new age is Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL). It is a powerful tool, efficiency and effectiveness of the financial reporting process makes it easy. And process data acquisition and transparency in the disclosure improves. The present study examines the role of ethics in implementing the extensible business reporting language (XBRL) by listed companies in Tehran Stock Exchange.The method of the research is descriptive – correlation.The study Statistical Society is financial managers of listed companies in Tehran Stock Exchange and is a member of the Iranian Association of Certified Public Accountants, Among all subjects 120 participants were selected by simple random sampling .The data gathering tool was a questionnaire.In order to analyze the data, binomial test, t test, Wilcoxon test, one sample, and Kolmogrov-Smirnov test were used.The findings of the research show that ethics is effective in accelerating the implementation of the Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) by listed companies in the Tehran Stock Exchange. The factors: environmental, organizational, corporate governance, and Technology are Influencing Financial Reporting in Implementing This Language.Since there is no legal requirement for implementation of the Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) for listed companies in the Tehran Stock Exchange, ethics as the main factor can be effective in implementing this financial reporting language in order to clarify the information. Manuscript profile
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        19 - Revision of the psychological pillar of crime in the crime of biodiversity and the Islamic view of it
        seyed mahmoods mirkhalili Abuzar  Salari Far
        Given the harmful effects of environmental crime, lawyers are looking for solutions that greatly reduce these harmful effects and further deteriorate these crimes. Among the developments related to environmental crime in some legal systems in the world The evolution of More
        Given the harmful effects of environmental crime, lawyers are looking for solutions that greatly reduce these harmful effects and further deteriorate these crimes. Among the developments related to environmental crime in some legal systems in the world The evolution of the concept of fault and the pillar of psychology, so that today, in many cases in environmental crimes, liability is criminal and legal without the need for a fault and psychological peculiarities of the perpetrator. The responsibility without fault Which is reflected in various forms in the legal literature, is to be ignored or implied The guilt of the guilty and the pillar is related to the perpetrator's ability to blame. Although the principle of innocence requires that the psychological element of the crime, as well as other elements of the crime, be proved, but in environmental offenses, given the importance of these crimes and the inescapable damages. Compensation in this regard after committing a crime and increasing the risk of committing a crime, will increase the level of supervision and in some way increase deterrence, and will adhere to the principles adopted in environmental law, such as the precautionary principle, the principle of prevention, the principle of payment by the polluter and the principle Compensation is consistent Manuscript profile
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        20 - Criteria of human ethical decision making of managers in conditions of environmental complexity (Case study, Social Security Organization)
        Mahnaz Sarafraz Kakhki Mohammadreza Zabihi Seyed Mahdi Alvani Mahmood Alborzi
        Undoubtedly, the most sensitive activity that managers do in any organization is decision making. But today's world is so complex and chaotic that decision-making struggles with so many problems. In complex environments, information changes rapidly and covers a wide ran More
        Undoubtedly, the most sensitive activity that managers do in any organization is decision making. But today's world is so complex and chaotic that decision-making struggles with so many problems. In complex environments, information changes rapidly and covers a wide range. The point to consider in decision making is that it is not always successful, that is, there is always the possibility of success or failure, many factors affect the ability to make decisions. In today's complex world, decision-making has become a challenge for managers. The number of decision criteria, the variety of criteria and types of quantitative and qualitative decision-making methods and the need to consider them simultaneously, the importance of the effects and consequences of the decision and factors such as it add to the complexity of decisions. Regarding the criteria of human moral decision-making, it should be mentioned that the method of decision-making in the Islamic system is contingent and participatory, and the basis in this system is the important principle of "passion". The mentioned cases are more prominent among the managers of service organizations who are faced with a large volume of clients and as a result of immediate and instantaneous decisions, because the decision-making time is very short for them and it is possible to examine a variety of options. It fades in the traditional way. One of these very sensitive and concerned organizations is the Social Security Organization. Therefore, in order to analyze the factors affecting decision making, the present study examines the decision and its characteristics, decision models. Then, with the help of content analysis, the indicators and characteristics of each decision model are extracted. Finally, with the help of a panel of experts consisting of thinkers and managers of the Social Security Organization, and then identify the various factors affecting decision-making in this organization and factors affecting decision-making in various decision-making models according to the environmental complexity of the organization. have became. Manuscript profile
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        21 - Designing conceptual model of alignment between individual and organizational goals with emphasis on value approach
        Lotfolah  Forozandeh Dehkordi محمد علی  سرلک  
        The purpose of this research is to exploration individual and organizational goals alignment model with emphasis on dominant values in Islamic management. This research is fundamental whit respect of its purpose and descriptive whit respect of data analyzing. Variables More
        The purpose of this research is to exploration individual and organizational goals alignment model with emphasis on dominant values in Islamic management. This research is fundamental whit respect of its purpose and descriptive whit respect of data analyzing. Variables and factors affecting on goals alignment have been elicited by library studies and exploratory interviews as basis of Delphi method. In this study Delphi questionnaire constituted with 59 indexes and filled by 25 experts of Hawzah and university. After four times repetition, the conceptual model included 32 specified indexes that have more impact on individual and organizational goals alignment which formatted 3 categories named structural, behavioral and contextual as independent variables and value as moderator variable Manuscript profile
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        22 - Studying the effect of Qualified Management on Environmental Management and Green Supply Chain and their impact on Green function ( A Case study done by:Pars Khazar co.)
        seyyed sajjad mohtasham Reza  Esmaeilpour Mohammad Rahim  Ramazanian
        Nowadays, in the competitive market, for survival in the global and local competition, companies are required to improve the quality of their goods and do not limit the improvement of the quality of their products to a series of characteristics and features to attract t More
        Nowadays, in the competitive market, for survival in the global and local competition, companies are required to improve the quality of their goods and do not limit the improvement of the quality of their products to a series of characteristics and features to attract the customers’ satisfaction. But, they consider the quality in the product’s design and process and believe that in order to achieve a developed production and improve the performance, they must include the environmental factor in the quality of their goods. Considering environmental factors and managing the green supply chain are effective in the quality of goods and lead to an improvement in the performance of companies in production. This research is applied in terms of objective and scientific in terms of nature and research methodology, and its statistical population includes all managers, experts, consultants, engineers, employees, customers and some of expert activists in the sector of Pars Khazar manufacturing companies and their relating branches. For data analysis, the structural equations modeling, partial least squares, multivariate analysis and fitness model variables test were done using LISREL(8.5) and SPSS(21) softwares. Manuscript profile
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        23 - An integrated model for a multi-product production-inventory-routing problem in a bi-echelon green supply chain
        Adel Aazami Ali Papi mir saman pishvaee
        Manufacturing company’s decisions regarding the quantity of production and inventory is a production planning and inventory control problem. Decisions about transferring products are expressed as a transportation and routing problem. Considering these three problems tog More
        Manufacturing company’s decisions regarding the quantity of production and inventory is a production planning and inventory control problem. Decisions about transferring products are expressed as a transportation and routing problem. Considering these three problems together results in an integrated production-inventory-routing planning (PIRP) which is one of the important supply chain problems. Companies which solve their PIRP problems better can decrease the cost of their products and gain more competitive advantage compared to other competing companies. Based on today’s strict regulations, companies must take into account environmental considerations in addition to economical ones in all their processes, from production until supply. Thus, an appropriate transportation planning can prevent the excessive increase in costs and decrease environmental pollution. Therefore, this study integrates the problem of decreasing environmental pollution with PIRP and develops a green PIRP (GPIRP) problem which efficiently considers the economic and social dimensions of production and supply. This problem is modeled in an integrated manner using the MILP approach. In order to show the applicability of the developed model and its practicability of environmental aspect, a case study is conducted on Ahvaz Sugar Refinery, Iran. Finally, some managerial insights are derived from the computational results. Manuscript profile
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        24 - Green Human Resource Management and Environmental Behavior of Employees The Role of the Mediator of the Green Psychological Climate
        mojtaba farrokhi سید محسن علامه امیری امیری
        Green human resource management has become an important issue in organizations. Green human resource management is effective for improving employees' environmental behavior. The purpose of this study is the effect of green human resource management on the environmental More
        Green human resource management has become an important issue in organizations. Green human resource management is effective for improving employees' environmental behavior. The purpose of this study is the effect of green human resource management on the environmental behavior of employees with the mediator role of green environment. The research method is applied and descriptive-survey in terms of the purpose and method of data collection. The statistical population consists of employees and managers of Isfahan Bank Maskan branches. The volume of the sample was determined based on Morgan's table and sampling was done by simple random method. A questionnaire was used to collect data. Convergent, divergent and content validity methods were used to measure validity, and Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability were used to determine the reliability of the questionnaire. Structural equation method was used to check the hypotheses. The results of the research showed that green human resource management has a positive and significant effect on environmental behavior. In the investigation of the mediating role of green grass in the impact of green human resource management on the environmental behavior of employees, it was confirmed. Also, the results of this study show that green human resource management has an effect on green psychological climate and green psychological climate on environmental behaviors. Manuscript profile
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        25 - Social and cultural Impact Assessment of Sports Complexes: A Case Study of Narmak Sports Complex
        Ma’soumeh  MohaqeqMontazeri
        One of the biggest problems facing cities, especially large ones is inadequate share and distribution of sports facilities due to the size of urban population and insufficient government budget. Construction of Narmak Sports Complex is one of the projects that have been More
        One of the biggest problems facing cities, especially large ones is inadequate share and distribution of sports facilities due to the size of urban population and insufficient government budget. Construction of Narmak Sports Complex is one of the projects that have been implemented with the aim of developing sports and leisure areaaligned with the Comprehensive Master-plan for Tehran City and the Detailed Plan of Region 8. It also aimed to transform a polluted site into a service area.The present study seeks to identify the social and cultural impacts of this project and to estimate the positive and negative outcomes within the project-affected area. This research took a mixed approach combining documentary and field methods, and tools such as observation, in-depth and semi-structured interviews, questionnaires, and focused group discussions were used to collect data.The findings of this study show that besides positive impacts such as increasing sports spaceper capita, eliminating environmental pollution, improving the urban landscape, reducing household costs, reducing perceived public insecurity, enriching leisure activity patterns, etc., this projectalso has negative impacts such as reducing market share of pre-existing sports complexes, causing traffic problems due to lack of parking space and increasing traffic jams in the area. Manuscript profile
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        26 - Comparative study of nomadic quality of life indicators in the pre- and post accommodation periods caused by floods Case study: Azadegan village, Anbarabad County
        mohammad amin khorasani
        Having a good quality of life has always been a human desire. Quality of life in rural areas depends on many factors such as employment, adequate income, access to services such as education and health, health, social security so that factors such as low density of rura More
        Having a good quality of life has always been a human desire. Quality of life in rural areas depends on many factors such as employment, adequate income, access to services such as education and health, health, social security so that factors such as low density of rural settlements, reduced employment and income in the agricultural sector, Inadequate and inefficient communication routes and transportation networks have complicated the implementation of policies necessary to improve the quality of rural life. With this view, the purpose of this study is to study and compare the quality of life indicators before settlement and presence in the nomadic environment and after settlement in Azadegan village after the flood. The research method in this research is descriptive-analytical, based on library-field studies (questionnaire) and searching Internet sites. In order to analyze the data, SPSS software t-test was used. The findings show that the quality of life indicators before and after settlement in Azadegan village with a significant level of less than 0.05% had no positive effects in Azadegan village. Also, the results showed that the components of employment and income in Azadegan village located in Jiroft city did not have a positive effect on job creation for the villagers. Manuscript profile
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        27 - Presenting of a Pattern of environmental citizenship behavior with an emphasis on moral sentiment in Manufacturing Industries of Mazandaran province
        Javad  Javad Amoozad Khalili Samereh   Shojaei Mohammad Bagher   Gorji
        Increasing environmental problems and crises in the world on the one hand and understanding the long-term consequences of environmental issues in human life on the other hand, has led researchers to understand ways to avoid harming the environment and prevent from its d More
        Increasing environmental problems and crises in the world on the one hand and understanding the long-term consequences of environmental issues in human life on the other hand, has led researchers to understand ways to avoid harming the environment and prevent from its destruction, be. Therefore, the present study was conducted with the aim of presenting a model of environmental citizenship behavior with emphasis on moral emotions in the manufacturing industries of Mazandaran province. The research method was mixed and based on structural equation modeling. The statistical population of the study included all administrative staff and managers of manufacturing industries in Mazandaran province, the number of which was equal to 10962 people, the sample size was estimated to be 371 people using Krejcie and Morgan table. After designing the researcher-made questionnaire, a total of 500 questionnaires were distributed electronically and in person among the statistical sample, which according to the number of completed questionnaires, the number of statistical samples of the research in the present study reached 371 people. Data analysis was performed using smart pls3 and spss 20 software. The results showed that the effect of moral emotions and its sub-dimensions (moral education and growth, moral qualities, moral self-awareness) on environmental citizenship behavior was confirmed. It seems that the relationship between moral emotions and their impact on environmental citizenship behavior is important and there is a significant relationship between them and the results of this study improve the perception of factors that create employee involvement in environmental citizenship behaviors. Manuscript profile
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        28 - Parametric analysis of site plan using environmental impacts assessment matrix (Case study: Shams Tabrizi Shrine)
        Mehrdad Azizi Mahmud Rezaii
        In the architectural design process, the site is analyzed by different factors. These analyses require a complete assessment system and full knowledge. This research mainly looked to assess a parametric simulation of components affecting the site plan analysis in Khoi a More
        In the architectural design process, the site is analyzed by different factors. These analyses require a complete assessment system and full knowledge. This research mainly looked to assess a parametric simulation of components affecting the site plan analysis in Khoi and the Shams Tabrizi Shrine using an environmental impacts assessment matrix. This quantitative research uses modeling and simulation techniques. To accurately assess the effects of the parameters, credible architectural software, Rhino and Grasshopper, were used. In order to analyze the site, such factors as the site bed, topography, accessibility, vision, perspective, noise pollution, and sunlight were considered. Results indicate that two factors, topography and surrounding buildings, contributed most to site calculations. According to algorithm calculations of environmental impacts assessment matrix, findings show that the cells with scores of higher than 5 were suitable areas for design and construction. Analytical components of the site can be used directly and more effectively in the design process using design algorithms and parametric methods, provided that the analysis step is an integrated method, unlike traditional methods. This research offers two takeaways. First, it provides an assessment of available plans. Second, a productive context for new plans; i.e., in addition to being a productive context for the final design, the site analysis components also serve as a vehicle to assess the final plans (both administered or unadministered ones). Manuscript profile
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        29 - Investigation of environmental effects of rubber waste and proposed methods in the management of this type of wastes
        علی ناهد
        Rubber is one of the materials that are widely used in industry and when they expire, they fall into the category of hazardous wastes. The release of rubber wastes into the environment causes many problems, including diseases, their bad landscape in nature, and terrible More
        Rubber is one of the materials that are widely used in industry and when they expire, they fall into the category of hazardous wastes. The release of rubber wastes into the environment causes many problems, including diseases, their bad landscape in nature, and terrible fires caused by their accumulation and environmental pollution. Also, rubber can be reused due to its non-degradability and elastic properties; as a result, the management of worn tires has a particular importance. There are several ways to manage rubber waste that can be safe and effective when done properly. These methods include sanitary landfilling, incineration, pyrolysis, milling, reuse at various scales, and re-coating. In this article, each method is reviewed and their advantages and disadvantages are stated. Also, there are examples of different applications of rubber waste in various industries. Manuscript profile
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        30 - Presenting of a Pattern of environmental citizenship behavior with an emphasis on moral sentiment in Manufacturing Industries of Mazandaran province
        Javad  Javad Amoozad Khalili Samereh   Shojaei Mohammad   Bagher Gorji
        Increasing environmental problems and crises in the world on the one hand and understanding the long-term consequences of environmental issues in human life on the other hand, has led researchers to understand ways to avoid harming the environment and prevent from its d More
        Increasing environmental problems and crises in the world on the one hand and understanding the long-term consequences of environmental issues in human life on the other hand, has led researchers to understand ways to avoid harming the environment and prevent from its destruction, be. Therefore, the present study was conducted with the aim of presenting a model of environmental citizenship behavior with emphasis on moral emotions in the manufacturing industries of Mazandaran province. The research method was mixed and based on structural equation modeling. The statistical population of the study included all administrative staff and managers of manufacturing industries in Mazandaran province, the number of which was equal to 10962 people, the sample size was estimated to be 371 people using Krejcie and Morgan table. After designing the researcher-made questionnaire, a total of 500 questionnaires were distributed electronically and in person among the statistical sample, which according to the number of completed questionnaires, the number of statistical samples of the research in the present study reached 371 people. Data analysis was performed using smart pls3 and spss 20 software. The results showed that the effect of moral emotions and its sub-dimensions (moral education and growth, moral qualities, moral self-awareness) on environmental citizenship behavior was confirmed. It seems that the relationship between moral emotions and their impact on environmental citizenship behavior is important and there is a significant relationship between them and the results of this study improve the perception of factors that create employee involvement in environmental citizenship behaviors. Manuscript profile
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        31 - A Systematic Analysis of Positive and Negative Effects of IRAN Tourism Development Using a Future Study Approach
        Amin Faraji Molaei Mohammad   
        The rapid expansion of the tourism industry, besides positive aspects, can include many negative economic, socio-cultural and environmental issues. This paper, using structural analysis modeling, reviewed and analyzed the previous studies and experts’ opinions. The main More
        The rapid expansion of the tourism industry, besides positive aspects, can include many negative economic, socio-cultural and environmental issues. This paper, using structural analysis modeling, reviewed and analyzed the previous studies and experts’ opinions. The main purpose was to develop a model to identify and prioritize the influential positive and negative impacts of tourism on a national scale during tourism development process in Iran. The impacts include: (a) positive and negative economic impacts (including an increase in income, job generation, increasing the cost of living, inflation, etc.); (b) socio-cultural impacts (including an increase in social capital and participation, the revival of local values, increase in social gaps, consumerism, etc.); and (c) environmental impacts (including improving the quality of an environment, promoting the green architecture, reduction of natural per capita, reducing physical capacity, etc.). Structural analysis model was used to analyze the data using the Micmac software. The current study presented and arranged the most important influential and dependency factors in the economic, environmental and socio-cultural dimensions. The study pointed out that to reach a sustainable tourism system, the first priority is to concentrate on the influential negative impacts, especially on the environmental issues. The second priority is to focus on the reduction of the linkage and risk impacts due to their unpredictability. Manuscript profile
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        32 - A Causal-Comparative Model for the Factors Influencing the Environmentally Responsible Behaviors; case of domestic and foreign tourists in Fars
        Mohammad Hasan  Seif Ahmad Rastegar Saeed  Talebi Marzieh  Tajvaran
        In recent years, environmental issues have received greater attention within academic circles and society. They have also become a major social issue for larger numbers of people than ever before. Thus, the role of gender is emphasized in environmental orientation. The More
        In recent years, environmental issues have received greater attention within academic circles and society. They have also become a major social issue for larger numbers of people than ever before. Thus, the role of gender is emphasized in environmental orientation. The present study tried to examine the effective factors on the environmentalist behaviors of tourists in Fars. From the tourists who visited the province of Fars, 260 tourists were selected using the Cochran test. To enhance the credibility of findings, stratified random sampling was used and questionnaires were proportionally completed. All collected data were processed by SPSS software and were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics. Results showed that the highest total effects in tourists were the environmentalist behaviors and the lowest total effect was the ascription of responsibility. Manuscript profile
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        33 - The Mediating Role of Travel Motivation and Responsible Behavior with the Relationship between Environmental Attitude and the Sustainable Development of Ecotourism Case: Cities of Mahdishar and Semnan
        samaneh parsa سید حسن کابلی sakineh jafari
        This study examined the relationship between environmental attitude and sustainable development of ecotourism, and the mediating role of travel motivation and environmentally responsible behavior of ecotourists in Mahdishahr and Semnan. The population included all ecoto More
        This study examined the relationship between environmental attitude and sustainable development of ecotourism, and the mediating role of travel motivation and environmentally responsible behavior of ecotourists in Mahdishahr and Semnan. The population included all ecotourists in Mahdishar and Semnan. The participants were 250 (122 males and 128 females) and were selected via a Convenience Sampling method. All participants completed the scales of environmental attitude, motivation, environmentally responsible behavior and sustainable development of ecotourism. Using LISREL, the data were analyzed by the path analysis model. The results showed that environmental attitude did not have a direct influence on the sustainable development of ecotourism. Environmental attitude had a direct, positive and significant influence on travel motivation and environmentally responsible behavior. Environmental attitude had an indirect, positive and significant impact on sustainable development of ecotourism with the mediating role of travel motivation and environmentally responsible behavior. Manuscript profile
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        34 - "Investigating Effective factors on Students’ eco-friendly behavior: A case study of University of Tehran, and Science and Culture University "
        Bahram Nekouie Sadry Samaneh  Tavasoli Ahmad Pourahmad FATEMEH  FEHREST
        This study sought to identify the factors involved in the eco-friendly behavior of students, evaluating the extent they were effective in that regard. The population of this survey study comprised of 320 students of University of Tehran and Science and Culture Universit More
        This study sought to identify the factors involved in the eco-friendly behavior of students, evaluating the extent they were effective in that regard. The population of this survey study comprised of 320 students of University of Tehran and Science and Culture University who were equally selected through systematic random sampling and classified into two groups of eco-tourism related students and non-ecotourism ones. Having administered a standard relevant questionnaire, we analyzed the data collected from the survey through which the questionnaires were filled, in each individual university, by the two groups of students, half of whom belonged to the first group and the others belonged to the second. The findings of the study indicated significant differences between the ecotourism behavior of male and female students and those of the ecotourism and non-ecotourism students. A significant positive relationship was also found between eco-friendly behavior and environmental awareness, attitude, and active membership in environment NGOs. Manuscript profile
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        35 - Investigating the Social, Cultural, and Environmental Consequences of Tourism Development from the Host Community Perspective: A Case Study of Darband and Darakeh Neighborhoods of Tehran, Iran
        Aliasghar Saeidi Zahra Farzizade Soheila Tasa
        This study sought to investigate the social, cultural, and environmental consequences of tourism development from the perspective of the host community in the Darband and Darake neighborhoods of Tehran using a qualitative approach. To this end, some eighteen people, inc More
        This study sought to investigate the social, cultural, and environmental consequences of tourism development from the perspective of the host community in the Darband and Darake neighborhoods of Tehran using a qualitative approach. To this end, some eighteen people, including the owners of catering units, local officials, and residents of the neighborhoods were selected as the sample size via purposive sampling. The required data were collected through semi-structured interviews, participatory and non-participatory observation, which were then analyzed using content analysis. Finally, the analyzed data were categorized into 167 concepts, 17 subcategories, and four main categories. The findings of the study indicated that tourism development had brought about similar consequences for the studied neighborhoods (with slight differences) due to their similarity in terms of geographical location and existing attractions. Accordingly, tourism has, from the economic viewpoint, increased the revenues of the neighborhoods’ residents, boosted job opportunities, and changed the income resources. However, it paved the ground for some restaurant owners’ exploitation of foreign tourists and provided the traffic warden with false income. On the other hand, while the expansion of social interactions, the prevalence of some social anomalies, immigrant reception, and overcrowding were identified as the social consequences of tourism development in Darband and Darake neighborhoods, the development of cultural exchanges and learning English as a second language were found as the cultural consequences of such a development, contributing to cultural conflicts between the host and guest communities. Finally, environmental pollution, damages incurred to vegetation and wildlife, physical and land use changes, and the efforts made to increase the number of restaurants and improve their quality were identified as the main environmental consequences of tourism development in the neighborhoods mentioned above. Manuscript profile
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        36 - Assessing the Contributing Factors to the Tourism Professionals’ Attitude and Willingness Towards Green Tourism
        mostafa mahmoudi Bahar Bishami
        Environmental crises and the destruction of natural resources are the main problems faced by the tourism industry, whose treatment requires concerted efforts to change the needs and behaviors of tourists and to offer green products and services. In this regard, as touri More
        Environmental crises and the destruction of natural resources are the main problems faced by the tourism industry, whose treatment requires concerted efforts to change the needs and behaviors of tourists and to offer green products and services. In this regard, as tourism professionals play an important role in directing the market towards special styles and behaviors, especially environmentally friendly and sustainable behaviors, investigating the factors involved in shaping the attitude and tendency of such professionals to green tourism can help attract the attention of other beneficiaries to this field. The required data for this developmental/applied and descriptive/survey study was collected through a 31-item questionnaire administered to some 102 professionals in the tourism industry who were selected via purposive sampling. The data were then analyzed in the following two parts using the Structural Equation Modeling: 1) the measurement model to be used for examining the technical characteristics of the questionnaire and 2) the structural part to test the research hypotheses. The study’s findings indicated the direct positive influence of religiosity on collectivism, and the indirect effect of religiosity on other variables considered in the study. Moreover, while a positive correlation was found between collectivism, environmental concerns, environmental knowledge, and the tendency toward green tourism, no correlation was observed between religiosity and environmental knowledge, and between environmental knowledge and environmental concerns. Therefore, it is recommended that some courses be added to educational levels concerning how to protect the environment when traveling. Manuscript profile
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        37 - Analyzing Ideological Attitudes of Modern Tourists Towards Visiting Natural Attractions: A Case Study of Tourists Visiting Western Kalate of Bastam District, Shahrood County
        tahereh sadeghloo fahimeh jafari fahimeh karimiyan
        This applied study sought to investigate the ideological bases and theoretical attitudes of tourists of modern tourists towards the environment and their behavior in this regard using a descriptive-analytical approach. The unit of analysis is the tourists who visited th More
        This applied study sought to investigate the ideological bases and theoretical attitudes of tourists of modern tourists towards the environment and their behavior in this regard using a descriptive-analytical approach. The unit of analysis is the tourists who visited the Kharghan and Western Kalateh districts in Bastam district, Shahrood County. Due to the lack of accurate information on the number of tourists visiting the study area, the current study used Cochran's formula (applied in cases of unknown communities) to determine the sample size of the study. Accordingly, 140 tourists were selected, to whom a relevant questionnaire was administered. The results of the study indicated that the aesthetic-mental attitude of the tourists towards nature (with an average of 4.78) exerted the greatest influence on their behavior towards the environment, suggesting that most of the tourists do not seek economic benefits in visiting tourist areas. In other words, the tourists do not follow a utilitarian attitude in visiting nature. Moreover, the results revealed that the attitudes of professional tourists (those who are actively engaged in tourism) towards nature differ from those of non-professional tourists. According to the results of the t-test performed on two independent samples, women and men possess different ideological attitudes towards nature, making them behave differently towards the natural environment. Furthermore, a positive direct correlation was found between age and the ideological attitudes of tourists towards nature, indicating that the attitude towards nature changes with an increase in age, which in turn affects the behavior of tourists towards the environment. Manuscript profile
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        38 - Investigating the moderating effect of social capital and environmental uncertainty on entrepreneurial orientation and performance with the mediating role of innovation speed in knowledge-based small and medium enterprises of Razavi Khorasan Province
        hossein balouchi Mohammadi Hosseini Seyed Ahmad ehsan mohammadi bajgiran
        In today's dynamic environment, having appropriate strategies alone is not enough for organizations and they must be able to coordinate with their environment. It is small and medium companies. This study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive and survey in term More
        In today's dynamic environment, having appropriate strategies alone is not enough for organizations and they must be able to coordinate with their environment. It is small and medium companies. This study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive and survey in terms of data collection method. A questionnaire based on standard questionnaires was used to collect data. The statistical population of the research was the managers of small and medium-sized knowledge-based companies in Khorasan Razavi province, which had more than 316 knowledge-based companies operating in Khorasan Razavi province. Based on Cochran's formula, 320 people were considered as samples and completed the questionnaire. Data analysis for both the direct relationship model and the moderator model was done using the structural equation modeling method in Lisrel software. The obtained results showed that entrepreneurial orientation has an effect on company performance and innovation speed. Also, the mediating role of innovation speed in the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and performance was confirmed. In addition, the results confirmed the moderating role of contingent capital and environmental uncertainty in relation to entrepreneurial orientation and company performance Manuscript profile
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        39 - Feasibility of Increasing the Shelf Life Hens Packed with Cellulose Pad and Lemon Extract and Its Environmental Effects
        Hamed Kioumarsi Azam Barani-Beyranvand Hamed  Ghafouri-Oskuyi
        Environmental pollution caused by the blood from packaged chicken is one of the biggest problems in the production and distribution of these products. The effect of packaging with cellulose pad and lemon extract on chicken drumstick samples was studied on some chemical, More
        Environmental pollution caused by the blood from packaged chicken is one of the biggest problems in the production and distribution of these products. The effect of packaging with cellulose pad and lemon extract on chicken drumstick samples was studied on some chemical, microbial and physical properties. The environmental effects of this study are also important because the compounds released from poultry waste will be reduced if microbial growth is prevented. The results showed that the effect of cellulose and the presence of extracts compared to samples without pad on blood absorption factors, inhibition of TVN increase and peroxide was significant (p <0.01). This can be due to the absorption of compounds in blood by pad and the presence of phenolic and antioxidant compounds in the extract that increase the quality of the samples containing the pad with the extract. The presence of 5% and 1% of lemon extract inhibits the increase of total microbial load and cryophilic bacteria, respectively. Examination of odor, color and total desirability results in chicken thigh samples showed that all samples were in good condition on day 0, which did not change significantly in the smell and color properties after just using the cellulose pad. However, changes in color compared to the smell of the product are more noticeable due to blood absorption and reduction of meat storage capacity over a period of 6 days. In general, over time, the samples containing the extract were in better conditions for all factors than the control samples. As a result, it will prevent the increase of microbial contamination, bloodshed and other harmful factors to the environment. Manuscript profile
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        40 - Internal Migration and Social Security: A Study On Relationship Between Internal Migration Patterns and Social Insecurity in Iran
        mahmoud moshfegh
        The aim of this paper is to study the relationship between internal migration patterns and environment-oriented social security factors by pathological approach. The research method is the secondary analysis of census data; universe of study contains 31 provinces of the More
        The aim of this paper is to study the relationship between internal migration patterns and environment-oriented social security factors by pathological approach. The research method is the secondary analysis of census data; universe of study contains 31 provinces of the country in year 2011.Based on the two percent census file, the sample contain 95093 migrated people. The theoretical framework of present article is social disorganization theory which extensively analysis the impacts of newly immigrants on the efficiency and ability of society for social controls. The results show that about 16 percent of the total internal migration, potentially pathological migrations (PMs). The destination of most PMs is Tehran, Hamadan, Razavi Khorasan and Alborz Provinces. Nearly 80 percent of PMs are between the 15 – 35 years old. Also, there was a significant positive correlation between PMs and the social environment insecurity index (r: 576, sig: 99. 9), But there was not a significant correlation between total net migration and PMs. According to the results, migration, by itself, not lead to the occurrence of social problems, but the quality of migrants and the mechanism of adaptation to the destination are contexts of social security. Manuscript profile
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        41 - Survey of Yasuj high school students' opinions about environmental protection
        Golnar Salehi khah Helaleh  Ranjbari Soraya  Bastan
        The purpose of this study is to investigate the views of high school students in Yasuj about environmental protection. The method is fieldwork and information was collected through a questionnaire from 121 high school students in Yasuj. The method used in this research More
        The purpose of this study is to investigate the views of high school students in Yasuj about environmental protection. The method is fieldwork and information was collected through a questionnaire from 121 high school students in Yasuj. The method used in this research is descriptive-analytical. The data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire with a reliability coefficient of 0.85. Data analysis was performed using statistical and variable tests and SPSS software. Findings showed that students were interested in issues related to environmental protection and considered environmental protection to be part of their duties and had an acceptable level of information and knowledge about issues and problems related to its protection. To achieve sustainable development, ie balanced development and preserving environmental values, you must think about the biocultural transformation of societies so that the people who make up communities adapt their character to the sustainability and dynamism of nature, because environmental crises and the destruction and imposition of natural resources increase Population has caused humans today to work harder to prevent the destruction of their environment. Finally, the results of statistical tests showed that in addition to the variables of the tendency to create environmental structures, the amount of visits to parks and green spaces, students' visits to environmentally friendly centers, the use of educational and scientific environmental protection and the use of educational videos in the field of environment. Among all the research variables, including the amount of environmental education materials in the textbook, attitudes towards environmental protection, the amount and of course to the environment, school libraries are equipped with resources and science, the use of environmental magazines and publications, the number of environmental experts visiting Schools, participation in voluntary environmental activities, informing teachers about environmental protection There is a direct and significant relationship between students' views on environmental protection. Manuscript profile
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        42 - Investigating the effect of energy transfer on the environment and humans
        Hossein Almipour Seyed Majid  Keshavarz
        The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of energy transfer on the environment and humans, and given that today energy and its use is an integral part of life, so that even a minute of energy interruption will cause billions in losses. If energy transmissi More
        The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of energy transfer on the environment and humans, and given that today energy and its use is an integral part of life, so that even a minute of energy interruption will cause billions in losses. If energy transmission lines had not yet been discovered and invented, perhaps mankind would never have reached such a level of well-being and would still have to use carts and horses. This study investigates the characteristics of urban environments and the effects of energy transmission lines on the environment and humans. In addition to all the benefits that energy has, it will naturally have detrimental effects on humans and the environment, and therefore people who are exposed to the currents of energy transmission lines are more likely than others to suffer from all kinds of damage. According to human progress, solutions can be found to deal with it. For example, energy transmission lines can be crossed from the basement, which have less destructive effects on both physical health and environmental appearance than airborne transmission lines. Manuscript profile
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        43 - Investigating the effect of climate on the residential fabric of Yasuj
        Amir  Aminzadeh Ali Reza Rast
        The history of design and construction, according to the criteria of natural and climatic features in traditional Iranian architecture, reaches hundreds of years and is considered one of the architectural masterpieces in the world. The growth of technology and access to More
        The history of design and construction, according to the criteria of natural and climatic features in traditional Iranian architecture, reaches hundreds of years and is considered one of the architectural masterpieces in the world. The growth of technology and access to fossil fuels has led to the neglect of climatic standards in housing construction. This study examines the urban context of Yasuj city and climate, and by examining the housing characteristics of old, middle and new textures of this city, the compatibility of the three textures with the climatic conditions of Yasuj city, the density of buildings will be evaluated. In order to use natural forces in regulating the environmental conditions inside the building and reflection in the formation of the urban context, climate recognition is an important issue in architectural and urban design. In this research, the types of climates are introduced and the effect of climate on the formation of urban fabric and residential architecture is described and depicted. Manuscript profile
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        44 - Designing an Integrated Management Model of Passive Environmental Defense for Drinking Water Supply in Rasht Metropolis
        Seyed Abbas Asadi mozhgan zaeimdar Seyed Ali Jozi
        Protecting the drinking water supply chain of metropolises is one of the important issues that all countries should always pay attention to, because any incident in this supply chain can cause irreparable damages. The purpose of this study is to design an integrated man More
        Protecting the drinking water supply chain of metropolises is one of the important issues that all countries should always pay attention to, because any incident in this supply chain can cause irreparable damages. The purpose of this study is to design an integrated management pattern of passive environmental defense in the field of drinking water supply. The current research is in the category of fundamental studies based on the purpose, and used integrated management of passive environmental defense to investigate the integrated management of passive environmental defense of supply sources, treatment plants, transmission lines and drinking water storage tanks in Rasht metropolis. Data collection was done through interviews with experts, and finally, 14 experts were selected among environmental management professors and water experts by snowball sampling method so that the views reach theoretical saturation. MAXQDA 2020 software was used for text analysis, coding (open, central and selective) and categorization and generation of categorical networks. Evaluating the views regarding solutions to reduce and deal with environmental threats in different stages of water supply in Rasht metropolis showed that the solutions can be considered from five aspects of infrastructure, policy making, cultural, technical and human. Finally, according to the data base theory and Strauss and Corbin’s model, the final model of the integrated management of passive environmental defense of drinking water supply in Rasht metropolis including causal conditions, main category, intervening conditions, background factors, strategies and consequences were presented. Manuscript profile
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        45 - Presenting a model to solve the challenges facing the participation of people and social institutionsIn the fight against environmental crimes
        Hasan Haji tabar Nima Parvaneh Maral Darbandi
        Environmental crises are taking on new dimensions every day. Crises related to ozone depletion, nuclear waste storage, industrial and chemical waste management, etc. can be seen around life. Environmental crimes are any type of current or current cracks that cause sever More
        Environmental crises are taking on new dimensions every day. Crises related to ozone depletion, nuclear waste storage, industrial and chemical waste management, etc. can be seen around life. Environmental crimes are any type of current or current cracks that cause severe damage to the environment and endanger human health. Environmental crimes against living components of the environment minus humans include all plant and animal organisms. For this reason, and with the uncontrolled increase of this type of serious environmental damage, it has led to the presentation of a model to combat environmental crimes. The statistical population of this article is about ١٣environmental activists in the country who have been interviewed in the form of an open article and at first the challenges of public participation and comprehensive institutions in the fight against environmental crimes Using factor analysis and pls software to determine the relationship between these factors to confirm, then the relationship of these challenges with environmental crimes in a ranking using the Friedman test and finally A model for influencing environmental crimes is presented with the participation of the public and government institutions. Manuscript profile
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        46 - Evaluation of the amount of green space per capita in the urban environment (case example: Bojnord city)
        soudabeh hadadi kohsar ramezanali naderi mayvan
        Today, the concept of cities without effective green space in its various forms is unimaginable. The consequences of urban development and the complexities of their environmental problems have made the existence of green space and its expansion inevitable forever. Payin More
        Today, the concept of cities without effective green space in its various forms is unimaginable. The consequences of urban development and the complexities of their environmental problems have made the existence of green space and its expansion inevitable forever. Paying attention to green spaces in general as the breathing lungs of cities is not an exaggerated definition of its function. Rather, this simile is considered to express its minimal function in the ecological concept of cities. These spaces have an important place both from the point of view of meeting the environmental needs of the city dwellers and from the point of view of providing leisure spaces and the basis of communication and social interaction. With the rapid expansion of Bojnord city in recent decades, the importance of urban green space and parks has been greatly increased both in terms of increasing social, environmental and aesthetic needs, as well as the role of access to green space in social justice and balanced urban development. In this article, the distribution and per capita of urban green spaces with different performance levels in the area of Bojnoord city have been investigated and the deficiencies in this field have been analyzed. In this research, the type of research is based on the practical purpose and is based on the descriptive-analytical method, and the method of information analysis is using the deductive (rational) method as well as the use of GIS software, which is the map of the current situation and the access map using this The software was prepared. Also, these maps were used for the final analysis, which according to the obtained results, the city of Bojnord has a per capita shortage of urban green spaces, and this has caused environmental pollution in this city. Manuscript profile
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        47 - Molecular Markers in Conservation Biology Studies
        Nafiseh Momeni Mohsen Ahmadpour
        Introduction: Molecular science has an important role in the conservation and stability of animal species. Biology conservasion is essential to identify populations decline to implement adequate restoration programs. Despite molecular developments, there are many studie More
        Introduction: Molecular science has an important role in the conservation and stability of animal species. Biology conservasion is essential to identify populations decline to implement adequate restoration programs. Despite molecular developments, there are many studies in this field to better understanding molecular merkers. Objective: In this study, the genetic markers were examined that were used in more than 100 Persian and English articles. Materials and Methods: Sources were selected from studies in the field of conservation biology, biology, molecular ecology, molecular markers and other related topics to provide a clearer model of each marker usage in the field of conservation biology. Results: In general, each molecular marker is not limited to one case, but there is a clear relationship between the characteristics of each marker and the maximum usage in many cases. Discussion: However, selecting the adequate marker in a wildlife conservation study the following steps are suggested: 1) study the species 2) Check the problems scale 3) Characteristics of molecular markers. Also, considering the mutation rate and the variability degree among nuclear and mitochondrial markers has a role in selecting of adequate marker. But in order to obtain accurate genetic and ecological information in conservation biology, the principles of population genetics and molecular evolution require more comprehensive education; By comparing molecular results with other sciences and quality control of the sequenced gene, more reliable results were obtained in the field of genetics and conservation. Manuscript profile
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        48 - Examining the role of the effects of sustainability standard certificates in measures (competitiveness and performance) in green-oriented hotels (case study: Parsian Hotel - Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province)
        SHAHRAM RAFIEI NAEINI abdolreza farajirad
        Nowadays, environmental, social and governance issues in geographic environments is at the forefront of hospitality companies' agenda due to the increasing pressure of stakeholders regarding the adverse social and environmental effects of tourism companies' actions. The More
        Nowadays, environmental, social and governance issues in geographic environments is at the forefront of hospitality companies' agenda due to the increasing pressure of stakeholders regarding the adverse social and environmental effects of tourism companies' actions. The purpose of the preliminary study is to examine the benefits of sustainability certificates for businesses, their impact on the financial performance of hospitality companies, and it is not clear at the level of the competitive set (compost). To fill the above gap in the literature, this study used the data of Parsian Hotel - Chaharmahal province and Bakhtiari as a green hotel. To compare the impact of sustainability certificates on key performance indicators in the hotel to its comp (eg, occupancy, average daily rate, revenue per available room). Methodology In this study, we used various random effect models to test our hypotheses to determine whether receiving certification improves hotel performance, whether hotels should respond to a hotel receiving certification, and whether the order of response and timing of response Does it matter or not? Our sample consists of an unbalanced panel dataset of 51,625 monthly observations from the standard-certified Parsian International Hotel located in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province. We chose Parsian International Hotel based on the previous confirmation and greenness by several studies that this province is a tourist destination as the eco pole of the nature tourism museum and the said hotel includes all levels. Our findings suggest that certified hotels can enhance themselves compared to competitors through first-mover advantage. In conclusion, this study provides significant contributions to the literature on environmental management and competitive dynamics in the hospitality industry. We provide managers with guidelines on when to respond to other hotels in their competitive portfolio when receiving sustainability certification. Manuscript profile
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        49 - Evaluation of effective criteria on reducing anxiety in the design of dental clinics
        Bita Samanipour maryam dastgheib parsa Kimia Sadat  Tabibzadeh
        <p>Attending the dental office and being on the unit for examination is not so easy and relaxing. One of the problems that causes people not to go to the dentist on time is fear and anxiety. this research was conducted with the aimed of evaluating the effective criteria More
        <p>Attending the dental office and being on the unit for examination is not so easy and relaxing. One of the problems that causes people not to go to the dentist on time is fear and anxiety. this research was conducted with the aimed of evaluating the effective criteria for reducing anxiety in design of dental clinics. Therefore, a comparative - comparative method was used to conduct the research and the required information was also collected using library and document methods in order to identify and categorize the factors affecting anxiety reduction in dental clinics and after that, according to these components, a few samples of dental clinics were examined and analyzed in the forms of tables and graphs in the article, and the components of each case sample were studied and investigated separately to achieve the purpose of the research. The results of the data show that environmental factors such as light, color, form and furniture have a greater effect than human factors such as the appropriate design of the entrance, legibility and access and creating integration between the interior and exterior spaces, on reducing anxiety in the design of dental clinics. The amount of this effect in natural factors such as the presence of atrium and green apace, yard design according to the climate, noise control with light music and interaction with nature reaches its lowest level compared to other factors.</p> Manuscript profile
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        50 - Evaluation and investigation of the role of the physical component of the environment for the mental health of residents of residential complexes
        Vahideh Razmahang Hadi Keshmiri
        <p>In recent years, living in residential complexes can be considered one of the most important developments in housing, which has become a form of contemporary living and housing in cities. Also, with the excessive growth of residential complexes and their physical dev More
        <p>In recent years, living in residential complexes can be considered one of the most important developments in housing, which has become a form of contemporary living and housing in cities. Also, with the excessive growth of residential complexes and their physical development, we sometimes see a decline in the quality of residential spaces, which has caused various problems in the lives of the residents of these complexes. In this regard, the crises arising from apartment living have created a wide range of mental disorders, such as stress, anxiety, depression, etc. The current research is based on the evaluation and analysis of the impact of the physical components of the environment on mental health; so that the results may open the way for the design of healthy and growing residential spaces. In order to measure people's mental health and examine the environmental elements, the GHQ-12 standard questionnaire was used, and the environment's physical components were taken into consideration. Also, a researcher-made questionnaire was prepared based on the environment's influential physical components. This questionnaire was answered by 340 residents of different residential complexes in Shiraz, and SPSS software was used to analyze and process the information. The findings of the present research show that the physical environment of residential complexes has a fundamental role in life quality and consequently has the greatest negative impact on the mental health of the residents. As a result, it has been determined that there is a reliable relationship between human health and the surrounding physical environment. Also, it concluded that to ensure the mental health of residents, the physical components of residential environments should be taken into consideration and designers should try to improve and fix their defects.</p> Manuscript profile
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        51 - Assessment of life cycle effects and environment of offshore wind power plant
        omid soleimaninzhad Seyed Majid  Keshavarz
        A wind power plant or wind farm is a collection of several wind turbines located in one place. A large wind farm can consist of several hundred wind turbines. Such a complex can be located on the sea. Offshore floating wind power, an emerging technology in the offshore More
        A wind power plant or wind farm is a collection of several wind turbines located in one place. A large wind farm can consist of several hundred wind turbines. Such a complex can be located on the sea. Offshore floating wind power, an emerging technology in the offshore wind industry, has attracted increasing attention due to its potential to cooperate with other renewable energies to decarbonize energy systems. The environmental effects of floating offshore wind farms in deep sea areas should be considered and methods to enhance the low-carbon effect should be devised. Few studies have been conducted to evaluate the environmental effects of offshore floating wind farms, but the scale of these studies was relatively small. In the future offshore wind farm, more baseline data should be collected to improve the reliability of LCA. The effects of floating offshore wind farm on marine ecology and physical atmospheric properties should be investigated in depth. Keywords: deep sea area, offshore wind, offshore wind farm, life cycle assessment, environmental impacts, greenhouse gas emissions, Manuscript profile
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        52 - Content analysis of fifth grade textbooks of the academic year 2023-2024 based on the level of attention to environmental components
        Pari Mosapour Miyandehi Mahboubeh Mansouri
        The current research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the content of fifth grade books based on the level of attention to environmental components. Descriptive research method has been done qualitatively and quantitatively by content analysis method. The statisti More
        The current research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the content of fifth grade books based on the level of attention to environmental components. Descriptive research method has been done qualitatively and quantitatively by content analysis method. The statistical society is the books of the fifth grade of the elementary school in the academic year 2023-2024. In these books, text, questions and pictures have been analyzed. In this study, 9 environmental components including water, air, climate, soil, sound, plants, animals, waste and pollution were investigated. According to the research findings, among the environmental components, attention has been paid 779 times to water, 145 times to air, 52 times to climate, 355 times to soil, 54 times to sound, 991 times to plants, 351 times to animals, 34 times to pollution and 8 times to waste. The plant component with a frequency of 991 is in the first rank and the waste component is in the last rank with a frequency of 8. The results show that paying special attention to a number of components and ignoring the others, causes disturbances in creating students' environmental knowledge and behavior. Also, the positive and negative effects of humans on the environment are not mentioned in these books. As citizens of the society and future makers, students should be aware of the result of their behavior and others with the environment so that they can take steps reducing the undesirable behavior and increasing favorable environmental behavior. Manuscript profile
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        53 - Examining environmental pollution laws in Iranian law
        reza dehghan
        Iran is located in a dry region of Asia and the world, two-thirds of which are deserts, and only in the northern part and part of the western and southern parts of the forest, which is also being severely destroyed. But what has caused more attention to environmental is More
        Iran is located in a dry region of Asia and the world, two-thirds of which are deserts, and only in the northern part and part of the western and southern parts of the forest, which is also being severely destroyed. But what has caused more attention to environmental issues, besides all these destructions, are issues caused by pollution, especially air pollution. The uncontrolled expansion of cities, along with the lack of control over population growth, which is growing the most in our country, as well as the uncontrolled concentration of industries and the irregular establishment of factories are the main causes of this pollution. The suspension of chemical particles and toxic gases in the air increases so much that the authorities have to declare a state of emergency and prevent people from traveling in some areas of the city that are more dangerous. The issue of protecting the environment in the direction of human interests and eliminating the destructive effects of industrial activities has become a serious issue in the contemporary world and has threatened humanity. To deal with this threat, a decisive action is needed by adopting appropriate measures. The practical procedure of Iran's courts is based on fault-based responsibility, and as it should be, it is not responsible for all the pollution and destruction and compensation for the damage caused to the environment, therefore, considering the need to compensate for the damage caused to the environment and the resulting civil liability, which It has a special place in the science of law. In this research, the effort is to explain, explain and analyze the deterrent effect of environmental destruction punishment on its perpetrators in Yasouj city and to find a suitable basis for this responsibility. Manuscript profile
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        54 - Analytical Pattern of Behavior from Social-Political Action
        Rahim Abolhasani
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Priority="69" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 3 Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="70" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Dark List Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="71" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful Shading Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="72" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful List Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="73" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful Grid Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="60" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Light Shading Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="61" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Light List Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="62" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Light Grid Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="63" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Shading 1 Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="64" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Shading 2 Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="65" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium List 1 Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="66" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium List 2 Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="67" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 1 Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="68" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 2 Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="69" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 3 Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="70" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Dark List Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="71" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful Shading Accent 6"/> 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Name="TOC Heading"/> </w:LatentStyles> </xml><![endif]--><!-- [if gte mso 10]> <style> /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:Arial; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} </style> <![endif]--></p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center; line-height: 97%;" align="center"><strong><span style="font-size: 14.0pt; line-height: 97%; color: black;">Analytical Pattern of Behavior </span></strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center; line-height: 97%;" align="center"><strong><span style="font-size: 14.0pt; line-height: 97%; color: black;">from Social-Political Action</span></strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-left: 1.1pt; text-align: justify; text-justify: kashida; text-kashida: 0%;"><span class="rynqvb"><strong><span style="font-size: 14.0pt;">&nbsp;</span></strong></span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-left: 1.1pt; text-align: right;" align="right"><span class="rynqvb"><span style="font-size: 11.0pt; mso-fareast-font-family: Calibri;">Seyyed Rahim Abolhasani</span></span><a style="mso-footnote-id: ftn1;" title="" href="#_ftn1" name="_ftnref1"><span class="MsoFootnoteReference"><span style="font-size: 11.0pt;">*</span></span></a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-left: 1.1pt; text-align: justify; text-justify: kashida; text-kashida: 0%;"><span class="rynqvb"><strong><span dir="RTL" lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 14.0pt;">&nbsp;</span></strong></span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; text-justify: kashida; text-kashida: 0%; text-indent: 14.2pt; line-height: 97%;"><span style="color: black; letter-spacing: -.3pt; mso-bidi-language: FA;">To understand the reasons for people's participation in social and political arenas, various analytical patterns can be utilized. The purpose of this article is to present a suitable analytical model for comprehending and delineating the causes and contexts of the social-political behaviors and actions of individuals for future research. This research attempts to answer the question of how political participation can be analyzed using a model. By employing an analytical-descriptive method and drawing on a theory based on social-political behavior, it is possible to provide an analytical model for political participation. Thus, we aim to integrate the micro and macro levels of analysis and compare the main explanatory variables of behavior in interaction with each other. The influential variables on individuals' social action motivations are categorized into internal (values, beliefs, and emotions) and external (goal-oriented) factors.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; text-justify: kashida; text-kashida: 0%; text-indent: 14.2pt; line-height: 97%;"><span style="color: black; letter-spacing: -.3pt; mso-bidi-language: FA;">&nbsp;</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; text-justify: kashida; text-kashida: 0%; text-indent: 14.2pt; line-height: 97%;"><span style="color: black; letter-spacing: -.3pt; mso-bidi-language: FA;">&nbsp;</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; text-justify: kashida; text-kashida: 0%;"><strong><span style="color: black;">Keywords:</span></strong><span style="color: black;"> Analytical pattern, behavior or action, inclinations and tendencies, attitudes and perceptions, stimuli and environmental and structural factors.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <div style="mso-element: footnote-list;"><br clear="all" /><hr align="left" size="1" width="33%" /> <div id="ftn1" style="mso-element: footnote;"> <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-left: 1.1pt; text-align: justify;"><a style="mso-footnote-id: ftn1;" title="" href="#_ftnref1" name="_ftn1"><span class="MsoFootnoteReference"><span style="font-size: 10.0pt;">*</span></span></a><span class="rynqvb"><span style="font-size: 10.0pt; mso-fareast-font-family: Calibri; mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin';">Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Tehran, Iran</span></span><span class="rynqvb"><span style="font-size: 10.0pt; mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin';">.</span></span></p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-left: 1.1pt; text-align: justify;"><span class="rynqvb"><span style="font-size: 9.0pt; mso-fareast-font-family: Calibri; mso-bidi-font-family: 'B Nazanin';">abhasani@ut.ac.ir</span></span></p> </div> </div> <p>&nbsp;</p> Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        55 - The Semantic Emergence of "Exploratory-Intuitive Architecture" from the Analysis of the Ideas and Opinions of Iran's Contemporary Famous Architects in Cultural Works, based on the Reflection of Environmental Aesthetics in the Genius Loci
        Rezvaneh Mansouri Farah  Habib Azadeh  Shahcheraghi
        The purpose of this study is to explain the semantic conceptual model of "Disciplinary-Architecture" to analyze the ideas and opinions of contemporary Iranian architects in the cultural space based on environmental aesthetic reflection in the genios loci. The presen More
        The purpose of this study is to explain the semantic conceptual model of "Disciplinary-Architecture" to analyze the ideas and opinions of contemporary Iranian architects in the cultural space based on environmental aesthetic reflection in the genios loci. The present study is practical in terms of purpose and has been analyzed with an inductive approach. In nature, qualitatively describes existing information and component inductive analysis in theoretical subject matter. The method of collecting information by library relying on valid documents using the logical analysis method describes and analyzes theoretical propositions. The propositions have then been extracted, categorized and analyzed from the point of view of a number of contemporary Iranian architects and the views of the field of research. From the findings he suggested that the genios loci of communication with spiritual worlds and the underlying layers of the human soul can be possible. Because intuition is one of the semantic components due to sensory diversity and plurality in simple detail while complexity, in the form of a united whole, the aesthetic concerns of users. In this way, the discovery and intuition with the ability to safely predict the exciting at the same time have an impact on the integration of shared patterns of human emotions and senses. The criteria set forth in explaining a new model of environmental aesthetics in achieving the genios loci through "intuitive-intuitive architecture" lead to "extensive understanding" in contemporary architectural artifacts. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        56 - Providing a model of accounting strategies based on environmental ethics
        mostafa Aghabeigi nasrollahabadi Mansoor Garkaz alireza matoufi Ali Khozein
        Environmental accounting has also become an important and significant issue in the field of sustainability in recent years in line with the changes in the behavior of companies with the environment. Human societies and accounting professions, without adhering to profess More
        Environmental accounting has also become an important and significant issue in the field of sustainability in recent years in line with the changes in the behavior of companies with the environment. Human societies and accounting professions, without adhering to professional ethics They will decline. The purpose of this study is to provide a model of accounting strategies with an emphasis on environmental ethics. The current research has been conducted using a mixed research method in two parts, qualitative and quantitative. The statistical population of the research in the qualitative part is university faculty members and in the quantitative part 194 are managers, experts and knowledgeable people in the field of environmental accounting. To analyze the qualitative data, the method of foundational data theory was used, and in the quantitative part, structural equations were used. The findings of the qualitative section showed that six main categories of senior management's commitment to strategy, uncertainty, social legitimacy, environmental monitoring and control, and accounting information system were identified as dimensions of the model. Finally, in the quantitative part of the results of the model, the effect coefficient of the change factors on the results showed the confirmation of the relationships, and from the results of the goodness of fit index, the value of the fit index was equal to 0.943, which shows the strong fit and desirability of the model. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        57 - Effective Strategies for Promoting Motivation in Children with Intellectual Disabilities Based on Environmental Psychology
        Sara mohammadzadeh akbari Mahdi hamzenejad Razie Fathi
        <p>The current research seeks to provide effective solutions on the emotional and motivational development of mentally retarded children based on environmental psychology. The aim of this research is to provide a purposeful environment for the mental and educational dev More
        <p>The current research seeks to provide effective solutions on the emotional and motivational development of mentally retarded children based on environmental psychology. The aim of this research is to provide a purposeful environment for the mental and educational development of children with mental disabilities by examining the psychology of the educational environment. Mentally retarded children are physically, intellectually, emotionally and behaviorally different from other people and therefore they need special environments to empower their intelligence. In this research; First, By using study -library documents-, the basics of mentally retarded children and their disorders (conditions), as well as the psychology of the children's environment and the factors affecting the environment, have been studied, and then the relationship between the psychology of the environment and the needs of mentally retarded children has been investigated using descriptive-analytical methods. The current research aims to improve the states and disorders of mentally retarded children through the use of optimal environmental design solutions to cause their motivational growth. The findings showed that factors such as color, materials and form in the space can have a significant effect on the intellectual ability of mentally retarded children. So that by using these factors, optimal design solutions are obtained in order to solve each of their disorders and as a result increase their motivation.</p> Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        58 - Investigating the effect of environmental uncertainty on the performance of the Isfahan municipality by considering the moderating role of innovation and strategic orientation
        Davood Gholamrezaei zohre sadat mirsafian monir habibi
        Davood Gholamrezaei Zohre Sadat Mirsafian Monir Habibi Abstract The rapid growth of cities and gaining them from the municipalities and resources has made appropriate services for these organizations to a great challenge. As a result of developments, publ More
        Davood Gholamrezaei Zohre Sadat Mirsafian Monir Habibi Abstract The rapid growth of cities and gaining them from the municipalities and resources has made appropriate services for these organizations to a great challenge. As a result of developments, public organizations including municipalities are affected by internal and external factors, structural, cultural, economic, social and political. Therefore, unban managers as head of the city's leadership pyramid have the heavy task of creating harmory between the parts that govern the city. In study aimed to investigate the effect of environmental uncertainty on the performance of the Isfahan municipality in considering the mediating role of innovation and strategic orientation. This research is of descriptive-analytical nature in terms of type and nature, and in terms of purpose, it is a type of applied research. The information gathering method is survey type (using a questionnaire) and a hypothesis type. The model has been tested through data collection from the sample of 193 listed among the managers and directors of Isfahan municipality and using partial least squares method (PLS). Findings show the negative and significant negative effects of environmental uncertainty on municipality functions. The strategic orientation also reversed the relationship between environmental uncertainty and municipality functions, but the moderating role of innovation was not endorsed. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        59 - Improving the internationalization capacity of industrial machinery companies: an Analysis of environmental conditions
        Reza nasrolahi Saidello ناصر  فقهی فرهمند مجتبی رمضانی
        Reza Nasralhi Saeed Lou Naser Fghhi Farahmand Mojtaba Ramezani Abstract Background and purpose: Businesses in the direction of internationalization operate in a wide external environment, the aspects of which must be analyzed, understood and interpreted, More
        Reza Nasralhi Saeed Lou Naser Fghhi Farahmand Mojtaba Ramezani Abstract Background and purpose: Businesses in the direction of internationalization operate in a wide external environment, the aspects of which must be analyzed, understood and interpreted, based on this, the present research seeks to identify the environmental conditions on the internationalization of companies. Industry is industrial machinery. Methodology: The current research has a qualitative approach, in the form of an interpretive paradigm. Thematic analysis strategy was used to analyze the obtained data. The data collection tool was semi-structured interviews of nineteen experts and business managers in the field of machinery manufacturing in the building products industry who were selected purposefully. To validate the research model, two strategies of external review and pluralism were used. Findings: The findings of the present research showed that the examination of environmental factors for the internationalization of companies is to consider the following factors: environmental capacity of the host country, knowledge of tax laws, market analysis, cost evaluation, political peace of the country. Host, international interactions, rules and regulations of the host country. Conclusion: The results achieved by being present in global markets require knowing the environment in which you operate in a particular country. For this, companies need to pay attention to knowing the environment of the host country, government support, compliance with international standards, market analysis and international challenges. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        60 - A comparative study of environmental factors developing sociability in commercial centers
        Seyedamirreza Ghazimirsaied
        The city of Tehran, as the capital of Iran, has been undergoing a significant transformation in terms of modern changes and extensive development in public center design. Commercial complexes are considered as common domains for social interactions, communications, and More
        The city of Tehran, as the capital of Iran, has been undergoing a significant transformation in terms of modern changes and extensive development in public center design. Commercial complexes are considered as common domains for social interactions, communications, and social cognition, reflecting effective urban aspects. However, the neglect of social analysis in the design process may lead to the loss of communication between individuals and public spaces, which can result in undesirable social consequences and psychological and emotional distress within society such as isolation and Social alienation. In this regard, the design and architecture of commercial centers have a prominent role, and further research on the social acceptability of these centers is necessary. The main objective of this comparative research is to examine and compare the influential components of social acceptability based on architectural features in the commercial performance of two different structures, namely traditional market centers and malls. The case studies of this research include the Grand Bazaar of Tehran and Kourosh Mall. This study employs a mixed-method approach, utilizing library research, questionnaires, in-depth interviews, and observations, to investigate the subject both quantitatively and qualitatively. Analysis of the results demonstrates that multi-purpose commercial complexes, through environmental structural factors, possess higher levels of overall acceptability compared to traditional markets, by developing dimensions of greater security. This research contributes to the field of architecture and urban design by highlighting the importance of social analysis in the design process and identifying the influential components of social acceptability in commercial centers. Manuscript profile