Evaluation and investigation of the role of the physical component of the environment for the mental health of residents of residential complexes
Subject Areas :
Vahideh Razmahang
Hadi Keshmiri
1 - Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran.
Keywords: Mental health, Residential complex, Physical environment, Housing, Environmental components.,
Abstract :
In recent years, living in residential complexes can be considered one of the most important developments in housing, which has become a form of contemporary living and housing in cities. Also, with the excessive growth of residential complexes and their physical development, we sometimes see a decline in the quality of residential spaces, which has caused various problems in the lives of the residents of these complexes. In this regard, the crises arising from apartment living have created a wide range of mental disorders, such as stress, anxiety, depression, etc. The current research is based on the evaluation and analysis of the impact of the physical components of the environment on mental health; so that the results may open the way for the design of healthy and growing residential spaces. In order to measure people's mental health and examine the environmental elements, the GHQ-12 standard questionnaire was used, and the environment's physical components were taken into consideration. Also, a researcher-made questionnaire was prepared based on the environment's influential physical components. This questionnaire was answered by 340 residents of different residential complexes in Shiraz, and SPSS software was used to analyze and process the information. The findings of the present research show that the physical environment of residential complexes has a fundamental role in life quality and consequently has the greatest negative impact on the mental health of the residents. As a result, it has been determined that there is a reliable relationship between human health and the surrounding physical environment. Also, it concluded that to ensure the mental health of residents, the physical components of residential environments should be taken into consideration and designers should try to improve and fix their defects.
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