• List of Articles Religion

      • Open Access Article

        1 - The Impact of Political Ideology on Promoting the Level of Geographic Space; Case study: Qom province
        hassan kamran      
        Administrative divisions are a clear indication of the role played by states in managing the territorial space, which is being discussed in many disciplines, especially in geopolitics .By pursuing country-specific divisions and territorial targeting, governments pursue More
        Administrative divisions are a clear indication of the role played by states in managing the territorial space, which is being discussed in many disciplines, especially in geopolitics .By pursuing country-specific divisions and territorial targeting, governments pursue specific goals and, according to specific rules and regulations, apply their own management in territorial territory. In the process of changing the level of political-administrative units, there are several factors that make up one of the most important ones, such as population, size, culture and ethnicity, age, security, access, etc. However, in some cases, it can be seen that the existence of a series of political and geopolitical considerations or religious or religious characteristics imposes these criteria on the sidelines and alone plays a key role in promoting the level of division of the state. One of these cases in Iran is the conversion of Qom county to Qom province. This article explores why and how it is influenced by it. This research has been done by descriptive-analytical method and its data and data have been collected through library resources, electronics and referring to relevant documents. The results of the research showed that political and religious factor played a major role in promoting the political level of Qom and forming Qom province, and had a greater impact than other factors. Manuscript profile
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        2 - The Criticism and Analysis of Mahan the Egyptian in Haft Peykar (“seven portraits”) of Nezami
        Ahmad امیری خراسانی  
        Haft Peykar (“Seven portraits”) by Hakim Nezami Ganjavi, which is his fourth epopee from temporal perspective and one of its two masterpieces (along with Khosraw and Shirin) from quality perspective is the adventure of Bahram-e Gur. His story is narrated along with seve More
        Haft Peykar (“Seven portraits”) by Hakim Nezami Ganjavi, which is his fourth epopee from temporal perspective and one of its two masterpieces (along with Khosraw and Shirin) from quality perspective is the adventure of Bahram-e Gur. His story is narrated along with seven girls from seven different lands. Bahram-e Gur lives every day of a week with one girl in a dome having special color and listens to strange stories from them. At Wednesday in turquoise colored dome, the girl of fifth land tells the story of a man who got to be captive of demons; the representation of Souroush (Gabriel) is so obvious in this story. Souroush is one of the Zoroastrian lords that is emerged in different kinds and forms in public belief and literary works. Souroush is often the angel and messenger of mystic world. One of the most important roles of Souroush is fighting with demons and evils. It is in this fighting that the bird concomitant with Souroush invites people to awakening and worshipping God with its groan. After noting features and characteristics of Souroush Lord and its concomitant bird, the study attempts to follow one of its most important actions within the story. It is seen that disappearing of demons is due to the presence of Souroush Lord. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Social Aspects of Islamic Sufism, and Public Interactions within it (With a Look at the Relationships between Sufism and the Sects of ‘Javanmardan’, ‘Malamatiyeh’ and ‘Ghalandariyeh’)
        علی‌اکبر  کیوانفر
        Islamic Sufism which first developed with a devout and mortification-oriented approach, gradually, and in accordance with the needs of the time inclined towards theorization with main focus on issues like ‘sincerity of intention’ and ‘love and self-devotion. This new a More
        Islamic Sufism which first developed with a devout and mortification-oriented approach, gradually, and in accordance with the needs of the time inclined towards theorization with main focus on issues like ‘sincerity of intention’ and ‘love and self-devotion. This new approach caused Sufi teachings to be more practical in its relation to the society. Since the sects of ‘futuwwa or javanmardan’ (the Generous, chivalry, generosity; literally 'youth'), ‘malamatiyeh’ (the people of blame, self-scrutiny) and ‘qalandariyeh’ (the folk of liberal interpretation of Shari’a), illustrate parts of the popular domain of Sufism, to study them can help to figure out social characteristics of Sufism. As the teachings of ‘the generous’ were linked with the principles of Suffism, it appeared as a school for teaching piety, and asceticism to the public. On the other hand, the influence of the generous on suffi folks raised the possibility of criticism among the discourses in the scope of Islamin Suffism. ‘Malamatiyeh’ can be considered as a trail for ‘the generous’, developed to stop the corruption among the ascetics. Firmness of the theoretical framework of the inter-discourse criticism resulted in strengthening its practicality, and the development of the movement of ‘qalandarieh’ against artificial and hypocritical asceticism. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Attitudes of the Poets of the Constitutional Period to Religion
        Mohammad غلامرضایی زهره  ملّاکی
        In the constitutional period, when Islamic tradition and modern civilization faced each other, due to their differences, clergymen and intellectuals who were the effective social forces of the time reacted differently to it. Intellectuals were of three types: against re More
        In the constitutional period, when Islamic tradition and modern civilization faced each other, due to their differences, clergymen and intellectuals who were the effective social forces of the time reacted differently to it. Intellectuals were of three types: against religion; pro-religion but with stress on instrumental use of it; and pro-religion believing in compatibility of Islam and modern civilization. Clergymen were of two types: conservatives, against modernity; and constitutionalists believing in compromise between Islam and democracy. This article, using the method of qualitative content analysis, and studying the poems of seven popular poets of this period, surveys their attitudes to religion. The research reveals three main current of thought among the poets: one places religion against modernity and believes that modernization demands total removal of religion from society. Other flow believes in eliminating most religious traditions, changing their function, and emphasizes just on faith dimension of religion. The third current accepts modernization on the ground of religious traditions, and supports the change and reform to some of them just through Ijtihad. This movement stresses the preservation of religion in society. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Study of Rumi and Rumi-Researchers in English Speaking Countries
        Ahmad تميم‌داري
        The subject of this paper relates to comparative literature and the impact the literary figures, thinkers and illustrators have taken from Persian literary works; especially Rumi’s most significant and prominent works. The method of research in this essay is referentia More
        The subject of this paper relates to comparative literature and the impact the literary figures, thinkers and illustrators have taken from Persian literary works; especially Rumi’s most significant and prominent works. The method of research in this essay is referential and inductive. We have made an attempt to become familiar with the great American and English men of letters; ones who have compiled important works through either translation or adaptation and made a serious effort to introduce the Persian literature, especially Rumi’s poetry in the English speaking countries. Since the eighteenth century, and following movements such as studying Iran, Islam, and the East, Persian literature was noticed and therefore some of the literary men, scientists, and illustrators begun translating and adapting the Persian literary works. It was in the same century that the study of Rumi’s works became significant. The English and American Transcendentalists both idealized the school of Transcendentalism through studying and having researches on Rumi’s works. It was about late nineteenth century, in 1870, that Mankar Daniel Canoy published The Sacred Anthology of Oriental Texts. Some of Rumi’s stories stated the ideals of social moral and behavioral issues. William R. Alger, one of Emerson’s friends, published The First American Anthology of Oriental Literature. Edward J. Brown translated the prose introduction of The First Volume of Massnavi into English. The climax of studies on Rumi’s works was done by Reynold Elaine Nicholson; who published eight books for the interpretation and paraphrase of Massnavi and actually devoted fifteen years of his life to this issue. Arthur J. Arbery is counted as one of the great thinkers in the field of Rumi studies. James J.Koan, an art teacher, rewrote fifty of the selected poems from Nicholson’s Poetry- taken from Shams Tabrizi’s Book of Poetry- in a modern poetic structure. And finally Andrew Harroy created some works as memorials of Rumi’s works. Manuscript profile
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        6 - A Study on new Epistemology Mysticism
        حسن  شاهی‌پور
        This essay deals with the new epistemology theories in three sections titled “mysticism and science”, “mysticism and logic” and “mysticism and religion. In the mysticism and science sectoin, the issue discuseed is that new epistemology on mysticism well as the new relig More
        This essay deals with the new epistemology theories in three sections titled “mysticism and science”, “mysticism and logic” and “mysticism and religion. In the mysticism and science sectoin, the issue discuseed is that new epistemology on mysticism well as the new religion epistemology is developed through new science epistemology. Some theses with content based classification are studied in this section, the theses upon the objectivity concept as the discussion principle provides a threatening perception or near wideninig conception or far widening conception. The mystic and logic section studies some other theses upon the relation between these two phenomenons in order to study the conceptual and non-conceptual aspects of mysticism. This section ends with putting forward the logic, non-logic and ultra logic dimensions of the experience. In this section, the relations between religion and mysticism and also two conceptions from religion, namely the religion and empirical tradition, is put between the two theses for accepting and rejecting the tie between them along with third theses, mystic experience being ultra religion, reveals the scattering of the thesis in this regard. Totally, three types of thesis can be identified about the mysticism, science and logic and religion. The theses which believe in mystic being non-logic and non-religious. The proving theses which believe in being logic and religious of this type of experience and the clashing theses which regard it as ultra science, ultra logic and ultra religion. Undoubtedly, the third groups of theses reached by epistemology in the last stage of development are in line with mystic experience more. Manuscript profile
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        7 - Introducing and Analyzing the History of Tankalucha Manuscript 1074 A.H.
        Mahmood  Tavoosi Minoo  Asaadi Zahraei
        According to the ancient sources, Tankalucha manuscript is one of the oldest works related to astronomy which has been written in Sassanid era based on Iranian astronomy and stories of the time it was written. According to astronomical literature, after being written in More
        According to the ancient sources, Tankalucha manuscript is one of the oldest works related to astronomy which has been written in Sassanid era based on Iranian astronomy and stories of the time it was written. According to astronomical literature, after being written in middle Persian (Pahlavi), Tankalucha has been translated into Syriac and later into Arabic in Islamic era. This work has been an information resource for the large number of other works related to astrological literature. Although, there is no evidence of its Syriac translation, there are some manuscripts of its Arabic and Farsi translations, and Tankalucha 1074 H.A. is one of its Farsi translations. Tankalucha 1074 A.H. was rewritten by “Mohammad Taghi-ibn-e-Haji Mohammad Mashadi” in Nastaliq by the command of the king. Subject of the manuscript is foretelling and explanation of the fortune in 360 degrees in ecliptic circle. The unique characteristic of the manuscript which makes it different from the former and latter manuscripts is its motifs. In fact the motifs are visual interpretations of the foretelling texts. No significant difference is observed in any of the other manuscripts except for “the style of calligraphy” and “the date of writing”. This article has two goals. First, it answers the question that whether Tankalucha 1074 A.H. was the only manuscript containing motifs. According to the description of the illustrated Tankalucha in the poems of the two poets of the 6th (hijri) (Khaqani and Nizami) illustrated Tankalucha (11th century) goes back to 6th century, and this rejects its uniqueness. On the other hand, in historical resources, Tankalucha goes back to pre-Islam era. The main goal of this article is learning about the history of the book, and finding the answer to the question that Tankalucha expresses the beliefs of which group of people. According to some external old resources and focusing on some of the elements in Tankalucha 1074 A.H. text, and its representation in motifs lead us to Citation to the beliefs of Sabian religion. Manuscript profile
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        8 - A Study of Adel Daher’s Philosophical and Political Views
        فریبرز  محرم‌خانی
        Adel Daher is one of the sophisticated Arab intellectuals who is unknown in Iran. Like any modern philosopher, he considers intellect as the first means of identification. Dividing intellect into two parts of theoretical and practical, he believes that besides identifyi More
        Adel Daher is one of the sophisticated Arab intellectuals who is unknown in Iran. Like any modern philosopher, he considers intellect as the first means of identification. Dividing intellect into two parts of theoretical and practical, he believes that besides identifying the means to attain goals (teleos), intellect also serves to determine the very goals. In other words, he believes in goal-oriented rationality as well as value-oriented rationality. He does not think of philosophical thought as a profession, detached from human community; rather, he considers it as bearing the task of criticizing and modification of social life. He believes that if the core of religion is truly understood, then it becomes clear that those who believe in the necessity of the relation between religion and worldly mundane life are false. The present paper studies the main theoretical framework of this Lebanese thinker’s views based on a metatheoretical approach. Manuscript profile
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        9 - Interpretation of Religion (Din) and its Influence on the concept of Freedom in the Political Thoughts of Mohammad Mojtehed Shabestari and Mohammad Taqi Mesbah Yazdi
        amir roshan محسن  شفیعی سیف آبادی
        After the triumph of Islamic Revolution in Iran, scholars in the fields of religion and politics faced many new issues in the areas of politics and interpreting religious texts. Among them Mohammad Mojtehed Shabestari and Mohammad Taqi Mesbah Yazdi dealt with religious More
        After the triumph of Islamic Revolution in Iran, scholars in the fields of religion and politics faced many new issues in the areas of politics and interpreting religious texts. Among them Mohammad Mojtehed Shabestari and Mohammad Taqi Mesbah Yazdi dealt with religious texts either using traditional ways or hermeneutical ones. Having different methods, tendencies and intensions, they offered to interpretations of religious texts and issues like freedom. Using Quitin Skiner’s methodology of intentional hermeneutics, the authors of the present article try to clarify the main cause of the difference in their political views and its effect on their political views on issues like freedom. Shabestari, taking interpretative and hermeneutical method, with the purpose of preserving fate and human aspect of the believers, interprets religion in a way that can accept freedom and open socio-political conditions with tolerance. Mesbah, focusing on traditional jurisprudential ways, with the purpose of preserving the status of religion in political and social affairs as he believes that religion has perfect and comprehensive teachings and instructions for humans in achieving transcendental goals, limits human freedom and denies liberal social and political conditions. Manuscript profile
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        10 - Iran’s intellectuals in Qajar era and the Transition Possibilityfrom "Government-oriented Pattern" to the "State-oriented Pattern
        مهدی کاظمی زمهریر
        In the ancient time, the government was at the center of theories, with consideration to the given religious nature of political community and desirable arrangement. By the entrance of modern thoughts into Iranian world in Qajar era, we witnessed the destruction of thes More
        In the ancient time, the government was at the center of theories, with consideration to the given religious nature of political community and desirable arrangement. By the entrance of modern thoughts into Iranian world in Qajar era, we witnessed the destruction of these beliefs and the need to rethink about them. The intellectuals were in charge of these affairs. How much they were successful in rethinking of these beliefs? The intellectuals faced with practical obstacles in the inherited beliefs from ancient time. So like the ancient thinkers, they set the right use of political authority as the main subject in their theories, Instead of addressing the foundations of political community and government. However,to rethink political orders and the application of political powers by the government was not possible without knowing about the nature of political community. So with reception of implicit theory about political community and by the use of “common good” and “general rights” by intellectuals, they rethought about dominion theory and the relation between religion and political order and stated a new theory about government. But the result was a gradual tension between the old beliefs and the new beliefs of political order and the appearance of juridical modern political theories. Although these theories tried to resist against new political order, But for the first time, instead of characteristics of an ideal ruler, they had to pay attention to the nature of political community. So the appearance of intellectual thought could put the query of government’s nature and political community in the center of political theories of Iran’s thinkers, and pave the way for gradual transition from "Government-oriented pattern" to the "State-oriented pattern" of political theories. Manuscript profile
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        11 - Ideological religion and the disenchantment of politics
        Mahereh  Kuohnavard Ahmad bostani
        The Islamic Revolution of Iran was a movement based on religious ideology, and one of its most important goals was to confront the process of secularization in society and establish a religious government. However, after the revolution, the process of disenchantment int More
        The Islamic Revolution of Iran was a movement based on religious ideology, and one of its most important goals was to confront the process of secularization in society and establish a religious government. However, after the revolution, the process of disenchantment intensified both in the theoretical dimension and in the practical aspects of society and politics. Although the term disenchantment is used in Max Weber's works to describe the modernization and rationalization of Western societies, in this article, we will show that in post-revolutionary Iran, this process has not necessarily always been associated with more rational and scientific processes. Therefore, the present article aims to discuss the process through which the political and social application of religion would lead to the disenchantment of politics and society. To explain this process, we will emphasize that the Ideologization of religion requires the transformation of Sharia and religious teachings into a secular structure and adherence to the logic of temporal relations. Therefore, in certain circumstances, the ideological conception of religion can accelerate the process of disenchantment. Manuscript profile
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        12 - The Relationship between Religion and politics In Understanding the Hermeneutics of Nasr Hamed Abu Zayd
        aliakbar asadi kaviji Abbasali Rahbar
        Nasr Hamed Abu Zayd is one of the religious intellectuals who has offered sometimes differentand challenging views on the issues of Quranic and political sciences from the views of her predecessors. This article, In the form of Skinner's historical and critical interpre More
        Nasr Hamed Abu Zayd is one of the religious intellectuals who has offered sometimes differentand challenging views on the issues of Quranic and political sciences from the views of her predecessors. This article, In the form of Skinner's historical and critical interpretation, tries to understand and discover the intentional linguistic action of Nasr Hamed Abu Zayd in the plan of separating the relation and interaction of religion and politics by examining the ideological and practical contexts and linguistic tricks used. The findings show that Abu Zayd, criticizing political Islam and traditional religious discourse to get Egypt out of social problems and modernization, sees the solution in establishing a democratic society, which is itself a consequence of religious modernization. Hence, he considered the separation of religion from politics in order to counter the foundations of the idea of establishing and strengthening an authoritarian government (in Egypt). Manuscript profile
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        13 - The study of Relationship of the ''Politics'' and the ''Happiness'' From viewpoint of Aristotle and Ibn Miskeweyh
        The Relationship of the ''Politics'' and the ''Happiness'' is one of issues that are traditionally focus of social ethics thinkers. The study and compaire of two big thinkers ideal –one from of ancient Greece and the other from Islamic philosophies- is important. The pr More
        The Relationship of the ''Politics'' and the ''Happiness'' is one of issues that are traditionally focus of social ethics thinkers. The study and compaire of two big thinkers ideal –one from of ancient Greece and the other from Islamic philosophies- is important. The present research has been aim to clear the circumstance of the relationship of this two topics in analytical-applicational ways and also to explain the points of their ideas participations and differences in this text. Both Aristotle and Ibn Miskeweyh believies the earning to happiness is aim of the politics and political society and proponde the elements of earning to happiness, principles of obtaining to desirable political society, similarly. In attention to effect Aristotle viewpoints upon Ibn Miskeweyh thouthghs, the difference between this two thinkers ideologies, has been cause difference in some of the discussions. Aristotle believies criteria of desirability in political society and earning to happiness is living on base of virtue, but in according to Ibn Miskewayh's monalistic ideology, he believies the religion is inseparable element of politics and introduced the best politics is divine politics Manuscript profile
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        14 - Evolutionary Anthropology and Its Ethical Deadlock: Emphasizing on Golden Rule
        The study on the creation of human being and its ethical implication is a significant philosophical issue that many philosophical text deal with it. Evolutionary perspective toward the creation of human being as modern scientific theory has faced many challenges in gene More
        The study on the creation of human being and its ethical implication is a significant philosophical issue that many philosophical text deal with it. Evolutionary perspective toward the creation of human being as modern scientific theory has faced many challenges in general and ethical problem in particular. According to some theist philosophers and theologians there are inconsistency between theistic ethical perspective and evolutionary perspective regarding human creation. The aim of this paper is to deal with inconsistency challenge. The writer will attempt to display how evolutionary theory on human creation is inconsistent with theistic ethical perspective. The research is based on ethical golden role and takes it a right ethical position. Evolutionary perspective of human nature invites human being toward self-centered interest while human nature display concern over others` interest. The golden rule is main feature of human life and culture that display man`s concerns about other human being and mutual profit Manuscript profile
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        15 - Religion and Ethics according to Schleirmacher
        In this paper at first we point to importance of Schleirmacher as father of modern Christian Theology and then to kant’s effect on him. In continuance we will deal with definition of Religion according to him. On this subject will say that the independence of Religion More
        In this paper at first we point to importance of Schleirmacher as father of modern Christian Theology and then to kant’s effect on him. In continuance we will deal with definition of Religion according to him. On this subject will say that the independence of Religion from Ethics is the most important thing; in fact the independence of Religion from all aspects of human experiences . Accordingly, will be stressed that there is no casual relation between Religion and Ethics as collection of human commands. And reduction of Religion to Ethics, like Kant’s view, in Schleirmacher thought is not correct. Manuscript profile
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        16 - Medical ethics and its place in the divine religions and Asian religions
        In recent years, different religion scholars tried to reconsider their religious texts and learning to give methods and orders to their followers that response to their needs for using new medical inventions. In this study considering learning about medical ethics in di More
        In recent years, different religion scholars tried to reconsider their religious texts and learning to give methods and orders to their followers that response to their needs for using new medical inventions. In this study considering learning about medical ethics in divine religions, we are going to show that not only these learning are not quiet and passive for emerging medical issues but also they could response to them with giving systematic orders and methods. Reviewing divine religion ethical approaches shows that they have same opinions about protecting human lives apart from racial, national and sexual differences and fighting against diseases and protecting patients; however different belief structure of these religions lead to some limitations for deciding and different therapeutic actions. Manuscript profile
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        17 - Kantian ethics from the perspective of martyr Motahari
        majid abolghasemzadeh
        Kant according to his philosophy of critique and relying on practical reason, achieved a moral order that distinguishes his philosophy of ethics from some other philosophy of ethics. Relying on practical reason and ignoring theoretical reason, deontologism, formalism, More
        Kant according to his philosophy of critique and relying on practical reason, achieved a moral order that distinguishes his philosophy of ethics from some other philosophy of ethics. Relying on practical reason and ignoring theoretical reason, deontologism, formalism, absolutism, separation between happiness and perfection, good agent, the priority of morality to religion are some features of Kantian ethics. Professor martyr Motahhari while accurate explaining and analyzing of Kant's ethics philosophy and using the moral system of Islam, has been reviewed and criticized it. At first we will explain a brief principles and basic issues of Kant's ethics in this article and then we will review it from the perspective of martyr Motahhari Manuscript profile
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        18 - Mystical education in term of Muhaghigh Ardabili Bidguli
        In safavih era، religious scientists – as deputies of expected Imam – got supernatural power and influence. They with sages that habitually had also Compilations on some lawful science، had tendency whit mysticism. At the same era، historical antecedent of Kashan in Shi More
        In safavih era، religious scientists – as deputies of expected Imam – got supernatural power and influence. They with sages that habitually had also Compilations on some lawful science، had tendency whit mysticism. At the same era، historical antecedent of Kashan in Shiite religion، was Caused special attention of Safavih governors to this city: Scientific and Literary societies promoted and attracted speakers and poets from around of country. By promoting Shiite in ninth century، the number of Sufis dynasty were being added. Sufi safavieh and Nematollahieh dynasty and Noorbakhshieh sect were been effective factors of Shiite promotion. This essay is for introduction of thoughts and works Mohammad – Ibn Soltan Mohammad Aradabili – Known and pen name to Mohaghegh Shiite scientist and mystic of A.H eleventh century. He is follower Ghazi Asad Ghohpaee and attributed to Noorbakhshieh sect. By witness of his works، his religious face has priority than other faces and his thought domination is on divine law and maintenance and observance of rules: However، meanwhile expressing pure religious debates، he doesn’t neglect mentioning principles and rules of Sufism. His Sufism rarely has a tendency with taste and composes quatrain almost attractive. Compiler، Sometime، resort to philosophical terms for proving his opinions but there isn’t special philosophical method Manuscript profile
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        19 - Jurisprudential Study of Cucumber and Goodwill in Khamseh Religions and Its Relation to Business Ethics
        Abdollah Narooyi Javad panjepoor Siamak Baharlooyi Ahmad Abedini
        The Islamic Shari'a is known for its perfection because it has raised religious and secular issues in its prominent laws. Although the Shari'ah is based on belief and worship, this does not mean that they are worldly affairs and that a large part of Islamic jurisprudenc More
        The Islamic Shari'a is known for its perfection because it has raised religious and secular issues in its prominent laws. Although the Shari'ah is based on belief and worship, this does not mean that they are worldly affairs and that a large part of Islamic jurisprudence constitutes financial transactions. Most people's disagreements over trade are about the highs and lows of the term, especially when it is combined with ignorance or deception, and the jurists interpret it as "groaning". On the one hand, the present article examines the realization of the subject of the Qur'an, including the background, legitimacy, circumstances, instances and cases of fall of the cucumber in the Khamseh religions, and on the other hand, reviews the reasons and forms of its realization in the transaction and its religious status. Paid. Often cucumber is a legitimate cabbage, but cabbage causes a cucumber that has some proof requirements, one of which is gross cabbage. However, not with change or one of the successors in the position of stress. There are some cases of cucumber but cucumbers do not prove to be stable, such as in cases of cucumber fall. Manuscript profile
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        20 - The Relationship between Religion and Ethic ( with the Philosophical Approach)
        Masoumeh  saeed
        The relationship between religion and ethics is one of the most controversial discussions of religious thought. Philosophers of Religion and Ethics in Relationship between Religion and Ethics, the Origin of Religion or Ethics, the Implementation of Ethics by Religion, t More
        The relationship between religion and ethics is one of the most controversial discussions of religious thought. Philosophers of Religion and Ethics in Relationship between Religion and Ethics, the Origin of Religion or Ethics, the Implementation of Ethics by Religion, the Origin of Religion from Ethics or Ethics from Religion and Other Religions and Needs of Religion and Ethics. But the question of the 'relation of religion and ethics' is still one of the most important issues that have occupied the minds of scholars. The present study first deals with the meanings of religion and ethics and the goals of each of these two categories, then the views of some scholars. And finally, after evaluating the above, this gives his opinion. Manuscript profile
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        21 - The position of Text and person in conjunction of Islam and Christianity
        On the one hand all religions claim salvation of their followers and on the other hand there is in all of them more or less scripture and holy person. an important question that arises here This is: which played a major role in salvation of followers? Another question More
        On the one hand all religions claim salvation of their followers and on the other hand there is in all of them more or less scripture and holy person. an important question that arises here This is: which played a major role in salvation of followers? Another question in this context that: is there any difference between divine religions and non divine religions? Religion can be divided,, Considering the role that the "scripture" or "saint" have in human salvation,, to "person-centered religions" and "Text-based religions". Religions "pantheism" Since not believe in God distinguished and distinct from the world, belief of divine connection with the temporal, through the divine message, is not significant. This Religions based on their funder and and knows him duct Allah. In this respect called them "person-centered. But the revealed religions believe in God distinguished and distinct from world and the other side believes the relationship between the temporal world with the divine through the divine revelation. But they all have not same interpretation of Revelation. These religions can be divided to"person-centered" and "Text-based" according to their interpretation of divine revelation. Islam believe that God's revelation is in the category of message and promise. The center of gravity revelation in Islam, is Qur'an, and in Christianity, is Christ. That's why can called Christianity ,,from a different direction with "pantheism",,a religion "person-centered". There is emphasizing on saint in some Islamic groups such as Shi'ism and Sufism, but substantly the nature of this emphasis, is different with Christianity. So it should be said on the one hand "person-centered" in religions pantheistic is different with "person-centered" in Christianity, and on the other hand "person-centered" in Christianity is different with "person-centered" in Shi'ism and Sufism Manuscript profile
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        22 - Chomsky's linguistic theory of the origin of religion through the lens
        The important issues in the field of religious studies scholars are concerned, the important topic "The origin of religion" is. In this context the group believes in the divine origin and human origin groups also attach to it. In the meantime, one of the issues that can More
        The important issues in the field of religious studies scholars are concerned, the important topic "The origin of religion" is. In this context the group believes in the divine origin and human origin groups also attach to it. In the meantime, one of the issues that can be evidence of sentence on each of the two views, it is the language problem and its origin. On the basis of these articles addressing contemporary linguist Noam Chomsky comments to the subject of the origin of language, we find that through the proof of the inhumanity of at least one of the parameters of human life in the name of "language" can put an end to the views of those in the natural origin of religion and humane justification for the distinction And thus can be of non-human origin, language, religion escape the inhumanity of his origin and proof of the origin of human negation of religion were allowed Manuscript profile
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        23 - Moderate rationalism In Shahid Morteza Motahari Thoughts
        The political and social thought in the realm of epistemological, in the era known as modernity, has always been faced with the question of the relationship between reason and religion. By Denying and rejecting the perch of reason in the epistemological knowledge of ord More
        The political and social thought in the realm of epistemological, in the era known as modernity, has always been faced with the question of the relationship between reason and religion. By Denying and rejecting the perch of reason in the epistemological knowledge of order and domain of society and politics, some consider the “sharia” in a high worth, and the others, had consider the reason as a superior epistemological source in justifying and explaining modern thoughts. Among the muslim scholars, morteza motahari, had a continuous consideration with this epistemological concern in his works. Motahari, with reliance on text and tradition (context), has drawing a type of relationship between reason and religion that have alignment with moderate rationalism. In this essay, the theories of this Muslim philosopher about the relationship between reason and religion, and his reasoning about moderator rationalism checked by using a hermeneutic approach. Manuscript profile
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        24 - Comparative study of austerity and self-perfection in Islam with Indian religions and Buddhism
        omid sadeghpour Reza  Shabani sina forozesh
        One of the common Phenomena of grand religions in world is their recommendation and instruction about ascetic conduct and self edification. One of the sensible characteristics of Hindu doctrines and Buddhism ethic is ascesis and universe humiliation and abstinence of More
        One of the common Phenomena of grand religions in world is their recommendation and instruction about ascetic conduct and self edification. One of the sensible characteristics of Hindu doctrines and Buddhism ethic is ascesis and universe humiliation and abstinence of secular pleasures. On the other hand, there are some recommendations about self edification to muslims in Nahj Al-Balagheh”s trainings and courses.this article proceeds the comparative studying of ascesis and self edification in nahj Al-Balagheh with philosophic doctrines in india and Buddhism ethic in an analytical and descriptive method.The results of this research show that like the Nahj Al-Balagheh ”s courses, no -theist religions and Buddhism ethic have suggest some doctrines for human cultivation and edification in individual and social life. Moreover, there are some similarities among their courses, specially Buddhism- ethic which suggests a middle way between the universe efficiency and its abandonment for human tranguility. This ethic also talks about action atonement, but due to the variation in seeing world,motivation and spirit goveming the actions in these two doctrines, thay are different from each other. Manuscript profile
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        25 - Criticism and response to the hypocrisy of the doctor who is killing the infallibles based on the views of the Shia theologians
        Mahdi MohammadZadeh BaniTarafi
        The research on Imams and Shiite jurisprudence has long advocated Sunnis, as the Mu'tazilite theologian, Judge Abdul Jabbar, has criticized the Imam's votes in his books, including al-Moghuni. From the same time, the Shi'a welcomed the texts, while respecting the writer More
        The research on Imams and Shiite jurisprudence has long advocated Sunnis, as the Mu'tazilite theologian, Judge Abdul Jabbar, has criticized the Imam's votes in his books, including al-Moghuni. From the same time, the Shi'a welcomed the texts, while respecting the writer, to criticize them; it has been written or written. As Seyyed Mortazi, in his works, has answered these doubts. In the present era, which has been accepted as the main religion of religion and religion in Islamic countries, these religious debates have replaced their common points in the principles of the doctrines and emphasized them. In Saudi Arabia, the Wahhabi intellectual movements, which do not believe in the approximation of religions, with the strong support of sovereignty, bring the most cowardly accusations to the Shi'a religion, and raise doubts that it is based on the odor and color of the verse. The Book of the Principles of Religion, Al-Shi'a al-Amamiya, Asheni Shirhiya, the doctoral dissertation of Naser al-Bakari of the Saudi Wahhabi scholars, as well as the book's name, explores Shiite intellectual, cultural, and religious foundations. The author, according to the doubt raised in "Ismat" in this book, has tried to answer the doubts of two Shiite religious theologians, Seyyed Mortazi and Jorjani. Considering that Jorjani's votes have not been mentioned in the Book of Khorai, and it seems that he was unaware of his existence, this article is the first paper based on the opinions expressed on Shiite beliefs in ancient Persian books as the basis of the answer. It seems to me that the Wahhabi scholars have raised doubts about Arabic books. In this article, in addition to the votes of these two great Shiites, the votes of other Shia jurisprudents and theologians are also mentioned. Manuscript profile
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        26 - Structuralism and roots of terrorism in Pakistan
        mahdi imani keyhan bazegar
        Terrorism is one of the main and interconnected issues in the area of national security and transnationality in today's modern world. This modern manifestation has become a strategic issue for communicating with new technologies and has become one of the actors in the w More
        Terrorism is one of the main and interconnected issues in the area of national security and transnationality in today's modern world. This modern manifestation has become a strategic issue for communicating with new technologies and has become one of the actors in the world's security arena by giving the attention of small individuals and groups. In the past two decades, with the development of the phenomenon of terrorism, the human community has been threatened. By reviewing news and daily news releases, one can find that one of the main terrorist attacks in Pakistan. Given the complex structure of the situation and the presence of terrorism in Pakistan, this category seeks to examine the roots of terrorism in Pakistan in terms of constructivism. Manuscript profile
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        27 - Investigating the Relationship between Religion and Ethics from the Viewpoint of Islamic and Western Scientists
        Nasrin  Tavakoli
        Religion, by commanding to avoid moral evils, has a very important contribution to the ethics of human societies. Therefore, the theory of the relationship between religion and ethics, which emphasizes that religion supports ethics, helps to expand moral virtues. In thi More
        Religion, by commanding to avoid moral evils, has a very important contribution to the ethics of human societies. Therefore, the theory of the relationship between religion and ethics, which emphasizes that religion supports ethics, helps to expand moral virtues. In this article, the concept of morality and religion is discussed and also the views of various Islamic and Western thinkers and philosophers on the relationship or non-relevance of religion and ethics are reviewed. The research method is based on qualitative and documentary studies. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between religion and ethics and to emphasize the importance of religiousness of man and human societies in the pursuit of morality and the spread of moral virtues as well as the effect of religiousness and the positive effects of religiosity on the consolidation of moral values. The findings show that religion is more general and has different components and realizes ethical value through its multiple dimensions. Morality, on the other hand, like a strong phenomenon provides the development basis for social values and sustainable prosperity, and nobody can deny the role of religion in advocating morality. Conclusion: In order to gain specific examples of moral commands, we need religion. And this is inspiration that can elucidate moral commands in a particular sense with certain limits, conditions and devices. Manuscript profile
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        28 - The meaning of life from the Islamic point of view and its relation to lifestyle
        zari pishegar Morteza  Samanun mohamad esmaeil said hashemi enayat sharifi
        Does life have meaning? What is the meaning of life? Question about the meaning of life has a history as long as human’s life. One of the most important meanings in the phrase “the meaning of life" believed by Abrahamid's religions is that the meaning of life is equival More
        Does life have meaning? What is the meaning of life? Question about the meaning of life has a history as long as human’s life. One of the most important meanings in the phrase “the meaning of life" believed by Abrahamid's religions is that the meaning of life is equivalent to the very purpose of life. The next question is that whether humans generate the meaning in their lives? Or the meaning exists per se and should be discovered by human? In the first case, the meaning of life becomes a fake matter and in the other case it becomes a real one. The divine religions, with the most decisive responses, are the best means to save humans from uncertainty and vanity in life. In the present study, the chosen viewpoint is that life becomes meaningful by the recognition of God and being connected to him. When the meaning becomes clear, then it would be the time for selecting the manner and type of behaviors and objectives in life. There is a strong connection between the meaning and the style of life. In this regard, some of the intellectuals’ opinions and viewpoints have been provided here. Manuscript profile
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        29 - The meaning of life from the Islamic point of view and its relation to the lifestyle
        zari pishegar Morteza  Samanun mohamad esmaeil said hashemi enayat sharifi
        Does life have meaning? What is the meaning of life? Question about the meaning of life has a history as long as human’s life. One of the most important meanings in the phrase “the meaning of life" believed by Abrahamid's religions is that the meaning of life is equival More
        Does life have meaning? What is the meaning of life? Question about the meaning of life has a history as long as human’s life. One of the most important meanings in the phrase “the meaning of life" believed by Abrahamid's religions is that the meaning of life is equivalent to the very purpose of life. The next question is that whether humans generate the meaning in their lives? Or the meaning exists per se and should be discovered by human? In the first case, the meaning of life becomes a fake matter and in the other case it becomes a real one. The divine religions, with the most decisive responses, are the best means to save humans from uncertainty and vanity in life. In the present study, the chosen viewpoint is that life becomes meaningful by the recognition of God and being connected to him. When the meaning becomes clear, then it would be the time for selecting the manner and type of behaviors and objectives in life. There is a strong connection between the meaning and the style of life. In this regard, some of the intellectuals’ opinions and viewpoints have been provided here. Manuscript profile
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        30 - Effect of Sin on the Result of Natural Disasters in the Viewpoint of Islam
        mohammad rasul ahangaran seyed mohammad  hoseini pour
        From the viewpoints of the followers of the Abrahamic religions according to the Qur'an and Holy book, one of the causes of the fall of natural disasters is sin. This is while the controversial hypothesis from the materialists indicates the impact of material factors on More
        From the viewpoints of the followers of the Abrahamic religions according to the Qur'an and Holy book, one of the causes of the fall of natural disasters is sin. This is while the controversial hypothesis from the materialists indicates the impact of material factors on natural events and rejects the claims of the religiousists. In this paper, while reviewing these two views and explaining the non-conflict between the two theories about the cause of natural disasters, the existence of a meaningful relationship between sin and natural disasters in the Abrahamic processions was investigated and then, using quranic verses, different dimensions of this relationship were described in Islam. Is. Finally, from the point of view of Qur'an, it was proved that sin is a major non-monotheistic cause for the remediation of natural disasters and its scope is not tied to a specific time and place; however, this relationship is not subject to all sins, and in the case of the great sins of slander and unreliable sins committed to The face-off is possible. Of course, the above relation is a hindrance, and these types of punishments may be faded or postponed for reasons such as repentance, exile, and divine providence. Manuscript profile
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        31 - Measurement of the relationship between religious and moral beliefs
        manijeh ameli mohsen javady hamid malekmakan madi farmanyan
        Many philosophers believe that the history of the relationship between religion and morality is as old as philosophy itself. But since the time of Plato, Socrates' conversation with Othifron has taken on a more serious form. The discussion of the relationship between r More
        Many philosophers believe that the history of the relationship between religion and morality is as old as philosophy itself. But since the time of Plato, Socrates' conversation with Othifron has taken on a more serious form. The discussion of the relationship between religion and morality among Muslims has been considered as one of the important theological issues and less attention has been paid to its moral consequences. However, the relationship between religion and morality is imagined in different forms. In this article, three types of "religion contrast with morality", " religion opposition with moral " and "interaction of religion and morality" have been rationally evaluated. In order to explain the dependence of morality on religion, we examine the "semantic", "ontological", "epistemological" and "psychological" dependence of morality on religion among the different types of moral dependence on religion. In fact, the typology of the relationship between religion and ethics and the scientific-research approach leads us to the conclusion that morality is the most real source from which all goodness, interests and happiness come, and that is "religion". Manuscript profile
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        32 - Structural changes and doctrinal evolution of Shiism in the Safavid period
        toraj kadimi moneri kazemi rashd Masoumeh  Qara Daghi manegei sadri
        The Safavids formed a centralized government in Iran after the Fitr period, and by strengthening the national identity of the Iranians and using the element of religious identity, they made fundamental changes in the structure of government and society. The formalizatio More
        The Safavids formed a centralized government in Iran after the Fitr period, and by strengthening the national identity of the Iranians and using the element of religious identity, they made fundamental changes in the structure of government and society. The formalization of the Imami Shiite religion was the most important action of the Safavid government at the beginning of its work, which led to a fundamental change in the values and norms of Iranian society. Due to the historical nature of the subject, this research has been done using a descriptive and analytical method. Shiite religion was one of the important elements in the unity of Iranians in the Safavid period that formed the intellectual structure of the Safavids. Manuscript profile
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        33 - Spiritual/Religious Pattern in Patient with Multiple Sclerosis: A Qualitative Study
        Zahra Abdekhodaie Shahriyar Shahidi Mohammad Ali Mazaheri Leyli Panaghi Vahid Nejati
        The aim of the current study was to investigate the pattern of Spiritual / Religious in the patients with MS. A phenomenological approach was adopted using a qualitative method and participants were chosen none randomly on the basis of their availability. Deep interview More
        The aim of the current study was to investigate the pattern of Spiritual / Religious in the patients with MS. A phenomenological approach was adopted using a qualitative method and participants were chosen none randomly on the basis of their availability. Deep interviews were carried out with fifteen MS patients and detailed information obtained from these interviews was analyzed using the Colizzi and the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) methods. Results indicated that in dealing with the spirituality/ religion issues in the pwMS five major categories were identified, and each of them consisted of several sub-categories. These major categories were labelled as follows: the definition of spirituality and religion, spiritual/ religious behaviors, the place of God in life, spiritual coping strategies, and changing in religious attitudes. On the basis of the defined clusters, five spiritual/ religion patterns were obtained including; “hope, kindness and support”, “power, wisdom and support”, “revenge, fear and anger”, “power, predestination, fear and surrender” and “doubt, feel guilty and avoidance”. Finally, it can be concluded that achieving an integrated spiritual/ religious identity has a significant impact on psychological wellbeing and improve of patients life styles. Manuscript profile
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        34 - Philosophy and Children and the Skill of Communicative Conduct with the Followers of other Religions
        Mahdi  Ganjvar
        Nowadays one of the main concerns of philosophers is to apply philosophy to our daily life for which extensive measures have been taken up so far in certain teaching and research centers. In this regard the attempts made by the founders of Philosophy and Children to rec More
        Nowadays one of the main concerns of philosophers is to apply philosophy to our daily life for which extensive measures have been taken up so far in certain teaching and research centers. In this regard the attempts made by the founders of Philosophy and Children to reconcile philosophy with society are remarkable. Though “Philosophy and Children” from the outset tended to ethics, it seems that the effect of such educational program on the augmentation of behavioral skills and interplay of children with their fellow men, in spite of its importance and necessity, remain unnoticed from the view of the experts and researchers. Accordingly, the present paper proceeds to give a critical analysis of the epistemological geometry of “Philosophy and Children” and also explains the role and impact of this program on the enforcement of communicative conduct of children with others. Drawing and presenting effective components for the augmentation of their skills in communicating with the followers of other religions are among the important achievements of the present work. The other achievements are: respecting the rights of fellow men and the opponents, bring about an atmosphere for free thinking (freedom of thinking and expression), enforcing the EQ of children, teaching the peaceful coexistence with others, and commitment of children to morality (avoiding bigotry and unduly imitation). The method of this work is analytic-deductive. Manuscript profile
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        35 - Farabi and a Philosophical Reading of al-Huruf
        Ghasem  Purhassan
        The book al-Huruf has never been approached from a philosophical standpoint. Unlike the common belief, it is not a purely linguistic work and, rather, enjoys great significance regarding its philosophical aspect. Al-Huruf is considered to be one of the most important ph More
        The book al-Huruf has never been approached from a philosophical standpoint. Unlike the common belief, it is not a purely linguistic work and, rather, enjoys great significance regarding its philosophical aspect. Al-Huruf is considered to be one of the most important philosophical works of Farabi, and most of the studies conducted on this book emphasize that it is merely a commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics. That is why Farabi’s innovations have been disregarded there. This book is of great importance not only because of its focus on linguistic principles but also because of its discussing the relationships between language and philosophy, religion and philosophy, and everyday language and philosophical language. Here, the writer also reveals the nature of the 200-year conflicts between kalam, philosophy, syntax, and logic in the world of Islam. The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze two fundamental principles and evaluate the related views. Therefore, the writer initially attends to the general and philosophical status and writing style of al-Huruf and explains the related ideas. This book is, first and foremost, a reaction to the enemies of philosophy and rationalist trends in understanding religion. Farabi begins the book with linguistic discussions and, then, in the light of his introduction, spells out the intricacies of logical and epistemological theories, and finally clarifies the nature of ontological thoughts. In this book, he discusses how ignoring fundamental linguistic principles could harm ontological and epistemological discussions. He also illustrates how linguistic studies could demystify philosophical principles and grant them more depth and essence. Second, in addition to examining the structure of al-Huruf, the writer tries to explore Farabi’s fundamental doctrine of reconciliation. In doing so, he begins with an analysis of the two schools of Kufa and Basrah and then reviews the mentioned doctrine. In the second part of this book, Farabi demonstrates in two chapters on the unity of philosophy and religion (al-Silah bayn al-falsafah wal millah) that there is no choice but to defend the doctrine of reconciliation. He emphasizes that an irrational religion is nothing but fantasy and maintains that the fundamental principles of religion are based on the intellect and reasoning. In his view, neither Abu Bishr nor Abu Saeid had grasped the significance of this view. Matta Ibn Yunus was not merely a representative of logic and wisdom; rather, he and his companions and advocates relied only on autonomous reasoning, which Farabi found insufficient. In contrast, Abu Saeid was not merely a representative of syntax as advocated by the School of Baghdad, but, in company with several people who defended a purely religious approach, he opposed the role of reason in understanding and justifying religious beliefs. In this book Farabi tries to pose and develop a third theory based on analyzing these two approaches. Manuscript profile
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        36 - Iranian Culture and Philosophy in the View Eudoxus of Cnidus
        Hossein  Kalbasi Ashtari Mohammad Sadiq  Rezaee
        Today, perhaps no one doubts the influence of Iranian thought and culture on Greek philosophy. This is because, apart from the existence of several historical documents and pieces of evidence in this regard, some extensive studies have also been conducted on this issue More
        Today, perhaps no one doubts the influence of Iranian thought and culture on Greek philosophy. This is because, apart from the existence of several historical documents and pieces of evidence in this regard, some extensive studies have also been conducted on this issue during the last two centuries. All the inscriptions and objects discovered in archeological excavations and the ancient reports and writings of the Greeks and Iranians confirm this cultural exchange and influence. However, there are still some unanswered questions regarding the quality of this influence or adaptation and, particularly, the mediators playing a role in this process. Obviously, in historical studies, it is impossible or very difficult to have access to all the details. For example, it is not really easy to provide a straightforward idea concerning the relationship between the Pythagorean philosophy and Khosrawani wisdom and the quality of the interactions between Persian philosophers and early Greek philosophers, particularly regarding the meanings of words in particular fields. However, the few existing pieces of evidence, especially those which enjoy the necessary validity and authenticity, could still be illuminating. Eudoxus of Cnidus is one of the few prominent figures of the fourth century BC who was, on the one hand, familiar with the pre-Socratic wisdom and, on the other hand, because of his presence in Plato’s Academy and acquaintance with Aristotle, was aware of the classical philosophies developed after Socrates and Plato. He was a student of the Pythagorean School, thus he is mainly famous for his knowledge of mathematics and astronomy. Nevertheless, this paper demonstrates that he not only was greatly interested in the fields of philosophy and cosmology but also functioned as the main reporter of the elements of Iranian culture and philosophy for the members of Academy and as the bridge connecting these two centers of civilization. Manuscript profile
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        37 - A Critical Study of the Ideas concerning the Islamicity of Islamic Philosophy
        Mansur  Imanpour
        Today, one of the questions raised regarding Islamic philosophy is what is meant by Islamic philosophy and why this philosophy is described by the attribute “Islamic”. Several contradictory ideas have been put forward in response to this question. Some believe that this More
        Today, one of the questions raised regarding Islamic philosophy is what is meant by Islamic philosophy and why this philosophy is described by the attribute “Islamic”. Several contradictory ideas have been put forward in response to this question. Some believe that this philosophy is basically the same Greek philosophy, and it is unjustified to add to it the adjectives of “Arabic” and “Islamic”. Some others have reduced it to Islamic theology and kalam because of its supporting Islamic beliefs; nevertheless, there are many thinkers and researchers who believe in the truth and realization of this philosophy and its Islamic nature. These researchers are divided into two major groups: one group maintain that the title of “Islamic” has only a formal sense and argue that this school is called “Islamic philosophy” because it grew and was expanded in Islamic countries by Muslim philosophers and under the rule of Islamic governments. The other group, however, believe that this denomination is due to the nature and content of this philosophy and have provided different ideas in this regard. Some of the great figures of this group believe that, the reason for this denomination is that some of the issues and problems of this school are rooted in Islamic teachings, and some others are at the service of demonstrating these teachings. Some other thinkers also view the well-documented belief of the advocates of this philosophy in the existence of Almighty Necessary and Shar‘i and divine oneness as the main reason for calling it Islamic (in its general sense) philosophy. There are still others who introduce this philosophy as the same prophetic philosophy derived from the Book and Sunnah. The present paper, after explaining and analyzing the above views, concludes that Islamic philosophy is the birth child of the living interaction between Greek and Iranian philosophy and thought and Islamic culture and civilization. Through adhering to philosophical subjects, frameworks, and methods, this school is influenced by Islamic worldview and teachings in many respects. In fact, any kind of limitation in this regard and concentration on certain directions will inevitably lead to the fallacy of essence and aspect. Manuscript profile
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        38 - The Relationship between Religion and Ethics in the View of the Mu‘tazilite
        Azam  Ghasemi
        In Islamic culture, the Mu‘tazilite were the first group who employed the rational method and considered the intellect to be the sole means of knowing the truth and to be independent from religion. That is why they have been referred to as the followers of the “religion More
        In Islamic culture, the Mu‘tazilite were the first group who employed the rational method and considered the intellect to be the sole means of knowing the truth and to be independent from religion. That is why they have been referred to as the followers of the “religion of the intellect”. The Mu‘tazilite granted a kind of sanctity to the intellect and maintained that when human beings perfect their intellect, they can perceive essential truths, which consist of the knowledge of God and the knowledge of the good and evil. On the other hand, they never denied revelation but believed that it cannot be in contrast to human intellect. They also stated that since the intellect has a longer history than revelation, it is identical with light, without which no one can be led to the right path. The purpose of revelation is to increase intellectual knowledge and make it more accurate. The Mu‘tazilite, thus, concluded that the intellect is the criterion for revelation. This idea was one of their most important principles. Hence, it can be said that, for this group, ethics is based on a kind of intellect which is prior to religion. One of their most famous principles is, “thinking before hearing”. The Mu‘tazilite are mutikallim, and a mutikallim looks at the intellectual human being as a responsible individual before God. They consider the intellect to be sufficient regarding Man’s need to revelation at the outset of obligation. This paper deals with Mu‘tazilites’ view of the relationship between religion and ethics. Manuscript profile
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        39 - Foreword
        Hossein  Kalbasi Ashtari
        Religion Culture Iran
        Religion Culture Iran Manuscript profile
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        40 - Philosophers and the Esoteric Interpretation of the Qur’an in Ibn Rushd
        Roohallah  ‘Alizadeh
        Like other Islamic philosophers, Abulwalid Muhammed Ibn Rushd, the most prominent philosopher of the West of the Islamic world thought about the relationship between religion and philosophy and created some important works in this regard. From among them, we can refer t More
        Like other Islamic philosophers, Abulwalid Muhammed Ibn Rushd, the most prominent philosopher of the West of the Islamic world thought about the relationship between religion and philosophy and created some important works in this regard. From among them, we can refer to Fasl al-maqal, al-kashf ‘an manahij al-adillah fi ‘aqa’id al-malah and Tahafut al-tahafat. In Ibn Rushd’s view, religion and philosophy are in harmony and bear no opposition against each other. In this regard, he argues, “Since Shari‘ah is the truth and invites people to a kind of rational reasoning which is fulfilled by the truth, both are the truth, and the truth is not in contrast to the truth. Rather, both agree with each other and acknowledge each other.” However, saying that philosophy is not in opposition to religion pertains to the innermost of religion and Qur’anic verses because philosophy and rational thinking are sometimes in contrast to the external meaning of religious ideas and verses. Ibn Rushd’s solution for removing such contrasts is to attain the inner meaning of the verses through interpretation. Of course, like Farabi, Ibn Rushd does not believe in the unity of religion and philosophy and merely thinks about their consistency with each other and lack of opposition between them. This is because philosophy and religion have to be independent from each other for the sake of their own safety. Thus we must not mix their related discussions with each other. In the present article, the writers have tackled the problem of the harmony between philosophy and religion from Ibn Rushd’s view in general, and explored his theory of interpretation, in particular. Finally, they argue that one of the most important goals of Ibn Rushd in propounding the discussion of the lack of opposition among religion, philosophy, and interpretation was defending philosophy and giving the right of interpretation to the people of reasoning, who are the same philosophers. Manuscript profile
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        41 - A Study of Hermes in Suhrawardi’s Thoughts
        Seyyedeh Behnaz  Hosseini
        In Tabari sources, Hermes is one of the grandchildren of Sheth, the son of Adam. After these two people, he was the first to become a prophet. In Suhrawardi’s view, the history of philosophy and thought begins with Hermes. The Sufis have been truly called the most impor More
        In Tabari sources, Hermes is one of the grandchildren of Sheth, the son of Adam. After these two people, he was the first to become a prophet. In Suhrawardi’s view, the history of philosophy and thought begins with Hermes. The Sufis have been truly called the most important heirs to Hermetic tradition among Muslims. In many sources, the names of such figures as Hallaj and Suhrawardi have been placed among the names of the followers of this tradition. Moreover, Hermetic ideas have penetrated into the world of Islam through some sciences such as medicine, astronomy, alchemy, and the like. As a result, a group of Muslim writers, historians, gnostics, and philosophers have considered Hermes to be a pioneer in the field of wisdom and various sciences. Shahab al-Din Suhrawardi, the founder of Illuminationist philosophy in the world of Islam, is one of the representatives of this Iranian symbolic and esoteric, interpretive tradition, which, in addition to honoring Hermes’ character, tries to connect him with Iranian mythology. He attributes some names derived from his own philosophical terms to Hermes, such as tiba‘ tam (perfect natures). Suhrawardi considers himself an heir to Hermetic wisdom. Through a study of Hermes in Greek mythology and later sources, this paper intends to show how he entered the domain of Islamic prophethood. Manuscript profile
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        42 - Typology of Deism in the 17th and 18th Centuries Based on Samuel Clarke’s Classification
        Mohammad Mohamadinia Mohamad Ali  Abdollahi Hossein  Saberi
        Deism refers to a philosophical and theological view of God, Man, and religion. The present paper aims to provide a conceptual analysis of Deism in the 17th and 18th centuries through exploring its etymology and following an analytic-descriptive method. Moreover, it is More
        Deism refers to a philosophical and theological view of God, Man, and religion. The present paper aims to provide a conceptual analysis of Deism in the 17th and 18th centuries through exploring its etymology and following an analytic-descriptive method. Moreover, it is intended to present a general classification of Deism based on Clarke’s classification. An encyclopedic definition of deism suffers from ambiguity, and a reference to etymological dictionaries reveals that the etymological subtleties of this term have not been taken into consideration in the conversion of dues into deism. However, through Clarke’s classification, one can develop a better grasp of the distinction of the deism of his time from theism and its different types. Clarke’s four-fold classification, as the first comprehensive report of deism, claims that the proximity and similarity of deism to Christianity, from the first type to the fourth type, proceeds stepwise from a minimum to a maximum. Deists of the first type reject divine providence but believe in unity, creation, and God’s knowledge. The second group of deists, while believing in the deistic propositions of this type, consider physical laws to be ruled by divine providence but reject its rule over ethical laws. The third group believe that God’s providence is related to His moral perfections, and He governs the world relying on His moral attributes including justice, benevolence, and honesty. Finally, deists of the fourth type, in addition to the above doctrines, believe in the immortality of the soul and otherworldly reward and punishment. According to Clarke, all types of modern deism deny the Christian revelation, and one of the main differences from revealed religions is conceptology and believing in divine revelation. Manuscript profile
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        43 - A Study of the Methodological Development of Interpretive Philosophy in Islam from Kindī to Mīr Dāmād
        Seyed Mohammad Hosain  Mirdamadi
        This study examines the background of pre-Sadrian Islamic philosophers’ method of interpretive or t’awīlī thinking following a descriptive-analytic method. Interpretive philosophy has been defined in different ways; however, its general feature is going beyond the surfa More
        This study examines the background of pre-Sadrian Islamic philosophers’ method of interpretive or t’awīlī thinking following a descriptive-analytic method. Interpretive philosophy has been defined in different ways; however, its general feature is going beyond the surface meaning of concepts and employing both reason and revelation in interpreting a text. A glance at the historical development of this method demonstrates its general growth, although with some fluctuations, in the Islamic philosophical tradition. This is because the process of t’awīl is rooted in the move from the separation of religion and philosophy towards their graded unity. A method of thinking that leads to unity indicates intellectual growth in case it is based on sound reasoning because the intellect advocates unity while imagination is pluralist. From a historical perspective, it can be said that philosophers’ interpretive thoughts have gradually moved away from defending the opposition of religion and philosophy to accepting that their truths are inseparable. In the case of the former standpoint, philosophers sometimes followed the exoteric meanings of religion and sometimes took side with the intellect and philosophy. However, later they unanimously concluded that religion and philosophy share the same truth that has been expressed in different languages. Therefore, the important point is to perceive their methods and languages and explain the related constraints. Hence, we are witnessing a process of monopoly and partiality instead of universality and holism. Manuscript profile
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        44 - Order of Being and Ought-tos in the Book of Creation and the Book of Religion
        Seyyed Mostafa  Muhaqqiq Damad
        The discussion regarding the problem of order in Islamic wisdom are classified under two titles: “book of creation” and “book of divine legislation/religion”. The book of creation explains and describes the necessary order dominating the world. The book of religion cont More
        The discussion regarding the problem of order in Islamic wisdom are classified under two titles: “book of creation” and “book of divine legislation/religion”. The book of creation explains and describes the necessary order dominating the world. The book of religion contains the rules which have been devised to grant order to Man’s process of perfection. The major feature of the book of religion is that it has been developed based on the idea of Man as a free-willed being. Therefore, it contains a collection of recommended rules rather than obligatory laws. In the Transcendent Philosophy, these two types of order match each other. Mulla Sadra, himself, refers to them as “genetic” and “religious” affairs. Based on this view, we can say that, even with regard to human and social laws, the order intended by Mulla Sadra is of the type of real and objective, rather than mentally-posited, affairs. In the Transcendent Philosophy, obeying religious teachings is considered to be the right path leading to human perfection. This is the same as obeying the principles dominating the system of being or, in ‘Allamah Tabataba’i’s words, obeying fitrah or the primordial nature. This path and order are shared by all individuals and societies at all times and in all places and provide the possibility for happiness and living a social life for all human beings. Manuscript profile
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        45 - Peace and Happiness in Mulla Sadra’s Political Philosophy
        Mohammad Meshkat
        This article follows two purposes or main targets: the first is the mutual relationship between peace and happiness, and the second is the endless interaction and opposition between them. Obviously, instead of a descriptive approach, the writer follows an analytic or de More
        This article follows two purposes or main targets: the first is the mutual relationship between peace and happiness, and the second is the endless interaction and opposition between them. Obviously, instead of a descriptive approach, the writer follows an analytic or descriptive-analytic method in exploring the main point of the paper. The innovativeness of the writer here lies in his discovering the developmental mutual relationship between peace and happiness within the lines of Mulla Sadra’s works and explaining it accordingly. This relationship is analyzed based on various principles in his philosophy. According to the different angles of Mulla Sadra’s anthropology, peace is the necessary condition for worldly and otherworldly happiness. At the same time, happiness is the necessary condition for consolidating peace. The Sadrian ontology and cosmology are the bases of the writer’s analyses regarding the above-mentioned mutual relationship. Here, he explicates how the Sadrian Society, while enjoying plurality, can be profoundly monistic, as well. An analysis of the relationship between peace and happiness based on this philosopher’s religious ideas illustrates how severely peace is endangered in the modern world. The structure of the government and its functions unveil this mutual relationship in a different sense, in the same way that Mulla Sadra’s ethical ideas reveal the exact relationship among peace, security, and moral happiness. Manuscript profile
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        46 - Religion and Politics in Sadrian Philosophy
        Mehdi  Najafiafra Rohalah  Modami
        Religion and politics and the relationship between them are among the important problems in Mulla Sadra’s philosophy. In fact, the issue of politics, which is one of the noteworthy realms of human life, never escaped his attention. Mulla Sadra always emphasized Man’s so More
        Religion and politics and the relationship between them are among the important problems in Mulla Sadra’s philosophy. In fact, the issue of politics, which is one of the noteworthy realms of human life, never escaped his attention. Mulla Sadra always emphasized Man’s social nature in his works and did not consider individual life to be enough even if it were intertwined with religion. In his view, the development of Man is possible only through living a social life. He also maintained that a society which is geared to provide the context for the growth and development of its members should be governed based on Islamic laws. Politics is different from religion in terms of origin, end, act, and passivity; however, it is completely melted in religion, which is the innermost and truth of politics. Mulla Sadra considered the relationship between religion and politics to be the same as the one between the intelligible and the sensible or between the inward and outward aspects. He argues that as the knowledge of physics is incomplete without the knowledge of metaphysics, using politics without resorting to religion will result in Man’s plunge into forms and ignorance of transcendent truths. This will cause some irreparable damages to human life. A correct clarification of Mulla Sadra’s philosophy is the best barrier against secularism, which emphasizes the separation of religion from politics. Manuscript profile
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        47 - Mullā Ṣadrā and the Critical Methodology of the Exoteric Understanding of Religion
        Somayeh Malleki Mahdi Emami Jomee Nafiseh  Ahl Sarmadi
        Exoteric and superficial interpretations of religion have always existed in the social history of religions, and some of them have given rise to a number of uncompromising and takfīrī trends. This has resulted in the portrayal of a coarse, cruel, and dogmatic face for r More
        Exoteric and superficial interpretations of religion have always existed in the social history of religions, and some of them have given rise to a number of uncompromising and takfīrī trends. This has resulted in the portrayal of a coarse, cruel, and dogmatic face for religion. The criticism of such exoteric interpretations was one of the essential components of Mullā Ṣadrā’s philosophy. He devoted at least two of his works, Kasr al-aṣnām al-jāhiliyyah and Sih asl treatise, completely to this theme. This critical approach in Mullā Ṣadrā’s philosophy has various dimensions, which have not received the attention that they truly deserve. Therefore, following descriptive and content/document analysis methods, this study aims to present and examine such dimensions. These dimensions include linguistic, rational, and psychological elements in understanding religion. An overall study of the mentioned elements indicates that exoterism may result in the rise of religious dogmatism, flaring up of raging arguments, emergence of mundane and pseudo-scholars instead of true scholars, and development of the culture of hypocrisy and discord. Manuscript profile
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        48 - The Role of Mullā Ṣadrā’s Philosophical Thought in Understanding Religious Texts
        Seyyed Hossein  Azimidokht
        This study aims to explore Mullā Ṣadrā’s philosophical thoughts, portray the salient features of his philosophy, and demonstrate the influence of philosophical thought on his understanding and interpretation of religious texts. Using a descriptive-analytic method, the a More
        This study aims to explore Mullā Ṣadrā’s philosophical thoughts, portray the salient features of his philosophy, and demonstrate the influence of philosophical thought on his understanding and interpretation of religious texts. Using a descriptive-analytic method, the author describes some of the elements of Mullā Ṣadrā’s philosophy in the fields of theology, cosmology, and anthropology and, in this way, tries to explain his hermeneutic principles in the perception of religious texts. Next, he presents some of his interpretations of such texts in order to reveal the influence of Sadrian philosophical trend and hermeneutic principles in understanding religious texts. Given his prominent role in the development of Shī‘ī philosophy and wisdom, it seems necessary to deliberate over his philosophical theories and works and examine his methods and principles of interpretation in the field of Sadrian studies. The findings of this study indicate that Mullā Ṣadrā’s philosophical thought, in general, and his philosophical views, in particular, as well as his hermeneutic principles, which originate in the Transcendent Philosophy, and utilizing certain concepts in explaining philosophical problems distinguish him from other thinkers in the presentation and analysis of religious categories. Finally, the author concludes that benefitting from philosophical and metaphysical categories and theories, while being harmful in certain respects, could result in having a different understanding of religious texts. Manuscript profile
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        49 - An Analytic Study of Mullā Ṣadrā’s Criticisms of Mutikallīmūn’s Views of Man’s Identity
        Somayeh Malleki Mahdi Emami Jomee Nafiseh  Ahl Sarmadi
        The Problem of the corporeal nature of what is other than God is of particular importance among Kalāmī theorems and is also among the few discussions about which almost all Kalāmī trends are unanimous. Mutikallīmūn believe that everything other than God, including Man a More
        The Problem of the corporeal nature of what is other than God is of particular importance among Kalāmī theorems and is also among the few discussions about which almost all Kalāmī trends are unanimous. Mutikallīmūn believe that everything other than God, including Man and other existents, are bodily entities and introduce immaterial existents as absolutely perfect and self-sufficient truths. The exoteric, objective, and inclusive Kalāmī view necessitates and confirms the corporeality of Man’s identity and truth. Mullā Ṣadrā was among the thinkers who opposed mutikallīmūn’s corporealist view and tried to present a comprehensive and philosophical interpretation of Man’s reality and identity or an image which could exercise a positive influence on their individual and social life. Following a descriptive and documentary method and content analysis, the present study presents a critical review of Mullā Ṣadrā’s approach to mutikallīmūn’s views and demonstrates that his definition of Man’s identity and existential capacity is completely different from and even in contrast to that of mutikallīmūn. Unlike Mullā Ṣadrā, they consider such elements extremely trivial and limited, which is why their views suffer from several defects and problems. Manuscript profile
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        50 - Developing an Ethics-oriented Management Model through the Use of Joshan-al-Kabir Prayer Concepts
        مجتبی  رفیعی Mohammad  موسوی Mohammad کرمانی
        In order to obtain a novel management model based on the teachings of the “Joshan-al-Kabir prayer”, a qualitative analysis of the concepts of this well-known prayer is performed. Commercial software, MaxqdA2, is utilized to analyze and categorize the various qualities d More
        In order to obtain a novel management model based on the teachings of the “Joshan-al-Kabir prayer”, a qualitative analysis of the concepts of this well-known prayer is performed. Commercial software, MaxqdA2, is utilized to analyze and categorize the various qualities described in this prayer. The three main characteristics of effectiveness, meekness and pragmatism are also incorporated to develop an ethics-oriented management model. This model is intended to define the human-God as well as human-human interactive relationships. This study characterizes the resulting management model with seven items: knowledge, capability, Diligence, Integrity, excellence, balance & stability, and intangible management. Manuscript profile
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        51 - A Study of Specific Commonalities of Duties from Religious and Philosophical Perspectives: An Anthropological Approach
        Ali Asghar  Jafari Valani Habibeh  Molapanah
        This study investigates the problem of the possibility of similar duty from the viewpoints of religion and philosophy based on their anthropological principles. Since the problem of duty is tied to Man’s specific oneness and plurality, the study of religious and philoso More
        This study investigates the problem of the possibility of similar duty from the viewpoints of religion and philosophy based on their anthropological principles. Since the problem of duty is tied to Man’s specific oneness and plurality, the study of religious and philosophical views in this regard could open some new horizons before us. Although religious figures and most philosophers advocate the “specific oneness” of human beings, existentialists acknowledge their specific multiplicity. Therefore, religions and most philosophers practically agree with the sameness of duties; however, theoretically speaking, it can be said that Man’s specific plurality necessitates the existence of different duties. Hence, it seems that there might be certain inconsistencies such as the contrast between Mullā Ṣadrā’s theory of Man’s specific multiplicity and his practical commitment to the similarity of duties. Nevertheless, to resolve this inconsistency, one can refer to Man’s stability in spite of their trans-substantial motion and specific plurality. Another contrast pertains to the verses referring to the essential equality of human beings and those emphasizing the performance of duties within the limits of one’s capabilities. One can refer to the difference between the stages of making the duties and their being made. Manuscript profile
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        52 - Assessing the Contributing Factors to the Tourism Professionals’ Attitude and Willingness Towards Green Tourism
        mostafa mahmoudi Bahar Bishami
        Environmental crises and the destruction of natural resources are the main problems faced by the tourism industry, whose treatment requires concerted efforts to change the needs and behaviors of tourists and to offer green products and services. In this regard, as touri More
        Environmental crises and the destruction of natural resources are the main problems faced by the tourism industry, whose treatment requires concerted efforts to change the needs and behaviors of tourists and to offer green products and services. In this regard, as tourism professionals play an important role in directing the market towards special styles and behaviors, especially environmentally friendly and sustainable behaviors, investigating the factors involved in shaping the attitude and tendency of such professionals to green tourism can help attract the attention of other beneficiaries to this field. The required data for this developmental/applied and descriptive/survey study was collected through a 31-item questionnaire administered to some 102 professionals in the tourism industry who were selected via purposive sampling. The data were then analyzed in the following two parts using the Structural Equation Modeling: 1) the measurement model to be used for examining the technical characteristics of the questionnaire and 2) the structural part to test the research hypotheses. The study’s findings indicated the direct positive influence of religiosity on collectivism, and the indirect effect of religiosity on other variables considered in the study. Moreover, while a positive correlation was found between collectivism, environmental concerns, environmental knowledge, and the tendency toward green tourism, no correlation was observed between religiosity and environmental knowledge, and between environmental knowledge and environmental concerns. Therefore, it is recommended that some courses be added to educational levels concerning how to protect the environment when traveling. Manuscript profile
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        53 - Necessity of Social Life and Man’s Need to Religion in Mullā Ṣadrā and Ibn Miskawayh
        Naser Mohamadi Gholamhossen Khedri Khalil Mollajavadi
        The present paper investigates the necessity of the development of social life in the view of Mullā Ṣadrā and Ibn Miskawayh in the domain of religion’s response to human needs following a comparative approach. Mullā Ṣadrā believes that the necessity of fulfilling human More
        The present paper investigates the necessity of the development of social life in the view of Mullā Ṣadrā and Ibn Miskawayh in the domain of religion’s response to human needs following a comparative approach. Mullā Ṣadrā believes that the necessity of fulfilling human needs warrants the existence of law and Shar‘ as well as an individual as a prophet. Following a philosophical approach, he explains that the concept of human species is realized in their “collective identity” outside their mind and in their social schematism. Ibn Miskawayh’s standpoint, which is worth more deliberation and is perhaps unique, indicates that man’s main need for collective life is due to the necessity of responding to their intrinsic need for mutual “love and affection”, while he refers to satisfying material needs at a later level. In his view, love provides the basis for life and formation of human collective society. Mullā Ṣadrā’s view enjoys a rational and philosophical essence, whereas Ibn Miskawayh’s explanation is merely based on the presence of love and affection among human beings. However, both thinkers acknowledge that the revealed religious theorems can respond to all human worldly and other-worldly needs. Nevertheless, none of them directly and clearly emphasizes the necessity of the purification of the soul for the prophet and the divine perfect Man. Manuscript profile
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        54 - An Analytic Critique of the Reductionist Approach to Islamic Philosophy
        Zahra  Mazaheri Seyyed Mohammad Kazem  Alavi
        One of the recent debates regarding Islamic philosophy focuses on its originality and the questions of the “possibility of Islamic philosophy”. This identity-related problem has a significant effect on the history and future of Islamic philosophy. The view of the oppone More
        One of the recent debates regarding Islamic philosophy focuses on its originality and the questions of the “possibility of Islamic philosophy”. This identity-related problem has a significant effect on the history and future of Islamic philosophy. The view of the opponents of the originality of this denomination, including Orientalists, Western historiographers, some Arab scholars, and those who are against any kind of religious philosophy can be considered to be reductionist. In their theories, they have reduced Islamic philosophy to a philosophy imitating Greek philosophy, Islamic Kalām and theology, and Arabic philosophy. Opposing Orientalists and historiographers view Greek philosophy as the base and Islamic philosophy as one of its branches. Some of the opponents believe that any attempt at establishing Islamic philosophy is in vain by insisting on the incompatibility of religion and philosophy. Moreover, by rejecting the possibility of religious philosophy, including Islamic philosophy, they maintain that the use of the word Islamic as an adjective for philosophy, as an intellectual science, is not justified and, thus, equate Islamic philosophy with Kalām and theology. Some other opponents, including Arabs, avoid the use of the phrase “Islamic philosophy”, and, by emphasizing the language of philosophical texts in Islamic tradition, call it Arabic philosophy. They limit Arabic philosophy to the Arab race and believe that this view is supported by history of philosophy. The present paper provides a critical analysis of the proponents of reductionist approaches to Islamic philosophy and aims to demonstrate and defend the necessity of its originality as a historical reality. Manuscript profile
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        55 - Prohibition of Suicide in the Quran and Tradition, and Quranic Strategies for its Prevention
        رضا عسگری
        Suicide is a major problem that is associated with the history of mankind and various factors affect it in different domains. In Iran, along with the rapid changes in the lives of people and fading religious beliefs, this phenomenon is increasing; because, according to More
        Suicide is a major problem that is associated with the history of mankind and various factors affect it in different domains. In Iran, along with the rapid changes in the lives of people and fading religious beliefs, this phenomenon is increasing; because, according to research conducted around the world, there is close relationship between lack of religious beliefs and suicide and that is why the rate of suicide is very low in Muslim countries. Based on the Islamic view, life is considered a trust from God to men and he has partial, not complete, ownership over his body and, therefore, cannot commit suicide end his life because it belongs to absolute owner (God). Moreover, no one else is permitted to end another person’s life even if he has a terminal illness. Thus, the aim of this study is to review the issue from the perspective of Islam, and introduce ways to improve life and prevent suicide. The findings of this library-based study showed that suicide in the Quran and the word of the Infallible Imams is a grave sin which leads to eternal torment. They also suggested that strengthening the religious beliefs and, especially promotion of the Quranic teachings on the sanctity of life, in addition to improving economic and sociological conditions can help to reduce the rate of suicide in society. Manuscript profile
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        56 - The relationship of Quran with Traditions
        علی  نصیری
        Objective(s): There are four ideologies regarding the validity and Manbaee’at (being the primary source) of Quran and the traditions: 1) Quran-orienticism discusses that the only source for perceiving religion is the Holy Quran. 2) Tradition-orienticism argues that re More
        Objective(s): There are four ideologies regarding the validity and Manbaee’at (being the primary source) of Quran and the traditions: 1) Quran-orienticism discusses that the only source for perceiving religion is the Holy Quran. 2) Tradition-orienticism argues that resorting to the Infallibles’(AS) Sunnah is the only source for learning about religion. 3) Quran-orienticism and Tradition-orienticism focuses on the issue that Tradition is the same as Quran in validity and Manbaee’at. 4) Double-orienticism says that Tradition is infereior to Quran with respect to validity and Manbaee’at. Method(s): the present research is based on a descriptive-exploratory method. Thus , for deduction of the Quranic data, the writer has analyzed the content of the Quran. Conclusion : The followers of Quraniyoon movement are in favor of the first ideology while the Akhbaris supports the second one. Allameh Tabatabaee and Shatebi are among the followers of the third ideology. The writer of this article has attemped to address the fourth one. Based on Double-orienticism ideology tradition wit respect to validity and Mabaee’t possses independence. Manuscript profile
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        57 - Mechanism (process and methodology) of Interdisciplinary research of Holy Qur’an
        Ahmad Akoochekian Rezvane Dastjani
        Questioning from methodology of approach research of interdisciplinary is a question about development which, in a systematic view and mechanism contain levels of paradigmatic basics, theoretical, conceptual model, operational and discursive level. Moreover, it would be More
        Questioning from methodology of approach research of interdisciplinary is a question about development which, in a systematic view and mechanism contain levels of paradigmatic basics, theoretical, conceptual model, operational and discursive level. Moreover, it would be practical in religion via comprehensive system of perception focused on growth-development, in the evolution leadership pattern in two angles of leading comprehensive science and scientific map and with converging on the principal of Velayat Faqih in religion. Furthermore, existing the growth-development expectation from religion, in other words the issue of comprehensive developing, is necessity to have methodological studies of interdisciplinary and multi string based on understanding the progress. Having no alternative, this required three levels of problem ology, theology and forthcoming till with this could utilize from methodology of obtaining in religion and Velayat for managing culture and transition. Passing from approaches of components of knowledge and branch fields to interdisciplinary approaches, especially in Qur’anic studies, wasn’t find its interference paradigm, so this interference paradigm is the knowledge of developing. Furthermore, a reason for inability of entering to knowledgebase is ignoring the interference field. This article with approach of Qur’anic reference (the principal of guided to grow) with utilizing from progressive methodology of responding to a posteriori and research and developing and protective methodologies such as systematic methodology via matrix and algorithmic process tries with expanding Qur’anic thoughts for development (knowledge basis of interpretational Qur’anic school) achieve a methodological aspect of futurist research of Qur’anic developing through better ordering three system of ordinal, revelation and subjective futurist interpretation. In view of that, the article would discuss this interpretational school for modulation of basic model of Islamic developing. Manuscript profile
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        58 - A letter for Iran; A Study of The Relationship Between Religion, Politics and Iranianism in "The Letter of Tansar" in the Framework of Machiavelli's Thoughts
        ali tadayyonrad sara najafpour
        While the relationship between religion and politics is considered one of the basic issues in the study of the political thought system and action of the Sassanid era, the prevailing idea is that the politics and commanding of this era was mostly in the hands of Mobdanb More
        While the relationship between religion and politics is considered one of the basic issues in the study of the political thought system and action of the Sassanid era, the prevailing idea is that the politics and commanding of this era was mostly in the hands of Mobdanbar, the circuit and clergies in Zoroastrianism, to strengthen and consolidate it. Sassanid politics is thus considered to be religion-oriented.. This research is an effort to rethink this familiar concept by re-reading the relationship between religion and politics in the light of the comparative study of the text "Letter of Tansar to Goshnasp" with the ideas of "Machiavelli" in this field. From this reading, it seems that the strategy and approach of the Sassanid founders in relation to the categories of religion and politics should not be considered religion-oriented, but rather as Iran-oriented and Iranist. The axis of their political action and thought is in consequence political and Iranian, using the tools of religion. Manuscript profile
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        59 - A Critical Look at Judges' Civil Liability in Iranian Jurisprudence and Law
        Shaghayegh  Shaghayegh shamsi Abedin momeni
        According to Article 171 of the Constitution, if a judge causes damage to another as a result of a mistake or fault in a case or in a sentence or in the application of a sentence to a particular case, he is the guarantor in case of fault. Otherwise, the compensation i More
        According to Article 171 of the Constitution, if a judge causes damage to another as a result of a mistake or fault in a case or in a sentence or in the application of a sentence to a particular case, he is the guarantor in case of fault. Otherwise, the compensation is done by the government. It seems that the principle of government responsibility for the judge's mistake in jurisprudential books was due to the necessity of ijtihad in judges, and jurists based on this condition the verdict issued by the judge was considered his fatwa and they believed that the judge rules by his ijtihad, so they put the responsibility for compensation on the treasury. But the important point is that he should not be granted judicial immunity, because everyone has a responsibility wherever he is, and he should be held accountable for that position and his mistakes, and the judge, like other members of society, is paid for the act of judging and this does not cause the government, which has no worker-employer relationship with the judge, accept compensation for the damages caused by act them. Therefore, the purpose of writing this article is to critique the judicial process in the civil liability of judges and to compensate the damages from the government. The research method in this study is analytical-descriptive and the method of collecting information is library and documentary. Manuscript profile
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        60 - Psychological research of the spiritual education of the Islamic way of life
        seed mohamad noorollahi Mohammad Ali Rezaei Isfahani mahmud ghayumzadeh
        Islam and the Qur'an have been able to show the greatest impact on the way human beings live by presenting insights, knowledge, values, norms, feelings and social patterns. The last heavenly religion has shown a solution for all internal and external needs and guides hu More
        Islam and the Qur'an have been able to show the greatest impact on the way human beings live by presenting insights, knowledge, values, norms, feelings and social patterns. The last heavenly religion has shown a solution for all internal and external needs and guides human beings to their destination by offering various behavioral patterns. Modern lifestyle patterns, in spite of the opportunities and possibilities that they have provided to human beings and have dealt with material and worldly issues, have also brought about many diseases and injuries. Islam, as the last and supreme divine religion, provides balanced and comprehensive models and models for human beings so that they can achieve worldly and otherworldly happiness while getting rid of threats and harms. Religion can affect a person's lifestyle in different ways; Religion contains the main knowledge, insights and attitudes that play a role in shaping human life. Gives theology the original knowledge and attitudes about God, the other world, and man so that he can have clear images of the world around him and himself. The purpose of this study is that the principles and topics of the Islamic lifestyle that leads man to a good life and finds happiness and righteousness and reaches worldly and otherworldly happiness has used verses and hadiths and explains patterns and methods. That we can implement it in our lives and grow faster to reach our destination. Manuscript profile
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        61 - Role of custom and ethics in the financial rights of couples and its effect on crime prevention
        Leila  Radpasand Farhad  Parvin
        After the correct marriage and marital relations between the parties, various rights and duties are established, including financial rights between the spouses. Couples' financial rights are one of the most important parts of civil law, which is intertwined with customa More
        After the correct marriage and marital relations between the parties, various rights and duties are established, including financial rights between the spouses. Couples' financial rights are one of the most important parts of civil law, which is intertwined with customary and moral issues and is an important factor in crime prevention. Therefore, ignoring the role of custom and ethics in the rights of couples causes fundamental challenges in society. The purpose of writing this article is to explain the position of custom and ethics in some financial rights of couples, such as dowry, dowry and alimony from the perspective of Iranian law, Islamic religions and official religions in a descriptive analytical method; Explaining the limits of custom and introducing it, we will finally realize that although custom and ethics in the Iranian legal system, mainly in cases of text silence, have a complementary and interpretive role; But it has a role to play, and in many cases it is used practically in jurisprudence and law. Also, the role of custom in the Sunnah of Tabdan is Hadd, that what is considered acceptable in the custom is also considered acceptable in the sight of God. The role of custom in the rights of minorities (Jewish, Zoroastrian and Christian) is also undeniable according to their own religious customs and traditions, and is a source of rights. Adherence to ethical rules in the realm of the family plays a very decisive role in ensuring the rights of men and women all over the world; Because in many cases, the rights and obligations that couples assume towards each other have no legal obligation and are done solely on the basis of moral considerations. Manuscript profile
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        62 - Cultural factors affecting childbearing among educated and ordinary women in Yasouj city
        Maryam   Azizi Saed  Haiderpour Mina   Helali Sotoudeh
        Considering the fertility conditions of Iran during the last three decades, the formulation and successful implementation of any population policy relies on improving our understanding of the behaviors, preferences and desires of couples to have children, the factors af More
        Considering the fertility conditions of Iran during the last three decades, the formulation and successful implementation of any population policy relies on improving our understanding of the behaviors, preferences and desires of couples to have children, the factors affecting their desires to have children, and the identification of demographic subgroups with the desire to have children. The yield is low and very low. The purpose of this research is to investigate the factors affecting the desire to have children of educated women living in Yasouj city. The data is the result of a survey that took place in the winter of 1401 among 500 sample households in Yasouj city. The sampling method is a multi-stage cluster method. The results showed that 44% of women compared to 40% of educated women stated that they would like to have another child in addition to the children they had at the time of the research. Among the educated women who wanted to have children, 62% of them want 1 more child and only 3% of them want 3 more children. The corresponding ratios for women are 66.4% and 1.8%, respectively. The results of the bivariate analysis showed that there is a significant relationship between the socio-economic base, the use of mass communication tools, women's independence, age at marriage, and the number of children alive and women's desire to have children. The results of multivariate analysis show the fact that socio-economic characteristics alone cannot play a decisive role in predicting the probability of wanting to have children. In fact, a combination of socio-economic, cultural and demographic characteristics gives a better explanation of educated women's desire to have children (9.59% versus 67.4%). Manuscript profile
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        63 - A Review of Integrative and Non-Integrative Approaches to Social and Religious Developments in Contemporary Iranian History with an Emphasis on Moral and Psychological Approaches
        Mohsen  Abdollahi
        In recognizing different phenomena, there is a detailed methodology with the subject, need, ways of collecting and analyzing data, results and outcomes. Social, religious and moral theorizing is no exception to this rule. There are attitudes in this direction. Some pay More
        In recognizing different phenomena, there is a detailed methodology with the subject, need, ways of collecting and analyzing data, results and outcomes. Social, religious and moral theorizing is no exception to this rule. There are attitudes in this direction. Some pay attention to the behavioral and psychological aspects of social and political protests. One group has social roots. The third group, based on the fact that social change has contexts and diversity, combines individual aspects based on religious, moral and psychological issues with social attitudes. Given that social and intellectual developments are associated with the diagnosis of multi-causal phenomena, these attitudes are essential in recognizing and measuring it, because a one-dimensional view based on a specific dimension cannot lead to accurate cognition. Integrated approach and integrated analysis, especially to contemporary social and religious developments in Iran, with a focus on ethics. Manuscript profile
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        64 - The Systematic Method of Khwājah Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī in Confronting Critics of Islamic Philosophy
        Hesamal-din  Momeni Shahraki
        Khwājah Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī can be considered one of the most prominent advocates of Islamic philosophy during the period of eclipse of thought and philosophizing. He prevented the extinction of the light of this original school of thought drawing on his scientific and ph More
        Khwājah Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī can be considered one of the most prominent advocates of Islamic philosophy during the period of eclipse of thought and philosophizing. He prevented the extinction of the light of this original school of thought drawing on his scientific and philosophical support and efforts. In order to defend Islamic philosophy against its critics, he used a systematic method that resulted in a fundamental transformation in the development of Islamic philosophy and kalām. While employing some descriptive, analytic, and ascriptive arguments and certain logical and deductive analytic methods, the present study aims to explain Ṭūsī’s scientific-defensive method in facing the critics of Islamic philosophy. The findings of this study indicate that the features of his systematic method include explaining the lack of conflict of interest between philosophy and religion, entering dialogs with other thinkers, explaining Ibn Sīnā’s philosophy, criticizing the views of opponents of philosophy, synthesizing Peripatetic and Illuminationst philosophies, revealing the functions of philosophy through presenting philosophical explanations, following a rational and unbiased approach in commenting and criticism, and observing the rules of ethics in criticism. Finally, the author concludes that Ṭūsī’s philosophical intellect and rational approach provide the basis and main axis for his scientific-defensive system. Manuscript profile
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        65 - A Research on the Denial of “Religious Ḍarūrī” and Its Implications in the Imāmiyyah School
        behnam abasi Hussein   Saberi Seyyed Mahmoud   Mirnourbakhsh
        <p>The denial of Ḍarūrī (the essential component of religion) or Ghayr-i-Ḍarūrī (the non-essential component of religion) from among the rules which have certainly been issued by the Prophet of Islām and Imāms (peace upon them) is not incompatible with partial acceptanc More
        <p>The denial of Ḍarūrī (the essential component of religion) or Ghayr-i-Ḍarūrī (the non-essential component of religion) from among the rules which have certainly been issued by the Prophet of Islām and Imāms (peace upon them) is not incompatible with partial acceptance of religion and does not cause the loss of faith in Allāh and the Prophet of Islām and does not lead to disbelief. If there is mutual incompatibility between one&rsquo;s denial of Ḍarūrī and his/her partial acceptance of religion (which is one of the clearest evidences of disbelief), he/she is considered to be an unbeliever; otherwise, he/she is not regarded so. Contemporary jurists do not believe in single-case causality for people&rsquo;s denial of Ḍarūrī and issuing decree on their apostasy whether in terms of religion or of a particular religious school; one who rejects Ḍarūrī of Shi&lsquo;ite school is considered a non-Shi&lsquo;ite Muslim, and the commands of Muslims are carried out upon him/her. The method of research in this article is descriptive-analytical.</p> Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        66 - accepted mazdian rituals in islam (with the emphasis on shia)
        Roghayyeh  Mohammadzadeh Abdolhossein  Latifi Musa Reza   Bakhshi Ostad
        <p>With the spread of Islam and then the acceptance of the Shia religion in Iran, some of the previous behaviors and customs that did not match the cultural structure and Islamic principles of the Shia religion were gradually discarded; But a number of them, such as rit More
        <p>With the spread of Islam and then the acceptance of the Shia religion in Iran, some of the previous behaviors and customs that did not match the cultural structure and Islamic principles of the Shia religion were gradually discarded; But a number of them, such as rituals related to marriage, mourning, pilgrimage, childbirth, etc., which are not opposed to the social concepts and Islamic culture, have gradually been mixed with the elements of Islamic culture with changes in form and meaning. found religious; This article, which is written in a descriptive-analytical way, aims to examine some of the most important rituals and ideas of ancient Iran, which gained a religious character after the introduction and institutionalization of Islam in Iran, and continue to exist until the present time. have continued to analyze in order to gain more knowledge about Iran's cultural background from this passer-by.</p> Manuscript profile