• List of Articles Time

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Analysis of spatial growth pattern - time in Maragheh city using spatial metric methods
        Ali Shamaei Hasan Ahar Eshaq Jalaliyan
        physical development of the city as the spatial pattern of activity in a particular period of time is defined and it is divided into two main groups, means Urban sprawl (Sprawl), and the compact city model (Compact city). In recent decades, cities have grown organically More
        physical development of the city as the spatial pattern of activity in a particular period of time is defined and it is divided into two main groups, means Urban sprawl (Sprawl), and the compact city model (Compact city). In recent decades, cities have grown organically and urban areas in a short time have been several times its original size and city development has been the forms of the individual components, without planning, uncoordinated that urban sprawl pattern is the main feature. This is necessary that attention to physical development of the city in order to sustainable Development. The case study is Maragheh city. Analytical method in this study is comparative. In this study is used of the methods of spatial metrics in order to analysis of urban sprawl in Maragheh city. The results show urban sprawl. Urban growth has been slowly in the past. Starting with rapid urbanization from 1355 to 1365 the city began a rapid growth and area of the city has increased several times and urban sprawl has occurred in this decade and it is continued until 1394. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Time and Space Changes of Air Pollutants Using GIS (Case Study: North Semnan Tehran
        mohsen ranjbar Batoul Bahak
        Tehran's metropolitan area is considered one of the most polluting cities in the world due to population concentration, indoor and suburban industries, vehicular traffic, high fossil fuel consumption, special geographical location, unique climate and topographic feature More
        Tehran's metropolitan area is considered one of the most polluting cities in the world due to population concentration, indoor and suburban industries, vehicular traffic, high fossil fuel consumption, special geographical location, unique climate and topographic features. Not be The main objective of this study was to investigate and analyze the temporal and spatial behavior of pollutants (carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, troposphere ozone, suspended particles, and sulfur dioxide) in the northern part of Tehran. In order to investigate the changes of air pollutants in temporal and spatial scales, data from meteorological stations and pollutant stations were used by Air Quality Control Company and Tehran Environmental Organization during the years 1387- 1387. Data were calculated using SPSS and Excel software and the results of statistical analyzes of the distribution of pollutants in spatial and temporal scales using Arc GIS 9.3 software and the Inverse Distance Inverse Interpolation (IDW) function as maps Tables and charts are prepared and drawn up. Based on the results of the study, the concentration of three pollutants of carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide in the winter peak, but the concentration of suspended particles and ozone troposphere in summer is higher. All pollutants showed significant correlation with climatic elements. The correlation coefficient of carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide with negative wind and positive pressure and surface temperature are positive. The correlation of ozone and particulate matter with the temperature and wind speed is positive and with negative pressure and humidity. Spatial distribution of centers with severe pollution is mainly due to the severity of pollution, mainly around the crisis headquarters, the Municipality of District 7, Sharif University and the Rocks Park, Aqdasiya and Puncak Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Remote communication link patterns on the water cycle in the atmosphere in Iran
        This research is trying to assess the hydrological cycle and its trend in Iran. It is also tried to study the effect of NAO, AISMR and ONI Tele-connection pattern on the spatial variability of precipitation in Iran. For this purpose, the precipitation and precipitable w More
        This research is trying to assess the hydrological cycle and its trend in Iran. It is also tried to study the effect of NAO, AISMR and ONI Tele-connection pattern on the spatial variability of precipitation in Iran. For this purpose, the precipitation and precipitable water data during the 1979 - 2014 were extracted and analyzed from NCEP / NCAR. Then the hydrologic cycle was calculated on the basis of reproducibility time formula. The maps of this cycle across Iran were drawn. The analysis shows some region like Southwest Caspian Sea, Kermanshah, Lorestan have had the short hydrological cycles (5.5 to 11.5 years) due to the topographic and neighborhood effect. The longest hydrological cycle (98.30 to 141.17-year) have happened in the East and South of Sistan and Baluchestan. In the South East of Iran, AISMR has negative correlation (sig< 0.01) with the hydrologic cycle. The negative phase of the NAO in the middle of the Iran caused shortening the hydrological cycle. Spring ONI has negative correlation (sig< 0.05) with the hydrologic cycle in the North-East and South-East and hydrological cycle in the West has negative correlation (sig< 0.05) with autumn and spring ONI. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - A comparison of Calculated Fixed Radius and Numerical Model Methods to delineate drinking water wellheads protection area in Yaft Abad district, Tehran
        بهزاد  دلخواهي
        Delineation of wellhead protection area is an important component of groundwater protection strategies to prevent probable environmental and health hazards. In this study, besides describing the calculated fixed radius (CFR) and the numerical model methods to determine More
        Delineation of wellhead protection area is an important component of groundwater protection strategies to prevent probable environmental and health hazards. In this study, besides describing the calculated fixed radius (CFR) and the numerical model methods to determine the wellhead protection area, in order to compare of the methods, were used from data of eight number of drinking water wells in Yaft Abad district of Tehran. For this purpose, overlapping rate of CFR and numerical model protection areas in GIS environment were analyzed. The overlapping results show increasing distance from the wells, the effectiveness and accuracy of CFR method decreases rapidly. In the 50 days time of travel overlay, 88 percent of the numerical model areas are captured by the CFR areas. While in the 10 years overlay, only 41 percent of the numerical model areas are captured by the CFR areas. When time, money and data are limited, the Calculated Fixed Radius method is an acceptable method only to delineate the 50 days time of travel protection areas. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Effects of the inclination of parallel no flow boundaries on the time- drawdown curves around a pumping well in a confined bounded aquifer
        Arash Nadri ezatolah ghanavati Nasrolah Kalantari
        The image well theory was used in the study of no flow boundaries effects on the drawdown around pumping wells. Most studies are concentrated on the vertical no flow boundaries, while, in some cases these boundaries are not vertical and have inclinations. To the best of More
        The image well theory was used in the study of no flow boundaries effects on the drawdown around pumping wells. Most studies are concentrated on the vertical no flow boundaries, while, in some cases these boundaries are not vertical and have inclinations. To the best of the authors knowledge, the problem of the inclined no flow boundaries has not been studied yet. The effects of the parallel no flow boundaries inclination on the drawdown around pumping wells in bounded aquifers is studied here. The time-drawdown data for vertical boundaries have used the numerical simulation and also the image well theory. The effects of inclination of the boundaries were only considered using the numerical simulation. The results of numerical simulations and image well theory for vertical no flow boundaries were matched completely. The computed drawdown for observation well in the models with inclined and vertical no flow boundaries used to compute the difference between them. The difference between these cases depends on the distance between the boundaries (width of the aquifer) and the inclination value. The results showed that in large widths and low inclinations, the computed drawdown in aquifers with vertical boundaries are almost similar with the computed drawdown in aquifers with inclined boundaries and the differences can be neglected. In the other words, the difference between the vertical and inclined cases in smaller widths is so high that even in the low inclinations, the differences can't be neglected. It can be concluded that the image well theory as we know, cannot be used in inclined no flow boundaries. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - The Review of Time Processing in Shams Ghazals: Applying Stream Of Consciousness Technique
        مینا  بهنام ابوالقاسم  قوام Mohammad taghavi محمدرضا  هاشمی
        Some of Molavi’s ghazals have specific features that guide readers’ mind through intellectual basics of stream of consciousness works. The study reviewed the category of Time in Molavi’s ghazals using theoretical bases of this technique about Time. Research hypothesis i More
        Some of Molavi’s ghazals have specific features that guide readers’ mind through intellectual basics of stream of consciousness works. The study reviewed the category of Time in Molavi’s ghazals using theoretical bases of this technique about Time. Research hypothesis is as follows: time warps, repetitive round trips to past and present time during every Ghazal and the importance of present time in creation moment of Molavi’s poem. We can divide time in his Ghazals, in a general categorization, to two linear-continuous and nonlinear- discontinuous kinds. Second kind of time closes Ghazals to stream of consciousness works. Measuring basis for time warps is start moment of Ghazal in the study. Molavi, based on rule of free association dominating his mental domain travels from present to past, past to present, and in some cases, travels to future reviewing past mementos and in some cases, time warps and round trips to past and present are so fast and continuous. This issue can affect language, narrative methods, kind of imagery and other cases in Ghazal. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - The Relation of Temporality and Actors in Short Story of "Morde-Keshan Jozan" by Abolqasem Payande
        مولود  طلائي
        The study reviewed time and its application in “Morde-Keshan Jozan” short story by Abolqasem Payande. This basic element has specific manifests in this story. Narration process is linear that narrates present time looking to past and childhood mementoes. There is a di More
        The study reviewed time and its application in “Morde-Keshan Jozan” short story by Abolqasem Payande. This basic element has specific manifests in this story. Narration process is linear that narrates present time looking to past and childhood mementoes. There is a direct relation between the frequency of page numbers and actors’ descriptions. When author intends to highlights morality inferiorities of his contemporary era, time would get circumlocution specifically and actors would emerge more than ever; but time summarization prevents author from this opportunity; then, it seems that actors’ descriptions would be summarized simultaneously with time. Authors of the study tried to critic the temporality of narration of this story based on “Gérard Genette” theory. The relation of its actors is expressed based on “Grimas” theory in final section and then the relation of these two elements is explained. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - A Survey to the Narrative Time in the Play of "Moonlight Women, Sunny Man"
        مهدی  نیک‌منش سونا  سلیمیان
        In the few decades that narratology has been introduced as a science, narratologists have tried to explore its universal structure by finding specific narrative patterns for different aspects of story writing, including narrative time. The French theorist, Gerard Genett More
        In the few decades that narratology has been introduced as a science, narratologists have tried to explore its universal structure by finding specific narrative patterns for different aspects of story writing, including narrative time. The French theorist, Gerard Genette, has posed an autonomous theory on "the parameter of time and its function and place in narration". According to him, timing arrangement in a narration is got through order, duration, and frequency. Studying and contrasting them against real time, one can determine the place of time in the process of story. Studying narrative time of in the play of "Moonlight Women, Sunny Man" by Chista Yaserbi shows that Yasrebi, avoiding the usual time sequence, and moving from chronological time to the text time, has made different selections and provided flashback and futurist narratives. Such selections and their especial timing plays a significant role in arranging the components of the plot, as well as suspense. Moerover, studying duration and frequency of the events narrated in this play, shows that the events enjoy an appropriate beat and speed according to the author's purpose. Regarding principles of narratology, there is a direct and significant correlation between content of the play and the speed of narrating the events, their repetition and frequency. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Sufi time
        افسانه  ناظري
        For Muslim Gnostics, “Time” has special meanings, implications and features which indicate “passing-away of human nature and manifestation of the Divine”. It is the very “Time” or “Present Time” when spiritual experiences and intuition of interior Truths happens. The “P More
        For Muslim Gnostics, “Time” has special meanings, implications and features which indicate “passing-away of human nature and manifestation of the Divine”. It is the very “Time” or “Present Time” when spiritual experiences and intuition of interior Truths happens. The “Present Time” is between the past and future, but at the same time includes both. Accordingly, Sufi Time is going on in the present “Moment”, the moment having no temporal dimension; therefore, it goes on in a place which has no extensions. Hence, Sufi Time means to be “present” in a place and time free from the regulations of ordinary place and time. It has its own existential features and characteristics. The main objective of the present article is to explore what the sense, quality, quiddity, and ontological respects of Sufi Time are, and what spatial-temporal features it has; the features that, eventually, at the mind of a Sufi will develop the time and space (the Present Moment- world of Dominion) which “coincidence” of the past, the present and the future, a contradiction in terms, is one of its features that dominates all his existential aspects. Regarding the research question, its history, and lack of related literature, the research method of the first part is descriptive-explanatory, and of the second part is descriptive-analytic. In doing so, we have relied on the views and terminology of mysticism so that we would unveil the meanings hidden in Iranian-Islamic mysticism and its rich culture. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - A Survey to the Study of Khayyam during the 14th Century
        كاووس  حسن‌لي Saeed Hessampour
        A big variety of woks have been appeared about Omar Khayyam, the Iranian scientist and poet, which study his prominent works and particularly his Ruba’iyat (quartets). Yet, there are lots of basic gaps in the process of this study. In a general view, we can divide the w More
        A big variety of woks have been appeared about Omar Khayyam, the Iranian scientist and poet, which study his prominent works and particularly his Ruba’iyat (quartets). Yet, there are lots of basic gaps in the process of this study. In a general view, we can divide the writings on Khayyam, historically into two periods: writings before the year 1300 (Iranian Year), and writings after the year 1300. There are lots of controversies among the literature on Khayyam before this period. Development of the literature on Khayyam after 1300 was mostly influenced by Fitz Gerald’s translation of Ruba’iyat from Farsi into English because it not only attracted the world’s attention to Khayyam and Iran, but also caused Iranian researchers to do their researches carefully and with more speculation. However, the controversies among the ancient literature, as well as diverse views among the researchers resulted in different approaches to the point in the field of modern studies of Khayyam. The authors of the present article, in the course of a research project which lasted nearly three years, studied all the original Iranian works appeared between 1300 and 1380 about Khayyam, as well as ones translated into Farsi from other languages. What here is presented is a general survey to the study of Khayyam during the current century. The article provides Time and Content tables and figures. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - A Survey of Relationship between Time and Suspension in the Story of "the King and the Maid"
        Zahra رجبي غلامحسين  غلامحسين‌زاده قدرت‌ الله  طاهري
        The development of new narrative techniques in the past two centuries has led to the growing progress in narratology. In this field, "Time" is one important element. The French scholar, Gerard Genet, has discussed it in terms of three categories: "Order", "Continuity", More
        The development of new narrative techniques in the past two centuries has led to the growing progress in narratology. In this field, "Time" is one important element. The French scholar, Gerard Genet, has discussed it in terms of three categories: "Order", "Continuity", and "Frequency". Exploring elements of narrative and the rules governing them will help to better understand their internal relations and mechanisms. The present article, in Genet's framework, shows that how in Mathnavi-I ma'navi, Mowlana as a classic narrator, uses all poetic-narrative potentials of "Time" in telling the story of "the King and the Maid". In the shift from the Real Time to the Narrative Time, Mowlana makes appropriate use of disturbing the linear order of the plot Time, and detailed, repeated description of some events. In this way, he creates a specific kind of Time that is directly and significantly related to developing a sense of suspension in the readers. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - A comparative analysis of narratives about “Rostam” and “Goshtasb” in Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh (Based on the Interaction of Cyclic and Lnear Patterns of Time, in the Formation and Critical Study of the Narratives)
          محمدکاظم  یوسف‌پور
        In Persian literature, Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh has been used as the resource of many researches and an interesting subject for many literary and non-literary scholars. The special multidisciplinary structure of this masterpiece and the diversity and the extent of its nar More
        In Persian literature, Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh has been used as the resource of many researches and an interesting subject for many literary and non-literary scholars. The special multidisciplinary structure of this masterpiece and the diversity and the extent of its narratives provide an opportunity for different interpretations using methods like historicism, discourse analysis and narratology in contemporary research arena. Searching in historical origins, this article aims at studying the way of narrative building in narratives about Rostam and Goshtasb, and they interacted in epic. The use of cyclic pattern in codification and organization of historical narratives mainly leads to the formation of narratives with mythical and epical contents that limits and transubstantiate events and historical characters in the predetermined substructure patterns. As much as the historiography method under the influence of cyclic pattern of time leads to the ambiguity of historical origins of events and characters, identification, and repetition in this method of historiography, the linear transition of events with story-like narrating ploys, provides narratives about events with different historical and temporal origins that appear to be coherent since they are formed under the domination of cyclic perception of time, and they do not transfer the whole past. For this reason, and according to neo-historicism perspective, every historical narrative is a story about the past which is not equal to the past. After matching the dual patterns of time perception with epistemology schools of history, by using discourse and narratology approaches, this article displays how the cyclic and linear patterns influence the narratives related to Rostam and Goshtasb, and their permutations. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - Investigating the Role of Conceptual Metaphors in the Evolution of literary styles (Relying on Body Metaphors in Farrokhi Sistani, Anvari, and Hafiz's poems)
        Mohammad Taheri Masoumeh  Archandani
        The conceptual metaphor is the mind’s technique for conceptualizing affairs. The mind tries to conceive and contemplate some intangible affairs for itself with the help of this fundamental construct. Hence, it is expected that by changing it, we will also see a change i More
        The conceptual metaphor is the mind’s technique for conceptualizing affairs. The mind tries to conceive and contemplate some intangible affairs for itself with the help of this fundamental construct. Hence, it is expected that by changing it, we will also see a change in thought-related macro-systems. Among these macrosystems are literary styles that have many factors involved in changing them. This article tries to answer the question of how the change of conceptual metaphors in time has an effect on the change of literary styles through analytical-descriptive method. To answer it, we trace the conceptual metaphors related to the body, which include the words "hand, eye, heart and head", in a selection of poems by Farrokhi Sistani, Anvari and Hafez. By analyzing the obtained information, we conclude that conceptual metaphors have undergone significant changes over time that are in line with the evolution of literary styles and are variables affecting the evolution of styles. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - Comparative Study of the Analytical and Methodological Frameworks of Oil Studies and Politics
        سعید  میرترابی
        This paper aims to show that, during the past four decades, the literature on Rentier State, contrary to popular opinion, has not been consistent, whether in content or in methodology. Based on their methodological framework, the studies have been classified into two d More
        This paper aims to show that, during the past four decades, the literature on Rentier State, contrary to popular opinion, has not been consistent, whether in content or in methodology. Based on their methodological framework, the studies have been classified into two distinct types. The first generation of studies emerged in 1970s, but their failure at explaining the situation of oil-rich countries and clarifying the consequences of fall in oil incomes sever criticisms. The criticisms in connection with the first wave of the studies provided a ground to revise the methodology, and the way of conceptualizing foreign rents and their assessments. This resulted, particularly since 1990s, in the second wave of studies a wave that could be considered as revisionism. This approach brought new variables into the studies. It paid more attention to the historical background of oil-rich countries and the historical periods when oil incomes raised (with respect to the various stages of formation of the government and the regime in power). It focused on the interrelationship between oil rent and social and political condition of these countries, avoiding structural look to the oil rents. Some of the supporters of the new approach proposed new criteria for evaluation of oil incomes. This approach offered the possibility of more complex analyses, especially in the areas of political stability and democratic transition in the oil-rich countries, analyses that better explain different experiences of the oil-dependant states. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - A Unicast Tree-Based Data Gathering Protocol for Delay Tolerant Mobile Sensor Networks
        Zeynab Mottaginia Ali Ghaffari
        The Delay Tolerant Mobile Sensor Networks (DTMSNs) distinguish themselves from conventional sensor networks by means of some features such as loose connectivity, node mobility, and delay tolerability. It needs to be acknowledged that traditional end-to-end routing proto More
        The Delay Tolerant Mobile Sensor Networks (DTMSNs) distinguish themselves from conventional sensor networks by means of some features such as loose connectivity, node mobility, and delay tolerability. It needs to be acknowledged that traditional end-to-end routing protocols cannot be applied usefully in such challenging network conditions because of intermittent connections and/or long delays. Hence, this research is intended to propose a Unicast Tree-based Data Gathering protocol (UTDG) to resolve this problem. A UTDG includes 3 phases: tree formation phase, data collection and data transmission phase, and finally the updating phase. The proposed protocol constructs a tree in each community on the basis of transmission ranking, contact probability and the link expiration time. The selection of the next-hop node is based on the tree structure rather than forwarding the message to the neighbor node directly. Each node unicasts the data to its parent in the related community, and the root of the tree successively sends the data to the sink node. The authors contend, based on the simulation results of the study, that the proposed protocol can gain significantly higher message delivery rates with lower transmission overhead and also lower delay in data delivery than the other existing DTMSNs routing protocols in some applications. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - Modeling the Inter-arrival Time of Packets in Network Traffic and Anomaly Detection Using the Zipf’s Law
        Ali Naghash Asadi Mohammad  Abdollahi Azgomi
        In this paper, a new method based on the Zipf’s law for modeling the features of the network traffic is proposed. The Zipf's law is an empirical law that provides the relationship between the frequency and rank of each category in the data set. Some data sets may follow More
        In this paper, a new method based on the Zipf’s law for modeling the features of the network traffic is proposed. The Zipf's law is an empirical law that provides the relationship between the frequency and rank of each category in the data set. Some data sets may follow from the Zipf’s law, but we show that each data set can be converted to the data set following from the Zipf’s law by changing the definition of categories. We use this law to model the inter-arrival time of packets in the normal network traffic and then we show that this model can be used to simulate the inter-arrival time of packets. The advantage of this law is that it can provide high similarity using less information. Furthermore, the Zipf’s law can model different features of the network traffic that may not follow from the mathematical distributions. The simple approach of this law can provide accuracy and lower limitations in comparison to existing methods. The Zipf's law can be also used as a criterion for anomaly detection. For this purpose, the TCP_Flood and UDP_Flood attacks are added to the inter-arrival time of packets and they are detected with high detection rate. We show that the Zipf’s law can create an accurate model of the feature to classify the feature values and obtain the rank of its categories, and this model can be used to simulate the feature values and detect anomalies. The evaluation results of the proposed method on MAWI and NUST traffic collections are presented in this paper. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        17 - Energy Efficient Clustering Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks
        Maryam Bavaghar Amin Mohajer Sarah Taghavi Motlagh
        In Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), sensor nodes are usually deployed with limited energy reserves in remote environments for a long period of time with less or no human intervention. It makes energy efficiency as a challenging issue both for the design and deployment o More
        In Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), sensor nodes are usually deployed with limited energy reserves in remote environments for a long period of time with less or no human intervention. It makes energy efficiency as a challenging issue both for the design and deployment of sensor networks. This paper presents a novel approach named Energy Efficient Clustering Algorithm (EECA) for Wireless Sensor Networks which is based on two phases clustering model and provides maximum network coverage in an energy efficient way. In this framework, an effective resource-aware load balancing approach applied for autonomous methods of configuring the parameters in accordance with the signaling patterns in which approximately the same bit rate data is provided for each sensor. This resource-efficient clustering model can also form energy balanced clusters which results in increasing network life time and ensuring better network coverage. Simulation results prove that EECA is better than LEACH, LEA2C and EECS with respect to network lifetime and at the same time achieving more network coverage. In addition to obtained an optimal cluster size with minimum energy loss, the proposed approach also suggests new and better way for selecting cluster heads to reduce energy consumption of the distributed nodes resulting in increased operational reliability of sensor networks. Manuscript profile
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        18 - Overcoming the Link Prediction Limitation in Sparse Networks using Community Detection
        Mohammad Pouya Salvati Jamshid  Bagherzadeh Mohasefi Sadegh Sulaimany
        Link prediction seeks to detect missing links and the ones that may be established in the future given the network structure or node features. Numerous methods have been presented for improving the basic unsupervised neighbourhood-based methods of link prediction. A maj More
        Link prediction seeks to detect missing links and the ones that may be established in the future given the network structure or node features. Numerous methods have been presented for improving the basic unsupervised neighbourhood-based methods of link prediction. A major issue confronted by all these methods, is that many of the available networks are sparse. This results in high volume of computation, longer processing times, more memory requirements, and more poor results. This research has presented a new, distinct method for link prediction based on community detection in large-scale sparse networks. Here, the communities over the network are first identified, and the link prediction operations are then performed within each obtained community using neighbourhood-based methods. Next, a new method for link prediction has been carried out between the clusters with a specified manner for maximal utilization of the network capacity. Utilized community detection algorithms are Best partition, Link community, Info map and Girvan-Newman, and the datasets used in experiments are Email, HEP, REL, Wikivote, Word and PPI. For evaluation of the proposed method, three measures have been used: precision, computation time and AUC. The results obtained over different datasets demonstrate that extra calculations have been prevented, and precision has been increased. In this method, runtime has also been reduced considerably. Moreover, in many cases Best partition community detection method has good results compared to other community detection algorithms. Manuscript profile
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        19 - Cost Benefit Analysis of Three Non-Identical Machine Model with Priority in Operation and Repair
        Nafeesa Bashir Raeesa Bashir JP Singh Joorel Tariq Rashid Jan Jan
        The paper proposes a new real life model and the main aim is to examine the cost benefit analysis of Textile Industry model subject to different failure and repair strategies. The reliability model comprises of three units i,e Spinning machine (S), Weaving machine (W), More
        The paper proposes a new real life model and the main aim is to examine the cost benefit analysis of Textile Industry model subject to different failure and repair strategies. The reliability model comprises of three units i,e Spinning machine (S), Weaving machine (W), Colouring and Finishing machine(Cf). The working principal of the model starts with spinning machine (S) where in unit S is in operative state while as weaving machine, Colouring and Finishing machine are in ideal state. Complete failure of system is observed when all three units of system i.e. S,W and Cf are in down state. Repairperson is always available to carry out the repair activities in the system in which first priority in repair is given to Colouring and Finishing machine followed by Spinning and weaving machine. The proposed model attempts to maximize the reliability of a real life system. Reliability measures such as Mean Sojourn time, Mean time to system failure, Profit analysis of system are examined to define the performance of the reliability characteristics. For concluding the study of such model, different stochastic measures are analyzed in steady state using regenerative point technique. The tables are prepared for arbitrary values of the parameters to show the performance of some important reliability measures and to check the efficiency of the model under such situations. Manuscript profile
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        20 - Murder and Typification of the forgiveness (A Case Study of Guilan)
        Main purpose this research is “Typification of the forgiveness based on inductive strategy”. In this strategy, the interviewees perception about the forgivness by interpretivism approach have been investigated. This research has been with qualitative method and purp More
        Main purpose this research is “Typification of the forgiveness based on inductive strategy”. In this strategy, the interviewees perception about the forgivness by interpretivism approach have been investigated. This research has been with qualitative method and purposive sampling, and individual and group (Focus group) interviews. According to the logic of theoretical saturation, twenty seven individually and three group were interviewed. Then researcher analyzed interviews with method thematic analyze. Overall,the findings indicates that there are two general type of forgiveness.The first is self- oriented forgiveness and the second is other- oriented forgiveness . In the first part exist various species such as: Forgiveness oppositions, forgiveness supporters, replaced forgiveness and intent - oriented forgiveness. Other-oriented forgiveness can observe types three: forgivenes oppositions, reluctantly Forgiveness and intent-oriented forgiveness. People reacted to the murder of their close relatives to criminal calculate and assess the benefits of forgiveness and revenge, and then act.Based on the research findings the forgivness is time and space, because it depend to the position of the offender or the victim and the time between the crime and punishment Manuscript profile
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        21 - Ethical requirements in Islamic banking
        Ali Arabi Mahmoud  Bagheri mahmoud erfani
        A saying from the Holley Prophet of Islam says: “praying has 70 parts, the best one is Halal earning”. Accordingly the real believers strongly value the professional banking morality for earning Halal income and from their point of view the bank which is based on Islami More
        A saying from the Holley Prophet of Islam says: “praying has 70 parts, the best one is Halal earning”. Accordingly the real believers strongly value the professional banking morality for earning Halal income and from their point of view the bank which is based on Islamic morality must follow 6 important aims as will be described in the article such as executing economic justice in the society. As a result the idea of Islamic Banking was first made in the 1950s and the first Islamic investment banking was established in Egypt and Malaysia in the 1960s. There are over 100 kinds of Islamic banks and the law of banking without usury was passed and enforced in 1983 after Iran Islamic revolution. The theoretical, religious jurisprudence and Islamic morality related discussions among the people who are the users of this method of banking and among the bank clerks who enforce this methods, is yet to be answered and they are not fully justified that this method is right from the religious point of view, and the money taken and given is usury. We have tried to survey the activities of the banks focusing on monetary value of time and value of money during time in Islamic jurisprudence and find an appropriate answer. It is clear that the banks pay profit to customers when attracts their money and receives profit from them when loans them. These two issues happen during time and the method of paying and taking profit separates the way of Islamic banking from regular banking. Usury that is clearly forbidden in Islam takes place in elapse of time. We have used indisputable contracts in religious jurisprudence such as Salaf (buying in advance) and Nesiyeh (selling in advance) to differentiate these two with usury. Manuscript profile
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        22 - Ranking Knowledge Based Companies in Incubators by EFQM Indicators
        Meysam Jafari Eskandari Alireza Ali Ahmadi Gholamhosein Khaleghi Mohammad Hasan Kamfirouzy
        Today performance evaluation is counted as one of the important and major process in organizations. Companies allocate some resources annually for this work. Performance evaluation in strategic planning process plays a key role, first: for environmental analysis and sec More
        Today performance evaluation is counted as one of the important and major process in organizations. Companies allocate some resources annually for this work. Performance evaluation in strategic planning process plays a key role, first: for environmental analysis and second: as feedback at the end of plan for correction. In this paper we decide to rank some knowledge based companies in one of the incubators based on EFQM indicators. This will be done by multi criteria decision making (MCDM) methods. The purposed method can deal with uncertainty well. Besides, using Game theory will make this model more flexible. Based on this, we try to control the environmental uncertainty with use of Grey time series and cooperative games and based on Frequentist school approach. Therefore we gathered expert's opinion at six time periods based on three parameter interval Grey numbers and we obtained the parameters of decision table within weighting to every time period by cooperative games. The used criteria are the criteria which are introduced in EFQM model. Then we rank companies with implementation of combination of Bulls-eye weighting method and Grey-numerical taxonomy method. In this ranking, companies, No. 1, 3 and 2 gained first, second and third rank by order which their Fi were 0.389, 0.463 and 0.523 by order. Also results of social and processes are known as the vital criteria by weights 0.161 and 0.153 orderly. Manuscript profile
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        23 - Time Management
        Seyed reza Alavi
        abstract not found
        abstract not found Manuscript profile
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        24 - Effect of Iso–Caloric Sago and Soy Supplementations during 90 Minutes Steady–State Cycling on Subsequent 20–km Cycling Time Trial Performance in the Heat
        Daniel Tarmast Asok Kumar   Ghosh Chee Keong  Chen
        Background: In Asian countries, like Malaysia, India, and Thailand, sago (SA) is frequently used as daily food. The use of local daily food as supplements over expensive drinks is cost–effective for athletes. Hence, SA (carbohydrate) could be recommended as affordable n More
        Background: In Asian countries, like Malaysia, India, and Thailand, sago (SA) is frequently used as daily food. The use of local daily food as supplements over expensive drinks is cost–effective for athletes. Hence, SA (carbohydrate) could be recommended as affordable nutrition ingestion. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of SA, Soy (SO) protein, Sago+Soy (SS) supplementation (combination of carbohydrate and protein), and placebo (PL) during moderate–intensity cycling on subsequent 20–km time trial performance. Materials and Methods: The participants were 12 young male well–trained cyclists from Malaysia. They pedaled at 60% of VO2max for 90 min followed by a 20–km time trial (TT) in the heat. At 20 min intervals during cycling at 60% VO2max, participants consumed either SA, SO, SS, or a PL. The SA, SO, and SS feedings provided 7.5% SA, 7.5% SO, and 7.5% SA+1.5% SO respectively to drink iso–caloric beverages with an estimated energy level ~300 kcal. The average speed and cadence were also recorded during the TT. Results: Time taken for TT for SA, SO, SS, and PL were 42.8±1.8 min, 46.3±2.6 min, 42.7±2.3 min, and 43.2±1.8 min respectively. The TT performance, speed, and cadence of the cyclists did not exhibit any significant differences among the three trials. Conclusion: These data indicated that consumption of sago and soy, and iso–caloric SS (coingestion of sago and soy) during steady–state ride failed to improve the subsequent cycling performance in the heat. Manuscript profile
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        25 - The Configuration of Time and Narration in Asfar-e-kateban by Aboutorab Khosravi
        parvin salajegheh
        Thinking about the issue of "time" and trying to make tangible the type of its passage on man, has always been the attention of scientists of various sciences, especially, thinkers in the field of humanities. However, showing the passage of this concept, especially in t More
        Thinking about the issue of "time" and trying to make tangible the type of its passage on man, has always been the attention of scientists of various sciences, especially, thinkers in the field of humanities. However, showing the passage of this concept, especially in the field of understanding it in the cycle of seasons and the transition of life from youth to old age, gives a sort of understanding of the presence and impact of time on phenomena, but more than anything, its traces can be found in works of art and literature, especially in stories and novels, which depict events with the help of narration. In this regard, this article is an attempt to investigate, analyze and track the way time works in the novel "Asfar Kateban", written by Abu Torab Khosravi. By using special narrative techniques and using the discourse of history, narrative and literature, this work has succeeded in displaying a special type of structuring of time in a kind of transhistorical discourse. This article is done in two parts. The theoretical part was written based on the theories of time from scientists in this field, and the second part has analyzed the type of function of time in this novel, considering the theoretical issues. The results obtained in this study indicate the type of function of time, history and narrative in a transhistorical discourse in this novel. Manuscript profile
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        26 - A Study of Psychometric Properties of Future Time Perspective Scale (FTPS) and its Relation to Academic Achievement
        Mohsen Afshar Elahe Hejazi Javad Ejei Nahid Sadeghi
        The present study aims at investigating psychometric properties of Future Time Perspective Scale (FTPS) among a sample of senior high school students and to determine its role in predicting their academic achievement. To this end 527 senior high school students in Karaj More
        The present study aims at investigating psychometric properties of Future Time Perspective Scale (FTPS) among a sample of senior high school students and to determine its role in predicting their academic achievement. To this end 527 senior high school students in Karaj (city in Alborz Province) during the school year 2015-2016, were chosen using stratified proportional sampling and completed a questionnaire which consists of Future Time Perspective Scale (FTPS) and futurist present subscale. Exploratory factor analysis demonstrated that the structure of Future Time Perspective Scale (FTPS) after varimax rotation was clearly indicated the existence of four independent factors that is almost consistent with Husman and Shell (2008) classification of the items but second-order confirmatory factor analysis showed insignificant factorial load of extension component on future time perspective construct. Therefore, we can conclude that future time perspective of Iranian students only consist of three components: connection, value and speed. The results indicated acceptable reliability of FTPS. Regression analysis showed that these three factors significantly predict student's academic achievement. Manuscript profile
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        27 - Frequency types and their function in the creation of the story
        neda nabizadeh ardebili
        One of the main elements of every narrative is the element of time, so that narration is based on its timing. Gerard Jenet is the greatest narrative time theorist, who looks at three determinations of order, frequency, and continuity. Frequency, which examines the rep More
        One of the main elements of every narrative is the element of time, so that narration is based on its timing. Gerard Jenet is the greatest narrative time theorist, who looks at three determinations of order, frequency, and continuity. Frequency, which examines the repetition of narrative elements, is divided into three single, repeated and recurrent types. In this research, which has been carried out through a library and analytical and descriptive method, we have examined the frequency and function of it in the works of Alawi and Sa'edi. The results of the research show that both authors use different types of frequency in their stories. The dominant frequency on their stories is singular frequency. Other types of frequency are also visible in these works, including frequent frequent functions in these stories, emphasis, expression, space and attention and pity, including the functions of concise frequency in them, the personification and expression of the definition of affairs. In general, it should be said that the operation of frequency types is more diverse in Alawi's works. Manuscript profile
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        28 - An Evaluation of Fakhr al-Din Razi’s Criticisms of Ibn Sina’s Definition of Time
        Mahmoud  Saidiy Seyyed Mohammad  Musawy
        Following Aristotle, Ibn Sina maintained that time is the number of motion which is attained by the continuous movement of a moving agent over a distance. He adduced two arguments in order to demonstrate his theory: one was based on the difference between the motions of More
        Following Aristotle, Ibn Sina maintained that time is the number of motion which is attained by the continuous movement of a moving agent over a distance. He adduced two arguments in order to demonstrate his theory: one was based on the difference between the motions of moving things in terms of speed, and the other was based on the divisibility of the distance of movement. In contrast, through advancing various objections, Fakhr al-Din Razi challenged this theory not only with regard to its two underlying arguments but also with respect to the theory of time being the number of motion. The present paper aims to demonstrate that Fakhr al-Din Razi’s criticisms originate in his lack of enough scrutiny of Ibn Sina’s principles, particularly regarding the opposition of non-existence and habit between motion and rest, time as necessary by the other and not necessary by itself, the difference between universal and particular times of each motion, and the existence of logical fallacy in some arguments. However, the final response to some of his criticisms are given based on the principles of the Transcendent Philosophy regarding the analytic differences between motion, time, and time as the fourth dimension of being. Manuscript profile
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        29 - An Analysis of the Relationship between Chimeric Time and Temporal Origination in the View of Mutikallimun
        Alireza  Kohansal M‘asoomeh Sadat  Sary Arefi
        The problem of the origination and eternity of the world has always been one of the most challenging topics of debate among Muslim philosophers and mutikallimun. This issue is closely related to different problems such as explaining the divine essence, attributes of kno More
        The problem of the origination and eternity of the world has always been one of the most challenging topics of debate among Muslim philosophers and mutikallimun. This issue is closely related to different problems such as explaining the divine essence, attributes of knowledge, power and will, the relationship between attributes and essence, cause-effect necessity, the relationship between the perfect cause and effect, the criteria for the need of effect for a cause, determinant of the origination of the world, and the nature of time, place, etc. Early Muslim philosophers believed in the eternity of the world, which, in the view of Muslim mutikallimun, was inconsistent with religious verses and teachings. Given the literal meaning of Qur’anic verses and their own specific interpretation of the essence and attributes of knowledge and the divine power and free will, they brought faith in the temporal origination of the world. In order to justify this view, mutikallimun imagined a time at which the world did not exist but came into existence later. This time was named the “chimeric time”. The present study explores the relationship between the theory of chimeric time and temporal origination in the view of Muslim mutikallimun. Ultimately, it becomes clear that chimeric time is, firstly, based on the same general principles of the design of temporal origination. Secondly, it has been introduced in order to improve the idea of temporal origination in terms of structure and respond to philosophers’ related criticisms. At the same time, this theory is consistent with other aspects of kalami thoughts, such as the common view of the world, its relationship with God, and the lack of its demonstrative analysis. Generally speaking, in spite of the different and, at times, contradictory interpretations of this theory, it is yet a step forward in propounding the temporal origination of the world, which entails the idea of a time in conformity with various ontological worlds. Manuscript profile
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        30 - A Study of Qaysari’s View of the Reality of Gnostic Time
        Hassan  Moradi mahmoud saidi
        Qaysari was one of the most prominent commentators of Ibn Arabi’s school. He also developed a specific theory about time based on gnostic principles. His view in this regard consists of some sections: a criticism of philosophical theories, particularly, those of Aristot More
        Qaysari was one of the most prominent commentators of Ibn Arabi’s school. He also developed a specific theory about time based on gnostic principles. His view in this regard consists of some sections: a criticism of philosophical theories, particularly, those of Aristotle and Ibn Sina; gnostic interpretation of certain philosophical theories, and an explanation of the reality of time and its divisions based on gnostic principles. However, there are some problems with Qaysari’s objections to Ibn Sina’s view and his gnostic interpretations of some philosophical theories. The most important problem of his theory concerns his hadith-based proofs about the emergence of time through resorting to al-dahr (Perpetual Duration), which is one of God’s names. This is because the hadiths referred to by Qaysari are not valid enough and cannot be used to demonstrate his claim. Accordingly, it can be said that time emerges by resorting to God’s name of al-muqaddar (Determiner), and its emergence at different levels creates the divine day and night. Manuscript profile
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        31 - Design and Implementation of Two Pipeline Architectures for Computing High-Order Moments of Grey-Level Images
        M. Monajati E. Kabir  
        Moments are utilized in image processing for pattern recognition, machine vision and numerous feature extraction techniques. Due to computational complexity, it is difficult to use high order moments in real time processing. This paper presents the design of two new arc More
        Moments are utilized in image processing for pattern recognition, machine vision and numerous feature extraction techniques. Due to computational complexity, it is difficult to use high order moments in real time processing. This paper presents the design of two new architectures for real time computation of moments, up to order 14, M00 to M77, in gray level images, based on parallel systolic arrays and pipelining technique, using a 0.18μm CMOS technology. Implementation of the moment processing element (MPE) of the first architecture illustrates a processing speed of 125 frames/s for 1024×1024 grey-level images. The maximum operating frequency and the power consumption for an architecture with 5 elements is 133 MHz and 14.36 mW, respectively. Since the design is very low power, the number of parallel MPE’s can be easily increased. Simulation shows that with 11 parallel MPE’s, the first 49 moments of 1024×1024 image are computed with the speed of 30 frames/sec. To further decrease the latency of the first architecture, the second architecture is proposed, in which the add operation is performed only with a single adder and a compressor. Simulation shows that the latency of the second architecture is 3.3 times lower than that of the first architecture. Implementation of the second architecture illustrates the maximum operating frequency and the power consumption of 125 MHz and 58.34 mW, respectively. Operating frequency and power consumption of the second architecture is approximately the same as that of the first architecture which befit real time applications. Manuscript profile
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        32 - Design of Low Power High Speed Dilation Operator for Binary Images in CMOS Technology
        M. hajirahimi E. Kabir  
        This paper describes the design of hybrid wave-pipeline architecture for implementation of real time morphological dilation. With minor changes to this architecture, it can be utilized for erosion, closing, and opening operators. The new architecture results in higher s More
        This paper describes the design of hybrid wave-pipeline architecture for implementation of real time morphological dilation. With minor changes to this architecture, it can be utilized for erosion, closing, and opening operators. The new architecture results in higher speed, less hardware complexity, and lower area and power dissipation compared to conventional pipeline implementation. In addition, it is faster than the wave-pipeline structure, without the difficulty of balancing the delay of long signal paths. Using the new architecture, three ASIC chips in 0.18µm CMOS are designed for binary image processing through Verilog. These chips dilate a 1024×1024 image by a 21×21 structuring element in 256.58μ s. The maximum frequency of the operations is 5.882 GHz, 5 GHz, and 4.167 GHz. For the power supply of 1.8 V and the 4.167 GHz frequency, the power dissipation is 597mW, 478 mW, and 410 mW, and the chip area is 0.118 mm2, 0.087 mm2, and 0.075 mm2, respectively. Manuscript profile
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        33 - Design of Two-Dimensional Diffractive Optical Elements Using the Extended Iterative Angular Spectrum Method
        S. H. Kazemi M. M. Mirsalehi A. R. Attari
        The iterative angular spectrum (IAS) method has been introduced by Mellin and Nordin for designing finite-aperture diffractive optical elements (FADOEs). We have extended this method to two-dimensional FADOEs and used it to design some optical devices. The first device More
        The iterative angular spectrum (IAS) method has been introduced by Mellin and Nordin for designing finite-aperture diffractive optical elements (FADOEs). We have extended this method to two-dimensional FADOEs and used it to design some optical devices. The first device is a 1-to-7 beamsplitter that couples an optical beam to seven single-mode optical fibers with a diffraction efficiency of 84%. The second device is a beam-shaper that converts a Gaussian beam into a nearly flat beam with a diffraction efficiency of 74.8%. The third design is a 1-to-3 asymmetric beamsplitter. The fourth design includes three microlenses with different focal lengths. The desired intensity distribution patterns of all these designs are located at the near field region. We have investigated the sensitivity of the extended method by comparing the results obtained by this method with those obtained by three-dimensional finite difference time domain (3-D FDTD) method using perfect matched layer (PML). Also, a 1-to-5 beamsplitter is fabricated and the experimental results are presented. Manuscript profile
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        34 - A Study of the University Course Timetabling Problem by Using a Hybrid of Improved Memetic and Simulated Annealing Algorithms
        M. Joudaki M. A. Montazeri S. R. Mousavi
        Course timetabling is a complex problem, happening at the beginning of every semester at universities. One of the most important problems related to this issue is various constraints. As a result of this, timetabling is performed in various methods at different departme More
        Course timetabling is a complex problem, happening at the beginning of every semester at universities. One of the most important problems related to this issue is various constraints. As a result of this, timetabling is performed in various methods at different departments. Many works have been performed to solve this problem which majority of them have used metaheuristic based techniques. In this paper, an algorithm is based on hybridization of improved memetic algorithm and simulated annealing algorithm is proposed. Improvement in memetic algorithm means heuristic initializes population and modification in crossover operator. Also, an operator which is called improvement is designed for improvement of created chromosomes and decrease of violation of constraints. In addition, utilization of simulated annealing will result to increase of the exploitive search ability of memetic algorithm. The experimental results which based on standard data indicate this method is more efficient in comparison with some other new methods. Manuscript profile
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        35 - A Control approach with Controllable Response Time for Power Control of the Power Electronic Based Distributed Generation Resources in Microgrids
        E. Zare Abandankeshi مجید شهابی
        Most wind turbines, photovoltaic and fuel cells need a DC/AC converter as an interface for connection to the main grid. Power electronics based distributed generation resource has two parts: power circuit and control circuit of converter. In this paper, a new method whi More
        Most wind turbines, photovoltaic and fuel cells need a DC/AC converter as an interface for connection to the main grid. Power electronics based distributed generation resource has two parts: power circuit and control circuit of converter. In this paper, a new method which is based on current control by using internal model control method is presented, in order to control active and reactive power of power electronics interfaced distributed generation resource. The main benefit of using internal model control method is that it can reduce number of required parameters for PI controller tuning to one parameter which is desired closed-loop band width (). It should be mentioned that parameter  can be computed regarding response rise time. Therefore, values of KI and KP can be determined with the selection of desired band width. So, the system can be designed just with the selection of one parameter (rise time tr). The proposed control method can be used in micro-grids containing power electronic interfaced DGs, in both modes of operation (connected to grid and islanded micro-grid). Manuscript profile
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        36 - A New Unified Power Quality Conditioner based on Trans-Z-Source Inverter
        M.  Siahi Mohammad Davoodi
        Unified Power quality conditioner (UPQC) consists of back to back voltage source inverters. In UPQC combination of parallel and series active power filters are used to compensate for the nonlinear load current harmonics and voltage distortions, simultaneously. For appro More
        Unified Power quality conditioner (UPQC) consists of back to back voltage source inverters. In UPQC combination of parallel and series active power filters are used to compensate for the nonlinear load current harmonics and voltage distortions, simultaneously. For appropriate performance of both converters and bidirectional power flow, the DC link voltage should be at least 1.41 times larger than the line to line voltage in the high voltage part of the system; i.e. the parallel active filter. One of the determining factors for the cost of semiconductors is the maximum tolerable voltage stress. The voltage stress of the series converter increases when the DC link voltage is high. In order to overcome this deficiency, a Z-source network is added to the common structure of back to back invertors in the UPQC. It will reduce the applied DC voltage to the series active power filters significantly and decrease the cost of manufacturing. In this structure, an impedance source network is used in an AC/DC inverter to produce a buck-boost effect. Additionally, dead time has been eliminated through the use of a Z source network in the parallel active filter and thus its performance and reliability has increased impressively. In this paper, a comparison study has been conducted through necessary simulations for the performance evaluation of the common and proposed structures. The total switching device power has been used as a criteria to confirm the manufacturing cost reduction in the proposed structure. Manuscript profile
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        37 - Upper and Lower Bounds on ICI Power of FrFT-OFDM Systems in Frequency Selective Time Varying Channels
        Z. Mokhtari M. Sabbaghian
        In this paper, we study the inter carrier interference (ICI) in fractional Fourier transform based orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (FrFT-OFDM) systems. In this analysis, we derive tight upper and lower bounds for ICI power of FrFT-OFDM systems in doubly dispe More
        In this paper, we study the inter carrier interference (ICI) in fractional Fourier transform based orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (FrFT-OFDM) systems. In this analysis, we derive tight upper and lower bounds for ICI power of FrFT-OFDM systems in doubly dispersive channels. These bounds have considerably simpler expressions than the exact ICI formula. Thus, they provide deep and useful insight into the effect of Doppler frequency, symbol duration, channel delay spread, and angle of transform on the ICI power. This analysis confirms that in the special case of flat fast fading channels the FrFT-OFDM and Fourier transform based OFDM (FT-OFDM) systems exhibit analogous performance while in doubly dispersive channels FrFT-OFDM can achieve better performance than single carrier (SC) and FT-OFDM, if the angle of transform is selected accurately. Manuscript profile
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        38 - Analysis and Expansion of a Compact Model of Propagation Delay Time for Nano-CMOS NAND Gates in Response to Statistical Variability of Fabrication
        H.  Jooypa D. Dideban
        With shrinking transistor dimensions into nano meter scale, electrical parameters of transistors become more sensitive against statistical or random variations. Moreover, accurate estimation of these variations using “atomistic simulators” is time consuming and not a co More
        With shrinking transistor dimensions into nano meter scale, electrical parameters of transistors become more sensitive against statistical or random variations. Moreover, accurate estimation of these variations using “atomistic simulators” is time consuming and not a cost effective approach. In this paper for the first time, analytical models have been used to study the impacts of statistical variability of fabrication process on propagation delay time in a 35 nm CMOS NAND gate. With selecting appropriate set from analytical model’s parameters, the impact of statistical variability on the propagation delay time have been modeled and extended. Moreover, target analytical model has been benchmarked against statistical variability of fabrication process. The results obtained from extension of this model have been compared with the accurate atomistic simulations. It is observed that by applying different sets of parameters the maximum error of propagation delay time reaches to 8.7% against accurate atomistic simulations but by applying our proposed approach, Standard Deviation (SD) error of propagation delay is estimated to 2.4%. Also the SD error of propagation delay reaches to 9.9% when normal regenerated parameters have been used. Eventually using proposed algorithm which encompasses regenerated Gaussian parameters while taking the correlation factor into account, the SD error decreases to 1.6%. Manuscript profile
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        39 - Design of a New Observer for Unknown and Variable Input Time-Delay Estimation in Linear SISO Systems
        Hadi Chahkandi Nejad mohsen Farshad Ramazan Havangi
        In this paper, a novel observer is designed for online time delay estimation, in SISO linear systems, with variable and unknown time-delay in control input. It is clear that Laplace transfer function of a delayed system includes a time-delay operator (exponential and no More
        In this paper, a novel observer is designed for online time delay estimation, in SISO linear systems, with variable and unknown time-delay in control input. It is clear that Laplace transfer function of a delayed system includes a time-delay operator (exponential and non-rational). In this article, it is assumed that the only unknown and variable parameter in the system is the system’s time-delay. For designing the proposed observer, first, a Pade approximation is used for exponential operator of time delay to rationalize the system transfer function. Therefore, the new transfer function, which is an approximation of the main transfer function of the system, will include a time-variant delay parameter. After rewriting a state space realization of the mentioned transfer function and considering time delay parameter as an extra state variable, a system with nonlinear state equations will be formed. Eventually, using a Kalman filter, the systems states, such as system time-delay, are estimated. Finally, simulations results show rather desirable performance of the proposed estimator in dealing with unknown and variable time-delays. Manuscript profile
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        40 - Priority-Based Task Scheduling Using Fuzzy System in Mobile Edge Computing
        Entesar Hosseini Mohsen Nickray SH. GH.
        Mobile edge computing (MEC) are new issues to improve latency, capacity and available resources in Mobile cloud computing (MCC). Mobile resources, including battery and CPU, have limited capacity. So enabling computation-intensive and latency-critical applications are i More
        Mobile edge computing (MEC) are new issues to improve latency, capacity and available resources in Mobile cloud computing (MCC). Mobile resources, including battery and CPU, have limited capacity. So enabling computation-intensive and latency-critical applications are important issue in MEC. In this paper, we use a standard three-level system model of mobile devices, edge and cloud, and propose two offloading and scheduling algorithms. A decision-making algorithm for offloading tasks is based on the greedy Knapsack offloading algorithm (GKOA) on the mobile device side, which selects tasks with high power consumption for offloading and it saves energy consumption of the device. On the MEC side, we also present a dynamic scheduling algorithm with fuzzy-based priority task scheduling (FPTS) for prioritizing and scheduling tasks based on two criteria. Numerical results show that our proposed work compared to other methods and reduces the waiting time, latency and system overhead. Also, provides the balance of the system with the least number of resources. And the proposed system reduces battery consumption in the smart device by up to 90%. The results show that more than 92% of tasks are executed successfully in the edge environment. Manuscript profile
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        41 - Cautious Classification of Hyper Rectangular, Hyper Circular, and Hyper Oval with a Maximum Symmetric Margin Relative to the Data Edge
        Yahya Forghani M. Hejazi H. Sadoghi Yazdi
        A robust classification model is a non-standard model for classifying learning based on an uncertain data set. An incautious model is said to have any meaningless answer to any classification model in its possible set of possible solutions. The optimal answer for a caut More
        A robust classification model is a non-standard model for classifying learning based on an uncertain data set. An incautious model is said to have any meaningless answer to any classification model in its possible set of possible solutions. The optimal answer for a cautious robust classification model for a training data set may not be the hyper-page, in which case it will not be possible to classify the data at the test stage. In this paper, incautious robust classification models are introduced and their problems are investigated and then by changing the loss function of a robust classifier, a cautious robust classification model is presented to prevent incautious. The proposed cautious model is standardized and solutions are provided to reduce the training time and test time. In the experiments, the proposed model was compared with some incautious robust models to classification incomplete training data set, and complete definitive training data set. The results showed that in the incomplete data set, the proposed model had less training time and error rate than incautious models. Also, in the complete definitive data set, the proposed model training time and test time were less than incautious models. The results approved that adding caution to a robust classifier is efficient. Manuscript profile
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        42 - Adaptive Non-singular Terminal Sliding Mode Control Based On Disturbance Observer for the Microelectromechanical Vibratory Gyroscope Contro
        M. R. Soltanpour
        In this paper, an adaptive non-singular terminal sliding mode control based on disturbance observer is proposed for detection process and control of the micro-electromechanical vibratory gyroscope stimulation process. For this purpose, the dynamical equations of the vib More
        In this paper, an adaptive non-singular terminal sliding mode control based on disturbance observer is proposed for detection process and control of the micro-electromechanical vibratory gyroscope stimulation process. For this purpose, the dynamical equations of the vibrational gyroscope system are initially expressed. In the following, the dynamical equations of this system are transmitted to the domain of state-space equations and then to the domain of tracking error. After that, the dynamic structure of the finite time disturbance observer is presented. Then, the design of the adaptive non-singular terminal sliding mode control based on finite time disturbance observer is expressed. The proposed strategy carries out the control of the stimulation process in the presence of structured and un-structured uncertainties existing in the dynamic equations of the microelectromechanical vibrational gyroscope system, and performs the detection process through only an adaptive law. The mathematical proof shows that the closed-loop system with the proposed control, and in the presence of the existing uncertainties, has the finite time global asymptotic stability. The presence of a disturbance observer in the proposed control structure will weaken the role of un-structured uncertainties in the gyroscope control process and reduce the control input amplitude. In order to evaluate the proposed control performance, simulations in 3 steps are implemented on the electromechanical vibrational gyroscope system. Simulation results confirm the desired performance of the proposed control. Manuscript profile
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        43 - Spatio-Temporal Prediction of Vegetation Dynamics Based on Remote Sensing Data Using Deep Learning
        Elham Zangeneh H. Mashayekhi Saeed Gharachelo
        Understanding and analyzing spatial-temporal data changes is very important in various applications, including the protection and development of natural resources. In the past studies, Markov process and comparison-based methods were mainly used to predict the changes o More
        Understanding and analyzing spatial-temporal data changes is very important in various applications, including the protection and development of natural resources. In the past studies, Markov process and comparison-based methods were mainly used to predict the changes of vegetation indices, whose accuracy still needs improvement. Although time series analysis has been used to predict some indices, the method to extract these indices from remote sensing data and model their sequences with deep learning is rarely observed. In this article, a method for predicting changes in plant indices based on deep learning is presented. The research data includes Landsat satellite images from 2000 to 2018, related to four seasons in the north and east of Shahrood city in Semnan province. The time span of the extracted images makes it possible to predict changes in vegetation cover. Vegetation indices extracted from the data set are NDVI, SAVI and RVI. After performing atmospheric corrections on the images, the desired indicators are extracted and then the data is converted into a time series. Finally, the modeling of the sequence of these data is performed by the Short-Long-Term Memory (LSTM) network. The results of the experiments show that the deep network is able to predict future values with high accuracy. The amount of the model error without additional data is 0.03 for the NDVI index, 0.02 for the SAVI index, and 0.06 for the RVI index. Manuscript profile
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        44 - Analysis of Slew Rate and Settling Time in Two Stage CMOS Operational Amplifiers with Cascode Compensation
        hannane Gholamntaj habib Adarang seyed saleh Mohseni seyed saleh Ghoreishi
        Slew rate and settling time are the important parameters in opamps with feedback. In this paper, the slew rate and settling time of the fully differential two stages folded cascade architecture amplifier with cascade compensation is analyzed. An important characteristic More
        Slew rate and settling time are the important parameters in opamps with feedback. In this paper, the slew rate and settling time of the fully differential two stages folded cascade architecture amplifier with cascade compensation is analyzed. An important characteristic of the proposed analytical model is that the behavior of the transistors is examined in detail after applying the step in the input, and it is shown that the settling time as well as slew rate would depend on the size of the input step. The performed analysis can be beneficial for design and manual calculations in integrated circuits. Moreover, circuit level simulation is used to validate the analytical results with particular emphasis on slew rate and settling time. Simulations results show excellent conformance between the analytical equations and the simulation results. Manuscript profile
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        45 - Analysis of SettlingTime in Charge Pump Phase-Locked loops regarding Non-ideal Effect
        hadi dehbovid habib Adarang hamidreza rabiee
        Phase locked loops (PLL) are widely used in telecommunication systems. Frequency characteristics and settling time are the two most important features of PLLs. In phase lock loops, several nonlinear factors can be considered, one of which is the nonlinear behavior of th More
        Phase locked loops (PLL) are widely used in telecommunication systems. Frequency characteristics and settling time are the two most important features of PLLs. In phase lock loops, several nonlinear factors can be considered, one of which is the nonlinear behavior of the phase detector. In fact, load pump phase locking loops (CPPLL) are nonlinear systems due to the nonlinear behavior generated by the load pump. Although the applied current is fixed in an ideal load pump, this is not fixed in practice because of the non-ideal behavior of the transistors. In this paper, considering the channel length modulation (CLM) effect caused by the drain-source voltage of MOSFET transistor, a more accurate model is presented for the phase detector. By investigating the non-linear differential equation dominating the system and using the step-response approximation for the transient time analysis, new equations are obtained for the settling time and overshooting. In order to check the validity of the specified non-linear equations, the simulation was conducted in MATLAB Simulink. Moreover, in order to better assess the proposed method, the performance of a PLL subjected to the transistor’s drain-source voltage has been simulated and the effect of the different loop parameters, such as the loop’s resistor and current has been investigated. The final results showed the appropriate accordance of the analytical equations with the simulation results. Manuscript profile
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        46 - Using Shunpikes: Women's Strategy for Overcoming Social Constraints in Tourism
        hamed bakhshi fatemeh atri
        The current paper examines the differences between men's and women's tourism experiences as an aspect of leisure. Four factors, including normative restrictions, female roles, economic weakness, and lack of security feeling, lead women to regulate their tourism travels More
        The current paper examines the differences between men's and women's tourism experiences as an aspect of leisure. Four factors, including normative restrictions, female roles, economic weakness, and lack of security feeling, lead women to regulate their tourism travels different from men. For this purpose, the data of the National Survey of Values, Attitudes and Behavior of Tourism in Iran, with a sample size of 5009 people from all provinces of the country, were secondary analyzed. Eight hypotheses related to tourism motivations and behaviors, including having tourism experience, and choosing accommodation, vehicle and tour, were compared between men and women. The results showed that women who traveled alone or with their friends/colleagues, comparing with men, traveled more with tours, less by personal cars, less for recreation purpose, and more for pilgrimage motivation. Women were more likely to travel for visiting relatives when they were alone, and were less likely to camp in trips when traveled with their friends or colleagues. Although the frequency of women who traveled alone or with friends/colleagues were less than men, since their trips with families and relatives were more than men, the total amount of domestic travel by women were not significantly less than men. While the number of foreign trips of women were less than men, the frequency of foreign trips of employed women were not significantly different with men. It seems that despite the serious shortcomings in the quality of women's tourism experience compared to men, by using structural and normative shunpikes, they tried to compensate it. Manuscript profile
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        47 - Effect of Cognitive Load and Task Duration on Time Perception
        ALI Shahabifar Seyed Mehdi Hosseinifard Ata-o-llah Movahediniad
        The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of cognitive load and task duration and interaction of these variables on time perception. The research method was quasi-experimental. The population of this research was school students, university students, and perso More
        The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of cognitive load and task duration and interaction of these variables on time perception. The research method was quasi-experimental. The population of this research was school students, university students, and personnel of organizations of Kerman city in 2018 and among them, 300 persons (150 males and 150 females) were selected by available sampling method. The time reproduction task was used for obtaining data. The results showed that the main effect of cognitive load and task duration and interactive effect of these variables on time perception were significant (p<0.01). Cognitive load and increase of the task duration affect time perception in the form of increasing the amount of time reproduction error. Manuscript profile
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        48 - Attenuating the Effect of Sensory Modality on Time Perception
        MohammadAli Nazari hassan sabourimoghaddam Reza khosrowabadi Hossein Sepasi Moghaddam Seyed Shahriar  Arab
        In psychophysics domain, various factors have been studied as the main account of the time contraction after stimulus repetition and the time expansion after a novel stimulus; however, there is no clear explanation about the amount of involvement of temporal and non-tem More
        In psychophysics domain, various factors have been studied as the main account of the time contraction after stimulus repetition and the time expansion after a novel stimulus; however, there is no clear explanation about the amount of involvement of temporal and non-temporal features. In this study, 48 sub-jects participated in 3 experiments in which the purer role of temporal properties of stimului were examined. Data were provided by a tem-poral oddball paradigm and the analysis was implemented by repeated measures analysis of variance in experiments 1 and 3. In experiment 2, a psychometric function was used to deter-mine the modified estimations in temporal pro-cessing system. Findings showed that despite removing the non-temporal change in expe-riment 1, the temporal change between repea-ted/non-repeated stimuli can produce time con-traction and dilation respectively. The result was only for the auditory system. In experi-ment 2, an efficient threshold for temporal oddball was suggested. Using the updated threshold, experiment 3 revealed concordant repeated/non-repeated effects on time percep-tion in both modalities. Manuscript profile
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        49 - A case study of carbonate reservoir permeability determination using NMR log in one of the southwestern fields of Iran
          Bahram Habibnia
        Permeability is one of the most important parameters for characterization of hydrocarbon reservoirs that has a basic role in almost all of the petroleum engineering problems. Determination of reservoir permeability is usually done in core laboratories in a time consumin More
        Permeability is one of the most important parameters for characterization of hydrocarbon reservoirs that has a basic role in almost all of the petroleum engineering problems. Determination of reservoir permeability is usually done in core laboratories in a time consuming process. In the well test, the obtained average permeability is related to the drainage area. Due to cost, these two methods are not performed in the all wells, whereas well logging tools are generally performed in all wells. With progress of well logging tools, some researchers tried to estimate permeability from special well logs such as NMR directly. The data obtained from NMR was used as lithology independent data to estimate the water saturation and porosity, and also for analysis of pore space. One of the important parameters obtained from NMR is the transversal relaxation time (T2). In this work, NMR log measurement in a carbonate field was used to estimate the permeability using Timur, SDR and regression models. The results of the methods were compared against core permeability. The results show that SDR method is more accurate with the accuracy of 44.1% and the error of 23.12%. Manuscript profile
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        50 - Etymology of Fourth Dimension in the View of Muslim Mutikallimūn (Abū Isḥāq Naẓẓām, Ibn al-Rāwandī, Abū Sahl ‘Abbād, and Muḥaqiq Ṭūsī)
        Mahdi Assadi
        The fourth dimension is one of the problems that have left the borderlines of philosophy behind and are now among the main concerns of physicists. However, the accurate background and history of this view are still clouded. The roots of the fourth dimension can be trace More
        The fourth dimension is one of the problems that have left the borderlines of philosophy behind and are now among the main concerns of physicists. However, the accurate background and history of this view are still clouded. The roots of the fourth dimension can be traced back to the works and ideas of some thinkers of the Middle Ages, such as Anselm, in Western philosophy, although there is no explicit reference in this regard in their works. The roots of the fourth dimension have also been found in the works of Mullā Ṣadrā in Iranian philosophical society. This paper aims to demonstrate that there are some clearly explicit statements about the fourth dimension in the works of Khwājah Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī in the Islamic world before Mullā Ṣadrā. The author has found no direct statement in this respect in first-hand sources; however, some ideas have been attributed in second-hand sources to some of the mutikallimūn of the Islamic world, including Naẓẓām, Ibn Rāwandī, and ‘Abbād, that focus on four-dimensionalism. Following a historical approach, this paper has compiled the views of these thinkers and analyzed them based on a rational approach. Manuscript profile
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        51 - An Investigation of Ways for Best Using Leisure Time based on the Quran and Hadiths and Its Role on Health
        Ahmad Abbasi Darrebidi seyyed ahmad mahmoudian
        Leisure time provides a good ground for the uplifting and growth of one’s personality as well as giving direction to one’s life and improvement of health. It is an important part of life and attention has also be paid to it in the Holy Quran. In Islamic teachings, healt More
        Leisure time provides a good ground for the uplifting and growth of one’s personality as well as giving direction to one’s life and improvement of health. It is an important part of life and attention has also be paid to it in the Holy Quran. In Islamic teachings, healthy leisure activities and in spending time in nature has been emphasized. So leisure time is of great importance in life and especially in one’s health. This research, conducted through the document-based method using library sources, aims to reach strategies for spending leisure time based on the teachings of the Quran and the Infallible (AS). Some of the strategies offered in these teachings include doing sports, spending time in nature, and doing religious activities like visiting family members and visiting religious sites. These strategies not only fill one’s leisure time appropriately, but also help to maintain and improve health in individuals and society. Proper planning for leisure time based on religious teachings and scientific facts is an effective way for best spending one’s leisure time in order to achieve cheerfulness, spirituality, and health in family and society. Manuscript profile
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        52 - A Comparison of the Immateriality of Sensory and Imaginal Perceptions with the Growing Block View of Time
        Mahdi Assadi
        One of the important problems that has remained untouched in Sadrian philosophy is the growing block view of time. On the basis of the growing view of time is the non-existence of future, while the past and present have their fixed places. Muslim philosophers have not d More
        One of the important problems that has remained untouched in Sadrian philosophy is the growing block view of time. On the basis of the growing view of time is the non-existence of future, while the past and present have their fixed places. Muslim philosophers have not directly addressed this idea; however, it seems to be necessary for demonstrating some statements of Sadrian philosophers about the immateriality of sensory and imaginal perceptions and memory. When we perceive something using our senses or imagination, the perception remains in our mind exactly in the same way that it had appeared. This paper is intended to illustrate that this view is, in fact, unrelated to immateriality and, in case of admissibility of its arguments, can only prove the growing block view of time. In line with this approach, the author has critically examined the literature on this theory in pre-Sadrian philosophers, particularly Suhrawardī’s claim as to attributing the idea of the growing block to some thinkers. Suhrawardī maintains that, as each of the motions has come into existence, so the whole of the motions have come into existence, and they are together in existence. Manuscript profile
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        53 - Mullā Ṣadrā and the Problem of Imaginary Time
        Huda Habibimanesh shamsollah seraj Maijd  Ziaei
        One of the most controversial philosophical-kalami issues in the history of Islamic philosophy has always been the analysis of the problem of the origination and pre-eternity of the world. Most Muslim mutikallimūn believe in the temporal origination of the world and con More
        One of the most controversial philosophical-kalami issues in the history of Islamic philosophy has always been the analysis of the problem of the origination and pre-eternity of the world. Most Muslim mutikallimūn believe in the temporal origination of the world and consider the pre-universe time to be “imaginary”. As the most supreme philosopher of the Transcendent Philosophy, Mullā Ṣadrā has also discussed imaginary time in different places in his works. He has adopted two different approaches to this theory but does not express his view explicitly. The present study explains Mullā Ṣadrā’s opinions regarding the theory of imaginary time and his two approaches in this respect in order to answer the question of what his ultimate standpoint regarding imaginary time is. In order to accomplish this task, the authors have referred to the scattered discussions in his works and, after studying and explaining the relationships between them and combining them with each other, have provided a description of Mullā Ṣadrā’s ultimate view. Although in some places he tries to justify the theory of imaginary time based on his own principles, given his explicit statements on negating an intermediary between the world of being and Almighty Necessary as well as his demonstration of the existence of time and rejection of the arguments of deniers of time, it can be concluded that his ultimate view here is the negation of imaginary time. Manuscript profile
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        54 - An Algorithm for Optimal Control of a Class of Linear Time Varying Systems with Computational Time Reduction and Increasing Its Speed Approach in Engineering Problems
        Mehdi Yousefi Tabari Zahra Rahmani Ali Vahidian Kamyad Seyed Jalil Sadati
        Time-delay systems have been very much considered in the last few decades. Many of these time-delay systems appear in different systems and branches of science such as engineering, chemistry, physics, disease models. The presence of delay makes the analysis and control More
        Time-delay systems have been very much considered in the last few decades. Many of these time-delay systems appear in different systems and branches of science such as engineering, chemistry, physics, disease models. The presence of delay makes the analysis and control of such systems much more complicated. In fact, the application of Pontryagin’s maximum principle to the optimal control problems with time-delay results in boundary value problem involving both delay and advance terms. In this paper, we consider a time-delay optimal control problems. The first section, using the Pontryagin's maximum principle for optimal control problems with time delay, the necessary optimality conditions for this problem, are obtained. Then a new algorithm is proposed to solve this problem numerically. This algorithm is based on an approximation for derivatives and linear interpolation for delayed arguments. Finally, the resulting equations becomes a linear programming problem that can be solved numerically. The efficiency of the proposed method is evaluated by solving several numerical examples. Manuscript profile
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        55 - Optimal Selection of Industrial Building Systems using Analytic Hierarchy Process: A Case Study in Schools of Kerman Province
        Amirabbas Abouei Mehrizi Hamzeh Dehghani
        Objective: The aim of this research is to select the optimal industrial building systems in the schools of Kerman province using the hierarchical analysis. necessity: Industrialization of buildings as systematic method to improve the quality and speed of construction h More
        Objective: The aim of this research is to select the optimal industrial building systems in the schools of Kerman province using the hierarchical analysis. necessity: Industrialization of buildings as systematic method to improve the quality and speed of construction has been considered by construction policymakers. in recent years, industrialization is policies the School Renovation, Development and Equipping Organization. Methodology: Four main criteria and twenty sub-criteria were identified to evaluate industrial systems suitable for schools. According to the eleventh national building regulations, lightweight steel frame (LSF), prefabricated concrete buildings, reinforced concrete structural wall system with permanent insulation mold and three-dimensional prefabricated panel system have been used for evaluation. In this research, the hierarchical analysis process approach has been used in order to rank the effective factors in the optimal selection of industrial building systems in the schools of Kerman province. Findings: the data analysis was done using the hierarchical method. The results show that LSF with a score of 0.303 is the most suitable option. the score of prefabricated concrete building system, three-dimensional style prefabricated panel system and reinforced concrete structural wall system with permanent insulation mold were obtained as 0.266, 0.22 and 0.21 respectively. Conclusion: Four main criteria have been used in this research. The results obtained from the data analysis show that the criterion of practicability is the most important criterion with a relative weight of 0.427. according to quality and technical ability, cost and time with relative weights of 0.401, 0.106 and 0.067 were placed in next priorities. Manuscript profile
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        56 - Optimal Design and Analysis of Fault Current Limiter Based on Variable Air-Core Series Reactor
        Moslem Amini Faskhoodi Aliakbar Damaki Aliabad
        With the ongoing growth of the power networks and the increase of the short circuit current level in the power network, it’s necessary to use the equipment for limiting the short circuit faults. One of these equipment is fault current limiters (FCLs) based on variable r More
        With the ongoing growth of the power networks and the increase of the short circuit current level in the power network, it’s necessary to use the equipment for limiting the short circuit faults. One of these equipment is fault current limiters (FCLs) based on variable reactor that they have simple structure and effective performance. This paper presents an optimal design of new fault current limiter based on variable series reactor. It is very important to obtain the optimal dimensions of the proposed FCL to achieve the best performance with considering parameters of the FCL such as performance time, initial inductance and final inductance. Hence, at the first, the proposed plan is introduced and then an analytical modeling based on equations of the reactor is used to evaluate and optimize the proposed FCL. Finally, the results of optimization are compared with results of primary design. These results confirm that the performance of optimal plan is much better than the primary plan. Manuscript profile
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        57 - The effect of Dedollarization on reducing the effect of sanctions and increasing economic integration Case study: exchanges between Iran and ASEAN member countries
        Abialghasem Shahryari
        The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of sanctions on Iran's commercial exchanges and the effect of dollarization on reducing the effect of sanctions. Dependence on the dollar has created many problems such as the devaluation of the national currency More
        The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of sanctions on Iran's commercial exchanges and the effect of dollarization on reducing the effect of sanctions. Dependence on the dollar has created many problems such as the devaluation of the national currency and inflationary shocks, and for this reason, dollarization is a policy to increase the power of central banks, especially for countries like Iran that suffer sanctions. ASEAN is the latest union to approve its de-dollarization measures at the beginning of 2023. The current study aims to investigate Iran-ASEAN trade exchanges and the feasibility of using the dollarization decision to improve Iran's trade exchanges. Therefore, these questions have been raised, what effect have the sanctions had on Iran-ASEAN exchanges? And how will ASEAN's dollarization decision affect Iran-ASEAN exchanges? The research hypothesizes that the embargo has a strong impact on Iran-ASEAN exchanges and dollarization will provide a suitable basis for increasing exchanges. To investigate the current situation, using the time series technique, the period from 2000 to 2020 was investigated and it was determined that the exchanges between Iran and ASEAN were severely affected by the sanctions of 2018 so exports decreased four times in terms of value. Choosing an alternative currency to the dollar and using SWIFT alternative systems will prepare the ground for improving Iran-ASEAN trade exchanges. Manuscript profile
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        58 - Explaining the relationship between the socio-economic base and the way of spending leisure time with an emphasis on stress (a case study of young university graduates living in Karaj)
        sayyed atollah sinaee mahnaz jalili bahram salimi
        Leisure time is a multi-dimensional phenomenon (social, economic and cultural) and it has been affected by the corona virus epidemic. The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between the dimensions of the social and economic base with the various More
        Leisure time is a multi-dimensional phenomenon (social, economic and cultural) and it has been affected by the corona virus epidemic. The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between the dimensions of the social and economic base with the various forms of free time of educated youth, which is based on the lifestyle theory of Pierre Bourdieu and the opinions of Joffre Dumasier. The research method was a survey and the data collection tool was a questionnaire. The statistical population includes young students over the age of 20 living in Karaj in the winter of 2019, of which 400 people were selected as the main sample of the study using a simple random multistage cluster sampling method. The research findings show that the independent variable of socio-economic base had an impact on physical leisure with 0.462, artistic-cultural with 0.597, practical with 0.398, intellectual with 0.473, and social with 0.418. The results show that there is a significant relationship between the socio-economic base and the way young people spend their free time Manuscript profile
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        59 - The Relationship between Work Motivation and Prospective Memory in Female Nurses
        Azadeh Salahshoori Javaad Saalehi
        One memory type which is particularly important in the correct performance of a nurse is prospective memory. Most of the times, the correct performance of a nurse and as a result their patients’ health and life depends on the health and accuracy of their memory. The obj More
        One memory type which is particularly important in the correct performance of a nurse is prospective memory. Most of the times, the correct performance of a nurse and as a result their patients’ health and life depends on the health and accuracy of their memory. The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between work motivation and gender with prospective memory performance in nurses. The present research was a causal-comparative study. The statistical sample of the research consisted of 110 nursing students working in Zanjan hospitals. A simple random sampling method was used to select the subjects. The research tools were Hockman and Oldham&#39;s job satisfaction questionnaire and the researcher-made task. In order to create forgetfulness in people in the studied groups, a researcher-made task was used, which included 12 nursing activities, 6 time-based activities, and 6 event-based activities. The outline of this test was taken from DMDX software which McFarland and Glisky (2009) had used to evaluate time-based prospective memory. Independent t-tests and MANOVA tests were used to analyze the data. The findings indicated that there is a significant relationship between work motivation and prospective memory; in such a way, nurses who had a higher work motivation showed better performance in prospective memory tasks, both time- based and event- based. Manuscript profile
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        60 - Evaluation of Policies for the Timely Implementation of Iran's Government Infrastructure Construction Projects Using System Dynamics (SD) Approach
        Mehrdad HajiEsmaili Ali mohammad Ahmadvand Marzieh  Samadi-Foroushani
        Objective: One of the major challenges in the management of construction projects is the lack of understanding of the mechanisms that cause delays in construction. In the meantime, government infrastructure construction projects have a more complex situation, so that th More
        Objective: One of the major challenges in the management of construction projects is the lack of understanding of the mechanisms that cause delays in construction. In the meantime, government infrastructure construction projects have a more complex situation, so that the success in the timely implementation of a construction project within the framework of government laws is one of the biggest goals and concerns of managers and agents involved in these types of projects. Methodology: It can be the present study identifies the mechanisms of project time delay risks based on system dynamics in order to identify and evaluate policies for the timely implementation of construction projects. For this purpose, first the literature and background were examined and during the semi-structured interview with the participants of the research, the effective factors on the timely implementation of the Iranian government construction project were identified. In the continuation of the dynamic model of the timely implementation of the Anrani project, the simulation was carried out using the data of the infrastructure operation project of the first section of Mobarakeh railway, Sefidasht, Shahrekord. Conclusion: After validation; According to the results of the sensitivity analysis of the system dynamics model, the exploitation policies during the construction project were identified in three strategies of providing project financial resources, project planning and control, and accountability of the project beneficiaries. In the following, it was also designed and applied to the model with selected combined policies. comparing the behavior of key model The combined selected policy Manuscript profile
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        61 - Determining the Location of Lightning Strike Using Electromagnetic Time Reversal (EMTR) Method and Machine Learning
        Abbas Hamedooni Asli m.h. m.
        <p>Determining the location of lightning strikes (LLS) is one of today's challenges in various fields, especially in the fields of electricity and electronics. To determine the location of the lightning strike, classical methods were used previously; however, the use of More
        <p>Determining the location of lightning strikes (LLS) is one of today's challenges in various fields, especially in the fields of electricity and electronics. To determine the location of the lightning strike, classical methods were used previously; however, the use of electromagnetic time reversal (EMTR) method has also become popular recently. According to the calculation of the complete waveform of the field using the EMTR method, the accuracy in determining the location of the lightning strike has significantly increased compared to the traditional methods. In the electromagnetic time reversal method with the help of finite difference time domain (FDTD), the transient electromagnetic field produced by the lightning channel is calculated first. After the time reversal of the wave, it is re-emitted from the sensor or sensors to its source and again with the help of FDTD, The re-emission electromagnetic field in the desired environment is calculated. With the electromagnetic field of the environment, using criteria (such as maximum field amplitude, maximum energy and entropy, etc.), the location of the lightning strike is determined. In traditional methods, it is quite difficult to determine the uniqueness of the final response in environments with different characteristics, and the use of at least three sensors is mandatory. In this paper, to overcome these limitations, a method based on the combination of machine learning and three-dimensional EMTR (3D-FDTD) is proposed to determine the lightning strike location. First, the three-dimensional time domain finite difference method is used to calculate the electromagnetic field of the environment and using EMTR, the back-diffusion electromagnetic field (again with the help of 3D-FDTD) is calculated in the entire environment. In this way, the necessary data for the production of RGB image profiles is prepared. Then VGG19, a pre-trained convolutional neural network (CNN), is used to extract image features. Finally, a fitting layer is used to determine the location of the lightning strike. The proposed method is simulated and implemented in MATLAB and Python, and the results show the effectiveness of the proposed method to determine the location of lightning strikes in a three-dimensional environment without requiring the use of at least three sensors.</p> Manuscript profile
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        62 - Improving the load balancing in Cloud computing using a rapid SFL algorithm (R-SFLA)
        Kiomars Salimi Mahdi Mollamotalebi
        Nowadays, Cloud computing has many applications due to various services. On the other hand, due to rapid growth, resource constraints and final costs, Cloud computing faces with several challenges such as load balancing. The purpose of load balancing is management of th More
        Nowadays, Cloud computing has many applications due to various services. On the other hand, due to rapid growth, resource constraints and final costs, Cloud computing faces with several challenges such as load balancing. The purpose of load balancing is management of the load distribution among the processing nodes in order to have the best usage of resources while having minimum response time for the users’ requests. Several methods for load balancing in Cloud computing have been proposed in the literature. The shuffled frog leaping algorithm for load balancing is a dynamic, evolutionary, and inspired by nature. This paper proposed a modified rapid shuffled frog leaping algorithm (R-SFLA) that converge the defective evolution of frogs rapidly. In order to evaluate the performance of R-SFLA, it is compared to Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm (SFLA) and Augmented Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm (ASFLA) by the overall execution cost, Makespan, response time, and degree of imbalance. The simulation is performed in CloudSim, and the results obtained from the experiments indicated that the proposed algorithm acts more efficient compared to other methods based on the above mentioned factors. Manuscript profile
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        63 - The Effect Of Cognitive Rehabilitation of Inhibitory Control on Hot Executive Functions: Risky Decision Making and Time Perception in Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
        Batool Najjari Alamooti Javid  Peymani Maryam  Bahrami Hidaji Sheida Sodagar nahid Soomer havassi
        Abstract: The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effect of inhibitory control cognitive rehabilitation on hot executive functions: risky decision making and time perception in children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. The resear More
        Abstract: The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effect of inhibitory control cognitive rehabilitation on hot executive functions: risky decision making and time perception in children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. The research design was semi-experimental with a pre-test, post-test and follow-up with a control group. The statistical population includes male and female students between 7 and 12 years old in elementary schools of Tehran in the academic year 2020-2021 who were suffering from attention deficit/ hyperactiv ity disorder. Among them, 30 students were selected by purposeful sampling method and randomly placed in the experimental and control groups. The SNAP-IV Questionnaire, the Computerized Task Risk Analogue Balloon (BART) and the Time Reproduction Computer Task were used to collect information. For data analysis, using SPSS24 software, variance analysis method with repeated measurements was used. The results showed that there is difference in the perfor-mance of the experimen tal group and the control group in the components of: risky decision making and time perception for long-term intervals (P<0.05). However, compared to the control group, no significant difference was shown between the time reproduction component for short-term intervals in the experimental group. According to the results structured games aimed at enhancing interference inhibition and responding can improve hot executive functions, risky decision making and time perception (long-term intervals) in students with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Manuscript profile
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        64 - The Impact of De-Dollarization on Reducing the Impact of Sanctions and Increasing Economic Convergence Case Study: Exchanges between Iran and ASEAN Member Countries
        ابوالقاسم  شهریاری سیدنصراله  حجازی فهیمه  عسگرآبادی
        The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of sanctions on Iranian trade exchanges and the effect of de-dollarization on reducing the effect of sanctions. Dependence on the dollar has created several problems such as the devaluation of the national currency More
        The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of sanctions on Iranian trade exchanges and the effect of de-dollarization on reducing the effect of sanctions. Dependence on the dollar has created several problems such as the devaluation of the national currency and inflationary shocks, and therefore de-dollarization is a policy to increase the power of central banks, especially for countries such as Iran that are under sanctions. ASEAN is the latest union to adopt its de-dollarization measures at the beginning of 2023. The present study seeks to investigate Iran-ASEAN trade and feasibility of using de-dollarization decision to improve Iran's trade exchange. Accordingly, questions have been raised about the impact of sanctions on Iran-ASEAN exchanges? And how ASEAN's de-dollarization decision will affect Iran-ASEAN exchanges. The hypothesis of the research is that sanctions will have a severe impact on Iran-ASEAN exchanges and de-dollarization will provide a suitable ground for increasing trades. To examine the current situation using the time series technique from 2000 to 2020, it was determined that Iran-ASEAN exchanges were severely affected by the 2018 sanctions so that exports have fallen sharply in value. The choice of the dollar alternative currency and the use of alternative SWIFT systems will provide the basis for improving Iran-ASEAN trade exchanges. Manuscript profile
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        65 - Comparing the views of Mulla Sadra material movement and Einstein theory of relativity in terms of force, action and event (time-space)
        Seyed AbdulHossein  Tadain Hossein  Soleimani Amoli Abdullah  Rajaei Litkohi Ismail  Vaez Javadi Amoli
        <p>The concept of space and time are intertwined as dimensions of the natural world, the study of each is dependent on the study of the other in order to obtain a better and greater understanding of both. For a better and more complete explanation of the discussion of s More
        <p>The concept of space and time are intertwined as dimensions of the natural world, the study of each is dependent on the study of the other in order to obtain a better and greater understanding of both. For a better and more complete explanation of the discussion of space and time, we need a discussion of movement, and of course this relationship is two-way, and it is not possible to talk about movement without discussing the discussion of space and time. The aspects of the prism of space, time and motion are invalid without explaining the other two clauses. The purpose of this research is to compare the views of Mulla Sadra essential movement and Einstein's theory of relativity in terms of force, action and event (time-space) and the research is descriptive. It is analytical. The method of collecting information is a library, which has been done by referring to the relevant libraries, extracting files from Mulla Sadra works, articles and other written works on the topic of research. The findings indicated that Sadr al-Mutalahin believed that the essence of things is in motion, and if the essence of things was not in motion, there would be no movement in their symptoms. Because the existence of substance and width outside of our imagination is one and the movement of modernity is existence. There are two types of existence: fixed existence and fluid existence, the existence of the natural world is fluid and modern, which gradually comes into existence and disappears, and at the same time, its unity and personality are preserved. "Einstein" also considers time as the amount of movement and generalizes movement in all universes. And that's why he considers time and space together and to measure anything, he considers time as a fourth dimension.</p> Manuscript profile