• List of Articles Disorder

      • Open Access Article

        1 - The comparison of the effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Clomipramine in treating patients with obsessive compulsive disorders in men and women in the city of Shiraz
        Ali Derakhtkar Fatmemeh Najian Tabriz Hanie Mordadi Arame SafiKhani
        Introduction: The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of ACT and Clomipramine was used to treat OCD and to determine the most effective type of treatment in reducing the symptoms of patients with OCD. Methods: This research was an applied and research project More
        Introduction: The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of ACT and Clomipramine was used to treat OCD and to determine the most effective type of treatment in reducing the symptoms of patients with OCD. Methods: This research was an applied and research project. It was a quasi-experimental study with pre-test, post-test, follow-up, and control groups. The research population was obsessive-compulsive disorder referring to counseling centers in the summer of 2018 and received a definitive diagnosis of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Sampling was done by the access method. Participants were randomly assigned to 3 groups of 15. Subjects were evaluated before and after the intervention by the Yale Brown questionnaire. To analyze the statistical data, analysis of variance (repeated measure) was used by SPSS software version 21. Findings: The findings of this study showed that both types of treatment in the short-term affects the improvement of symptoms of OCD (P<0/01), but in follow-up, ACT treatments maintained their therapeutic effect. Moreover, there was no significant difference between men and women statistically in this study. Conclusion: The findings of this study indicate a more lasting effect of treatment based on acceptance and commitment, and this seems to be important due to the combination of Eastern techniques and Western psychology that makes treatment more effective for Iranian patients. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Five major factors of personality and positive and negative perfectionism as predictor of symptoms of body dysmorphic disorder in adolescent girls
        Niloofar Shahidpoor Fatemeh Ajhdari Farzad Amiri
        The Relationship of Body Dysmorphic Disorder Symtoms with Five Big Factors of Personality and Perfectionism in 18-22 Years Old Girls in Shiraz. Purpose: The aim of the present study is evaluation the relation of body dysmorphic disorder symptoms with five big factors o More
        The Relationship of Body Dysmorphic Disorder Symtoms with Five Big Factors of Personality and Perfectionism in 18-22 Years Old Girls in Shiraz. Purpose: The aim of the present study is evaluation the relation of body dysmorphic disorder symptoms with five big factors of personality and positive and negative perfectionism in 18-22 years old girls in Shiraz. Method: This study was descriptive- correlation type study which was and has been Performed on 300 students girls 18-22 years old of Fatemieh and Shiraz University. Which participants was selected using available convenient sampling method. Data collection instruments were questioners of Body Image Concern Inventory (BICI: Litelton,2005), short NEO form five big factors of personality (NEO- 60),Terry-short positive and negative perfectionism standard questioner and demographic questioner used. The data were analyzed by analysis with using SPSS-21 software. Findings: According to Obtained results based on Pearson correlation cofficiene showed that there is a significant positive correlation between variables neuroticism (B=0/395), extraversion (B=0/144) and agreeableness (B=0/089) with body dysmorphic disorder and there is no significant correlation between variables conscientiousness and openness with body dysmorphic disorder. Body dysmorphic disorder has a significant and negative relationship with negative perfectionism. It means that by increasing negative perfectionism, body dysmorphic disorder also increases and also, Regression analysis results show that negative perfectionism, is the most powerful predictor for body dysmorphic disorder (B=0/477). Furthermore between positive perfectionism with body dysmorphic disorder there is an indirect relationship (B=-0/224) it means that by increasing positive perfectionism component, body dysmorphic disorder decrease. Result Conclusion: obtained results showed that among five big factors of personality, the three most powerful factors of Neuroticism, agreeableness and extraversion are the most powerful predictor of body dysmorphic disorder. Also negative perfectionism can cause to increase disorders,this negative perfectionism can cause exhibit disorders;that this negative perfectionism can be in relation with personality traits variable that is an important element of predicting body dysmorphic disorder causing creation and corroboration of disorder;although personality traits possed with positive perfectionism can explain the revrse result of negative perfectionism. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Investigating and comparision the relationship between early maladaptive schemas and personality disorder in addicted women
        Marzieh Aghaii Hojatollah Javidi Ghasem Naziri
        The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between early maladaptive schemas and characteristics of personality disorders among opioid-dependent women located in Shiraz centers addiction treatment. The research design was correlational. The statistical po More
        The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between early maladaptive schemas and characteristics of personality disorders among opioid-dependent women located in Shiraz centers addiction treatment. The research design was correlational. The statistical population of this study consisted of 43 opioid-dependent women located in Shiraz addiction treatment centers who were selected by available sampling method andanswered the Young Schema Questionnaire (1988) and Millon Clinical Multi-Axis Questionnai (1987) and analyzed with Pearson correlation coefficient, t-test for dependent groups and multivariate regression of the input model. The present study has 2 research questions about the relationship between early maladaptive schemas and characteristics of personality disorders, differences in early maladaptive schemas and characteristics of personality disorders among women. The results showed that there is a significant correlation between early maladaptive schemas and the characteristics of personality disorders. The results of multivariate regression of the entry model also showed that schemas are able to predict the characteristics of personality disorders and also about the differences in characteristics of personality disorders among addicted women, only antisocial personality disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder were significant. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - The effectiveness of acceptance and commitment based therapy on social adjustment, mental turmoil and self-rupturing among people with transgender sexual disorder
        Parvin  Hemmat Afza ferozeh sepehrian Esmaeil Soleymaniyan
        Aim: Gender identity disorders (GID) are heterogeneous disorders that may be influenced by culture and social norms The purpose of the present research was to study the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment based therapy on social adjustment, mental turmoil and sel More
        Aim: Gender identity disorders (GID) are heterogeneous disorders that may be influenced by culture and social norms The purpose of the present research was to study the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment based therapy on social adjustment, mental turmoil and self-rupturing among people with transgender sexual disorder, Materials and Method: this research was a semi-experimental. The sample of the research included 30 individuals with Transgender sexual disorder in well-being organization of north Khorasan, they were selected by available sampling and were placed randomly in experimental and control group randomly. Data were obtained by mental health questionnaire SCL-25, self-rupturing questionnaire of Sadegh-zade et al. (2006), and Bell social adjustment inventory (1961). Findings were analyzed by SPSS software and multi-variate covariance analysis test. Results: The results show that acceptance and commitment based therapy significantly promoted social adjustment and mental turmoil and also reduced self-rupturing among people with transgender sexual disorder (P<0.01). discussion: according to the findings of the research it can be said that utilizing new treatments in psychotherapy and counseling such as acceptance and commitment based therapy may be effective on improving mental state of people with transgender sexual disorder, so due to their special problems in Iran it is necessary to utilize such treatments for them. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - The Role of Child Hyperactivity Disorder in Adult Crime
        Fateme Esfandi
        Background and Aim: ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) is one of the common childhood disorders that can be caused by various factors. If this disorder is not diagnosed and treated on time, it can continue until adulthood and have various consequences for the More
        Background and Aim: ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) is one of the common childhood disorders that can be caused by various factors. If this disorder is not diagnosed and treated on time, it can continue until adulthood and have various consequences for the person. In this article, the relationship between hyperactivity disorder and crime is investigated. Method: This descriptive study was conducted by examining various library sources and interviewing psychologists of exceptional children and social workers of the children's court. Results: As a result of the studies that were done, it can be said that hyperactive children are always at risk of committing crimes due to their inability to voluntarily inhibit their behavior. Lack of timely intervention to treat and solve the problems of children suffering from this disorder causes the transfer of these problems to adulthood, which can lead to increase and continuation of high-risk behaviors and other disorders. Conclusion: Among the different methods of crime prevention, it seems that social prevention and especially developmental crime prevention are effective in preventing children with hyperactivity from committing crimes in the future. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Structural Relationship between Child Abuse and Emotion Dysregulation with Symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder
        Talieh Moosavihondori Majid Mahmoud Alilou Yaser Madani
        This research aims to investigate the structural relationship between child abuse and emotion dysregulation with symptoms of borderline personality disorder three hundred and seventy seven participants were chosen from Shiraz university students through convenience samp More
        This research aims to investigate the structural relationship between child abuse and emotion dysregulation with symptoms of borderline personality disorder three hundred and seventy seven participants were chosen from Shiraz university students through convenience sampling method. All participants completed Child Abuse Questionnaire, Difficulties in Emotion Dysregulation Scale and Schizotypal Trait Questionnaire (B form). Data were analyzed using SMART-PLS software and multiple regression. Findings suggest that among main types of child abuse, neglect relates to symptoms of borderline personality disorder directly and indirectly through emotion dysregulation as mediator variable. In addition, child emotional and sexual abuse both indirectly relate to symptoms of borderline personality disorder, through emotion dysregulation as mediator variable. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Performance of Patients with Major Depressive Disorder in False Memory Task
        Ali Heydari Alireza Moradi Mohammad Hosein Abdollahi Hadi Parhun Yazdan Naderi
        Research data indicates that major depression patients were suffering from deficits in cognitive functions such as memory, attention, information processing. False memory in depression is a challenging issue in this area of research. Investigation of auditory and visual More
        Research data indicates that major depression patients were suffering from deficits in cognitive functions such as memory, attention, information processing. False memory in depression is a challenging issue in this area of research. Investigation of auditory and visual false memory in these patients is the purpose of present article. The selected samples in this causal-compa ative study include 21 patients suffering from major depression according to DSMIV-TR criteria and 21 normal subjects who were matched by age, sex, and socio-economic status. The instruments were included the Beck’s Depression Inventory, the Beck’s Anxiety Inventory, the Visual and Verbal False Memories Tasks which prepared according to the Deese-Roediger- McDe mott’s (DRM) paradigm. The results indicate that depressed patients produced more false memories (both verbal and visual) than the normal control subjects in both verbal and visual tasks. The findings of this research are interpretable within the framework of the cognitive theories of depression. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - The Relationship between mental Security, Social support and Resiliency With Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in the earthquake-affected adolescents In Sarapol-eZahab city
        پروانه شجاعی مهر khodamorad momeni جهانگیر کرمی
        The aim of the current study was to study the relationship between mental security, social support and resiliency with post tramatc stress disor. in the earthquake-affected adolescents In Sarapol-eZahab city. the population was the earthquake-affected adolescents in Sar More
        The aim of the current study was to study the relationship between mental security, social support and resiliency with post tramatc stress disor. in the earthquake-affected adolescents In Sarapol-eZahab city. the population was the earthquake-affected adolescents in Sarapol-eZahab city. Thus, 130 student at sarpol-e zahab city girls and boys high schools were chosen by available sampling and Targeted with research topice as a sample. The research method, was Descriptive of the type correlation and the study tools included mental security logbook (Aminpour (2007) Retrieved from Maslow (1973), social support scale Sherborne and Stewart (1991), Conor & Davidson resiliency Scale (2003) and revised scale The events impact of the Weiss and Marmer (1997). The Data Was analyzed by using pearson correlation coefficient And stepwise regression analysis. Results revealed that, between mental Security Whit post-traumatic stress disorder, between social support and ptsd and between resiliency with ptsd there was a negative relationship. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - The structural model of obsessive-compulsive disorder based on maladaptive perfectionism and Parental psychological control in a nonclinical population
        شهرام وکیلی هریس Sholeh  Livarjani Naeimeh  Moheb
        The purpose of the current study is investigate the mediating role of Personal maladaptive perfectionism and parental psychological control in the relationship between parental maladaptive perfectionism whit obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), using structural equation More
        The purpose of the current study is investigate the mediating role of Personal maladaptive perfectionism and parental psychological control in the relationship between parental maladaptive perfectionism whit obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), using structural equation modeling (SEM). The research design is descriptive-correlation study. The participants were 586 students of Islamic Azad University Tabriz Branch, University of Tabriz and Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University in Iran whom were selected using cluster sampling method. Data were gathered by Obsessive Compulsive Inventory Revised (OCI-R), Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (FMPS) and Dependency-Oriented and Achievement-Oriented Psychological Control Scale (DAPCS) and were analyzed by SPSS and AMOS V. 24. SEM confirmed the proposed model (χ2 /df = 1.94, RMSEA = 0.04, CFI = 0.97, GFI = 0.96, AGFI = 0.94) and indicated that parental maladaptive perfectionism with Personal maladaptive perfectionism and parental psychological control mediation affects OCD with standard coefficient of 0.47 at a significant at the P˂0.05 level. The findings, supporting the theoretical model, proposes a suitable framework for psychopathology of the disorder that emphasizes Parental maladaptive perfectionism anticipates the obsessive-compulsive disorder through parental psychological control and Personal maladaptive perfectionism. These findings, can be useful in developing etiology, efficacious therapeutic interventions and the prevention for OCD. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - The Role of Pathological Personality Traits, Early Maladaptive Schemas and Emotional Schemas in Predicting Personality Disorders of Cluster “C”
        Behnaz Shid Anbarani Alireza Gol Hamidreza  Aghamohammadian Sharbaf Sajjad Namvar Mohammad  Khakshour Kameh Olya
        Due to the high prevalence of personality disorders and the change of personality disorder classification model in DSM-5, the purpose of this study was to investigate the role of pathological (morbid) personality traits, early maladaptive schemas and emotional schemas i More
        Due to the high prevalence of personality disorders and the change of personality disorder classification model in DSM-5, the purpose of this study was to investigate the role of pathological (morbid) personality traits, early maladaptive schemas and emotional schemas in predicting C-Cluster personality disorders. This is a descriptive correlational study. The sample is 359 (230 females and 129 males) who were selected from the age range of 18-50 years in Mashhad. The research instruments were Personality Disorder Questionnaire (PDQ-4), DSM-5 Personality Questionnaire (PID-5), Early Maladaptive Schemas Questionnaire (YSQ) and Lay Emotional Schema Scale (LESS). Descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation and stepwise multiple regression analysis were used for data analysis. Data were analyzed by SPSS-23 software. The findings of this study showed that the variables of control, impaired autonomy, disinhibition, rumination, negative affectivity, consensus, and rationality are significantly capable of predicting dependent personality disorder and the variables of control, disconnection and rejection, guilt and shame, expression, negative affectivity, higher values, and duration have significant predictive power of avoidant personality disorder. variables of negative affectivity, simplistic view of emotion, psychoticism, higher values, disinhibition, and guilt and shame significantly predict the obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. It can be concluded that morbid personality traits, early maladaptive schemas, and emotional schemas play a significant role in predicting personality disorders of cluster “C”. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - The Relationship between Self-Regulation Processes and Severity of Obsessive- Compulsive Personality Disorder Symptoms: the Role of Conscientiousness
        Maryam Karimpour Mohammad Naghi Farahani Hamid Khanipour
        This study was aimed to investigate the relationship between self-regulation processes and the symptom severity of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder according to conscientiousness in non-clinical sample. 210 Iranian students of Tehran province universities (147 More
        This study was aimed to investigate the relationship between self-regulation processes and the symptom severity of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder according to conscientiousness in non-clinical sample. 210 Iranian students of Tehran province universities (147 women and 63 men) were selected by available sampling and completed following scales: Mindful Attention Awareness Scale , Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder Questionnaire, Integrative Self-Knowledge Scale, Brief Self-Control Scale and 10 questions of conscientiousness from Goldberg Big 5 Personality Scale. The analysis path method showed the mediator role of conscientiousness in relationship between mindfulness and self-control with symptom severity of OCPD. Mindfulness was directly related to symptom severity of OCPD and conscientiousness played the mediator role between mindfulness and self-control with symptom severity of OCPD. It can be concluded that mindfulness may play the protective role against the nonclinical OCPD symptoms and high level of self-control in the individuals with pathological levels of conscientiousness may underlie OCPD symptoms. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - model of contrast avoidance of Generalized anxiety disorder in people with symptoms of Generalized anxiety disorder
        masumeh shafiei فاطمه رضایی Massoud Sadeghi
        The aim of this study was to develop a model of of contrast avoidance of Generalized anxiety disorder in people with symptoms of Generalized anxiety disorder. .The present study is a correlation of structural equation modeling, The statistical population included 415 in More
        The aim of this study was to develop a model of of contrast avoidance of Generalized anxiety disorder in people with symptoms of Generalized anxiety disorder. .The present study is a correlation of structural equation modeling, The statistical population included 415 individuals with symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder The statistical population of the study included 415 individuals with symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. And questionnaires Neuroticism, interpersonal problems, Contrast Avoidance of Worry and generalized anxiety were used. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation and structural equation And wereanalyzed using AMOS and SPSS software. the results showed that The proposed model fits well. In this model, neuroticism, interpersonal problems, and Contrast Avoidance of Worry had a direct and significant effect on the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. But Childhood Trauma and Emotional Contrast Avoidance did not have a direct and significant effect on the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. Interpersonal problems and Contrast Avoidance of Worry also significantly mediated between neuroticism and symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder and Interpersonal problems and Contrast Avoidance of Worry significantly mediated between childhood trauma and symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. According to the research findings, the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder are affected by childhood trauma, neuroticism, interpersonal problems, and Contrast Avoidance of Worry. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - The Relationship between Mental Security, Social Support and Resiliency with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
        Parvane Shojaeimehr Khodamorad Momeni Jahangir Karami
        The aim of the current study was to study the the relationship between mental security, social support and resiliency with post traumatic stress disorder. Thus, 130 students in Sarpol-e Zahab city who were at high schools were chosen using convenient sampling method More
        The aim of the current study was to study the the relationship between mental security, social support and resiliency with post traumatic stress disorder. Thus, 130 students in Sarpol-e Zahab city who were at high schools were chosen using convenient sampling method the sample was proportional to demographic share of each region. The research method, was descriptive and correlation, and the scales included were Mental Security Logbook (Aminpour-retrieved from Maslow, Social Support Scale Sherborne and Stewart, Conor & Davidson Resiliency Scale and revised scale The Events Impact of the Weiss and Marmer. The data was analyzed using pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis. Results revealed that, there was a negative relationship between mental security with post-traumatic stress disorder, between social support and ptsd, and between resiliency with ptsd. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - The Structural Model of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Based on Maladaptive Perfectionism and Parental Psychological Control
        Shahram Vakiliheris Sholeh  Livarjani Naeimeh Moheb
        The purpose of the current study is to investigate the mediating role of Personal maladaptive perfectionism and parental psychological control in the relationship between parental maladaptive perfectionism with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), using structural equat More
        The purpose of the current study is to investigate the mediating role of Personal maladaptive perfectionism and parental psychological control in the relationship between parental maladaptive perfectionism with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), using structural equation modeling (SEM). The research design is descriptive-correlation study. The participants were 586 students of Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch, University of Tabriz, and Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University in Iran selected using the cluster sampling method. Data were gathered by Obsessive Compulsive Inventory Revised (OCI-R), Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (FMPS), and Dependency-Oriented and Achievement-Oriented Psychological Control Scale (DAPCS), and were analyzed by SPSS and AMOS V. 24. SEM confirmed the proposed model (χ2 /df = 1.94, RMSEA = 0.04, CFI = 0.97, GFI = 0.96, AGFI = 0.94) and indicated that parental maladaptive perfectionism with Personal maladaptive perfectionism and parental psychological control mediation affects OCD with standard coefficient of 0.47 (P˂0.05). The findings, supporting the theoretical model, propose a suitable framework for psychopathology of the disorders that emphasize Parental maladaptive perfectionism anticipates the obsessive-compulsive disorder through parental psychological control and Personal maladaptive perfectionism. These findings, can be useful in developing etiology, efficacious therapeutic interventions and preventions for OCD. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - The Structural Correlation Modeling of Stress and Eating Disorder by mediating Meaning in Life and Experiential Avoidance.
        Hadi Kheirabadi Mahmoud Jajarmi Abolfazl Bakhshipoor
        The purpose of this study was modeling the relationship between Stress and Eating Disorder by mediating the Meaning of Life and Experiential Avoidance. The research method is descriptive and type of Structural Correlation Modeling. The statistical population of this stu More
        The purpose of this study was modeling the relationship between Stress and Eating Disorder by mediating the Meaning of Life and Experiential Avoidance. The research method is descriptive and type of Structural Correlation Modeling. The statistical population of this study is all studying students at Mashhad Ferdowsi University in 2020.. 387 people were selected from among the studying students by multi-stage cluster sampling method. The participants answered to Eating Attitudes Test (Garner et al., 1979), Multidimensional Experiential Avoidance Questionnaire (Gamez et al., 2011), Meaning of Life Questionnaire (Steger & Shin, 2010) and Student Stress Survey (Ross, Neibling, Heckert, 1999). Data were analyzed by SPSS 23 and AMOS 23 statistical software. P-value was smaller than 0.01 in the Total Effect Model analysis and the Mediation Effect Model analysis. The results of Total Effect Model analysis showed that the variable of Stress was directly and positively correlated with the variable of Eating Disorder. Also, the results of the Mediation Effect Model analysis showed that the variable of Experiential Avoidance mediates positively and partially the relationship between Stress and Eating Disorder. The Meaning of Life mediates negatively and partially the relationship between Stress and Eating Disorder. In addition to conceptualizing Eating Disorder, this study showed the relationship between Stress and Eating Disorder and revealed the role of Experiential Avoidance and the Meaning in life as two underlying and continuing factors that should be considered in the treatment of this disorder. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - The Role of Pathological Traits, Early Maladaptive Schemas and Emotional in Predicting Personality Disorders of Cluster “C”
        Alireza Gol Behnaz Shid Anbarani Hamidreza  Aghamohammadian Sharbaf Sajjad Namvar Tabatabaee Mohammad Khakshour Kameh Olya
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of pathological (morbid) personality traits, early maladaptive and emotional schemas in predicting C-Cluster personality disorders. This is a descriptive correlational study. The sample is 359 (230 females and 129 ma More
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of pathological (morbid) personality traits, early maladaptive and emotional schemas in predicting C-Cluster personality disorders. This is a descriptive correlational study. The sample is 359 (230 females and 129 males) who were selected from the age range of 18-50 years in Mashhad. The research instruments were Personality Disorder Questionnaire (PDQ-4), DSM-5 Personality Inventory (PID-5), Early Maladaptive Schemas Questionnaire (YSQ) and Leahy Emotional Schema Scale (LESS). Descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation and stepwise multiple regression analysis were used for data analysis. The findings of this study showed that the variables of control, impaired autonomy, disinhibition, rumination, negative affectivity, consensus, and rationality are significantly capable of predicting dependent personality disorder and the variables of control, disconnection and rejection, guilt and shame, expression, negative affectivity, higher values, and duration had significant predictive power of avoidant personality disorder. variables of negative affectivity, simplistic view of emotion, psychoticism, higher values, disinhibition, and guilt and shame significantly predict the obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. It can be concluded that morbid personality traits, early maladaptive, and emotional schemas play a significant role in predicting personality disorders of cluster “C”. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        17 - Prevalence of Premenstrual Dysphoric Symptoms in Iranian Women and its Relationship with Difficulty in Emotional Regulation and Change in the Symptoms during COVID-19 Pandemic
        Seyedeh Zahra Mousavi Razieh Khorramabadi
        The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of premenstrual dysphoric disorder in Iranian women, its relationship with difficulty in emotional regulation as well as women's attitudes toward menstruation and the change in the severity of premenstrual dysphori More
        The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of premenstrual dysphoric disorder in Iranian women, its relationship with difficulty in emotional regulation as well as women's attitudes toward menstruation and the change in the severity of premenstrual dysphoric disorder and difficulty in emotion regulation during Covid 19 pandemic. The research method was descriptive-correlational and the statistical population was Iranian women of menstrual age in 2021, from which 287 people were selected. The research tools were demographic information form, difficulty in emotion regulation scale and premenstrual symptoms screening tool. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder were found to be higher than premenstrual syndrome, and most women considered menstruation to be normal for normal health. Symptoms were also unchanged during the Covid 19 Pandemic in most women. The highest frequency of severe premenstrual symptoms was related to fatigue/ lack of energy and the lowest frequency was related to insomnia. Based on regression analysis, difficulty in emotion regulation explained 16% of the changes in premenstrual symptoms and dimensions of difficulties engaging in goal-directed behaviors and lack of emotional clarity together explained 18% of the changes. Therefore, considering the predictive role of emotion regulation, designing interventions to regulate women's emotion may be able to reduce premenstrual symptoms. Manuscript profile
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        18 - Model of Contrast Avoidance of Generalized Anxiety Disorder in People with Symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder
        Masumeh Shafiei فاطمه رضایی Masoud  Sadeghi
        The aim of this study was to develop a model of of contrast avoidance of Generalized anxiety disorder in people with symptoms of Generalized anxiety disorder. .The present study is a correlation of structural equation modeling, The statistical population included 457 in More
        The aim of this study was to develop a model of of contrast avoidance of Generalized anxiety disorder in people with symptoms of Generalized anxiety disorder. .The present study is a correlation of structural equation modeling, The statistical population included 457 individuals with symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. And questionnaires Neuroticism, interpersonal problems, Contrast Avoidance of Worry and generalized anxiety were used. Data were analyzed using structural equation And were analyzed using AMOS and SPSS software. the results showed that The proposed model fits well. In this model, neuroticism, interpersonal problems, and Contrast Avoidance of Worry had a direct and significant effect on the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. But Childhood Trauma and Emotional Contrast Avoidance did not have a direct and significant effect on the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. Interpersonal problems and Contrast Avoidance of Worry also significantly mediated between neuroticism and symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder and Interpersonal problems and Contrast Avoidance of Worry significantly mediated between childhood trauma and symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. According to the research findings, the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder are affected by childhood trauma, neuroticism, interpersonal problems, and Contrast Avoidance of Worry. Manuscript profile
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        19 - The Role of Pathological Personality Traits, Early Maladaptive Schemas and Emotional Schemas in Predicting Personality Disorders of Cluster “B”
        Mohammad Valipour Behnaz Shid Anbarani Fatemeh Davoodi Hamidreza Aghamohamadian Shaerbaf Alireza Gol
        Due to the high prevalence of personality disorders and the change of personality disorder classification model in DSM-5, the purpose of this study was to investigate the role of pathological (morbid) personality traits, early maladaptive schemas and emotional schemas i More
        Due to the high prevalence of personality disorders and the change of personality disorder classification model in DSM-5, the purpose of this study was to investigate the role of pathological (morbid) personality traits, early maladaptive schemas and emotional schemas in predicting B-Cluster personality disorders. This is a descriptive correlational study. The sample is 359 (230 females and 129 males) who were selected in access from the age range of 18-50 years in Mashhad. The research instruments were Personality Disorder Questionnaire (PDQ-4), DSM-5 Personality Questionnaire (PID-5), Early Maladaptive Schemas Questionnaire (YSQ) and Lay Emotional Schema Scale (LESS). Descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation and stepwise multiple regression analysis were used for data analysis. The findings of this study showed that the variables of comprehensibility, disinhibition, consensus, antagonism, impaired limits and psychoticism are significantly capable of predicting antisocial personality disorder and the variables of comprehensibility, control, disinhibition, negative affectivity, rumination, numbness, simplistic view of emotion, blame and duration have significant predictive power of borderline personality disorder and variables of antagonism, guilt, blame, psychoticism, higher values and consensus significantly predict the narcissist personality disorder and variables of consensus, disinhibition, antagonism, negative affectivity, other-directedness, over-vigilance and detachment significantly predict the histrionic personality disorder. It can be concluded that morbid personality traits, early maladaptive schemas, and emotional schemas play a significant role in predicting personality disorders of cluster “B”. Manuscript profile
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        20 - Comparing the implicit and explicit associations of depression, anxiety and food attitudes in people with eating disorders and healthy people
        susan alizadeh fard maryam zalizadeh Ahmad علیپور
        Eating disorder is a complex psychiatric illness that is chronic and debilitating. In recent decades, the cognitive model of eating disorders has been at the forefront of theorizing, research, and treatment. New research uses two distinct theoretical models for explicit More
        Eating disorder is a complex psychiatric illness that is chronic and debilitating. In recent decades, the cognitive model of eating disorders has been at the forefront of theorizing, research, and treatment. New research uses two distinct theoretical models for explicit and implicit information processing and evaluation. The aim of the present study was to compare the implicit and explicit associations of depression, anxiety and food attitudes in people with eating disorders and healthy people. The method of study is descriptive and correlational. The statistical population includes people with eating disorders in Tehran who have referred to medical and counseling centers in the first six months of 1399. The sampling method was cluster accessible and purposeful. The sample size was 300 people who were examined with SCL-90 questionnaires, Ahvaz Eating Disorder Inventory (Sharififard, 1998), Food Attitude Scale (Teachman et al., 2003) and computer-based task of implicit association test (Greenwald et al., 1998). Data were analyzed by using analysis of variance, which showed there is a significant difference between people with eating disorders and healthy people in explicit and implicit association of depression, in implicit association of anxiety, and in explicit association of eating attitudes. The results of regression analysis also showed that only explicit and implicit association of depression, and implicit association of anxiety can significantly predict eating disorder. These results confirm the role of implicit and explicit associations in the clinical field; and helps to better understand eating disorder, to be considered in the development of educational programs and psychological interventions. Manuscript profile
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        21 - An Analysis of the Meaning and Concept of Spiritual Health in Psychology and Mulla Sadra’s Philosophical Doctrines
        Abbas  Ahmadi Saadi
        The concept of spirituality as opposed to materiality and the material world constitutes the main principle of all revealed and non-revealed religions. True existence is spiritual in all religions. Spirituality means having great faith in the existence of transcendent a More
        The concept of spirituality as opposed to materiality and the material world constitutes the main principle of all revealed and non-revealed religions. True existence is spiritual in all religions. Spirituality means having great faith in the existence of transcendent and supernatural truths, which, in Mulla Sadra’s view, have their origin in the unique existence of Almighty Truth. Such a belief grants a specific color and direction to human behaviors and various angles of life, so that individuals will never consider their own being or that of others and the world to be in vain. Rather, it fills them with a pleasant feeling of satisfaction. This concept is not limited to the holy doctrines of a specific religion in psychology, and it is not opposed in this field, either. Based on the principles of his Transcendent Philosophy regarding psychology and the mutual body-soul relation, Mulla Sadra believes that behaviors, physical acts, sciences, and human awareness exercise a profound influence over the human soul and spirit and finally determine their fate in the process of the trans-substantial motion and becoming. Accordingly, one’s spiritual and inner health depends on their awareness and behavior. The science of psychology, particularly humanistic psychology, greatly emphasizes the critical role of spirituality in organizing individuals’ life, character, and behavior. According to some existentialist psychologists, such as Frankl and Jung, mental or spiritual health comprises one of the important elements of a healthy personality. Manuscript profile
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        22 - The relationship between depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder with marital satisfaction in pregnant women In Malekan, 2018
        Fariba AzizNejhad Gholamheydar  Nikkho Saba Mohamad Gh N MAHSA SALIMI KIVI Hojjat Aziznejhad
        Marital satisfaction is one of the factors for progress and achieving life goals while having psychological problems such as depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder can be obstacles to achieving these goals. This study aims to investigate the relationship between d More
        Marital satisfaction is one of the factors for progress and achieving life goals while having psychological problems such as depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder can be obstacles to achieving these goals. This study aims to investigate the relationship between depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder with marital satisfaction in pregnant women in Malekan. This research is descriptive-analytical. The statistical population included primiparous women of Malekan city in 2019. Hundred people were selected from the clients of health centers, using the available sampling method. Data collection tools were the Beck questionnaire to determine the degree of depression, the Madzley Obsessive-compulsive disorder, and Enrich questionnaire to determine marital satisfaction, completed by interview. Data were analyzed by Chi-square, Fisher, Pearson, and multiple linear regressions. The results of multiple linear regression of the effect of depression on marital satisfaction showed that depression had a statistically significant relationship with the subscales of marital satisfaction, relationship, conflict resolution, and ideal distortion. Also, the results of multiple linear regression of the effect of obsession on marital satisfaction showed that obsession had a statistically significant relationship with the subscales of communication and ideal distortion. In conclusion, the present study showed that the relationship between depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder with marital satisfaction is inverse. Marital satisfaction in pregnant women with depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder was lower than in healthy people. Therefore, it should be considered as one of the important priorities to reduce these problems. Manuscript profile
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        23 - Predicting Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Symptoms Based on Personality Factors in Female College Students in Shiraz
        shiva zare Seyed Mehdi Hosseini
        The present study was aimed to examine the personality factors as predictors of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. The present study was a descriptive correlational study. The statistical society of this study included all female college students studying at universities in More
        The present study was aimed to examine the personality factors as predictors of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. The present study was a descriptive correlational study. The statistical society of this study included all female college students studying at universities in Shiraz city during 2019-2020 among which 256 students were selected through multi stage cluster sampling and then questionnaires were distributed among them. In order to collect data were used the Padua Inventory-Washington State University Revision and Hexaco-60 questionnaire. The data were analyzed through Pearson correlation coefficient, multiple linear regression with SPSS-16 software. The results of this study showed that among personality dimensions, honesty/humility, extraversion, agreeableness and conscientiousness have significantly negative correlation with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder symptoms and among them only conscientiousness (Beta=-0.18) could significantly predict Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder symptoms. Based on results of this study it can be concluded that conscientiousness has more important role in predicting Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder symptoms and in vulnerability to this disorder. Since mental health is an important factor in quality of life, psychotherapists can keep these information in mind during diagnosing and therapy sessions. Manuscript profile
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        24 - Investigating the mediating role of cognitive flexibility and cognitive control in the relationship between mindfulness and obsessive-compulsive symptoms in women
        reza chalmeh fatemeh abdolahi
        The present study was conducted to investigate a causal model for identifying the prognosis of obsessive-compulsive disorder based on mindfulness, control and cognitive flexibility in women. The present study was a descriptive correlational study in which the assumed re More
        The present study was conducted to investigate a causal model for identifying the prognosis of obsessive-compulsive disorder based on mindfulness, control and cognitive flexibility in women. The present study was a descriptive correlational study in which the assumed relationships between variables were investigated using the path analysis method. In this model, the mindfulness variable was considered as an exogenous variable, and cognitive control and flexibility were considered as mediating variables and symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder as an endogenous variable. The statistical population included all women aged 18 and over living in Shiraz, of which 150 were selected as a sample group by random sampling. The tools used in this study included Yale Brown obsessive-compulsive disorder questionnaires, Freiburg mindset (short form), and cognitive control and flexibility. The results showed that mindfulness predicts the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder inversely and significantly (β = -0.35). Cognitive flexibility (β = -0.24) and cognitive control (β = -0.23) were also negative and significant predictors of obsessive-compulsive disorder symptoms. Mindfulness was a positive and significant predictor of cognitive control (β = 0.80) and cognitive flexibility (β = 0.60). Finally, cognitive flexibility and cognitive control were able to mediate the role of exogenous and intrinsic variables. Play a child. Accordingly, mindfulness can reduce the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder by affecting the two variables of cognitive flexibility and cognitive control. Mindfulness predicts the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder inversely and significantly. In addition, cognitive flexibility is a negative and significant predictor of symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder; In addition, both cognitive flexibility and cognitive control variables could play a mediating role between exogenous and endogenous variables. Accordingly, mindfulness can reduce the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder by affecting the two variables of cognitive flexibility and cognitive control. Manuscript profile
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        25 - The role of impulse control, irritability and attachment style of mothers in predicting the symptoms of attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder in children
        zahra sepehrinasab sajjad basharpoor seyfollah Aghajani nader hajloo
        The aim of this study was the role of impulse control, irritability and attachment style of mothers in predicting the symptoms of attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder in children. The present study was a descriptive correlational study. 120 mothers of elementary s More
        The aim of this study was the role of impulse control, irritability and attachment style of mothers in predicting the symptoms of attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder in children. The present study was a descriptive correlational study. 120 mothers of elementary school students (65 girls and 55 boys) who were studying in Tehran in the academic year of 2019- 2020 and had symptoms of attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder were selected using the purposive sampling method. Data were collected using the Connerss Parent Questionnaire (1999), the Buss and Plomine Irritability Questionnaire (1984), the Lynham Impulse Control Scale (2006), and the Collins and Read Attachment Styles Questionnaire (1999). To analyzing data, was used Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis. The results of regression analysis showed that the control of impulse, irritability and attachment style of mothers by explaining 58 percent of the variance of the total score of attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder symptoms can predict the criterion variable. These findings indicate that therapists and psychologists pay close attention to the psychological characteristics of mothers in the effectiveness of treatment for the symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children. Manuscript profile
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        26 - Comparative Effectiveness of Meta-Cognitive Therapy (MCT) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) on Decreasing Anxiety and Worry of individuals with Generalized Anxiety Disorder
        mina  Mojtabaei
        The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) and metacognitive therapy (MCT) on reducing anxiety and worry in persons with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). The sample consisted of 25 persons with GAD who were randomly as More
        The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) and metacognitive therapy (MCT) on reducing anxiety and worry in persons with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). The sample consisted of 25 persons with GAD who were randomly assigned to two groups: CBT and MCT. The MCT manual for anxiety has 10 ses-sions and the CBT manual for anxiety has 9 sessions. In this study the participants received 45-60 minutes individual therapy sessions twice per week. They also completed Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and Pennsylvania State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ) pre-test and post-test. The results indicated that metacognitive therapy was more effective than cognitive behavior the-rapy in decreasing anxiety and worry (P<0.05); However, compared to cognitive behavioral the -rapy, metacognitive therapy, was clinically more effective in reducing worry only. Manuscript profile
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        27 - "Role of Childhood Maltreatment and Alexithymia in Predicting Borderline Personality Disorder: A Study in a Non-Clinical Population "
        Turaj Hashemi محمد امین شریفی Abbas Bakhshipour Majid Mahmoud Alilou Mansor Beyrami
        Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a multidimensional and heterogeneous disorder. Research has shown substantially in the last three decades that child abuse is a pathogenic factor for borderline personality disorder. The main purpose of this study was to predict More
        Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a multidimensional and heterogeneous disorder. Research has shown substantially in the last three decades that child abuse is a pathogenic factor for borderline personality disorder. The main purpose of this study was to predict the borderline personality disorder on the basis of childhood maltreatment and alexithymia, in nonclinical young adults. In this regard, 413 participants were selected using multistage sampling among all students studying in Tehran University. The Borderline Personality Scale (BPS), Child Abuse Self Report Scale (CASRS), and Toronto Alexi-thymia Scale (TAS-20) were used to measure variables. The raw data collected, was analyzed by structural equation modeling. The findings were similar to results of previous studies. The results indicate that theoretical model has a good fitness and childhood traumatic experiences (specially emotional abuse) and alexithymia are good predictors for borderline personality disorder. In addition, results revealed that alexithymia mediated rela-tionship between maltreatment and BPD symptoms Manuscript profile
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        28 - Prediction of Alexithymia and Interpersonal Problems on the Basis of Attachment Styles
          Pegah Farokhzad Mehrdad Sabet
        The aim of this study was to predict Alexithymia and interpersonal problems on the basis of attachment styles in high school students. The population comprised of the 200 senior high school female students from district 2 of Tehran who were enrolled in 2014-2015 academi More
        The aim of this study was to predict Alexithymia and interpersonal problems on the basis of attachment styles in high school students. The population comprised of the 200 senior high school female students from district 2 of Tehran who were enrolled in 2014-2015 academic year selected by multistage cluster sampling. For data collection Attachment Style Questionnaire (ASQ) by Collins and Reid, Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS), and Inventory of Interpersonal Problems (IPT) were used. Analisis of results based on Pearson correlation and stepwise linear regression showed that significant relationships exist among attachment styles, alexithymia, and inter-personal problems (P<0/01). Furthermore, the attachment components were capable of predicting alexithymia (about 22%) and inter-personal problems (about 27%). Manuscript profile
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        29 - Qualitative Study of Emotional Disorders’ Symptoms in Some Ethnic Groups in Iran
        Mostafa  Zarean Shahriar  Shahidi Fons  van de Vijver Mohsen  Dehghani
        The present study aimed to investigate the cultural dimensions of anxiety and depression in Azeri, Kurd, and Fars (Persian) ethnic groups in Iran. In a cross sectional qualitative design, 44 individuals with emotional problems participated in an in-depth interview inclu More
        The present study aimed to investigate the cultural dimensions of anxiety and depression in Azeri, Kurd, and Fars (Persian) ethnic groups in Iran. In a cross sectional qualitative design, 44 individuals with emotional problems participated in an in-depth interview including perceptions of emotional disorders, their causal factors, and help seeking behaviors. Data were analyzed using conventional content analysis. Primary findings represented relative similarity between these three groups in the reported themes, which could be summarized in three main themes, namely negative emotionality, somatization, and maladaptive cognition. Perceived etiological factors for emotional disorders included more psycho-logical processes rather than social and environmental components. The extracted themes consisted of a heterogeneous set of psychological constructs, and provided further evidence to reiterate the importance of contextual variables such as culture and ethnicity in assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of emotional disorders. Manuscript profile
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        30 - bliography of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
        Ahmad Behpajooh Hamed Maghrebi
        ندارد Manuscript profile
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        31 - Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Group Therapy on Binge Eating and Body Image Concerns in Sufferers of Binge Eating Disorder
        Sadrollah Khosravi sahar esmaeili
        The purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy of acceptance and commitment therapy on binge eating and body image concerns in sufferers of binge eating disorder. The research method was quasi-experimental with pretest-posttest with experimental and control gro More
        The purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy of acceptance and commitment therapy on binge eating and body image concerns in sufferers of binge eating disorder. The research method was quasi-experimental with pretest-posttest with experimental and control groups. The population of the study consisted of all the clients who were referred to Shiraz weight loss clinics from January to March 2018. Among the patients diagnosed with binge eating disorder, 30 clients were selected using purposive sampling method and administered Binge Eating Scale and Body Image Concern Inventory as pre-tests. They were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. The experimental group received 8 sessions of 90-minutes acceptance and commitment therapy, and were tested again. The results showed that there was a significant difference between pre-test and post-test in the level of binge eating disorder symptoms and body image concerns in this group. This study showed that acceptance and commitment group therapy is effective in reducing binge eating and body image concerns in sufferers of binge eating disorder. Manuscript profile
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        32 - The Role of Corona Involvement Severity and Corona Stress in Predicting Oppositional Defiant Disorder Mediated by Parental Aggression
        Ziba Kasbi
        This study was done aimed to investigate the role of corona involvement severity and corona stress in predicting oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) mediated by parental aggression. The method of this study was descriptive and path analysis. The statistical population i More
        This study was done aimed to investigate the role of corona involvement severity and corona stress in predicting oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) mediated by parental aggression. The method of this study was descriptive and path analysis. The statistical population included all children and adolescents with ODD of Hormozgan province in 2021, whose parents requested counseling services due to their child's defiant problems that 260 subject were selected using convenience sampling method. Corona Stress Scale (CSS-18), Oppositional Defiant Disorder Rating Scale (ODDRS), Ahvaz Aggression Questionnaire (AAQ), and a researcher-made question to measure the involvement severity of corona disease were used for gathering data. Data Analyzing was conducted with Pearson correlation and path analysis and also SPSS-26 and AMOS-23 software. The results showed that the involvement severity with corona disease (0.20), corona stress (0.27) and aggression (0.25) can predict the symptoms of ODD. The involvement severity with corona disease (0.33) and corona stress (0.32) can predict aggression. The involvement severity with corona disease (0.08) and corona stress (0.08) can indirectly predict the syndrome of ODD through the mediation of aggression. According to the findings, it can be concluded that the corona involvement severity and corona stress in parents can directly and indirectly develop the symptoms of ODD in children by increasing aggression in parents. Manuscript profile
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        33 - The Prediction of Personality Disorders based on Complex Trauma and Object Relations with the Mediating of Ego Empowerment in Student teachers
        Jamshid Jarareh Omid Seifouri
        The aim of this study was to examine the prediction of personality disorders based on complex trauma and object relations with the mediating of ego empowerment. The research method was descriptive-correlational. The statistical population of the present study was all ma More
        The aim of this study was to examine the prediction of personality disorders based on complex trauma and object relations with the mediating of ego empowerment. The research method was descriptive-correlational. The statistical population of the present study was all male and female undergraduate students of Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University in Tehran in the first semester of the academic year 2020-2021. A total of 161 girls and boys participated in this study by available random sampling method. To collect research data, Scales of Personality Questionnaire (SCID-II), Bell Object Relationship Questionnaire (BORI), Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ) and Ego Empowerment Scale (PIES) were used. The collected data were analyzed through Pearson correlation coefficient and path analysis. The findings showed Complex trauma and object relationships with the mediating role of ego empowerment predict personality disorders in student-teachers. And there is a relationship between personality disorders and complex trauma, between personality disorders and object relationships, and between personality disorders and ego empowerment in student-teachers. Also, object relationships with the mediating role of ego empowerment predict personality disorders in student-teachers. In general, when a childhood complex trauma and weak object relations with parents develops in the student teachers, the ego also grows poorly, and as a result, the student teachers are exposed to personality disorders Manuscript profile
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        34 - Emotional regulation and resilience in children with attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder
        mahdieh shafieetabar Soghra Akbari Chermahini
        This study aimed to study and compare emotional regulation and resilience in children with and without attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder. The design of the present study is a descriptive and causal-comparative design. The statistical population is 6 to 12 year More
        This study aimed to study and compare emotional regulation and resilience in children with and without attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder. The design of the present study is a descriptive and causal-comparative design. The statistical population is 6 to 12 years old children with and without attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder in Arak. Sixty-one children were selected as the research sample by available and purposeful sampling method (31 children with attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder and 30 normal children). Participants answered the Shields and Cicchetti Emotional Regulation Checklist Questionnaire and the Social-Emotional Assets and Resilience Scales, Parent rating form. Multivariate analysis of variance was used to analyze the data. The present study showed that children with attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder had significantly lower scores than the comparing group in emotional regulation and resilience (P<0.05). The results indicate the negative effect of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder on emotional regulation and resilience in children with this disorder. Manuscript profile
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        35 - The Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy on Difficulties in Emotional Regulation and Cognitive Flexibility in Patients with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
        Farzin Bagheri Sheykhangafshe Maryam Saeedi Vahid  Savabi Niri Zahra  Nakhostin Asef Zeynab  Bourbour
        The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy on difficulties in emotional regulation and cognitive flexibility in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder. The research method was quasi-experimental pre-test-post-test with a More
        The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy on difficulties in emotional regulation and cognitive flexibility in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder. The research method was quasi-experimental pre-test-post-test with a control group. In this study, 30 patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder syndrome were assigned to psychology clinics in Rasht in 2021 as a research sample in two experimental and control groups. Groups were assessed with questionnaires Padua obsessive-compulsive disorder by Sanavio (1988), Gratz & Roemer (2004) difficulties in emotional regulation, and Dennis & Vander Wal (2010) cognitive flexibility. After 10 sessions of 90 minutes of cognitive-behavioral therapy for the experimental group, participants again answered the research questionnaire. Findings showed that cognitive-behavioral therapy significantly reduces the difficulties in emotion regulation (rejection of emotional responses, difficulty in performing purposeful behavior, difficulty in controlling impulse, lack of emotional awareness, limited strategies, lack of Emotional state) and increased cognitive flexibility (P<0.001). Due to the problems that patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder have in emotional and cognitive dimensions, it is necessary to pay more attention to these cases in the treatment process. Manuscript profile
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        36 - A Comparative Study of the Cognitive Profile of Students with Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Comparison of Sensory Processing, Working Memory, Emotional Regulation and Cognitive Flexibility
        Seyed Hamed Hosseinpour khaghani gholamreza Chalabianloo Hasan Bafandeh Gharamaleki
        <p>The present study was conducted with the aim of comparing the performance of cognitive profile functions in children with attention Deficit/hyperactivity disorder and special learning disorder. The statistical population of this descriptive and comparative causal res More
        <p>The present study was conducted with the aim of comparing the performance of cognitive profile functions in children with attention Deficit/hyperactivity disorder and special learning disorder. The statistical population of this descriptive and comparative causal research is all male students (ages 8-12 years old) who were studying in Tabriz city (1399-1400) and by using the purposeful sampling method, 30 students for Each group was selected. The research tools were cognitive flexibility (CFI), sensory processing (SPM), child and adolescent emotional regulation (ERQ-CA) and working memory questionnaires by Daneman and Carpenter. In order to analyze the data, descriptive indices and multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) were used. The results showed that there is a significant difference between the performance of the studied groups and their subscales (F=263.946, P&lt;0.001). Although children with hyperactivity showed a weaker performance in the general scales of cognitive flexibility, sensory processing and emotional regulation of re-evaluation, on the other hand, children with learning disorders also showed an obvious weakness in the general variable of working memory and They showed suppressed emotional regulation. These results have provided important implications in the field of effective therapeutic interventions and correct selection of training and rehabilitation programs to improve executive functions.</p> Manuscript profile
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        37 - Examination of two psychological and physiologic factors in spelling disorders of primary school students
        Fatima  Aghaei
        Spelling is one of the very important educational and writing skills that requires multiple mental processes, and spelling is a part of the educational program in which creativity is not considered, but only an example or order of letters is considered. Spelling a word More
        Spelling is one of the very important educational and writing skills that requires multiple mental processes, and spelling is a part of the educational program in which creativity is not considered, but only an example or order of letters is considered. Spelling a word is much more difficult than reading that word because recognizing a printed word is a code-reversal process, so some children who are weak in reading also have problems in spelling. The purpose of this article is to examine two psychological and physiologic factors in spelling disorders of primary school students. This research is of applied type and the collection method is library. In this research, two psychological and physiologic factors were examined in the spelling disorders of primary school students. First, the two psychological and physiologic factors in the spelling disorders of the students were investigated and finally, the results of summarizing these two factors were concluded. became. Manuscript profile
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        38 - The effect of behavioral disorder on the realization of Ehsan
        Mohammad mirkhalili ahmad mirkhalili Alireza  Entezari
        The issue of sexual dysfunction is one of the emerging phenomena that has been less studied in jurisprudential research and studies. One of the issues related to sexual dysfunction is what effect this phenomenon has on the issue of "couple benevolence". To answer this q More
        The issue of sexual dysfunction is one of the emerging phenomena that has been less studied in jurisprudential research and studies. One of the issues related to sexual dysfunction is what effect this phenomenon has on the issue of "couple benevolence". To answer this question, jurisprudential and legal texts must be examined and analyzed. The research finding is that according to the criteria and areas of leaving Ehsan, sexual disorders can also be considered as obstacles to the realization of Ehsan. Legally, according to Article 227 of the Islamic Penal Code adopted in 1392 and the phrase "such matters" in this article indicates that the above cases are not exclusive examples of obstacles to the realization of sexuality and therefore sexual disorders can be among the obstacles to realization. Ehsan counted. Judicial practice also confirms such an understanding. Manuscript profile
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        39 - Comparing the Effectiveness of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Treatments on Sexual Desire Disorder in Men
        hossein ranjbar shayan Seyed Mahmoud Tabatabaei Amir Panah Ali
        Sexual desire disorder can be defined as a decrease in sensual feelings, thoughts and fantasies. The purpose of this research is to compare the effectiveness of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and cognitive behavioral therapy on libido disorder in men. The resea More
        Sexual desire disorder can be defined as a decrease in sensual feelings, thoughts and fantasies. The purpose of this research is to compare the effectiveness of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and cognitive behavioral therapy on libido disorder in men. The research method was semi-experimental with a pre-test and post-test design. The statistical population of the present study consisted of all men who suffered from the problem of decreased libido and for this purpose, they referred to medical centers in Tabriz city and received the diagnosis of decreased libido disorder. The research sample included 30 men who had the problem of decreased sexual desire and were randomly selected in three groups including the first experimental group (tDCS), the second experimental group (CBT) and the control group. Halbert's test was used to collect data. Single-variable covariance analysis was used for statistical analysis using SPSS-26 software. The results of the analysis showed that both treatment methods are effective in the dependent variable (decrease of sexual desire disorder). Manuscript profile
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        40 - The Comparison of Prevalence of Sexual Dysfunctions in Married Women with and without Symptoms of Cluster B Personality Disorders in Tehran
        Elahe Mahdi Asghar Mirmehrabi reza qorban jahromi Zahra Zabihi fard
        Sexual dysfunction is considered a common sexual problem affecting different aspects of life, that has several etiologies and psychiatric disorders play an important role in its formation. This paper aims to comparison of prevalence of sexual dysfunctions between marrie More
        Sexual dysfunction is considered a common sexual problem affecting different aspects of life, that has several etiologies and psychiatric disorders play an important role in its formation. This paper aims to comparison of prevalence of sexual dysfunctions between married women with symptoms of cluster B personality disorder and healthy persons in Tehran. This is a causal – comparative research. To do so, 1000 married women from Tehran City were screened in first half of 2021, among them 145 persons were diagnosed with symptoms of cluster B personality disorder and 56 persons were selected through convenience sampling as individuals with disorder. Data of 20 healthy married women were analyzed for comparative purposes. Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI3), Female Sexual Functions Index (FSFI) and International Index of Erectile Function (ILEF) were used. Data were analyzed by comparing two independent groups in SPSS, Version 26. In married women, the mean sexual function in healthy persons was more significant than borderlines, histrionics, and narcissists (P<0.05) But, this difference in antisocials was not significant (P>0.05). The results show that prevalence of sexual dysfunctions in cluster B personality disorder is more than healthy married women. Therefore, it is recommended that psychotherapy specialists in the diagnosis and treatment of sexual dysfunction, pay attention to the role of personality disorders and the issue of comorbidity. Manuscript profile
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        41 - Comparison of Resilience, Mindfulness and Perceived Social Support in Mothers of Children with ADHD and Learning Disabilities, with Mothers of Normal Children in Shiraz
        reza chalmeh Khadijeh arjmandi
        The aim of this study was to compare resilience, mindfulness and perceived social support in mothers of children with ADHD, learning disabilities and normalcy in Shiraz. Methodology: The statistical population of the present study was the mothers of children with Attent More
        The aim of this study was to compare resilience, mindfulness and perceived social support in mothers of children with ADHD, learning disabilities and normalcy in Shiraz. Methodology: The statistical population of the present study was the mothers of children with Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder, Learning Disabilities and Normal in Shiraz. Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder, 52 mothers with children with learning disabilities and 54 mothers with normal children were selected and the Resilience Questionnaire (Connor & Davidson, 2003), Mindfulness Questionnaire (Walch et al., 2006) and Social Support were selected. Perceived (Zimet et al., 1988). Data were analyzed using Levin test method (to check the homogeneity of variances), and multivariate analysis of variance (to check the differences between variables in the study group) and SPSS-24 software. Results: The results of analysis of variance showed that there is a significant difference between resilience, mindfulness and perceived social support between mothers of children with ADHD and learning disabilities with mothers of normal children; In a way, mothers of normal children had more resilience, mindfulness and social support. Conclusion: The final results showed that in the areas of resilience and mindfulness, mothers of hyperactive children / attention deficit and learning disabilities need resilience and mindfulness-based education and special rehabilitation programs to increase Perceived social support is needed. Manuscript profile
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        42 - Investingation of the effectiveness of transdiagnostic Emotion Efficacy Therapy in Cardiovascular Reactions and Quality of Sleep in war-Related Post Traumatic Stress disorder
        Jafar Mirzaee Mohammad hatami Jafar Hasani
        This study has been done with aim of effectiveness trans diagnostic therapy based on emotion efficiency, cardio-vascular reaction, sleep quality and psychological flexibility of the prisoners with PTSD. The research method was semi-exprimental with pre-test, post-tes More
        This study has been done with aim of effectiveness trans diagnostic therapy based on emotion efficiency, cardio-vascular reaction, sleep quality and psychological flexibility of the prisoners with PTSD. The research method was semi-exprimental with pre-test, post-test and the control group with monthly period follow-up. The statistical population included all patients referred to Sadr psychiatry hospital in Tehran in the years 1400-1401, from which 30 people were selected in an accessible and purposeful manner and randomly assigned to exprimental (n=15) and control (n=15) groups In order to gathering data, efficiency emotion scale (EES-2), depression scale, anxiety and stress (DASS-21), psychological flexibility form and Pitesbourg sleep quality index (PSQI) and estimate vital signs by pressure gauge device were used Data were analysed using repeated measures analysis of variance The result of analysis showed that, there was significant difference between the exprimental group and control group in terms of dependent variable in pre-test phase towards post-test in monthly period follow-up The examination of the follow-up periods showed that, there was no significant difference between monthly follow-up and post-test periods. The presistence of the treatment effect over time and a month after end of meetings From the above findings, it can be concluded that, transdiagnostic therapy based on emotion efficiency has been a remarkable effect on decrease of depression, anxiety, stress and cardio vascular reaction signs and less effectiveness in psychological flexibility. Manuscript profile
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        43 - Etiology, Consequences and Treatments of Vginismus: A Psychological Perspective Systematic Review
        shiva zare soode dashtiane Zahra Shomali
        <p>Vaginismus is one of the most common sexual disorders among women and has a significant impact on women and couples. The present review article was aimed at investigating the etiology, consequences, and treatments of Vaginismus from a psychological perspective. The c More
        <p>Vaginismus is one of the most common sexual disorders among women and has a significant impact on women and couples. The present review article was aimed at investigating the etiology, consequences, and treatments of Vaginismus from a psychological perspective. The current study was a systematic review. Relevant keywords such as vaginismus psychology, vaginismus disorder, genital pain/ penetration disorder, etc. have been searched and extracted in Springer, Science Direct, PubMed, SID, Magiran, Noormags, and Civilica database from 1940 to 2021. By reviewing the related articles, it was conducted that genital pain/ penetration disorder is the most common disorder among women. This disorder has an important impact on the quality of sexual intercourse as well as couples&rsquo; mental health. It can be concluded that changing the way of thinking, parenting and cultural building is very important. Furthermore, proper education about sex and preparing the educational content and related tools for adolescence boys and girls can be functional.</p> Manuscript profile
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        44 - The Effect Of Cognitive Rehabilitation of Inhibitory Control on Hot Executive Functions: Risky Decision Making and Time Perception in Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
        Batool Najjari Alamooti Javid  Peymani Maryam  Bahrami Hidaji Sheida Sodagar nahid Soomer havassi
        Abstract: The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effect of inhibitory control cognitive rehabilitation on hot executive functions: risky decision making and time perception in children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. The resear More
        Abstract: The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effect of inhibitory control cognitive rehabilitation on hot executive functions: risky decision making and time perception in children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. The research design was semi-experimental with a pre-test, post-test and follow-up with a control group. The statistical population includes male and female students between 7 and 12 years old in elementary schools of Tehran in the academic year 2020-2021 who were suffering from attention deficit/ hyperactiv ity disorder. Among them, 30 students were selected by purposeful sampling method and randomly placed in the experimental and control groups. The SNAP-IV Questionnaire, the Computerized Task Risk Analogue Balloon (BART) and the Time Reproduction Computer Task were used to collect information. For data analysis, using SPSS24 software, variance analysis method with repeated measurements was used. The results showed that there is difference in the perfor-mance of the experimen tal group and the control group in the components of: risky decision making and time perception for long-term intervals (P<0.05). However, compared to the control group, no significant difference was shown between the time reproduction component for short-term intervals in the experimental group. According to the results structured games aimed at enhancing interference inhibition and responding can improve hot executive functions, risky decision making and time perception (long-term intervals) in students with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Manuscript profile
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        45 - Effectiveness of Schema-Therapy on Eating Styles Happy Child and Healthy Adults Modes in Obese People with Binge Eating Disorder: A Single-Case Study
        Maryam Nourizadeh Mirabadi Marjan  Hoseinzadeh Taghvaee Reza  Moloodi Sheida Sodagar Maryam  Bahrami Hidaji
        The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effectiveness of schema therapy on eating styles and happy child and healthy adults Modes modes in obese people with binge eating disorder. The design of the current research was semi-experimental with a More
        The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effectiveness of schema therapy on eating styles and happy child and healthy adults Modes modes in obese people with binge eating disorder. The design of the current research was semi-experimental with a single case structure of ABA type. The statistical population of the study included obese women suffering from binge eating disorder who referred to a slimming clinic in Tehran in 2014-2016. The study sample consisted of eight obese women according to the inclusion criteria. Data collection tools included the Dutch Eating Styles Questionnaire (1986), the Young Schema Modes Questionnaire (2008) and a semi-structured interview. Schema therapy was implemented in form of 20 90-minute group sessions and 4 additional 45-minute individual sessions. The participants were evaluated 3 times in the baseline phase, 10 times in the intervention phase, and 8 weeks after the intervention, they were followed up 4 times every 2 weeks using the measurement tool. In order to analyze the data, the participants' scores were collected individually during the three stages of baseline, ten stages of intervention and four stages of follow-up, and then by using the trend chart and interpreting the ups and downs of the scores. Participants were visually analyzed in different stages of baseline, intervention and follow-up. Then, by using the effect size indices, the percentage of non-overlapping data (PND), and the percentage of improvement and the valid change index (RCI), the effectiveness of the treatment was determined. The findings showed that in most of the participants, in the intervention stage compared to the baseline stage the scores of efficient modes; The happy child and healthy adult had an upward and increasing trend. For all the participants, The scores of emotional eating styles all people and external for most of them, and inhibited eating styles also had a downward and decreasing trend. Also, the RCI index scores indicated the stability of schema therapy results in the follow-up phase. Manuscript profile
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        46 - Predicting Generalized Anxiety Disorder Among Female Students Using Random Forest Approach
        Zahra Gholami Habibeh Zare
        <p>Mental health is considered one of the major challenges for the generations. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is one of many mental health complications. However, individuals with the disorder experience hyperbolic concerns and tensions regarding daily events. Furt More
        <p>Mental health is considered one of the major challenges for the generations. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is one of many mental health complications. However, individuals with the disorder experience hyperbolic concerns and tensions regarding daily events. Furthermore, it is reported that approximately 5% of the population of developed countries suffer from GAD. Additionally, women are affected by this disease twice as often as men, and it is an increasing disorder among women, particularly female students. This paper aims to predict generalized anxiety disorder among female students using the random decision forest algorithm. The data mining method was utilized for prediction. Female students of Shiraz Azad University developed the research community. Therefore, 150 female students were selected by simple random method and tested with a DSM-IV questionnaire. Accordingly, a random forest algorithm is proposed to generate a prediction model. Moreover, NetBeans IDE was applied for operationalization. Java was the programming language to code the prototype, and the WEKA library was involved in the operation. However, the results showed that the prediction accuracy with the random forest algorithm exceeds 0.9, which indicates that the algorithm is likely to predict GAD accurately. The random decision forest algorithm consistently predicts an individual not suffering from GAD. The results are relatively consistent compared to the baseline employed in the R. However, the random decision forest algorithm produces high predictive performance and may display significant relationships between the proposed and dependent parameters.</p> Manuscript profile
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        47 - The moral legitimacy of the theoretical and practical conflict between non-ruling jurists and ruling jurists based on its consequences
        Abdol Rahim  Zare alireza asgari Ahmadreza  Tavakoli
        Although there are two theories of selection and appointment among jurists in relation to Islamic governance, but based on rational and narrative reasons, all qualified jurists are the general vicegerents of Imam Masoom (a.s.) and it is necessary that among them one of More
        Although there are two theories of selection and appointment among jurists in relation to Islamic governance, but based on rational and narrative reasons, all qualified jurists are the general vicegerents of Imam Masoom (a.s.) and it is necessary that among them one of the jurists who All the necessary conditions, such as knowledge, independence, and the power to run the Islamic society, must be fulfilled and he must assume this responsibility for the implementation of divine decrees. It is natural that if one of the jurists undertakes this duty, the other jurists should support him and not disturb him by interfering in his work; One of the debates in the field of jurisprudence is the conflict between jurisprudence and jurists, which is referred to as "the interference of a jurist for another jurist". Whenever a jurist is unique in an era, he himself becomes responsible for the province and performs his duty in all areas related to the implementation of divine decrees and the administration of Muslim affairs. But if there are many qualified jurists in one era, the question arises, how can multiple jurists in a single era all have the authority and government, which requires the plurality of independent rulers in a single time and place, which is contrary to the way of reasoning and building. It is the governments and if the guardianship and the government are for one person, then the question that can be asked is what will be the fate of the guardianship of the other jurists? The result of this conflict, in addition to being an immoral act, is considered an immoral matter, and it means the interference and opinions of people in matters that do not concern them, which, in addition to psychological damage for themselves, has harmful social consequences. also has; Because sometimes it causes moral vices such as turbidity, enmity, sedition and chaos. Therefore, in Islamic hadiths, this immoral work is strictly prohibited. According to many jurists, the Holy Sharia itself has thought out ways to do things in this field, and in practice such a problem will not occur, and when one of the jurists starts to form a government, citing two Muslim principles of jurisprudence, it is not permissible for others to work. He has interfered and interfered in the performance of his duty, whether it is in the form of interference in the principle of the formation of the government or in the form of interference in some of its affairs; These two principles, one is the necessity of the sufficiency of the authority of the jurist and the other is that it is not permissible to disturb the jurist in one another's work. Manuscript profile
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        48 - The effectiveness of sensory-motor integration exercises on balance performance in children with autism spectrum disorder
        Sajjad Alizadeh Asli Abbas Ali Hossein Khanzadeh Mahnaz Khosrowjavid Seyyed Zahra Sidnoori
        <p>Autism spectrum disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder that causes failure in communication, social interaction and stereotyped behaviors. The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effectiveness of sensory-motor integration exercises on bal More
        <p>Autism spectrum disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder that causes failure in communication, social interaction and stereotyped behaviors. The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effectiveness of sensory-motor integration exercises on balance performance in children with autism spectrum disorder. The quasi-experimental research design was pre-test and post-test with a control group. The statistical population of the research was all the students of Rasht who were studying in the academic year of 1402-1403. The sample consisted of 30 children (boys and girls) who were selected by the available sampling method and based on the entry and exit criteria of the study and randomly assigned to two groups of 15 people. The children of the experimental group were subjected to an intervention with a package of sensory-motor integration exercises for 12 sessions of 45 minutes, while the control group did not receive any intervention. Data were analyzed by multivariate and univariate covariance analysis methods in SPSS 25 software. The research findings showed that sensory-motor integration exercises improve balance performance in children with autism spectrum disorder (P&lt;0.001). In general, it can be said that the desired intervention has improved the child's deficiency in balance performance by affecting the improvement of sensory coherence and eliminating the problems related to less or more sensitivity than the sensory limit; Therefore, it is suggested to use the intervention program used in this research to improve the balance performance of children with autism spectrum disorder.</p> Manuscript profile
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        49 - Evaluation of the Quality of Life of Patients with Bipolar Disorder Type I (Women Under 50 Years Old)
        negar sangari reza qorban jahromi
        <p>Bipolar disorder, formerly known as manic-depressive disorder, is a mood disorder characterized by periods of depression and periods of abnormal happiness. Considering the high prevalence of this disease in women, the present research was conducted with the aim of ev More
        <p>Bipolar disorder, formerly known as manic-depressive disorder, is a mood disorder characterized by periods of depression and periods of abnormal happiness. Considering the high prevalence of this disease in women, the present research was conducted with the aim of evaluating the quality of life of patients with bipolar disorder type I in women under fifty years of age. To conduct the research, the individual characteristics of the participants were examined first, then the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire was used to evaluate the quality of life. The statistical population of the present study was 50 female patients who were diagnosed with bipolar I disorder based on the criteria of DSM-IV-TR and who had referred to counseling and treatment centers in Tehran in 1402 and were included in the study using available sampling method. Also, in order to compare this group with healthy people in the community, a group (50 people) was selected from among the companions of the patients and the staff of counseling centers and the results were analyzed using independent T-test in SPSS software. Based on the findings of this research, the quality of life score for the healthy group was equal to 78 and above the average level (&micro;=50), which shows that the healthy group has a better quality of life. On the other hand, in the patient group, the quality of life score equal to 36 was obtained, which is lower than the average level and indicates the unfavorable quality of life of the patient group. This difference was also statistically significant.</p> Manuscript profile