• List of Articles ethics.

      • Open Access Article

        1 - The effect of Islamic work ethics on organizational culture and organizational health in RIPI
        In this paper the effect of Islamic work ethics on organizational culture and organizational health in Research Institute of Petroleum Industry (RIPI) is studied. Statistical population includes all employees who are working at RIPI. By using of Cochran test, 314 person More
        In this paper the effect of Islamic work ethics on organizational culture and organizational health in Research Institute of Petroleum Industry (RIPI) is studied. Statistical population includes all employees who are working at RIPI. By using of Cochran test, 314 persons are selected randomly as a sample in this study. The research methodology is descriptive and standardized questionnaires are used to collect data. To assess the relationships between latent variables in the conceptual model structural equation modeling is used. The results of analysis reveale that, there is a significant positive correlation, among these variables. Also in this study, the role of organizational culture as a mediator variable in the relationship between Islamic work ethics and organizational health is confirmed Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Guarantee for divorce, legal, moral and legal mediation
        mahmud ghayumzadeh Tahereh Pour Nemati Shams Abad
        Throughout history, apart from the political and religious issues and attitudes and tendencies and desires that are changing and progressive and sometimes in decline, the family as the main institution of each society is influenced by the various factors that make the j More
        Throughout history, apart from the political and religious issues and attitudes and tendencies and desires that are changing and progressive and sometimes in decline, the family as the main institution of each society is influenced by the various factors that make the jurists , Jurists and ethical educators, in order to prevent the collapse of this basic institution of society, in order to secure the family from social anomalies, hands, to achieve various developments, and always at various dangers, including the fall and decline of morality. There are a number of rights and duties in the family. Whether among the various sciences that examine the family and its role in the upbringing of children, ethics is a matter of great responsibility, and perhaps all of the family-related sciences, including social sciences and law-based science, and morality-based psychology, and their own ethics Based on the Islamic teachings and verses, and given that the religious knowledge of the Islamic Shari'a has been given the most attention, the maintenance and preservation of the family center as the safest society of the pillar, it can be said that the science of ethics, The basis of the writing is the rights of the family. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - The study of the relationship between jurisprudence and ethics
        Nasrin  Sanjabi alireza shakarbaigi
        Human being is the only creature of God who, given his discretion, needs a law and comprehensive plan to achieve prosperity and perfection, which, given all its dimensions, can reach him to a great extent. Jurisprudence and ethics form a set of rules that they are God's More
        Human being is the only creature of God who, given his discretion, needs a law and comprehensive plan to achieve prosperity and perfection, which, given all its dimensions, can reach him to a great extent. Jurisprudence and ethics form a set of rules that they are God's, and with all the dimensions of the existential man and his voluntary actions, he has established them. Because of this, they are of particular importance. It is conceivable about the relation between ethics and jurisprudence of three forms: the distinction between ethics and philosophy, the conflict between morality and philosophy, and the complementarity of morality and religion. By examining the third relationship between these two sciences is correct, and its outcomes can be explained by reasons such as the fact that the ethics are based on the light because purification is not possible without correction and that the ethics with human beliefs are directly related to A direction with jurisprudence is indirect, and the mention of ethical teachings along with jurisprudential rulings is the best guarantee for the practice of legal judgments. In order to investigate the relationship between these two sciences together with the need for information about them, we first commented on the subject in relation to the subject, the method and the two of these sciences and, in the next step, to examine the relationship between these two sciences. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - The study of spiritual intelligence and Islamic ethics in the religious education of high school girl students in Urmia with the role of Islamic teachings and Imam Khomeini's views
        Parivash  Mohammadi Gheshlagh
        Imam Khomeini (S) points to the importance of education for many times about this issue, which is the concern of all of us that we have not been cultivated. The study of self-perfection and purification of morals is one of the greatest ammunition and intellectual necess More
        Imam Khomeini (S) points to the importance of education for many times about this issue, which is the concern of all of us that we have not been cultivated. The study of self-perfection and purification of morals is one of the greatest ammunition and intellectual necessities. The attention to morality in Islam is referred to by all the prophets, because all the prophets have come to this end to make it possible for all people to enjoy moral virtues. In the importance of training, it is enough for them to teach the achievement of the prophets of human beings. In this research, the purpose of the study was to investigate spiritual intelligence in religious education of high school girl students in Urmia with the role of Islamic teachings and Imam Khomeini's views. In this regard, he examined various texts on different perspectives on spiritual intelligence and religious education of knowledge The female high school students were interviewed and interviewed by a total of 93 managers and teachers of religion and the life of the schools. We were able to obtain the role of Islamic teachings and Imam Khomeini's views and the extent to which teachers used these ideas in educating student. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - The civil and moral responsibility of the government in applying financial policies based on the criterion of heavy fault
        ghafour Khoini abolhassan mojtahed soleimani amirhossein bahreini
        The civil responsibility of the state is a challenge that has been challenged since the formation of modern-day local governments and has experienced many downs and downsides. One of the relatively newer arenas in this area is civil liability due to government financial More
        The civil responsibility of the state is a challenge that has been challenged since the formation of modern-day local governments and has experienced many downs and downsides. One of the relatively newer arenas in this area is civil liability due to government financial policies. These policies have greatly influenced the fate of the people and economic activists, and occasionally caused a lot of damage to them. Accordingly, it is necessary to examine the nature of these policies in terms of the category of governance or business, the possibility of compensating for the damage and the basis for this compensation. At the end of this research, it will be clear that the application of financial policies can lead to civil liability of the state, if it is due to the heavy fault of the government or its agents. The basis for this compensation is based on the general theory of fault. Therefore, in the examples of the government's heavy blame for financial policies, such as the application of financial policies, regardless of the state of the country or the lack of monitoring of the implementation of policies and the like, should not cost the government such actions. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - studying of civil and moral responsibility in remote sensing
        Abolhassan  Mojtahed Soleimani Parviz  Ziaeian Firoozabadi Simin  Asadzadeh Talei
        Today, the introduction of legal and ethical arguments in the field of remote sensing, given the widespread use of this science in many areas, is very necessary. Additionally, in many cases, we need maps or information that is derived from remote sensing Judgments and j More
        Today, the introduction of legal and ethical arguments in the field of remote sensing, given the widespread use of this science in many areas, is very necessary. Additionally, in many cases, we need maps or information that is derived from remote sensing Judgments and judgments are issued on the basis of this information. We also mentioned the specific features of remote sensing. We found that in this system See ethics because of the diversity of people involved in it has been difficult in the field of legal liability based on fault, because the elements are selected and far in remote sensing, this theory more acceptable course have models set up key elements that determine the fault, the The prediction of a loss, the rationality of the injured person, and the power of bargaining against the involved. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - The Place of Practical Wisdom with Emphasis on Ethics in Avicenna's Philosophy
        mohammadreza asadi  
        Following philosophers preceding him, Avicenna divided wisdom into theoretical and practical categories and recognized the latter as being a sibling of philosophy. He considered its end to be man's perfection and happiness both in the world and in the hereafter. In expl More
        Following philosophers preceding him, Avicenna divided wisdom into theoretical and practical categories and recognized the latter as being a sibling of philosophy. He considered its end to be man's perfection and happiness both in the world and in the hereafter. In explaining theoretical and practical ration, Avicenna considered theoretical ration to be the means of perceiving generalities – no matter generalities which exist or those supposed to have to exist – and practical ration to be at the service of the former and the means of perceiving details pertaining to acts and motives. Therefore, practical wisdom – defined as the knowledge of general truths relating to man's deeds – is derived from theoretical ration, the sources of which are axioms, rumors and reliable experiences and can therefore be verified or denied. Avicenna has addressed practical wisdom in some brief treatises which are not considerable in comparison to his works on theoretical wisdom. However, given these brief discussions beside the sources he explained for practical wisdom, it is fair to say that Avicennan wisdom has something to say in practical wisdom, especially on ethics. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Investigating the esoteric meaning of " Pure and impure" and its role in morality
        Mohammad Rasool  Ahangaran Fateme Ansari
        Material schools, sages, philosophers and mystics have expressed different principles and methods in ethics and the way to attain virtues and overcome vices. But the real way to achieve Crimean morality, which is not seen in other moral schools; Purity is in the true se More
        Material schools, sages, philosophers and mystics have expressed different principles and methods in ethics and the way to attain virtues and overcome vices. But the real way to achieve Crimean morality, which is not seen in other moral schools; Purity is in the true sense of the word. According to the teachings of Islam, only purity is the cause of happiness and salvation and the source of human growth and development. The study in the verses and hadiths shows that the truth of purity is Recognition of Imam (as). Therefore, the basic element of morality is knowledge of the Imam, and the more a person knows about the Imam, the more will be created Crimean morality.This study, with a new look, while examining the esoteric meaning of purity and impurity, explains the opposition between the two and proves that the truth of purity is only the guardianship of Imam(as). And since impurity in the original sense is Apparent anti-purity, and in the second sense it is Inner anti-purity, it is nothing but the enemies of the Ahl al-Bayt (PBUH). Therefore, the perfection of morality is in the guardianship of the Ahl al-Bayt (AS), and achieving this important thing without guardianship will have no meaning and this is the issue that causes the evolution of morality. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Compatibility of the theory of virtue with religious ethics
        Jafar  Morvarid Javad  Raqavi Zahra  Hosseini
        The important issue raised in this study is that the ethics of virtue can be the best and most consistent explanation of religious ethics. To achieve this, first the theories of normative ethics deontological ethics and purposefulness and virtue - are explained and comp More
        The important issue raised in this study is that the ethics of virtue can be the best and most consistent explanation of religious ethics. To achieve this, first the theories of normative ethics deontological ethics and purposefulness and virtue - are explained and compared. The superiority of the theory of virtue over the two clearly competing theories is explained by the explanation of virtue-based ethics, each of its main components such as: virtue, happiness, intention, practical wisdom, moral model and middle ground. In continuation, some components of religious ethics - such as theism and resurrection, cultivation of inner property and self-improvement, the position of moral model in religious ethics, the role of intention in religious ethics, the middle of the straight path or the way of salvation, etc. - are examined. Also, considering the closeness of the subject and the end of morality of virtue and religious morality - in the order of self-knowledge and happiness - it can be concluded that their morality of virtue and religious morality is their view of evolutionary and transcendent moral agent. It is also possible to provide the ground for the compatibility of these two morals with religious color and divine direction to the end - happiness - in the morality of virtue. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Jurisprudential-ethical analysis of "the right to a healthy environment" as a human right
        askar jalaliyan
        The right to a healthy environment is one of the fundamental human rights and vital issues in today's world, and sensitivity and attention to it are growing exponentially. Advances in science and technology have paved the way for the increasing domination and exploitati More
        The right to a healthy environment is one of the fundamental human rights and vital issues in today's world, and sensitivity and attention to it are growing exponentially. Advances in science and technology have paved the way for the increasing domination and exploitation of nature. To the extent that its protection and prevention of pollution is one of the most important issues of the late twentieth century. In this scientific-research article which is of descriptive-analytical type with the jurisprudential-moral approach, the right to a healthy environment as a human right has been explored. The main question of the article is what measures have been devised in jurisprudence and moral principles to realize the "right to a healthy environment as a human right"? According to the research findings, from the Islamic point of view, preserving nature and not destroying it is considered a divine duty, not paying attention to it is morally reprehensible and harming it causes damage. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Designing a model for creating a company's value set, taking into account the customer's ethical value and social ethical value
        Keyvan  Mohbed Hashem  NikouMaram Karim  Hamdi
        The overall purpose of this study is to provide a model for creating a set of company value, customer ethical value and social ethical value with a positive marketing approach. Data is in the category of exploratory (qualitative-quantitative) research and is done in two More
        The overall purpose of this study is to provide a model for creating a set of company value, customer ethical value and social ethical value with a positive marketing approach. Data is in the category of exploratory (qualitative-quantitative) research and is done in two phases. In the first phase, using the opinion of 15 experts and relying on study sources, the model framework was presented and validated. The statistical community in the second phase is the group of customers of entrepreneurial insurance services. In order to collect information and analyze the data, in the qualitative phase, the method based on data theory was used and in the quantitative phase, the method of structural equation modeling was used. Likert spectra were used. According to the results in the first and second part, social marketing has the greatest impact and role on positive marketing and positive marketing has the greatest impact and role on the value of the company. Manuscript profile