Open Access Article
1 - The Geo-discourse of Takfiri IS group and its Media Representation- with emphasis on digital media
Open Access Article
2 - The Discoursive Function of Sentence Form in Tarikh-e Beyhaqi
لیلا سید قاسم حمیده نوحپیشه -
Open Access Article
3 - Criticism of politicization in Contemporary Novels (Case Study of a Political Novel: My Homeland’s Secrets)1
ُseyyed ali seraj mostafa gorji -
Open Access Article
4 - The Poetic Word Selection of Gheisar Aminpour by Critical Discourse Analysis Approach
پریسا صالحی -
Open Access Article
5 - The Traces of Ideology in the Early Literary Works of Mahmoud Dowlatabadi
قدرت الله طاهری -
Open Access Article
6 - Social Aspects of Islamic Sufism, and Public Interactions within it (With a Look at the Relationships between Sufism and the Sects of ‘Javanmardan’, ‘Malamatiyeh’ and ‘Ghalandariyeh’)
علیاکبر کیوانفر -
Open Access Article
7 - Binary Structures in Dowlatabadi’s Writings: From Contrastive Mentality to Analytic Thought
نصرت حجازی شهناز شاهین -
Open Access Article
8 - A Critical Study of the Validity of Gulestan Based on the Theory of Critical Discourse Analysis
سيامک صاحبي محمدهادي فلاحي نسترن توكلي -
Open Access Article
9 - Power Relations In "Shazdeh Ehtejab" Novel
محمدعلي غلامينژاد Zainab Saberpour -
Open Access Article
10 - Discourse Analysis of the Poem Peygham-e Mahiha by Sohrab Sepehri
سهیلا فرهنگی -
Open Access Article
11 - Analyzing Sōvashōn themes from the viewpoint of Literary Schools and Social Discourses
حسن شاهیپور -
Open Access Article
mostafa gorji -
Open Access Article
13 - Discourse in “The Guest-Killing Mosque” Story in Masnavi Based on Michel Foucault’s Ideas
Ali Dehghan nazila yakhdansaz -
Open Access Article
14 - The Metamorphosis of Divine Power Discourse in Persian Literature from Avesta to Mystical Texts
هادی قلیزاده فیروز فاضلی محمدکاظم یوسفپور -
Open Access Article
15 - The Function of Myth in the Postcolonial Discourse of Persian Novels (Analyzing Savushun, Secrets of My Native Land, The Drowned)
Nafiseh Moradi maryam آخسسثهده -
Open Access Article
16 - An Analysis of the Relationship between Moral Discourse and Method of Expression in Two Stories of GholamHossein Saedi
Zahra Hayati -
Open Access Article
17 - Religious Trend in Post-Revolutionary Persian Novel
داوود شادلو Zainab Saberpour -
Open Access Article
18 - A comparative analysis of narratives about “Rostam” and “Goshtasb” in Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh (Based on the Interaction of Cyclic and Lnear Patterns of Time, in the Formation and Critical Study of the Narratives)
محمدکاظم یوسفپور -
Open Access Article
19 - An Analysis of Beihaghi’s Ppolitical and Religious Views
Open Access Article
20 - A Critical Review and Analysis of the Narrative Technique in a Story of the Golestan of Saadi
mostafa gorji -
Open Access Article
21 - Critical Analysis of Governmental Discourse in the First Chapter of Saadi’s Bustan
Open Access Article
22 - Common Discourses in Suhrawardi's Era and the Narrative Construction of "Moones Al Oshagh"
gholamreza shamsi parsa yaghoobi janbesaraei -
Open Access Article
23 - Representation of Religious Characteristics of the Islamic Revolution Discourse in Top War Novels
hashem sadeghi manouchehr akbari -
Open Access Article
24 - A Critical Analysis of Women’s Role in Sindbad-Nameh
Shiva Kamali Asl Habibollah Abbasi effat neghabi esmat khoeini -
Open Access Article
25 - Discourse analysis committed and social literature Based on the ideas of Akhavān-Sāles
Maryam Musharraf kulthum Miriasl -
Open Access Article
26 - Rightward Scramblingin Translation (From Persian Language to English langugae)
Mohammad Dabirmoghaddam Vida Shaghaghi Mojtaba Monshizadeh Seyyed Hussein Piri -
Open Access Article
27 - Critical Discourse Analysis of Samad Behrangi’s “Mahi Siah Kouchoulou”Tale
alireza moghadam -
Open Access Article
28 - The Prammaticalization of the Verb "goftan" In New Persian
Mehrdad Meshkinfam Elham Izadi -
Open Access Article
29 - Representation of hegemony and anti-hegemony in thediscourse of Bahar's "Jomhoori"poem based on Antonio Gramsci's views
reza ghanbari abdolmaleki ailin firooziyan -
Open Access Article
30 - Discursive function of "Zindiq": Pahlavi literature and Arabic and Persian Texts of
Alireza Heydari Mojtaba Monshizadeh Faezeh Farazandehpour -
Open Access Article
31 - Post Marxism and "Post Marxism
Mohammadreza Tajik -
Open Access Article
32 - Internet and Radical Democracy: Introduction to the Formation of Radical Virtual Democracy
Meisam Ghahreman Majid Abbaszadeh Marzbali -
Open Access Article
33 - Political Sociological Analysis from Discourse Perspective: Rationale and Epistemological Outcomes
علي حسنپور Aliapshraf Nazari -
Open Access Article
34 - Language, Power and Ideology in Norman Fairclough’s ‘Critical’ Approach to Discourse Analysis
جهانگیر جهانگیری علی بندرریگیزاده -
Open Access Article
35 - Discourse Analysis of Iran and Iraq War
Heidar Shahriari -
Open Access Article
36 - From Class Paradox to Discursive Gap: Reviewing the Classic Marxist from Laclau and Mouffe Post-marxist View
سید صدرا حسینی -
Open Access Article
37 - Discursive Analysis of Apartheid in Israel
محمدحسن شیخ الاسلامی صارم شیراوند ميلاد اديب سرشكي -
Open Access Article
38 - The multi-layer model of analysis of 11th presidential elections
saeed nariman -
Open Access Article
39 - Siyasat-nama and Discursive Turn in Iranian Political Thought; the Speech Act Analysis of Siyar al-mulûk
hamdollah akvani -
Open Access Article
40 - The Ratio of Globalization and Justice in the Political Thought of Anthony Giddens and Emmanuel Wallerstein
hassan abniki -
Open Access Article
41 - Discourse Analysis of The Relation between Political Theory and Political Action in Ancient Greece
Ali Alihosseini r w alireza aghahosseini -
Open Access Article
42 - Political Psychoanalysis and Discourse:Traumatic Propositions and Hysterical Subjects in Neo-Reformist’s Discourse (2013-2019)
Mahsima Sohrabi Mohammad Reza Tajik Mansour Mirahmadi -
Open Access Article
43 - Discourse analysis of Persian language and literature education based on semantics, in order to Expand Cultural Diplomacy (case study: Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Georgia)
soheila Rezaie Mehr Abbas Ali Vafaei davood sparham gholamreza mastaliparsa -
Open Access Article
44 - Agency and Passivity of women in the novel "Tubaa and Manaay-e shab"
زينب صابرپور -
Open Access Article
45 - Searle and the Logical Status of Fictional Stories
Gholamreza Hosseinpour -
Open Access Article
46 - Psychology of Egyptian Nationalism Based on the Discourse Analysis of "Yousef Shahin" Autobiographical Films
Naeem Sherafat Valiollah Barzegar Klishomi Mohammad Reza Jalali Seyed Abdul Amir Nabavi -
Open Access Article
47 - Disciple relationship and meaning in asrar nameh and elahe nameh
Mansour Nik Panah -
Open Access Article
48 - Discourse-Quran Based Reasons of the Polarity of Trinity and Monotheism
Ahmad Mohammad -
Open Access Article
49 - The discourse of the quran in order to fight hoard
Masoumeh Mirzajani Bijar,pasi Roghayyeh Sadeghi Nayyeri Alireza Abdul,Rahimi -
Open Access Article
50 - The analysis of the discourse of Imams' Imams by the Taqiyah method based on John Searle's Theory of Speech Action
marzieh barzan Karim Najafi Barzegar azghar quedan Shsan Qurishi -
Open Access Article
51 - The Configuration of Time and Narration in Asfar-e-kateban by Aboutorab Khosravi
parvin salajegheh -
Open Access Article
52 - Dominant Discourses on Childhood and Childhood Studies: A Review of Iranian Society
Maryam Sha’ban -
Open Access Article
53 - Syntactic Stylistics of Ahmad Gazali's Sawanih- Al-Oshaq & Ruzbehan Baqli’s Abhar- Al-Ashiqin
azadeh sharifi -
Open Access Article
54 - Constitutive discourse and triple discovery; rationality, ideology and power )Case study of 25 journals from Tabriz constitutional revolution (
DR abolfazl ghanizadeh -
Open Access Article
55 - The conceptual metaphor and socio-political discourse of Samad Behrangi (A case study of the " Beetroot boy " story)
DR abolfazl ghanizadeh -
Open Access Article
56 - Liberal rationality and the Formation of environmental crises (with emphasis on the Rio+20 document)
osman hedayat asrin faizi -
Open Access Article
57 - Discourse Analysis: Ideology or Method? Reflections on the Philosophical-Ideological Foundations of Michel Foucault's Discourse Analysis
Mari Eftekharzade Farhad soleiman-nezhad -
Open Access Article
58 - Pathology of Religious Education Discourse in the System of Formal Education of Iran
Open Access Article
59 - Historical Discourse Analysis of the Birth of Modern School in Terms of Power Relations
Open Access Article
60 - Critical Analysis of Educational Justice Components in Ideologicalization and Constructive Discourses
yahya ghaedy akbar salihie -
Open Access Article
61 - Discourse Analysis of Teacher Education in the Rule of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Reza Haqverdi Susan Keshavarz Alireza Mahmoudnia -
Open Access Article
62 - Critical Discourse Analysis of the Peace in Afghanistan Education Based on The Constitution of the Islamic Republic Period
alishah fayegh Ramazan Barkhordari Alireza mahmmudnia -
Open Access Article
63 - The Multiple Formations of Religious Education`s Curricula Against Social Forces in Islamic Schools During the Second Pahlavi Period
irandokht fayyaz zahra minaei narges sajadeh mohammadreza javadi yehaneh -
Open Access Article
64 - Explaining Social Innovation in the Country with Emphasis on Entrepreneurial Discourse
Abazar Ashtari Mehrjardi -
Open Access Article
65 - A Comparative Analysis of the Novels "Farewell to Arms"and "Dar SholehāyeĀb" Based on Bakhtin's Theory of Dialogism
fahimeh shafiee Zahra Ghoroghi hengamh Ashouri -
Open Access Article
66 - A Prospective Analysis of the Discourse of War in the Novel "Chess with Doomsday Machine": Reader-Response Criticism
Ali Taghizadeh Mahmoud Kamali -
Open Access Article
67 - Analyzing Ethic Values in Samak-e-Ayyar: a Semiotic Approach
Effat Sarlak Fatemeh Seyed Ebrahimi Nejad HamidReza Shairi Ali Karimi firoozjaee -
Open Access Article
68 - Metadiscourse, Interactional Metadiscourse, Interactive Metadiscourse, Houshang Moradi Kermani, Literary Genre.
Sanaz Deghat Mohammad Hossein ُُُُSharafzadeh Leila Saberi Zahra Rastegar Haghighi Shirazi -
Open Access Article
69 - Plato’s Symposium and its Background
Hamidreza Mahboobi Arani -
Open Access Article
70 - Cognitive Warfare Patterns in Confrontation with Iranian Women: Identity Challenges and Strategies for Social Resistance
Mohsen Afrugh