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        1 - The Place of Practical Wisdom with Emphasis on Ethics in Avicenna's Philosophy
        mohammadreza asadi  
        Following philosophers preceding him, Avicenna divided wisdom into theoretical and practical categories and recognized the latter as being a sibling of philosophy. He considered its end to be man's perfection and happiness both in the world and in the hereafter. In expl More
        Following philosophers preceding him, Avicenna divided wisdom into theoretical and practical categories and recognized the latter as being a sibling of philosophy. He considered its end to be man's perfection and happiness both in the world and in the hereafter. In explaining theoretical and practical ration, Avicenna considered theoretical ration to be the means of perceiving generalities – no matter generalities which exist or those supposed to have to exist – and practical ration to be at the service of the former and the means of perceiving details pertaining to acts and motives. Therefore, practical wisdom – defined as the knowledge of general truths relating to man's deeds – is derived from theoretical ration, the sources of which are axioms, rumors and reliable experiences and can therefore be verified or denied. Avicenna has addressed practical wisdom in some brief treatises which are not considerable in comparison to his works on theoretical wisdom. However, given these brief discussions beside the sources he explained for practical wisdom, it is fair to say that Avicennan wisdom has something to say in practical wisdom, especially on ethics. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Investigating the Low Growth Factors of Practical Wisdom in Islamic Philosophy from Ibn Sina to Mulla Sadra (With Emphasis on Ethics)
        Mohammad Reza  Asadi Gholamreza  Badr,khani
        Practical theosophy in Islamic philosophy is a sibling of theoretical theosophy. It is expected that it is paid attention to as much as theoretical theosophy; however, both in view of writings and inclusion of subjects, it is less booming. To recognize the factors caus More
        Practical theosophy in Islamic philosophy is a sibling of theoretical theosophy. It is expected that it is paid attention to as much as theoretical theosophy; however, both in view of writings and inclusion of subjects, it is less booming. To recognize the factors causing this situation can be an introduction to its development in accordance with the needs of the contemporary era The arrival of philosophy in the intellectual space of the Islamic world has been accompanied by two opposing stances. On the opposite side, philosophy r does not have the ability to enter into theoretical and practical wisdom, and in a favorable position, some attempt to localize the philosophy of Greece, which has led to religion Responsible for discussing practical wisdom. The factors that led the religion to discuss practical wisdom are the impossibility of deriving practical wisdom from Aristotelian theoretical wisdom, and the extent to which religion is surrounded by all aspects of practical wisdom and the lack of awareness of the necessity of the intellectuals from entering practical wisdom and the controversy between jurisprudents and philosophers And the importance of the first philosophy of Muslim philosophers. Manuscript profile
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        3 - The boredom and gestures of the modern subject in the poetry Introduction and analysis of the manuscript of Rawdat al-Mulûk
        ardeshir aleali Ahmad hasani hormozabadi ranjbar aliasqar HALABI
        Rawdat al- Mulûk is a book belonging to the ninth century AH by an unknown author; it is a literary book on practical wisdom. The book, like most of other books on ethics written after Khajeh Nasir al-Din al-Tusi, is basically an imitation or adaptation of the Nasirean More
        Rawdat al- Mulûk is a book belonging to the ninth century AH by an unknown author; it is a literary book on practical wisdom. The book, like most of other books on ethics written after Khajeh Nasir al-Din al-Tusi, is basically an imitation or adaptation of the Nasirean Ethics. The Shi’aauthor of the book knew literature and Arabic, and was interested in technical prose, and he intended to compile a book on ethics. Although, comparing other similar works, this book cannot be considered as prominent and distinguished, in writing this book, he has done his best and usedhis good taste. The book was written in the late Timuridera. Even though, authoring the books on ethics by Shi’a writers of that time has not been unprecedented, it can be considered one of the first, or perhaps the first known examples of the books on ethicswritten in literary form by Shi’a authors and presented to a Shia court. The book has been hidden for a long time since its completion, and the only well-known surviving manuscript of it was transcribed 160 years ago. Since for carrying out research in disciplines such as ethics and literature, we are required to review and critique all the old surviving works of these disciplines, the book needed to be critically edited. Considering that there is only a single edition of this manuscript, this was done by a scientific deductive method and using known sources of the text. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Epistemological Place of Phronesis and its Importance in Aristotle’s Philosophy of Ethics
        Ali Nazemi Ardakani Reza Davari Ardakani Malek Hosseini
        Phronesis or practical wisdom is one of the intellectual virtues which Aristotle has defined as a predisposition for continuously becoming involved in practice while thinking wisely about good and evil affairs. The outcome of this predisposition or phronetic act is the More
        Phronesis or practical wisdom is one of the intellectual virtues which Aristotle has defined as a predisposition for continuously becoming involved in practice while thinking wisely about good and evil affairs. The outcome of this predisposition or phronetic act is the product of a kind of philosophical thinking which, in addition to viewing certain established principles, attends to madīna (polis) as a cradle for the development of acts; to finite, particular, and changing affairs as the subject of knowledge, and to Man as a free agent. The irregularity and, at the same time, legitimacy of phronesis provides individuals with a strategy not to surrender to fixed and strict scientific laws as the only legitimate tools of knowledge acquisition. Through making a methodological distinction between sophia or theoretical wisdom and phronesis, Aristotle has in fact founded the independence and irreducibility of practico-ethical knowledge about what is correct; practical deliberation cannot be reduced to logical arguments. In Aristotle’s ethical philosophy, accidental knowledge, as the knowledge of finite, particular, possible, and changing affairs, is a complement to essential knowledge, which pertains to pre-eternal and universal affairs and primal and fixed basic principles. Sophia and phronesis can lead to happiness only in case they function as the two sides of the same coin. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Priority of Sophia to Phronesis and its Significance in Aristotle’s Philosophy of Ethics
        Ali Nazemi Ardakani Reza Davari Ardakani Malek Hosseini
        The relationship between phronesis or practical wisdom and Sophia or theoretical wisdom and, at another level, the relationship between ethical virtues and intellectual virtues are among the important subjects in Aristotle’s philosophy of ethics. Their importance is due More
        The relationship between phronesis or practical wisdom and Sophia or theoretical wisdom and, at another level, the relationship between ethical virtues and intellectual virtues are among the important subjects in Aristotle’s philosophy of ethics. Their importance is due to the fact that not only in case of the priority of phronesis to sophia, contradiction will arise between Aristotle’s teachings in Metaphysics and Nichomachean Ethics, but also because it seems that such a priority will eventually lead to a kind of diversion from prime philosophy and, hence, considering human being as the noblest subject in philosophy. Of course, Aristotle himself disagrees with this position. This paper mainly inquires whether in Aristotle’s philosophy priority belongs to sophia or phronesis, and what the significance and consequences of the priority of one over the other is. The authors argue that, although phronesis has a supreme place in his philosophy, it is sophia which enjoys fundamental priority. On the other hand, in Aristotle’s system of thought, eudaimonia or the highest human good cannot be attained unless through possessing phronesis and Sophia at the same time. Hence, it seems that, in order to learn about the ultimate goal of philosophy, it is necessary to further deliberate over the concepts of sophia and phronesis and their relationships with each other and with other virtues. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Morphology of Practical Wisdom and the Role of Five Crafts
        Ahmad Mohammadi Peiro
        There is an inseparable connection between practical and theoretical wisdom. The five crafts, as a part of theoretical wisdom, can play a role in practical wisdom, which is used sometimes as knowledge and sometimes as temperament or virtue. The present study was conduct More
        There is an inseparable connection between practical and theoretical wisdom. The five crafts, as a part of theoretical wisdom, can play a role in practical wisdom, which is used sometimes as knowledge and sometimes as temperament or virtue. The present study was conducted to answer the question of the extent and quality of the role that the five crafts play, firstly, in producing the cognitive elements of practical wisdom and, secondly, in the origins of the emanation of act. It also aims to identify the factors and variables in relation to the five crafts that construct the practical wisdom. The significance of explaining the relationship between the two types of wisdom lies in the fact that mental habits determine the human identity, and that the five crafts are mental habits that can play a role in determining the human life by influencing the origins of emanation of acts. As a result, they can affect all aspects of human life, such as academic, social, or political ones. In this paper, the author initially introduces the five crafts and, particularly, their common features based on logical books. Then, following a descriptive-analytic approach, he examines their effects on the elements of cognitive and temperamental practical wisdom. The first section discusses an epistemological turn of erroneous concepts and judgements, the efficiency of the methodology of practical wisdom, formation of mentally-posited concepts at the level of act, and attainment of the intellection of practical wisdom by different human beings. The second section explains the regulation of the particular task of practical wisdom, the development of the skill of matching cognitive affairs with administrative ones, affecting the cognitive origins of emanation of acts, and the formation of human acts as the results of the study. Manuscript profile
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        7 - The basics of justice in theoretical and practical wisdom based on Islamic sources
        Amir Hosain Imani Moghaddam Mahdi  Imani Moghaddam abbas khademian
        The purpose of the present research was to prove justice in the creative will and, accordingly, in the legislative will of God. This basic and theoretical research was done by analyzing data from the Holy Quran and Shia hadith sources. By analyzing the data, it was conc More
        The purpose of the present research was to prove justice in the creative will and, accordingly, in the legislative will of God. This basic and theoretical research was done by analyzing data from the Holy Quran and Shia hadith sources. By analyzing the data, it was concluded that whether by rational method or by following the narration, the foundation of theoretical wisdom is based on the understanding of divine justice in development and based on the acceptance of this principle that values and prescriptions return to beings and non-beings. Therefore, the foundation of practical wisdom is based on theoretical wisdom. Therefore, the understanding of how divine justice flows in legislation is based on the understanding of moderation, both in the world of names and the levels of human worlds. On this basis and due to the correspondence of the perfect human being with the universe, a human being who is obliged to guide and lead others should be under the control of reason in perfect moderation of the powers of imagination and illusion and even senses, and no matter how successful he is in this matter. It can extend moderation to families, clans, and civilizations. As a result, the condition of any social reform act will be to accept the necessity of creating a reasonable moderation in youth and youth forces, as the creator of creation has manifested this moderation in his creation verses. Manuscript profile