• List of Articles regeneration

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Effective Components on Dormant Textile Susceptibility of Khorramabad City Against Natural Hazards
        Zohreh Fanni Jamileh Tavakolinia    
        1. ابراهیمیان قاجاری و همکاران (1393)، «مدل¬سازی آسیب¬پذیری ساختمان¬های شهری با استفاده از روش¬های دلفی و تحلیل سلسله مراتبی در محیط GIS منطقه 6تهران» فصلنامه علمی ـ پژوهشی اطلاعات جغرافیایی، سپهر، دوره23، شماره91، صص20-5؛ 2. آئینی، محمد و زهراالسادات اردستانی(1388)، « More
        1. ابراهیمیان قاجاری و همکاران (1393)، «مدل¬سازی آسیب¬پذیری ساختمان¬های شهری با استفاده از روش¬های دلفی و تحلیل سلسله مراتبی در محیط GIS منطقه 6تهران» فصلنامه علمی ـ پژوهشی اطلاعات جغرافیایی، سپهر، دوره23، شماره91، صص20-5؛ 2. آئینی، محمد و زهراالسادات اردستانی(1388)، «هرم بازآفرینی و مشارکت مردم، معیار ارزیابی برنامه¬های توسعه درون¬زای شهری» نشریه هویت شهر، سال سوم، شماره 5، صص 58-47؛ 3. پوراحمد، احمد و همکاران (1394)، «بازآفرینی بافت¬های فرسوده شهری با تاکید بر فضاهای گذران اوقات فراغت، محله قیطریه تهران»، فصلنامه علمی ـ پژوهشی برنامه¬ریزی آمایش فضا، دوره نوزدهم شماره3، صص 38-1؛ 4. پورموسوی، موسی و همکاران (1393)، «ارزيابي آسيب¬پذيري ساختمان¬هاي شهر با مدلFuzzy AHP و AHP»، فصلنامه جغرافیا و توسعه، شماره34، صص138-121؛ 5. پیشگاهی¬فرد، زهرا و همکاران (1391)، «مدل¬سازي تعیین مناطق خطرپذیر با استفاده از مدلAHP در محیط GIS جهت مدیریت بحران شهري، مطالعه موردی، منطقه8 شهر تبریز» فصلنامه علمی¬ـ پژوهشی فضای جغرافیایی، سال دوزادهم، شماره37. صص 200-183؛ 6. حبیبی، کیومرث (1387)، «تعیین عوامل ساختمانی موثر در آسیب¬پذیری بافت کهن شهری زنجان یا استفاده از GISو FUZZY Loglc» هنرهای زیبا، شماره 33، صص 36-27؛ 7. خداوردی، پوریا و امیر معززی(1395)، بازآفرینی شهری مدل برنامه¬ریزی و مدیریت جریان زندگی، انتشارات آزاد پیما، 1395؛ 8. رابرتز، پیتر و هیوسایک (1393)، بازآفرینی شهری، ترجمه سعید ایزدی و پیروزحناچی، انتشارات دانشگاه تهران؛ 9. زنگی¬آبادی، علی و همکاران (1388)، «تحليل آماري خطرپذيري مناطق 11 و 12 شهر تهران در برابر زلزله»، فصلنامه مدرس، علوم انسانی، دوره 13، شماره3، صص 111-91؛ 10. زیاری،کرامت¬الله؛ داراب¬خانی، رسول(1392)، «بررسی آسیب¬پذیری بافتهای شهری در برابر زلزله مطالعه موردی: منطقه 11 شهرداری تهران» فصلنامه تحقیقات جغرافیایی، شماره99، صص 48-25؛ 11. ستوهیان، فرزاد و همکاران(1394)، «آسیب¬پذیری بافتهای تاریخی و راهکارهای محافظت در مقابل بحران زلزله» چهارمین کنفرانس ملی توسعه پایدار در علوم جغرافیا و برنامه¬ریزی و معماری و شهرسازی، صص 12-1؛ 12. شرفی، سیامک(1393)، طرح پژوهشی، طراحی منطبق با اقلیم در راستای کاهش مصرف انرژی در شهر خرم¬آباد، کارفرما: اداره کل راه و شهرسازی استان لرستان؛ 13. عندلیب، علیرضا و همکاران(1392)، «مقایسه و تطبیق بازآفرینی بافت¬هاي فرسودهي شهري بلوك خیام تهران»، فصلنامه آمایش محیط، شماره23، صص 104-79؛ 14. قبادی، محمدحسین(1381)، زمین¬¬شناسی مهندسی(ویژه دانشجویان عمران)، انتشارات دانشگاه شهید چمران، تهران؛ 15. محمدی ده¬چشمه، مصطفی(1393)، «سنجش نفوذپذیری بافت شهری کرج در برابر مخاطرات»، فصلنامه علمی- پژوهشی برنامه¬ریزی و آمایش فضا، دوره 18، شماره3، صص78-53؛ 16. مهندسان مشاور بهاوند مهراز(1389)، طرح بهسازی و نوسازی محدوده بافت فرسوده شهر خرم¬آباد؛ 17. نصري، مسعود(1388)، «بررسي سيلاب¬ها و شبكه مسيل¬هاي تاثيرگذار بر شهر زواره و توجه به آن در برنامه¬ريزي شهري»، فصلنامه جغرافيايي چشم¬انداز، سال اول شماره 2، صص 78-65؛ 18. نیاستی، معصومه و نگین چاره¬ساز(1395)،«کلان شهرها در سوانح طبیعی، نمونه مورد مطالعه: فرونشست در شهران منطقه 5تهران» اولین کنگره بین¬المللی مخاطرات طبیعی و بحران¬های محیطی، چالش¬ها و استراتژی¬ها، تبریز، صص 9-1؛ 19. Couch, C(1999), Urban Renewal Theory and Practice, Macmillan, Basingstoke; 20. Daniele La Rosa∗, Riccardo Privitera, Luca Barbarossa, Paolo La Greca(2017), Assessing; 21. Ertan Tugce, Yakup Egercioglu(2016), Historic city Center Urban Regeneration: Case Of Malaga and Kemerlta, Izmir, 2nd International Symposium New Metropolitan Perspective Strategic Planning Spatial Planning Economic Programs and Decision Support tools, Through the implementation Of Horizon/ Europe 2020. ISTH2020, Reggio Calabria(Italy)18-20,pp:601-607; 22. Maskerey, Andrew (1989), Disaster Mitigation, a Community Based Approach. Oxfam.,1989; 23. Sally McDonald, Naglis Malys2, Vida Malienė(2009),Urban Regeneration For Sustainable Communities, Journal Technological and economic development OF ECO NOM Y15/1.pp49-59; 24. spatial benefits of urban regeneration programs in a highly vulnerable urban context: A case study in Catania, Italy, journal Landscape and Urban Planning, 157,pp:180-192; 25. Veland. H., Aven, T (2013), Risk communication in the light of different risk perspectives, Reliability Engineering and System Safety 110,pp: 34–40 Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Urban Catalyst: Concepts and Requirements
        Nahid Nematikutenaee Farzaneh Salami farideh Asadian
        Today, urban transformations have led to general changes due to increasing sensitivities to human and environmental well-being. So far, there have been many approaches to urban transformation that most notably of them include urban revitalization, urban redevelopment, a More
        Today, urban transformations have led to general changes due to increasing sensitivities to human and environmental well-being. So far, there have been many approaches to urban transformation that most notably of them include urban revitalization, urban redevelopment, and urban regeneration. Regeneration approach has a more comprehensive and integrated vision for solving urban problems, especially Brownfield which has many opportunities for urban transformation and improving people's quality of life. But its regeneration faces challenges in clean-up and redevelopment. To overcome these challenges, the strategy of urban catalyst can be applied due to being an instrument within the strategies of urban transformation that comes out of the texture and rehabilitates that. This research presents the concepts and basic requirements of urban catalyst projects and their planning (political, management and leadership, legal, economic, social and environmental), design (underlying factors, Sense of location and identity) and implementation (4Ps model or public-private-people partnership) components for the acceleration of urban development. At the end, with the knowledge that every city has unique characteristic and it is not possible to adopt a single instruction for all cities, however, regarding to the global experiences, a common Brownfield regeneration process with the help of urban catalyst projects is presented by a proposed model in this study. If projects are understood and developed in accordance with what the city needs, they can deeply affect on the inefficient urban areas regeneration especially Brownfield. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Evaluation of the impacts of the quality of urban third places on residents’ sense of place; Case Study: Cultural Pedestrian Zone in Rasht
        Ali akbar Salari pour Hamid Ramezani mehrdad mehrjou Negin Ghorban zadeh
        The attraction of the city is that the city frees people from the norms that are tightly felt in their personal space and allows people to learn about themselves and others. The key to the success of social life is that people are safe in places where they feel comforta More
        The attraction of the city is that the city frees people from the norms that are tightly felt in their personal space and allows people to learn about themselves and others. The key to the success of social life is that people are safe in places where they feel comfortable and have time to spend their time and continuously replace their essential activities with selective activities (activities that enjoy doing them). In general, one of the objectives of pedestrian street construction plans is to create a space for various social, cultural and tourism activities and to increase interactions and social participation.The purpose of this research is to organize the third places in urban spaces (the municipality of Rasht) to enhance the sense of belonging to the place. This subject has been measured in the municipality square of Rasht by assessing the indicators (sense of belonging, attendance, interoperability, evaluation of festivals and cultural events, and overall project evaluation). The method of research and gathering documentary and analytical information were based on the distribution of 350 questionnaires among the statistical population. In the inferential findings for research information analysis, one-sample t-test and Pearson correlation coefficient were used. The results show that the condition of the municipality of Rasht with considering such indicators (sense of belonging, attendance, interoperability, and overall evaluation of the project) is relatively fair, but the attitude and assessment of projects and cultural events according to the degree of desire in Participation and holding of festivals are relatively low and require more serious planning and attention. The results of the correlation coefficient show that there are positive and meaningful statistical relationships between all indices. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Develop a conceptual framework for neighborhood-based participatory planning in Iranian cities Case study: Sirus, Javadiyeh and Haftechenar neighborhoods of Tehran
        Mohammad Ghasemisiani Iraj Ghasemi hossein Hidari
        Today, participation in social affairs is one of the main principles of sustainable development. In the field of urban management, empowering citizens and influencing them in urban affairs is the core of the participatory approach. So that in the regeneration of worn ti More
        Today, participation in social affairs is one of the main principles of sustainable development. In the field of urban management, empowering citizens and influencing them in urban affairs is the core of the participatory approach. So that in the regeneration of worn tissues during the last three decades, this approach has been mentioned as the key to problem solving and effective implementation of renovation programs. But experience shows that what has been considered as participation in urban management in Iran is more about financing and instrumental use of participation. In this article, an attempt has been made to study the experience of renovation in three neighborhoods of Sirus, Javadieh and Haftchenar, Tehran, which has been implemented with the approach of physical-spatial planning and participatory planning, while enumerating barriers to participation, to provide a model for future projects. The research method of this study is qualitative and the interview technique has been used. The sample size is 30 renovation managers and experts who have worked in these or similar projects. The results indicate that the barriers can be classified into two categories of structural and factor factors. Thus, structural factors at the macro level, including organizational structures, and at the micro level, including legal factors (laws and regulations) and agency at the two micro levels, ie individual factors and macro level, ie the organizational dimension, create obstacles to citizen participation. Therefore, in order to attract people’s participation, these structural and factor factors must be coordinated with each other and a positive and two-way interaction must be established between them. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Explaining The Contexts of Achieving Sustainability in Old and Worn Textures with Integrated Urban Regeneration Approach; Case Study: The Old Texture of Kashan
        Abozar Vafaei
        Today, the old texture of Kashan as one of the urban areas, despite having concealed potentials and capacities for future urban development, holds an ample of problems including lack of urban services, inability of tissues residents, spread of social harms, low level of More
        Today, the old texture of Kashan as one of the urban areas, despite having concealed potentials and capacities for future urban development, holds an ample of problems including lack of urban services, inability of tissues residents, spread of social harms, low level of health, insecurity, safety crisis and low resilience to calamities (physical instability). Therefore, to resolve these problems, traditional policies and approaches intervention in urban dysfunctional and worn tissues such as urban redevelopment and renovation cannot be accountable and there is a need to apply state-of-the-art patterns and approaches to place-based intervention in urban dysfunctional and worn tissues neighborhoods under the title of sustainable urban regeneration. This study intends to investigate the different dimensions of erosion and the challenges ahead in the old texture of Kashan to explain the context of sustainability realization in all dimensions of the texture with the approach of integrated urban regeneration based on analytical application. The research is categorized in practical sort in terms of purpose and analytical-explanatory in terms of using theoretical documents related to the research topic. The results show that integrated regeneration strategies in different dimensions of sustainability can be an appropriate model for resolving the problem of various types of exhaustion and the formation of a stable and intellectual spatial form in the old texture of Kashan. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Social Sustainability Assessment of Tehran City Regenerated Neighborhoods Case Study: Shamshiry and Shobiry-Ja Neighborhoods
        Naghi Asgari
        The national regeneration program of urban fabrics has been promoted Since 2009 by advocacy measures including granting cheap construction credits and no permit fees in an annual encouraging package that with other neighborhood base promotion increased housing construc More
        The national regeneration program of urban fabrics has been promoted Since 2009 by advocacy measures including granting cheap construction credits and no permit fees in an annual encouraging package that with other neighborhood base promotion increased housing construction in determinate areas. However this question has been mentioned that whether this kind of regeneration will lead to more sustainable neighborhoods and communities, especially in term of social sustainability?The main goal was evaluation of direct result and long-run impacts of regeneration program on main aspects of social sustainability in two selected neighborhood of Tehran, Shamshiry and Shobiry-Ja. Following a relatively comprehensive discussion on literature review and theoretical issues, assessment framework of social sustainability fixed on 9 main aspects and more then hundred criteria which classified in 3 levels, based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Data of each criterion gathered by questionnaire (716 sample, 46 criteria), observation (14 criteria), interview and documents (37 criteria) and evaluated based on national urban standards and analytical thresholds which are prevalent in social impact assessment studies. Overall results show in a few aspects, regeneration program has made both neighborhoods more sustainable. However in many areas the program has leaded to unsustainable outcomes for communities. Foreseeable trends shows, if the current direction insist to continue without improvements, will jeopardize all achievements of program and will make the social structure of neighborhoods unsustainable. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - A New Voice Packing Method to Regenerate Lost Packets
        Y. darmani
        This article introduces a new voice packing scheme to transfer voice samples over the Internet. This method aims to reduce the voice quality degradation caused by lost packets as far as possible. Regenerating lost voice packets in active nodes in the network, introduces More
        This article introduces a new voice packing scheme to transfer voice samples over the Internet. This method aims to reduce the voice quality degradation caused by lost packets as far as possible. Regenerating lost voice packets in active nodes in the network, introduces more received voice quality at the receiver side compared with the other methods. This scheme is simulated using an unreliable network with an active node, and it shows more voice quality than the other schemes even if the network loses 50 percent of packets. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Knowing the Dimensions of Tourism in the Sustainable Regeneration of the Old Context of Yazd City
        Ali Shamaei Narges Ahmadifard Sima Daemi
        Regeneration for updating the old textures In addition to meeting the needs of the people and daily life has a meaningful reference to the identity of the old textures, which can be achieved only in the group of attention to the dimensions of tourism in all fields. More
        Regeneration for updating the old textures In addition to meeting the needs of the people and daily life has a meaningful reference to the identity of the old textures, which can be achieved only in the group of attention to the dimensions of tourism in all fields. The dimensions of sustainable tourism from the economic, social, physical and environmental aspects are consistent with the dimensions and indicators of regeneration. For this purpose, the intended research has used these four approaches to investigate the dimensions of urban tourism in recreating the historical context of the studied city. Our type of research is practical and its method is exploratory-analytical. The statistical population of the research is citizens living in the old context of Yazd city with a sample size of 274 people using Cochran's formula and 30 urban specialists and experts. The results of the research showed that the development of tourism has played the biggest role in the indicators of the physical and economic dimensions. Also, urban tourism has played a role in creating cultural facilities, entertainment and sports centers, increasing social relations, cultural exchanges, strengthening the city's cultural identity, developing service activities, and preventing economic stagnation. Also, the results obtained from the SOAR analysis showed that the most important impact of tourism is the participation of the residents in tourism and urban regeneration programs and plans and the creation of recreational places to attract and retain more tourists. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Review and Qualitative Content Analysis of the Theoretical Origins of Urban Regeneration
        Ahmad Pourahmad Akbar Hamidi Hossein Hataminejad saeed zanganeh
        With the beginning of the twenty-first century, various policies have been adopted to manage the complexities and uncertainties of urban systems, especially in metropolitan areas. Meanwhile, Urban Regeneration (UR), as a policy focused on Inner-city, dysfunctional and r More
        With the beginning of the twenty-first century, various policies have been adopted to manage the complexities and uncertainties of urban systems, especially in metropolitan areas. Meanwhile, Urban Regeneration (UR), as a policy focused on Inner-city, dysfunctional and rundown urban fabrics, has found an undeniable significance in urban planning and studies. Then, the main purpose of this research is to review, evaluate and investigate urban regeneration policy based on Qualitative Content Analysis (QCA) method. Firstly, more than 300 scientific and valid texts in the field of urban regeneration were purposefully studied. After the final screening, 73 sources were analyzed in a content way as a selected document. In the second step, components and indicators of research variables were extracted and categorized. Results represent that the core categories of urban regeneration are: 1) principles of urban regeneration; 2) timeline evolution of urban regeneration policies; 3) sustainable urban regeneration strategies; 4) assessment frameworks of regeneration; 5) guiding theories for regeneration; and 6) land use-led urban regeneration. As a result, the conceptual model of urban regeneration was presented by focusing on expanded theoretical concepts. Considering extracted categories, the land use-led urban regeneration indicator has been noticed more in research studies, and the category of sustainable regeneration strategies has been given more priority. In contrast, the discussion of regenerative support theories, regeneration policy timeline and its evaluation frameworks are less emphasized than other issues. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Investigating the process of urban planning in developed countries with an emphasis on urban regeneration in the last three decades, "case study of Iran"
        Mohammad  Ramian fatemeh adibi sadi nezhad
        As a geographical, economic, political and sociological reality, the city has been influenced by each of these factors in each period of its growth and development and has influenced each of them. The complexity of each of these factors has caused the complexity of the More
        As a geographical, economic, political and sociological reality, the city has been influenced by each of these factors in each period of its growth and development and has influenced each of them. The complexity of each of these factors has caused the complexity of the city as their spatial crystallization. Certainly, organizing and ordering the city and how it grows and evolves requires the thematics of the city and urban issues and then planning for it. In recent decades, several policies have been proposed to deal with the issue of environmental quality, social dignity and economic vitality of cities (especially in their inner areas) and various programs have been implemented in this regard. During the last three decades in developed countries, in order to solve the problems and bottlenecks in declining urban areas, various approaches have been experienced in theory and practice. The development policies in Iran during the last decades have led to uneven growth and severe imbalances in development, both in terms of sectors (between agriculture, industry and services or traditional and modern sectors) and in terms of Spatial-spatial differences between cities and villages and even at different levels of urban communities have resulted. For balanced urban development and minimization of problems, related institutions have turned to creating "urban plans" which are considered the most fundamental means of shaping and organizing. More than three decades have passed since the preparation and implementation of urban plans for the purpose of organizing the urban space, despite all the measures taken, evaluations show that these plans have failed to achieve their goals. The main goal is to examine the views of thinkers and planners in line with the factors affecting urban plans. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Elucidation of Factors and the Role of Drivers Influencing Development Stimulus Initiatives in the Pattern of Sustainable Regeneration with an Emphasis on Spatial Autocorrelation Analysis (Case Study: Kohsar City)
        Ahmad Pourahmad Media Hakimi Keramatalah Zayyari hasanali farajisabokbar
        In recent decades, the urban regeneration approach has shifted from physical renewal towards sustainable urban regeneration as a result of the evolution of thoughts and policies. The goal is to achieve economic growth, social dynamism, improved urban environmental quali More
        In recent decades, the urban regeneration approach has shifted from physical renewal towards sustainable urban regeneration as a result of the evolution of thoughts and policies. The goal is to achieve economic growth, social dynamism, improved urban environmental quality, and ecological sustainability. Inefficient urban fabric is identified as the primary target area for the regeneration of urban zones facing numerous economic, social, physical, and environmental challenges compared to other urban areas. One crucial solution in this regard involves harnessing developmental stimuli through a series of urban initiatives and plans to address the issues in various domains of urban areas. The purpose of this research is to identify the factors of catalyst and description of their role in the model of sustainable regeneration in Kohsar city, which is one of the most important inefficient urban areas in Alborz province. Therefore, identifying the drivers of development stimuli, elucidating their spatial distribution, and explaining their role in sustainable urban regeneration are paramount. The research methodology employed is descriptive, utilizing quantitative and qualitative analyses with a focus on GIS software and employing the Moran's I autocorrelation technique. The results indicate that the physical, social, and environmental criteria are clustered, while the economic criterion is randomly and unevenly distributed in Kohsar city. The finding of the research show that in the city of Kohsar , concentrating on the economic, social, physical, and environmental capacities of the existing urban areas and distributing them in inefficient areas can play a crucial role in accelerating the process of sustainable regeneration and addressing the challenges of inefficient urban fabric. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - Renewal of Spatial structure of the quarters based on the Cultural- led regeneration approach in Historical fabrics (Case Study: Arg quarter, Mashhad)
        Farid Ganjeali Iman Ghalandarian
        The spatial structure of quarters plays a fundamental role in revitalizing and improving their quality. Emphasizing the reconstruction of cultural heritage, this approach can serve as a suitable catalyst for strengthening related issues or the spatial structure of histo More
        The spatial structure of quarters plays a fundamental role in revitalizing and improving their quality. Emphasizing the reconstruction of cultural heritage, this approach can serve as a suitable catalyst for strengthening related issues or the spatial structure of historical quarters. This research aims to reconstruct the spatial structure of the Arg quarter in Mashhad. The methodology employed is mixed (quantitative and qualitative), where initially, by defining the criteria for cultural reconstruction in both soft and hard environments and categorizing them into seven dimensions of the urban environment, the cultural criteria in the components of spatial structure were elucidated. In the second step, quarter issues in the Arg quarter were extracted through the perspectives of authors, experts, and residents using observation and interviews, then the issue network was drawn and analyzed using qualitative research analysis tools (Gephi software). The results of the research indicate that the most important issues of the spatial structure of the Arg quarter include the lack of day and night activities, neglect of social values, functional disturbances in space and activities, inappropriate environmental qualities, and the loss of a sense of place, which can be addressed by proposing suggestions for improvement based on the identified issues. Manuscript profile
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        13 - Evaluating effective factors in changing the use of spaces with a regeneration approach
        fatemeh barghash maryam dastgheib parsa Atena abdosheikhi Kimia Sadat  Tabibzadeh
        <p>The aim of this study is to identify the factors through which by creating a driving force in changing space used to regenerate spaces in it. This study examines the methods of intervention and change of use in spaces, identifying the components of space regeneration More
        <p>The aim of this study is to identify the factors through which by creating a driving force in changing space used to regenerate spaces in it. This study examines the methods of intervention and change of use in spaces, identifying the components of space regeneration and their intervention areas. The research method of the research is qualitative approach and comparative method and in order to access the subject literature, the basic concepts have been collected from the library and survey method. The theoretical framework has been established through the study of books, articles, theses, and database searches. In the present study, the most influential criteria for changes in building use, with an emphasis on regeneration, have been gathered from the literature. Based on the conducted studies, quality criteria of space, elements and components, and consideration of previous usage have been extracted and examining the criteria in case examples including, Arghvan Administrative Office, Textile Art Gallery (Taropood), Water Museum in Vakil Reservoir, Newton Glasses Gallery, Rooberoo Hostel and 1330 House have been evaluated. The result of the above research indicates that the Water Museum in Vakil Reservoir, then the Textile Art Gallery of Shiraz and the Rooberoo hostel of Tehran are compatible with the with the characteristics of regeneration. Paying attention to the spatial quality, components and elements and paying attention to the previous use has a reciprocal relationship with the change of use of the building with a revitalization approach, and as a result, we get a lasting effect.</p> Manuscript profile