Investigating the process of urban planning in developed countries with an emphasis on urban regeneration in the last three decades, "case study of Iran"
Subject Areas : Geography
Mohammad Ramian
fatemeh adibi sadi nezhad
1 - Islamic Azad University, Islamshahr branch
2 - Islamic Azad University, Islamshahr Branch
Keywords: Planning, urban development, urban plans, urban regeneration,
Abstract :
As a geographical, economic, political and sociological reality, the city has been influenced by each of these factors in each period of its growth and development and has influenced each of them. The complexity of each of these factors has caused the complexity of the city as their spatial crystallization. Certainly, organizing and ordering the city and how it grows and evolves requires the thematics of the city and urban issues and then planning for it. In recent decades, several policies have been proposed to deal with the issue of environmental quality, social dignity and economic vitality of cities (especially in their inner areas) and various programs have been implemented in this regard. During the last three decades in developed countries, in order to solve the problems and bottlenecks in declining urban areas, various approaches have been experienced in theory and practice. The development policies in Iran during the last decades have led to uneven growth and severe imbalances in development, both in terms of sectors (between agriculture, industry and services or traditional and modern sectors) and in terms of Spatial-spatial differences between cities and villages and even at different levels of urban communities have resulted. For balanced urban development and minimization of problems, related institutions have turned to creating "urban plans" which are considered the most fundamental means of shaping and organizing. More than three decades have passed since the preparation and implementation of urban plans for the purpose of organizing the urban space, despite all the measures taken, evaluations show that these plans have failed to achieve their goals. The main goal is to examine the views of thinkers and planners in line with the factors affecting urban plans.
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