• List of Articles nature

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        1 - The Origin of Human’s Nature and Aspects in Mathnavi
        بخشعلی  قنبری
        Human is one of the key concepts in Mowlavi’s works, especially in Mathnavi. Mowlavi considers human as an eye created to gaze at God and thereby, take pleasure; the essence of existence is thought, the thought whose object is The Divine. One can certainly ask where hum More
        Human is one of the key concepts in Mowlavi’s works, especially in Mathnavi. Mowlavi considers human as an eye created to gaze at God and thereby, take pleasure; the essence of existence is thought, the thought whose object is The Divine. One can certainly ask where human originated from. According to the divine religions and the Gnostic schools following them man was made out of mud, and Adam was the first referent of humans. So, it is worth asking what processes human has left behind to reach to his present stance. The question is investigated as genealogy. Mowlavi introduces different stages in human’s genealogy. Having passed these stages, he reached the present stage. Now, he has come up with the question that, how his present situation is. The answer lies in human’s nature, which Mowlavi considers it of double quality. In sum, all these issues are reflected in Mathnavi. The humans’ creation out of various kinds of soils is the symbolic way of suggesting their different faculties and natures. At the same time, he has the potential of being the place of the Divine revelation; the soul breathed in him is the symbol of God’s presence in this place. This soul involves the levels including vegetative soul, animal soul, and holy soul. According to Mowlavi, human is the ultimate cause of the creation, though he is the last being to be created. Now, if he could reach perfection, he would acquire the capacity to be exalted. Such exaltation would result in his turning to be God-like, which would promote him far beyond plans, animals, and angels, to an exalted rank. This is so because human moves from these stages, while non-human beings are permanently fixed in their stages. Manuscript profile
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        2 - The Rulers’ Communications During the Mythical and Heroic Ages in Shahnameh
        سيدمحمد  دادگران مريم  صادقي گیوی khadijeh tatari
        Communication can be considered as the act of communicating meanings or exchanging messages. What distinguishes human communication from the other living beings’ is its principles and criteria to successful and efficient communication, and his ability to create and use More
        Communication can be considered as the act of communicating meanings or exchanging messages. What distinguishes human communication from the other living beings’ is its principles and criteria to successful and efficient communication, and his ability to create and use symbols.The present article is to explain the development of human communication in Shahnameh until the heroic age. Aspects of human communication in Shahnameh include the rulers’ communication, the heroes’, and the people’s. The research focuses on the first type. The rulers’ communication can be studied in five levels: communication with other rulers, communication with people, communication with God, communication with nature, and communication with supernatural beings. The main concern of the present article is to study types of the rulers’ communication modes, their purpose of communication, and the result of their communication. Manuscript profile
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        3 - The Nature of Political Affair in Augustine’s City of God
        This article tries to cast a new light on the political implications of Saint Augustine’s City of God. Considering Peter Burnell views as in his “the status of politics in St. Augustine’s city of god”, we will show that in Augustine’s theology there is no room to discus More
        This article tries to cast a new light on the political implications of Saint Augustine’s City of God. Considering Peter Burnell views as in his “the status of politics in St. Augustine’s city of god”, we will show that in Augustine’s theology there is no room to discuss “politics” as an autonomous subject. For him, politics is a matter of worldly and post Descent status. At best, politics in can be a means of maintaining peace and security at this temporal world, and as an abode for the pilgrims of “the City of God”. Though man is naturally considered as a “social being” in Augustine’s thought, he believes this feature has been faded at the result of “politicalization” which has been imposed on him by his post Descent condition. So Augustine, completely detaching from Greek tradition of political philosophy and denying of civic relations, depicts his own city of God in non-corporeal utopia. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Semantic and Structural Dimensions of Decision- making in Islamic Republic of Iran’ Foreign policy
        GHOLAMALI SOLEIMANI Sayed Jalal Dehghani Firozabadi
        Along with the victory of Islamic Revolution, a fundamental change has occurred in Iran's foreign policy. But neglecting the domain of foreign policy and international relations in the study of the role of political system domain, confront the foreign policy study domai More
        Along with the victory of Islamic Revolution, a fundamental change has occurred in Iran's foreign policy. But neglecting the domain of foreign policy and international relations in the study of the role of political system domain, confront the foreign policy study domain of Islamic Republic Of Iran with special difficulties that in fact leads to the weakness in conceptualization in this domain. With regard to the area of foreign policy analysis and the achievements of this sub-domain, this article aims to answer these basic questions that: what is the Islamic Republic of Iran’s foreign policy decision-making model? Answering this question requires considering different effective levels in the analysis of foreign policy that the present study , examines this subject in three levels of decision-maker, decision-making structure and decision-making orientation of foreign policy as main effective elements in foreign policy decision-making and their role in foreign policy decision-making , hoping that it can illustrate the action and decision-making logic and also effective structural and organizational factors affecting on the Islamic republic of iran’s foreign policy. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Power and the Commune: Priority of Power to Right in Political Philosophy of Spinoza
        Baruch Benedict Spinoza’s theoretical constellation formulates a theory of right and law that prepares bases for his special rationalism and humanism that is specific to republican political philosophy. This philosophy of right and law relies on metaphysics of power and More
        Baruch Benedict Spinoza’s theoretical constellation formulates a theory of right and law that prepares bases for his special rationalism and humanism that is specific to republican political philosophy. This philosophy of right and law relies on metaphysics of power and prefigures the “Multitude” and the “Commune”. This philosophy of right and law is one of the many unique aspects of Spinoza`s practical philosophy. Spinoza`s theory of right as articulated in his political essays Ethica and Tractatus Politicus is as following: The more right extends, the more power extends and since society or commune produces more power, it produces more right. This unique aspect of practical philosophy of Spinoza relies on some aspects of old theory of right and law. In other words, the right and law theory of Spinoza can be considered one of Spinoza’s bonds with old traditions. The right and law Spinoza theory relies on “power” and considers “Multitude” and “Commune”. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Violence in the civil state of Hobbes: Rereading Leviathan
        mohamad ali tavana  
        Leviathan is one of the first modern political philosophy texts, which attempt to replace regular civil state of market society and the bourgeois state with the state of nature in which is war of all against each other. Now, the question is: Is civil state of Hobbes is More
        Leviathan is one of the first modern political philosophy texts, which attempt to replace regular civil state of market society and the bourgeois state with the state of nature in which is war of all against each other. Now, the question is: Is civil state of Hobbes is free of violence? It seems that the transition from the state of nature to the civil state is not end of violence, but besides the obvious activist violence, it reinforces more hidden forms of violence including action-accepting and symbolic violence (Hypothesis). This article, in order to understanding and analyzing the types of violence in the civil state of Hobbes, uses the theoretical framework of Slavoj Zizek (theoretical framework). It seems that the origin of activist violence, action-accepting and symbolic in Hobbes's civil state can be found on several factors; The first is that the social phobia that is affected by the evil nature of human still continues in civil state. Second, in the civil state of Hobbes, the governor that has superior authority (sovereignty) is the exception. Third, the ruler for containing the unleashed violence of nature of state, resorts to the force of law, common law and morality, which itself is repulse, repression and Constraint. In other words, it makes a part of citizens in favor of other part, exclusion, repression or limit (the findings). The present article uses Text- author centered hermeneutic method (method). Manuscript profile
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        7 - Arendt’s Political Thought and the Possibility of Change in International Relations
        Homeira  Moshirzadeh Arya Moknat
        According to mainstream IR theories and, in particular, realism, violence is and will remain to be an essential and inseparable part of international relations. All variations of realism view human nature and/or intentional system as inherently violent. Hannah Arendt’s More
        According to mainstream IR theories and, in particular, realism, violence is and will remain to be an essential and inseparable part of international relations. All variations of realism view human nature and/or intentional system as inherently violent. Hannah Arendt’s theory of political power as a non-violent and collective human action challenges this fundamental assumption and offers a new perspective on what constitutes the essence of politics. Arendt’s idea of “human condition” rejects all forms of essentialism with regard to human beings and opens up a theoretical space for a new understanding of international relations where human beings become the primary political agents (despite the fact that she sees the existing international relations more from a realist point of view). Contrary to mainstream IR theories in general, and to realism in particular, for Arendt the individuals, rather than the states, are ultimately the main players in international relations. In this paper, we bind different aspects of Arendt’s political thought together to offer a new theoretical perspective for a possible change in world politics. Manuscript profile
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        8 - A Comparative Study Of The Nature Of The Head And The Right To Trade With An Approach To Free Trade And Industrial Zones
        Farshad  Akbari Balanga Seyed Alireza   Mirheidari Langroudi
        Goodwill is one of the most important issue’s of renting , which has emerged in the contemporary period and was first established in France , and then French law has entered Iran's rights. In 1997, it was recognized by the legislator. This was right before the laws ente More
        Goodwill is one of the most important issue’s of renting , which has emerged in the contemporary period and was first established in France , and then French law has entered Iran's rights. In 1997, it was recognized by the legislator. This was right before the laws entered into Iran's commercial convention. What was recognized in Iran's laws in the past was the right to business and trade that most of the jurists called to oppose it and declared it a non – religious. Consequently¬ opposition , the Convention on the Trade , which was reflected in the form of goodwill in the writings¬ of jurists, influenced their legal theories for the first time in the framework of the legal Relations Law and the tenant of 1997. Although the law could not be all to goodwill issues. Because the concept of goodwill and its nature is not clear, and at the same time the conditions of realization of the goodwill and the implementation guarantee¬ Failure to comply with these terms and also the right to the third parties is not clear. Also , the goodwill and conditions of realization of the transfer and conformity of it in Iran's free trade and industrial zones have ambiguities. Hence , in this thesis we are going to clarify the ambiguities and solutions to solve this issue. Manuscript profile
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        9 - Rational Fundamentals for Absoluteness of Collective Knowledge
        Seyed Abolqasem  Naqibi Mohammad Hossein  Soheily
        Abstract:The fundamentals of absoluteness of collective knowledge can be accurately explained in two separate categories: First, absoluteness of collective knowledge in rational terms, i.e. free from practical canonical principles. Second: Absoluteness of collective kno More
        Abstract:The fundamentals of absoluteness of collective knowledge can be accurately explained in two separate categories: First, absoluteness of collective knowledge in rational terms, i.e. free from practical canonical principles. Second: Absoluteness of collective knowledge in terms of Sharia law and with a view on those principles. This paper intends to study the first section. To that end, prohibition of the conclusive discord and the necessity of the conclusive consent has been studied. In the course of these discussions, it will become clear that although the prohibition of the conclusive discord is easily provable, proving of the necessity of conclusive consent has only two logical solutions: First, the rule of incumbency that is attributable only according to Mohaqeq Araqi’s theory of interpretation of collective knowledge. Second, absoluteness of the probability of religious duty in each segment of the collective knowledge that will be accurate only based on the negation of the rule of indecency of punishing the one who has not received the penal warrant. Also in this paper, attempts have been made to provide responses to the doubts posed by the opponents of the prohibition of the conclusive discord and the necessity of conclusive consent and the refutation expressed by Shahid Sadr to the rule of punishment of the one who has not received the penal warrant. Manuscript profile
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        10 - Ecosophy and Ibn Arabi Application Divine Names and Attributes Marriage’s
        Ecosophy is an interdisciplinary science that is formed of the combination of two natural and epistemological areas. A discussion of the noms (divines) and attributes of God marriage is a mystical discussion, but in this article we intend to use in the environmental fie More
        Ecosophy is an interdisciplinary science that is formed of the combination of two natural and epistemological areas. A discussion of the noms (divines) and attributes of God marriage is a mystical discussion, but in this article we intend to use in the environmental field. Our aim in this research is the application of this doctrine in the field of environmental ethics and extraction of teachings of the related to environmental issues. The fundamental issue in the research is the explanation of status Nature in Ibn Arabi and discussion of the noms (divines) and attributes of God marriage and how will be done mystical teachings of the environmental ethics. In this article has been used descriptive –analytic method. Outcome of this research, true respect for nature by man that has intrinsic value as a sacred being Manuscript profile
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        11 - Nature preserve life based on quran ethics
        azam etemadifard  
        Islam has brought us an Islamic-divine perfect and comprehensive worldview based upon Quran and Hadith. It asks from human beings to have an ethical life to attain to their ultimate meaning in their relations with themselves, with God, with others and with Nature. These More
        Islam has brought us an Islamic-divine perfect and comprehensive worldview based upon Quran and Hadith. It asks from human beings to have an ethical life to attain to their ultimate meaning in their relations with themselves, with God, with others and with Nature. These human beings, i.e. those who have faith and well doings, have the gospel of a proper life. In this paper we try to show the good deeds that a well doer believer should perform in relation to the Nature to reach to felicity- a real and original life- in other world. In our view there is – in contrast to this kind of view to life and Nature- another world view that is atheistic and corporeal which have made a humanistic view centered on egoistic desires and this has led to suppress the Nature- a place that is considered as an ultimate end for human life. We believe that an ethics based on Quran to keep the Nature safe would 1- cancel this kind of materialistic view and 2- with considering Quranic observations abnormal deed would disappear and 3- perfectness of Islam would be shown Manuscript profile
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        12 - An Analysis of the Ethical and Legal Nature of International Rules in International Commercial Arbitration
        amin rostami Masoud zamani manochehr tavasoli naeini
        International law books on arbitration have discussed, and in a brief and transient way, the nature and nature of the rules of international trade arbitration, and most of the books and articles on this subject have been published abroad. Since arbitration is one of the More
        International law books on arbitration have discussed, and in a brief and transient way, the nature and nature of the rules of international trade arbitration, and most of the books and articles on this subject have been published abroad. Since arbitration is one of the most important and common ways of resolving disputes in international business litigation, this research can help to identify its substantive dimensions and thus be effective in responding to existing uncertainties. And in this research, the nature of the rules of ethics in international commercial arbitration has been examined ethically and legally. And the researcher concludes that although the rules of international commercial arbitration imply a modality of ethics, but because ethics is a matter of credit and ultimately abstraction, the rules of international law in international business arbitration cannot be ethically In the conventional sense, it is examined and made clear because the relation between ethics and interest in international relations is of the contradiction. And these rules should be seen as a purely legal tool, derived from the rules of public order whose ethics are one of the constituent elements of its legal approach Manuscript profile
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        13 - Reviews of the theory of "Spirited Bodies" from the perspective of the Shi'a narrations (Relying on Nahj)
          safar nasiriyan
        The theory of "Spirited Bodies" is a theological theory of the human nature. Opinion is sharply divided over this issue. This theory, based on the theory of evolution and Physical and experimental findings. Nancey Murphy argues for a physicalist account, but one that do More
        The theory of "Spirited Bodies" is a theological theory of the human nature. Opinion is sharply divided over this issue. This theory, based on the theory of evolution and Physical and experimental findings. Nancey Murphy argues for a physicalist account, but one that does not diminish traditional views of humans as rational, moral, and capable of relating to God. Murphy is invited to appreciate the ways in which organisms are more than the sum of their parts. But this theory according to Shi'a narrations particularly Nahj ,comming in the text of the article, is not acceptable Manuscript profile
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        14 - Conflict of tendency to disbelief and atheism with human nature
        Fatemeh Alipour seyyedeh tahereh aghamiri
        In this study, by examining the cause of tendency towards disbelief and atheism in contemporary world and comparative comparison between them, the subject of the nature of Godliness and Godhead in humans is examined to answer the question of why in the contemporary worl More
        In this study, by examining the cause of tendency towards disbelief and atheism in contemporary world and comparative comparison between them, the subject of the nature of Godliness and Godhead in humans is examined to answer the question of why in the contemporary world, despite the spread of science and technology , Is it an achievement for atheism and an increase in the number of "theologians", and what is the solution out of it? The study of the verses of the Holy Qur'an and the traditions of the infallibles (a) shows that God is a fact and an outsider, not that which is made up of us and not what is perceived and the essence is the question of monotheism. Therefore, human beings must go beyond sensory perception to find the truth and pass away from blasphemy and atheism, and by contemplating in truth, to know God in the presence and intuition of science, and to rational reasoning with the proof of the existence of God. Manuscript profile
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        15 - The role of religious beliefs in the custody of women and the goodwill of couples
        Ilnaz  Ali Nejad Seyyed Mehdi  Salehi Reza  Nikkhah Saranaghi
        In the religious belief of man in the direction of the kind of being, "there is" a god, derived from him and his ultimate destination is to reach God, and the purpose of his life and purpose is to "receive Allah; in the religious texts, There is a lot of commitment that More
        In the religious belief of man in the direction of the kind of being, "there is" a god, derived from him and his ultimate destination is to reach God, and the purpose of his life and purpose is to "receive Allah; in the religious texts, There is a lot of commitment that empowers them to strengthen and strengthen the goodness of couples. Couples, through the pattern and assumption of children, play a large role in the tendency of children to worship and spirituality; among couples who have a practical commitment to beliefs and worship, psychological relaxation, inner luminance, and ethical issues, hope, material and spiritual progress And the sense of conscientiousness towards others amongst couples who believe in religious beliefs and worship is very high. Although women are the main pillars of the family and make up half the population of the country, it is less visible that attention to the human rights of women is reflected in the laws, and many of the rights of this group of society are not only women but also as Mother is overlooked. In other words, it can be said that women are deprived of many natural, social and other rights due to being women. The purpose of this article is to examine the role of religious beliefs about the right of custody of women, the right of women to custody in Islamic law and international law and good socialization. For this purpose, the library method has been used. Manuscript profile
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        16 - Study and analysis of the nature, principles, extent, types and sources of epistemology
        Mohammad farajzadeh Mohammad Reza  Sarmadi
        The present study aimed to study and analyze the nature of epistemology, principles, extent, types and sources of knowledge. This applied research is descriptive and analytical. According to the results, science and knowledge are obtained using various sources such as n More
        The present study aimed to study and analyze the nature of epistemology, principles, extent, types and sources of knowledge. This applied research is descriptive and analytical. According to the results, science and knowledge are obtained using various sources such as nature, wisdom, revelation, etc. Meanwhile, the lack of access to such knowledge is a major obstacle to achieve the ultimate goal. Since different ways can be used to develop knowledge in the learners, teachers must pay attention to the best way of acquiring knowledge through such philosophical studies. Knowledge can only be obtained through experience. It should be noted that the purpose of education needs to be accompanied by knowledge. The anthropological perspective of existentialism, therefore, searches for the root of knowledge in man. Accordingly, more freedom must be given to the students in order to search for knowledge, given their psychological needs. Manuscript profile
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        17 - Study of the nature of death and the goals of praising death in Molana's view
        Manouchehr  Kamari  
        The nature is a term that refers to the essence and nature of the objects and phenomena of the universe and accordingly, the meaning of the nature of death, is its truth. Death in public use means the inexistence of this universe and the end of life. But writers and sc More
        The nature is a term that refers to the essence and nature of the objects and phenomena of the universe and accordingly, the meaning of the nature of death, is its truth. Death in public use means the inexistence of this universe and the end of life. But writers and scholars in different domains of thought, especially in the domain of mysticism and Sufism, have, from their point of view, explained the nature and concept of death, based on their attitude of the post-death world. In addition,Molana has a significant position in the field of poetry and mysticism. The praise of death and the conceptual relationship between the nature of death and life in his intellectual geometry with another form, been specially considered by him. He is not the first and the last person to strive to explain the nature of his death and praise. But praising the death with passion-centered and foreignization of its nature and its image, in addition to emphasizing the meaningful hidden attractions in the philosophy of life in the form of artistic imaginings, has a high and unparalleled frequency in his works. In this essay we have tried through precision and research in his perspective and based on his valuable works, especially the valuable book of Mathnawi, the nature of death, the goals and motives of praise of death and the story of his passion for dealing with this mysterious incident in addition to enumerate his sources of thought in this field, We will analyze and research. Manuscript profile
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        18 - Restoration of the forgotten knowledge of the universe (How, Factors and Obstacles)
        سیدعلی موسوی
        Natural knowledge is a special kind of knowledge that, unlike intellectual cognition, is not acquired, but within human beings, and according to the verses and narratives that are rooted in the worlds before the world, there is the world. The question now is how this kn More
        Natural knowledge is a special kind of knowledge that, unlike intellectual cognition, is not acquired, but within human beings, and according to the verses and narratives that are rooted in the worlds before the world, there is the world. The question now is how this knowledge is evident and flourishing; what causes it to be restored and what barriers prevent it from occurring. Based on the verses, narratives and human experiences, this kind of knowledge shows and appears in traumas and hardships when human hands are cut off from all apparel. It is also reminiscent of the divine men who are the prophets and the imams (as), and the practice of their commands. In this article, first, what is the nature of the world of the world, with regard to the verses and narrations, and then how to restore the innate knowledge, its factors and obstacles is explained. Manuscript profile
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        19 - Study of Kant and Ghazali's view of proving the Existence of God
        faride hakimi mahdi dehbashi
        In his critique of theoretical reason, Kant holds that all the arguments are proof of the existence of God as an existential argument. He criticizes this argument a lot, so he expresses it in the form of an innate argument. Kant's sense of nature actually means the kind More
        In his critique of theoretical reason, Kant holds that all the arguments are proof of the existence of God as an existential argument. He criticizes this argument a lot, so he expresses it in the form of an innate argument. Kant's sense of nature actually means the kind of talent that one acquires. Al-Ghazali, after expressing the proof of hadith, in the second round of his life, discusses the nature of nature and uses it in various meanings such as instinct and reason. He also does not consider nature to be achieved by rational reasoning. Ghazali believes that God exists in our nature, while Kant believes that we gain it throughout our lives, not that it exists in our imagination from day one. Manuscript profile
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        20 - The nature of divine rites; examples and their insult with the focus on verse 2 of Surah Ma'idah
        Mahin SHahrivar Mohammad Ali Rabbipour Alireza  Radbin Sadra  Alipour
        The phrase "rituals" is explicitly stated in the Qur'an, especially in Surah Ma'idah.By quoting some examples of Islam, God has commanded Muslims to glorify and honor the divine rites.And she considers honoring and following the rituals as a sign of piety of the believe More
        The phrase "rituals" is explicitly stated in the Qur'an, especially in Surah Ma'idah.By quoting some examples of Islam, God has commanded Muslims to glorify and honor the divine rites.And she considers honoring and following the rituals as a sign of piety of the believers.Islamic rituals are places and signs that God places for worship and reminds man of God.For example, Safa and Marwa in the Holy Quran are two places of worship mentioned in the Hajj of God. Of course, other examples have been mentioned for Islamic rituals; Such as: prayer, fasting, Hajj, Zakat, Adhan, Iqamah... Which is a sign of Muslim people.And Muslims are gathered on its axis and are protected from misguidance and misguidance. For this reason, poems have been interpreted in the form of religion and the commands and prohibitions of God. Manuscript profile
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        21 - Challenges and recommendations (guidelines) in the conceptual development of entrepreneurship
        Seyed mehdi Alvani hasan boudlaie Mona Gharib Gorgani
        Anecdotes and strong empirical evidence of the importance of entrepreneurship as a field of study are available. Entrepreneurs, by creating new technologies and new services, upgrade their quality of life, increase productivity, provide more entertainment, health improv More
        Anecdotes and strong empirical evidence of the importance of entrepreneurship as a field of study are available. Entrepreneurs, by creating new technologies and new services, upgrade their quality of life, increase productivity, provide more entertainment, health improvement and promotion of communication. The knowledge which is known as the science of entrepreneurship is finding it difficult and sometimes its usefulness makes it suspicious. In fact, despite the passage of more than three decades, the discipline of entrepreneurship still remains over its legitimacy and acceptance. Among such challenges can be: the challenge of defining the phenomenon of entrepreneurship, the subject and scope of the research, scientific nature of entrepreneurship: the trends of single or interdisciplinary and, debate about the methodology, as the major challenges in recent decades. Now several decades after the birth of entrepreneurship, the need to confront with and meet the challenges of entrepreneurship is necessary to redefine it and meet its challenges more realistically. In this paper, an overview of the challenges to the emerging field of science and major efforts to meet its future are presented. Manuscript profile
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        22 - The Nature, Effects and Requirements of Child Adoption in Iranian Law with a Comparative View of Islamic Principles and British law
        marjan Arastuei
        Adoption is an essential entity in current societies which in addition to providing the benefits for children without a guardian and couples without children, will have positive social implications and so it’s necessary to adapt its rules to social requirements. In this More
        Adoption is an essential entity in current societies which in addition to providing the benefits for children without a guardian and couples without children, will have positive social implications and so it’s necessary to adapt its rules to social requirements. In this study, the nature, conditions and effects of adoption in Iranian law were reviewed with a comparative looking at Islamic law as well as English law. Data analysis indicates that in Iranian law, following Islamic law, there is incomplete form of adoption and despite recent legislative progress and development, the effects of adoption are not sufficiently and effectively provided in the law, while the principles and Islamic teachings show capacities to strengthen the entity of adoption by considering social conditions and requirements. In English law, on the other hand, a complete adoption system is applied, according to which the relationship resulting from adoption is fully consistent with the legal relationship between the children and their biological parents. However, in recent rules, a kind of incomplete adoption under the name of special guardianship has been identified in the law of this country, which has provided a dual system for taking advantage of different approaches to adoption. Manuscript profile
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        23 - Landscape visualization methods in “Vis and Rāmin”
        alimohammad rezaeihaftador
        Abstract: The main issue in this paper is to examine Landscape visualization methods in "Vis and Ramin" Fakhruddin As'ad Gorgani. First, extract all images and then in term of content are categories as below: A) Water picture; b) sky picture; c) the image of the sun; More
        Abstract: The main issue in this paper is to examine Landscape visualization methods in "Vis and Ramin" Fakhruddin As'ad Gorgani. First, extract all images and then in term of content are categories as below: A) Water picture; b) sky picture; c) the image of the sun; d) moon picture (e) Picture of flowers and plants. The findings of this paper show that, from the perspective of linguistic images (real) and virtual is overcome with virtual images. So it can be concluded that, Gorgani is considered to provide a realistic image of nature than the artistic use of nature images in Rhetoric and spiritual framework. Furthermore, from the perspective of dynamic and static images, from examined images such as the most ancient image overcome with static images, however, in rare cases can be seen the dynamic images. It is worthy of praise and it can be said that, Gorgani is observant (Argus-eyed) poet, with sense of humor, rich and impeccable taste. These features make him accomplish in description and nature landscapes illustration and show part of his eloquence power in this field. Manuscript profile
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        24 - A study of imagery innovation in Fazel Nazari poems based on natural images
        sohila ebrahimzadeh razieh aqazadeh
        Contemporary poets have been aware that art with initiative and innovation has a double emotional impact and imitation and repetition is the death of art. One of the components of poetry that is an arena for displaying innovation and provides an opportunity for the eme More
        Contemporary poets have been aware that art with initiative and innovation has a double emotional impact and imitation and repetition is the death of art. One of the components of poetry that is an arena for displaying innovation and provides an opportunity for the emergence of individual poetry of each poet the images are poetic and nature and natural elements are resources which has always been considered in poetic illustration. Fazel Nazari is one of the contemporary modernist poets which explores the natural elements to create new images by punctuation and narrow-mindedness and with an emphasis on personal perspective and climatic elements, creates amazing and unique images. Contemporary poets have been aware that art with innovation has a double emotional impact and imitation is the death of art. One of the components of poetry that is an arena for displaying innovation and provides an opportunity for the emergence of individual poetry of each poet the images are poetic and nature and natural elements are resources which has always been considered in poetic illustration. Fazel Nazari is one of the contemporary modernist poets which explores the natural elements to create new images by punctuation and narrow-mindedness and with an emphasis on personal perspective and climatic elements, creates amazing and unique images. In the present study, after studying the published works this poet it was found that Fazel is an illustrator poet. He with depth and accuracy discovers different features of a natural phenomenon, then he remembers and finds a connection between itself and those natural phenomena and with his artistic creativity, he creates a new image. Moon and Pond and Swamp, Waves, Rocks and Rivers, Pomegranate and Desert which is one of the climatic elements around it and … they are repetitive images which has been considered by this poet from various angles and are formed to express the poet's personal moods and emotions. Most of these images are in the form of similes and is of the sensible analogy to the sensible which is the most artistic type of simile. Along with many similes, simple metaphors and allusions and common Persian proverbs also have been employed. Manuscript profile
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        25 - Life in Harmony with Nature in the View of Three Stoic Philosophers: Seneca, Epictetus, and Marcus Aurelius
        Mohammad Javad  Esmaeili Sina  Masheyekhi
        The main slogan of Stoic philosophy is “Life in Harmony with Nature”, which also signifies the unity between physics and ethics in stoics’ ideas. The study of the roots of this slogan in the view of Stoic philosophers; from Zeno of Cilium, the founder of Stoic philosoph More
        The main slogan of Stoic philosophy is “Life in Harmony with Nature”, which also signifies the unity between physics and ethics in stoics’ ideas. The study of the roots of this slogan in the view of Stoic philosophers; from Zeno of Cilium, the founder of Stoic philosophy to Marcus, Aurelius, the last Stoic philosophers, indicates the expansion of the semantic domain of “Life in Harmony with Nature”, as follows: 1) individual nature in the sense of harmony with the rational faculty; 2) general nature in the sense of harmony with fate and those affairs which are beyond our control, and 3) social nature in the sense of harmony with society and social laws. Interestingly enough, in Stoic ethics there are some terms for each of these semantic domains in relation to natural sciences; for example, self-preservation, kindness, common sense, and providence in the world. This paper mainly focuses on the problem of functions of “Life in Harmony with Nature” in Stoic ethics based on the ideas of Seneca, Epictetus, and Aurelius as recorded in their existing works. Finally, it concludes that Stoic philosophers, particularly the three mentioned above, mainly emphasize the Stoic concept of “Life in Harmony with Nature” in order to create a unity between Man’s inner order and the general order of nature and society. This is because, in this school of philosophy, Man is a part of the whole and must use this relationship in order to attain happiness and harmony between themselves, society, and the whole. Manuscript profile
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        26 - Governance and Happiness in ‘Allamah Tabataba’i’s Political Thoughts
        Abdolmotalleb  ‘Abdollah
        Happiness is one of the key terms used by philosophers, in general, and by Islamic sages, in particular. From ancient Greek philosophers to the thinkers advocating monotheistic religions and Islamic philosophers, all have dealt with the issue of human happiness. In the More
        Happiness is one of the key terms used by philosophers, in general, and by Islamic sages, in particular. From ancient Greek philosophers to the thinkers advocating monotheistic religions and Islamic philosophers, all have dealt with the issue of human happiness. In the view of the majority of philosophers, the ultimate goal of politics and establishing a government is attaining happiness. However, this concept has been defined differently by different thinkers. In this paper, the author has tried to explore the place of happiness in the philosophy of ‘Allamah Tabataba’i, the distinguished contemporary philosopher and interpreter of the Qur’an. In his view, a society attains happiness when it moves in the line of human primordial nature (fitrah) and the system of creation. A religion which has been sanctioned by God is the extension of a detailed primordial nature which exists in our nature. Thus religion – Islam – is the criterion for distinguishing faith and good deed. Accordingly, a society will attain worldly and otherworldly happiness if it is ruled by a religion which conforms to Man’s primordial nature. Manuscript profile
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        27 - Historical Development of the Concept of Hyle (Matter) in the Works of Muslim Thinkers
        Mahmoud  Hedayatafza Mohammad Javad   Rezaeirah
        As generally acknowledged, the term “hyle” in Peripatetic philosophy has been derived from Aristotle’s views on matter and form or potency and act. Although this term has been defined as “matter lacking actuality and enjoying pure potency” in Islamic philosophy, a study More
        As generally acknowledged, the term “hyle” in Peripatetic philosophy has been derived from Aristotle’s views on matter and form or potency and act. Although this term has been defined as “matter lacking actuality and enjoying pure potency” in Islamic philosophy, a study of the works of Muslim thinkers reveals that, because of the integration of some philosophical views with gnostic ideas as well as the influence of Islamic teachings, this term has undergone different semantic changes. As a result, in some schools of philosophy, it has been consciously employed to refer to actual affairs. Below, the writers have provided eight meanings for “hyle”, which are listed in their chronological order of formulation: 1. Matter lacking any kind of actuality and enjoying pure potency, as accepted by Peripatetic philosophers and equivalent to its Aristotelian concept. 2. The fourth level of being, for the Isma‘ilite, which is posterior to the soul and prior to nature. 3. Pure substantial continuity, in some of Suhrawardi’s works, which, along with accidental quantity, constitutes the truth of body. 4. Matter inclusive of all possible worlds and an otherworldly expression of simple existence in the view of some gnostics. 5. One of the modes of form in line with Mulla Sadra’s view of the unitary integration of matter and form. 6. An equivalent to possible existence or created thing’s divine aspect (Face of God) in the view of Shaykh Ihsa’ei. 7. An expansion of the Aristotelian concept of prime hyle under the title of the dark nature of essence in Tafkik (separation) School. 8. An application of the matter of world to the element of water based on the religious texts of Tafkik School of thought. Manuscript profile
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        28 - An Evaluation and Pathology of the Components of Epistemology of the Modern Period in Human Sciences
        Ali  Karbalaei Pazooki Fatemeh Najafi Pazooki
        The formation of modern human sciences which are presently taught at the academic centers of the world dates back to the modern period in the West; an era which is known as the period of the separation of science, religion, intellect, and faith from each other. The theo More
        The formation of modern human sciences which are presently taught at the academic centers of the world dates back to the modern period in the West; an era which is known as the period of the separation of science, religion, intellect, and faith from each other. The theoretical principles of this field of knowledge are limited to matter from an ontological standpoint, to anthropology from a humanist standpoint, to secularism from an eschatological standpoint, and to sense perception, experience, verification, and instrumental intellect from an epistemological standpoint. The question is what the contexts and background of the formation of modern human sciences in the West are, and what epistemological, religious, psychological, and spiritual harms they might lead to. Following a descriptive-analytic design and through a historical review of the problem of knowledge in the West, the present study intends to revisit the epistemological factors influencing the formation of the human sciences of the modern period and their disadvantages. Restricting science to scientism; human being to humanism; the world of being to natural phenomena; acquisition of knowledge to sense perception, empiricism, causality, and pure rationalism, as well as focusing on an epistemological distinction between phenomena and things in-themselves, and ignoring inner sense and fitri (intrinsic) knowledge, intuitive intellect and revelation are among the significant factors which play roles in the formation of modern western human sciences. Moreover, they underlie the creation of epistemological, religious, and psychological crises; spiritual poverty; nihilism, and the like in the world today. Manuscript profile
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        29 - A Comparison of Perfect Nature in Islamic Philosophy with Fravashī in Khosravani Wisdom
        Maryam  Asadian Babak Alikhani Alikhani
        The concept of perfect nature (ṭabā ‘tāmm) has been derived from a Hermetic anecdote and, according to Illuminationists, is among nūrī (luminous) and archetypal truths. The union of the soul and archetype (intellect) is possible through purification, asceticism, and lib More
        The concept of perfect nature (ṭabā ‘tāmm) has been derived from a Hermetic anecdote and, according to Illuminationists, is among nūrī (luminous) and archetypal truths. The union of the soul and archetype (intellect) is possible through purification, asceticism, and liberation from intermediate and immaterial worlds. This view, which was also shared by Abu’l-Brakāt al-Baghdādī and some others before Suhrawardī, was explained and interpreted by Mullā Ṣadrā and his students. Mullā Ṣadrā believed that perfect nature is a single intellectual form and the highest level of Man’s existence which enjoys the highest degree of immateriality. He called this level the “Holy Spirit” and emphasized that there is no difference between the soul and perfect nature and, basically, the whole identity of the human soil originates in their perfect nature. Although perfect nature is closely related to Hermetic teachings, one cannot ignore its Khosravani roots. In Mazdayasnan teachings, reference has been made to the states and modes of the soul, the most supreme of which is Fravashī or Farvahar. Fravashī is the heavenly essence or an aspect of Mīnuy-e Xerad (or spirit of wisdom) which reveals itself to ascetics and teaches them religious principles. In the present paper, after examining the views of Islamic philosophers regarding perfect nature, the authors have tried to demonstrate that this concept is rooted in the pre-eternal essence of wisdom, which, in conformity with Suhrawardī’s etymology of both Eastern (Khosravani) and Western (Hermetic) branches of philosophy, is among the most fundamental principles of epistemology. In fact, in order to attain his own illuminationist purpose, which is to revive the pre-eternal substance through posing the concept of perfect nature, Suhrawardī has brought Khosravani and Hermetic philosophies together. Mullā Ṣadrā has also advocated him in this regard. Manuscript profile
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        30 - Historical look at the phrase “Political by nature” in the Middle Ages of the Islamic world
        Sajjad Hejri Azartash Azarnoush
        Being political for/Politicalness of human beings is one of the topics which philosophers have been discussing from ancient times until now, and it is the basis/foundation of some branches of practical philosophy, especially the philosophical principles of social scien More
        Being political for/Politicalness of human beings is one of the topics which philosophers have been discussing from ancient times until now, and it is the basis/foundation of some branches of practical philosophy, especially the philosophical principles of social sciences. Although the necessity of "social life" or Being political/Politicalness for all human beings is more or less obvious; it was Greeks who scrutinized this phenomenon in their philosophical works, and what we know as being political by nature (of/about human beings) from the past to the present in the Islamic world has its roots in Greece and the age of translation. This phrase was created/emerged/coined by Isḥāq ibn Ḥunayn’s translation of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics in the third lunar century in the Islamic world, and the ground for its development was laid by Miskawayh’s Ethics. Although most contemporary translators of Aristotle's ethics into Persian and Arabic did not use this phrase, it's still prominent. The doctrine of Being political for/Politicalness of human beings became the basis/foundation of the demonstration of philosophers like Avicenna/ Ibn Sina to prove prophecy, and Fakhr al-Din Rāzi introduced it, which later became known as the way of philosophers, into theological works. By inquiring/studying/looking into available Persian and Arabic written heritage, this article tries to follow the development/pathway of the phrase “Political by nature”, which has turned into a term and model/form in the Islamic world, in middle ages and is still used today and in some aspects/somehow fill the gap of historical inquire about it in current literature. Manuscript profile
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        31 - Anthropological Principles of Hobbes and Spinoza on Government (A Historical Overview)
        Bayan Karimy Seyyed Mustafa  Shahraeini
        Hobbes and Spinoza are among the philosophers who believe in the necessity of dealing with political philosophy. They maintain that their political philosophies are systematically related to metaphysics and the anthropology that originates in it. In this regard, their v More
        Hobbes and Spinoza are among the philosophers who believe in the necessity of dealing with political philosophy. They maintain that their political philosophies are systematically related to metaphysics and the anthropology that originates in it. In this regard, their views are clearly different from those of their predecessors and even from those of Descartes, who is almost contemporary with them. Spinoza has been influenced by Hobbes in some respects; however, because of the differences between the logic and general philosophy of each of them, there are some noteworthy differences between these two philosophers’ anthropological interpretations and the functions of their political philosophy. The main purpose of the present paper is to highlight the historical background of political philosophy in ancient Greece, particularly during the Middle Ages. While challenging this historical background, it also aims to discover the explicit and implicit metaphysical and anthropological principles and assumptions underlying the views of Hobbes and Spinoza regarding a desirable government and report the differences and similarities between them. The authors intend to demonstrate that Spinoza’s political philosophy is based on ethics and reason. The distinctive feature of his philosophy is its love of human beings and reason. On the other hand, Hobbes’ political philosophy is based on the senses, and its distinctive feature is having a pessimistic view of human beings and presenting a material interpretation of their nature. Accordingly, the principle of preserving the essence in Hobbes’ view is limited to preserving the body, and a superior government means absolute monarchy, the sole purpose of which is protecting the lives of its citizens and establishing security in society. Nevertheless, in Spinoza’s view, protecting the essence is beyond the protection of the body and extends to reason, perhaps even more than the body, because human essence mainly depends on their reason rather than their body. Hence a superior government in Spinoza’s view is of a democratic nature. He also emphasizes the role of government in promoting the human culture and the necessity of educational and ethical policy-making. Manuscript profile
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        32 - A Study of Natural Deism and Theism based on Sadrian Philosophy
        Mehdi  Najafi Afra Ali  Heydari
        Fitrah (primordial nature) is one of the important foundations of religious anthropology. Since human being is at the center of all human sciences, the belief in fitri anthropology leads to a specific direction in such disciplines. Man’s primordial nature is the same pa More
        Fitrah (primordial nature) is one of the important foundations of religious anthropology. Since human being is at the center of all human sciences, the belief in fitri anthropology leads to a specific direction in such disciplines. Man’s primordial nature is the same particular existence of human beings which enjoys certain concomitants and characteristics which are referred to as fitri things. Natural deism and theism are among the most important referents of fitri things. The concept of Fitrah or primordial nature is viewed differently in Islamic and Western philosophies. Some Islamic thinkers believe in natural theism, and some others advocate natural deism. Some members of the second group consider natural deism to be of the type of presential knowledge, while some other members believe that it is of the kind of acquired knowledge. Based on the demonstrated principles of Sadrian philosophy, such as the principiality of being, existential indigence, the graded or individual unity of being in the light of a profound analysis of the principle of causality, as well as the attention to the infinity of God’s being, one can provide a justifiable explanation of natural deism in the sense of presential knowledge, the inner intuition of indigence, and the connection with the Truth. Through accepting this fitri background, the context for reasoning and intrinsic acquired knowledge in the sense of non-primal evident knowledge is easily provided. The existence of several intellectual arguments on demonstrating the existence of God reveals the non-primal nature of acquired theology. Finally, through explaining natural deism, natural theism - an inner attraction to God - is simply explicated. This is because it is impossible for an existent to be identical with pure indigence and need and but not to be attracted to Absolute Beauty. Manuscript profile
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        33 - The Relationship between Human Nature and Moral Responsibility in Mulla Sadra
        Mohammad Hosseinzadeh Azam  Ghasemi Mohsen  Javadi Hadi  Vakili
        The principles of the Transcendent Philosophy as well as empirical observations indicate that people are different from each other in their primary nature. This explains why they are different in terms of their free will and voluntary acts. The present paper investigate More
        The principles of the Transcendent Philosophy as well as empirical observations indicate that people are different from each other in their primary nature. This explains why they are different in terms of their free will and voluntary acts. The present paper investigates Mulla Sadra’s view of the effects of human nature on their voluntary acts and examines its role in accepting responsibility. The formation of human nature in Mulla Sadra’s philosophy is different from that in other schools of philosophy. In the Transcendent Philosophy, the human nature originates in the material mode of the soul, and the differences among the natures of different human beings are rooted in the differences among corporeal substances. The attachment of this affair to the necessity of the cause-effect relation is the reason why moral responsibility is not explainable in Mulla Sadra’s philosophy. This problem poses certain challenges to Sadrian practical wisdom, the most important of which is the challenge of explaining the system of duty and recompense. Manuscript profile
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        34 - Synonymy of Attributes and Attributeless Nature of Essence
        Hosain  Oshaqi
        There are three views regarding the relationship between “essential attributes” and the “Essence of the Truth”. The Ash‘arites believed in the addition of the existence of attributes to the existence of the Essence of the Truth and the differences of their meanings from More
        There are three views regarding the relationship between “essential attributes” and the “Essence of the Truth”. The Ash‘arites believed in the addition of the existence of attributes to the existence of the Essence of the Truth and the differences of their meanings from each other and from the Essence of the Truth. However, most philosophers acknowledge the identity of the real co-existence of attributes with the existence of the Essence of the Truth and, at the same time, believe in the differences mentioned above. Moreover, gnostics believe that the Essence of the Truth is free from attributes and maintain that attributes are of the same meaning with the Essence of the Truth. They also emphasize that contrasting attributes exist by accident in relation to the very existence of the Truth and are posterior to it. It seems that, unlike the Ash‘arites and other philosophers, who both suffer from some rational and traditional problems, the truth of gnostics’ view can be demonstrated based on several rational and traditional proofs. Manuscript profile
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        35 - Social and cultural impact assessment of city of Tehran’s homeless shelters
        سمیه  مومنی هادی  درویشی
        The purpose of the study is to assess social and cultural impacts of Homeless Housing Assistance Center of Tehran Naft District 5th District Municipality And providing Corrective and compensatory solutions to make this project work better. The descriptive-analytical met More
        The purpose of the study is to assess social and cultural impacts of Homeless Housing Assistance Center of Tehran Naft District 5th District Municipality And providing Corrective and compensatory solutions to make this project work better. The descriptive-analytical method has been used with stakeholder analysis approach to achieve this goal. On the one hand, it can be said the negative impact of Farahzad Valley’s neighborhoods on the function and the image of the businessman by regarding the geographical scope of the impact of the surrounding environment of Homeless Housing Assistance Center On its function as The main focus of the social damage is the Naft area By creating urban defenseless spaces, The presence of homeless people And trash exacerbation On the function and the image of Homeless Housing Assistance Center And on the other hand, in the social domain, one can claim that If one of the main goals of the construction of Homeless Housing Assistance Center is to prevent the deaths of addicted and homeless people in public roads and to preserve urban furniture and to eliminate these people from the city’s face rather than rehabilitation, The findings and data of the research indicate the success of the 5th District Municipality in creating a comfortable dormitory space for clients. But, in the end, two main damage to the function of the Homeless Housing Assistance Center can be identified: 1. becoming Homeless Housing Assistance Center to Permanent residence of clients and their precipitate and 2. Discontinuing the Empowerment Cycle of Clients and as a result the loss of Retrospective nature of the collection. Manuscript profile
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        36 - Laws of Nature as Strategies for Man’s Happiness
        S. Mohammad Khamenei
        The world and nature have been created relying on certain divine rules and principles. Based on the Divine Will and pre-ordination, there is a mutual relationship and interaction not only between all the components of the world of being but also between them and the who More
        The world and nature have been created relying on certain divine rules and principles. Based on the Divine Will and pre-ordination, there is a mutual relationship and interaction not only between all the components of the world of being but also between them and the whole world of creation. As a member of this world, Man can both affect it and be affected by it. This process has been predestined based on the main law and principle of this world, that is, the commensurability of “being” and “good”. Where there is good, there is being (and vice versa), and where there is no good, there is evil or non-being (and vice versa). The only way of attaining true happiness for Man is living in harmony with the system of nature and its governing rules. The divine tradition or the laws of nature are such that any deviation from them will lead to evil, misery, loss, calamity, disease, etc. The world (macro-anthropo) reacts to the good and bad deeds of human beings (micro-anthropo). Sin, which means any disobedience to the Divine orders or transgression from the laws of creation and nature, results in human misery and cruelty and will be followed by Divine punishment and torture. This is the point at which God’s glorious names and attributes are manifested. Manuscript profile
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        37 - Principles of Sensibility of Being in the Transcendent Philosophy and its Effects on the Sustainable Development of the Environment
        Laela Nikooienejad Ahmad Shahgoli
        The environmental crisis of the last two centuries is one of the most important problems threatening the human society and life. Accordingly, human beings should find a way to control the wrong and sometimes immoral acts that damage the environment. Mullā Ṣadrā believes More
        The environmental crisis of the last two centuries is one of the most important problems threatening the human society and life. Accordingly, human beings should find a way to control the wrong and sometimes immoral acts that damage the environment. Mullā Ṣadrā believes that nature, objects, and inanimate bodies enjoy knowledge and intelligence; therefore, the Transcendent Philosophy follows a holy approach to nature. Accordingly, in this paper, the authors have tried to highlight the moral beliefs that could lead to sustainable development in the environment by emphasizing their divine-philosophical bases through resorting to firsthand sources by and on Mullā Ṣadrā and employing rational analysis and explanation. The findings of this study indicate that a scrutinizing rereading of the sources on the Transcendent Philosophy, which provides a comprehensive philosophical interpretation of various issues based on Qur’ānic verses and traditions, can contribute to protecting the environment. This is because, based on some principles such as the principiality of existence, gradedness of existence, commensurability of the cause and effect, and the nature’s being a manifestation of higher worlds, it is possible to regain the lost respect for nature and its dignity, which have been developed based on the holy perspective of religions and philosophical schools, and prevent the destruction of nature and, following it, the death of human life. Manuscript profile
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        38 - The concept of soul in the Mahabharata system
        Hamidreza  Barati Pour Ghorban Elmi Abdolhossein  Latifi Jamshid  Jalal Sheikhjani
        In the historical study of the philosophical ideas of the land of India, we come across common themes that have caused much intellectual debate among the thinkers of that land. These debates have been in such a way that each of the sages and thinkers of that land have d More
        In the historical study of the philosophical ideas of the land of India, we come across common themes that have caused much intellectual debate among the thinkers of that land. These debates have been in such a way that each of the sages and thinkers of that land have dealt with it according to their views and have expressed their opinions and reasons for that position. One of these challenging topics is the issue of soul or its fate. It is after separation from the body that has long been considered by them. All the historical traditions of India have accepted the basic hypothesis that there is a moving and vital aspect of man that distinguishes life from death and shows it in the form of a worm cycle in most schools, as in the schools of" Samkhaya" and" Vedanta", where, one is "the duality of denial of thought" (Porsche and Percret), and the other is "the unity of existence" (Atman and Brahman). This is also reflected in the Mahabharata system. In this article, we try to examine the concept of soul first in general in the religious literature of Hinduism and then specifically in the book of Mahabharata and answer the following questions: "What is the meaning and nature of the soul in Mahabharata?", and, "what is it's end?" For this purpose, we will analyze the concept of the soul in this book in an analytical way. Manuscript profile
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        39 - Semantic reconstruction of the phenomenon of collective Nature-Based tourism among the people of Ilam City
        Ali Feizolahi yarmohammad ghassemi farhad sabzifard
        This qualitative study sought to identify the causes and effects of the phenomenon of collective nature-based tourism among the people living in Ilam City using the grounded theory method. The population of the study comprised all residents of Ilam City in 2019, among w More
        This qualitative study sought to identify the causes and effects of the phenomenon of collective nature-based tourism among the people living in Ilam City using the grounded theory method. The population of the study comprised all residents of Ilam City in 2019, among whom twenty-four people were selected through purposive sampling until theoretical saturation was reached. The required data were collected via semi-structured in-depth interviews, which were then analyzed using open, axial, and selective coding. In the open coding stage, 928 semantic propositions and 157 basic concepts were identified, which were then categorized into 27 axial categories in the axial coding stage. Finally, the core category was identified based on the content analysis of the axial categories identified in the previous stage. The findings of the study indicated the effective role of causal conditions, curiosity, psychological reinvigoration, nostalgia, and conspicuous consumption on the spread of collective nature-based tourism. Moreover, it was found that contextual conditions, including environmental and climatic conditions, economic status, family background, holidays, and spatial belonging on the one hand, and intervening conditions such as the lack of leisure facilities in the city, and temporal and gender limitations on the other hand, were also involved in such a phenomenon. On the other hand, the findings revealed that the people living in Ilam opted for health-oriented, taste-oriented, culture-oriented, and destructive interactions and strategies while trying to improve social relations. In general, the core category of "collective nature-based tourism as a manifestation of opportunities and threats" was extracted from the content analysis of axial codes, indicating that this kind of tourism creates opportunities for individuals to improve their mental and emotional well-being and social life and strengthen their solidarity. However, it can bring about some threats to nature, including its destruction which may be caused by dumping waste, deforestation, and hunting. Manuscript profile
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        40 - Analyzing Ideological Attitudes of Modern Tourists Towards Visiting Natural Attractions: A Case Study of Tourists Visiting Western Kalate of Bastam District, Shahrood County
        tahereh sadeghloo fahimeh jafari fahimeh karimiyan
        This applied study sought to investigate the ideological bases and theoretical attitudes of tourists of modern tourists towards the environment and their behavior in this regard using a descriptive-analytical approach. The unit of analysis is the tourists who visited th More
        This applied study sought to investigate the ideological bases and theoretical attitudes of tourists of modern tourists towards the environment and their behavior in this regard using a descriptive-analytical approach. The unit of analysis is the tourists who visited the Kharghan and Western Kalateh districts in Bastam district, Shahrood County. Due to the lack of accurate information on the number of tourists visiting the study area, the current study used Cochran's formula (applied in cases of unknown communities) to determine the sample size of the study. Accordingly, 140 tourists were selected, to whom a relevant questionnaire was administered. The results of the study indicated that the aesthetic-mental attitude of the tourists towards nature (with an average of 4.78) exerted the greatest influence on their behavior towards the environment, suggesting that most of the tourists do not seek economic benefits in visiting tourist areas. In other words, the tourists do not follow a utilitarian attitude in visiting nature. Moreover, the results revealed that the attitudes of professional tourists (those who are actively engaged in tourism) towards nature differ from those of non-professional tourists. According to the results of the t-test performed on two independent samples, women and men possess different ideological attitudes towards nature, making them behave differently towards the natural environment. Furthermore, a positive direct correlation was found between age and the ideological attitudes of tourists towards nature, indicating that the attitude towards nature changes with an increase in age, which in turn affects the behavior of tourists towards the environment. Manuscript profile
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        41 - Exploring the interaction between man and the environment in Islam with emphasis on the teachings of the Ahsan system
        morteza bayat
        The interaction between humans and the environment is one of the topics that is emphasized by governments and people today. Examining this interaction by religions, especially Islam, is one of the issues that can be very important for the followers of this heavenly reli More
        The interaction between humans and the environment is one of the topics that is emphasized by governments and people today. Examining this interaction by religions, especially Islam, is one of the issues that can be very important for the followers of this heavenly religion. The important point of Islam's approach is that this religion considers nature to have a perfect system as the noblest and best possible system that is under the rule of God and there is no defect or evil in it. The researchers in this article intend to find an answer to the question of what kind of interaction exists between humans and the environment from the Islamic point of view and should be done using the library method. The answer that has been given to this question is that according to the doctrine of Nizam Ahsan, which Islam emphasizes a lot, man does not have the right to destroy the natural course of the environment, and if he tries to change the environment at will, it will cause evil effects in It will be the whole system. Because in Ahsan's system, man is a part of the system and a part of its parts, and you have no right to consider what is good for him as good and what is not good for him as evil.. Manuscript profile
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        42 - The nature of light from Imam Khomeini's point of view
        Malahat jaliliahmadabad Khosrow  Zafar Nawai seyed mohamad banihashemi
        Understanding the nature of light is one of the important issues that mystics, according to their inner and intuitive perceptions, have expressed the truths of the deep ocean of this concept. The purpose of this article is to study the views of Imam Khomeini, a prominen More
        Understanding the nature of light is one of the important issues that mystics, according to their inner and intuitive perceptions, have expressed the truths of the deep ocean of this concept. The purpose of this article is to study the views of Imam Khomeini, a prominent contemporary mystic, on the nature of light, which has been done by descriptive-analytical method in his works and texts. Examining the nature of light from the perspective of a person who has attained the position of guardianship is effective for spiritual growth. Imam Khomeini considers light to be the source of existence, which is the light of light and true light, and calls all other lights the manifestation of divine and transcendental light. In addition to referring to external and internal light, he has divided light into two specific and general parts. According to him, all levels of existence and degrees of knowledge are part of the evolution of light. Finally, in explaining the nature of light, he deals with the collective oneness and the truth of Muhammad and the name of God Almighty and the perfect man and the guardianship, and expresses the truth of light beautifully. Manuscript profile
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        43 - Human Identity in Comparison of Islam and Globalization and Positions of Applied Theology
        ghasem shabani mojgan mohammadi Alireza Faghihi
        In the global system, Western philosophy in the service of globalizers by increasing the amount of persuasive propaganda of cyber and digital media as the main driving force of globalization threatens the identity and nature of contemporary man, which should be given ne More
        In the global system, Western philosophy in the service of globalizers by increasing the amount of persuasive propaganda of cyber and digital media as the main driving force of globalization threatens the identity and nature of contemporary man, which should be given new thanks. Therefore, in Islamic societies, especially the Islamic society of Iran, we must use new issues such as: the necessity and realm of religion and science, secularism, religious pluralism and religion and human rights from the perspective of modern theology to preserve the foundations of belief and religious values. The acquisition of appropriate and normally continuous methods in academic and research centers was examined. The results of this study show that education based on human nature and the basis of religious rules and teachings guarantees different types of posterior identities and in the face of the challenges of globalization, it is necessary to rely on the application of modern theology. Manuscript profile
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        44 - Combining Architecture and Art Inspired by Nature Case Study: Islamic Era Architecture of Kurdistan Province
        Amineh Rashidi Gholamreza Tousian Shandiz
        Despite the numerous efforts in recent decades to improve the architectural design process, however, not any rich solution are developed for applying art in architecture inspired by nature. Therefore, it is necessary to respond to how to extract design solutions in the More
        Despite the numerous efforts in recent decades to improve the architectural design process, however, not any rich solution are developed for applying art in architecture inspired by nature. Therefore, it is necessary to respond to how to extract design solutions in the face of nature and inspiration from nature and to get clues to stimulate the imagination of designers by analyzing, comparing, and reviewing the existing examples and works of great contemporary architects. This paper aims to extract and categorize the influential components of art inspired by nature with an emphasis on Islamic architecture. Additionally, the foundations and principles that may be understood in a general and striking way in the spaces of Islamic architecture inspired by nature are explained in the form of different topics to achieve a better understanding of the architecture. Accordingly, the purpose of this research is to provide the mental associations of artists in the design process, based on modeling from nature to improve the thinking of Islamic architecture. However, the paper employ an applied descriptive-analytical methodology. The data was collected by the library method, and the analysis was conducted by the field studies. In this research, components, and solutions for better exercise of art and nature are proposed to stimulate imagination and use by designers. Furthermore, the results show that nature, holds a significant effect on Islamic architecture and is effective in various strategies leading to architectural creativity. Nature's art is ever-present and unclassifiable as influential means for inspiration, which is significant in the landmark buildings and examples presented. Moreover Islamic architecture, rather than seeking a specific form, serves the Muslim to achieve perfection with the aid of nature and pursues the ultimate purpose of human creation, which is indeed the worship of God. Therefore, the formalistic and apparent perceptions of nature alone shall not be enough, and the presence of the spirit of nature in architecture lead to its improvement and manifestation. However, the climatic, cultural, social, and political issues of each region may strongly influence architecture and its functions, therefore, the particular Islamic culture also creates its forms and functions; this is the point that makes Islamic architecture distinguish from other buildings. Manuscript profile
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        45 - A Jurisprudential Approach To The Nature Of The Medical Contract
        Keyvan Rezayi Seyyed Mohammad Asadi nejad
        The medical contract expresses the mutual cooperation of the patient's will with the doctor or treatment group. And due to the integration of the two fields of law and medicine, it is of special importance. Of course, this agreement is not the only reason for creating a More
        The medical contract expresses the mutual cooperation of the patient's will with the doctor or treatment group. And due to the integration of the two fields of law and medicine, it is of special importance. Of course, this agreement is not the only reason for creating a legal relationship. In medical emergencies, due to the lack of a healthy will on the part of the patient, it may not be possible to realize an effective agreement. In this case, the permission of the law replaces the permission of the patient, and exceptionally, the law creates this relationship. It is very likely that there will be a difference between the doctor and the patient, Therefore, knowing the "legal nature" of the contract and using the general and specific rules of the chosen contract, Not only does it have intrinsic value in theoretical discussions, but it also makes it scientifically come from the stage of theorizing into the field of practice. And finally, this method is a way to solve the disputes of the parties. In the review and analysis of a contract, it is particularly important to know the "legal nature" in comparison with the secondary rights and obligations arising from that contract. In the analysis of this contract, there are two theories of "definite contract" and "indefinite contract". It seems that in this contract, by which the doctor finds the very dangerous position of the authority to seize the body and life of the patient, The obligations of the doctor and the patient towards each other are an "indirect and secondary" effect and precede the existence of another legal entity called "proxy". And knowing this concept due to the necessity, including: compliance with jurisprudential and legal principles and principles, preserving the patient's dignity, as well as compliance with the ethical principles of medicine, is the beauty of this contract. Manuscript profile
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        46 - Historical Roots of the Doctrine of the Trans-Substantial Motion
        Mansour  Imanpour
        Undoubtedly, the interpretation of the truth of the world of nature is one of the basic discussions in philosophia prima and has always been debated since the rise of philosophy and gnosis. Based on the doctrine of trans-substantial motion, Mullā Ṣadrā has equated the w More
        Undoubtedly, the interpretation of the truth of the world of nature is one of the basic discussions in philosophia prima and has always been debated since the rise of philosophy and gnosis. Based on the doctrine of trans-substantial motion, Mullā Ṣadrā has equated the whole world of nature with motion and becoming and confirmed its essential motion towards the world of stability. However, the question is whether this theory is a completely innovative one, or it has a historical background. Following a descriptive-analytic approach, the present paper demonstrates that this problem is not unprecedented, and some philosophers in ancient Greece believed in the motion of all existents in the world of nature. In the Islamic world, some philosophers only believed in motion in the realm of accidents and tried to reject the theory of the trans-substantial motion based on some discussions and arguments. However, some others view the world from a different angle and, following a gnostic view and through resorting to intuitive experiences, considered the whole beings to be capable of renewal. Based on this available treasure of knowledge and under its influence, Mullā Ṣadrā revised and reintroduced the doctrine of the trans-substantial motion in conformity with his own ontological philosophy. Next, by proving it and placing it at the foundation of several philosophical problems, he presented a new theory following a macro-approach, based on which he divided being into two fixed and changing parts. Then, relying on this division, he arrived at certain conclusions regarding some general affairs and theological problems. Manuscript profile
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        47 - Human nature and divine nature and the distinction between men and women in the Qur'anic culture
        Esmat  Abdullahi Fatime khalili Tayyaba  arefnia
        One of the fundamental issues in the matter of men and women is whether men and women have the same truth and nature And are similar works expected of both, or do they each have a different humanity or nature? The purpose of this study is to identify the views of the Ho More
        One of the fundamental issues in the matter of men and women is whether men and women have the same truth and nature And are similar works expected of both, or do they each have a different humanity or nature? The purpose of this study is to identify the views of the Holy Quran on the difference between men and women and to show it to the followers of the QuranAccording to the Qur'an, gender is not important, but the criterion in the sight of God is piety. Although men and women are different in terms of gender, they are equal in terms of humanity. The distinction between rights between men and women must be sought in the existential differences between men and women. Islam has established its rights based on many differences between men and women physically, mentally, emotionally and based on human nature. in this article, with a descriptive-analytical method, the distinction between men and women in terms of humanity and nature from the perspective of the Holy Quran has been studied. And we conclusion that men and women share human nature; That is, it is not the case that one is superior because of being a man and the other is inferior because of being a woman. Manuscript profile