A Study of Natural Deism and Theism based on Sadrian Philosophy
Subject Areas :Mehdi Najafi Afra 1 , Ali Heydari 2
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Keywords: fitrah (primordial nature) existential indigence natural deism natural theism ,
Abstract :
Fitrah (primordial nature) is one of the important foundations of religious anthropology. Since human being is at the center of all human sciences, the belief in fitri anthropology leads to a specific direction in such disciplines. Man’s primordial nature is the same particular existence of human beings which enjoys certain concomitants and characteristics which are referred to as fitri things. Natural deism and theism are among the most important referents of fitri things. The concept of Fitrah or primordial nature is viewed differently in Islamic and Western philosophies. Some Islamic thinkers believe in natural theism, and some others advocate natural deism. Some members of the second group consider natural deism to be of the type of presential knowledge, while some other members believe that it is of the kind of acquired knowledge. Based on the demonstrated principles of Sadrian philosophy, such as the principiality of being, existential indigence, the graded or individual unity of being in the light of a profound analysis of the principle of causality, as well as the attention to the infinity of God’s being, one can provide a justifiable explanation of natural deism in the sense of presential knowledge, the inner intuition of indigence, and the connection with the Truth. Through accepting this fitri background, the context for reasoning and intrinsic acquired knowledge in the sense of non-primal evident knowledge is easily provided. The existence of several intellectual arguments on demonstrating the existence of God reveals the non-primal nature of acquired theology. Finally, through explaining natural deism, natural theism - an inner attraction to God - is simply explicated. This is because it is impossible for an existent to be identical with pure indigence and need and but not to be attracted to Absolute Beauty.
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