• List of Articles Media

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Iran's Mobile Government Ecosystem Model, Stakeholders Identification and Analysis
        ali hakimjavadi mehdi sepehri
        Mobile Government Ecosystem is one of the emerging ecosystems in Iran. The purpose of this paper is to identify and analyze the structure and identifying the role of each of the key stakeholders of this ecosystem. In order to achieve this purpose, by studying the relate More
        Mobile Government Ecosystem is one of the emerging ecosystems in Iran. The purpose of this paper is to identify and analyze the structure and identifying the role of each of the key stakeholders of this ecosystem. In order to achieve this purpose, by studying the related literatures and the models presented in these literatures, a mobile government ecosystem conceptual model is proposed, where four new key stakeholders are introduced: new trends in over the top (OTT) services, innovation and innovators, advertisement and advertisers, and mediators. Then, a questionnaire is designed to verify the factors identified in the model and to examine the effects of these factors on the mobile government ecosystem. The questionnaire was distributed to a random sample of 400 experts, where 363 responses were collected, and analyzed based on structural equation modeling. The results show that with the exception of advertisement and advertisers, the three other key stakeholders have significant coefficients in the model. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Health Communication in the Context of New Media Technologies: Advantages and Challenges
        Mohammad Ahmadi
        This article elaborates on advantages and challenges of health communication in the context of new media technologies. For this study, we carefully observed new developments in health communication in five different areas; These areas include health information on the i More
        This article elaborates on advantages and challenges of health communication in the context of new media technologies. For this study, we carefully observed new developments in health communication in five different areas; These areas include health information on the internet, patient-patient communication, patient-provider communication, provider-provider communication and health campaigns. For this study, papers that focus on the issues of health communication and new media technologies were critically reviewed and analyzed. Then we presented a typology and categorization of challenges and advantages of utilizing new media technologies in the context of health communication. Finally, a number of recommendations for future research are disscussed. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of social media users - a framework based on social media exploration
        rojyar pirmohammadiani shahriyar mohammadi
        Nowadays, users' interactive behaviors on social media have become an important and influential resource on marketing activities in various businesses. Despite the importance of this issue, providing appropriate criteria for evaluating the influential behavior of user More
        Nowadays, users' interactive behaviors on social media have become an important and influential resource on marketing activities in various businesses. Despite the importance of this issue, providing appropriate criteria for evaluating the influential behavior of users in recent studies has received less attention. For this purpose, in the first step, an innovative theory framework including two main dimensions: potential of the influence and the level of the influence is presented. Then, in order to define criteria for measuring each dimension, by providing a comprehensive and combined classification including three domains, user-based analysis, relationship-based analysis and content-based analysis, exploration techniques Social media has been examined to analyze the effective behaviors of users. In the following, according to the literature review, the criteria of "number of active users", “ranked of users based on the structural indexes and activity", “quality and the subjectiveness of content” have been defined to measure each of the aforementioned dimensions. The criteria proposed in this article are effective for creating dashboards to assess the value of users' influence in various businesses. It also a comprehensive roadmap has been provided for businesses about the data they need to collect and the required techniques to determine each of these metrics through a cross-disciplinary and academic classification of social media exploration techniques. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Introducing a genetic algorithm based Method for Community person's stance Detection in social media and news
        mehdi salkhordeh haghighi Seyyed Mohammad  ebrahimi
        News reports in social media are presented with large volumes of different kinds of documents. The presented topics in these documents focus on different communities and person stances and opinions. Knowing the relationships among persons in the documents can help the r More
        News reports in social media are presented with large volumes of different kinds of documents. The presented topics in these documents focus on different communities and person stances and opinions. Knowing the relationships among persons in the documents can help the readers to obtain a basic knowledge about the subject and the purpose of various documents. In the present paper, we introduce a method for detecting communities that includes the persons with the same stances and ideas. To do this, the persons referenced in different documents are clustered into communities that have related positions and stances. In the presented method. Community-based personalities are identified based on a friendship network as a base method. Then by using a genetic algorithm, the way that these communities are identified is improved. The criterion in the tests is rand index of detection of these communities. The experiments are designed based on real databases that published in Google News on a particular topic. The results indicate the efficiency and desirability of the proposed method Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - The Geo-discourse of Takfiri IS group and its Media Representation- with emphasis on digital media
        This essay would explore the media dimension of operations of takfiri-terrorist IS group. To do so we will study the discourse making process of IS throughout virtual space and Virtual Networks. This article argues that establishing a discoursive system and articulating More
        This essay would explore the media dimension of operations of takfiri-terrorist IS group. To do so we will study the discourse making process of IS throughout virtual space and Virtual Networks. This article argues that establishing a discoursive system and articulating ideational concepts that construct the positions of Self and Other and give them a hegemonic status is possible via virtual networks and with enjoying of media ploys. In this regard the main question of this essay is about the evaluation of the level of efficacy of these media arenas for IS and assesing the opportunities or by contrast the threats offered by them for IS’s activism. Our hypothesis is that virtual space is useful for IS and this group thanks to a professional approach to social networks and knowing the function of media, can establish a media terrorism by psychological operation and therefore complete its geopolitics actions. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - I.R. of Iran’s Mediatory Performance in Karabakh Geopolitical Crisis
        yashar zaki  
        Nation-states have encountered several political and geopolitical crises since the outset of their formation and development. In geopolitical crisis that the grounds for the conflict over the control and capture of one or more geographical values are significant, the cr More
        Nation-states have encountered several political and geopolitical crises since the outset of their formation and development. In geopolitical crisis that the grounds for the conflict over the control and capture of one or more geographical values are significant, the crisis endures and sustains to some extent and cannot be easily resolved; since the issue of conflict belongs in the national interests upon which no compromise is feasible for the parties involved. The Republic of Azerbaijan, as an important actor in the geopolitical region of Southern Caucasia, faced a geopolitical crisis of the occupied territories due to Armenian territorial expansionism. It was a crisis that gained some international aspects following the intervention of some powers. Iran, as the most important neighboring country to Azerbaijan, has very often attempted to maintain her own position among regional and transregional actors through intervening in this crisis. Accordingly, this current study descriptively-analytically attempts to examine the question how Iran’s performance is assessed to resolve Karabakh’s crisis. The research findings demonstrate that Karabakh’s crisis has become complicated due to its being multi-faceted, its longevity and resistence, the plurality of the actors and the persuit of some particular geopolitical objectives by the mediators. Iran also follows up her own various objectives on the basis of the complex matrix of crisis and her geopolitical implications: prevention of triple coalition of Azerbaijan-Armenia-Turkey; averting the crisis spreading to her borders; playing an inhibitory role against the presence of transregional actors like Israel and U.S. accosting her borders. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - A Global-Local Noise Removal Approach to Remove High Density Impulse Noise
        Ali Mohammad Fotouhi Samane Abdoli Vahid Keshavarzi
        Impulse noise removal from images is one of the most important concerns in digital image processing. Noise must be removed in a way that the main and important information of image is kept. Traditionally, the median filter has been the best way to deal with impulse nois More
        Impulse noise removal from images is one of the most important concerns in digital image processing. Noise must be removed in a way that the main and important information of image is kept. Traditionally, the median filter has been the best way to deal with impulse noise; however, the image quality obtained in high noise density is not desirable. The aim of this paper is to propose an algorithm in order to improve the performance of adaptive median filter to remove high density impulse noise from digital images. The proposed method consists of two main stages of noise detection and noise removal. In the first stage, noise detection includes two global and local phases and in the second stage, noise removal is also done based on a two-phase algorithm. Global noise detection is done by a pixel classification approach in each block of the image and local noise detection is performed by automatically determining two threshold values in each block. In the noise removal stage only noisy pixels detected from the first stage of the algorithm are processed by estimating noise density and applying adaptive median filter on noise-free pixels in the neighborhood. Comparing experimental results obtained on standard images with other proposed methods proves the success of the proposed algorithm. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - A Hybrid Machine Learning Approach for Sentiment Analysis of Beauty Products Reviews
        Kanika Jindal Rajni Aron
        Nowadays, social media platforms have become a mirror that imitates opinions and feelings about any specific product or event. These product reviews are capable of enhancing communication among entrepreneurs and their customers. These reviews need to be extracted and an More
        Nowadays, social media platforms have become a mirror that imitates opinions and feelings about any specific product or event. These product reviews are capable of enhancing communication among entrepreneurs and their customers. These reviews need to be extracted and analyzed to predict the sentiment polarity, i.e., whether the review is positive or negative. This paper aims to predict the human sentiments expressed for beauty product reviews extracted from Amazon and improve the classification accuracy. The three phases instigated in our work are data pre-processing, feature extraction using the Bag-of-Words (BoW) method, and sentiment classification using Machine Learning (ML) techniques. A Global Optimization-based Neural Network (GONN) is proposed for the sentimental classification. Then an empirical study is conducted to analyze the performance of the proposed GONN and compare it with the other machine learning algorithms, such as Random Forest (RF), Naive Bayes (NB), and Support Vector Machine (SVM). We dig further to cross-validate these techniques by ten folds to evaluate the most accurate classifier. These models have also been investigated on the Precision-Recall (PR) curve to assess and test the best technique. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method is the most appropriate method to predict the classification accuracy for our defined dataset. Specifically, we exhibit that our work is adept at training the textual sentiment classifiers better, thereby enhancing the accuracy of sentiment prediction. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - A Threshold-based Brain Tumour Segmentation from MR Images using Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization
        Katkoori Arun  Kumar Ravi  Boda
        The Pareto optimal solution is unique in single objective Particle Swarm Optimization (SO-PSO) problems as the emphasis is on the variable space of the decision. A multi-objective-based optimization technique called Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization (MO-PSO) i More
        The Pareto optimal solution is unique in single objective Particle Swarm Optimization (SO-PSO) problems as the emphasis is on the variable space of the decision. A multi-objective-based optimization technique called Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization (MO-PSO) is introduced in this paper for image segmentation. The multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization (MO-PSO) technique extends the principle of optimization by facilitating simultaneous optimization of single objectives. It is used in solving various image processing problems like image segmentation, image enhancement, etc. This technique is used to detect the tumour of the human brain on MR images. To get the threshold, the suggested algorithm uses two fitness(objective) functions- Image entropy and Image variance. These two objective functions are distinct from each other and are simultaneously optimized to create a sequence of pareto-optimal solutions. The global best (Gbest) obtained from MO-PSO is treated as threshold. The MO-PSO technique tested on various MRI images provides its efficiency with experimental findings. In terms of “best, worst, mean, median, standard deviation” parameters, the MO-PSO technique is also contrasted with the existing Single-objective PSO (SO-PSO) technique. Experimental results show that Multi Objective-PSO is 28% advanced than SO-PSO for ‘best’ parameter with reference to image entropy function and 92% accuracy than Single Objective-PSO with reference to image variance function. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Mediation species (RPG) Ahl al-Bayt (PBUH) in the knowledge of God
        How to obtain human knowledge of God is always a concern of philosophers and scientists, and there are different views about it; Islamic traditions for the Ahl al-Bayt (PBUH) in the knowledge of God have placed a very high status key so that the knowledge of God exclusi More
        How to obtain human knowledge of God is always a concern of philosophers and scientists, and there are different views about it; Islamic traditions for the Ahl al-Bayt (PBUH) in the knowledge of God have placed a very high status key so that the knowledge of God exclusively in some traditions through inmate has been introduced. By the Ahl al-Bayt (PBUH) who, in a sense, existential mood and on the other hand due to unique features and their own place in the universe are connected to God can help us in the pursuit of knowledge and the quality of and the seeking to lead it. In this article clarifies the role of intermediary Ahl al-Bayt (as) in the knowledge of God and the need for such intermediaries have confirmed that support the rational and traditional Furthermore, their developmental role and legislation in different kinds of knowledge creation in the image. Explaining the rational and intuitive knowledge of God in the form of legislative Besides being captured, and his love for developmental role of provinces and their role in the knowledge of God. Based on how to obtain the knowledge of God by Ahlbyt based on Islamic sources such narratives can be Tbyyyn and analyzed Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Investigating the Effect of Brand Marketing on Brand Equity and Consumer Behavior (Case Study: Iranian Consumers of Brands in Social Media)
        Masoud Tosifyan Ali Ramezani
        Given that Brand marketing in social media is one type of digital marketing that aims to communicate with audiences and customers in order to provide products, services and business, so that social media can be used for Internet marketing. The aim of this study is to in More
        Given that Brand marketing in social media is one type of digital marketing that aims to communicate with audiences and customers in order to provide products, services and business, so that social media can be used for Internet marketing. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of brand marketing on brand equity and consumer behavior. This study is an applied research with qualitative approach. The population of this study was Iranian consumers of social media brands (customers) whose number is unlimited. Due to their unlimited number of samples, the Cochran formula was used to determine the sample size and randomly selected 385 random errors of 0.05 by simple random sampling method. To invenstigate the research hypotheses, a questionnaire was used for data collection. In the inferential statistics, firstly, the dimensions were determined and the indexes were extracted. After checking the reliability and validity of the questionnaire, to normalize collected data, Kolmogorov smirnov test was applied. Then the research hypothesens were examined using pearson correlation test and structural equation modeling. Based on the results, all assumptions were accepted. As marketing efforts of brands in social media had the highest impact on the consumer brand value of 0.95. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - Analysis of Destination Image on the Intention of Tourists: A Reflection on the Role of Social Media Moderation in the Hotel Industry
        Seyed Hesamedin Hedayatzadeh hooshmand bagheri garbollagh
        Social media is one of the fastest growing marketing channels and now occupies more than two thirds of Internet users on the other hand, the hotel industry is one of the main pillars of tourism activity, so that, many countries, investing heavily in the hotel sector, to More
        Social media is one of the fastest growing marketing channels and now occupies more than two thirds of Internet users on the other hand, the hotel industry is one of the main pillars of tourism activity, so that, many countries, investing heavily in the hotel sector, to attract more tourists. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of the destination image on the intention of the tourists with regard to the role of social media moderation in the hotel industry. The population of this study includes all tourists visiting 5 star hotels Tabriz (Pars, Shahryar and Kaya). Regarding to the unlimited population, the minimum sample size at 95% confidence level and accuracy of 5% was selected using the Cochran formula 384 people. Data gathering tool was a standard questionnaire, its validity was confirmed by experts and its reliability was estimated by Cronbach' alpha coefficient. Present study is an applied research in terms of purpose and it is regarded to be a correlative descriptive research based on the way of obtaining required data. Statistical methods, descriptive and inferential statistics were used for analysis of collected data. The findings of this research show that the destination image has a positive and significant impact on the intention of the traveler. Further more, the effects of destination image on the intention of tourists with the role of social media moderation were investigated. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - Analyzing the Influential Factors of Social Media on Insurance Decision Making
        Mohsen Gharakhani Seyedeh OmSalameh  pourhashemi
        Today, social media has greatly influenced the way we receive information and news. searching for information through social media by consumers has received more attentions than ever before. The purpose of this paper is to examine the factors influencing the purchasing More
        Today, social media has greatly influenced the way we receive information and news. searching for information through social media by consumers has received more attentions than ever before. The purpose of this paper is to examine the factors influencing the purchasing decision-making process in the insurance industry. In this study, the quantitative method is used and the data is collected from 223 users who are followers of the fan pages of famous actors and athletes on social media. An online survey of users is conducted to examine the model, followed by at least one influential person. The collected data is analyzed using SPSS 23 and Smart PLS 3.0 statistical software. The results show the effects of influencers' posts, the other people's posts, and company's own posts on the intention to search for information and the effect of perceived value, perceived usefulness, brand image of the company and awareness of sales plans / marketing campaign on the intention to buy fans have a positive effect in a community who is a fan of Facebook brand pages. The study also showed that the search for information has a positive effect on consumer purchasing power. The findings of this study help to understand the importance of the selected factors in influencing the decision to buy consumers in the insurance industry. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - The Effect of Visual Media on the Occurrence of Deviations and Crimes in Children and Teenagers and Ways to Prevent it
        Fatemeh  Afshari javad afshari
        Background and Aim: One of the most important influencing factors in the lives of today's societies is visual media, which, in addition to having positive effects in reducing social harms, have a negative role in creating deviations and crimes and one of the vulnerable More
        Background and Aim: One of the most important influencing factors in the lives of today's societies is visual media, which, in addition to having positive effects in reducing social harms, have a negative role in creating deviations and crimes and one of the vulnerable groups in this field are children and teenagers. This study was conducted with the aim of investigating the impact of visual media on the occurrence of deviations and crimes among children and teenagers and discussing ways to prevent it. Method: The present study was conducted using descriptive-analytical method and using documentary (library) resoureces. Results: Visual media, by getting the audience used to the events, desensitization and inattention, etc., provide the basis for learning violence from the media. Younger people are much more influenced by the media, and this is due to their realism, their incomplete cognitive ability, and their inability to relate the scenes of the program to the final result. With the development of global media outside the control of governments, such as satellites and the Internet, and providing inappropriate models, negative training, airing programs with no purpose, not paying attention to the age of the audience, and not showing the results of actions, the role of the mentioned media in the spread of crimes and deviations such as violence, running away from home, free sexual relations, and sexual addiction are undeniable, especially among young people. Conclusion: Due to the negative impact of visual media on children and teenagers in terms of creating grounds for deviance and committing crimes, it is necessary for the government, people, family and mass media to make a joint effort to deal with the content of inappropriate and replace it with healthy programs and entertainment. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - Designing a Management Model for Acceptance New Media Technologies (Media Convergence emphasis
        Babak Rahnavard Kamran  MohamadKhani Aliakbar Farhanghi Amir Hossein  Mohammad Davoudi
        This study aim, design a model for acceptance and transfer new media technologies (media convergence emphasis), research methodology is applied research(descriptive) and data collection methods implemented with mix method (qualitative and quantitative),at first stage, r More
        This study aim, design a model for acceptance and transfer new media technologies (media convergence emphasis), research methodology is applied research(descriptive) and data collection methods implemented with mix method (qualitative and quantitative),at first stage, researcher reviewed a literature in media technology transfer to identification effective components and indicators, at qualitative part of the research, Selected 10 media industry experts to interviewed for identify effective indicators, in quantitative research part, researcher made questionnaire was distributed in the statistical sample of 300 responder from the population of the study and 285 questionnaires were returned. After analyzing , questionnaire responses with Spss software, Cronbach's alpha coefficient (reliability) was obtained α=0.881 and finally using structural equation modeling (SEM), to design a model, evaluation of the model show an absolute fit index (root mean square error 0.094 and chi-square 0.00), Incremental Fitness index of 0.886 and Frugal Fitness index 3.48 ,which indicates the acceptability of the model is introduced and to determine the degree of appropriateness, the second questionnaire was designed and distributed to responds by 30 experts of media and communications, analyze with one sample t test of utility models at 95 percent approval, then using the Friedman test measures the highest and lowest on the model, they were ranked Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - Designing a model of spiritual behavior in media organizations
        Aliakbar  Farhangi Abbas ali Rastgar   Azim Zarei
        The present study aimed to develop and present a suitable model for the spiritual behavior of media organizations. This research is based on the fundamental purpose and applicability of the method and how to collect data is a descriptive survey and correlation type, and More
        The present study aimed to develop and present a suitable model for the spiritual behavior of media organizations. This research is based on the fundamental purpose and applicability of the method and how to collect data is a descriptive survey and correlation type, and from the viewpoint of how the research is carried out as a type of qualitative research in which the exploratory approach and the research strategy "Theory Data Foundation " Used. The statistical population of the study consisted of experts in the field of spirituality and media. Using sampling method, 15 people were selected as sample. Deep exploratory interviews were also used to collect data. After the triple stages of open coding, central coding and the selective coding of the categories, concepts and dimensions extracted, a new theory, the very model of spiritual behavior in media organizations, was designed. It is hoped that by applying the model presented in this study and by increasing the understanding of employees and managers and media organizations about the process of streamlining spiritual Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        17 - Social media and value creation: the role of interaction satisfaction
        Seyed Amir Hossein Madani Abolfazl Danaei gholamreza jandaghi
        The variety of ways in which customers engage with brands through social media has become a challenge for brand managers. The challenge is how to use social media with a strategic approach and how much content to generate so that company-customer interactions can create More
        The variety of ways in which customers engage with brands through social media has become a challenge for brand managers. The challenge is how to use social media with a strategic approach and how much content to generate so that company-customer interactions can create value for the organization. For this reason, it is important to know to what extent brands should focus on social media engagement satisfaction and its role in creating value for the organization. In this study, researchers will use descriptive and inferential statistics to analyze the data collected from the questionnaire to find the answer to this question. Also, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis along with structural equation model has been used for inferential data analysis. The results of this study suggest that high consumer satisfaction with brand interactions on social media is significantly effective in creating a higher customer longevity value for the brand. Also, high consumer satisfaction in brand interactions on social media has been effective in creating the value of higher customer influence for the brand, in creating the value of higher customer knowledge for the brand and in creating the value of customer knowledge. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        18 - Proposing a model of knowledge-based companies development, with emphasis on the role of the media
        Nader  Godini Mehrdad Matani Ali Falah Assadollah Mehrara
        The development of knowledge-based companies are necessary for the economic growth of the country. But there are many theoretical weaknesses in the development of these companies, especially in their conceptual models. The purpose of this study is the modification of th More
        The development of knowledge-based companies are necessary for the economic growth of the country. But there are many theoretical weaknesses in the development of these companies, especially in their conceptual models. The purpose of this study is the modification of the conceptual model to improve the development path of these companies. A systematic conceptual model for the development of companies, with considering the strategic role of the media, is the purpose of this paper. Firstly, the definitions, indicators, dimensions of knowledge-based companies, and the previous efforts related to them are discussed. The type of research is qualitative and is analyzed based on Grounded Theory methodology. The conceptual model is based on field observation and systematic interviews with 21 managers related to the development of knowledge-based companies, science and technology parks, and growth centers in Iran. The results show that the development of knowledge-based companies is due to the strategic role of media, which is included education, culture, information, and guidance. According to the development strategy of a knowledge-based company, the consequence of the process is enhanced by television and internet. On the other hand, the process is affected by base conditions such as culture, supervision, economics, media activities, as well as environmental conditions such as the academic capacity, websites, intellectual property, laws, sponsorship, Internet, industry, and politics. Trans nationalization of products, reduction of dependence, improvement of product quality, policy, decision making, strategy development, promotion of activities, employment growth, are the consequences of media's role in the development of knowledge-based companies. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        19 - Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentiment Analysis in Persian Social Media
        M. Rohanian M. Salehi A. Darzi وحید رنجبر
        With the social media engagement on the rise, the resulting data can be used as a rich resource for analyzing and understanding different phenomena around us. A sentiment analysis system employs these data to find the attitude of social media users towards certain entit More
        With the social media engagement on the rise, the resulting data can be used as a rich resource for analyzing and understanding different phenomena around us. A sentiment analysis system employs these data to find the attitude of social media users towards certain entities in a given document. In this paper we propose a sentiment analysis method for Persian text using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), a feedforward Artificial Neural Network, that categorize sentences into two and five classes (considering their intensity) by applying a layer of convolution over input data through different filters. We evaluated the method on three different datasets of Persian social media texts using Area under Curve metric. The final results show the advantage of using CNN over earlier attempts at developing traditional machine learning methods for Persian texts sentiment classification especially for short texts. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        20 - The Impact of Organizational Social Capital on Knowledge Sharing in Media Organizations: Case study in Center of New Media in Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting
          behrooz ghlichlee amir hatami
        The present study tried to evaluate the impact of organizational social capital on knowledge sharing in media organizations. In this regard, center of new media in IRIB as a major media organization in the country was studied. The descriptive survey was used as a resear More
        The present study tried to evaluate the impact of organizational social capital on knowledge sharing in media organizations. In this regard, center of new media in IRIB as a major media organization in the country was studied. The descriptive survey was used as a research method. In this study, Nahapiet and Ghoshal (1998) social capital model was used to evaluate the social capital and Chang et al. (2013) Model for checking the status of organizational knowledge sharing. The data collection tool was the questionnaires of abovementioned models and the reliability of the questionnaires were satisfying. A sample for this research is 97 people of center of new media in IRIB. Data compiled was examined by the software of structural equation PLS. The results of the model were satisfying. The results of path analysis showed that organizational social capital on knowledge sharing has a significant and positive impact. It was also found among the three dimensions of social capital (Structural, relational and cognitive), the structure and relationship of social capital dimension have a significant effect on knowledge sharing. Manuscript profile
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        21 - Evaluate the Effects of Service Innovation, Social Media Marketing, and Social Support on Value Co-creation
        akbar hoshyar Alireza Rousta
        The present research has evaluated the effects of service innovation, social media marketing and social support on value co-creation in Iran Khodro Company.This research is based on the achievement of the development-applicative type and based on the objectives of the d More
        The present research has evaluated the effects of service innovation, social media marketing and social support on value co-creation in Iran Khodro Company.This research is based on the achievement of the development-applicative type and based on the objectives of the descriptive type of the case that the necessary data has been collected by the survey method. The statistical population of the research consisted of two sections, in the first section, all the customers of Iran Khodro Company in the 5 districts of Tehran, and in the second section, the employees of the agencies in the mentioned areas were included. 384 people and 50 people were selected based on available random sampling in the customer section using non-probability quota sampling method. Regarding the theoretical foundations and background of the research, using library resources and in the field part, the tool for collecting information is a standard questionnaire. The data were analyzed by structural equation modeling using Smart PLS software. The results of research hypotheses indicate that social media marketing, service innovation has an effect on value co-creation from both customers and employees, and the effect of social support on value co-creation is confirmed by employees but not by customers. Not approved. Therefore, focusing on innovation in services, organizations should try to strengthen value co-creation through social media marketing and social support from both the perspective of employees and customers. Manuscript profile
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        22 - Changing attitudes toward menstrual taboos from Primitive Societies to the Age of Media (A Systematic Review)
        Zahra Zare soode dashtiane shiva zare
        Aim: Menstruation is a biological process and it is regarded as a milestone in women’s life. But these cultural and social processes are so intertwined that made a wide range of rules and restrictions(as taboo) about menstruation and women’s function. Taboos restricts w More
        Aim: Menstruation is a biological process and it is regarded as a milestone in women’s life. But these cultural and social processes are so intertwined that made a wide range of rules and restrictions(as taboo) about menstruation and women’s function. Taboos restricts women’s behaviors and have a negative effect on their physical and mental health. In this case the aim of this study is to considering the role of media in persistence and lessening menstrual taboos. Methodology: It was a systematic review study. Related keywords have been searched in PubMed, Springer, ScienceDirect, SID, Noormags and Civilica data and related articles which have been published between 1950 to 2021 were extracted. Findings: The frequent ideaology about menstruation in societies is silence and denial, a view that most media reproduce and strengthening it in different ways. But giving various information about menstruation without bias in different ways may lead to normalization and lessening menstruation taboos. Results: the normalization process of menstruation needs time but with interfering in media’s framework as a change, we may lead the society to the normalizing it. Media as a great and available source of information, can be used as a powerful tool in educating and breaking menstruation taboo. Manuscript profile
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        23 - Fashionism and Youth: An Emerging Social Problem
        Javad Maddahi Alireza Ghobadi
        Fashion is a pervasive concept in the life cycle of the contemporary world. A phenomenon that, more than any other group, seduces young people as its followers and seems to be an emerging social problem. The purpose of this study was to investigate the socio-cultural fa More
        Fashion is a pervasive concept in the life cycle of the contemporary world. A phenomenon that, more than any other group, seduces young people as its followers and seems to be an emerging social problem. The purpose of this study was to investigate the socio-cultural factors related to youth fashionism. The research method was survey and the statistical population of this research was the youth of Tehran. The sample size was 387 people which was obtained by using Cochran's formula and the sample was selected by multi-stage cluster sampling method. The data collection technique is combination of researcher-made and standard questionnaire that was evaluated for validity and reliability. The reliability measurement through Cronbach's alpha test shows an acceptable level. According to the findings of this study, there is a significant relationship between the variables of age, parental education, social class, personality, public media and social networks, religiosity and fashion. The results of regression analysis show that according to the adjusted coefficient of determination in the regression equation, 50.3% of the variance of the dependent variable is explained by independent variables. Individualism showed the strongest relationship with fashion. Also, in the section of structural equation path analysis, the model indices have an acceptable fit. Manuscript profile
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        24 - The role of information and communication technology in the globalization of the media industry
        sohila goodarzi
        New communication technologies have not only affected the range of audiences, but have even been able to question the foundation of classical communication theories. For example, the sender, channel, and receiver model in traditional communication theories has become a More
        New communication technologies have not only affected the range of audiences, but have even been able to question the foundation of classical communication theories. For example, the sender, channel, and receiver model in traditional communication theories has become a model of content-producing communities with the advent of media such as user-centric networks or social networks, in which each person is a sender and receiver continuously at all times and has multiple roles. In this communication channel. These technological developments inherently contain challenges and threats that some experts have referred to as soft warfare, but this is just a coin, these developments apply to all countries of the world, and if anyone is to be harmed, it is certainly that society. Will be the one to take a defensive guard against these technologies. The introduction and development of new technologies in media organizations have brought about many changes that have affected the structure and management of media organizations. This article tries to study the impact of new technologies on the media and its developments on a case-by-case basis. Manuscript profile
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        25 - Exploring the Effects of Social Media Activities on Brand Resonance (Cognitive and Emotional) and loyalty of European Tourists Visiting Tehran
        Yazdan  Shirmohammadi زینب هاشمی باغی
        Social media activities could, together with other managerial and service factors, substantially contribute to the development of tourism by attracting tourists through promoting the attractions, providing them with useful information on historical places, customs, cult More
        Social media activities could, together with other managerial and service factors, substantially contribute to the development of tourism by attracting tourists through promoting the attractions, providing them with useful information on historical places, customs, cultural heritage, tourist attractions, and the historical and cultural potentials of the countries and regions they are supposed to visit. This descriptive survey study, therefore, sought to investigate the effect of social media advertisements, audience participation, and word-of-mouth advertising on European tourists’ brand resonance through the cognitive and emotional images as well as attitudinal and practical loyalties in social media. The population of the study comprised of the European tourists who visited Tehran from March to June 2019. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was used for the inferential analysis of the collected data, and KMO was applied to measure the internal consistency of the tool used. Moreover, Bartlett’s test was administered to confirm the sampling adequacy and the correctness of factors separation. The structural equation modeling method was also used for identifying the relationships among the variables. The results of the study indicated that social media advertisement, audience participation and brand awareness were effective on the cognitive image of the European tourists who visited Tehran, and that audience participation and word-of-mouth advertising affected their emotional image. It was also found that cognitive and emotional images would affect the attitudinal and practical loyalties which in turn would influence the brand resonance that could be helpful in attracting tourists provided that it is accompanied by well-defined plans in terms of creativity and innovation in advertising, knowing the audience, and choosing appropriate advertisements to be published in social media. Manuscript profile
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        26 - E-tourism Business Model
        Fatemeh Yavarigohar payam hanafizadeh taraneh hajiahmadi farmahini
        This study sought to develop a social media-based business model for tourism industry. At the first stage, the main elements of the model were extracted from the related literature review and the Osterwalder and Pigneur’s business model framework. At the second stage, t More
        This study sought to develop a social media-based business model for tourism industry. At the first stage, the main elements of the model were extracted from the related literature review and the Osterwalder and Pigneur’s business model framework. At the second stage, to evaluate and prioritize the identified elements, a questionnaire was developed and administered on 119 experts who were selected through snowball sampling. The collected data were then analyzed, using Smart PLS software and the elements were imbedded in the model in order of their importance. Applying multiple case study method, the business model of seven tourism companies who managed to successfully employ the potentials of social media to their benefit were analyzed in the final stage to validate the business model proposed by this study. The findings indicated that active presence in social media would affect the customer-related elements more than those of the supplier-related ones. In other words, the elements related to the relationship with customers, cost structure, value proposition, and distribution channels would be affected more than the elements related to revenue streams, key resources, key activities, and key partnerships. Manuscript profile
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        27 - Examining the Role of a Community’s Social Media-based Destination Brand in Winning Tourists’ Hearts Towards Co-Creating Values and Visiting the Place
        Zohreh Ali Esmaili Armin Goli
        This study sought to investigate the role of a community’s social media-based destination brand in winning the tourists’ hearts and convincing them to co-create values and visit the community. The population of this applied survey study comprised of Ramsar visitors who More
        This study sought to investigate the role of a community’s social media-based destination brand in winning the tourists’ hearts and convincing them to co-create values and visit the community. The population of this applied survey study comprised of Ramsar visitors who discussed it as a travel destination on social media and had used social media to choose Ramsar as a tourist destination. In this regard, 73 media sources where Ramsar had been discussed were selected using a judgmental sampling method. The required data were collected through electronic questionnaires from 384 visitors (out of 450 visitors) who were selected through non-probability convenient sampling. The collected data were then analyzed via SmartPLS software using structural equation modeling and path analysis technique. The findings of the study suggested that a community’s social media-based destination brand had a positive impact on the visitors’ enjoyment of the place, loving the place, and positive surprise towards the destination, persuading them to participate in the co-creation of values and thus revisit the place. Manuscript profile
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        28 - The educational role of the media in preserving the environment
        Mohammad diba
        In today's world, the environment has become a vital issue. The destruction of the environment is happening at an incredible rate these days. Today, the media play an important role in informing and educating the environment, so the influence of the people on the media More
        In today's world, the environment has become a vital issue. The destruction of the environment is happening at an incredible rate these days. Today, the media play an important role in informing and educating the environment, so the influence of the people on the media affects the type of behavior and attitude towards the environment. The first step in promoting the general culture of environmental protection requires environmental education in all sectors, especially children and adolescents as ambassadors of the environment in society. It deals with their impact on the behavior and culture of the people and society. In order to promote the general culture of environmental protection in the country, for this purpose, the views of experts, books, study and research background will be studied. Control of environmental factors plays a key role in promoting environmental health, and environmental pollutants that have a certain diversity, extent and complexity can endanger environmental health, so since the media is one of the most important means of mass communication, they should be Used to control environmental factors that enhance people's culture in preserving the environment. Today, the mass media is considered as one of the most important and in some cases irreplaceable channels in the process of transmission, stabilization, change, justification and even control of environmental factors, and this discussion addresses this issue. Manuscript profile
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        29 - IRIB and Addiction Prevention, Content Analysis of Shock Documentaries with an Emphasis on Addiction
        amir Hajiali asgari soraya ahmadi parnaneh Pishnamazi
        Media has been a significant role to shape the thoughts, beliefs, values, culture and awareness. Today with the intelligent use of media, it is possible to introduce social issues, prevent and confrontation. Addiction is one of the most common social issues that trouble More
        Media has been a significant role to shape the thoughts, beliefs, values, culture and awareness. Today with the intelligent use of media, it is possible to introduce social issues, prevent and confrontation. Addiction is one of the most common social issues that trouble our country. Therefore, addiction prevention can play an important role in reducing social harm. According to its social responsibility, the national media has always sought to confront and fight against social harms, including addiction. The documentary "Shock" was among the programs that were produced and broadcasted on the third channel of national TV in order to deal with addiction. The present research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the performance of Shock documentary. The theoretical framework of this theory was based on theories of social responsibility, framing and Tannehill's health model. The research method, quantitative content analysis and data collection tools were reverse questionnaire. 8 programs in the period of 18 months from the beginning of 2019 to September of 2019 were selected purposely. The findings show: the type of attitude towards addiction is mainly patient-oriented and the approach of the program emphasizes primary prevention. The way of modeling about the prevention of addiction, introduction of risk factors, and industrial drugs have received more attention. Also, according to the results of this research, friends and therapeutic motivations were among the factors of tendency towards addiction. Manuscript profile
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        30 - Image Fake News Detection using Efficient NetB0 Model
        Yasmine Almsrahad Nasrollah  Moghaddam Charkari
        Today, social networks have become a prominent source of news, significantly altering the way people obtain news from traditional media sources to social media. Alternatively, social media platforms have been plagued by unauthenticated and fake news in recent years. How More
        Today, social networks have become a prominent source of news, significantly altering the way people obtain news from traditional media sources to social media. Alternatively, social media platforms have been plagued by unauthenticated and fake news in recent years. However, the rise of fake news on these platforms has become a challenging issue. Fake news dissemination, especially through visual content, poses a significant threat as people tend to share information in image format. Consequently, detecting and combating fake news has become crucial in the realm of social media. In this paper, we propose an approach to address the detection of fake image news. Our method incorporates the error level analysis (ELA) technique and the explicit convolutional neural network of the EfficientNet model. By converting the original image into an ELA image, it is possible to effectively highlight any manipulations or discrepancies within the image. The ELA image is further processed by the EfficientNet model, which captures distinctive features used to detect fake image news. Visual features extracted from the model are passed through a dense layer and a sigmoid function to predict the image type. To evaluate the efficacy of the proposed method, we conducted experiments using the CASIA 2.0 dataset, a widely adopted benchmark dataset for fake image detection. The experimental results demonstrate an accuracy rate of 96.11% for the CASIA dataset. The results outperform in terms of accuracy and computational efficiency, with a 6% increase in accuracy and a 5.2% improvement in the F-score compared with other similar methods. Manuscript profile
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        31 - A comprehensive survey on the influence maximization problem in social networks
        mohsen taherinia mahdi Esmaeili Behrooz Minaei
        With the incredible development of social networks, many marketers have exploited the opportunities, and attempt to find influential people within online social networks to influence other people. This problem is known as the Influence Maximization Problem. Efficiency a More
        With the incredible development of social networks, many marketers have exploited the opportunities, and attempt to find influential people within online social networks to influence other people. This problem is known as the Influence Maximization Problem. Efficiency and effectiveness are two important criteria in the production and analysis of influence maximization algorithms. Some of researchers improved these two issues by exploiting the communities’ structure as a very useful feature of social networks. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive review of the state of the art algorithms of the influence maximization problem with special emphasis on the community detection-based approaches Manuscript profile
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        32 - Investigating the approach and ethical role of the media in preventing emotionalism in determining punishment
        Javadollah  Ghadami Shahrdad  Darabi Sayed Mahmood  MirKhalili
        Mass media's representation of crime، deviance، and disorder is one of the constant causes of concern at the community level. Because it causes fear and anxiety in the society. However، this traditional role of the media in representing norm-breaking events can be resto More
        Mass media's representation of crime، deviance، and disorder is one of the constant causes of concern at the community level. Because it causes fear and anxiety in the society. However، this traditional role of the media in representing norm-breaking events can be restored according to some media-oriented theories such as the magic bullet theory and the theory of highlighting and selective writing، and it can play the role of a tool that also has crime prevention training. And also، a control tool on the emotions and inflammations of society after committing a crime. The current research، with an analytical-descriptive method based on library data، tries to achieve this goal، to what extent the media can moderate and control the inflammation and emotionalism caused by committing a crime، and against this role in determining the punishment of the effective offender. be realized the findings of this research show that the media can control the inflammatory atmosphere created in the society with the insinuations they give to the audience in their headlines and texts، and they can control the criminal justice system from a kind of common sense. release a criminal offense. Anyway، this research investigates the different roles of the media in feedback by representing the crime and also reconstructing or depicting the face of the criminal and finally examines this process in determining the punishment. Manuscript profile
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        33 - Pathology of the Ethical Approach in Social Media Marketing Activities in the University (Case of Study: Islamic Azad University)
        Fatemeh Abolhasani targhi Seyed Hassan  Hataminasab Mohammad Soltanifar
        Social media as an emerging phenomenon in Iran has caused significant changes in all activities, especially in the field of educational services. According to their mission, universities and higher education centers always seek to attract students and then attract motiv More
        Social media as an emerging phenomenon in Iran has caused significant changes in all activities, especially in the field of educational services. According to their mission, universities and higher education centers always seek to attract students and then attract motivation for specific actions and behaviors. The lack of native standard models for using social media marketing in the university has caused us to sometimes see problems in this field. Based on this, this research, after investigating the ethical problems of this activity, first through the method of qualitative approach and inductive content analysis, while conducting scientometrics, identifies the dimensions of social media marketing and localizes them using the Delphi method. Then, with the help of exploratory factor analysis, while verifying the groups of indicators of each dimension and verifying validity, it evaluates the current and desirable situation of these indicators and factors in Iranian universities. The statistical population of this research in the qualitative section of the articles of the Web of Science database during the 50 years ending in 2022 and in the qualitative section is selected experts and cultural assistants of universities across the country that were surveyed using the snowball method. The results show that the most important problems are related to the ethical approach in advertising and social media marketing policy. Manuscript profile