Designing a model of spiritual behavior in media organizations
Subject Areas :
Aliakbar Farhangi
Abbas ali Rastgar
Azim Zarei
1 - University of Tehran
2 - semnan university
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Keywords: : Spiritual behavior, spirituality, media, media organizations ,
Abstract :
The present study aimed to develop and present a suitable model for the spiritual behavior of media organizations. This research is based on the fundamental purpose and applicability of the method and how to collect data is a descriptive survey and correlation type, and from the viewpoint of how the research is carried out as a type of qualitative research in which the exploratory approach and the research strategy "Theory Data Foundation " Used. The statistical population of the study consisted of experts in the field of spirituality and media. Using sampling method, 15 people were selected as sample. Deep exploratory interviews were also used to collect data. After the triple stages of open coding, central coding and the selective coding of the categories, concepts and dimensions extracted, a new theory, the very model of spiritual behavior in media organizations, was designed. It is hoped that by applying the model presented in this study and by increasing the understanding of employees and managers and media organizations about the process of streamlining spiritual
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