• List of Articles هنجار

      • Open Access Article

        1 - ‘Multiple Head Phrase’ and Its Aesthetic Functions in Akhavan's Poetry
        فاطمه  مدرسي اميد  ياسيني
        The present research is about multiple head phrase and its aesthetic functions in Mehdi Akhavan Sales' poetry. The research has been conducted deductively. One of the linguistic introductory materials in Akhavan's poetry is to use multiple head phrase in order to extend More
        The present research is about multiple head phrase and its aesthetic functions in Mehdi Akhavan Sales' poetry. The research has been conducted deductively. One of the linguistic introductory materials in Akhavan's poetry is to use multiple head phrase in order to extend the constituents of speech and to elaborate it. Establishing lexical or semantic relations between the two head of the multiple head phrase that has been made using ‘apposition’, Akhavan makes them function as the elements of foregrounding linguistic structures, and as the aesthetic elements of poetry. The main functions of such phrases in Akhavan's poems are defamiliarization, foregrounding, leading the referential language to the poetic one, and creating beauty. Some other aesthetic functions of multiple head phrase in Akhavan's poems are to lead the language of the poems to elaboration, to describe the antecedents of the appositions, and to create an aesthetic distance between reason and emotion. Stressing the main poetic function of the multiple head phrase - which is to create the illusion of identity between the entities of different types- Akhavan selects opposition among the set of "abstract entities, objects, plants, liquids', and coordinates them with their antecedents. Doing so, he provides beautiful images which rely on creating the illusion of sameness between the entities having features of different values such as: + abstract/ - abstract, + concrete/ - concrete, + plants/ - plants, + liquid/ - liquid, and etc. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Resurrection of Meaning in The Ghazal Of Orfi Shirazi Based on Leech’s Semantic Deviation
        majid khosravi   Mohammad Irani Gholamreza Salemiyan
        The anomalies or deviation is one of the aspects of "resurrection of vocabulary" based on linguistics and it is one of the new literary criticism theories proposed within the framework of the Russian school of formalism. Orfi Shirazi, the Indian style poet, has created More
        The anomalies or deviation is one of the aspects of "resurrection of vocabulary" based on linguistics and it is one of the new literary criticism theories proposed within the framework of the Russian school of formalism. Orfi Shirazi, the Indian style poet, has created the Ghazal language of this style beyond the norm of his time and he has been sometimes created an individual style and new norm in the language of the Ghazal.Therefore, the words have a variable resurrection in the imagery and semantic creation of the early Indian lyric style and Orfi Shirazi, as one of the early lyricists of Indian style, has created phenomena in a wide variety of ways in the imagination and he has challenged the mind of the audience in confronting the ups and downs of the Ghazal's image. This research was conducted with the aim of explaining the new techniques of imagination and semantics in Orfi Shirazi Ghazal with a descriptive-analytical approach and relying on the semantic deviation of "Leech"and has shown he has created techniques of semantic deviation with rhetorical and meaningful images in Ghazal. Accordingly, explanation of the semantic deviation on the imagination of Orfi in the Ghazal and the explanation of how words are used in the structure of new images, is the main achievement of the research. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Political Theory: A Paradigmatic Approach
        A m
        Political Thought is usually applied to the commentaries on political Ideas and concepts. There should, however, be a distinction between political ideas and the commentaries and explanation of such ideas. In fact such commentaries should be called “Political Theories”, More
        Political Thought is usually applied to the commentaries on political Ideas and concepts. There should, however, be a distinction between political ideas and the commentaries and explanation of such ideas. In fact such commentaries should be called “Political Theories”, for they explain political thoughts and concepts and elaborate on issues regarding normative thought. In this article, after discussing some major political theories, a paradigmatic theory is introduced. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - The Status of Political Philosophy
        مرتضی  بحرانی
        In questioning the status of political philosophy among other fields of humanities, there would be many answers in different paradigms. In classical thoughts, with a normative view on human being and society, political philosophy lies under the category of practical ph More
        In questioning the status of political philosophy among other fields of humanities, there would be many answers in different paradigms. In classical thoughts, with a normative view on human being and society, political philosophy lies under the category of practical philosophy. In this respect, it has a fixed correlation with ethics, and all its statements seem to be universal. But in modern era, the normative characteristic was seen as problematic, and political philosophy was reduced a power/security oriented realm. Protecting itself against the attacks of positivists, political philosophy abandoned its cliams of universality and normativity. In order to retain its existence and to affirm its utility, political philosophy appeared as a paradigm focusing on itself as its object. This is like what happened in the field of linguistics where language turned out to be its subject and object at the same time. Finally, “political entity can be effective and important in explaining the present status of political philosophy, and interprating its meaning. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Political Implications of Abbas Kiarostami'Cinema
        Seyedmohsen Alavipour عباس منوچهری
        According to the known definition, Political Cinema is the one for which special political issues, as a political event, biography, or process is the matter. However, it seems that such a definition is not inclusive enough to cover the films which focus on the normative More
        According to the known definition, Political Cinema is the one for which special political issues, as a political event, biography, or process is the matter. However, it seems that such a definition is not inclusive enough to cover the films which focus on the normative aspects of politics, while not necessarily narrating a special political matter. Thus, reflecting on this definition, it is needed to discover and categorize the characteristics of normative political cinema. Reviewing Abbas Kiarostami’s films, the present study attempts to identify such characteristics. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Theoretical explanation of the position of civil society in the model of good governance
        Seyed Rahim  Abolhasani Khosrow  Ghobadi
        In the model of good governance, the three sectors of public, private, and civil society work together with separate boundaries and in an interactive relationship in order to achieve development goals. This model is inconsistent with the current approach of civil societ More
        In the model of good governance, the three sectors of public, private, and civil society work together with separate boundaries and in an interactive relationship in order to achieve development goals. This model is inconsistent with the current approach of civil society based on the Hegelian conception, which is based on political economy and conflict. Now the question can be asked that in the absence or diminishing role of economics and politics in the definition and explanation of civil society, with what basis and approach can this concept be explained in the model of good governance? The present article argues that cultural approaches to civil society, including Jeffrey Alexander's approach, can further explain civil society in terms of good governance. In this article, the writers discuss some aspects of this explanation by a descriptive and analytical method. The method of data collection is documentary and library, and by referring to reliable sources and analyzing them, documents have been provided to test the hypothesis of the article. Manuscript profile
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        7 - Capability-Virtue Political Judgment in the Thought of "Martha Nussbaum"
        Mahmoud Alipour Saiedalireza Hosseinibeheshti
        One of the issues raised in the late political philosophy is the revival of the linguistic concept called "political judgment". Political judgment can be considered as the expression of one's understanding and perception of a political event or situation. Based on this More
        One of the issues raised in the late political philosophy is the revival of the linguistic concept called "political judgment". Political judgment can be considered as the expression of one's understanding and perception of a political event or situation. Based on this definition, the essence ofPolitical thingis defined based on speech, decision and judgment in political life. Historically/ conceptually, political Judgment has gone through two major Transformation. One: in the form of Platonic awe and following predetermined criteria (idea-centric), And the second in the form of devalued face of the world of politics and centralization, interpretation and benefit of man as the standard of everything (relativistic). Nussbaum's normative approach proposes a third and distinct type of judgment under the title of "virtuosity-ability". Therefore, the question arises, what is the nature of political Judgment in Nussbaum's thought, and where is the position of "ability-virtue" in it? In her view, political judgment is related to "valuable and virtuous political feelings and emotions", and on the other hand, to "capability approach" in the sense of what citizens can and should do. From this point of view, Nussbaum tries to criticize the standard-oriented and non-normative Judgment by proposing political liberalism against comprehensive liberalism. And on the other hand, she is against imposing those judgments on the political decision-making situations of citizens. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Students Participation Pattern in Sport for all Based on Theory of Planned Training Behavior
        mohammad ali ghareh Naser Zardi
        the goal of this research was presenting students participation pattern of Payame noor university in public sports based on theory of planned training behavior. The research was descriptive study that was done in a survey method. The statistical population consisted of More
        the goal of this research was presenting students participation pattern of Payame noor university in public sports based on theory of planned training behavior. The research was descriptive study that was done in a survey method. The statistical population consisted of students of Payame Noor University in the academic year 94-95. Statistical sample according to Morgan table was 384 people Which were selected by multi-stage clustering. The measurement tool included a modified behavioral scale of planned behavior. validty&Reliability if questionnaire were comfirmed. For inferential analysis of collected data used by Amos software and spss software version 18. The results of stepwise regression model showed that 46% of total changes in the level of participation in sport for all is dependent on three variables ; Attitude , behavior control and sport for all. Good fit indicators of Research model showed that The proposed model is well suited that means that the theory of the pattern of planned behavior can explaine student participation in sport for all. So it is suggested that sports devices to strive about doing tricks In order to strengthen the attitude , mental norms and perceived behavior controlling , along with other influential factors of Participation in sport for all, Including the provision of hardware and software infrastructure , access , financial issues , etc. to institutionalized sport for all in students. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Ethical and Behavioral Standards: Legal Reading and Their Social Effects
        Mohammad Reza  Vijeh Azad  Rezaei
        Ethical and behavioral standards (professional standards) are based on several principles, values and ethical standards related to occupations that ethical standards like ethical and value declarations determine ethical virtues and behavioral standards set them to guide More
        Ethical and behavioral standards (professional standards) are based on several principles, values and ethical standards related to occupations that ethical standards like ethical and value declarations determine ethical virtues and behavioral standards set them to guide the members of minor areas. On the other hand, in particular, our country faces a range of problems and challenges such as the water crisis, the environmental crisis, the crisis of public trust and other social crises which in many cases may threat the integrity of the country. It is believed that such problems are derived from inattention of moral values, preference of personal and group interests to public interest and corruption in general and etc,. Our assumption is that the adoption of professional standards in every kind and in particular, legal perceptions of them will lead to the rule of ethical values at the levels of occupation at first and then, lead to ethical excellence of a large part of society. In the meantime, we found through descriptive-analytical study that ethical excellence, fight against corruption and the strengthening of public trust, the safeguarding of citizenship rights, the strengthening of professional solidarity, the preservation of the dignity and integrity of the minor areas, and etc., will be prove to be true as the positive effects that can overcome many of mentioned problems. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - nvestigating the Factors Affecting the Development of Internal Marketing in the Banking Industry (Commercial Bank Case Study)
        Samira  Asadi Mohammad Mahdi Mozafari Babak Haji Karimi Mahmood Noraei
        Internal marketing is of particular importance today due to its indirect impact on the end customer due to the satisfaction of service staff. Internal marketing is the synchronization of organizational goals with human resources so that the role of human resources in ac More
        Internal marketing is of particular importance today due to its indirect impact on the end customer due to the satisfaction of service staff. Internal marketing is the synchronization of organizational goals with human resources so that the role of human resources in achieving goals is clarified. In the meantime, the issue of ethics in economics and banking is raised, as financial crises in recent years have shown that the goal of utilitarianism in financial institutions, can have potential risks in the banking system and, consequently, society. Therefore, the present study was conducted with the aim of examining the ethics in banking and the factors affecting the development of internal marketing in the banking industry. Analytical-descriptive is a branch of correlation.The statistical population of this study includes the total number of managers, deputies and heads of Tejarat Bank in all branches in Iran is 125. Due to the limited number of members of the statistical population, through the counting method, all The statistical population is considered as a sample.The primary data collection tool in this study was a questionnaire that, to ensure the validity of the questionnaire, the content validity method was used.Then the reliability coefficient or internal stability of the questionnaire based on the data obtained It was calculated using Cronbach's alpha coefficient that the value of Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the whole questionnaire was 94%. It was found to indicate the appropriate reliability of the questionnaire used. Structural equation method and Smart PLS software were used to analyze the data. The results of the study in the field of ethics showed that the ethical teachings in banks have a positive and significant effect on the residents of this system, which reduces their greed and the consequences of corruption in society. Also, the compliance of Sharia and ethics in Islamic banking, in practice, faces obstacles that may lead to deviations from the goals of ethical Islamic banking. On the other hand, the results showed that the results showed that 4 dimensions, norm, strategic, executive and process have a positive and significant effect on the development of internal marketing. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - An Analytical Study of Important Cultural Factors Deterring Child Sexual Abuse Disclosure
        Arian Petoft
        Nowadays, one of the most known types of violence against children around the world is child sexual abuse, which is typically a reflection of the causes of social problem. The customs and traditions of society sometimes make the people to conceal sexual violence against More
        Nowadays, one of the most known types of violence against children around the world is child sexual abuse, which is typically a reflection of the causes of social problem. The customs and traditions of society sometimes make the people to conceal sexual violence against children. Many cases of sexual abuse have not been reported due to concealment and fear of being exposed, and its deleterious effects on children remain concealed. As one of the most dangerous forms of violence against children is their sexual abuse, it is important to examine cultural normative factors and can help us in pathology and in providing appropriate solutions. Therefore, the present article seeks to answer the key question of what cultural norms can make us to conceal child sexual abuse cases and consequently facilitate and increase sexual violence against children and adolescents. Understanding the values generally held by people of a particular culture allows us to eliminate the social barriers to disclosing child sexual abuse. Overall, this article found that the important cultural factors are: family honor and dignity, chastity, gender discrimination, high costs of disclosure, traditional and racial difference, deviant religious beliefs and non-effective adherence to reasonable cultural norms. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - The Rhetorical Analysis of Ethereal Poetry on the Basis of Semantic "Normality Relying on the Office of "siyah mashg
        Saeed Mohammadi kish homeira khanjani
        The aim of this study is to investigate different types of semantic normality such as simile, metaphor, falsehood, permissible, anecdotal, contradiction, paradoxes in one hundred sonnets of Hooshang Ebtehaj. The ability to communicate and express words is one of the po More
        The aim of this study is to investigate different types of semantic normality such as simile, metaphor, falsehood, permissible, anecdotal, contradiction, paradoxes in one hundred sonnets of Hooshang Ebtehaj. The ability to communicate and express words is one of the possibilities that mankind has used to the highest level of history in speech and writing. Among which the arrangement of speech has always been the subject of speaker attentions. Therefore, there is a sense of purity and adornment of the speech in all the elder works. Normality is one way to understand and criticize literary issues in various aspects of the beautification of the art work in Russian Formalism School. Two ways of assimilation and succession help in the semantic normality of the poet based on the semantic rules governing the Norwegian language. Considering that the domain of meaning or semantic is more than the other levels of language in the highlighting, each poet who succeeding in terms of his talent and knowledge in this field will have more pure poems. The poet or writer is looking for a more beautiful expression while expressing the subject.In Persian linguistic studies and literary researches, the attitude of formalists has found a special place. This study examines the semantic abnormality and analyzes how to use the elements of semantic abnormality in Houshang Ebtehaj's poetry in different types of semantic abnormalities such as simile, metaphor, irony, metaphor, ambiguity, contradiction, paradox in one hundred of Houshang Ebtehaj's sonnets. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - The relationship between the components of organizational justice and organizational commitment (Case study of Tehran Telecommunications Company)
        غلامرضا  طالقانی نرگس  باطبی علی  غفاری
        organizational justice is the tendency of individuals to survive and to avoid wasting funds . The study of the relationship between the components of organizational justice and organizational commitment reviewed. Community aimed Telecom Tehran Province and the 650 emplo More
        organizational justice is the tendency of individuals to survive and to avoid wasting funds . The study of the relationship between the components of organizational justice and organizational commitment reviewed. Community aimed Telecom Tehran Province and the 650 employees of the company. 245 as a sample randomly selected. Organizational justice independent variables and organizational commitment counted as dependent variable.. Both a sense of justice and organizational commitment has three requirements. This research consisted of 1 main hypothesis- and 12 other hypotheses in particular have been formed. Findings indicate that the hypothesized importance of confirming the assumptions specifically eight hypotheses were confirmed. The results show that there is a positive and significant relationship between organizational justice and organizational commitment to fairness and organizational commitment among managers consequently will increase employees' organizational commitment. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - بررسی رابطه بين كيفيت زندگي كاري وتعهد سازمانی کارکنان مراکز آموزشی
          ALI FARHADI
      • Open Access Article

        15 - بررسی رابطه بين كيفيت زندگي كاري وتعهد سازمانی کارکنان مراکز آموزشی
          ALI FARHADI
      • Open Access Article

        16 - Provide a model of innovative behaviors as cultural artifacts
        Dr. Morteza  Moradi Rabeah Zandipak
        Innovation is the key to economic development; Therefore, consideration of processes and policies that support innovation should be considered. The purpose of this study is to investigate innovative policies, attitudes and behaviors, considering the changes in the marke More
        Innovation is the key to economic development; Therefore, consideration of processes and policies that support innovation should be considered. The purpose of this study is to investigate innovative policies, attitudes and behaviors, considering the changes in the market and technology in knowledge-based companies, technology and growth centers. The research is applied in terms of purpose, descriptive-survey in terms of nature and method. To test the hypotheses, a 78-item questionnaire according to the 5-point Likert scale was used. The statistical population of the study is 600 people employed in more than 180 knowledge-based companies, technology and service growth centers located in the Science and Technology Park of Hamadan province. The sample size is 234 people who have been selected based on Krejcie and Morgan table and one questionnaire has been analyzed from each company. Using Spss software, Cronbach's alpha coefficient was calculated and confirmatory factor analysis was used to evaluate the validity of the structure using Lisrel software. In order to analyze the findings, the path analysis model was used and for the analysis of the mediating variable, the Sobel test was used and for the analysis of the moderator variable, the modified multiple regression test method was used. The results showed that the values supporting innovation, innovative behaviors and innovation norms can have a direct and indirect positive and significant effect on the agility and performance of the company. The results of the mustard test and the adjusted multiple regression test (moderator) indicated that the company's agility plays the role of the mediator variable and technology and market turbulence the role of the moderator variable in the relationship between other variables. Manuscript profile
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        17 - Reflections on the nature and necessity of practical words
        عبدالرحیم  سلیمانی بهبهانی
        Practical terminology is a nascent and somewhat ambiguous term, with at least three conceivable meanings: 1. Focusing on the doctrinal issues needed by today's generation and eliminating issues that have expired; 2. Strategies for the effectiveness of religious knowledg More
        Practical terminology is a nascent and somewhat ambiguous term, with at least three conceivable meanings: 1. Focusing on the doctrinal issues needed by today's generation and eliminating issues that have expired; 2. Strategies for the effectiveness of religious knowledge in individual and social life, 3. Methods of normalization of beliefs. The first meaning is not fundamentally different from theology in the conventional sense, and the relationship between the two is general and absolute, but applied theology in the second and third meanings has a distinct identity from common theology, and consists of a set of rules that The principles of those rules are derived from various sciences such as ethics, education, sociology and psychology. The present article, in addition to explaining the three meanings and their necessity and position, deals with the relationship between each of them with common theology. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        18 - The Relationship between Conformity to Feminine Norms and Perceptions of Gender Discrimination with Quality of Life of Iranian Women: The Mediating Role of Self-silencing
        Marziyeh Sadeghzadeh sheyda Beshardeh farhad khormaei
        In recent decades, studies related to women's health and quality of life have emphasized the notable role of feminine norms and gender discrimination. This study aimed to investigate the mediating role of self-silencing components in the relationship between conformity More
        In recent decades, studies related to women's health and quality of life have emphasized the notable role of feminine norms and gender discrimination. This study aimed to investigate the mediating role of self-silencing components in the relationship between conformity to feminine norms and perception of gender discrimination with the quality of life of employed and student women aged 18 to 40. The sample included 687 women in Kazerun who participated in this study virtually by responding to the questionnaire link. This link is composed of items related to the four tools: Conformity to Feminine Norms Inventory (Parent and Moradi, 2010), Schedule of Sexist Events (Klonoff and Landrin, 1995), the Silencing the Self Scale (Jack and Dale, 1992), and WHO Quality of Life Questionnaire- Brief form. The analysis results, performed using structural equation modeling in AMOS-22, showed that conformity to feminine norms and perceptions of gender discrimination, in addition to direct impact, indirectly and through self-silencing components, also affected various aspects of women's quality of life. These results showed that the emphasis of the WHO on the necessity of attention to women's understanding of social discrimination and gender norms is a serious matter and should be considered for Iranian women. Manuscript profile
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        19 - Investigating the Effect of Socio-Subjective Norms-induced Cognitive Risk Perception on Tourists' Behavioral Intentions During Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case Study of Shiraz City, Iran
        Yazdan  Shirmohammadi Jafar  Ahangaran Amin  Ghanbari
        This survey study sought to investigate the effect of cognitive risk perception induced by the subjective norms attitude on tourists' behavioral intentions during the Covid-19 pandemic using structural equation modeling. The statistical population of the study comprised More
        This survey study sought to investigate the effect of cognitive risk perception induced by the subjective norms attitude on tourists' behavioral intentions during the Covid-19 pandemic using structural equation modeling. The statistical population of the study comprised all tourists who visited the cultural and historical sites of Shiraz City, Iran, out of whom 384 people were selected through convenient sampling using the Cochran formula with a 95% confidence level. To collect the required data, a researcher-developed questionnaire on the “effect of tourists' perception on their target destinations during the Covid-19 pandemic” was administered to the participants. The collected data were then analyzed using Amos software and SPSS software. On the other hand, the reliability and validity of the questionnaire were measured via Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Accordingly, Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, composite reliability, and Average Variance Extracted values were reported as over 0.7, 0.7, and 0.5, thus confirming the reliability and validity of the questionnaire. Finally, the structural equation model was used to test the research hypotheses and the relationships between research variables (cognitive risk, behavioral intentions, and subjective norms). The findings of the study suggested that cognitive risk perception positively affected tourists' behavioral intentions through their subjective norms and attitude. Moreover, attitude was recognized as a significant mediator between risk perception and behavioral intentions, while subjective norms mediated the relationship between cognitive perception and behavioral intentions. Manuscript profile
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        20 - A critical approach to the application of normative ethics classification in explaining the moral theory of the Holy Quran
        سیدمازیار حسینی
        Although a critical approach to the achievements of modern humanities has been very common in the Islamic world, and in particular in Iran, for decades, it So far, dealing with the sample and producing science has not been able to enjoy significant acceptance. Normativ More
        Although a critical approach to the achievements of modern humanities has been very common in the Islamic world, and in particular in Iran, for decades, it So far, dealing with the sample and producing science has not been able to enjoy significant acceptance. Normative moral theories in the West are divided into three categories: teleological, consequentialist, task-oriented, and virtue-based, based on their interpretation of the criterion of right and wrong in moral judgments and propositions. Through a methodical study of the verses, it is concluded that not only does the Holy Qur'an not limit its moral design to one of these three categories: end (result), duty and virtue; At the same time, it pays attention to the moral agent and emphasizes the observance of moral rules and limits, as well as to moral actions and behaviors that have an irreplaceable role in human well-being, and does not consider them as independent and separate from each other. . The design of "faith" as a set of moral values ​​and the existence of virtues - such as piety - that can only be defended and justified in religious ethics shows that the use of classification (result / task / virtue) in explanation and theorizing Islamic ethics is not as effective as it seems. Manuscript profile
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        21 - Master Sobhani and the Ash'arites' views on normative ethics and its limits
        Maryam  Hatami Hossein Abadi noushin abdi savojiyan Enshaallah Rahmati
        Ethics discusses the great importance of man and proving the continuity of its principles is one of the branches of the issue of admiration and denunciation. The totality and continuity of the principles of ethics does not change with the change of requirements, habits, More
        Ethics discusses the great importance of man and proving the continuity of its principles is one of the branches of the issue of admiration and denunciation. The totality and continuity of the principles of ethics does not change with the change of requirements, habits, imitation. The issues of admiration and denunciation are also practical and fundamental issues of ethics, and the differences between the readings and perceptions of good and evil in ethics have created conflicting views. This article uses descriptive-analytical method and using library sources while considering the theoretical foundations of Ash'arites and Master Sobhani about good and bad and its effectiveness to the schools of normative ethics. Ash'arite epistemology regarding the goodness and ugliness of the Shari'a has had several consequences, such as belief in acquisition and obedience instead of creation and production, Ilam, permission to change and not to do it, permission to do so and not to do it, discrimination between human beings in this world and the hereafter, prophecy And infallibility, sending the messenger and its absence, conquest, divine favor to all or some of the servants, even immorality and infidels.On the other hand, Master Sobhani, by pursuing the theory of moral nature and relying on its inherent goodness and ugliness, begins his moral theory with a discussion of normative ethics and generally seeks a military explanation of the rules and principles governing moral actions. Manuscript profile
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        22 - Investigating the place of the theory of harmony in existence in ethical topics
        Mohammad Ali Mobini
        Theory of harmony in existence is a theory of moral value based on a realistic view of morality. This theory holds that all moral values return to a fundamental value; That fundamental value is harmony in existence, and harmony in existence with God plays a central role More
        Theory of harmony in existence is a theory of moral value based on a realistic view of morality. This theory holds that all moral values return to a fundamental value; That fundamental value is harmony in existence, and harmony in existence with God plays a central role in moral value in this theory. One question about this theory concerns the place of this theory in the ethics. Is this theory a metaethical theory, or does it belong to normative ethics, or is a third state presumable? By the studies that were done in this research, it was concluded that the basic aim of the theory of harmony in existence is a theoretical aim in the field of normative ethics and also some normative practical aims can be achieved through it. However, the arguments and claims made in this theory are not limited to normative ethics; Rather, they sometimes take on a metaethical aspect, and may go beyond that to include other areas of philosophy. Therefore, it is better to consider this theory as a value theory in accordance with a common term that covers all these areas. Manuscript profile
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        23 - Investigating the intention of travelers to visit green-oriented hotels - based on (Theory of planned behavior and value-belief-norm theory) Case study: Parsian Hotel - Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province
        SHAHRAM RAFIEI NAEINI abdolreza farajirad
        Today, the tourism industry has emerged as one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Despite its economic contribution, the growth and activities of the tourism industry have side effects. The activities related to the tourism and hospitality industry have cau More
        Today, the tourism industry has emerged as one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Despite its economic contribution, the growth and activities of the tourism industry have side effects. The activities related to the tourism and hospitality industry have caused pollution, produced a lot of waste and reduced natural resources. The main purpose of the preliminary investigation of this study is to integrate the developed theory of planned behavior and belief-norm value as basic concepts in understanding the intention to visit Parsian Green Tourist Hotel in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province. The method and investigation of this study was collected online in the form of a questionnaire of 160 items. Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) technique was used to evaluate the study framework and the hypothetical relationship. The originality and primary value in this study shows that the theory of planned behavior and the theory of value-belief-norm integrate well the understanding of the tourist's intention to visit Green Parsian Hotel in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province. Importantly, the theory of planned behavior and value-belief-norm theory have been practical and useful in predicting the tourist's intention to visit a green hotel. In the study of practical concepts, it provides valuable results for green hotel operators to create effective strategies to attract tourists to visit green hotels. Also, the findings and results at the level of this study confirm that tourists' intention to stay in a green hotel is directly influenced by their perceived mental norms and behavioral control. In addition, this study confirms the insignificant relationship between green trust, personal norms and tourists' intention to stay. On the other hand, perceived ethics, responsibility, willingness to pay more, and perceived consumer effectiveness were significant in explaining customer subjective norms, personal norms, and perceived behavioral control. Manuscript profile
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        24 - Pleasure and ethics
        alireza alebouyeh ali reza  SHeikh
        Undoubtedly, hedonism can completely encompass human life and give it a hedonistic meaning and concept. This issue has caused the question to be raised, to what extent is hedonism morally correct? And in the field of theory, what relation can it have with ethics? Can he More
        Undoubtedly, hedonism can completely encompass human life and give it a hedonistic meaning and concept. This issue has caused the question to be raised, to what extent is hedonism morally correct? And in the field of theory, what relation can it have with ethics? Can hedonism be justified and moral? The research method in this article is descriptive-analytical. The findings of the research indicate that the relationship between ethics and hedonism is drawn from the way of examining the idealism of pleasure and the nature of hedonism . Despite the fact that a group of moral philosophers have gone so far as to consider pleasure as an intrinsic good and consider the criterion of moral value and moral judgment to be dependent on it and have organized hedonistic ethics; But pleasure cannot be an intrinsic good and the criterion of moral value, and hedonistic actions can be considered moral only in some cases. According to Islamic teachings, Although pleasure is not an evil thing and the pleasures of the afterlife are real and original; However, it is not the ultimate purpose. Manuscript profile