The Rhetorical Analysis of Ethereal Poetry on the Basis of Semantic "Normality Relying on the Office of "siyah mashg
Subject Areas : Analysis of order texts
Saeed Mohammadi kish
homeira khanjani
1 - PhD candidate of Persian Language and Literature, Dehaghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran
2 - Education
Keywords: Key Words: Communication, Speech, Poet, Formalism, Semantic Normality, Hooshang Ebtehaj,
Abstract :
The aim of this study is to investigate different types of semantic normality such as simile, metaphor, falsehood, permissible, anecdotal, contradiction, paradoxes in one hundred sonnets of Hooshang Ebtehaj. The ability to communicate and express words is one of the possibilities that mankind has used to the highest level of history in speech and writing. Among which the arrangement of speech has always been the subject of speaker attentions. Therefore, there is a sense of purity and adornment of the speech in all the elder works. Normality is one way to understand and criticize literary issues in various aspects of the beautification of the art work in Russian Formalism School. Two ways of assimilation and succession help in the semantic normality of the poet based on the semantic rules governing the Norwegian language. Considering that the domain of meaning or semantic is more than the other levels of language in the highlighting, each poet who succeeding in terms of his talent and knowledge in this field will have more pure poems. The poet or writer is looking for a more beautiful expression while expressing the subject.In Persian linguistic studies and literary researches, the attitude of formalists has found a special place. This study examines the semantic abnormality and analyzes how to use the elements of semantic abnormality in Houshang Ebtehaj's poetry in different types of semantic abnormalities such as simile, metaphor, irony, metaphor, ambiguity, contradiction, paradox in one hundred of Houshang Ebtehaj's sonnets.
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