• List of Articles Corona

      • Open Access Article

        1 - The Place and Importance of Corona (Compassion) in the Madagasian School of Buddhism and the Khorasan School of Islamic Sufism
        Fereshteh  Naeimi Abolfazl  Mahmoudi
        Corona (compassion) is one of the most important elements of Buddhist thought and is of particular importance in all schools. In the sect of Humayaneh (Tourvadeh), Corona is one of the four supermarket (transcendental attitude). Although Corona is one of the officials i More
        Corona (compassion) is one of the most important elements of Buddhist thought and is of particular importance in all schools. In the sect of Humayaneh (Tourvadeh), Corona is one of the four supermarket (transcendental attitude). Although Corona is one of the officials in the army, his main characteristic is not. In the sect, the emphasis is on the importance of corona. In this sect, with the exception of the eighth ways to stop the suffering, they bring their way to life, the goal is to rid all beings of suffering. For this reason, the Mecanique Savior suspends his nose and uses his all-powerful heart to use all manner of ways to save people who are still in the dark. The immortal mark and the desire for salvation and goodness that emanates from the feeling of sympathy and belief in the same essence of all beings is a special feature of the dictators. In Islamic mysticism, the concepts corresponding to Corona (compassion, kindness, mercy, etc.) are of great importance and one of the most important and most important mystic qualities. In this article, the importance of the Corona and its corresponding concepts in the school of the Buddhists and the Khorasan Sufi School Islam has been dealt with. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Investigating the Role of Virtual Education in Reproducing Educational Inequality in the Corona
        sina torkashvand Mohammad minaei nezhad vahideh moradiyan mohammadeh fatemehsadat hashemi
        The aim of the present study is to investigate the role of virtual education in reproducing educational inequality during the Corona virus epidemic.. The research method is descriptive-analytical. Thus, in the first step, the challenges of e-learning in the country are More
        The aim of the present study is to investigate the role of virtual education in reproducing educational inequality during the Corona virus epidemic.. The research method is descriptive-analytical. Thus, in the first step, the challenges of e-learning in the country are analyzed, then the challenges in reproducing educational inequality in the Corona period are analyzed. The most important challenges of e-learning are distributing resources and facilities (spatial), the economic challenge, the gender challenge and the cultural challenge. Findings show that each of the challenges in the field of formal and public education has led to educational inequality. The challenge of distributing resources and facilities has led to lower quality of education in disadvantaged areas compared to the regions. The economic challenge has also created a class gap between deprived and privileged areas due to the low income level of people in deprived areas and the high cost of virtual educational aids. Gender challenges due to unequal use between men and women, most women have limitations in using e-learning. The cultural challenge is also due to the fact that the ruling classes have a larger share of cultural capital than other classes and are more able to deposit this type of capital in their children. The results show that the education system in the face of the challenges should consider measures and mechanisms, because until the challenges of advancing virtual education in the formal and public education systems are not addressed , educational inequalities cannot be eliminated. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Prevalence of Premenstrual Dysphoric Symptoms in Iranian Women and its Relationship with Difficulty in Emotional Regulation and Change in the Symptoms during COVID-19 Pandemic
        Seyedeh Zahra Mousavi Razieh Khorramabadi
        The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of premenstrual dysphoric disorder in Iranian women, its relationship with difficulty in emotional regulation as well as women's attitudes toward menstruation and the change in the severity of premenstrual dysphori More
        The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of premenstrual dysphoric disorder in Iranian women, its relationship with difficulty in emotional regulation as well as women's attitudes toward menstruation and the change in the severity of premenstrual dysphoric disorder and difficulty in emotion regulation during Covid 19 pandemic. The research method was descriptive-correlational and the statistical population was Iranian women of menstrual age in 2021, from which 287 people were selected. The research tools were demographic information form, difficulty in emotion regulation scale and premenstrual symptoms screening tool. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder were found to be higher than premenstrual syndrome, and most women considered menstruation to be normal for normal health. Symptoms were also unchanged during the Covid 19 Pandemic in most women. The highest frequency of severe premenstrual symptoms was related to fatigue/ lack of energy and the lowest frequency was related to insomnia. Based on regression analysis, difficulty in emotion regulation explained 16% of the changes in premenstrual symptoms and dimensions of difficulties engaging in goal-directed behaviors and lack of emotional clarity together explained 18% of the changes. Therefore, considering the predictive role of emotion regulation, designing interventions to regulate women's emotion may be able to reduce premenstrual symptoms. Manuscript profile
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        4 - The Impact of Coronavirus and Quarantine on the Rise of Child Abuse and their Legal Solution
        Muhammad Jawad Abdollahi
        The problem of child abuse throughout the world is considered to be one of the social problems which are rooted in the improper attempts taken by parents and other members of a society in this regard. Following the outbreak of coronavirus and the beginning of quarantine More
        The problem of child abuse throughout the world is considered to be one of the social problems which are rooted in the improper attempts taken by parents and other members of a society in this regard. Following the outbreak of coronavirus and the beginning of quarantine period, all aspects of life have been affected, one of which is the rise of child abuse. As a matter of fact, children are prone to undergo such threat. The present article is an attempt to follow a descriptive- analytic approach based on library sources and study the impact of coronavirus on the rise of child abuse and also seek to sort out certain legal solution in order to protect children rights. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Central Role of Family in Training Children in Coronavirus Period
        Narghes  Najarpor Nasrabadi
        In recent months the world underwent a great changes the comprehension and adaptation of which would be challenging and difficult for children, because they are not able to comprehend the events pertaining to their life and try to protect themselves due to their depende More
        In recent months the world underwent a great changes the comprehension and adaptation of which would be challenging and difficult for children, because they are not able to comprehend the events pertaining to their life and try to protect themselves due to their dependence on their parents in different fields. If children are protected by their parents and friends, then they may be spared from any threat. Thanks to their control over their children parents by their proper behavior can assure continuously their children that coronavirus is curable and they should not be very much worry about this disease. Moreover, they can also assure their children that they can take certain effective and positive measures in crises time to save themselves and others. By protecting children, they can achieve their long term objectives and prevent them from any upcoming losses since they are the social assets and moving motor of growth and development of society. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Editor's Note
        Seyyed Mohammad Khamenei
        Cyberspace coronavirus Natural order The divine system
        Cyberspace coronavirus Natural order The divine system Manuscript profile
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        7 - Editors' Note
        S. Mohammad Khamenei
        بيش از يكسال از ظهور پديدة مرگبار ويروسي بنام كرونا ميگذرد و اين موجود حقير ناچيز، تمام مدعيان قدرت و حشمت جهان را به پيكار خوانده و آنان را در موضع ضعف و فروماندگي نشانده است. مشيّت حكيمانة خداوند متعال اقتضا داشته كه با اين موجود نزديك به هيچ، هم طاغوتيان زمان را از More
        بيش از يكسال از ظهور پديدة مرگبار ويروسي بنام كرونا ميگذرد و اين موجود حقير ناچيز، تمام مدعيان قدرت و حشمت جهان را به پيكار خوانده و آنان را در موضع ضعف و فروماندگي نشانده است. مشيّت حكيمانة خداوند متعال اقتضا داشته كه با اين موجود نزديك به هيچ، هم طاغوتيان زمان را از اوج كبريا و قدرت‌نمايي به مذلّت درماندگي و بيچارگي فروبكشاند و هم عاقبت نافرماني مردم از پيروي فرمان الهي و دين و اخلاق را به آنان نشان دهد و سنتهاي الهي را يادآور گردد. ظهور اين بيماري در كشور ما، و ديگر كشورها، گرچه موجب جنبش دستگاههاي مسئول گرديد و سبب تلاشهاي بسيار شدتا با مداوا و درمان بيماران، را از مرگ بسياري از مردم جلوگيري نمايند امّا اين پرسش جگرخوار و دل‌آزار را يكبار ديگر زنده كرد كه چرا اينگونه كه به سلامت تن و جسم مادي انسان ميپردازيم و به بقاء و حيات ظاهري آنان مي‌انديشيم، در چاره و علاج آسيبها و زخم و ضررهاي روح و جان او ـ‌ روح و جاني كه «هويت» واقعي انسان است‌‌ـ آنچنان كه بايد برنميخيزيم و به درمان و مقابله با آن قيام نميكنيم!؟ چرا براي آفات روحي و فكري و اعتقادي، كه همچون ويروسي هزار چهره و غدّار، عرصة جامعه انقلابي ما را فرا گرفته و در اين چهار دهه پس از انقلاب بدست دشمنان اين ملت و اين نظام ساخته شده و روح و فكر مردم را به پوچي دروني افراد و نابودي هويت ملي و اعتقادي آنها سوق ميدهد، چاره‌يي چنانكه بايد، نمينديشيم؟ در حاليكه انسانيت انسان به روح و روان و انديشه و ميزان عقلانيت او بستگي دارد و بقول سعدي: «تن آدمي شريف است بجان آدميت، نه همين لباس زيباست نشان آدميت» و حكما گفته‌اند كه انساني كه جسمي سالم ولي روح و فكري ناسالم داشته باشد، انسان نيست بلكه حيواني است انسان‌نما كه اثري بجز ضرر و ثمري بجز عبث ندارد. در كنار تشكيلات و ستادها كه براي مبارزه با ويروس كرونا برپا شد، كدام ستاد پادر ركاب و پويا براي رفع و دفع آسيبها و اپيدميهاي روحي و فرهنگي برپا كرده‌ايم؟ و كدام واكسن و دارو براي نجات و گريز از آفات فكري و اعتقادي و فرهنگي فراهم ساخته‌ايم؟ و چرا هر روز آفات روحي و اعتقادي و فكري از نسلهاي جوان ما قرباني ميگيرد؟ بضرورت و حكم عقل و شرع، لازم است كه مسئولين دلسوز كشور بكمك خردمندان و مربيان جامعه، در كنار پيشگيري و علاج بيماري و خطرات جسم و تن افراد، در رفع اين آفات معنوي از جامعه و نظام اسلامي، تشكيلات و ستادها از آنگونه كه بايد، فراهم سازند و سلامت روحي و فرهنگي و اعتقادي جوانان اين ملت را از شر دشمنان بشريت و نظام اسلامي نگهباني كنند. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Philosophizing and playing with Philosophy in Coronavirus Period
        Nadia  Maftouni
        Game, amusement, and pleasure are the issues that always reflected on Fārābī’s works to the extent that he considered them as necessary and useful artworks within the framework of moral, moderate and happy considerations. For him, those who work hard and are serious for More
        Game, amusement, and pleasure are the issues that always reflected on Fārābī’s works to the extent that he considered them as necessary and useful artworks within the framework of moral, moderate and happy considerations. For him, those who work hard and are serious for attaining their rational happiness should enjoy a kind of tranquility and rest in order to feel refreshed in following up their objectives. Game and amusement are often accompanied with imitative images. The word imitation or mimesis is used by Abū Bashār Mattā in the translation of Aristotle’s Art of Poetics. Aristotle’s mimesis is the same imitation as monkey or parrot also does it. Ibn Sīnā, Khwajah Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī, and ‘Allāmah Ḥillī also used this term in their works. For Fārābī the meaning of mimesis is more than imitation and is associated with creation. In his view the faculty of imagination contains three potencies of preserving the sensory forms, and then possessing and imitating them. Man in the third one juxtaposes a sensory form with another sensory form which is usually coupled with a meaning. Moreover, imagination imitates universal and philosophical concepts and the intellectuals. Mimesis may take place with the aim of carrying out an amusement and game. Since in Fārābī’s view game and amusement are used in moral sense and he referred to them openly so they are not indecent and disapproved. Teachers can use from games in their teaching. In teaching Islamic philosophy, gnosis, and logic in coronavirus period, the author used from various games and utilized the facilities of Tehran University. Usually, cyberspace classroom is prosy as compare to the real classrooms but there are certain merits in cyberspace classroom that real classrooms lack them. Of course, Tehran University uses the same international model system for teaching students. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - The Impact of Coronavirus upon the Concept of Interest with Reference to the Right of Child Meeting
        Mohammad Javad Abdollahi Zainab  Zainab Hatami
        According to the article 45 of new law to protect family, it is obligatory to consider the interest of the children and youth in making any decision in the courts. Interest in family law is considered to be the highest interest. Following the spread of Coronavirus epide More
        According to the article 45 of new law to protect family, it is obligatory to consider the interest of the children and youth in making any decision in the courts. Interest in family law is considered to be the highest interest. Following the spread of Coronavirus epidemic a new condition came into existence and it brought in its wake some basic changes in the life of people and affected the interest of children as well. On the one hand, if parents are affected by virus then it will affect the health of children as well. On the other hand, if they cut their relation to their children then they may suffer psychologically. Accordingly, some solutions should be sorted out to facilitate their meeting. The present article following a philosophical approach seeks to study its legal procedure and the views of scholars and the impact of this crisis on detecting the interest of children and the right of family for their meeting. Manuscript profile
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        10 - Sociological Analysis of the Role and Position of Social Capital in the Lifestyle of Female Employees: Presenting a grounded Theory in the Corona Crisis
        alireza sanatkhah mehri arabi
        In the face of the coronavirus crisis today, not only the issue of the lifestyle of women who are directly related to coronary heart disease has been considered. But also, the quality of social relations of working women in interaction with social capital (trust, networ More
        In the face of the coronavirus crisis today, not only the issue of the lifestyle of women who are directly related to coronary heart disease has been considered. But also, the quality of social relations of working women in interaction with social capital (trust, network Citizens' communication, and participation with the health programs of the Corona Anti-Corruption Headquarters has taken attention. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the role and position of social capital in the quality of life of women employees of Kerman University of Medical Sciences during the corona. The present research has applied purpose and descriptive research methods. In terms of the type of study, it is qualitative research based on the data method of the foundation. Statistical population includes all staff of Kerman University of Medical Sciences in 1399. Participants in the study are 28 female employees in this University. Semi-structured interviews have been used as data collection tools. Also, three methods have been utilized to achieve the reliability criterion. These methods include control or validation by members, analytical comparisons, and audit techniques usage. Data have been analyzed in three stages of open, selective, and selective (pivotal) coding according to procedure Based on the background theory. Based on the findings, factors such as the underlying structure of participation, the quality of communication networks, trust, and fear of job security as the most important factors influencing the lifestyle during the corona (strengthening virtual networks, watching virtual movies and series, awareness emergence Political, online shopping, etc.) are considered as background conditions. Social indifference and intra-group social capital are also known as intervening conditions. Quality of health services, promotion of mental health, and environmental health are the most important strategies, and economic disorder, health and treatment, and ultimately poor social support and social alienation are introduced as consequences. The results show that health-oriented social capital possibly strengthened in female employees using cyberspace. In which necessary training to comply with health protocols is created through virtual networks, and encourage virtual social trust and pursue active participation. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - The Relationship between the Coping Schemas with Stress and Values in Action with Psychological Distress in the Corona Epidemic Period: The Mediating role of Resilience
        mohammad mahdavi meydani Mahnaz Shahgholian Hamid Khanipour
        Since the corona epidemic, various studies have examined the psychological and physical effects of this disease and have considered several factors involved in the occurrence, increase and decrease of psychological distress resulting from this epidemic. The aim of this More
        Since the corona epidemic, various studies have examined the psychological and physical effects of this disease and have considered several factors involved in the occurrence, increase and decrease of psychological distress resulting from this epidemic. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between coping schemes with stress, virtues in action and resilience with psychological distress during the corona epidemic. 200 students (137 women and 63 men) between the ages of 20-40 were randomly selected and responded online to questionnaires of the Coping Schemas with Stress (CSI-R), Virtues in Action (VIA), Connor and Davidson's Resilience (CD-RISC) and Kessler's psychological distress (K-10). Findings showed that the mediating role of resilience in the relationship between coping schemes with stress and psychological distress is significant. Relationships between coping schemas with stress with virtues in action were also significant. The relationship between virtues in action with psychological distress was not significant. The results of the study indicate that in periods of stress and crisis, such as the Corona epidemic, programs based on promoting resilience is preferred in reducing the level of psychological distress than Programs to change coping schemas with stress and programs to promote positive virtues. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - The Role of Corona Involvement Severity and Corona Stress in Predicting Oppositional Defiant Disorder Mediated by Parental Aggression
        Ziba Kasbi
        This study was done aimed to investigate the role of corona involvement severity and corona stress in predicting oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) mediated by parental aggression. The method of this study was descriptive and path analysis. The statistical population i More
        This study was done aimed to investigate the role of corona involvement severity and corona stress in predicting oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) mediated by parental aggression. The method of this study was descriptive and path analysis. The statistical population included all children and adolescents with ODD of Hormozgan province in 2021, whose parents requested counseling services due to their child's defiant problems that 260 subject were selected using convenience sampling method. Corona Stress Scale (CSS-18), Oppositional Defiant Disorder Rating Scale (ODDRS), Ahvaz Aggression Questionnaire (AAQ), and a researcher-made question to measure the involvement severity of corona disease were used for gathering data. Data Analyzing was conducted with Pearson correlation and path analysis and also SPSS-26 and AMOS-23 software. The results showed that the involvement severity with corona disease (0.20), corona stress (0.27) and aggression (0.25) can predict the symptoms of ODD. The involvement severity with corona disease (0.33) and corona stress (0.32) can predict aggression. The involvement severity with corona disease (0.08) and corona stress (0.08) can indirectly predict the syndrome of ODD through the mediation of aggression. According to the findings, it can be concluded that the corona involvement severity and corona stress in parents can directly and indirectly develop the symptoms of ODD in children by increasing aggression in parents. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - Investigating the success factors of digital startup accelerators in the post-Corona era
        mahdi hosseinpour fatemeh kazemi eskeri Meysam Alikhani
        The purpose of this study is to investigate the success factors of digital startup accelerators in the post-Corona era. In terms of purpose, this research is in the field of applied research, and since it describes the variables and the relationships between them, recog More
        The purpose of this study is to investigate the success factors of digital startup accelerators in the post-Corona era. In terms of purpose, this research is in the field of applied research, and since it describes the variables and the relationships between them, recognizes the current situation and finally provides a model, it is descriptive-survey method. The statistical population of this study includes experts related to digital accelerator startup accelerators in the post-corona era. In order to achieve apparent theoretical saturation, 25 people were selected as a sample by interview method and the required information was collected. To analyze the qualitative data and extract the factors affecting the success of startup accelerators in the digital field and the factors affecting it, the content analysis method (theme analysis) was used. Structural-interpretive modeling has been used to identify the relationships between variables. The research findings include describing the success pattern of digital startup accelerators and analyzing the results of correlation penetration. Examining the results obtained from the nineteen main factors of identified agility, it was found that the flexibility of organizational structure and data analysis have the greatest influence and the ability to respond to environmental issues and the ability to change business goals, have the greatest dependence Manuscript profile
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        14 - Autopoietic Curriculum in the Age of Outbreak of Pandemic Covid-19 and Corona-Life
        bakhtiar shabani Alireza Hooshmand
        Various aspects of human life including education were affected by the outbreak of pandemic Covid-19 virus & Corona disease simultaneously. Possibility of the chronicity caused a keeping attention to education in this situation. Corona-life forced two central systems of More
        Various aspects of human life including education were affected by the outbreak of pandemic Covid-19 virus & Corona disease simultaneously. Possibility of the chronicity caused a keeping attention to education in this situation. Corona-life forced two central systems of education, public and higher education, to be continued in cyberspace, as they used professional and useful soft wares. In the corona age, limited views, divided approaches, and reducing the whole of human life to separate aspects lead to a deficiency in curricula. To rely exclusively on empirical science or to rely merely on lived experiences have caused difficulties for curricula in this time. In this paper, we examined curricula in the Iranian education system during the corona-life. Some factors such as low infrastructures, poor conditions, lack of professional skills, and necessary competencies are noticed. It is argued that the reductionist approach of the current curricula leads to alienation from the deep meaning of curricula in public and higher education. We used the metaphor of a Swamp Curriculum to describe the current situation of curriculum. As this metaphor indicates, Swamp Curriculum causes people, education systems, and processes focus on specific dimensions and finally, it leads to pulling them down. Neuro-phenomenology, as a comprehensive approach, provides us with an integral consideration of the dimensions of human life. Inspired by neuro-phenomenology, an ecumenical and holographic approach to the curriculum can be achieved that can be called autopoietic curriculum. It is a self-organized and non-reductionist curriculum. The central properties of the autopoietic curriculum are comprehensiveness, uncertainty, rationality, synergistic and hybrid agency. The autopoietic curriculum also requires intertwining, complexity, emergency and inclusiveness. As a result, we explain that the implications of the neuro-phenomenological approach, including uncertainty and pluri-disciplinarity, provide us with a holographic approach to consider the emergent universe scenario in the curriculum development in the age of COVID-19. Manuscript profile
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        15 - Function of Bilateral&Multilateral Diplomacy in combating the spreadand management of Corona Virus: Case study of Iran’s Ministry of ForeignAffairs
        Mahdi Farazi
        In the present article, the role and performance of theMinistry of Foreign Affairs of Iran incombating the prevalence and managementof coronavirus has been investigated. After examining the relationship between foreign policyand health security as one of the components More
        In the present article, the role and performance of theMinistry of Foreign Affairs of Iran incombating the prevalence and managementof coronavirus has been investigated. After examining the relationship between foreign policyand health security as one of the components of human security, the authorexamines the performance of the Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs in twoperiods: the outbreak of coronavirus in China and the outbreak of corona virusin Iran by using inductive Methods&Accessible and non-confidential data. Studiesshow that Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has pursued fifteen measures fromthe time of the outbreak of the corona virus in China to its outbreak in Iranand eventually the pandemic, with a comprehensive human security approach thatplays a key role in the country's relative success in combating the prevalenceand management of coronavirus. In addition to analyzing of Iran’s Ministry ofForeign Affairs performance, the paper summarizes the country's weaknesses indealing with the outbreak of the coronavirus based on the government'smacro-approach and offers suggestions for future research. Manuscript profile
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        16 - Function of Bilateral&Multilateral Diplomacy in combating the spreadand management of Corona Virus: Case study of Iran’s Ministry of ForeignAffairs
        Mahdi Farazi
        In the present article, the role and performance of theMinistry of Foreign Affairs of Iran incombating the prevalence and managementof coronavirus has been investigated. After examining the relationship between foreign policyand health security as one of the components More
        In the present article, the role and performance of theMinistry of Foreign Affairs of Iran incombating the prevalence and managementof coronavirus has been investigated. After examining the relationship between foreign policyand health security as one of the components of human security, the authorexamines the performance of the Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs in twoperiods: the outbreak of coronavirus in China and the outbreak of corona virusin Iran by using inductive Methods&Accessible and non-confidential data. Studiesshow that Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has pursued fifteen measures fromthe time of the outbreak of the corona virus in China to its outbreak in Iranand eventually the pandemic, with a comprehensive human security approach thatplays a key role in the country's relative success in combating the prevalenceand management of coronavirus. In addition to analyzing of Iran’s Ministry ofForeign Affairs performance, the paper summarizes the country's weaknesses indealing with the outbreak of the coronavirus based on the government'smacro-approach and offers suggestions for future research. Manuscript profile
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        17 - A study of combined teaching methods (face-to-face) during the corona period on students
        Mohsen  Pasandeh
        The purpose of this study is to investigate the methods of combined education (face-to-face) during the coronation period for students. We had a face-to-face (traditional) training model and a face-to-face (virtual) training model, and we examined the advantages and dis More
        The purpose of this study is to investigate the methods of combined education (face-to-face) during the coronation period for students. We had a face-to-face (traditional) training model and a face-to-face (virtual) training model, and we examined the advantages and disadvantages of these two methods. Of course, given the current situation in the field of Quid 19 disease, we decided to give an overview of the best teaching method in critical situations where it is not possible to physically attend the teacher and learner, which is ultimately based on several months of practical experience. The latter in schools and universities may be the best possible combination of both face-to-face (traditional) and face-to-face (virtual) teaching methods, so the success of one of the two methods cannot be conclusively proven. Manuscript profile
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        18 - Virtual education during the Corona pandemic
        Afshin  Saberi Fard
        In cyberspace education, teachers are in touch with their students, and in critical situations where it is not possible for students to attend schools, teachers form different virtual groups and teach lessons. The benefits of e-learning include: reviewing the curriculum More
        In cyberspace education, teachers are in touch with their students, and in critical situations where it is not possible for students to attend schools, teachers form different virtual groups and teach lessons. The benefits of e-learning include: reviewing the curriculum, increasing students 'self-control, not being limited in time, increasing students' responsibility, easy access and up-to-dateness, and high efficiency and speed of teaching. Despite the many advantages of e-learning, there are many problems and disadvantages, especially in the corona and post-corona e-learning, such as: Internet addiction of students, lack of confidence in learning, lack of supervision over homework and verification, inability of some teachers, parents and Students in the use of cyberspace, inability of parents to buy phones and the Internet, lack of access to the Internet at certain times or in some areas, lack of attention to productivity, failure of radio programs to promote education and many other factors caused the crisis Manage the situation well, the lack of depth and seriousness of virtual education, threats to privacy, lack of attractiveness, etc. are among them. Manuscript profile
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        19 - Sexual Harassment of Girls and Their Vulnerability During the Covid Epidemic 19 A Narrative Review Study
        soode dashtiane fatemeh taheri
        Objective : The aim of this study was to investigate the sexual harassment of girls and the injuries inflicted on them during the quarantine period of coronavirus. Methodology : The present review and narrative study, with a comprehensive search in the databases: PubMed More
        Objective : The aim of this study was to investigate the sexual harassment of girls and the injuries inflicted on them during the quarantine period of coronavirus. Methodology : The present review and narrative study, with a comprehensive search in the databases: PubMed, Science Direct, Civilica, Noormags, SID, Springer Google Scholar,, a review of published articles on sexual injuries of girls during the outbreak Covid has had 19 in recent years. Conclusion : During the epidemic of coronavirus and quarantine conditions, the bedrock of violence and ill - treatment in the home and sexual harassment and sexual harm against girls has been provided. Therefore, educating and informing parents, as well as educating and informing girls, can be very effective in this regard. For this reason, one way to improve this situation is to increase the awareness and knowledge of parents and daughters, in various ways, during the corona epidemic. Manuscript profile
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        20 - The Effect Of The Global Spread Of The Corona Disease On The Tendency Of The International Arbitration System To Conclude Virtual Arbitration Agreements And Terms And To Implement The Obligations Arising From Them
        Reza Shahidi Sadeghi Ashraf Janati
        Arbitration is one of the methods for the peaceful settlement of disputes in national and international disputes. In the current era, the issue of international commercial arbitration has become especially important due to the speedy settlement process and the relativ More
        Arbitration is one of the methods for the peaceful settlement of disputes in national and international disputes. In the current era, the issue of international commercial arbitration has become especially important due to the speedy settlement process and the relative reduction of dispute resolution costs, including related issues, the issue of concluding an agreement and the clause of virtual arbitration and how to performance its obligations in this space. Due to the challenges in the process of concluding traditional arbitration agreements so far, and especially with the widespread outbreak of coronary disease (Covid-2019) and the disorder in the arbitration community, it is desirable to conclude arbitration agreements in cyberspace as a non-presence agreement. Has been found to have a significant impact on the order of the world arbitration system and is a good model for improving the process of concluding of dispute resolution agreements, and in particular arbitration agreements or clauses. Advances in the field of cyberspace technology and creating a fundamental change in the field of international trade law, in particular, increasing the facility and speed of disputing traders in concluding an arbitration agreement in cyberspace and performance the obligations arising from it, the purpose of writing this article is descriptive-analytical Is written. Despite this dangerous disease and as a result, serious challenges in the effective face-to-face interaction of the parties involved in arbitration, concluding an arbitration agreement and arbitration clause in cyberspace and performance its obligations are legally permissible, but due to lack of explicit rules and regulations. In the discussion of domestic arbitrations, the rules and regulations ruling on traditional arbitration will be inforcemented. Manuscript profile
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        21 - Design and test a model of personality relationship with corona dissease anxiety mediated by perceived stress and self-efficacy in adolescents
        Elahe Aslami Farzaneh  Khani Mehrabadi Azam  Tadayon
        This study aimed to investigate the relationship between personality traits and Corona disease anxiety by the mediating effect of perceived stress and self-efficacy among adolescents. Method: In this descriptive correlational study, the statistical population comprised More
        This study aimed to investigate the relationship between personality traits and Corona disease anxiety by the mediating effect of perceived stress and self-efficacy among adolescents. Method: In this descriptive correlational study, the statistical population comprised high-school students in Abarkooh (Iran), of whom 318 were selected via random cluster sampling. The Corona Disease Anxiety Scale (Alipour et al. 2019), the five-factor NEO Personality Inventory (Costa & McCrae, 1992), The Perceived Stress Scale (Cohen et al. 1983), and The Self-Efficacy Scale (Sherer et al. 1982) were employed. The proposed model was evaluated by path analysis in AMOS and SPSS. Resalts: The results of direct hypotheses showed that agreeableness, conscientiousness and self-efficacy had a negative and inverse effect and perceived stress had a positive and direct effect on Corona disease anxiety. The results of the study of indirect hypotheses showed that conscientiousness had an indirect and inverse effect on corona disease anxiety mediated by stress and self-efficacy, and neuroticism, extraversion, and conscientiousness had an indirect effect on corona disease anxiety through perceived stress. Conclusion: Therefore, it is possible to reduce the level of corona disease anxiety in adolescents by strengthening self-efficacy as a coping resource and teaching stress management to adolescents and their effect on neuroticism, extraversion and conscientiousness, and use the obtained results in therapeutic interventions. Manuscript profile
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        22 - Two methods of aerobic and combined training on biomechanics of Vessels in patients after bilateral femoral artery coronary grafting
        Gholamreza Rostami Haider   Sadeghi Yahya   Sokhanguei
        Background: Cardiovascular disease is one of the most common causes of death in the world and its prevalence increases with age. For the purpose of cardiac rehabilitation after heart disease, performing exercise training causes functional and structural adaptations in p More
        Background: Cardiovascular disease is one of the most common causes of death in the world and its prevalence increases with age. For the purpose of cardiac rehabilitation after heart disease, performing exercise training causes functional and structural adaptations in patient’s cardiovascular system and consequently reduces mortality from related diseases. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of two methods of aerobic and combined exercise training biomechanics of blood in middle-aged patients after bilateral femoral artery coronary bypass grafting surgery. Materials and Methods: In this semi-experimental study with a pre-post test design, 68 middle-aged men (mean age 56.19± 1.26 years) were studied after bilateral femoral artery coronary bypass grafting surgery. Subjects were randomly and availably divided into 3 groups: aerobic (n =20) and combined (aerobic + resistance) (n =20) exercise training, and control groups (n =28). Subjects in the intervention groups performed 8 weeks of training/3 sessions per week. Each training session in aerobic and combined groups was considered for 40 minutes with the intensity of 70-85% heart rate reserved, and 60 minutes with the intensity of 40-80% one repetition maximum for each patient, respectively. In order to analyze the data, Leven, MANOVA and Bonferroni statistical tests were used at the significance level of P≤0.05. Results: The results of one-way MANOVA test showed that the levels of functional capacity, ejection fraction and maximal oxygen consumption were increased significantly after aerobic and combined exercise training compared to control group (p <0.05). However, Bonferroni post hoc test showed no significant differences between functional capacity, ejection fraction and maximal oxygen consumption post-test levels in aerobic and combined exercise training groups (p> 0.05). Conclusion: the findings of this study show that both aerobic and combined exercise training can improve the heart functional variables in middle-aged patients after bilateral femoral artery coronary bypass grafting surgery, and this improvement levels appears to be independent of the types of training. Manuscript profile
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        23 - The prediction of marital conflicts based on marital quality of life and communication patterns during quarantine of coronavirus outbreak (Covid-19)
        Mohammad Vahidi Kooresh  Zare Shibani
        This study aimed to investigate the prediction of marital conflicts based on marital quality of life and communication patterns during coronavirus quarantine (Covid-19). The descriptive-correlation method was used. According to the random convenience sampling method, 38 More
        This study aimed to investigate the prediction of marital conflicts based on marital quality of life and communication patterns during coronavirus quarantine (Covid-19). The descriptive-correlation method was used. According to the random convenience sampling method, 385 married women in Shiraz were selected by the Cochran formula as the statistical population. The selected population was asked to answer the Marital Conflict Questionnaire (MCQ) (Barati and Sanaee, 1372- solar calendar), Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS)(Busby etal, 1995), and Communication Patterns Questionnaire (CPQ)(Christensen and Sullaway, 1984). The data were analyzed by Pearson correlation coefficient and multivariate regression. Findings showed a significant correlation between marital life quality and communication patterns with marital conflicts (P<0/01). Regression analyses also revealed that %27.4 of the variance of marital conflicts was explained by the marital life quality and communication patterns. This study demonstrates that marital life quality and communication patterns significantly contributed to marital conflicts prediction during quarantine (Covid-19). Manuscript profile
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        24 - Identifying the factors influencing the performance of employees during the Corona crisis by thematic analysis
        shohreh namjouyan maysam  chegin marziyeh mohammadi
        The spread of Covid-19 caused a significant transformation in the way people and organizations live and work. Therefore, to stay competitive on the labor market, organizations must develop comprehensive strategies that allow them to identify their environmental opportu More
        The spread of Covid-19 caused a significant transformation in the way people and organizations live and work. Therefore, to stay competitive on the labor market, organizations must develop comprehensive strategies that allow them to identify their environmental opportunities and threats in accordance with market conditions. In addition, they must continue their activities. Tehran has taken place. The main question of this study is: What factors affected the performance of the employees of the contracting company during the Corona crisis? To answer this question, theories and models related to the subject and previous research have been investigated. Research in the current study is based on qualitative methods and an exploratory approach. The statistical sample of this research, which was selected by the snowball method and in a targeted manner, includes 14 managers and experts of a large contracting company in the metropolis of Tehran. The requirement was extracted using thematic analysis method. The results included 60 open codes in the form of 4 main concepts and 16 sub-themes. The results of the research showed that the 4 main criteria of organizational culture, job satisfaction, leadership and management, and finally, information and communication technology have the greatest effect in modifying the negative effects of the covid-19 disease on the performance of employees. Based on the results obtained, the 4 main criteria of organizational culture (with a weight of 0.446), satisfaction Job (with a weight equal to 0.331), leadership and management (with a weight equal to 0.152) and finally technology Information and communication (with a weight equal to 0.070) respectively have the greatest effect in modifying negative effects The covid-19 disease has an effect on the performance of employees. Manuscript profile
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        25 - The Relationship Between Personal Isolation and Internet Addiction with the Tendency to Pornographic Behaviors in the Era of Corona
        Zahra Tanha بابایی مطلق babaei motlagh
        One of the consequences of people's social isolation is their seeking refuge in virtual space and using the Internet, which may lead to their addiction to the Internet. Access to sexually explicit media and pornographic programs can also lead to Internet addiction, whic More
        One of the consequences of people's social isolation is their seeking refuge in virtual space and using the Internet, which may lead to their addiction to the Internet. Access to sexually explicit media and pornographic programs can also lead to Internet addiction, which can be considered in the quarantine conditions caused by the spread of the Corona virus. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to investigate the relationship between social isolation and Internet addiction with unconventional sexual behaviors in the era of Corona. The current research method is correlation type. For this purpose, 365 people were selected by a simple random sampling method among the undergraduate students of Islamic Azad University, Khorramabad branch, and answered the social isolation questionnaires of Russell et al. (1976), Internet addiction by Young (1998), the scale of pornography use by Carroll et al. The results showed that there is a significant positive relationship between social isolation and Internet addiction with pornographic behaviors. Also, the results of the regression analysis showed that pornographic behaviors can be predicted through social isolation and Internet addiction. Accordingly, in the first step, approximately 56% of the variance of pornography was explained through Internet addiction. In the second step, Internet addiction and social isolation explained 75% of the variance of pornography. Based on this, there are theoretical points of intersection between personal isolation, Internet addiction and pornographic behaviors and it seems that other personal and environmental factors are also involved in this relationship. Considering that this finding was obtained during the Corona period, conducting more studies compared to the present study can be considered by the researchers. Manuscript profile